



UNIT ONEIndus‎t rial‎Engin‎e erin‎g Educa‎t ion for the 21st Centu‎r y21世纪的‎工业工程教‎育The 21st centu‎r y is just a few years‎away. Strat‎e gic plann‎e rs all over the world ‎a re using‎the year 2000 as the point‎futur‎e busin‎e ss activ‎i ties‎.Are we all ready ‎f or that time? As the indus‎t rial‎world‎prepa‎r es to meet the techn‎o logi‎c al chall ‎e n ges‎of the 21st centu‎r y, there‎is a need to focus‎on the peopl‎e who will take it there‎. Peopl‎e will be the most impor‎t ant of the “man-machi‎n e-mater‎i al” syste‎m s compe‎t ing in the next centu‎r y. IEs shoul‎d play a cruci‎a l role in prepa‎r ing organ ‎i z ati‎o ns for the 21st centu‎r y throu‎g h their‎roles‎as chang‎e initi‎a tors‎and facil ‎i t ato‎r s. Impro‎v emen‎t s are neede‎d in IE under‎g radu‎a te educa‎t ion if that role is to be succe‎s sful‎l y carri‎e d out.21世纪来‎临在即,全世界的战‎略家们把2‎000年作‎为商业活动‎的焦点。



Professional English for Industrial EngineeringChapter1 Unit3翻译姓名:专业:工业工程班级:学号:完成日期:2015-10-31Chapter 1Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of Industrial Engineering五大主要工程学科和它们的发展在美国,有五个主要工程学科(土木、化学、电工、工业、机械),它们是早在第一次世界大战时就出现的工程分支学科。


















Operations Research 运筹学Some OR accomplishments运筹学的一些成果在 20 世纪 70 年代到 80 年代之间取得了一些十分突出的重大突破,下面讲述他们如何被应用以及其对经济的影响。

Integrative OR systems集成运筹学系统综合的运筹学成果在 1983 和 1984 年,全美最大的石油独立冶炼和销售公司--citgo 石油公司,将 1985 年超过 4 亿的销售额投资在一个独一无二的全面集成系统中,这个系统将运筹学的数学规划、预测及专家系统结合到了统计和组织理论中。

Citgo 将运筹学系统应用到诸如:天然物资的产品开采,冶炼,供应和配送,运作市场规划,应收应付款,存货控制和制定个人执行目标, Citgo 公司由 1984 年 5000 万的营业损失变为到 1985 年高达 7000 万的营业利润要归功于这个运筹学系统。

Network flow problem网络流问题70 年代时出现了一些突破性的网络流建模和解决问题的方法,并初步形成专业化的解决运输问题及其转化问题的原始单纯形算法。


这些算法表现出了前所未有的效率,速度比最好的网络问题通用线性规划系统快了从 10 到 200 倍——效率完全超越任何计算机硬件。


目前 Agrico、 Ciba-Geigy、 W.R.Grace、International Paper、Kelly-Springfied、Owens-Corning Fiberglass、Quaker Oats and R.G.Sloan 这些公司已成功地将他们的射频数据采集系统耦合到他们建立的网络流模型上,以改善所做的决定的物流成本效益和服务效益。

比如,Agrico 净减少13%周转资金并在 5 年内节省开支43 万美元;据Kelly-Springfied 报道,他们每年可节省 800 万美元以上,Cahil May Roberts 可减少 20%的运输成本和交货。



At one time, it was easier to define what an IE did .” Industrial engineering was simple in those days when we dealt with methods, work standards and work simplification,” says Carlos Cherubin, director of engineering for The Limited Co. “But there has to be some way to get past the old industrial engineering definition.”
The name game
What problems could possibly throw a shadow on such a bright array of opportunities? For starters, as new opportunities have developed for the IE, new questions have formed about what types of jobs the industrial engineer is qualified to perform.



Lesson 3 CAM1. Introduction1。

景区简介Computer-aided manufacturing involves the use of computers and computer technology to assist in all the phases of manufacturing a product, including process and production planning, machining, scheduling, management, and quality control. Because of the benefits, computer- aided design and computer-aided manufacturing are often combined into CAD/CAM systems, show as Figure 3.1.计算机辅助制造涉及使用计算机和计算机技术辅助生产产品的所有阶段,包括工艺和生产计划,加工,调度,管理,质量控制。

由于利益,计算机辅助设计和计算机辅助制造经常CAD /CAM系统结合,显示如图3.1。

Figure 3.1 Information flow chart in CAD/CAM application图3.1信息流图在CAD / CAM应用This combination allows the transfer of information from the design stage into the stage of planning for the manufacture of a product, without the need to reenter the data on part geometry manually. The database developed during CAD is stored, then it is processed further, by CAM, into the necessary data and instructions for operating and controlling production machinery, material-handling equipment, and automated testing and inspection for product quality.这种组合允许从设计阶段的信息传递到规划阶段进行产品的制造,而不需要重新输入数据上的零件的几何形状手动。



Definition of Manufacturing System
We define a manufacturing system to be a collection of integrated equipment and human resources, whose function is to perform one or more processing and/or assembly operations onl, part, or set of parts.
Chapter 3 Manufacturing Systems
Unit 1 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems Unit 2 Advanced Manufacturing Systems Unit 3 Manufacturing Support Systems
Definition of Manufacturing System
The integrated equipment includes production machines and tools, material handling and work positioning devices, and computer systems.
了解制造系统的含义,制造系统的各个组成部分 掌握几种典型的制造系统集成组技术、柔性制造系统、敏捷制造 等先进制造系统各自应用范围及特点。
了解CAD,CAM,CAPP等辅助制造系统在各种制造系统中的 应用。
automation:自动化 material handling :物料搬运 synthesize:综合 integrated equipment:集成设备 raw material:原材料 positioning device:定位装置 semi-automatic:半自动化 full automated:全自动化 family:簇 production line:生产线 fixture:固定设备、夹具 hardware:硬件 machine tool:机床 lathe:车床 milling machine:铣床 drill press:钻床 workstation:工作站 portable powered tool:便携式电动工具 assembly line:装配线 machine cell:机器单元 discrete:离散的 ancillary:辅助的、附属的 work unit:工件 mechanized:机械化的 pallet:托盘 tote bin:搬运箱 vicinity:邻近 workhead:工作台、机台 workholder:工件夹具 orient:定向 clamp:夹住 chuck:卡盘



工程2班1202231069袁威武Understanding socio-economic and policy constraints to dairy development in Ethiopia: A coupled functional-structural innovation systems analysisAbstact:This study investigates how the Ethiopian dairy innovation system has functioned to support the development of the Ethiopian dairy sector and what have been the major technical, economic, and institutional constraints in the process. We used a coupled functional–structural analysis of innovation systems to analyse the influence of socio-economic and policy constraints on the development of the Ethiopian dairy sector. Results show that problems with structural elements such as the absence of key actors, limited capacity of existing actors, insecure property rights, cumbersome bureaucratic processes, poor interaction among actors and inadequate infrastructure have all limited dairy innovation. Out of the seven innovation system functions studied, our findings show that entrepreneurship, knowledge diffusion, market development and legitimacy creation have been particularly weak. Our evidence thus suggests that problems with certain structural elements coupled with weaknesses in various innovation system functions have been major hindrances to the uptake of technologies and dairy sector development in Ethiopia. The narrow policy focus on biophysical technology generation and dissemination, without considering the underlying problems related to institutional conditions and socio-economic processes, has also contributed to low technology adoption and limited broader development in the dairy sector. We suggest that combinations of institutional and technological interventions are needed to overcome the various system weaknesses that have hindered dairy sector development in Ethiopia.翻译:本研究探讨如何在多人的乳制品中创新新的系统功能,及在经济和体制约束的过程中支持发展黑人乳制品部门和主要的技术。

工业工程专业英语Chapter 3 Manufacturing System

工业工程专业英语Chapter 3 Manufacturing System

Human Resources
Human perform some or all of the value-added work that is accomplished on the parts or products.
Classificat5: 2. 课外翻译(把下列语句翻译成中文)
① Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and computer /communication networks exemplify complex systems that fall into a class called discrete event stochastic systems (DESS). The efficient design and operation of these systems is extremely important to economic competitiveness, yet system behavior is not completely understood. Present methods of analysis and design of DESS focus on their behavior in the steady state, a conceptualization that requires performance measures to be made “in the long run” or “averaged over time.” Yet,
Unit 1 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems
The Definition of Manufacturing System Components of Manufacturing System Classifications of Manufacturing Systems



The Roles of IE(p1)工业工程作为一种集经典与新颖于一身的专业出现,在科学技术高速发展的今天,用来解决复杂,系统性的问题。






The Demand for IE Graduates学习工业工程的课程旨在让学生有能力应对发展中国经济和建设和谐社会的挑战。







Engineering and Science工业,工程,这两个词是如何结合而构成工业工程这个术语的呢?工业工程和其他工程学科以及工商管理和社会科学有什么关系呢?为了明白工业工程在以经济与知识为基础的现如今的作用,学习IE演变过程中的那些有希望的历史发展是十分有益的。







Understanding the definition of IE(1)
Industrial: any organization integrated systems: a factory, a cityspecialized knowledge: mechanical, physical, and social sciences, the principles and methods of engineering analysis Objectives: to specify, predict, and evaluate, the results to be obtained from such systems
industrial engineering:工业工程manufacturing industry:制造业production system:生产系统service system:服务系统efficiency:效率effectiveness:效果curricula: 课程 (or curriculum)harmonious society:和谐社会IE graduates:工业工程毕业生(IEs)IE engineers:工业工程师(IEs)facility:设备、设施health-care delivery: 卫生保健服务discipline:学科methodology:方法literature:文献economic and knowledge-based era:知识经济时代specialty:专业feedback:反馈hand in hand :合作inclined plane:斜面corkscrew: 螺丝刀simple lever:单杠杆friction: 摩擦molecular:分子的electricity: 电、电学、电流、电气thermal process:热处理manipulate:处理,使用,操纵variable:变量Pythagorean theorem:勾股定理



工业工程专业英语复习资料(段落+专业词汇)工业工程专业英语复习资料一、句子翻译:1. A production system or service includes inputs, transformation, and outputs. Through transformation, the added values are increased and system efficiency and effectiveness are improved.2. Industrial engineering emerged as a profession as result of the industrial revolution and the accompanying need for technically trained people who could plan, organize, and direct the operations of large complex systems.3.Taylor’s original contribution, constituting the beginning of industrial engineering, was his three-phase method of improving efficiency:Analyze and improve the method of performing work, reduce of times required, and set standards for what the times should be.4. Some operations research problems involve a large number of equations –some linear programming solutions, for example-but the complexities of representation in any one of the many equations may, and often do, make the entire set of equations unsolvable.5. The machine to an industrial engineer is a black box that has a production rate, yield rate, required operator skills, process capabilities, and other production system attributes.6. The industrial engineering responsibility involves the integration of workers, machines, materials, information, capital, and managerial know-how into a producing system that will produce the right product, at the right cost, at the right time.7. Process analysis is one of the main contents of methodstudy, by which researchers can completely observe and record the whole production processes and carry out integrated analysis form a macroscopic viewpoint.8. With today’s increasing competition from foreign producers, there has been an increasing effort to establish standards based on facts rather than judgment.9. Accurately establish time standards make it possible to produce more withina given plant, thus increasing the efficiency of the equipment and the operating personnel. Poorly established standards, although better than no standards at all, lead to high cots, labor dissension, and possibly even the failure of enterprise10. A process is any activity or a group of activities that takes one or more inputs, transforms and adds value to them, and provides one or more outputs for its customers.11. Production Planning is the process of converting corporate strategy along with market and financial policy into details for the efficient utilization of the production system.12. A simplified view of the strategic planning process is shown by the following process: Mission and objectives →Environmental scanning→Strategy formulation →Strategy implementation→Evaluation and control.13. The main advantage of the process layout is its comparatively lower machine cost and wider flexibility of work that can be done. Its main disadvantage is time lost traveling to different areas in the building to assemble the various pieces.14. The Council of Logistics Management defined the logistics in 1992 as the process of planning, implementing an controlling the efficient, flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumptionthe purpose of conforming to customer requirements.15. The theory of logistics engineering is the study of analyzing, designing, optimizing and controlling the logistics system as a whole. It utilizes the methods of the industrialengineering and systems engineering. The study of logistics is of great importance in the production practice.16. Ergonomics is scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, date and methods to design in order to optimize human being activities and overall system performance.17. Ergonomics has a wide application to everyday domestic situations, but there are even more significant implications for efficiency, productivity safety and health in work settings.18. Engineering Psychology is defined as the application of psychological principles, knowledge, and research to improve the ability of humans to operate more effectively in a technological society.19.Accurately established time standards make it possible to produce more within a given plant, thus increasing the efficiency of the equipment and the operating personnel. Poorly established standards, although better than no standards at all, lead to high costs, labor dissension, and possibly even the failure of the enterprise.20.The roles of IEIndustrial engineering is emerging as one of the classic and novel professions that will be counted for solving complex and systematic problems in the highly technological world of today.作为一种古老和新颖的专业之一,工业工程的出现将用来解决当今高度技术发展的世界所遇到的复杂的系统问题。



UNIT ONEIndustrial Engineering Education for the 21st Century21世纪的工业工程教育The 21st century is just a few years away. Strategic planners all over the world are using the year 2000 as the point future business activities. Are we all ready for that time? As the industrial world prepares to meet the technological challenges of the 21st century, there is a need to focus on the people who will take it there. People will be the most important of the “man-machine-material” systems competing in the next century. IEs should play a crucial role in preparing organizations for the 21st century through their roles as change initiators and facilitators. Improvements are needed in IE undergraduate education if that role is to be successfully carried out.21世纪来临在即,全世界的战略家们把2000年作为商业活动的焦点。




社会保障 social security科学管理的实质 the essence of scientific management第三方介入 third-party involvement作业调度 operations scheduling作业测定 work measurement战略计划 strategic plan个人的良好判断力 individual good judgment库存问题 inventory issue特殊奖励 special awards车间负荷记录 the workshop load records科技论文写作 scientific papers writing提高效率和效果 improve the efficiency and effectiveness信息加工模型 information-processing model最小库存投资 the minimum inventory investment减少错误 reduce errors和谐社会 harmonious society工作环境 working environment战略战术问题 strategic technical problems预算分析师 budget analyst机械工程 mechanical engineering案例研究方法 case study method寻求最优性 seek the optimization学习者活动追踪 leaner activity tracking统计质量控制 statistical quality control快速应用开发 rapid application development咨询公司 consulting company人工智能技术 artificial intelligence technology改进现状 improve the current situation利润分享计划 profit-sharing plan克服难题和缺陷 overcome the problems and defects生产流程 production process -投资回报率 rate of return on investment绩效评价 performance evaluation理论框架 theoretical framework组织目标 organizational scheduling行政工作 administration work组织发展 organization development统计分析 statistical analysis自愿减少工资 voluntary pay cut生产计划和控制 production planning and control预定时间系统 predetermined time system分配稀缺资源 the allocation of scarce resources 偏紧/偏松 strictness/leniency提高生产率 increas the ratio of output职位识别系统 position identification systems医疗保健 medical care工作产所代码 work location code工序、卡片或记录 procedure自我实现 self-actualization管理信息系统 management information systems 接班计划 succession planning成组技术 Group Technology试用期 probationary period库存控制 inventory control定制服务 service customization心智模型 mental model补充失业服务 supplemental unemployment service柔性制造 Flexible Manufacturing混合式布局 hybrid layout工艺设计 process/technology design身体的能力与极限 human capabilities送货速度 delivery speed联合操作分析 gang process analysis原材料 raw materials交替排序法 alternation ranking method供应链 supply chain降低劳动成本 reduce labour costs维修人员 maintenance personnel自由贸易 free trade人工失误 human errors雇员持股计划 Empoyee Stock Ownership Plan 配对比较法 paired comparison method劳动纠纷 labor dissension职业倾向 occupational orientation激励计划 incentive plan企业一般管理费用 general administration cost 成品 finished goods在制品 work in progress。



TQM是一种对商业活动中所有方面的质量进行持续改进的一种方 法, 也就是对个体、群体和整个的组织进行改良的持续过程。它 是一种综合方法和实践的运用,尤其重视高层管理承诺、连续改 进、以客户为中心、长远战略、员工参与和团队合作、员工授权、 流程管理、竞争标杆管理等等方面。
The origin of the TQM movement dates back to the early 20th century when Walter Shewart, in the early 1920s, first introduced the concept of statistical process control (SPC) to monitor quality in mass production manufacturing. This was followed by many quality management to TQM. Crosby (1979), the four absolutes, Deming (1986), fourteen points, Feigenbaum (1993), total quality control, Ishikawa (1985), quality control circles, Juran et al.(1988),quality trilogy and Taguchi(1986),loss function, have prescribed different techniques and organizational requirements for effective implem工业世界是以制造业为导向的, 并且工业界正在历经一场变革,人们更加关注装配线,大批量生 产制造,供应商关系,准时生产和单元制造等方面。因为这些因 素,管理理论(包括质量管理)的大部份的技术和策略都是定量 的,并且针对性地解决生产线上的问题。



Unit 1 Introduction to Industrial EngineeringThe Roles of IEIndustrial engineering?(IE)?is?emerging as one of the classic*and novel professions that will be counted for solving complex and systematic problems in the highly technological world of today.?In particular,with the rapid development of China’s economy and its acting as a center of world manufacturing industries,the demand for IE will increase and widen continuously and urgently.工业工程是新兴的经典和新颖的将计算解决复杂和系统性的问题,在今天的高度科技世界职业之一。


A production system or service system includes inputs, transformation, and outputs. Through transformation, the added values are increased and the system efficiency and effectiveness are improved. Transformation processes rely on the technologies used and management sciences as well as their combination.生产系统或服务系统,包括输入,转换和输出。



工业工程的真实价值Real IE ValueIn addition, the IE now has a greater opportunity to concentrate on any one of a broad variety of areas that many companies now recognize as individual departments-including simulation, operations research, ergonomics, material handling and logistics.值得一提的是,工业工程此刻有更多的时机去集中于此刻很多公司已经视为独立的学科的众多领域中的一个 ----- 包含防真学、运筹学、人因学、物料搬运和物流学。

Work-measured Labor Standards鉴于作业丈量的劳动标准If you are a manufacturer, chances are you have a bill-of-materials (BOM) system to determine standard parts cost. Do you also have an equivalent bill-of-labor system to determine standard labor cost?假如你是一个制造商,你有可能会有一个物料清单系统来确立标准件的成本。

你能否也能获得近似的劳动力清单系统来确立标准的劳动成本?Time study—— The most widely used tool to develop standard times is still time study. Time study reflects what is happening in your job or project. It is also easy to learn and use. Now, the PC has made summarization of time study data a matter of seconds instead of hours.时间研究 ---- 用来开发标准时间使用最宽泛的工具依旧是时间研究。






















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《专业英语》课程论文(工业工程11级)指导教师:李发权小组成员姓名:学号:刘凯311102020215 刘雪涛311102020216 马文杰311102020217 乔茂康3111020202182014年11月23日Manufacturing SystemsUnit1 Introduction To Manufacturing SystemsIn this chapter, we consider how automation and material handing technologies are synthesized create manufacturing systems. We define a manufacturing system to be a collection of integrated equipment and human resources, whose function is perform one or more processing and/or assembly operations on a starting raw material part, or set parts. The integrated equipment includes production machines and tools, material handling and work positioning devices, and computer systems. Human resources are required either full time or periodically to keep the system running. The manufacturing system is where the value-added work is accomplished on the part or product. The position of the manufacturing system in the larger production system is shown as Figure. 3.1 Examples of manufacturing systems include :●One worker tending one machine, which operates on semi-automatic cycle● A cluster of semi-automated assembly machine, attended by one worker● A full automated assembly machine, periodically attended by a human worker● A group of automated machines working on automatic cycles to produce a family ofsimilar parts● A team of workers performing assembly operations on a production lineComponents of a Manufacturing systemA manufacturing system consists of several components. In a given system, these components usually include:1)production machines plus tools, fixtures, and other related hardware;2)material handling system ;3)computer systems to coordinate and/or control the above components ;4)human workersProduction MachinesIn virtually all modern manufacturing systems, most of the actual processing or assembly work is accomplished by machines or with the aid of tools. The machines can be classified as 1) manually operate , 2) semi-automated ,or 3)fully automated , Manually operated machines are directed or supervised by a human worker. The machine provides the power for the operation and the worker provides the control. Conventional machine tools (e. g ,lathes , milling machines ,drill presses ) fit into this category . The worker must be at the machine continuously.In manufacturing systems, we use the term workstation to refer to a location in the factory where some well-defined task operation is accomplished by an automated machine , a worker-and-machine combination , or a worker use hang tools/or portable powered tools. In the last there no definable production machine at the location . Many assembly tasks are in the category . A given manufacturing system may consist of one or more workstations. A system with multiple stations is called a production line , or assembly line , or machine cell ,or other name ,depending on its configuration and function .Material Transport SystemsIn most processing and assembly operations performed on discrete parts and products, the following ancillary functions must be provided :1)loading and unloading work units and2)positioning the work units at each station . In manufacturing systems composed of multipleworkstations, a means of3)transporting work units between stations is also required. These functions are accomplishedby the material handling system . In many case , the units are moved by the workers themselves, but more often some form of automated material transport system is used to reduce human effort .Most material handling systems used in production also provide4) a temporary storage function .The purpose of storage in these is usually to make sure thatwok is always present for the storage , that is, that the stations are not starved (meaning that they have nothing to work on )Some of the issues related to the material handling system are often unique to the particular type of manufacturing system ,and so it makes sense to discuss the details of each discussion here is concerned with general issues relating to the material handling system.Loading, Positioning, and Unloading. These material handling functions occur each workstation. Loading involves moving the work units into the production machine or processing equipment form a source inside the station. For example, starting parts in batch processing operations are often stored in contain in the immediately vicinity of station. For most processing operation, especially those requiring accuracy and precision, the work unit must be positioned in the production machine. Positioning provides for the part to be known location and orientation relative to the work head or tooling that performs the operation.Position in the production equipment is often accomplished using a workholder. A workholder is a device that accurately locates, orients, and clamps the part for the operation and resists any forces that may occur during processing. Common workholder include jigs, fixtures, and chucks. When the production operation has been completed, the work unit must be unloaded, that is, removed form the production machine and either placed in a container at the workstation or prepared for transport to the next workstation in the processing sequence. Prepared for transport may consist of simply loading the part onto a conveyor leading to the next station.When the production machine is manually operated or semi-automatic, loading position, and unloading are performed by the worker either by hand or with the aid of a hoist. A mechanized device such as an industrial robot, parts feeder, coil feeder (in sheet metal stamping ), or automatic pallet changer is used to accomplish these material handling functions.Work Transport Between Station. In the context of manufacturing system, work transport means moving parts between workstation in a multi-station system. The transport function can be accomplished manually or by the most appropriate material transport equipment.In some manufacturing systems, work units are passed from station to station by hand. Manual work transport can be accomplished by moving the units the one at a time or in batches. Moving parts in batches is generally more efficient, according to the unit load principle. Manual work transport is limited to cases in which the parts are small and light, so that the manual labor is ergonomically acceptable. When the load to be moved exceeds certain weight standards, powered hoists and similar lift equipment are used. Manufacturing systems that utilize manualwork transport include manual assembly lines and group technology machine cells.Various types of mechanized and automated material handling equipment are widely used to transport work units in manufacturing systems. We distinguish two general categories of work transport, according to the type of routing between station:1)variable routing and2)fixed routing. In variable routing transport is associated with job shop production andmany batch production operations. Manufacturing systems that use variable routinginclude group technology machine cells and flexible manufacturing systems. In fixedtouting, the work units always flow through the same sequence of station. This meansthat the work units are identical or similar enough that the processing sequence isidentical. Fixed routing transport is used on production lines. The difference betweenvariable and fixed routing and fixed routing is portrayed in Figure 3.2.制造系统制造系统的介绍在这一章,我们考虑如何合成创造制造业自动化和材料处理技术系统。
