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1. These monkeys are in danger. We must protect them.

2. I bought an expensive dictionary in the bookstore half an hour ago, but I forgot to take it with me.

3. What happened to your best friend on April fool’s day

4. I think the camera is the most useful invention. We can use it to take photos.

5. The children plan to have a picnic near the lake this Sunday.

6. Have a good trip to Xinjiang, Dale.

7. Excuse me, may I borrow your eraser

8. I’m so sorry that I regret talking back to you, dad.

9. Thank you for helping me to work out the problem.

10. How far is it from your home to school

11. W: When is your father leaving for New York, Ed

M: He is leaving on New Year’s day.

12. W: Hi, Tony, it’s father’s day tomorrow. What would you like to get for your father

M: I’d like to buy him a tie.

W: No, he has too many ties. What about a shirt

M: Okay, thanks.

13. W: You look worried, Sam, why

M: I’ve lost the key to my bike.

W: That’s too bad.

14. M: What happened

W: This morning I overslept. When I got to the bus stop, the bus had left. So I wanted to ride my bike. Then I realized it had broken down two days before. Finally, I rushed to school on foot.

15. W: Did you see the football match yesterday evening, David M: Oh, I missed it, Alice. By the time I turned on the TV, it had already finished.

W: Never mind, it’s just a waste of time.

16. Thomas Edison lost his first job. For the next five years, he went around the country from job to job. Finally, Edison went to New York and found a job of fixing machines there. He also made new ones. The owner of the factory liked Edison’s new machines. He gave Edison 40,000 dollars for them. Edison used the money to build a shop in New Jersey. There were many people working for him. But he worked harder than any of them.

In 1876 Alexander Bell made a telephone, but it could carry voices only a short way. Later, Edison made a better telephone. It could carry voices a long way.九年级英语参考答案



1-5 BCBCA 6-10 BABCC 11-15 ABBCB 16-20 CBBBA




21-25. BBBCB 26-30. ACBAC



31-35. ABACC 36-40. BACBC



41-45. CBCBA 46-50. CCABC 51-55. ACCCA


56. No, he doesn’t.

57. He suggested students not to be shy, but brave enough to try.

58. 但是我怕在同学面前犯错误。

59. Hands up, please. / Raise your hands, please.

60. Yes, I do. Because raising my hand can make me excellent./No,

I don’t. Because I am afraid making mistakes in front of my classmates.



