



安装步骤一.安装procast 20141.Install ESI ProCAST 2014.0 Windows,点击setup.exe,安装时候注意直接把C盘改成其他盘即可,procast和VE放到一个文件夹里,直至完成。




3.Copy "license.dat" to your computer (for example to <ESI Group program folder>)复制"license.dat"到你的电脑里任意文件夹里。


4.Create environment variable PAM_LMD_LICENSE_FILE=<path to the license.dat>创建环境变量PAM_LMD_LICENSE_FILE=<path to the license.dat>,右击计算机——属性——高级系统设置——环境变量——新建系统变量<path to the license.dat>就是你刚刚license.dat 所放的文件夹,如下图所示5.Enjoy二. 安装visual environment9.61. Install ESI VisualEnvironment9.6 Windows,安装之前可以把_SolidSQUAD_文件夹复制到桌面,双击setup.exe,直至安装完成。

2. 安装完成之后,复制文件夹_SolidSQUAD_里的"Windows-x86" and "Windows-x64"文件到安装好的文件里,覆盖原先的。

3. enjoy,选择casting,点击OK。

Polycom VE安装手册

Polycom VE安装手册
输入service nfs status, 回车,查看nfs服务是否 为stopped状态
在文件夹根目录home 文件夹下,右键,新建 文件夹,重命名为nfs
输入vi /etc/exports,弹出新的命令行窗口,按i,窗口左下角出现“INSERT”字,输 入/home/nfs *(rw,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) ,按esc,“INSERT” 字消失,输入 :wq,窗口自动退出,回到输入了“vi /etc/expห้องสมุดไป่ตู้rts”的窗口
进入安装进程,安装完成, 虚机会自动重启
选择other,输入账号 / 密码(root / terminal),log in进入桌面
点击Application菜单下 打开terminal命令行选 项,弹出命令行窗口。
输入“service nfs restart”,回车,重启nfs 如有“FAILED”反馈,再输入“service nfs restart”,回车,再重启一遍
安装Media Suite 点击文件 - OVF模板部署,浏览Media Suite OVA文件
OVA导入完成后,启动虚拟机,进入控制台。 按ALT+F2进入LINUX登录界面,账号/密码: polycom / polycom。 选择set IP configuration(菜单第二项),选 择Static IP,输入IP地址、SM、GW
选择Linux,下拉菜单选择Cent 4/5/6 64位, 选择下一步

Agile e6.0.4 安装手册说明书

Agile e6.0.4 安装手册说明书

Agile e6.0.4Installation Manual for Agile e6.0.4 Windows Client Part Number: INSWINCLIENT-604BCopyrights and TrademarksCopyright © 1992, 2007 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose.If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTSPrograms, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs.The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.NOTICE OF RESTRICTED RIGHTS:The Software is a “commercial item,” as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (OCT 1995), consisting of “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation” as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (SEPT 1995) and when provided to the U. S. Government, is provided (a) for acquisition by or on behalf of civilian agencies, consistent with the policy set forth in 48 C.F.R. 12.212; or (b) for acquisition by or on behalf of units of the Department of Defense, consistent with the policies set forth in 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 (JUN 1995) and 227.7202-4 (JUN 1995).August 10, 2007iiR EVISIONSdocumentI nitialAllA 31/01/2007B 26/07/2007 All Updated to e6.0.4iiiC ONTENTSChapter 1Introduction 1 Where to Go for More Information 1Chapter 2Preparing the Installation 2 Requirements 2 Setting the Prerequisites 2 Parallel Installation of Agile e5.1 and Agile e6 clients 3 Split Server and Client Installation 3Chapter 3Installing the Windows Client 4 Upgrading from an older Agile e6 Installation 4 Starting the Installation 4 Modify, Repair and Remove Options 10 Repairing the Installation 10Chapter 4Uninstalling the Windows Client 11 Uninstalling the Office Suite component 11 Uninstalling the Client 11Chapter 5OfficeSuite 12 .NET Framework 12 Known problem with the Install Selector 12 Manual OfficeSuite Installation 13 Install Files 13 Installation 13Chapter 6Software Distribution 17 Components 17 Installation notes 17ivChapter 1Introduction This guide describes how to install the Agile e6 Windows Client (also known as the PC Client) and the Agile e6 Java Client on a computer running Microsoft Windows 2003, Windows 2000, or Windows XP.Where to Go for More InformationThe Agile e6 installation program allows you to install any of the Agile e6 components listed below:ClientOffice SuiteServerFile Service (FMS)Database system: OracleThis manual describes only the Windows Client and Windows Java Client installation.Both clients are installed if you select the respective client during installation.Please refer to the Administration Manual for Agile e6 (PLM604_Admin.pdf) for moreinformation about how to use the Java Client with WebStart.After the Client is installed, it should be able to connect to a running Agile e6 Server. For information on installing the Agile e6 Server, refer to one of the following documents, which are provided on the product CD/DVD:Installation Manual for Agile e6.0.4 on Windows Server (PLM604_WindowsServer.pdf) – for installing a PLM Server that runs under Windows and uses an Oracle 10g databasesystem.Installation Manual for Agile e6.0.4 on UNIX Server (PLM604_UnixServer.pdf) – for installing a PLM Server that runs under UNIX and uses an Oracle 10g database system Consult your Agile e6 administrator or Customer Support representative for information on installing other Agile e6 components and optimizing your system with the components.Note:The Agile e6 installation guides are available in the doc directory on theproduct DVD. To view Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) files, usethe Adobe Acrobat Reader® software, which is available at no charge at.1Agile e6Chapter 2Preparing the InstallationRequirementsTo install and run the Windows Client and Java Client on a separate machine than the Agile e6 Server, you will need:A Pentium class PC running one of the following Microsoft operating systems:Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 or higher Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 3 or higherWindows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with Service Pack 1 or higher024 by 768 pixels or higher 512 MB RAM160 MB disk space, for the installation directoryThe Java client needs a Java 2 Runtime Environment in the Version 1.4.2Windows .NET Framework version 1.1 (for the Office Suite part of the Windows Client)llowing:JAVA_HOME needs to be set to the path where the Java RuntimeEnvironment is installed. Note:This can be done during the installation of the Agile e6 Client Software.4. 6 Java Client, verify that the Java 2 Runtime Environment in5..1 any higher versions of the .NET Framework that is already installed on your computer.Note:o to /fwlink/?LinkId=17153 A Windows display with a resolution of 1 Setting the PrerequisitesBefore starting the installation, do the fo 1. Open the Windows Control Panel.2. Click the Advanced tab on the System properties sheet.3. The environment variableIf you intend to use the Agile e the Version 1.4.2 is installed.If you intend to use the Agile e6 Office Suite, make sure that the .NET Framework Version 1.1is installed as this version is explicitly required. You can install .NET Framework Version 1in parallel toTo download the .Net Framework Version 1.1, gClient, make sure that you have not set the /3GBparameter in the Microsoft boot.ini file.6. If you intend to use the Agile e6 DataView 2Chapter 2 Pr e paring th e InstallationParallel Installation of Agile e5.1 and Agile e6 clientsTo install Agile e5.1 and Agile e6 client in parallel on the same machine, it is required to use separate client settings (profiles) for each version. Before installing the Agile e6 client, copy or rename the settings _Default and _Large because the next installation will change these settings. This can be done using the Agile e5.1 (or e6) client setup dialog. After the parallel installation each client version must be started using the corresponding settings.Note:The Office Suite feature of Agile e5.1 and Agile e6 cannot be installed parallel on the same machine.Split Server and Client InstallationThe combined Server and Client installation was split with Agile e6.0.2 into two packages:Agile e6 Client Agile e6 ServerNote: Due too the nature of this split the two installations cannot share the same installation directory.Note: The new default installation location for the Agile e6 Client is C:\Agile_e6_Client3Agile e6Chapter 3Installing the Windows Client Agile e6 is a client-server application that uses a relational database as the application and data repository. The instructions in this section describe how to install only the Agile e6 Windows Client.Upgrading from an older Agile e6 InstallationPlease refer to Upgrade Guide from e6.0.3 to Agile e6.0.4 (PLM604_Upgrade.pdf).Starting the InstallationNote:Use an account with Windows Administrator privileges to install or uninstall Agile e6.1.Insert the Agile e6 Installation DVD.If the CD/DVD autostart feature is enabled on the machine, the Agile e6 main setup window opens automatically.If the autostart feature is not enabled, open the window manually by double-clicking the file setup.bat in the root directory of the DVD.Note:For the latest information on the Agile e6 installation, click Read This First document on the DVD.2.Click Install/Upgrade Agile e6 Client.This starts a window for selecting the installation language:4Chapter 3Installing the Windows Client3.Select the language you want to use during the installation of Agile e6 and click OK tocontinue.4.Click Next to continue.The License Agreement window is opened.5.After reviewing the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement andclick Next.5Agile e66.Update your user name and the name of your organization if they are incorrect.7.Select one of the installation options:Anyone who uses this computer (all users) — recommendedOnly for me8.Click Next to continue.9.Select the installation directory and click Next.Note:The installation path must not contain blank spaces.10.Select the Setup Type for the installation.6Chapter 3Installing the Windows ClientNote: A Complete Setup Type will install all features, but will not set theJAVA_HOME environment variable, which has to be set for the Java Client orthe Workflow Editor.11.Click Next and continue with step 17 or change the Setup Type to Custom and follow the nextsteps.The Custom Setup window is opened.The Client program is automatically selected.12.If you want to install the Office Suite, click Office Suite and choose ‘This feature will beinstalled on local hard drive’.Agile e6Note:See Chapter 5 for more information about the OfficeSuite feature.13.Click Next to continue.You will get different dialogs depending on the selected features.14.The Java Runtime dialog will only appear if the Java Client and/or Workflow Editor featureswere enabled.Note:The Installer finds all installed Java Runtime Environments and lets you select one that will be used for Agile e6.Note:It is required that JAVA_HOME is set and pointing to the correct JavaRuntime Environment, either by setting it here or in the system environmentof your Windows Operating System.15.Select the Java 2 Runtime Environment Directory and click Next.16.Click Next to continue.Chapter 3Installing the Windows Client17.Click Install to start the installation.18.After the installation is complete, click Finish to exit the Installation wizard.19.On the main installation window, click Exit to close the setup program.A new entry for Agile e6 Client appears on the Windows Start menu.Note:The first time you click the Mask Generator button in the Windows Client to regenerate a mask, you must be logged into an account that has WindowsAdministrator privileges.For further help, refer to the Agile e6 Read This First document or the online documentation, which can be found under \axalant\hlp\doc_ep\ in the directory where you installed the Agile e6 Client. To view the Online Help, open the file plm.chm.Agile e6Modify, Repair and Remove OptionsIf you start the Agile e6 Client setup program and the Windows installer detects a previously installed version of Agile e6 Client on your system, it presents options for repairing or removing the existing installation. This section provides an overview of what you can and cannot do to change or remove existing Agile e-series installations.You can make any of the following changes to an existing client installation:Add or remove any of the features from the Custom SetupChange the Java RuntimeModify an installationRemove an installationNote:The extra OfficeSuite MSI installations are not affected by any changes for the Agile e6 Client installation. Please refer to the Chapter 5 if you add theOfficeSuite feature after the installation.Repairing the InstallationYou can use the Repair function to fix an Agile e6 Client installation that is not working properly. If the Repair function discovers that the key file for an Agile e6 Client component is damaged or missing, it restores all parts of the component—such as its registry entries, service entries, shortcut, and files.Chapter 4Uninstalling the Windows ClientChapter 4 Uninstalling the Windows Client Agile recommends that you use the Remove option in the Windows Control Panel to uninstall Agile e6.Uninstalling the Office Suite componentThe GDMToolsSetup and GDMAddIn components have to be manually removed from theAdd/Remove Programs Windows Control Panel before uninstalling the Agile e6 client.Uninstalling the Client1.In the Windows Control Panel open Add/Remove Programs.2.Select Agile e6 from the list of currently installed programs.3.Click the Remove button.Note:The Java 2 Runtime Environment is not removed if you uninstall the Agile e6 client.Agile e6Chapter 5 OfficeSuiteThe Agile e6 OfficeSuite installation consists of three parts:Agile e6 Client OfficeSuite featureThis feature installs additional libraries and executables GDMToolsSetupAn extra MSI component for document propertiesGDMAddInAn extra MSI component for the icons in the Office products and for the interconnection with the Agile e product.OfficeSuite feature, or a complete installation was selected for the Agile e6 Client installation.Note: the Install Selector described in Chapter 3 Installing the Windows Client.Note: e d if .NET Framework version 1.1could not be detected on your system.The two GDM MSI files are automatically installed during the start.bat installation, if theThe OfficeSuite will be installed for “All Users” during an installation of the Agile e6 Client with .NET FrameworkThe following window will appear if you have selected to install the OfficSuite, anClick No and install the .NET Framework 1.1 via Windows Update and re-start the manual installation of the OfficeSuite MSIs.installation with the Install Selector f described in Chapter 3 Installing the Windows Client.Known problem with the Install SelectorThis requester will open a second time for the second OfficeSuite MSI if this was anChapter 5 Offic e Suit eClick the Nobutton again and the following window will open.Please follow the description in the next section on how to install the OfficeSuite manually.Manual OfficeSuite InstallationThe GDMAddIn and GDMTools MSI files have to be installed separately if the Agile e6 Client was n of the OfficeSuite.y of the Agile e6 Client axalant\bin\intel-ms-nt5.0The In.msi and GDMTools.msi files can be found in the WinRoot\client subdirectory on the install tion DVD.There ecial Installationrst OfficeSuite MSI by double clicking on the file in the WindowsExplorer. Note:The following screenshots shows the GDMAddIn installation, but the GDMTools installation is very similar and has only one page less then the GDMAddIn installation.2. The Welcome Screen opensdirectly installed with the Agile e6 Client MSI and not with the setup.bat menu or if there was an error during the installatio These two MSI files have to be installed in the following subdirector installation directory: Install FilesGDMAdd a is no sp order required in installing these two MSI files.1. Start the installation of the fiAgile e63.Click Next to continue.4.The Select Installation Folder window opens.5.Change the installation FolderNote:These two MSI files have to be installed in the following subdirectory of the Agile e6 Client installation directory: axalant\bin\intel-ms-nt5.0The OfficeSuite will not work if the MSI files are not installed in this Agile e6Client subdirectory.6.Select one of the installation options:Everyone — recommendedJust meChapter 5 Offic e Suit eThis selection should match the one, which was chosen in Error! Reference source not found.,Step 7 for the Agile e6 Client.7. Click Next to continue.8. The Confirm Installation window opens.Note:The GDMAddIn has the additional Customer Information window where you can enter your user name and organization.9. Click Next to start the installation.The installation is started. .Agile e610.Click Close to finish the installation.11.Install the second OfficeSuite MSI installation by double clicking on the second file and repeatthe described steps.Chapter 6 Softwar e DistributionChapter 6Software DistributionThe Agile e6 client is a MSI based installation with CAB files.ComponentsAll components can be found in the WinRoot\client subdirectory on the installation DVDAgile e6 Client.msiAgile e6 client CAB bGDMTools.msiIns vironment variable is only needed for the Java Client and talled separately in the following nt installation directoryaxalant\bin\ Wfled.cabGDMAddIn.msitallation notesA silent installation will install all CAB files, but does not set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. This en /or for the Workflow Editor.The GDMAddIn and GDMTools MSI files have to be ins subdirectory of the Agile e6 Clie 17。



12V 100k
IC IB 80 120uA 9.6mA
VCE VCC Rc IC 12V - 2k 9.6mA 7.2V
12V 2k
此时,Q(120uA,6mA,0V), 由于 IB ICM 所以BJT工作在饱和区。
3.3.2 动态工作情况分析
3. 交流通路及交流负载线
由交流通路得纯交流负载线: VCC
Rvc'eL== -RicL ∥(RRc /c/,RL是)
Rc// RL
斜率 - 1
则交可流求负出交载流线负是载有线交:流输 入信号时Q点的运动轨迹。
12V 300k
IC IB 80 40uA 3.2mA
VCE VCC Rc IC 12V - 2k 3.2mA 5.6V
截止区特点:iB=0, iC= ICEO。当工作点进入饱和区或截止区时,将产生 非线性失真。
饱和区: 发射结正偏,集电结正偏



安装说明概述:感谢使用V enus EDIT系列非编,该非编继承了新奥特喜马拉雅非编的优点和特色,具有强大的A8字幕系统,是您进行高标清编辑的利器,将为您的制作编辑节目带来全新的操作体验和感受。

安装软件前的准备:一、 请确认V enus I/O非编板卡硬件已经安装在计算机中,正确安装好操作系统:WINDOWS XP SP2安装好计算机的主板芯片组、声卡、显卡(A卡请安装NET framework 2.0和带媒体控制中心的驱动程序)、网卡驱动,之后的设备管理器如下:黄色问号的设备分别是加密狗和非编卡,该驱动集成在V enus Edit软件安装包中安装,为了保证系统的稳定性,安装软件时请保证是纯净的系统,以免出现不同软件有冲突的情况推荐配置:推荐配置的情况下是经过严格测试的平台,可以保证不存在任何硬件方面的兼容性的问题,供参考二、系统硬盘分区:系统主分区C:30GB NTFS格式备份分区D:30GB NTFS其余为E:NTFS格式素材硬盘:双硬盘组成带区(软raid0)三,安装软件包:软件包采取一键式安装,没有复杂的相关设置,请按照默认路径进行安装,下面是安装过程图解:1,运行光盘对应软件一键式安装包,直接双击运行安装进行过程中开始弹出quicktime播放器安装界面,选择“下一步”完成quicktime播放器安装开始安装WINDOWS MEDIA FORMA T9,选择“是”继续选择“YES”完成安装WMF9弹出GFX_SD安装程序界面,直接点“NEXT”进行安装该安装完成后,再弹出real Alternative 1.43解码器安装程序使用默认路径都使用默认设置,不用更改完成安装加密狗驱动程序安装,安装前请确认加密狗已插入USB接口再选择下一步进行安装完成该安装弹出matrox VFW软件解码器安装按”NEXT”继续,之后完成matrox VFW软件解码器安装,弹出板卡驱动程序安装选择“是”安装非编卡驱动完成非编卡驱动安装后弹出界面,选择“否”暂时不重启开始安装V enus Edit主程序,点“NEXT”进行安装填入任意公司名、序列号,继续安装使用默认路径、选择”NEXT”继续,中间都用默认设置,直接下一步中途弹出MSML 的安装界面,点“下一步”选择接受协议,继续“下一步”选择立即安装完成MSXML安装完成非编软件安装最后重启计算机▲ VenusEdit 400/500/800迈创MOJITO非编卡安装注意事项:1、板卡的安装位置:如今主板一般都带有多个PCI-E插槽,MOJITO非编卡应安装在最靠近CPU那个PCI-E插槽。




2.系统要求Windows 2000/Windows XP。


图12.当出现下图2、图3所示界面时,安装程序询问是否安装“Borland Database Engine”(数据库引擎)选择“是”。


















目录目录 (1)1 软件安装前准备 (2)1.1C OMM S ERVE安装前提条件 (2)1.2M EDIA A GENT安装前提条件 (2)1.3 I D ATA A GENT安装前提条件 (2)1.4服务前提条件 (3)1.5必备知识 (3)2 安装COMMSERVE软件 (4)2.1备份服务器安装 (4)2.2安装M EDIA A GENT软件 (11)2.4配置磁盘库 (12)2.5创建备份作业计划 (16)2.6安装I D ATA A GENT软件 (19)2.6.1 在sql群集服务器上安装iDataAgent (20)2.6.2在服务器上安装Image on WindowsiDataAgent (26)2.6.3 在服务器上安装Exchange iDataAgent (31)2.6.4 在服务器上安装Lotus Notes iDataAgent (34)2.6.5 在服务器上安装Active Directory Server iDataAgent (38)2.6.7 在服务器上安装IBM AIX iDataAgent(jtfmisj系统) (41)2.6.8 在服务器上安装IBM AIX iDataAgent(Srv1) (48)3 排错和故障诊断 (58)1 软件安装前准备1.1 CommServe 安装前提条件下面的前提条件适用于CommServe 计算机在执行“安装CommServe 软件”一节中的步骤之前,请仔细核对这些前提条件。

CommServe 软件不能安装在下列服务器上: 运行Microsoft Exchange Server 的服务器已安装了SQL Server 6.5或7.0,为其他应用程序提供服务的服务器确认在安装CommServe 的系统中没有安装Exchange 和SQL 6.5或7.0。

与CommServe 安装一同安装的基于SQL Server的应用程序。

安装 CA ARCserve Backup r16

安装 CA ARCserve Backup r16

安装和升级CA ARCserve Backup› 安装CA ARCserve Backup安装CA ARCserve Backup您可以使用安装向导在本地或远程系统上安装CA ARCserve Backup。

安装CA ARCserve Backup1.将CA ARCserve Backup 安装介质插入计算机的光盘驱动器。

注意:如果未显示CA ARCserve Backup 安装浏览器,请从安装介质的根目录运行Setup.exe。

从产品安装浏览器的右列中单击“安装CA ARCserve Backup for Windows”。



请注意以下行为:▪仅当安装程序在目标计算机上未检测到CA ARCserve Backup 先决条件组件时,才会打开“先决条件组件”对话框。

▪在Windows Server 2003 系统上,如果安装程序安装Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ExpressEdition,则您必须重新启动计算机并且重复上面的步骤。

注意:如果您正在群集感知型环境中的主动节点上安装CA ARCserve Backup,当主动节点重新启动时,群集资源将从主动节点传输到被动节点。




以下列表描述了有关安装CA ARCserve Backup 的对话框特定信息。

“选择安装/升级类型”对话框选择远程安装选项时,您可以将CA ARCserve Backup 安装到多个系统上。

如果采用远程安装,目标远程系统可以由不同类型的ARCserve 服务器和/或不同的CAARCserve Backup 代理和选件组成。

注意:群集计算机的安装程序不支持远程安装CA ARCserve Backup 主产品或CA ARCserveBackup 代理。



All leaflets are available on: PIC-5-35-GB
SERIES 551-553
pipe orifice size size () 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 (mm) 6 6 6 6 flow coefficient kv (m3/h) (l/min) 0,66 0,66 0,66 0,66 11 11 11 11 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 operating pressure differential (bar) max. (PS) min.(2) air () ~ = 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 power level ~/= BP BP LP LP prefix optional solenoids ATEX/IECEx NEMA 7&9 Ex i Ex d Ex e mb Ex mb EF NF NK EM PV IS l m l l l l l l l l l m l m m m EEx nA ZN l m l m IP65 SC l l l l 551A438 551G438 551A338 551G338 551A439 551G439 551A339 551G339 basic catalogue number
POWER LEVELS - cold electrical holding valuere differential (bar) max. (PS) min.(2) air () ~ = 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
4 5
2 3 1 2 3 1



CecOS Virtualization安装一、介绍CecOS Virtualization(以下简称CecOSvt)由CecOS Virtualization Manager管理系统和CecOS Virtualization Hypervisor组成,以虚拟客户机支持虚拟操作系统。



执行service network restart 重启网络服务,使配置生效。

绑定主机名:输入vi /etc/hosts,编辑hosts文件。



●本文档以安装AIO(All in one)为例。

三、安装步骤1. 挂载光盘,安装软件预置环境# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt挂载完成,进入/mnt目录,执行run 命令,建立本地预置环境。


2.开始安装组件# cecosvt-install执行后,如图所示根据实际需求选择安装模式,本文以[3]为例。



完成后重新启动机器,系统启动后执行vdsm-tool configure --force,配置vdsm服务。

配置完成后重启vdsm服务:/etc/init.d/vdsmd restart。

四,配置系统# cecvm-setup执行后,首先安装报表系统,根据实际情况选择Yes或No。









Title xtnbreg postestimation —Postestimation tools for xtnbregDescriptionThe following postestimation commands are available for xtnbreg :commanddescription ∗estatAIC ,BIC ,VCE ,and estimation sample summary estimatescataloging estimation results hausmanHausman’s specification test lincompoint estimates,standard errors,testing,and inference for linear combinations of coefficients lrtestlikelihood-ratio test marginsmarginal means,predictive margins,marginal effects,and average marginal effects nlcompoint estimates,standard errors,testing,and inference for nonlinear combinations of coefficients predictpredictions,residuals,influence statistics,and other diagnostic measures predictnlpoint estimates,standard errors,testing,and inference for generalized predictions testWald tests of simple and composite linear hypotheses testnlWald tests of nonlinear hypotheses ∗estat ic is not appropriate after xtnbreg,pa .See the corresponding entries in the Base Reference Manual for details.Syntax for predictRandom-effects (RE)and conditional fixed-effects (FE)overdispersion models predict type newvar if in ,RE/FE statistic nooffsetPopulation-averaged (PA)model predict type newvar if in ,PA statistic nooffsetRE/FE statistic descriptionMainxblinear prediction;the default stdpstandard error of the linear prediction nu0predicted number of events;assumes fixed or random effect is zero iru0predicted incidence rate;assumes fixed or random effect is zero pr0(n )unconditional probability Pr(y j =n )assuming the random effect is zero;only allowed after xtnbreg,re pr0(a ,b )unconditional probability Pr(a ≤y j ≤b )assuming the random effect is zero;only allowed after xtnbreg,re12xtnbreg postestimation—Postestimation tools for xtnbregPA statistic descriptionMainmu predicted number of events;considers the offset();the defaultrate predicted number of eventsxb linear predictionstdp standard error of the linear predictionscorefirst derivative of the log likelihood with respect to x jβThese statistics are available both in and out of sample;type predict...if e(sample)...if wanted only for the estimation sample.MenuStatistics>Postestimation>Predictions,residuals,etc.Options for predict££Main xb calculates the linear prediction.This is the default for the random-effects andfixed-effects models. mu and rate both calculate the predicted number of takes into account the offset(),and rate ignores those and rate are equivalent if you did not specify offset().mu is the default for the population-averaged model.stdp calculates the standard error of the linear prediction.nu0calculates the predicted number of events,assuming a zero random orfixed effect.iru0calculates the predicted incidence rate,assuming a zero random orfixed effect.pr0(n)calculates the unconditional probability Pr(y j=n)assuming the random effect is zero, where n is a nonnegative integer that may be specified as a number or a variable(only allowed after xtnbreg,re).pr0(a,b)calculates the unconditional probability Pr(a≤y j≤b)assuming the random effect is zero,where a and b are nonnegative integers that may be specified as numbers or variables(only allowed after xtnbreg,re);b missing(b≥.)means+∞;pr0(20,.)calculates Pr(y j≥20);pr0(20,b)calculates Pr(y j≥20)in observations for which b≥.and calculatesPr(20≤y j≤b)elsewhere.pr0(.,b)produces a syntax error.A missing value in an observation of the variable a causes a missing value in that observation for pr0(a,b).score calculates the equation-level score,u j=∂ln L j(x jβ)/∂(x jβ).nooffset is relevant only if you specified offset(varname)for xtnbreg.It modifies the calculations made by predict so that they ignore the offset variable;the linear prediction is treated as x itβrather than x itβ+offset it.xtnbreg postestimation—Postestimation tools for xtnbreg3Methods and formulasAll postestimation commands listed above are implemented as ado-files.The probabilities calculated using the pr0(n)option are the unconditional probability Pr(y i=n) for a RE model assuming the random effect is zero.These are calculated usingPr(0|x i)=ωi+(1−ωi)p2(0|x i)Pr(n|x i)=(1−ωi)p2(n|x i)for n=1,2,...whereωi is the probability of obtaining an observation from the degenerate distribution whose mass is concentrated at zero,and p2(n|x i)is the probability of y i=n from the nondegenerate,negative binomial,RE model.ωi can be obtained from the pr0()option.See Cameron and Trivedi(1998,sec.4.7)for further details.ReferenceCameron,A.C.,and P.K.Trivedi.1998.Regression Analysis of Count Data.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.Also see[XT]xtnbreg—Fixed-effects,random-effects,&population-averaged negative binomial models [U]20Estimation and postestimation commands。


标准的滑触线为安装接头预留有方形孔。如果 标准段在安装过程中必须切割开,那么其端部必须 按指导 5.1 加工滑线末端来处理。
安装顺序,当滑线从左向右安装时,按下列步 骤: — 从固定点(如道岔或系统端部,见指导 8.1)
开始安装。 — 首先安装标准长度的滑线段;如果有圆弧段的
话,先安装圆弧段滑线再切割标准段来配合安 装。 — 接着截取并安装较短的滑线段(滑线末端处理 见指导 5.1)。 — 每条线的膨胀节都应设定正确的间隙尺寸(见 指导 6)。
如果预计温差大于 40℃,需要采用较短的滑线段
(4m 长)或增加膨胀节 UDV 10/25
示意图 3
U10 PE-VP 安装指导
供电接头 UEV 10(图 12)安装在两根滑线之间。 如果供电接头需要安装在滑线段上其他位置时,必 须使用中间供电 UES10。 供电接头 UEV10 的安装 — 如有需要,按指导 5.1 加工滑线末端。 — UEV10 最多可连接两根电缆,使用扁平接线头
用于把保险销插入 BFU 铝杆
UEV10 / UEV 10 PE-VP
中间供电接头 UES10 / UES 10 PE-VP
组合支架和其两侧的固定夹 USK10
直口型道岔端帽 US10 / US 10PE-VP
6m 0.6m 0.3m
安装程序 4.组合型支架
组合型支架必须以正确角度准确安装 在轨道梁或支架托架上。 组合型支架 KA,KH 任意数量的滑线可以通过增加紧凑型 支架来组装在一起。 组合型支架 KA,最多可容纳 10 极 滑线。 标准滑线间距 14mm。

Dev Express V14.1.2 安装指南docx

Dev Express V14.1.2 安装指南docx

Dev Express V14.1.2 Delphi XE5、XE6 x32x64平台安装指南一、新版本增加了ExpressGauge ControlExpressMap ControlExpressSpreadSheet (deprecated)二、以前用DevInstallTool免费版安装过Dev x32老版本,但x64功能作者一直藏着并加限制,感觉怪怪的。


下面以DevExpress XE5为例进行演示。

四、具体步骤:1、我们先Build Win64环境。

建立一个项目群DevExpress XE5.groupproj,把DevExpressV1412目录里.\Packages\*RS19.dpk打开归结在一起。



回到上面,Build ALL。

系统自动在DevExpressV1412根目录(我的是E:\VCLXE\DevExpress)下建立E:\VCLXE\DevExpress\Library\RS19\Win64\Release,并生成dcu、hpp等编译文件;copy 文件到E:\VCLXE\DevExpress\Library\RS19\Win64\Release里。

同时回到XE5,将这一目录添加Library 环境变量。

另存项目群为:DevExpress XE5x64.groupproj,然后关闭所有文件,为下次重装。

3、回到XE5,打开新建环境目录:tgDev(名字随便),切换到Win32平台,然后将目录下的Source子目录添加到Browsing Path里。

重新打开DevExpress XE5.groupproj,切换到Win32,Build ALL。



Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 M020详细安装方法[图文解说]【软件】Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 M020 [ISO]下载 (中文版)下载地址:/51ct/blog/item/ff2bb600330c0982e850cd72.html 解压下载文件到磁盘上,解压下载文件到磁盘上首先,1。

首先p(ptc_licfile)配置破解补丁文件(ptc_licfile)2.配置破解补丁文件3.3.单击单击单击 开始开始------运行运行4. 4. 输入输入输入 cmd5.5.在命令行中输入在命令行中输入在命令行中输入 ipconfig ipconfig --all6.6.鼠标鼠标鼠标--右键标记右键标记--本机的mac 串----回车键直接复制即可回车键直接复制即可回车键直接复制即可。

7.8.8.右键解压文件右键解压文件SHooTERS 下的ptc_licfile 文件文件,,选择打开方式9.9.选择用记事本选择用记事本选择用记事本 打开10.10.选择编辑中的替换选项选择编辑中的替换选项11.11.将原来的将原来的0000--0000--0000--00替换成刚才你复制的本机mac 串选择全部替换选择全部替换,,保存退出12.12.到这里到这里到这里,,破解补丁就算结束了破解补丁就算结束了。

双击解压文件夹中的setup 开始安装13.13.选择下一步选择下一步14.14.接受接受15.15.不用安装服务器不用安装服务器不用安装服务器,,所以直接选择第二项所以直接选择第二项 pro/engine pro/engineer er16.16.这里默认就行这里默认就行这里默认就行,,可以更改目录可以更改目录,,安装到你自己要的目录下安装到你自己要的目录下,,我是安装到d:d:\\program files program files\\下17.17.接下来要选择我们刚才配置好的破解补丁接下来要选择我们刚才配置好的破解补丁接下来要选择我们刚才配置好的破解补丁,,选取第三项锁定许可文件18.18.选择破解文件选择破解文件ptc_licfile19.19.开始安装开始安装20.20.到这里安装文件算是完了到这里安装文件算是完了到这里安装文件算是完了,,但此时还不能用但此时还不能用,,双击会出现invalid(inconsistent)license key 错误错误。

Flexvey 安装手册

Flexvey 安装手册
带有侧向出口的中间法兰(60)和进料斗的上部(37)拧紧。 确保侧向出口指向第二个料塔同时清洁门(41)也被拧紧。 - 将手动滑板(42)放入滑轨(38)的开口处并用六方头螺钉 M8× 16(49)和六方头螺母 M8(8)封闭手动滑板(42)的孔 - 在进料斗下部(40)孔的内边缘周围放密封条(39) - 使用六方头螺钉 M8×25(46)和六方头螺母 M8(8)将在进料斗 下部(40)和带侧向出口的中间法兰(60)拧紧。
FLEX-VEY-饲料传送系统 M 579 E
1.3 事故的预防与责任
FLEX-VEY-饲料传送系统 M 579 E
2 技术数据
2.1 系统的总体规划
位置 名称 1 料塔 2 进料斗 3 传送管子 4 塑料弯管 5 弹性绞笼
6 Flex-Vey 管子的连接接头 7 驱动装置 8 电控 9 末端喷口 10 饲料出口
FLEX-VEY-饲料传送系统 M 579 E
的话,你必须截断进料斗 PVC 连接件的轴承表面边缘。
的话,也要旋转进料斗的 PVC 承接板(35)
- 在这个装备工作后,在进料斗上部(37)的开口处的内边缘周
- 用带有橡胶密封垫 M10×25 的六方头螺钉(43)、垫圈 B10.4
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