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课程名称: 词汇自主学习 ;试卷编号: A/B ;考试时间:90分钟


Multiple Choice

1. Their walking tour through Springfield never came ____ A. to B. off C. out D. round

2. He had deceived a great many people but she ____him at once. A. saw through B. saw off

C. saw about

D. saw into

3. All the hotels in the town were full up so we stayed in a ____village. A. close B. near C. nearby D. neighborhood

4. If reading is to accomplish anything more than

____time, it must be active. A. wasting B. spending C. passing D. idling

5. The ____ from the airport was really tiring because it was situated far from the city. A. flight B. travel C. crossing D. journey

6. Kenya ’s Tsavo Game Park ____ Susan much of the wildlife park she had visited in New Jersey.

A. evoked

B. recalled

C. reminded

D. remembered

7. I am ____ that many readers are favorably impressed with your writings. A. confirmed B. confident C. indifferent D. confused 8. She is the person who likes to ____her knowledge.

A. show up

B. show in

C. show off

D. show round

9. We should ____with the difficulties we were confronted with. A. accord B. acquaint C. brood D. contend

10. ____of half starving foxes were roaming the snow covered mountain areas. A. Herds B. Packs C. Flocks D. Crowds

11. The very idea of her winning the English competition is quite ___ . A. strange B. absurd C. unlikely D. sensible

12. His interesting lecture ____ my interest in history. A. revealed B. revolved C. retorted D. revived

13. All ads are intended to be ____,but they can stir up interest and curiosity in varying ways, through humour, information and so on. A. provocative B. cooperative C. effective D. comparative

学院 专



14. It was reported that the ____concerning the accident would be handled by the chief of police.

A. recording

B. gossip

C. exploration

D. inquiry

15. While they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to ____at the post office.

A. pile up

B. set up

C. turn up

D. mix up

16. Mr. Morgan gradually ____ a knowledge of the subject.

A. attained

B. required

C. acquired

D. enquired

17. What he said just now had little to do with the question ____discussion.

A. with

B. under

C. by

D. over

18. The volunteer firefighters valiantly tried to put out the ____forest fire.

A. raging

B. rippling

C. rolling

D. roaring

19. Over years, a balance is ____among the plants and animals in a community and it remains basically stable.

A. worked out

B. worked off

C. worked over

D. worked up

20. The present universal fear has been the result of a forward surge in our knowledge and ____

of certain dangerous factors in the physical world.

A. perception

B. supplement

C. synthesis

D. manipulation

21. To what extent will future scientific discoveries make possible the ____of the human life span.

A. increase

B. expansion

C. growth

D. prolongation

22. ____ to the question of refreshments, I should think orange juice and potato chips will be sufficient.

A. Due

B. As

C. Prior

D. According

23. They plan to ____the run down house in a year’s time.

A. revive

B. renovate

C. replace

D. remove

24. The once beautiful flowers in the vase had ____.

A. withered

B. wasted

C. watered

D. wrinkled

25. David found the book ____, it provided him with so much information about the subject.

A. flattering

B. fabricating

C. enlightening

D. perplexing

26. This detective story may not be ____interesting to keep the child awake.

A. inadequately

B. enough

C. sufficiently

D. amply

27. The supply of silver in the mine had ____, causing great concern among the people of the town.

A. increased

B. extended

C. devalued

D. diminished

28. Material abundance has been the life blood which has____Americans in their basic beliefs and values.

A. contributed

B. provided

C. favored

D. sustained

29. His parents give him many expensive toys as some form of ____for his lameness and inability to

play active games.

A. remedy

B. compensation

C. treatment

D. comfort

30. Should the ____of patriotism be controlled by reason?

A. sentiment

B. affection

C. emotion

D. passion

31. The global influence of English can be measured by the opposition of its old ____, French.
