PC36c直流电阻测试仪 英文说明书

二、产品特点1. 高精度:电阻测量仪采用先进的电阻测量技术,具有高精度的测量能力,能够满足各种高精度测量的需求。
2. 大量程:电阻测量仪具有宽广的量程范围,从几欧姆到几千兆欧姆都可以进行准确测量。
3. 操作简便:采用人性化设计,电阻测量仪简洁直观的操作界面,方便用户快速上手操作。
4. 多功能:电阻测量仪除了测量电阻值之外,还具备温度测量、命令控制功能等多种扩展功能,满足用户的多样化需求。
5. 外形美观:电阻测量仪外观设计简洁大方,符合人体工学原理,手感舒适。
三、基本操作1. 打开电源:用合适的电源线将电阻测量仪连接到电源插座上,并打开电源开关。
2. 连接被测电阻:使用合适的电缆将被测电阻连接到电阻测量仪的测量接口。
3. 设置量程:根据被测电阻的阻值范围,选择合适的量程档位,并通过操作界面上的旋钮进行设置。
4. 进行测量:按下测量按钮,电阻测量仪开始进行电阻值测量,并将结果显示在操作界面上。
5. 记录结果:可以使用内置的存储功能将测量结果保存下来,或通过接口将结果输出至计算机等外部设备。
四、注意事项1. 使用前请确保电阻测量仪的工作环境安全可靠,避免过高、过低温度、湿度对仪器性能的影响。
2. 进行电阻测量时,请确保被测电阻与电阻测量仪的连接稳固可靠,防止测量误差。
3. 在测量大电阻值时,应尽量避免外界干扰,如静电、磁场等可能影响测量结果的因素。
4. 长时间不使用电阻测量仪时,请及时关闭电源以延长仪器寿命。
5. 请勿在无专业人员指导的情况下拆卸或修理电阻测量仪,以免造成不可修复的损坏。
五、维护保养1. 定期进行仪器校准,以确保测量准确性。
2. 保持仪器的清洁干燥,在使用完毕后,可使用干净柔软的布擦拭仪器表面。
3. 避免仪器受到强磁场、静电等影响,以防止仪器性能受损。

PC36C直流低电阻测试仪使用说明书一、用途PC36 c直流低电阻测试仪是一种由高稳定精密恒流源、带自校的高精度数字电压表和CPU 微处理器组成的5位半台式数字式直流电阻测试仪,其测量结果用6位VFD荧光显示。
该仪器具有价格低廉、测量精度高、性能稳、使用方便等特点,它适用于测量各种电线、电缆的电阻值、各类线圈、电动机、变压器绕组的电阻,特别是具有自校功能(用户备用BZ3标准2.2 量程、测量范围、分辨力及基本误差产品在标准条件(20±1℃)下符合表 1规定表 1(温度补偿开关置断)2.6 极性、量程过载指示2.6.1在电阻测量时不显示极性2.6.2当输入电阻值超过仪表测量范围时仪表显示 <LCE> 2.7 采样速度:2~3次/s2.8 消耗功率:≤30W2.9 重量:≤7kg三、工作原理和特点本仪器是由5 1/2位,具有0.1μV 灵敏度的数字电压表和一个精密恒流源组成,如图 1所示:4(输入插座的C 1和C 2为恒流源的输出端;输入插座的P 1和P 2为数字表的输入端)。
4.2 使用方法 4.2.1 接通电源之前,先按下测试/暂停按键。
再打开电源开关,电阻测试仪预热10min 即可进行测量。
分别按下200μΩ、2mΩ、20mΩ、200mΩ、2Ω、20Ω、200Ω档时:200μΩ档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 10A电流2mΩ档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 10A电流20mΩ档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 1A电流200mΩ档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 0.1A电流2Ω档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 0.01A电流20Ω档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 1mA电流200Ω档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 0.1mA电流4.2.5 正反向测试电流的用法在测量微欧姆电阻时,建议正向电流测量一次,记录测试结果。

二、设备介绍1. 外观描述电阻测试仪外观精致紧凑,有LCD显示屏、操作按键和测试接口。
2. 技术指标- 测量范围:0.01Ω - 10MΩ- 准确度:±1%- 工作电压:220V AC- 重复性:0.5%- 工作温度:0°C - 40°C三、操作步骤1. 准备工作确保电阻测试仪电源正常连接,并插入合适的电源插座。
2. 测试接线将待测试的电路中的电阻器按电阻值大小依次连接到电阻测试仪的测试接口上。
3. 设置测试参数根据待测电路的特性,合理设置测试仪的参数。
4. 进行测试按下“开始”按钮,电阻测试仪将开始自动进行测试。
5. 关机测试完成后,根据需要选择合适的关机方式。
四、注意事项1. 在使用电阻测试仪前,确保自身安全,例如需要戴好绝缘手套,避免触电危险。
2. 在测试过程中,尽量避免与测试接线触碰,以免干扰测试结果。
3. 预热时间可能会影响测试结果。
4. 若测试结果与预期不符,建议检查测试接线是否正确连接或考虑是否需要更换电阻器。
五、维护与保养1. 定期清洁电阻测试仪外壳,使用干净的柔软布进行擦拭,避免使用化学溶剂。

二、主要技术指标:1、分辨率:1诅2、测量范围:1说~20K Q 准确度:士0.2%3、电源: ~220V±10% 50Hz;DC12V4、使用环境温度:-10 C ~40C,相对湿度:<85%5、重量:4Kg三、使用方法:1 、测试线的连接方法:将仪器的C1、P1、P2、C2端子与被测电阻按图1的方法连接好,这种连法,可消除A、B、C D处的接触电阻,以及连线电阻对测量的影响。
四根测试线的长度应相等A B C DC1 P1 (图1)P2 C22、接地:在环境电磁干扰严重或被测试品为感性时,应将仪器地端子与试品地(或大地)用导线连接好,以消除外界的干扰,测量的数据较稳定。
(在放电后调整量程)使显示值在(不管小数点)1999—19999之间为最佳量程,得到的数据精度最高,显示屏上显示“ T表示超量程。
4、调零:当使用“ 20m Q”、“200 m Q”档时需调零。

⑤开机前请检查电源电压:交流220V±10% 50Hz。



1使用条件:使用环境温度:0~40℃使用环境温度:≤90%2技术参数:2.1 供电电源:交流220V ±10%、频率50±1Hz;2.2 电阻测量范围:0~2000Ω、分辩度1 uΩ;2.3 电阻测量准确度:0.2级;2.4 电流源输出:0.5A、5A、10A(仪器自动换挡);3 使用方法:用电源线把仪器与外部AC220V电源连接,+I、-I、+V、-V端子与试品采用四端法接线。
全部测试过程由仪器自动控制测试过程为:3.1 被试品通过专用线缆与本机的测试接线柱连接,确保连接牢固,同时把地线接好。
3.2 本机共设“选择”“确定”“复位”共三个按键。
3.3 选择“电阻”后,按下确认键,开始测量,屏幕上显示“正在测量”,此时进入测量状态,几秒后会自动显示所测阻值。
)3.4 如果测试线没有接好,仪器会自动显示“测试线未接好”,这时需要检查线路是否正确或没有接牢,然后安复位键重新测量。
3.5 如果需要打印结果,在显示电阻后,按住选择键1~2秒钟,可打印电阻值。
3.6 测试完毕后,按下“复位”键,仪器电源将与绕组断开,液晶显示“正在放电”同时音响警报,当显示屏回到出世状态,放电声音结束后,可重新接线进行接线。
4 注意事项:4.1 本仪器在户内、户外均可使用,但应避开雨林、腐蚀气体、尘埃过浓、高温高压、阳光直射等场所,以及避免剧烈震动。

直流电阻测试仪操作手册The manuscript was revised on the evening of 2021直流电阻测试仪操作手册(SR3320)线圈直流电阻的测定是变压器试验中既简便又重要的一个试验项目。
一、试验标准Q/BT 143-96北京铁路局企业标准《牵引供电设备预防性试验标准》和设备的出厂说明书。
二、仪器技术指标1、输出电流:40mA、200mA、1A、5A2、分辨率:1μΩ3、量程:1mΩ--4Ω(5A档)10mΩ--20Ω(1A档)50mΩ--100Ω(200m A档)250mΩ--500Ω(40m A档)4、准确度:2‰5、工作电源:AC220V±10% 50HZ6、工作温度:0~40℃7、工作湿度:<90%RH,不结露四、仪器操作功能介绍1、电源:为220V电源输入端2、复位键:按下此键本机处于初始状态,可对输出电流进行预置3、选择:本机复位后,按此键进行电流预置4、确认:输出电流选择完毕后按下此键,即可由微型控制实现全部测试过程5、显示调节:可通过显示屏下面的旋钮进行显示屏辉度调节6、:接地点7、I+、I-:为电流输出端子,I+为输出电流正,I-为输出电流负4、V+、V-:V+为电压线正端、V-为电压线负端五、测试与操作方法1、接线方法:如上图所示,把被试品通过专用测试线与仪器的接线柱连接,同时接好地线。


PC36c直流电阻测试仪使用说明书上海汉仪电气科技有限公司一、用途PC36 c直流低电阻测试仪是一种由高稳定精密恒流源、带自校的高精度数字电压表和CPU 微处理器组成的5位半台式数字式直流电阻测试仪,其测量结果用6位VFD荧光显示。
二、技术指标2.1 使用条件:2.1.1环境温度:20±15℃(校准温度:20±1℃)2.1.2相对湿度:不大于75%RH2.1.3供电电源:220V±10%,50Hz±1Hz2.1.4无剧烈震动和机械冲击2.1.5环境周围无强电磁场干扰2.1.6空气中不含腐蚀气体、灰尘和有害杂质2.1.7通风条件良好2.1.8总技术指标2.2 量程、测量范围、分辨力及基本误差产品在标准条件(20±1℃)下符合表 1规定2.3 温度的影响产品在(20±5℃)条件下,误差如表 2所示如用BZ3标准电阻进行现场标定,PC36c的精度可以大大提高2.4 温度附加误差产品在偏离20±1℃的情况下工作,环境温度每变化多端10℃所引起的附加误差应不超出基本误差值。
2.5 倍功率的影响(×0.707I、×1.414I)产品在(20±5℃)条件下,误差如表 2所示2.6 极性、量程过载指示2.6.1在电阻测量时不显示极性2.6.2当输入电阻值超过仪表测量范围时仪表显示 <LCE>2.7 采样速度:2~3次/s2.8 消耗功率:≤30W2.9 重量:≤7kg三、工作原理和特点本仪器是由5 1/2位,具有0.1μV灵敏度的数字电压表和一个精密恒流源组成,如图 1所示:I00.1m A~10A图1由精密恒流源流出的电流I0在被测电阻RX产生一电压降,同时用5 1/2位数字电压表去测试这个电压降,其测量结果用电阻值反应出来。

目录一、概述 (2)二、安全措施 (2)三、性能特点 (2)四、技术指标 (3)五、系统介绍 (3)六、测试与操作方法 (4)七、注意事项 (6)八、仪器成套性 (7)九、售后服务 (7)一、概述变压器直流电阻是变压器制造中半成品、成品出厂试验、安装、大修、改变分接开关后、交接试验及电力部门预防性试验的必测项目。

电阻测试仪器操作说明书1. 简介电阻测试仪器是一种用于测量电子元件电阻值的设备。
2. 设备组成电阻测试仪器一般由以下主要部分组成:a) 仪器主机:包含显示屏、控制按钮和接口等;b) 测试夹具:用于夹持待测电子元件;c) 电源线:连接电阻测试仪器主机和电源插座。
3. 操作流程a) 连接电源:插入电源线的插头到电源插座,并确保电源稳定工作。
b) 打开电阻测试仪器:按下主机上的电源开关,仪器将开始自检过程,并在显示屏上显示欢迎信息。
c) 设置测试参数:通过操作按钮进入菜单界面,在菜单界面中可以设置测试参数,如测试范围、测试精度等。
d) 夹持电子元件:将待测电子元件正确夹持在测试夹具上,并确保良好的接触。
e) 进行测试:按下仪器上的测试开始按钮,仪器将自动对待测电子元件进行测试,并在显示屏上显示测试结果。
f) 记录结果:根据测试结果进行记录和分析。
4. 注意事项a) 使用合适的电源:确保使用符合要求的电源,并避免使用损坏或不明来源的电源。
b) 避免强磁场干扰:在使用电阻测试仪器时,尽量避免强磁场的环境,避免对测试结果产生干扰。
c) 注意安全电压范围:在进行测试前,确认待测电子元件的额定电压范围,在仪器设置时确保测试范围不超过额定电压范围。
d) 阅读仪器说明书:在操作仪器前,请仔细阅读仪器的用户说明书,了解仪器的性能特点和操作要点。
e) 避免湿度和温度过高:电阻测试仪器一般要求在相对湿度低于80%、温度在0-40摄氏度的环境中工作。
5. 故障排除如果在使用电阻测试仪器过程中遇到问题,可以参考以下故障排除方法:a) 仪器无法启动:检查电源线是否插紧、电源开关是否打开。
b) 测试结果显示异常:检查测试夹具是否夹紧、待测电子元件是否接触良好,并确保仪器设置正确。
c) 其他问题:如遇到其他问题,请联系专业技术人员进行维修或咨询。
测温元件直流电阻和绝缘电阻测量 英语

测温元件直流电阻和绝缘电阻测量英语Temperature Sensor: Direct Current Resistance and Insulation Resistance MeasurementIntroduction:The accurate measurement of the direct current resistance and insulation resistance of temperature sensors is crucial for their proper functioning and reliability. This article provides an overview of the measurement techniques and considerations for these parameters.1. Direct Current Resistance Measurement:Direct current resistance refers to the resistance of the conducting path in a temperature sensor when a DC voltage is applied across it. This measurement is essential for evaluating the sensor's electrical conductivity and overall performance.To measure the direct current resistance, the following steps can be followed:Step 1: Set up the measurement equipment - Connect the temperature sensor to a suitable current source and voltmeter.Step 2: Apply a known DC voltage - Apply a known DC voltage across the sensor terminals using the current source. Ensure that the voltage is within the safe operating range of the sensor.Step 3: Measure the current - Measure the current flowing through the sensor using the ammeter connected in series with the sensor.Step 4: Calculate the resistance - Calculate the resistance of the temperature sensor by dividing the applied voltage by the measured current.Step 5: Repeat the measurement - Repeat the measurement multiple times and take the average to improve the accuracy of the resistance value.2. Insulation Resistance Measurement:Insulation resistance refers to the electrical resistance between the conductive elements of a temperature sensor and its surrounding insulation material. It is essential to ensure proper insulation integrity and prevent electrical leakage.To measure the insulation resistance, the following steps can be followed:Step 1: Isolate the temperature sensor - Disconnect any external electrical connections to the sensor to ensure accurate measurement of insulation resistance.Step 2: Set up the measurement equipment - Connect a megohmmeter or insulation resistance tester to the sensor terminals.Step 3: Apply a test voltage - Apply a suitable test voltage from the insulation resistance tester across the sensor terminals.Step 4: Measure the insulation resistance - Measure the insulation resistance value displayed on the tester. This value indicates the resistance between the sensor's conductive elements and its insulation material.Step 5: Evaluate the insulation quality - Compare the measured insulation resistance value with the manufacturer's specifications to determine the effectiveness of the insulation.Step 6: Repeat the measurement - Repeat the measurement after certain intervals to identify any variation or degradation in the insulation resistance over time.Conclusion:The direct current resistance and insulation resistance measurements are vital for assessing the performance and reliability of temperature sensors. By following the appropriate measurement techniques and considerations outlined in this article, accurate results can be obtained, ensuring the effective operation of temperature sensing systems.Disclaimer: The above measurement techniques are provided as general guidelines and may vary depending on the specific temperature sensor and measurement equipment used. It is recommended to refer to the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for accurate and reliable measurements.。
测试仪说明书 - 英文-新版

Sun Electronic Co.,ltd1CATALOGUE 1.Introduction1.1 Scope of Application1.2 Basic Parameter2.Instrumentation2.1 Front Panel2.2 Back Panel3.Operating principle & Methods3.1 Test ignition coil without module3.1.1 Operating principle3.1.2 Methods3.2 Test ignition coil with module3.2.1 Operating principle3.2.2 Methods4.Maintain and Solutions5.Attaches facilities for tester6.Guarantee1. Introduction1.1 Scope of applicationAuto spark tester for ignition coil is a new developed spark tester device by our company with high reliability which is applied to ignition performance test for DC 12V dry-type high-energy ignition coil, that it can be used for the ignition coil experimental tests and also can be used for the detection of terminal products in the production line.1.2 Basic parameterDimensions:height 195mm, width 310mm,depth 260mmPower supply:AC single-phase 220VPower:150WSignal frequency: 50HzSignal pulse width:1.25ms-10ms(adjustable)Signal scope: square-wave pulse,amplitude+5VHi-pot test:DC 14VTest current:average current 3A(DC)2.Technical Parameters2.1 Front PanelV oltmeterAmmeterRegulate pulse width- S G B+ PowerTest Button Ignition PlugV oltmeter: test bench after electrify, voltage meter points to 14 V.Ammeter: When test bench works,ammeter points to 0.4 to 0.6 A.Band switch: 1 gear in total from 1.25 ms to 10 ms , used for adjusting pulse width.Power switch: test bench master switch.Test switch: When power switch and test switch are opened, test bench is work,disconnect after the end of the test.Patch jack: ignition coil "B +", "G", "S" and "-" connected with the correspondingwiring holes.Spark plug: when testing, the spark plug discharge.2.2 Back PanelIgnition WirePower lineInsurancePic 2Power outlet: using the power cord connected to the 220 v power supply, to power thetest bench.Insurance: protection of test bench, the insurance can be replaced.Ignition wire: connected to the ignition coils of high voltage output.3、Working principle & Test Methods3.1 Test for ignition coil without module3.1.2 Working principle for ignition coil without modulePic 33.1.3 Test Methods for ignition coil without module1.First, please connect ignition coil with the test bench, the positive of ignition coil connected to the "B +", the cathode connected with "-",and ignition wire connected to ignition coil high-voltage output.2. Please adjust the required pulse width first, then closed ship type switch,and now the power of test bench has been switched on, the voltmeter indicate voltage of 14 v, as shown in figure 4.3. Please close the "TEST" button to begin testing, the two pins of spark plug start striking, as shown in figure 5. Normally spark bright shows white color and sounds more rounded.4.When close the machine, please close test button first,and then close power switch.Test button on Pic 4 Pic 53.2 Test for ignition coil with module3.2.1 Working principle for ignition coil with modulePic 63.2.2 Test methods for ignition coil with module1. First please connect ignition coil with tester, positive pole of ignition coil connect to the panel “B+” end, ground wire of ignition coil connect to the panel “G+” end, signal of ignition coil connect to the panel “S+” end and make sure ignition wire connect well to output connector of coil.2. Adjust the signal pulse width to need and then close the rocker switch, at the same time power is supplied to tester and the figure shown in voltmeter is 14V(Pic.7 for ref.)3.Press the button “TEST” to start testing, at the same time two-pin spark plug begin to strike a light. Normally the spark color is bright white and the voice sound rounded.4. After th e test, first press “TEST” button and then close the rocker switch.Discharge gap for spark plug striking a light has been adjusted before leaving factory, there is no need to adjust it and can use it directly. If discharge gap is changed due to transportation or long time using or spray point ablate, please adjust the discharge gap to 11mm by located block with in device. If pencil ignition coil with shielding case on the output connector, please use connecting lever to test in device.PowerPic 7Pulse width modulation Pic 84.Maintain and Solution5. Facilities to tester1)Power Line 1pcs;2)5A Fuse 3pcs;3)Instruction Manual 1pcs;4)Air gap located block 1pcs;5)Connecting Lever 1pcs;After receipt of the spark tester, the user should check contents of the above-mentioned, if found missing please contact us immediately.6. WarrantyWarranty period is three months from the delivery date when the user bought the tester from SUN. During warranty, if the tester was damaged due to the user’s reason, we can repair it and charge for parts.Beyond warranty, we will charge for repair fees and this tester is lifetime warranty.Manufacturer:SUN ELECTRONIC CO.,LTDAddress:No.14 Fengzesi Dadao, Balitai Industrial Zone, Jinnan District, Tianjin, China.Zip Code:300350Tel.:86-22-88566605Fax:86-22-88823123E-mail:SUN@Website:。
S CIENTIFIC PHYSICS 3B 电阻温度计测试仪用户手册说明书

3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICSInstructions d'utilisation10/15 ALF1 Connecteur multiple2 Écarteur3 Tuyaux capillaires de chauffage4 Cristal de germanium dopé p5 Sonde de température PT100Le cristal de germanium est très fragile :∙ Manipulez le circuit imprimé avec précautionet ne l'exposez à aucunes charges mécaniques.Le circuit imprimé d'essai peut devenir très chaud pendant l'utilisation (170°C). Risque de brûlure ! ∙ Attendre que le circuit imprimé ait bien refroidiavant de le démonter.En raison de sa résistance spécifique élevée, le cristal de germanium chauffe dès qu'on applique un courant d'essai.∙ Ne pas dépasser le courant d'essai maximal I= ±33 mA.∙ Tourner le régulateur du courant d'essai sur laposition centrale.Le circuit imprimé associé à l'appareil de base pour l'étude de l'effet de Hall (1009934), permet de mesurer la conductivité et la tension de Hall du germanium dopé p, en fonction de la température. Il est également possible de mesurer la tension de Hall, à travers le cristal, en fonction du champ magnétique externe et du courant d'essai.Le circuit imprimé est doté d'un connecteur multiple avec des contacts pour le courant d'essai, le chauffage de résistance et la sonde de température sous le cristal. 1 circuit imprimé avec cristal de germanium 1 protocole d'essai 1 mode d'emploiCourant d'essai maximal :±33 mADimensions du cristal : env. 20 x 10 x 1 mm³ Dimensions : env. 70 x 70 x 10 mm³ Masse : env. 30 gFig.1 A Tuyaux capillaires de chauffage, B Courant d'essai à travers le cristal de germanium, C Sonde de température PT100, D Tension de HallLe montage du circuit imprimé dans l'appareil de base pour l'étude de l'effet de Hall, ainsi que le branchement du montage expérimental, sont décrits dans le mode d'emploi de l'appareil de base pour l'étude de l'effet de Hall.Tension de Hall U H (appareil de base) Tension d'essai U (appareil de base) Courant d'essai I(appareil de base) Température d'essai T P (appareil de base) Flux magnétique B(avec capteur de champ magnétique)Grandeurs déduites :Conductivité : σ=⋅⋅20mm10mm 1mmI UTempérature absolue en degrés Kelvin : =+P 273,15K T T∙ Pour le nettoyage, utiliser un pinceau souple, éviter de toucher le cristal avec les doigts. ∙Une fois l'utilisation terminée et l'appareil refroidi, le conserver dans son carton d'origine.∙Ne pas jeter le circuit imprimé dans les ordures ménagères. Il est important de respecter les consignes locales relatives au traitement des déchets électriques.L'emballage est composé de matériaux écologiques et recyclables.∙ Le déposer dans les centres de recyclagelocaux.10.1 U H en fonction de IU H / mV 10.4 U et σ en fonction de I10.2 U H en fonction de BU H / mV10.5 U et σ en fonction deB10.3 U H en fonction de T70605040302010-100U H/ mV10.6 U et σ en fonction de T。

审批opper20℃ohms/km Bare Copper25℃ohms/km
Solid 54 34 21.4
Stranded 56.8 35.7 22.4
Solid 55.1 34.7 21.8
Stranded 57.9 36.4 22.8
4.0 操作歩骤 4.1 先准备要测样品600mm,两端去绝缘皮固定在导体电阻夹具上; 4.2 接上电源开关,按下电源开关,预热15分钟; 4.3 将测试线电压端(D-即带黑色套管)与电压端(D+即带红色套管) 短路接线调节调零旋钮,使显示值为零; 4.4 使显示值为零后,把电压端(黑色与红色)两端子分别接在导体电 阻夹具的电流接线柱上; 4.5 根据所测电阻大小,选择适当量程,当不确定被测电阻大小时,可 从最小量程测起直到超量程显示灯熄灭为止; 4.6 被测电阻阻值显示稳定后,请记录测试值; 5.0 注意事项 5.1 本仪器所附测试线采用四端测量方式可消除引线电阻和接触电阻对 测量值带来的影响。如采用自备测试线,则必须采用正确的四端测 试线法,以确保测量精度; 5.2 测量感性被测件,若需要切换量程时,必须先将被测件取下放电后 再进行测量; 5.3 为确保测量精度和长期稳定性,每次测量前都要调零;
编号:Q/JT03.02A/0-2011 版本: A 标题:
生效日期:2011年8月16日 第1页,共1页
1.0 目的 规范直流低电阻操作规范,满足客户需求 2.0 适用范围 适用于变压器及电感线圏铜阻﹑插件接触电阻﹑导线电阻等等 3.0 标准参照表
Conductor mm 0.325 0.519 0.824 (AWG) 22 20 18
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PC36 Series D.C. Resistance Meters Operation InstructionsShanghai Taiou Electronic CO.,Ltd.1.Basic ParametersThe basic parameters are shown as table 1Table 12Technique Requirements2.1environmental conditions2.1.1 environmental temperature 15—25℃2.1.2 relative humidity ≤85%RH2.1.3 power 220V±10%, 48-62Hz2.1.4 Outside of the earth magnetic field, there is no electric field or magnetic field of electric pulse and electric spark in the measurement environment.12.2basic toleranceThe basic tolerance of the measurement is shown as table 2R X:reading of the measurement R m:maximum value of the range2.3Accurate class and maximum toleranceshown as table 3.The accurate class and maximum tolerance isThe rated output currents of the measurement are shown as table 4.22.5Two way current measurementOnce the thermoelectric voltage of the circuit is removed the difference of the result between the positive current measurement and negative current measurement is less than the half of the basic tolerance.2.6 Temperature conversion of the copper wire and aluminum wire2.6.1 temperature conversion rangeenvironmental temperature input ringing from15℃to26℃with the step of 0.1℃.2.6.2 properties of temperature conversionK t = 1/ [1+0.004( t-20 )] = 250 / (230 + t )t: environmental temperature ℃.2.6.3 readout of the meter: R X= R20 = K t*R tR20:resistance at 20℃; R t:resistance at t℃2.7Insulation resistanceInsulation resistance is more than 20 MΩbetween power input leads and outside sell of the meter.2.8Insulation strengthInsulation strength is 50Hz at 1500V (1 minute) between power input leads and outside sell of the meter.3Operation methods3.1 Introduction of panel functionOf which:(1)liquid crystal display (8) measurement state choice switch(2)range choice switch (9) current output terminal “C1”(3)function choice switch (10) voltage input terminal “P1,P2”(4)power switch (11) current output terminal “C2”(5)zero check and balance knob (12) environmental temperature input switch(6)reading hold switch (15-26℃,step 1℃)(7) current direction choice switch (13) environmental temperature input switch(0.0-1.1℃,step 0.1℃)(14)temperature conversion switchNote: The meter has 12 ranges, but the range choice switch (2) has only 6 positions for turning. When the measurement state choice switch (8) is turned to the “normal current” (normal current measurement) position, the screen displays“ THI”, the 6 ranges witch on the upper position of the panel (printed in blue) is effective; and when the switch (8) is turned to the “low current” (low current measurement) position, the screen displays“ TLO”, the 6 ranges witch on the lower position of the panel (printed in black) is effective. The screen displays the maximum value of range ( 2、20 、200 or 2000 ) and the unit of the resistance (Ω、mΩ、μΩ)when measuring3.2 the measuring steps of resistance3.2.1 meter preheat and zero checkTurn the function switch (3) to “zero check”, measurement state choice switch (8) to “ low current”, range choice switch (2) to “200μΩ” to make the meter in the highest sensitivity condition. Turn the power switch (4) to preheat the meter, after 3 minutes, turn zero check knob (5) to make meter value at “00.00”.3.2.2 Connect the meter and the resistor witch is to be measured in the sequence of “C1, P1, P2, C2”with the current junctions outside and the voltage junctions inside, red wires are “C1,P1” and black wires are “ C2, P2 ”. Reduce the possibility of touching the “P1, P2” junctions because the human body will heat the voltage junction, and the effect of thermocouple will influence the result of low resistance measurement.3.2.3 Select suitable range and measurement condition according to the resistor to be measured. The “normal current” measurement state is more accurate in measurement and stronger in the ability against interference. The “low current” measurement state is higher sensitivity and better resolution. If the user can’t estimate the value of the resistor to be measured, please select the higher range and lower current to prevent the resistor from damaging by the high current shock.3.2.4 voltage balance of the measuring circuitTurn function switch (3) from “zero check” to “balance”, The screen will probably display a value which indicates that there exists a no balanced voltage in the measuring circuit. Pay attention, the no balanced voltage is caused by the effect of thermocouple. It is not stable and will reduce in a few minutes, please wait till the value of no balanced voltage is less than 5. Then turn knob (5) again to make meter value between “ –0000 ” to “0000”.3.2.5 resistance measurementTurn function switch (3) to “1.00I ”, the screen displays the resistance value of the resistor to be measured. If it shows “1—”, it means the measurement is under range, please turn range choice switch (2) at clockwise to make measurement value appear. If the value less than 1800, it means the measurement is over range, so turn switch (2) at counter-clockwise to make value in high resolution. If the range issuitable for measurement, readout of the meter is between 1800 to 19999.3.3 reading holdTurn the reading hold switch (6) to “ hold ”, the meter will get into reading hold state, the screen displays “H”, user can record the measurement value conveniently. Normally, the switch (6) is turned to “ run ”, so that the measurement is continuous.3.4 Two-way current measurementIf the resistance of the measurement is less than 0.1Ω, the operation of two-way current measurement should be taken to offset the thermoelectric voltage caused by the effect of thermocouple in the measuring circuit. First, turn the current direction choice switch (7) to “I+”(positive current measurement), t ake down the value of measurement as R I+, and then turn switch (7) to “I-” (negative current measurement), the negative sign appears in front of the resistance value, it indicates the meter has got into the negative current measurement state, take down this value as R I-(omit the negative sign), the result R = (R I++ R I-) / 2 , is more accurate than one-way current measurement.3.5multiple current measurementBecause the temperature resistance coefficient of the copper wire and aluminum wire is rather big, if the measurement current is too big, the wire will be heated so that serious error will be caused. It can be checked by the method of multiple current measurement, to prevent the measurement from too big current.Turn the “function” switch (3) to “ 1.41I ” position (1.41 times of the rated current), to compare with the result under the “ 1.00I ” (rated current). If the difference is within the value required by the national standard, it means the measurement result is valid. Otherwise it means the outcome is not valid because the measurement current is too big. In order to reduce the measurement current please turn switch (3) to “0.707I” position (0.707 times of the rated current). Again, compare it with the result under the “ 1.00I ” (rated current). If the difference is within the value required by the national standard, it means the measurement result under “0.707I” is valid. Otherwise the measurement current is still too big, please select the higher range or turn switch (8) to “ low current ” posit ion, to further reduce the current.3.5 Temperature conversion of the copper wire and aluminum wireWhen measuring the conductor resistance of the copper wire and aluminum wire, set the switch (12) and switch (13) to environmental temperature, and then the readout of the meter will automatically convert to the resistance under the standard temperature—20℃.In this way ,the users don’t need to conversion by the formula themselves. Pay attention to make the measurement of the environmental temperature accurately ( the error less then 0.1℃) .The wires which to be measured must stay in the environment for enough time, so that wire’s temperature totally equals the environmental temperature.Pay more attention, the operation of the automatic temperature conversion is only suitable for the measurements of the resistors which are made of pure copper or pure aluminum (electrolytic copper or electrolytic aluminum). Except this two, neither the standard resistor、the touching resistance and the other substantial resistors;nor the resistors which are made of copper alloy、aluminum alloy、iron alloy and other alloys can be measured with the function of the automatic temperature conversion. The temperature conversion switch (14) should be turned to “OFF ” position, when measuring these resistors. In this state, the function of the temperature conversion is not effective and the readout of the meter is the real resistance of the resistor under the environmental temperature. Because the temperature resistance coefficients of these resistors are rather different from the temperature resistance coefficient of pure copper, it will cause serious errors when the function of temperature conversion is wrongly used.4. Points of attention4.1 The meter is the specialized equipment of measuring the conductor resistance of wires and cables. In order to use the meter correctly and safely, the user must read the operation instructions carefully and completely before using it, because there are many new techniques and special functions in the meter, and it is rather different from other low resistance meters.4.2 When the terminal of “P1, P2, C1, C2” are not connected to the resistor to be measured, the function switch (3) must be turned to “zero check” position. After measurement, the user must turn switch (3) to “zero check” first, and then cut off theconnector. Especially avoid cutting off the measuring circuit when the measurement current is big. When the meter is out of use, please turn switch (3) to “zero check” position too.4.3 Don’t cover the vent of the meter when the meter is being used in order to make heat dissipated well.4.4 The meter should be put in a dry, ventilated place when out of use, avoid severe cold and extremely hot.5 The quality standard and the guarantee of repair5.1 The meter is made on the basis of the standard No. Q/AEXJ3 Shanghai China. 5.2 The manufacturer guarantees to keep the meter in good repair all it’s life, and the repair is free in 12 months expect the trouble of the meter is caused by the wrong use of the user.6 Complete set of the meterProvide following technique files and attachments with every meter:a) product qualified certificate oneb) operation introductions onec) power line oned) measuring cable one pairThe patent has been entitled to this meter. No imitator is allowed.Shanghai Taiou Electronic Co.,LtdAddress: 1, lane74, GuangLing No.1 Road, Shanghai ChinaPost code: 200083Tel: 008621-65607047 65604787 65420430Fax:008621-65607047http:。