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1.n__ __thern A. or B. ar C . ol D. al

2.__ __ways A . ao B . al C . el D . ol

3.d__ __k A . ur B .ir C . er D. ar

4.in__ __de A. sa B .ai C . si D .ia

5.n___ver A . a B . e C . u D . o

6.a__oss A . cr B . kr C . gr D . jr

7.gr__ __p A . un B ou C . oo D . uo

8.___ctic A . ar B . ur C . Ar D . Ur

9. bu__ __d A . ll B . il C .ei D . ii

10.w__ __m A .ur B .or C .ar D .ao


1.This is me _____the snowmobile.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. over

2.Sometimes we build ________.

A. a igloo

B. an igloo

C. a gloo

D. an gloo

3.I live in Grise Fjord. I t ’s ______in summer.

A. always dark B . always cold C . never dark D .never cold

4.______favourite food is seals.

A. The polar bear’s B . The arctic fox’s C. The Arctic hare’s D.The snowy owl’s

5.In winter the Arctic foxes live ______.

A. in the tunnels B .under the snow C. in group D. in the Arctic

6._______are the favourite food of the A rctic fox and the snowy owl.

A .Seals B. Lemmings C. The Arctic hares D. Birds

7.The Arctic hare ____very fast .

A. run

B. can run

C. can runs

D. hide

8. ______can make tunnels under the snow .

A .The Arctic hare

B . The Arctic fox C. The polar bear D. A and B

9.There ____a shopping mall.

10.We ______go fishing tomorrow.

A . are

B . going to

C . are going to D. go to

11.Do you like the polar bears?

A . Yes ,I don’t

B . No, I don’t

C .Yes ,I do

12.T hey ____the shopping mall next Sunday..

A .will go to

B .goes to

C .going to

D .are going to


A . How are you? B.How do you do? C .How are you feeling? D .How old are you ?

14.There ______a pen and some pencils.

A . is

B .am

C . are

D . be

15.Li Ming ________very fast.

A . cans run

B . cans runs

C . can run

D . can runs


1.white The beautiful arctic hare foxes fur


2.their What favourite is food


3.cannot hunt see Other when them animals


4.also Polar hare hunt bears the arctic


5.tomorrow we again go fishing Can


6.What snowy food owls of favourite is the


7.igloo it ’s and warm nice always an Inside


8.he there What is doing over


()1 . Where does Howard live? A . Of course

()2.What is the polar bear doing over there? B . Yes very much.

()3.When do the arctic foxes live in groups? C . It is catching the arctic hare.

()4.Do you like them? D . He lives in northern Canada.

E . In winter.

Unit 7 Television测试题




3. ro____tic

4. f___m

5. s___ence




9.th____k10. wat___ 11.___turday12.chil___en
