
is dealing with challenges such
In New York City, people walk by a mural by a Brazilian graffiti artist.
as overcrowding? Why or why not?
1. What are some of the problems that modern cities face? How can cities solve these problems?
2. Would you move to a city that is dealing with challenges such as overcrowding? Why or why not?
Example Answer 2 I would not move to a city that is facing problems such as overcrowding because I dislike the noise, pollution, and crime that are a part of city life. I prefer to live outside of a big city.
Book 4
1 Unit
Urban Challenges
Think and Discuss Exploring the Theme Analytical Listening Sharing Your Ideas Viewing the World Engaging Further Listening
Exploring theangkok: the capital city of Thailand. It is the largest city in Thailand, and it is also a major port and economic center. Its name in the Thai language is Krung Thep which means “city of angels”. 曼谷(泰国首都)

Unit 1Book 2Energy and Our PlanetUnit 1 Energy and Our PlanetF urther ListeningListening 1This coal-fueled power plant issending carbon into the atmosphere.Listening 1A | Read the statements. Then listen to a talk about global warming and check (√) any ideas that are NOT part of the talk.☐Our use of fossil fuels has increased.☐The earth receives less sunlight because of air pollution.☐A very much higher average temperature leads to climate change and changes to the weather.☐Climate change is being driven by both natural and human-made forces.☐New reserves of fossil fuels will be hard to find.☐We need to produce more alternative energy.☐We can personally try to conserve energy.☐Changes in the way of life in rapidly developing countries will make a big impact on the world’s greenhouse gases.√√√√√Listening 1B | Read the statements. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.1.Our demand for fossil fuels like _______ and ____________is growing.2.Burning fossil fuels puts __________ into the air.3.When there is more heat in the earth’s atmosphere,__________________________ increases.4.Climate change can have _______________________ onpeople’s lives.5.People are starting to __________________ by trying to useless fuel.oil natural gas carbon the average temperature a negative impact conserve energyListening 1Our demand for fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas is growing. This growing need for energy causes us to burn more and more fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels such as coal puts carbon into the air. Carbon dioxide, or CO2, and other gases reduce the amount of heat that goes out into space. When less heat goes out into space, it means that more heat stays in the earth’s atmosphere. When more heat stays in the earth’s atmosphere, the average temperature increases, making it warmer.To be continued >>>Listening 1A significantly higher average temperature leads to climate change and changes to the weather. Climate change can have a negative impact on people’s lives. For example, climate change can make it difficult to grow food in some places. People are starting to conserve energy by making changes that cause them to use less fuel. For example, people are buying smaller cars. Smaller cars are more efficient because they use less gas and oil.Listening 2Yoho National Park, British Columbia, CanadaListening 2A | Read the statements. Then listen to a talk about energy andenvironment and check (√) the main idea you hear.☐Global warming is inevitable. Little can be done about it.☐Global warming is having a negative impact on our environment. There could be quick switches to lessen theeffects of global warming.☐Stopping global warming requires urgent, unheard-of international cooperation. It is too big a job for us.√☐Global warming poses a threat to our environment. There could be some practical ways we can help protect theenvironment.Listening 2B | Read the statements. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.1.Cut back on ___________ by using public transportation orwalking more often.2.Shop at _____________ close to your home.3.Turn off _______________________ once you are not usingthem.4.Replace ________________________ with new, efficientmodels.5._______________ the electricity and gas you use.driving local stores lights and electronics your old appliances Keep track ofListening 2B | Read the statements. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.6._______________________ for your energy use each month using your energy journal.7.___________________________ your lifestyle to reduce the amount of energy you use.Set a lower target Make small changes toListening 2Scientists believe that the earth’s temperature is increasing. Theybelieve this increase in temperature is having a negative impacton our environment. You might think that protecting the planet istoo big a job for you, but it isn’t. There are many small andpractical ways you can conserve energy and help protect theenvironment. Here are some helpful tips.Cut back on driving by taking public transportation or walkingmore often. You will save a lot of gas if you drive to work two orthree days a week instead of five! Shop at local stores close toyour home.To be continued >>>Listening 2You will drive less, so you can spend less money on gas and more money on food. Turn off lights and electronics whenyou aren’t using them so you don’t waste electricity. Replace your old appliances like refrigerators and dishwashers with new, efficient models. Old appliances consume more energy than new ones. Keep track of the electricity and gas you use and how you use it. Write down the different activities you do that use gas or electricity and how often you do them in an energy journal.To be continued >>>Listening 2Use your energy journal to help you set a lower target for your energy use each month. For example, if your energy bill is $100 one month, try lowering your bill to $80, or by 20 percent the next month. Try to reduce the amount of energy you use by making gradual changes to your lifestyle. You will see that making small changes each month can have a big impact on the amount of energy you use—and help protect our beautiful planet!Listening 3 Dictation.Listen to some ideas about energy saving and write down what you hear. Altogether the ideas will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the ideas will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.A woman is drying her dishes byhand.Listening 31. Don’t waste energy drying your dishes in the dishwasher. Dry them by hand instead of using energy by drying them in the dishwasher.2. Cut back on your use of hot water. Take a five-minute shower, or use only four inches (10 centimeters) of water in your bath.3. Keep track of your electric bills. Make a chart of how much energy you use, and watch the numbers go down every month.4. Recycle all of your cans, bottles, and paper. Recycled materials consume much less energy than new materials.5. Unplug computers, printers, TVs, and cell phone chargers when you aren’t using them. They use electricity even when they are turned off—up to eight percent of your electric bill!Thank You!Unit 2 Book 2Culture and TraditionF urther ListeningUnit 2Culture and TraditionF urther ListeningListening 1A cowboy working on a cattle driveA | Read the questions. Then listen to a talk about cowboy life and culture and answer the questions.1.What was the job of cowboys in the 1800s?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. How long did cowboys generally work in a year ?____________________________________________________________________________________________Listening 1The job of cowboys in the 1800s was tomove the cattle in Texas to a railroad townin big cattle drives.Cowboys generally worked for four months.B|Read the statements. Then listen again and check (✔) T for trueor F for false.Listening 11. Many cowboys could take more than3,000 cattle to a railroad town.2. The average cowboys were old.3. Cowboys would sing to the cattle to keepthem quiet.4. Cowboys earn little money, so fewerpeople want to work as cowboys now.5. Cowboy culture is being preserved bymany people.T F ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐Listening 1Answer Keys1. F (Only 10 cowboys could take more than 3,000 cattle toa railroad town.)2. F (24 years old.)3. T4. T5. TListening 1In the 1800s, cowboys worked with cattle all across the western region of the United States. An important factor in the cowboys’ work was the railroad. Most cattle were in Texas, but the railroadwas more than 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) away. Cowboysmoved the cattle there in big cattle drives. Experts estimate that in a cattle drive, only 10 cowboys could take more than 3,000 cattle to a railroad town. Cowboys typically worked for about four months, and received all their pay at the end. Then they spent it very quickly in the town. The average cowboy was only 24 years old. Working alone with their cattle, cowboys developed some very interesting customs. For example, at night, some cowboys would sing to the cattle to keep them quiet. Some traditional American songs came from these singing cowboys. Cowboys have not disappearedTo be continued >>>Listening 1completely, but there are not nearly as many as there were in the past. One reason for this is very few young people want to workso hard for so little money, so the cowboys’ way of life is endangered. Although the number of actual cowboys has decreased, there are many people who help preserve aspects of the cowboy culture. For example, cowboy hats and boots are very popular, especially in the western part of the United States, and many places still have rodeos.Listening 2At a charreada in Mexico, cowboys called “charros” compete in teams.A |Read the questions. Then listen to a conversation between students and their professor and answer the questions.Listening 21.Which country has the first real cowboys?______________________________________________2.Are there still cowboys in that country? Are all the cowboys the same in that country?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mexico has the world’s first real cowboys.There are still cowboys in Mexico, but they’re not all the same. There are charros, who ride their horses in contests, so it’s mostly a sport or hobby for them. There are also vaqueros, who work with cattle every day, so for them being a cowboy is their work.B | Listen again and complete the chart.Listening 2Charros• They _________________ in contests called charreadas .• They do it as a __________________ .• For them, it is mostly ____________________.To be continued >>>ride their horses hobby a sport or a hobby.Listening 2Vaqueros• They ___________________ every day.• They do it as a _______________________ .• For them, it is _________________________.B | Listen again and complete the chart.work with cattle job their workListening 2Emily: You said that Mexico had the first real cowboys. Are there still cowboys today?Professor Daley: Yes, there are. They’re workers who live with the cattle and take care of them. Some ranches are very large and cattle need to be moved from place to place, so yes, there are still cowboys.Li: You also talked about two kinds of cowboys in Mexico. Could you explain that?Professor Daley: Sure. The most famous cowboys in Mexico are the charros. They ride their horses in contests called charreadas.The other kind of cowboys are the vaqueros—the ones whowork with cattle every day.To be continued >>>Listening 2Li: I still don’t understand.Professor Daley: Let me explain. Some Mexican cowboys do it asa hobby, and others do it as a job. For the charros, it’s mostly asport, or a hobby. For the vaqueros, it’s their work.Li: So, what you mean is that Manuel Rodriguez is a vaquero, and not a charro.Professor Daley: Exactly!Emily: Do you mean that charros aren’t really cowboys? Professor Daley: No, charros are a part of the tradition, but many of them don’t do it as actual work. What I mean is, they arecowboys—but it isn’t a job.Listening 3 Dictation.Listen to a passage aboutbagpipes and write down what you Array hear. Altogether the passage will beread to you four times. During thefirst reading, which will be done atnormal speed, listen and try tounderstand the meaning. For thesecond and third readings, the passagewill be read sentence by sentence, orphrase by phrase, with intervals of 15seconds. The last reading will be doneat normal speed again and during thistime you should check your work.Listening 3Bagpipes are a very old musical instrument. They have a bag that holds air, and one or more small pipes that make the notes of the music. The player blows air into the bag, and then the air comes out slowly through the pipes to make the sound. There are holes in the pipes that the player covers with his or her fingers to play different notes.Bagpipes have a long history. Musicians in ancient Rome played a similar instrument with an airbag and pipes. Today, the most famous bagpipes are in Scotland and Ireland, but there are many different instruments like this in different regions of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.Thank You!Unit 3Book 2A Thirsty WorldUnit 3 A Thirsty WorldF urther ListeningListening 1A | Read the statements. Then listen to a talk about Australia’s water and check (✔) T for true or F for false.1. The rain stopped in some areas in Australiaseveral years ago and it became a crisis forthese areas.2. Some children have never seen rain in theirwhole lives in Australia.3. The government made rules to allocate waterfor domestic uses.4. Australians’ main use of water is for industry.5. Rain is the only source of water for farming inAustralia.Listening 1T F ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐Listening 1Answer Keys1. T2. T3. T4. F (Australians’ main use of water is for agriculture.)5. F (Farmers use water from rivers and undergroundreservoirs for farming.)B |Read the sentences. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.Listening 11. Australia is considered to be one of the _____________ continents in the world, and water is very _____________ in many regions.2. Years ago, many parts of the country experienced a_____________—a time of extremely dry _____________.3. The government made rules about use of water for things such as gardens, swimming pools, and _____________.4. Farms produce rice, grapes, oranges, _____________, and many other foods, and these _____________ a lot of water.driestscarcedrought showers cattle require To be continued >>>weatherB |Read the sentences. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.Listening 15. Some parts of Australia have had more _____________amounts of rain recently, while in many other places there, the _____________ continues.6. Other countries may also face urgent _____________ aboutwater use like Australia has.normal crisis decisionsListening 1Water is important in any country, but in Australia, it is the most important resource. Australia is one of the driest continents in the world, and water is very scarce in many regions. The normalamount of rain in some places is only one inch (25 millimeters) peryear.Several years ago, the rain stopped falling in Australia, and manyparts of the country soon experienced a drought—a time ofextremely dry weather. Children in some towns have never seen rainin their whole lives.It was a crisis for the entire country, and many people were veryworried. The government had to decide how to allocate water fordifferent uses. Rules were made about domestic use of water forthings such as gardens, swimming pools, and showers.To be continued >>>Listening 1Some water is also needed for industry because the country makes cars, ships, and machines. But Australians’ main use of water is for agriculture. Farms produce rice, grapes, oranges, cattle, and many other foods, and these require a lot of water. Instead of rain, Australia uses water from rivers and underground reservoirs for farming.Some parts of Australia have had more normal amounts of rain recently, but in many places there, the crisis continues. And with the earth’s climate getting hotter, other countries will face urgent decisions about water use like Australia has.luxury n. 奢侈品plumbing n. (建筑物内的)管道系统haul v. 拖,拉merry-go-round n. (供儿童玩耍的)旋转木马spin v. (使)快速旋转Patricia Molope 帕特里夏·莫洛普(人名)exhaustinga. 使人筋疲力竭的chore n. 家庭杂务Listening 2Listening 2A |Read the questions and answer choices. Then listen to a talk about PlayPumps and choose the correct answers.Listening 21. What was the traditional way for some rural Africans toget clean water?a. They asked a taxi driver to carry water for them.b. They pumped water from the well in their village.c. They walked to a far-off well to carry water back.2. Who would do the traditional chore of carrying water?a. Women and girls.b. Men and boys.c. Boys and girls.c aB | Read the questions. Then listen again and answer the questions.Listening 21. How heavy are the traditional water containers the people were using? And how far did they have to go to get water?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What may be the main parts of a PlayPump?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The traditional water containers weigh about 40pounds (18 kilograms), and people walked eightkilometers to get the water.One main part is the merry-go-round part thatchildren turn. It operates a pump underground. Another main part might be a large tank where the water is stored.B | Read the questions. Then listen again and answer the questions.Listening 23. Why have the PlayPump locations become a center of social activity?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The PlayPump locations have become a center of social activity because children can play there and adults can gather while they collect the water.Listening 2In rural Africa, clean water is a luxury. Many small villages in Africa don’t have access to clean water. Most people don’t have plumbing in their homes. Instead, they often must walk longdistances to wells and haul heavy containers of water back.Traditionally, people must walk eight kilometers to get water, and carry very heavy containers that weigh about 40 pounds (18 kilograms).A new invention called the PlayPump is changing life in manyvillages. It uses a children’s toy called a merry-go-round toprovide clean water. As the merrygo-round spins, it pumps cleanwater up from deep underground and stores it in a huge tank.People are welcome to come and help themselves to the water.To be continued >>>Listening 2Patricia Molope, 17, explains that before her South African village got a PlayPump, people would pay a taxi driver to take them to afar-off well. “Sometimes the taxi drivers were busy, and we wouldhave to go without bathing in order to save our water. It was too far to walk there. But now we have our own clean water in our village, and life is better.”The exhausting chore of carrying water traditionally falls to womenand girls. Hauling water for miles—and hours—each day is such abig job, it sometimes prevents girls from being able to attend school. Thanks to the PlayPump, getting water is quick and easy—and even boys join in. The pumps have become a center of social activity where kids and adults gather to visit while collecting water.。

Unit 1
Living for Work
urther Listening
Further Listening
Listening 1
A | Read the statements and answer choices. Then listen to a talk about Tim Samaras and choose the correct word or phrase to complete each statement.
Further Listening
Listening 2
Answer Keys 1. T 2. F (Students here don’t have to take both subjects. They can
take one or the other and still graduate.) 3. F (I believe they do respect me.)
shot he wants.
a. Few
b. Some
c. Many
5. Samaras _c_____ what it looks and feels like inside a tornado.
a. keeps trying to record b. failed to record c. succeeded in recording
3. Taking a photograph of the moment lightning starts is ___a___.
a. very difficult b. not so hard c. very easy
Further Listening
国际交流英语视听说B1U7--Further Listening 参考答案

After Listening
Listening 1
A | Discussion. Form a group with two or three other students. Discuss the questions. 1. Which piece of art from the slide show is the most
Listening 1
A | Note-Taking. Montreal, Canada Location: ____________________________ Type of art: snow sculpture
Importance: 1. temporary art often outdoors brings people together 2. _______________________ Reason art is temporary: sunny day; snow will melt
Listening 1
2. Which piece of art do you think will probably last the longest?
Example Answers The chalk art will probably last the longest. The sand art will be gone in a day, and the snow dragon will melt in a day or two. The chalk drawing will slowly get harder to see, but I think it will last at least a few days.

c 5. What is the population of Venice today?
a. Around 120,000. b. Around 80,000. c. Around 60,000.
b 6. What did the lecturer say about the unemployment rate in
国际交流英语视听说第4册unit1网上 作业答案
Art and Music
1. How many large cities in the world can you think of? Try to list the names as many as you can.
Example Answers Shanghai, China; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Toronto, Canada; Tokyo, Japan; Seoul, South Korea, London, Britain; Istanbul, Turkey; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Lagos, Nigeria, etc.
Listening 2
1. What aspects of Singapore do you think will be talked about in the conversation?
Example Answers In the conversation, they will probably mention Lee Kuan Yew, the Merlion, and perhaps the crowded, urban nature of Singapore.
b 1. How many tourists visited Venice in one holiday
国际交流英语视听说B1U6--Further Listening 参考答案

Listening 1
1. Spacesuits give astronauts air and _____. a. cold temperatures b. light c. air pressure C 2. The astronauts will eat _____ small meals every day on the space station. a. three b. four c. five a 3. To get more sleep, the astronauts can _____. a. cover windows b. take medicine c. drink warm tea 4. Astronauts need to get a lot of exercise so that they don’t b become _____. a. heavy and slow b. thin and weak c. tired and bored
2. Refracting (use: lenses)
Size of lenses in Yerkes telescope: ______ 40 inches Observatory in 1892: 1. in the ___________ country 2. on a hill
Unit 6
Before Viewing
Example Answers solar system: the sun and all the planets and other objects that orbit it
probes: unmanned spacecraft that gather information and send it back to Earth

Unit 5 Treasures from the Past
Further Listening
Listening 1
A| Answer Keys 1. b 2. c 3. c
B| Answer Keys 1. T 2. F (The number has actually grown.) 3. F (They seem to find it appealing.) 4. F (James Joyce is one of the most respected modern
meeting after class at: __________
Listening 3
Ancient Egyptians knew that death was inevitable—all living things eventually die— but in an attempt to make the afterlife as comfortable as possible, mummies were accompanied by things they would need in the future. The items buried with ancient Egyptians represented important aspects of their daily lives— everything from furniture to cooking oil. They believed that in the afterlife, these items became real and useful to the dead person. That idea may not seem rational nowadays, but ancient Egyptians didn’t distinguish between human needs before and after death. They even mummified pieces of meat to represent the food the dead person would need.

国际交流英语视听说2答案U11、72.I really don’t know how to thank you , but for your help, I ()my lost necklace.[单选题] *A.couldn’t have found(正确答案)B.mustn’t have foundC.couldn’t findD.wouldn’t find2、Mrs. Black is on her way to England. She will _______ in London on Sunday afternoon. [单选题] *A. reachB. attendC. arrive(正确答案)D. get3、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_____. [单选题] *A.in advanceB.in vainC.in return(正确答案)D.in turn4、All he _______ was a coat. [单选题] *A. had on(正确答案)B. had toC. had a restD. had a good time5、24.I often ask my English teacher some questions ________ e-mail. [单选题] *A.by(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with6、53.On your way home, you can buy some fruit, meat, vegetables and ________. [单选题] * A.something else(正确答案)B.else somethingC.everything elseD.else everything7、Do not _______ me to help you unless you work harder. [单选题] *A. expect(正确答案)B. hopeC. dependD. think8、43.How much did you ________ the man for the TV? [单选题] *A.pay(正确答案)B.takeC.spendD.buy9、You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder, ____ you won’t pass the course. [单选题] *A. andB. soC. butD. or(正确答案)10、We are living in an age()many things are done by computer. [单选题] *A. thatB. whichC. whyD. when(正确答案)11、67.—What can I do for you?—I'm looking at that dress.It looks nice.May I ________?[单选题] *A.hold it onB.try it on(正确答案)C.take it offD.get it off12、If you had told me earlier, I _____ to meet you at the hotel. [单选题] *A. had comeB. will have comeC. would comeD. would have come(正确答案)13、19._______ will the film Country Road last? [单选题] *A.How farB.How oftenC.How soonD.How long(正确答案)14、There is a bank ______ the street. [单选题] *A. on the end ofB. in the end ofC. at the end of(正确答案)D. by the end of15、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] *A.too much(正确答案)B.much tooC.too manyD.many too16、18.Monica wants to be a _______. She is good at sports and she loves teaching others. [单选题] *A.coach(正确答案)B.secretaryC.architectD.waiter17、( ) My mother told me _____ in bed. [单选题] *A. not readB. not readingC. don’t readD. not to read(正确答案)18、The story has _______ a lot of students in our class. [单选题] *A. attracted(正确答案)B. attackedC. appearedD. argued19、I've never been to Africa, but that is the place(). [单选题] *A. where I most want to visitB. in which I most want to visitC. I most want to visit(正确答案)D. that I want to visit it most20、The notice put _______ on the wall says “No Smoking”. [单选题] *A. up(正确答案)B. offC. awayD. out21、Though the _____ drama is wonderful, I guess most audiences will be tired as it is too long. [单选题] *A. four-hour(正确答案)B. four hoursC. four-hoursD. four-hour's22、It’s raining outside. Take an _______ with you. [单选题] *A. cashB. life ringC. cameraD. umbrella(正确答案)23、What did you _______ at the meeting yesterday? [单选题] *A. speakB. tellC. say(正确答案)D. talk24、56.Sam is in a hurry. Maybe he has got ________ important to do. [单选题] *A.everythingB.nothingC.anythingD.something(正确答案)25、33.Body language is even___________ and ___________ than any other language. [单选题] *A.stronger, loudB.strong, louderC.strong, loudD.stronger, louder (正确答案)26、His sister ______ the chess club.()[单选题] *A. want to joinB. want joiningC. wants to join(正确答案)D. wants joining27、Actually, we don't know whether this news comes from a reliable()or not. [单选题] *A. source(正确答案)B. originC. basisD. base28、Which animal do you like _______, a cat, a dog or a bird? [单选题] *A. very muchB. best(正确答案)C. betterD. well29、Chinese is one of ____ most widely used languages in ____ world. [单选题] *A. a, theB. /, theC. the, the(正确答案)D. a, /30、It’s so nice to hear from her again. ______, we last met more than thirty year ago [单选题] *A. What ‘s wordB. That’s to sayC. Go aheadD. Believe it or not(正确答案)。

Emotions and Personality
Exploring the Theme
Emotions and Personality
Malawi: a country in the southeast of Africa. It is one of the world’s least developed countries. 马拉维(非洲东南部国家)
Think and Discuss
Example Answers
3. What is the attitude toward psychologists and psychotherapy in China?
There are, or course, many different attitudes toward psychologists and psychotherapy in China. Some people have a negative attitude toward them. They might think that people with poor mental health just need to be strong and carry on. But as Chinese society has undergone major changes in recent decades, other people have realized the importance of good mental health, and they think that psychologists and psychotherapy are an important part of the Chinese healthcare system.

国际交流英语视听说答案【篇一:国际交流英语视听说4 u2 听力原文及翻译】ss=txt>tour guide: ok, everyone, here’s our next exhibit. do you see the body of the little bird in that bottle? that is a dusky seaside sparrow. it was an old male that died on june 16, 1987. it’s kind of sad because he was the very last dusky seaside sparrow i n the world. they’re now extinct. yes, you have a question?male: do you know why they became extinct?tour guide: basically, they lost their habitat. see, the dusky seaside sparrow lived only in one place—on merritt island in florida. the island had a lot of mosquitoes and wetlands. the people on merritt island used chemicals to kill the mosquitoes. tour guide: those chemicals were also very harmful to the sparrows, and many died. in addition, the people on merritt island tried to control and exploit the wetlands. as they altered them, the wetlands were no longer a good habitat for the sparrows. the birds died one by one until there weren’t any left. female: so, if people were to blame, can’t we make sure something like that never happens again?tour g uide: we’re trying. the situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear. we need to protect endangered animals. however, it’s a better strategy to protect the animals andtheir habitats, too. after all, if an animal’s habitat is destr oyed, the animal will likely become extinct.tour guide: we’re trying. the situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear. we need to protect endangered animals. however, it’s a better strategy to protect the animals andtheir habita ts, too. after all, if an animal’s habitat is destroyed, the animal will likely become extinct. that’s why the endangered species act, which was passed in the united states in 1973, protects both endangered animals and their habitats. for example, the steelhead trout lives in rivers and streams on the west coast of the united states—the columbia river in washington state for instance. recently, both the fish and the river came under the protection of the endangered species act.male: but how can we protect large areas such as rivers and forests? no one—not even the government—can afford to buy or control all the land that endangered species live on.tour guide: good point. in fact, that’s what makes the endangered species act difficult to fully enforce. t here’s an ongoing conflict between some landowners and the government. take the case of the gray wolf, for instance. at one time, the wolves were common all over north america, but by the 1930s they were nearly all killed. then in 1973, the wolves came under the protection of the endangered species act, along with huge areas of land—in wyoming and idaho, for example. this angered ranchers. they think they should have the right to shoot wolves that threaten their sheep and cows.tour guide: so, landowners may understand the need for the protection of endangered species, but it’s understandable that they might also feel that the endangered species act violates their rights. yes?female: is the law working? i mean, what is the status of endangered species today in the unitedstates?tour guide: unfortunately, the situation of threatened and endangered animals is worse now than in 1973, even with the endangered species act in place. reports on topics such as habitat loss, deforestation, and overfishing show that the situation for many species is far worse now than it was in 1973. let me be more specific. right now over 1,300 species in the united states are listed as endangered or threatened.tour guide: and, it’s important to keep in mind that not many species are ever taken off the list. since 1973, in fact, only around 39 species have been removed from the endangered species list. but that number doesn’t indicate the complete story. what’s significant about that number is that only 14 species were removed because they had actually recovered. nine species became extinct, and the others were removed from the list after scientists found evidence that listing the species had been a mistake in the first place. meanwhile, another 300 species may soon be added to the list, including a plant, the las vegas buckwheat, and an insect, the miami blue butterfly. so, you see, even with the endangered species act in place, we’re not making as much progress as we would like.any more questions? ok, let’s move on to the next exhibit. this way, please.导游:好吧,各位,这是我们的下一个展览。

Art and Music
A view of Los Angeles, California, a smoggy city in the United States
Art and Music
Cars fill the streets of Bangkok, Thailand. As cities get larger, new challenges such as traffic jams become important issues.
Exploring the Theme
Art and Music
Bangkok: the capital city of Thailand. It is the largest city in Thailand, and it is also a major port and economic center. Its name in the Thai language is Krung Thep which means “city of angels”. 曼谷(泰国首都)
2. Would you move to a city that is dealing with challenges such as overcrowding? Why or why not?
Example Answer 1 I would move to a city that is facing problems such as overcrowding if this city can provide the best opportunities for good employment as well as good amenities such as restaurants and shopping.

year? a. 2 million U.S. dollars. b. 20 million U.S. dollars. c. 2 billion U.S. dollars.
2. Higher prices for food
3. Many Venetirent
related to ___t_o_u_r_i_s_m__.
3. Higher ___________ in tourist
areas housing
4. Bad ___________ problem
of tourism.
Problems of Tourism
Benefits of Tourism
1. City servicesc_a_n__’t_h__a_n_d_l_e_s_o_ ____m_a_n__y_p_e__o_p_le
1. Generatesr_e_v_e_n_u_e_____ 2. Money helps city r_e_s_t_o_r_a_t_io__n_.
Art and Music
2. Why are millions of people leaving the countryside and moving into crowded cities?
Example Answers Millions of people are leaving the countryside and moving into crowded cities mainly for economic reasons. There are more jobs in cities than in the countryside.

Further Listening
Unit 4 Housing
Listening 1
A | Listen to a talk about straw houses and choose the main idea of the talk.
a. Builder Michael Furbish uses straw to make buildings.
√b. A straw house is another way to “go green”.
c. Straw bales are used to build houses and schools.
Listening 1
1. Why is straw a better material to build a house than wood?
Answer Keys Furbish used about 900 straw bales for his family’s house. His company used about 4,000 bales to build an elementary school in Maryland.
Listening 2
Answer Keys Baja California has coasts on the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez, so tourists can enjoy sea life such as dolphins, whales, and unusual fish. Its beautiful mountains and deserts are also excellent for hiking and sightseeing.

国际交流英语视听说下册答案1.in order to strengthen his arguments, Toffler respectable social scientists who agree with him.a. quotesb. confirmsc.recitesd. convinces2.he could scarcely resist taking another drink of the delicious wine, but remembering the doctor’s advice, hea. refrainedb. withdrewc. avoidedd. retreated3. when people have their basic needs satisfied ,they begin to think of other things to fulfill their life .a. necessitiesb. requirementsc. appreciationsd. expectations4.within seconds ,the experienced instructor the situation and decided to attempt rescue.a/ assumed b.assured c. assessed d. affirmed5. most good writers use every means at their to make the reader’s way smooth and easy.a. willb. disposalc. requestd. convenience6.the new apartment house built a few months ago is largeenough to over two hundred people.a. accommodateb. locatec. settled. reside7.A river through the narrow wooded valley below.a. poursb. twistsc. expendsd. expands8.to use a Chinese saying, this is ‘’a punishment which they well‘’a. desertb.deservec. reserved. preserve9.the captain of the ship the passengers that there was no danger.a. securedb. ensuredc. assuredd. guaranteed10.the growth of cities and suburbs throughout the region has the residents to build houses wherever they could find open land.a. convertedb.appealedc. justifiedd. encouraged1.the kitchen was small and so that the disabled womancould reach everything without difficulty.a. completeb. complexc. composited. compact2.his authority and make him an excellent teacher.a. self-consciousnessb. self-confidencec. self-centerednessd.self-regard3.being both spoilt and lazy he everyone else for his lack of success.a. accusedb.chargedc. criticizedd. blamed4.when I learned thati had passed the exam, I felt and relaxed.a.carelessb. trouble-freec. negligentd. care-free5.A very large cat was watching us intently from the top of a car.a. movelessb. stationeryc. motionlessd. stationary6.this is the piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.a. actualb. realc. genuined. contemporary7.your usual teacher has lost his voice and I am taking his place today.a. neverthelessb.howeverc. moreoverd. accordingly8.A woman is needed to take care of two small children.a. confidentb. reliablec. trustyd. faithful9.i have had a of misfortunes.a.continuationb. repetitionc. continuityd. succession10.he had an habit of emptying ash trays out of his upstairs window onto our doorstep.a. objectionableb.afflictingc. uneducatedd. offending11.the music aroused a felling of homesickness in him.a. intenseb. hopelessc. intensived. sad12.the jury him of having committed the robbery and he was then sentenced to five years’ imprisonment.a. accusedb.chargedc.convictedd. acquitted13.the book proved to be very unreliable and so was quite to him in his research.a. unimportantb. disused/doc/0a14260257.html,elessd.unusable14.the plan was when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.a.resignedb. abandonedc. releasedd. redeemed15.the blow at the end of round three knocked the champion .a. insensitiveb.stupefiedc. senselessd. nonsensical1/ the roman empire under pressure form uncivilized northern tribes.a.trembledb. crumbledc. hurdledd. smashed2/ the police are a war against crime in the city.a. committingb.breakingc. undertaking .d. waging3/ the sign was no longer legible because much of the lettering had .a. worn downb. worn on c, worn away d. worn out4/ they whether an international loan was possible.a. dissolvedb. disputedc. dissentedd. distorted5/ he is always his knowledge in public.a. airingb.praisingc. assumingd. retorting6/ flwers are blloming in scarlet profusion on the of the rice-fields.a. spacesb. clearingsc. marginsd. vacuums7/ the young soldier’s hearing was after the explosion.a. strengthenedb.trappedc. manipulatedd.impaired8/ black death was in England in the summer of 1348 withoutany warning and,most importantly,without any cure.a. currentb. circulatingc. prevailingd. univerasal9/the good news is that as long as people infected with hiv keep taking the triple-drug ,they have an excellent chance of surviving the infection for a long time.a. antigenb. cocktailc. microbed. therapy10/ because it has long been known that hiv kills cd4 cells when it replicates inside them ,many researchers have been too ready to that this is the reason they all die.a. discoverb. assumec. retortd. pronounce1/ all this conversation the action of the play.a. speeds upb. slows downc.puts upd. puts down2/ student nurses should not be left alone hospital wards.a. in charge ofb. on dutyc. under the care ofd. in responsibility of3/ he the level of unemployment in china.a. concernsb.has concernedc.is concerning aboutd. is concerned about 4/ the tax cuts are good news for the rich, but the poor again.a. lose onb. lose downc.lose outd. lose up5/ computer software some 70 percent of our range of products.a. accounts forb. accounts outc. counts ond. counts for6/ for most wto members, the negotiations under the old gatt system.a. took placeb. took upc. went upd. put up7/when wto rules discipline countries’policies, that is the outcome ofnegotiations among wto members.a. send….onb. take…onc. impose….ond. hold…..on8/ luxury was his nature.a. alien tob. good toc. one ofd. up with9/ it is the developed countries and the more adcanced developing countries to provide generous assistance to help the lower-income developing countries.a. interesting tob. in the interest ofc. obliged tod. of duty to10/ developing countries will the changes only if their economies are capable of responding.a. go withb. benefit fromc. get along withd. take from1/ the European union steps in to stem what is no longer just britain’s problem.a. haltb. intrudec. produced. stamp2/ in some people’s opinion,this epidemic of the mad-cow disease has been at best a clumsy mistake of the british government ,but some of the opponents scolded it as a disaster.a. catastropheb.disappointmentc. discreditd. disgrace3/ t he organization had come up with about 900 million tohelp this project.a. investedb. suppliedc. depositedd. submitted4/ the disposition of so many livestock carcasses would be a herculean task.a. honorableb. powerfulc. importantd. tremendous5/ such a move might even convince the british that Europe could actually be useful.a. motiveb.decisionc. emotiond. motivation6/ the plan is supposed to be presented at a full-dress meeting of europe’s farm ministers this week.a. generalb. formalc. privated.officious7/many people balked at the idea of slaughtering healthy animals at the taxpayers’expense.a. confoundb. stopped abruptlyc.refused firmlyd. were sad about8/ at that time there were only 10 facilities in Britain licensedfor the incineration of livestock carcasses.a. incarnationb.dispositionc.cullingd.burning9/the new strain of cjd was implicated in another case, bringing the total of suspected victims to 13.a. entangledb. implantedc. imposedd. absorbed10/ they tried to prevent the project from being destroyed for shortage of money.a. get inb. leace offc. head offd. bring about1/ the officer inspected our passports and tracel papers and us because our vacation certificates were missing.a. containedb. sustainedc. detainedd. retained2/ we resumed our work after the break with energy.a. relievedb. renewedc. refinedd.reinforced3/ his tone his real fellings more than his words.a. conveyed v. paraphrased c. performed d. conformed4/even in ancient times,there were of night-watchmen which went about the cities.a. teamsb. routesc. patrolsd. guards5/he spoke clearly and and we could understand every word he said.a. distinguishedb. distinguishablec. distinctlyd.distinctively6/the workers’promised wage increase is being while it it examined by the government to see if it it greater than the law allows.a. delayedb. dismissedc. rejectedd. neglected7/ men’s never-ceasing for knowledge continues to broaden our understanding of the earth’s atmosphere.a. requestb. investigationc. researchd. quest8/ you must your old passport when applying for a new one.a. resignb. surrenderc.abandond. quit9/ he felt as soon as he realized that he had asked a foolish question.A embarrassed b.bored c. disappointed d. displeased10/ the floor was unsafe, as some of the floor-boards had away.a. damagedb. destroyedc. rottedd. wasted1/ thousands of people were seriously in health by radioactive contamination.a. affectedb. effectedc. impressedd. struck2/ the bank of England has taken further steps to control over the value of the pound.a. resumeb. resurrectc. retaind. retard3/ it’s time to our differences and work together for a common purpose.a. set forthb. set asidec.set upond. set up as4/science and invention played avery important role in america’s indust rial development.a. blockadingb. devotingc. fosteringd. impacting5/ the doctor’s was whether he should tell the patient the truth.a. dilemmab. inacptionc. fractiond. paradox6/ the volume of business does not an agency agreement at present.a. magnigyb. justifyc. personifyd. ventures7/ Microsoft follows the developments in every major computer company and most technology in the world.a. adventureb.expertisec.fractionsd.ventures8/ the question of agent is still under consideration and we hope that you will continue your efforts in pushing the sale of our product at present.a. creativeb. exclusivec. intensived. perspective9/ except for some colleges by the catholic church, all colleges and universities in the united states, public and private,are governed by a board of trustees composed primarily of laymen.a. elevatedb. grantedc. patentedd. sponsored10/to the frustration of Hispanic publishers, advertising agencies often treat Spanish-language or bilingual newspapers as in their marketing plans.a. afterthoughtsb. advantagesc. frustrationsd. penetrations1/ as the sky darkened it soon became obvious that a thunderstorm was .a. immediateb. evidentc. imminentd. menacing2/of half-starving wolves were roaming the snow-covered countryside.a. flocksb. herdsc. packsd. crowds3/ the very idea of her winning the beauty contest is quite .a.unlikelyb. strangec. absurdd. nonsense4/ the earnest student waited with some slight while the teacher was reading his essay.a. nervousnessb. resentmentc. annoyanced. despair5/ the police have asked for the of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the missing child.a.aidb. co-operation c, advice d. helpfulness6/ today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical .a. facilitiesb. . equipmentc. appliancesd. utilities7/ the factory was to the ground by the fire.a. razedb. destroyedc. guttedd. ruined8/ as a writer, walter was very .a. imaginaryb. imageryc. imaginatived. imaginable9/ he mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been .a. imposedb. composed c, exposed d. opposed10/ boys who try to a teacher are not sincere.a. make in forb. make up forc. make up tod. make on to11/ the old house at the end of the street has recently been .a. pulledb.leveledc.erasedd. demolished12/ your service is entirely . not compulsorya. preferentialb. reluctantc. selective d,voluntary13/ it took them years to a dictionary.a. compileb.writec. composed. construct14/ his strange behavior aroused the of the police.a. doubtb. suspicionc. disbeliefd.misbelief15/mr.wong complained about the air-conditioner he bought from the company.a. inefficientb.deficientc.ineffectived.defective1/ that student has a view of teachers,believing that they are all as bad as hers were.a. unjustifiedb. stereotypedc.generalizedd. specialized2/ the institution that it must be consulted on such issued.a.contendedb. contentedc.capturedd.congealed3/ they their opponent as a liar so as to make him unpopular.a. distinguishedb. identifiedc. sterilizedd. stigmatized4/ some difficulties have in my work so I’ll be late coming home tonight.a. creamed offb. cried offc. cropped upd.crossed out5/ be creative in your use of a textbook, its material in a variety of ways.a.counteractingb. employingc.respondingd.simplifying6/ as life moves along to us with realities, we must accept our losses and learn how to let go.a.confrontb.exposec.matchd. trigger7/ the election results up the spirits of the newly formed party.a. blazedb. boastedc. bolsteredd. boomed8/he gave a good speech, in which he clearly the reasons for changing the law./a. depictedb. intensifiedc. proposedd. marshaled9/ professionals explicitly interpret what they observe, and often their data after the data collection process is complete and from the perspectives of the people they were observing.a. categorizeb. samplec. predictd. exploit10/ people in that country are shocked at the of bribery among the officials.a. caricatureb. prevalencec. exaggerationd. precedence1/ throughout most of their lives, human beings learn andincrease their mental capacities.a. perpetuallyb. particularlyc. actuallyd. finally2/I just managed to a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.a. gainb. possessc. grab/doc/0a14260257.html,rms3/ this book is full of practical on home decorating and repairs.a. helpsb. tipsc. cluesd. informs4/ there is a very widely demand for this law to be changed.a. basedb. joinedc. settledd. proved5/ the police managed to down the man in Glasgow.a. traceb. trackc. catchd. pursue6/he never to read the news but turned at once to the crossword on the last page.a. worriedb. noticedc. painedd. troubled7/ a completely new situation is likely to when the school leaving age is raised to 16.a. riseb.raisec.arised.happen8/his wife’s helplessness had him and compelled him to hurry back.a. embracedb. embarkedc. hauntedd. enchanted9/ keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves know where to look.a.virtuallyb.unavoidablyc. reliablyd. invariably10/ although only of intelligence, he speaks four languages fluently.a.middleb.minorc. averaged. show11/ t he eight vehicles in the sale-room can all lay some to being bargains.a. claimb. casec. notiond. foundation12/ a child will half an hour of your complete attention.a.delightb.estimatec. compensated.appreciate13/ it is hoped that the prisoner will be released through the of the president himself.a.conventionb.interventionc.interferenced.concession14/the sound of the water gently against the side of the boat was very pleasant.a.creskingb. surgingc. suckingd. lapping15/ occasionally we experience westerly gales,but the winds are from the northeast.a. existingb. generalc. prevailingd. specialunite1 listening 31. Don’t waste energy drying your dishes in the dishwasher. Drythem by hand instead of using energy by drying them in thedishwasher.2. Cut back on your use of hot water. Take a five-minute shower, or use only four inches (10 centimeters) of water in your bath.3. Keep track of your electric bills. Make a chart of how much energy you use, and watch the numbers go down every month.4. Recycle all of your cans, bottles, and paper. Recycled materials consume much less energy than new materials.5. Unplug computers, printers, TVs, and cell phone chargers when you aren’t using them. They use electricity even when they are turned off—up to eight percent of your electric bill!1.不要浪费精力晒你的菜在洗碗机。
国际交流英语视听说1 Further Listening答案

Further Listening AnswersUnit 1Listening 1A. 1-5 b c a b cB 1. 1,600, six feet 2. film technology, digital sensors, new software3. close to the ground, the sky4. where to point it, “click” at the right time5. wind speed, temperatureListening 2A. 1.T2. F (Students here don’t have to take both subjects. They can take one or the other and stillgraduate.)3. F (I believe they do respect me.)B.1. For example, she is in charge of her patients’medicine. She has to give them the correctmedicine, so she writes everything down in a chart. She gets the medicine. Then, she checks on her chart that it’s the correct one.2. Sometimes it is. Although the students are wonderful, the school has a rule he doesn’t like.3. He gives a presentation to his managers. They have a meeting, and he explains the problem tothem. They try to find ways to solve it.Listening 3 DictationAnnie Griffiths is famous for her beautiful photographs. The photos come from countries all over the world, so it’s just a normal part of life for Griffiths to travel. Living in other countries is not for everyone, but for Griffiths and her children, it’s an adventure. Her children especially love the Middle East, and their experiences in that part of the world helped them to learn about other cultures. Griffiths’work can also be dangerous. Traveling is not always safe. In the Galapagos Islands, Griffiths found herself in the water with sharks one day! Besides writing and taking pictures, Griffiths teaches photography skills to people who want to become photographers. They know they are learning from one of the best photographers in the world.Unit 2Listening 1A. Example AnswersMiranda: not have much free time; spend time with her children; go to the beach; go to the park; make her feel young; give her great joyMike: take walks in parks; love the outdoors; walking a good exercise; keep healthyCindy: cooking, a common hobby; know a lot of people who like to cook; friends come over and cook together; laugh and tell storiesTim: listen to music; classical music; drawback is almost never spending time outsideB.1. F (She has a full-time job as a sales manager.)2. F (He is a first-year student.)3. T4. F (His favorite musician is Mozart.)5. TListening 2A. the benefits of parks and other green spaces in Paris / health / environment / crime / educationB. 1.Having places to relax after work helps people feel good. Parks allow people to get exercise.Being exposed to sunlight is good for health.2.Trees help to clean the air and make cities cooler.3. There is less crime in places with green areas around them.4. Children learn better after they play in a park.Listening 3 DictationNew research says that apes laugh when they are tickled. Researchers at the University of Portsmouth led a “tickle team”. The group of researchers tickled the necks, feet, hands, and armpits of young apes. The team recorded more than 800 of the resulting laughs on tape. The research suggests that the apes’ panting noise is the sound of laughter. They think that this panting is the basis for human expressions of joy—the “ha-ha” sound we make when we laugh. When we find something funny, such as a joke, we laugh. When apes find something funny, such as a tickle, they laugh. Humans find many situations funny—such as jokes, tickles, TV comedy shows—but we are not unique because animals laugh, too.Unit 3Listening 1A. 1.He is an anthropologist. 2. The durian fruit.3. He thinks eating durian and other unusual foods shows respect for people and their customs.B. 1. Southeast Asia 2. “king of the fruits” 3. a man’s head4. sharp spines5. a very strong smell6. healthy and nutritiousListening 2B. 1. candy 2. Spain 3. “a little bit of heart ” 4. work 5. hot teaListening 3 DictationDo you like to eat bugs? Some people do, and some people don’t. But here’s the surprise—even if you don’t like eating insects, you are probably eating them anyway.In the United States, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows some insects and insect parts in food, as long as they don’t make people sick. For example, for every 3.5 ounces, chocolate can have up to 60 insect parts and peanut butter can have 30 insect fragments, according to the FDA. Tomato sauce can’t con tain more than 30 fly eggs per 3.5 ounces.And food is not the only place you can find insects and insect parts. Cochineal insects give ared or pink coloring to foods, lipsticks, and beverages. The small bugs are listed as “cochineal extract” on the ingr edient list. The fact is—you can’t always avoid eating insects.Unit 4Listening 1A. b. A straw house is another way to “go green”.B. 1. Building a house from wood means cutting down trees and damaging the environment. Strawis a kind of grass, and it takes little energy to grow.2. After the straw is dry, farmers use a machine to make bales—large rectangular bricks of straw.Then, builders build walls with the bales. When they finish the walls, they cover them with plaster inside and outside.3. Furbish used about 900 straw bales for his family’s house. His company used about 4,000bales to build an elementary school in Maryland.Listening 2A. 1. T 2. F (You don’t have to be a Mexican citizen to own property here.) 3. T1.Baja California has coasts on the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez, so tourists can enjoy sealife such as dolphins, whales, and unusual fish. Its beautiful mountains and deserts are also excellent for hiking and sightseeing.2. The housing growth in Baja California may cause damage to the environment as more and more people move in. Baja California is also very dry, so having enough drinking water for everyone is another concern.Listening 3 DictationIn Barcelona, Spain, both visitors and residents of the city know about the architect Antoni Gaudí. The Casa Milà is perhaps his best-known building. From the outside, the walls look like natural stone. On the roof, several large, unusual works of art are actually chimneys—they carry away gases from cooking and heating from inside the apartments.The Casa Batlló is another of Gaudí’s apartment buildings. The outside of the building is very colorful, and it’s easy to see that Gaudí was an artis t as well as an architect. Not every apartment is spacious, but each apartment has a balcony, so residents can stand outside their bedrooms or living rooms and see the street below.Unit 5Listening 1A. 1-3 b c cB 1. T2. F (The number has actually grown.)3. F (They seem to find it appealing.)4. F (James Joyce is one of the most respected modern writers.)Listening 2A.1-3 c b aListening 3 DictationAncient Egyptians knew that death was inevitable—all living things eventually die— but in an attempt to make the afterlife as comfortable as possible, mummies were accompanied by things they would need in the future. The items buried with ancient Egyptians represented important aspects of their daily lives—everything from furniture to cooking oil. They believed that in the afterlife, these items became real and useful to the dead person. That idea may not seem rational nowadays, but ancient Egyptians didn’t distinguish between human needs before and after death. They even mummified pieces of meat to represent the food the dead person would need.Unit 6 Analytical ListeningListening 1ListeningA.√Astronauts often don’t get enough sleep.√Astronauts wear special spacesuits to protect their bodies.√Astronauts need to get a lot of exercise in space.B. 1-4 c c a bC. 1. F (He says he always enjoys talking to children. ) 2. T 3. T4. F (Astronauts need to exercise for two or three hours every day to stay strong and healthy. )Listening 2ListeningA. 1-3 b c cB. Age of Yerkes Observatory: from the 1890sTelescope types: 1. Reflecting (use: mirrors)Size of lenses in Yerkes telescope: 40 inchesObservatory in 1892: 1. in the countryWhile ViewingA.All of the planets except Earth are mentioned in the video.B. 1. b 2.f 3.a 4.c, d, g, h 5. e 6. d, g, h 7.h 8. hC. 1. F (It began in the 1950s.)2. F (Mars presents conditions favorable to human settlement.)3. T4. TFurther ListeningListening 1A. 1. That’s because light from stars travels through the earth’s atmosphere before we see it.Gases in the atmosphere are always moving, and so stars appear to twinkle.2. No, they don’t. They look like steady points of light.3. It formed around4.6 billion years ago.B. 1. cloud, stronger, heated up 2. millions, billions, coolerListening 2A. 1. Galileo 2. Isaac Newton did. That was in the year 1668.3. In the 18th century.4. Uranus and Neptune.B. 1. F (The tubes were made of wood.) 2. T 3. T 4. F(They are in Hawaii.)Listening 3 DictationMost of the world’s people now live in or near cities, where doing most things at night is as easy as doing them during the day. Seeing the stars at night, however, is not easy to do in a city. Streetlights and lights from businesses and advertisers shine into the night sky, and only the brightest stars can be seen.The dark-sky movement wants to change this. They argue that seeing the night sky is important for everyone——not only for astronomers. They say that outdoor lighting affects human health and wildlife, and they recommend simple things such as streetlights that only let light shine down at the street, not up at the sky.Unit 7Listening 1ListeningA.Slide 1: Location: Montreal, CanadaImportance: 2. brings people togetherSlide 2: Location: Madrid, SpainType of art: chalk artSlide 3: Location: California, U.S.A.Type of art: sand artSlide 4: Time to finish a piece: 7 hoursReason art is temporary: ocean tides erase the artListening 2ListeningA. b. to inform the audience about a musicianB.(1) Peace, Love(2) two (3) left the trio and began his solo career(4) a singer (5) he can’t play every note on the ukulele (6) play alone Viewing the WorldWhile ViewingC. 1. ninth 2. art 3. Five or six 4. private 5. hasFurther ListeningListening 1A. 1. Asia, Europe 2. fishing, climate change 3. ocean reefs, ocean life4. sea animals and plants make their homes on the sculptures, and in time, a new reef will formB. The Silent Evolution is a group of sculptures on the ocean floor. Taylor used real people as models when he was making them. There are more than 400 of them, and together, they form one huge piece of art. It’s especially interesting because Taylor did not repeat any of the sculptures —each one is a sculpture of a different person. The sculptures are temporary, because sea animals and plants make their homes on them, and in time, and a new reef will form.Listening 2A.1. It began at zoos in the United States.2. She loved to paint and she even chose the colors.3. It is teaching elephants to paint.4. She is a wonderful painter and she seems to have an artist’s personality.5. She stops and looks at a painting carefully before choosing the next color.B. 1. F (Some paintings show real things.)2. F (The elephants don’t understand the pictures.)3. T4. T5. F (Ramona likes to work with dark colors.)Listening 3 DictationMy name is Alicia, and I live in the state of Guanajuato in central Mexico. Here in Guanajuato, music and dancing are a big part of life. There are a lot of festivals here, and many kinds of music, but my favorite kind of music is traditional Mexican music—the kind of music my grandparents and great-grandparents listened to.I’m a folk dancer, and I love to perform at special events. To be a folk dancers, you have to love the culture and the music here. That’s the most important thing, but we also need to work hard and practice a lot. We dance in groups, and every person has to know the steps. And you can’t buy traditional folk dancing dresses at the store, so we have to make our own. We wear traditional dresses that only come from this part of Mexico.Unit 8Further ListeningListening 1A. 1. baby talk 2. rhesus monkeys 3. 1) a raised pitch 2) a swooping, sing-song styleB. 1. Female rhesus monkeys make unique vocalizations to infants to interact with infants to gettheir attention.2. “Girney” refers to a monkey sound.3. Female monkeys also wag their tails to get the infants’ attention.4. The intonation is important in a monkey baby talk.5. It’s possible that monkey moms don’t use baby talk with their own offspring because theysimple don’t need to use it since their babies are not novel to them and they are constantly face-to-face.Listening 2A. 1.b 2. c 3. aB. 1. a collision between two or more satellites2. small pieces of metal3. ways to reduce the number of objects in orbit4. use old satellites for missile target practice5. catch space garbage and bring it down into the earth’s atmosphere to burn upListening 3 DictationEach year, National Geographic names several new Emerging Explorers. They receive an award of $ 10,000. The money supports the work of young people at the beginning of their careers in many fields ——biology, engineering, music and others.Ken Banks is one of the emerging explorers. In places where people can’t access the Internet, his software lets them send a message or other kinds of information with an inexpensive device: a basic cellular telephone. They just connect the phone to a computer. Then they can send information from the computer without using the Internet.。

year? a. 2 million U.S. dollars. b. 20 million U.S. dollars. c. 2 billion U.S. dollars.
Art and Music
3. What are the causes of traffic jams in large cities? How can cities solve this problem?
Example Answers Traffic jams in large cities are caused by people traveling from their homes to their work places in the morning and back to their homes again in the evening. It’s not an easy problem to solve, but cities can limit the days on which people can use their cars, provide as much public transportation as possible, and design streets and highways that can handle a lot of traffic.
b 1. How many tourists visited Venice in one holiday
weekend? a. 60,000. b. 80,000.
c c. 21 million.
2. What is NOT found in the Rialto Market area? a. Grocery stores. b. Souvenir shops. c. A beach.

3. Taking a photograph of the moment lightning starts is ___a___.
a. very difficult b. not so hard c. very easy
Further Listening Listening 1
4. ___b___ people think Sting the
shot he wants.
a. Few
b. Some
c. Many
5. Samaras _c_____ what it looks and feels like inside a tornado.
a. keeps trying to record b. failed to record c. succeeded in recording
Answer Keys 1. T 2. F (Students here don’t have to take both subjects. They can
take one or the other and still graduate.) 3. F (I believe they do respect me.)
1. The main idea of this passage is that ___b___.
a. Tim Samaras is in hot pursuit of images of nature
b. Tim Samaras is chasing lightning with a camera
Further Listening Listening 2
1. What example does the first interviewee give to show how good nurses have to be organized?

weekend? a. 60,000. b. 80,000.
c c. 21 million.
2. What is NOT found in the Rialto Market area? a. Grocery stores. b. Souvenir shops. c. A beach.
Art and Music
3. What are the causes of traffic jams in large cities? How can cities solve this problem?
Example Answers Traffic jams in large cities are caused by people traveling from their homes to their work places in the morning and back to their homes again in the evening. It’s not an easy problem to solve, but cities can limit the days on which people can use their cars, provide as much public transportation as possible, and design streets and highways that can handle a lot of traffic.
Venice? a. It is higher than in the rest of Italy. b. It is lower than in the rest of Italy. c. It is lower in the summer than in other seasons.
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国际交流英语视听说答案【篇一:国际交流英语视听说4 u2 听力原文及翻译】ss=txt>tour guide: ok, everyone, here’s our next exhibit. do you see the body of the little bird in that bottle? that is a dusky seaside sparrow. it was an old male that died on june 16, 1987. it’s kind of sad because he was the very last dusky seaside sparrow i n the world. they’re now extinct. yes, you have a question?male: do you know why they became extinct?tour guide: basically, they lost their habitat. see, the dusky seaside sparrow lived only in one place—on merritt island in florida. the island had a lot of mosquitoes and wetlands. the people on merritt island used chemicals to kill the mosquitoes. tour guide: those chemicals were also very harmful to the sparrows, and many died. in addition, the people on merritt island tried to control and exploit the wetlands. as they altered them, the wetlands were no longer a good habitat for the sparrows. the birds died one by one until there weren’t any left. female: so, if people were to blame, can’t we make sure something like that never happens again?tour g uide: we’re trying. the situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear. we need to protect endangered animals. however, it’s a better strategy to protect the animals andtheir habitats, too. after all, if an animal’s habitat is destr oyed, the animal will likely become extinct.tour guide: we’re trying. the situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear. we need to protect endangered animals. however, it’s a better strategy to protect the animals andtheir habita ts, too. after all, if an animal’s habitat is destroyed, the animal will likely become extinct. that’s why the endangered species act, which was passed in the united states in 1973, protects both endangered animals and their habitats. for example, the steelhead trout lives in rivers and streams on the west coast of the united states—the columbia river in washington state for instance. recently, both the fish and the river came under the protection of the endangered species act.male: but how can we protect large areas such as rivers and forests? no one—not even the government—can afford to buy or control all the land that endangered species live on.tour guide: good point. in fact, that’s what makes the endangered species act difficult to fully enforce. t here’s an ongoing conflict between some landowners and the government. take the case of the gray wolf, for instance. at one time, the wolves were common all over north america, but by the 1930s they were nearly all killed. then in 1973, the wolves came under the protection of the endangered species act, along with huge areas of land—in wyoming and idaho, for example. this angered ranchers. they think they should have the right to shoot wolves that threaten their sheep and cows.tour guide: so, landowners may understand the need for the protection of endangered species, but it’s understandable that they might also feel that the endangered species act violates their rights. yes?female: is the law working? i mean, what is the status of endangered species today in the unitedstates?tour guide: unfortunately, the situation of threatened and endangered animals is worse now than in 1973, even with the endangered species act in place. reports on topics such as habitat loss, deforestation, and overfishing show that the situation for many species is far worse now than it was in 1973. let me be more specific. right now over 1,300 species in the united states are listed as endangered or threatened.tour guide: and, it’s important to keep in mind that not many species are ever taken off the list. since 1973, in fact, only around 39 species have been removed from the endangered species list. but that number doesn’t indicate the complete story. what’s significant about that number is that only 14 species were removed because they had actually recovered. nine species became extinct, and the others were removed from the list after scientists found evidence that listing the species had been a mistake in the first place. meanwhile, another 300 species may soon be added to the list, including a plant, the las vegas buckwheat, and an insect, the miami blue butterfly. so, you see, even with the endangered species act in place, we’re not making as much progress as we would like.any more questions? ok, let’s move on to the next exhibit. this way, please.导游:好吧,各位,这是我们的下一个展览。