



2021年云南昆明理工大学英语翻译基础考研模拟试题A卷I.Translate the following proper nouns, abbreviations and technical terms intoChinese.(15 scores)II.Translate the following proper nouns, abbreviations and technical terms into English.(15 scores)III.Translate the following English into Chinese. (60 scores) Without a steady supply of fresh blood, without the oxygen it carries, the human brain is quickly impaired. In four minutes, brain cells, starved for oxygen, begin to die, and serious brain damage results. In another few minutes, the brain is completely destroyed.This was the crux of a stubborn problem. The heart could not be taken out of action for more than four minutes—very little time to repair a heart defect. Until a solution could be found, operating on the open heart would be impossible.Then two major advances pointed the way to open-heart surgery. One washypothermia, the artificial lowering of the body temperature. Body tissues need far less oxygen when the body is chilled. A “frozen”brain, for example, requires only half as much oxygen as one with a normal body temperature of 98.6 Fahrenheit. This means it can do without fresh blood for longer than four minutes and not suffer damage. In 1950, a Canadian professor, Wilfred G. Bigelow of the University of Toronto made this important discovery, and he immediately saw that hypothermia might give heart surgeons the chance “to operate on a bloodless heart”. With hypothermia, a surgeon could clamp off arteries leading to the heart and stop blood flowing into it. He could open the heart, drain it of excess blood, and operate in a“dry field”for more than five minutes. Two years later Dr. Floyed John Lewis of the University of Minnesota tried open-heart surgery with hypothermia. The day after the operation his five-year-old patient was walking, and she was discharged from the hospital ten days later.The future of heart surgery looked bright. But hypothermia could not be used safely in long and intricate heart surgery. During hypothermia, the heart sometimes lost its regular pumping beat. It fibrillated, or fluttered and trembled uselessly; and this fibrillation could cause death if the beat could not be restored. IV.Translate the following Chinese into English. (60 scores)气候变化对全球自然生态系统产生显著影响,温度升高、海平面上升、极端气候事件频发给人类生存和发展带来严峻挑战。



and D are given. Decide which of the alternatives best completes the sentence. Write the appropriate
letter on the ANSWER SHEET.
1. Because the cost of living in the United States is very high, ________ students should be
昆明理工大学 2019 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A 卷)
考试科目名称 :翻译图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,
2. 评卷时不评阅本试题册,答题如有做在本试题册上而影响成绩的,后果由考生自己负责。
comfortably established there, he wrote War and Peace.
A. ensconced
B. circumscribed
C. avowed
D. coerced
7. He entered the United States in 1988 as a ________ resident because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.
A. distracted
B. detracted
C. contracted
D. subtracted
3. ________ should we seek temporary economic development at the expense of the environment and

昆明理工大学 研究生英语考试

昆明理工大学 研究生英语考试

考试科目代码:211 考试科目名称:英语







考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称:英语翻译基础考生答题须知1.所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。





I. Translate the following English proper nouns, abbreviations and technical terms intoChinese. (15 scores)1. WHO2. IAEA3. ASEAN4. CD-ROM5. NATO6. General Motors Corporation7. Bell Telephone Co.8. Sears Home Service9. Proctor & Gamble Co. 10. Squibb Co. 11. Merrill Lynch Co. 12. MP313. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 14. SOHO 15. Zigzag WaveII. Translate the following Chinese proper nouns, abbreviations, and technical terms into English.(15 scores)1、气压计2、立体视角3、S形连接4、C形垫圈5、非处方药6、上海合作组织7、国务院新闻办公室8、中国科学院9、电视电话 10、巡航导弹 11、国家信访局12、中国地震局 13、欧盟 14、联合国教科文组织 15、首期上市股票III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 scores)One in every five young people in this country shows signs and symptoms of a mental health problem, but too often we don’t recognize the warning signs. According to the U.S. Surgery General half of these young people will also develop a problem with drugs. Do you know what signs to look for in your children and how to help?Left untreated, mental health and addiction disorders can result in poor performance in school, behavior problems, relationship problems, or even suicide. More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease combined. Experts say that unfortunately, most of these young people don’t get the professional help they need before it’s too late.Substance abuse and mental health problems are each primary disorders. However, research shows that when a young person has both mental health and substance abuse problems, it’s usually the mental health disorder that develops first. Young people with mental health problems may use marijuana, other illicit drugs, or alcohol to try to treat themselves,or “self-medicate.” This can rapidly lead to drug dependence. The illicit drug or alcohol use can make mental health problems worse, or even interfere with medications prescribed to treat the mental illness. In some young people, drug abuse can create new symptoms that look like a mental health disorder, such as episodes of depression, rage or hallucinations.Parents play a critical role in helping identify and/or solve their children’s mental health and substance abuse problems. Studies show that children look to their parents as the best source of information and guidance on serious issues affecting their lives. Be alert to symptoms such as problems at school, changes in eating or sleeping habits, diminishing physical health and appearance, and the inability to handle everyday decisions and pressures.Mental health and addiction disorders are real illnesses – as real as diabetes, cancer, or heart disease. That means that people with mental health problems need treatment and other support services.VI. Translate the following Chinese into English. (60 scores)积极开展对外交往与合作,全方位外交取得重大进展,坚定地维护和发展了国家利益。



昆明理工大学2019年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷) 考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称:英语翻译基础








昆明理工大学2020年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷) 考试科目代码:211 考试科目名称:翻译硕士英语





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考试科目代码:1111 考试科目名称:英语





第 1 页共 6 页。



昆明理工大学复试专业英语词汇汇总Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】geology [ di'ldi ] n. 地质学biosphere [ 'baisfi ] n. 生物圈atmosphere [ 'tmsfi ] n. 大气圈ecosphere [ 'i:ku,sfi ] n. 生态圈airborne [ 'b:n ] a. 空运的,空中传播的silt [ silt ] n. 淤泥El Nino厄尔尼诺oscillation [ ,si'lein ] . n. 振动,动摇,变动彷徨lithosphere [ 'liθsfi ] n. 岩圈hydrosphere [ 'haidrsfi ] n. 水圈extraterrestrial [ ,ekstrt'restril ] a. 地球(或其大气圈)外的oceanography [ ,ui'ngrfi ] n. 海洋学hydrology [ hai'drldi ] n. 水文学landslide [ 'lndslaid ] n. 山崩anthropogenic [ ,nθrp'denik ]a. 人为的mitigate [ 'mitigeit ] v. 缓和adverse [ 'dv:s ] a. 不利的sequester [ si'kwest ] . vt. 使...隔绝methane [ 'meθein ] n. 甲烷mineral [ 'minrl ] n. 矿物a. 矿物的crystal [ 'kristl ] a. 晶体的n. 水晶crystalline [ 'kristlain ] a. 水晶(般)的,透明的fossilize [ 'fsilaiz ] v. 使成化石变成化石mineralization [ 'minrl'zein]n. 矿化,使含矿物quartz [ kw:ts ] n. 石英phlogopite [ 'flgpait ] n. 金云母mica [ 'maik ] n. 云母olivine [ ,li'vi:n ] n. 橄榄石,黄绿serve to 对……有用jumble [ 'dmbl ] v. 搀杂,混杂n. 混杂, 混乱crystalline [ 'kristlain ] a. 水晶(般)的,透明的polymorph [ 'plim:f ] n. 多形体,同质异像体graphite [ 'grfait ] n. 石墨diamond [ 'daimnd ] n. 金刚石distinctively [ dis'tiktivli ] ad. 区别地, 特殊地pyrite [ 'pairait ] n. 黄铁矿intergrown [ ,int'grun ] a. 互生; 交生; 共生cleavage [ 'kli:vid ] n. 解理muscovite [ ,msk'vait ] n. 白云母ingredient [ in'gri:dint ] n. 成分,因素metallic [ mi 'tlik ] luster n.金属光泽vitreous [ 'vitris ] a. 玻璃的,似玻璃的resinous [ 'rezins ] a. 树脂的,树脂质的pearly [ 'p:li ] luster: 珍珠光泽greasy [ 'gri:si, 'gri:zi ] a.油腻的,滑溜溜的,泥泞的corundum [ k'rndm ] n. 刚玉chromium [ 'krumjm ] n. 铬ruby [ 'ru:bi ] n. 红宝石titanium [ tai'teinjm, ti- ] n. 钛sapphire [ 'sfai ] n. 蓝宝石opaque [ u'peik ] a. 不透明的treak [ stri:k ] n. 条痕hematite [ 'hemtait ] n. 赤铁矿galena [ g'li:n ] n. 方铅矿magnetite [ 'mgnitait ] n. 磁铁矿silicon [ 'silikn ] n. 硅silica [ 'silik ] n. 二氧化硅silicate [ 'silikit ] n. 硅酸盐orthoclase [ ':θukleis ] n. 正长石silica tetrahedron 硅氧四面体pyroxene [ pai'rksi:n ] n. 辉石enstatite [ 'ensttait ] n. 顽辉石amphibole [ 'mfibul ] n. 角闪石n. ['baitait ]黑云母muscovite [ ,msk'vait ] n. 白云母ferromagnesian [ ,ferumg'ni:n ] a. 含铁和镁的n. 铁镁矿物augite [':'dait ] n. 普通辉石,斜辉石hornblende [ 'h:nblend ] n. 角闪石feldspar [ 'feldspɑ: ] n.长石microcline [ 'maikrklain ] n. 微斜长石metamorphic [ ,met'm:fik ] a. 变化的sedimentary [ sedi'mentri ] a. 沉积的plagioclase [ 'pleidiukleis ] n. 斜长石striation [ strai'ein ] n. 条纹granite [ 'grnit ] n.花岗岩gneiss [ nais ] n. 片麻岩igneous [ 'ignis ] a. 火的,似火的,火成的magma [ 'mgm ] n. 岩浆lava [ 'lɑ:v ] n. 熔岩aphanitic [ ,f'nitik ] a. 隐晶质的phaneritic [ fn'ritik ] a. 显晶质的porphyritic [ ,p:fi'ritik ] a. 斑岩的, 斑状的phenocryst [ 'fi:nkrist, 'fen- ] n. 斑晶groundmass [ 'grandms ] n. 基质porphyry [ 'p:firi ] n. 斑岩scoria [ 'sk:ri ] n. 火山渣pyroclastic [ ,pair'klstik,,pi- ] n. 火成碎屑物a. 火成碎屑物的mafic [ 'mfik ] a. 镁铁质的felsic [ 'felsik ] a.长英质的left over 多余物tuff [ tf ] n. 凝灰岩breccia [ 'bret ] n. 角砾岩obsidian [b'sidin ] n. 黑曜岩pumice [ 'pmis ] n. 浮石, 浮岩shard [ ɑ:d ] n. 碎片rhyolite [ 'rai,lait ] n. 流纹岩welded tuff 凝灰溶岩conchoidal [ k'kidl ] a. 贝壳状的plutonic [ plu:'tnik ] a. 深成岩的ultramafic [ ,ltr'mfik ] a. 超基性的peridotite [ ,peri'dutait ] n. 橄榄岩pyroxenite [ pai'rksinait ] n. 辉岩basalt [b's:lt] n. 玄武岩gabbro [ 'gbru ] n. 辉长岩基性岩andesite [ ' ] n. 安山岩diorite [ 'dairait ] n. 闪长岩metamorphism [ ,met'm:fizm ] n. 变态, 变形, 变质, 变质作用alteration [ ,:lt'rein ] n. 改变, 变更dike [ daik ] n. 岩脉,岩墙sill [ sil ] n. 岩床batholith [ 'bθliθ ] n. 岩基aureole [ ':riul ] n. 接触变质带sillimanite [ 'silimnait ] n. 矽线石chlorite [ 'kl:rait ] n. 绿泥石epidote [ 'epidut ] n. 绿帘石shale [ eil ] n. 页岩, 泥板岩spotted slate 斑点板岩fault [ f:lt ] n. 断层mylonite [ 'mailu,nait ] n. 糜棱岩lamination [ ,lmi'nein ] n. 分层pulverize [ 'plvraiz ] v. 磨成粉, 粉碎smear [ smi ] v. 涂, 擦上,抹擦使变模糊staurolite [ 'st:r,lait ] n. 十字石andalusite [,nd 'lu:sait ] n. 红柱石kyanite [ 'kai,nait ] n. 蓝晶石polymorph [ 'plim:f ] n. 多形体, 同质异像体foliate [ 'fulieit ] a. 叶理状的slate [ sleit ] n.板岩foliation [ ,fuli'ein ] 页理gneiss [ nais ] n. 片麻岩graphite [ 'grfait ] n. 石墨phyllite [ 'filait ] n. 千枚岩glossy [ 'glsi ] a. 光滑的,有光泽的schist [ ist ] n. 片岩impart [ im'pɑ:t ] v. 给予schistosity [ is'tsiti ] n. 片理schistose [ 'istus ] a. 片岩的,片岩质的,片岩状的conspicuous [ kn'spikjus ] a. 显着的,显而易见的hornblende [ 'h:nblend ] n. 角闪石amphibolite [m 'fiblait ] n. 闪岩exposure [ iks'pu ] n. 暴露migmatite [ 'migmtait ] n. 混合岩discernible [ di's:nbl,-'z:- ] a. 可辨别的Mosaic [ m'zeiik ] a. 镶嵌的equidimensional [ ,i:kwidi'menn ] a. 等形体的prismatic [ priz'mtik ] a. 柱状的marble [ 'mɑ:bl ] n. 大理石hornfels [ 'h:nfels ] n. 角页岩anthracite ['nθrsait] n. 无烟煤sediment [ 'sedimnt ] n. 沉淀物outcrop [ 'autkrp ] n. 露出,露头bedding [ 'bedi ] n. 层理strata [ 'streit ] n. 地层stratification [ .strtifi'kein ] n. 分层, 层理weathering [ 'weeri ] n. 风化erosion [ i'run ] n. 腐蚀, 侵蚀clast [ klst ] n. 碎屑gravel [ 'grvl ] n. 碎石detritus [ di'traits ] n. 碎石、碎屑、瓦砾detrital [ di'traitl ] a. 碎屑的boulder [ 'buld ] n. 砾石sorting [ 's:ti ] n. 分选mass-wasted 块体运动till [ til ] n. 冰积物rhythmic layering 韵律层varve [ vɑ:v ] n. 纹泥, 季候泥slurry [ 'sl:ri ] n. 泥浆turbulent [ 't:bjulnt ] n. 湍流limestone [ 'laimstun ] n. 石灰岩saline [ 'seilain, s'lain ] a. 含盐的, 咸的conglomerate [ kn'glmrit ] n. 砾岩siltstone [ 'siltstn ] n. 粉砂岩arkose [ 'a:kus ] n. 长石砂岩graywacke [ 'greiwk ] n. 硬砂岩lithification [ ,liθifi'kein ] n. 石化作用evaporite [ i'vp,rait ] n. 蒸发岩,蒸发盐halite [ 'hlait ] n. 岩盐borax [ 'b:rks ] n. 硼砂phosphorite [ 'fsfrait ] n. 磷灰石, 磷矿phosphate [ 'fsfeit ] n. 磷酸盐apatite [ 'ptait ] n. 磷灰石photosynthesis [ .futu'sinθsis ] n. 光合作用chert [ t:t ] n. 燧石peat [ pi:t ] n. 泥炭facies [ 'feii,i:z ] n. 相terrain [ 'terein ] n. 地带, 地域, 地形delta [ 'delt ] n. (河流的)三角洲eolian [ i'ulin ] a. 风积的Aeolus [ 'i:uls ] n. 风神loess [ 'luis ] n. 黄土estuary [ 'estjuri ] n. 河口, 江口offshore [ '(:)f: ] ad. 向海面fluctuate [ 'flktjueit ] v. 变动, 上下, 动摇dormant [ 'd:mnt ] a. 睡眠状态的, 静止的viscous [ 'visks ] a. 粘的,有粘性的,粘性的viscosity [ vis'ksiti ] n. 粘度, 粘性incandescent [ .inkn'desnt ] a. 白热的, 发白热光的 ,辉耀的manifestation [ .mnifes'tein ] n. 显示, 证明lobated [ 'lubeitid ] a. 分裂的, 有裂片的, 叶状的spatter [ 'spt ] cone 寄生熔岩锥glob [ glb ] n. (可塑性物质的)一团blob [ blb ] n. 小圆块pahoehoe [ pɑ:'hui,hui ] n. 绳状熔岩aa 块状熔岩流joint [ dint ] n.节理polygonal [ 'plignl ] a. 多角形的, 多边形的rhinoceros [ rai'nsrs ] n. 犀牛lapilli [ l'pilai ] n. 火山砾conduit: [ 'kndit ] n. 管道abrupt [ 'brpt ] a. 突然的vicinity [ vi'siniti ] n. 邻近,附近focus [ 'fuks ] n. 震源epicenter [ 'episent(r) ] n. 震中amplitude [ 'mplitju:d ] n. 振幅hose [ huz ] n. 水管, 橡皮软管vigorous [ 'vigrs ] a. 有力的flip [ flip ] vt. 掷, 弹, 轻击bounce off [ bauns ] 弹离love wave 洛夫波Rayleigh [ 'reili ] n. 瑞利波exhibit [ ig'zibit ] v. 呈现retrograde [ 'retrugreid ] a. 后退的,倒退的elliptical [ i'liptikl ] a. 椭圆的seismograph [ 'saizmgrɑ:f ] n. 地震计seismogram [ 'saizmgrm ] n. 震动图triangulation [ trai.gju'lein ] n. 形成或分成三角(关系)intensity scale 烈度表Modified Mercalli Scale 修订麦加利地震烈度表isoseismal [ ,ais'saizml ] a. 等震线的 n. 等震线Richter magnitude scale 里氏震级Paleozoic [ pli'zuik ] a. 古生代的Mesozoic [ .mesu'zuik, .mez- ] a. 中生代的plowed up 挖掘Gondwana succession 冈瓦纳演替Gondwanaland [ gnd'wɑ:nlnd ] n. 冈瓦纳大陆Laurasia [ l:'rei, - ] n. 劳亚大陆amphibian [ m'fibin ] a. 两栖类的 n. 两栖动物reptile [ 'reptail ] a. 爬行类的n. 爬行动物Mesosaurus n. 中龙属hop [ hp ] n. 单脚跳, 跳跃,飞行v. 单脚跳, 跳跃, 跃过persuasive [ p'sweisiv ] a. 有说服力的crumple up 起皱calve [ ka:v ] v. 分离reconcile [ 'reknsail ] v.使一致, 使和谐, 使满足adherent [ d'hirnt ] n. 追随者, 拥护者dogged [ 'dgid ] a. 顽固的, 顽强的asthenosphere [s'θensfi: ] n. 软流圈isostasy [ ai'sstsi ] n. 地壳均衡说, 地壳均衡, 均衡现象mohorovicic discontinuity 莫霍不连续面mobility [ mu'biliti ] n. 可动性, 变动性fold [ fuld ] n. 褶皱rug [ rg ] n. 毯子, 地毯,bunch up [ bnt ] 聚成一团crinkle [ 'krikl ] n. 皱纹syncline [ 'siklain ] n. 向斜anticlines [ 'nti,klain ] n. 背斜limb [ lim ] n. 翼halves [ hɑ:vz ] n. 二等分intersect [ .int'sekt ] v. 惯穿, (和...) 相交, 交叉recumbent [ ri'kmbnt ] a. 侧卧的plunging fold 倾伏褶皱zigzag [ 'zigzg ] a. 曲折的, 锯齿形的dome [ dum ] n. 穹隆bulge [ bld ] n. 胀, 膨胀,v. 凸出, 使...膨胀virtually [ 'v:tjli ] a. 几乎, 差不多,ad. 实际上,事实上dramatic [ dr'mtik ] a. 引人注目的,给人深刻印象的fault [ f:lt ] n. 断层marked [ mɑ:kt ] a. 有记号的, 显着的, 醒目的fault plane断层面strike [ straik ] n. 走向dip [ dip ] n. 倾斜slippage [ 'slipid ] . n. 滑移,滑动strike-slip faults 走向滑动断层,走向平移断层dip-slip faults 倾向滑断层hanging wall 上盘footwall [ 'ftw:l ] n. 下盘normal faults 正断层reverse faults 逆向断层thrust faults 冲断层depression [ di'pren ] n. 沉降graben [ 'grɑ:bn ] n. 地堑horst [ h:st ] n. 地垒erosion [ i'run ] n. 腐蚀, 侵蚀temperate [ 'temprit ] a. 温和的, 适度的thaw [ θ: ] n. 融雪v. 使融解, 暖和tandem [ 'tndm ] n.串联pry [ prai ] v. 用杠杆撬开aerate [ 'eireit ] v. 充气, 让空气进入squirrel [ 'skwirl ] n. 松鼠gopher [ 'guf ] n. 北美地鼠litter: [ 'lit ] n. 垃圾solution: [ s'lju:n ] n. 溶解oxidation [ksi'dein ] n. 氧化hydration [ hai'drein ] n. 水化hydrolysis [ hai'drlisis ] n. 水解aqueous [ 'eikwis ] a. 水的, 水成的bicarbonate [ bai'ka:bnit ] n. 重碳酸盐terrane [ t'rein, 'terein ] n. 岩层droplet [ 'drplit ] n. 小滴,小水珠toll [ tul ] n. 代价, 损耗monument [ 'mnjumnt ] n. 纪念碑,界标,测量固定标志桩hematite [ 'hemtait ] n. 赤铁矿limonite [ 'laim,nait ] n. 褐铁矿susceptible [ s'septbl ] a. 易受影响的monolithic [ .mn'liθik ] a. 独石的, 完全统一的, 整体的spall [ sp:l ] v. 打碎,弄碎chronology [ kr'nldi ] n. 年代学decipher [ di'saif ] v. 译解piece [ pi:s ] v. 结合spatial [ 'speil ] a. 空间的illuminate [ i'lju:mineit ] v. 阐释,说明uniformitaranism n. 均变论, 将今论古法horizontality [ ,hrizn'tlti ] n. 水平状态superposition [ .sju:pp'zin ] n. 重叠, 叠合, 重合readily [ 'redili ] ad. 不迟疑地, 迅速地, inclusion [ in'klu:n ] n. 包含xenolith [ 'zenliθ ] n. 捕虏岩The principle of faunal succession 生物层序律definite [ 'definit ] a. 明确的, 一定的unconformity [ 'nkn'f:miti ] n. 不整合nonconformity [ 'nnkn'f:miti ] n. 岩性不整合subtle [ 'stl ] a. 微妙的 , 不明显的disconformity [ kn'f:miti ] n. 假整合tan [ tn ] a. 黄褐色的mudflow [ 'mdflu ] n. 泥流creep [ kri:p ] n. 爬, 蠕动virtually [ 'v:tjli ] ad. 几乎, 实际上, a. 几乎, 差不多regolith [ 'regliθ ] n. 表土(风化层) implant [ im'plɑ:nt ] v. 深植, 灌输, 嵌入slant [ slɑ:nt ] v.(使)倾斜, 歪向n.倾斜thaw [ θ: ] n.解冻v. 使融解, 暖和nudge [ nd ] n. 轻推,引起注意solifluction [ ,sli'flkn, ,s- ] n.泥流, 泥流作用, 融冻泥流permafrost [ 'p:mfr(:)st ] n. 永久冻结带, 永久冻土waterlogged [ 'w:tlgd ] a. 浸满水的slump [ slmp ] n. 暴跌 v. 猛然掉落plummet [ 'plmit ] n. 铅锤, vi.垂直落下intact [ in'tkt ] a.完整无缺的, 原封不动的, 完整的precede [ pri(:)'si:d ] v. 在...之前, 优于, 较...优先exfoliation [ eks,fli'ein ] n. 剥落(除鳞,分层)crescent [ 'kresnt ] n. 新月, 月牙 a. 新月形的scarp [ skɑ:p ] n. 悬崖, 陡坡clayey [ 'kleii ] a. 粘土的consistency [ kn'sistnsi ] n. 稠度sparsely [ 'spa:sli ] ad. 稀少地infrequent [ in'fri:kwnt ] a. 稀少的, 珍贵的, 罕见的cloudburst [ 'kladb:st ] n. 倾盆大雨arroyo [ 'riu ] n. 干枯的河床, 峡谷, 小河lahar [ 'lɑ:hɑ:(r) ] n. 火山泥流well-being [ 'welbii ] a. 康乐, 安宁, 福利novel [ 'nvl ] a. 新奇的, 新颖的, 异常的monolith [ 'mnuliθ ] n. 独块巨石acidity [ 'siditi ] n. 酸性, 酸度percolating [ 'p:kleiti ] a. 渗透rivulet [ 'rivjulit ] n. 小河, 小溪, 溪流dominate [ 'dmineit ] v. 支配resident [ 'rezidnt ] a. 驻存的intricate [ 'intrikit ] a. 复杂的, 错综的honeycomb [ 'hnikum ] n . 蜂房, 蜂巢subterranean [ sbt'reinin ] a. 地下的pothole [ 'pthul ] n. 壶穴, 锅穴canyon [ 'knjn ] n. 峡谷slot [ slt ] n. 缝, 狭槽,水沟bicarbonate [ bai'kɑ:bnit ] n. 重碳酸盐speleothem [ 'spi:li,θem ] n. 洞穴堆积物(如钟乳石)travertine [ 'trvtin ] n. 石灰华stalactite [ 'stlktait ] n. 钟乳石icicle [ 'aisikl ] n. 垂冰, 冰柱clog [ klg ] n. 障碍v. 障碍, 阻塞drip [ drip ] v. 滴下stalagmite [ 'stlgmait ] n. 石笋column [ 'klm ] n. 石柱assume [ 'sju:m ] vt. 呈现drapery [ 'dreipri ] n. 帏帐n. 石枝twig [ twig ] n. 小枝, 嫩枝over time 随着时间的过去, 久而久之, 长期以来deplete [ di'pli:t ] vt. 耗尽, 使衰竭descend [ di'send ] v. 降coalesce [ .ku'les ] v. 接合, 合并, 联合configuration [ k'rein ] n. 构造, 结构, 配置, 外形conflicting [ kn'flikti ] a. 相冲突的vicinity [ vi'siniti ] n. 邻近, 附近, 接近copious [ 'kupjs ] a. 很多的, 丰富的deplete [ di'pli:t ] vt. 耗尽, 使衰竭landmass n. 大陆spell [ spel ] n. 一段时间grade [ greid ] v. 把…筑平desalinization n. 减少盐分, 脱盐作用distill [ di'stil ] vt. 蒸馏, 提取.landfill [ 'lndfil ] n. 垃圾堆 n. 垃圾掩埋法, 垃圾insecticide [ in'sektisaid ] n. 杀虫剂carcinogenic [ kɑ:sin'dnik ] a. 致癌的feedlot [ 'fi:dlt ] n. 饲育场septic [ 'septik ] a. 腐败的sewage [ 'sju(:)id ] n.下水道, 污水sewer [ 'sju ] n. 下水道degrade [ di'greid ] v. (使)降级, (使)退化taint [ teint; tent ] v. 污染, 中毒n. 污点feasible [ 'fi:zbl ] a. 可行的, 可能的地质年代(geochronology of geologic ages)Archaeozoic era(erathem),太古代(界)Proterozoic era(erathem),元古代(界)Palaeozoic era(erathem),古生代(界)Mesozoic era(erathem),中生代(界)Cenozoic era(erathem),新生代(界)Sinian period(system),震旦纪(系)Cambrian period(system),寒武纪(系)Ordovician period(system),奥陶纪(系)Silurian period(system),志留纪(系)Devonian period(system),泥盆纪(系)Carboniferous period(system),石炭纪(系)Permian period(system),二叠纪(系)Triassic period(system),三叠纪(系)Jurassic period(system),侏罗纪(系)Cretaceous period(system),白垩纪(系)Tertiary period(system),第三纪(系)Quaternary period(system),第四纪(系)地质构造(geologic structure)fault,断层normal fault,正断层reversed fault,逆断层paralled fault,平移断层gouge,断层泥stria,擦痕joint,节理primary joint,原生节理secondary,次生节理tension joint,张节理unloading joint,卸荷节理schistosity,片理bedding,层理foliation,板理(叶理)ripple mark,波痕mud crack,泥痕rain print,雨痕orientation of bedrock,岩层产状strike,走向dip,倾向angle of dip(dip angle),倾角fold,褶皱anticline,背斜syncline,向斜monocline(homocline),单斜dome,穹隆soft stratum,软弱岩层zone of fracture(broken zone),破碎带affected zone,影响带platy structure,板状构造cleavage,解理fracture(rupture),断裂fissure(crack,fracture),裂隙岩石类型(rock type)petrology,岩石学igneous rock,火成岩magmatic rock,岩浆岩lava(vocanic rock),火山岩intrusive(invade)rock,侵入岩effusive rock,喷出岩plutonic rock,深成岩pypabyssal rock,浅成岩acid rock,酸性岩inter-mediate rock,中性盐basic rock,基性岩ultrabasic rock,超基性岩granite,花岗岩porphyry,斑岩porphyrite,玢岩rhyolite,流纹岩syenite,正长岩trachyte,粗面岩diorite,闪长岩andesite,安山岩gabbro,辉长岩basalt,玄武岩aplite,细晶岩pegmatite,伟晶岩lamprophyre,煌斑岩diabase,辉绿岩dunite,橄榄岩pumice,浮岩sedimentary rock,沉积岩clastic,碎屑岩clay rock,黏土岩chemical rock,化学岩biolith,生物岩conglomerate,砾岩siltstone,粉砂岩mudstone,泥岩shale,页岩saline rock,岩盐limestone,石灰岩dolomite,白云岩marl,泥灰岩volcanic breccia,火山角砾岩volcanic agglomerate,火山块集岩tuff,凝灰岩metamorphic rock,变质岩slate,板岩phyllite,千枚岩schist,片岩gneiss,片麻岩quartzite,石英岩marble,大理岩mylonite,糜棱岩migmatite,混合岩cataclasite,碎裂岩sediment(deposit),沉积物、沉积层boulder,漂石、顽石cobble,卵石gravel,砾石sand,砂silt,粉土clay,粘土sandy clay,砂质粘土clayey sand,粘质砂土sandy loam,壤土、亚黏土regolith(topsoil),浮土(表土)loess,黄土laterite,红土peat,泥炭ooze,软泥(海泥)造岩矿物(rock-forming minerals)talc,滑石gypsum,海石calcite,方解石fluorite,萤石apatite,磷灰石feldspar,长石quartz,石英topaz,黄玉corundum,刚玉diamand,金刚石orthoclase,正长石plagloclase,斜长石biotite,黑云母muscovite,白云母amphibole,角闪石phroxene,辉石olivine,橄榄石dolomite,白云石kaolinite,高岭石montmorillonite,蒙脱石bentonite,斑脱石(膨润土)illite,依砾石garnet,石榴子石chlorite,绿泥石serpentine,蛇纹石pyrite,黄铁矿hematite,赤铁矿magnetite,磁铁矿limonite,褐铁矿矿产普查与勘探Mineral prospecting and Exploration。

昆明理工研究生英语免修 范文模板

昆明理工研究生英语免修 范文模板

昆明理工研究生英语免修范文模板In the realm of academic pursuits, the quest for knowledge often intertwines with the necessity for linguistic proficiency. For graduate students at Kunming University of Science and Technology (KUST), the prospect of exemption from English language requirements may seem like an elusive opportunity, fraught with ambiguity and unforeseen challenges. However, with the right approach and a nuanced understanding of the process, navigating through the intricacies of English language exemption becomes a manageable task.At the outset, it's imperative to comprehend the underlying criteria and prerequisites for availing oneself of this exemption. Unlike a straightforward path, the journey towards exemption demands meticulous planning and strategic maneuvering. Firstly, one must demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of academic English, transcending mere conversational fluency. This entails proficiency in reading scholarly articles, deciphering complex texts, and articulating cogent arguments in written form. Moreover, a profoundunderstanding of discipline-specific terminology and jargon is indispensable, as it serves as the cornerstone of academic discourse.In addition to linguistic prowess, prospective applicants must showcase their aptitude for academic achievement. This entails furnishing evidence of exemplary performance in relevant courses, scholarly publications, or research endeavors. By delineating a track record of academic excellence, candidates substantiate their claim to exemption, thereby augmenting their prospects of success.Furthermore, it's imperative to underscore the significance of standardized tests in the evaluation process. While not an insurmountable obstacle, standardized assessments such as the TOEFL or IELTS serve as litmus tests for linguistic proficiency. Therefore, diligent preparation and strategic planning are paramount, as they bolster one's chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.Equally crucial is the cultivation of a compellingnarrative that elucidates one's rationale for seekingexemption. Whether it be extenuating circumstances, prior academic experiences, or career aspirations, articulating a coherent narrative imbues one's application with depth and authenticity. By weaving together disparate strands of personal and professional experiences, candidates construct a narrative tapestry that resonates with evaluators,thereby enhancing their prospects of success.Moreover, it's imperative to avail oneself of available resources and support mechanisms throughout the application process. Whether it be peer support groups, faculty mentors, or online forums, leveraging these resources fosters asense of community and camaraderie, thereby mitigating the inherent challenges of the journey.In conclusion, the pursuit of English language exemption at KUST embodies a multifaceted journey, replete with challenges and opportunities alike. By embracing astrategic approach, cultivating linguistic proficiency, showcasing academic excellence, and crafting a compelling narrative, candidates can navigate through the labyrinthine process with confidence and poise. Ultimately, theattainment of English language exemption serves as a testament to one's perseverance, resilience, and unwavering commitment to academic excellence.。



昆明理工研究生英语笔译分数线English:The minimum score for the postgraduate English translation exam at Kunming University of Science and Technology is 75 points. The exam consists of both written and oral components, and evaluates students' ability to accurately and effectively translate English language materials into Chinese. The written portion includes tasks such as translating passages, summarizing articles, and analyzing English language texts, while the oral portion requires students to interpret and discuss various topics in English. Achieving a score of 75 points or higher indicates a strong proficiency in English translation and language skills, and is a prerequisite for many graduate programs at the university.中文翻译:昆明理工大学研究生英语笔译考试的最低分数线为75分。





昆明理工大学2018年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷)考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称:英语翻译基础考生答题须知1.所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。





I.Translate the following proper nouns, abbreviations and technical terms intoChinese.(15 scores)1.WHO2.IAEA3.ASEAN4.CD-ROM5.NATO6.The Greater MekongSubregion7.Jerry-built Projects8.Excess Land9.Nuclear ProliferationReclamation11.GATT12.MP310.FloatingExchange Rate13.APEC14. Herringbone Gear15. Hybrid CarII.Translate the following proper nouns, abbreviations and technical terms into English.(15 scores)1、海峡两岸关系2、知识产权3、孔子学院4、联合国大会5、毒品贩运6、上海合作组织7、国务院新闻办公室8、全国人民代表大会9、共享单车10、压岁钱11、国家信访局12、中国地震局13、微信14、联合国教科文组织15、首期上市股票III.Translate the following English into Chinese. (60 scores)During the past thirty years, I have observed and studied the oceans closely, and with my own two eyes I have seen them sicken. Certain reefs that teemed with fish only ten years ago are now almost lifeless. The ocean bottom has been raped by trawlers. Priceless wetlands have been destroyed by landfill. And everywhere are sticky globs of oil, plastic第 1 页共 3页。



考试科目代码:1111 考试科目名称:英语






昆明理工大学2013年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷) 英语

昆明理工大学2013年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷) 英语








昆明理工大学考研英语试题Passage 5The UK is made up of four countries-England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland-which have widely differing cultures and languages.Wales was the first country to fall under English control, in the late 16th-century.The Welsh were never actually defeated by the English.Instead, they realizedthat unity with their bigger neighbor was the only way to end the almost continuous state of war that existed between the two countries.Since unity, England and Wales have had the same system of law, education and government.The situation between Scotland and England was very different.They fought fierce wars for centuries, each invading each other, whenever the situation seemed in their favor.This came to an end in the 17th-century when King James VI of Scotland inherited the throne(王位)of England, after Queen Elizabeth I died without children.In 1707, Scotland and England were brought together in an Act of Union.This took away much of the Scots' control of their own affairs, but they kept their own systems of law and education.For the three countries, union resulted in peace.But England's oupation of Ireland has always been characterized by violence.Ireland was slowly brought under Englishcontrol in the 16th-and 17th-centuries.But it retained its own government until 1801, when it was brought together with the Parliament at Westminster.However, most of its people spoke Gaelic rather than English and they remained faithful Catholics, while the established religion in England was Protestantism.By 1920.Britain was under pressure to leave Ireland by 1920.In 1921, an agreement was signed whereby a separate Irish Free State (today called the Irish Republic) was created.This did not, however, include the six counties of Northern Ireland, which remain part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland。



昆明理工大学2015年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷) 考试科目代码:211 考试科目名称:翻译硕士英语考生答题须知1.所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。





I. Vocabulary and grammar (30 points, 1 for each)Directions: There are thirty incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence and then write down your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.1. They are well ______ with each other since they once studied in the same university.A. identifiedB. recognizedC. acknowledgedD. acquainted2. The medicine ______ his pain but did not cure his illness.A. activatedB. alleviatedC. medicatedD. deteriorated3. In ancient China, thunder was believed to be a manifestation of the ______ of the gods.A. spiritB. powerC. wrathD. sorrow4. One will be punished or fined, if one ______ the traffic lights.A. devisesB. deprivesC. defiesD. detects5. The minister has to provide a very ______ explanation for the new medical care reform.A. compulsoryB. comprehensiveC. sophisticatedD. understanding6. We should ________ our energy and youth to the development of our country.A. dedicateB. caterC. ascribeD. cling7. These areas rely on agriculture almost ______, having few mineral resources and a minimum ofindustrial development.A. respectivelyB. extraordinarilyC. incrediblyD. exclusively8. For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly ______ by a dictator.A. depressedB. immersedC. oppressedD. cursed9. For some time now, world leaders _______ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.A. had been pointingB. have been pointingC. were pointingD. pointed10. _______ I like economics, I like sociology much better.A. As much asB. So muchC. How muchD. Much as11. After _______ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personal manager’s office.A. thatB. thereC. whatD. it12. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _______.A. pull backB. pull upC. pull throughD. pull out13. He will have to _______ his indecent behavior one day.A. answer toB. answer forC. answer backD. answer about14. In the preface _______ the thesis, the author attaches great importance to data analysis.A. aboutB. ofC. toD. for昆明理工大学2015年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题15. He wishes that he _______ a teacher instead of a lawyer when he graduated from college.A. had beenB. has beenC. wasD. is16. _______ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.A. PublishedB. Being publishedC. PublishingD. To be published17. The old couple received many greetings and gifts from their families and friends _______ theirdiamond anniversary.A. in the event ofB. in the occasion ofC. on the event ofD. on the occasion of18. Some newspapers are trying to _______ to people’s love of scandal.A. satisfyB. caterC. provideD. supply19. At the age of sixty, Daniel Defoe _______ on his career of writer.A. startedB. embarkedC. barkedD. set20. Many people are _______ at impolite behavior during a funeral service.A. tiredB. indignantC. surprisedD. indifferent21. Don’t _______ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.A. releaseB. relieveC. relateD. retain22. We get milk on _______ days because it is not delivered every day.A. alternateB. alternativeC. alterableD. changing23. The army’s brave fighting _______ in total victory.A. eliminatedB. illustratedC. culminatedD. dominated24. With the _______ of China’s political influence on international stage, overseas Chinese are moreand more respected in all fields.A. elevatingB. liftingC. ascendingD. descending25. Luggage _______ 20kg will be charged extra.A. in need ofB. in excess ofC. in store forD. in the nick of time26. The reporter asked for a statement, but the governor refused to _______.A. commentB. commenceC. commendD. recommend27. According to the report, the lion escaping from the zoo was still _______.A. in largeB. at largeC. by and largeD. largely28. _______ I sympathize, I can’t really do very much to help them out of the difficulties.A. As long asB. AsC. WhileD. Even29. It goes without saying that pollution _______ a serious threat to the continued existence of somespecies living on earth.A. posesB. imposesC. provokesD. evokes30. Apart from caring for her children, she has to take on such heavy _______ housework as carryingwater and firewood.A. time-consumedB. timely-consumedC. time-consumingD. timely-consumingII. Reading comprehension (40 points)Section A: Read and make the best choice (30 points, 2 for each)Directions: In this section there are three passages followed by 15 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then write down your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.。



geology [ d?i'ldi ] n. 地质学biosphere [ 'baisfi ] n. 生物圈atmosphere [ 'tmsfi ] n. 大气圈ecosphere [ 'i:ku,sfi ] n. 生态圈airborne [ 'b:n ] a. 空运的,空中传播的silt [ silt ] n. 淤泥El Nino厄尔尼诺oscillation [ ,si'lein ] . n. 振动,动摇,变动彷徨lithosphere [ 'liθsfi ] n. 岩圈hydrosphere [ 'haidrsfi ] n. 水圈extraterrestrial [ ,ekstrt'restril ] a. 地球(或其大气圈)外的oceanography [ ,ui'ngrfi ] n. 海洋学hydrology [ hai'drldi ] n. 水文学landslide [ 'l?ndslaid ] n. 山崩anthropogenic [ ,nθrp'denik ]a. 人为的mitigate [ 'mitigeit ] v. 缓和adverse [ 'dv:s ] a. 不利的sequester [ si'kwest] . vt. 使...隔绝methane [ 'meθein ] n. 甲烷mineral [ 'minrl ] n. 矿物a. 矿物的crystal [ 'kristl ] a. 晶体的n. 水晶crystalline [ 'krist?lain ] a. 水晶(般)的,透明的fossilize [ 'f?silaiz ] v. 使成化石变成化石mineralization [ 'minrl'zei?n]n. 矿化,使含矿物quartz [ kw:ts ] n. 石英phlogopite [ 'flgpait ] n. 金云母mica [ 'maik] n. 云母olivine [ ,li'vi:n ] n. 橄榄石,黄绿serve to 对……有用jumble [ 'd?mbl ] v. 搀杂,混杂n. 混杂, 混乱crystalline [ 'krist?lain ] a. 水晶(般)的,透明的polymorph [ 'plim:f ] n. 多形体,同质异像体graphite [ 'gr?fait ] n. 石墨diamond [ 'daimnd ] n. 金刚石distinctively [ dis'ti?ktivli ] ad. 区别地, 特殊地pyrite [ 'pai?rait ] n. 黄铁矿intergrown [ ,int'grun ] a. 互生; 交生; 共生cleavage [ 'kli:vid] n. 解理muscovite [ ,msk'vait ] n. 白云母ingredient [ in'gri:di?nt ] n. 成分,因素metallic [ mi 't?lik ] luster n.金属光泽vitreous [ 'vitri?s ] a. 玻璃的,似玻璃的resinous [ 'rezin?s ] a. 树脂的,树脂质的pearly [ 'p:li ] luster: 珍珠光泽greasy [ 'gri:si, 'gri:zi ] a.油腻的,滑溜溜的,泥泞的corundum [ k'rndm ] n. 刚玉chromium [ 'krumjm ] n. 铬ruby [ 'ru:bi ] n. 红宝石titanium [ tai'teinj?m, ti- ] n. 钛sapphire [ 'sfai ] n. 蓝宝石opaque [u'peik ] a. 不透明的treak [ stri:k ] n. 条痕hematite [ 'hem?tait ] n. 赤铁矿galena [ g'li:n ] n. 方铅矿magnetite [ 'm?gnitait ] n. 磁铁矿silicon [ 'silik?n ] n. 硅silica [ 'silik ] n. 二氧化硅silicate [ 'silikit ] n. 硅酸盐orthoclase [ ':θukleis ] n. 正长石silica tetrahedron 硅氧四面体pyroxene [ pai'r?ksi:n ] n. 辉石enstatite [ 'enst?tait ] n. 顽辉石amphibole [ 'mfibul ] n. 角闪石n. ['bai?tait ]黑云母muscovite [ ,msk'vait ] n. 白云母ferromagnesian [ ,ferumg'ni:n ] a. 含铁和镁的n. 铁镁矿物augite [':'dait ] n. 普通辉石,斜辉石hornblende [ 'h:nblend ] n. 角闪石feldspar [ 'feldspɑ: ] n.长石microcline [ 'maikr?klain ] n. 微斜长石metamorphic [ ,met'm:fik ] a. 变化的sedimentary [ sedi'ment?ri ] a. 沉积的plagioclase [ 'pleidiukleis ] n. 斜长石striation [ strai'ei?n ] n.条纹granite [ 'gr?nit ] n.花岗岩gneiss [ nais ] n. 片麻岩igneous [ 'igni?s ] a. 火的,似火的,火成的magma [ 'mgm ] n. 岩浆lava [ 'lɑ:v ] n. 熔岩aphanitic [ ,f'nitik ] a. 隐晶质的phaneritic [ fn'ritik ] a. 显晶质的porphyritic [ ,p:fi'ritik ] a. 斑岩的, 斑状的phenocryst [ 'fi:nkrist, 'fen- ] n. 斑晶groundmass [ 'grandms ] n. 基质porphyry [ 'p:firi ] n. 斑岩scoria [ 'sk:ri ] n. 火山渣pyroclastic [ ,pair'klstik,,pi- ] n. 火成碎屑物a. 火成碎屑物的mafic [ 'm?fik ] a. 镁铁质的felsic [ 'felsik ] a.长英质的left over 多余物tuff [ t?f ] n. 凝灰岩breccia [ 'bret ] n. 角砾岩obsidian [b'sidin ] n. 黑曜岩pumice [ 'p?mis ] n. 浮石, 浮岩shard [ɑ:d ] n. 碎片rhyolite [ 'rai,lait ] n. 流纹岩welded tuff 凝灰溶岩conchoidal [ k'kidl ] a. 贝壳状的plutonic [ plu:'t?nik ] a. 深成岩的ultramafic [ ,ltr'mfik ] a. 超基性的peridotite [ ,peri'd?utait ] n. 橄榄岩pyroxenite [ pai'r?ksinait ] n. 辉岩basalt [b's:lt] n. 玄武岩gabbro [ 'gbru ] n. 辉长岩基性岩andesite [ 'ndi.zait ] n. 安山岩diorite [ 'dai?rait ] n. 闪长岩metamorphism [ ,met'm:fizm ] n. 变态, 变形, 变质, 变质作用alteration [ ,:lt'rein ] n. 改变, 变更dike [ daik ] n. 岩脉,岩墙sill [ sil ] n. 岩床batholith [ 'bθliθ ] n. 岩基aureole [ ':riul ] n. 接触变质带sillimanite [ 'silim?nait ] n. 矽线石chlorite [ 'kl:rait ] n. 绿泥石epidote [ 'epid?ut ] n. 绿帘石shale [ eil ] n. 页岩, 泥板岩spotted slate 斑点板岩fault [ f:lt ] n. 断层mylonite [ 'mail?u,nait ] n. 糜棱岩lamination [ ,lmi'nein ] n. 分层pulverize [ 'plvraiz ] v. 磨成粉, 粉碎smear [ smi ] v. 涂, 擦上,抹擦使变模糊staurolite [ 'st:r,lait ] n. 十字石andalusite [,nd 'lu:sait ] n. 红柱石kyanite [ 'kai,nait ] n. 蓝晶石polymorph [ 'plim:f ] n. 多形体, 同质异像体foliate [ 'f?ulieit ] a. 叶理状的slate [ sleit ] n.板岩foliation [ ,fuli'ein ] 页理gneiss [ nais ] n. 片麻岩graphite [ 'gr?fait ] n. 石墨phyllite [ 'filait ] n. 千枚岩glossy [ 'gl?si ] a. 光滑的,有光泽的schist [ist ] n. 片岩impart [ im'pɑ:t ] v. 给予schistosity [ is'tsiti ] n. 片理schistose [ 'istus ] a. 片岩的,片岩质的,片岩状的conspicuous [ kn'spikjus ] a. 显着的,显而易见的hornblende [ 'h:nblend ] n. 角闪石amphibolite [m 'fiblait ] n. 闪岩exposure [ iks'pu ] n. 暴露migmatite [ 'migm?tait ] n. 混合岩discernible [ di's:nbl,-'z:- ] a. 可辨别的Mosaic [ m'zeiik ] a. 镶嵌的equidimensional [ ,i:kwidi'menn ] a. 等形体的prismatic [ priz'm?tik ] a. 柱状的marble [ 'mɑ:bl ] n. 大理石hornfels [ 'h:nfels ] n. 角页岩anthracite ['nθrsait] n. 无烟煤sediment [ 'sedim?nt ] n. 沉淀物outcrop [ 'autkr?p ] n. 露出,露头bedding [ 'bedi] n. 层理strata [ 'streit] n. 地层stratification [ .strtifi'kein ] n. 分层, 层理weathering [ 'weeri ] n. 风化erosion [ i'run ] n. 腐蚀, 侵蚀clast [ kl?st ] n. 碎屑gravel [ 'grvl ] n. 碎石detritus [ di'trait?s ] n. 碎石、碎屑、瓦砾detrital [ di'trait?l ] a. 碎屑的boulder [ 'buld ] n. 砾石sorting [ 's:ti ] n. 分选mass-wasted 块体运动till [ til ] n. 冰积物rhythmic layering 韵律层varve [ vɑ:v ] n. 纹泥, 季候泥slurry [ 'sl:ri ] n. 泥浆turbulent [ 't:bjulnt ] n. 湍流limestone [ 'laimst?un ] n. 石灰岩saline [ 'seilain, s'lain ] a. 含盐的, 咸的conglomerate [ kn'glmrit ] n. 砾岩siltstone [ 'siltst?n ] n. 粉砂岩arkose [ 'a:kus ] n. 长石砂岩graywacke [ 'greiw?k ] n. 硬砂岩lithification [ ,liθifi'kei?n ] n. 石化作用evaporite [ i'vp,rait ] n. 蒸发岩,蒸发盐halite [ 'h?lait ] n. 岩盐borax [ 'b:rks ] n. 硼砂phosphorite [ 'fsfrait ] n. 磷灰石, 磷矿phosphate [ 'f?sfeit ] n. 磷酸盐apatite [ 'ptait ] n. 磷灰石photosynthesis [ .futu'sinθsis ] n. 光合作用chert [ t:t ] n. 燧石peat [ pi:t ] n. 泥炭facies [ 'fei?i,i:z ] n. 相terrain [ 'terein ] n. 地带, 地域, 地形delta [ 'delt] n. (河流的)三角洲eolian [ i'ulin ] a. 风积的Aeolus [ 'i:uls ] n. 风神loess [ 'l?uis ] n. 黄土estuary [ 'estju?ri ] n. 河口, 江口offshore [ '(:)f: ] ad. 向海面fluctuate [ 'fl?ktjueit ] v. 变动, 上下, 动摇dormant [ 'd:mnt ] a. 睡眠状态的, 静止的viscous [ 'visk?s ] a. 粘的,有粘性的,粘性的viscosity [ vis'k?siti ] n. 粘度, 粘性incandescent [ .ink?n'desnt ] a. 白热的, 发白热光的 ,辉耀的manifestation [ .mnifes'tein ] n. 显示, 证明lobated [ 'l?ubeitid ] a. 分裂的, 有裂片的, 叶状的spatter [ 'spt ] cone 寄生熔岩锥glob [ gl?b ] n. (可塑性物质的)一团blob [ bl?b ] n. 小圆块pahoehoe [ pɑ:'hui,hui ] n. 绳状熔岩aa 块状熔岩流joint [ d?int ] n.节理polygonal [ 'plignl ] a. 多角形的, 多边形的rhinoceros [ rai'nsrs ] n. 犀牛lapilli [ l'pilai ] n. 火山砾conduit: [ 'k?ndit ] n. 管道abrupt [ 'brpt ] a. 突然的vicinity [ vi'siniti ] n. 邻近,附近focus [ 'fuks ] n. 震源epicenter [ 'episent(r) ] n. 震中amplitude [ 'mplitju:d ] n. 振幅hose [ h?uz ] n. 水管, 橡皮软管vigorous [ 'vigrs ] a. 有力的flip [ flip ] vt. 掷, 弹, 轻击bounce off [ bauns ] 弹离love wave 洛夫波Rayleigh [ 'reili ] n. 瑞利波exhibit [ ig'zibit ] v. 呈现retrograde [ 'retr?ugreid ] a. 后退的,倒退的elliptical [ i'liptik?l ] a. 椭圆的seismograph [ 'saizm?grɑ:f ] n. 地震计seismogram [ 'saizmgrm ] n. 震动图triangulation [ trai.gju'lein ] n. 形成或分成三角(关系)intensity scale 烈度表Modified Mercalli Scale 修订麦加利地震烈度表isoseismal [ ,ais'saizml ] a. 等震线的 n. 等震线Richter magnitude scale 里氏震级Paleozoic [ pli'zuik ] a. 古生代的Mesozoic [ .mesu'zuik, .mez- ] a. 中生代的plowed up 挖掘Gondwana succession 冈瓦纳演替Gondwanaland [ gnd'wɑ:nlnd ]n. 冈瓦纳大陆Laurasia [ l:'rei, - ] n. 劳亚大陆amphibian [ m'fibin ] a. 两栖类的 n. 两栖动物reptile [ 'reptail ] a. 爬行类的n. 爬行动物Mesosaurus n. 中龙属hop [ h?p ] n. 单脚跳, 跳跃,飞行v. 单脚跳, 跳跃, 跃过persuasive [ p'sweisiv ] a. 有说服力的crumple up 起皱calve [ ka:v ] v. 分离reconcile [ 'rek?nsail ] v.使一致, 使和谐, 使满足adherent [ d'hirnt ] n. 追随者, 拥护者dogged [ 'd?gid ] a. 顽固的, 顽强的asthenosphere [s'θensfi:] n. 软流圈isostasy [ ai'sstsi ] n. 地壳均衡说, 地壳均衡, 均衡现象mohorovicic discontinuity 莫霍不连续面mobility [ m?u'biliti ] n. 可动性, 变动性fold [ f?uld ] n. 褶皱rug [ r?g ] n. 毯子, 地毯,bunch up [ bnt ] 聚成一团crinkle [ 'kri?kl ] n. 皱纹syncline [ 'si?klain ] n. 向斜anticlines [ 'nti,klain ] n. 背斜limb [ lim ] n. 翼halves [ hɑ:vz ] n. 二等分intersect [ .int'sekt ] v. 惯穿, (和...) 相交, 交叉recumbent [ ri'kmbnt ] a. 侧卧的plunging fold 倾伏褶皱zigzag [ 'zigz?g ] a. 曲折的, 锯齿形的dome [ d?um ] n. 穹隆bulge [ bld ] n. 胀, 膨胀,v. 凸出, 使...膨胀virtually [ 'v:tjli ] a. 几乎, 差不多,ad. 实际上,事实上dramatic [ dr'mtik ] a. 引人注目的,给人深刻印象的fault [ f:lt ] n. 断层marked [ mɑ:kt ] a. 有记号的, 显着的, 醒目的fault plane断层面strike [ straik ] n. 走向dip [ dip ] n. 倾斜slippage [ 'slipid] . n. 滑移,滑动strike-slip faults 走向滑动断层,走向平移断层dip-slip faults 倾向滑断层hanging wall 上盘footwall [ 'ftw:l ] n. 下盘normal faults 正断层reverse faults 逆向断层thrust faults 冲断层depression [ di'pre?n ] n. 沉降graben [ 'grɑ:b?n ] n. 地堑horst [ h:st ] n. 地垒erosion [ i'run ] n. 腐蚀, 侵蚀temperate [ 'temp?rit ] a. 温和的, 适度的thaw [ θ: ] n. 融雪v. 使融解, 暖和tandem [ 'tndm ] n.串联pry [ prai ] v. 用杠杆撬开aerate [ 'ei?reit ] v. 充气, 让空气进入squirrel [ 'skwir?l ] n. 松鼠gopher [ 'guf ] n. 北美地鼠litter: [ 'lit ] n. 垃圾solution: [ s'lju:n ] n. 溶解oxidation [ksi'dein ] n. 氧化hydration [ hai'drei?n ] n. 水化hydrolysis [ hai'dr?lisis ] n. 水解aqueous [ 'eikwi?s ] a. 水的, 水成的bicarbonate [ bai'ka:b?nit ] n. 重碳酸盐terrane [ t'rein, 'terein ] n. 岩层droplet [ 'dr?plit ] n. 小滴,小水珠toll [ t?ul ] n. 代价, 损耗monument [ 'mnjumnt ] n. 纪念碑,界标,测量固定标志桩hematite [ 'hem?tait ] n. 赤铁矿limonite [ 'laim,nait ] n. 褐铁矿susceptible [ s'septbl ] a. 易受影响的monolithic [ .mn'liθik ] a. 独石的, 完全统一的, 整体的spall [ sp:l ] v. 打碎,弄碎chronology [ kr'nldi ] n. 年代学decipher [ di'saif] v. 译解piece [ pi:s ] v. 结合spatial [ 'spei?l ] a. 空间的illuminate [ i'lju:mineit ] v. 阐释,说明uniformitaranism n. 均变论, 将今论古法horizontality [ ,hrizn'tlti ] n. 水平状态superposition [ .sju:pp'zin ] n. 重叠, 叠合, 重合readily [ 'redili ] ad. 不迟疑地, 迅速地, inclusion [ in'klu:n ] n. 包含xenolith [ 'zen?liθ ] n. 捕虏岩The principle of faunal succession 生物层序律definite [ 'definit ] a. 明确的, 一定的unconformity [ 'nkn'f:miti ] n. 不整合nonconformity [ 'nnkn'f:miti ] n. 岩性不整合subtle [ 's?tl ] a. 微妙的 , 不明显的disconformity [ kn'f:miti ]n. 假整合tan [ t?n ] a. 黄褐色的mudflow [ 'mdflu ] n. 泥流creep [ kri:p ] n. 爬, 蠕动virtually [ 'v:tjli ] ad. 几乎, 实际上, a. 几乎, 差不多regolith [ 'reg?liθ ] n. 表土(风化层)implant [ im'plɑ:nt ] v. 深植, 灌输, 嵌入slant [ slɑ:nt ] v.(使)倾斜, 歪向n.倾斜thaw [ θ: ] n.解冻v. 使融解, 暖和nudge [ nd ] n. 轻推,引起注意solifluction [ ,sli'flkn, ,s- ] n.泥流, 泥流作用, 融冻泥流permafrost [ 'p:mfr(:)st ] n. 永久冻结带, 永久冻土waterlogged [ 'w:tlgd ] a. 浸满水的slump [ sl?mp ] n. 暴跌 v. 猛然掉落plummet [ 'pl?mit ] n. 铅锤, vi.垂直落下intact [ in't?kt ] a.完整无缺的, 原封不动的, 完整的precede [ pri(:)'si:d ] v. 在...之前, 优于, 较...优先exfoliation [ eks,fli'ein ] n. 剥落(除鳞,分层) crescent [ 'kresnt ] n. 新月, 月牙a. 新月形的scarp [ skɑ:p ] n. 悬崖, 陡坡clayey [ 'kleii ] a. 粘土的consistency [ kn'sistnsi ] n. 稠度sparsely [ 'spa:sli ] ad. 稀少地infrequent [ in'fri:kw?nt ] a. 稀少的, 珍贵的, 罕见的cloudburst [ 'kladb:st ] n. 倾盆大雨arroyo [ 'riu ] n. 干枯的河床, 峡谷, 小河lahar [ 'lɑ:hɑ:(r) ] n. 火山泥流well-being [ 'welbii] a. 康乐, 安宁, 福利novel [ 'nvl ] a. 新奇的, 新颖的, 异常的monolith [ 'mnuliθ ] n. 独块巨石acidity [ 'siditi ] n. 酸性, 酸度percolating [ 'p:kleiti ] a. 渗透rivulet [ 'rivjulit ] n. 小河, 小溪, 溪流dominate [ 'd?mineit ] v. 支配resident [ 'rezid?nt ] a. 驻存的intricate [ 'intrikit ] a. 复杂的, 错综的honeycomb [ 'hnikum ] n . 蜂房, 蜂巢subterranean [ sbt'reinin ] a. 地下的pothole [ 'pthul ] n. 壶穴, 锅穴canyon [ 'knjn ] n. 峡谷slot [ sl?t ] n. 缝, 狭槽,水沟bicarbonate [ bai'kɑ:b?nit ] n. 重碳酸盐speleothem [ 'spi:li,θem ] n. 洞穴堆积物(如钟乳石)travertine [ 'trvtin ] n. 石灰华stalactite [ 'stlktait ] n. 钟乳石icicle [ 'aisikl ] n. 垂冰, 冰柱clog [ kl?g ] n. 障碍v. 障碍, 阻塞drip [ drip ] v. 滴下stalagmite [ 'stlgmait ] n. 石笋column [ 'klm ] n. 石柱assume [ 'sju:m ] vt. 呈现drapery [ 'dreip?ri ] n. 帏帐n. 石枝twig [ twig ] n. 小枝, 嫩枝over time 随着时间的过去, 久而久之, 长期以来deplete [ di'pli:t ] vt. 耗尽, 使衰竭descend [ di'send ] v. 降coalesce [ .ku'les ] v. 接合, 合并, 联合configuration [ kn.figju'rein ] n. 构造, 结构, 配置, 外形conflicting [ kn'flikti ] a. 相冲突的vicinity [ vi'siniti ] n. 邻近, 附近, 接近copious [ 'kupjs ] a. 很多的, 丰富的deplete [ di'pli:t ] vt. 耗尽, 使衰竭landmass n. 大陆spell [ spel ] n. 一段时间grade [ greid ] v. 把…筑平desalinization n. 减少盐分, 脱盐作用distill [ di'stil ] vt. 蒸馏, 提取.landfill [ 'l?ndfil ] n. 垃圾堆 n. 垃圾掩埋法, 垃圾insecticide [ in'sektisaid ] n. 杀虫剂carcinogenic [ kɑ:sin'dnik ] a. 致癌的feedlot [ 'fi:dl?t ] n. 饲育场septic [ 'septik ] a. 腐败的sewage [ 'sju(:)id] n.下水道, 污水sewer [ 'sju] n. 下水道degrade [ di'greid ] v. (使)降级, (使)退化taint [ teint; tent ] v. 污染, 中毒n. 污点feasible [ 'fi:z?bl ] a. 可行的, 可能的地质年代(geochronology of geologic ages)Archaeozoic era(erathem),太古代(界)Proterozoic era(erathem),元古代(界)Palaeozoic era(erathem),古生代(界)Mesozoic era(erathem),中生代(界)Cenozoic era(erathem),新生代(界)Sinian period(system),震旦纪(系)Cambrian period(system),寒武纪(系)Ordovician period(system),奥陶纪(系)Silurian period(system),志留纪(系)Devonian period(system),泥盆纪(系)Carboniferous period(system),石炭纪(系)Permian period(system),二叠纪(系)Triassic period(system),三叠纪(系)Jurassic period(system),侏罗纪(系)Cretaceous period(system),白垩纪(系)Tertiary period(system),第三纪(系)Quaternary period(system),第四纪(系)地质构造(geologic structure)fault,断层normal fault,正断层reversed fault,逆断层paralled fault,平移断层gouge,断层泥stria,擦痕joint,节理primary joint,原生节理secondary,次生节理tension joint,张节理unloading joint,卸荷节理schistosity,片理bedding,层理foliation,板理(叶理)ripple mark,波痕mud crack,泥痕rain print,雨痕orientation of bedrock,岩层产状strike,走向dip,倾向angle of dip(dip angle),倾角fold,褶皱anticline,背斜syncline,向斜monocline(homocline),单斜dome,穹隆soft stratum,软弱岩层zone of fracture(broken zone),破碎带affected zone,影响带platy structure,板状构造cleavage,解理fracture(rupture),断裂fissure(crack,fracture),裂隙岩石类型(rock type)petrology,岩石学igneous rock,火成岩magmatic rock,岩浆岩lava(vocanic rock),火山岩intrusive(invade)rock,侵入岩effusive rock,喷出岩plutonic rock,深成岩pypabyssal rock,浅成岩acid rock,酸性岩inter-mediate rock,中性盐basic rock,基性岩ultrabasic rock,超基性岩granite,花岗岩porphyry,斑岩porphyrite,玢岩rhyolite,流纹岩syenite,正长岩trachyte,粗面岩diorite,闪长岩andesite,安山岩gabbro,辉长岩basalt,玄武岩aplite,细晶岩pegmatite,伟晶岩lamprophyre,煌斑岩diabase,辉绿岩dunite,橄榄岩pumice,浮岩sedimentary rock,沉积岩clastic,碎屑岩clay rock,黏土岩chemical rock,化学岩biolith,生物岩conglomerate,砾岩siltstone,粉砂岩mudstone,泥岩shale,页岩saline rock,岩盐limestone,石灰岩dolomite,白云岩marl,泥灰岩volcanic breccia,火山角砾岩volcanic agglomerate,火山块集岩tuff,凝灰岩metamorphic rock,变质岩slate,板岩phyllite,千枚岩schist,片岩gneiss,片麻岩quartzite,石英岩marble,大理岩mylonite,糜棱岩migmatite,混合岩cataclasite,碎裂岩sediment(deposit),沉积物、沉积层boulder,漂石、顽石cobble,卵石gravel,砾石sand,砂silt,粉土clay,粘土sandy clay,砂质粘土clayey sand,粘质砂土sandy loam,壤土、亚黏土regolith(topsoil),浮土(表土)loess,黄土laterite,红土peat,泥炭ooze,软泥(海泥)造岩矿物(rock-forming minerals)talc,滑石gypsum,海石calcite,方解石fluorite,萤石apatite,磷灰石feldspar,长石quartz,石英topaz,黄玉corundum,刚玉diamand,金刚石orthoclase,正长石plagloclase,斜长石biotite,黑云母muscovite,白云母amphibole,角闪石phroxene,辉石olivine,橄榄石dolomite,白云石kaolinite,高岭石montmorillonite,蒙脱石bentonite,斑脱石(膨润土)illite,依砾石garnet,石榴子石chlorite,绿泥石serpentine,蛇纹石pyrite,黄铁矿hematite,赤铁矿magnetite,磁铁矿limonite,褐铁矿矿产普查与勘探Mineral prospecting and Exploration。



昆明理工大学2019年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷) 考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称:英语翻译基础考生答题须知1.所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。





I.Translate the following proper nouns, abbreviations and technical terms into Chinese.(15 scores)1. BRICS Summit2. IAEA3. ASEAN4. CD-ROM5. NATO6. Chinese Academy of SocialSciences7. Jerry-built Projects 8. Excess Land Reclamation9. Nuclear Proliferation10. Real-name Registration11. GATT12. Ride-hailing Industry Overhaul 13.APEC14. Taxation Authority 15. Chinese Koi FishII. Translate the following proper nouns, abbreviations and technical terms into English.(15 scores)1. 自由贸易区2. 直播3. 孵化器4. 孔子学院5. 尾气排放6. 贸易壁垒7. 中小企业8. 中草药9. 共享单车10. 主旨演讲11. 国际空间站12. 代购13. 性价比14. 国务院15. 流动人口III. Translate the following English into Chinese. (60 scores)Without a steady supply of fresh blood, without the oxygen it carries, the human brain is quickly impaired. In four minutes, brain cells, starved for oxygen, begin to die, and serious brain damage results. In another few minutes, the brain is completely destroyed.This was the crux of a stubborn problem. The heart could not be taken out of action for more than four minutes—very little time to repair a heart defect. Until a solution could be found, operating on the第 1 页共2页。

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Unit 1Keys to section A: 1. escort 2. obsessively 3. unseemly 4. baffling 5. trudged 6. simultaneously 7. punning 8. prim 9. trivial 10. ambivalenceKeys to section B:1. A. unobtrusive2. C. submissive3. D. grim4. B. misdemeanour5.C. disapprove 6.D. prodigious 7. C. trivial 8. D. pathetic 9. A. simultaneous 10. D. harryingKeys to close5. against 7. clash 10. penalty 1.torments 3. expected 9. tough 2.suspension 4. stick6. fit 8. promiseUnit 3II. V ocabulary and StructureA. 1. consensus 2. biodiversity 3. sustainable 4.transition 5. disparities.6. degradation7. stakeholders8. broker.9.ministerial 10. yieldB. 1.B in line with 2.C inception 3. A. unprecedented 4.B. pave the way for 5. B. intensification 6. D. subsistence 7.A embark on 8. B. mobilize 9.A infuse 10.Afully-fledgedIII. Cloze1. finance2. reduce3.improve4. agencies5. sustainable6. regional7. integration8. instruments9. enterprises 10. mobilizeUnit 51. obsolete2. perils3. turbulent4. stupefied5.concoction6. splinter7. nibbled8. erupt9. suffocated 10. infidelityB. Directions: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.1.C2.D3.A4. B5.A6. B7.C8. C9. B 10. DIII. ClozeDirections: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words in proper forms from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.1. sphere2. realm3. sacrifices4. manifestations5. exquisite6. involved7. exchange8. accomplished9. object 10. misfortuneUnit 6II V ocabulary and StructureA. 1. consumption 2. conflicted 3. assigned 4.sprawling 5. resort6. incentive7. overlooked8. undervalued9.overall 10. identifyB. 1.C 2.D 3.B. 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.DIII Cloze1. dominate2. symbol3. contrast4. populated5. finished6. tie7. connected8. exceeded9. along 10. becauseUnit 11Keys to section A:1. reconciled2. imperative3. paradox4. existence5.inherit6. formidable7. sensitive8. confess9. Incidentally 10. converselyKeys to section B:1. B2.A3. A4.B5. A6. A7. A8.D9.B 10.CIII Cloze1. partially2. linked3. positive4. increase5. impact6. management7. tolerance8. relieve9. builds 10. reactionUnit 13V ocabulary and Structure:1. insinuate2. amplify3. exploit4. detained5. misconstrued6. inherent7. predisposition8. harbor 9, accommodate 10. around the clock1-10 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. DCloze:1. declining2.brought on3. raise4.predecessors 5. to6. although7.determinant8. flood9. overtaxed 10. moreoverUnit 15II. V ocabulary and Structure:A. 1. formula 2. otherwise 3. recesses 4. cohesion 5. addiction6. nourish7. dispersed8. convert…into9. hitchhike 10. makes… sense.B. 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.C9.A 10.DIII. Cloze1. dispute2. alternative3. searching for4. ethnic5. lifestyle6. on behalf of7. corruption8.opportunity9. vision 10.look forward toTranslationUnit 11.把下面的英语段落翻译成汉语。


2. 把下面的汉语段落翻译成英语。

Someone has once prophesied that once cigarettes disappear from the surface of the earth, the whole world may be in chaos. This might be an exaggeration, but the dander of smoking should not be underestimated. Smoking is a curse affecting the whole globe. Let’s put foreign countries aside. China alone has hundreds of millions of smokers. Addicted smokers often say that it would be more difficult for them to endure the suffering of two hours without smoking a cigarette than that of a day without having meals. Smoking pollutes the air and dangers the health, consequently increasing the incidence of lung cancer greatly.Unit 31、翻译下列句子,注意对黑体词进行增译。


(2)马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(3)If winter comes,can spring be far behind?(4)Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang--- t he m astermind.2、翻译下列句子,注意对黑体词进行减译。



(3)We don’t retreat, and we never have and never wil l.(4)A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses, his theories and his conclusion.3、翻译下列段落。









Unit 51. 对下列句子进行英汉互译,注意将黑体词进行词类转换。



(3)Our government shows great concern for the Chinese residents abroad.(4)Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of the trade in opium must be preceded by the destruction of the drug itself.2. 对下列句子进行英汉互译,注意将黑体部分的句子成分进行转换。
