毕业公证书中英文篇一:毕业证公证英文模板NOTARIAL CERTIFICATEShang Fu Zheng Wai Min Zi No. 35Applicant: Feng Bingru, female, was born on January 17, 1994, ID Card No.: ………………………., now resides at No.3, Feng Yi Lane, North of Dongguang Street, Chengguan Town, Xiayi County, Henan Province, China.Notarial affair: Graduation CertificateThis is to certify that the above copy conforms to the original Graduation Certificate issued to Feng Bingru by Xiayi County High School of Henan Province on June 2, 20XX. The original is authentic. The English translation attached to the above copy conforms to the content of Chinese original.Shangfu Notary Public Office of Shangqiu City Henan Province the People’s Republic of China Notary: Song HelinJanuary 8, 20XX篇二:毕业证英文公证书notarial certificateshang fu zheng wai min zi no. 35 applicant: fengbingru, female, was born on january 17, 1994, id card no.: ?????????., now resides at no.3, feng yi lane, north of dongguangstreet, chengguan town, xiayi county, henan province, china. notarial affair: graduation certificate this is to certify that the above copy conforms to the original graduationcertificate issued to feng bingru by xiayi county high school of henan province onjune 2, 20XX. the original is authentic. the english translation attached to the abovecopy conforms to the content of chinese original. shangfu notary public office of shangqiu city henan province the people’srepublic of chinanotary: song helin january 8, 20XX篇二:毕业证书公证件翻译件公证书(20XX)鄂洪兴证字第5171号兹证明前面的影印件与xx大学于二00九年六月三十日发给xx的证书编号为123456789的《毕业证书》原件相符。
苏州大学教务处(盖章)****年** 月**日education certificationthis is to certify that student*****(name), ***(gender), bornin **(month), ****(year), studied a **-year undergraduate/junior college/ postgraduate course at soochow universityfrom**(month), ****(year) to **(month), ****(year),majoring in******. having passed all courses stipulated in the teaching program, the above student received a graduation certificate in **(month), ****(year) .(certificate serial number:***********)academic affairs officesoochow universitydate: year-month-day【篇二:毕业证书英文翻译模板】今天老师给我们留了个作业,让我们把本科毕业证书翻译成英文的,怎么翻译啊~所以请大家帮帮忙吧~谁能给我提供一个毕业证书的英文模版啊~本科毕业证书的啊~越快越好,如果老师满意,多少钱我都不在乎~包括专升本证书,能有工商管理硕士的最好!学生学位证书英文翻译模板bachelor’s degree certificatethis is to certify that ms. wang danli, born in october 1977, has studied in the department of law, xxx university with aspecialty of law from september 1996 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. in accordance with the academic degree act of the pe ople’srepublic of china, the aforesaid student is awarded the bachelor’s degree in law. xxxchairman ofdegree appraising committee ofxx universityjune 30, 2000certificate no.: 103354003888本科毕业证书翻译模板diplomathis is to certify that ms. wang lan, born on february 29, 1980, has studied in the department of foreignlanguages,xxxuniversity with a specialty of english from september 1997 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.xxpresident ofxx universityregistration no.: 298168015date issued: june 30, 2000本科毕业证书英文翻译样本graduation certificategraduation certificatecertificate no. _____________in the specialty of ________________ at ouruniversity/institute fromseptember ________ to july_________. upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teachingprogramme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.(signature)presidentuniversity (seal)xx july xxxx学士学位证书翻译样本bachelor certificatecertificate of bachelor’s degreecertificate no.:this is to certify that , male / female, native of __________,born on __________, has beenmajoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from september_____ tojuly _______. upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduateteaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualifiedfor graduation. in conformity withthe articles of the regulations regarding academic degrees of the people’s republic of china,he/she has been conferred to the degree of bachelor of___________. (signature)chairmancommittee of degree accreditationuniversity (seal)xx july xxxx如果学校要求寄学位证书复印件的话,可以复印一份中文的。
各类证书中英文户口:Hukou身份证:ID护照:Passport港澳通行证:The People's Republic of China Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau台湾通行证:Exit and Entry Permit Taiwan Republic of China军官证:Military Officer Certificate团员证:Certificate of the Communist Youth League of China党员证:Membership Certificate of the Communist Party of China离休证:Certificate of Emeritus退休证:Retirement Certificate老年证:Senior Citizen ID生存证明:Certificate of Existence死亡证明:Death Certificate火化证:Cremation Certificate安葬证:Burial Certificate健康证:Health Certificate未婚证:Spinsterhood Certificate婚检证:Certificate of Premarital Checkup结婚证:Marriage License准生证:Birth Approval Certificate初婚未育证:Certificate of First Marriage and Non-maternity计划生育保健服务证:Certificate of Family Planning and Health Care Service出生证:Birth Certificate独生子女证:One Child-Certificate预防接种证:Vaccination Certificate节育证:Birth Control Certificate离婚证:Divorce Certificate学生证:Student ID毕业证:Graduation Certificate学位证:Certificate of Degree社保证:Social Security Certificate失业证:Unemployment Certificate养老保险证:Endowment Insurance居住证:Residence Permit暂住证:Temporal Residential Permit房产证:House Proprietary Certificate土地证:Certificate of Land房屋他项权证:the certificate of the other rights of land国有土地使用证:Certificate for the Use of State-owned Land驾驶证:Driver’s License流动人口计划生育证: Certificate of Birth Control of Migrating Population涉外婚姻证明: Certificate of Marriage with a Foreigner婚育培训合格证: Certificate of Marital and Maternal Training 报到证: Registration Certificate在读证明: Studying Certificate贷款证明: Certificate for Loan借书证: Library Card英语四六级证: Certificate of CET 4 or 6上岗证: Work License从业资格证: Employment Qualification Certificate离职证明: Employment Separation Certificate三侨生证明: Certificate of Three-Types Overseas Students留学回国人员证明: Certificate of Returned Overseas Nationals 残疾证: Disability Certificate无犯罪证明: Certificate of Clearance边境证: Bordering Crossing Certificate行驶证: Driving Permit养路费证: Certificate of Road Maintenance Fee经营许可证: Business Certificate税务登记证: Tax Registration Certificate卫生许可证: Health Permit消防许可证: Fire Protecting Permit收入证明: Income Testimonial贫困证明: Poverty Testimonial献血证: Certificate of Blood Donoation。
特此证明________大学教务处________年____月____日Certificate of Graduation(Student **,male,be born on **(月) **th(日),***(年),study at the Four-year full time undergraduate program of the school from **(月),**(年)to **(月),**(年).Finish all the prescript courses of the teaching plan with score qualified.Allow to graduate and get the Bachelor of Science in the Public.Certificate No.*****.Degree Certificate No.***.pateat universis per praesentes(特此证明)***university registrars**(月) **th(日),***(年)范毕业证明本二***,学号***,性别** ,身份证号 ** ,系我校信息科学与工程学院***专业2015届应届本科毕业生。
***,*** Student ID,gender,** ID number **,Department of our school of Information Science and Engineering *** Professional 2015 session of the fresh graduates.According to "** college student credit student status management regulations" and "Rules ** a bachelor's degree awarded," courses the student has success,consistent with the conditions required to grant a bachelor's degree.Hereby certify that.** University of Registry。
学位证明书中英文模版学位证明书degree certificate一、证明目的i.Purpose ofthe certificate本证明书旨在确认某人完成学业并获得特定学位,进一步证明其在相关领域的学术成就和资格。
This certificate is intended to confirm tha t an individual has successfully completed a program of study and has been awarded a specificacademic degree, further attesting totheir academicachievements and qualifications in the relevant field.二、颁发机构信息ii.issuing institution information1.机构名称:[学院/大学名称]Name of institution: [Name of college/University]2.机构地址:[学院/大学地址]institution address: [addressof college/University]3.机构[方式号码、电子邮件]institution contact: [Phone Number, eml address]三、学位信息iii.degree information1.学位名称:[学位名称]degree Title: [Title of degree]2.学位领域:[学位领域]field of Studyfor the degree:[field of Study]3.学位等级:[学士/硕士/博士]Levelof degree: [bachelor's/Master's/doctorate]4.学位授予日期:[日期]date of degree award: [date]5.学位证书编号:[证书编号]degree certificate Number: [certificate Number]四、毕业生信息iV.graduate information1.毕业生姓名:[毕业生姓名]graduate Name: [Name of graduate]2.毕业生学号:[学号]Student id: [Student id]3.毕业生:[]date of birth: [date of birth]4.毕业生[联系地址、方式号码、电子邮件]graduate contact: [address, Phone Number, eml address]五、学业成果V.academic achievements1.需修满的学分要求:[学分要求]creditRequirements tofulfill: [credit Requirements]2.已修获得的学分:[已修学分]credits Obtned: [credits earned]3.学业成绩:[成绩信息]academic Performance: [grade information]六、学校认证Vi.institutional accreditation本证书由[学院/大学名称]颁发,该机构是一所经过认证的学术机构,依法设立并具备颁发学位的合法资格。
毕业证英文范本第一篇:毕业证英文范本1.身份证IDENTITY CARDTHE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAName:Sex:Date of Birth:Nationality:ChineseAddress:Issuing Date:Validity:ID Number:2.CET-6大学英语考试六级证书Certificate of College English TestThis is to certify that ___________, a student of Grade ______ at Department of __________,___________ University/Institute, passed the examination of College English Test Band-6(CET-6)in January/June XXXX.Upon examination, he/she has fulfilled the band 6 requirements College English Syllabus Band Six with excellent/qualified score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6.Department of Higher EducationState Education Commission(国家教委)或Ministry of Education(教育部)Date of Issuance:Certificate No.:3.TEM 专业英语考试证书Test for English MajorsThis is to certify that, a student offrom,participated in the TEM-exam(Test for English Majors)organized by the EnglishGroup ofthe National Higher Education Foreign Language Major Teaching Supervisory Committee of the StateEducation Ministry and passed the exam.Hereby he/she is awarded theTEM-__Certificate.Issuing Date:___________Certificate No.:English GroupNational Higher Education Foreign Language MajorTeaching Supervisory Committee(seal)4.Graduation certificate 本科毕业证书Graduation CertificateCertificate No._____________This is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of __________, has been majoringin the specialty of ________________ at our university/institute from September ________ to July_________.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teachingprogramme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.(signature)PresidentUniversity(seal)XX July XXXX5.Bachelor certificate 学士学位证书Certificate of Bachelor’s DegreeCertificate No.:This is to certify that, male / female, native of __________, born on __________,has beenmajoring in the specialty ofat our university/ institute fromSeptember_____toJuly _______.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduateteaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualified for graduation.In conformity withthe articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China,he/she has been conferred to the degree of Bachelor of ___________.(signature)ChairmanCommittee of DegreeAccreditationUniversity(seal)第二篇:高中毕业证英文Graduation CertificateStudent Registration No.: 200637400756This is to certify that student DENG RuiXian, male, who was born in October, 1993 in ChangShu, JiangSu Province, has studied for 3 years in our school since Sep 2007 and completed all stipulated courses as of June 2010 with qualified achievements leading to graduation.(Seal of)Jiangsu Province Changshu High School(Seal of)PrincipalJune 30, 2010第三篇:高中毕业证英文Graduation CertificateNo.01116373Student , female(or male),years old, native of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, has fulfilled all thecourses and passed all the exams with qualified marks at the senior section of our school.We hereupon grant her graduationin Jun 2003.Xi’an No.1 Secondary School(seal)Headmaster:(personal seal)Jun.1st 2003Academic RecordThe scores have 4 grades, A, B, C & D.D means not pass.Checking has 2 grades, P & E, E means not pass.第四篇:毕业证学位证英文毕业证中文复印件(需缩印)DIPLOMAThis is to certify that 姓名, 性别, born in 出生年月, havingstudied in the Specialty of专业名称in the school of学院(系)名称at S g University from入学年月to毕业年月, hascompleted the学制年数-year program and passed the examinationsand is qualified for graduation.University :UniversityPresident:校长姓名Date:毕业年月Diploma No:证书编号学位证中文复印件(需缩印)CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR’S DEGREEThis is to certify that 姓名,性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of 专业名称 in the school of 学院(系)名称at S g University from 入学年月to 毕业年月, has passed the examinations in the required courses for the Bachelor’s degree and is hereby, in accordance with The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Academic Degrees, conferred the degree of Bachelor of 学科名称.S g UniversityChairman of the Academic DegreesEvaluation Committee: 学位评定委员会主席姓名Date:毕业年月Certificate No:证书编号第五篇:本科毕业证英文-刘欣欣Graduate CertificateLiu Xinxin, born on September 8th1985, has been studying at HebeiNormal University, majoring in Education of tourism managment andservice from September 2004 to June 2008.She has completed theFour-year program and successfully passed all the examinations, and sheis hereby qualified for graduation.Su BaorongPresident of Hebei Normal UniversityRegistration No.: ***1687Date Issued: June 30, 2008。
学士学位证书及毕业证英文翻译模板Bachelor's Degree Certificate and Graduation Certificate English Translation TemplateI. STUDENT INFORMATIONName: [Full Name]Student ID: [Student ID Number]Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]Major: [Major]University: [University Name]Graduation Year: [Year of Graduation]II. CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR'S DEGREEThis is to certify that [Full Name], born on [Date of Birth], has completed the requirements prescribed by [University Name] for the degree of Bachelor of [Major]. The conferred degree is in recognition of the successful completion of the undergraduate program in [Major].III. GRADUATION CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that [Full Name] has fulfilled all the academic requirements of [University Name] and is hereby awarded the Graduation Certificate. The Graduation Certificate serves as proof of the completion of the undergraduate program.IV. TRANSLATIONI hereby declare that the above information has been accurately translated from the original language into English.Date: [Date of Translation]Translator's Name: [Translator's Full Name]Translator's Signature: __________________________________V. AUTHENTICATIONThis document is issued in English. In case of any discrepancies between the English translation and the original document written in another language, the original document shall prevail.VI. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION1. The Bachelor's Degree Certificate and Graduation Certificate are official documents issued by [University Name].2. The authenticity of these certificates can be verified by contacting the issuing university.3. The certificates should be presented in their original form and should not be altered or tampered with in any way.4. The English translation is provided for reference purposes only and does not replace the original document.[End of Document]。
学生学位证书英文翻译模板BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Ms. Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law.xxxChairman ofDegree Appraising Committee ofxx UniversityJune 30, 2000Certificate No.: 103354003888本科毕业证书翻译模板DIPLOMAThis is to certify that Ms. Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.XxPresident ofxx UniversityRegistration No.: 298168015Date Issued: June 30, 2000本科毕业证书英文翻译样本Graduation certificateGraduation CertificateCertificate No. _____________This is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of__________, has been majoringin the specialty of ________________ at our university/institutefrom September ________ to July_________. Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teachingprogramme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.(signature)PresidentUniversity (seal)XX July XXXX学士学位证书翻译样本Bachelor certificateCertificate of Bachelor’s DegreeCertificate No.:This is to certify that , male / female, native of __________, bornon __________, has beenmajoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from September_____ toJuly _______. Upon completion of all the courses specified by thefour-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score, he/sheis qualified for graduation. In conformity with the articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of t he People’s Republic of China,he/she has been conferred to the degree of Bachelor of ___________.(signature)ChairmanCommittee of Degree AccreditationUniversity (seal)XX July XXXX如果学校要求寄学位证书复印件的话,可以复印一份中文的。
xx大学教务处(盖章)年月日Academic Degree Certification This is to certify that student xxx, male /female, born in xxx (Month) xxx (Year), studied a xxxyear undergraduate/ graduate course at Soochow University from xxx (Month) xxx (Year) to xxx (Month) xxx (Year),majoring inxxx. Having finished studying program and graduateed, a Bachelor/master Degree of xxx is conferred on the student in xxx (Month) xxx (Year) through verification in accordance with the requirement of PRC Regulations of Academic Degrees. (certificate serial number: xxx) Academic Affairs Office Soochow University Date:(文章二):在校生学位证明模板学籍证明姓名:,性别:,民族:,学号:,身份证号:,我校专业科在校学生,将于年月毕业,如果符合我校学士学位授予条件将获得学士学位。
StudiesattheSchoolofManagementofthisuniversitystartingfromS eptember2011.HeismajoringinE-commercewith4yearsofschooling.
Ifthestudentthroughthegraduationqualificationanddegreeaudit ,hewillbegraduatingwithabachelor'sdegreein2015July.
英文翻译模板-毕业证书(新版)毕业证书翻译模板Graduation Certificate Translation Template此证明[学生全名]已经成功完成[学位课程]的要求,获得[学位头衔]。
学生信息Student Information- Name: [Student's Full Name][Student's Full Name]- Date of Birth: [Student's Date of Birth][Student's Date of Birth] - Student ID: [Student's ID] (if applicable)[Student's ID] (if applicable)- 姓名:[学生全名][学生全名]- 出生日期:[学生生日][学生生日]- 学生编号:[学生编号](如果适用)[学生编号](如果适用)课程信息Course Information- Degree Program: [Degree Program][Degree Program]- University Name: [University Name][University Name]- Graduation Date: [Graduation Date][Graduation Date]- 学位课程:[学位课程][学位课程]- 大学名称:[大学名称][大学名称]- 毕业日期:[毕业日期][毕业日期]专业信息Major Information- Major: [Major][Major]- Specialization: [Specialization] (if applicable)[Specialization] (if applicable)- 专业:[专业][专业]- 专长:[专长](如果适用)[专长](如果适用)获得学位信息Degree Awarded Information- Degree Title: [Degree Title][Degree Title]- Date of Degree Conferral: [Degree Conferral Date][Degree Conferral Date]- 学位头衔:[学位头衔][学位头衔]- 颁发学位日期:[颁发学位日期][颁发学位日期]签署部门Signatory Department- Department Name: [Department Name][Department Name] - Department Seal: [Department Seal Image] (if applicable)[Department Seal Image] (if applicable)- 部门名称:[部门名称][部门名称]- 部门印章:[部门印章图片](如果适用)[部门印章图片](如果适用)。
英文版毕业证,学位证翻译(推荐)第一篇:英文版毕业证,学位证翻译(推荐)GENERAL HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONGRADUATION CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that the student XXX, female and born on XX, who has completed the four-year undergraduate program of XX MAJOR in the XX University.She satisfied all requirements prescribed in this program, is hereby permitted to graduate and awarded this certificate of of University:(seal)President: XX(Signature)Certificate No.Date:CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR’S DEGREEThis is to certify that the student XX, female and born on XX, who has completed the undergraduate program of XX at XX Normal University, is hereby duly admitted to the Bachelor’s degree of Science upon due examination fully in accordance with the Degree Regulations of the People’s Republic of China.XXXUniversityChairman of Degree Appraisal Committee:Certificate No.:Date(General Higher Education Undergraduates)第二篇:学位证毕业证翻译普通高等学校卒業証明書学生 XXX 性別 X,19XX年X月X日生まれ,XXXX年X月からXXXX年X月まで当校のXXXX学科在学,4年制本科の教育規定科目を全部修了し、成績合格により、卒業を認める。
英文证明书格式篇一:英文证明的格式英文证明的格式AmericanEmbassyTowhomitmayconcerned,WeherebyconfirmedthatMr.(你的名字)isastaffofourcompany.Hehasworkedinourcompanyformorethan LuZi,N113ThisiseifiehMZhQingenhldsdiplissuedhiinJuly,198byShndngUniv esiy(DiplN64)ndhehveefullyhekedheselfheUnivesiyndhesignuebyPesidenZhu YngsenJinnNyPubliOffieShngdngPvinehePeplesRepublifChinNy:WngFngMy,公证书(9鲁公证字第113号)兹证明赵强文先生持有山东大学于198年发给他的64号毕业文凭上的学校印签和校长周永森签字属实。
特此证明电话:*************传真:*************邮箱:************网址:***********地址:*************证明单位:A公司2012年10月10日LetterofCertificationTowhomitmayconcern:ThisistocertifythatAAACo.,Ltd(hereinaftercalled“A”)hasestablishedpartnershipswithBBBCompany(hereinafterc alled“B”)regardingofthehighwayconstruction,railwayconstruction ,bridgeengineering,railtransit,airport,portsandwharvesetc.A stheagentofAinCcountry,Bcompanywillprovideconstructionmater ials,equipmentandresourcesetc.forA.Herebycertified!Tel:*************Fax:*************E-mail:*************http:*************ADD:*************Certifier:ADate:October10th,2012。
中英文作文毕业Graduation第一篇:中英文作文毕业 Graduation毕业 GraduationGraduation is a time of moving on, further studies, or out into the society? There are a lot of choices which we are supposed to make and we are emotional at the graduation season.What’s more, we usually have a variety of activities about graduation, such as taking photos, having a class party, leaving words to each other in our memory collections, exchanging gifts between friends to memorize our friendship, giving teacher presents to express our thanks.毕业是向前进的时间,深造或者进入社会?我们可以做很多的选择,而我们也会比较情绪化在这毕业季。
However, we have mixed emotions about farewell.We want to spend more time having fun and working with each other, but we have to move on.Facing many choices about our future makes us confused;meanwhile the coming farewell makes us sentimental.As long as these feelings come along, we have to deal with it.We should know that after graduation we will learn more and be more experienced.Being apart with our friends and classmates is temporary, next time we meet each other, we will live a better life and share our different colorful experiences with each other.然而,我们在告别时的情感是很复杂的。
英文毕业证明书例文篇一:英文版毕业证明书This is to certify that Liao Ming, male, born on October 23, xxxx, having specialized in the Four year undergraduate program of Applied Chemistry in the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at HUNAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY from September 10, 20xx to June 24, 20xx is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation after meeting all the academic requirements.President of HUNAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGYTIAN YINHUACertificate No: Date:篇二:英文版毕业证明书This is to certify that WUZEFENG, male, born on August12, xxxx, having specialized in the Four year undergraduate program of Applied Chemistry in the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at HUIZHOU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY from September 10, 20xx to June 26, 20xxis hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation after meeting all the academic requirements.President of HUNAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGYTIAN YINHUACertificate :篇三:毕业证明、学位证明英文证明模板This is to certify that 姓名,性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of 专业名称in the school of 学院(系)名称at Shandong University from 入学年月to 毕业年月, has passed the examinations in the required courses for the Bachelor’s degree and is here by, in accordance with The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Academic Degrees,conferred the degree of Bachelor of 学科名称.Shandong UniversityChairman of the Academic DegreesEvaluation Committee: 学位评定委员会主席姓名Date: 毕业年月Certificate No: 证书编号篇四:英文毕业证明书Certificate of GraduationThis is to certify that姓名,性别,出生年月日, has been majoring in 专业at our university from起始年to 终止年.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score. Be granted graduation and get the degree of Bachelor of engineering.Certificate证书编号.Degree Certificate学位证号.hereby certify that大学名称年月日篇五:英文版毕业证书This is to certify that Mr. Gao Yang, having specialized in Accounting computerization major of Shandong University from September, XXXX to July, XXXX and having completed the associated programme according to teaching plan with qualified standing, is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation.Principal: Zeng FanrenName of University (seal): Shandong UniversityDate:。
英文的毕业证明书[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Graduate's Name][Graduate's Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Graduate's Name],RE: OFFICIAL GRADUATION CERTIFICATECongratulations on successfully completing your studies! We are pleased to inform you that you are now eligible for the issuance of your official Graduation Certificate. This document serves as an important confirmation of your academic accomplishments and will be recognized both nationally and internationally.We would like to remind you of the significance of this certification in your professional life. The Graduation Certificate not only symbolizes the completion of your chosen course of study, but it also demonstrates your dedication, hard work, and commitment.Please review the following details related to the issuance of your Graduation Certificate:1. Certificate Details:- Name of the Graduate: [Graduate's Name]- Course of Study: [Course or Degree Name]- Year of Graduation: [Year]- Institution: [Name of University/College]2. Procedure:To obtain your Graduation Certificate, please follow the steps outlined below:a. Complete the attached Application Form accurately and legibly.b. Prepare the necessary supporting documents as listed in the Application Form.c. Submit the completed Application Form and supporting documents to the Registrar's Office of the institution before [deadline date].d. Pay the required processing fee as specified by the institution.3. Delivery Options:Once your application has been processed and approved, you may choose from the following delivery options:a. Collection in person: You can collect your Graduation Certificate directly from the Registrar's Office. Please present a valid identification document for verification purposes.b. Registered mail: If you prefer to have your Graduation Certificate mailed to your address, please provide accurate mailing details in the Application Form.4. Additional Information:a. For any inquiries or assistance regarding your Graduation Certificate, please contact the Registrar's Office directly.b. Please notify the Registrar's Office immediately in case of any changes in your contact information to ensure the accurate and timely delivery of your Graduation Certificate.We would like to extend our warmest congratulations once again on your remarkable achievement. May your Graduation Certificate open doors to exciting opportunities and mark the beginning of a successful professional journey.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position/Title][Name of University/College][Official Seal (if applicable)]Enclosure: Graduation Certificate Application Form。
称呼多用“To Whom It May Concern”意即“有关负责人”,但此项也可省略。
Chinese Academy of Sciences:中国科学院register temporary residence:申报临时户口ID Card: Identity Card【译文】:性、合法性所出具的证明文书。
文学学士:Bachelor of Arts法学学士:Bachelor of Law理学学士:Bachelor of Science工学学士:Bachelor of Engineering农学学士:Bachelor of Agriculture医学学士:Bachelor of Medical Science/ Bachelor of Medicine管理学学士:Bachelor of managementchancellor:(英)名誉校长vice chancellor:(英)校长deputy :(英)副校长IV. 课后作业1. 进一步加深对英语证明的认识。
2. 预习新课。
V. 参考书目熊益新.英文应用文文体写作技法与范例全书(2,3).中国环境科学出版社,2001。
苏州大学教务处(盖章)年月日academic degree certification(certificate serial number: ***)academic affairs officesoochow universitydate:【篇二:学位证明书中英文模版】学位证明学生***(姓名),***(性别),****年**月生。
苏州大学教务处(盖章)****年 ** 月**日academic degree certificationthis is to certify that student ***(name), ***(gender), born in*** (month), ***(year), studied a ***-year undergraduate/juniorcollege/ postgraduate course at soochow university from***(month), *** (year) to *** (month), *** (year),majoring in ****** the student has duly completed the program and graduated. abachelor/master/doctor degree of *** is hereby conferred onthe student in **(month), ****(year) through verification in accordance with the requirement of prc regulations of academic degrees. (certificate serial number:***********)academic affairs office soochow university date:【篇三:毕业证明、学位证明英文证明模板】(毕业证中文扫描件)diplomathis is to certify that 姓名, 性别, born in 出生年月 , havingstudied in the specialty of专业名称in the school of 学院(系)名称 at shandong university from入学年月to毕业年月,has completed the学制年数-year program and passed theexaminations and is qualified for graduation.university : shandong universitypresident:校长姓名date: 毕业年月diploma no: 证书编号university no:10422(学位证中文扫描件)certificate of bachelor’s degreethis is to certify that 姓名,性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the specialty of 专业名称 in the school of 学院(系)名称 at shandong university from 入学年月 to 毕业年月, has passed the examinations in the required courses for the bachelor’s degree and is hereby, in accordance with the regulations of the people’s republic of china on academic degrees, conferred the degree of bachelor of 学科名称.shandong universitychairman of the academic degreesevaluation committee: 学位评定委员会主席姓名date: 毕业年月certificate no: 证书编号。
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graduation certificate
this is to certify that liu ziyang, male, born on january 30, 1992,having specialized in the four-year undergraduate in the college of electric engineering at harbin university of science and technology from september 1, 2011 to june 1, 2015 was hereby awarded this certificate of graduation after meeting all the academic requirements.
harbin university of science and technology
president: li dayong
certificate no: 102141201505000882
date: june 1.2015
****年** 月**日
education certification
this is to certify that student*****(name), ***(gender), born in **(month), ****(year), studied a **-year undergraduate/junior college/ postgraduate course at soochow university
from**(month), ****(year) to **(month), ****(year),majoring in ******. having passed all courses stipulated in the teaching program, the above student received a graduation certificate in **(month), ****(year) .
(certificate serial number:***********)
academic affairs office
soochow university
date: year-month-day
bachelor’s degree certificate
this is to certify that ms. wang danli, born in october 1977, has studied in the department of law, xxx university with a
specialty of law from september 1996 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. in accordance with the academic degree act of the people’s republic of china, the aforesaid student is awarded the bachelor’s degree in law. xxx
chairman of
degree appraising committee of
xx university
june 30, 2000
certificate no.: 103354003888
this is to certify that ms. wang lan, born on february 29, 1980, has studied in the department of foreign
languages,xxxuniversity with a specialty of english from september 1997 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.
president of
xx university
registration no.: 298168015
date issued: june 30, 2000
graduation certificate
graduation certificate
certificate no. _____________
this is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of __________, has been majoring
in the specialty of ________________ at our
university/institute from
september ________ to july
_________. upon completion of all the courses specified by
the four-year undergraduate teaching
programme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.
university (seal)
xx july xxxx
bachelor certificate
certificate of bachelor’s degree
certificate no.:
this is to certify that , male / female, native of __________,
born on __________, has been
majoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from september_____ to
july _______. upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate
teaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualified
for graduation. in conformity with
the articles of the regulations regarding academic degrees of the people’s republic of china,
committee of degree accreditation
university (seal)
xx july xxxx