大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思口语the politest person








雅思考官通常从以下四个方面来进行评分:When you go into the speaking test, the examiner grades you in four areas:FC--Fluency & coherence 流利度与连贯性GA--Grammar Range & Accuracy 语法准确性与精确性LR--Lexical Resource 词汇的丰富度PR--Pronunciation 语音语调的流畅与清晰度Now to be honest every examiner knows what the strong and weak areas are for Chinese students. They all know that LR, which we can also call vocabulary is generally their strong point and FC and PR are generally the weaker. That does not mean that all students will have the same problems. The average IELTS score for Chinese students is 5.5.老实讲,雅思口语考官对于烤鸭的强弱项早就了然于胸了。

大连朗阁雅思培训— 雅思口试考官最常问的170个经典问题

大连朗阁雅思培训— 雅思口试考官最常问的170个经典问题

大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思口试考官最常问的170个经典问题1. What's your name?2. Does your name have any special meaning?3. Where were you come from?4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?5. What is the main crop in your hometown?6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?8. What is the climate like in your hometown?9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?11. What is people"s favorite food in your region?12. How do you make dumplings?13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival。



大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思写作范文之学校授课内容的讨论Some people believe that schools should only teach children subjects which are beneficial to their future career and thereforeothers subjects such as music and sports are not important.To what extent do you agree or disagree?题目类型&回答策略:同意(原因)? 同意(结论)?关键名词解释&定义:学校、孩子、对未来职业有益的科目、其他科目I tend to think it ridiculous that the schools simplyeducate the children subjects beneficial to their future career. This is partly because few people would be one hundred percent sure what careers the children with different life goals or backgrounds would develop or whether they would change their minds. So I doubt whether the good attemptof schools would end up taking effect.However, the main concern is that only teaching some of the subjects would be unfairto most children who not only have a burning desire for academic knowledge but also are more interested in art or outdooractivities. Instead, modern school children should be given a wide range of subjects whether the schools think the m useful for children’s future career, which can be compared to the fact that diversefoods are positive to people’s physical health.This means that some subjects like music and sports are quite necessary in today’s schools that are expected to help with developing children in many ways. Children would go out of classroom to playground and breathe fresh air that is good for their brain by taking physical education; they could be enlightened by studying systematicallymusic knowledge or the way to appreciateworks. Furthermore, some musical or sports talents would start to come out in that important period.In conclusion, my view is that children should try their best to study any subjects beneficial to their future, and that the duty of the school should be to provide good quality ones and, if possible, to set a scientific timetableincluding an appropriate proportion of different classes.。



大连雅思培训之四个不能出现在雅思写作中的错误又是新的一周了,今天决定给大家带来最干的一节课——IELTS Writing Task 1,四个不能出现在写作中的错误,福利不容错过哦~全英文的,大家准备好词典,就当练练英文翻译喽~The National People`s Congress Gathers in China; Students Receive a Lesson in Forced Labor; Tech Expert Details What Can Be Learned from "Likes"THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.A congressional meeting leads off this week`s coverage, but it`s not a gathering of just a few hundred lawmakers. The National People`s Congress has thousands. It happens every year in China, the world`s most populous country.The 3,000 politicians who will be under one roof will be hearing about the communist government`s priorities, its policies, its trade relationships, its territorial claims in the South China Sea, its plans for dealing with a new U.S. president.China has the world`s second largest economy. The congress will hear the government`s plans for growing it and reducing poverty. Another topic, which we talked about last week, the calls for independence in the special autonomous region of Hong Kong. China`s highest ranking politician said they would go nowhere. He also spoke out against independence calls in Taiwan. The National People`s Congress usually lasts a week or two. It doesn`t have a specific schedule. And unlike the U.S. Congress, which is responsible for America`s legislation, the Chinese Congress has less governmental power. It is required to, quote, "unswervingly adhere to the leaders of the Communist Party of China".Our next topic today is slavery. Experts estimate there are more slaves today than there`d been at anytime in history. Forty-eight-point-five million people currently live in some form of bondage, according to the global slavery index. This includes people who are forced to work, forced in a marriage, bought and sold as commodities. The United Nations says human trafficking affects almost every country on earth.As part of CNN`s Freedom Project, which aims to draw attention to modern day slavery andexpose the criminals who trade in it, we`re taking a look at a program that gave some students a sense of what force labor is like.MATT FRIEDMAN, THE MEKONG CLUB: I need you to take a bolt, slower.Another row here, five in a row.ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It`s 8:30 in the morning at this Hong Kong high school. But this is not a regular day.FRIEDMAN: My name is Mr. Friedman. I run a company and our company makes nuts and bolts. And you have one of them in your hands.FIELD: Classes are cancelled, Mr. Friedman says, their labor is his for the next five hours.FRIEDMAN: And you`re going to take the nut, you`re going to put it on the bolt, you`re going to take the nut and put it on the bolt continuously. I do not want you to talk to anyone else. I don`t want you to even make eye contact with me.FIELD: The minutes crawl by. The students look bewildered, confused, even angry.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, you. Come over here. You`re not doing it faster. Stand over here and do it faster.Time is money. Come on. Faster.OK, give her a detention right here, just because.Don`t drop the bolt. Give her a detention.FIELD: The teenagers struggled the process is painfully slow.FRIEDMAN: You`re done.FIELD: Then, Mr. Friedman reveals his true intentions.FRIEDMAN: This was a simulation. It was to give you an opportunity to experience what it`s like for a short period of time to lose control of your life.FIELD: To help them understand what it`s like for the millions trapped in forced labor.UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When I was doing it, my hands started sweating. I was sweating. So, I can`t basically imagine how people would do it for like 14, 15 hours every day.FRIEDMAN: Do you think it was fair?UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No.FRIEDMAN: Did you like me?UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No.FRIEDMAN: OK. Thank you very much.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was pretty close to walk out of the room, like I felt very disoriented when I thought, you know, punishment.FIELD: Just an hour from their school day designed to drive home the realities of modern day slavery, an experience intended to motivate young people to try and make a difference. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would definitely feel more sympathy for those who are like in slavery. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel like as students, we can actually raise awareness about this issue. STUDENTS: Join us on March 14 to stand up to slavery.FIELD: Alexandra Field, CNN, Hong Kong.AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:Which of these includes more than 1.8 billion people?McDonald`s daily customers, population of China, Facebook`s monthly users, or population of India?The social networking website Facebook says it has 1.86 billion people who actively use it every month.AZUZ: And what`s amazing is what Internet experts can learn by people`s activity on social media. It`s been said that anyone who wants true privacy should avoid the Internet, whether it`s connected systems in your home that don`t just answer questions or do your shopping, but here,everything you say or know when you get back from work, or the political leanings of people you follow online, everything that interests us has the potential to be tracked.Can this make life more convenient? Yes. Could it get people into trouble? Absolutely and especially in countries where your freedoms could be limited by your likes.CNN`s Fareed Zakaria talks to the man who pioneered a model to determine your personality traits based on your online activity.FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN HOST, "FAREED ZAKARIA GPS": Taking just 68 of your Facebook likes, Dr. Michal Kosinski`s model can accurately predict your skin color, sexuality, whether you are a Democrat or a Republican.Using a certain number of things that we all do on the Internet, what songs we buy, what Amazonbooks or products we look at, you can predict things that are much deeper and don`t seem necessarily associated, right? Explain some of that.MICHAL KOSINSKI, ASST. PROF., STANFORD BUSINESS SCHOOL: If you look at my Facebook profile or my Twitter profile, you would probably not have much trouble figuring out what my political views are or what my personality is. Now, a computer can do the same thing. Basically, by analyzing large amounts of data from your Twitter profile, your e-mail, your playlists, your Facebook profile and so on, it can create a very accurate and intimate psycho-demographic profile of yourselves, of you and other people.And now, this information can obviously be used in marketing and specifically in political marketing. If I have a detailed knowledge of psycho-demographic profiles of a large number of people, I can use this information to craft individual messages and speak individually to each of those people and try to make this message as convincing and relevant to them as possible.But also, a computer can utilize, can use information that perhaps, for humans, would not be very informative, right?So, if you see me following Obama or Bernie Sanders on Twitter, it`s not a complicated task to figure out what my political views would be. But, now, if you see that I listen to Lady Gaga or Simon and Garfunkel, that`s a piece of information that humans would struggle to interpret simply because both Republicans and Democrats listen to Lady Gaga.Now, what a computer can do, a computer can go and look at this data in much more detail. It can look at millions of people, and I bet that there would be a small difference between how likely the Republicans are to listen to Lady Gaga and how likely Democrats are to listen to Lady Gaga, something that, for a human being, is not perceptible.Now, does it mean that, if you listen to Lady Gaga, you`re a Republican or Democrat? Not at all. It`s there`s just this little, tiny, bordering on insignificant, amount of information in each digital footprint like that.But now, the algorithm can aggregate information from thousands or millions of crumbs of information and then create a very accurate prediction.ZAKARIA: What are the ethical dilemmas of wading into these waters?KOSINSKI: Well, we have to remember that governments, companies and organizations can usethe very technology that can be used for your good; they can turn it against you.Now, how they can turn it against you? Well, they can, behind your back, without you knowing, try to infer your intimate traits, such as your political views, your sexual orientation, your personality and intelligence.And, now, actually, in a country as free and open-minded as America, it`s probably not a big issue today. Maybe you`ll get some creepy marketing.But we have to remember that the same technologies are being used by governments in way less liberal countries, where revealing your political views or revealing your religiosity or your sexual orientation can be really a matter of life and death.AZUZ: We showed you a backyard loge earlier this winter. But with the official beginning of spring exactly two weeks away, this is more of a three-season thing. A Navy pilot built it for his 3-year-old son. The father was deployed when the boy was born, so he did this as a way to spend more time with his family.It costs him about $1,300 for tools and materials, mostly PVC pipes and two-by-fours, and it took him to three months to build.I guess it`s symbolic of a dad`s help through all the ups and downs and twists and turns and the rollercoaster of life. We give the man six flags for the effort. It`s a great way to turn a backyard into a magic kingdom. You can easily see their point of the universally amusing project, who Dolly-wouldn`t want a great adventure just outside their doorstep.更多雅思信息,可关注大连学为贵教育官网!届时,连贵贵将为广大贵粉们提供最新、最全、最专业的考试信息。

大连朗阁雅思培训— 雅思写作和口语,如果和考官观点不同,是不是就完了?

大连朗阁雅思培训— 雅思写作和口语,如果和考官观点不同,是不是就完了?

大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思写作和口语,如果和考官观点不同,是不是就完了?雅思考试写作和口语,如果和考官观点不同,是不是就完了?关于雅思考试的各种都市传说,你是不是也曾被困扰过?那些所谓的“他们说”到底是不是真的呢?雅思官方的考试专家将为为大家一一揭密那些关于雅思考试的“流言蜚语”!你以为“考口语时,说的观点如果考官不喜欢,会不会印象分很低,考官也不愿意继续往下听了?”“如果写作中我的论点考官不赞同,而且万一和考官想的相反,那分数肯定惨目忍睹了吧…““好想知道考官的偏好,如果正好投其所好,岂不是可以轻松拿下超高分?“估计大多数烤鸭们都有这样或那样的疑虑&顾虑&焦虑,尤其是在写作和口语两项考官阅卷评分时有很大主观性的考试中,特别想知道高鼻头蓝眼睛的考官们心里在想什么,要是能和他们想的一样该多好……Real 心累…别揣测了~到底考官对你的观点赞同与否和分数有多大关系,我们听听官方的英语教学专家怎么说:无论是写作还是口语,不用太担心我们的观点是否被考官认同,只要贴合题目、表述清晰,能够自圆其说就可以咯, 因为雅思是精准评测考生英语能力的考试,而不是讲故事大赛!让大家最头疼的--写作无数经历了血雨腥风的考鸭们都给雅思写作投上了最难拿分的一票,尤其是分值比例高,还不讨好的Part2,大家总觉得对于话题很难把握,费尽心思为自己的论点想理由和依据。






大连朗阁雅思培训— 我的雅思经验

大连朗阁雅思培训— 我的雅思经验



首先练习语调,让自己更贴近native Speaker而不是naive Speaker。




当我们不知道说什么的时候就可以用到这一招啦!On top of that ,...What is more,...Actually...In fact,...Well,that is tricky question,......is beyond description.Alternatively(换句话说)To cut a long story short(长话短说)再者,准备口语素材是非常非常重要的一点,我将七悠雅思口语素材的PDF格式打印下来,每天看3至4篇,每一篇我都用红笔改动,毕竟用素材的不止你一个人,如果直接生搬硬套风险太大,素材的存在是为了拓展我们的思路,而不是直接用。





Part 2 部分,这里要注意啦!考官给咱们1 minute的时候,要表演的好像你真的经历过这件事情一样。






词汇妙用法一:同义词/近义词 &同义词链【真题实例】 Can you tell me something about your student life?【答题思路】虽然这是一个简单到不能再简单的问题,但我们也不能放弃妙用词汇的一次机会。

从积极的意义上讲,学生生活一定是exciting,interesting, colorful, impressive, stimulating,fascinating的代名词。


【参考答案】 Well, my student life has so many interesting and exciting things totalk about. First, I have made a lot of wonderful friends at school, and weshare many hobbies, duties and personal opinions. Then, there are a variety ofcolorful events on campus – almost every student joins a club, takes part in asocial activity, or becomes a member of some organization. These events are notonly fascinating for young people who like to explore the world, but are alsostimulating in terms of developing our thinking skills and lifestyles.该回答从两个层面描述学校生活的精彩:一是结识了很多好朋友;二是有各种各样的校园活动。

大连朗阁雅思培训— 告别雅思口语高分秘笈误区 打造口语真功夫

大连朗阁雅思培训— 告别雅思口语高分秘笈误区 打造口语真功夫








1. 测试过程高度科学化首先,从考试的设计来说,雅思口语采用的是考生与考官面对面对话进行的测试方式,最客观公正地反映了考生在真实的英语言环境下的用英语进行表达的能力。







2. 口语评分高度标准化时常有雅思考生很郁闷:为什么同班同学的英语还没有我好、但雅思口语比我高分?首先,这些考生混淆了“好”的定义。





Part 1HometownLet’s talk about the city you come from. What kind of place it is?What’s the most interesting part of Smithson(考生提到的他的家乡)?What kind of jobs do people in the town do?Would you say it’s a good place to live?WorkTell me about the kind of work you do.What do you enjoy about your word?What things do you find challenging at work?Let’s talk about workplace rel ationships. For the sake of your work, how important it is for you to have a good rapport with your team members?What methods do you use to show your team members you are an approachable person?Part 2Describe a trip you made by public transport.Where did you go?Why did you choose public transport?How did you feel about the trip?Share details about the trip.Part 3Why do you think some people would rather drive than travel by bus?What do you mean by flexibility?What do you feel a city needs to attract tourists?You mentioned “safety” as something that can attract tourism. Can you expand on that?Are all aspects of the tourism industry positive?What do you think about this, that people are willing to tarnish the image of historical locations in their city is an effort to profit from foreign visitors?Can you tell me about something you purchased while travelling that holds special meaning to you?Why do you think people buy souvenirs?。



大连朗阁雅思培训—10大雅思口语考试技巧1. Listen to yourself.如果你听不到自己的发音问题,要纠正就很难了。



2. Slow down.很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。


所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。

3. Picture it.闭上你的眼睛并在说出口之前想一想如何发这个音。



4. Get physical.发音是个形体动作。



你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发…th‟,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。


5. Watch yourself.站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。

和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。

6. Copy the experts.绝对没有取代专家和英语母语的人学习发音的方式。

因此仔细听!7. Practice makes perfect.发音的问题迟迟不能解决就是因为我们害怕犯错。


别害羞!8. Find a language buddy.和其他人处,获得反馈是非常重要的。




9. Be poetic.好的发音不仅是掌握单独的音节。



雅思考试口语考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心简真真考试日期 2015年1月17日Part 1考题总结考题总结Self-introduction and personal informationWhat’s your name?Does your name have any particular meaning?Are you a student or worker?Do you like your student life?What’s your major?What subject are you studying?Is it hard to learn?Are you good at this subject?Why did you choose this major?What can you learn from it?What is the most important in your study?What kind of job would you like to do in future? (student)Why did you choose the school/university?Do you usually plan your time?How do you schedule your free time?Who is your favorite teacher?What’s your job?Why did you choose to do that kind of work?Do you like your job? Is it stressful?What are you responsible for?What can you get from your current job?What do you often do after work?Do you want to recommend your job to other people? (worker) Are you for or against extra work on weekends?Should workers who work on weekends get extra salaries? What is your prospect for the future?HometownWhere are you from? /Which part of China are you from? Introduce the city where you liveDo you like your hometown?Tell me something about your hometown.What do you like most about your hometown?Where do you live, a house/ an apartment?Do you like to live in a house or in a flat?What makes your house/flat look pleasant?What is your favorite room in your home?Will you move In recent future?WeatherWhat is the weather like in your hometown?Do you think weather can affect people’s behavior?Would you say there have been any changes in the climate (in your hometown) in the recent past?What is the time of a year raining many times?NatureDo you like nature?How can you get close to nature?Are there many forests in your hometown?What kinds of trees are there around the place where you live?Did you plant trees when you were a child?What are the benefits of planting trees?Do you like to watch sky? Why or why not?Where do you like to watch sky?Do you prefer the sky in the daytime or that at night?What’s the sky view like in the place where you live?Do you like stars?Have you learnt anything about stars?MapHave you ever used a map?How often do you use map?Do you like to use electrical map or paper map?Have you ever asked for directions?How did you learn to use a map?Entertainment (Relax)How do you usually spend your weekend?What do you often do at weekend?TVDo you like watching TV?Do parents allow children to watch TV?Do you think you can learn history from films and/or TV programs?ReadingDo you like reading?Do you often read printed books or e-books on the internet? What kinds of books do you like best? Why?Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport?What kind of sport is popular in China?What kind of sports do elderly people like doing in China?ArtDo you like drawing? How often do you draw?When did you learn it?What do you think about painting?What do you think about traditional and western paintings?Do you often go to the gallery?Do you like visiting the museum?What is its importance to us?What kinds of museums would you like to visit in future? Should children go to museums? Why?Fashion and shoppingWhat type of clothes do you like? Do you like casual clothes? Have you ever shopped online before?Do you buy things from street market?Do you like street market? Why /why not?What’s the difference between street market and supermarket? Have you ever been to street market in other countries? What’s the difference with that in China?What kind of shoes do you like to wear?What color do you like? Why?What is your favorite color?Do colors have some symbolic meaning in China?Do you like collecting things?What do you like to collect?Gifts& PostcardWhat kind of gift do you want to receive?Do you like to send gifts to others?What gift do you usually give?Do people buy souvenirs when they go and travel some places?Electronic products/InternetDo you often use the internet/computer?When do you often use the computer?Do you often send e-mails?Do you like writing letters or e-mails?Do you use the mobile phone? When did you start using it?How important is it to you? How do you often use it?Do you prefer to send messages or emails? Why?Do you prefer to make phone calls or send messages?What are the disadvantages of the cell phone?Food and healthWhat kind of food do you like?Why fast food is popular nowadays?What is the famous food in your hometown?Why there are different foods in different places?Do you think it is important?Do you often do any cooking?What cooking experience have you had?Who usually cooks in your family?Is it necessary to learn to cook in childhood?Do you like to eat at home or eat outside?AdvertisementsDo you like advertisements?What kinds of advertisements do you like best?Why some people don’t like advertisements?What do you think about the ads?Have you bought anything after watching an ad?What impact has the advertisement made on people’s life?Do you like writing by hands?Do you think it is difficult for people to understand your handwriting?Family and friends/relativesWhy do people need to sustain a constant relationship with theirrelatives and friends?What are the differences in topics between women and men? Part 2&3考题总结考题总结人物类Part 2Describe a person you know who is good at cooking Describe a friend who you think is a good leader Describe a family member you would like to work with Describe an old person you know/respectDescribe a good-looking person you knowDescribe a person you recently met.Part 3What are the influences of a family on children?Can you tell a person’s true nature when you first meet him/her?Part 2Describe someone you think is beautiful or handsomeDescribe a singer or music band that you likeDescribe your favorite sports starDescribe a successful personDescribe an intelligent person you knowPart 3Do you think it’s important for people to be intelligent?Is it the only thing that is important?Do you think nowadays people need to be more intelligent than people in the past?Do you think computers have “intelligence”?Do you think computers might one day be more intelligent than humans?Do you think there are more highly intelligent children nowadays compared to the past?Do you think very intelligent people and not so intelligent people are born that way and their intelligence cannot be changed during their childhood?Do you think games can help children become more intelligent?Do you think play can help children develop their intelligence?What did you do for play when you were a child?Do you think intelligent people are happy?Do you think it’s best for these highly intelligent children to go to normal schools or do you think they should go to special schools?Describe a comic actor/cartoon character who is popular in your country物品类Part 2Describe an ambition you have not achieved yetPart 3What kinds of ambitions do children have?What’s your opinion about having two ambitions at the same time?Part 2Describe a movie you would like to watch againDescribe a song you learned in childhoodDescribe an interesting website you have visitedDescribe something interesting you learnt from the InternetDescribe a subject you didn’t like before but have interest now Describe a special toy you had in your childhoodDescribe a good habit of a friend that you would like to develop Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were a teenagerDescribe a meal you invited others to have at your home or a restaurant Describe an important job in your countryDescribe a homemade gift to your friendDescribe a radio or TV program that you like to talk about with your parents or friendsDescribe something you borrowed from your neighborDescribe a prize you want to winDescribe something/a book /a magazine you enjoy readingDescribe a good/popular law in your country]Describe a subject you want to share with another personPart 3Should children be educated to share things with other people?Is it important to share food with other people? Why?Part 2Describe a letter you receivedDescribe an APP that you think is very usefulDescribe a piece of equipment you had a problem withPart 3Do you usually throw away something broken or try to fix it?Do you think it’s good to set up courses to teach children how to fix equipment?Why people are becoming more and more creative to invent many new things?Will the trend become more universal?Part 2Describe a special thing you took home on holiday/ vacationDescribe an unforgettable advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked).Part 3Do you think most advertisements achieve their purpose?What types of advertisements do people remember most?Some people say that the high cost of advertising adds to the price of products and that if advertising was banned, this would make productscheaper. Do you agree?Do you think the government should have more control over advertising?Do children pay attention to advertisements?What do you think is the impact of advertising on children?What do you think of the advertisements?Why is it necessary?Is it popular to advertise through mobile phones?What about the traditional ways to advertise on TV and newspapers? Do you know consumerism?Is it a proper expression to describe a society?Will advertisements be a visual pollution?What is your personal opinion on consumption phenomenon in China?Part 2Describe an (wild) animal that you think is interesting.Describe something you bought but seldom useDescribe something you want to learn but cannot learn nowPart 3Who have more impact son children, teachers or parents?What is your opinion about home study and online study?地点类Part 2Describe a place near waterDescribe an unusual building you’ve visitedDescribe a place you went to that was full of colourDescribe a place which is far away from you homeDescribe a place you stayed for years far from your homeDescribe a city you have been toDescribe a city you would like to visitPart 3Why people are attracted to go to big cities?What kinds of problems does it bring?Part 2Describe a school you once studied when you were a childDescribe a place where you have worked or studied.Part 3What city do you work/study in?Why did you choose to work/study in this city?Do you think people are working longer hours today than they did in the past?Is teaching a popular occupation in China?Which Is better for students to attend, large classes or small classes? There are many big classes in school. Is it because of lack of teachers? Why not hire more teachers?Part 2Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a homeDescribe your favorite restaurantPart 3What are some reasons why people eat out?Does it give people more status to eat in a restaurant rather than eat at home?Do people now go to restaurants more than before?Do you prefer to eat in a restaurant or at home?What’s the difference between eating at home and eating in a restaurant?Is there any difference between home-cooked food and food in restaurants?In your opinion, what is a “healthy diet”?Part 2Describe a historic building that you visited.Part 3Why do people visit historical places?Do you think reading about a historical place has any advantages over actually visiting it?What types of historic places do people in your country most often visit? Do many people in your country visit historical buildings?Why do they visit these buildings?What do you think are the differences between actually visiting a historic place and reading about it in a book (or seeing pictures of it on the internet)?Do you think these historic buildings should be preserved?Who do you think should pay for these reparations?Do you think the government should pay for the maintenance and repair of historic buildings?Do you think the government should pay for this or should the visitors pay for it?Which do you think is better, having the government own and pay for the maintenance of historic buildings or having private investors owningthe buildings and paying for the maintenance?What should people learn about history?Do you think learning about history has any benefits for children?Part 2Describe a place you visited to learn another culture.Part 3Do you think it’s important to know about other cultures?How can we benefit from learning about foreign cultures?What do you think is the best way to learn about a foreign culture?Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us understand foreign cultures?What other advantages are there form knowing foreign languages? Compare the culture of China that of the West.Do people understand the difference between current culture and that in the past?How to learn culture?Part 2Describe a country you want to goPart 3What countries do people like to go for travel in your country?Do you think it is greatly different to travel to a place and to live in the place?事件类Part 2Describe a long journey you want to have againDescribe a long journey that you hadDescribe an activity you do to stay healthyDescribe a happy family event from your childhood that you remember wellDescribe something you did which was a waste of timeDescribe a situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet Describe a pleasant surprise you hadDescribe a time when you got lostDescribe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like Describe a time when you stayed far away from your homeDescribe an experience that you spent a long time in a traffic jamPart 3How is the traffic in Haikou? Why?How to improve the traffic in Haikou?Part 2Describe something you did with a group of peopleDescribe an experience that you worked with othersPart 3How should adults take care of children?What if children don’t like to play with others?What do you think about single sex schools? Why?Part 2Describe a good service you enjoyedPart 3What kinds of problems do most of Chinese companies need to deal with?What kinds of problems do international companies have in China?Part 2Describe an interesting conversation you had with a strangerPart 3Are presentation skills important?Part 2Describe a project or homework you have doneDescribe a kind of activity that is good for healthDescribe an important job in your countryDescribe an experience that you waited on somebodyPart 3Does it feel the same when you wait for a friend or a waiter?Does the development of technology shorten our waiting time?Part 2Describe a positive experience in your teenagerDescribe a situation when people gave you some good advicePart 3What qualities should people have to give others good advice?Do people like to give advice?Should teachers give students personal advice or just focus on academic issues?What do teachers usually do when students have personal issues?Part 2Describe a time when you forgot somethingPart 3Do you often forget things?Why do people forget things?What kinds of things do people most often forget?Part 2Describe a piece of good advice you receivedDescribe a trip you took by public transportPart 3Why do some people prefer driving their cars to taking public transport? Is it true that driving cars means a higher status?Should government take measures to limit cars?Do Chinese people like to travel overseas?How does international travel influence the economy of countries? After someone returns from traveling overseas, what effects can they have on their home country?Part 2Describe a sport event you have watched on TV or enjoy doing. Describe a family celebration you ever attendedPart 3Is competition good or not?Part 2Describe an experience when you wasted a lot of timePart 3What do people usually do when they waste time?How to change the situation of wasting time?Should children waste some time to do something their parents don’t allow them to do?How do you manage your time?How do people usually do to manage time?本次考试考题精选范例解析1. Do you like to watch the sky?解析:Part 1的问题尽管简单,但要答出一个好成绩却没那么简单。



大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思阅读材料之如何善待自己1. Stop Beating Yourself Up停止苦逼Would you say the things you think about yourself to another person? If not, you owe yourself an apology. How could you love a person who believes such nasty things about you? Even if you did mess up, get over it. Big goof that’s mostly irrelevant? Laugh at it. Serious mistake that had repercussions? Learn from it. The important thing is to drop your baggage and move on.你会不会把内心对自己的那些看法用来评价另外一个人?如果不会,那你还欠自己一个道歉。





2. Think Positive积极思考Focus on your strengths (instead of your weaknesses). Leap out of bed (don’t crawl out of it). Look at every day as a new opportunity (not the same old story).不要老盯着缺点,而应多想想优点。



3. Be Thankful充满感恩Be aware of all the things you should be thankful for. Make note of the people, places, things and activities that bring you the most joy. If you slow down, you’ll realize you have an awful lot t o be thankful for.用心留意所有值得感恩的事情。




一、反义正解1.他是个勤劳的人这句话勤劳可能很多同学不太会拼diligent 甚至会拼成 delegent但是通过反义正解的方法比如他不是懒惰的人= 他是个勤劳的人懒惰这个单词大家都知道是lazy,所以 not lazy= diligent可能大家觉得这个例子比较简单,我们可以看这句话压力是不可避免的因素在现在的生活不可避免查字典的话会有如下的单词inevitable/ unavoidable/ indispensable 这些单词基本都是6级词汇对于高中学生是比较难背的但通过反义正解的话不可避免=必要/必须的= necessary 这句话就很好的表达了如下几个例子同学看参考一下父母经常忽视孩子的成长neglect/ ignore忽视=不重视父母经常不重视孩子的成长Parents often do not pay much attention to the growing of children.二、具体解释大家可能在电视节目上看到过我来笔画你来猜的节目,其实就是对词语的解释,其实这个方法也可以用在雅思写作中,比如这个例子政府应该提供资助给难民资助sponsor/subsidize难民 refugee这两个单词属于六级词汇,如果用具体解释的方法资助可拆分为资=金钱上的=financial 助=帮助=help难民=遭受灾难的人=the people who were suffered from disaster.这句话就可以很容易的解释出来The government should provide financial support/help for the people who were suffered from disaster. 例子1虐待儿童的人应该受到惩罚maltreat虐待=残忍地=不好地=坏地对待The people who treat children cruelly/badly should be punished例子2房价开始轻微地开始下降slightly轻微=以缓慢的速度The price of house start to decrease at a slow rate.例子3人们应该努力在生态平衡的问题上做出贡献ecological balance生态平衡=人与自然地平衡People should make great efforts to the problem on the balance between human beings and nature例子4政府应该严厉地惩罚罪犯罪犯=违反法律的人the people who violate/disobey the lawThe governmnet should stictly punish the people who violate/disobey the law.大家会发现通过解释说明的方法字数会显得特别长,既不用背单词,又可以很清楚的解释出来,感觉哎呦不错,能凑字。

大连朗阁雅思培训— 雅思口语想拿高分,你要先学会“做自己”

大连朗阁雅思培训— 雅思口语想拿高分,你要先学会“做自己”

苏格拉底教我们Know Thyself,而雅思考试,一定要Be Thyself。












XX朗阁雅思培训—最新雅思写作语料库 : 通才教育与专才教育In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. which is appropriatein today's world.在一些国家,中学生会学习广泛的课程,在一些国家,学生们会学习一些和未来择业相关的课程,哪一种教育方式更加适宜?相关提问:【教育类】Some people think older schoolchildren should study a large number of subjects in a wide range of knowledge. Others believe schoolchildren should study a smaller number of subjects in a greaterdetail.Discuss both views and give your own opinion有人认为学生应该学习广泛的课程,有人认为学生应该详细地学习少量的课程,讨论两种观点再得出你的结论。

(2021年 4 月 27 日)【教育类】Some people think that they should study the course that they are interested in. Some people think that they should a wide range of subjects. Discuss both sides and give your opinion?有人认为学生应该学习他们感兴趣的课程,有人认为学习应该学习多元的课程,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。

大连朗阁雅思培训— 雅思听力口语练习素材选择 注重词汇量与口音

大连朗阁雅思培训— 雅思听力口语练习素材选择 注重词汇量与口音

大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思听力口语练习素材选择注重词汇量与口音面对现在市面上各色的听力、口语训练材料(training material),就犹如面对满目琳琅之超级卖场的商品(merchandize),往往不知该从何下手,其实训练材料的选择直接关乎到训练的结果(result)。



就词汇量而言,需要根据读者自身情况进行因材施教,一般而言,该材料的阅读生词量(即指看到后能直接反应其意思的词汇)应控制在5%以内,类似《走遍美国》(Family Album),《空中美语教室》(Studio Classroom)等都比较适合推荐(recommend)给有一定英语基础的读者(reader),而《色拉英语》(Salad English)则适合基础相对较薄弱的读者循序渐进,因为其词汇量的安排也是由浅入深的一个变化过程(process)。



当读者具备一定词汇量后可以开始涉足一些电影材料的学习,但就选材而言,以生活片、伦理片、爱情片等为宜,诸如《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)、《公主日记》(Princess Diary)等。


应当注意避免使用以动作片为代表的语言含量过少的片种,以及以科幻片为代表的词汇过难的片种,类似《黑衣人》(Man in Black)、《星球大战》(Star Wars)等恰恰两者兼而有之。

















但切忌面无表情,这是对考官的不尊重,或者表情和所说内容不一致,比如说在讲到一个interesting person的时候,你的脸上没有任何表情或者是很痛苦的表情,那么很显然,你在告诉考官你的答案是背的,或者你在撒谎。

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大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思口语:the politest person
Describe the politest person you know这个话题N年前就在雅思考试中出现过了,很多烤鸭看到它之后的第一个反应是,有礼貌的表现都有啥?或者没有礼貌的表现都有啥?再在前面加上not,就符合题目要求了。



keep your voice down in public
offer your seat to someone on the bus
put away his cell phone when talking or eating with friends
compliment the host's cooking while you are invited to dinner
It's impolite to go to a friend's home for dinner without bringing a gift.
Eating food on a subway or bus is bad manners.
Talking with your mouth full is considered rude.
It's rude to cut in line.
blow your nose when eating with others
swear or use bad language
have an argument in public
show affection in public(当街秀恩爱,不知道从什么时候起这个变成了伤害狗的行为……)
The politest person I met is a high school boy living upstairs. He always wears a friendly smile on his face, saying hello to everyone he bumps into. He's not very tall, about average height, but he always works out at the gym, so he's well built, you know, with six-pack abs. I know that because he once taught me how to swim. Well, that's another story.
Anyway, his family is loaded, but he's not spoiled at all! I remember one time, when I just moved into the apartment, his friends threw him a surprise birthday party, and you know how
wild teenagers can be these days, so at the end of the party, the whole building was in a mess, balloons and cakes were everywhere, and the worst part is, it was noisy and disturbing the whole time. Some of the neighbors were so furious because it was Saturday, and they needed to rest. I was like, oh, great, another spoiled rich boy. However, to my surprise, after his friends were gone, he and his housemaid cleaned all that up instead of waiting around for the janitor to do it. And he
even apologized to me for all the noise they made. I thought, wow, what a courteous young man. He really made a great first impression on me!
And after getting to know each other, we became good friends; he's like a little brother tome and always helps me fix my computer and stuff.
(And he's going to college this year; I really hope he can do a great job in the college entrance examination.)



Bump into somebody = run into somebody = to meet somebody by chance 例如:
Guess who I ran into today!
Well built = (of a person) with a solid, strong body
Abs = abdominals = the muscles of the abdomen

