



欧洲文化入门1.What did the Roman have in common with the Greeks?And what was the chief difference between them?1)The Romans had a lot in common with the Greeks.Both peoples had traditions rooted in the idea of the citizen-assembly,hostile to monarchy and to servility.Their religions were alike enough for most of their deities to be readily identified—Greek Zeus with Roman Jupiter,Greek Aphrodite with Roman Venus,and so on—and their myths to be fused. Their languages worked in similar ways and were ultimately related, both being members of the Indo-European language family which stretches from Bangladesh to Iceland.(2)There was one big difference.The Romans built up a vast empire. The Greeks didn’t,excepted for the brief moment of Alexander’s conquests,which soon disintegrated.1.What was the Hebrew’s major contribution to world civilization?The history of the Hebrews was handed down orally from one generation to another in the form of folktales and stories,which were recorded later in the Old Testament,which still later became the first part of the Christian Bible.The Hebrews’major contribution to world civizalation wan Judasam.2.Why do we say Judaism and Christianity are closely related?⑴it was the Jewish tradition which gave birth to Christianity;⑵both originated in Palestine.1.What happened in Western Europe after the decline of the RomanEmpire?After the Roman Empire lost its predominance,a great manyGermanic Kingdoms began to grow into the nations know as England,France, Italy,and Germany in its place.These nations of Western Europe were in the scene of frequent wars and invasions.The political unity had given way to widespread destruction and confusion.Hunger and disease killed many lives and village fell into ruin and great areas of land lay waste.There was no central government to keep the order.The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church. Christianity was almost the all and the one of Medieval lives in western Europe and took lead in politics,law,art,and learning for hundreds years.2.What were the cultural characteristics of the period from500to1000?Above all,the cultural characters of this period were the heritage and achievement of Roman culture and the emergence of Hebrew and Gothic culture.1.What made Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance?Because of its geographical position,foreign trade developed early in Italy.This brought Italy into contact with other cultures and gave rise to urban economy and helped Italy accumulate wealth which was anessential factor for the flowering of art and literature.For two centuries beginning from the late15th century,Florence was the golden city which gave birth to a whole generation of poets,scholars, artists and sculptors.There was in Florence a revival of interest in classical learning and rising of humanist ideas.And to spread the new ideas,libraries and academies were founded.In the15th century printing was invented and helped to spread humanist ideas.2.What are the main elements of humanism?How are these elementsreflected in art and literature during the Italian Renaissance? Humanist is the essence of Renaissance.Humanists in renaissance believed that human beings had rights to pursue wealth and pleasure and they admires the beauty of human body.This belief ran counter to the medieval ascetical idea of poverty and stoicism,and shifted man’s interest from Christianity to humanity,from religion to philosophy,from heaven to earth,from the beauty of God to the beauty of human in all its joy,senses and feeling.The philosophy of humanism is reflected in the art and literature during the Italian Renaissance in the literature works of Boccaccio and Petrarch and in the art of Giotto,Brunelleschi,Donatello,Giorgione,daVinci,Michelangelo,Raphael,and Titian,etc.In their works they did not stress death and other world but call on man to live and work for the present.DIVISION ONE1.战争双方:1200B.C Greece(希腊)and Troy(特洛伊)The5th centry B.C colsed with civil war between Athens(雅典)and Sparta in Greece(希腊).146B.C.the Romans conquered Greece。

1.4 欧洲中世纪文化

1.4 欧洲中世纪文化

这是文艺复兴时 期的作品,首倡现实 主义和人文主义相结 合的传统,着重空间 透视和人物的坚实造 型,画面绚丽、人物 健美 。
1、由于人们的思想从长期的宗教桎梏中解放出来,发扬了勇于探索、富 有进取的精神。 2、从古希腊、古罗马的古典美术中吸取了营养。例如古希腊、古罗马的 注重生活、重视人的描写、人的创作方法,以及表现完美的人体技巧等。 3、科学的透视法的发明和油画材料、油画持法的改进。
用自己的观点阐述文艺复兴时期美术的基本特征 (300字)
1.被我发现找度娘帮忙的,0分 2.字数达不到300字,0分
《 阿 尔 诺 芬 尼 夫 妇 像 》 局 部

桑德罗·波提切 利(1445—1510 ) 是15世纪末佛罗 伦萨的著名画家 ,他画的圣母子 像非常出名。受 尼德兰肖像画的 影响,波提切利 又是意大利肖像 画的先驱者。
文艺复兴美术的现实主义方法和人文主义思想,在 创作实践上是密切结合的。人文主义强调人性崇高与身 心的全面完美,重视世俗的现实生活,反对神学权威和 封建特权。新美术创作的真实完美的人物形象和生动丰 富的现实情景,就最能体现这种思想,产生最为广泛和 强烈的反应。加以在当时具体条件下,新美术创作是较 易为广大群众和新兴资产阶级接受的文化形态,因此美 术变成文艺复兴文化最受欢迎的代表,成果也最为丰富。 文艺复兴美术作为西方近代美术的源头,它的基本风格 和表现技法构成了西方近代美术的主要传统,影响极其 深远。



中世纪(Medieval period)一词最早出现于15世纪的意大利,当时的人们普遍认为中世纪是欧洲历史上的黑暗时代,但随着研究的深入,历史学家们发现中世纪时期的欧洲在政治、经济、文化等方面都经历了独特的变迁。













欧洲文化入门--中世纪 ppt课件

欧洲文化入门--中世纪  ppt课件

Important effect on the future both the East and West.
Greatly influenced the history of Europe
Feudal lords out, kings at home strengthen themselves→help to break down feudalism→ rise of the monarchies.
Pope (罗马教皇)

Archbishops (大主教)

Bishop (主教)

Priests (神甫)
The Roman Catholic Church & Eastern Orthodox Church
The Roman Catholic Church
Wisdom (the Son) 圣子
Love (the Holy Spirit) 圣灵
a. The Organization of Church
The Catholic Church was a highly centralized
and disciplined international organization.
1. Feudalism: a system of land-holding, a
word derived from Latin “feudum”, a grant of land:封建土地所有制
a. Growth of Feudalism b. The Manor



第3章中世纪时代一、选择题1. Socrates was _____.A. the teacher of AristotleB. the student of PlatoC. the teacher of PlatoD. the student of Aristotle【答案】C【解析】苏格拉底是柏拉图的老师。

2. One of the contributions the Romans made to European culture was _____.A. the Roman empireB. the slave systemC. the production of the great epic writerD. the Roman law【答案】D【解析】罗马人对欧洲文化所做的贡献之一是罗马法律。

3. The Book of Daniel describes _____.A. the struggle of the Jews against the Syrian ruleB. the prisoners in BabylonC. the story of Noah’s ArkD. the rule of King Solomon【答案】A【解析】《丹尼尔之书》描述了犹太人为反抗叙利亚人的统治而进行的斗争。

4. The Old Testament was originally written in _____.A. HebrewB. Aramaic dialectC. GreekD. Latin【答案】A【解析】旧约原著于希伯来地区。

5. Which of the following is not included in the Code of Chivalry?A. Loyalty to his lord.B. Fighting for the church.C. Protection of the people.D. Respect for women of noble birth.【答案】C【解析】骑士精神包括:忠于领主,为教会而战,尊重身份高贵的女士。






























一、古典时期( the Classic Age, 1200 ~476 )主要是古希腊文明(the Ancient Greek Civilization)及古罗马文明(the Ancient Roman Civilization)。




二、中世纪时期(the Middle Ages, 476~1453)主要是罗马天主教的教会文化(the Church Culture),强调人的原罪(the original sin),人性受到压抑(inhibited),文化上是一泓死水(cultural backwater)。


反主流的代表人物是但丁( Alighier,Dante,l265~1321),杰作是史诗《神曲》(Divine Comedy)。

三、文艺复兴时期(the Renaissance, 15~16C)古典主义的复兴,遵循的是人文主义(Humanism),这是对中世纪经院哲学(Scholasticism)的对抗(reaction)。

代表人物有:1. 米开朗琪罗(Michelangelo Buonarroti,1475~1564):代表作有梵蒂冈教皇(Pope,pontiff)专用西斯庭小教堂(The Sistine chapel)穹顶上的壁画《创世纪》,(Genesis)以及圣坛后的壁画《最后的审判》(The Last Judgment),雕塑《大卫》(David)等。


2. 达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci,1452~1519):代表作有《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa),《最后的晚餐》,(The last Supper)。


欧洲文化入门(The Middle Ages )

欧洲文化入门(The Middle Ages )
During the Medieval times there was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church.
politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds
of years. It shaped people’s lives. That is
why the Middle Ages is also called the
“Age of Faith”.
II. Manor(庄园) and Church
1. Feudalism: a system of land-holding, a
word derived from Latin “feudum”, a grant of land:封建土地所有制
a. Growth of Feudalism b. The Manor
C. Knighthood & Code of Chivalry
Serf :农奴 Fiefs:封地(采邑) Vassals:诸侯(封臣)
Code of Chivalry骑士的信条
A. be pledged to protect the weak
B. fight for the church C. be loyal to his lord D. respect women of noble birth
3. The Crusades (十字军东征)

The Effect
Important effect on the future both the East and West.

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture3 The Middle Ages[精]

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture3 The Middle Ages[精]

b) Church Fathers and Early Monasticism
St. Jerome
Augustine of Hippo
St. Benedict Benedictine Rule
After a knight was successful in his trained and tournaments, there was always a special ceremony (选择) to award him with a title, knight. This special ceremony is called dubbing.
very few peasants were freemen---workers (made ploughs, shod the horses, and made harnnesses) In 732 Charles Martel, a Frankish ruler gave his soldiers estates known as fiefs as reward for their service.
a) The organization of Church
The word “catholic” means “universal”
The Catholic Church was a highly centralized and disciplined international organization.
Medieval Castle
c) Knighthood and code of chivalry:
Almost all nobles were knights in the medieval days. But they had to experienced a long and hard training.



Medieval2010年8月29日17:55政治体系及大体历史中世纪,(MIDDLE AGES 或 MEDIEVAL)可以说是欧洲历史上最为黑暗的一段时期,约为1066AC——1400AC,直至文艺复兴期间薄弱,消失于历史。





)∙The Dark Ages - Anglo-Saxon England ( 410 AC - 1066 AC )∙The Middle Ages - 1066 - 1485封建制度最初起于英国地区,在当时最为标志性的BATTLE OF HASTINGS(黑斯停战役)后,由战胜方, William the Conqueror and the Normans建立于1066。






The PopeThe King/ MonarchNobles/LORDSKnights / VassalsFreemenYeomenServantsPeasants / Serfs / VilleinsThe Pope——教皇-作为封建时期信仰最上层,教皇在晚期封建中的权利可以说是远远高于国王及军士。


以修道院为活动中心,以从事生产劳动为主的“ 以修道院为活动中心,以从事生产劳动为主的“隐修 修会” 修会” 以行乞为活动方式,以思想为武器, 以行乞为活动方式,以思想为武器,目的是消灭异端 托钵修会” 包括方济各会、多明我会) 的“托钵修会”(包括方济各会、多明我会) 以外出传教为主的“传教修会”(主要有耶稣会、圣 以外出传教为主的“传教修会” 主要有耶稣会、 母圣心会、巴黎外方传教会和圣言会等) 母圣济方面:大地产制度 意识形态方面:基督教 政治和法律方面:罗马法
3、日耳曼人:一种全新的气质 、日耳曼人:
日耳曼人对中世纪的发展作出重要的贡献主 要有两个方面:
一是它的习惯法体系 一是它特有的奴隶形态
二、教会文化 教会文化
1、欧洲的基督教化 、 2、修道生活与修会 、
天主教修会大致可分为下面几个类型: 天主教修会大致可分为下面几个类型:
2、中世纪大学的兴起 、
11世纪末,在工商业发达的意大利出现了最 早的世俗大学——萨勒诺大学和博洛尼亚大 学。 12世纪,又相继出现了法国的巴黎大学、英 国的牛津大学。 13世纪后,捷克的布拉格大学、奥地利的维 也纳大学、英国的剑桥大学、德国的海德堡 大学、法国的奥尔良大学、西班牙的帕伦西 大学及葡萄牙的里斯本大学均已成立。
1、庄园存在的基本前提: 、庄园存在的基本前提:
庄园的维持主要需要有足够的土地 庄园的维持主要需要有足够的土地 庄园存在的另一个前提是, 庄园存在的另一个前提是,它必须拥有一套使用 土地、安排工作的制度,设定律法及习惯法, 土地、安排工作的制度,设定律法及习惯法,使 多数人依赖或屈从于少数贵族。 多数人依赖或屈从于少数贵族。
大学的学习内容: 大学的学习内容:





我们要牢记文化的五分法:一、社会历史(包括政治、经济、宗教、历史) 二、哲学三、文学四、科学五、艺术(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑和音乐),以记忆每个时代的各要点为主,理解纵向的变迁为辅,后者主要的作用时帮助我们更好的记住前者。













A notable champion of early monasticism was St. Jerome, who translated into Latin both Old and New Testaments from the Hebrew and Greek originals.

The Middle Ages is also called the “Age of Faith”: ⑴During the Medieval times (中世纪) there was no central government to keep the order. ⑵The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church. 基督教会 It continued to gain widespread power and influence. ⑶In the Late Middle Ages, almost everyone in western Europe was a Christian and a member of Christian church. Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds of years. It shaped people’ s lives.
The Organization of Church

The Catholic Church was a highly centralized and disciplined international organization.



第3章中世纪时代Questions for revision:1. What happened in Western Europe after the decline of the Roman Empire? Key: After the Roman Empire lost its predominance, a great many Germanic Kingdoms began to grow into the nations know as England, France, Italy, and Germany in its place. These nations of Western Europe were in the scene of frequent wars and invasions. The political unity had given way to widespread destruction and confusion. Hunger and disease killed many lives and village fell into ruin and great areas of land lay waste. There was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church. Christianity was almost the all and the one of Medieval lives in western Europe and took lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds years.2. What were the cultural characteristics of the period from 500 to 1007.Key: Above all, the cultural characters of this period were the heritage and achievement of Roman culture and the emergence of Hebrew and Gothic culture.3. Who was Charles Martel?Key: Charles Martel was a Frankish ruler who gave his soldiers estates known as fiefs as a reward for their services in 732.4. What was the relationship between lord and vassal?Key: Lords granted parts of their lands known as fiefs to vassals. In return, the vassals promised to fight for the lords.5. Into what three groups were people divided under feudalism?Key: Under feudalism, people of their Western Europe were mainly divided into three classes: clergy, lords, and peasants.6. What was the difference between a serf and a free man?Key: A serf had no land and no freedom. He was bond to the land where he had been born. A free man was a peasant who usually was a worker who made the ploughs, shod the horses, and made harnesses for oxen and horses.7. What is the importance of the using of vernacular languages in Medieval literature?Key: In the Middle Ages, some “national epics” were written in vernacular language—the language of various national states that came into being at that period, and some monks advocated translating the Bible in vernacular. Literary works were no longer all written in Latin. It was the starting point of a gradual transition of European literature from Latin culture that was the combination of a variety of national characteristics.8. In what ways did Gothic art differ from Romanesque art?Key: (1) Although Gothic was an outgrowth of the Romanesque, it was given directions by a different aesthetic and philosophical spirit and reflected a much more ordered feudal society with full confidence.(2) Romanesque architecture is characterized by massiveness, solidity, and monumentality with an overall blocky appearance. Sculpture and painting, primary in churches, developed a wonderful unity with architecture. Both arts often are imbued with symbolism and allegory. They are not based on natural forms but use deliberate distortions for expressive impact.(3) Gothic cathedrals soared high, their windows, arched and towers reaching heavenward, flinging their passion against the sky. They were decorated with beautiful stained glass windows and sculptures more lifelike than any since ancient Rome.9. What was the merit which Charlemagne and Alfred the Great share?Key: Both Charlemagne and Alfred the Great contributed greatly to the European culture. Both of them encouraged learning by setting up monastery schools. The scholars in Alfred the Great’s monasteries translated the Latin works into the vernacular. Thus both helped preserve the ancient classics and culture.。

欧洲文化入门--中世纪 ppt课件

欧洲文化入门--中世纪  ppt课件
Roger Bacon (罗吉尔·培根)
在物理学方面,特别是对 于光学的研究 他通过实验研 究了凸透镜的放大效果以及 光的反向和折射规律,证明 了虹是太阳光照射空气中的 水珠而形成的自然现象。
Experimental Science(实验科学)
IV. Literature
National Epics –the product of the Heroic Age. Written in vernacular languages
A. Beowulf
史诗《贝奥武甫》主要描写了古叶亚特某国王的侄子,贝奥武 甫的三次英勇战绩。他初次与怪兽格兰德尔相搏,重创怪兽;继而 又与其母在水下搏击,使巨剑亦杀其母。然后载誉而归,统治国家 达50年之久。其后,一喷火伤人的巨龙出现,贝奥武甫拼其残年 余力,为民杀龙除害后死去。
查理曼建造寺院学校,鼓励、支持学者做学问,并让抄 写员抄录各种古籍书刊。由于抄写员们工作非常努力,因此, 当时的古典书籍几乎都被保存了下来。他所做出的这些贡献被 称之为“卡洛琳复兴”。在这一小规模的复兴—卡洛琳复兴中, 法兰克或日尔曼国家吸收了罗马古典文化和希伯来基督文化的 财富。
2. Alfred the Great and Wessex Center of Learning 阿尔弗雷德大帝
Augustine of Hippo
1、《忏悔录》 (The Confession)

















1. 学习目标:通过本课程的学习,学生可以了解欧洲文化的最基本知识,开阔视野,培养兴趣,促进英语学习。


2. 教学语言和方式:英语和汉语;教师课堂讲授,多媒体展示,学生小组活动。

3. 对学生的要求:要求学生能够自觉训练使用英语去了解和表达,对欧洲文化有大体的了解。




4. 课程考核包括:1、出席率+小组活动与课堂报告20%;2、笔试60%(考题以问史实为主);3、项目化教学报告成绩(20%)。

5. 课程内容及课时分配:第一讲:古希腊文化;影片观摩(四课时);第二讲:古罗马;希腊、罗马文化比较与综述(四课时);第三讲:基督教的兴起;影片观摩(三课时);第四讲:《圣经》选读;欧洲的中世纪(三课时);第五讲:文艺复兴运动;文艺复兴时期的艺术(四课时);第六讲:宗教改革;十七世纪的欧洲(三课时);第七讲:启蒙运动、新古典时期;启蒙时代与古典时期的音乐(四课时);第八讲:浪漫主义;浪漫主义时期的文学与音乐(三课时);第九讲:现实主义;影片观摩(三课时);第十讲:二十世纪的欧洲与现代主义;现代美术作品观摩(三课时);6. 教材王佐良等《欧洲文化入门》,外语教学与研究出版社,1992。



























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作业1.第1题Which one of the following statements about the Great Famineis NOT true?A.It was the worst famine in European history.B.It lasted for seven hard years.C.In cities alone, there was shortage of food supplies.D.By the time it ended, the Great Famine had wiped out 10percent to 15 percent of the entire European population.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.02.第2题Which of the following statements about Joan of Arc is NOTtrue?A.She was born in a well-to-do peasant family.B.She grew up with a strong religious belief.C.Charles refused her to accompany the army.D.She was burned at stake.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03.第3题For some Muslims, Qur’an should not be translatedbecause_____.A.it is impious to translate the very words of Allah.B.it is too difficult to translate the rhymed prose ofQur’an.C.the original meaning of Qur’an would be distorted.D.the beauty of Arabic language would be violated.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.04.第4题Which one is not the factor that led to the disintegrationof the Carolingian Empire after Charlemagne’s death?A.the regional and ethnic diversityB.the conflicts between different successors to the throneC.the destructive attacks of non-Christian invadersD.the emergence of feudalism您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.05.第5题The following statements about the English Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 are true EXCEPT ______.A.It accomplished its objectives.B.It received help from members of the noble classesC.It succeeded in showing the nobles what peasants were capable of when dissatisfied.D.It marked the beginning of the end of serfdom in medieval England.您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.06.第6题Pope Urban VI started to reform the church and wanted to abolish the following abuses, EXCEPTA.SimonyB.PluralismC.AbsenteeismD.homosexual您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.07.第7题During the Wat Tyler Rebellion, the rebels marched into London and executed the following important officials, EXCEPTA.Lord ChancellorB.Lord TreasurerC.magistrate of London, William TongeD.Archbishop of Canterbury您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.08.第8题Alcuin established ______ as the basis for education during the Carolingian renaissance.A.the Carolingian minusculeB.trivium and quadriviumC.medieval LatinD.biblical texts您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09.第9题All the following statements about the medieval commune are true EXCEPT__.mune had its own local government, its own court, its own tax-collecting agencies and its own customs.B.Some communes gained their independence by paying lords to grant it to them, while others governed alongside their lord.C.No communes battled violently for rights ofself-governance.munes in Italy gained the right not only to govern themselves but also to rule the farmland and villages around them.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.010.第10题What were the three forms of vernacular literature for town dwellers?A.epic poetry, romance poetry and dramasB.fabliaux, fables and romance poetryC.lyric poetry, epic poetry and romance poetryD.fabliaux, fables and dramas您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.011.第21题Which is the correct description of life in the Byzantine Empire?A.Peasants had a hard life due to the high tax on land.B.Scholars were skeptical of Greek tradition.C.Women were excluded from education.D.Soldiers received poor salaries.您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.012.第22题Which one is NOT the reason that Justinian is considered the first great Byzantine emperor?A.He reconquered the lost territories of the former Western Roman Empire.B.He ordered scholars to codify all Roman laws into one coherent body of law.C.He declared himself to be God’s representative on earth.D.He commissioned the construction of Hagia Sophia.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.013.第23题Which one of the following statements about the medieval universities is NOT true?A.The first university appeared in Italy.B.Bologna University was governed by a corporation of students, a pattern followed by other southern universities.C.University of Paris was dominated by a corporation of teachers, a pattern followed by other northern universities.D.A migration of scholars from Cambridge led to the establishment of the University of Oxford in England.您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.014.第24题Which of the following descriptions of pre-Islamic Arabia is not true?A.Pre-Islamic Arabia was backward and underdeveloped.B.Pre-Islamic Arabs showed no interest in sea trade.C.Mecca was one of the most important trading centers.D.Pre-Islamic Arabs would pray to their tribal gods or goddesses.您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.015.第25题In the Early Middle Ages, the Roman Church and the Eastern Church were divided over the following issues EXCEPT for ______.A.IconoclasmB.official languageC.explanation of the Holy SpiritD.baptism您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016.第26题The Council of Constance markedA.the largest religious gathering of the Late Middle Ages.B.the end of the Western Schism.C.the success in dealing with the problems of heresy.D.the success in dealing with the problems of the church reform.您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.017.第27题All the following statements about the Scholasticism are true, EXCEPTA.Some scholars tried in vain to forbid the study and teaching of Aristotle’s thoughtB.Some argued that reason alone could lead to truthC.Some argued that ultimate truth could not be discovered by reason, but was revealed to human by God in His mystical waysD.The most fruitful achievement was the attempt to harmonize faith and reason by the leading scholar St. Augustine您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.018.第28题Which form of literature was unpopular in the medieval Islamic world?A.poetryB.proseC.historyD.drama您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.019.第29题The Late Middle Ages were marked by the following features, EXCEPT?A.Plague and famine caused millions of death in Europe.B.Along with depopulation came social unrest and conflicts.C.Rivalry between feudal governments led to wars, the most violent being the Hundred Years’ War fought between Germany and Italy.D.Peasant uprisings and urban revolts broke out in many countries.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.020.第30题Which of the following statements about Papacy at Avignon is NOT true?A.The reform measures of Avignon papacy turned the papacy into a more spiritual than political institution.B.Several popes were Frenchmen, and 113 out of the 134 new cardinals created by the popes were French.C.Papal influence in England and in Germany declined.D.This period in church history is called the Babylonian Captivity.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.021.第31题Which of the following statements about ciompi is NOT true?A.They formed a ciompi guild.B.They formed a people’s militia.C.They granted political representation in the government.D.They had not lost their hold on power.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.022.第32题Which of the following statements about Byzantine classicism is true?A.The Byzantines revered ancient Greek literature, philosophy and historiography.B.The Byzantines emphasized Greek scientific and mathematical tradition.C.The Byzantines were not only imitative, but also creative in their study of Greek tradition.D.The Byzantine authors thought they could eventually surpass ancient Greek authors.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.023.第33题Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The pope was assisted by the papal curiaB.The curia was an extensive bureaucracy which contained specialized departmentsC.The curia was directed by the College of Cardinals whose members were selected by kingsD.Like kings, the popes issued laws, hired masters to collect revenues and judge cases, even declared wars您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.024.第34题Which of the following statements about the third Crusade is NOT true?A.it had a strong start, but a weak endB.Frederick drowned on the wayC.Philip quarreled with Richard and went homeD.Richard stayed longer, and took Jerusalem.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.025.第43题Which of the following statements about The Hundred Years’ War is NOT true?A.The most famous weapons were the longbow and cannon used by the English.B.Firearms played a significant role in the battles.C.Horse-riding knights became more important army force than infantry.D.Europeans relied more and more on cannon for defensive wars.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.026.第44题The Black Death struck a serious blow to the Catholic Church in the following ways, EXCEPTA.The Church failed to explain why God willed this awful punishment on His followers.B.Many clergy stuck to their Christian duties and died.C.There was a severe shortage of clergy.D.Church was unable to cure the plague victims.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.027.第45题Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The Hundred Years’ War harmed England more than France.B.The war stimulated the development of new weapons.C.The war speeded up the development of the English Parliament.D.The war promoted the growth of modern nationalism and awakened the national consciousness in the mind of their people.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.028.第48题In Early Middle Ages, Western European civilization differed from the Byzantine and Islamic Empires in the following aspects EXCEPT for _____.A.the influence from the Germanic and Romance vernacular languages.B.the unstable political situation and a lack of central powerC.the influence of ancient Greco-Roman civilizations.D.the lower level of intellectual and literary accomplishment您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.029.第49题For those who want to convert to Islam, which of the following pillars of Islam is of the utmost importance?A.reciting the Muslim statement of faith with convictionB.performing ritual prayers five times a dayC.giving money or gifts to the poor and the needyD.observing a month-long fast every year and making a pilgrimage to Mecca您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.030.第50题Which one of the following statements was NOT a factor that brought about the agricultural growth during the Central Middle Ages?A.The climate improved and the temperature was higher.B.More lands were under cultivated.C.Farming technology improved greatly.D.The food price dropped drastically.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.031.第11题All classes in universities were taught in Latin and mostly by a lecture method.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032.第12题Among the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic Empire and the Frankish Empire, only the first one received continuing influence from the Roman intellectual and legal tradition.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.033.第13题The Islamic Golden Age is a period of cultural and intellectual growth and activity that persisted throughout the Islamic world between the 8th and 13th centuries.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.034.第14题The characteristic features of the Gothic style included pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, thinner walls, large and stained-glass windows.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.035.第15题When creating their own kingdoms, the Germanic tribes rejected all Roman institutions.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.036.第16题Hagia Sophia was the perfect representation of Byzantine civilization, which is a mixture of Greek, Roman and Persian cultural elements.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037.第17题Muhammad was not only a prophet, but also a political and military leader.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038.第18题Economic hardship was undoubtedly the major cause for the Jacquerie uprising.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.039.第19题The new monarchs of late 15th century Germany, Italy and Spain laid the foundation for three of the great nation-states of modern Europe.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.040.第20题The anti-English sentiment in the course of the Hundred Years’ War resulted in a strong feeling of hatred in France.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.041.第35题Romanesque architecture was known by its massive quality, round arches, barrel vaults, thick walls, sturdy pillars, small windows, large towers and decorative arcading.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.042.第36题Romance combined features of both vernacular epic andvernacular lyric.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.043.第37题The economy of the Byzantine Empire relied primarily on agriculture.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.044.第38题During the 12th and 13th centuries, Romanesque style gradually took the place of Gothic style in architecture.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.045.第39题In his incomplete Summa of Theology, Thomas Aquinas sought to reconcile systematically Christian doctrine and Greek philosophy.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.046.第40题The Roman Empire was the first true superpower in human history.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.047.第41题Joan’s intervention marked the turning point in the Hundred Years’ War.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.048.第42题From the Norman Conquest until the 14th century, French was the preferred language of the English crown and aristocracy, but after 1400 English gradually replaced French as the language of law courts and administration.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.049.第46题The official language of Byzantine Empire was Latin.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.050.第47题Charlemagne was the greatest Frankish king, who founded the first empire in Western Europe after the fall of Rome.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0作业总得分:82.0作业总批注:。
