2017 高职 英语口语 赛题(赛项赛卷)
请看下面的短文:Our class will have a day out on Tuesday. This is the plan for the day. We will meet at 8:30 a. m. at the school gate and then take the bus to the Window of the World. We will visit the museum in the afternoon. At 3:00 p. m. we will be back to school. Everyone needs to bring lunch and some money to buy tickets. Please obey the rules in the park and museum. Finally, mind your time, you are supposed to arrive in time.第二节情景反应(共4小题,计8分)你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。
1. When did Mother get home last night? (2分)2. What were you doing then? (2分)3. Was Mother happy when she saw you? (2分)4. Why did Mother praise you? (2分)第三节口头表达(计6分)你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。
722018年20期总第408期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS高职院校技能大赛英语口语大赛辅导策略文/杨亚利【摘要】全国高职院校技能大赛英语口语大赛为高职院校的英语口语教学,提供了重要导向,引导高职英语课堂关注社会发展趋势,以及对人才的新需求。
【关键词】高职;英语口语大赛;辅导策略【作者简介】杨亚利(1978.9- ),女,汉族,河南沁阳人,本科,济源职业技术学院,助教,研究方向:英语教育。
饼状图 pie chart 曲线图 line chart 柱状图 bar chart 显示,证明,描述 indicate,show,depict 调查 survey
主体述详情—— 饼状图 pie chart
饼状图的描述侧重于各 个项目的分布和所占比 例,常以最大比例份额 和最小比例份额情况作 为论述重点。
make up constitute account for include… consist of… be divided into… while/whereas about/around + 数字(表大约) percentage
The percentage of A in…is slightly larger/smaller than that of B.A 在 …… 中的比例比 B 的比例略高(低)
高等职业院校技能大赛 ——英语口语赛项
•职场描述 备赛辅导
开篇点主题 主体述详情 结尾表观点
“ military spending(军费支出)”这种比较正式的描述对象,可选用 “This chart indicates….”的句型,图表为柱状图,可将句型中“chart” 细化为“bar chart”,题目中“survey result”是信息来源方式, “China's military spending”是描述的对象,“the period(2000是时间段
职业英语 服务类 职场应用试卷 2017中职-拟设赛题
For Contestant A Only选手A: 假设你是某公司行政经理。
在比赛第一阶段,你需在30分钟内完成:1. 阅读老板提出的活动要求,填写任务单中的Section 1;2. 向队友询问三个活动方案的信息,填写任务单中的Section 2;3. 与队友讨论,选出一个你们认为最佳的活动方案,完成任务单中的Section 3;4. 准备第二阶段的汇报内容。
备注:任务单限选手A 填写,供其在赛场陈述时参考用,不作为评分内容。
在比赛第二阶段,你需在3分钟内向裁判汇报任务完成情况,内容需涵盖以下要点:1) What is your group’s task?2) Which plan have you chosen for the party?3) Why have you chosen this plan? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this plan instead of the other two.)本试题所有权归中职组“职业英语技能”赛项执委会(服务类专业组)所有,盗版必究。
For Contestant A OnlyPlease read the email from the boss. It is about her requirements for the plan.Dear Chris,As the end of the year is approaching, our company is going to hold an annual party on the evening of Dec. 31st. Will you please prepare the party?Since the average age of the 40 employees in our company is 26, the party should be interesting and attractive to young people. In addition, it should be held in some place with convenient transportation. We also look forward to some after-party activities, if possible. We are going to have the party after dinner, and the total budget for the party and dinner is no more than 25,000 yuan.Thanks! Don ’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.Yours,Cindy本试题所有权归中职组“职业英语技能”赛项执委会(服务类专业组)所有,盗版必究。
2017 技能大赛 高职 正式赛卷 高职英语口语 7 各环节评分标准
9—10分(含): 内容充实、完整;能就主题充分发挥;应答敏捷,答案明确;语言丰富,用语准确;举止大方、得体。
8—9分(含): 内容比较充实;能就主题进行一定的发挥;应答比较敏捷,答案明确;语言较丰富,用语较准确;举止得体。
7—8分(含): 内容完整;应答尚流利,答案比较明确;用语基本正确;举止较为得体。
6—7分(含): 内容基本完整;能进行应答,答案比较明确;用语尚正确;举止大致得体。
5—6分(含): 内容尚属完整;应答无大障碍,答案比较明确;用语尚正确;举止欠佳。
1.⽹络拓扑图PC环境说明:PC-1(须使⽤物理机中的虚拟机):物理机操作系统:Windows7 64位旗舰版VMware Workstation 12 Pro虚拟机操作系统:WindowsXP虚拟机安装服务/⼯具1:Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0虚拟机安装服务/⼯具2:Ethereal0.10.10.0虚拟机安装服务/⼯具3:HttpWatch Professional Edition虚拟机⽹卡与物理机⽹卡之间的关系:Bridge(桥接)PC-2(须使⽤物理机中的虚拟机):物理机操作系统:Windows7 64位旗舰版VMware Workstation 12 Pro虚拟机操作系统:WindowsXP虚拟机安装服务/⼯具1:Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0虚拟机安装服务/⼯具2:Ethereal0.10.10.0虚拟机安装服务/⼯具3:HttpWatch Professional Edition 虚拟机⽹卡与物理机⽹卡之间的关系:Bridge(桥接)PC-3(须使⽤物理机中的虚拟机):物理机操作系统:Windows7 64位旗舰版VMware Workstation 12 Pro虚拟机操作系统:Kali Linux(Debian7 64Bit)虚拟机安装服务/⼯具:Metasploit Framework虚拟机⽹卡与物理机⽹卡之间的关系:Bridge(桥接)2.IP地址规划表3.设备初始化信息(⼆)第⼀阶段任务书(300分)任务1:⽹络平台搭建(60分)任务2:⽹络安全设备配置与防护(240分)DCFW:1.在总公司的DCFW上配置,连接LAN接⼝开启PING,HTTP,HTTPS功能,连接Internet接⼝开启PING、HTTPS功能;并且新增⼀个⽤户,⽤户名dcn2017,密码dcn2017,该⽤户只有读-执⾏权限;2.DCFW配置NTP 和 LOG,ServerIP为X.X.X.X,NTP认证密码为Dcn2017;3.DCFW连接LAN的接⼝配置⼆层防护,ARP Flood超过500个每秒时丢弃超出的ARP包,ARP扫描攻击超过300个每秒时弃超出的ARP包;配置静态ARP绑定,MAC地址880B.0A0B.0C0D与IP地址X.X.X.X绑定;4.DCFW连接Internet的区域上配置以下攻击防护:FW1,FW2攻击防护启以下Flood防护:ICMP洪⽔攻击防护,警戒值2000,动作丢弃;UDP供⽔攻击防护,警戒值1500,动作丢弃;SYN洪⽔攻击防护,警戒值5000,动作丢弃;开启以下DOS防护:Ping of Death攻击防护;Teardrop攻击防护;IP选项,动作丢弃;ICMP⼤包攻击防护,警戒值2048,动作丢弃;5.限制LAN到Internet流媒体RTSP应⽤会话数,在周⼀⾄周五8:00-17:00每5秒钟会话建⽴不可超过20;6.DCFW上配置NAT功能,使PC2能够通过WEB⽅式正常管理到WAF,端⼝号使⽤10666;)7.总公司DCFW配置SSLVPN,建⽴⽤户dcn01,密码dcn01,要求连接InternetPC2可以拨⼊,配置下载客户端端⼝为9999,数据连接端⼝为9998,SSLVPN 地址池参见地址表;8.DCFW加强访问Internet安全性,禁⽌从HTTP打开和下载可执⾏⽂件和批处理⽂件;9.DCFW配置禁⽌所有⼈在周⼀⾄周五⼯作时间9:00-18:00访问京东/doc/df5246ba85254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f31696.html 和淘宝/doc/df5246ba85254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f31696.html ;相同时间段禁⽌访问中含有“娱乐”、“新闻”的WEB页⾯;10.DCFW上配置ZONE和放⾏策略,连接Internet接⼝为“Untrust”区域,连接DCRS接⼝为“Trust”区域,连接SSL VPN接⼝为“VPN HUB”区域,要求配置相应的最严格安全策略;)11.在公司总部的DCBI上配置,设备部署⽅式为旁路模式,并配置监控接⼝与管理接⼝;增加⾮admin账户DCN2017,密码dcn2017,该账户仅⽤于⽤户查询设备的系统状态和统计报表;12.在公司总部的DCBI上配置,监控周⼀⾄周五9:00-18:00 PC-1所在⽹段⽤户访问的URL中包含xunlei的HTTP访问记录,并且邮件发送告警; 13.在公司总部的DCBI上配置,监控PC-1所在⽹段⽤户周⼀⾄周五9:00-18:00的即时聊天记录;14.公司总部LAN中⽤户访问⽹页中带有“MP3”、“MKV”、“RMVB”需要被DCBI记录;邮件内容中带有“银⾏账号”记录并发送邮件告警;15.DCBI监控LAN中⽤户访问⽹络游戏,包括“QQ游戏”、“魔兽世界”并作记录;16.DCBI配置应⽤及应⽤组“快播视频”,UDP协议端⼝号范围23456-23654,在周⼀⾄周五9:00-18:00监控LAN中所有⽤户的“快播视频”访问记录;17.DCBI上开启邮件告警,邮件服务器地址为X.X.X.X,端⼝号25,告警所⽤邮箱⽤户名dcnadmin,密码Dcn2017;当DCBI磁盘使⽤率超过75%时发送⼀次报警;WAF:18.在公司总部的WAF上配置,编辑防护策略,定义HTTP请求体的最⼤长度为512,防⽌缓冲区溢出攻击;19.在公司总部的WAF上配置,防⽌某源IP地址在短时间内发送⼤量的恶意请求,影响公司⽹站正常服务。
2017 技能大赛 高职 正式赛卷 西餐宴会服务 口语试题
2017年全国职业院校技能大赛西餐宴会服务赛项英语口语试题公开题库情境问答:1. Q: If the guest wants to reserve a table, what information do you have to know? A: I have to know the expected time of arrival, the number of guests, the name of the guest, his telephone number, and all the special requests.2. Q: What would you say to the guest who walks into your restaurant for dinner? A: Welcome to our restaurant. May I have your reservation, please?3. Q: What will you say if the guest wants a table that has been reserved?A: I’m sorry, sir. That table is reserved. However, these tables are available.4. Q: Before taking orders from the guest, what should you usually offer first?A: I should offer the menu and the wine list.5. Q: What will you say when you want to take an order from the guest?A: Please, may I take your order?6. Q: What will you say to the guest when all the dishes have been served?A: That is all for your order. Please enjoy your meal.7. Q: What will you say when the guest has been waiting for a long time?A: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.8. Q: What will you say to the guest when he is leaving the restaurant?A: Thank you for coming. We look forward to serving you again.9. Q: How do you check the guest’s name of the reservation on arrival?A: May I know the name in which the reservation was made, please?10. Q: What do you say while you’re presenting the menu to the guests?A: Here is the menu. I will be with you in a moment to take your order.11. Q: How do you ask the guest to check his bill?A: Here’s your bill. Please check it.12. Q: How do you recommend the specialty of the restaurant?A: Would you like to try our specialty? It is our chef’s recommendation and very delicious indeed.13. Q: How do you ask the guest his choice of the main course?A: What would you like for your main course, please?14. Q: How do you a sk the guest’s choice of wine?A: Would you like a bottle of red wine to go with your Sirloin Steak?15. Q: What do you say when serving the guests their dessert?A: Here is your dessert. Please enjoy.16. Q: What do you say to ask the guest how he would like his steak cooked.A: How would you like your steak done? Rare, medium or well-done?17. Q: What will you say if a guest wants to reserve a private room for Friday evening but all the private rooms have been reserved for that time?A: I’m sorry, but there is no private room available for Friday evening. Would you mind changing it to a window table?18. Q: When the guest tells you they need more time to think before ordering, how do you respond?A: Please take your time. I will be back with you in a moment.19. Q: What will you say when you are taking an order for salad?A: What kind of salad would you prefer? We have Ham Salad, Prawn Salad and Fresh Vegetable Salad.20. Q: How do you respond to a guest’s compliments to your service?A: Thank you for your compliments. It’s our pleasure to be of service.21. Q: What will you say to explain the service charge to the guest?A: As you may have noticed, a 10% service charge has been added to the total bill.22. Q: What kind of wine will you recommend to the guest who has ordered Green Lip Mussel?A: I will recommend white wine to go with Green Lip Mussel and other kinds of seafood.23. Q:What information do you give when introducing your restaurant to the guest?A:I will introduce the style, the specialties, the popular dishes and the business hours of the restaurant.24.Q:If some guests complain that there is a guest smoking in the non-smoking restaurant, what should you do?A:I will apologize to the upset guests and remind the other guest that smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. If he wants to smoke, he should go to the smoking area of the hotel.25. Q:What will you say when you are recommending something to the guest?A:May I suggest our chef’s specialty? Many guests speak highly of it.26. Q:What do you need to do after the guest has finished ordering?A:I need to reconfirm everything by repeating all the dishes he has ordered and all the special requests he has mentioned.27. Q:After you have finished taking the order from the guests, what will you say?A:Thank you. We’ll be back with your order soon.28. Q: What do you say to check if the guests are enjoying their dinner?A:Are you enjoying your dinner? Is there anything else I can do for you?29. Q: What will you say to the guests if they ask you a question you don’t know?A: I will apologize and ask my manager for assistance.30. Q: If the guests tell you that they are full and want to leave, but there is still one more dish which hasn’t been served to the table, what will you do?A: I will check with the chef to see whether the dish has been cooked or not. If it has been cooked, I will ask the guests if they would like to have it packed and taken away with them; if it has not been cooked yet, I will cancel the dish.31. Q: What will you do when the guest tells you that there’s a miscalculation in the bill?A: I will check the bill carefully. If there is a mistake, I will apologize and then bring the bill back to the cashier’s desk to correct it.32. Q: What do you need to do if the guest would like to charge his bill to his room?A: I need to identify the guest by asking him to show his room card. Then I will take down his name, room number and finally make sure he signs the bill.33. Q: What will you say to ask the guest the way of payment?A: How would you like to pay? In cash, by credit card or room charge?34. Q: What will you say to confirm the number of people who are dining?A:How many people are there in your party?35. Q: How do you ask the guests who is paying for the dinner?A: May I know who is paying, please?36. Q: What will you say to the guest if he or she wants a pre-dinner drink?A: Would you like an aperitif before you order?37. Q: If the guest complains that the soup is cold, what should you do?A: I will apologize to the guest and get another bowl of hot soup immediately. 38. Q: What question will you ask further when the guest orders coffee?A: Would you like your coffee with milk or without?39. Q: What are the five main kinds of restaurant services?A: They are gueridon service, silver service, plate service, buffet service and takeaway service.40. Q: Tell the guests about the choices they have for main course.A: What would you like to have for main course? We have Sirloin Steak, Roast Lamb, Grilled Prawns and Scallops with Ginger Sauce.。
2021高职 英语口语 Debate试题(赛项赛题)
No. 1Background: The education authorities of Yunnan Province in southwest China have recently released the reform of the high school entranceexam, in which the total score allocated to physical education(PE) will be raised from 50 to 100 points, equal to Chinese,Maths and English. It is said that the purpose of the reform is tohelp improve students’ health.Our Question: Will more entrance exam grades for PE help improve students’ health?Pro: I think more entrance exam grades for PE will help improve students’ health.Con: I don’t think more entrance exam grades for PE will help improve students’ health.No. 2Background: The traffic police in some cities began levying fines on pedestrians who use a smartphone while crossing the road. Thatnew regulation is aimed at reining in what many see as anincrease in traffic accidents caused by using smartphones.Our Question: Should people be fined if they use a smartphone when crossing the road?Pro: I think people should be fined if they use a smartphone when crossing the road.Con: I don’t think people should be fined if they use a smartphone when crossing the road.No. 3Background: Many Chinese schools adopted online teaching and learning platforms amid the coronavirus outbreak. Some cheer for thebenefits of online teaching and learning while others believethere is room for further improvement.Our Question: Will online education replace traditional schools?Pro: I think online education will replace traditional schools.Con: I don’t think online education will replace traditional schools.No. 4Background: The education bureau of a district in Hangzhou has issued via its official Weibo account a trial draft of the District SchoolClassroom WeChat Group Convention, which forbids teachersto release students’ grades or rankings in the WeChat group.The policy has gone viral and sparked heated discussions onWeibo.Our Question: Should students’ grades be made public?Pro: I think students’ grades should be made public.Con: I don’t think students’ grades should be made public.No. 5Background: Social media are not only great for staying connected to family and friends, but can also be where potential employers go to doadditional screening before making their hiring decisions.According to a study, nearly 70% of employers screen theircandidates using social media and what’s more surprising is 57%of employers are less likely to even contact applicants who lackan online presence.Our Question: Should potential employers take an applicant’s social media into consideration?Pro: I think potential employers should take an applicant’s social media into consideration.Con: I don’t think potential employers should take an applicant’s social media into consideration.No. 6Background:A proposal by a deputy to National People’s Congress (NPC) on rebuilding the Yuanmingyuan (the Old Summer Palace) Parkhas sparked heated debate online. The Park, which was torchedby the invading troops after plundering countless treasures in1860, is now mostly in ruins.Our Question: Should Yuanmingyuan be restored to its original state?Pro: I think Yuanmingyuan should be restored to its original state.Con: I don’t think Yuanmingyuan should be restored to its original state.。
作者: 李树河
作者机构: 内蒙古商贸职业学院
出版物刊名: 英语广场:学术研究
页码: 122-123页
年卷期: 2017年 第2期
主题词: 高职英语 实用英语 口语 技能大赛 职业能力
2017年成考《英语》历年真题作文精选(5) 2007年成人高考英语考试历年真题作文精选假设你是李华,写信给在中国的英国朋友John,讲述你在英国的生活:1.住在英国人家里,与房东家同龄男孩成了好朋友;2.你们谈论学校生活和课外活动情况,你的口语有了很大进步;3.夏令营生活丰富多彩,参观博物馆、与当地学生进行球赛、举行晚会等。
注意:1.开头和结束语已为你写好2.100词左右3.生词:活动?activity**************************************Dear John,I’ve been in England for two weeks now. You must be eager to know what’s going on with me in your home country and how I feel about my stay here.I miss you very much and will write you more about my life here.Best wishes,Li Hua【正确答案】One possible version:Dear John,I’ve been in England for two weeks now. You must be eager to know what’s going on with me in your home country and how I feel about my stay here. I’m staying with an English family and spend a lot of time with them. They have a son of my age and very soon we become good friends. We talk about our school lives, and after?class activities too. By talking with him, I’ve improved my spoken English greatly. I’m sure you’ll find it when I’m back and see you again. The summer camp’s life is r ich and colorful. We have a lot of activities, for example, visiting museums, playing football with the students here and having evening parties. I’ve learned a lot from these activities. I miss you very much and will write you more about my life here.。
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