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Unit 1


Traditional classroom

The ways of learning (study independently)

Online courses More convenient

Do not feel intimidated

Think clearly

1.no longer = not…any longer “不再”(和延续性动词连用)

He no longer works here. (在主语和谓语之间)

He does not work here any longer. (句尾)


(1)[C] (method, instrument)方式;手段;工具单复数同形

Use force as the means of settling conflicts.

All possible means have been adopted.


A person/man of means

(3)[P] live within one’s means 量入为出

live beyond one’s means 入不敷出

by means of 通过;采用~方式

This is a two year course taught by means of lectures.

(4) convention 惯用语

by all means 当然可以,完全可以

---Can I come and have a look at your house

---Yes, by all means.


[C] 有利条件,好处,优势

Another advantages of bad time is that there’s less competition.

There’s another advantage of being poor---a doctor will cure you faster. There are many advantages to working hard.

China has advantages over other Asian countries.

an advantage over A 与A相比某事物的优点、优势

an advantage to A A事物的优点、优势

[P]take advantage of 利用

I intend to take full advantage of this trip to buy the things we need.

4.intimidate [vt] 恐吓,威胁

No one can intimidate us.

intimidated [adj] 受到威胁的,害怕的

She buys clothes from stores that I’m intimidated by the sales people. intimidating [adj] 令人胆怯的,令人害怕的

He’s a huge intimidating figure.

5.think through 想透,想清楚并得出结论

He will think through his decision.

Before you start your habit change, think through your motivation.

6.try to do something努力做某事(还没做)

try doing something 试着做某事(已经在进行中)

He tried to finish the work ahead of time.

---I usually go there by train.

---Why not try going by boat for a change

*stop, remember, forget等 + 不定式 to do(未做)

动名词 doing(已做)

Section A


The internet may be able to help you overcome your frustrations with learning English. I started learning English when I was in junior middle school. I didn’t however gain command of the language in the classroom. It was only when I tried learning English through an online course that I finally became proficient. The online course was just as difficult as classroom study, but it provided better results. There were many other advantages to online learning as well. It taught me how to manage my time better to include my online studies in my busy schedule. Learning better time management has paid many rewards since.

The advantages of taking online courses

(1)better results than classroom study

(2)better time management


[vt] 克服,控制,战胜

Find a way to overcome your difficulties.

overcome the enemy

[vt] (常用被动语态)感情上受到影响;使受不了(with, by)

The night before the test I was overcome by fear and despair.

The residents were trying to escape from the fire but were overcome by smoke.

2.frustration [n] 挫折;失败;挫败;失意

There are many other reasons for frustration.

Frustration and mistrust are growing.

frustrate [vt] 挫败;阻挠;使受挫折

These questions frustrated me.

frustrated [adj] 挫败的,失意的,泄气的

Talk it out so that you don't feel frustrated, or bored.

frustrating [adj] 使人沮丧的,令人泄气的

The current situation is very frustrating for us...

It is a frustrating and difficult time for Tom.

