Kindness brings happiness and civilization brings harmony.2、凡人为善不自誉而人誉之,为恶不自毁而人毁之。
Every man praises good without self-praise and destroys evil without self-destruction.3、鸟需巢,蛛需网,人需要爱心。
Birds need nests, spiders need webs, and people need love.4、礼发于诚,声发于心,行出于义。
Courtesy comes from sincerity, voice comes from heart, and action comes from righteousness.5、人类的温暖也可以治病。
Human warmth can also cure diseases.6、为己是人,为人是神,天下为公,百姓为天。
For oneself, man is man, man is God, the world is public, and the people are heaven.7、爱让贫者富裕,爱让弱者刚强;爱使生命长青,爱使死神却步。
Love makes the poor rich, love makes the weak strong, love makes life evergreen, love makes death withhold.8、善乃是人格的一种实现。
Kindness is a realization of personality.9、先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。
To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy.10、一个懂得爱的人,不可能不关心地球,关爱环境是最大的慈善。
Light a lamp and warm a heart.2、爱心无限,大爱无边。
Love is infinite, love is infinite.3、爱付出,心有福。
Blessed is the heart that loves to give.4、慈善献爱心,真情暖人心。
Charity and love warms the heart.5、慈善事业是高尚的事业,人道的事业。
Charity is a noble cause and a humane cause.6、只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。
As long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world.7、情暖通州,心系希望。
Heart warm T ongzhou, heart hope.8、播撒爱心阳光,温暖你我心房。
Sow love sunshine, warm your heart and my heart.9、心连心,献爱心;手牵手,伸援手。
Heart to heart, love; hand in hand, hand in hand.10、把你的爱心化做行动,用你的行动支持感动。
Turn your love into action and use your action to support and move.11、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。
It takes patience and patience to show love.12、感谢社会各界对慈善事业的关心和支持。
Thank you for your concern and support for charity.13、爱是大家共有的,只有心到爱才会永恒!Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal!14、献出爱,你将变成爱的天使。
Light a lamp and warm a heart.2、爱心无限,大爱无边。
Love is infinite, love is infinite.3、爱付出,心有福。
Blessed is the heart that loves to give.4、慈善献爱心,真情暖人心。
Charity and love warms the heart.5、慈善事业是高尚的事业,人道的事业。
Charity is a noble cause and a humane cause.6、只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。
As long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world.7、情暖通州,心系希望。
Heart warm T ongzhou, heart hope.8、播撒爱心阳光,温暖你我心房。
Sow love sunshine, warm your heart and my heart.9、心连心,献爱心;手牵手,伸援手。
Heart to heart, love; hand in hand, hand in hand.10、把你的爱心化做行动,用你的行动支持感动。
Turn your love into action and use your action to support and move.11、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。
It takes patience and patience to show love.12、感谢社会各界对慈善事业的关心和支持。
Thank you for your concern and support for charity.13、爱是大家共有的,只有心到爱才会永恒!Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal!14、献出爱,你将变成爱的天使。
At the beginning of the people, this is good.2、投身慈善乐在其中。
Devoted himself to charity.3、智则知人,仁者爱人。
Wisdom is known, opened up.4、从善如登,从恶如崩。
From evil from good, such as, such as collapse.5、爱不是语言,是行为。
Love is not language, is a behavior.6、上善若水,大爱无疆。
On good if water, big love.7、无缘大慈,同体大悲。
No great kindness, there.8、善乃是精神世界的太阳。
Good is the spiritual world of the sun.9、积德虽无人见,行善自有天知。
Merit is nobody see, doing good has its own heaven knows.10、穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。
Poor immune, leads to the world.11、行善最乐,助人为乐,知足常乐。
Do the most happy, help others, happiness consists in contentment.12、慈善是心灵的,而不是手的美德。
Charity is the soul, rather than the virtues of hand.13、慈善行及至亲,但不应仅此为止。
The charity and loved ones, but that should not be so far.14、存好心、说好话、行好事、做好人。
Kind, fair, and do good, be good.15、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。
Love is not a charity, so can't generous handouts.16、关爱别人,就是仁;了解别人,就是智。
A little love illuminates the world.2、奉献爱心,构建和谐。
Dedicate love and build harmony.3、人生有爱,生活精彩。
Life has love, life is wonderful.4、乐自施中,福从心来!Happiness comes from the heart when you are willing to give.5、献出爱心,收获感动。
Give love, harvest touched.6、乐施汇点滴,爱心暖荡漾。
Oxfam brings in little drops of love.7、物品传遍天下,爱心温暖人间。
Goods spread all over the world, and love warms the world.8、传递爱的真心,延续爱的希望。
Pass on the true heart of love and continue the hope oflove.9、洒下爱心,阳光圆梦。
Sprinkle love, sunshine dreams.10、鸟儿飞翔,需要翅膀。
Birds need wings to fly.11、爱心在前方,接力在路上。
Love is ahead, relay is on the way.12、梦想在远方,我们在路上。
Dreams are far away, we are on the way.13、乐善有恒,大爱无疆。
Kindness and perseverance, love is boundless.14、爱心倾注安全,构建和谐电力。
Love is devoting to safety and building harmonious electric power.15、让所有的孩子,永远充满希望。
At the beginning of the people, this is good.2、投身慈善乐在其中。
Devoted himself to charity.3、智则知人,仁者爱人。
Wisdom is known, opened up.4、从善如登,从恶如崩。
From evil from good, such as, such as collapse.5、爱不是语言,是行为。
Love is not language, is a behavior.6、上善若水,大爱无疆。
On good if water, big love.7、无缘大慈,同体大悲。
No great kindness, there.8、善乃是精神世界的太阳。
Good is the spiritual world of the sun.9、积德虽无人见,行善自有天知。
Merit is nobody see, doing good has its own heaven knows.10、穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。
Poor immune, leads to the world.11、行善最乐,助人为乐,知足常乐。
Do the most happy, help others, happiness consists in contentment.12、慈善是心灵的,而不是手的美德。
Charity is the soul, rather than the virtues of hand.13、慈善行及至亲,但不应仅此为止。
The charity and loved ones, but that should not be so far.14、存好心、说好话、行好事、做好人。
Kind, fair, and do good, be good.15、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。
Charity as phosphorus, is refers to the direction; Charity as weights and measures, the standard everywhere.
Charity is also give love people more than they should be.
Without any charitable heart, you will have the most severe "heart attack".
Charity is the virtue of the mind, not the hands of virtue.
Good treasure, using them all his life; Heart as a fertile land, immortal of tillage.
Charity can bring lucky bird, charity in fertile happy flowers.
Charity is the accumulation of morality, and everyone can be charitable.2、善为至宝,一生用之不尽;心作良田,百世耕之有余。
Good for the most precious, life is endless; heart is a good field.3、安得万里裘,盖裹周四垠;稳暖皆如我,天下无穷人。
Andy Li Qiu covers the Thursday Yin.4、慈善会使孤独的人不再孤独,慈善会使作恶的人找回善良。
Charity will make lonely people no longer lonely, charity will make evil people find good.5、能付出爱心就是福,能消除烦恼就是智慧。
Giving love is happiness, and eliminating worry is wisdom.6、待人宽一份是福,利人则利己之基。
To be generous is to benefit others, but to benefit others is the basis of self-interest.7、凡是有益于人的就是善,损人利己的就是恶。
What is good for men is good, and evil for others is evil.8、世界上最美丽,最高贵,最伟大的事情莫过于报善与惩恶。
The most beautiful, noble and greatest thing in the world is to report good and punish evil.9、诸恶莫做,众善奉行,莫以善小而不为,莫以恶小而为之。
The kind pursues, the evil do.2、慈心为民,善举济世。
With compassion for the people, good and helpful.3、善乃是人格的一种实现。
Good personality is a kind of implementation.4、人类的温暖也可以治病。
The warmth of human can cure.5、急难救人,一善可当百善。
A good save trouble, can be as a charity.6、滴水穿坚石,爱心美天下。
Drop in flint, love the world.7、赠人以玫瑰,手中留余香。
Give a person with a rose, hand stay lingering fragrance.8、善是由外来,名不以虚作。
Good is from outside, not to make.9、只能善行才会给你带来声誉。
Can only will bring you a good reputation.10、慈善是高尚人格的真实标记。
Charity is the noble personality real sign.11、生的人远比死的人更须要慈善。
Born of far more than the dead need to charity.12、慈悲没有敌人,智慧不起烦恼。
Compassion have no enemies; wisdom no vexations.13、亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐。
Goodwill produce happiness, civilization brings harmony.14、鸟需巢,蛛需网,人需要爱心。
The bird a nest, the spider web, people need love.15、真正的慈善是神灵培植的作物。
Light a lamp and warm a heart.2、爱心无限,大爱无边。
Love is infinite, love is infinite.3、爱付出,心有福。
Blessed is the heart that loves to give.4、慈善献爱心,真情暖人心。
Charity and love warms the heart.5、慈善事业是高尚的事业,人道的事业。
Charity is a noble cause and a humane cause.6、只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。
As long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world.7、情暖通州,心系希望。
Heart warm T ongzhou, heart hope.8、播撒爱心阳光,温暖你我心房。
Sow love sunshine, warm your heart and my heart.9、心连心,献爱心;手牵手,伸援手。
Heart to heart, love; hand in hand, hand in hand.10、把你的爱心化做行动,用你的行动支持感动。
Turn your love into action and use your action to support and move.11、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。
It takes patience and patience to show love.12、感谢社会各界对慈善事业的关心和支持。
Thank you for your concern and support for charity.13、爱是大家共有的,只有心到爱才会永恒!Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal!14、献出爱,你将变成爱的天使。
A charitable heart and a flexible hand can set a happy future for the sufferer.2、一个人最需要的是一双肯去拉人一把的手。
What a man needs most is a pair of hands willing to pull a hand.3、慈善为怀,祈福于民,普天同济,流芳百世。
Charity is a blessing, a blessing for the people, and a universal life.4、慈善好似一把伞,可以为人挡风遮雨,仁爱犹如彩虹,风雨过后现出美丽。
Charity is like an umbrella. It can shelter people from wind and rain. Kindness is like a rainbow. After the storm, it is beautiful.5、我认为直接给钱的方式更直接,更有效,更快捷。
I think the way of giving money directly is more direct, more effective and faster.6、人类的生活,是互助的生活,不单是要求和争夺。
Human life is a life of mutual help, not just for competition.7、慈善格言正世风,齐襄盛举乐融融,慈心律己无邪念,善意待人你我同。
The charitable aphorism is the wind of the world. Qi Xiang enjoys a joyful and joyful life.8、善乃是人格的一种实现。
Warm post, loving cabin.2、让爱永驻人间。
Let love last forever.3、因为你的爱,世界更精彩。
Because of your love, the world is more wonderful.4、感谢是爱心的第一步。
Thank you is the first step in love.5、真情关爱,伴您成长。
True love, grow up with you.6、用微笑拥抱孩子,用真心对待孩子。
Embrace the child with a smile and treat the child with sincerity.7、语言无国界,大爱无边界。
Language knows no boundaries, love knows no boundaries.8、播种爱心希望,成就未来梦想。
Sow love and hope, and achieve future dreams.9、送人玫瑰手有余香。
A rose hand is fragrant.10、爱心点燃希望,奉献成就未来。
Love ignites hope and contributes to the future.11、慈善送温暖,爱心献社会。
Charity gives warmth and love to society.12、众人捐善款,爱心洒满城。
People donate money and love the city.13、希望工程手拉手,和谐通州心连心。
Hope that the project hand in hand, harmonious Tongzhou heart to heart.14、人人可慈善,城市更美好。
Everyone can be charitable and the city is better.15、因为有爱,明天才会更美好。
Hand in hand, heart in heart, the world shows great love.2、留下爱心,带走幸运。
Leave love and take away luck.3、施以援手,喜乐在心。
Help, joy in the heart.4、我们不过是爱心的传递者。
We are just transmitters of love.5、施援手,乐行善,人间处处见真情。
Help, be willing to do good, see the truth everywhere in the world.6、爱链链接爱,供需总关情。
Love chain links love, supply and demand.7、奉献爱心,收获希望。
Give love and harvest hope.8、让爱同筑一颗心,全世界拥有一颗心。
Let love build a heart, the world has a heart.9、大手牵小手,爱心伴着行。
Hand in hand, hand in hand, accompanied by love.10、慈善只有起点,爱心没有终点。
Charity has only a beginning, but love has no end.11、有了爱就有了一切。
Everything comes with love.12、爱的奉献,心的呼唤。
The devotion of love, the call of heart.13、发展慈善事业,构建和谐社会。
Develop philanthropy and build a harmonious society.14、乐善一生,施乐世界!Happy Life, Xerox World!15、拥有一颗无私的爱心,便拥有了一切。
Dedication, friendship and mutual progress.2、爱心无限,大爱无边。
Love is infinite, great love is boundless.3、帮人悦己,快乐相随!Please yourself and help others!4、用爱心撑起一片艳阳天。
Hold up a sunny day with love.5、人人奉献,人人分享。
Everyone gives and everyone shares.6、清心奉献,华彩青春。
Pure heart dedication, colorful youth.7、奉献爱心,收获希望。
Give love and harvest hope.8、心有多大,责任有多大。
How much heart, how much responsibility.9、我们不怕苦、不怕累!We are not afraid of hardship and fatigue!10、用陪伴予人快乐。
Give pleasure with company.11、奉献爱心,构建和谐。
Contribute love and build harmony.12、片片爱心,缕缕深情。
Pieces of love, strands of deep love.13、倾心奉献,华彩青春。
Dedication, colorful youth.14、小荷心,文明行。
Small lotus heart, civilized line.15、志愿路上,不言辛苦。
Volunteer on the road, not to mention hard.16、爱的奉献,心的呼唤。
The dedication of love, the call of heart. 17、爱心助学,点燃希望。
Love students, ignite hope.18、恪尽职守,尽我所能。
关于慈善的英文名言Charitable Wisdom: Reflections on Philanthropic QuotesPhilanthropy, the act of selfless giving, has long been a pillar of human civilization. Throughout history, we have been graced with the wisdom of those who have championed the importance of compassion, generosity, and the betterment of our fellow beings. These inspirational quotes on the subject of charity serve as guideposts, reminding us of the profound impact we can have by extending a helping hand and nurturing the well-being of others.One of the most renowned philanthropic quotes comes from the revered Mahatma Gandhi, who once stated "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." This profound statement encapsulates the essence of selfless giving, where the act of dedicating ourselves to the welfare of others not only benefits the recipient but also enriches our own lives. By stepping outside of our individual concerns and focusing on the needs of the community, we unlock a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.Similarly, the celebrated author Oscar Wilde once observed that "The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention."This sentiment reminds us that the true value of charitable acts lies not in their scale or recognition, but in the genuine compassion and care that motivates them. Even the simplest gestures, such as a kind word, a warm smile, or a small monetary donation, can have a profound and lasting impact on those in need. It is this spirit of humble, yet impactful, giving that lies at the heart of true philanthropy.Another inspiring quote on the subject of charity comes from the renowned humanitarian and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., who eloquently stated "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" This powerful statement challenges us to constantly reflect on the ways in which we can contribute to the betterment of our communities and the world at large. It reminds us that our responsibility as members of the human family extends beyond our own individual interests and that genuine fulfillment comes from dedicating ourselves to the service of others.The renowned author and philosopher Aristotle also offered his insights on the importance of charitable giving, stating "the highest form of human excellence is to be a good and kind friend." This statement underscores the idea that true virtue is not found in personal gain or material wealth, but in the cultivation of meaningful relationships and the willingness to support and uplift those around us. By embracing this philosophy, we can foster a society built on thefoundations of mutual understanding, empathy, and a shared commitment to the common good.Finally, the iconic philanthropist and business magnate Warren Buffett once remarked, "Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." This quote eloquently captures the long-lasting impact of charitable acts, reminding us that the seeds we sow today may not bear fruit until long after we are gone. It is a testament to the enduring power of philanthropy, where our generosity and concern for others can ripple through time, creating a better world for generations to come.These philanthropic quotes, uttered by individuals from diverse backgrounds and eras, serve as a powerful testament to the transformative potential of charitable giving. They challenge us to look beyond our own immediate needs, to cultivate a spirit of compassion and service, and to invest in the well-being of our fellow human beings. By heeding the wisdom of these inspirational words, we can unlock the true power of philanthropy and contribute to the creation of a more just, equitable, and thriving global community.。
爱心行善的英文名言名句01. Having a thousand credentials on the wall will not make you a decent human being. But genuinely helping one person everyday will.就算你的墙壁上挂了一千张证书也没法证明你是个多善良的好人,但是日行一善却能。
02. In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.帮助别人就等于帮助了自己,因为我们所做的善行终会回馈到我们自己身上03. Give love, for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy, happiness, patience and understanding.奉献爱心吧,从中你会发现生活的力量,感受生活带来的幸福快乐,学会忍受和理解。
04. If you do ill, the joy fades, not the pains; if do good, the pain fades, the joy remains.你若作恶,消失的是快乐而非痛苦;你若行善,消失的是痛而非苦快乐。
05. I belive in trying to be charitable, in tryingto understand and forgive people, especially in trying to forgive every keen or brilliant people. A man may be a genius, you know, but he can still do things that practically break your heart.我相信人要尽量乐善好施,尽量理解和宽恕别人,尤其要宽恕特别敏锐和聪慧的人。
慈善的英语名言及翻译01. Having a thousand credentials on the wall will not make you a decent human being. But genuinely helping one person everyday will.就算你的墙壁上挂了一千张证书也没法证明你是个多善良的好人,但是日行一善却能。
02. In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out pletes the circle and es back to us.帮助别人就等于帮助了自己,因为我们所做的善行终会回馈到我们自己身上03. Give love, for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy, happiness, patience and understanding.奉献爱心吧,从中你会发现生活的力量,感受生活带来的幸福快乐,学会忍受和理解。
04. If you do ill, the joy fades, not the pains; if do good, the pain fades, the joy remains.你假设作恶,消失的是快乐而非痛苦;你假设行善,消失的是痛而非苦快乐。
05. I belive in trying to be charitable, in trying to understand and forgive people, especially in trying to forgive every keen or brilliant people. A man may be a genius, you know, but he can still do things that practically break your heart.我相信人要尽量乐善好施,尽量理解和宽恕别人,尤其要宽恕特别敏锐和聪明的人。
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A charitable heart and a flexible hand can set a happy future for the sufferer.2、一个人最需要的是一双肯去拉人一把的手。
What a man needs most is a pair of hands willing to pull a hand.3、慈善为怀,祈福于民,普天同济,流芳百世。
Charity is a blessing, a blessing for the people, and a universal life.4、慈善好似一把伞,可以为人挡风遮雨,仁爱犹如彩虹,风雨过后现出美丽。
Charity is like an umbrella. It can shelter people from wind and rain. Kindness is like a rainbow. After the storm, it is beautiful.5、我认为直接给钱的方式更直接,更有效,更快捷。
I think the way of giving money directly is more direct, more effective and faster.6、人类的生活,是互助的生活,不单是要求和争夺。
Human life is a life of mutual help, not just for competition.7、慈善格言正世风,齐襄盛举乐融融,慈心律己无邪念,善意待人你我同。
The charitable aphorism is the wind of the world. Qi Xiang enjoys a joyful and joyful life.8、善乃是人格的一种实现。
Kindness is a realization of personality.9、善良是阳光,是雨露,是轻柔的春风,是甘美的清泉。
Kindness is sunshine, rain and dew, gentle spring breeze and sweet spring.10、一点善心,一点善行,对人生的影响可能会超出你的想象。
A little kindness, a little kindness, may have more impact on your life than you can imagine.11、我们常常无法做伟大的事,但我们可以用伟大的爱去做些小事。
We often can't do great things, but we can do small things with great love.12、慈善也即是给予人们的爱比他们应得到的要多。
Charity also means giving people more love than they deserve.13、慈善不仅仅是“手的给予”,而更应该是“心的给予”。
Charity is not only the "giving of the hand", but also the"giving of the heart".14、一个懂得爱的人,不可能不关心地球,关爱环境是最大的慈善。
A person who knows how to love can not be indifferent to the earth. Caring for the environment is the greatest charity.15、感人肺腑的人类善良的暖流,能医治心灵和肉体的创伤。
The warmth of human kindness can heal the wounds of the mind and body.16、美好世界要靠人们创造,慈善事业全靠大家支持。
The beautiful world is created by people, and charity is supported by everyone.17、慈善能招来吉祥鸟,仁爱可育出幸福花。
Charity can bring auspicious birds, and kindheartedness can bring happiness.18、慈善就是走长征,再苦也要走下去,我会在慈善的道路上一直走下去。
Charity is going on the Long March, and we must go on. I will go on the road of charity.19、善为至宝,一生用之不尽;心作良田,百世耕之有余。
Good for the most precious, life is endless; heart is a good field.20、若无任何慈善之心,你将拥有最严重的“心脏病”。
Without any charitable heart, you will have the most serious heart disease.21、中国的慈善事业也是在摸着石头过河,需要大力发展。
China's philanthropy is also crossing the river by feeling the stones and needs to develop vigorously.22、只能善行才会给你带来声誉。
Only good deeds will bring you fame.23、慈善会使孤独的人不再孤独,慈善会使作恶的人找回善良。
Charity will make lonely people no longer lonely, charity will make evil people find good.24、生的人远比死的人更须要慈善。
A living person needs charity more than a dead man.25、像我的名字一样,立志做中国慈善事业的光荣榜样和道德标杆。
Like my name, I am determined to be a glorious example and moral benchmark for Chinese philanthropy.26、愿慈善的阳光雨露时刻滋润着人们美好的心田。
May the sunshine and rain of charity give people good hearts.27、自己的社会理想就是怀慈悲之心以救苦海众生共同走向大同圣域。
The ideal of our society is to cherish the heart ofcompassion to save all the living beings of the bitter sea and move towards the holy land of great harmony.28、捐赠的地方不投资,投资的地方不搞捐赠。
Where donations are made, no investment is made and investment places do not make donations.29、真正的慈善是神灵培植的作物。
True charity is a crop planted by gods.30、慈善事业的发展反映着社会的进步。
The development of philanthropy reflects the progress of society.31、爱与善是幸福,也是真理,是世界上唯一可以幸福的真理。
Love and goodness are both happiness and truth, the only truth in the world that can be happy.32、慈善是待人的基础,关怀是友谊的桥梁。
Charity is the foundation for others, and care is the bridge of friendship.33、活在人们尊重中的慈善家,比孤独死在存折单上的守财奴光荣、伟大。
A philanthropist living in people's respect is glorious and great than a miser who dies alone in his bankbook.34、慈善行及至亲,但不应仅此为止。
Charitable deeds and close relatives, but should not stopthere.35、慈善好比灿烂的阳光,没有它生活会失去光彩,贵在真诚,美在奉献。
Charity is like brilliant sunshine. Without it, life will lose its luster.36、慈善是心灵的,而不是手的美德。
Charity is the soul, not the virtue of the hand.37、慈善公益活动无疑是培育学生慈善仁爱的心灵绿洲的沃土。
Charity activities are undoubtedly the fertile ground for cultivating students' spiritual oasis of charity and humanity.38、关爱是一膛炉火,慈善家为它添薪加炭,炉火生生不息。
Love is a hearth fire, philanthropists pay their wages and charcoal, and the fire is endless.39、企业家的最高境界是“从无做到有,从有做到无”。
The highest level of entrepreneurs is "from nothing to doing, from doing nothing".40、存好心、说好话、行好事、做好人。
Good heart, good words, good deeds, good deeds.41、慈善如同启明星,为人指方向;慈善好像度量衡,处处报标准。
Charity is like a star. It means direction for people. Charity is like weighing and reporting.42、慈善不是自我欣赏,做公益让我得到人生最大的财富。