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∵:因为,由于,幸亏;because, due to, thanks to, …

∴:所以,因此,结果;so, therefore, consequently, …

=:相同,一致,公平;the same as, equal to, similar to, …

≠:不同,不公平,有差距;difference, disparity, unfair, …

≈:大约,大概;about, almost, nearly, approximate, …

>:大于,超过,高于;surpass, exceed, more than, superior to, …

<:少于,低于;less than, inferior to, …

+:另外,多;plus, add, moreover, besides, …

-:减去,除去;minus, deduct, except, …

α:行动,行为,法案;action, act, … (because of the pronunciation)

﹛﹜:在……之中,在……之内;among, within, …

∈:属于,源于;belong to, …

×:错的,不好的,负面的;wrong, mistake, bad, negative, …

√:对的,好的,积极的;correct, good, positive, affirmative, …


::看,想,说,评论;speak, express, think, …

?:疑问,疑惑:question, problem, issue, inquiry, interrogate, ask, puzzle, query, confused, mystery, …

!:危险,警告,当心,注意;dangerous, warning, alarming, hazardous, jeopardy, watch out, certainty, of course, …

~:贸易,交换,交流,关于,代替;trade, exchange, communication, relationship, …_:这个,强调;(用于在一个确定单词下划线,加强语气,或者强调重点)

e.g:举例,例如,比如;for example, such as, …


⊙:会议,聚会;conference, convention, session, seminar, council, congress, meeting, assembly, gathering, union, association, convocation, …

☆:重点,中心,重要的,杰出的;important, key, critical, meaningful, essential, eventful, outstanding, notable, great, wonderful, emphasize, stress, chief, main, pay attention to, fantastic, …

*:特征,特点,代表;feature, character, symbol, sign, mark, specialty, represent, typify, on behalf of, stand for, …

^:领导,顶点,顶级;top, head, tip, peak, climax, leader, express, queen, ruler, monitor, minister, king, captain, …

$:美元,钱,富裕的;dollar, money, rich, well-off, …

┛:过去;in the past, long before, past time, …

┗:将来;in future, will be, going to do, …


↑:增加,提高,升级,升职;increase, improve, grow, advance, go up, update, promote, bring in, climb up, rise, raise, lift, …

↓:降低,下降,贬值,减少;decrease, decline, reduce, fall, sink, weaken, lower, cut down, fall off, drop, …
