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1.V+ment 结尾

1.announce — announcement 通知

2.equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材(不可数名词)

equip---equi pp ed---equi pp ed---equi pp ing

3.settle— settlement 定居,安定

4.achieve---achievement 成就

5.amuse--amusement 娱乐

6.manage---management 经营管理

7.advertise--- advertisement广告

8.agree — agreement同意

9.disagree — disagreement 不同意

10.a rgue---argument 争吵

11.c ommit — commitment 奉献

commit---commi tt ed---commi tt ed---commi tt ing

commit murder/suicide

be committed to (doing) sth保证做某事

your commitment to work 你的敬业精神(投入/忠诚/奉献)

12.d evelop---development 发展

13.g overn 统治— government 政府

14.j udge---judgement/judgment

2. v+tion/sion结尾

15.d escribe — descri p tion 描写,描绘

16.e rupt — eruption 爆发

17.a ffect — affection 喜爱、喜欢effect影响

unrequited affection单相思

18.s atisf y— satisf action满意,满足

19.s elect — selection 挑选,选择

20.p ermi t— permi ss ion 允许

21.a dmi t— admi ss ion 承认,允许

22.i nvite — invitation 邀请,请帖

23.d evote — devotion 献身,专注

24.a pply — application 申请,申请书

25.p roduce — production 生产,产品

product 产品(常指工业制品)produce (农产品)

26.p rotect — protection 保护

27.e ducate-----education 教育

28.c onsider — consideration 考虑

29.a ttract — attraction 吸引力,吸引

30.i nstruct — instruction 指导, 介绍

31.d iscuss — discussion 讨论

32.a ppreciate — appreciation 感激,欣赏

33.r ecognize — recognition 认出

34.c onclu de— conclu sion结论

in conclusion

draw a conclusion

35.d eci de----deci sion决定

36.c ompete — competition 比赛

37.e xpress 表达----expression 词语;表达方

38.g raduate 毕业— graduation

39.o perate — operation 操作,动手

40.o rganize----organization 组织

41.i magine — imagination 想象力

42.i ntroduce — introduction 介绍

43.i llustrate --illustration阐明,举例说明

44.i nspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的

45.p ollute----pollution 污染

46.p redict---prediction 预言

47.p ro noun ce ---pro nun ciation 发音

48.r esolve -----resolution 决心

49.s olve 解决-----solution 解决方法

50.i mpress — impression 印象

51.s uggest --suggestion 建议,暗示

52.e xpla i n — explanation 解释,说明


53.e nter — entrance 进入,进口

54.a llow 允许— allowance 津贴,补助

55.a ppear — appearance 外貌,出现

56.p erform----performance 演出

57.e xist — existence 存在

4. v+ing结尾

58.b athe 洗澡---bathing游泳bathing-suit泳衣

take a bath/shower

59.e nd ----ending 结尾,结局,结束

60.t rain ---training训练

61.m ean ---- meaning 意义

62.s ay-----saying 谚语

5. v+ry

63.n urse--nursery 婴儿室,幼儿园nursery rhyme童谣6.v+al

64.p ropose — proposal 建议

65.w ithdraw — withdrawal 取钱;收回;撤退

66.s urvive — survival 幸存

67.a rrive — arrival 到达

68.r emove — removal 撤离,搬离,去除

7. v+ior
