word 文档MM某某省某某市(高平一中、阳城一中、高平实验中学)2020-2021学年高一化学下学期开学考试试题考试时间:90分钟总分:100分 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1C-12O-16Na-23Mg-24Al-27 K-39Fe-56一、单选题(25 个小题,每题 2 分,共 50 分)1. 据国外媒体报道,“火星快车号”和“金星快车号”探测器分别在火星和金星大气层中发现了一种非常特殊的气态化合物。
已知该化合物的化学式为16 OC 18O 。
下列说法正确的是( )A.相同条件下, 16 OC 18O 与16 OC 16O 的密度相同B. 16 OC 18O 与16 OC 16O 互为同位素NaH 2PO 2为正盐,能将溶液中的 还原为Ag ,可用于化学镀银。
利用NaH 2PO 2进行化学镀银反应中,若氧化剂与还原剂的物质的量之比为4:1。
下列说法正确的是() A.上述反应中,氧化产物是H 3PO 4B. H 3PO 2是三元酸,与NaOH 反应可生成三种盐C. NaH 2PO 2中含有离子键、极性共价键和非极性共价键D. 该反应的离子方程式为E.下列离子方程式书写不正确的是( )A.少量金属Na 加入水中:B.用浓NaOH 溶液反萃取法提取碘:C.向次氯酸钙溶液中通入足量CO 2:D.16OC 18O 与16OC 16O 的化学性质不同D.向小苏打溶液中滴加少量澄清石灰水: 7. 下列反应中溶液颜色变化对应的离子方程式错误的是()2. 下列有关物质分类的说法正确的是() A .向Na 2S 溶液中通入过量SO 2后溶液中出现淡黄色浑浊: A.二氧化硫的水溶液可以导电,所以二氧化硫是电解质B.胶体、溶液、浊液的本质区别是分散质粒子的大小不同 B .向淀粉KI 溶液中滴加少量溴水后溶液变蓝色:C .向FeCl 3溶液中加入足量铁粉后溶液由黄色变为浅绿色: C.硫酸、烧碱、纯碱在水溶液中均能发生电离,所以它们均为离子化合物D .向酸性KMnO 4 溶液中滴加H 2O 2溶液后紫红色消失:D.二氧化硅既能与强碱反应,又能与氢氟酸反应,所以二氧化硅是一种两性氧化物 9. 下表中对离子方程式书写的评价正确的是( )3. 已知下列说法不正确的是()A. H 2SO 4既不是氧化剂又不是还原剂 molKClO 3参加反应时有5mol 电子转移 C.KClO 3是氧化剂D.被氧化与被还原的氯元素的质量比为1:54.下列有关化学用语的表示中正确的是( )A.次氯酸的电子式:B. Na +的结构示意图:C.用电子式表示MgCl 2 的形成过程:D. 2+ 核外有 a 个电子,核内有 b 个中子,M 原子符号: a +b +2a +25. 下列物质按照纯净物、混合物、电解质和非电解质顺序排列的是( )word文档A.盐酸、水煤气、醋酸、干冰B.液氯、氯水、硫酸钠、乙醇C.空气、天然气、苛性钾、石灰石D.胆矾、漂白粉、氯化钾、氯气10.下列叙述正确的是( )①两种原子构成的共价化合物分子中的化学键都是极性键②两种不同非金属元素原子间形成的化学键都是极性键③含有非极性键的化合物一定是共价化合物④难失去电子的原子,易形成阴离子⑤单质分子中不存在化学键,化合物的分子中才存在化学键⑥离子化合物中一定含有离子键A.只有②⑥B.只有①⑥C.只有⑥D.只有①④⑥word 文档11.被称为万能还原剂的NaBH4 ( NaBH4 中H 为-1 价)溶于水并和水反应:NaBH4+2H2O=NaBO2+4H2↑,下列说法中正确的是( ) 15.为了检验某含有NaHCO3杂质的Na2CO3样品的纯度,现将w1g样品加热,其质量变为w2g,则该样品的纯度(质量分数)是( )A.NaBH4既是氧化剂又是还原4是氧化剂,HO是还原剂C.硼元素被氧化,氢元素被还原D.被氧化的元素与被还原的元素质量之比为1:112.某学习小组的同学根据“侯氏制碱法”的原理:①NH3 +H2O+CO2 +NaCl=NaHCO3 ↓+NH4C1 ②2NaHCO3Na2CO3 +H2O+CO2 ↑16.某同学用下列装置制备并检验Cl2的性质。
2020-2021学年山西省晋城市高平一中、阳城一中、高平一中实验学校高二(下)期中数学试卷(理科)一、选择题(共12小题,每小题5分,共60分).1.已知集合A={x|x2﹣2x﹣8<0},B={﹣4,﹣2,0,2,4},则A∩B=()A.{﹣2,0}B.{﹣4,﹣2,0,2}C.{0,2}D.{﹣2,0,2,4} 2.若复数z=(m∈R),且|z|=,则m=()A.±1B.C.D.±23.青少年近视问题已经成为我国面临的重要社会问题.已知某校有小学生3600人,有初中生2400人,为了解该校学生的近视情况,用分层抽样的方法从该校的所有学生中随机抽取120名进行视力检查,则小学生应抽取的人数与初中生应抽取的人数的差是()A.24B.48C.72D.964.乘客小王下午要到南宁火车站乘坐车次为D3570的动车,该动车在16:22准时到达,16:41准时出发.小王上午已在网上购买该车次的火车票,但由于临时有事,他只可能在16:20到16:50中的一个时刻到达该动车的站台,则小王能赶上这个车次的动车的概率为()A.B.C.D.5.已知等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若S5=40,a2=5,则S11=()A.165B.176C.180D.1876.已知实数x,y满足x+y=2,则下列结论的证明更适合用反证法的是()A.证明xy≤1B.证明x,y中至少有一个不大于1C.证明x2+y2≥2D.证明x,y可能都是奇数7.永定土楼,位于中国东南沿海的福建省龙岩市,是世界上独一无二的神奇的山区民居建筑,是中国古建筑的一朵奇葩.2008年7月,成功列入世界遗产名录.它历史悠久、风格独特,规模宏大、结构精巧.土楼具体有圆形,方形,五角形,八角形,日字形,回字形,吊脚楼等类型.现有某大学建筑系学生要重点对这七种主要类型的土楼依次进行调查研究.要求调查顺序中,圆形要排在第一个或最后一个,方形、五角形相邻.则共有()种不同的排法.A.480B.240C.384D.14408.若函数f(x)=sin(ωx﹣)的图象关于直线x=对称,则f(x)的最小正周期()A.存在最大值,且最大值为2πB.存在最小值,且最小值为2πC.存在最大值,且最大值为πD.存在最小值,且最小值为π9.已知F1,F2是椭圆C:=1的两个焦点,椭圆上的两点D,E满足DF1∥EF2,DF2⊥EF2,则=()A.B.C.3D.210.已知函数f(x)=log2(﹣x2﹣mx+16)在[﹣2,2]上单调递减,则m的取值范围是()A.[4,+∞)B.(﹣6,6)C.(﹣6,4]D.[4,6)11.已知双曲线C:=1(a>0,b>0)的左、右焦点分别为F1,F2,过F1作与其中一条渐近线平行的直线与C交于点A,若△AF1F2为直角三角形,则双曲线C的离心率为()A.B.C.D.212.某三棱锥的正视图与俯视图如图所示,已知该三棱锥的各顶点都在球O的球面上,过该三棱锥最短的棱的中点作球O的截面,截面面积的最小值为()A.πB.C.2πD.二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填在答题卡上.13.已知向量=(1,k),=(﹣2,14),且与共线,则k=.14.2020年11月15日,东盟十国及中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚,新西兰正式签署了区域全面经济伙伴关系协定.某自媒体准备从这15个国家中选取4个国家介绍其经济贸易情况,则东盟国家及非东盟国家至少各有1个被选取的方法数为.15.已知曲线y=xe x在点(1,e)处的切线与曲线y=alnx+2在点(1,2)处的切线平行,则a=.16.(x++1)5展开式中的常数项为.三、解答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.已知函数f(x)=ln(2x)﹣ax2.(1)若f(x)在(1,+∞)内不单调,求a的取值范围;(2)若a=2,求f(x)在上的值域.18.在△ABC中,角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且a=2b sin(C+).(1)求B;(2)若△ABC的面积为,D为AB边的中点,求CD的最小值.19.如图,在四棱锥P﹣ABCD中,PA⊥平面ABCD,底面ABCD是菱形,∠ABC=60°.点E,F分别在棱BC,PD上(不包含端点),且PF:DF=BE:CE.(1)证明:EF∥平面PAB.(2)若PA=AB,求二面角B﹣PC﹣D的余弦值.20.已知抛物线C:x2=2py(p>0)的焦点为F,点P为抛物线C上一点,点P到F的距离比点P到x轴的距离大1.过点P作抛物线C的切线,设其斜率为k0.(1)求抛物线C的方程;(2)直线l:y=kx+b与抛物线C相交于不同的两点A,B(异于点P)若直线AP与直线BP的斜率互为相反数,证明:k+k0=0.21.(1)证明:对任意的x1,x2∈[1,+∞),不等式恒成立.(2)证明:xe x≥x+lnx+1.22.已知函数f(x)=(2ae x﹣x)e x.(1)若a=0,求f(x)的单调区间;(2)若对于任意x∈R,恒成立,求a的最小值.参考答案一、选择题(共12小题,每小题5分,共60分).1.已知集合A={x|x2﹣2x﹣8<0},B={﹣4,﹣2,0,2,4},则A∩B=()A.{﹣2,0}B.{﹣4,﹣2,0,2}C.{0,2}D.{﹣2,0,2,4}【分析】可求出集合A,然后进行交集的运算即可.解:∵A={x|﹣2<x<4},B={﹣4,﹣2,0,2,4},∴A∩B={0,2}.故选:C.2.若复数z=(m∈R),且|z|=,则m=()A.±1B.C.D.±2【分析】利用复数代数形式的乘除运算化简,再由复数模的运算公式求解.解:∵z==,∴=,即m=±2.故选:D.3.青少年近视问题已经成为我国面临的重要社会问题.已知某校有小学生3600人,有初中生2400人,为了解该校学生的近视情况,用分层抽样的方法从该校的所有学生中随机抽取120名进行视力检查,则小学生应抽取的人数与初中生应抽取的人数的差是()A.24B.48C.72D.96【分析】根据分层抽样的基本知识求出抽样比,进而求解结论即可.解:由题意得:抽样比为:=,∴小学生应抽取的人数为:3600×=72,初中生应抽取的人数为:2400×=48,∴小学生应抽取的人数与初中生应抽取的人数的差是:72﹣48=24,故选:A.4.乘客小王下午要到南宁火车站乘坐车次为D3570的动车,该动车在16:22准时到达,16:41准时出发.小王上午已在网上购买该车次的火车票,但由于临时有事,他只可能在16:20到16:50中的一个时刻到达该动车的站台,则小王能赶上这个车次的动车的概率为()A.B.C.D.【分析】根据时间差求出满足条件的概率即可.解:根据题意得,小王在在16:20到16:50中的任意时刻到达站台方可赶上动车,故所求的概率为=,故选:C.5.已知等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若S5=40,a2=5,则S11=()A.165B.176C.180D.187【分析】设等差数列{a n}的首项为a1,公差为d,根据题意列方程组求出a1、d,再求a6和S11.解:设等差数列{a n}的首项为a1,公差为d,由S5=40,a2=5,可得,解得a1=2,d=3,所以a6=a1+5d=2+15=17,所以S11=11a6=11×17=187.故选:D.6.已知实数x,y满足x+y=2,则下列结论的证明更适合用反证法的是()A.证明xy≤1B.证明x,y中至少有一个不大于1C.证明x2+y2≥2D.证明x,y可能都是奇数【分析】反证法的特点是假设结论的反面成立,最终导出矛盾,从而肯定原结论成立,观察四个选项可作出判断.解:实数x,y满足x+y=2,观察四个选项,更适合用反证法的是B,原因是:假设x>1且y>1,则x+y>2,与已知矛盾,故原结论成立;其它选项均不适合,故选:B.7.永定土楼,位于中国东南沿海的福建省龙岩市,是世界上独一无二的神奇的山区民居建筑,是中国古建筑的一朵奇葩.2008年7月,成功列入世界遗产名录.它历史悠久、风格独特,规模宏大、结构精巧.土楼具体有圆形,方形,五角形,八角形,日字形,回字形,吊脚楼等类型.现有某大学建筑系学生要重点对这七种主要类型的土楼依次进行调查研究.要求调查顺序中,圆形要排在第一个或最后一个,方形、五角形相邻.则共有()种不同的排法.A.480B.240C.384D.1440【分析】根据题意,分2步进行分析:①将方形、五角形看成一个整体,与除圆和方形、五角形之外的4个图形全排列,②将圆形安排在第一个或最后一个,由分步计数原理计算可得答案.解:根据题意,分2步进行分析:①将方形、五角形看成一个整体,与除圆和方形、五角形之外的4个图形全排列,有A22A55=240种情况,②将圆形安排在第一个或最后一个,有2种情况,则有240×2=480种不同的排法,故选:A.8.若函数f(x)=sin(ωx﹣)的图象关于直线x=对称,则f(x)的最小正周期()A.存在最大值,且最大值为2πB.存在最小值,且最小值为2πC.存在最大值,且最大值为πD.存在最小值,且最小值为π【分析】由题意利用正弦函数的最小正周期,不等式的性质,得出结论.解:∵函数f(x)=sin(ωx﹣)的图象关于直线x=对称,∴ω•﹣=kπ+,k∈Z,即ω=2+3k,∴函数的最小正周期≤=2π,故f(x)的最小正周期存在最大值,且最大值为2π,故选:A.9.已知F1,F2是椭圆C:=1的两个焦点,椭圆上的两点D,E满足DF1∥EF2,DF2⊥EF2,则=()A.B.C.3D.2【分析】根据椭圆的定义以及题中的数据数量关系,分别解出|DF2|和|EF2|的值,即可解出.解:如图:设|DF2|=x,根据椭圆的定义可知|DF1|=4﹣x,又因DF1∥EF2,DF2⊥EF2,∴DF1⊥DF2,∴在△DF1F2中,x2+(4﹣x)2=(2c)2=8,∴x=2,即DF1=DF2=2,∴点D与椭圆的上顶点重合,所以,∴∠,在△EF2F1中,设|EF2|=y,则,解得y=,故=3.故选:C.10.已知函数f(x)=log2(﹣x2﹣mx+16)在[﹣2,2]上单调递减,则m的取值范围是()A.[4,+∞)B.(﹣6,6)C.(﹣6,4]D.[4,6)【分析】由题意利用复合函数的单调性,二次函数、对数函数的性质可得,由此求得m的范围.解:∵函数f(x)=log2(﹣x2﹣mx+16)在[﹣2,2]上单调递减,∴f(x)在[﹣2,2]上单调递减,且大于零,故有,求得4≤m<6,故选:D.11.已知双曲线C:=1(a>0,b>0)的左、右焦点分别为F1,F2,过F1作与其中一条渐近线平行的直线与C交于点A,若△AF1F2为直角三角形,则双曲线C的离心率为()A.B.C.D.2【分析】利用双曲线的定义,结合勾股定理转化求解双曲线的离心率即可.解:设|AF1|=m,|AF2|=n,由题意过F1作与其中一条渐近线平行的直线与C交于点A,若△AF1F2为直角三角形,可得,解得b=2a,则e===,故选:A.12.某三棱锥的正视图与俯视图如图所示,已知该三棱锥的各顶点都在球O的球面上,过该三棱锥最短的棱的中点作球O的截面,截面面积的最小值为()A.πB.C.2πD.【分析】由三视图还原原几何体,求出三棱锥外接球的半径,设E为三棱锥最短棱的中点,求出OE,可知当OE与截面垂直时截面面积最小,设截面圆的半径为r,利用r2=R2﹣OE2可求r的最小值,再利用圆的面积公式求得结果.解:由正视图与俯视图还原三棱锥的直观图如图所示,该三棱锥为A1﹣BCD,把三棱锥放置在长方体ABCD﹣A1B1C1D1中,长方体的长为4,宽与高为2,则三棱锥的外接球与长方体的外接球相同,设球的半径为R,则(2R)2=22+22+42=24,解得R=.由棱锥的直观图可得,最短棱为BC,设BC的中点为E,则OE==,当截面面积最小时,OE与面垂直,设截面圆的半径为r,则r2+OE2=R2,解得r=1,此时截面面积为πr2=π,故选:A.二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填在答题卡上.13.已知向量=(1,k),=(﹣2,14),且与共线,则k=﹣7.【分析】根据平面向量共线定理的坐标表示,列方程求出k的值.解:向量=(1,k),=(﹣2,14),且与共线,所以1×14﹣(﹣2)×k=0,解得k=﹣7.故答案为:﹣7.14.2020年11月15日,东盟十国及中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚,新西兰正式签署了区域全面经济伙伴关系协定.某自媒体准备从这15个国家中选取4个国家介绍其经济贸易情况,则东盟国家及非东盟国家至少各有1个被选取的方法数为1150.【分析】根据题意,用间接法分析:先求出“从15个国家中选取4个国家”的选法,排除其中“只有东盟十国”和“只有非东盟国家”的选法,分析可得答案.解:根据题意,从15个国家中选取4个国家,有=1365种选法,其中只有东盟十国的选法有=210种,只有非东盟国家的选法有=5种,则东盟国家及非东盟国家至少各有1个被选取的选法有1365﹣210﹣5=1150种;故答案为:1150.15.已知曲线y=xe x在点(1,e)处的切线与曲线y=alnx+2在点(1,2)处的切线平行,则a=2e.【分析】分别求出两函数在x=1处的导数,由两导数值相等即可求得a值.解:由y=xe x,得y′=e x+xe x,∴y′|x=1=2e,由y=alnx+2,得y′=,则y′|x=1=a,由题意可得,a=2e.故答案为:2e.16.(x++1)5展开式中的常数项为161.【分析】两次利用二项展开式的通项公式,令x的指数为0,求出k和r的值,即可求解常数项.解:(x++1)5=[(x+)+1]5的展开式的通项公式为T r+1=(x+)5﹣r,(x+)5﹣r的展开式的通项公式为T k+1=2k x5﹣r﹣2k,令5﹣r﹣2k=0,其中k≤5﹣r,r≤5,k,r∈N,所以k=1,r=3或k=0,r=5或k=2,r=1,所以(x++1)5展开式中的常数项为•2•++•22•=161.故答案为:161.三、解答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.已知函数f(x)=ln(2x)﹣ax2.(1)若f(x)在(1,+∞)内不单调,求a的取值范围;(2)若a=2,求f(x)在上的值域.【分析】(1)求出函数的导数,问题转化为1﹣2ax2=0在(1,+∞)内有根,得出有根的条件即可;(2)通过求出函数的单调区间,求出函数的最大值和最小值求出值域.解:(1),因为f(x)在(1,+∞)内不单调,所以关于x的方程1﹣2ax2=0在(1,+∞)内有根,所以,故a的取值范围为.(2)因为a=2,所以.令f'(x)>0,得;令f'(x)<0得.所以f(x)在上单调递增,在上单调递减,所以.因为,,,所以f(x)在上的值域为.18.在△ABC中,角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且a=2b sin(C+).(1)求B;(2)若△ABC的面积为,D为AB边的中点,求CD的最小值.【分析】(1)利用正弦定理与三角恒等变换,即可求得tan B与B的值.(2)根据三角形的面积公式和余弦定理,利用基本不等式即可求得CD的最小值.解:(1)△ABC中,a=2b sin(C+),由正弦定理得sin A=2sin B sin(C+),即sin(B+C)=2sin B(sin C cos+cos C sin),即sin B cos C+cos B sin C=sin B sin C+sin B cos C,又sin C>0,化简得cos B=sin B,即tan B=;又B∈(0,π),所以B=.(2)因为△ABC的面积为S△ABC=ac sin B=ac=,解得ac=4;在△BCD中,由余弦定理可得,CD2=a2+﹣2a•cos B=a2+﹣2≥2a•﹣2=2,当且仅当a=,c=2时,等号成立,所以CD≥,即CD的最小值为.19.如图,在四棱锥P﹣ABCD中,PA⊥平面ABCD,底面ABCD是菱形,∠ABC=60°.点E,F分别在棱BC,PD上(不包含端点),且PF:DF=BE:CE.(1)证明:EF∥平面PAB.(2)若PA=AB,求二面角B﹣PC﹣D的余弦值.【分析】(1)过点F作HF∥AD,HF∩PA=H,连接BH,推导出四边形ABCD是菱形,四边形BEFH是平行四边形,EF∥BH,由此能证明EF∥平面PAB.(2)以A为原点,过A作垂直AD的直线为x轴,的方向为y,z轴的正方向,建立空间直角坐标系A﹣xyz,利用向量法能求出二面角B﹣PC﹣D的余弦值.解:(1)证明:过点F作HF∥AD,HF∩PA=H,连接BH,∵HF∥AD,∴=,∵PF:DF=BE:CE,∴,∴,∵四边形ABCD是菱形,∴BC∥AD,且BC=AD,∴HF∥BE,且HF=BE,∴四边形ABCD是菱形,∴BC∥AD,且BC=AD,∴HF∥BE,且HF=BE,∴四边形BEFH是平行四边形,∴EF∥BH,∵BH⊂平面PAB,EF⊂平面PAB,∴EF∥平面PAB.(2)解:以A为原点,过A作垂直AD的直线为x轴,的方向为y,z轴的正方向,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系A﹣xyz,设AB=2,则B(,﹣1,0),C(,1,0),D(0,2,0),P(0,0,2),∴=(0,2,0),=(,1,﹣2),=(﹣,1,0),设平面PBC的法向量=(x,y,z),则,取x=2,得=(2,0,),设平面PCD的法向量=(a,b,c),则,取a=2,得=(2,2,),设二面角B﹣PC﹣D为θ,由图可知θ为钝角,∴cosθ=﹣|cos<>|=﹣=﹣=﹣,∴二面角B﹣PC﹣D的余弦值为﹣.20.已知抛物线C:x2=2py(p>0)的焦点为F,点P为抛物线C上一点,点P到F的距离比点P到x轴的距离大1.过点P作抛物线C的切线,设其斜率为k0.(1)求抛物线C的方程;(2)直线l:y=kx+b与抛物线C相交于不同的两点A,B(异于点P)若直线AP与直线BP的斜率互为相反数,证明:k+k0=0.【分析】(1)设点P(x0,y0),由抛物线的定义列出关于p的等式,求出p的值,即可得到抛物线的方程;(2)设A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2),直线AP的斜率为k AP,直线BP的斜率为k BP,利用两点间斜率公式表示出两个斜率,由两个斜率的关系以及点A,B均在抛物线上,化简睁开,求出直线l的斜率,再利用导数的几何意义求出k0,即可证明.【解答】(1)解:设点P(x0,y0),由点P到F的距离比点P到x轴的距离大1,所以PF=y0+1,即,所以p=2,即抛物线C的方程为x2=4y;(2)证明:设A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2),直线AP的斜率为k AP,直线BP的斜率为k BP,则,,因为直线AP与直线BP的斜率互为相反数,所以k AP=﹣k BP,即,又点A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2)均值抛物线上,所以,化简可得x1+x2=﹣2x0,因为,所以,故,则,因为x2=4y,所以,故,故,所以k+k0=0.21.(1)证明:对任意的x1,x2∈[1,+∞),不等式恒成立.(2)证明:xe x≥x+lnx+1.【分析】(1)先分析出要证,需证.再构造函数,求其最大值可证.(2)不等式变形为e x+lnx≥x+lnx+1.再构造函数令g(t)=e t﹣t﹣1.求其最小值可证结论成立.【解答】证明:(1)要证,即要证,只需证.令,x∈[1,+∞).因为,所以f(x)在[1,+∞)上单调递减.因为f(x)max=f(1)=0,所以对任意的x1,x2∈[1,+∞),都有f(x1)≤0,f(x2)≤0.所以f(x1)+f(x2)≤0恒成立,故对任意的x1,x2∈[1,+∞),不等式恒成立.(2)要证xe x≥x+lnx+1,即要证e x+lnx≥x+lnx+1.令t=x+lnx,则只要证e t≥t+1.令g(t)=e t﹣t﹣1.因为g'(t)=e t﹣1,所以g(t)在(﹣∞,0)上单调递减,在(0,+∞)上单调递增.因为g(t)min=g(0)=0,所以g(t)≥0,即e t≥t+1成立,故xe x≥x+lnx+1成立.22.已知函数f(x)=(2ae x﹣x)e x.(1)若a=0,求f(x)的单调区间;(2)若对于任意x∈R,恒成立,求a的最小值.【分析】(1)求出函数的导数,判断函数的单调性求解单调区间即可.(2)求出导函数,令g(x)=(x+1)﹣4ae x,则g(x)在R上单调递增.求出函数的最大值,转化求解a的最小值即可.解:(1)因为a=0,所以f(x)=﹣xe x,f'(x)=﹣(x+1)e x,令f'(x)=0,得x=﹣1.当x∈(﹣∞,﹣1)时,f'(x)>0;当x∈(﹣1,+∞)时.f'(x)<0.故f(x)的单调递增区间是(﹣∞,﹣1),单调递减区间是(﹣1,+∞).(2)f'(x)=4ae2x﹣(x+1)e x=﹣e x[(x+1)﹣4ae x],因为∀x∈R,,又f(0)=2a,所以,则a<0.令g(x)=(x+1)﹣4ae x,则g(x)在R上单调递增.因为当x<0时,g(x)<x+1﹣4a,所以g(4a﹣1)<4a﹣1+1﹣4a=0.因为g(﹣1)=﹣4ae﹣1>0,所以∃x0∈(4a﹣1,﹣1),使得g(x0)=0.且当x∈(﹣∞,x0)时,g(x)<0,则f'(x)>0;当x∈(x0,+∞)时,g(x)>0,则f'(x)<0.所以f(x)在(﹣∞,x0)上单调递增,在(x0,+∞)上单调递减,故.由,得,.由,得,即.结合x0+1<0,得,所以﹣3≤x0<﹣1.令,则,所以h(x)在[﹣3,﹣1)上单调递增,所以,即.故a的最小值为.。
ACREATIVE KIDS-FILM MAKING♦Become a director, scriptwriter (编剧),editor (编辑)and more...all in a week?♦Six half days of film making + six half days of fun activities.What's it all about?Imagine yourself as the new Steven Spielberg or Ridley Scott? Love the cinema, but think you could do better? Or do you dream of being the next Kcira Knightley or Johnny Depp? If so, then this is your holiday! You and your group will choose the type of film to make-adventure, fantasy, thriller or comedy. Then you'll create your own film to show at the end of the week. What's more, you'll also take your film home on DVD too!Can I do other activities as well?Yes, every day there's also half a day of activities from our great activity programme, and different entertainment every evening. So you can pack in lots of other new experiences too!What do I learn?You'll learn the basics of film and sound recording, performing, andscript-writing;and how to use sound effects, visual effects and music.You'll also learn about the work of a director, before editing your own film . Do I need any experience?No, our fantastic trained instructors and film industry experts will guide you through the whole process, and give you tips from the professionals.Do I need any specialist equipment?No, we'll provide all the equipment, from top digital video cameras and editingequipment, to costumes and make-up. Just bring your imagination!Only £ 695 per child!1. Why are Steven Spielberg and Ridley Scott mentioned?A. To show they are really great.B. To show the popularity of films.C. To make the course attractive.D. To introduce the course's teachers.2. What will the kids do in the evening?A. Enjoy themselves.B. Show their films.C. Learn how to make films.D. Take part in outdoor activities.3. The kids who want to have the course are expected to____.A. wear make-upB. bring camerasC. be film-loversD. be experienced【答案】1. C 2. A 3. C【解析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了一个儿童制作电影的课程。
ABest Ski Resorts(胜地)Stevens Pass—WashingtonWhile American families have different choices when it comes to winter snow sports, many choose Stevens Pass. For some fun after the sun goes down, Stevens Pass offers night skiing under the lights until 10 p. m. If you need to get some work done, you can head to the Visitor Center where free Wii is offered for work from mountain experience.Good to Know: Buy tickets 7+days earlier for the biggest savings.Beaver Creek—ColombiaWith full childcare choices and the best ski school for beginners, Beaver Creek is a perfect ski resort for families. For kids who aren't quite ready to ski, the Small World Play School is a good place to go to. Add in a Cookie Cabin, and you may never want to go down this mountain!Good to Know: Every day at 3 p. m. enjoy Cookie Time—where cooks serve warm, delicious chocolate cookies!Big Sky Resort-MontanaBig Sky is greatly designed for skiing lovers. The Lone Peak Playhouse offers childcare to kids aged six months to eight years old, so you can enjoy skiing while your kids play. Or, head to Chet's for board games and live music.Good to Know: Kids aged six and under ski free.Mt. Hood Meadows—OregonFor beginners, start with Buttercup and Ballroom Carpet. Or, head to the Children's Learning Center, where kids as young as four can sign up for lessons. If you add in the healthy lunches, you can rest easy while your kids have a great full-day lesson.Good to know:Kids can get a special two-hour beginner lesson for just $ 25, and equipment rental(设备租用)can be added for $10. Tickets can only be bought ahead of time.()21. What can visitors do at Stevens Pass?A. Take skiing lessons.B. Play indoor games.C. Do voluntary workD. Ski at night.()22. What do Beaver Creek and Big Sky Resort have in common?A. Both offer snacks.B. Both offer childcareC. Both offer live music.D. Both offer board games.()23. How much should a kid pay for a lesson and equipment rental at Mt. Hood Meadows?A. $ 10.B. $ 25.C. $ 35D. $ 45.BA mother has taken her celebration(颂扬)of great women in history to the next level—by dressing her baby daughter up as some of the most famous women of all time. Jenelle Wexler, a hair stylist from Chicago, the USA, came up with the idea when she noticed similarities in appearance between her four-month-old baby, Liberty, and a Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.Wexler took photos of Liberty who was dressed up as the Mexican artist. And after that, Wexler wanted to go on with what she did. "The pictures came out wonderfully, and soon after that, I thought about other women in history that contributed to the benefit of women and people as a whole," she says.Wexler takes the photos with her iphone. Up until now, she has dressed Liberty up as a series of famous women, including Marie Curie, Coco Chanel, Madonna and Amelia Earhart.Once she decides which woman she would like Liberty to play, she researches the person and learns about some of the historic achievements this woman has made. Wexler checks photos of each woman, which she then uses to design clothing and setting that will show their character and achievements.It takes Wexler around 20 minutes to take each photo, and for every dress-up activity, Wexler usually takes nearly 50 pictures in total. "Liberty has acted 34 women of influence," she says. She just wants to draw people's attention to those who should really be admired in our society—there are so many great women who need to be remembered and have their stories told.()24. What made Wexler dress Liberty up as Frida Kahlo?A. Frida Kahlo is popular among women.B. Wexler admires Frida Kahlo very much.C. Liberty and Frida Kahlo looked like each other.D. Wexler wanted Liberty to be an artist like Frida Kahlo()25. What does the author want to do in paragraph 4?A. Show how the dress-up activity goes on.B. Offer some suggestions on picture-taking.C. Value women's contributions to the worldD. Introduce some research on famous women()26. What do we know about Wexler?A. She enjoys taking photos to record life.B. She devotes all her time to her daughter.C. She works hard to protect the rights of womenD. She puts lots of effort into the dress-up activity.()27. Why does Wexler dress her daughter up?A. To introduce some excellent women.B. To advise people to take pictures of kids.C. To call on people to remember famous women.D. To choose proper role models for young people.CWhile it's not impossible for birds to fly in the rain, they usually choose not to. You may see birds fly for a few seconds in poor weather, but most of them prefer to stay put on rainy days.Why does rain make it harder for birds to fly? You might imagine that moving through the air while being pelted by raindrops would be pretty unpleasant. However, it's not the rain itself that makes flying difficult. Instead, birds are influenced by the drop in the air pressure that comes with most rainstorms. When pressure drops, the air is less thick, which makes it harder for birds to fly. Moving through the sky in areas of low air pressure takes a lot of energy.Most birds need to eat several times a day—rain or no rain. Luckily, most birds' feathers(羽毛)are highly waterproof(防水的), protecting the skin beneath. Many birds can also make oil that they can spread over their feathers to further protect themselves from the rain. Most birds don't like rain. In fact, in a 2010 study, a team of researchers studied birds living in a Costa Rican rainforest. They found that the birds had higher levels of stress hormone(应激激素)on rainy days. That may not surprise you. After all, many animals feel stressed out during storms. Pet owners often find that rain and thunder make their animals nervous. Some animals are so stronglyinfluenced by nature that they almost seem to forecast the future.No one really knows how many birds die during a storm or series of storms. But the number is certainly higher than usual. They fly into trees or windows; they get lost over the ocean or a large lake; their food sources are made more difficult to get but, at the same time, they need more food to get warm. However, if rain continues for some time, birds will have to challenge the storm.()28. What makes it harder for birds to fly in the rain?A. The wet air.B. Food shortage.C. Raindrops.D. The low air pressure.()29. What does the underlined word "pelted" in paragraph 2 mean?A. Cleaned.B. Hit.C. Frightened.D. Protected.()30. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?A. Why birds can fly in the rainB. How birds are influenced by rain.C. How birds survive long rainy days.D. Why birds' feathers are waterproof.()31. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Birds will develop the ability to fly in the rainB. Birds fly only when necessary on rainy days.C. Birds have nowhere to hide in rainstorms.D. Birds need less food on rainy days.DWhile going to the aquarium(水族馆)is a great way to learn about sea animals, some have raised concerns about the animals' quality of life. But Edge Innovations, a company in New Zealand, has a very special way to solve the problem.Edge Innovations is working with American creators of some of Hollywood's most famous animals to develop robot dolphins that look like almost exactly the same as real-life animals.The ocean park industry has had falling interests for over ten years because of ethical(道德的)concerns and the cost of live animals, yet people's hunger for learning about and experiencing these animals is still as strong as ever. Developers believe that it's time to make a change in this industry and that this method shows humans' mercy and brings more interests at the same time.One robot dolphin could cost an aquarium at least $ 26.3 million. But the robot would be controlled by humans and be able to play with humans as a regular dolphin would. The price at the moment is very high, but Edge Innovations notes that since the robots last longer than a real animal, the returns will be worth the price.The robot dolphin weighs just about 600 pounds but is amazingly life-like. According to The Guardian, a test audience was actually not able to tell it apart from a real dolphin. As for aquarium visitors, the developers forecast that they won't mind not seeing a "real" dolphin. "For people in New Zealand, for me, I prefer natural animals," said Li Wang, the business developer for Edge Innovations. "But when we think about the new generation who spend far more time than us playing electronic games online, we think the robot dolphins will be accepted.”The development of robot animals may be the future of zoos and aquariums, making it easier for animal lovers to enjoy nature in a kind way.()32. What is Edge Innovations doing?A. Designing robot dolphins.B. Stopping animal shows.C. Improving dolphins' living conditions.D. Making Hollywood films about dolphins.()33. What is the third paragraph mainly about?A. Why the ocean park industry closes down.B. How the ocean park industry can develop.C. How robot dolphins can succeed.D. Why robot dolphins are created.()34. What can we learn about robot dolphins?A. Their price is too high to be accepted.B. They look smaller in size than real ones.C. They save aquariums' cost in the long run.D. They can serve longer than creators thought.()35. What may be the best title for the text?A. Robot Dolphins Are ComingB. The Rise and Fall of Robot DolphinsC. The Aquariums Are Facing the Ethical ProblemD. Robot Dolphins Will Bring an End to Ocean Park Industry第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
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AOnline Bachelor's Degrees and ProgramsThe overviewColleges offer online degrees in a range of fields. Click on a degree program to explore what courses you take, how long the program takes to complete, career options and average salary. For example, to earn an online health science bachelor's degree, you would take courses in public health, health communications and epidemiology(流行病学).The benefitsPursuing an accredited(官方认可的)online bachelor's degree can help you take the next step in your career. Through your program, you'll attend online lectures, study from home manage a busy schedule and interact virtually with professors and classmates.The applicantsAn online college degree may appeal to those who want more flexibility in completing their education, or who want to take classes while working full time or parenting. Choosing where to register online will likely be challenging, but below you'll find tools, advice and other resources to make your search easier.Best online bachelor's programsU. S. News evaluated several factors to rank the best online bachelor's degree programs, including graduation rates and support services available remotely.To see the full ranking list, please click here.()21. What will you do after attending online degree programs?A. Get a degree for free.B. Attend lectures in a hall.C. Take some related coursesD. Talk with teachers face to face.()22. Which university is the last one to end the application?A. Georgia Washington University.B. University of Georgia.C. North Carolina University.D. University of Arizona.()23. Where are you likely to read the text?A. On the Internet.B. In a magazine.C. In a textbook.D. In a newspaper.BKemira Boyd had just jumped in the shower when she heard her stepmother, Tammy Boyd, knocking on the door. Kemira's 12-day-old daughter Ryleigh was choking. Kemira tried everything, but she still couldn't breathe. Kemira knew Ryleigh needed to get to the hospital fast.They had barely driven out of their neighborhood when a police car appeared behind them. Deputy Will Kimbro figured that the speeding driver was either too distracted to notice him or unconcerned. Kimbro soon found out it was a frightening combination of the two.Once she'd pulled over, Kemira handed the baby to Kimbro. He put a hand on her little chest. Ryleigh's heart was barely beating. Kimbro radioed for an ambulance. At that time Ryleigh's lips were already blue.The fact that Kimbro was there was a miracle. He had recently completed a CPR(心肺复苏)class and knew how to treat a child."Although I was shocked, my training kicked in, and I went to work to keep that child alive," said Kimbro. Then he began tapping(轻拍)Ryleigh's chest, hoping to press her heart back into action. Thanks to the CPR class, Kimbro knew the choking child didn't have a chance if there was a blockage, and he used one finger to clear her airway(气道). That was a magic touch. 20 seconds later, Ryleigh began to cry. "If she's crying like that, she's breathing," said Kimbro.But they still had five more minutes until the ambulance would arrive, and Kimbro worried that Ryleigh would choke again. He continued with delicate chest compression and clearing her airway.After transferring Ryleigh to the ambulance, Kimbro drove away. At the hospital, Ryleigh recovered quickly thanks to a determined police officer who was in the right place at the right time.()24. Why did Kemira stop her car outside her neighborhood?A. She wanted to ask for help.B. She had broken traffic rulesC. She needed to care for the child.D. She planned to talk with Kimbro()25. What was Kimbro like when he dealt with the emergency?A. Nervous.B. Frightened.C. Calm.D. Curious.()26. What made Ryleigh come back to life?A. The CPR class.B. The doctors' help.C. Kemira's reaction.D. Kimbro's first aid.()27. What may be the best title for the text?A. An encounter saved a lifeB. A CPR class is importantC. A clever and brave motherD. A policeman's experienceCChildren's average daily time spent watching television or using mobile device increased from 53 minutes at 12 months old to more than 150 minutes at 3 years old, according to an analysis by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. Children aged 7 were more likely to spend the highest amount of screen time if they had been in bad home-based childcare or were born to first-time mothers"Our results indicate that screen habits begin early," said Edwina Yeung, an investigator in National Institute of Child Health and Human Development(NICHD), "This finding suggests that interventions to reduce screen time could have a better chance of success if introduced early.”In the research, mothers of 4,000 children responded to questions on their kids' media habits when they were 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months of age.The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding digital media exposure for children under 18 months of age, introducing children 18 to 24 months of age to screen media slowly, and limiting screen time to an hour a day for children from 2 to 5 years of age. In the current study, researchers found that 87% of the children had screen time exceeding(超过)these recommendations. However, while screen time increased throughout infancy (幼儿期), after 8 years of age, screen time fell to under 1. 5 hours per day. The researchers believe this decreaserelates to time consumed by school-related activities.The study authors classified the children into two groups based on how much their aver- age daily screen time increased from age 1 to age 3. The first group, 73% of the total, had the lower increase, from an average of nearly 51 minutes a day to nearly an hour and 47 minutes a day. The second group, 27% of the total, had the higher increase, from nearly 37 minutes of screen time a day to about 4 hours a day. Higher levels of parental education were associated with the lower odds of inclusion in the second group.()28. Which of the following is a reason for children's addiction to the media?A. Low economic level.B. Poor family educationC. The media's attraction.D. The shortage of parents' love.()29. What's Edwina's advice?A. To stop children using the media.B. To help parents care for children wellC. To reduce children's screen time earlierD. To increase intervention to children()30. How did the author develop the main body of the text?A. By giving some examples.B. By showing some data.C. By analyzing some reasons.D. By concluding some results.()31. What does the underlined word "odds" in the last paragraph mean?A. Probability.B. Price.C. Cost.D. Income.DIn times of stress, particularly when the water gets too warm, the coral(珊瑚)erupts the algae(海藻), and the coral turns white, causing a state called coral bleaching(漂白). Just a few degrees of heat can lead to coral bleaching, putting the coral on a path to starvation and death.Driven by climate change, marine heat waves are becoming one of the greatest threats to the existence of coral, which is important to the ocean ecology. But in some rare good news researchers have discovered coral can recover from bleaching even before a heat wave ends, suggesting it has the potential to survive long heat waves. Coral was thought to survive only if a heat wave lasted just a few weeks.But no one had studied this process during a longer heat wave. Then in 2015, Julia Baum, a marine ecologist at the University of Victoria, began a survey of two common species: brain and star coral around Kiritimati in the central Pacific Ocean. They checked the condition of the coral as the heat wave struck and disappeared.Starting in May 2015, the temperature rose about 1 ℃within 2 months. As expected, coral that housed heat-sensitive algae bleached sooner than those housing the heat-tolerant kind of algae. As the water continued to warm, even heat-tolerant algae erupted.Many brain and star coral on Kiritimati recovered from bleaching while the water was still unusually warm. Baum said, "The unexpected recovery provides new hope, because it means that even under lasting heat waves, there's a path forward for some of them."An unusual feature of the recovery is that brain coral that started out with heat-sensitive algae had a higher survival rate(82%)than coral that began with heat-tolerant algae(25%). "That finding is surprising," said Baum, expecting that heat-tolerant algae would be better suited for helping coral survive a heat wave. But during a longer heat wave, it might be more advantageous to start with a heat-sensitive algae.()32. What results in coral bleaching?A. The white algae.B. The coral's death.C. An attack of waves.D. A rise in ocean temperature.()33. Why did Baum begin the survey?A. To prove that coral can stop climate change.B. To study how coral bleaching comes about.C. To figure out whether coral survives long heat wavesD. To explain why coral bleaching is a big threat to coral()34. How did Baum feel about the finding?A. Ashamed.B. ConfusedC. Worried.D. Astonished.()35. What can the finding be used to do?A. Protect the ocean environment.B. Reduce coral bleaching.C. Grow more different algae.D. Regulate the heat wave.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。