红楼梦 英文PPT介绍
The new employees a multi perspective narrative technique with different characters advancing their unique perspectives on events This allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the characters and their motivations, and enhances the overall complexity and wealth of the story
explored in Dream of the Red Chamber
Influence of works
Literary Value
Considered a masterpiece in Chinese literature, it has influenced countless writers and works since its publication
complexity of both the Jia and Lin families
Wang Xifeng
Character Overview
Wang Xifeng is a supporting character in Dream of the Red Chamber and is considered one of the most important female characters in Chinese literature She is a strong willed and cunning woman who plays a pivotal role in the story
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Three Typical Point
1 Chinese painting 2 Hanfu 3 Tea culture
1 1
Chinese Painting (Xuan paper painting)
refers to paintings painted on Xuan paper or silk by ink and color, it is the main form of Chinese art. It’s created in accordance with the unique Chinese aesthetic orientation and art skills
中国画(宣画):即用颜料在宣纸、宣绢 上的绘画,是中华民族艺术的主要形式。 它依照中华民族特有的审美趋向及因此而 产生的艺术手法而创作
11 CChhinineeseseppaainintitningg
Classification according to subject matter of Chinese painting
Zhizhui(直缀) Mianfu(冕服)
2 Hanfu
As a classic symbol of china , especially for Han ethnic, Han Chinese clothing has been deeply imprinted in all aspects of Chinese civilization, representing it’s gorgeous ,elegant , and rich temperament
JuXian bole
秦 穆 公 欲 寻 好 马 , 相 马 师 伯 乐 自 感 年 事 已 高, Qin mu and to find a good horse, The music teacher "in the horse sense years it has high, 于是向秦穆公推荐了年轻的九方堙。 So to QinMu male recommended young nine Yin party. 经过多方努力寻找,九方堙发现了真正的千里马。 After many efforts to find, nine party Yin found real winged steed译)、“Sinology”(意译,指中国学或汉学)。现在一般提到的国学,是指以先秦经学习典及诸子学为根基,涵盖了两汉经学、魏晋玄学、宋明理学和同时期的汉赋、六朝骈文、唐宋诗词、元曲与明清小说并历代史学等一套特有而完整的文化、学术体系。因此,广义上,中国古代和现代的文化和学术,包括中国古代历史、思想、哲学、地理、政治、经济乃至书画、音乐、易学、术数、医学、星相、建筑等都是国学所涉及的范畴。 现在所谓国学,包括中国古代的思想、哲学、科学、技术、历史、地理、政治、经济及书画、音乐、术数、医学、星相、建筑等诸多方面。“国学”之名,始之清末。其时欧美学术进入中国,号为“新学”、“西学”等,与之相对,人们便把中国固有的学问统称为“旧学”、“中学”或“国学”等。
中国传统文化 英文版ppt课件
There are four main schools(流派) and some sorts of Chinese martial arts.
•Emei 峨眉
•Wudang 武当
•Shaolin 少林
Kongtong 崆峒
• Wing Chun • 咏春拳
• Tai Chi
• 太极拳
The most famous Beijing Opera
It is known as Chinese national essence. It flourished in the 1940s,and it is over 200 years old. I'd like to recommend a movie, Farewell My Concubine(霸王别 姬).
• Drunken Master • 醉拳
• Mantis Boxing
• 螳螂拳 20
• Jeet kune do • 截拳道
Calligraphy is considered as an active way of keeping one fit and health for the practice is either relaxing or self-entertaining. Historically, many calligraphy artists in China was well known for their longevity.
Plum blossom represent a kind of haughty, orchid represent secluded while bamboo represent strong mind,chrysanthemum representthe balance.
Ancient Chinese are eager to use plants to show their spirit. And actually,there must be some reasons that the poets would like to chose this kind of plants.
Zhengbanqiao is the most famous painters on painting bamboos.Actually,his also a person who got high moral character .Let’s enjoy his paintings.
Tell the difference
of the Tang Dynasty
• (1)以乐府古题写时事对后人的影响, • (2)为四言诗体注入活力。
• 不仅以其创作开风气之先,影响了 一代诗风,还以其对文学的倡导,为 建安文学的繁荣做出了贡献。
晋 36
《五柳先生传》 陶渊明
• 帝子潇湘去不还,空余秋草洞庭间。 • 淡扫明湖开玉镜,丹青画出是君山。
• 1、描写女性的美貌 • 《清平调词》咏杨贵妃:
• 云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 • 若非群玉山头见,会向瑶台月下逢。
• 冬夜夜寒觉夜长,沉吟久坐坐北堂…… • 金釭灭,啼转多,掩妾泪,听君歌。 • 歌有声,妾有情,情声合,两无违。
二、汉代历史散文是两汉文学的 最高成就
汉代历史散文比先秦时代有了较大的发 展,其主要特征是传记文学体裁的出现。
《史记》是史传散文的典范之作,开创了 我国正史的写作体例。
三、汉乐府民歌和汉代文人诗是 两汉文学的重要形式
汉乐府民歌是我国诗歌发展的一个新的时期,在 诗歌的形式上较之四言诗有所突破;在表现的内容 上,叙事的成分有所增加。
• 辞赋是汉“一代之文学”,具有文学史上空前绝后的特点。汉代辞赋作家有 300多人,比较杰出的有司马相如、扬雄、班固、张衡等等,汉代辞赋的作品有 3000多篇,形成了汉代文学史上独特的景观。
• 名家名篇:司马相如《子虚赋》、《上林赋》;扬雄《甘泉赋》 、班固《两 都赋》、张衡《归田赋》 、《二京赋》
1、《诗经》是我国文学的光辉起点。 2、《诗经》奠定了我国古典诗歌现实 主义的基础。 “饥者歌其食,劳者歌 其事”现实主义精神。 3、《诗经》以鲜明的事实证明了劳动 人民的艺术创造才能。
Changling, WangZhihuan
Song lyrics
Song lyrics was popular as a form of song in the Song Dynasty the Northern and Southern dynasties the Tang Dynasty the Song Dynasty Song lyrics is mainly divided into: the powerful and free school(豪放派) xin Qiji 、 Su Shi the subtle and concise school(婉约派) Li Qingzhao、YanShu
Modern prose
Famous writers:鲁迅(周树人)、周作人、林语 堂(弘一法师)、朱自清、冰心(谢婉莹)、郁达 夫、郭沫若、 叶圣陶 、许地山、徐志摩、何其芳
The Chinese ancient novels bud in the pre-qin(先秦). The Tang Dynasty was the mature period of novels known as the Golden Legend. The late Yuan and Ming and Qing Dynasties Novels developed to peak, and appeared long novels. There are several aspects of the origin of the novel: 1. myth and legend(神话传说) 2. the fable story (寓言故事) 3. the history (史传)
古典中国风国学经典传统文化动态ppt模板 中式复古水墨文学课件 (97)
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中国文学英文介绍 Chinese Literature[优质ppt]
李Li 白Bai (701–762)
was one of the greatest romantic poets of ancient China. He wrote at least a thousand poems on a variety of subjects from political matters to natural scenery.
Classical Poetry
• The principal genre of Chinese literature is poetry. • The earliest Chinese Poem collection is 诗Shi经jing (Classic of
Poetry) is made up of 305 poems divided into 160 folk songs; early folk songs established the 乐Yue府fu诗shi form that crystallized during the Han dynasty and dominated for the next 1,200 years. Beginning with the simple complaints and longings expressed in rhymed couplets of folk songs, this form gradually became more and more complex, or "regulated," until it took years of study to master its formal rules of composition. • Poetry became well established as a literary form during the T‘ang Dynasty,main contribution to Chinese literature was in the poetry of Dufu, Li Bai and many other poets. 杜Du甫fu and 李Li白 Bai are often thought of as China’s greatest poets.
• 阴虚甲骨卜辞是我国现今发现的最早的文字 记载。
• 魏晋南北朝以还,文体自觉意识:
• 曹丕:夫文,本同而末異.蓋奏議宜雅, 書 論宜理, 銘誄尚實, 詩賦欲麗.(《典 论·论文》)
• 陆机《文赋》将文体分为十类:诗赋碑诔铭 箴颂论奏说。
• 《文选》将文体分为三十九类
• 刘勰《文心雕龙》:“今之常言:有文有 笔。以为无韵者,笔也;有韵者,文也”
• 中国古代社会,人们对文学散文和非文学 散文始终没有清楚的认识,因此散文的文 学性,通常总是依附于原本非文学的文体 门类而得以体现,并随之发展,如历史散 文、诸子散文、游记散文、笔记散文等。
• 最后,楚国或曾经生活在楚地的作家,也 为赋的创立或发展,做出过直接的贡献。
• 词最初产生于民间,时间不可考。
• 词与音乐关系密切,词的兴起,可 以说是两汉以后诗和音乐彻底分离 后,在新的环境、新的条件下,以 新的方式实现的一次回归。直到南 宋末年,词才脱离音乐,成为格律 诗的一种。
• 今夫举大木者,前呼'邪许',后亦应之,此 举重劝力之歌也.《淮南子●道应训》
• 鲁迅先生说:“假如那时大家抬木头,都 觉得吃力,却想不到发表,其中有一个叫 道‘杭育杭育’,那么,这就是创作;大 家也要佩服,应用的,这就等于出版;徜 若用什么记号留存了下来,这就是文学; 他当然就是作家,也是文学家,是‘杭育 杭育派’。”(《且介亭杂文●门外文谈》)
• 《汉书艺文志》九家十流之一:“小说家 者流, 盖出于稗官。街谈巷语、道听涂说 者之所造也。孔子 曰:“虽小道, 必有可 观者焉, 致远恐泥, 是以君子不为也. 然 亦弗灭也。”
中国传统文化英语阅读教程Chinese Traditional Culture: An English Reading CourseIntroduction:Chinese traditional culture is a rich tapestry woven from thousands of years of history, philosophy, art, and social norms. It has been a source of inspiration and wisdom for the Chinese people and has also made significant contributions to the world's cultural heritage. This reading course aims to introduce learners of English to the various aspects of Chinese traditional culture, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of this ancient civilization.Chapter 1: The Philosophy of Confucianism- The Life and Teachings of Confucius- The Five Constants: Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom, and Faithfulness- The Influence of Confucian Thought on Chinese SocietyChapter 2: The Art of Chinese Calligraphy- The Evolution of Chinese Writing Systems- The Aesthetics of Calligraphy: The Four Treasures ofthe Study- Masterpieces and Great Calligraphers of ChinaChapter 3: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)- The Foundations of TCM: Qi, Yin, and Yang- The Practice of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine- The Role of TCM in Modern HealthcareChapter 4: The Splendor of Chinese Opera- The Birth of Peking Opera and Its Characteristics- The Role of Music, Costume, and Makeup in Opera Performances- Famous Operas and Opera Stars of ChinaChapter 5: The Ancient Wisdom of Feng Shui- The Principles of Feng Shui and Its Application in Architecture- The Five Elements and the Bagua in Feng Shui- The Influence of Feng Shui on Interior Design and Landscape PlanningChapter 6: The Celebration of Chinese Festivals- The Significance of the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)- The Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival- Traditional Foods and Customs Associated with Chinese FestivalsChapter 7: The Delicacies of Chinese Cuisine- The Eight Culinary Traditions of China- The Art of Chinese Cooking: Techniques and Ingredients- The Cultural Significance of Food in Chinese SocietyChapter 8: The Legacy of Chinese Inventions- The Four Great Inventions: Paper, Printing, Gunpowder, and the Compass- Contributions to Science, Technology, and the Arts- The Impact of Ancient Chinese Inventions on the WorldConclusion:Understanding Chinese traditional culture is not onlyabout learning facts and figures; it's about embracing a way of life that has been shaped by centuries of philosophical thought, artistic expression, and social development. This reading course is designed to be a stepping stone for English learners to delve deeper into the rich cultural heritage of China and to appreciate the profound impact it has had on the world.Glossary:- A comprehensive list of key terms and their definitions related to the topics covered in the course.Further Reading:- A selection of recommended books, articles, and websites for those who wish to explore Chinese traditional culture in greater depth.Acknowledgments:- Recognition of the scholars, authors, and cultural experts whose work has contributed to the creation of this reading course.。
中国文化英语教程ppt131、,Lead-in,Text study,Exercises,Unit 13 A SilentArmy,Lead-in,He you watched the Chinese Movie Myth 神话)? Some scenes near the end are shot in this fantastic place. Can you guess where it is?,Qin Shi Huangs mausoleum,Lead-in,Location: Lintong District, Xian, Shaanxi ProvinceAn UNESCO World Heritage S2、iteThe Eighth Wonder of the WorldA Collection of SculpturesThe Terracotta (赤陶土) Army or the “Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses”,Introduction,Discovery of the Terracotta Army (兵马俑),Vivid Sculpture,Text study,Introduction,the Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin: Renowned as one of the “Eight Won3、ders of the World” Is a great legacy of his military might, and also a superb paradigm of ancient Chinesesculpture.,Introduction,The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi HuangIt is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in BC and wh4、ose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife.,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,Discovery time: March 1974,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,Terra Cotta Pit No.1 was discovered by local villagers who were digging a well on a piece of barren land in Xianyang. They came across unusual pottery5、 fragments. Archaeologists soon uncovered on the site a huge army of terracotta warriors and horses. They were interred (埋葬) with the remains of the First Emperor over 2,000 years ago. Altogether four pits (坑) housing thousands of terracotta warriors he been unearthed.,Discovery of the Terracotta7、t 6,000 soldiers(wearing suits of armor and holding bronze weapons),Discovery of the Terracotta Army,On either side of central echelon, there is a row of 10 soldiers, as flanks (侧翼) of the formation,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,At the back, more than 100 warriors stand, probably part of the rea、r guard.,Among the formation are 32 terracotta horses, with four drawing a wooden war chariot (战车).,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,Pit No.2 was discovered in the summer of 1976.,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,二号坑蹲射佣出土时原状A crouching warrior, just unearthed from Pit No. 2, his martial bearing unta9、rnished by the soil still on his face.,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,It has 4 battle formations, including over 1,300 soldiers and horses, more than 0 war chariots and tens of thousands of bronze weapons.,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,Formation 1Eastern SectionsA group of archers (弓箭手)Front:10、60 archers , standing upright Back: 160 archers , squatting on one leg and kneeling on the other,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,Formation 2 (To the right of Formation 1)Aformation of 64 war chariots in rows.Each chariot is drawn by 4 life-size horses.Behind each chariot stand 3 soldiers: The on11、e in the middle-hold the reins; the other two on the sides hold long-staffed weapons,Discovery of the TerracottaArmy,Formation 319 chariots, 264 infantrymen (步兵) horsemenIn 3 rowsAt the front of each horse stands a soldier, with one hand holding the reins and the other in the pose of pulling a bow12、.,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,Formation 4 A formation of 10 horsemen and 10 saddled horses in 11rows,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,Pit No. 3 was also discovered in the summer of 1976. (West of Pit No.1)凹 shape, allest, only 6 warriors inside,Discovery of the Terracotta Army,Pit No.4 An13、 area of about 5,000 sq.m. located between No.2 and3,Vivid Sculpture,The terracotta warriors and horses caused a sensation upon their discovery, not only because of the impressive size of the army, but also due to the masterful craftanship of the sculptures.Two features Life-size: soldiers about14、1.5 meters tall; horses about 1.6 meters in height Various and distinctive:,Vivid Sculpture,Various and distinctive: vivid expressions; distinctive in terms of hairstyle, eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, ears and beards, showing their individual age, position and personality.,Vivid Sculpture,The origina15、l figures were colorfully painted, but most of the color was lost after long years of burial.,Vivid Sculpture,跪射俑 Acrouching archer, in Pit No. 2, a fine example of sculptural art of the time,Half-squatting, half-kneeling Hair tied in a knot Suits of armor over war robes,The posture clearly shows t16、he tension of the process of shooting,Vivid Sculpture,立射俑头像 Head of a standing archer, in Pit No. 2 his eyes observing the enemy in the distance,Highly alert expressions: eyebrows lowered, nostrils slightly flaring ears alert,Vivid Sculpture,Horses (over 600),2 for pulling chariots One for17、 calrysteeds,Exercises,Comprehension,Communication,Application,Com prehension,l. Skimming and ScanningGo through the passage quickly and answer the following questions briefly. 1) What is the significance of the Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin?It is not only a great legacy of the First1、 Emperor of Qins military might, but also a superb paradigm of ancient Chinese sculpture. 2) Which of the four pits is the largest? How large is it?Pit No. 1 is the largest, with an area of more than 14,000 square meters.,Comprehension,3) What are the four formations in Pit No.2?The four formations19、in Pit No. 2 are one of archers in the east, one of war chariots to its right, a bigger chariot formation in the middle and a formation of horsemen and saddled horses to the left.4) What was Pit No. 3 probably intended as?Pit No. 3 was probably intended as headquarters of the left, central and right21、 impressive size of the army and the masterful craftanship of the sculptures.,Comprehension,7) What is Paragraph 11 mainly about?Paragraph 11 is mainly about the detailed description of the sculptures, showing how vivid they are and how masterful the craftanship of the sculptures is.) How many22、terracotta horses are there in the three pits?There are more than 600 terracotta horses in the three pits.,Comprehension,II Careful Reading? 1. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. From Paragraph 2, we can infer that _. A. the Terracotta Army was23、dug out by villagers in Xianyang B. the archeologists discovered the Terracotta Army by chance C. the warriors and horses were made of pottery D. the Terracotta Army was designed by the First Emperor,C,Comprehension,2) Which of the following is NOT found in Pit No. 1? _A. Soldiers. B. Commanders. C.24、 Archers. D. ChariotsThe formation of Pit No. I can be divided into _ main parts.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5,C,B,Comprehension,4. One of the differences between Pit No. 2 and Pit No. 1 is that _. A. the former has more soldiers than the latter B. the former has more war chariots than the latter C. the soldi25、ers hold more modem weapons in Pit No. 2 D. the war chariot was drawn by horses in the former rather than by soldiers as in the latter.,B,Comprehension,5) Which of the following is NOT true about Pit No. 3? _A. It lies to the west of Pit No. l.B. It looks like in a 凹 shape.C. It has the least warrio26、rs among the four pits.D. It was not finished probably.6) The examples in Paragraph 12 are used to illustrate _. A. how vivid the warriors and horses are B. how impressive the size of the Terracotta Army is C. what kind of suits people wore at that time D. how attentive the soldiers were,C,A,Compreh27、ension,What is implied but not stated in Paragraph 12? Each of the archers hair was tied in a knot.The bows and arrows were preserved underground. C. The archers were waiting for the order to shoot. D. The archers were in the half-squatting and half-kneeling posture. ) The sculpture of the horses a29、arters,Communication,The following is a passage about the Terracotta Army. Read it and retell the sy in English.秦始皇从13岁开始,就为自己修建陵墓,这是一项浩大的工程。
诗词,先秦诸子和唐宋散文、寓言传说与明清小 说、元杂剧和散曲等,而且还包含一些至关重要 的艺术类,例如书法绘画理论的代表性作品。
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
(二)尝试以汉族文献为主,兼顾其他民族文 献的多元文化格局
中国是一个多民族的国家,中华民族多元文化 的共生共存状态是一个不争的事实。由于历史原因, 以往的中国文化史往往讲成了汉族文化的历史,或 者只利于汉语的历史资料,或者围绕汉语和汉族文 化构建历史文化观念,导致一定程度上忽略了其他 民族及其语言的历史和文化特点,其中也包括其他 民族中一些极为重要的历史事实和文化现象。
▪ 自从德庇时 (John Francis Davis, 1795-1890) 翻译的 “好逑传” (Hao Ch’iu Chuan) 1761年首次在英 国出版以来,中国典籍英 译已经走过了250年的历 史(马祖毅,1997:10)。 此外德庇时还翻译了《汉 宫秋》(The Sorrows of Han)。
著作的精华,如《史记》,而且应当包含一些历 史人物的传记和历史观、历史哲学一类著作,如 康有为的《大同书》等。
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
The Dream of the Red Chamber is a classic Chinese novel that tells the story of the decade of an once powerful noble family in the Qing Dynasty
A strategy and advisor to the alliance, Wu Yong is known for his cutting and wit He is often the brains behind the operations of the outlooks
Song Jiang
The pious and determined master who is on a mission to retrieve Buddhist scripts from the West He is patient and tolerant rewards his decisions
Tang Sanzang
The story revolves around the lives of various characters, their loves, ambitions, and the complex relationships within the Jia family It also explores themes such as love, fate, and social commentary
A mischievous and powerful monkey who has great magical powers He is loyal to his master and helps him overcome many challenges on their journal
Dream of the Red Chamber
Tale of Water Margin
wrriten by Shi Nai-an
• In the final years of the song dynasty, chin a was in a state of political and social conf usion. Besides,it.undergone frequent forei gn invasion and a large number of man ma de and natural disasters .
The Romance of the Three Kindoms
➢ Fearing attacks by three rebllious states, the e mperor sent out an urgent appeal for support. I n response, three young men the aristocratic Liu Xuande, the fugitive Lord Guan, and the pig butcher Zhang Fei met to swear to be brothers.
➢ hamber" to Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai main line between love marriage and tragedy. a description of …..
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"Yan" pass "Feast" the Yan Yue feast between the popular music add to the fun,
playing and singing by key cultural quality of the underlying musicians Geisha. The
part of the song was changed to Chinese names two from folk Folk songs. The
Song Dynasty folk song of creation is still very strong, "Song Music" the words
of view of civil popular literature has been widely recognized. On the occasion of the
Sui and Tang, song words, originally formed with a new music - Yanyue "singing.
features, are more stable characteristics of this literary creation. The lyrics with
congenital vulgar characteristics, very different aesthetic traditional orthodox
Dynasty, the long and short sentence or a verse noun). Song absorb nutrients away from the "Book of Songs" and "Songs of the South" and "Han, Wei and Six Dynasties", transporting nutrients for dramatic fiction in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Even today, it is still
their appreciation of creative lyrics, consciously or unconsciously, to play the role.
Efforts to get rid of the vulgar vulgar, reverted to the elegance of the right path, and
Northern Song "new acoustic folk for a very public, such as" the Guyan children ","
rhyme order, "and so on. Yan, the two main sources of the melody tone, laid vulgar
easily understood literary characteristics Yanyue with its concert songt, the spreading process, as well as to play its entertainment
sources and Yan music tune, the two main ways: First, from the frontier or Outland
minority. Tang, a large number of Western music inflow is called "Hu Ministry, which
cultivate the sentiments of the people, to bring high art to enjoy. Song also called word famous book about Song: Song three hundred
• Song of origin • Song development • Song peak • Song factions
Masatada mind. Accepted by the majority lyricists traditional education,
imperceptible to the historical and social entrusted to their aesthetic ideas, are in
Song Tang Dynasty after a literary genre, it combines the characteristics of both literature and music. Each poem has a tone name, called "Cipai", according to tune lyrics called "By the sound. The word alias "Short Sentence" (After the Song Dynasty, long and short sentence is the alias of the word, but in the Northern Song Dynasty, the long and short sentence is the real name of the word; in the Tang
Song of Origin
"The song word" from folk, vulgar vulgar is its natural tendency. Due to a large
number of Dunhuang Grottoes "song word" re-found, the word comes from the point