
Installation mode,press ‘Floor’to enteror ‘Mute’ toclear, use‘Relay select’ knobtoselectoption andB-select ‘<>’keys to selectnext orpreviousFunction.
用‘Relay select’旋钮将<>定在ENGLISH上。
Selectlanguageforchannel 1:<CHINESE>
按‘Floor’键确认。此时<>变为[ ]以示确认。
<1>2345 6 7 891011 12 1314
选择房间号:<1> 2 3 4 5 6 7891011 1213 14

语种选择键 LanБайду номын сангаасuage
红外接收面 Infrared Receiver
显示屏 Display 使用方法 一.正面银色开关键 二.选择接收听频道 0:原音 1:中文 2:英文 三.左侧推键调节音量 Usage Press the front silvercolored power button Select receiving channels 0:original voice 1:Chinese 2:English The push key on the left is for Volume control 耳机插孔 Earpieces
由于本次活动嘉宾众多,请各位来宾持 个人有效身份证件(身份证、驾照、护 照、社保卡等)来领取同声翻译接收机 和耳机,并请妥善保管,离开会场时勿 忘换回证件,谢谢配合。
博世接收机使用说明(同声翻译) BOSCH Receiver Specification
音量键 Volume 开关键 Power on/off
博世 3 2 1 GS SERIES III 3 2 1 SERIES III 说明书

44 44 45 45
更换遥控器电池 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 保护系统 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 清洁媒体中心 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 清洁扬声器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 故障诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 客户服务处 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 有限质保 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 技术信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2 3 4
试用 DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1 2 3 4 5 放置系统组件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 将扬声器连接到模块上 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

https:///manual/8001209041[en]Scan the QR code or visit the website to open the Further Notices for Use. You can find additional informa-tion about your appliance or accessory here.[ms]Imbas kod QR atau lawati laman web untuk membuka arahan penggunaan lanjut. Anda boleh mendapatkan maklumat tambahan mengenai peranti anda atau aksesori di situ.[zh-tw]掃描 QR-Code 或訪問網站,以開啟更詳細的使用說明。
[ar]حسمازمرةباجتسلااةعيرسلاايئوضوألَّضفتةرايزبعقوملاينورتكللإاحتفلتاداشرلإاةعسوملالوحمادختسلاا.دجتكانهتامولعمةيفاضإلوحكزاهجوأتاقحلملا.en Safety8Safety¡Observe the instructions for the base unit.Only use the accessories:¡with a hand blender MSM1..., MSM2..., MSM6B...¡for applications described in these instructions.▶Never touch the blade edges with bare hands.▶Care should be taken when handling sharp blades, emptying the container and during cleaning.▶Only attach and remove accessories once the drive has stopped and the appliance has been unplugged.▶Only use the accessories once fully assembled.Avoiding material damage▶Never immerse the gear attachments in liquids and do not clean under runningwater or in the dishwasher.▶Never use the universal cutter container in the microwave or oven.▶Never use the blender foot or the whisk in the universal cutter container. Overview→ Fig. 1Depending on the modelNote: If an item is not included in the scope of supply, it can be ordered from customer service.Universal cutterThe universal cutter is suitable for cutting up food, e.g. meat, hard cheese, onions, garlic, fruit, vegetables, herbs, nuts or al-monds.Notes¡Remove hard pieces of food before pro-cessing, e.g. gristle, bones, sinews orstones from stone fruit.¡The universal cutter is not suitable for cutting up very hard food, e.g. coffeebeans, nutmegs, radishes or frozen food,e.g. fruit or ice cubes.Using the universal cutter→ Fig. 2 - 11WhiskThe whisk is suitable for whipping cream, beating egg whites or milk froth and for making sauces or desserts. Recommendations for optimum results:¡Use cream with a minimum fat content of 30% and a temperature of 4-8 °C¡Use milk with a high protein content anda temperature of max. 8 °C¡Whip cream or beat egg whites in a wide jugNote: To prevent splashing, use deep con-tainers with the whisk.Application examples enUsing the whisk→ Fig. 12 - 16Application examplesAlways observe the maximum quantitiesand processing times in the table.→ Fig. 17Honey cake with applesHoney-apple mixture→ Fig. 18Cakes¡ 3 eggs¡60 g butter¡100 g plain white flour¡60 g ground walnuts¡ 1 tsp cinnamon¡ 2 tbsp vanilla sugar¡ 1 tsp baking powder¡ 1 applePreparation¡Separate the eggs and whisk the eggwhites until stiff.¡Beat the egg yolk with the sugar untillight and fluffy. Add the soft butter andthe prepared honey-apple mixture.¡Mix the rest of the ingredients in a separ-ate bowl, add to the moist ingredientsand stir in.¡Carefully fold in the beaten egg whiteswith a spatula.¡Line a rectangular loaf tin (35 x 11 cm)with greaseproof paper and add the pre-pared cake mixture.¡Peel the apple, cut into slices and ar-range on the cake.¡Preheat the oven to 180 °C and bakethe cake for 30 minutes.Overview of cleaningClean the individual parts as indicated inthe table.→ Fig. 199ms Keselamatan10Keselamatan¡Ikuti arahan untuk peranti asas.Gunakan aksesori hanya:¡dengan pengadun tangan MSM1..., MSM2..., MSM6B...¡untuk aplikasi yang dijelaskan dalam manual ini.▶Jangan sesekali menyentuh bilah dengan tangan.▶Berhati-hati semasa mengendalikan bilah pemotong yang tajam dan juga semasa mengosongkan bekas dan semasa pembersihan.▶Hanya pasang dan tanggalkan aksesori semasa pemacu berhenti dan peranti tidak terpasang.▶Gunakan aksesori hanya apabila dipasang sepenuhnya.Elakkan kerosakan harta benda ▶Jangan sekali-kali merendam unit gear dalam cecair dan jangan sekali-kalimembersihkannya di bawah air yangmengalir atau di mesin basuh pingganmangkuk.▶Jangan sekali-kali menggunakan bekas pencincang sejagat dalam ketuhargelombang mikro atau ketuhar.▶Jangan sekali-kali menggunakan kaki pengadun atau pukul ke dalam bekaspencincang sejagat.Gambaran keseluruhan→ Raj. 11Bergantung kepada model Nota: Sekiranya komponen tidak disertakan dalam skop penghantaran, anda boleh memesan melalui perkhidmatan pelanggan.Pemotong kecil universal Pemotong kecil universal sesuai untuk memotong kecil bahan makanan, cth. daging, keju keras, bawang besar, bawang putih, buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran, herba, kekacang atau badam.Nota¡Keluarkan objek keras dari bahan makanan sebelum pemprosesan, cth.rawan, tulang, urat atau biji dari buah.¡Pemotong kecil universal tidak sesuai untuk memotong kecil bahan makananyang sangat keras, cth. biji kopi, buahpala, lobak atau bahan makanan yangbeku, cth. buah atau kiub ais. Gunakan pemotong kecil universal→ Raj. 2 - 11Pemukul telurPemukul telur sesuai untuk memukul krim putar, putih telur atau buih susu dan untuk menyediakan sos atau pencuci mulut. Saranan untuk hasil yang optimum:¡Gunakan krim dengan kandungan lemak min. 30% dan 4-8 °CContoh penggunaan ms11¡Gunakan susu dengan kandunganprotein tinggi dan maks. 8 °C ¡Pukul krim atau putih telur di dalam bekas yang lebar Nota: Untuk mengelakkan percikan,gunakan pemukul telur dalam bekas yang tinggi.Gunakan pemukul telur→ Raj. 12 - 16Contoh penggunaanPerhatikan kuantiti maksimum dan masa pemprosesan dalam jadual.→ Raj. 17Kek madu dengan epal Campuran madu epal→ Raj. 18Kek¡ 3 biji telur¡60 g mentega¡100 g tepung putih (jenis 405)¡60 g walnut yang dikisar¡ 1 sudu teh kayu manis¡ 2 sudu besar gula vanila¡ 1 sudu teh serbuk penaik¡ 1 epalPenyediaan¡Pisahkan putih telur dengan kuning telurdan pukul putih telur sehingga kembang.¡Pukul kuning telur dengan gula hinggaberbuih. Tambahkan mentega lembutdan campuran madu epal yang telahdisediakan.¡Campurkan bahan yang lain di dalammangkuk yang berasingan untukmenambah dan mengacau bahanbasah.¡Kaup dan balikkan putih telur secaraberhati-hati dengan spatula.¡Alaskan loyang kek (35 x 11 cm)dengan kertas minyak dan masukkancampuran kek yang disediakan.¡Kupas epal, hiris dan tabur di atas kek.¡Panaskan ketuhar hingga 180 °C danbakar kek selama 30 minit.Gambaran keseluruhanpembersihanBersihkan bahagian-bahagian tunggal seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam jadual.→ Raj. 19zh-tw 安全性12安全性¡注意主機的說明書。


INTEGRUSDIGITAL INFRA-RED LANGUAGE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMInstallation and Operating ManualBOSCH2 | en INTEGRUS | Digital Infra-red Language Distribution System© 2003 BOSCH Security Systems GmbHBOSCH Security Systems B.V.| February 2003INTEGRUS | Digital Infra-red Language Distribution System en | 3BOSCH Security Systems | February 2003Table of contents1 System description and planning...............................................................................................................................5 1.1 System overview..........................................................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 System technology (7)1.2.1 IR radiation......................................................................................................................................................................................7 1.2.2 Signal Processing............................................................................................................................................................................7 1.2.3 Quality modes.................................................................................................................................................................................8 1.2.4 Carriers and channels.....................................................................................................................................................................8 1.3 Aspects of infra-red distribution systems (9)1.3.1 Directional sensitivity of the receiver.........................................................................................................................................9 1.3.2 The footprint of the radiator........................................................................................................................................................9 1.3.3 Ambient lighting...........................................................................................................................................................................10 1.3.4 Objects, surfaces and reflections...............................................................................................................................................10 1.3.5 Positioning the radiators.............................................................................................................................................................11 1.3.6 Overlapping footprints and multipath effects.........................................................................................................................13 1.4 Planning an Integrus infra-red radiation system. (13)1.4.1 Rectangular footprints.................................................................................................................................................................13 1.4.2 Planning radiators.........................................................................................................................................................................14 1.4.3 Cabling 151.5 Setting the radiator delay switches (16)1.5.1 System with one transmitter (16) Determining delay switch positions by measuring the cable lengths.................................................................16 Determining delay switch positions by using a delay measuring tool................................................................17 1.5.2 System with two or more transmitters in one room..............................................................................................................18 1.5.3 System with more than 4 carriers and a radiator under a balcony.......................................................................................20 1.6 Testing the coverage area.........................................................................................................................................................................21 2 Infra-Red Transmitters (LBB 4502/xx)...................................................................................................................22 2.1 Description.................................................................................................................................................................................................22 2.2 Audio interface modules.. (24)2.2.1 DCN Interface Module (LBB 3423/00)..................................................................................................................................24 2.2.2 Mounting an interface module in the transmitter housing...................................................................................................25 2.3 Connections (27)2.3.1 Connecting the DCN system.....................................................................................................................................................27 2.3.2 Connecting other external audio sources.................................................................................................................................28 2.3.3 Connecting an emergency signal...............................................................................................................................................29 2.3.4 Connecting to another transmitter............................................................................................................................................30 2.4 Using the configuration menu. (31)2.4.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................................................................31 2.4.2 Navigate through the menu........................................................................................................................................................32 2.4.3 Examples........................................................................................................................................................................................33 2.5 Configuration and operation. (36)2.5.1 Start-up 362.5.2 Main menu.....................................................................................................................................................................................36 2.5.3 View transmitter status................................................................................................................................................................36 2.5.4 View fault status...........................................................................................................................................................................37 2.5.5 Set monitoring options................................................................................................................................................................37 2.5.6 View version information...........................................................................................................................................................37 2.5.7 Set transmission mode.................................................................................................................................................................38 2.5.8 Set number of channels...............................................................................................................................................................38 2.5.9 Set channel quality and assign inputs to channels (38)4 | en INTEGRUS | Digital Infra-red Language Distribution SystemBOSCH Security Systems B.V.| February 20032.5.10 Set channel names........................................................................................................................................................................39 2.5.11 Disable or enable carriers............................................................................................................................................................40 2.5.12 View carrier assignments.............................................................................................................................................................40 2.5.13 Configure auxiliary inputs...........................................................................................................................................................41 2.5.14 Set sensitivity of the inputs.........................................................................................................................................................41 2.5.15 Choose transmitter name............................................................................................................................................................41 2.5.16 Enable / disable IR-monitoring................................................................................................................................................42 2.5.17 Enable / disable headphone output.........................................................................................................................................42 2.5.18 Reset all options to factory default values...............................................................................................................................42 3 Infra-red Radiators (LBB 4511/00 and LBB 4512/00)..............................................................................................43 3.1 Description.................................................................................................................................................................................................43 3.2 Radiator status indication.........................................................................................................................................................................44 3.3 Mounting the radiators.............................................................................................................................................................................44 3.4 Connecting radiators to the transmitter................................................................................................................................................47 3.5 Using the output power selection switch..............................................................................................................................................47 4 Infra-Red Receivers (LBB 4540/xx).........................................................................................................................48 4.1 Description.................................................................................................................................................................................................48 4.2 Operation....................................................................................................................................................................................................49 4.3 Reception test mode.................................................................................................................................................................................49 4.4 Receiver headphones................................................................................................................................................................................49 5 Charging Units (LBB 4560/xx)................................................................................................................................50 5.1 Description.................................................................................................................................................................................................50 5.2 Wall mounting the charging cabinet......................................................................................................................................................51 5.3 Charging procedure...................................................................................................................................................................................51 6 Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................................................52 7 Technical Data.........................................................................................................................................................53 7.1 System Specification.................................................................................................................................................................................53 7.2 Transmitters and Modules.. (54)7.2.1 LBB 4502/xx Infra Red Transmitters......................................................................................................................................54 7.2.2 LBB 3423/00 DCN Interface Module.....................................................................................................................................54 7.3 Radiators and Accessories (55)7.3.1 LBB 4511/00 and LBB 4512/00 Radiators.............................................................................................................................55 7.3.2 LBB 3414/00 Wall Mounting Bracket.....................................................................................................................................55 7.4 Receivers, Battery Packs and Charging Units (56)7.4.1 LBB 4540 Pocket Receivers.......................................................................................................................................................56 7.4.2 LBB 4550/00 NiMH Battery Pack...........................................................................................................................................56 7.4.3 LBB 4560 Charging Units...........................................................................................................................................................56 7.5 Connection details. (57)7.5.1 Mains cables..................................................................................................................................................................................57 7.5.2 Audio cables..................................................................................................................................................................................57 7.5.3 Earphones......................................................................................................................................................................................57 7.5.4 Emergency switch........................................................................................................................................................................57 7.6 Guaranteed rectangular footprints.........................................................................................................................................................58 Product index . (60)INTEGRUS | Digital Infra-red Language Distribution System en | 5BOSCH Security Systems | February 20031 System description and planning1.1 System overviewIntegrus is a system for wireless distribution of audio signals via infra-red radiation. It can be used in a simultaneousinterpretation system for international conferences where multiple languages are used. To enable all participants to understand the proceedings, interpreters simultaneously translate the speaker’s language as required. These interpretations are distributed throughout the conference venue, and delegates select the language of their choice and listen to it through headphones. The Integrus system can also be used for music distribution (mono as well as stereo).Figure 1.1 Integrus system overview (with DCN-system as input)The Integrus Digital Infra-red Language Distribution System comprises one or more of the following: Infra-red transmitterThe transmitter is the core of the Integrus system. Four types are available: N LBB 4502/04 with inputs for 4 audio channels N LBB 4502/08 with inputs for 8 audio channels N LBB 4502/16 with inputs for 16 audio channels N LBB 4502/32 with inputs for 32 audio channelsInterface modulesOne of two different interface modules can be mounted in the transmitter housing to connect the transmitter to a wide range of conference systems:N LBB 3423 DCN Interface module to connect to the Digital Congress Network (DCN).N LBB 3422/1x Symmetrical Audio Input and Interpreters Module to connect to analogue discussion and conferencesystems (such as CCS 800) or to LBB 3222/04 6-channel interpreters desks. Infra-red radiatorsTwo types of radiators are available:N LBB 4511/00 medium-power radiator for small/medium conference venues N LBB 4512/00 high-power radiator for medium/large conference venuesBoth types can be switched between full and half power use. They can be mounted on walls, ceilings or floor stands.6 | en INTEGRUS | Digital Infra-red Language Distribution SystemBOSCH Security Systems B.V.| February 2003Infra-red receiversTwo multi-channel infra-red receivers are available: N LBB 4540/04 for 4 audio channels N LBB 4540/32 for 32 audio channelsThey can operate with a rechargeable NiMH battery pack or with disposable batteries. Charging circuitry is incorporated in the receiver.Charging equipmentEquipment is available for charging and storing 56 infra-red receivers. It is available for portable or fixed-installation applications.INTEGRUS | Digital Infra-red Language Distribution Systemen | 7BOSCH Security Systems | February 20031.2 System technology1.2.1 IR radiationThe Integrus system is based on transmission by modulated infra-red radiation. Infra-red radiation forms part of the electro-magnetic spectrum, which is composed of visible light, radio waves and other types of radiation. It has a wavelength just above that of visible light. Like visible light, it is reflected from hard surfaces, yet passes through translucent materials such as glass. The infra-red radiation spectrum in relation to other relevant spectra is shown in Figure 1.2.4005006007008009001000 nmFigure 1.2 Infra-red radiation spectrum in relation to other spectra1 Daylight spectrum2 Sensitivity of the human eye3 IR radiator4 Sensitivity of IR sensor5 Sensitivity of IR sensor withdaylight filter1.2.2 Signal ProcessingThe Integrus system uses high frequency carrier signals (typically 2-8 MHz) to prevent interference problems with modern light sources (see section 1.3.2). The digital audio processing guarantees an constant high audio quality.The signal processing in the transmitter consists of the following main steps (see Figure 1.3): 1. A/D conversion -Each analogue audio channel is converted to a digital signal.2. Compression - The digital signals are compressed to increase the amount of information that can be distributed on eachcarrier. The compression factor is also related to the required audio quality.3. Protocol Creation - Groups of up to four digital signals are combined into a digital information stream. Extra faultalgorithm information is added. This information is used by the receivers for fault detection and correction. 4. Modulation - A high frequency carrier signal is phase-modulated with the digital information stream.5. Radiation – Up to 8 modulated carrier signals are combined and sent to the IR radiators, which convert the carrier signalsto modulated infra-red light.In the IR receivers a reverse processing is used to convert the modulated infra-red light to separate analogue audio channels.Figure 1.3 Overview of the signal processing (for one carrier)8 | en INTEGRUS | Digital Infra-red Language Distribution SystemBOSCH Security Systems B.V.| February 20031.2.3 Quality modesThe Integrus system can transmit audio in four different quality modes: N Mono, standard quality, maximum 32 channels N Mono, premium quality, maximum 16 channels N Stereo, standard quality, maximum 16 channels N Stereo, premium quality, maximum 8 channelsThe standard quality mode uses less bandwidth and can be used for transmitting speech. For music the premium quality mode gives near CD quality.1.2.4 Carriers and channelsThe Integrus system can transmit up to 8 different carrier signals (depending on the transmitter type). Each carrier can contain up to 4 different audio channels. The maximum number of channels per carrier is dependent on the selected quality modes. Stereo signals use twice as much bandwidth as a mono signals, premium quality uses twice as much bandwidth as standard quality.Per carrier a mix of channels with different quality modes is possible, as long as the total available bandwidth is not exceeded. The table below lists all possible channel combinations per carrier:Channel qualityMono Standard Mono Premium Stereo Standard StereoPremium Bandwidth 4 4 x 10 kHz 2 1 2 x 10 kHz and 1 x 20 kHz2 1 2 x 10 kHz and 1 x 10 kHz (left) and 1 x 10 kHz (right)1 1 1 x 20 kHz and 1 x 10 kHz (left) and 1 x 10 kHz (right)2 2 x 10 kHz (left) and 2 x 10 kHz (right) 2 2 x 20 kHz Possiblenumber ofchannelsper carrier1 1 x 20 kHz (left) and 1 x 20 kHz (right)INTEGRUS | Digital Infra-red Language Distribution Systemen | 9BOSCH Security Systems | February 20031.3 Aspects of infra-red distribution systemsA good infra-red distribution system ensures that all delegates in a conference venue receive the distributed signals without disturbance. This is achieved by using enough radiators, placed at well planned positions, so that the conference venue is covered with uniform IR-radiation of adequate strength.There are several aspects that influence the uniformity and quality of the infra-red signal, which must be considered when planning an infra-red radiation distribution system. These are discussed in the next sections.1.3.1 Directional sensitivity of the receiverThe sensitivity of a receiver is at its best when it is aimed directly towards a radiator. The axis of maximum sensitivity is tilted upwards at an angle of 45 degrees (see Figure 1.4). Rotating the receiver will decrease the sensitivity. For rotations of less than +/- 45 degrees this effect is not large, but for larger rotations the sensitivity will decrease rapidly..Figure 1.4 Directional characteristics of the receivers1.3.2 The footprint of the radiatorThe coverage area of a radiator depends on the number of transmitted carriers and the output power of the radiator. The coverage area of the LBB 4512 radiator is twice as large as the coverage area of the LBB 4511. The coverage area can also be doubled by mounting two radiators side by side. The total radiation energy of a radiator is distributed over the transmitted carriers. When more carriers are used, the coverage area gets proportionally smaller. The receiver requires a strength of the IR signal of 4 mW/m2 per carrier to work without errors (resulting in a 80 dB S/N ratio for the audio channels). The effect of the number of carriers on the coverage area can be seen in Figure 1.5 and Figure 1.6. The radiation pattern is the area within which the radiation intensity is at least the minimum required signal strength.2004006008002Figure 1.5 Total coverage area of LBB 4511/00 and LBB 4512/00 for 1 to 8 carriers10 | en INTEGRUS | Digital Infra-red Language Distribution SystemBOSCH Security Systems B.V.| February 2003Figure 1.6 Polar diagram of the radiation pattern for 1, 2, 4 and 8 carriersThe cross section of the 3-dimensional radiation pattern with the floor of the conference venue is known as the footprint (the white area in Figure 1.7 to Figure 1.9). This is the floor area in which the direct signal is strong enough to ensure properreception, when the receiver is directed towards the radiator. As shown, the size and position of the footprint depends on the mounting height and angle of the radiator.Figure 1.7 The radiator mounted at 15G to the ceilingFigure 1.8 The radiator mounted at 45G to the ceilingFigure 1.9 The radiator mounted perpendicular (at 90G ) to the ceiling1.3.3 Ambient lightingThe Integrus system is practically immune for the effect of ambient lighting. Fluorescent lamps (with or without electronic ballast or dimming facility), such as TL lamps or energy saving lamps give no problems with the Integrus system. Also sunlight and artificial lighting with incandescent or halogen lamps up to 1000 lux give no problems with the Integrus system.When high levels of artificial lighting with incandescent or halogen lamps, such as spotlights or stage lighting are applied, you should directly point a radiator at the receivers in order to ensure reliable transmission.For venues containing large, unscreened windows, you must plan on using additional radiators.For events taking place in the open air a site test will be required in order to determine the required amount of radiators. With sufficient radiators installed, the receivers will work without errors, even in bright sunlight.1.3.4 Objects, surfaces and reflectionsThe presence of objects in a conference venue can influence the distribution of infra-red light. The texture and colour of the objects, walls and ceilings also plays an important role.Infra-red radiation is reflected from almost all surfaces. As is the case with visible light, smooth, bright or shiny surfaces reflect well. Dark or rough surfaces absorb large proportions of the infra-red signal (see Figure 1.10). With few exceptions it cannot pass through materials that are opaque to visible light.BOSCH Security Systems | February 2003Figure 1.10 The texture of the material determines how much light is reflected and how much is absorbedProblems caused by shadows from walls or furniture can be solved by ensuring that there are sufficient radiators and that they are well positioned, so that a strong enough infra-red field is produced over the whole conference area. Care should be taken not to direct radiators towards uncovered windows, as most of this radiation will subsequently be lost.1.3.5 Positioning the radiatorsSince infra-red radiation can reach a receiver directly and/or via diffused reflections, it is important to take this into account when considering the positioning of the radiators. Though it is best if receivers pick up direct path infra-red radiation,reflections improve the signal reception and should therefore not be minimised. Radiators should be positioned high enough not to be blocked by people in the hall (see Figure 1.11 and Figure 1.12).Figure 1.11 Infra-red signal blocked by a person in front of theparticipantFigure 1.12 Infra-red signal not blocked by a person in front of the participantThe figures below illustrate how infra-red radiation can be directed to conference participants. In Figure 1.14, the participant is situated clear from obstacles and walls, so a combination of direct and diffused radiation can be received. Figure 1.13shows the signal being reflected from a number of surfaces to the participant.BOSCH Security Systems B.V.| February 2003Figure 1.13 Combination of direct and reflected radiation Figure 1.14 Combination of several reflected signalsFor concentrically arranged conference rooms, centrally placed, angled radiators located high up can cover the area very efficiently. In rooms with few or no reflecting surfaces, such as a darkened film-projection room, the audience should be covered by direct path infra-red radiation from radiators positioned in front. When the direction of the receiver changes, e.g. with varying seat arrangements, mount the radiators in the corners of the room (see Figure 1.15).If the audience is always directed towards the radiators, you do not need radiators at the back (see Figure 1.16).If the path of the infra-red signals is partially blocked, e.g. under balconies, you should cover the ‘shaded’ area with an additional radiator (see Figure 1.17).The figures below illustrate the positioning of the radiators:arrangement auditorium seating and podium。

BOSCH同声传译系统一、基本型拓扑图二、主要设备介绍1、D C N-C C U2基本中央控制装置中央控制装置(CCU) 具有以下功能:控制代表话筒、分配同声传译和引导投票进程,所有这一切都无需操作人员干预。
特性和优点? IF 设计大奖? 控制多达245个馈送装置? 可以控制数量不限的DCN-FCS 32 通道选择器? 2 x 32个高品质音频通道? 基本话筒管理功能? 三种操作话筒模式:? 打开:话筒按钮控制发言请求(自动)? 覆盖:通过话筒按钮可以覆盖已激活的话筒? 语音:语音激活话筒? 打开话筒的数量为1 至4个? 用于代表大会投票程序的基本投票控制。
Concentus 主席装置可以启动、停止和暂停投票。
合计结果可以显示在大厅显示屏和装置的LCD 屏幕上。
? 基本同声传译功能,附带31个语言通道以及1个原始语言通道? 基本内部通信功能,可以指定内部通信操作人员和内部通信主席(都可以通过译员台呼叫)? 自动摄像机控制? 2 路音频线路输入和2 路音频线路输出? 可调节音频输入的灵敏度? 可调节音频输出的灵敏度? 音频插入功能,用于连接外部音频处理设备或电话耦合器? 可通过显示屏和单个旋钮对CCU 和系统进行配置? 安装人员可为每个CCU 分配唯一的名称以便识别? 通过VU 计量表读数来监控音频输入和音频输出。
可以使用耳机来监控音频? 适用于桌面或机架安装的19英寸(2U) 壳体? 方便携带的提手? 附带19 英寸机架安装支架、可拆卸支脚和安装附件? 系统安装和用户手册光盘控件和指示灯前面? 电源开关? 2 x 16 字符的 LCD 显示屏,用于显示状态和配置? 旋钮,用于浏览菜单背面? 三个红色 LED 过载指示灯,用于指示 DCN 网络输出? 绿色和黄色 LED 指示灯,用于指示以太网活动互连前面? 一个 3.5 毫米(0.14 英寸)立体声耳机插孔背面? 内置保险丝的欧式电源插座? 三个 DCN 电源插座,包括用于连接装置的锁定设施? 两个立体声莲花插非均衡音频线路输入? 一个 3 针 XLR 平衡式音频线路输出? 两个立体声莲花插非均衡音频线路输出? 一个以太网连接,用于控制PC 或开放式接口? 一个RS?232 串行数据连接器,用于控制摄像机技术指标电压 100?240 Vac 50?60 Hz功耗 295 WDCN 系统电源 40 Vdc,每个 DCN 插孔最高 85 W总功率 255 WRS-232 连接九针迷你D 凹型插孔频响 30 Hz –20 kHz(-3dB ,额定电平)额定电平时THD < 0.5 %串扰衰减 > 85 dB,1 kHz动态范围 > 90 dB信噪比 > 87 dBA音频输入莲花插额定输入 24 dBV (+/-6dB)莲花插最大输入 +0 dBV音频输出XLR 额定输出 12 dBV (+6/-24 dB)XLR 最大输出 +12 dBV莲花插额定输出 24 dBV (+6/-24 dB)莲花插最大输出 +0 dBV机械安装独立使用或安装在19 英寸支架中尺寸(高x 宽x 厚)88 x 483 x 350 毫米(含支架,不含支脚)92 x 440 x 350 毫米(不含支架,含支脚)重量 7 千克(15.4 磅)颜色碳灰色(PH 10736) 和银白色2、具有固定话筒的D C N-D I S S/D C N-D I S L讨论装置具有固定话筒的讨论装置可以使与会人员发言、登记发言请求以及听取他人发言。
博世rational combimaster

CombiMaster ® Plus / CombiMaster ®操作说明书原件2 / 107与品牌相符的全方位服务包。
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只需简单登录免费!- Chef✆Line®只要您对设备的使用或者菜谱有任何问题,我们都乐于在电话中为您提供咨询。
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然而,即便出现了技术难题,RATIONAL SERVICE-PARTNER 也会快速提供帮助。
包括得到保证的备件供应和周末紧急服务: 电话 +49 (0) 81 91/327 666.2 年保修我们提供 24 个月保修,从设备初次安装之日开始计算。
可以在 /warranty 下简单地在线登记或通过随附的邮寄卡登记。
只需简单登录/warrantyCombiMaster – 超强动力设备尊敬的用户:购买CombiMaster ® Plus是您的明智之选!全新的CombiMaster ® Plus 代表着成熟的技术、卓越的食品加工质量并展现令人惊叹的、能随时实现绝佳食品品质的强大功能: 松脆的脆皮烤,多汁的烤肉,浓郁的香味和色泽。

息容量,压缩比关系到所需的音频质量。 3. 协议生成:4 个数字信号一组,结合成信
息流,加上纠错算法。这个信息用于在 接收机处进行检错和纠错。 4. 调制:高频的载波被数字信息流进行相 位调制。 5. 辐射:最多可将 8 个调制的载波信号结 合一起送到红外辐射器,在此处载波信号被 转变成调制的红外光。 在红外辐射器中,按上述相反的过程,把调 制红外光还原成分立的模拟音频通道。
1.4 红外线传输的特点 红外线辐射是音频传输的理想载体,人 眼看不到红外线,它可以载送多个通道, 每通道分配一种语言,传送到较远的距 离。他是一种无线传输的系统,所以会 议代表不需要与系统有物理连接就可以 收听翻译语言。 1.5 会场的保密性 会议经常要讨论一些敏感话题,所以音 频信号传输的保密性就十分重要,由于 红外辐射不能穿透不透明的建筑,所以 会场本身就起到阻挡红外辐射外泄和防 止窃听的效果。 1.6 在相邻房间中的语言分配 红外系统特别适合有多厅的会议中心, 由于墙体阻挡红外线的穿透,相邻会议 室不会互相干扰。 1.7 不受灯光的干扰 传统红外语言分配系统容易到照明灯 光的干扰。新型(荧光)灯具的工作频 率较高,使这个问题更加严重,Integrus 采用更高的频段,彻底解决了这个难 题。它工作在 2-8MHZ 的波段,避免了 来自各种照明灯光的干扰,由此带来了 2 个优点,其一是音质大大提高。其二 是系统更适合用在出租业务,因为出租 的系统必须适应各种照明环境。 1.8 音频质量 Integrus 系统具有大大提高的音频质量, 更好的压缩技术和更高的信噪比,使接 收到的信号更为清晰,同时消除了上文 所述的灯光干扰。清晰的语言使代表长 期收听不感觉疲劳,所以代表可以集中 精力长时间地参加到会议中去。 1.9 通道的数量 Integrus 系统在选择需用通道方面给使 用人极大的灵活性,使用较高的频段 (2-8MHZ),可以用 4 种不同的质量模
2018-博世,move,说明书-word范文模板 (10页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==博世,move,说明书篇一:博世欧洲精英使用手册博世欧洲精英使用手册一、设备打开1.按下锅炉控制面板左上角的电源开关,运行设备;2.控制面板下方的运行指示灯亮,温度指示灯显示采暖或生活热水温度。
四、夏季模式(集中供热关闭,仅热水打开) 1.保持设备打开状态。
五、故障代码博世欧洲之星操作手册一、设备打开1.首先确认燃气阀门已经打开,锅炉电源插头已插上; 2.按下锅炉控制面板左上角的电源开关,运行设备; 3.显示屏上显示采暖的出水温度二、试运行:1.打开系统散热片的所有阀门;2.打开补水阀,生活冷水阀,注水至1到2巴的压力,然后关闭冷水阀 3.散热片排气;4.打开冷水阀,将系统压力重新充注到1-2巴 5.打开燃气阀三、打开集中供热功能1.热水温度可设置在45℃至82℃之间;2.若为地板采暖系统,采暖温度不得高于60℃;3.旋转控制面板左下角的采暖控制旋钮,调节采暖温度;(初次使用时不宜调太高) 4.采暖类型不同,最大采暖出水温度设置不同:——地板采暖系统:2档(约50℃)四、生活热水温度设置1.调节锅炉控制面板右下角的生活热水温度调节旋钮来设置生活热水温度;2.显示屏上显示的仍是采暖出水温度 3.生活热水温度可在40℃和60℃之间设置。

第二章设计依据系统标准参照:国际标准化组织标准ISO国际电气电子工程师协会标准 IEEE国际电工委员会标准 IEC供电电源标准 GB2887-82计算机场地技术要求 GBJ45—82国际商务建筑线缆标准 TIA/EIA 568国际商务建筑通信基础管理标准 TIA/EIA 606国际商务建筑通信设施规划和管路敷设标准 TIA/EIA 569扩声系统技术标准参照:中华人民共和国文化部行业技术标准《WH0301-93》一级标准。

BOSCH 同声传译系统说明中央控制器通过内置的D/A转换器,将会议系统的音频信号输入到混音功放进行扩声,并可将外部的声源信号通过中央控制器接入DCN系统,代表可在面板扬声器和耳机中直接收听。

BOSCH 同声传译系统说明中央控制器通过内置的D/A转换器,将会议系统的音频信号输入到混音功放进行扩声,并可将外部的声源信号通过中央控制器接入DCN系统,代表可在面板扬声器和耳机中直接收听。

博世P r a e s i d e o数字公共广播系统操作说明Praesideo简单操作说明语音信息的导入 (3)音频文件的格式 (4)在Web下对系统的设置 (6)升级设置硬件版本 (8)系统配置 (9)用户管理 (9)系统设备定义 (11)网络控制主机 (11)功率放大器 (12)呼叫站 (13)编辑系统构架 (14)功率放大器设置 (15)呼叫站 (17)普通键盘的设置 (17)功能键盘的设置 (19)音频扩展器 (20)语音信息设置 (21)紧急信息呼叫设置 (23)区组设置 (24)区组的编辑 (25)备份功率放大器的选择 (26)背景音乐通道的选择 (28)动作编辑 (29)呼叫站键盘按键定义 (31)功能键盘定义 (32)保存设置 (33)语音信息的导入打开“FT Application”输入用户名、密码(admin)进入操作界面;在“Message Sets”选项进行语音信息的导入;选择“New”进行新建文件;打开语音信息的文件路径,首先先选择要导入的语音文件,单击选中后点击中间“〉”键将该语音文件添加至右边的编辑框内,当所有文件添加结束后,点击右下方的“Save Message Set as…”进行保存并生成一个“.set”文件。
注意:导入的文件名称一定要与“Recorded message”建立的名称、顺序相同,建议使用英文或阿拉伯数字。

博世BIS系列产品-Video Engine(VIE)4.8用户手册说明书

Engineered Solutions - BIS - Video Engine (VIE) 4.8BIS - Video Engine (VIE) 4.8u 通过单一应用程序将Bosch视频和录制设备无缝集成,拥有一致的观感;对于第三方视频设备也是如此。
u 高级视频验证通过通用的BIS平台增强入侵防盗检测、消防检测、门禁控制和内部对讲功能u 通过中央地图查看器直接指挥和控制视频设备u 例如,事件日志中的入侵防盗报警与DVR上的相关视频录像之间的超链接u 在 BIS 操作计划和 ACE 视频验证中,直接集成实况或存档视频视频对安防系统非常重要,在发生报警情况时,它能非常有效地提供方位信息和重要的细节信息。
借助Video Engine,BIS系列产品可以提供无缝集成的应用程序,以连接博世和第三方视频设备。
Video Engine充分利用BIS基础结构,允许您使用视频验证功能增强报警管理系统,降低错误警报并提高操作员在各种重要情景中的警觉度。
通过Video Engine与BIS的门禁、入侵防盗和消防通知功能相结合,您可以打造一个完全适合自身具体需求的综合安防解决方案,而且全部功能融汇在一个用户界面中。
为此,Video Engine通过大量特定于视频的视图和对话框(使用多达4个物理监视器)增强了BIS用户界面的功能。
Video Engine出色地与交互式位置图和事件触发的操作计划相结合。
DIVAR录像机或VRM (Video Recording Manager)可以为操作人员提供重要信息。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
拨位开关状态设置成“NORMAL ”(如下图)。
ON ”
use ‘Relay select’ knob to select option and B -select ‘<>’ keys to select next or previous Function.
select ’旋钮选项,用B-select 的‘ ’键和‘ ’键选择下一个或前一个菜单。
第二步:按B-select 的‘ ’键选择下一个菜单,显示
Mute ’每个房间只有一台译员机,因此所有译员机此项均选为1。
用‘Relay select ’旋钮将 < >定在1上。
此时 < > 变为 [ ]以示确认。
第五步:按B-select的‘ ’键选择下一个菜单,显示
第七步:按B-select的‘ ’键选择下一个菜单,显示
用‘Relay select’旋钮将 < >定在CHI上。
此时 < > 变为 [ ]以示确认。
第八步:按B-select的‘ ’键选择下一个菜单,显示
用‘Relay select’旋钮将 < >定在ALL上。
此时 < > 变为 [ ]以示确认。
第十步:按B-select的‘ ’键选择下一个菜单,显示
选择自动转译的通道数目:<无> 1 2 3
用‘Relay select’旋钮将 < >定在NONE上。
此时 < > 变为 [ ]以示确认。
第十一步:按B-select的‘ ’键选择下一个菜单,显示。