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The roads of today are crowded with cars, buses, motorbikes and other vehicles(车辆). The crowding has increased in recent years. There are more and more a1happening. Every day many road users are injured or killed.

What should we do? There is no choice but pay more a 2to the dangers on the road.

A 3there are many traffic signs and traffic lights, people still don ’knowt what they mean and can’tremember how to p 4themselves.

In towns and cities where the crowding is the greatest, pedestrians(行人) are the ones with the highest risk. Our bodies aren’ t metal or plastic. To be hit carby aor bus certainly means injury,

or death. So while crossing the streets, we must be c 5enough to follow the traffic rules. Whether the crossings have lights or not, be sure to watch the vehicles on the road b6crossing. Cross only when you know it is s7to do so, not because the light is green for you.

Rushing a 8the street anywhere you like is a dangerous act. You might cross the road safely a thousand times, but it takes only one accident to put you down.

Please remember not to get other road users to be in danger because of your careless behaviors such as walking side by side, using the mobile phone w9driving and breaking red lights. Careless road users are the greatest danger on the road. Do not let y 10be one of them.

1. accidents

2. attention

3. Although

4. protect


6. before

7. safe

8. across

9. while10. yourself


One day, I saw a boy from my class walking home from school. He was rather new to us and

I 1 knew him. His name was Kyle. It 2 he was carrying all his books. I thought, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday?"

I saw several children running 3 him. They 4at him, pushing all his books out of his arms and knocking him down, so he 5 onto the ground. His glasses went flying, and I saw6 land in the grass. He looked up and I saw he was very7 . My heart went out to him. So, I ran over to him as he crawled( 爬行 ) around looking for his glasses. As I handed him his8 , I said, "Those children should learn how to be9 ."

He looked at me and said, "Hey, thanks!" There was a big smile on his face. I helped him 10

his books, and asked him11 he lived. To my12 , he lived near me, so we decided to walk home together.

I asked him if he wanted to play football on13with me and my friends. He said "Yes." The next day Kyle had a good time with us,14 the more I got to know him, the more I liked him , so did my friends.

Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best 15 . Later Kyle went to Georgetown University, and I was in Duke. But that couldn't change our friendship, the miles apart(分开 )

would never be a problem.

( ) 1. A. really B. hardly C. already D. usually

( ) 2. A. said B. showed C. seemed D. believed

( ) 3. A. towards B. before C. opposite D. past

( ) 4. A. smiled B. pointed at C. looked D. laughed
