




第一章:合同概述1·1 本合同包括正文及其所附的附件。

1·2 本合同为国际煤炭贸易合同,适用于边境交货。

1·3 双方确认了以下合同中双方的身份和买方:公司名称:地质:联系人:方式:电子卖方:公司名称:地质:联系人:方式:电子第二章:商品描述2·1 商品名称:煤炭2·2 规格/种类:(在此详细列出煤炭的规格和种类)第三章:数量与质量3·1 数量:(在此详细说明煤炭的总数量和每批次的数量) 3·2 质量:(描述煤炭的质量标准和检验方法)3·3 包装与标记:(描述煤炭的包装方式和标记要求)第四章:价格与付款方式4·1 价格:(详细描述煤炭的单价和总价)4·2 付款方式:(描述付款方式、条件和时间)第五章:交货与装运5·1 配送方式:(描述煤炭的交货方式、时间和地点) 5·2 装运方式:(描述煤炭的装运方式和装运责任)5·3 装运文件:(列出卖方应提供的全部装运文件)第六章:索赔与争议解决6·1 质量异议:(双方对质量异议的规定和解决方式)6·2 索赔:(描述索赔的条件和程序)6·3 争议解决:(约定争议解决的方式,如仲裁或法院裁决)第七章:不可抗力7·1 不可抗力事件的定义7·2 不可抗力事件的影响和解决方式第八章:其他条款8·1 违约责任:(描述违约方应承担的责任和违约赔偿)8·2 适用法律和管辖权:(描述适用的法律和解决争议的管辖权)附件:本合同附带以下附件:1·商品规格表2·付款方式明细表3·装运文件清单(列出其他附件)法律名词及注释:1·不可抗力(Force Majeure):指无法避免和克服的、在合同签署时对双方不可预见的、且不能控制的事件,使一方或双方无法履行合同义务。



国际煤炭贸易合同中英(边境交货)国际煤炭贸易合同中英(边境交货)1. 合同背景本合同是由卖方(以下简称“卖方”)与买方(以下简称“买方”)就煤炭的边境交货事宜达成的协议。


2. 货物规格2.1 煤炭品种及规格卖方应向买方交付以下品种和规格的煤炭:品种:x规格:x2.2 质量标准煤炭的质量应符合以下标准:灰分:不超过x%硫分:不超过x%挥发分:不低于x%固定碳:不低于x%热量:不低于x千卡/千克3. 交货方式及时间3.1 边境交货地点煤炭应在边境交货地点进行交付,该地点由双方确认为:地点:3.2 交货时间卖方应在合同签订后的x天内将煤炭交付给买方。

3.3 交货方式煤炭的交付方式为边境交货,卖方应负责将煤炭运送至边境交货地点。

4. 价格及支付条件4.1 价格卖方向买方提供的煤炭价格为每吨x美元。

4.2 支付方式和条件买方应在煤炭交付后x天内支付货款给卖方。


5. 仲裁任何因合同引起的争议,应通过友好协商解决。


6. 法律适用和管辖本合同应适用x国家法律。


7. 其他事项7.1 合同变更任何关于本合同的修改或变更,应由双方以书面形式进行。

7.2 合同解除在以下情况下,本合同可被解除:一方未履行合同义务的情况下,对方在书面通知后经过合理期限仍未履行;双方达成一致决定解除合同;7.3 合同生效本合同自双方签字盖章后立即生效,并取代双方之前的全部口头或书面约定。

8. 签字本合同正本一式两份,供双方签字盖章后各执一份,具有同等法律效力。




英文煤炭合同范本COAL SUPPLY AGREEMENTThis Coal Supply Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered intoas of [Insert Date], by and between [Insert Buyer's Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction], having its registered office at [Insert Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer"), and [Insert Seller's Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction], having its registered office at [Insert Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Seller").1. PURCHASE AND SALE OF COAL1.1 The Seller agrees to sell, and the Buyer agrees to purchase, the coal (the "Coal") as specified in the schedule attached hereto as Schedule A (the "Schedule").2. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE2.1 Delivery of the Coal shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Schedule.3. PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS3.1 The price for the Coal shall be as stated in the Schedule. Payment for the Coal shall be made in accordance with the payment terms set forth in the Schedule.4. QUALITY AND SPECIFICATIONS4.1 The Coal shall conform to the quality and specificationsset forth in the Schedule.5. FORCE MAJEURE5.1 Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of that party, including but not limited to acts of God, war, civil disturbance, labor disputes, or any other causes beyond the reasonable control of the affected party.6. ASSIGNMENT6.1 The Buyer shall not assign any of its rights or delegate any of its obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Seller.7. CONFIDENTIALITY7.1 Each party agrees to keep confidential all information obtained from the other party in connection with this Agreement and to use such information only for the purpose of performing its obligations under this Agreement.8. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION8.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Insert Arbitration Institution].9. NOTICES9.1 All notices, requests, demands, and other communicationsrequired or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly given when delivered personally or by overnight courier service, or three (3) days after being sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the addresses set forth below or to such other address as either party may designate in writing.For the Buyer: [Insert Address]For the Seller: [Insert Address]10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT10.1 This Agreement, including the Schedule, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whetherwritten or oral.11. AMENDMENT11.1 This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by both parties.12. SEVERABILITY12.1 If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.13. WAIVER13.1 No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party against whom the waiver is sought to be enforced.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Insert Buyer's Name]By: ___________________________[Insert Seller's Name]By: ___________________________。



国际煤炭贸易合同中英(边境交货).doc 范本一:国际煤炭贸易合同中英(边境交货).doc本合同由以下各方于_____年_____月_____日签署:卖方:(以下简称“甲方”)地址:方式:传真:电子:买方:(以下简称“乙方”)地址:方式:传真:电子:鉴于:1. 甲方经营煤炭贸易,并有权出口煤炭产品;2. 乙方有意购买煤炭,并有足够的购买能力;3. 双方希望就煤炭的交付、支付和价格等事项达成一致。


第一条产品描述1.1 产品名称:煤炭1.2 规格:详见附件一1.3 质量标准:详见附件二1.4 交收时间:详见附件三1.5 交货地点:详见附件四第二条交货和装运2.1 甲方负责将煤炭产品装运至指定的交货地点,并按照约定的交货时间完成交付。

2.2 乙方应当在甲方通知的交付日期前准备好交付所需的设备和场地,并配合甲方安排装运事宜。

第三条价格和支付条件3.1 价格:本合同的产品价格为__________,以每吨计算。

3.2 付款方式:乙方应在收到甲方交付煤炭产品后的30天内支付全部货款。

3.3 付款方式:乙方应将货款以银行电汇的方式支付给甲方。

...附件一:产品规格表附件二:产品质量标准附件三:交收时间表附件四:交货地点明细法律名词及释义:1. 合同:指双方当事人在平等自愿的基础上订立的具有法律约束力的协议。

2. 甲方:指本合同中出售煤炭产品的一方。

3. 乙方:指本合同中购买煤炭产品的一方。

4. 附件:指本合同中附属的相关文件或表格。

范本二:国际煤炭贸易合同中英(边境交货).doc本合同由以下各方于_____年_____月_____日签署:卖方:(以下简称“甲方”)地址:方式:传真:电子:买方:(以下简称“乙方”)地址:方式:传真:电子:鉴于:1. 甲方是一家专业经营煤炭贸易的企业,并拥有煤炭出口权;2. 乙方有意购买煤炭,并具备充足的购买能力;3. 双方希望就煤炭的交付、支付和价格等事项取得一致。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX国际煤炭贸易合同中英2024年通用本合同目录一览第一条合同主体1.1 卖方1.2 买方第二条煤炭规格及数量2.1 煤炭种类2.2 煤炭质量标准2.3 数量与计量单位2.4 数量确认与调整第三条价格与支付3.1 价格条款3.2 支付货币3.3 支付方式3.4 支付时间第四条交付与运输4.1 交付地点4.2 交付时间4.3 运输方式4.4 运输保险第五条质量保证与检验5.1 质量保证5.2 检验标准5.3 检验机构5.4 质量异议与处理第六条违约责任6.1 卖方违约6.2 买方违约6.3 违约赔偿第七条争议解决7.1 争议解决方式7.2 仲裁地点7.3 仲裁语言第八条适用法律8.1 合同适用的法律8.2 法律变更的影响第九条合同的生效、变更与终止9.1 合同生效条件9.2 合同变更9.3 合同终止第十条保密条款10.1 保密内容10.2 保密期限10.3 泄密责任第十一条不可抗力11.1 不可抗力事件11.2 不可抗力后果11.3 不可抗力通知与证明第十二条合同的附件12.1 附件内容12.2 附件的效力第十三条其他条款13.1 双方约定的其他事项13.2 附加条款的格式与效力第十四条合同的语言版本14.1 合同语言14.2 语言版本效力第一部分:合同如下:第一条合同主体1.1 卖方1.1.1 卖方名称:1.1.2 卖方地址:1.1.3 卖方法定代表人:1.1.4 卖方联系人及联系方式:1.2 买方1.2.1 买方名称:1.2.2 买方地址:1.2.3 买方法定代表人:1.2.4 买方联系人及联系方式:第二条煤炭规格及数量2.1 煤炭种类:2.1.1 煤种:2.1.2 煤炭热值:2.1.3 煤炭挥发份:2.1.4 煤炭硫分:2.2 煤炭质量标准:2.2.1 质量标准依据:2.2.2 质量检测方法:2.3 数量与计量单位:2.3.1 数量:2.3.2 计量单位:2.3.3 数量调整机制:2.4 数量确认与调整:2.4.1 数量确认方式:2.4.2 数量调整方式:第三条价格与支付3.1 价格条款:3.1.1 价格形式:3.1.2 价格计算依据:3.1.3 价格调整条件:3.2 支付货币:3.3 支付方式:3.3.1 支付方式选择:3.3.2 支付细节:3.4 支付时间:3.4.1 付款提前期:3.4.2 付款期限:第四条交付与运输4.1 交付地点:4.1.1 交货地点:4.1.2 交货方式:4.2 交付时间:4.2.1 交货期限:4.2.2 延迟交付的后果:4.3 运输方式:4.3.1 运输方式选择:4.3.2 运输路线:4.4 运输保险:4.4.1 保险责任:4.4.2 保险金额:4.4.3 保险理赔程序:第五条质量保证与检验5.1 质量保证:5.1.1 卖方质量保证:5.1.2 买方质量保证:5.2 检验标准:5.2.1 检验标准依据:5.2.2 检验项目:5.3 检验机构:5.3.1 检验机构选择:5.3.2 检验机构资质要求:5.4 质量异议与处理:5.4.1 质量异议提出:5.4.2 质量异议处理程序:第六条违约责任6.1 卖方违约:6.1.1 卖方违约行为:6.1.2 卖方违约责任:6.2 买方违约:6.2.1 买方违约行为:6.2.2 买方违约责任:6.3 违约赔偿:6.3.1 赔偿金额计算方式:6.3.2 赔偿责任限制:第七条争议解决7.1 争议解决方式:7.1.1 协商解决:7.1.2 调解解决:7.1.3 仲裁解决:7.2 仲裁地点:7.3 仲裁语言:第八条适用法律8.1 合同适用的法律:8.1.1 法律适用:8.1.2 法律冲突的处理:8.2 法律变更的影响:8.2.1 法律变更通知:8.2.2 法律变更的应对措施:第九条合同的生效、变更与终止9.1 合同生效条件:9.1.1 生效条件:9.1.2 生效时间:9.2 合同变更:9.2.1 合同变更条件:9.2.2 合同变更程序:9.3 合同终止:9.3.1 合同终止条件:9.3.2 合同终止程序:第十条保密条款10.1 保密内容:10.1.1 保密信息范围:10.1.2 保密信息使用限制:10.2 保密期限:10.2.1 保密期限长度:10.2.2 保密期限的延长:10.3 泄密责任:10.3.1 泄密责任认定:10.3.2 泄密责任赔偿:第十一条不可抗力11.1 不可抗力事件:11.1.1 不可抗力事件的定义:11.1.2 不可抗力事件的证明:11.2 不可抗力后果:11.2.1 不可抗力后果的处理:11.2.2 不可抗力后果的赔偿:11.3 不可抗力通知与证明:11.3.1 不可抗力通知程序:11.3.2 不可抗力证明文件:第十二条合同的附件12.1 附件内容:12.1.1 附件清单:12.1.2 附件效力:12.2 附件的效力:12.2.1 附件与合同的关系:12.2.2 附件的修改与补充:第十三条其他条款13.1 双方约定的其他事项:13.1.1 其他事项的性质:13.1.2 其他事项的效力:13.2 附加条款的格式与效力:13.2.1 附加条款格式:13.2.2 附加条款效力:第十四条合同的语言版本14.1 合同语言:14.1.1 合同语言选择:14.1.2 语言版本的优先级:14.2 语言版本效力:14.2.1 语言版本的法律效力:14.2.2 语言版本的解释权:第二部分:其他补充性说明和解释说明一:附件列表:附件一:煤炭质量检测报告附件二:运输保险单附件三:不可抗力事件证明附件四:合同变更协议附件五:保密协议附件六:争议解决协议附件一:煤炭质量检测报告本附件提供了煤炭的质量检测结果,包括煤炭种类、热值、挥发份、硫分等指标的数据。




二、合同条款1. 定义买方:指购买煤炭的一方。


2. 产品描述产品名称:煤炭。


3. 交货地点交货地点:边境指定地点。


4. 价格和支付方式价格:以卖方出厂价格为准,不含任何税费。


5. 质量检验质量检验:买方有权对煤炭进行性能测试和质量检验。


6. 违约责任买方违约:买方违约需赔偿卖方合同总金额的五十%。


7. 争议解决争议解决方式:买卖双方协商,如无法解决,则提交国际仲裁机构裁决。

三、合同生效与解除1. 合同生效合同生效:本合同自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为两年。

2. 合同解除合同解除:以下情况之一,本合同自动解除:买方或卖方申请破产或被宣布破产;买方或卖方因不可抗力事件无法履行合同义务。







Failure is the mother of success. (页眉可删)煤炭贸易合同中英文贸易合同又称契约或合约,是进口出口双方当事人依照法律通过协商就各自的在贸易上的权利和义务所达成的具有法律约束力的协议。


煤炭贸易合同范本一This contract is concluded on the day of (the “Effective Date”) between (the “Buyer”) and (the “Seller”).(买方)与(卖方)于日(生效日期)订立本合同。

1. SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT 合同目的The Seller agrees to sell and deliver Coal in bulk and the Buyer agrees to purchase and accept delivery of Coal in bulk at the terms and conditions set out below: 根据下述条款与条件卖方同意售卖和运送散装煤炭而买方同意购买及接受散装煤炭。

2. DEFINITIONS 定义3. QUANTITY 数量One cape-sized shipments of 165,000 Metric Tons +/- 10% in vessels option.一艘好望角型船只165,000公吨正负10%。

4. QUALITY 质量Colombian original coal in accordance with the following typical specifications (the “Coal”): 哥伦比亚原煤符合下述典型规格(煤炭)Buyers Right to Reject 买方拒收权The Buyer has the right to reject the Coal if: 买方有权拒收,如:The loadport Net Calorific Value (as received) result is below 5600 kcal/kg; or装货港净热值(收到时)低于5600大卡/公斤,或The loadport Sulphur content (as received) result is over 1%; or装货港含硫量(收到时)高于1%,或The loadport Ash content (as received) result is over 16%. 装货港灰分(收到时)高于16%5. PRICE 价格The price per Metric Ton of the Coal shall be calculated as follows:煤炭的每公吨价格计算如下:Price 价格US$ __x per MT delivered CIF 1 safe port, 1 safe berth in Fangcheng port, Guangxi province, China, basis 5,800 kcal/kg (NAR) with no draft restrictions at discharge port.每公吨美元$ CIF 一个安全港口,一个在港的安全、没有吃水限制泊位,基础5,800大卡/公斤(收到时净值)。



进口煤炭英文合同范本Import Contract of CoalContract No.: [具体合同编号]Date of Signature: [签约日期]Buyer: [买方公司名称及详细信息]Address: [买方地址]Contact Person: [联系人]Telephone Number: [电话号码]Fax Number: [号码]Seller: [卖方公司名称及详细信息]Address: [卖方地址]Contact Person: [联系人]Telephone Number: [电话号码]Fax Number: [号码]Article 1: Commodity and Specifications1.1 The modity under this contract is coal.1.2 The specifications of the coal are as follows: [详细列出煤炭的规格,如热值、灰分、水分、硫分等]Article 2: Quantity and Delivery2.1 The quantity of coal to be imported is [具体数量] metric tons.2.2 The delivery schedule is as follows: [列出具体的交货时间和批次]Article 3: Price and Payment3.1 The unit price of the coal is [具体价格] per metric ton.3.2 The total contract value is [总价].3.3 Payment terms: [详细说明付款方式,如预付款比例、尾款支付时间等]Article 4: Quality Inspection4.1 The quality of the coal shall be inspected an independent inspection agency agreed upon both parties.4.2 In case the quality of the coal does not meet the agreed specifications, the buyer has the right to clm pensation or request a replacement.Article 5: Shipping and Insurance5.1 The shipping of the coal shall be arranged the seller and the cost shall be borne the [指定方].5.2 Insurance for the shipment shall be covered the [指定方] and the detls shall be agreed upon separately.Article 6: Force Majeure6.1 If either party is unable to perform its obligations under this contract due to force majeure events such as natural disasters, war, or government actions, the affected party shall notify the other party in writing within a reasonable time and provide relevant evidence.6.2 The performance of the contract shall be suspended during the period of force majeure, and both parties shall negotiate to find a solution.Article 7: Dispute Resolution7.1 Any disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between the parties.7.2 If the negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [指定仲裁机构].Article 8: Other Terms and Conditions8.1 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy.8.2 This contract shall e into effect upon signature and seal both parties.Buyer (Signature and Seal): [买方签字盖章]Seller (Signature and Seal): [卖方签字盖章]。



国际煤炭贸易合同中英(边境交货)合同编号:[合同编号]本国际煤炭贸易合同(以下简称“本合同”)由以下买方(以下简称“买方”)和以下卖方(以下简称“卖方”)共同订立,双方经友好协商,一致同意如下:第一章:合同交货期限及地点1.1 交货期限买方同意自[合同签订日起]开始,每[合同规定的交货周期]提前通知卖方,并按照协商确定的交货期限提出交货要求。

1.2 交货地点买方和卖方确认,交货地点为[具体交货地点]。

第二章:煤炭规格和质量2.1 煤炭规格买方要求煤炭符合以下规格:[详细说明煤炭规格,包括粒度、灰分、挥发分等指标]。

2.2 煤炭质量买方和卖方同意,煤炭质量将按照以下标准进行检验:[具体的煤炭质量检验标准]。

第三章:交货方式和运输3.1 交货方式买方和卖方同意采用边境交货方式。


3.2 运输买方和卖方应共同商讨并确定合适的运输方式,并将在合同后续补充协议中详细约定运输细则、费用分担等事项。

第四章:价格和付款方式4.1 价格双方同意以人民币(RMB)对煤炭价格进行结算。


4.2 付款方式买方应在收到卖方发出的货物交付通知后[合同规定的付款期限]内将货款支付给卖方。


第五章:违约责任5.1 违约责任5.1.1 买方违约若买方未按照合同约定的交货时间和地点履行交货义务,买方应向卖方支付违约金,违约金的金额为未交货煤炭数量在合同约定的交货价格上按日计算的百分之[合同约定的违约金比例]。

5.1.2 卖方违约若卖方未按照合同约定的质量和数量交付煤炭,卖方应向买方支付违约金,违约金的金额为未交付煤炭数量在合同约定的购买价格上按日计算的百分之[合同约定的违约金比例]。

5.2 不可抗力若因不可抗力因素导致双方中任何一方无法履行合同义务,受影响一方应尽快通知对方,并在合理的时间内提供相关证明。

煤炭购销国际合同范本(英文版)(doc 7页)

煤炭购销国际合同范本(英文版)(doc 7页)

煤炭购销国际合同范本(英文版)(doc 7页)Contract of Sales and Purchases of Indonesia Steaming CoalThis Contract is made and entered into on this by and betweenThe Seller:Address:The Buyer:Address:By this Contract the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the following coal under the terms and conditions listed below:modity: Indonesia Steaming Coal2.Quantity: 70,000mt +/-10% At Buyer’s Option3.Specifications(Based on ISO Standards):TypicalTotal Moisture (as received) 36%Inherent Moisture (air dried) 15%min Ash (air dried) 6%max Volatile Matter (air dried) 39~43% Sulphur (air dried) 0.5%max HGI 45min Gross Calorific Value (air dried) 5400kcal/kgNet Calorific Value (as received) 3800kcal/kgSize (0~50mm) 95%4. Unit PriceUSD per metric ton CIF Huangpu, or other southern safe port, China5. Premium/PenaltyTotal MoistureIf Total Moisture (as received) of any shipment of coal exceeds 36%, the weight of that shipment shall be adjusted as follows:Invoice Weight = B/L weight ×〔1-(actual total7.1 The Seller shall deliver coal in bulk to theBuyer, free on board vessel spout trimmedat the loading port.7.2 Notice of Readiness may be tenderedduring office hour(Monday –Friday:09:00-17:00, Saturday:09:00 – 13:00) after the vessel has arrived at the loadingport, whether in berth or not, whether inport or not, provided the vessel is in allrespects ready to load and subject to freepratique being granted prior to or onarrival at the berth. Laytime for loadingshall commence twelve (12) hours (exceptIndonesian 6 major holidays –Idul Fitri 2days, Idul Adha 1 day, Independence Day 1day, Christmas 1 day, New Year 1day ) afterNotice of Readiness is tendered or whenloading commences, whichever is earlier. Ifafter berthing the vessel is found not to bein free pratique and in all respects notready to load or free pratique is not granted on arrival at the berth, laytime shall be deemed not to have commenced until when the vessel is in fact in free pratique and in all respects ready to load7.3 For the loading of each shipment under thiscontract, the Seller shall provide, free of charge to the Buyer, a safe anchorage or a safe berth at loading port where the vessel can, when fully laden, safely reach and leave and where she can always lie safely afloat.7.4 The Seller shall load coal on board the vessel at the following loading rate:8,000mt PWWD SHINC except the above mentioned 6 Major Indonesian holidaysAll costs relating to the berthing andsailing of the vessel are to be for theaccount of the Vessel Owner/Buyer (i.e.Tugboats, Linesmen, Harbour Dues,Government charges etc.).Coal loading charges are for the accountof the Seller.7.5If the Seller fail to meet the loading requirements specified in Clause 7.4, the Seller shall pay demurrage to the Buyer for all time lost after the expiration of laytime allowed. If the Seller can complete loading earlier than the laytime allowed, the Buyer shall pay dispatch money to the Seller for laytime saved.7.6Demurrage and dispatch rate to be as per relevant Charter Party. Demurrage or dispatch money shall be settled between the Seller and the Buyer within 45 days from the date of completion of loading of the coal (B/L date).7.7Any time lost by reason of any of the following (whether or not the Vessel is already on Demurrage) shall not be counted as Laytime or for Demurrage:(i)awaiting pratique, Customs clearance; (ii)inward passage from anchorage until the Vessel is securely morred at the berth; (iii)discharge of ballast to the extent that this is not concurrent with loading and which causes delay at the loading berth;(iv)restrictions imposed by the Owner, charterer or master of the Vessel;(v)time spent in first time opening and/or last time closing hatch covers;(vi)time spent in conducting a draft survey of the Vessel, if applicable, prior to the loading of the coal or, by the request of the Vessel side, during the loading of the Coal;(vii)b reakdown or failure of the Vessel to comply with the requirements or regulations of the loading port causing delay or restriction to loading operations; (viii)cleaning and inspection of the Vessel’s holds;(ix)any other delay attributable to the Vesselor the Buyer’s Agents.Loading shall be deemed to be completedand Laytime and Demurrage shall ceaseupon completion of the spout trimmingoperation.7.8The Buyer/Owner shall appoint ashipping agent nominated by Seller at the loading port.The Seller shall be requested to make closecontact with the shipping agent.8. Quality Determination:8.1 The Seller shall, at its own cost, appoint anIndependent Surveyor to carry out thesampling and analysis of the coal ata theloading port in accordance with Clause 4above and issue a Certificate of Qualitydetailing the results obtained in respect ofcoal loaded. The analysis results sodetermined at the loading port shall befinal and binding upon the parties hereto.8.2 The three “sample sets” shall be established for each shipment and distributed as follows:a) One sample set shall be used foranalysis of that shipment of coal byIndependent Surveyor at the loading portto determine its quality and characteristicpursuant to Clause 8.1.b) One sample set shall be deliveredwithin 7 days after the B/L date at theSeller’s cost to the Buyer in a suitableairtight container, properly sealed andlabeled, by air parcel or in such othermanner as the Buyer may direct.c) One sample set shall be retained byIndependent Surveyor at the loading portin a suitable airtight container (hereinafterreferred to as “Umpire Sample”), properlysealed and labeled, for a period of threemonths after completion of loading of thatshipment of coal.8.3 Quality DiscrepancyThe Buyer may, within 45 days from thedate the discharging port InspectionCertificate of Quality is released, challengethe quality of coal, supported by analysiscarried out by CIQ (China entry-exitinspection and Quarantine Bureau). Insuch event, Umpire Sample shall be sent toan International Independent SurveyorLaboratory (Umpire Laboratory) in thethird country agreeable by both partiesfor analysis and the determination by suchlaboratory of the quality of said shipmentof coal shall be final, conclusive andbinding on the parties; provided, however,that if the difference between such UmpireLaboratory’s determination hereunderand the determination of IndependentSurveyor at the loading port under Clause8.1 is within the tolerance level recognizedunder the relevant ISO standards for“reproducibility”, such difference shall bedisregarded for all purposes and thedetermination of Independent Surveyor atloading port shall be final, conclusive andbinding on the both parties. The cost ofthe analysis by such Umpire Laboratoryshall beborne and paid for by the partywhose analysis results differ more fromthe Umpire Laboratory’s determination. Ifthe Umpire Laboratory’s determinationstands at the middle between the loadingport results and the discharging portresults, then both parties shall share thecost of the analysis of the Umpire Sample.8.4The Buyer shall have the right to appointa representative to attend and observe the weight and quality determination at the loading port at any time and at its own expenses.9. Weight Determination:The seller shall at his own cost, determine the weight of the shipment at the loading port bymeans of draft survey which shall be conducted by an Independent Inspection Company at loading port as per Clause 8, who shall issue the Certificate of Weight and the Draft Survey Report. The result of which is final and binding upon the parties hereto.10. Payment:By irrevocable, at sight letter of credit in a format agreeable to the Seller, opened by a first class bank agreeable to the Seller and payable at the counters of any first class international bank nominated by the Seller. Such L/C to be received no later than fifteen(15) running days prior to the commencement date of the laycan of each shipment. Seller shall not be responsible for the cost of any delays in loading a nominated shipment due to any failure of the Buyer comply with these payment terms. The L/C shall cover 100% the value of the quantity to be loaded and shall be valid at the loading port until the 30 days after shipment. L/C allowsoverdrawn/underdrawn due to quality adjustments.The seller shall present documents to the negotiating bank as per documents requirement enlisted herebelow:-Seller’s signed commercial invoice in triplicate;-Full set of original clean on board bill(s) of lading(3 original +3 copies);-Certificate of Quality in triplicate issued by an Independent Inspection Company at loading port;-Certificate of Weight in triplicate and Draft Survey Report issued by an Independent Inspection Company at loading port;-Certificate of Origin;-Charter Party Bills of Lading is allowed.-Third party documents except commercial invoice are allowed.-Within 5 business days after completion of loading the vessel, the Seller forward to officeof the Buyer by facsimile the following documents:-One copy of the Bill of Lading,-On copy to the Commercial Invoice,-On copy to the Certificate of Quality,-On copy to the Certificate of Weight and the Draft Survey Report,-On copy to the Certificate of Origin.The total amount of the invoice shall be calculated to the nearest cents. The weight shall be counted to the nearest metric ton.Partial shipment not allowed.Transshipment not allowed.11. Taxes, Duties etc.:All taxes, duties, levies, dues etc. of the coal loading into the vessel, if any, at the port of loading shall be to the Seller’s account. All taxes, duties, levies, dues etc. of the coal discharging from the vessel, if any, at the discharging pot shall be to the Buyer’s account.12. Force Majeure:12.1 The Seller shall not be liable to the Buyer nor shall be the Buyer be liable to the Seller for any delay or failure in the performance of obligations under this contract if such delay of failure is due to or result from or is consequential upon Majeure.The term “Force Majeure” shall include but not limited to natural calamities, acts of public enemies, insurrections, strikes, lockouts, labor or union organized reduction of production, fires, war, explosions, floods, interruption of transportation or essential supplies and services, embargoes, orders or acts of courts, government or governmental authorities and any other cause event or circumstance not within the control of the party claiming suspension which, by the exercise of due diligence, such party is unable to prevent or overcome.12.2 The party whose performance of any obligation is affected by reason of any the causesreferred to 12.1 shall promptly give notice thereof by fax to the other party followed, as soon as practicable by a notice in writing setting forth the particulars of the relevant event and, if possible, supporting evidence issued by the competent governmental authorities within 14 days. The party so affected shall take reasonable steps to resume with the least possible delay in compliance with its obligation under this contract but shall not be required to settle any strike, lockout or other labor difficulty on terms not acceptable to it.12.3 Force Majeure shall not relieve either party from making payment due to the other party.13. Law/Arbitration:GOVERING LAW:This contract, including the arbitration clause, shall be governed by, interpreted and construed in accordance with English law. Any dispute that may arise out of or in relation to thisAgreement, which can not be settled by mutual understanding between Seller and Buyer, shall be referred to the London International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (LIETAC) interpretation and settlement. The arbitration shall be in English ant the decision shall be final and binding on both parties.ARRBITRATION:All disputes or controversies arising between the Seller and the Buyer under or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to the London International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (LIETAC) for arbitration by three arbitrators, one to be appointed by the Buyer, one to be appointed by the Seller, the third one to be chosen by the two arbitrators in accordance with LIETAC Rules. If no agreement is reached between the two arbitrators on the third arbitrator, then the Arbitration Court shall choose one. The place of arbitration shall be in London. The award ofsuch arbitration shall be biding upon the parties and judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction or application for judicial acceptance of the award and an order for enforcement as the case may be.The Seller and the Buyer shall continue to perform all their obligations under this contract pending publication of Arbitrator’s award and such performance shall be without prejudice to any adjustment in accordance with the award.14. Notice:Any notice given by one party to other shall be sent by facsimile. Any notice so given shall be deemed duly received on the 7th day following deposit in the mails, postage prepaid, and properly addressed as follows:(1)If the notice to the Buyer, to:(2)If the notice to the Seller, to:15. Others:This contract is confidential and shall not be exposed to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.The Seller: The Buyer:For and on behalf of For and on behalf of。



煤炭外贸合同英文版Here's an example of a coal trading contract in English, following the requested guidelines:Alright, let's get down to the basics. The quality of the coal we're dealing with is top-notch, with low ash and sulfur content. You can trust that we'll deliver what's promised.Now, regarding the quantity, we've agreed on a shipment of 10,000 metric tons. This should meet your current needs, but let's talk about future orders too.Payment terms are simple. We'll need a 30% advance payment, and the balance will be settled upon delivery and inspection. This is standard in the industry, so I hopeit's okay with you.Shipping details are next. We'll arrange for a reliable carrier to handle the shipment. Expect the coal to arrivewithin 30 days of payment confirmation.And last but not least, let's talk about disputes. If there are any issues with the quality or quantity of the coal, we'll work together to resolve them amicably. We value our relationship and want to keep things smooth.So, there you have it. The basic terms of.。

大宗煤炭 贸易三方合同 中英文

大宗煤炭 贸易三方合同 中英文

大宗煤炭贸易三方合同中英文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Three-way Coal Trade ContractHey guys, gather around because I want to tell you about this super cool three-way coal trade contract between three countries! It's like a big adventure where everyone has a role to play.Once upon a time, there was a country called Coal Land that had a lot of coal but not enough money. Then there was another country called Money Land that had lots of money but not enough coal. And finally, there was a country called Transport Land that had amazing transportation but needed coal to keep it running.So, the three countries decided to make a deal! Coal Land would sell its coal to Money Land, who would then sell it to Transport Land. It was like passing the baton in a relay race, but with coal!They all sat down and wrote a big contract with lots of words and signatures. It had all the details about how much coal would be sold, at what price, and when it would be delivered. They even talked about what would happen if something went wrong, like if the coal got lost or the money didn't arrive on time.Everyone was so excited to sign the contract and get started with the trade. Coal Land was happy to make some money, Money Land was excited to get the coal they needed, and Transport Land was ready to keep their trains running on time.And so, the three countries started their trading adventure, making sure to follow the contract and keep everything fair and square. They all worked together to make sure the coal was delivered safely and on time, and everyone was happy with the deal they had made.And that's the story of the three-way coal trade contract! It just shows that when countries work together, they can all benefit and make amazing things happen. So, let's all remember to be fair and honest in our trades, just like Coal Land, Money Land, and Transport Land did.The end!篇2Once upon a time, there were three friends named Tom, Jerry, and Lisa. They loved playing together and going on adventures. One day, they decided to do a big project together - selling coal!Tom knew a lot about coal mining, Jerry had connections with coal buyers, and Lisa was great at negotiating deals. They thought it was a perfect match and decided to form a three-way trade contract.The contract stated that Tom would be responsible for mining the coal, Jerry would find buyers for the coal, and Lisa would negotiate the trade deals. They all agreed on the terms and signed the contract with their crayons.Tom started mining the coal in his backyard while Jerry reached out to some potential buyers. Lisa made sure to get the best prices for their coal and negotiated fair deals for everyone.Soon enough, they were making a lot of money from selling coal. They were able to buy new toys, go on fun trips, and help out their families.Their coal trade business became very successful, and they even expanded to selling other minerals and resources. They worked hard and always stuck together as a team.In the end, their friendship grew even stronger, and they knew that they could achieve anything as long as they worked together. The three friends were proud of their big accomplishment and looked forward to more adventures ahead.篇3Title: The Three-way Contract for Bulk Coal TradeHi everyone! Today I want to talk about a super-duper important thing called a three-way contract for trading bulk coal. It’s like a super cool agreement between three parties to make sure everyone plays fair and gets what they need. Let’s dive right in!First off, let’s talk about what bulk coal is. It’s like these big chunks of black stuff that we use to make electricity and heat our homes. So, it’s like super important for keeping the lights on and staying warm in the winter.Now, imagine there are three friends –let’s call them Ann, Bob, and Charlie. Ann has a big coal mine, Bob owns a bunch of trucks to transport the coal, and Charlie runs a power plant that needs coal to make electricity. They all need each other to do their jobs, so they decide to make a three-way contract.In the contract, they agree on things like how much coal Ann will sell to Bob, when Bob will deliver the coal to Charlie’s power plant, and how much money Charlie will pay for the coal. It’s like a big circle of friendship and cooperation!But wait, there’s more! They also i nclude rules on what happens if something goes wrong, like if Bob’s trucks break down or if Charlie’s power plant can’t use all the coal. They make sure to talk about these things in the contract so everyone knows what to do in case of a problem.So, the three friends sign the contract and everyone is happy! Ann gets to sell her coal, Bob gets to transport it, and Charlie gets to power his plant. It’s like a win-win-win situation for everyone!And that, my friends, is the magic of a three-way contract for bulk coal trade. It’s like a super cool way for three parties to work together and make sure everything goes smoothly. So remember, cooperation is key when it comes to trading bulk coal!That’s all for today. Thanks for listening and have acoal-tastic day! Bye-bye!篇4Three-way Contract for Bulk Coal TradeHello everyone! Today I want to talk about a three-way contract for bulk coal trade. It's a super important document that helps make sure everyone involved in the trade knows what they're supposed to do. Let's dive in and learn more about it!First of all, let's talk about what a three-way contract is. Basically, it's a legal agreement between three parties - the buyer, the seller, and the intermediary. In this case, the contract is for trading bulk coal, which is a super important energy resource that's used to generate electricity and heat homes.In the contract, the buyer agrees to purchase a certain amount of coal from the seller at an agreed-upon price. The seller agrees to supply the coal to the buyer in a timely manner and ensure that it meets the quality standards specified in the contract. The intermediary, who helps facilitate the transaction between the buyer and seller, makes sure that everything goes smoothly and provides any necessary assistance.The contract also outlines the terms and conditions of the trade, such as the payment method, delivery schedule, and dispute resolution process. It's important for all parties to carefully read and understand the contract before signing it to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts later on.In conclusion, a three-way contract for bulk coal trade is a crucial document that helps ensure a fair and smooth transaction between the buyer, seller, and intermediary. By following the terms and conditions outlined in the contract, everyone can work together to make the trade successful. Let's always remember to communicate openly and honestly to ensure a successful partnership. Thank you for listening!篇5Once upon a time, there were three friends - Coal, Trade, and Agreement. They decided to work together and signed a Three-party Contract.In the contract, they agreed to buy and sell coal in large quantities. Coal promised to provide high-quality coal with a reasonable price. Trade promised to help with the logistics and ensure timely delivery. And Agreement promised to make sure all terms and conditions were met.The three friends worked together seamlessly. Coal dug up the coal from the mines, Trade arranged for transportation, and Agreement made sure all the paperwork was in order. They were a great team!Soon, they received orders from different countries for their coal. The Three-party Contract proved to be very successful. They were making a lot of money and their business was thriving.But one day, they encountered a problem. There was a dispute over the quality of the coal. Coal claimed that they had provided the best quality coal, but the buyers were not satisfied. Trade tried to negotiate, but it seemed like they were at a standstill.Agreement stepped in and reminded them of their contract. They had agreed to resolve any disputes through arbitration. So they went to an arbitrator who carefully listened to both sides and made a fair decision.In the end, the three friends learned the importance of trust, communication, and sticking to their contract. They continued to work together successfully, and their business grew even bigger.And they lived happily ever after, thanks to their Three-party Contract.篇6Title: Big Coal Trading Tripartite ContractHello everyone! Today I want to tell you about a big trading contract for coal that involves three parties. The parties are a coal supplier, a trading company, and a coal buyer. It's like a big puzzle where everyone has a piece to make it work!The first party is the coal supplier. They have a big coal mine and they want to sell their coal to make money. The second party is the trading company. They help the coal supplier find buyers for their coal and make sure everything goes smoothly. The last party is the coal buyer. They need coal for their factories or power plants, so they buy it from the supplier through the trading company.Now, let's talk about the contract. It's a big document that has all the details about the coal trading. It says how much coal will be sold, the price, when it will be delivered, and more. Everyone has to agree to the contract before they can start trading.The contract also has rules for what happens if something goes wrong. For example, if the coal isn't good quality, the buyer can ask for a refund. Or if the coal is delivered late, the seller might have to pay a penalty. It's important to have these rules so everyone knows what to do if there's a problem.In the end, trading coal is a big business that involves a lot of people working together. The contract helps make sure everyone knows what they're supposed to do and keeps things fair for everyone. I hope you learned something new about coal trading today! Thanks for listening!篇7Once upon a time, there were three friends named Tim, Lily, and Jack. They loved playing together and always had lots of fun. One day, they decided to do a project together - trading coal.Tim said, "I have a coal mine in my backyard. We can sell the coal to make some money."Lily replied, "That's a great idea! I have contacts in China who are looking for coal. We can sell it to them."Jack added, "I know some traders who can help us with the logistics. Let's make a three-way trade agreement!"So, the three friends sat down and drafted a contract for their coal trading business. They agreed on the terms of the trade, the price of the coal, and the delivery schedule. They made sure to include clauses for quality assurance and payment terms.After finalizing the contract, they signed it and started their coal trading venture. Tim's mine produced high-quality coal, Lily's contacts in China were happy with the product, and Jack's traders ensured smooth delivery.The three friends worked hard and their business grew rapidly. They became successful coal traders, making a lot of money and having a great time together.In the end, they realized that teamwork and cooperation were the key to their success. They were happy that they had formed a partnership and worked together to achieve their goals.And so, Tim, Lily, and Jack lived happily ever after, trading coal and enjoying the fruits of their labor. The end.篇8Contract: Three-party Agreement for Coal TradingHello everyone! Today, I want to talk to you about a super important document called a three-party agreement for coal trading. This contract is like a big promise between three people who want to trade coal together. Cool, right?First, let's talk about what a three-party agreement is. It's when three parties - in this case, a coal seller, a coal buyer, and a coal trader - all agree to work together to buy and sell coal. They have to write down all the important details in a contract to make sure everyone keeps their promises. It's like saying, "I promise to sell you coal, you promise to buy coal, and our friend over there promises to help us make the deal."In this contract, the coal seller promises to deliver a certain amount of coal to the buyer. The buyer promises to pay the seller for the coal. And the coal trader promises to help arrange the deal and make sure everything goes smoothly. They also have to write down things like the price of the coal, when it will be delivered, and what happens if someone doesn't keep their promise.It's really important for everyone to read the contract carefully and make sure they understand all the details. If there are any problems or disagreements later on, they can look back at the contract to see what they promised to do. That way, everyone knows what to expect and how to solve any issues that might come up.So, remember, if you ever want to trade coal with your friends, make sure to write down all the important details in athree-party agreement. That way, everyone can keep their promises and make the deal a success. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be trading coal with people all around the world! Cool, huh?That's all for today, folks! Thanks for listening to my talk about three-party agreements for coal trading. See you next time!篇9Three-Way Coal Trading ContractHey everyone! Today we’re going to talk about a special contract called a three-way coal trading contract. It’s like a big deal where three different companies agree to buy and sell coal to each other. Let’s learn more about it!First, let’s introduce the three companies involved in the contract. Company A is a coal mining company that digs the coal out of the ground. Company B is a trading company that helps sell the coal to other countries. And Company C is a manufacturing company that uses the coal to make electricity.So how does the contract work? Company A agrees to sell a certain amount of coal to Company B at a specific price. ThenCompany B agrees to sell that coal to Company C at a higher price. This way, everyone makes money!But what if something goes wrong? Don’t worry, the contract has rules for that too. It says what happens if the coal isn’t good quality or if it doesn’t arrive on time. The companies have to talk to each other and figure out a solution.In the end, the three-way coal trading contract helps all the companies involved make money and keep the coal industry running smoothly. It’s like a big team working together to keep the lights on!That’s all for today, folks. Thanks for learning about the three-way coal trading contract with me. See you next time!篇10Title: Big Coal Trade Tripartite ContractHi everyone! Today, I want to tell you about a super duper important contract called the Big Coal Trade Tripartite Contract. It's all about three parties coming together to trade coal. Let's dive into it!Once upon a time, there were three friends - Coalie, Minie, and Tradie. Coalie had lots and lots of coal, Minie had a big shipto transport the coal, and Tradie had a fancy store to sell the coal. They all decided to work together to make lots of money!First, they sat down and wrote a contract to make everything official. They agreed that Coalie would give Minie a whole bunch of coal to load onto the ship. Then, Minie would sail the ship to Tradie's store and unload all the coal. Finally, Tradie would sell the coal and share the profits with Coalie and Minie.In the contract, they also wrote down all the important details like how much coal would be traded, the price of the coal, and when the coal would be delivered. They even talked about what to do if something went wrong, like if the ship got lost at sea or if the coal was damaged.After everything was written down and signed, Coalie, Minie, and Tradie were super happy! They knew that by working together and following the contract, they would all be successful in their coal trading business.And so, the Big Coal Trade Tripartite Contract became a symbol of friendship, teamwork, and trust among Coalie, Minie, and Tradie. They worked hard, followed the contract, and made lots of money together. Hooray!So, kids, always remember the importance of contracts and working together to achieve your goals. Just like Coalie, Minie, and Tradie, you can also be successful if you cooperate and follow the rules. Good luck!That's the end of my story about the Big Coal Trade Tripartite Contract. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. See you next time! Bye-bye!。



CONTRACT OF COAL TRADE FRONTIER DELIVERY1.附录主题Subject of the Appendix.卖方承诺交付给买方俄罗斯动力煤以下简称“货物”,且买方承诺接受并支付该货物。

The Seller undertakes to deliver to the Buyer Russian Steam Coal hereinafter referred to as the “Goods”, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for such Goods.2. 货物质量The Quality of Goods2.1. 合同附录№30下可交付货物的质量须符合以下品质特征The quality of the Goods to be delivered under the Appendix №30 being the part of the Goods deliverable under the contract shall correspond to the following quality characteristics:3.发货量及时间,交付条件Volume and period of dispatch of the Goods. Terms of delivery.3.1根据附录№xx卖家承诺将货物从始发站按以下的量和时间进行发货。

年月吨数:吨(卖家可以选择有 %的上下浮动)准确的铁路计划,确切的派遣月份将由公司不迟于派遣日的5天前宣布。

Under the Appendix №30 the Seller undertakes to dispatch the Goods from the Departure stations during the following period and in the following quantity: December 2014 Tonnage: 10 x0 000 MTS +/-5PCT xPCT in Seller’s Option.The exact railway plan for the relevant Month of dispatch shall be declared by SUEK AG no later than 5 (Five) calendar days prior to the first day of dispatch3.2 货物派遣日期以及货物量将以始发站托运收据的每个印章日期为准。



煤炭贸易合同范本英文Coal Trade ContractThis Coal Trade Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [date] and between:Party A:Name: [Party A's Name]Address: [Party A's Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person's Name]Telephone: [Telephone Number]Fax: [Fax Number]E: [E Address]Party B:Name: [Party B's Name]Address: [Party B's Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person's Name]Telephone: [Telephone Number]Fax: [Fax Number]E: [E Address]WHEREAS, Party A is engaged in the business of coal supply and Party B is in need of purchasing coal;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contned herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Commodity and QuantityParty A shall supply to Party B [quantity] metric tons of coal (the "Coal") as specified in the Appendix attached hereto.2. Quality and SpecificationsThe Coal shall meet the quality and specifications as set forth in the Appendix.3. Price and PaymentThe price of the Coal shall be [price per metric ton] in [currency]. Party B shall make payment to Party A within [number of days] days after the receipt of the Coal and the corresponding invoice. Payment shall be made [payment method] to the bank account specified Party A.4. DeliveryThe Coal shall be delivered to [delivery location] on or before [delivery date]. The risk of loss and damage to the Coal shall pass to Party B upon delivery.5. Inspection and AcceptanceParty B shall have the right to inspect the Coal upon delivery. If the Coal does not conform to the quality and specifications specified in this Contract, Party B shall notify Party A within [number of days] days after the delivery. Party A shall be responsible for replacing the non-conforming Coal or providing a credit for the value of the non-conforming Coal.6. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any flure or delay in performing its obligations under this Contract to the extent such flure or delay is caused an event of Force Majeure. An event of Force Majeure shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the affected party, including but not limited to acts of God, war, civil unrest, strikes, lockouts, epidemics, and government regulations.7. ConfidentialityThe parties agree to keep the terms and conditions of this Contract confidential and not to disclose them to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.8. Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation within [number of days] days, either party may submit the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution]. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.9. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Party A: ______________________Signature: ______________________Date: ______________________Party B: ______________________Signature: ______________________Date: ______________________Appendix:1. Detled specifications of the Coal2. Delivery schedule3. Payment terms and conditionsPlease note that this is a basic template and may need to be customized based on the specific requirements and circumstances of the coal trade transaction. It is remended to consult with a legal professional to ensure the contract is legally valid and enforceable.。



煤炭出口英文合同范本CONTRACT FOR THE EXPORT OF COALThis Contract is made and entered into on [Contract Date] and between:Party A (the Seller): [Seller's Name and Contact Information]Party B (the Buyer): [Buyer's Name and Contact Information]WHEREAS, Party A is willing to sell and export certn quantity of coal as specified herein, and Party B is desirous of purchasing and receiving the same.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contned herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are here acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:Article 1: Description of CoalThe coal to be exported Party A shall ply with the following specifications: Quality: [Specify the quality requirements such as calorific value, ash content, sulfur content, etc.]Quantity: [Specify the quantity to be exported in terms of weight or volume] Origin: [Indicate the place of origin of the coal]Article 2: Price and PaymentThe price of the coal shall be [Specify the price per unit, including any applicable terms and conditions for payment] and shall be pd Party B as follows: Payment Method: [Indicate the payment method, such as letter of credit, bank transfer, etc.]Payment Terms: [Specify the payment schedule and any relevant conditions] Article 3: DeliveryThe coal shall be delivered Party A to the port of loading specified Party B at [Loading Port] within the agreed time frame. The loading and unloading of the coal shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant shipping and port regulations.Article 4: Inspection and Quality AssuranceInspection of the coal shall be carried out a mutually agreed upon independent inspection agency at the loading port. The results of the inspection shall be final and binding on both parties. If the quality of the coal does not meet the agreed specifications, Party B shall have the right to clm pensation or take other appropriate actions in accordance with the terms of this Contract.Article 5: Shipping DocumentsParty A shall provide Party B with the following shipping documents:Bill of LadingCommercial InvoiceQuality CertificateOther relevant documents as requiredArticle 6: Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any delay or flure to perform its obligations under this Contract due to force majeure events such as natural disasters, wars, epidemics, or other events beyond the reasonable control of the affected party. However, the affected party shall notify the other party as soon as possible and provide evidence of the force majeure event.Article 7: Dispute ResolutionAny disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation. In case of flure to reach an agreement through negotiation, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in [Arbitration Location] in accordance with the arbitration rules of the relevant arbitration institution.Article 8: Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Specify the governing jurisdiction].Article 9: Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings relating to the subject matter of this Contract. No amendment or modification of this Contract shall be effective unless in writing and signed both parties.Article 10: NoticesAll notices, requests, clms, or other munications under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be delivered hand, sent registered , or transmitted facsimile or e to the addresses or facsimile numbers or e addresses specified below: For Party A:Address: [Seller's Address]Fax: [Seller's Fax Number]E: [Seller's E Address]For Party B:Address: [Buyer's Address]Fax: [Buyer's Fax Number]E: [Buyer's E Address]In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract on the date and year first above written.Party A (Seller): [Seller's Signature]Party B (Buyer): [Buyer's Signature]Please note that this is a sample contract and you may need to adjust and customize it according to your specific requirements and circumstances. It is advisable to seek legal advice or professional assistance if necessary.。



Contract of Sales and Purchases of Indonesia Steaming CoalThis Contract is made and entered into on this by and betweenThe Seller:Address:The Buyer:Address:By this Contract the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the following coal under the terms and conditions listed below:modity: Indonesia Steaming Coal2.Quantity: 70,000mt +/-10% At Buyer’s Option3.Specifications(Based on ISO Standards):TypicalTotal Moisture (as received) 36%Inherent Moisture (air dried) 15%minAsh (air dried) 6%maxV olatile Matter (air dried) 39~43%Sulphur (air dried) 0.5%maxHGI 45minGross Calorific Value (air dried) 5400kcal/kgNet Calorific Value (as received) 3800kcal/kgSize (0~50mm) 95%4.Unit PriceUSD per metric ton CIF Huangpu, or other southern safe port, China5. Premium/PenaltyTotal MoistureIf Total Moisture (as received) of any shipment of coal exceeds 36%, the weight of that shipment shall be adjusted as follows:Invoice Weight = B/L weight ×〔1-(actual total moisture – 36%)〕Gross Calorific ValueIf actual Net Calorific V alue (as received) of coal varies from 3800kcal/kg (gad), the price for that cargo of coal shall be adjusted by using the following formula:Actual Net Calorific Value (as received)Invoice Unit Price = USD /mt ×————————————————————3800kcal/kg (gad)6. Shipment: 70,000mt +/-10% at buyer’s option7. Loading Terms:7.1 The Seller shall deliver coal in bulk to the Buyer, free on board vessel spout trimmed at theloading port.7.2 Notice of Readiness may be tendered during office hour(Monday –Friday:09:00-17:00,Saturday:09:00 – 13:00) after the vessel has arrived at the loading port, whether in berth or not, whether in port or not, provided the vessel is in all respects ready to load and subject to free pratique being granted prior to or on arrival at the berth. Laytime for loading shall commence twelve (12) hours (except Indonesian 6 major holidays –Idul Fitri 2 days, Idul Adha 1 day, Independence Day 1 day, Christmas 1 day, New Year 1day ) after Notice of Readiness is tendered or when loading commences, whichever is earlier. If after berthing the vessel is found not to be in free pratique and in all respects not ready to load or free pratique is not granted on arrival at the berth, laytime shall be deemed not to have commenced until when the vessel is in fact in free pratique and in all respects ready to load7.3 For the loading of each shipment under this contract, the Seller shall provide, free of charge tothe Buyer, a safe anchorage or a safe berth at loading port where the vessel can, when fully laden, safely reach and leave and where she can always lie safely afloat.7.4 The Seller shall load coal on board the vessel at the following loading rate:8,000mt PWWD SHINC except the above mentioned 6 Major Indonesian holidaysAll costs relating to the berthing and sailing of the vessel are to be for the account of theVessel Owner/Buyer (i.e. Tugboats, Linesmen, Harbour Dues, Government charges etc.).Coal loading charges are for the account of the Seller.7.5If the Seller fail to meet the loading requirements specified in Clause 7.4, the Seller shall paydemurrage to the Buyer for all time lost after the expiration of laytime allowed. If the Seller can complete loading earlier than the laytime allowed, the Buyer shall pay dispatch money to the Seller for laytime saved.7.6Demurrage and dispatch rate to be as per relevant Charter Party. Demurrage or dispatchmoney shall be settled between the Seller and the Buyer within 45 days from the date of completion of loading of the coal (B/L date).7.7Any time lost by reason of any of the following (whether or not the Vessel is already onDemurrage) shall not be counted as Laytime or for Demurrage:(i)awaiting pratique, Customs clearance;(ii)inward passage from anchorage until the Vessel is securely morred at the berth;(iii)discharge of ballast to the extent that this is not concurrent with loading and which causes delay at the loading berth;(iv)restrictions imposed by the Owner, charterer or master of the Vessel;(v)time spent in first time opening and/or last time closing hatch covers;(vi)time spent in conducting a draft survey of the Vessel, if applicable, prior to the loading of the coal or, by the request of the Vessel side, during the loading of theCoal;(vii)breakdown or failure of the Vessel to comply with the requirements or regulations of the loading port causing delay or restriction to loading operations;(viii)cleaning and inspection of the Vessel’s holds;(ix)any other delay attributable to the Vessel or the Buyer’s Agents.Loading shall be deemed to be completed and Laytime and Demurrage shall cease upon completion of the spout trimming operation.7.8The Buyer/Owner shall appoint a shipping agent nominated by Seller at the loading port.The Seller shall be requested to make close contact with the shipping agent.8. Quality Determination:8.1 The Seller shall, at its own cost, appoint an Independent Surveyor to carry out the sampling andanalysis of the coal ata the loading port in accordance with Clause 4 above and issue a Certificate of Quality detailing the results obtained in respect of coal loaded. The analysis results so determined at the loading port shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto.8.2 The three “sample sets” shall be established for each shipment and distributed as follows:a) One sample set shall be used for analysis of that shipment of coal by IndependentSurveyor at the loading port to determine its quality and characteristic pursuant to Clause8.1.b) One sample set shall be delivered within 7 days after the B/L date at the Sell er’s cost tothe Buyer in a suitable airtight container, properly sealed and labeled, by air parcel or in such other manner as the Buyer may direct.c) One sample set shall be retained by Independent Surveyor at the loading port in asuitable airtight container (hereinafter referred to as “Umpire Sample”), properly sealed and labeled, for a period of three months after completion of loading of that shipment of coal.8.3 Quality DiscrepancyThe Buyer may, within 45 days from the date the discharging port Inspection Certificate of Quality is released, challenge the quality of coal, supported by analysis carried out by CIQ (China entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau). In such event, Umpire Sample shall be sent to an International Independent Surveyor Laboratory (Umpire Laboratory) in the third country agreeable by both parties for analysis and the determination by such laboratory of the quality of said shipment of coal shall be final, conclusive and binding on the parties;provided, however, th at if the difference between such Umpire Laboratory’s determination hereunder and the determination of Independent Surveyor at the loading port under Clause8.1 is within the tolerance level recognized under the relevant ISO standards for“reproducibility”, such difference shall be disregarded for all purposes and the determination of Independent Surveyor at loading port shall be final, conclusive and binding on the both parties. The cost of the analysis by such Umpire Laboratory shall beborne and paid for by the party whose analysis results differ more from the Umpire Laboratory’s determination. If the Umpire Laboratory’s determination stands at the middle between the loading port results and the discharging port results, then both parties shall share the cost of the analysis of the Umpire Sample.8.4The Buyer shall have the right to appoint a representative to attend and observe the weightand quality determination at the loading port at any time and at its own expenses.9. Weight Determination:The seller shall at his own cost, determine the weight of the shipment at the loading port by means of draft survey which shall be conducted by an Independent Inspection Company at loading port as per Clause 8, who shall issue the Certificate of Weight and the Draft Survey Report. The result of which is final and binding upon the parties hereto.10. Payment:By irrevocable, at sight letter of credit in a format agreeable to the Seller, opened by a first class bank agreeable to the Seller and payable at the counters of any first class international bank nominated by the Seller. Such L/C to be received no later than fifteen(15) running days prior to thecommencement date of the laycan of each shipment. Seller shall not be responsible for the cost of any delays in loading a nominated shipment due to any failure of the Buyer comply with these payment terms. The L/C shall cover 100% the value of the quantity to be loaded and shall be valid at the loading port until the 30 days after shipment. L/C allows overdrawn/underdrawn due to quality adjustments.The seller shall present documents to the negotiating bank as per documents requirement enlisted herebelow:-Seller’s signed commercial invoice in triplicate;-Full set of original clean on board bill(s) of lading(3 original +3 copies);-Certificate of Quality in triplicate issued by an Independent Inspection Company at loading port;-Certificate of Weight in triplicate and Draft Survey Report issued by an Independent Inspection Company at loading port;-Certificate of Origin;-Charter Party Bills of Lading is allowed.-Third party documents except commercial invoice are allowed.-Within 5 business days after completion of loading the vessel, the Seller forward to office of the Buyer by facsimile the following documents:-One copy of the Bill of Lading,-On copy to the Commercial Invoice,-On copy to the Certificate of Quality,-On copy to the Certificate of Weight and the Draft Survey Report,-On copy to the Certificate of Origin.The total amount of the invoice shall be calculated to the nearest cents. The weight shall be counted to the nearest metric ton.Partial shipment not allowed.Transshipment not allowed.11. Taxes, Duties etc.:All taxes, duties, levies, dues etc. of the coal loading into the vessel, if any, at the port of loading sha ll be to the Seller’s account. All taxes, duties, levies, dues etc. of the coal discharging from the vessel, if any, at the discharging pot shall be to the Buyer’s account.12. Force Majeure:12.1 The Seller shall not be liable to the Buyer nor shall be the Buyer be liable to the Seller for any delay or failure in the performance of obligations under this contract if such delay of failure is due to or result from or is consequential upon Majeure.The term “Force Majeure” shall include but not limited to nat ural calamities, acts of public enemies, insurrections, strikes, lockouts, labor or union organized reduction of production, fires, war, explosions, floods, interruption of transportation or essential supplies and services, embargoes, orders or acts of courts, government or governmental authorities and any other cause event or circumstance not within the control of the party claiming suspension which, by the exercise of due diligence, such party is unable to prevent or overcome.12.2 The party whose performance of any obligation is affected by reason of any the causes referred to 12.1 shall promptly give notice thereof by fax to the other party followed, as soon as practicable by a notice in writing setting forth the particulars of the relevant event and, if possible, supporting evidence issued by the competent governmental authorities within 14 days. The party so affected shall take reasonable steps to resume with the least possible delay in compliance with its obligation under this contract but shall not be required to settle any strike, lockout or other labor difficulty on terms not acceptable to it.12.3 Force Majeure shall not relieve either party from making payment due to the other party.13. Law/Arbitration:GOVERING LAW:This contract, including the arbitration clause, shall be governed by, interpreted and construed in accordance with English law. Any dispute that may arise out of or in relation to this Agreement, which can not be settled by mutual understanding between Seller and Buyer, shall be referred to the London International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (LIETAC) interpretation and settlement. The arbitration shall be in English ant the decision shall be final and binding on both parties.ARRBITRATION:All disputes or controversies arising between the Seller and the Buyer under or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to the London International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (LIETAC) for arbitration by three arbitrators, one to be appointed by the Buyer, one to be appointed by the Seller, the third one to be chosen by the two arbitrators in accordance with LIETAC Rules. If no agreement is reached between the two arbitrators on the third arbitrator, then the Arbitration Court shall choose one. The place of arbitration shall be in London. The award of such arbitration shall be biding upon the parties and judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction or application for judicial acceptance of the award and an order for enforcement as the case may be.The Seller and the Buyer shall continue to perform all their obligations under this contract pending publication of Arbitrator’s award and such performance shall be without prejudice to any adjustment in accordance with the award.14. Notice:Any notice given by one party to other shall be sent by facsimile. Any notice so given shall be deemed duly received on the 7th day following deposit in the mails, postage prepaid, and properly addressed as follows:(1)If the notice to the Buyer, to:(2)If the notice to the Seller, to:15. Others:This contract is confidential and shall not be exposed to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.The Seller: The Buyer:For and on behalf of For and on behalf of。



煤炭出口英文合同模板简单Coal Export Contract TemplateThis Coal Export Contract (the "Contract") is entered into on [Date] (the "Effective Date") between [Exporter Name], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Exporter"), and [Importer Name], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Importer").1. Definitions1.1 "Coal" refers to [describe the type and quality of coal].1.2 "Delivery Point" means the location where the Coal will be delivered as specified in Exhibit A.1.3 "Price" refers to the agreed amount to be paid by the Importer to the Exporter for the Coal, as set forth in Exhibit B.2. Quantity and Quality2.1 The Exporter agrees to sell and the Importer agrees to purchase [quantity] metric tons of Coal, subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract.2.2 The Coal shall meet the quality specifications as set forth in Exhibit C, which shall be determined by mutually agreed testing methods.3. Delivery3.1 The Exporter shall deliver the Coal to the Delivery Point in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in Exhibit D.3.2 The Importer shall provide reasonable notice to the Exporter regarding any changes in the delivery schedule.4. Price and Payment4.1 The Importer shall pay the Price for the Coal as specified in Exhibit B.4.2 Payment shall be made in [currency] to the Exporter's designated bank account within [number of days] days from the date of invoice.5. Risk of Loss and Title5.1 The risk of loss or damage to the Coal shall pass from the Exporter to the Importer upon delivery at the Delivery Point.5.2 Title to the Coal shall transfer from the Exporter to the Importer upon receipt of full payment.6. Force Majeure6.1 Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance under this Contract due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorism, strikes, or governmental regulations.7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution7.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].7.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].8. Entire Agreement8.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements, whether oralor written, relating to the subject matter hereof.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Coal Export Contract as of the Effective Date.[Exporter Name]By: [Authorized Signatory]Title: [Title][Importer Name]By: [Authorized Signatory]Title: [Title]Exhibits:A - Delivery PointB - PriceC - Quality SpecificationsD - Delivery Schedule。



煤炭贸易合同模板英文这是小编精心编写的合同文档,其中清晰明确的阐述了合同的各项重要内容与条款,请基于您自己的需求,在此基础上再修改以得到最终合同版本,谢谢!煤炭贸易合同模板英文Contract Template for Coal TradeParties:1. Seller: _______________________ (名称为卖方)2. Buyer: _______________________ (名称为买方)Date: _______________________ (日期)Contract No.: _______________________ (合同编号)1. Product and QuantityThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the following coal: - Type: _______________________ (煤的类型)- Quantity: _______________________ (数量)- Unit Price: _______________________ (单价)- Total Amount: _______________________ (总价)2. DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the coal to the Buyer's designated location within (number) days after the date of this contract. The coal must meet the quality standards set forth in the contract.3. Payment TermsThe Buyer shall make payment for the coal within (number) days after the date of the invoice issued by the Seller. Payment shall be made in (currency).4. Quality AssuranceThe Seller guarantees that the coal meets the agreed-upon quality standards. If the coal does not meet the agreed-upon quality standards, the Buyer has the right to request a refund or replacement for the non-conforming coal.5. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this contract due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, labor disputes, or disruptions in transportation.6. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be resolved through negotiations between the parties. If the negotiations fail to resolve the disputes, either party may submit the disputes to the (name of the arbitration institution) for arbitration in accordance with its rules and procedures.7. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of (jurisdiction).8. Entire AgreementThis contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written, of the parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.Seller: _______________________By: _______________________Name: _______________________Title: _______________________Date: _______________________Buyer: _______________________By: _______________________Name: _______________________Title: _______________________Date: _______________________。

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SALES CONTRACTIndonesian crushed steam coal in bulkCONTRACT NO.: 10LYIO1119 DATE: Nov. 19, 2010This agreement is made and entered on 19 November 2010 by and between:SELLER: CPL (MAURITIUS) LimitedADDRESS: 7th.Fl, Ebene Mews, 157 Ebene Cyber City, Ebene, MauritiusTELEPHONE:FAX:( hereinafter referred to as “Seller” )BUYER:NAME OF COMPANY :AAAG GROUP INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDADDRESS :B , HONG KONGTEL : 852-2227 0328FAX : 852-2222 0928( hereinafter referred to as “Buyer” )Whereas the Seller is in a position to supply the Crushed Steam Coal of Indonesia to the Buyer with following terms and conditions hereby agreed by and between both parties: of the Commodity: Indonesian crushed steam coal in bulk.2.Port of Loading : TABONEO, SOUTH KALIMANTAN, INDONESIAPort of Discharge : ZHENJIANG, CHINA3.Loading rate: 8000MT PWWD SHINC (INCLUDING SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS)Discharge rate: 12000MT PWWD SHINC (INCLUDING SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS)4.Demurrage / dispatch rate: USD15,000.00/USD7,500 PER DAY5.Unit price: USD73.50 M/T FOBST; USD3.5 M/T for 20% Sea FreightTotal USD77.0/ per M/T . Price reviewed every 3 months by mutual agreement.Negotiation to start on completion of loading of each of the 2nd. months shipments forThe following 3 months will be agreed in writing within 1 week.6. The reimbursement and/or penalty on quantity, quality、as well as vessel Demurrage / dispatch in thiscontract, shall all be paid within 30-days by TT one to another after completion of shipment in discharge port.8.Quantity: The quantity of the Commodity for shipment shall be 35,000(Thirty FiveThousand) Metric Tons(MT) per shipment, every 10 days, making 105,000MT month, ± 10% at vessel Owner’s option a period of one (1) year. Making a total of 1,260,000MT.9.Amount: first shipment USD2,695,000.00(+/-10%).YCAN: BEFORE DECEMBER 20, 2010 (SUBJECT TO THE LAYCAN TIME INCHARTERER'S NOTE)11. Shipment Advice:The seller (or shipper) shall fax the buyer within 3 working days of the completion of the loading, for the following conditions:A. The completion of loadingB. L/C NumberC. Copy of the bill of lading, commercial invoice, packing list ( and/or weight memo).12. Vessel Nomination:The Seller is responsible for chartering vessel and dispatch the Cargo Vessel at loading Anchorage on time. if the vessel has arrived on time in the loading anchorage with no sufficient cargo prepared on spot, or occurred any delay of loading lay-time, all charges and loss shall be borne by the Seller.13.Shipping terms and conditions which are not mentioned in this contract shall be applied to the latestedition of GENCON C/P.14. Payment Term: The Buyer shall open by a bank acceptable to the Seller an irrevocable, transferable L/Cat sight covering USD2,695,000.00 (+/-10%)14.1 The Seller shall issue a 2% Performance Bond of the cargo value through a Bank. Within 5working days of receipt of the operational L/C from the buyer.14.2 L/C shall allow negotiating bank to claim TT reimbursement.modity place of Origin: Indonesia.16.Delivery: shipment within 20 days after L/C is established17. Specifications :18. Documents required in the negotiation of L/C.18.1.The said Letter of Credit shall be payable by the issuing bank for the amount of 100% of the valueof this shipment accompanied by the following documents:A.Full set (3/3) original clean on board B/L made out to order , blank endorsed marked “freightprepaid”, and notify appli cant. Charter party B/L is acceptable,.B.Seller's signed commercial invoice in 3 original and 3 copies based on the weight stated in theB/L, and the guaranteed Calorific value and other elements respectively.C. Certificate of weight with moisture in 1 original and 3 copies issued by Geoservices atloading port;D.Certificate of Origin in 1 original and 2 copies issued by an appropriate authority;E.Certificate of Draft survey in 1 original and 3 copies issued by Geoservices at the loading port;F.Certificate of Quality in 1 original and 3 copies issued by Geoservices at the loading port;G. Seller's certificated copy of fax dispatched to Buyer within 48 hours after shipment advisingname of vessel, date of shipment, B/L No., Invoice No., quantity and value of shipment;18.2 The 100% payment pursuant to Clause 18.1 shall be calculated based on the Quantity andQuality of Coal as certified by the Certificate of Quantity and the Certificate of Quality issued by Geoservices at the Loading Port.19. Expenses:All the expenses including inspection fees of port of loading, export tariff and all the other expenses including the cost and other charges at the port of loading are on Seller's account.20.Price Adjustment and rejection according to quality receivedUnder the agreement of the two parties, the rewards and penalties terms shall be applied if the quality of the coal shipped is lower or higher than standard specifications in the contract.20.1 For actual Gross Calorific Value, the price adjustment shall as following termsAdjusted price:(Actual GCV ) x FOBT MV Price6300If the gross Calorific Value (ADB) of shipment is lower than 6100 kcal/kg, Buyer has right to reject. 20.2 For the actual Total Moisture (TM, the weight adjustment shall as following termsAdjusted price:Invoice weight= B/L weight x (100% - (Actual TM -16%)) There shall be no weight adjustment if the total moisture is below 16%.20.3 For the actual Ash Content (AC) , the price adjustment shall as following termsIf the actual Ash Content of the shipment of Coal as shown in the Certificate of Analysis exceeds the Guarantee level (15 %), and below the rejection level (17%), then the Invoice Price shall be reduced by an amount of US $ 0.25 per metric tonne for each one percent (1%) above.21. Force Majeure:Events Constituting Force MajeureNeither Party hereto shall be liable for any delay or failure in the performance of its obligations under the Contract if and to the extent that such delay or failure is directly caused by any event of Force Maj eure. The expression “Force Majeure” as used in the contract, means cause neither unforeseeable in normal planning, nor avoidable using reasonable diligence, and not within the control of the party or Parties Claiming Force Majeure . Including:Acts of God (natural forces), warfare, blockade, riots, revolution, insurrection, civilian commotions, strikes, plagues, epidemics, fires, floods, storms, typhoons, Earthquakes, landslides, obstruction of navigation at the port of loading, government acts including policy change, orders of any branch or subdivision thereof, acts of public enemies etc.; Seller’s inability to obtain export license or Buyer’s inability to obtain Import license or clearance, shall not be considered as Force Majeure.21.1. NoticeThe party whose performance of any obligation directly affected by a Force Majeure event shall notify the other party by fax or telegram with proof at once the occurrence thereof, and shall make every effect to mitigate the adverse effect thereof on its performance of the contract. Failure to submit such a legal notification will not waive the party’s exoneration from contractual obligations under Force Majeure event.21.2. Compensation deliveryDelivery of goods that would have been made under this Agreement during any period in which the performance of either party is prevented by Force Majeure declared as specified, shall be continued during the certain period under the agreement of two parties. However, the shipment shall be cancelled if both parties fail to agree to such delivery affected by Force Majeure declared.22. Delayed / Non Delivery & Failure To Accept Cargo22.1Except those in Clause 21, should the Seller fail to effect delivery of time as stipulated in thiscontract clause 8 and 10, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel that shipment and confiscate theperformance bond as per clause 14.22.2 If contract being cancelled or either party is not willing to carry out the contract, the seller hasobligation to return the issued L/C by the advising bank to the issuing bank without any delay.23.This agreement is stated in English.24. ArbitrationAny dispute under arising of by virtue of this contract or any different opinions occured between the parties, hereto, concerning their rights and obligations under this contract or claim caused byinsincerity in their transactions shall be finally resolved by arbitration. Such proceeding shall takeplace in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules of the Singaporan International Chamber of Commerce upon the written request of either Party. The decision of the arbitration proceeding shall be final and binding upon both parties.25.Any amendments of this contract shall be in the form of an addendum in written format to besigned by both parties and shall, thereafter form and become an integral part of this contract.26. This contract are triplicate. In witness of the duly authorized representatives of the Buyer, theSeller and in Witness. This contract will come into effect upon signing . All parties shall keep one copy respectively.___________________________ ______________________________.Seller: Buyer:CPL (Mauritius) Limited GGGG ROUP INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDPT AGRIMIN RESOURCESPeter Elliott /President Director______________________________PT AGRIMIN RESOURCES holds a license to sell and export coal from the Republic of Indonesia on behalf of the Seller and has the authority to act for and on behalf of the Seller. Therefore it shall take all responsibilities in relating to this transaction.。
