
货运英文合同模板1. PartiesThis Freight Shipping Contract ("Contract") is entered into by and between [Sender], hereinafter referred to as the "Shipper," and [Carrier], hereinafter referred to as the "Carrier."2. ServicesThe Carrier agrees to provide freight shipping services for the Shipper in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. The Shipper agrees to provide the Carrier with all necessary information and documentation required for the shipment of goods.3. Shipment DetailsThe Shipper will provide the Carrier with a detailed description of the goods to be shipped, including quantity, weight, dimensions, and any special handling instructions. The Carrier will transport the goods from the designated pick-up location to the designated delivery location.4. RatesThe parties agree to the following rates for freight shipping services:- [Rate per pound, cubic foot, etc.]- [Fuel surcharge rate, if applicable]- [Additional charges for special handling, if applicable]5. Payment TermsThe Shipper agrees to pay the Carrier for freight shipping services within [number] days of the date of invoice. The Carrier reserves the right to charge interest on late payments at a rate of [percentage] per month.6. LiabilityThe Carrier agrees to exercise reasonable care in the transportation of goods and will be liable for any loss or damage caused by negligence or willful misconduct. The Carrier's liability will be limited to the actual value of the goods at the time of shipment.7. ClaimsThe Shipper must notify the Carrier of any loss or damage to goods within [number] days of delivery. Claims for loss or damage must be submitted in writing with supporting documentation. The Carrier will investigate the claim and make a determination of liability within [number] days.8. InsuranceThe Shipper is responsible for obtaining insurance coverage for the shipment of goods. The Carrier may offer insurance coverage as an additional service at an additional cost.9. Force MajeureNeither party will be liable for any delay or failure to perform under this Contract due to events beyond their control, including but not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, labor disputes, or government regulations.10. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated by either party with [number] days' written notice. The parties agree to settle any outstanding payments and complete any shipments in progress at the time of termination.11. Governing LawThis Contract will be governed by the laws of the state of [State], without regard to its conflict of laws principles.12. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and understandings, written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract on the date first above written.[Sender]By: ___________________________Name: _________________________Title: __________________________[Carrier]By: ___________________________Name: _________________________Title: __________________________Date: _________________________。

货运用语中英文对照外贸常见英文缩略词:1 CFR( costand freight)成本加运费价2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇3 D/P(document against payment)付款交单4 D/A(document against acceptance)承兑交单5 C.O(certificate of origin)一般原产地证6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等12 WT(weight)重量13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重14 N.W.(net weight)净重15 C/D(customs declaration)报关单16 EA(each)每个,各17 W(with)具有18 w/o(without)没有19 FAC(facsimile)传真20 IMP(import)进口21 EXP(export)出口22 MAX(maximum)最大的、最大限度的23 MIN(minimum)最小的,最低限度24 M或MED(medium)中等,中级的25 M/V(merchant vessel)商船26 S.S(steamship)船运27 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨28 DOC(document)文件、单据29 INT(international)国际的30 P/L(packing list)装箱单、明细表31 INV(invoice)发票32 PCT(percent)百分比33 REF(reference)参考、查价34 EMS(express mail special)特快传递35 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传37 RMB(renminbi)人民币38 S/M(shipping marks)装船标记39 PR或PRC(price)价格40 PUR(purchase)购买、购货41 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书42 L/C(letter of credit)信用证43 B/L(bill of lading)提单44 FOB(free on board)离岸价45 CIF(cost, insurance & freight)成本、保险加运费价船名(VES):vessel name航次(VOY): Voyage提单号(B/L NO): Bill of landing NO.装货港(POL): port of loading卸货港(POD): port of DISCHARGE目的港(DES): port of destination定舱单Booking doc:是指客户或者partner向我司递交的定舱单远洋航路、海上线:ocean line:已装船提单(Shipped on borad B/L)备用提单(Receivedfor Shipment B/L)清洁提单(Clean B/L)不清洁提单(Unclean or Foul B/L)直达提单(Direct B/L)转船提单(Transhipment B/L)联运提单(Through B/L)联合运输提单(Combined Transport B/L)记名提单( Straight B/L)不记名提单(Bearer B/L)指示提单(ORDER Order B/L)提单背书(Endorsment)航空运单(Airwaybill,简称AWB)集装箱(container)集装箱租赁(container leasing)集装箱装卸区(container terminal)空箱堆场(van pool)中转站或内路站(container depot or inland depot)集装箱货运站(container freight station 简称:CFS)是处理拼箱货的场所,它办理拼箱货的交接,配载积载后,将箱子送往CY,并接受CY交来的进口货箱,进行拆箱,理货,保管,最后拨给各收货人.同时也可按承运人的委托进行铅封和签发场站收据等业务.二.集装箱外尺寸(container's overall external dimensions)包括集装箱永久性附件在内的集装箱外部最大的长、宽、高尺寸。

货代,英文邮件模板篇一:货代操作文件的常用英语船公司SO文件的英文简单解释Booking number:订舱号码VevVoyage:航次CY Closing DATE:截柜日期,截关日closing Date/Time:截柜日期SI CUT OFF date/time:截提单补料日期/时间Expiry date:有效期限,到期日期Sailing date:航行日期/ 船离开港口的日期ETA (ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL):预计到达时间,到港日ETD(ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY):开船日ETC(ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING):截关日Port of loading(POL):装货港Loading port:装货港From City:起运地EXP(export):出口1Final destination:目的港,最终目的地Place of Delivery(POD)或To City:目的地,交货地Port of discharge:卸货港Discharge port:卸货港Load Port: 卸货港Dry:干的/不含液体或湿气Quantity:数量cargo type:货物种类container number:集装箱号码container:集装箱specific cargo container:特种货物集装箱Number of container:货柜数量container Size:货柜尺寸CU.FT :立方英尺Cont Status:货柜状况seal number:封条号码seal No:封条号码seal type:封条类型weight:重量Gross weight:总重(一般是含柜重和货重)Net Weight:净重Actual weight:实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后2的总重量Laden:重柜remarks:备注remarks for Terminal:堆场/码头备注piace of receipt:收货地Commodity:货物品名intended:预期ETD:预计开船日期Booking NO: SO号码/订仓号码Shipper:发货人Container No(Number):集装箱号码Equipment Number:货柜号码Reefer Tetails:冷柜参数contact:联络人,联系方式contact person:联络人intended fcl container delivery CUT-OFF:指定的重柜交柜时间,装箱整箱交付截止 intended shipping instructionCUT-OFF:指定的文件结关时间,航运指示截止 DOCCUT-OFF:文件结关时间(可能没有额外指定,按船公司一般的规律)像上面都是有特指的)Cargo nature:货物种类3service contract NO:服务合同编号,Wquipment size/type:SI CUT: 截提单补料或截关BKG Staff: BKG是Booking的简写,那就是订舱人员Regional BKG#:预订区域,Sales Rep: 销售代表BILL of Lading#:提单号,提单方案Empty Pick up CY:提空柜地点Empty Pick up Date:提空柜时间,提柜有效期Pre Carrier: 预载Est.Arrival Date:EIS到达时间CY CUT: 结关时间(具体还不清楚是码头截重柜还是截海关放行条时间) CY open: 整柜开仓时间Port of delivery:交货港口Receive Term: 接收期限Delivery Term: 交货期限Ocean Route Type: 海运路线类型,多指印度洋航线类型EQ Type/Q,ty:集装箱数量,类型 EQ是Equipment的简写Address:地址Special cargo information: 特别货物信息4Please see attached,if exists: 如果有,请见附档/如果存在,请参阅附件 Shipper,own container:托运人自己的集装箱Dangerous:危险或危险品/ 危险标志Internal:中心的,内部的Released: 释放,放行MT就是指吨,英文叫METRE TONECustomer:客户FCL full container load: 整柜FCL:整箱,整箱货LCL less than container load :拼箱,拼箱货Carrier:承运人Trucker:拖车公司/运输公司Tractor NO:车牌号码Depot:提柜地点Pickup Location:提柜地点Stuffing:装货地点Terminal:还柜地点Return Location:交柜地点Full Container Address:还重柜地点revised:修改后,已经校正,已经修订Size/Type:柜型尺寸尺寸/种类Discharge Port:卸货港5Destination:目的地Special Type:特殊柜型S/O No:订舱号Shipping Order No. :托运单号码Temp:温度Vent:通风Humidity:湿度PTI:检测Genset:发电机Instruction:装货说明Special Requirement:特殊要求GWT:(货物毛重)限重/柜,一般是柜和货物的总重量SOC:货主的集装箱Feeder Vessel/Lighter: 驳船航次WT(weight) :重量G.W.(gross weight) :毛重N.W.(net weight) :净重MAX (maximum) :最大的、最大限度的MIN (minimum): 最小的,最低限度M 或MED (medium) :中等,中级的P/L (packing list) :装箱单、明细表篇二:单证、货代专业术语中英文6货代物流英语术语(一) 船代Shipping agent 船舶代理Handling Agent 操作代理Booking Agent 订舱代理Cargo Canvassing 揽货FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱Booking 订舱Booking Note 订舱单Booking Number 订舱号Dock Receipt 场站收据M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单Cable/Telex Release 电放A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员The said party 所涉及的一方On Board B/L: On Board提单Cancellation 退关箱(三)港口7BP Base Port 基本港Prompt release 即时放行Transit time 航程时间 / 中转时间Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地Second Carrier (第)二程船In transit 中转Transportation hub 中转港(四)拖车Tractor 牵引车/拖头Low-bed 低平板车Trailer 拖车Transporter 拖车Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司)Axle load 轴负荷Tire-load 轮胎负荷Toll Gate 收费口(五)保税Bonded Area 保税区Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保税货物Bonded Warehouse 保税库Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管Fork Lift 叉车8Loading Platform 装卸平台(六)船期A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班A fortnight sailing 双周班A bi-weekly sailing 周双班A monthly sailing 每月班On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵离ETA :Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 预计到达时间ETB: Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 预计离泊时间The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。
英文版国际货运代理合同-- 国外代理

AGENCY AGREEMENTThis agreement is made on the [Insert Date Here].BETWEEN[Insert Company Name Here] (hereinafter referred to as [Insert Here]), having their principal office at [Insert Address Here].ANDWHEREASA.[Insert Here] was and is an international freight forwarder carrying on the business oftransportation by land and/or sea and/or air for reward.B. [Insert Here] was and is an international freight forwarder carrying on the business oftransportation by land and/or sea and/or air for reward.NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS:1)APPOINTMENT1.1 [Insert Here] hereby accepts the appointment as [Insert Here]’s promotion, sales,handling, delivery and forwarding agent for land and/or sea transport to and from[Insert Area Here].1.2 [Insert Here]hereby accepts the appointment as [Insert Here]promotion, sales,handling, delivery and forwarding agent for land and/or sea transport to and from[Insert Here].2)BILLING OF LADING2.1In the event where issuing the counter-party’s Bill of L ading is unavoidable, writtenpre-notice shall be sent to the counter-party for acknowledgement and writtenapproval must be received in advance.2.2For any and all unauthorized issuing of the counter-party’s Bill of Lading, the partywho breaches this agreement shall take full responsibility for all the consequence andliabilities so caused.2.3For any and all unauthorized releasing of goods without presentation of original Billof Lading, the party who commits such mistake shall take full responsibility for all theconsequence and liabilities so caused.3)ACTIVITIESBoth [Insert Here] and[Insert Here]shall handle the inward and/or outward shipments from the counter-party based on the guidelines hereinafter mentioned.3.1To send Arrival Notice to consignee(s) before vessel and/or plane arrive at dischargingport and/or airport, or as soon as relevant documents received from the counter-party.3.2To send pre-alert by fax or e-mail every time shipments are address by one party to theother, advising the details of the conveyance involved, number of packages, weight,value of cargo, freight amount, COD’s, CAD’s or any other fees to be collected. Toprovide any other information as may be required by local Custom Authority andGovernmental Bodies.3.3To destuff LCL c argo at each party’s contracted warehouse, or at the warehousedesignated by the Carriers. The devanning charge to be on the disposal of each party’sneutral agent.3.4To follow up sales-lead promptly, to aggressively expand the coverage of clients, andto increase the market share, with adequate and necessary assistance from thecounter-party.3.5To provide client referrals to each other for inbound/outbound freight traffic for bothair and ocean.3.6To provide service to customers inclusive but not only limited to follow-up,marketing/courtesy calls, cargo handling, fax replies, sales leads and other relatedfreight forwarding activities.3.7To handle and/or settle the claim promptly, with the assistance and/or authorization ofthe counter-party and to furnish any information and documents as requested by thecounter party to assist the resolution of the claim. In the event of any inquiryoriginating from any statutory body to either of the two parties, the counter-party shallfurnish any information and documents as requested by the party facing the inquiry.3.8To protect each other’s interests, markets, and clientele against competitors’ salescampaigns or strategies.3.9To implement necessary policies, strategies and actions to ensure that all clients ofboth parties are satisfied with the existing level of service.3.10Other activities as per normal practice within the industry and for the mutual benefit ofboth parties.4)RESPONSIBILITY4.1Both parties shall be responsible for the collection of original bills of lading issued bythe other party before releasing cargo to the consignee. If the cargo is shipped oncollect basis, each party shall be responsible for the collection of all freight chargesand/or related charges before releasing cargo to the consignee.4.2Both Parties are responsible for collecting freight charges and any other charges to becollected at the place of receipt. In the event that the transportation is made on freight4.3Both Parties shall maintain strict confidentiality and integrity on all customers’information, which shall not be exchanged, with any other information fromcompeting NVOCCs, which may have an existing, past or future relationships.4.4Each party shall provide all other necessary services and bill each other accordinglyupon request.4.5If, for whatever reason, a shipment is not delivered to a consignee or the consigneedoes not collect the cargo or refuses to take delivery of the cargo, each party mustnotify the other party in writing within twenty (20) days from the date of the arrival ofthe cargo with a full explanation for the non-delivery. The cargo shall be stored uponthe written consent and pending further instruction from the other party. Any expensesarising from the non-delivery including but not limited to the storage charges,clearance charges, fines, penalties, and any charges of re-delivering the cargo shall befor the account of the consignor.4.6The delivery agent must ensure that cargo of its client is adequately protected anddelivered on time.4.7For shipment sent on freight prepaid basis, the receiving party should never detaincounter-party's shipment, so long as all destination side charges, including anydetention and/or demurrage accrued, are paid for by the consignee.4.8For shipment sent on freight collect basis, the receiving party should never detaincounter-party's shipment upon collection of the freight, destination side charges,including any detention and/or demurrage accrued, from the consignee.5)AGENCY COMMISSIONIt’s mutually agreed between [Insert Here] and [Insert Here] to handle all the sea and/or air shipments from the counter-party, includes inward and outward shipments, in accordance to separate agreements, which may be amended at any time upon written concurrence from both parties.6)EXPENSESAll local expenses that occurred/accrued resulting from the fulfillment of this contract, such as rent, communication and/or correspondence expenses, insurance, and all other incidental expenses, shall be on each party’s own account, unless otherwise specified and mutually agreed in writing in advance.7)OPERATION PROCEDURE7.1 Shipping AdviseTo inform each other whenever there is shipment effected and to furnish full details sothat it is possible to make advance preparation for shipment.7.2 Shipping DocumentsWhenever the shipping documents become available, the party involved shall fax orA.Normal Release:Original Master Bill of LadingCopy of House Bill of LadingDebit/credit NoteContainer loading plan or manifest (consol only)B.In case of surrender order or telex release:Copy of Master Bill of LadingCopy of House Bill of LadingCopy of surrender instruction or copy of telex release instruction from carrierDebit/Credit NoteOther document (if any)8)DANGEROUS/V ALUABLE CARGO8.1[Insert Here]/[Insert Here] are not insured for liability arising from the provision of,handling of, delivery of, forwarding services in connection with dangerous and/orvaluable cargo.8.2 [Insert Here]/[Insert Here]agrees not to arrange any transportation of anydangerous and/or valuable cargo without the prior written consent of thecounter-party.8.3 I n the event that [Insert Here]/[Insert Here] arranges the transportation of dangerousand/or valuable cargo without the prior written consent of the counter-party,notwithstanding any negligence on the part of the counter-party, [Insert Here] shallbe under no liability to [Insert Here]and vice versa, whether in contract, tort,bailment or otherwise, for loss of or from, damage to, delay in delivery of, deviationon delivery of, misdelivery of, or on non-delivery of, any consignment of dangerousand/or valuable cargo. [Insert Here]/[Insert Here] shall indemnify the counter-partyforthwith against any and all losses, damages, claims, liabilities, actions, demands,costs, charges, expenses, penalties, fines or proceedings whatsoever which thecounter-party will receive from any third party arising from or in connection with thehandling or loss of or from, damage to, delay in delivery of, deviation or delivery of,misdelivery of, or on non-delivery of, any consignment of dangerous and/or valuablecargo.9)INSURANCEEach party shall maintain at its own costs adequate insurance cover in respect of its potential liability arising out of and/or in connection with and/or by reason of negligent, recklessness or willful misconduct of [Insert Here]and/or [Insert Here], their officers, employees, servants or agents in the performance of any of the obligation pursuant to this Agreement.10)DEBIT/CREDIT NOTE & INVOICE10.1 E ach party shall provide the counter-party all related Balance Sheets (Debit/CreditNote and/or Invoice) for each shipment on the basis of every sailing or each shipment(depending on the accounting practice followed by the party), and shall send to the10.2The counter-party is requested to inform the other of any amendment, withinreasonable period, once there is any discrepancy and/or inquiry found.10.3The invoice / debit / credit / balance sheet shall be reconciled at least within one monthof receipt.11)MONTHLY STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT & BALANCE SHEET11.1 Monthly Statement of Account for each specific month shall be sent to thecounter-party on the 21th of the following month. All payment should be arranged nolater than 45 days.11.2The counter-party shall check and inform the other, within 7days of the receiving ofthe Monthly Statement of Account, for any/all discrepancy and/or inquiry found, andarrange payment right after amount confirmation.11.3The party with the discrepancies shall have 3 working days to re-confirm the amount.The counter-party shall provide all the necessary information and assistance to solvethe discrepancies. In the event that a discrepancy cannot be resolved within 3 workingdays, the balances apart from discrepant items will be mutually confirmed.11.4Each party shall keep correct and complete records and books of accounts containingall information required for the computation and verification of the amounts to be paidby each party hereunder.11.5For any reason that the balance can not be confirmed during the prescribed period,Clause 12.4 shall be applicable.11.6If, for any reason, one of the parties does not respond to, communicate with, orconfirm the statement within the prescribed schedule as set out in Clause 11, thecounter party shall have the right to demand acceptance of its own statements afterexpiration of the prescribed schedule. The party at fault shall have 1 working day toreply on whether to extend the reconciliation schedule and specifically indicate howlong the extension shall be. If the party at fault gives no communication, suchnon-respon se shall indicate acceptance of the counter party’s statement. If anextension is agreed upon, only one extension shall be granted. If the party at fault stillcan not confirm the statement upon the expiration of the extension, then the counterparty’s sta tement shall be accepted as the official statement and used for reconciliationof all outstanding.12)REMITTANCE/SETTLEMENT OF OUTSTANDING ACCOUNT12.1Remittance to settle the confirmed outstanding accounts from the previous monthshall be made to the counter-party before the end of the following month. The bank’sofficial remittance slip or any other document evidencing the wire transfer shall befaxed to the other party as advance record of the payment.12.2The remittance can be pending only if written request is sent by either party, andwritten approval is received from the counter-party in advance. The balance will becarried forward to the following month as opening balance.12.3In case of request for settlement of confirmed outstanding account presented by eitherparty, regardless of the actual accumulated amount between the parties, thecounter-party shall arrange remittance within two (2) days after such written request isreceived; unless other written agreements are reached between the parties on acase-by-case basis.13)AMENDMENT OF AGENCY CONTRACTThis Agency Contract shall be totally/partially supplemented, amended, and/or modified at any time, by the mutual written consent of both parties.14)DURATION AND TERMINATION OF AGENCY CONTRACT15.1The terms of this agreement shall be valid and remain in force till 21-Dec 2012.15.2If no written termination notice is issued after Dec.21, 2012 this contract shall beautomatically renewed thereafter on an annual basis15.3This Agency Contract shall be terminated and void for both parties, by giving sixty (60)days written notice, subject to the condition that the written notice of termination shallbe dispatched to the counter-party, and confirmation of receipt for the said notice shallbe given from the counter-party.15.4Upon default by either party hereto in the performance of any obligation hereunder tobe performed by such party, the other party may give notice in writing to the party indefault specifying the thing or matter in default and, if the default cannot be rectified,terminating this Agreement on the date specified in the notice.15.5All outstanding account must be settled prior to the formal termination of mutualcooperation.15)ASSIGNMENTThis Agreement, and the rights granted hereunder, shall not be assignable, in whole or in part, by either party without the prior written consent of the other party.16)SEVERANCEIn the event that any provision of this Agreement is declared by any judicial or other competent authority to be void, voidable, illegal or otherwise unenforceable or indication of the same are received by either parties from any relevant competent authorities, the parties shall amend that provision in such reasonable manner as achieve the intention of the parties without illegality or at the sole discretion of [Insert Here]/[Insert Here]. If any of the provisions hereof are severed from this Agreement, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless [Insert Here]/[Insert Here] in their sole discretion decide that the effect of such severance is to defeat the original intention of the parties in which event [Insert Here]/[Insert Here]shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by sixty (60) days written notice to the counter-party and the provisions of Clause 14 shall apply accordingly.17)WHOLE AGREEMENTBoth parties acknowledge that this Agreement contains the whole agreement and both parties has not relied upon any oral or written representation made to it by the other party, its employees or agents, and has made their own independent investigations into all matters relevant to the business.This Agreement supersedes any prior agreement between the parties whether written or oral and any such prior agreement are cancelled as at the date of this Agreement but without prejudice to any rights that have already accrued to either of the parties.19) SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES19.1Both parties shall first try to resolve any dispute or disagreement arising inconnection with the interpretation of this Agreement or the performance ornon-performance amicably and in good faith.19.2If a particular dispute, arising out of or in connection with this agreement or for thebreach thereof, can not be resolved through the efforts of both parties, the disputeshall be submitted to and settled by an arbitration panel selected and agreed upon bythe mutual consent of both parties in accordance with the prevailing laws, rulesand/or statutory regulations administered in the respective countries.19.3[Insert Here]/[Insert Here]agree not to deta in the counterparty’s shipments orengage in illegal activities whatsoever with prejudice to the right and interest of thecounterparty.IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned parties have executed this Agency Contract, in duplicate originals that either party holds one respectively, as of the day and year first above mentioned.[Insert Here][Insert Company Name Here]____________________________ Director __________________________ [Insert Name Here][Insert Title Here]。

海运代理合同中英文English:A sea freight forwarding contract is a legal agreement between a shipper (the party sending the goods) and afreight forwarder (the party responsible for arranging the transportation and logistics of the shipment). Thiscontract outlines the responsibilities, obligations, and terms of the relationship between the two parties.The key elements of a sea freight forwarding contract typically include:1. Parties Involved: The contract will clearly identify the shipper and the freight forwarder, along with their respective contact information and roles.2. Scope of Services: The contract will define the specific services the freight forwarder will provide, such as arranging the transportation, customs clearance, warehousing, and delivery of the goods.3. Shipment Details: The contract will include details about the shipment, such as the type of goods, the quantity, the weight, the dimensions, and the value of the cargo.4. Shipping Routes and Modes: The contract will specify the shipping routes and modes of transportation (e.g.,ocean freight, air freight) that will be used to transport the goods.5. Timelines and Delivery: The contract will outline the expected timelines for the various stages of the shipment, such as the pickup, the transit time, and the delivery.6. Pricing and Fees: The contract will specify the fees and charges associated with the freight forwarding services, including any additional charges for special handling, insurance, or other services.7. Liability and Insurance: The contract will outlinethe liability of the freight forwarder and the shipper, as well as the insurance coverage for the shipment.8. Documentation: The contract will specify the documentation required for the shipment, such as the billof lading, the commercial invoice, and the packing list.9. Termination and Dispute Resolution: The contract will include provisions for terminating the agreement and resolving any disputes that may arise between the parties.Chinese:海运代理合同是托运人(发货方)与海运代理人(负责安排运输和物流的一方)之间的法律协议。

货运代理合同英文篇一:海运代理合同-中英文对照海运代理合同Shipping Agency Contract甲方:Party A:乙方:Party B:为明确甲乙双方的代理关系,规范业务操作,经双方友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代办海运事宜,达成以下协议:For the purpose of dealing with Sea freight shipments, clarifying agency relations of both parties and standardizing operational procedures, through friendly consultations it has been agreed by the parties as follows:1. 甲乙双方责任、义务Responsibilities and Obligations乙方持有有效法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证、商务部一级货运代理资格或交通部批准登记的NVOCC 资格,营业范围允许在其营业地经营国际货物运输代理业务。
Party B shall have legitimate corporate business license, TAX payer ID, organization code certification, A freight forwarding qualification approval by Department of Commerce or NVOCC qualification approval by ministry of communications, which allow it conduct forwarder business in certain area. Party B shall have NVOCC once it could issue B/L and relevant documents as carrier with its own title on. As agent role, Party B shall assume joint and several guarantee liability for carrier and carrier’s act.甲方在货物出运前填制内容完整、真实的订舱单,通知乙方有关的货物出运信息,乙方负责为甲方办理出口的订舱、拖车、报关、报检、签单等相关出口业务,具体内容以甲方下达的订舱单为准。

运输合同模板英文This Transportation Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into this [Date] (the “Effective Date”), by and between [Company Name], a [State] corporation with its principal place of business at [Address] (the “Carrier”), and [Company Name], a [State] corporation with its principal place of business at [Address] (the “Shipper”).1. Services1.1. Carrier shall provide transportation services to Shipper for the transport of goods, materials, or equipment (the “Goods”) from the pick-up location specified by Shipper to the delivery location specified by Shipper.1.2. Carrier shall use its best efforts to transport the Goods in a safe and timely manner, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.1.3. Shipper shall provide Carrier with all necessary information and documentation related to the Goods, including but not limited to the quantity, weight, dimensions, and any special handling requirements.2. Payment2.1. Shipper shall pay Carrier for the transportation services provided under this Agreement in accordance with the rates and terms set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.2.2. Carrier shall issue invoices to Shipper for the transportation services provided under this Agreement. Shipper shall pay all invoices within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice.2.3. In the event of a dispute over any invoice, Shipper shall notify Carrier in writing within fifteen (15) days from the date of the invoice. The parties shall work in good faith to resolve the dispute promptly.3. Liability and Insurance3.1. Carrier shall be liable for any loss, damage, or delay to the Goods while in its possession, custody, or control, except to the extent caused by Shipper’s negligence or misconduct.3.2. Carrier shall maintain insurance coverage for liability, cargo damage, and any other applicable risks, in amounts and types as required by law.3.3. Shipper shall maintain insurance coverage for the value of the Goods while in transit, in amounts and types as deemed appropriate by Shipper.4. Term and Termination4.1. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in force until terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party.4.2. In the event of termination, any outstanding payments shall be settled within thirty (30) days from the termination date.5. Confidentiality5.1. The parties agree to keep confidential all information exchanged in connection with this Agreement, including but not limited to pricing, schedules, and any other proprietary or confidential information.5.2. The obligations of confidentiality shall survive the termination of this Agreement.6. General Provisions6.1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.6.2. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written instrument signed by both parties.6.3. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State] without regard to its conflicts of law principles.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the Effective Date.[Company Name]By: ___________________________Name: [Name]Title: [Title][Company Name]By: ___________________________Name: [Name]Title: [Title]。

.Liner shipping 班轮运输,定期租船Liner schedule 船期表Transport service运输服务Tariff 运价本Tramp shipping 不定期船Charter party 租船合同General cargo vessel 杂货船Roll on / roff off ship:Ro / Ro ship 滚装船Refrigerated ship 冷藏船Multi-propose shi p 多用途船Dry bulk carrier 干散货船Full container ship 全集装箱船Coal carrier 运煤船Bulk grain carrier 散粮船Ore carrier 矿石船Tanker 油轮Liquified gas carrier 液化气船Liquified natural gas carrier:LNG carrier液化天然气船Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier 液化石油气船Chemical tanker 液体化学品船Packed cargo 包装货物Unpacked cargo 或non-packed cargo 裸装货物Unitized cargo 成组化货物Containerized cargo 集装箱货物General cargo 普通货物Special cargo 特殊货物Clean cargo 清洁货物Fine cargo 精细货物Fragile cargo 易碎品Liquid cargo 液体货物Rough cargo 粗劣货物Smelly cargo 气味货物Dangerous cargo 危险货物Reefer cargo 冷藏货物Perishable cargo 易腐货物Valuable cargo 贵重货物Livestock and plants 活的动植物Bulky and lengthy cargo, heavy cargo 长大,笨重货物M/T,metric ton 公吨S.F,stowage factor 货物积载因素TEU ,twenty---foot equivalent unit 20ft集装箱Dry cargo container 干货集装箱Bulk container 散装集装箱RF, reefer container 冷藏集装箱OT, open---topo container 敞顶集装箱Plat form based container 框架集装箱Pen container 牲畜集装箱TK, tank container 罐式集装箱Car container 汽车集装箱Chilled cargo 冷却货物Frozen cargo 冷冻货物Break bulk cargo 散件货物FCL: full container (cargo ) load 整箱货LCL: Less Than Container Load 拼箱货Ship’s rail or hook /tackle 船边或吊钩CY:container yard 集装箱堆场Empty container 空箱Loaded container 重箱CFS:container freight station 集装箱货运站Door to door 门到门Door to CY 门到场Door to tackle 门到钩CY to door 场到门CY to CY 场到场CY to CFS 场到站CY to tackle 场到钩CFS to door 站到门CFS to CY 站到场CFS to CFS 站到站CFS to tackle 站到钩tackle to door 钩到门tackle to CY 钩到场tackle to CFS 钩到站tackle to tackle 钩到钩Container lease agreement 租箱合同ETC :early termination clause 提前终止条款D.P.P:damage protection plan 损害修理条款Ocean common carrier 远洋公共承运人Non-vessel operating (common) carrier 无船承运人Ocean freight forwarder 远洋货运代理人S.C:service contact 服务合同Shipper 托运人liner schedule班轮船期表Canvassion 揽货Booking 订舱Rail to rail 船舷至船舷Tackle to tackle 钩至钩Home booking 卸货地订舱Buyer’s nominated cargo 指定货mislanded 误卸Overlanded 溢卸Shortlanded 短卸Cargo tracer 货物查询单Duly endorsedOptional cargo 选港货Port of discharge 卸货港B/N: booking note 托运单S/O: shipping order 装货单M/R: mate’receipt 收货单Closing date 装货单日Chief mate 船上大副Remark批注Foul receipt 不清洁收货单Clean receipt 清洁收货单Loading list 装货清单Additional cargo list 加载清单Cancelled cargo list 取消载货清单M/F: manifest 载货清单Freight manifest 载货运费清单Stowage plan 积载图Dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate 危险货物安全装载书Heavy and lengthy cargo list 重大件清单Space report 剩余舱位报告Stowage survey report 积载检验报告Boat note 过驳清单Overlanded & shortlanded cargo list 货物溢段单Broken & damaged cargo list 货物残损单D/O: delivery order 提货单,亦称小提单Non-negotiable 禁止流通D/R: dock receipt 场站收据Shipping order 装货单EIR:equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单CLP: container load plan 集装箱装箱单VOCC 远洋公共承运人GRI 综合费率Ocean B/L 海运提单House B/L 仓至仓提单MASTER B/LNVOCC:Non-Vessel Operating CommonCarrier 无船承运人Consolidated cargo 集拼货物AMS:automated manifest system 自动舱单系统B/L: bill of lading 提单Evidence of the contract of carriage 海上货物运输合同的证明Receipt for the goods shipped 装船收据Shipment contract 装运合同Conclusive evidence 绝对证据Document of title 物权凭证Long form B/L 全式提单Short form B/L简式提单On board B/L,shipped B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L收货待运提单Straight B/L 记名提单Open B/L;blank B/L; bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L 指示提单To order 凭指示To the order of ** 凭某人指示Clean B/L清洁提单Unclean B/L or foul B/L 不清洁提单Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L or through B/L 转船提单Combined transport B/L;intermodal transport B/L; multimodal transport B/L多式联运Liner B/L 班轮提单P&I Club :protection and indemnity 保赔协会NVOCC B/L 无船承运人所签发提单Advanced B/L 预借提单Anti-date B/L倒签提单Post-date B/L 顺签提单on deck B/L 舱面货提单omnibus B/L 并提单separate B/L 分提单switch B/L交换提单memo B/L 交接提单stale B/L 过期提单name of the vessel 船名name of the carrier 承运人名称name of the shipper 托运人名称name of the consignee 收货人名称name of the notified party 通知人名称port of loading装货港port of discharge卸货港port of transhipment 转运港description of goods 货物名称marks &NO. 标志number of package or container 包装件数gross weight 重量measurement体积payment of freight 运费的支付place and date of issue 提单的签发日期number of original B(s)/L 地点和份数place of receipt 接收货物的地点place of delivery 交付货物的地点paramount clause 首要条款definition 定义条款carrier’s responsibility 承运人责任条款limit of liability 承运人的赔偿责任限制条款period of responsibility 承运人期间条款deck cargo 舱面货live animals and plants 活动物dangerous goods危险货物refrigerated goods冷藏货timber木材iron and steel 钢铁heavy lifts and awkward cargo 重大件sailing date 船舶开航之日preliminary evidence 初步证据Special drawing right :SDR特别提款权sea way bill :SWB海运单freigth rate 运价freigth 运费tariff 运价本scale of commodity classification 商品分级表scale of rates 等级费率表commodity freigth rate tariff 商品运价表base port 基本港口basic freigth基本运费basic freigth rate 基本运价surcharge or additional附加运费bunker adjustment factor,BAF;or bunkersurcharge,BS燃油附加费emergency bunker surcharge,EBS应急燃油附加费currency adjustment factor;CAF货币贬值附加费port additional港口附加费port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费transshipment additional转船附加费long length additional超长附加费heavy lift additional超重附加费.direct additional直航附加费optional surcharge 选港附加费cozening fee 洗舱附加费alteration of discharging port additional变更卸货港附加费deviation surcharge绕航附加费peak season surcharge,PSS旺季附加费additional for excess of liability超额责任附加费war risk surcharge,WRS战争险附加费general rate increase,GRI整体费率上调destination delivery charges,DDC目的地交货费equipment reposition charge,ERC空调调运费terminal handling charge ,THC码头作业费original receving charge,ORC原产地接货费freigth basis计费标准FT(freight ton ,)或;W/M(weight/measurement)运费吨minimum rate/minimum freight起码运费box rate 包厢费率freigtht all kinds,FAK均一费率all in freigtht包干费all in rate,A.I.R全包价carriage of goods by chartering租船运输tramp shipping 不定期船运输charterer 船舶承租人shipowner船东Ship broker航运经纪人chartering broker 租船经纪人the Owner's broker船舶出租人经纪人the Charter's broker船舶承租人经纪人both partiess'broker双方当事人经纪人warranty clause 保证条款intermediate clause,in nominate clause中间性条款time charter,period charter定期租船voyage charter,trip chaster航次租船bareboat charter,demise charter光船租船contract of affreightment,COA包运租船time charter on trip basis,TCT航次期租single trip or single voyage charter单航次租船return trip or return voyage charter往返航次租船consecutive single voyage charter连续单航次租船consecutive return voyage charter连续往返航次租船customary quick despatch,CQD习惯尽速装卸escalation clause自动递增条款lease purchase光船租购quantity contract/volume contract包运租船合同,运量合同daily charter日租租船chartering process;chartering process租船程序order /inquiry/enquiry询盘general inquiry一般询盘special inquiry特别询盘offer发盘absolute offer绝对发盘" conditional firm offer条件发盘counter offer还盘acceptance受盘conclusion of charter party 签约Condition Clause条件条款name of vessel船名named vessel指定船名substitute vessel代替船舶nationality of vessel船籍classification of vessel船级tonnage of vessel船舶吨位the more or less clause,MOL数量增减条款preliminary voyage预备航次欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求ppt课件设计制作,word文档制作,图文设计制作、发布广告等,公司秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档。
HY005-Freight Forwarding Service Contract货物运输代理服务合同-中英文

货物运输代理服务合同Freight Forwarding Service Contract本协议涉及国际/国内货运运输代理服务由以下双方在2015年签订This Contract concerning international/domestic freight forwarding service is made as of Y2015 by and between甲方:** Airlines **n Co.,Ltd(hereinafter referred to as Party A)及And乙方:上海**公司(hereinafter referred to as Party B)Party A and Party B individually hereinafter referred to as “Party” and together as the “Parties”鉴于,甲方要求乙方为其安排货物运输代理服务,相关报关代理服务;乙方愿意为甲方提供相关服务;双方经过友好协商对于服务的具体内容以及双方的权利义务达成如下协议:Whereas, Party A intends to engage Party B to handle its freight forwarding services, declaring services ; Party B agrees to provide all relative services; after negotiation, all relative service items as well as its right and obligation are as follows第1条、服务内容Clause one - Performance of the Contract甲乙双方本着平等互惠原则,根据中华人民共和国合同法相关规定以及国际货物运输代理协会有关规则(FIATA Rules For Freight Forwarding Service; 如附件1), 由乙方或乙方指定的代理为甲方提供服务。

《国际货物运输合同》英文版English: The International Goods Transport Contract is a legal agreement between the parties involved in the transportation of goods across international borders. This contract outlines the terms and conditions of the transportation service, including the responsibilities of both the carrier and the shipper, the details of the goods being transported, the delivery schedule, and the liability in case of loss or damage to the goods. The contract also typically includes clauses related to force majeure, insurance coverage, handling of dangerous goods, and dispute resolution mechanisms. It is essential for both parties to carefully review and understand the terms of the contract before entering into the agreement to ensure a smooth and successful goods transport process.中文翻译:《国际货物运输合同》是涉及在国际边界之间运输货物的各方之间的法律协议。

.. 1Liner shipping 班轮运输,定期租船 Liner schedule 船期表 Transport service 运输服务 Tariff 运价本Tramp shipping 不定期船 Charter party 租船合同 General cargo vessel 杂货船Roll on / roff off ship:Ro / Ro ship 滚装船 Refrigerated ship 冷藏船 Multi-propose shi p 多用途船 Dry bulk carrier 干散货船 Full container ship 全集装箱船 Coal carrier 运煤船Bulk grain carrier 散粮船 Ore carrier 矿石船 Tanker 油轮Liquified gas carrier 液化气船Liquified natural gas carrier:LNG carrier 液化天然气船Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier 液化石油气船Chemical tanker 液体化学品船 Packed cargo 包装货物Unpacked cargo 或non-packed cargo 裸装货物 Unitized cargo 成组化货物Containerized cargo 集装箱货物 General cargo 普通货物 Special cargo 特殊货物 Clean cargo 清洁货物 Fine cargo 精细货物Fragile cargo 易碎品 Liquid cargo 液体货物 Rough cargo 粗劣货物 Smelly cargo 气味货物 Dangerous cargo 危险货物 Reefer cargo 冷藏货物 Perishable cargo 易腐货物 Valuable cargo 贵重货物Livestock and plants 活的动植物Bulky and lengthy cargo, heavy cargo 长大,笨重货物M/T , metric ton 公吨S.F,stowage factor 货物积载因素TEU ,twenty---foot equivalent unit 20ft 集装箱 Dry cargo container 干货集装箱 Bulk container 散装集装箱RF, reefer container 冷藏集装箱OT, open---topo container 敞顶集装箱 Plat form based container 框架集装箱 Pen container 牲畜集装箱TK, tank container 罐式集装箱 Car container 汽车集装箱 Chilled cargo 冷却货物 Frozen cargo 冷冻货物 Break bulk cargo 散件货物FCL: full container (cargo ) load 整箱货 LCL: Less Than Container Load 拼箱货 Ship ’s rail or hook /tackle 船边或吊钩 CY:container yard 集装箱堆场Empty container 空箱 Loaded container 重箱CFS:container freight station 集装箱货运站 Door to door 门到门 Door to CY 门到场 Door to tackle 门到钩 CY to door 场到门 CY to CY 场到场 CY to CFS 场到站 CY to tackle 场到钩 CFS to door 站到门 CFS to CY 站到场 CFS to CFS 站到站 CFS to tackle 站到钩 tackle to door 钩到门 tackle to CY 钩到场 tackle to CFS 钩到站 tackle to tackle 钩到钩Container lease agreement 租箱合同 ETC :early termination clause 提前终止条款 D.P.P :damage protection plan 损害修理条款 Ocean common carrier 远洋公共承运人Non-vessel operating (common) carrier 无船承运人Ocean freight forwarder 远洋货运代理人S.C:service contact 服务合同Shipper 托运人liner schedule班轮船期表Canvassion 揽货Booking 订舱Rail to rail 船舷至船舷Tackle to tackle 钩至钩Home booking 卸货地订舱Buyer’s nominated cargo 指定货mislanded 误卸Overlanded 溢卸Shortlanded 短卸Cargo tracer 货物查询单Duly endorsedOptional cargo 选港货Port of discharge 卸货港B/N: booking note 托运单S/O: shipping order 装货单M/R: mate’receipt 收货单Closing date 装货单日Chief mate 船上大副Remark批注Foul receipt 不清洁收货单Clean receipt 清洁收货单Loading list 装货清单Additional cargo list 加载清单Cancelled cargo list 取消载货清单M/F: manifest 载货清单Freight manifest 载货运费清单Stowage plan 积载图Dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate 危险货物安全装载书Heavy and lengthy cargo list 重大件清单Space report 剩余舱位报告Stowage survey report 积载检验报告Boat note 过驳清单Overlanded & shortlanded cargo list 货物溢段单Broken & damaged cargo list 货物残损单D/O: delivery order 提货单,亦称小提单Non-negotiable 禁止流通D/R: dock receipt 场站收据Shipping order 装货单EIR:equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单CLP: container load plan 集装箱装箱单VOCC 远洋公共承运人GRI 综合费率Ocean B/L 海运提单House B/L 仓至仓提单MASTER B/LNVOCC:Non-Vessel Operating CommonCarrier无船承运人Consolidated cargo 集拼货物AMS:automated manifest system 自动舱单系统B/L: bill of lading 提单Evidence of the contract of carriage 海上货物运输合同的证明Receipt for the goods shipped 装船收据Shipment contract 装运合同Conclusive evidence 绝对证据Document of title 物权凭证Long form B/L 全式提单Short form B/L简式提单On board B/L,shipped B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L收货待运提单Straight B/L 记名提单Open B/L;blank B/L; bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L 指示提单To order 凭指示To the order of ** 凭某人指示Clean B/L清洁提单Unclean B/L or foul B/L 不清洁提单. 2Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L or through B/L 转船提单Combined transport B/L;intermodal transport B/L; multimodal transport B/L多式联运Liner B/L 班轮提单P&I Club :protection and indemnity 保赔协会NVOCC B/L 无船承运人所签发提单Advanced B/L 预借提单Anti-date B/L倒签提单Post-date B/L 顺签提单on deck B/L 舱面货提单omnibus B/L 并提单separate B/L 分提单switch B/L交换提单memo B/L 交接提单stale B/L 过期提单name of the vessel 船名name of the carrier 承运人名称name of the shipper 托运人名称name of the consignee 收货人名称name of the notified party 通知人名称port of loading装货港port of discharge卸货港port of transhipment 转运港description of goods 货物名称marks &NO. 标志number of package or container 包装件数gross weight 重量measurement体积payment of freight 运费的支付place and date of issue 提单的签发日期number of original B(s)/L 地点和份数place of receipt 接收货物的地点place of delivery 交付货物的地点paramount clause 首要条款definition 定义条款carrier’s responsibility 承运人责任条款limit of liability 承运人的赔偿责任限制条款period of responsibility 承运人期间条款deck cargo 舱面货live animals and plants 活动物dangerous goods危险货物refrigerated goods冷藏货timber木材iron and steel 钢铁heavy lifts and awkward cargo 重大件sailing date 船舶开航之日preliminary evidence 初步证据Special drawing right :SDR特别提款权sea way bill :SWB海运单freigth rate 运价freigth 运费tariff 运价本scale of commodity classification 商品分级表scale of rates 等级费率表commodity freigth rate tariff 商品运价表base port 基本港口basic freigth基本运费basic freigth rate 基本运价surcharge or additional附加运费bunker adjustment factor,BAF;or bunkersurcharge,BS燃油附加费emergency bunker surcharge,EBS应急燃油附加费currency adjustment factor;CAF货币贬值附加费port additional港口附加费port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费transshipment additional转船附加费long length additional超长附加费heavy lift additional超重附加费direct additional直航附加费optional surcharge 选港附加费cozening fee 洗舱附加费alteration of discharging port additional变更卸货港附加费deviation surcharge绕航附加费peak season surcharge,PSS旺季附加费additional for excess of liability超额责任附加费war risk surcharge,WRS战争险附加费. 3.. 4general rate increase,GRI 整体费率上调destination delivery charges ,DDC 目的地交货费equipment reposition charge,ERC 空调调运费 terminal handling charge ,THC 码头作业费 original receving charge,ORC 原产地接货费 freigth basis 计费标准FT (freight ton ,)或;W/M(weight/measurement)运费吨minimum rate/minimum freight 起码运费 box rate 包厢费率freigtht all kinds,FAK 均一费率 all in freigtht 包干费 all in rate ,A.I.R 全包价carriage of goods by chartering 租船运输 tramp shipping 不定期船运输 charterer 船舶承租人 shipowner 船东 Ship broker 航运经纪人 chartering broker 租船经纪人the Owner's broker 船舶出租人经纪人 the Charter's broker 船舶承租人经纪人 both partiess'broker 双方当事人经纪人 warranty clause 保证条款intermediate clause,in nominate clause 中间性条款time charter,period charter 定期租船 voyage charter,trip chaster 航次租船 bareboat charter,demise charter 光船租船 contract of affreightment,COA 包运租船 time charter on trip basis,TCT 航次期租 single trip or single voyage charter 单航次租船return trip or return voyage charter 往返航次租船consecutive single voyage charter 连续单航次租船consecutive return voyage charter 连续往返航次租船customary quick despatch,CQD 习惯尽速装卸 escalation clause 自动递增条款lease purchase 光船租购quantity contract/volume contract 包运租船合同,运量合同 daily charter 日租租船chartering process;chartering process 租船程序order /inquiry/enquiry 询盘 general inquiry 一般询盘 special inquiry 特别询盘 offer 发盘absolute offer 绝对发盘" conditional firm offer 条件发盘 counter offer 还盘 acceptance 受盘conclusion of charter party 签约 Condition Clause 条件条款 name of vessel 船名 named vessel 指定船名 substitute vessel 代替船舶 nationality of vessel 船籍 classification of vessel 船级 tonnage of vessel 船舶吨位the more or less clause,MOL 数量增减条款 preliminary voyage 预备航次。

货运代理英文缩写翻译大全第一篇:货运代理英文缩写翻译大全Liner shipping 班轮运输,定期租船Liner schedule 船期表Transport service运输服务 Tariff 运价本Tramp shipping 不定期船Charter party 租船合同General cargo vessel 杂货船Roll on / roff off ship:Ro / Ro ship 滚装船 Refrigerated ship 冷藏船 Multi-propose shi p 多用途船 Dry bulk carrier 干散货船 Full container ship 全集装箱船 Coal carrier 运煤船Bulk grain carrier 散粮船 Ore carrier 矿石船 Tanker 油轮Liquified gas carrier 液化气船Liquified natural gas carrier:LNG carrier 液化天然气船Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier 液化石油气船Chemical tanker 液体化学品船 Packed cargo 包装货物Unpacked cargo 或non-packed cargo 裸装货物Unitized cargo 成组化货物Containerized cargo 集装箱货物General cargo 普通货物Special cargo 特殊货物 Clean cargo 清洁货物 Fine cargo 精细货物Fragile cargo 易碎品 Liquid cargo 液体货物 Rough cargo 粗劣货物Smelly cargo 气味货物Dangerous cargo 危险货物Reefer cargo 冷藏货物 Perishable cargo 易腐货物 Valuable cargo 贵重货物Livestock and plants 活的动植物Bulky and lengthy cargo, heavy cargo 长大,笨重货物M/T,metric ton 公吨S.F,stowage factor 货物积载因素TEU,twenty---foot equivalent unit 20ft集装箱Dry cargo container 干货集装箱 Bulk container 散装集装箱RF, reefer container 冷藏集装箱OT, open---topo container 敞顶集装箱Plat form based container 框架集装箱 Pen container 牲畜集装箱TK, tank container 罐式集装箱Car container 汽车集装箱Chilled cargo 冷却货物 Frozen cargo 冷冻货物 Break bulk cargo 散件货物FCL: full container(cargo)load 整箱货LCL: Less Than Container Load 拼箱货Ship’s rail or hook /tackle 船边或吊钩CY:container yard 集装箱堆场Empty container 空箱 Loaded container 重箱CFS:container freight station 集装箱货运站 Door to door 门到门 Door to CY 门到场 Door to tackle 门到钩 CY to door 场到门 CY to CY 场到场 CY to CFS 场到站 CY to tackle 场到钩 CFS to door 站到门CFS to CY 站到场CFS to CFS 站到站CFS to tackle 站到钩tackle to door 钩到门tackle to CY 钩到场tackle to CFS 钩到站tackle to tackle 钩到钩Container lease agreement 租箱合同ETC :early termination clause 提前终止条款 D.P.P:damage protection plan 损害修理条款Ocean common carrier 远洋公共承运人Non-vessel operating(common)carrier 无船承运人Ocean freight forwarder 远洋货运代理人S.C:service contact 服务合同Shipper 托运人liner schedule班轮船期表 Canvassion 揽货 Booking 订舱Rail to rail 船舷至船舷 Tackle to tackle 钩至钩 Home booking 卸货地订舱Buyer’s nominated cargo 指定货mislanded 误卸Overlanded 溢卸 Shortlanded 短卸 Cargo tracer 货物查询单 Duly endorsed Optional cargo 选港货Port of discharge 卸货港B/N: booking note 托运单S/O: shipping order 装货单M/R: mate’receipt 收货单 Closing date 装货单日 Chief mate 船上大副Remark批注Foul receipt 不清洁收货单Clean receipt 清洁收货单Loading list 装货清单Additional cargo list 加载清单Cancelled cargo list 取消载货清单M/F: manifest 载货清单 Freight manifest 载货运费清单 Stowage plan 积载图Dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate 危险货物安全装载书Heavy and lengthy cargo list 重大件清单 Space report 剩余舱位报告Stowage survey report 积载检验报告 Boat note 过驳清单Overlanded & shortlanded cargo list 货物溢段单Broken & damaged cargo list 货物残损单 D/O: delivery order 提货单,亦称小提单Non-negotiable 禁止流通D/R: dock receipt 场站收据Shipping order 装货单EIR:equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单CLP: container load plan 集装箱装箱单 VOCC 远洋公共承运人 GRI 综合费率 Ocean B/L 海运提单House B/L 仓至仓提单 MASTER B/LNVOCC:Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人Consolidated cargo 集拼货物AMS:automated manifest system 自动舱单系统B/L: bill of lading 提单Evidence of the contract of carriage 海上货物运输合同的证明Receipt for the goods shipped 装船收据 Shipment contract 装运合同 Conclusive evidence 绝对证据 Document of title 物权凭证Long form B/L 全式提单 Short form B/L简式提单On board B/L,shipped B/L 已装船提单 Received for shipment B/L收货待运提单 Straight B/L 记名提单Open B/L;blank B/L;bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 To order 凭指示To the order of ** 凭某人指示 Clean B/L清洁提单Unclean B/L or foul B/L 不清洁提单 Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L or through B/L 转船提单Combined transport B/L;intermodal transport B/L;multimodal transport B/L多式联运 Liner B/L 班轮提单P&I Club :protection and indemnity 保赔协会 NVOCC B/L 无船承运人所签发提单Advanced B/L 预借提单 Anti-date B/L倒签提单 Post-date B/L 顺签提单 on deck B/L 舱面货提单 omnibus B/L 并提单 separate B/L 分提单 switch B/L交换提单 memo B/L 交接提单stale B/L 过期提单 name of the vessel 船名 name of the carrier 承运人名称 name of the shipper 托运人名称 name of the consignee 收货人名称 name of the notified party 通知人名称 port of loading 装货港 port of discharge卸货港 port of transhipment 转运港description of goods 货物名称 marks &NO.标志number of package or container 包装件数 gross weight 重量measurement体积payment of freight 运费的支付 place and date of issue 提单的签发日期 number of original B(s)/L 地点和份数 place of receipt 接收货物的地点 place of delivery 交付货物的地点 paramount clause 首要条款 definition 定义条款carrier’s responsibility 承运人责任条款 limit of liability 承运人的赔偿责任限制条款period of responsibility 承运人期间条款deck cargo 舱面货live animals and plants 活动物dangerous goods危险货物refrigerated goods冷藏货 timber木材 iron and steel 钢铁heavy lifts and awkward cargo 重大件 sailing date 船舶开航之日 preliminary evidence 初步证据Special drawing right :SDR特别提款权sea way bill :SWB海运单 freigth rate 运价 freigth 运费 tariff 运价本scale of commodity classification 商品分级表 scale of rates 等级费率表commodity freigth rate tariff 商品运价表 base port 基本港口basic freigth基本运费basic freigth rate 基本运价surcharge or additional附加运费bunker adjustment factor,BAF;or bunker surcharge,BS燃油附加费emergency bunker surcharge,EBS应急燃油附加费currency adjustment factor;CAF货币贬值附加费port additional港口附加费port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费transshipment additional转船附加费 long length additional超长附加费 heavy lift additional超重附加费direct additional直航附加费optional surcharge 选港附加费 cozening fee 洗舱附加费alteration of discharging port additional变更卸货港附加费deviation surcharge绕航附加费peak season surcharge,PSS旺季附加费additional for excess of liability超额责任附加费war risk surcharge,WRS战争险附加费 general rate increase,GRI整体费率上调time charter,period charter定期租船chartering process;chartering process租船程destination delivery charges,DDC目的地交货费equipment reposition charge,ERC空调调运费terminal handling charge ,THC码头作业费 original receving charge,ORC原产地接货费 freigth basis计费标准FT(freight ton ,)或;W/M(weight/measurement)运费吨minimum rate/minimum freight起码运费 box rate 包厢费率freigtht all kinds,FAK均一费率 all in freigtht包干费 all in rate,A.I.R全包价carriage of goods by chartering租船运输 tramp shipping 不定期船运输 charterer 船舶承租人 shipowner船东 Ship broker航运经纪人 chartering broker 租船经纪人the Owner's broker船舶出租人经纪人 the Charter's broker船舶承租人经纪人both partiess'broker双方当事人经纪人warranty clause 保证条款intermediate clause,in nominate clause中间性条款the more or less clause,MOL数量增减条款 preliminary voyage 预备航次voyage charter,trip chaster航次租船 bareboat charter,demise charter光船租船contract of affreightment,COA包运租船time charter on trip basis,TCT航次期租single trip or single voyage charter单航次租船return trip or return voyage charter往返航次租船consecutive single voyage charter连续单航次租船consecutive return voyage charter连续往返航次租船customary quick despatch,CQD习惯尽速装卸escalation clause自动递增条款lease purchase光船租购quantity contract/volume contract包运租船合同,运量合同daily charter日租租船序order /inquiry/enquiry询盘 general inquiry一般询盘 special inquiry特别询盘 offer发盘absolute offer绝对发盘" conditional firm offer条件发盘counter offer还盘 acceptance受盘conclusion of charter party 签约Condition Clause条件条款name of vessel船名 named vessel指定船名 substitute vessel代替船舶 nationality of vessel船籍 classification of vessel船级 tonnage of vessel船舶吨位第二篇:货运常用英文缩写(1)ORC(Origin Receive Charges)本地收货费用(通常为141/20,269/40’)(2)THC(Terminal Handling Charges)码头操作费(RMB370(45)/20’,RMB560(68)/40’)(3)BAF(Bunker Adjustment Factor)燃油附加费(4)CAF(Currency Adjustment Factor)货币贬值附加费(通常为基本海运费的?%)(5)YAS(Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS(Equipment Position Surcharges)设备位置附加费(7)DDC(Destination Delivery Charges)目的港交货费(适用美洲,美国东西岸收费不同)(8)PSS(Peak Season Surcharges)旺季附加费(船公司的变相加价)(9)PCS(Port Congestion Surcharge)港口拥挤附加费(10)DOC(Document charges)文件费(11)O/F(Ocean Freight)海运费(12)B/L(Bill of Lading)海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading)船东单(14)MTD(Multimodal Transport Document)多式联运单据(15)L/C(Letter of Credit)信用证(16)C/O(Certificate of Origin)产地证(17)S/C(Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract)销售合同(18)S/O(Shipping Order)装货指示书(19)W/T(Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T(Measurement T on)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY(Container Yard)集装箱(货柜)堆场(23)FCL(Full Container Load)整箱货(24)LCL(Less than Container Load)拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS(Container Freight Station)集装箱货运站(26)TEU(Twenty-feet Equivalent Units)20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W(All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge)迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier)无船承运人ill of lading(B/L)提单Freight prepaid B/L 运费预付提单(30)SPS 上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区)(31)YAS 日元升值附加费(日本航线专用)(32)GRI 综合费率上涨附加费(33)IFA 临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用(34)PTF 巴拿马运河附加费,美国航线、中南美航线使用(35)EBS、EBA 部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,EBS一般是澳洲航线使用,EBA一般是非洲航线、中南美航线使用(36)CY(集装箱堆场):CONTAINER YARD(37)CFS(场):CARGO FREIGHT STATION(38)NOVCC(无船承运人):NON VESSEL OPRERATING COMMON CARRIER(39)P/P(运费预付):FREIGHT PREPAID(40)C.C.(运费到付):COLLECT(41)ETA(预计到港日):ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL(42)ETD(预计开船日):ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY(43)ETC(截关日):ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING(为报关截关日期,海关放行条必须在此规定时间交给FEEDER公司或船公司)(44)FCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOAD(45)LCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOAD(46)T/T(电汇):TELEGRAM TRANSIT(47)C&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHT(48)CIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT(49)FOB(离岸价):FREE ON BOARD(50)S/O(订舱单):SHIPPING ORDER(一般船公司都有自己的固定格式)(51)HB/L(货代提单):HOUSE BILL OF LADING(为货代公司出的提单,对直接客户)(52)OB/L(海运提单):OCEAN BILL OF LADING(顺便提及AWB(空运提单):AIR WAYBILL)(53)SEAL NO.(铅封号)(54)CNTR NO.(柜号):CONTAINER NUMBER(55)VESSEL/VOYAGE(船名/航次)第三篇:英文代理翻译{下面为一些具体格式和步骤:}A为委托方,B为被委托方{首先是委任:}Appointment1.委任A hereby appoints theB as the global Distributor for the distribution, sale and promotion of the Goods all over the world(“Territory”)upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.A现根据以下条件和条款委任B作为其全球分销商,并在全球为其配送,销售和推广产品.{跟着写一些相关的权利和义务(只是参考例子):}A shall not sell or otherwise make available the Goods to anybody from or about whomA knows or has reason to know that such person might sell those Goods to B’s customers.A不会销售或以其他方式提供此类货物给来自A,或A知道或有理由知道可能销售那些货物给B客户的任何人.2.B’s General Duties2.B的义务B agrees and undertakes with the A that, for the duration of this Agreement the B shall punctually and faithfully observe the following:B同意并承诺A在本协议有效期内如期并忠实遵守以下条款:{然后列举一些条款}如:It shall use its best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Goodsthroughout the Territory.我们会尽最大努力在全球推广和扩大货品的销售B shall not sell the Goods to A’s Customers, u nless authorized in writing by A, for the duration of this Agreement.B 不会销售货品给A的客户, 除非在协议有效期内得到A的书面授权.Except for otherwise expressly provided herein, any contracts for the sales of the Goods by B to its own Customers shall be exclusively concluded between B and itsCustomers.B shall have the sole right to offer and/or accept terms and conditions of such contracts.除另有明文规定外, 任何B 给自己客户的销售合同,应只由B与其客户独立签订.B应具有唯一权提供和/或接受这类合同的条件.Except for otherwise expressly provided herein, A shall have no right to receive from B’s Customers any payment for the Goods.除另有明文规定外, A没有权利收受来自B客户的任何货款.3.A’s Obligations3.A的义务A shall in no manner whatsoever modify the price for the duration of this Agreement.A在该项协议的期限内不得以任何方式修改价格.A shall be obligated to timely respond to B’s letter, fax, notice, telephone and other inquiry.A应有义务及时回应B的信件,传真,通知,电话及其他需求.4.Intellectual Property4.知识产权Except as expressly authorized by the Manufacturer, the Distributor shall have norights in respect of any trade names or trade marks used by the Manufacturer in relation to the Products of the goodwill associated therewith, and the Distributor herebyacknowledges that, except as expressly provided in this Agreement, it shall not acquire any rights in respect thereof and that all such rights and goodwill are, and shall remain, vested in the Manufacturer.除非本协议另有制造商授权,分销商没有利用制造商产品的商品名称或商标以及与商誉相关联的权利。

Article 1 Scope of Application。
This Contract applies to the logistics services provided by the Carrier to the Shipper for the transportation of goods within the agreed upon scope of services.Article 2 Responsibilities of the Carrier。
(1) The Carrier shall provide transportation services for the Shipper's goods in accordance with the agreed upon transportation plan and time schedule.(2) The Carrier shall ensure the safety and security of the Shipper's goods during transportation.(3) The Carrier shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the Shipper's goods caused by its negligence or breach of contract.Article 3 Responsibilities of the Shipper。
(1) The Shipper shall provide the Carrier with accurate and complete information about the goods to be transported, including their weight, volume, nature, and value.(2) The Shipper shall properly pack and label the goods to ensure their safety during transportation.(3) The Shipper shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the Carrier's equipment or property caused by the improper packing or labeling of the goods.Article 4 Transportation Charges。

货代合同范本英文FREIGHT FORWARDING AGREEMENTThis Freight Forwarding Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the __________ day of __________, 20__, by and between __________ ("Principal"), with its principal place of business at __________, and __________ ("Freight Forwarder"), with its principal place of business at__________.1. Scope of ServicesThe Freight Forwarder agrees to provide the Principal with freight forwarding services, including but not limited to, the arrangement of transportation, customs clearance, and other related logistics services as may be required by the Principal from time to time.2. Instructions and DocumentationThe Principal shall provide the Freight Forwarder with clear and accurate instructions and all necessary documentation required for the performance of the services. The Principal shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of such instructions and documentation.3. Responsibility and LiabilityThe Freight Forwarder shall exercise reasonable care in the performance of its duties under this Agreement. However, the Freight Forwarder shall not be liable for any loss or damageto the goods unless such loss or damage was caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Freight Forwarder.4. Fees and ChargesThe Principal shall pay the Freight Forwarder for the services rendered at the rates agreed upon in writing. All fees and charges are exclusive of any applicable taxes, duties, and other governmental charges, which shall be the responsibility of the Principal.5. Payment TermsPayment for the services shall be made within __________ days from the date of the invoice issued by the Freight Forwarder. The Principal shall be responsible for all costs incurred in the collection of overdue amounts, including reasonable attorney's fees.6. IndemnificationThe Principal shall indemnify and hold the Freight Forwarder harmless from any and all claims, damages, or expensesarising from the Principal's breach of this Agreement or from any instructions given by the Principal.7. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement upon __________ days' written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the Freight Forwarder shall be entitled to payment for all services rendered up to the date of termination.8. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, labor disputes, or any other causes beyond the affected party's control.9. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of __________. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by the courts of __________.10. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.11. AmendmentsNo amendment, modification, or waiver of any provision ofthis Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both parties.12. NoticesAll notices, requests, demands, and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally or by overnight courier service, or three (3) days after being sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receiptrequested, to the addresses set forth above or to such other address as either party may designate in writing.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.__________ (Principal)By: __________Name: __________Date: ____________________ (Freight Forwarder)By: __________Name: __________Title: __________Date: __________。

物流单证中表示合同的单词English Answer:In logistics documentation, the following terms commonly denote a contract:1. Agreement: A legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a business transaction.2. Bill of Lading: A document issued by a carrier that serves as a contract of carriage, evidencing the receipt of goods for shipment.3. Charter Party: A contract between a shipowner and a charterer that governs the terms of leasing a vessel for transportation.4. Commercial Invoice: A document that itemizes the goods being shipped, their value, and the terms of sale.5. Contract of Sale: A legally binding document that outlines the terms under which goods are sold, including price, payment terms, and delivery arrangements.6. Freight Forwarding Agreement: A contract between a shipper and a freight forwarder that outlines the terms of services provided for the transportation of goods.7. Letter of Credit: A document issued by a bank that guarantees payment to a beneficiary upon presentation of specified documents, often used in international trade transactions.8. Purchase Order: A document issued by a buyer to a seller that outlines the items being ordered, their quantity, and the terms of purchase.9. Service Level Agreement: A document that outlines the agreed-upon service levels and performance metrics for a particular service.10. Shipping Instructions: A document that providesinstructions to a carrier regarding the handling, transportation, and delivery of goods.中文回答:物流单证中表示合同的单词主要包括:1. 协议,具有法律约束力的文件,概述业务交易的条款和条件。

货运代理英文合同范本Freight Forwarding Agency ContractThis Contract is made and entered into on [date] and between [Shipper's Name], a pany incorporated under the laws of [Shipper's Country] with its registered office at [Shipper's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Shipper"), and [Freight Forwarder's Name], a pany incorporated under the laws of [Freight Forwarder's Country] with its registered office at [Freight Forwarder's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Freight Forwarder").Article 1. ServicesThe Freight Forwarder agrees to provide the following services to the Shipper:1. Arranging for the transportation of the goods from the point of origin to the destination as instructed the Shipper.2. Handling all necessary documentation related to the transportation of the goods, including but not limited to bills of lading, customs declarations, and insurance documents.3. Providing advice and assistance to the Shipper regarding shipping regulations, customs requirements, and other relevant matters.Article 2. Responsibilities of the ShipperThe Shipper agrees to:1. Provide the Freight Forwarder with accurate and plete information regarding the goods to be transported, including the description, quantity, value, and any special handling requirements.2. Prepare the goods for shipment in accordance with the applicable regulations and standards.3. Pay the Freight Forwarder the agreed fees and charges for the services provided.Article 3. Freight and Charges1. The freight and other charges for the transportation of the goods shall be as agreed between the parties and shall be payable the Shipper in accordance with the terms of this Contract.2. Any additional charges incurred due to changes in the shipping instructions, customs delays, or other unforeseen circumstances shall be borne the Shipper, provided that the Freight Forwarder has obtned the Shipper's prior approval for such charges.Article 4. Insurance1. The Shipper shall be responsible for arranging insurance for the goods, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties.2. The Freight Forwarder shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the goods during transportation, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.Article 5. Limitation of LiabilityThe liability of the Freight Forwarder for any loss, damage, or delay in the transportation of the goods shall be limited to the amount of the freight charges pd the Shipper for the particular shipment, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties.Article 6. IndemnificationThe Shipper shall indemnify the Freight Forwarder agnst any clms, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of or in connection with the shipment of the goods, except to the extent that such clms, damages, losses, or expenses are caused the Freight Forwarder's gross negligence or willful misconduct.Article 7. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep confidential all information related to the shipment of the goods and not to disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.Article 8. Term and Termination1. This Contract shall mence on [start date] and shall continue in force until terminated either party upon giving [notice period] written notice to the other party.2. Either party may terminate this Contract immediately in the event of a material breach of this Contract the other party.Article 9. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable law]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [jurisdiction].Article 10. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Shipper: [Shipper's Name]Signature: [Shipper's Signature]Date: [Date]Freight Forwarder: [Freight Forwarder's Name]Signature: [Freight Forwarder's Signature]Date: [Date]。

货运合同书英文回答:Freight Contract。
This Freight Contract (the "Contract") is entered into this [Date] by and between [Name of Shipper] ("Shipper") and [Name of Carrier] ("Carrier").1. Purpose。
The purpose of this Contract is to establish the terms and conditions for the carriage of goods by Carrier for Shipper.2. Definitions。
2.1 "Goods" means the personal property of Shipper tendered to Carrier for carriage.2.2 "Carrier" means [Name of Carrier] and its agents, employees, and contractors.2.3 "Shipper" means [Name of Shipper] and its agents, employees, and contractors.3. Services。
3.1 Carrier shall transport the Goods from [Origin] to [Destination] on or before [Delivery Date].3.2 Carrier shall provide all necessary equipment and personnel for the transportation of the Goods.3.3 Carrier shall provide Shipper with regular updates on the status of the Goods.4. Rates and Charges。

货代合同模板英文This Freight Forwarding Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Freight Forwarder Name], with an office at [Address] (“Freight Forwarder”) and [Shipper Name], with an office at [Address] (“Shipper”).1. Services. Freight Forwarder agrees to provide freight forwarding services to Shipper in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. These services shall include, but are not limited to, arranging for the shipping, handling, and delivery of Shipper’s goods in accordance with Shipper’s instructions.2. Shipper’s Responsibilities. Shipper agrees to provide Freight Forwarder with all necessary information and documentation needed to perform the services under this Agreement. Shipper shall also be responsible for packaging and labeling the goods in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.3. Rates and Charges. Freight Forwarder shall charge Shipper for its services on a per-shipment basis. Rates shall be determined by Freight Forwarder based on the weight, volume, and other characteristics of the goods being shipped. Shipper agrees to pay all charges in accordance with the terms set forth on Freight Forwarder’s invoice.4. Insurance. Shipper is responsible for obtaining insurance for the goods being shipped. Freight Forwarder shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the goods unless such loss or damage is caused by the negligence of Freight Forwarder. Shipper agrees to indemnify and hold Freight Forwarder harmless from any claims arising out of the shipment of the goods.5. Delivery. Freight Forwarder shall use reasonable efforts to deliver the goods in a timely manner in accordance with Shipper’s instructions. However, Freight Forwarder shall not be liable for any delays caused by circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to weather, strikes, acts of God, or governmental regulations.6. Limitation of Liability. In no event shall Freight Forwarder be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. Freight Forwarder’s liability for any claims shall be limited to the amount of charges paid by Shipper under this Agreement.7. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party. Upon termination, Shipper shall pay Freight Forwarder for all services rendered prior to the effective date of termination.8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in [Jurisdiction].9. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Freight Forwarder and Shipper with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Freight Forwarder Name]By: _____________________________________Name: ___________________________________Title: ____________________________________[Shipper Name]By: _____________________________________Name: ___________________________________Title: ____________________________________。

物流英语合同模板This Logistics Service Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into by and between:[Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], having its registered office at [Address], represented by [Name], in capacity of [Title] (hereinafter referred to as "Client"),AND[Logistics Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], having its registered office at [Address], represented by [Name], in capacity of [Title] (hereinafter referred to as "Logistics Company").WHEREAS, the Client is engaged in the business of [Description of Client's business] and requires logistics services for the transportation, storage, and distribution of goods and products;AND WHEREAS, the Logistics Company is a logistics provider with expertise in providing logistics services such as transportation, warehousing, and distribution;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Services1.1 The Logistics Company agrees to provide the following services to the Client:a) Transportation of goods from the Client's premises or designated pick-up points to the designated delivery points;b) Warehousing and storage services for the goods at the Logistics Company's facilities;c) Distribution of goods to the designated delivery points as per the Client's instructions.1.2 The Logistics Company shall provide the services with due care and diligence, using reasonable skill and expertise in the performance of its obligations under this Contract.1.3 The Client shall provide all necessary information, documents, and instructions to the Logistics Company for the proper provision of the services.2. Term2.1 This Contract shall commence on [Commencement Date] and shall remain in effect for a period of [Duration of Contract] unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. Charges and Payments3.1 The Client shall pay the Logistics Company for the services rendered as per the agreed-upon rates and charges set forth in Schedule A attached hereto.3.2 The Client shall make payments to the Logistics Company within [Number] days from the date of invoice.3.3 In the event of any delay in payment, the Client shall be liable to pay interest on the overdue amount at the rate of [Rate]% per month.4. Liability4.1 The Logistics Company shall be liable for any loss or damage to the goods during the transportation, storage, or distribution, except for loss or damage caused by events beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, riots, strikes, or any other force majeure events.4.2 The liability of the Logistics Company shall be limited to the value of the goods lost or damaged, as per the invoice value at the point of origin.4.3 The Client shall be responsible for insuring the goods against any risks during transportation, storage, and distribution.5. Termination5.1 Either party may terminate this Contract by giving [Number] days' written notice to the other party.5.2 Termination of this Contract shall not affect any rights or obligations accrued prior to the date of termination.6. Confidentiality6.1 The parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any information disclosed by either party during the performance of this Contract.6.2 The parties shall not disclose any confidential information to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing party.7. Governing Law7.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Company Name]By: ____________________________Name: __________________________ Title: ___________________________ [Logistics Company Name] By: ____________________________ Name: __________________________ Title: ___________________________ SCHEDULE A(Rates and Charges) [Insert Rates and Charges]。
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Unit 1 Scope of Freight Forwarding Services freight forwarder 货运代理/货物代理人foreign exchange夕卜汇/夕卜国汇票bills of lading 提单commission agent委托代理人letter of credit 信用证customs clearance 清关special cargoes 特殊货物project cargoes 工程货物heavy crane 重吊customs terminal 海关站trade contract 贸易合同general cargo 杂货transit operations 运输过程
Unit 2 Incoterms 2000-Six Major Trade Terms inland waterway transport 内河运输clear the goods for export办理货物出口清关手续insurance policy 保险单insurance premium 保险费
charges 费用
port 港口
point 点
collection vehicle 提货的车辆
be in conformity with 与---相符
formalities 手续
packing costs包装费用
transfer of risks 风险转移
in accordance with 根据
no obligation 无义务
mode of transport 运输方式
exchange control夕卜汇管制
2007-9-11 05:07 梦梦心艺
Unit 3 Terms of Shipment in the Contract for the International Sale of
ports of call挂靠港/停靠港
expiry date 有效期
presentation of documents 交单
partial shipments 分批装运
shipping documents装运单据/运输单据
liner transport 班轮运输shipping by chartering 租船运输sailing schedule 船期表liner freight tariff 班轮运价表weight ton重量吨measurement ton 尺码吨direct additional 直航附加费transshipment additional 转船附加费port additional 港口附加费port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费alteration of destination additional 变更卸货港附加费deviation surcharge 绕
航附加费optional additional 选卸附加费bunker surcharge燃油附加费additional for excess of liability 超额责任附加费dispatch money 速遣费shipping space 舱位
2007-9-11 05:07 梦梦心艺
Unit 4 International Cargo Transportation Insurance insurance broker保险经纪人
in transit运输中
Particular Average 单独海损
general average 共同海损
partial loss咅B分损失
stranded vessel 搁浅船
Free of Particular Average(FPA)平安险(单独海损不赔)
With Average/With Particular Average(WA/WPA)水渍险
All Risks(AR) 一切险
War and Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion^争、罢工、暴动和
bulk cargo 散货
deductible franchise 绝对免赔额
general cargo杂货/普通货物
inherent vice内在缺陷/固有缺陷
insurance fund 保险基金
insurance company 保险公司
insurance contract 保险合同
insurance clauses保险条款
insurance period 保险期限
insurance agent保险代理人
actual total loss 实际全损
constructive total loss 推定全损
force majeure不可抗力
full insurance 足额保险
general average contribution 共同海损分摊marine insurance 海上保险
notice of claim 索赔通知
partial loss咅B分损失
perils of the sea 海上风险
rate of premium 保险费率
returns of premium 保险退费
validity of policy保险单的有效期
valued policy定值保险单
voyage policy 航次保险单
war risk战争险
wear and tear 自然磨损
2007-9-11 05:07 梦梦心艺
Unit 5 The Practice of International Ocean cargo Transportation international trade 国际贸易
carriage of goods by sea海上货物运输
pattern of international trade 国际贸易方式
shipping market 航运市场
non-conference lines非班轮公会航线
non-vessel operating common carrier(NVOCC无营运船公共承运人tramp service不定期船运输conference lines班轮公会航线scheduled service 定期航运common carrier 公共承运人shipping conference 班轮公会freight rate 运费率supply and demand 供求bill of lading, B/L 提单sea waybill 海运单shipping note托运单/装货通知单delivery order 提货单mate's receipts大副收据/收货单contract of carriage货物运输合同receipt for goods 货物收据document of title 物权凭证port authorities港务局/港口主管机关shipping space 舱位liner service 班轮运输sailing schedule 船期表cargo seawothiness 适货shipowner船舶所有人/船东ship operator船舶经
merchant ship 商船
passenger ship 客船general cargo ship 杂货船oil tanker 油船container ship 集装箱船multipurpose cargo vessel多用途船roll
on/roll off ship or ro/ro ship 滚装船freight manifest 运费清单shipping order 装货单loading list or cargo list装货清单dangerous cargo list危险品清单damage cargo list货物残损单cargo tracer 货物查询单actual carrier实际承运人voyage charter 航次租船bareboat charter 光船租船cancelling date 解约日multimodal transportation 多式联运stowage plan 积载图notice of readiness 准备就绪通知书
2007-9-11 05:08 梦梦心艺
Unit 6 Chartering Shipping or Tramp Shipping。