
E S标准明细表????????????? 序号文件代号FILE NAME(ENGLISH)文件名称(中文)1 ES00050-00 WATER TEST 淋雨试验2 ES00051-00 DUST TEST 尘土试验3E S01000-00S Y M B O L M A R K I N G S T A N D A R D13 ES02109-00 SAT ECU AND POWER CONTROL UNIT TESTS SPECIFICATION 自动变速器ECU和动力控制单元测试规范14 ES02110-00 MX SAT SYSTEM AFTER SERVICE S P E C I F I C A T I O N M X自动变速器售后服务规范15E S02111-00M X S A T C O N N E C T O R S P E C I F I C A T I O N M X自动变速器连接器规范16 ES02112-00 MX SAT SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS FAIL SAFE FUNCTION SPECIFICATION MX自动变速器失效诊断规范DIAGNOSTIC COMMUNICATION FOR THE ASSY LINE TEST FOR SAT SYSTEM 装配线检测用MX自动变速器诊断规范18 ES03201-02 COMPLETION QUALITY, DRIVING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE DIESEL ENGINE 柴油车驾驶、检验规范19 ES03201-04 COMPLETION QUALITY, DRIVING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE DIESEL ENGINE 柴油车驾驶、检验规范20 ES03201-21 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS FORA D V A N C E Dε-E N G I N E汽油车驾驶、检验规范21 ES03201-23 COMPLETION QUALITY, DRIVING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE DIESEL ENGINE 柴油车驾驶、检验规范22 ES03201-24 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR V6D O H Cδ-E N G I N E V6汽油车驾驶、检验规范23 ES03201-26 COMPLETION QUALITY, DRIVING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE DIESEL ENGINE 柴油车驾驶、检验规范ADVANCED NEWα-3VLV ENGINE α-3VLV发动机车型检验规范25 ES03201-32 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADVANCED NEW α-ⅡENGINE α-Ⅱ发动机车型检验规范26 ES03201-34 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADVANCED NEWα-3VLV ENGINE(LCI) α-3VLV(LIC)发动机车型检验规范27 ES03201-35 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR NEW BETA-DOHC ENGINE BETA-DOHC汽油车检验规范28 ES03560-01 WHEEL ASSY STEERING-SPOKEA L I G N M E N T方向盘偏离限值29 ES03711-00 FR LID COMPLETE 前盖30 ES03831-02 HOOD COMPLETE 引擎罩31 ES03832-02 T/LID COMPLETE126 ES28230 - 01 T2 TURBOCHARGER T2涡轮增压器127 ES28230 - 03 T15 TURBOCHARGER T15涡轮增压器128E S28230-07G A R R E T T G T17 T U R B O C H A R G E R G T17涡轮增压器129E S28230-09W A S T E G A T E A C T U A T O R增压器废气激励阀130E S28230-10G A R R E T T G T20 T U R B O C H A R G E R G T20涡轮增压器131E S28230-11G A R R E T T G T17 T U R B O C H A R G E R G T17涡轮增压器132 ES28230 - 12 MATERIAL AND ENGINEERING SPEC OF T/C ACTUATOR增压器排气门技术规范133 ES28230 - 13 TD025 TURBOCHARGER BY M H I T D025涡轮增压器134E S28230-14H O N E Y W E L L T U R B O C H A R G E R H O N E Y W E L L涡轮增压器135E S28240-01v a l v e a s s y-w a s t e g a t e c o n t r o l废气控制阀136E S28279-01A I R H O S E F O R T U R B O C H A R G E R增压器空气软管137 ES28340-01 BIMETAL TYPE THERMO-VALVE F O R A U T O U S E双金属阀门138E S28350-01E G R V A L V E F O R A U T O E G R阀139 ES 28350-04 GASOLINE EEGR VALVE A S S E M B L Y汽油机用E E G R阀140E S28350-05D I E S E L엔진용E G R V A L V E柴油机E G R阀141 ES28600-01 e THE BENCH TEST METUOD OF EXHAUST SYSTEM FOR RESONANCE 排气系统共振检测标准142 ES28600-02 e THE BENCH TEST METUOD OF THERMAL FATIGUE FOR EXHAUST SYSTEM 排气系统热疲劳检测标准143 ES28600-03 e THE BENCH TEST METUOD OF THERMAL SHOCK FOR EXHAUST SYSTEM 排气系统热震动检测标准144 ES28600-04 e THE BENCH TEST METUOD OF E X H A U S T S Y S T E M E N D U R A N C E F O R R O A D V I B R A T I O N排气系统道路振动耐久检测标准145 ES28600-05 e THE BENCH TEST METUOD OF EXHAUST SYSTEM ENDURANCE FOR PITCHING 排气系统起步刹车耐久检测标准146 ES28600-09 MAIN MUFFLER 消声器技术规范147 ES28650-01 EXHAUST PIPES & MUFFLER A S S Y排气管及消声器技术规范148 ES28650-02 MUFFLER ASSEMBLY 排气系统总成技术规范149 ES28760-03 WASTE GATE CONTROL S O L E N O I D VAL V E A S SE M B L Y废气控制阀总成150 ES28811-01 RELIEF VALVE 调节阀151 ES28910-02 CANISTER PURGE VALVE A S S Y碳罐净化阀总成152 ES28910-03 CANISTER PURGE CONTROL V A L V E A S S E M B L Y碳罐净化控制阀总成153 ES31100-01 FUEL TANK MODULE 燃油箱技术条件154E S31110-10 F U EL P UM P MO D UL E A S S Y燃油泵总成155 ES31111-01 ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN IN -TANK FUEL PUMP FOR AUTOMOBILES 燃油泵电机156E S31111-05P U M P A S S Y-D I E S E L(W G T)柴油泵总成157 ES31135-01 SPECIFICATION – 2 WAY V A L V E二极管说明书158 ES31150-01 SPECI FI CATI ON-TANK A S S Y-F U E L燃油箱说明书159E S31150-02F U E L T A N K ASSEMDLY(COMMERCIAL VEMICLES) 燃油箱总成160 ES31150-10 HDPE FUEL TANK 聚乙烯燃油箱161 ES31310-01 PREVENTION OF FOREIGN M A T T E R I N F U E L L I N E S162E S31310-20T U B E A S S E M B L Y-F U E L(P L A S T I C)燃油管总成163E S31400-01R A I L P R E S S U R E S E N S O R压力传感器164 ES31400-02 PRESSURE REGULATOR V A L V E(D R V)压力调整阀165 ES31400-03 RAIL ASSY –FUEL166ES31400-04F U E L R E T U R N H O S E A S S E M B L Y回油管总成167E S31430-01F O U R W A Y O N-O F F V A L V E四路开关阀168 ES31430-02 CANISTER CLOSE VALVE169 ES31435-01 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE S E N S O R差速器压力传感器170E S31435-02T A N K P R E S S U R E S E N S O R油箱压力传感器171 ES31435-04 PRESSURE SENSOR –FUEL T A N K(M O T O R O L A)油箱压力传感器172 ES31440-10 DIAGNOSIS MODULE TANK L E A K A G E油箱渗漏诊断模块173 ES3154X-01 COMMON RAIL ASSEMBLY174 ES3154X-02 HIGH PRESSURE PIPES175 ES3154X-03 CO MMO N RAI L176 ES3154X-04 HIGH PRESSURE PIPE177 ES31970-01 FILTER ASSY-DIESEL(ROLL T Y P E)柴油滤清器技术规范(筒型)178 ES31970-02 FILTER ASSY-DIESEL(PLEAT T Y P E)柴油滤清器技术规范(褶皱型)179 ES32700-01 PLASTIC ACCEL PEDAL 塑料加速踏板180 ES32700-03 ACCELERATOR PEDAL M O D U L E加速踏板模块181 ES32740-01 CABLE ASSEMBLY –THROTTLE C O N T R O L T H R O T T L E线束总成182 ES32760-01 SPECIFICATION-CABLE A S S E M B L Y-C H O K E C H O K E线束总成183 ES32780-01 CONTROL ASSY-ENGING S T O P/E X C E S S F U E L燃油过剩停车控制总成184 ES32812-01 SPECIFICATION-PEDAL B R A K E刹车踏板185 ES32819-01 SPECIFICATION-PEDAL-CLUTCH离合踏板186 ES32830-01 SPECIFICATION-SUPPORT A S S’Y-P E D A L踏板支撑总成187E S32910-01S T R A I N E R-F U L E F I L T E R I N G滤清器滤网188 ES33010-01 VALVE ASSY-HIGH PRESS L O C K O F F限压阀总成189 ES33020-01 REGULATOR ASSSY 调整器总成190E S33030-01T H E R M O S T A T A S S Y-F U E L燃油调温器总成191E S33040-01H E A T E X C H A N G E R A S S Y热交换器总成192E S33050-01V A L V E A S S Y-F U E L M E T E R I N G燃油测量阀总成193 ES33110-01 FUEL INJECTION PUMP FOR H S D I D I E S E L E N G I N E柴油喷射泵总成-H S D I194 ES33110-02 FUEL INJECTION PUMP FOR IDI E N G I N G柴油喷射泵总成-I D I 195 ES33110-03 HIGH PRESSURE PUMP 高压泵196 ES33110-04 HIGH PRESSURE PUMP (C P3)高压泵(C P3) 197 ES3314X-01 HIGH PRESSURE PUMP 高压泵198 ES3314X-02 HIGH PRESSURE PUMP 高压泵199 ES3384X-01 INJECTOR 喷射泵200 ES3384X-02 INJECTOR 喷射泵201E S33800-00E L E C T R O N I C U N I T I N J E C T O R喷射电子单元202 ES33810-01 NOZZLE & HOLDER FOR HSDI D I E S E L E N G I N G柴油喷嘴-H S D I 203 ES33810-03 INJECTOR ASSY-FUEL 喷嘴总成204E S35100-01T H R O T T L E B O D Y A S S E M B L E Y节气阀体总成205E S35100-03T H R O T T L E B O D Y A S S E M B L Y节气阀体总成206E S35100-06T H R O T T L E B O D Y A S S E M B L Y节气阀体总成207 E S35101-01 V A R I A BL E R ES I S T O R A U T O M O T I V E E N G I N G发动机可变电阻208 ES35102-01 IDLE SPEED CONTROL A C T U A T O R(I N C L U D I N G M P S)怠速控制器209 ES35110-01 BODY ASSY-THROTTLE 节气阀体总成210 ES35150-01 IDLE SPEED ACTUATOR 怠速控制器211 ES35150-02 IDLE SPEED CONTROL A C T U A T O R怠速控制器212 ES35150-04 IDLE SPEED CONTROL A C T U A T O R怠速控制器213 ES35150-06 IDLE SPEED CONTROL A C T U A T O R怠速控制器214 ES35150-07 IDLE SPEED CONTROL A C T U A T O R(R I S A)怠速控制器215 ES35170-01 THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR A S S E M B L Y节气阀位置传感器216 ES35190-01 ACCELERATION PEDAL S E N S O R加速踏板传感器217 ES35190-02 ACCEL PEDAL MODULE S E N S O R加速踏板传感器218 ES35301-01 FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR F O R A U T O M O B I L E燃油压力调整器219 ES35301-02 FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR A S S E M B L Y燃油压力调整器220 ES35304-03 BLOCK ASS’Y-FUNCTION221E S35310-02F U E L I N J E C T O R A S S E M B L Y柴油喷射器总成222E S35310-03F U E L I N J E C T O R A S S E M L Y柴油喷射器总成223 ES35310-07 INJECTOR ASSY 喷射器总成224 ES36100-01 STARTER ASS’Y起动机总成225 ES36100-02 STARTER ASSEMBLY 起动机总成226E S36101-01e T H E S E C U R I T Y CHARACTERISTICS OF STARTER & STARTER RELAY 起动机安全特性227 ES37210-01 CABLE ASS’Y-BATTERY 蓄电池线束228 ES37210-02 BATTERY CABLE 蓄电池线束229 ES37210-03 BATTERY CABLE USING SHEET M E T A L T M L蓄电池线束230 ES37300-01 ALTERNATOR ASS’Y(WITH INTE G R A L R E G U L A T O R)_发电机总成231 ES37300-03 ALTERNATOR ASS’Y(WITH R E G U L A T O R)发电机总成232 ES37300-04 ALTERNATOR ASSY (WITH IC R E G U L A T O R)发电机总成233E S37300-05A L T E R N A T O R A S S Y (V A L E O)发电机总成234 ES37300-06 ALTERNATOR ASSY W/VACUUM P U M P&R E G U(D E N S O)发电机总成235E S37301-01T H E S E C U R I T Y CHARACTERISTIC OF GENERATOR,REGULATOR ,AND VACUUM PUMP 发电机、调节器、真空泵的安全特性236 ES39110-22 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL C O M P U T E R(C O N T R O L S P E C)…ɑ-1.5N A D O M.E C <N D05>E C U 237 ES39110-23 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL C O M P U T E R(C O N T R O L S P E C)…ɑ-1.5N A F E D O.E C <N F05>E C U 238 ES39110-24 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL C O M P U T E R(C O N T R O L S P E C)…ɑ-1.5N A G+L <N L05>E C U 239 ES39110-31 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL C O M P U T E R(C O N T R O L S P E C)…ɑ-1.5 T C(T D0401,T K02)E C UC O M P U T E R(C O N T R O L S P E C)…ɑ-1.5 T C(T C05,T K05)E C U 241 ES39110-35 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL C O M P U T E R(C O N T R O L S P E C)…ɑ-1.5N A C A L(N T05)E C U 242 ES39110-40 COMPUTER CONTROL S P E C E C U 243 ES39110-41 COMPUTER CONTROL S P E C E C U 244 ES39110-42 COMPUTER XONTROL S P E C E C U 245E S39110-45E S S P E C E C U 246 ES39110-50 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL COMPUTER (CONTROL SPEC )…NEW-ALPHA 1.5L & 1.3L(S I E M E N S F×5.1)E C U 247E S39110-55字迹不清248 ES39110-60 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL C O M P U T E R(C O N T R O L S P E C)E C UCOMPUTER(CONTROL SPECFICATION 柴油机ECU 250 ES39110-80 ELECTRONIC CONTROL U N I T(G E N E R A L S P E C)E C U通用规范251 ES39120-10 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL C O MP U TE R(GE N ER AL S PE CI FI C A TI O N)E CU 252 ES39120-13 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL C O M P U T E R E C U 253 ES39120-20 ECU (GENERAL SPEC) ECU 254 ES39120-21 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL C O M P U T E R E C U 255 ES39120-30 GASOLINE ENGINE CONTROL COMPUTER (GENERAL SPECIFICATION)ECU 256 ES39120-36 DIESEL ENGINE CONTROL COMPUTER(GENERAL SPECIFICATION) 柴油机ECU 257 ES39120-37 DIESEL ENGINE CONTROL COMPUTER(GENERAL SPECIFICATION) 柴油机ECU 258 ES39130-01 INTERFACE MODULE FOR L S U L S U界面模块259 ES39130-02 2ND INTERFACE MODULE FOR L S U L S U界面模块260E S3914X-01E N G I N E C O N T R O L U N I T(E C U)261 ES39160-05 POWER RELAY ASSEMBLY262 ES39180-01 CRANKSHAFT POSITION S E N S O R A S S E M B L Y曲轴位置传感器263 ES39180-02 CRANKSHAFT POSITION S E N S O R曲轴位置传感器264E S39210-02O X Y G E N S E N S O R A S S E M B L Y氧传感器265 ES39210-03 OXYGEN SENEOR 氧传感器266 ES39210-04 OXYGEN SENSOR : AIR –FIEL R A T I O氧传感器267E S39210-05O X Y G E N S E N S O R A S S E M B L Y氧传感器268E S39210-07O X Y G E N S E N S O R A S S E M B L Y(L S U)氧传感器269E S39210-08L Z A07T Y P E U E G O S E N S O R U E G O传感器270 ES39210-09 OXYGEN SENSOR(Zroz t y p e)(L.Y G-E L E M E N T/3.3O H M H E A T E R/P U A L P R O T E C T I O N)271 ES39230-01 THERMO SWITCH FOR A U T O M O B I L E S热敏开关272E S39250-01K N O C K S E N S O R A S S E M B L Y振动传感器273 ES39300-00 B OO S T P R ESS U R E & T E M P E R A T U R E S E N S O R压力温度传感器274 ES39300-01 SENSOR-NATURAL GAS TANK P R E S S U R E油箱压力传感器275 ES39300-02 SENSOR-NATURAL GAS TANK T E M P E R A T U T R油箱压力传感器276 ES39300-03 SENSOR - UEGO UEGO传感器277 ES39330-01 MAP SENSOR 绝对压力传感器278 ES39330-02 MAP SENSOR 绝对压力传感器279 ES39330-03 MAP SENSOR 绝对压力传感器280 ES39330-04 MAP SENSOR 绝对压力传感器281E S39330-05B O O S T P R E S S U R E S E N S O R压力传感器282 ES39330-06 MAP SENSOR 绝对压力传感器283 ES39340-01 AIR TEMP SENSOR 空气温度传感器284E S39350-01H A L L S E N S O R A S S E M B L Y霍尔传感器285 ES39350-02 TDC SENSOR 上止点传感器286E S39350-03H A L L S E N S O R A S S E M B L Y霍尔传感器287E S39350-04H A L L S E N S O R A S S E M B L Y霍尔传感器288E S39360-01A C C E L E R A T I O N S E N S O R速度传感器289 ES39410-02 VACUUM MODULATOR 真空调节器290 ES39500-01 IDLE CO POTENTIOMETER291 ES39510-01 RESISTER WITH DIODE 电容器292 ES41100-02 DISC ASS’Y-CLUTCH 从动盘总成293 ES41201-01 OVERSPEED CAPACITY –FLYWHEEL & CLUTCH ASS’Y超速能力测试-飞轮和离合器总成294 ES41510-01 SPECIFICATION –CABLE ASS’Y -C L U T C H离合操纵总成295 ES43000-04 TOLERANCE DETAIL OF TOOTH SHAPE MODIFICATION PART 齿形修正部分公差详述296 ES43000-07 MEASUREMENT METHOD OF T O O T H S U R F A C E A N G L E齿型表面角度测量297 ES43000-14 EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR A MANUAL TRANSMISSION(M5AF.M5BF) 手动变速器评价标准298 ES43700-02e LEVER ASSY-T/M CONTROL D U R A B I L I T Y T E S T变速操纵机构耐久测试299 ES43700-03 LEVER ASSY –M/T SHIFT CONTROL (CABLE TYPE) 变速操纵机构-手动变速器300 ES43735-01 THE SHAPE OF THE END PART O F T H E R O D A N D L E V E R(F O R G E A R S H I F T C O N T R O L)变速杆末端形状301 ES43794-01 CABLE ASSY-T/M CONTROL D U R A B I L I T Y T E S T变速操纵软轴耐久测试302 ES45000-01 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION A S S’Y自动变速器总成303 ES45000-12 SPECIFICATION FOR 4 SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY OF A4AF3 S E R I E S4速自动变速器总成304 ES45000-13 SPECIFICATION FOR 4 SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY OF A4BF2 S E R I E S4速自动变速器总成305 ES46210-09 VALVE BODY ASSEMBLY [FOR A/T OF A4AF3 ,A4BF2 SERIES] 自动变速器阀总成306 ES46321-02 OIL FILTER(CLOSED TYPE)FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 自动变速器油滤清器307 ES49100-01 ONE PIECE DRIVE SHAFT A S S’Y单节传动轴总成308 ES49100-02 TWO PIECE DRIVE SHAFT A S S E M B L Y两节传动轴总成309 ES49100-03 SPECI FICATIONS FOR DURABILITY TEST OF PROPELLER SHAFT 传动轴疲劳测试310 ES49100-08 THE WAY OF PAINTING OF P R O P E L L E R S H A F T A S S Y传动轴色标311 ES49100-09 DURABILITY EVALUATION REGULATIONS OF PROPELLER SHAFT 传动轴疲劳评价标准312 ES49300-02 COUPLING AND DRIVE SHAFT A S S E M B L Y驱动轴总成313ES49500-01 T H E S T R E NG T H A N D DURABILITY OF FRONT DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY (BJ92﹢D O J92)前驱动轴的强度和疲劳314ES49500-02 T H E S T R E NG T H A N D DURABILITY OF FRONT DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY (BJ95﹢D O J95)前驱动轴的强度和疲劳315ES49500-03 T H E S T R E NG T H A N D DURABILITY OF FRONT DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY (BJ82﹢D O J82)前驱动轴的强度和疲劳316E S49500-04F R T D R I V E S H A R T (B J82-T J82)前驱动轴317ES49500-08 T H E S T R E NG T H A N D DURABILITY OF FRONT DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY (BJ92﹢T J92)前驱动轴的强度和疲劳318ES49500-09 T H E S T R E NG T H A N D DURABILITY OF FRONT DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY (BJ95﹢T J95)前驱动轴的强度和疲劳319 ES49520-01e DOJ MATCHING 等速万向节球笼匹配320 ES49541-01 CVJ BOOT (CR)PERCHASING S P E C I F I C A T I O N S C V J密封罩321 ES49541-03 SPECIFICATION OF BJ B O O T等速万向节球笼密封罩322 ES49542-01 SPECIFICATION OF DOJ BOOT (92S I Z E)等速万向节球笼密封罩323 ES49542-02 SPECIFICATION OF DOJ BOOT (95S I Z E)等速万向节球笼密封罩324E S49542-03题目不清325 ES49542-04 SPECIFICATION OF DOJ B O O T(82)等速万向节球笼密封罩326 ES51110-01 BEAM –FRONT AXLE 前轴327 ES51713-01 OIL SEAL –FRONT HUB 前轮毂油封328 ES51730-01 BEARING ASSY-FRONT WNEEL I N N E R&O U T E R前轮轴承329E S51750-01H U B A S S Y–F R O N T W H E E L前轮轮毂330 ES51761-02 BRAKE HUB & DRUM ASSY & HUB&DRUM CLEANLINESS & PROTECTION FRIOR TO ASSEMBLY INTO VEHICLE 轮毂和制动鼓的清洁及保护要求331 ES51830-01 WHEEL HUB OIL SEAL 轮毂油封332 ES52100-02 SPECIFICATION –HOUSING A S S E M B L Y–R E A R A X L E后轴壳体333 ES52100-03 HOUSING ASSEMLY –REAR A X L E后轴壳体334 ES52900-01 SPECIFICATION –WHEEL & TYRE ASSY DYNAMIC BALANCING 车轮和轮胎的动平衡335 ES52910-01 STEEL WHEEL ASS’Y钢制车轮336 ES52910-02 WHEEL ASS’Y车轮总成337E S52930-01题目不清338 ES52930-02e MEASUREMENT OF ROLLING R E S I S T A N C E螺旋电阻的测量339 ES52933-01 밸브어셈블리타이어阀门总成-轮胎340 ES52960-01 HUB CAP WHEEL COVERS TRIM R I N G S轮毂盖和车轮盖341 ES52960-02 RESINOID WHEEL COVER-HEAT P L A S T I C I T Y R E S I N热塑成型的轮罩342 ES53000-01 DIFFERENTIAL & CARRLER A S S E M B L Y–R E A R A X L E后轴主减343 ES53000-02 DIFFERENTIAL AND CARRIER A S S E M B L Y-R E A R A X L E后轴主减344 ES53111-01 53111-45000 DIFFERETIAL C A R R I E R主减壳体345 ES53410-01 53410 D I F FE RE N T I A L C A S E主减壳体346 ES54000-02 SPECIFICATION –VEHICLE RIDE HEIGHT AND SUSPENSION ALIGNMENT 整车高度调整规范347 ES54151-01 SPECIFICATION –SPRING R U B B E R B U S H橡胶弹簧衬套U P P E R A R M前悬下臂衬套349 ES54430-03 BALL JOINT ASSY –FEONT S U S P E N S I O N A R M U P P E R前悬下臂球节350 ES54433-03 SOCKET–FRONT SUSPENSION L O W E R A R M B/J O I N T前悬下臂球节窝351 ES54450-03 SPECIFICATION –BUMPER F R O N T S U S P E N S I O N前悬缓冲器352 ES54500-03 SPECIFICATION – ARM AND BALL JOINT ASSY –FRONT SUSPENSION 前悬臂和球节总成353 ES54511-01 ARM–FRONT SUSPENSION L O W E R前悬下臂354 ES54512-01 BUSHING–FRONT SUSPENSION L O W E R A R M I N N E R前悬下臂内衬套355 ES54518-01 COVER–FRONT SUSPENSION L O W E R A R M B A L L J O I N T前悬下臂球节盖356 ES54520-01 BALL JOINT ASS’Y-FRONT S U S P E N S I O N L O W E R A R M前悬下臂球节L O W E R A R,前悬下臂衬套358 ES54522-01 STUD–FRONT SUSPENSION L O W E R A R M B A L L J O I N T前悬下臂球节螺柱359 ES54626-01 BUMPER–FRONT SUSPENSION R U B B E R前悬橡胶缓冲器360E S54630-01E S P R I N G–F R O N T S U S P E N S I O N前悬弹簧361 ES54630-03 SPECIFICATION–SPRING–FRONT S U S P E N S I O N前悬弹簧362E S54650-01S T R U T A S S Y-F R O N T S U S P E N S I O N前悬支撑总成363 ES54651-01 SPINDLE–FRONT WHEEL 前轴364E S54670-03S H O C Y A B S O R B E R A S S E M B L Y减振器总成365 ES54813-01 BUSHI NG–STABILI ZER B A R稳定杆衬套366 ES54813-03 SPECIFICATION–BUSH S T A B I L I S E R B A R T O F R A M E稳定杆衬套367 ES54814-01 BAR-STABILIZER 稳定杆368 ES54822-01 BUSHI NG-S TA BI LI ZER J O I N T稳定杆衬套369 ES54833-01 BUSHING–FRONT SUSPENSION S T R U T B A R前悬挂扭杆衬管370 ES54835-01 BAR–FRONT SUSPENSION S T R U T前悬挂扭杆371 ES55100-01 MANUFACTURE OF TRUCK LEAE SPRINGS IN “JIS SUPS”QUALITY后悬挂弹簧制造规范372 ES55110-01 SPRING ASSY-REAR 后减振弹簧373 ES55122-01 STOPPER–REAR AXLE B U M P E R后减振块374 ES55131-01 BUSHING–REAR SPRING F R O N T减振弹簧限位块375 ES55142-01 BUSHING–REAR SPRING S H A C K L E U P P E R/L O W E R后减振弹簧限位块376 ES55270-01 BUMPER-RR AXLE 后桥缓冲器377E S55300-02S H O C K ABSORBER–TELESCOPIC DOUBLE ACTING 双向减振器总成378E S55310-01S H O C K A B S O R B E R A S S E M B L Y减振器总成379 ES55321-01 STOPPER–REAR AXLE C A R R I E R后减振块380 ES55325-01 BUSHING–REAR SHOCK ABSORBER MOUNTI NG RUBBER后减振块骨架381 ES55350-03 SPECIFICATION–SPRING–REAR S U S P E N S I O N悬挂弹簧382E S56110-01W H E E L A S S E M B L Y–S T E E R I N G方向盘383E S56110-02W H E E L A S S E M B L Y–S T E E R I N G方向盘384E S56110-03W H E E L A S S’Y-S T E E R I N G方向盘385 ES56221-01 INSULATOR–STEERING GEAR M O U N T I N G B R A C K E T方向机安装垫386E S56300-01C O L U M N&S H A F T A S S Y-S T R G转向管柱387 ES56400-01 UNIVERSAL JOINT & COUPLING A S S Y-S T E E R I N G转向管柱万向节388 ES56410-01 FLEXIBLE COUPLING ASSY-STRG S H A F T转向轴球节389 ES56410-02 FLEXIBLE COUPLING ASSY-STRG S H A F T转向轴球节390E S56410-03U N I V E R S A L J O I N T A S S’Y-S T E E R I N G C O L U M N转向管柱万向节391E S56500-01G E A R B O X A S S’Y-S T E E R I N G方向机392 ES56500-03 GEAR BOX & PITMAN ARM A S S’Y-S T E E R I N G方向机393E S56570-01 S P E C I FI C A T I ON–A R M A S S Y–S T E E R I N G P I T M A N转向臂394 ES56710-01 SPINDLE & ARM ASS’Y-FRONT W H E E L前轴总成395 ES56810-01 DRAG LINK & TIE ROD A S S’Y转向杆总成396 ES56820-02 END ASSY–STEERING TIE R O D转向球销397 ES56821-01 BODY–STRG TI E ROD E N D转向球壳体398 ES56828-01 SEAL–STEERING BALL JOINT D U S T转向球节密封垫399 ES56835-01 SPECIFICATION–RELAY R O D–S T E E R I N G L I N K A G E转向杆400 ES56842-01 BUSHING–STEERING IDLER A R M转向臂衬套401E S56850-01S P E C I F I C A T I O N-A R M A S S’Y-S T E E R I N G I D L E R转向臂402 ES56900-00 DRIVE AIR BAG MODULE P E R F O R M A N C E主驾驶安全气囊403 ES56900-02 DRIVE AIR BAG MODULE P E R F O R M A N C E S P E C主驾驶安全气囊404E S56900-03A I R B A G M O D U L E P E R F O R M A N C E S P E C安全气囊405 ES56900-04 DRIVE AIRBAG MODULE P E R F O R M A N C E主驾驶安全气囊406 ES56900-05 DRIVER AIRBAG MODULE P E R F O R M A N C E主驾驶安全气囊407 ES56900-06 DRIVER AIRBAG MODULE P E R F O R M A N C E主驾驶安全气囊408 ES57100-02 OIL PUMP ASSY-POWER S T E E R I N G409 ES57100-03 OIL PUMP ASSY-POWER S T E E R I N G410 ES57510-02 POWER STEERING HIGH –PRESSURE HOSE SPECIFICATION 动力转向高压油管411 ES57550-02 POWER STEERING HIGH P R E S S U R E O I L H O S E动力转向高压油管412 ES57700-01 POWER RACK & PINION GEAR B O X–S T E E R I N G方向机413 ES57700-02 RACK & PINION POWER S T E E R I N G G E A R B O X414 ES57700-03 THE SPECIFICATION OF EPS E C U电动转向的E C U 415 ES58000-07 THE SPECIFICATION RELATED TO THE BRAKE SYSTEM ASSEMBLY 制动系统总成416 ES58100-05 CALLPER ASSEMBLY 制动钳总成417 ES58110-01 SPECIFICATION –CALIPER A S S’Y-F R O N T前制动钳总成418E S58110-04F R O N T C A L I P E R A S S E M B L Y419 ES58110-05 FRONT CALIPER BRAKE A S S E M B L Y420E S58110-06F R O N T B R A K E A S S E M B L Y前制动总成421 ES58110-09 SPECIFICATION OF DISC BRAKE A S S’Y制动盘总成422 ES58110-10 FRT CALIPER ASSY 前制动钳总成423E S58210-01R E A R B R A K E A S S E M B L Y后制动总成424 ES58250-01 REAR PARKING BRAKE A S S Y后驻车制动总成425 ES58300-02 DRUM BRAKE ASSY 制动鼓总成426 ES58300-03 DRUMJ BRAKE ASSY 制动鼓总成427 ES58310-01 SPECIFICATION –BRAKE ASS’Y –R E A R后制动总成428E S58310-03D R U M B R A K E A S S E M B L Y制动鼓总成429E S58310-04D R U M B R A K E A S S E M B L Y制动鼓总成430E S58310-05D R U M B R A K E A S S E M B L Y制动鼓总成431E S58310-06D R U M B R A K E A S S E M B L Y制动鼓总成432 ES58310-07 SPECIFICATION OF DRUM BRAKE A S S’Y制动鼓总成433E S58310-08D R U M B R A K E A S S E M B L Y制动鼓总成434 ES58340-01 DRUM BRAKE LINING 制动鼓内衬435E S58350-02D R U M B R A K E A U T O A D J U S T E R制动鼓自动调节436 ES58500-01 MASTER /CYL & BSTR A S S Y制动缸总成437 ES58510-01 SPECIFICATION –CYLINDER A S S’Y,B R A K E M A S T E R制动缸总成438 ES58510-03 LEVEL SENSOR 水平传感器439 ES58510-05 BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER A S S E M B L Y制动缸总成440 ES58510-06e BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER A S S E M B L Y制动缸总成441 ES58710-01 THE TOLERANCE OF BRAKE T U B I N G制动管公差442 ES58720-01 THE IDENTIFICATION MARK CLASSIFIED BY THE SYSTEM PIPE TYPE 管类区分标记分类443 ES58732-02 BRAKE HOSE ASSY 制动管444 ES58737-01 SPECIFICATION –HOSE ASSY B R A K E制动管445 ES58737-02 HOSE ASS’Y – BRAKE 制动管446 ES58775-01 PROPORTIONING VALVE 比例阀447 ES58775-03 PROPORTIONING VALVE 比例阀448 ES58775-04 PROPORRTIONING VALVE C A L I B R A T I O N比例阀449E S58775-05e I N-L I N E V A L V E A S S E M B L Y内置阀总成450E S58910-02H Y D R A U L I C U N I T A S S E M B L Y液压控制单元总成451 ES58910-04 SPECIFICATION OF INTEGRATED HYDRAULIC UNIT ASS’Y 综合压力控制单元说明452 ES58910-05 SPECIFICATION FOR MGH MODEL ABS/TCS HYDRAULIC ELECTRONIC CONTROL U N I T(H E C U)A B S/T C S模块453 ES58910-06 INTEGRATED HYDRAULIC UNIT A S S Y(N T-Y3)(N T-Y3)液压单元454 ES58910-12 SPECIFICATION FOR TB INTEGRATED ACTIVE SENSOR TB主动式传感器455E S59110-03B R A K E B O O S T E R A S S E M B L Y456E S59110-05B R A K E B O O S T E R A S S E M B L Y457 ES59110-06 BOOSTER ASSEMBLY 助力器458 ES59110-09 SPECIFICATION OF TANDEM B O O S T E R A S S’Y双膜片助力器459E S59110-10B R A K E B O O S T E R A S S E M B L Y制动助力器460 ES59130-02e M/CYL ASSY 制动总泵461 ES59130-03 SPECIFICATION OF MASTER C Y L I N D E R A S S’Y制动总泵462 ES59133-01 CHECK VALVE 阻止阀463 ES59410-02 SPECIFICATION OF L.S.P VALVE A S S’Y负荷传感比例阀说明464 ES59500-01 THERMO – PLASTIC TUBING AND A R M O U R I N G节温器—塑胶管及套465 ES59710-01 SPECIFICATION –CONTROL ASSEMBLY –PARKING BRAKE 停车制动控制总成说明466 ES59750-01 SPECIFICATION –CABLE ASSEMBLY –PARKING BRAKE 停车制动拉线说明467 ES59841-01 BRACKET –SPRING BRAKE C H A M B E R M T G制动弹簧安装支架468 ES59860-01 QUICK RELEASE VALVE 快速释放阀469 ES59950-01 CABLE ASSEMBLY –PARKING B R A K E R E A R手制动拉索总成470 ES59950-02 CABLE ASSEMBLY –PARKING B R A K E手制动拉索总成471 ES79110-02 HINGE ASSY-HOOD 顶盖铰链总成472 ES79210-01 HINGE ASSY – T/LID 行李箱盖铰链473 ES79310-02 DOOR HINGE ASSY 门铰链总成474E S79380-02D O O R C H E C K E R A S S E M B L Y门限位器总成475E S79380-03D O O R C H E C K E R A S S E M B L Y门限位器总成476 ES80000-00 STANDARD FOR ODOR MAINTENANCE OF INTERIOR MATERIALS 内部材料气味维护标准477 ES81130-01E HOOD LATCH STRIKER A S S Y机盖锁撞针总成478 ES81210-04 LATCH & STRIKER ASSY –T/G A T E背门锁体及撞针总成479 ES81210-05 T/LID LATCH &STRIKER A S S Y行李箱盖锁体及撞针总成480 ES81310-03 DOOR LATCH & STRIKER A S S Y门锁体及撞针总成481 ES81520-00 LOCK ASSY–GLOVE BOX 手套箱锁总成482E S81520-01L O C K A S S Y-G L O V E A S S Y手套箱锁总成483 ES81600-01 INR SLIDING SUNROOF A S S E M B L Y(P O W E R)天窗内滑道(电动)484 ES81600-02e DETACHABLE SUNROOF A S S Y可开式天窗总成485 ES81770-01 LIFTER ASS’Y 升降器总成486E S81770-02L I F T E R A S S Y–T A L L G A T E背门升降器487 ES81901-00 LOCK ASSEMBLY–STEERING & L G N I T I O N-C O M P L E T E点火锁总成488E S81901-03L O C K A S S Y-S T R G& I G N点火锁总成489 ES81960-00 LOCK ASSY–T/LID 行李箱盖锁490 ES81960-02 LOCK ASSY-T/GATE 背门锁总成491E S81960-03D R L O C K门锁492 ES81970-01 LOCK ASSY –DR 门锁493E S82110-01W/S T R I P A S S Y –D R O P E N’G车门密封条494E S82110-02W/S T R I P A S S Y-D R O P E N’G车门密封条495 ES82401-00 REGULATOR ASSEMBLY D O O R车门调整器496E S82401-04D O O R W I N D O W R E G U L A T O R车窗调整器497 ES82401-05 POWER DOOR WINDOW R E G U L A T O R车门电动窗调整器498E S82401-06D O O R W I N D O W R E G U L A T O R车窗调整器499 ES82401-07 DOOR POWER WINDOW R E G U L A T O R车门电动窗调整器500 ES82401-08 FRAMELESS DOOR POWER W I N D O W R E G U L A T O R无框门电动窗调节器501E S82401-09D O O R W I N D O W R E G U L A T O R车窗调整器502 ES82610-03 HDL ASSY–DR I/S 车门内把手503 ES82630-02 HANDLE ASSY-DR WDW R E G U L A T O R车窗调整器手柄504 ES82650-05 DOOR OUTSIDE HANDLE A S S E M B L Y车门外把手505 ES82710-02 DOOR RAMREST 车门手臂休息台506 ES83650-01 ASH TRAY ASSY –RR D R后门烟灰缸507 ES84500-00 PAB MODULE PERFORMANCE S P E C I F I C A T I O N乘客安全气囊模块性能说明508 ES84500-01 DOOR PERFORMANCE S P E C I F I C A T I O N车门性能说明509E S84500-02C U S H I O N A S S E M B L Y PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION 缓冲垫性能说明510 ES84500-03 HYBRID INFLATOR ASSEMBLY S P E C I F I C A T I O N混合气体发生器总成说明511 ES84500-10 PASSENGER AIRBAG ASSEMBLY PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION 乘客安全气囊性能说明书512 ES84500-11 PASSENGER AIRBAG INTEGRAL D O O R P E R F O R M A N C E S P E C I F I C A T I O N513 ES84500-12 SEAM INVISIBLE DOOR OF P A S S E N G E R A I R B A G(1-P I E C E H A R D P A N E L D O O R)P E R F O R M A N C E S P E C I F I C A T I O N514 ES84500-13 PASSENGER AIRBAG INVISIBLE D O O R P E R F O R M A N C E S P E C I F I C A T I O N543E S88001-00S E A T S-M O T O R V E H I C L E S电动座椅544 ES88001-02 STRENGTH OF SEAT 座椅强度545E S88002-00P R O P E R S U P P O R T CHARACTERISTICS OF SEAT FOR VEHICLE 座椅正常支撑特性546E S88002-10O P T I M A L S U P P O R T CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLE SEAT 座椅最佳支撑特性547 ES88005-02 HEATED SEAT (THERMO WIRE T Y P E)548 ES88010-00 SEAT FRAME & SPRING A S S E M B L Y(S T A N D E R D S)座椅架和弹簧总成549 ES88100-00 THE METHOD OF GAS SPRING TEST FOR SEAT BACK RECLINING-EXPRESS BUS 气弹簧检测方法550E S88301-00T R A C K A S S E M B L Y A D J U S T–F R O N T S E A T前排座椅调整导轨551E S88410-00F R O N T S E A T B A C K M E C H A N I S M S前排座椅后机构552 ES88420-00 RECLINER 座椅靠背553 ES88420-10 RECLINER ASSY 座椅靠背554 ES88500-00 SEAT TRACK 座椅导轨555 ES88500-10 SEAT TRACK ASSEMBLY (M A N U A L)座椅导轨556 ES88550-00 FRONT POWER SEAT 前电动座椅557 ES88601-00 HEAD RESTRAINT 头部限制器558 ES88601-10 HEAD RESTRAINT 头部限制器559 ES88720-00 DURABILITY TEST OF FOOT R E S T O P E R A T I O N脚垫耐久性测试560 ES88730-00 DURABILITY TEST OF SWIVEL & JUMP FOLDING OPERTION 旋转折叠耐久性测试561E S88750-10D O U B L E F O L D I N G S E A T双折叠座椅562 ES88765-10 SEAT UNDER TRAY 座椅下托架563 ES88780-10 FULL –FLAT SEAT 座椅座564 ES88800-00 SEAT BELT ASSEMBLY 安全带总成565 ES88800-04 HEIGHT ADJUSTER 高度调节器566 ES88801-03 HALL EFFECT SENSOR BUCKLE S W I T C H(L Z)霍尔效应传感器锁扣开关567 ES88802-03 HALL EFFECT SENSOR BUCKLE S W I T C H(G K)霍尔效应传感器锁扣开关568 ES88807-00 POWER UNIT AND TRACK ASSEMFBLY FRONT SEAT SHOULDER STRAP 前座椅侧板电控单元和轨道总成569 ES88807-01 EMERGENCY LOCKING SEAT BELT RETRACTORS AND BELT ASSEMBLIES 安全带牵开器应急锁定和安全带装配570E S88851-00R E T R A C T O R P R E T E N S I O N E R牵引器预拉力571E S88891-00F L A T R A I L H E I G H T A D J U S T E R平面轨道高度调节器572 ES90000-00 ROAD VEHICLES SYMBOLS FOR CONTROLS INDICATORS AND TELL-TALES 公路汽车符号573 ES91000-00 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL E Q U I P M E N T电自动设备574 ES91100-00 WIRE HARNESS DRAWING GUIDE L I N E575E S91101-00E L E C T R I C A L W I R I NG –C O M P L E T E线束总成576 ES91101-02 HIGH CURRENT TERMINAL C R I M P I N G S T A N D A R D577 ES91201-00 AIR BAG WIRING GUIDE L I N E578 ES91500-00 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL E Q U I P M E N T电自动设备579 ES91810-00 HARNESS –INTEGRATED FUSE B O X F O R A U T O M O B I L E S保险盒总成580 ES91820-03 BUSBAR TYPE JUNCTION B O X-E N G R O O M用581E S91841-00F U S I B L E L I N K S T A N D A R D熔断丝标准582 ES92101-00 HEAD LAMP ASSY 前大灯总成583 ES92101-01 LOCK ASSY –GLOVE B O X手套箱锁584E S92101-02L O C K A S S Y-G L O V E B O X手套箱锁585E S92190-00R E L A Y&B R A C K E T A S S’Y-H/L A M P前大灯继电器和支架总成586 ES92401-00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS 室外灯587 ES92801-00 INTERIOR LAMPS 室内灯588 ES92820-00 FLUORESCENT I NTER ILLUMINATION LAMP FOR BUS内部荧光照明灯。

3C Cwmpter,Communication,Consumer electronics消费性电子5M Man,Machine,Material,Method,Measurement人 机 料 法 测量5W1H When,Where,Who,What,Why,How to6σSix Sigma六个希格玛7QCTools7 Quality Controll Tools品管七大手法8D8Disciplines8D改善程序A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible尽可能快的ABC Activity-Based Costing作业制成本制度ACC Accept允收ANOVA Analysis of Variance变异数分析AOD ACCept On Deviation允许偏差APP Approve核准 认可 承认AQL Acceptable Quality Level允收品质成本ASSY Assembly装配 组装ATIN Attention知会BOM Bill Of Material物料清单BS Brain storming脑力激荡BSC Balanced Scoreboard平衡计分卡BTF Build To Forecast计划生产BTO Build To Order订单生产C/T Cycle Time制程周期C=0Critical=0极严重不允许Ca Process Capability of Accuracy制程准确度CAI Computer Aided Inspection电脑辅助检验CAR Correction Action Report改善报告CAT Computer Aided Testing电脑辅助测试CAV Cavity模穴CC Carbon COPY副本复印相关人员CHK Check确认CI Confidence Interval信赖区间CL Center Line中心线CMOS Complemeruary Metoll Oxide Semiconductor互补金属氧化物半导体CONN Ccnnector连接器COQ Cost Of Quality品质成本Cp Process Capability of Precision制程精密度CPK Process Capability过程能力指数CPM Complaint per Million每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨CR Critical=0极严重的CRM Customer Relationship Management客户关系管理CRP Capacity Requirements Planning产能需求规划CS Customer Satisfaction顾客满意度CTN Carton卡通箱CTQ Critical to Quality关键品质特性D/C Date Code生产日期码DCC Document Center资料中心DFM Design for Manufacture为制造设计DFMEA Design FMEA设计失效模式分析DFSS Design for six sigma六个希格玛设计DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module双项导通汇流组件DIRFT Do if right the first time第一次就把事性做好DMAIC Define Measure Analyze Improve Control定义 衡量 分析 改善 管制DOE Design of Experiment实验设计DPM Defects per million每百万单位的缺点数DPMO Defects per million opportunities每百万个机会的缺点数DPU Defects per unit单位缺点数DQA Design Quality Assurance设计品质保证DR Design Review设计审查DSS Decision Support System决策支援系统DVT Design Verification Testing设计验证EC Engineering Change设计变更/工程变更ECN Engineering Change Notes工程变更通知(供应商)ECO Engineering Change Order工程改动要求(客户)ECRS Eliminate Combine Rearrange Simple取消 合并 重排 简化EDI Electronic Date Interchange电子资料交换EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture扩充的工业标准结构EMC Electric Magnetic Capability电磁相容EMI Electronic Magnetion Inspect高磁测试EOQ Economic Order Quantity基本经济订购量EPC Engineering Process Control工程制程控制ERP Enterprise Resource Planning企业资源规划ES Engineering Specification工程规格ESD Electry-static Discharge静电排放EV Equipment Variation仪器系统变异EVT Engineering Validation Test工程验证测试F/C Flat Caller排线FAA first article assurance首件确认FAI first article inspection新品首件检查FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis失效模式分析FMECA Failure Mode,Effect,AND Criticality Analysi故障模式、效应与关键性分析FMI Frequency Modulatim Inspect高频测试FMS Flexible Manufacture System弹性制造系统FPIR First Piece Inspection Report首件检查报告FQC Final Quality Control最终品质检验FTA Fault Tree Analysis缺陷树分析FTY First Time Yield初检通过率GR&R Gauge Repeatability &Reproducibility仪器再现性及再生性I/O Input/Output输入/输出IC Integrated Circuit集成电路ID/C Identification Code(供应商——识别码IE Industrial Engineering工业工程IPQC In-Process Quality Control制程检验IQC Incoming Quality Control进料检验IS Inspection Specification成品检验规范ISA Industry Standard Architecture工业标准体制结构ISAR Initial Sample Approval Request首批样品认可ISO International Organization for Standardizat国际标准组织JIT Just In Time即时管理KM Knowledge Management知识管理KPIV Key Process Input Variables关键输入变数KPOV Key Process Output Variables关键输出变数KURT Kurtosis峰度L/N Lot Number批号L/T LEAD Time前置时间(生产前准备时间)LCL Lower Control Limit管制下限LED Light-Emitting Diode发光二级管LPCL Lower Per-control Limit前置管制下限LRR Lot Reject Rate批退率LSL Lower Specification Limit规格下限LTPD Lot Tolerance Percent Defective不良率MAJ Major主要的MAT'S Material材料MC Material Control物料控制MCA Micro Channel Architecture微通道结构ME manufacture Engineering制造工程部MES Manufacturing Execution System制造执行系统MIN Minor轻微的MO Manufacture Order生产单MP Mass Production大量生产MPS Master Production Schedule主生产排程MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance制造品质保证MRB Material Review Board材料审查委员会MRO Maintenance Repair Operation请修(购)单MRP Material Requirement Planning物料需计划MRP Material Requirement Planning物料需求规划MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning制造资源计划MSA Measurement Systems Analysis量测系统分析N Number样品数N/A Not Applicable不适用NFCF Notice for Changing Forecast更改预估量的通知NG Not Good不良np Number of Defectives不良数管制图ODM Original Design & Manufacture委托设计与制造OEM Original Equipment Manufacture委托代工OK OK好OOBA out of box audit开箱检查OPT Optimized Production Technology 最佳生产技术OQA output quality assurance出货质量保证人员OQC Outgoing Quality Control出货检验OS Operation System作业系统P Packing包装P/A Personal & Administration人事行政部P/M Product Market 产品市场P/N Part Number料号P/R Pilot Run试跑PAL Pallet/skid栈板PC Personal Computer个人电脑PCB Printed Circuit Board印刷电路板PCE Personal Computer Enclosure个人电脑外设PCL Per-control Central Limit前置管制中心限PCN Process Change Notice工序改动通知PCS Pieces个(根,块等)PD Product Department生产部PDCA Plan Do Check Action计划 执行 检查 总结PE Project Engineering产品工程部PFMEA Process FMEA制程失效模式分析PMC Production &Material Control生产和物料控制PMP Product Management Plan生产管制计划PO Purchasing Order采购订单Pp Process Performance Index制程绩效指数PPAP Production Part Approval Process生产零件承认程序PPC Production Plan Control生产计划控制Ppk制程绩效指数PPM Percent Per Million百万分之一PS Package Specification包装规范PVT Production Validation Test生产验证测试QA Quality Assurance品质保证QBR Quarter Business Review季度营运会议QC Quality Control品质控制QC Plan Quality Control Plan QC工程表QCC Quality Control Circle品管圈QE Quality Engineering品质工程QFD Quality Function Deployment品质机能展开QIT Quality Improvement Team品质改善小组QLF Quality Loss Function品质损失函数QMA Quality Maturity Analysis品质成熟度分析QT Quality Target品质目标QTY Quantity 数量QVL Quality Vendor LiST合格厂商清单R&D Research&Design设计开发部REE Reject拒收REF Reference仅供参考REV Revision版本RFI Read Frequency Input读频输入RMA ReTURNED Material Approval退货验收ROP Re-Order Point再订购点RTY Rolled Throughout Yield直通率S/S Sample size抽样检验样本大小S/T Standard Time标准时间SCM Supply Chain Management供应链管理SECC SECC电解片SFC Shop Floor Control现场监控SGCC SGCC热浸镀锌材料SIMM Single in -line memory module单项导通汇流组件SIP Specification in Process制程检验规格SJQE Supplier Join Quality Engineer供应商客户端品质工程师SL Specification Limits规格界线SO Sales Order订单SOP Standard Operation Procedure标准作业程序SOR Special Order Request特殊订单需求SPC Statistical Process Control统计制程管制SPEC Specification规格SQA Strategy Quality Assurance策略品管保证SQC Statistical Quality Control统计品质管制SQE Supplier Quality Engineer供应商质量工程师SQM supplier quality management供应商质量管理SSQA Sales and service Quality ASSURANCE销售及服务品质保证STDEV Standard Deviation标准差SWOT Strength weakness Opportunity Threat优势 弱势 机会 危机T/P True Position真位度TBA To Be Design待定,定缺TOC Theory of Constraints限制理论TPM Total Production Management全面生产管理TQC Total Quality Control全面品质管制TQM Total Quality Management全面品质管理TYP Type类型UCL Upper Control Limit管制上限UPCL Upper Per-control Limit前置管制上限USL Upper specification Limit规格上限VAR Variance变异数W/H Wire Harness金属线绪束集组件WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement周出货需求WIP Work in process半成品(工作进行中)WPR Weekly Delivery Requirement周出货要求Xbar-R Average-Range Control Chart平均数-全距管制图Xbar-S Average-Standard Deviation Control Chart平均数-标准管制图ZD Zero Defect零缺点σ,s Standard Deviation标准差σ2,S2Variance变异数 VS及8D Eight Discipline Methodology8D方法CCR Career & Competency Review职业及技能评估CEO Chief Executive Officer首席执行官CR Customer Relations客户关系CS&Q Customer Satisfaction & Quality客户满意与质量部DFSS Design for Six Sigma六西格玛设计CSLD Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty Development客户满意和忠诚度发展DIY Do it yourself自己动手做DMAIC Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control定义、测量、分析、改进、控制EMEAS Europe, Middle East, Africa, South America欧洲、中东、非洲、南美EPM Enterprise Process Model企业流程模型GSA Global Strategic Account全球战略客户IT Information Technologies信息技术I2P Issue to Prevention问题至预防KPI Key Performance Indicator关键业绩指标L6S Lean Six Sigma 精益六西格玛OCP Offer Creation Process成品创造流程OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer原始设备制造商OTM Offer & Technology Management成品和技术管理PEP Product Evolution Process产品进化流程PMP Project Management Process项目管理流程POSE Passionate, Open, Straightforward, Effectiv热情,开放,直接,高效PPEP Part Product Evolution Plan零部件评估计划SAM Supplier Approval Module供应商批准模块SPC Statistic Process Control统计过程控制SPM Supplier Performance Module供应商绩效模块SPS Schneider Production System施耐德生产体系SQM Supplier Quality Module供应商认证模块SSQM Schneider Supplier Quality Management施耐德供应商质量管理。

电池常用英文单词电池常用英文单词Specification 规格书Dimension Drawing, Configuration Drawing 尺寸图,结构图Approval Sheet 承认书Data Sheet 电池参数表,也叫规格书。
Bill of Materials (BOM) 原材料清单Nominal Voltage 标称电压Nominal Capacity 标称容量Minimum/Minimal Capacity 最低容量Standard Charge 标准充电Rapid/ Fast Charge 快速充电Maximum Charge Voltage 最大充电电压CC/CV: Constant Current/Constant Charge 恒流/恒压充电Maximum Continuous Discharge Current最大连续放电电流Final Charge Current, Cut-off Current充电截止电流Final Discharge Voltage Cut-off Voltage放电截止电压Initial Internal Resistance / internal impedance 内阻Service Life, Circle Life 循环寿命Charge/ Discharge/Circle Life Curve 充电/放电/循环寿命曲线Lithium ion Battery锂离子电池Lithium Metal Battery 锂金属电池Lithium Ion Cylindrical Battery 锂离子圆柱电池Lithium Ion Prismatic Battery 锂离子方形电池Lithium Ion Polymer Battery 锂离子聚合物电池Lithium Phosphate Battery 磷酸铁锂电池Chemistry System 化学体系LiCoO2钴酸锂LiCoMnNiO2 锂钴锰镍,即三元锂电池Ambient Temperature 环境温度Charge Temperature Range 充电温度范围Discharge Temperature Range 放电温度范围Open Circuit Voltage 开路电压Capacity Retention 容量保持Self-Discharge 自放电Safety Test 安全测试Over Charge 过充电Over Discharge 过放电Short Circuit 短路Heating Test 热冲击测试Impact Test 冲击测试Environmental Test 环境测试Drop Test 自由跌落测试Vibration Test 振动测试Test Report 测试报告Constant Humidity and Temperature Test 恒温恒湿测试Protection Circuit Module (PCM) or Battery Manager Systems (BMS) 保护电路或者电池管理系统integrated circuit (IC) 集成电流Mosfet场效应管Over Charge Protection Voltage过充电保护电压Over Charge Protection Delay 过充电保护延迟Over Charge release Voltage 过充电恢复电压Over Discharge Protection Voltage 过放电保护电压Over Discharge Protection Delay 过放电保护延迟Over Discharge Release Voltage 过放电恢复电压Over Current Protection 过电流保护Over Current Protection Delay过电流保护延迟Short Circuit protection 短路保护Consumption 自耗电State Of Charge Indication (SOC Indication) 剩余容量显示Balance Charge 平衡充电Temperature Detection 温度检测Communication Bus or SMbus 通讯总线Thermistor or Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) 热敏电阻Thermostat 温度开关Polymer Positive T emperature Coefficient (PPTC) 过流保护器Circuit Diagram电路原理图Component List 元器件清单Charging Characteristics 充电特性Discharge CharacteristicsWeight: 重量 Gross Weight (G. WT)毛重,Net Weight (N. WT) 净重Dimension 尺寸Model No., Size 型号Part NumberPurchase Order (PO)采购订单Manufacture Order (MO) 生产订单L/C (LETTER OF CREDIT)信用证T/T (TELEGRAFIC TRANSFER) 电汇D/P (DOCUMENT AGAINST PAYMENT) 远期付款交单D/A (DOCUMENT AGAINST ACCEPTION) 承兑交单30% In Advance,30% deposit预付30%订金70% of the balance due 70%的余款10% Discount 10%折扣FOB (free on board) 离岸价(不含运费的价格)CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价(含运费和保险费)C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价(含运费不含保险费)Certification 认证Warranty 保质期External Appearance 外观Handling Instructions 操作指示Cautions 注意事项Samples 样品Fatal Defects 致命缺陷Major defect 严重缺陷Minor defect 次要缺陷Random Inspection 抽样检查Inspection Report 检验报告Final Quality Control (FQC), Outgoing Quality Control (OQC) 出货检验Input Process Quality Control (IPOC) 品质巡检Incoming Quality Control (IQC) 来料检查Sample inspectionFully inspection, Total InspectionACCEPTANCE QUALITY LIMIT (AQL) 允收水准Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) 最低订单量Expected Time of Arrival 预计到港时间estimated time of departure 估计离港时间Lead time 交货周期。
MMBQ11 Wi-Fi Module 规格说明书

ShenZhen Gather Genius Technology LimitedMMBQ11 Wi-Fi ModuleFCC ID: 2ALLFMMBQ11SpecificationMMBQ11 WIFI Module DatasheetVersion 1.1 Disclaimer and noticeThe document is provided “AS IS,”without warranty of any kinds, including the implied warranties of merchantability and applies to any guarantee for a particular purpose, or non infringement, and any proposal, specification or sample of any guarantee mentioned anywhere else.This document does not bear any responsibility, including the use of the document information from infringement of any patent infringement liability.This document is not here by estoppel or otherwise, any intellectual property rights is granted the license, whether express or implied license.The information in this document might be modified for upgrade or other reasons.ShenZhen Gather Genius Technology Limite reserves the rights to make change withoutnotice. This document is used for design guide only, ShenZhen Gather Genius Technology Limitedtry the best to supply the correct information, but it does not assure there is not any error in this document. All the ostensive or implied states, information, suggestion are not guaranteed.INDEX1.GENERAL DESCRIPTION (2)1.1.Features (2)2.Pin assignment (4)3.Package and dimensions (5)4.Main function description (6)4.1.MCU (6)4.2.Memory (6)4.3.Interface (6)4.4.Absolute maximum ratings (6)4.5.Recommended operating range (7)5.RF specification (7)6.Power consumption (8)7.Recommended Reflow Profile (8)8.AT instruction (10)8.1.General AT instruction description (10)8.2.Operation instruction description (11)8.3.TCP/UDP port (14)8.4.GPIO/PWM instructions description (16)8.5.SMART LINK instruction description (17)8.6.SOFT AP instructions description (17)8.7.RF instructions description (18)8.8.Other description (23)1.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe MMBQ11module supports standard IEEE802.11 b/g/n protocol, TCP/IP stack and support STA, AP, STA+AP work mode. It can be used in the present device for additional Wi-Fi feature, or to design standalone network controller.MMBQ11 is a total solution for Wi-Fi network, which can be used separately.It can boot from external flash directly and designed to work with external MCU.In this case, MMBQ11can be added to any micro-controller system through UART interface.MMBQ11 is highly integrated with antenna switch, BALUN, PA, PMU. It just needs a few components for external circuit, which help to save the PCB room and cost furthest.1.1.Features•Support 802.11 b/g/n;•Embedded TCP/IP protocol stack;•Integrated TR switch/Balun/LNA/PA/antenna;•MCU clock frequency up to 160M, internal cache 8kB;•Integrated 16Mbitsflash;•Supply voltage range: 4.75V~5.25VDC, single 5V is recommended to use.•Support OTA firmware upgrade, which can be initiated with mobile phone APP and AT command;•Support STA, AP ,AP+STA mode;•Support Smart Link;•Support WEP/TKIP/WPA/WPA2 protocol;•Support802.11e and WMM/WMM PS;•Support UART;•Support HT20/40;Table 1 Major hardware and software features2.Pin assignmentThere are 4pins in MMBQ11 module, Figure1 is the pin assignment, Table 2 is the pin definition.Figure 1MMBQ11 pin assignmentTable 2 MMBQ11 pin definition3.Package and dimensionsThe dimensions of MMBQ11 module is 15mm*20mm*9.5mm(Figure 3), and it integrates 16Mb SPI Flash and 0 dBi PCB antenna.Figure 2MMBQ11module exteriorFigure 3MMBQ11 module dimensions4.Main function description4.1.MCUThe MCU of MMBQ11 is a low-power single chip, it supply integrated solution for embedded smart family system. It integrated 2.4 GHz WLAN CMOS PA and LNA. The RF front-end is single-ended double-direction. Also, it integrates LDO and DC-DC converter, which can separate digital circuit and analog circuit for lower noise.4.2.Memory4.2.1. Built- in SRAMMMBQ11 integrates 192KB SRAM。

可信计算规范概述2007-05-08 22:41:15分类:可信计算组织(Ttrusted Computing Group,TCG)是一个非盈利的工业标准组织,它的宗旨是加强在相异计算机平台上的计算环境的安全性。
TCG于2003年春成立,并采纳了由可信计算平台联盟(the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance,TCPA)所开发的规范。
TCG的规范包括了从硬件TPM芯片,到软件TSS,从安全PC Client,服务器,到可信网络连接TNC,从总体的体系结构,到具体的操作接口,整个TCG规范成为一个统一的整体。
1. TCG规范体系结构TCG规范的整体架构参照下图:目前TCG主要的已经制定的规范有以下几个方面:1. TCG体系结构总体规范(Architecture Overview)2. 基础框架规范(Infrastructure Specifications)3. 可信平台模块规范(Trusted Platform Module Specifications)4. TPM软件栈规范(TSS Specifications)5. 可信网络连接规范(Trusted Network Connect Specifications)6. 个人计算机客户端规范(PC Client Specifications)7. 服务器规范(Server Specific Specifications)最近还在制定TCG的移动平台的规范,TCG的可信存储规范等都正在制定中。
2. 可信计算的主要规范1. TCG体系结构总体规范(Architecture Overview)Architecture Overview规范中定义了TPM平台的使用场景,TCG规范的总体体系结构,任何人查阅TCG规范,就意味着必须首先了解Architecture规范。
1ZM M.2 模块 - 数据手册说明书

Copyright 2021 © Embedded Artists ABDocument status: Preliminary1ZM M.2 ModuleDatasheetGet Up-and-Running Quickly andStart Developing Your Application On Day 1!Embedded Artists ABJörgen Ankersgatan 12211 45 MalmöSwedenhttps://Copyright 2021 © Embedded Artists AB. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Embedded Artists AB.DisclaimerEmbedded Artists AB makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The information has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate, however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.Information in this publication is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Embedded Artists AB.FeedbackWe appreciate any feedback you may have for improvements on this document.TrademarksAll brand and product names mentioned herein are trademarks, services marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks of their respective owners and should be treated as such.Table of Contents1Document Revision History4 2Introduction5 2.1Benefits of Using an M.2 Module to get Wi-Fi/BT Connectivity5 2.2More M.2 Related Information5 2.3ESD Precaution and Handling5 2.4Product Compliance5 3Specification6 3.1Power Up Sequence7 3.2Mechanical Dimensions7 3.3M.2 Pinning9 3.4Test Points12 3.5VDDIO Override Feature Does Not Exists12 4Antenna13 4.1Mounting and Clearance13 4.2Overriding PCB Trace Antenna14 4.3Current Consumption Measurements15 4.4On-board Trace Antenna Performance16 4.4.11ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier Board 17 4.4.21ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier Board 21 5Regulatory24 6Disclaimers25 6.1Definition of Document Status261 Document Revision History2 IntroductionThis document is a datasheet that specifies and describes the 1ZM M.2 module mainly from a hardware point of view. Software related issues, like the Linux and WICED drivers, are not addressed. There are separate documents for that.2.1 Benefits of Using an M.2 Module to get Wi-Fi/BT ConnectivityThere are several benefit to use an M.2 module to add connectivity to an embedded design:∙Drop-in, certified solution!∙Modular and flexible approach to evaluate different Wi-Fi/BT solutions - with different trade-offs around performance, cost, power consumption, longevity, etc.∙Access to maintained software drivers (Linux and WICED) with responsive support from Murata.∙Supported by Embedded Artists' Developer's Kits for i.MX RT/6/7/8 development, including advanced debugging support on carrier boards∙One component to buy, instead of 50+∙No RF expertise is required∙Developed in close collaboration with Murata and NXP∙M.2 pinning defined in close cooperation with Murata, NXP, Cypress+Infineon and Embedded Artists2.2 More M.2 Related InformationFor more information about the M.2 standard and Embedded Artists' adaptation, see: M.2 PrimerFor more general information about the M.2 standard, see: https:///wiki/M.2The official M.2 specification (PCI Express M.2 Specification) is available from: 2.3 ESD Precaution and HandlingPlease note that the M.2 module come without any case/box and allcomponents are exposed for finger touches – and therefore extra attention mustbe paid to ESD (electrostatic discharge) precaution, for example use of static-free workstation and grounding strap. Only qualified personnel shall handle theproduct.Make it a habit always to first touch the mounting hole (which is grounded)for a few seconds with both hands before touching any other parts of theboards. That way, you will have the same potential as the board and therefore minimize the risk for ESD.In general touch as little as possible on the boards in order to minimize the risk of ESD damage. The only reasons to touch the board are when mounting/unmounting it on a carrier board.Note that Embedded Artists does not replace modules that have been damaged by ESD.2.4 Product ComplianceVisit Embedded Artists' website at /product_compliance for up to date information about product compliances such as CE, RoHS2/3, Conflict Minerals, REACH, etc.3 SpecificationThis chapter lists some of the more important characteristics of the M.2 module, but it is not a full specification of performance and timing. The main component in the design is Murata's 1ZM module (full part number: LBEE5QD1ZM), which in turn is based around NXP/Marvell 88W8987 chipset. For a full specification, see on Murata's 1MW Module (LBEE5QD1ZM) see Murata’s 1ZM product page (url TBD) and the 1ZM datasheet (url TBD).3.1 Power Up SequenceThe supply voltage shall not rise (10 - 90%) faster than 40 microseconds and not slower than 100 milliseconds.Signals WL_REG_ON must be held low for at least 1 milliseconds after supply voltage has reached specification level before pulled high.External Sleep ClockThe sleep clock signals can be applied to a powered and unpowered M.2 module.3.2 Mechanical DimensionsThe M.2 module is of type: 2230-S3-E according to the M.2 nomenclature. This means width 22 mm, length 30mm (without trace antenna), top side component height 1.5 mm and key-E connector. The table below lists the different dimensions and weight.Embedded Artists has added a non-standard feature to the 2230 M.2 modules designed together with Murata. The pictures below illustrates the how the standard module size has been extended by 14 mm in the length direction in order to include a pcb trace antenna.Figure 1 – M.2 Module with, and without, PCB Trace AntennaThe picture below gives dimensions for the grounded center (half) hole and the u.fl. antenna connector.Figure 2 – M.2 Module, Antenna Connector Position22 mm30 m m44 m m22 mm1.5 mm11 mm,3.3 M.2 PinningThis section presents the pinning used for the M.2 module. It is M.2 Key-E compliant. The pin assignment for specific control and debug signals has been jointly defined by Embedded Artists, Murata, NXP and Infineon/Cypress.The picture below illustrates the edge pin numbering. It starts on the right edge and alternates between top and bottom side. The removed pads in the keying notch counts (but as obviously non-existing).Figure 3 – M.2 Module Pin NumberingThe Wi-Fi interface uses the SDIO interface. The Bluetooth interface uses the UART interface forcontrol and PCM interface for audio. The table below lists the pin usage for the 1ZM M.2 modules. The column "When is signal needed" signals four different categories:∙ Always: These signals shall always be connected.∙ Wi-Fi: These signals shall always be connected then the Wi-Fi interface is used.∙ Bluetooth: These signals shall always be connected then the Bluetooth interface is used. ∙ Optional: These signals are optional to connect.3.4 Test PointsThere are some test points that can be of interest to probe for debugging purposes, as illustrated in the picture below.Figure 4 – 1ZM M.2 Module Test Points3.5 VDDIO Override Feature Does Not ExistsThe M.2 standard specify 1.8V logic level on several of the data and control signals. Other M.2 modules in the Embedded Artists' family supports VDDIO override to 3.3V instead.Note that the 1ZM M.2 module does not support this feature because of limitations in the NXP88W8987 chipset. The control signals that are 1.8V according to the M.2 standard must be 1.8V. This is also true for the SDIO voltage level. It must be 1.8V.4 AntennaThis chapter address the antenna side of the module. There is an on-board, reference certified pcb trace antenna. This can be used for testing/evaluation purposes, but also for the final product. Also, for testing and evaluation purposes, it is possible to disconnect the on-board antenna and instead use an u.fl. connector to connect an external antenna.4.1 Mounting and ClearanceIdeally, arrange the M.2 module so that the antenna is located at a corner of the product. Keep plastic case (i.e., non-metallic) away from the antenna area with at least 5 mm clearance (in all directions). Also keep any metal elements (e.g., connectors, battery, etc.) away from the antenna area with at least 5 mm clearance (in all directions). Keep a clearance area under and above the antenna area of at least 7.5mm , both under and over the PCB.Human hands or body parts should be kept away (in the normal use case) from the antenna area. The ground hole in the middle shall be grounded. Use a metal stand-off according to M.2 standard (height suitable for selected M.2 connector) and use metal screw to create a proper ground connection.Figure 5 – M.2 Module Clearance Area4.2 Overriding PCB Trace AntennaThe antenna connection from the 1ZM module be redirected to the u.fl. connector by just moving one zero ohm 0201 series resistor, see illustration below. The on-board trace antenna can be left as-is, or the antenna can be snapped-off.Figure 6 – Rework to Connect U.FL. ConnectorSnap-off on-board antenna, if needed, else just leave as-is.4.3 Current Consumption MeasurementsIt is possible to measure the currents of the power supplies to the 1YM module, VBAT and VIO. VBAT is the 3.3V the is supplied to the M.2 interface and VIO is an on-board generated 1.8V. VIO isgenerated from the supplied 3.3V. If the supply voltage (3.3V) to the M.2 module is measured it will be both the VBAT and VIO currents that is measured. By measuring currents at the illustrated points blow it is possible to measure VBAT and VIO independently.Note that zero ohm resistors are mounted by default. Select a series resistor with as low resistance as possible to keep the voltage drop to a minimum. Keep the drop below 100mV. VBAT can be slightly above 1 Amp in peak which means that maximum series resistance is 100 milliOhm for the VBAT resistor.Figure 7 – Current Measurement4.4 On-board Trace Antenna PerformanceThe on-board pcb trace antenna type is monopole. The 1ZM M.2 module has been measured both standalone and mounted on the iMX OEM Carrier Board (which is a typical carrier board design). The table below lists total efficiency:The table below lists peak gain:4.4.1 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier BoardThe 3D directivity measurements are presented below for the 2 GHz and 5GHz bands when the 1ZM M.2 module is mounted on the iMX OEM Carrier Board.Figure 8 – 3D Directivity Measurements in 2 GHz BandFigure 9 – 3D Directivity Measurements in 5 GHz BandFigure 10 – 3D Directivity Measurements Plane OrientationsThe pictures below illustrates the return loss, efficiency and directivity when the 1ZM M.2 module ismounted on the iMX OEM Carrier Board.Figure 11 – Return Loss for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier BoardFigure 12 – Efficiency for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier BoardFigure 13 – Directivity for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on iMX OEM Carrier Board4.4.2 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier BoardThe 3D directivity measurements are presented below for the 2 GHz and 5GHz bands when the 1ZM M.2 module is mounted on the COM Carrier Board.Figure 14 – 3D Directivity Measurements in 2 GHz BandFigure 15 – 3D Directivity Measurements in 5 GHz BandThe pictures below illustrates the return loss, efficiency and directivity when the 1ZM M.2 module is mounted on the COM Carrier Board.Figure 16 – Return Loss for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier BoardFigure 17 – Efficiency for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier BoardFigure 18 – Directivity for 1ZM M.2 Module Mounted on COM Carrier Board5 Regulatory <TBC>6 DisclaimersEmbedded Artists reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including, without limitation, specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. Customer is responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using Embedded Artists’ products, and Embedded Artists accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer prod uct design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the Embedded Artists’ product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products. Customer is required to have expertise in electrical engineering and computer engineering for the installation a nd use of Embedded Artists’ products.Embedded Artists does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by custome r’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using Embedded Artists’ products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Embedded Artists does not accept any liability in this respect.Embedded Artists does not accept any liability for errata on individual components. Customer is responsible to make sure all errata published by the manufacturer of each component are taken note of. The manufacturer's advice should be followed.Embedded Artists does not accept any liability and no warranty is given for any unexpected software behavior due to deficient components.Customer is required to take note of manufacturer's specification of used components. Such specifications, if applicable, contains additional information that must be taken note of for the safe and reliable operation.All Embedded Artists’ products are sold pursuant to Embedded Artists’ terms and conditions of sale: /sites/default/files/docs/General_Terms_and_Conditions.pdfNo license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by Embedded Artists for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein.UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN EMBEDDED ARTISTS’ TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE EMBEDDED ARTISTS DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF EMBEDDED ARTISTS PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS EXPRESSLY APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE CEO OF EMBEDDED ARTISTS, PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, NUCLEAR, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE.Resale of Embedded Artists’ products with provisions different from the statements and/or tec hnical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by Embedded Artistsfor the Embedded Artists’ product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of Embedded Artists.This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from national authorities.6.1 Definition of Document StatusPreliminary– The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. Embedded Artists does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. The document is in this state until the product has passed Embedded Artists product qualification tests.Approved– The information and data provided define the specification of the product as agreed between Embedded Artists and its customer, unless Embedded Artists and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.。
DT082332 MOA4 Contactless Chip Card Module Specification

MOA4Contactless Chip Card Module SpecificationRev. 3.2 — 3 August 2006Product data sheet082332CONFIDENTIAL 1.General description1.1Definition of a Chip Card ModuleA chip card module is a packaged chip, which is electrically connected with a metallead-frame and encapsulated with a mold cap.The chip card module is used, e.g. for further lamination into contactless Smart Cardsaccording to ISO 14443. It can also be incorporated into e.g. disc-shaped data carriers.The chip card module is best suited for automated high volume ISO chip card productionor RF transponder production.1.2Use of the Chip Card ModuleThe chip card module is designed for connection to a coil and incorporation into a SmartCard (by lamination etc.) or RF transponder. Specific processing information forcoil-module interconnection and packaging is given in this specification.1.3Smart Card contactless moduleFig 1.Contact assignments for SOT500BA2 (MOA4).Table 1.Bonding pad assignments to Smart Card contactless module Contactless Interface Module MOA4Antenna Contacts Symbol DescriptionLA LA Antenna coil connection LALB LB Antenna coil connection LB2.Specifications2.1ChipFor details on functionality and electrical characteristics of the IC see Addendum andrespective Data Sheet.2.2Mechanical PropertiesTable 2.General dimensionsAll dimensions in millimeter (mm)Module Options PLLMC = Plastic Leadless Module Chip CarrierPackage Name OutlineCodeTape Format Module Size EncapsulationSizeOverallThicknessSize of AntennaConnection AreaContactless Chip Card ModulePLLMC-07MOA4SOT500BA2Super 35 mmPitch: 9.5±0.023 rows matrixproposed punchingoutline:5.15×8.104.80±0.03 x5.10±0.03(excluding gateand vent location)0.32± 0.01(excludingpunching burrand plating)approx. 5.0×1.4Fig 2.Top view (left) and bottom view (right) of MOA4 module.2.3Material SpecificationTable 3.Contactless Chip Card Module (MOA4)Material Name DescriptionLeadframeBasic material CuSn6Thickness of basic material80 +5/-5µmPlating material AgThickness of overall plating 1 to 2µmEncapsulationMaterial Filled epoxy based mold compound T echnology Transfer moldingColour black2.4Module Package Drawing2.4.1Contactless Chip Module Package Drawing MOA4The following figure is for information only. For details refer to package drawing33120625475-1.Fig 3.Contactless Chip Module Package Drawing MOA42.5Splicing Specification•Drawing: see Figure4. For details refer to drawing 33120625476-1.•Splices per 10 meters: <10•Minimum distance between two joints: 1meter•T ype of Splicing T ape: Polyimide Film T ape•Thermostability: at≤190°C temperature and≤1 N tractive force in≤30 s duration •All modules within the splicing area are failure marked (reject hole).2.6Leader/Trailer Specification•Drawing: see Figure5. For details refer to drawing 33120625477-1.•Material: CuSn6, Ag plated•Length: min. 2.1 m•Format: Super 35 mm•T ypical Thickness: 80µmFig 4.Splicing SpecificationFig 5.Leader/Trailer Specification3.PackingFor all packing issues (reel type and –packing, transport packing, labelling) see separate"General Specification for Packages in Super 35 mm Reel Format".4.Storage - and Processing TemperatureAllowable Storage and Operating Temperature Range[1]Processing Parameters for Inlet and Card ProductionWelding Parameters max. 25 ms @ 500°C on contact leadsSoldering Parameters max. 3 s @ 390°C on contact leadsCard Lamination190°C for 30 minutes at a standard lamination pressure forcontactless smart card plasticmaterials (e.g. PVC, PET, ABS, PC…)[1]Depends on IC type – see respective Data Sheet5.Quality5.1Qualification and ReliabilityRequirements and test conditions for(re-)qualifications and reliability testing of Chip CardModules are detailed in Philips Specifications SNW-FQ-611 (General QualitySpecification for Integrated Circuits).5.2 Lot Acceptance TestingLot acceptance testing is performed on every lot prior to shipment. Inspection- and testrequirements are detailed in the General Quality Specification.The number of tests per lotdepending on the lot size can be seen in Table 1.Table 4.Test conditions for chipcard modulesDescription RequirementsLot-size AcceptedMechanical/Visual 1 K to 10 K0/125Electrical10 K to 35 K0/20035 K to 150 K0/3155.3Complaint ProcedureCustomers complaints should be sent to the contact person in the local Sales Office,whowill forward the complaint directly to the responsible Quality Centre.Return shipments of security relevant products require special agreements for handlingand transport between customer and Philips Semiconductors.5.3.1Information needed for complaint processingFor fast complaint handling,the documentation supplied with the rejects must include thefollowing information:•customer name•customer contact•Philips Semiconductors part number•lot size•quantity tested•quantity rejected•quantity returned•date code inspection and test reference number•purchase order reference•test temperature•test equipment•location of failure (incoming inspection, qualification testing, assembly or field)5.3.2AnalysisAfter verification of the defect, the defective products are analyzed for the root cause andif applicable, an 8-D procedure is performed to solve the problem.Note:For products with enabled security modes/features a detailed electrical and physicalanalysis may not be practicable.5.4Product-/Process-Change NotificationThe customer will be notified of major changes of the product, which will affect form,fitting, function or reliability of the product. The CPCN will be sent to the customer inwritten form at least 90 calendar days before implementation of the change unlessotherwise specified. Major changes are defined and categorized in detail in the PhilipsSemiconductors Specification SNW-SQ-650A (Customer Product-/Process ChangeNotification Procedure).6.SecurityFor security relevant products special requirements at production, for handling, transportand storage are installed. The security is ensured based on Philips SpecificationPVV-0-0-2/784 (Security Management System).7.Revision historyTable 5.Revision historyDocument ID Release date Data sheet status Documentation number Supersedes3 August 2006Product data sheet095131Revision 3.0 Modifications:Introduction of new Philips Semiconductors data sheet format•Section 2.2 “Mechanical Properties” on page 3:- corrected Figure 2 “Top view (left) and bottom view (right) of MOA4 module.”•Section 2.5 “Splicing Specification” on page 6:added “Minimum distance between two joints: 1meter”•Section 2.6 “Leader/Trailer Specification” on page 6:- corrected Figure3 on page5,Figure4 on page7 and Figure5 on page88.Legal information8.1Data sheet status[1]Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.[2]The term ‘short data sheet’ is explained in section “Definitions”.[3]The product status of device(s)described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices.The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL .8.2DefinitionsDraft —The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. Philips Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness ofinformation included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Short data sheet —A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s)and title.A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local Philips Semiconductors sales office.In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet,the full data sheet shall prevail.8.3DisclaimersGeneral —Information in this document is believed to be accurate andreliable. However, Philips Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Right to make changes —Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice.This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use —Philips Semiconductors products are not designed,authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft,space or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure ormalfunction of a Philips Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmentaldamage. Philips Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of Philips Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is for the customer’s own risk.Applications —Applications that are described herein for any of theseproducts are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Limiting values —Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134)may cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and andoperation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of this document is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability.Terms and conditions of sale —Philips Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale,as published at /profile/terms , including thosepertaining to warranty, intellectual property rights infringement and limitation of liability, unless explicitly otherwise agreed to in writing by PhilipsSemiconductors.In case of any inconsistency or conflict between information in this document and such terms and conditions, the latter will prevail.No offer to sell or license —Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant,conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights,patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights.8.4TrademarksNotice:All referenced brands,product names,service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.9.Contact informationFor additional information, please visit: For sales office addresses, send an email to: sales.addresses@Document status [1][2]Product status [3]DefinitionObjective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development.Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification.Product [short] data sheetProductionThis document contains the product specification.© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.2006.All rights reserved.For more information, please visit: .For sales office addresses, email to: sales.addresses@.Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)described herein, have been included in section ‘Legal information’.10.TablesT able 1.Bonding pad assignments to Smart Cardcontactless module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2T able 2.General dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Table 3.Contactless Chip Card Module (MOA4). . . . . . .4Table 4.T est conditions for chipcard modules. . . . . . . . .9Table 5.Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1111.FiguresFig 1.Contact assignments for SOT500BA2 (MOA4).. . .2Fig 2.T op view (left) and bottom view (right) of MOA4module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Fig 3.Contactless Chip Module Package DrawingMOA4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Fig 4.Splicing Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Fig 5.Leader/T railer Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .812.Contents1General description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1Definition of a Chip Card Module . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2Use of the Chip Card Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3Smart Card contactless module . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.1Chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.2Mechanical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.3Material Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.4Module Package Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.4.1Contactless Chip Module Package DrawingMOA4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.5Splicing Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.6Leader/T railer Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63Packing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94Storage - and Processing Temperature. . . . . . 95Quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.1Qualification and Reliability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.2 Lot Acceptance T esting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.3Complaint Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.3.1Information needed for complaint processing. 105.3.2Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.4Product-/Process-Change Notification . . . . . . 106Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107Revision history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118Legal information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128.1Data sheet status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128.2Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128.3Disclaimers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128.4T rademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129Contact information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1210Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13。
传感器第7章 传感器的数据处理

7.1.7 nesC应用程序的分析
该文件为整个程序的顶层配置文件,关键字为configuration,通过“->”连接各个 对应的接口。
configuration Blink{ } implementation{
7.1.4 模块
简单指令或事件A,由带有存储类型指令或事件的C函数定义的语法实现(注意允许在 函数名中直接定义的扩展)。另外语法关键字必须被包含如果它被包含在A的声明中。
SendMsg类型的提供 接口Send的模块:
Command result_t Send.send(unit16_t address, unit8_t length, TOS_MsgPtr msg){
图7-1 TinyOS程序结构框图
图7-2 应用程序结构框图
7.1.7 nesC应用程序的分析
每个nesC应用程序都是由一个或多个组件通过接口链接起来,并通过ncc/gcc 编译生成一个完整的可执行程序。
以TinyOS软件中的Blink应用程序为例,具体介绍nesC应用程序结构。Blink程 序是一个简单的nesC应用程序。它的主要功能是每隔1 s的时间间隔亮一次,关闭 系统时红灯亮。
每个nesC应用程序都由一个顶级配置所描述,其内容就是将该应用程序所 用到的所有组件连接起来,形成一个有机整体。一个组件是一个*.nc文件。
每个应用程序(app)都有一个称为Main的组件(类似于C的main函数),它调 用其他的组件以实现程序的功能。由一个或多个组件构成或连接而成。

零部件模块化设计规范文档## Modular Design Specification for Component Parts.### Introduction.Modular design is a key strategy for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of product development. By dividing a product into smaller, self-contained modules, it becomes easier to design, manufacture, and test each module individually. This can lead to significant savings in time and cost, as well as improved product quality.This specification document outlines the requirements for the modular design of component parts. It provides guidance on the principles of modular design, the benefits of modularity, and the specific requirements that must be met by modular components.### Principles of Modular Design.The following principles are fundamental to modular design:Independence: Modules should be independent of each other as much as possible. This means that changes to one module should not affect the other modules.Standardization: Modules should be standardized so that they can be easily combined and interchanged. This includes standardizing the size, shape, and interfaces of modules.Encapsulation: Modules should encapsulate their own functionality. This means that the internal details of a module should be hidden from other modules.Testability: Modules should be designed to be easily tested. This includes providing test points and diagnostic tools.### Benefits of Modularity.Modularity offers a number of benefits, including:Reduced design time: By dividing a product into smaller modules, it becomes easier to design each module individually. This can lead to significant savings in design time.Reduced manufacturing time: Modular components can be manufactured more quickly and efficiently than traditional components. This is because modular components can be standardized and automated.Improved product quality: Modular design can help to improve product quality by reducing the number of potential errors. This is because each module can be tested independently before it is integrated into the final product.Increased flexibility: Modular design makes it easier to make changes to products. This is because modular components can be easily added, removed, or replaced.### Requirements for Modular Components.The following requirements must be met by all modular components:Size and shape: Modular components must be standardized in size and shape. This makes it easier to combine and interchange modules.Interfaces: Modular components must have standardized interfaces. This ensures that modules can be easily connected and disconnected.Encapsulation: Modular components must encapsulate their own functionality. This means that the internal details of a module should be hidden from other modules.Testability: Modular components must be designed to be easily tested. This includes providing test points and diagnostic tools.### Conclusion.Modular design is a key strategy for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of product development. By following the principles and requirements outlined in this specification document, you can design modular components that will help you to achieve your product development goals.## 零部件模块化设计规范文档。

SM-MTK7688ANWi-Fi Audio Module Specification 无线音频模块规格书版本:1.0修正历史:目录1.产品概述 (5)1.1 模块基本参数 (5)2.硬件说明 (6)2.1 硬件接口定义 (7)2.2 物理尺寸 (9)2.3 音频输出 (9)2.4 外部天线 (10)2.5 以太网接口应用 (11)2.6 USB接口应用 (11)3.软件说明 (12)3.1 软件简介 (12)3.2 AIRPLAY简介 (13)3.2.1 PC上的AIRPLAY应用 (13)3.2.2 IOS上的AIRPLAY应用 (15)3.3 DLNA简介 (16)3.3.1 ANDRIOD设备上DLNA应用 (17)3.4 WI-FI模式 (18)3.4.1 AP CLIENT模式 (19)3.4.2 AP模式 (19)3.5 WEB服务器设置 (19)3.5.1 登陆WEB服务器 (20)3.5.2 WIFI设置向导 (21)3.5.3 高级设置界面 (21)3.6 软件升级 (22)3.7 恢复出厂设置 (23)4. 包装方式 (23)4.1 料盘标识 (23)4.2 卷盘尺寸 (24)4.3 载带尺寸 (24)4.4 防潮包装 (25)5.模块生产注意事项 (25)6.关于模块包装,储存以及使用管制应注意事项如下 (25)1. 产品概述WIFIAUDIO模块(下文简称WIFIAUDIO)是一款单芯片无线智能音频模块。
支持iOS AirPlay和Android DLNA以及QQ音乐QPLAY标准。
可以接收通过AirPlay功能播放的iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch、PC等设备上的音乐,也可以接收符合DLNA标准的各类播放器所播放的Android、PC设备上的音乐。
MT7668SN模块(RL-SM01F-7668S-V3.0 )规格书

155 232 3.3 144 487 580 615 717 369
mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA
7.Electrical Specifications
1) RF Characteristics for IEEE802.11b ( 11Mbps mode unless otherwise specified)
Bus Interface
.0.Operating Channel
Power Consumption
Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity Dimension
-10 ~ +70° C ambient temperature -20 ~ 85°C ambient temperature 5 to 90 % maximum (non-condensing) 15 x 13 x1.6mm (LxWxH) ±0.2MM
n Bluetooth5.0 n ANT/ANT+ n Integrated BALUN and PA n Scatternet support: Up to 7 piconets simultaneously with background inquiry/page scan n Up to 7 BT link and32BLE link n Support SCO and eSCO link with re-transmission n Support wide-band speech and hardware accelerated SBC codec for A2DP streaming n Packet loss concealment n Channel quality driven data rate adaptation n Channel assessment and WB RSSI for AFH n Integrate 8Kbit efuse to store device specific information and RF calibration data. n Advanced FDD/TDD mode Wi-Fi/Bluetooth coexistence scheme

3. 光眼图模板 在进行眼图模板余量测试时,一般16G及以下使用hit ratio<1E-12,25G及以上使用hit count=0
或者hit ratio<5E-5;同时要注意设置屏幕的采样率不能太低,一般为2048
200GAUI-4 200GAUI-2
400GAUI-16 400GAUI-8 400GAUI-4
SR16 SR8/SR4.2?
2km SMF
基本参数测试方法 10km SMF
40km SMF
80km SMF
SWDM alliance
/3/ https:///sff / /
4. 眼图上升/下降时间 理想信号的最大频率=1/(TF+TR)=0.5/TR (或者0.5/TF),而我们通常说的上升/下降时间是
10%~90%(或者是20%~80%),所以实际上的上升时间Tr=TR*80% (或者TR*60%),从上面的公式 就知道Tr=0.4/频率 (或者0.3/频率),频率就是周期的倒数,Tr=0.4*周期,周期=(1bit)/ (10Gbps)=UI,那么Tr=0.4UI,下降时间也一样。 5. 光眼图的过冲(回冲)和抖动

8 .Specification
Model Name
Product Description
Network Standard
IEEE 802.11b/g/n, BT 2.1+EDR, FM, GPS
Host Interface
SDIO / UART / Audio / PCM / I2S
2) RF Characteristics for IEEE802.11b ( 11Mbps mode unless otherwise specified)
Transmitter ,Receiver Audio in ,Audio out ,I2S
Host based UART
9. Electrical Specifications
1) DC Characteristics Current Consumption TX Mode ( MCS7) Idle and Associated state Radio disabled state
Maximum Input Level (FER ≤ 8%)
-30 -50 30 2.0
dBr dBr % Usec ppm ppm
dBm dBm
* Normal Condition : 25 ℃, VDD= 2.8V.

Interface of SMIA standard
□CCP2 (Compact Camera Port 2)
CCP2 is a 4-wrie Low EMI SubLVDS data link. The maximum data rate is 650 Mbps. This is sufficient to support readout of an image of up to 2 Mega Pixels in a 1/30th of a second using the RAW8 CCP2 mode. It fully defines the sensor modules electrical, control and image data interfaces.
Max Current All Profiles 5(1) 50(2) VGA 15 SVGA 18 1MP 26 UXGA 40 Units A A mA mA mA mA
Sensor Module / Host Electrical Interface
SMIA (Electrical Interface)
Table12: Operating Conditions
3.Digital Inputs: EXTCLK, XSHUTDOWN, SCL, SDA 4.Test Temperature – image quality test conditions 5.Optimum Operating Temperature – no visible degradation in image quality 6.Normal Operating Temperature – camera produces acceptable images 7.Functional Operating Temperature – camera fully functional
SPI motorola specification

SPI Block Guide V03.06
Revision History
Version Revision Effective Number Date Date
0.1 0.2 0.3 21 Jan 2000 1 Mar 2000 14 Jun 2000 31 Aug 2000 13 Mar 2001 13 Mar 2001 6 July 2001 19 July 2001 26 July 2001 13 Mar 2001 19 Mar 2001 6 July 2001 19 July 2001
Section 2 External Signal Description
2.1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2 Detailed Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2.1 MOSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2.2 MISO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2.3 SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2.4 SCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

LCD MODULE SPECIFICATIONMODEL NO.BC1602A seriesFOR MESSRS:________________________________________________ON DATE OF:________________________________________________ APPROVED BY:________________________________________________C O N T E N T S1. Numbering System2. Precautions in use of LCD Modules3. General Specification4. Absolute Maximum Rating5. Electrical Characteristics6. Optical Characteristics7. Interface Pin Function8. Power supply for LCD Module and LCD operating voltage adjustment9. Backlight information10. Quality Assurance11. Reliability’12. Appendix (Drawing , EL inverter data , KS0066 controller data)12-1 Drawing12-2 EL inverter data (P/N:IVEL-01)12-3 KS0066 controller data12-3.1Function description12-3.2 C.G ROM table. table 212-3.3 Instruction table12-3.4 Timing characteristics12-3.5 Initializing soft ware of LCM1.Numbering SystemB C2004A G P L E B xxx0123456789 0Brand Bolymin1Module Type C= character typeG= graphic typeP= TAB/TCP type O= COG type F= COF type2Format 2002=20 characters, 4 lines12232= 122 x 32 dots3Version No. A type4LCD Color G=STN/grayY=STN/yellow-greenC=color STN B=STN/blue F=FSTNT=TN5LCD Type R=positive/reflectiveP=positive/transflective M=positive/transmissive N=negative/transmissive6Backlighttype/color L=LED array/ yellow-greenH=LED edge/whiteR=LED array/redG=LED edge/yellow-greenD=LED edge/blueE=EL/whiteB=EL/blueC=CCFL/white7CGRAMFont J=English/Japanese FontE=English/European FontC=English/Cyrillic FontH=English/Hebrew Font8View Angle/OperatingTemperature B=Bottom/NormalTemperatureH=Bottom/WideTemperatureU=Bottom/Ultra wideTemperatureT=Top/NormalTemperatureW=Top/Wide TemperatureC=9H/Normal Temperature9Special Code 3=3 volt logic power supplyn=negative voltage for LCDc=cable/connectorxxx=to be assigned on datasheet t=temperature compensation for LCD p=touch panel2. Precaution in use of LCD Module(1) A void applying excessive shocks to the module or making any alterations or modificationsto it.(2) D on’t make extra holes on the printed circuit board, modify its shape or change thecomponents of LCD module.(3) D on’t disassemble the LCM.(4) D on’t operate it above the absolute maximum rating.(5) D on’t drop, bend or twist LCM.(6) S oldering: only to the I/O terminals.(7) S torage: please storage in anti-static electricity container and clean environment.(8) Don’t touch the elastmer connecter, especially insert a backlight panel (EL or CCFL)3. General Specification(1) Mechanical DimensionItem DimensionUnit Number of Characters 16characters x 2 Lines ЁModule dimension ( L x W x H ) 80.0 x 36.0 x 12.7(Max)- LED array B/L,LED edge B/L (white, blue)80.0 x 36.0 x 8.9 (Max) – LED edge/blue B/L,EL or No B/LmmView area 66.0 x 16.0 mmActive area 56.2 x 11.5 mmDot size 0.56 x 0.66 mmDot pitch 0.60 x 0.70 mmCharacter size ( L x W ) 2.96 x 5.56 mmCharacter pitch ( L x W ) 3.55 x 5.94 mm(2) Controller IC: KS0066 (or Equivalent) controller(3) Temperature RangeNormalWide Operating 0 ~+50к -20~+70кStorage -10 ~+60к -30~+80к4. Absolute Maximum Ratings4.1 Electrical Absolute Maximum Ratings(Vss=0V , Ta=25к)Item Symbol Min Max UnitSupply V oltage (Logic) Vdd-Vss -0.3 7 V Supply V oltage (LCD driver) Vdd-V o-0.313VInput V oltage V I Vss Vdd V T OP 0 +50 кNormal TypeT STG -10 +60 кTop -20 +70 кWide Temperature TypeTstg -30 +80 к4.2 Environmental A ctpmvuf!Nbyjnvn!SbujohtNote (1) Ta = 0кΥ50Hr Max.Note (2) Ta Љ40кΚ90% RH MAXTa > 40кΚAbsolute humidity must be lower than the humidity of 90% at 40к.Operating Storage Item (Min.) (Max.)(Min.)(Max.) CommentHumidityNote (2)Note (2)Without condensationVibration -- 4.9M/S 2 -- 19.6M/S 2 XYZ Direction Shock -- 29.4M/S 2 -- 490M/S 2 XYZ Direction5. Electrical CharacteristicsItem Symbol Condition Min Typ Max UnitSupply V oltage For LogicVdd-VssЁ 3.0Ё 5.5 V ϠTa=-20кЁ 5.2ЁV Ta=0кЁЁЁV Ta=25кЁ 4.0ЁV Ta=50кЁЁЁV Supply V oltage For LCDϠWide Temp ΕTypeVdd-V oϠTa=+70кЁ 3.6ЁVInput High V olt. V IH Ё 2.2ЁVdd V Input Low V olt. V IL ЁЁЁ0.6 V Output High V olt. V OH Ё 2.4ЁЁVOutput Low V olt. V OL ЁЁЁ0.4 V Supply CurrentIddVdd=5VЁ1.2ЁmA6. Optical Characteristicsa. STNItem Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit(V)Ӱ CRЊ210 45 deg View Angle(H)ӽ CRЊ2-30 30 degContrast Ratio CR Ё 3 ЁT rise Ё 100 150 ms Response Time25кT fall Ё 150 200 msb. FSTNItem Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit(V)Ӱ CRЊ310 60 deg View Angle(H)ӽ CRЊ3-45 45 degContrast Ratio CR Ё 5 ЁT rise Ё 100 150 ms Response Time25кT fall Ё 150 200 ms6.1ʳDefinitionsϮView AnglesʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳϮContrast RatioϮ Response Time7. Interface Pin FunctionPin No. Symbol Level Description1 Vss 0VGround2 Vdd 5.0V Supply V oltage for logic (option +3V)3 V o (Variable) Operating voltage for LCD4 RS H/L H:DATA, L:Instruction code5 R/W H/LH:Read(MPUШModule)L:Write(MPUШModule)6 EH,HШL Chip enable signal7 DB0 H/L Data bit 08 DB1 H/L Data bit 19 DB2 H/L Data bit 210 DB3 H/L Data bit 311 DB4 H/L Data bit 412 DB5 H/L Data bit 513 DB6 H/L Data bit 614 DB7 H/L Data bit 715 A/Vee ЁPower supply for LED backlight ( + ) / Negative voltage output16 K ЁPower supply for LED backlight (GND )8. Power Supply for LCD Module and LCD Operating Voltage a AdjustmentϠStandart Type˗˖ʳʳˈ˩Ϡ(Option)LCM operating on " DC 3V " input , with external negativeϠ(Option) LCM operating on " DC 3V " input , with built-in negative V oltage˩˥9.Backlight Information9.1 Specification(1) LED array / yellow-greenCondition Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit TestSupply Current ILED ѧ100 mA V=4.2VSupply V oltage V Ё 4.2 4.3 VReverse V oltage VR ЁЁ8 VLuminous Intensity IV 60 ЁЁcd/m2ILED=100mAWave Length ӳp 574 nm ILED=100mALife Time Ё100000ЁHr. VЉ4.2VGreen Color Yellow (2) LED edge/white/blueConditionTest Parameter SymbolMin Typ Max UnitmA V=3.4V Supply Current ILED ѧ20 25Supply V oltage V Ё 3.4 3.5 VReverse V oltage VR ЁЁ8 VLuminous Intensity IV 50 ЁЁcd/m2ILED=20mA10000-whiteLife TimeЁHr. VЉ3.4 VЁ50000-blueColor White/Blue(3) LED edge/ yellow-greenParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test ConditionSupply Current ILED ѧ20 mA V=3.9V Supply V oltage V Ё 3.9 4.1 V Reverse V oltageVR ЁЁ 6 V Luminous IntensityIV ЁЁЁcd/ m 2ILED=20mAWave Lengthӳp 573 nm ILED=20mA Life TimeЁ100000ЁHr.V Љ3.9VColor Yellow Green (4) EL / BlueParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition Voltage Vrms -- 110 (AC) -- Frequency HZ -- 400 -- Brightness*cd/m 248 60 --X -- 0.330 -- CIEChromaticity DiagramY -- 0.365 --Current Dissipation mA/cm 2-- 1.33 -- Power DissipationmW/cm 2-- 26.29 --110Vrms 400HzColor Blue9.2 Backlight driving methodsa. LED B/L drive from pin15 (LED+) pin16 (LED-)a.1 array / yellow-green˟˖ˠa.2 edge (white/blue)˟˖ˠa.3 edge /yellow-green˟˖ˠb. LED B/L drive from A. K directlyb.1 array / yellow-green˟˖ˠb.2 edge (white/blue)˟˖ˠb.3 edge /yellow-green˟˖ˠc.Ϡ(Option) LED B/L drive from pin1 (Vss) pin2 (Vdd)(1) Jump 1,2 Short(2) Current Resistor required on RL(3) Jump 15,16 open(4)To be sure of enough current supply for both Vdd + LED B/Ld. EL B/L drive from A.K directly˟˖ˠ˗˖ʾˈ˩10. Quality Assurance10.1 Inspection conditionsThe LCD shall be inspected under 40W white fluorescent light.ʳʳ˗˸˹˼́˼̇˼̂́ʳ̂˹ʳ˴̃̃˿˼˶˴˵˿˸ʳ˭̂́˸̆ʳʳ˟˖˗˘˭˘˟ˣ˖˕˔ʳˍʳ˔̅˸˴˕ʳˍʳˡ̂́ˀ˗˼̆̃˿˴̌˔̅˸˴˗˼̆̃˿˴̌ʳʳʳʳ˄˃ˁ˅ʳ˜́̆̃˸˶̇˼̂́ʳˣ˴̅˴̀˸̇˸̅̆ʳʳ111. ReliabilityϮContent of Reliability Test12. Appendix ( Drawing , EL inverter data , KS0066 controller data)12-1 DrawingAs shown on next page˕̂˿̌̀˼́ʿʳ˜́˶ˁʳϬϬϬ12-2 EL inverter data (P/N:IVEL-01)As shown on next pageBolymin, Inc. EL Inverter Specification P/N: IVEL-01AC(hexadecimal) 12-3. KS0066 controller data12-3.1 Function descriptionThe LCD display Module is built in a LSI controller, the controller has two 8-bit registers, an instruction register (IR) and a data register (DR).The IR stores instruction codes, such as display clear and cursor shift, and address information for display data RAM (DDRAM) and character generator (CGRAM). The IR can only be written from the MPU. The DR temporarily stores data to be written or read from DDRAM or CGRAM. When address information is written into the IR, then data is stored into the DR from DDRAM or CGRAM. By the register selector (RS) signal, these two registers can be selected. RS R/W Operation0 IR write as an internal operation (display clear, etc.) 01 Read busy flag (DB7) and address counter (DB0 to DB7) 1 0 Write data to DDRAM or CGRAM (DR to DDRAM or CGRAM)1 1Read data from DDRAM or CGRAM (DDRAM or CGRAM to DR) Busy Flag (BF)When the busy flag is 1, the controller LSI is in the internal operation mode, and the nextinstruction will not be accepted. When RS=0 and R/W=1, the busy flag is output to DB7. The next instruction must be written after ensuring that the busy flag is 0.Address Counter (AC)The address counter (AC) assigns addresses to both DDRAM and CGRAMDisplay Data RAM (DDRAM)This DDRAM is used to store the display data represented in 8-bit character codes. Its extended capacity is 80ͪ8 bits or 80 characters. Below figure is the relationship between DDRAM addresses and positions on the liquid crystal display.Example:DDRAM addresses 4E AC6 AC5AC4 AC3 AC2AC1AC0 1001 1 1 0 DDRAM AddressDisplay position DDRAM address1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415 1600 01 02 03 0405 06 0708090A0B0C0D 0E 040 41 42 43 4445 46 4748494A4B4C4D 4E 4Example: 2-Line by 16-Character DisplayCharacter Generator ROM (CGROM)The CGROM generate 5ͪ8 dot or 5ͪ10 dot character patterns from 8-bit character codes. See Table 2.Character Generator RAM (CGRAM)In CGRAM, the user can rewrite character by program. For 5ͪ8 dots, eight character patterns can be written, and for 5ͪ10 dots, four character patterns can be written.Write into DDRAM the character code at the addresses shown as the left column of table 1. To show the character patterns stored in CGRAM.FFRelationship between CGRAM Addresses, Character Codes (DDRAM) and Character Patterns (CGRAM Data)13-3.2 C.G ROM table.table 2 Code J: English – Japanese FontCode E: English - European FontCode C: English - Cyrillic Font13-3.3 Instruction tableϠ ”Ё”Κdon’t care Instruction CodeInstruction RS R/W DB7DB6 DB5 DB4DB3DB2DB1DB0DescriptionExecution time (fosc=270K hz) ClearDisplay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0001Write “00H” to DDRAM and set DDRAM address to “00H” fromAC 1.53msReturnHome 0 0 0 0 0 0 001ЁSet DDRAM address to “00H” from AC and return cursor to its original position if shifted. Thecontents of DDRAM are notchanged. 1.53msEntry Mode Set0 0 0 0 0 0 01I/D SH Assign cursor moving direction and enable the shift of entire display. 39Ӵs DisplayON/OFFControl0 0 0 0 0 0 1D C B Set display (D), cursor (C ), and blinking of cursor (B) on/off control bit. 39Ӵs Cursor orDisplayShift 0 0 0 0 0 1 S/C R/L ЁЁSet cursor moving and display shift control bit, and the direction, without changing of DDRAMdata.39Ӵs Function Set 0 0 0 0 1 DL N F ЁЁSet interface data length(DL:8-bit/4-bit), numbers ofdisplay line (N:2-line/1-line)and,display font type (F:5ͪ11 dots/5ͪ8 dots)39Ӵs Set CGRAM Address 0 0 0 1 AC5 AC4AC3AC2AC1AC0Set CGRAM address in addresscounter.39Ӵs Set DDRAMAddress0 0 1 AC6 AC5 AC4AC3AC2AC1AC0Set DDRAM address in addresscounter. 39Ӵs ReadBusyFlag andAddress0 1 B F AC6 AC5 AC4AC3AC2AC1AC0Whether during internal operation or not can be known by reading BF. The contents of address counter can also be read. 0Ӵs WriteData toRAM1 0 D7D6 D5 D4 D3D2D1D0Write data into internal RAM (DDRAM/CGRAM). 43Ӵs ReadDatafromRAM 1 1 D7D6 D5 D4 D3D2D1D0Read data from internal RAM (DDRAM/CGRAM). 43Ӵs13-3.4 Timing characteristics 13-3.4.1 Write OperationTa=25к,Vdd=5.0̈́0.5VItemSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Enable cycle timet cycE 500 ЁЁns Enable pulse width (high level) PW EH 230 ЁЁnsEnable rise/fall timet Er ,t EfЁЁ20 ns Address set-up time (RS, R/W to E)t AS 40 ЁЁns Address hold time t AH 10 ЁЁns Data set-up time t DSW 80 ЁЁns Data hold timet H 10ЁЁns13-3.4.2ʳRead OperationTa=25к,Vdd=5.0̈́0.5VItem Symbol Min Typ Max UnitEnable cycle timet cycE 500ЁЁns Enable pulse width (high level) PW EH 230ЁЁns Enable rise/fall timet Er ,t Ef ЁЁ20ns Address set-up time (RS, R/W to E)t AS 40ЁЁns Address hold time t AH 10ЁЁns Data delay time t DDR ЁЁ100ns Data hold timet DHR5ЁЁns13-3.5 Initializing soft ware of LCM 13-3.5.1 8-bit interface13-3.5.2 4-bit interface。

Module Name Module Description
RL-UM02WBS-8723DU-V1.0 IEEE 802.11b/g/n (1T1R) WiFi+BT4.2/2.1 V1.0 USB Interface
Reversion Date
Nater Approve Field Engineer Cruz.Zeng QC Mike.Liu Sales Lingo.Wang 13510620050
WLAN MAC Features Host Interface n Frame aggregation for increased MAC n Complies with USB2.0 for WLAN and efficiency (A-MSDU, A-MPDU) BT controller n Low latency immediate n USB Multi-Function for both BT High-Throughput Block (USB function 0) and WLAN (USB Acknowledgement (HT-BA) function 1) n PHY-level spoofing to enhance legacy n USB LPM and USB Selective Suspend compatibility supported n Power saving mechanism n Multi MACID support with Fast WLAN Controller Channel switch n CMOS MAC, Baseband PHY, and RF n Channel management and co-existence in a single chip for 802.11b/g/n n Transmit Opportunity (TXOP) Short compatible WLAN Inter-Frame Space (SIFS) bursting for n Integrated Balun and DPDT higher multimedia bandwidth n Complete 802.11n solution for 2.4GHz n WiFi Direct supports wireless peer to band peer applications n 72.2Mbps receive PHY rate and n Supports Wake-On-WLAN via Magic 72.2Mbps transmit PHY rate using Packets and Wake-up frame 20MHz bandwidth n Support S3/S4 AES/TKIP group key n 150Mbps receive PHY rate and update 150Mbps transmit PHY rate using n Support Win8 Network List Offload 40MHz bandwidth n Support TCP/UDP/IP checksum offload n Backward compatible with 802.11b/g devices while operating in 802.11n mode n I 802.11b/g/n compatible WLAN n 802.11e QoS Enhancement (WMM) WLAN PHY Features n 802.11n OFDM n One Transmit and one Receive path (1T1R) Integrated MCU to execute Bluetooth protocol stack n Supports all packet types in basic rate and enhanced data rate n

Module Specification
Module Name Module Description
WL-UM01G-7603-V4.0 IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 2T2R USB Interface Module V4.0
Reversion Date
Nater Approve Field Engineer Cruz.Zeng QC Mike.Liu Sales Lingo.Wang 13510620050
IEEE 802.11 d/h/k support Security support for WFA WPA/WPA2 personal, WPS2.0, WAPI Supports 802.11w protected management frames QoS support of WFA WMM, WMM PS Supports Wi-Fi Direct Per packet transmit power control Wake on WLAN
MT7603U is designed for a compact PCB design for USB interface. It is suitable for the following applications. Broadband platform(xDSL/xPON/Cable..etc) DTV BDP

RTCASE在系统与软件分析阶段支持结构化分析方法,同时支持在结构化分析方法基础上扩展的Hatley/Pirbhai实时系统结构化分析及系统体系结构设计方法,RTCASE在软件设计阶段支持在传统结构化设计方法基础上扩展的由Hassan Gomaa提出DARTS(Design Approach for Real Time Systems)实时系统设计方法。
RTCASE特别适合实时系统分析与设计,可帮助用户在短时间内快速开发高质量、高可靠的软件与系统Hatley-Pirbhai 实时系统结构化分析与系统体系结构设计方法Hatley-Pirbhai实时系统需求分析与系统体系结构方法由Derek Hatley和Imtiaz Pirbhai先生于80年代提出,此方法适用于任何规模与复杂程度的系统,已成功地在美国、欧洲及日本等系统开发公司得到广泛应用。
有关此方法的详细信息请参考美国Dorset House公司出版的"Strategies for Real-Time System Specification"一书或"Processing For System Architecture And Requirements Engineering"一书。
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课程详述COURSE SPECIFICATION以下课程信息可能根据实际授课需要或在课程检讨之后产生变动。
The course information as follows may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the course at the end of the session. Queries about the course should be directed to the course instructor.1.课程名称Course Title货币银行学The Economics of Money and Banking2.授课院系Originating Department金融系 Dept. of Finance3.课程编号Course CodeFIN2104.课程学分Credit Value35.课程类别Course Type 专业--基础/核心/限选/选修Subject-Foundation/Core/Elective/Restricted elective6.授课学期Semester春季 Spring7.授课语言Teaching Language英文讲义,中文讲解English Slides, Detailed Explanations in Chinese8.授课教师、所属学系、联系方式(如属团队授课,请列明其他授课教师)Instructor(s),Affiliation& Contact(For team teaching,please list allinstructors)孙便霞,访问助理教授,金融数学与金融工程系科教中心601-10室sunbx@0755-8801-8601Visiting Assistant Professor, Sun Bianxia, Department of Financial Mathematicsand Financial EngineeringRm.601-10. Service Center for Research and Teachingsunbx@0755-8801-86019.实验员/助教、所属学系、联系方式(请列出本课所有教辅人员)Tutor/TA(s), Contact(Please list all)杜丽dul@10.选课人数限额(可不填) Maximum Enrolment (Optional)12.先修课程、其它学习要求Pre-requisites or Other Academic Requirements无None13.后续课程、其它学习规划Courses for which thiscourse is a pre-requisite无None14.其它要求修读本课程的学系Cross-listing Dept.无None教学大纲及教学日历SYLLABUS15.教学目标Course Objectives本课程旨在系统地阐述货币、银行和金融市场领域的一些主要问题,让学生认识货币在社会经济发展中的重要作用;审视金融市场、商业银行、中央银行制度的运转机制,以及它们在货币运行和货币政策传导过程中所扮演的角色,使学生了解资金融通中的货币在经济活动的各个环节中运转的机理。
This course aims to systematically interpret the main contents of money, banking and financial markets, and the important roles of money in our economic developments. The students will be led to examine the operating mechanism of the financial markets, commercial banks and the central banking system, and their respective roles in monetary policy transmissions. In particular, this course will discuss the different situations both in China and in the U.S. and focus on the similarities and differences of them in monetary policy related parts, so that the students can have a better understanding of the implementations of China’s monetary policy.16.预达学习成果Learning Outcomes在课程结束时,学生应该能够1. 理解货币、利率、风险、流动性等概念的内涵及其在现代经济体系中的作用;2. 了解商业银行的主要业务、资产负债分析及其风险管理原理;3. 了解银行体系的发展历史以及与此相关的金融监管的演进;4. 理解货币供给与需求的主要理论观点和模型;5. 掌握货币政策的目标、体系和理论工具及货币政策传导机制,特别是中国的情景;6. 学会阅读分析货币政策执行报告;7.掌握分析问题的基本框架,能够以此分析现实货币政策的意图、传导渠道和实施效果。
By finishing this course, students are able to1 Understand the concepts of money, interest rates, risk and liquidity , and their roles in a modern economicsystem;2 Know the main business, assets liabilities analysis and risk management principles of commercial banks;3 Know the historical development of the banking system and the evolution of the related financialregulations;4 Understand the models and viewpoints of the money supply and demand theories;5 Master the goals, systems, theoretical tools and transmission mechanisms of the monetary policy,especially the situations in China;6 Learn to read and analyse the implementation reports of the monetary policy;7 Master the basic framework to analyse the problems, and be able to analyse the intentions, transmissionchannels and the implementation effects of the monetary policy.17.课程内容及教学日历(语言与授课语言一致,例:如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明主讲人)Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. In consistency with instructional language. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if this is a team teaching or module course.)第一篇引言PARTI INTRODUCTION (2 hours)第1章为什么研究货币、银行与金融市场CH1 Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets?第2章金融体系概览CH2 An Overview of the Financial System第3章什么是货币CH3 What is Money?第二篇金融市场PART II FINANCIAL MARKETS (4 hours)第4章理解利率CH4 Understanding Interest Rates第5章利率行为CH5 The Behavior of Interests Rates第6章利率的风险结构与期限结构CH6 The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates第7章股票市场、理性预期理论与有效市场假定CH7 The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis第三篇金融机构 PART III FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (4 hours)第8章银行业与金融机构的管理CH8 Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions第9章金融监管的经济学分析CH9 Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation第10章银行业:结构与竞争CH10 Banking Industry: Structure and Competition第四篇中央银行与货币政策操作PART IV CENTRAL BANKING AND THE CONDUCT OF MONETARY POLICY (8 hours)第11章中央银行与联邦储备体系CH11 Central Banks and Federal R System第12章货币供给过程CH12 The Money Supply Process第13章货币政策工具CH13 The Tools of Monetary Policy第14章货币政策操作:战略与战术CH14 The Conduct of Monetary Policy: Strategy and Tactics第五篇国际金融与货币政策PART V INTERNATIONAL FINANCE AND MONETARY POLICY (4 hours)第15章外汇市场CH15 The Foreign Exchange Market第16章国际金融体系CH16 The International Financial System第六篇货币政策PART VI MONEYTARY POLICY (12 hours)第17章货币需求CH17 Monetary Demand第18章 IS-LM 模型CH18 The IS-LM Model第19章 IS-LM模型中的货币政策与财政政策CH19 Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the IS-LM Model第20章总需求与总供给分析CH20 Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis第21章货币政策传导机制的实证分析CH21 Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy: The Evidence 第22章货币与通货膨胀CH22 Money and Inflation18.教材及其它参考资料Textbook and Supplementary Readings指定教材:货币金融学(第九版),弗雷德里克. S. 米什金著,中国人民大学出版社The Economics of Money, Banking & Financial Markets (8th Edition), Frederic S. Mishkin,北京大学出版社(英文影印版)课程审批Review and Approval20.本课程设置已经过以下责任人/委员会审议通过This Course has been approved by the following person or committee of authority金融系课程规划与审核委员会Curriculum Planning and Review Committee, Dept. Finance。