A 一般性B综合性C精确性D实践性名词解释管理(P2)、系统(P5)、管理者(P11)、管理者的技能(P16)、管理学(P21)、简答题1、如何理解管理的含义?(P2~P3)2、管理的基本职能有哪些?(P4~P5)3、管理的基本原理有哪些?(P5~P9)4、从管理层次来看管理者可分成哪几类?(P11~P13)5、简述管理者在组织中扮演着三类十种不同的角色。
(P16 ~P17)7、简述管理的科学性和艺术性。
(P24)第二章管理思想与管理理论单项选择题1、被誉为“管理学之父”的是:(B )A 法约尔B泰罗C韦伯D梅奥2、西蒙是哪个学派的代表人物?(C )A 系统管理学派B 权变理论学派C决策理论学派D经验管理学派简答题1、简述《科学管理原理》的理论要点。
(P77)5、组织文化如何影响管理?(P78~P79)6、如何建设组织文化?(P82~P83)第四章决策单项选择题1、下列哪个不属于决策的特点?( B )A超前性B适时性C目标确定性D风险性名词解释决策(P95)、德尔菲法(P101)简答题1、简述决策的内涵。
管理学原理课后习题答案2011年06月19日星期日上午 10:03第一章答案一、填空1.计划,组织,领导,控制;资源2. 计划,组织,领导,控制;3. 计划4. 人际角色,信息角色,决策角色;5. 决策;6. 协调,人;7. 技术技能,人际技能,概念技能8.组织目标的实现;9. 计划10. 自然,社会11. 管理原理,管理方法;12. 人力资源,物力资源,财力资源,信息资源二、单项选择1.C2. D3.D4.A5. A6.C7.C8.B9.B 10.D11.B 12.C 13.B三、多项选择1. ABEF2. ABD3.ABD四、判断1.×2. ×3.√4. ×5. ×6.√7. √8.√五、简答(要点,非完整答案)1.管理是一个过程,就是一个组织通过计划、组织、领导、控制等工作,对组织所拥有的资源进行合理配置和有效使用,以实现组织预定目标的过程。
2. 管理的科学性表现在它是对劳动过程的管理;管理的艺术性表现在它是对人的管理;二者不可分离。
《管理学原理》教学辅助资料集教学大纲《管理学原理》教学大纲(Principals of management)一、课程编号:二、课程名称:管理学原理三、学时:48 学分:3 实验学时:0课内上机学时:0四、先修课程要求:高等数学,英语五、适用专业:管理类专业六、适用年级:一、二年级七、课程的性质和任务:管理学原理是管理学科体系中的一门重要学科,主要是从一般理论、一般原理、一般特征的角度对管理活动加以研究,从中找出一般规律性。
《管理学原理》习题参考答案第一章概述一、单项选择1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.B. 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.B二、多项选择题:1.ABE 2.ABD 3.BE 4.BD 5.ABDE 6.BCDE 7.BE 8.BD 9.ACDE 10.ABD 11.BCDE 12.AD 13.AC 14.ABCDE 15.ABCDE 16.ABCE 17.ABCDE 18.AC 19.BD 20.ABC 21.BC 22.BCE 23.ABE 三、判断改错题1.×。
3. √4.×。
A.计划 B.组织 C.领导 D.控制 E.创新2.为了保证目标及为此而制订的计划得以实现,就需要有______职能。
A.计划 B.组织 C.领导 D.控制 E.创新3.管理者在处理与组织成员和其他利益相关者的关系时,他们就在扮演______。
A.人际角色 B.信息角色 C.决策角色4.在_____中,管理者处理信息并得出结论。
A.人际角色 B.信息角色 C决策角色5.在同不合作的供应商进行谈判的时候,管理者扮演的是______。
A.企业家角色 B.干扰应对者角色 C.资源分配者6.对于基层管理而言,最重要的是______。
A.技术技能 B.人际技能 C.概念技能7.______对于高层管理最重要,对于中层管理较重要,对于基层管理不重要。
A.技术技能 B.人际技能 C.概念技能8.______对于所有层次管理的重要性大体相同。
( F )3、效率与效果之间的差别可表述为:效果是使组织资源的利用成本达到最小化,而效率则是使组织活动实现预定的目标。
( F)4、不同行业中及不同的组织部专业特点差别显著,很难说管理活动有什麽共性。
( F)5、新的管理理论层出不穷,对实际工作中的新问题做出了较好的解释,因此可以说,泰勒的科学管理理论等古典管理理论已经彻底过时,除了尚存历史意义外,对管理实践早已丧失了指导作用。
( F )6、主通过与管理者职能相联系的办法把有关管理知识汇集起来,力图把用于管理实践的概念、原则、理论和方法糅合在一起以形成管理学科的学派是管理过程学派。
( T )8、管理科学是把科学的原理、方法和工具应用于管理的各种活动,制定用于管理决策的数学和统计模型,并把这些模型通过计算机应用于管理减低不确定性,最大限度地提高了管理活动的程序性,代表着管理理论的发展趋势,因此优于其它的管理理论。
( F )9.马克斯·韦伯的行政组织是有机式组织。
( F )10.企业部环境包括竞争对手、顾客、供应者、政府机构、利益集团。
( F )二、选择题1、将管理要素按目标的要求结合成一个整体,体现了管理的( B )职能。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制2、粗略划分,管理有(ABCD )职能。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制3、下列( C )性质不属于管理的特性。
A. 综合性B. 应用性C. 精确性D. 艺术性4、要确保“事有人做,人有事做;事得其人,人得其事”,需做好管理中的(B )工作。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制5、管理的职能也就是管理工作中所包含的几类基本活动。
目 录第一篇 总 论第一章 管理与管理学1.1 复习笔记1.2 课后习题详解第二章 管理思想的形成与发展2.1 复习笔记2.2 课后习题详解第三章 管理的基本原理与方法3.1 复习笔记3.2 课后习题详解第四章 组织环境4.1 复习笔记4.2 课后习题详解第五章 社会责任与管理道德5.1 复习笔记5.2 课后习题详解第二篇 计划职能第六章 计划职能概述6.1 复习笔记6.2 课后习题详解第七章 预测与决策7.1 复习笔记7.2 课后习题详解第八章 目标与战略8.1 复习笔记8.2 课后习题详解第三篇 组织职能第九章 组织职能概述9.1 复习笔记9.2 课后习题详解第十章 组织结构10.1 复习笔记10.2 课后习题详解第十一章 组织设计11.1 复习笔记11.2 课后习题详解第四篇 人事职能第十二章 人事职能概述12.1 复习笔记12.2 课后习题详解第十三章 人员的选聘、考评与培训13.1 复习笔记13.2 课后习题详解第五篇 领导职能第十四章 领导职能概述14.1 复习笔记14.2 课后习题详解第十五章 激 励15.1 复习笔记15.2 课后习题详解第十六章 沟 通16.1 复习笔记16.2 课后习题详解第十七章 领 导17.1 复习笔记17.2 课后习题详解第六篇 控制职能第十八章 控制职能概述18.1 复习笔记18.2 课后习题详解第十九章 控制的方法与技术19.1 复习笔记19.2 课后习题详解第一篇 总 论第一章 管理与管理学1.1 复习笔记一、管理的性质与职能1.管理的性质(1)管理概念的含义①管理概念可从两方面理解:a.职能意义上的管理概念。
Chapter 2 – Management Yesterday and TodayTrue/FalseAccording to Adam Smith, division of labor was an important concept.In the Industrial Revolution, machine power began substituting for human power.“Principles of Scientific Management” was writ ten by Frederick Taylor.Frank Gilbreth’s best-known contribution to scientific management concerned selecting the best worker.Frederick Taylor is most associated with the principles of scientific management.One could say that Fayol was interested in studying macro management issues, whereas Taylor was interested in studying micro management issues.Bureaucracy, as described by Weber, emphasizes rationality and interpersonal relationships.Decisions on determining a company’s optimum inventory le vels have been significantly influenced by economic order quantity modeling.Barnard, Follet, Musterberg, and Owen are all theorists are associated with the early organizational behavior approach. Multiple ChoiceAdam Smith's, "The Wealth of Nations," put forth that the primary economic advantage by societies would be gained from which of the following concepts?a. management planning and controlb. on-the-job trainingc. union representationd. fair employment legislatione. division of laborWhich of the following is not one of the four management approaches that grew out of the first half of this century?a. scientific managementb. general administrativec. organizational behaviord. systems approache. quantitativeAccording to the text, probably the best-known example of Taylor’s scientific management was the ______________ experiment.a.horse shoeb.pig ironc.blue collard.fish tankWhich of the following is NOT one of Taylor’s four principles of management?a.Develop a science for each eleme nt of an individual’s work, which will replace the old rule-of-thumbmethod.b.Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker.c.Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principlesdeveloped.d.Provide managers will less work than other employees so the managers can plan accordingly.General administrative theory focuses ona.the entire organization.b. managers and administrators.c. the measurement of organizational design relationships.d. primarily the accounting function.e. administrative issues affecting non-managerial employees.The fourteen principles of management are associated with whom?a. Weberb. Druckerc. Taylord. Gilbrethe. FayolWhich of the following approaches to management has also been labeled operations research or management science?a.The qualitative approachb.The quantitative approachc.The experimental approachd.The theoretical approachWhich of the following would not be associated with the quantitative approach to management?a. information modelsb. critical-path schedulingc. systematic motivation of individualsd. linear programminge. statisticsWithout question, the most important contribution to the developing field of organizational behavior came out of the _______________.a.Taylor Studies.b.Porter Studies.c.Parker Studies.d.Hawthorne Studies.What scientist is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies?a. Adamsb. Mayoc. Lawlerd. Barnarde. FollettOne outcome of the Hawthorne studies could be described by which of the following statements?a.Social norms are the key determinants of individual work behavior.b.Money is more important than the group on individual productivity.c.Behavior and employee sentiments are inversely related.d.Security is relatively unimportant.e.While groups are an important determinant of worker productivity, the individual him/herself is mostimportant.Scenarios and QuestionsHISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MANAGEMENTA Look Back (Scenario)Cindy Schultz, tired from working with customers all day, decided to take a fifteen-minute nap to help clear her head before the 4:15 managers' meeting. Her company had recently begun a re-engineering process as well as other changes requiring copious management input. As she leaned back in her chair, she wondered if management science had always been this way and how it all began. As she napped, she dreamed that, along with "Mr. Peebodi" as her guide, she was traveling in the "Management Way Back Machine" that took her back through management history.106. One of the earliest sites Cindy visited was Adam Smith's home, author of The Wealth of Nations, which suggested that organizations and society would gain froma. time management.b. division of labor.c. group work.d. quality management.e. time and motion studies.107. Cindy visited a bookstore where there was a book signing occurring. She looked down and saw that the title of the book was Principles of Scientific Management and concluded that the author must bea. Adam Smith.b. Frank Gilbreth.c. Henry Gantt.d. Frederick Taylor.e. Henri Fayol.108. Cindy admired the works of Taylor and Gilbreth, two advocates ofa. scientific management.b. organizational behavior.c. human resource management.d. motivation.e. leadership.109. Cindy spent some time visiting with __________, a researcher she previously knew little about but who also contributed to management science by being among the first to use motion picture films to study hand-and-body motions and by devising a classification scheme known as a "therblig."a. Henry Ganttb. Max Weberc. Chester Barnardd. Frank Gilbrethe. Mary Parker FolletEssay QuestionsSCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENTIn a short essay, discuss Frederick Taylor’s work in scientific management. Next, list Taylor’s four principles of management.AnswerFrederick Taylor did most of his work at the Midvale and Bethlehem Steel Companies in Pennsylvania. As a mechanical engineer with a Quaker and Puritan background, he was conti nually appalled by workers’ inefficiencies. Employees used vastly different techniques to do the same job. They were inclined to “take it easy” on the job, and Taylor believed that worker output was only about one-third of what was possible.Virtually no work standards existed. Workers were placed in jobs with little or no concern for matching their abilities and aptitudes with the tasks they were required to do. Managers and workers were in continual conflict.Taylor set out to correct the situation by applying the scientific method to shop floor jobs. He spent more than two decades passionately pursuing the “one best way” for each job to be done.Taylor’s Four Principles of Managementa.Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work, whi ch will replace the old rule-of-thumbmethod.b.Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker.c.Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that al work is done in accordance with the principles ofthe science that has been developed.d.Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers. Management takes overall work for which it is better fitted than the workers.(difficult)122. In a short essay, discuss the work in scientific management by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.AnswerFrank Gilbreth is probably best known for his experiments in bricklaying. By carefully analyzing the bricklayer’s job, he reduced the number of motions in laying exterior brick from 18 to about 5, and on laying interior brick the motions were reduced from 18 to 2. Using the Gilbreth’s techniques, the bricklayer could be more productive and less fatigued at the end of the day. The Gilbreths were among the first researchers to use motion pictures to study hand-and-body motions and the amount of time spent doing each motion. Wasted motions missed by the naked eye could be identified and eliminated. The Gilbreths also devised a classificationscheme to label 17 basic hand motions, which they called therbligs. This scheme allowed the Gilbreths a more precise way of analyzing a worker’s exact hand movements.(moderate)GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE THEORISTS123. In a short essay, discuss the work of Henri Fayol as it relates to the general administrative approach to management. Next li st and discuss seven of Fayol’s fourteen principles of management.AnswerFayol described the practice of management as something distinct from accounting, finance, production, distribution, and other typical business functions. He argued that management was an activity common to all human endeavors in business, government, and even in the home. He then proceeded to state 14 principles of management—fundamental rules of management that could be taught in schools and applied in all organizational situations.Fayol’s Fourteen Principles of Managementa.Division of work. – specialization increases output by making employees more efficient.b.Authority – managers must be able to give orders. Authority gives them this right. Along with authority,however, goes responsibility.c.Discipline – employees must obey and respect the rules that govern the organization.d.Unity of command – every employee should receive orders from only one superior.e.Unity of direction – the organization should have a single plan of action to guide managers and workers.f.Subordination of individual interests to the general interest – the interests of any one employee or group ofemployees should not take precedence over the interests of the organization as a whole.g.Remuneration – workers must be paid a fair wage for their services.h.Centralization – this term refers to the degree to which subordinates are involved in decision making.i.Scalar chain – the line of authority from top management to the lowest ranks in the scalar chain.j.Order – people and materials should be in the right place at the right time.k.Equity – managers should be kind and fair to their subordinates.l.Stability of tenure of personnel –management should provide orderly personal planning and ensure that replacements are available to fill vacancies.m.Initiative – employees who are allowed to originate and carry out plans will exert high levels of effort.n.Esprit de corps – promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity within the organization.(difficult)124. In a short essay, discuss Max Weber’s contribution to the general administrative approach to management.AnswerMax Weber was a German sociologist who studied organizational activity. Writing in the early 1900s, he developed a theory of authority structures and relations. Weber describes an ideal type of organization he calleda bureaucracy—a form or organization characterized by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailedrules and regulations, and impersonal relationships. Weber recognized that this “ideal bureaucracy” didn’t exist in reality. Instead he intended it as a basis for theorizing about work and how work could be done in large groups. His theory became the model structural design for many or today’s large organizations.(easy)TOWARD UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR125. In a short essay, describe the Hawthorne Studies. Next, discuss the role of Elton Mayo in these studies and some of the findings of his research.AnswerWithout question, the most important contribution to the developing OB field came out of the Hawthorne Studies,a series of studies conducted at the Western Electric Company Works in Cicero, Illinois. These studies wereinitially designed by Western Electric industrial engineers as a scientific management experiment. They wanted to examine the effect of various illumination levels on worker productivity. Based on their research, it wasconcluded that illumination intensity was not directly related to group productivity. In 1927, the Western Electric engineers asked Harvard professor Elton Mayo and his associates to join the study as consultants.Through additional research, Elton Mayo concluded that behavior affected individual behavior, that group standards establish individual worker output, and that money is less a factor in determining output than are group standards, group sentiments, and security. These conclusions led to a new emphasis on the human behavior factor in the functioning of organizations and the attainment of their goals.(difficult)CURRENT TRENDS AND ISSUES126. In a short essay, define entrepreneurship and discuss the three import themes that stick out in this definition of entrepreneurship.AnswerEntrepreneurship is the process whereby an individual or a group of individuals uses organized efforts and means to pursue opportunities to create value and grow by fulfilling wants and needs through innovation and uniqueness, no matter what resources are currently controlled. It involves the discovery of opportunities and the resources to exploit them. Three important themes stick out in this definition of entrepreneurship. First, is the pursuit of opportunities. Entrepreneurship is about pursuing environmental trends and changes that no one else has seen or paid attention to. The second important theme in entrepreneurship is innovation. Entrepreneurship involves changing, revolutionizing, transforming, and introducing new approaches—that is, new products or services of new ways of doing business. The final important theme in entrepreneurship is growth. Entrepreneurs pursue growth. They are not content to stay small or to stay the same in size. Entrepreneurs want their businesses to grow and work very hard to pursue growth as they continually look for trends and continue to innovate new products and new approaches.(moderate)127. In a short essay, define e-business and e-commerce. Next discuss the three categories of e-business involvement.AnswerE-business (electronic business) is a comprehensive term describing the way an organization does its work by using electronic Internet-based) linkages with its key constituencies (employees, managers, customers, suppliers, and partners) in order to efficiently and effectively achieve its goals. It’s more than e-commerce, although e-business can include e-commerce. E-commerce (electronic commerce) is any form of business exchange or transaction in which the parties interact electronically. The first category of e-business involvement an e-business enhanced organization, a traditional organization that sets up e-business capabilities, usually e-commerce, while maintaining its traditional structure. Many Fortune 500 type organizations are evolving into e-businesses using this approach. They use the Internet to enhance (not to replace) their traditional ways of doing business. Another category of e-business involvement is an e-business enabled organization. In this type of e-business, an organization uses the Internet to perform its traditional business functions better, but not to sell anything. In other words, the Internet enables organizational members to do their work more efficiently and effectively. There are numerous organizations using electronic linkages to communicate with employees, customers, or suppliers and to support them with information. The last category of e-business involvement is when an organization becomes a total e-business. Their whole existence is made possible by and revolves around the Internet.(moderate)128. In a short essay, discuss the need for innovati on and flexibility as it relates to the survival of today’s organizations.AnswerInnovation has been called the most precious capability that any organization in today’s economy must have and nurture. Without a constant flow of new ideas, an organization is doomed to obsolescence of even worse, failure.In a survey about what makes an organization valuable, innovation showed up at the top of the list. There is absolutely no doubt that innovation is crucial. Another demand facing today’s organizations and managers is the need for flexibility. In a context where customers’ needs may change overnight, where new competitors come and go at breathtaking speed, and where employees and their skills are shifted as needed from project to project, one can see how flexibility might be valuable.(easy)129. In a short essay, discuss the concept of total quality management and the six characteristics that describe this important concept.AnswerA quality revolution swept through both the business and public sectors during the 1980s and 1990s. Thegeneric term used to describe this revolution was total quality management, or TQM for short. It was inspired bya small group of quality experts, the most famous being W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran. TQM is aphilosophy of management driven by continual improvement and responding to customer needs and expectations.The objective is to create an organization committed to continuous improvement in work processes. TQM is a departure from earlier management theories that were based on the belief that low costs were the only road to increased productivity.The Six Characteristics of Total Quality Managementa.Intense Focus on the customer –the customer includes not only outsiders who buy the organization’sproducts or services but also internal customers (such as shipping or accounts payable personnel) whointeract with and serve others in the organization.b.Concern for continual improvement –TQM is a commitment to never being satisfied. “Very good” is notgood enough. Quality can always be improved.c.Process-focused –TQM focuses on work processes as the quality of goods and services is continuallyimproved.d.Improvement in the quality of everything the organization does –TQM uses a very broad definition ofquality. It relates not only to the final product but also to how the organization handles deliveries, howrapidly it responds to complaints, and how politely the phones are answered.e.Accurate measurement –TQM uses statistical techniques to measure every critical variable in theorganization’s operations. These are compared against standards or benchmarks to identify problems, tracethem to their roots, and eliminate their causes.f.Empowerment of employees – TQM involves the people on the line in the improvement process. Teams arewidely used in TQM programs as empowerment vehicles for finding and solving problems.(difficult)130. In a short essay, describe the learning organization and discuss the concept of knowledge management.AnswerToday’s managers confront an environment where change takes place at an unprecedented rate. Constant innovations in information and computer technologies combined with the globalization of markets have created a chaotic world. As a result, many of the past management guidelines and principles no longer apply. Successful organizations of the twenty-first century must be able to learn and respond quickly, and will be led by managers who can effectively challenge conventional wisdom, manage the organization’s knowledge bas e, and make needed changes. In other words, these organizations will need to be learning organizations. A learning organization is one that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change. Part of a manager’s responsibility in fostering an environment conducing to learning is to create learning capabilities throughout the organization—from lowest level to highest level and in all areas. Knowledge management involves cultivating a learning culture where organizational members systematically gather knowledge and share it with others in the organization so as to achieve better performance.(moderate)Answer:TTTFT TFTT EDBDA EBCDB ABDAD。
Chapter 2 – Management Yesterday and TodayTrue/FalseAccording to Adam Smith, division of labor was an important concept.In the Industrial Revolution, machine power began substituting for human power.“Principles of Scientific Management” was writ ten by Frederick Taylor.Frank Gilbreth’s best-known contribution to scientific management concerned selecting the best worker.Frederick Taylor is most associated with the principles of scientific management.One could say that Fayol was interested in studying macro management issues, whereas Taylor was interested in studying micro management issues.Bureaucracy, as described by Weber, emphasizes rationality and interpersonal relationships.Decisions on determining a company’s optimum inventory le vels have been significantly influenced by economic order quantity modeling.Barnard, Follet, Musterberg, and Owen are all theorists are associated with the early organizational behavior approach. Multiple ChoiceAdam Smith's, "The Wealth of Nations," put forth that the primary economic advantage by societies would be gained from which of the following concepts?a. management planning and controlb. on-the-job trainingc. union representationd. fair employment legislatione. division of laborWhich of the following is not one of the four management approaches that grew out of the first half of this century?a. scientific managementb. general administrativec. organizational behaviord. systems approache. quantitativeAccording to the text, probably the best-known example of Taylor’s scientific management was the ______________ experiment.a.horse shoeb.pig ironc.blue collard.fish tankWhich of the following is NOT one of Taylor’s four principles of management?a.Develop a science for each eleme nt of an individual’s work, which will replace the old rule-of-thumbmethod.b.Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker.c.Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principlesdeveloped.d.Provide managers will less work than other employees so the managers can plan accordingly.General administrative theory focuses ona.the entire organization.b. managers and administrators.c. the measurement of organizational design relationships.d. primarily the accounting function.e. administrative issues affecting non-managerial employees.The fourteen principles of management are associated with whom?a. Weberb. Druckerc. Taylord. Gilbrethe. FayolWhich of the following approaches to management has also been labeled operations research or management science?a.The qualitative approachb.The quantitative approachc.The experimental approachd.The theoretical approachWhich of the following would not be associated with the quantitative approach to management?a. information modelsb. critical-path schedulingc. systematic motivation of individualsd. linear programminge. statisticsWithout question, the most important contribution to the developing field of organizational behavior came out of the _______________.a.Taylor Studies.b.Porter Studies.c.Parker Studies.d.Hawthorne Studies.What scientist is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies?a. Adamsb. Mayoc. Lawlerd. Barnarde. FollettOne outcome of the Hawthorne studies could be described by which of the following statements?a.Social norms are the key determinants of individual work behavior.b.Money is more important than the group on individual productivity.c.Behavior and employee sentiments are inversely related.d.Security is relatively unimportant.e.While groups are an important determinant of worker productivity, the individual him/herself is mostimportant.Scenarios and QuestionsHISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MANAGEMENTA Look Back (Scenario)Cindy Schultz, tired from working with customers all day, decided to take a fifteen-minute nap to help clear her head before the 4:15 managers' meeting. Her company had recently begun a re-engineering process as well as other changes requiring copious management input. As she leaned back in her chair, she wondered if management science had always been this way and how it all began. As she napped, she dreamed that, along with "Mr. Peebodi" as her guide, she was traveling in the "Management Way Back Machine" that took her back through management history.106. One of the earliest sites Cindy visited was Adam Smith's home, author of The Wealth of Nations, which suggested that organizations and society would gain froma. time management.b. division of labor.c. group work.d. quality management.e. time and motion studies.107. Cindy visited a bookstore where there was a book signing occurring. She looked down and saw that the title of the book was Principles of Scientific Management and concluded that the author must bea. Adam Smith.b. Frank Gilbreth.c. Henry Gantt.d. Frederick Taylor.e. Henri Fayol.108. Cindy admired the works of Taylor and Gilbreth, two advocates ofa. scientific management.b. organizational behavior.c. human resource management.d. motivation.e. leadership.109. Cindy spent some time visiting with __________, a researcher she previously knew little about but who also contributed to management science by being among the first to use motion picture films to study hand-and-body motions and by devising a classification scheme known as a "therblig."a. Henry Ganttb. Max Weberc. Chester Barnardd. Frank Gilbrethe. Mary Parker FolletEssay QuestionsSCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENTIn a short essay, discuss Frederick Taylor’s work in scientific management. Next, list Taylor’s four principles of management.AnswerFrederick Taylor did most of his work at the Midvale and Bethlehem Steel Companies in Pennsylvania. As a mechanical engineer with a Quaker and Puritan background, he was conti nually appalled by workers’ inefficiencies. Employees used vastly different techniques to do the same job. They were inclined to “take it easy” on the job, and Taylor believed that worker output was only about one-third of what was possible.Virtually no work standards existed. Workers were placed in jobs with little or no concern for matching their abilities and aptitudes with the tasks they were required to do. Managers and workers were in continual conflict.Taylor set out to correct the situation by applying the scientific method to shop floor jobs. He spent more than two decades passionately pursuing the “one best way” for each job to be done.Taylor’s Four Principles of Managementa.Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work, whi ch will replace the old rule-of-thumbmethod.b.Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker.c.Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that al work is done in accordance with the principles ofthe science that has been developed.d.Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers. Management takes overall work for which it is better fitted than the workers.(difficult)122. In a short essay, discuss the work in scientific management by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.AnswerFrank Gilbreth is probably best known for his experiments in bricklaying. By carefully analyzing the bricklayer’s job, he reduced the number of motions in laying exterior brick from 18 to about 5, and on laying interior brick the motions were reduced from 18 to 2. Using the Gilbreth’s techniques, the bricklayer could be more productive and less fatigued at the end of the day. The Gilbreths were among the first researchers to use motion pictures to study hand-and-body motions and the amount of time spent doing each motion. Wasted motions missed by the naked eye could be identified and eliminated. The Gilbreths also devised a classificationscheme to label 17 basic hand motions, which they called therbligs. This scheme allowed the Gilbreths a more precise way of analyzing a worker’s exact hand movements.(moderate)GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE THEORISTS123. In a short essay, discuss the work of Henri Fayol as it relates to the general administrative approach to management. Next li st and discuss seven of Fayol’s fourteen principles of management.AnswerFayol described the practice of management as something distinct from accounting, finance, production, distribution, and other typical business functions. He argued that management was an activity common to all human endeavors in business, government, and even in the home. He then proceeded to state 14 principles of management—fundamental rules of management that could be taught in schools and applied in all organizational situations.Fayol’s Fourteen Principles of Managementa.Division of work. – specialization increases output by making employees more efficient.b.Authority – managers must be able to give orders. Authority gives them this right. Along with authority,however, goes responsibility.c.Discipline – employees must obey and respect the rules that govern the organization.d.Unity of command – every employee should receive orders from only one superior.e.Unity of direction – the organization should have a single plan of action to guide managers and workers.f.Subordination of individual interests to the general interest – the interests of any one employee or group ofemployees should not take precedence over the interests of the organization as a whole.g.Remuneration – workers must be paid a fair wage for their services.h.Centralization – this term refers to the degree to which subordinates are involved in decision making.i.Scalar chain – the line of authority from top management to the lowest ranks in the scalar chain.j.Order – people and materials should be in the right place at the right time.k.Equity – managers should be kind and fair to their subordinates.l.Stability of tenure of personnel –management should provide orderly personal planning and ensure that replacements are available to fill vacancies.m.Initiative – employees who are allowed to originate and carry out plans will exert high levels of effort.n.Esprit de corps – promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity within the organization.(difficult)124. In a short essay, discuss Max Weber’s contribution to the general administrative approach to management.AnswerMax Weber was a German sociologist who studied organizational activity. Writing in the early 1900s, he developed a theory of authority structures and relations. Weber describes an ideal type of organization he calleda bureaucracy—a form or organization characterized by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailedrules and regulations, and impersonal relationships. Weber recognized that this “ideal bureaucracy” didn’t exist in reality. Instead he intended it as a basis for theorizing about work and how work could be done in large groups. His theory became the model structural design for many or today’s large organizations.(easy)TOWARD UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR125. In a short essay, describe the Hawthorne Studies. Next, discuss the role of Elton Mayo in these studies and some of the findings of his research.AnswerWithout question, the most important contribution to the developing OB field came out of the Hawthorne Studies,a series of studies conducted at the Western Electric Company Works in Cicero, Illinois. These studies wereinitially designed by Western Electric industrial engineers as a scientific management experiment. They wanted to examine the effect of various illumination levels on worker productivity. Based on their research, it wasconcluded that illumination intensity was not directly related to group productivity. In 1927, the Western Electric engineers asked Harvard professor Elton Mayo and his associates to join the study as consultants.Through additional research, Elton Mayo concluded that behavior affected individual behavior, that group standards establish individual worker output, and that money is less a factor in determining output than are group standards, group sentiments, and security. These conclusions led to a new emphasis on the human behavior factor in the functioning of organizations and the attainment of their goals.(difficult)CURRENT TRENDS AND ISSUES126. In a short essay, define entrepreneurship and discuss the three import themes that stick out in this definition of entrepreneurship.AnswerEntrepreneurship is the process whereby an individual or a group of individuals uses organized efforts and means to pursue opportunities to create value and grow by fulfilling wants and needs through innovation and uniqueness, no matter what resources are currently controlled. It involves the discovery of opportunities and the resources to exploit them. Three important themes stick out in this definition of entrepreneurship. First, is the pursuit of opportunities. Entrepreneurship is about pursuing environmental trends and changes that no one else has seen or paid attention to. The second important theme in entrepreneurship is innovation. Entrepreneurship involves changing, revolutionizing, transforming, and introducing new approaches—that is, new products or services of new ways of doing business. The final important theme in entrepreneurship is growth. Entrepreneurs pursue growth. They are not content to stay small or to stay the same in size. Entrepreneurs want their businesses to grow and work very hard to pursue growth as they continually look for trends and continue to innovate new products and new approaches.(moderate)127. In a short essay, define e-business and e-commerce. Next discuss the three categories of e-business involvement.AnswerE-business (electronic business) is a comprehensive term describing the way an organization does its work by using electronic Internet-based) linkages with its key constituencies (employees, managers, customers, suppliers, and partners) in order to efficiently and effectively achieve its goals. It’s more than e-commerce, although e-business can include e-commerce. E-commerce (electronic commerce) is any form of business exchange or transaction in which the parties interact electronically. The first category of e-business involvement an e-business enhanced organization, a traditional organization that sets up e-business capabilities, usually e-commerce, while maintaining its traditional structure. Many Fortune 500 type organizations are evolving into e-businesses using this approach. They use the Internet to enhance (not to replace) their traditional ways of doing business. Another category of e-business involvement is an e-business enabled organization. In this type of e-business, an organization uses the Internet to perform its traditional business functions better, but not to sell anything. In other words, the Internet enables organizational members to do their work more efficiently and effectively. There are numerous organizations using electronic linkages to communicate with employees, customers, or suppliers and to support them with information. The last category of e-business involvement is when an organization becomes a total e-business. Their whole existence is made possible by and revolves around the Internet.(moderate)128. In a short essay, discuss the need for innovati on and flexibility as it relates to the survival of today’s organizations.AnswerInnovation has been called the most precious capability that any organization in today’s economy must have and nurture. Without a constant flow of new ideas, an organization is doomed to obsolescence of even worse, failure.In a survey about what makes an organization valuable, innovation showed up at the top of the list. There is absolutely no doubt that innovation is crucial. Another demand facing today’s organizations and managers is the need for flexibility. In a context where customers’ needs may change overnight, where new competitors come and go at breathtaking speed, and where employees and their skills are shifted as needed from project to project, one can see how flexibility might be valuable.(easy)129. In a short essay, discuss the concept of total quality management and the six characteristics that describe this important concept.AnswerA quality revolution swept through both the business and public sectors during the 1980s and 1990s. Thegeneric term used to describe this revolution was total quality management, or TQM for short. It was inspired bya small group of quality experts, the most famous being W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran. TQM is aphilosophy of management driven by continual improvement and responding to customer needs and expectations.The objective is to create an organization committed to continuous improvement in work processes. TQM is a departure from earlier management theories that were based on the belief that low costs were the only road to increased productivity.The Six Characteristics of Total Quality Managementa.Intense Focus on the customer –the customer includes not only outsiders who buy the organization’sproducts or services but also internal customers (such as shipping or accounts payable personnel) whointeract with and serve others in the organization.b.Concern for continual improvement –TQM is a commitment to never being satisfied. “Very good” is notgood enough. Quality can always be improved.c.Process-focused –TQM focuses on work processes as the quality of goods and services is continuallyimproved.d.Improvement in the quality of everything the organization does –TQM uses a very broad definition ofquality. It relates not only to the final product but also to how the organization handles deliveries, howrapidly it responds to complaints, and how politely the phones are answered.e.Accurate measurement –TQM uses statistical techniques to measure every critical variable in theorganization’s operations. These are compared against standards or benchmarks to identify problems, tracethem to their roots, and eliminate their causes.f.Empowerment of employees – TQM involves the people on the line in the improvement process. Teams arewidely used in TQM programs as empowerment vehicles for finding and solving problems.(difficult)130. In a short essay, describe the learning organization and discuss the concept of knowledge management.AnswerToday’s managers confront an environment where change takes place at an unprecedented rate. Constant innovations in information and computer technologies combined with the globalization of markets have created a chaotic world. As a result, many of the past management guidelines and principles no longer apply. Successful organizations of the twenty-first century must be able to learn and respond quickly, and will be led by managers who can effectively challenge conventional wisdom, manage the organization’s knowledge bas e, and make needed changes. In other words, these organizations will need to be learning organizations. A learning organization is one that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change. Part of a manager’s responsibility in fostering an environment conducing to learning is to create learning capabilities throughout the organization—from lowest level to highest level and in all areas. Knowledge management involves cultivating a learning culture where organizational members systematically gather knowledge and share it with others in the organization so as to achieve better performance.(moderate)Answer:TTTFT TFTT EDBDA EBCDB ABDAD。
自考 00054《管理学原理》章节习题:第二章 管理理论的形成与发展
![自考 00054《管理学原理》章节习题:第二章 管理理论的形成与发展](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/97f3582b657d27284b73f242336c1eb91a37332a.png)
第二章管理理论的形成与发展✧考情提要第二章 管理理论的形成与发展题型/题量单选多选判断说明简答题论述题案例分析题总计(分)2015(10)113 2016(4)0 2016(10)114 2017(4)114 2017(10)1119✧逐题击破一、选择题1.梅奥的人际关系学说属于()【单选】A.行为科学理论B.科学管理理论C.一般管理理论D.权变管理理论2.第一次提出管理五要素的是()【单选】A.梅奧B.法约尔C.西蒙D.泰勒3.梅奥领导的霍桑试验得出了生产效率的高低主要取决于工人的态度等一系列结论,并在此基础上创立了()【单选】A.古典管理理论B.人际关系理论C.决策理论D.系统管理理论4.提出“标准化原理”的学者是()【单选】A.法约尔B.泰勒C.梅奥D.马斯洛5.在历史上第一次使管理从经验上升为科学的是()。
《管理学原理》习题及答案一、单项选择题1、在学习、研究管理学的方法论中,起总的指导作用的是(A 、系统方法B 、理论联系实质的方法C、唯物辨证法 D 、比较解析法C )。
2、管理的载体是( D )A 、管理者B 、技术C、工作 D 、组织3、以下四项对主观决策法的认识中,正确的选项是(B)A 、仅供主管人员拟定决策的方法B、直接利用专家的知识和经验进行决策的方法C、优于计量决策法D、特别合适于老例决策4、人员装备工作原理中,表现“知人善任”思想的是(D )A 、公开竞争原理B 、责权益一致原理C、不断培育原理 D 、用人所长原理5、利克特发现,在组织拟定目标和实现目标时,最有效的方法是( D )A 、利用的——命令的方法B、平易——命令的方法C、商议式的方法D、集体参加的方法6、我们把“保证事情按计划进行”的工作称之为( B )A 、领导工作B、组织工作C、协调工作 D 、控制工作7、管理审察的目标是议论( C )A 、个别主管人员的工作质量B 、个别主管人员的管理水平C、整个管理系统的管理质量 D 、整个管理系统的经营绩效8、在控制工作中,不但能够除掉问题以及产生问题的原因,有时甚至能够把企业素质提升到更高水平的工作是( C )A 、拟定标准B、衡量标准C、纠正偏差D、修正标准9、以下计划工作的前提条件中,组织能够控制的是( D )A 、价格水平B、政治环境C、职工情绪D、组织内部政策10、以下原理中属于计划工作原理的是( B )A 、目标一致原理B 、承诺原理C、激励原理 D 、牢固性与适应性相结合的原理11、第一提出目标管理的是(B)。
A 、孔茨B 、德鲁克C、巴纳德 D 、西蒙12、集体行为学派最早的研究活动开始于(A 、铁楸试验B、霍桑试验B )C、搬运生铁块试验 D 、金属切削试验13、管理层次产生的主要原因是( D )A 、职能分工的要求B 、部门划分的需要C、权责明确的需要D、管理宽度的限制14、在计划工作中,拟定“弹性计划”是运用计划工作的( A )A 、灵便性原理B、承诺原理C、限制要素原理 D 、改变航道原理15、我们平常所说的“小道信息”属于( B )A 、下行沟通B、非正式沟通C、双向沟通 D 、用委宛形式进行沟通16、在指导与领导工作中,沟通联系是指( A )A 、人与人之间的沟通C、机器与机器的沟通B 、人与机器之间的沟通D 、主管人员与手下的沟通17、重申预防作用的控制方法是( C )A 、现场控制B、反响控制18、以下组织结构中分权程度最高的是(C、前馈控制D )D、间接控制A 、直线型B、直线—顾问型19、管理的核心是( A )。
管理学原理第2章 习题
![管理学原理第2章 习题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0ce55f34af45b307e87197a7.png)
难度:1 参考页码:29目标:2.12)Zappos在线鞋店成功的一个因素是它限制了选择,重视质量而不是众多的品牌和风格。
难度:2 参考页码:29目标:2.13)Zappos在线鞋店的目标之一是向它的顾客传递WOW。
难度:2 参考页码:29目标:2.14)2010年宝马公司(BMW)关闭其在南加利福尼亚州的装配厂的主要原因是冰岛的银行危机。
难度:2 参考页码:30美国国际商学院联合会(AACSB):全球经济动态性目标:2.1学习目标:了解国际商务与管理的基本概念和观点5)一个组织的外部环境包括影响组织如何运作的因素和力量。
难度:2 参考页码:30美国国际商学院联合会(AACSB):理解多元文化和多样性目标:2.1学习目标:描述管理环境的组成6)一个组织的外部环境的构成包括一个技术部分和一个政治部分。
难度:2 参考页码:30美国国际商学院联合会(AACSB):分析技能目标:2.1学习目标:描述管理环境的组成7)组织外部环境的社会文化构成包括趋势和传统,但不是基本的态度和价值观。
难度:1 参考页码:30目标:2.1学习目标:描述管理环境的组成8)全球化的总体趋势是组织外部环境的政治构成的一部分。
第一章导论1. 什么是管理?什么是管理学?管理是通过计划、组织、领导、控制等职能对组织资源予以协调,以便能够有效率和有效果地实现组织目标的过程。
2. 如何理解管理的二重性?管理的自然属性,与具体的生产方式和特定的社会制度无关。
3. 如何理解管理既是一门科学又是一门艺术?管理的科学性是指管理作为一个活动过程,存在着一系列基本的客观规律。
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A.执行计划B.制定计划 C.计划准备D.检查计划10.涉及计划工作的基本特征的下列各种说法中,错误的是:()。
A.计划工作的普遍存在B.计划工作居首要地位C.计划是一种无意识形态 D.计划工作要讲究效率11.基本建设计划、新产品开发计划等属于()计划。
A.综合B.专项C.生产 D.财务12.()也被称为数字化的计划。
A.政策B.目标 C.规则D.预算13.计划工作的核心是()。
A、组织B、决策C、预测 D.领导14.战略性计划一般由()负责制定。
A、董事会B、高层管理人员C、中层管理人员 D.基层管理人员15.公司政策规定工作人员享有假期,为实施这项政策公司编制了度假时间表,制订了假期工资率、支付办法,以及申请度假的详细说明,这属于()。
A、生产B、长期C、中期 D.短期17.首先把目标管理作为一套完整的管理思想提出的是()。
A.德国 B.法国 C.日本D.英国27.根据过去和现在的已知因素,运用人们的知识、经验和科学方法,对未来进行预先估计,并推测事物未来的发展趋势的活动过程,称为()。
A.时间序列法B.头脑风暴法 C.回归分析法D、专家调查法32.定量预测是运用数学模型对事物未来的发展趋势作出定量、具体描述的方法。
A.科学技术B.模拟试验室 C.信息D、数据资料33.某企业试图改变其经营方向,需要企业高层领导做出决策,这种决策属于()。
A.110 B.1010 C.1100 D.1100042.某企业在下年度有甲、乙、丙三种产品方案可供选择,每种方案都面临畅销、较好、一般和滞销四种状态,每种状态的概率和损益值如下表所示:那么,用决策树法选出的最优方案是()方案。
A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.甲和乙43.某企业拟开发新产品,有三种设计方案可供选择,各种方案在各种市场状态下的损益值如下表所示:单位:万元那么,用冒险法选取的最优方案为()。
A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.甲和乙三.判断正误并改正1.决策工作是进行组织、人员配备、指导与领导、控制等工作的基础。
N 6.程序是对具体场合和具体情况下,允许或不允许采取某种特定行动的规定。