蓝屏英文部分翻译A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.查出了问题,并且窗口被关闭预防损坏您的计算机。
If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restartyour computer.如果这是您第一次看见了这个中止错误屏幕,重新开始启动您的计算机。
If this screen appears again, follow these steps:如果这个屏幕再一次出现,请见下边的步骤:Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the Stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try chaging video adapters.检查并肯定您有充分磁盘空间,如果在中止信息中检测到驱动器,使驱动器失去能力或检查与制造商驱动器更新,尝试更换chaging的显示适配器。
Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode.检查与您的硬件供应商所有BIOS更新。
20.hard disk lnstall railure 硬盘安装失败不正确,coms不正确
21.seeondary slave hard fail 检查从盘失败,把IDE接口设为自动
22.floppy disk fail或floppy disk (s)fail80或floppy disk(s)fail40 无法驱动软驱,重新在COMS中把它弄没有了,F1跳过
3.no rom baslc system halt 没有固化BASLC系统,系统停机,这个错误出现在486及以前的一些早期的电脑中出现问题
4.Non-system disk or disk error replace and press any key when ready 非系统盘或磁盘错误,重新换盘后按任意键,可能是BPB表坏了,即用软盘启动后硬盘不能正确的读写,可以用NDD修复,如果BPB表完好,只需要SYS C:传送系统就可引导了
16.error llading oerating system 装入操作系统出错
s bateery failed coms电池失效
s eheck sun error—–dofavlts loaded coms检验错误
19.press esc to skiiip rnemory test 按ESC健跳过内存自检
ERROR:CWorld.Clock End of World time. Recycle 这种情况会在服务器运行了50天后发生一次。
What is unsure is if the timer resets on a server shutdown or if it holds it’s timer setting (maybe in the world file)
1.CMOS battery failed中文:CMOS电池失效。
2.CMOS check sum error-Defaults loaded中文:CMOS执行全部检查时发现错误,要载入系统预设值。
解释:一般来说出现这句话都是说电池快没电了,可以先换个电池试试,如果问题还是没有解决,那么说明CMOS RAM可能有问题,如果没过一年就到经销商处换一块主板,过了一年就让经销商送回生产厂家修一下吧!3.Press ESC to skip memory test中文:正在进行内存检查,可按ESC键跳过。
解释:这是因为在CMOS内没有设定跳过存储器的第二、三、四次测试,开机就会执行四次内存测试,当然你也可以按ESC键结束内存检查,不过每次都要这样太麻烦了,你可以进入COMS 设置后选择BIOS FEATURS SETUP,将其中的Quick Power On Self Test设为Enabled,储存后重新启动即可。
4.Keyboard error or no keyboard present中文:键盘错误或者未接键盘。
5.Hard disk install failure中文:硬盘安装失败。
6.Secondary slave hard fail中文:检测从盘失败。
◆CMOS battery failed翻译:CMOS 电池失效。
解析:这表是CMOS 电池的电力已经不足,请更换电池。
◆CMOS checksum error-Defaults loaded翻译:CMOS 执行整和检查时发现错误,因此载入预设的系统设定值。
如果此情形依然存在,那就有可能是CMOS RAM 有问题,而因为CMOS RAM 我们个人是无法维修的,所以建议送回原厂处理。
◆Display switch is set incorrectly翻译:显示开关配置错误。
解析:较旧型的主机板上有Jumper 可设定萤幕为单色或彩色,而此讯息表示主机板上的设定和BIOS 里的设定不一致,所以只要判断主机板和BIOS谁为正确,然后更新错误的设定即可。
◆Press ESC to skip memory test翻译:在内存测试中,可按下ESC 略过。
解析:如果你在BIOS 内并没有设定快速测试的话,那么开机就会执行电脑零件的测试,如果你不想等待,可按ESC 略过或到BIOS 内开启Quick Power On Self Test一劳永逸◆HARD DISK initizlizing 【Please wait a moment...】翻译:正在对硬盘做起始化( Initizlize ) 动作。
解析:遇到这种事,请先检查硬碟的电源线、硬盘线是否安装妥当?或者硬盘Jumper 是否设错?( 例如两台都设为Master 或Slave。
)◆Primary master hard disk fail翻译:POST 侦测到Primary master IDE 硬盘有错误。
解析:遇到这种事,请先检查硬盘的电源线、硬盘线是否安装妥当?或者硬盘Jumper 是否设错?( 例如两台都设为Master 或Slave。
具体举例来说,比如在Intel Pentium芯片中存在的逻辑错误,在Sendmail早期版本中的编程错误,在NFS协议中认证方式上的弱点,在Unix系统管理员设置匿名Ftp服务时配置不当的问题都可能被攻击者使用,威胁到系统的安全。
为马克2号(Harvard Mark II)编制程序的葛丽丝·霍波(Grace Hopper)是一位美国海军准将及计算机科学家,同时也是世界最早的一批程序设计师之一,有一天,她在调试设备时出现故障,拆开继电器后,发现有只飞蛾被夹扁在触点中间,从而“卡”住了机器的运行。
可能正是由于计算机运行产生的光和热,引得一只小虫子?Bug 钻进了一支真空管内,导致整个计算机无法工作。
1. Technical Glitch:
2. Bug:
3. System Failure:
4. Hardware Malfunction:
5. Software Bug:
6. Network Issue:
7. Compatibility Problem:
8. Server Outage:
9. Data Corruption:
10. Programming Error:
11. Technical Hurdle:
12. Software Glitch:
13. Connection Error:
14. System Crash:
15. Runtime Error:
16. Security Breach:
17. Data Loss:
18. Performance Degradation: •性能下降
19. Configuration Issue: •配置问题
20. Update Failure:
BIOS中英文对照表图解BIOS设置中英文翻译对照大全主板BIOS设置图解教程 电脑爱好者之家
不过别急,本文为大家分享一个BIOS中英文对照表,基本包含了BIOS中所有的设置,支持当前的Intel Core i7、Intel Core i5系列设定,不同的电脑其BIOS设置界面也不相同,不过需要设置的选项是基本一致的,只是选项位置会有变化。
BIOS界面基础项中英文对照表Standard CMOS Features(标准CMOS设置)Advanced BIOS Features(高级BIOS设置)Integrated Peripherals(集成设备或周边设备)Power Management Setup(电源管理设置)PC Health Status(电脑健康状态)Load Fail-Safe Defaults(装载安全预设配置)Load Optimized Defaults(装载最佳预设配置)Set Supervisor Password(设置管理员密码)Set User Password(设置使用者密码)Save and Exit Setup(保存当前设置并退出)Exit Without Saving(直接退出,不保存当前设定)BIOS周边设备配置中英文对照表SATA RAID/AHCI Mode (SATA设备RAID/AHCI模式配置)SATA Port0-3 Native Mode(SATA端口0-3Native mode 是否开启)USB Controllers(USB控制器)USB Legacy Function(是否在DOS下使用USB键盘)USB Storage Function(是否在BIOS的POST阶段检测USB设备)Azalia Codec(集成音效功能设定)Onboard H/W 1394(集成1394功能设定)Onboard H/W LAN(集成网卡设置)Green LAN(无网络链接时是否自动关闭网络芯片)SMART LAN(智能网卡侦测)Link Detected(HUB传输速度)Cable Length(电缆长度)Onboard LAN Boot ROM(集成网卡的开机功能)Onboard SATA/IDE Device(是否启用集成SATA/IDE控制器)Onboard SATA/IDE Ctrl Mode(是否启用集成SATA/IDE控制器的RAID功能)Onboard Serial Port 1(串口1)BIOS电脑健康状态配置中英文对照表Reset Case Open Status(重置机壳状态)Case Opened(机壳开启状况)Current Voltage(V) Vcore/DDR15V/+5V/+12V(检测系统电压)Current System/CPU Temperature(CPU温度)Current CPU/SYSTEM FAN Speed (RPM)(系统风扇速度)CPU Warning Temperature(CPU温度告警)CPU/SYSTEM FAN Fail Warning(CPU风扇故障告警)CPU Smart FAN Control(CPU风扇智能控制)好了以上就是常用的BIOS中英文对照表了,如果你进入BIOS不知道怎么设置的话,可以根据本表对应找到中文,然后相信你就会知道怎么做了。
翻译:BIOS 信息在进行总和检查 ( checksum ) 时发现错误,因此无法开机。
解析:会遇到这种问题...通常是「死定了」!通常是因为 BIOS 信息刷新不完全所造成的. ◆ CMOS battery failed 翻译:CMOS 电池失效。
解析:这表是 CMOS 电池的电力已经不足,请更换电池。
◆ CMOS checksum error-Defaults loaded 翻译:CMOS 执行整和检查时发现错误,因此载入预设的系统设定值。
如果此情形依然存在 ◆ Display switch is set incorrectly 翻译:显示开关配置错误。
解析:较旧型的主机板上有 Jumper 可设定萤幕为单色或彩色,而此讯息表示主机板上的设定和BIOS ◆ Press ESC to skip memory test 翻译:在内存测试中,可按下 ESC 略过。
解析:如果你在 BIOS 内并没有设定快速测试的话,那么开机就会执行电脑零件的测试,如果你不想等 ◆ HARD DISK initizlizing 【Please wait a moment...】 翻译:正在对硬盘做起始化 ( Initizlize ) 动作。
但在较旧型的硬盘上,其动作因为较慢,所以就会看到这 ◆ HARD DISK INSTALL FAILURE 翻译:硬盘安装失败。
解析:遇到这种事,请先检查硬碟的电源线、硬盘线是否安装妥当?或者硬盘 Jumper是否设错? ( ◆ Primary master hard disk fail 翻译:POST 侦测到 Primary master IDE 硬盘有错误。
解析:遇到这种事,请先检查硬盘的电源线、硬盘线是否安装妥当?或者硬盘 Jumper是否设错? ( ◆ Primary slave hard disk fail 翻译:POST 侦测到 Primary slave IDE 硬盘有错误。
电脑故障集--------------------------------------------------------------------------------一、注册错误信息ERROR: Bad Login Name format ERROR bc:Bad Login 0 这表示你的用户名错误或不存在。
在客户端你看到的提示是:"Either the Account name or Password you provided were incorrect. If this is a new account,your account may not be active yet. please try again shortly"(如果客户端没有输入名字或密码,会得到同样的提示)ERROR bc:Bad Login。
1.这表示你的用户名正在被使用,比如已经有人用该用户名登录或者非正常断线的用户没有被服务器释放ERROR bc:Bad Login2.此信息表示该用户名已经被系统管理员封锁(blocked),通常是在游戏中GM使用了/KICK 命令造成的。
用户可以写邮件给管理员查询ERROR bc:Bad Login。
客户端将得到如下信息:"Y our account credentials are invalid. Check your user ID and password and try again." ERROR c0:Bad Login。
客户端得到的信息提示为:"There is some problem communicating with Origin. Please restart Ultima Online and try again" General Error Messages二、基本错误信息Bad Spawn point uid=040006380, id=0 此信息指示了一个错误的重生点设置,UID 指物品创建的定义标识符,ID # 则表示该物品的对应描述小节。
press F8 for BBS popup1 AMD North BRIDGE, Rev G1Initializing USB Controuers ..Done1024MB OKAUto-detecting pri master..ATAPI CD-ROMAUto-detecting 5th master..IDE Hard Diskpri Master:asus DVD-E616A3 1.05UItra DMA Mode-55th master:st3160811AS 3.AAEUitra dma mode-6,s,m,a,r,t,capable and status okauto-destecting usb mass storage devices..00 usb massstorage devices found and configuredCmos checksum badComs date/time not setPressF1to run SETUPPress F2 to load defaultValues and continue解决开机要按F1的方法是:一:开机按Del键,进入BIOS设置,选择第一个"基本设置",把floopy一项设置没"Disabel"无效就可以了.二:刚开始开机时按DEL进入BIOS,按回车键进入第一项,看看里面的“Drive A”项是不是“None”,不是的话按“Pgup”或“PgDn”进行修改,修改后按“ESC”退出,选“Save & Exit Setup”项按回车退出BIOS,重启,再不行的话就换了电池再按上面的步骤重新设置既可。
蓝屏英文部分翻译A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.查出了问题,并且窗口被关闭预防损坏您的计算机。
If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restartyour computer.如果这是您第一次看见了这个中止错误屏幕,重新开始启动您的计算机。
If this screen appears again, follow these steps:如果这个屏幕再一次出现,请见下边的步骤:Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the Stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try chaging video adapters.检查并肯定您有充分磁盘空间,如果在中止信息中检测到驱动器,使驱动器失去能力或检查与制造商驱动器更新,尝试更换chaging的显示适配器。
Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode.检查与您的硬件供应商所有BIOS更新。
⼩编今天帮你整理出电脑常见问题有中英对译,希望对你有帮助!建议收藏哦!⼀、BIOS中的提⽰信息提⽰信息说明Drive A error 驱动器A错误System halt 系统挂起Keyboard controller error 键盘控制器错误Keyboard error or no keyboard present 键盘错误或者键盘不存在BIOS ROM checksum error BIOSROM 校验错误Single hardisk cable fail 当硬盘使⽤Cable选项时硬盘安装位置不正确FDD Controller Failure BIOS 软盘控制器错误HDD Controller Failure BIOS 硬盘控制器错误Driver Error 驱动器错误Cache Memory Bad, Do not Enable Cache ⾼速缓存Cache损坏,不能使⽤Error: Unable to control A20 line 错误提⽰:不能使⽤A20地址控制线Memory write/Read failure 内存读写失败Memory allocation error 内存定位错误CMOS Battery state Low CMOS没电了Keyboard interface error 键盘接⼝错误Hard disk drive failure 加载硬盘失败Hard disk not present 硬盘不存在Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 软盘驱动器加载失败,⼀般是数据线插反,电源线没有插接,CMOS内部软驱设置错误CMOS checksum error-efaults loaded. CMOS校验错误,装⼊缺省(默认)设置打开应⽤保存⾼清⼤图⼆、BIOS刷新失败后,Bootblock启动时出现的提⽰信息提⽰信息说明Detecting floppy drive A media... 检测软驱A的格式Drive media is : 1.44Mb1.2Mb 720Kb 360K 驱动器格式是1.44Mb、12Mb、720kb、360kb的⼀种DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER 磁盘引导失败,插⼊系统盘后按任意键继续三、MBR主引导区提⽰信息提⽰信息说明Invalid partition table ⽆效的分区表Error loading operating sy stem 不能装⼊引导系统Missing operating system 系统引导⽂件丢失说明:如果在计算机启动过程中,在硬件配置清单下⽅(也就时在平时正常启动时出现Starting Windows 98…的地⽅)出现不可识别字符,此时可判断硬盘分区表损坏。
1、CMOS battery failed 中文:CMOS电池失效。
2、CMOS check sum error-Defaults loaded 中文:CMOS 执行全部检查时发现错误,要载入系统预设值。
解释:一般来说出现这句话都是说电池快没电了,可以先换个电池试试,如果问题还是没有解决,那么说明CMOS RAM可能有问题,如果没过一年就到经销商处换一块主板,过了一年就让经销商送回生产厂家修一下吧!3、Press ESC to skip memory test 中文:正在进行内存检查,可按ESC键跳过。
解释:这是因为在CMOS内没有设定跳过存储器的第二、三、四次测试,开机就会执行四次内存测试,当然你也可以按 ESC 键结束内存检查,不过每次都要这样太麻烦了,你可以进入COMS设置后选择BIOS FEATURS SETUP,将其中的Quick Power On Self Test设为Enabled,储存后重新启动即可。
4、Keyboard error or no keyboard present 中文:键盘错误或者未接键盘。
5、Hard disk install failure 中文:硬盘安装失败。
6、Secondary slave hard fail 中文:检测从盘失败解释:可能是CMOS设置不当,比如说没有从盘但在CMOS里设为有从盘,那么就会出现错误,这时可以进入COMS设置选择 IDE HDD AUTO DETECTION进行硬盘自动侦测。
一般情况下, 蓝屏都出现于更新了硬件驱动或新加硬件并安装其驱动后, 这时Windows 2K/XP提供的"最后一次正确配置"就是解决蓝屏的快捷方式. 重启系统, 在出现启动菜单时按下F8键就会出现高级启动选项菜单, 接着选择"最后一次正确配置".
8.安装最新的系统补丁和Service Pack
检查你的硬件供应商的BIOS(基本输入输出设置)是否有更新文件。使BIOS中的内存选项为"disable"就如,缓存或..。 如果你要用安全模式来解决或使组成部分失去作用。重启你的电脑按F8,选择高级启动选项,并选中安全模式。
Technical information 技术信息
***STOP:0X000000**(*** ***......)--这是你没有提供的蓝屏停机代码。
If this screen appears again,follow these steps:
Check to be sure you have adequate disk space,if a driver is identified in thestop message,disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driverupdates.Try changing video adapters.
Beginning dump of physical memory 开始从物理内存中释放
physical memory dump complete 物理释放完成
电脑故障 英语作文
电脑故障英语作文Title: Dealing with Computer Malfunction。
In our increasingly digital world, encountering computer malfunctions is an inevitability. Whether it's a sudden crash, a software glitch, or hardware failure, these issues can disrupt productivity and cause frustration. However, knowing how to effectively deal with computer problems can mitigate their impact and facilitate a smoother resolution process.First and foremost, when faced with a computer malfunction, it's essential to remain calm and composed. Panicking or becoming overly stressed will only exacerbate the situation. Instead, take a deep breath and approach the problem with a clear and focused mindset.The next step is to diagnose the issue. Identify the specific symptoms and try to determine whether the problem lies with the hardware or software. Common hardware issuesinclude malfunctioning components such as the hard drive, RAM, or motherboard, while software problems can range from corrupted files to incompatible applications.Once the issue has been identified, it's time to troubleshoot. For software-related problems, restarting the computer or reinstalling the affected program may resolve the issue. Additionally, running diagnostic tools or performing system updates can help address underlying software conflicts.In the case of hardware malfunctions, it may be necessary to open up the computer and inspect the components for any visible damage or loose connections. However, it's important to exercise caution when handling hardware, as improper handling can cause further damage.If the problem persists despite troubleshooting efforts, seeking professional assistance may be necessary. Thiscould involve contacting technical support servicesprovided by the manufacturer or consulting with a qualified computer technician. Be sure to provide them with detailedinformation about the issue and any steps taken to troubleshoot thus far.While waiting for assistance or repairs, it's advisable to back up important data to prevent potential loss in the event of a complete system failure. Cloud storage services or external hard drives are convenient options for backing up files securely.In conclusion, dealing with computer malfunctions requires a systematic approach and a level-headed demeanor. By remaining calm, diagnosing the issue, and implementing appropriate troubleshooting steps, many problems can be resolved efficiently. However, when faced with more complex issues or hardware failures, seeking professional assistance is recommended. Ultimately, being proactive and prepared can help minimize the impact of computer malfunctions and facilitate a smoother resolution process.。
A20 hardware error. Contact technical support to identify the problem 地址线A20错误。联系技术支持来识别该问题
There is an invalid country code or code page in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS里有一个无效的国家代码
There is an error in the COUNTRY command in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS里有一个错误的设置国家命令
The configuration specified in your CONFIG.SYS file is too large for memory 调整你的CONFIG.SYS文件以获得足够大的内存
You have too many block devices specified in your CONFIG.SYS file 调整你的CONFIG.SYS文件以获得block devices
Error: Unable to control A20 line 错误提示:不能使用A20地址控制线
Memory write/Read failure 内存读写失败
Memory allocation error 内存定位错误
CMOS Battery state Low CMOS没电了
Keyboard interface error 键盘接口错误
电脑故障英语作文Computer Malfunction。
Computers have become an essential part of our daily lives. We use them for work, entertainment, communication, and many other purposes. However, like any other electronic device, computers can malfunction, causing frustration and inconvenience. In this essay, I will discuss some common computer malfunctions and how to troubleshoot them.One of the most common computer malfunctions is a frozen screen. This happens when the computer stops responding to any commands and the cursor is stuck in one place. To fix this problem, you can try restarting the computer by pressing the power button for a few seconds until it shuts down. Then, wait a few seconds and turn it back on. If the problem persists, you may need to perform a hard reset by unplugging the computer from the power source and holding down the power button for 30 seconds. This will clear any residual electricity from the computer and resetits hardware.Another common computer malfunction is a slow performance. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as too many programs running at the same time, a full hard drive, or malware infections. To improve thecomputer's performance, you can try closing any unnecessary programs and deleting any files or programs that you no longer need. You can also run a virus scan to detect and remove any malware infections that may be slowing down your computer.In addition, computers may also experience hardware malfunctions, such as a malfunctioning keyboard or mouse, a faulty power supply, or a damaged screen. If you encounter any of these problems, you may need to replace the damaged hardware component or seek professional help.To prevent computer malfunctions, it is important to take good care of your computer. This includes keeping it clean and dust-free, avoiding exposure to extreme temperatures or moisture, and installing regular softwareupdates and security patches.In conclusion, computer malfunctions can be frustrating and disruptive, but they can be easily troubleshooted with some basic knowledge and skills. By taking good care of your computer and knowing how to troubleshoot common problems, you can ensure that your computer runs smoothly and efficiently.。
计算机出现故障的英语短句When a computer malfunctions, it can be a frustrating and time-consuming experience. Here are some common English phrases related to computer malfunctions, along with explanations and examples:"My computer is experiencing technical issues."This phrase is a general way to describe any kind of problem with a computer. It's a broad term that can cover a wide range of issues, from software glitches to hardware failures."The computer is not responding to any commands."When a computer fails to respond to mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, or other commands, it can be a sign of a serious issue. This phrase describes the symptoms of a computer that has become unresponsive or "frozen.""I'm encountering frequent crashes and errors while using the computer."Crashes and errors are common symptoms of computer malfunctions. This phrase indicates that the computer is experiencing frequent and unexpected shutdowns or error messages."The computer is running slower than usual."A decrease in performance can be a sign of a malfunction. This phrase describes a computer that is taking longer to complete tasks or is generally sluggish in its operations."I'm unable to access certain files or programs on my computer."When specific files or programs become inaccessible, it can be due to a variety of issues, including corrupted data, software conflicts, or hardware problems. This phrase describes the inability to open or use specific resources on the computer."The computer is displaying odd graphical glitches or artifacts."Graphical issues, such as distorted images, color distortions, or unexpected patterns, can be symptoms of a malfunctioning graphics card or other hardware components. This phrase describes visual abnormalities on the computer screen."The computer is making strange noises or experiencing excessive heating."Physical symptoms, such as unusual noises coming from the computer or feeling excessively hot to the touch, can be indicators of internal hardware issues. This phrase describes physical signs that suggest a malfunction.When describing computer malfunctions, it's important to provide as much detail as possible. This helps others understand the nature of the problem and can assist in troubleshooting and finding solutions.。
电脑出了什么故障英语作文Title: A Computer Malfunction。
Introduction:Computers have become an integral part of our lives, aiding us in various tasks. However, like any other electronic device, they are prone to malfunctions. In this essay, we will explore a common computer malfunction and the steps taken to address it.Body:1. The occurrence of a computer malfunction:Last month, my computer encountered a severe malfunction that disrupted my daily routine. It all began when I turned on my computer one morning and noticed thatit took an unusually long time to start up. Once it finally booted, I encountered freezing issues, and the computerbecame unresponsive. This was a clear indication that something was wrong.2. Identifying the problem:To determine the cause of the malfunction, I decided to conduct a thorough investigation. I checked the computer's hardware, such as the hard drive and RAM, to ensure they were functioning properly. I also ran a virus scan to rule out any malware or viruses causing the issue. After these initial checks, I concluded that the problem might lie with the operating system.3. Seeking professional assistance:Since I lacked expertise in dealing with operating system issues, I decided to seek professional assistance. I contacted a local computer repair shop and explained the situation to them. They advised me to bring my computer in for further examination. Upon inspection, the technician confirmed that the operating system had indeed malfunctioned.4. Repairing the computer:To rectify the issue, the technician proposedreinstalling the operating system. This process involved wiping the computer's hard drive clean and reinstalling the necessary software. However, this meant that I would loseall my data, so I was advised to back up my important files before proceeding. I followed the technician's advice and backed up my files to an external hard drive.5. Restoring the computer:Once the backup was complete, the technician proceeded with reinstalling the operating system. This required formatting the hard drive and installing a fresh copy ofthe operating system. The entire process took a few hours, during which I anxiously waited for the outcome.6. Testing and finalizing the repair:After the operating system was successfully reinstalled,the technician thoroughly tested the computer to ensurethat all functions were working correctly. They also installed essential software programs and updated the system to the latest version. Finally, I was called to the repair shop to collect my computer.Conclusion:Experiencing a computer malfunction can be afrustrating and disruptive event. However, seeking professional assistance and taking necessary steps to address the issue can help resolve the problem effectively. In my case, reinstalling the operating system proved to be the solution, and my computer was restored to its normal functioning state. It is essential to remain calm and patient when facing such situations and rely on experts to rectify the problem.。
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1.开机BIOS出错提示1 CMOS battery failed中文:CMOS电池失效。
2 CMOS check sum error-Defaults loaded中文:CMOS 执行全部检查时发现错误,要载入系统预设值。
解释:一般来说出现这句话都是说电池快没电了,可以先换个电池试试,如果问题还是没有解决,那么说明CMOS RAM可能有问题,如果没过保修期就到经销商处换一块主板,过了保修期就让经销商送回生产厂家修一下吧!3 Press ESC to skip memory test中文:正在进行内存检查,可按ESC键跳过。
解释:这是因为在CMOS内没有设定跳过存储器的第2、3、4次测试,开机就会执行4次内存测试,当然你也可以按ESC键结束内存检查,不过每次都要这样做太麻烦了,你可以进入COMS设置后选择BIOS FEATURSSETUP,将其中的Quick Power On Self Test设为Enabled,储存后重新启动即可。
4 Keyboard error or no keyboard present中文:键盘错误或者未接键盘。
5 Hard disk install failure中文:硬盘安装失败。
6 Secondary slave hard fail 中文:检测从盘失败解释:可能是CMOS设置不当,比如说没有从盘但在CMOS 里设为有从盘,那么就会出现这个出错提示,这时可以进入COMS设置选择IDE HDD AUTO DETECTION进行硬盘自动侦测。
7 Floppy Disk(s) fail,或Floppy Disk(s) fail(80),或Floppy Disk(s) fail(40)中文:无法驱动软盘驱动器。
8 Hard disk(s) diagnosis fail中文:执行硬盘诊断时发生错误。
9 Memory test fail中文:内存检测失败。
解释:重新插拔一下内存条,看看是否能解决,出现这种问题一般是因为内存条互相不兼容,去换一条吧!10 Override enable-Defaults loaded中文:当前CMOS设定无法启动系统,载入BIOS中的预设值以便启动系统。
解释:一般是在COMS内的设定出现错误,只要进入COMS设置,选择LOAD SETUP DEFAULTS载入系统原来的设定值,然后重新启动即可。
11 Press TAB to show POST screen中文:按TAB键可以切换屏幕显示。
12 Resuming from disk,Press TAB to show POST screen中文:从硬盘恢复开机,按TAB显示开机自检画面)。
解释:这是因为有的主板的BIOS提供了Suspend to disk(将硬盘挂起)的功能,如果我们用Suspend to disk的方式来关机,那么我们在下次开机时就会显示此提示消息。
13 Hardware Monitor found an error,enter POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP fordetails,Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP中文:监视功能发现错误,进入POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP查看详细资料,按F1键继续开机程序,按DEL键进入COMS设置。
解释:有的主板具备硬件的监视功能,可以设定主板与CPU的温度监视、电压调整器的电压输出电位监视和对各个风扇转速的监视,当上述监视功能在开机时发觉有异常情况,那么便会出现上述这段话,这时可以进入COMS 设置选择POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP,在右面的**Fan Monitor**、**Thermal Monitor**和**Voltage Monitor**查看是哪部分发出生了异常,然后再加以解决。
2.DOS的出错提示[英文提示] Abort,Retry, Ignore,fail?[中文] 退出,重试,忽略,取消?[原因] 不能识别给出的命令、或发生了使命令不能执行的磁盘或设备错误,可能是磁盘损坏或软驱门没关。
[对策] 按A键彻底终止,并回到DOS提示符。
[英文提示] Access Denied[中文] 拒绝存取[原因] 试图打开一个标记为只读、存贮在写保护的磁盘上或锁定在网络上的文件。
[对策] 应该用“Attrib”命令删除文件的只读状态或从磁盘中去掉写保护,然后再试试。
[英文提示] Bad Command or file name[中文] 错误的命令或文件名[原因] 不能识别输入的命令[对策] 应该检查以确保输入命令的正确性确认在指定目录或用Path命令指定的搜索路径上能找到命令文件。
[英文提示] Boot error[中文] 引导错误[原因] 在引导时检测不到应该的外设。
[对策] 应该检查计算机的设置参数,如用户自己不能解决这个问题,请找专门维修人员。
[英文提示] Cannot find system files[中文] 不能找到系统文件[原因] 试图从没有包含系统文件的驱动器上装入操作系统。
[对策] 应该用sys命令将系统文件复制到根目录中。
[英文提示] Cannot load command,system halted[中文] 不能加载command,系统中止[原因] 应用程序覆盖了内存中的所有或部分。
[对策] 应该重新引导计算机,检查被应用程序修改过的数据是否完整,如必要可将复制到子目录,这样退出应用程序时DOS可在这儿找到。
[英文提示] Cannot read file allocation table[中文] 不能读到文件分配表[原因] 文件分配表已坏。
[对策] 如仍能找到一些数据,那么将它们都备份到一张空盘中,也可利用Chkdsk命令修复文件分配表,如需要,可重新格式化磁盘。
[英文提示] Divide Overflow[中文] 分配溢出,除零错误[原因] 程序可能编写有错误,未调试好,也可能是与内存中的其它程序冲突。
[对策] 检查内存中的其它程序或不再使用此程序。
[英文提示] Drive Not Ready Error[中文] 驱动器未准备好[原因] 没有该驱动器或未放磁盘。
[对策] 检查磁盘或更换磁盘。
[英文提示] Duplicate File Name or File Not Found[中文] 文件重名或未找到[原因] 给文件起名字时与以有的文件重名了或是在对文件操纵时根本就没这条文件。
[对策] 更换名字或是检查文件名的拼写。
[英文提示] Error loading operating system[中文] 引导操作系统错误[原因] 操作系统文件找不到或已损坏。
[对策] 用SYS命令将操作系统文件拷贝到该驱动器,如需要,可将config.sys 和autoexec.bat文件拷贝到根目录中。
[英文提示] EXEC failure[中文] 文件执行失败[原因] 应用程序的可执行文件包含影响处埋的错误,或者由于早已打开了太多的文件而不能打开该文件,文件可能与当前的DOS版本不兼容。
[对策] 检查DOS的版本,如版本正确,可通过编辑Config.sys中的Files命令来解决这个问题。
[英文提示] File allocation table bad[中文] 文件分配表已损坏[原因] 很多原因,例如病毒发作,突然停机,不正常关机等都能破坏分配表[对策] 将所能找到的数据备份到空盘中,不要覆盖以前的备份。
[英文提示] File cannot be copied onto itself[中文] 文件不能拷贝成自己[原因] 你在源文件和目标文件中指定了相同的文件,或是忘了写文件名。
[对策] 按需要改变源或目标文件,然后再试试看。
[英文提示] File creation Error[中文] 文件建立错误[原因] 可能是在磁盘中没有足够的空间为用户要创建的文件、想创建的文件早已存在,且为只读文件或是想利用早已存在的文件名来更换文件的名字。
[对策] 可以换个盘,或使用别的目标名、别的目标位置,或者使用Attrib命令除去文件的只读属性。
[英文提示] File not found[中文] 文件未找到[原因] 在当前目录或由Path、Append命令指定的任一目录中找不到文件,或者指定的目录是空的。
[对策] 检查文件名的拼法和位置,如需要改变搜索路径。
[英文提示] General failure[中文] 通用失败[原因] DOS不能判断错误的原因,一般是因为驱动器中的磁盘未格式化,或格式化成非DOS系统。
[对策] 应该重新格式化磁盘。
[英文提示] Incorrect DOS version[中文] DOS版本不符[原因] 输入了一个不同版本的外部命令。
[对策] 用setver设置版本或者使用正确的可执行文件。
[英文提示] Insufficient Disk Space[中文] 磁盘空间不足[原因] 磁盘中已没有可用的空间来拷贝文件或创建文件。