
外文翻译及原文(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)【原文一】CONCURRENT DESIGN OF PLASTICS INJECTION MOULDS AbstractThe plastic product manufacturing industry has been growing rapidly in recent years. One of the most popular processes for making plastic parts is injection moulding. The design of injection mould is critically important to product quality and efficient product processing.Mould-making companies, who wish to maintain the competitive edge, desire to shorten both design and manufacturing leading times of the by applying a systematic mould design process. The mould industry is an important support industry during the product development process, serving as an important link between the product designer and manufacturer. Product development has changed from the traditional serial process of design, followed by manufacture, to a more organized concurrent process where design and manufacture are considered at a very early stage of design. The concept of concurrent engineering (CE) is no longer new and yet it is still applicable and relevant in today’s manuf acturing environment. Team working spirit, management involvement, total design process and integration of IT tools are still the essence of CE. The application of The CE process to the design of an injection process involves the simultaneous consideration of plastic part design, mould design and injection moulding machine selection, production scheduling and cost as early as possible in the design stage.This paper presents the basic structure of an injection mould design. The basis of this system arises from an analysis of the injection mould design process for mould design companies. This injection mould design system covers both the mould design process and mould knowledge management. Finally the principle of concurrent engineering process is outlined and then its principle is applied to the design of a plastic injection mould.Keywords :Plastic injection mould design, Concurrent engineering, Computer aided engineering, Moulding conditions, Plastic injection moulding, Flow simulation1.IntroductionInjection moulds are always expensive to make, unfortunately without a mould it can not be possible ho have a moulded product. Every mould maker has his/her own approach to design a mould and there are many different ways of designing and building a mould. Surely one of the most critical parameters to be considered in the design stage of the mould is the number of cavities, methods of injection, types of runners, methods of gating, methods of ejection, capacity and features of the injection moulding machines. Mould cost, mould quality and cost of mould product are inseparableIn today’s completive environment, computer aided mould filling simulation packages can accurately predict the fill patterns of any part. This allows for quick simulations of gate placements and helps finding the optimal location. Engineers can perform moulding trials on the computer before the part design is completed. Process engineers can systematically predict a design and process window, and can obtain information about the cumulative effect of the process variables that influence part performance, cost, and appearance.2.Injection MouldingInjection moulding is one of the most effective ways to bring out the best in plastics. It is universally used to make complex, finished parts, often in a single step, economically, precisely and with little waste. Mass production of plastic parts mostly utilizes moulds. The manufacturing process and involving moulds must be designed after passing through the appearance evaluation and the structure optimization of the product design. Designers face a hugenumber of options when they create injection-moulded components. Concurrent engineering requires an engineer to consider the manufacturing process of the designed product in the development phase. A good design of the product is unable to go to the market if its manufacturing process is impossible or too expensive. Integration of process simulation, rapid prototyping and manufacturing can reduce the risk associated with moving from CAD to CAM and further enhance the validity of the product development.3. Importance of Computer Aided Injection Mould DesignThe injection moulding design task can be highly complex. Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) analysis tools provide enormous advantages of enabling design engineers to consider virtually and part, mould and injection parameters without the real use of any manufacturing and time. The possibility of trying alternative designs or concepts on the computer screen gives the engineers the opportunity to eliminate potential problems before beginning the real production. Moreover, in virtual environment, designers can quickly and easily asses the sensitivity of specific moulding parameters on the quality and manufacturability of the final product. All theseCAE tools enable all these analysis to be completed in a meter of days or even hours, rather than weeks or months needed for the real experimental trial and error cycles. As CAE is used in the early design of part, mould and moulding parameters, the cost savings are substantial not only because of best functioning part and time savings but also the shortens the time needed to launch the product to the market.The need to meet set tolerances of plastic part ties in to all aspects of the moulding process, including part size and shape, resin chemical structure, the fillers used, mould cavity layout, gating, mould cooling and the release mechanisms used. Given this complexity, designers often use computer design tools, such as finite element analysis (FEA) and mould filling analysis (MFA), to reduce development time and cost. FEA determines strain, stress and deflection in a part by dividing the structure into small elements where these parameters can be well defined. MFA evaluates gate position and size to optimize resin flow. It also defines placement of weld lines, areas of excessive stress, and how wall and rib thickness affect flow. Other finite element design tools include mould cooling analysis for temperature distribution, and cycle time and shrinkage analysis for dimensional control and prediction of frozen stress and warpage.The CAE analysis of compression moulded parts is shown in Figure 1. The analysis cycle starts with the creation of a CAD model and a finite element mesh of the mould cavity. After the injection conditions are specified, mould filling, fiber orientation, curing and thermal history, shrinkage and warpage can be simulated. The material properties calculated by the simulation can be used to model the structural behaviour of the part. If required, part design, gate location and processing conditions can be modified in the computer until an acceptable part is obtained. After the analysis is finished an optimized part can be produced with reduced weldline (known also knitline), optimized strength, controlled temperatures and curing, minimized shrinkage and warpage.Machining of the moulds was formerly done manually, with a toolmaker checking each cut. This process became more automated with the growth and widespread use of computer numerically controlled or CNC machining centres. Setup time has also been significantly reduced through the use of special software capable of generating cutter paths directly from a CAD data file. Spindle speeds as high as 100,000 rpm provide further advances in high speed machining. Cutting materials have demonstrated phenomenal performance without the use of any cutting/coolant fluid whatsoever. As a result, the process of machining complex cores and cavities has been accelerated. It is good news that the time it takes to generate a mould is constantly being reduced. The bad news, on the other hand, is that even with all these advances, designing and manufacturing of the mould can still take a long time and can be extremely expensive.Figure 1 CAE analysis of injection moulded partsMany company executives now realize how vital it is to deploy new products to market rapidly. New products are the key to corporate prosperity. They drive corporate revenues, market shares, bottom lines and share prices. A company able to launch good quality products with reasonable prices ahead of their competition not only realizes 100% of the market before rival products arrive but also tends to maintain a dominant position for a few years even after competitive products have finally been announced (Smith, 1991). For most products, these two advantages are dramatic. Rapid product development is now a key aspect of competitive success. Figure 2 shows that only 3–7% of the product mix from the average industrial or electronics company is less than 5 years old. For companies in the top quartile, the number increases to 15–25%. For world-class firms, it is 60–80% (Thompson, 1996). The best companies continuously develop new products. AtHewlett-Packard, over 80% of the profits result from products less than 2 years old! (Neel, 1997)Figure 2. Importance of new product (Jacobs, 2000)With the advances in computer technology and artificial intelligence, efforts have been directed to reduce the cost and lead time in the design and manufacture of an injection mould. Injection mould design has been the main area of interest since it is a complex process involving several sub-designs related to various components of the mould, each requiring expert knowledge and experience. Lee et. al. (1997) proposed a systematic methodology and knowledge base for injection mould design in a concurrent engineering environment.4.Concurrent Engineering in Mould DesignConcurrent Engineering (CE) is a systematic approach to integrated product development process. It represents team values of co-operation, trust and sharing in such a manner that decision making is by consensus, involving all per spectives in parallel, from the very beginning of the productlife-cycle (Evans, 1998). Essentially, CE provides a collaborative, co-operative, collective and simultaneous engineering working environment. A concurrent engineering approach is based on five key elements:1. process2. multidisciplinary team3. integrated design model4. facility5. software infrastructureFigure 3 Methodologies in plastic injection mould design, a) Serial engineering b) Concurrent engineeringIn the plastics and mould industry, CE is very important due to the high cost tooling and long lead times. Typically, CE is utilized by manufacturing prototype tooling early in the design phase to analyze and adjust the design. Production tooling is manufactured as the final step. The manufacturing process and involving moulds must be designed after passing through the appearance evaluation and the structure optimization of the product design. CE requires an engineer to consider the manufacturing process of the designed product in the development phase.A good design of the product is unable to go to the market if its manufacturing process is impossible. Integration of process simulation and rapid prototyping and manufacturing can reduce the risk associated with moving from CAD to CAM and further enhance the validity of the product development.For years, designers have been restricted in what they can produce as they generally have todesign for manufacture (DFM) – that is, adjust their design intent to enable the component (or assembly) to be manufactured using a particular process or processes. In addition, if a mould is used to produce an item, there are therefore automatically inherent restrictions to the design imposed at the very beginning. Taking injection moulding as an example, in order to process a component successfully, at a minimum, the following design elements need to be taken into account:1. . geometry;. draft angles,. Non re-entrants shapes,. near constant wall thickness,. complexity,. split line location, and. surface finish,2. material choice;3. rationalisation of components (reducing assemblies);4. cost.In injection moulding, the manufacture of the mould to produce the injection-moulded components is usually the longest part of the product development process. When utilising rapid modelling, the CAD takes the longer time and therefore becomes the bottleneck.The process design and injection moulding of plastics involves rather complicated and time consuming activities including part design, mould design, injection moulding machine selection, production scheduling, tooling and cost estimation. Traditionally all these activities are done by part designers and mould making personnel in a sequential manner after completing injection moulded plastic part design. Obviously these sequential stages could lead to long product development time. However with the implementation of concurrent engineering process in the all parameters effecting product design, mould design, machine selection, production scheduling,tooling and processing cost are considered as early as possible in the design of the plastic part. When used effectively, CAE methods provide enormous cost and time savings for the part design and manufacturing. These tools allow engineers to virtually test how the part will be processed and how it performs during its normal operating life. The material supplier, designer, moulder and manufacturer should apply these tools concurrently early in the design stage of the plastic parts in order to exploit the cost benefit of CAE. CAE makes it possible to replace traditional, sequential decision-making procedures with a concurrent design process, in which all parties can interact and share information, Figure 3. For plastic injection moulding, CAE and related design data provide an integrated environment that facilitates concurrent engineering for the design and manufacture of the part and mould, as well as material selection and simulation of optimal process control parameters.Qualitative expense comparison associated with the part design changes is shown in Figure 4 , showing the fact that when design changes are done at an early stages on the computer screen, the cost associated with is an order of 10.000 times lower than that if the part is in production. These modifications in plastic parts could arise fr om mould modifications, such as gate location, thickness changes, production delays, quality costs, machine setup times, or design change in plastic parts.Figure 4 Cost of design changes during part product development cycle (Rios et.al, 2001)At the early design stage, part designers and moulders have to finalise part design based on their experiences with similar parts. However as the parts become more complex, it gets rather difficult to predict processing and part performance without the use of CAE tools. Thus for even relatively complex parts, the use of CAE tools to prevent the late and expensive design changesand problems that can arise during and after injection. For the successful implementation of concurrent engineering, there must be buy-in from everyone involved.5.Case StudyFigure 5 shows the initial CAD design of plastics part used for the sprinkler irrigation hydrant leg. One of the essential features of the part is that the part has to remain flat after injection; any warping during the injection causes operating problems.Another important feature the plastic part has to have is a high bending stiffness. A number of feeders in different orientation were added to the part as shown in Figure 5b. These feeders should be designed in a way that it has to contribute the weight of the part as minimum aspossible.Before the design of the mould, the flow analysis of the plastic part was carried out with Moldflow software to enable the selection of the best gate location Figure 6a. The figure indicates that the best point for the gate location is the middle feeder at the centre of the part. As the distortion and warpage of the part after injection was vital from the functionality point of view and it has to be kept at a minimum level, the same software was also utilised to yiled the warpage analysis. Figure 5 b shows the results implying the fact that the warpage well after injection remains within the predefined dimensional tolerances.6. ConclusionsIn the plastic injection moulding, the CAD model of the plastic part obtained from commercial 3D programs could be used for the part performance and injection process analyses. With the aid ofCEA technology and the use of concurrent engineering methodology, not only the injection mould can be designed and manufactured in a very short of period of time with a minimised cost but also all potential problems which may arise from part design, mould design and processing parameters could be eliminated at the very beginning of the mould design. These two tools help part designers and mould makers to develop a good product with a better delivery and faster tooling with less time and money.References1. Smith P, Reinertsen D, The time-to-market race, In: Developing Products in Half the Time. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, pp. 3–13, 19912.Thompson J, The total product development organization. Proceedings of the SecondAsia–Pacific Rapid Product Development Conference, Brisbane, 19963.Neel R, Don’t stop after the prototype, Seventh International Conference on Rapid Prototyping, San Francisco, 19974.Jacobs PF, “Chapter 3: Rapid Product Development” in Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications , Ed. Peter D. Hilton; Paul F. Jacobs, Marcel Decker, 20005.Lee R-S, Chen, Y-M, and Lee, C-Z, “Development of a concurrent mould design system: a knowledge based approach”, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 10(4), 287-307, 19976.Evans B., “Simultaneous Engineering”, Mechanical Engi neering , V ol.110, No.2, pp.38-39, 19987.Rios A, Gramann, PJ and Davis B, “Computer Aided Engineering in Compression Molding”, Composites Fabricators Association Annual Conference , Tampa Bay, 2001【译文一】塑料注塑模具并行设计塑料制品制造业近年迅速成长。

antigtatic agent
push bar
lever arm
Return pin
ply bar score
taper lock
side lock
lock plate
parting lock set
two-plate mold
two-plate mould
three-plate mould
mold base
locating ring
sprue bushing
retainer plate
support plate

注塑模部分中英文对照塑料成形模具mould for plastics热塑性塑料模mould for thermoplastics热固性塑料模mould for thermosets压缩模compression mould压注模、传递模transfer mould注射模injection mould热塑性塑料注射模injection mould for thermoplastics热固性塑料注射模injection mould for thermoses成形零件定模stationary mould fixed half动模movable mould moving half定模座板fixed clamp plate, top clamping plate. top plate动模座板moving clamp plate. bottom clamping plate. bottom plate 上模座板upper clamping plate下模座板lower clamping plate凹模固定板cavity-retainer plate型芯固定板core-retainer plate凸模固定板punch-retainer plate模套chase. bolster. frame支承板backing plate. supprr plate垫块spacer parallel支架ejector housing. mould base leg动模movable mould moving half定模座板fixed clamp plate, top clamping plate. top plate动模座板moving clamp plate. bottom clamping plate. bottom plate 上模座板upper clamping plate下模座板lower clamping plate凹模固定板cavity-retainer plate型芯固定板core-retainer plate凸模固定板punch-retainer plate模套chase. bolster. frame垫块spacer parallel支架ejector housing. mould base leg压力铸造模具die-casting die压铸模零部件定模fixed die, cover die定模座板fixed clamping plate定模套板bolstor, fixed die动模moving die,ejector die动模座板moving clamping plate 直流道sprue横流道runner内浇口gate。

注塑模部分中英文对照塑料成形模具mould for plastics热塑性塑料模mould for thermoplastics热固性塑料模mould for thermosets压缩模compression mould压注模、传递模transfer mould注射模injection mould热塑性塑料注射模injection mould for thermoplastics热固性塑料注射模injection mould for thermoses成形零件定模stationary mould fixed half动模movable mould moving half定模座板fixed clamp plate, top clamping plate. top plate动模座板moving clamp plate. bottom clamping plate. bottom plate 上模座板upper clamping plate下模座板lower clamping plate凹模固定板cavity-retainer plate型芯固定板core-retainer plate凸模固定板punch-retainer plate模套chase. bolster. frame支承板backing plate. supprr plate垫块spacer parallel支架ejector housing. mould base leg动模movable mould moving half定模座板fixed clamp plate, top clamping plate. top plate动模座板moving clamp plate. bottom clamping plate. bottom plate 上模座板upper clamping plate下模座板lower clamping plate凹模固定板cavity-retainer plate型芯固定板core-retainer plate凸模固定板punch-retainer plate模套chase. bolster. frame垫块spacer parallel支架ejector housing. mould base leg压力铸造模具die-casting die压铸模零部件定模fixed die, cover die定模座板fixed clamping plate定模套板bolstor, fixed die动模moving die,ejector die动模座板moving clamping plate 直流道sprue横流道runner内浇口gate。

外文翻译原文:Injection MoldingMany different processes are used to transform plastic granules, powders, and liquids into product. The plastic material is in moldable form, and is adaptable to various forming methods. In most cases thermosetting materials require other methods of forming. This is recognized by the fact that thermoplastics are usually heated to a soft state and then reshaped before cooling. Theromosets, on the other hand have not yet been polymerized before processing, and the chemical reaction takes place during the process, usually through heat, a catalyst, or pressure. It is important to remember this concept while studying the plastics manufacturing processes and polymers used.Injection molding is by far the most widely used process of forming thermoplastic materials. It is also one of the oldest. Currently injection molding accounts for 30% of all plastics resin consumption. Since raw material can be converted by a single procedure, injection molding is suitable for mass production of plastics articles and automated one-step production of complex geometries. In most cases, finishing is not necessary. Typical products include toys, automotive parts, household articles, and consumer electronics goods.Since injection molding has a number of interdependent variables, it is a process of considerable complexity. The success of the injection molding operation is dependent not only in the proper setup of the machine hydraulics, barrel temperature variations, and changes in material viscosity. Increasing shot-to-shot repeatability of machine variables helps produce parts with tighter tolerance, lowers the level of rejects, and increases product quality (i.e., appearance and serviceability).The principal objective of any molding operation is the manufacture of products: to a specific quality level, in the shortest time, and using repeatable and fully automaticcycle. Molders strive to reduce or eliminate rejected parts in molding production. For injection molding of high precision optical parts, or parts with a high added value such as appliance cases, the payoff of reduced rejects is high.A typical injection molding cycle or sequence consists of five phases;1. Injection or mold filling2. Packing or compression3. Holding4. Cooling5. Part ejectionPlastic granules are fed into the hopper and through an in the injection cylinder where they are carried forward by the rotating screw. The rotation of the screw forces the granules under high pressure against the heated walls of the cylinder causing them to melt. As the pressure building up, the rotating screw is forced backward until enough plastic has accumulated to make the shot. The injection ram (or screw) forces molten plastic from the barrel, through the nozzle, sprue and runner system, and finally into the mold cavities. During injection, the mold cavity is filled volumetrically. When the plastic contacts the cold mold surfaces, it solidifies (freezes) rapidly to produce the skin layer. Since the core remains in the molten state, plastic follows through the core to complete mold filling. Typically, the cavity is filled to 95%~98% during injection. Then the molding process is switched over to the packing phase.Even as the cavity is filled, the molten plastic begins to cool. Since the cooling plastic contracts or shrinks, it gives rise to defects such as sink marks, voids, and dimensional instabilities. To compensate for shrinkage, addition plastic is forced into the cavity. Once the cavity is packed, pressure applied to the melt prevents molten plastic inside the cavity from back flowing out through the gate. The pressure must be applied until the gate solidifies. The process can be divided into two steps (packing and holding) or may be encompassed in one step(holding or second stage). During packing, melt forced into the cavity by the packing pressure compensates for shrinkage. With holding, the pressure merely prevents back flow of the polymer malt.After the holding stage is completed, the cooling phase starts. During, the part is held in the mold for specified period. The duration of the cooling phase depends primarily on the material properties and the part thickness. Typically, the part temperature must cool below the material’s ejection temperature. While cooling the part, the machine plasticates melt for the next cycle.The polymer is subjected to shearing action as well as the condition of the energy from the heater bands. Once the short is made, plastication ceases. This should occur immediately before the end of the cooling phase. Then the mold opens and the part is ejected.When polymers are fabricated into useful articles they are referred to as plastics, rubbers, and fibers. Some polymers, for example, cotton and wool, occur naturally, but the great majority of commercial products are synthetic in origin. A list of the names of the better known materials would include Bakelite, Dacron, Nylon, Celanese, Orlon, and Styron.Previous to 1930 the use of synthetic polymers was not widespread. However, they should not be classified as new materials for many of them were known in the latter half of the nineteenth century. The failure to develop them during this period was due, in part, to a lack of understanding of their properties, in particular, the problem of the structure of polymers was the subject of much fruitless controversy.Two events of the twentieth century catapulted polymers into a position of worldwide importance. The first of these was the successful commercial production of the plastic now known as Bakelite. Its industrial usefulness was demonstrated in1912 and in the next succeeding years. Today Bakelite is high on the list of important synthetic products. Before 1912 materials made from cellulose were available, but their manufacture never provided the incentive for new work in the polymer field such as occurred after the advent of Bakelite. The second event was concerned with fundamental studies of the nature polymers by Staudinger in Europe and by Carohers, who worked with the Du Pont company in Delaware. A greater part of the studies were made during the 1920’s. Staudinger’s work was primarily fundamental. Carother’s achievements led to the development of our present huge plastics industry by causing an awakening of interest in polymer chemistry, an interest which is still strongly apparent today.The Nature of ThermodynamicsThermodynamics is one of the most important areas of engineering science used to explain how most things work, why some things do not the way that they were intended, and why others things just cannot possibly work at all. It is a key part of the science engineers use to design automotive engines, heat pumps, rocket motors, power stations, gas turbines, air conditioners, super-conducting transmission lines, solar heating systems, etc.Thermodynamics centers about the notions of energy, the idea that energy is conserved is the first low of thermodynamics. It is starting point for the science of thermodynamics is entropy; entropy provides a means for determining if a process is possible.This idea is the basis for the second low of thermodynamics. It also provides the basis for an engineering analysis in which one calculates the maximum amount of useful that can be obtained from a given energy source, or the minimum amount of power input required to do a certain task.A clear understanding of the ideas of entropy is essential for one who needs to use thermodynamics in engineering analysis. Scientists are interested in using thermodynamics to predict and relate the properties of matter; engineers are interested in using this data, together with the basic ideas of energy conservation and entropy production, to analyze the behavior of complex technological systems.There is an example of the sort of system of interest to engineers, a large central power stations. In this particular plant the energy source is petroleum in one of several forms, or sometimes natural gas, and the plant is to convert as much of this energy as possible to electric energy and to send this energy down the transmission line.Simply expressed, the plant does this by boiling water and using the steam to turn a turbine which turns an electric generator.The simplest such power plants are able to convert only about 25 percent of the fuel energy to electric energy. But this particular plant converts approximately 40 percent;it has been ingeniously designed through careful application of the basic principles of thermodynamics to the hundreds of components in the system.The design engineers who made these calculations used data on the properties of steam developed by physical chemists who in turn used experimental measurements in concert with thermodynamics theory to develop the property data.Plants presently being studied could convert as much as 55 percent of the fuel energy to electric energy, if they indeed perform as predicted by thermodynamics analysis.The rule that the spontaneous flow of heat is always from hotter to cooler objects is a new physical idea. There is noting in the energy conservation principle or in any other law of nature that specifies for us the direction of heat flow. If energy were to flow spontaneously from a block of ice to a surrounding volume of water, this could occur in complete accord with energy conservation. But such a process never happens. This idea is the substance of the second law of thermodynamics.Clear, a refrigerator, which is a physical system used in kitchen refrigerators, freezers, and air-conditioning units must obey not only the first law (energy conservation) but the second law as well.To see why the second law is not violated by a refrigerator, we must be careful in our statement of law. The second law of thermodynamics says, in effect, that heat never flows spontaneously from a cooler to a hotter object.Or, alternatively, heat can flow from a cooler to a hotter object only as a result of work done by an external agency. We now see the distinction between an everyday spontaneous process, such as the flow of heat from the inside to the outside of a refrigerator.In the water-ice system, the exchange of energy takes place spontaneously and the flow of heat always proceeds from the water to the ice. The water gives up energy and becomes cooler while the ice receives energy and melts.In a refrigerator, on the other hand, the exchange of energy is not spontaneous. Work provided by an external agency is necessary to reverse the natural flow of heat and cool the interior at the expense of further heating the warmer surroundings.译文:塑料注射成型许多不同的加工过程习惯于把塑料颗粒、粉末和液体转化成最终产品。

Injection Mold Technical Terms特克内克腾目思(一)模具专业基本用词 Professional Terms Intensification Factor 增强比Scientific molding 科学注塑英腾次分克深发克偷塞音特菲克计数器 counter康特Specific Injection Pressure (Psi)特殊注塑压力思呗色服克1.塑料— plastic, resin瑞申油管:Oil pipe 尼龙--------nylon2.样件— sample 调节板-------adjust plate3.钢料— steel A板--------a plate4.注塑机— injection machine, press 定位圈----locating ring 喽客厅令5.产品— part, product, moulding 斜导柱-----angular pin 安给拉 PIN 6.模具— mold, mould, tool B板--------- b plateA 简易模(样板模)— prototype moldB 量产用模具— production mold7.三维造型(数模)—3D model, 滚珠导套-------ball ejector bush8.二维产品图— 2D part drawing 拽应扁顶针--------blade ejector pin 布累得9.设计— design 低赛应下模板--------bottom clamping plate 抱腾10.制造— manufacture, 上模型腔------cavity main insert11.检验— check, 上模镶件------cavity sub insert12.测量— measure, 妹试司筒针--------center pin 深特13.修改— change, modify 下模型芯------core main insert14.工程更改— engineer change 下模镶针------core pin15.质量— quality 快乐体下模镶件------core sub insert16.数量— quantity 宽体踢延迟顶针-------delay ejector pin17.基准— datum, reference 拉杆限位钉--------distance bolt(二)如何解析2D 产品图?How to read 2D part drawing?一.产品几何 Geometry 顶距限位柱--------distance spacer1.点— point 销钉-------dowel pin2.线(边)— line, edge 顶块--------ejector bar3.面 face 顶板导套-----ejector leader pinA 侧面— side塞得 B表面— surface射飞思 C 外观面—appearance surface安皮尔思射飞思4.壁厚— wall thickness 我射克来思顶板导柱----ejector leader pin李德拼5.加强筋(骨位)— rib 瑞布顶针-------ejector pin6.孔— hole后顶针地板------ejector plate7.细长的槽— slot 顶针面板-----ejector retain plate 瑞腾8.柱位— boss 抱死顶棍------ejector rod9.角— corner 司筒------ejector sleeveA 圆角— filletB 倒角— chamferC 尖角— sharp corner10.斜度— angle, taper 平头螺丝------F.H.S11. 凹槽—recess , groove 固定块--------fix block二.分模信息 Splitting 固定上模-------fixing half1.分型线— parting line 浇口镶件------gate insert2.主分模方向— main direction, line of draw 滑块压板-----guide rail3.浇口设定— gating 无头螺丝-----H.S.S三.产品标识 Part Identification 热流道--------hot runner1.产品名称— part name (P/N) 隔热板------insulate plate 因修累特2.产品编号+版本号— part number + revision (Rev.) 导套-----leader bushing 李得报圣个3.型腔号— cavity number 导柱------leader pin4.材料标记— material symbol 斜顶-----lifter body5.模具编号— mold number (no.) 吊环-------lifter eye bolt6.日期印— dating insert, date code 斜顶导向块-----lifter guide7.循环印— cycling code 斜顶滑块------lifter slider8.公司标志— company logo 斜顶耐磨板------lifter wear plate四.技术要求 Specification (Special Requirement) 限位开关------limit switch1.项目启动表 Kick-off sheet 支撑柱-----MB stand1)项目名称— program name, project name 模架--------mbase2)产品名称— part name, product name, part description 动模(下模)-----move half 3)产品编号— part number (P/N) o型圈-------o ring4)客户模号— customer mold no. 油管接头--------oil nipple5)项目启动日期— kick off date, start date 锁紧扣------parting lock6)项目完成日期— due date, lead time 水堵头------pipe plug7)内模件用钢— tool steel 拉杆----puller bolt8)型腔数量— number of cavities 流道换向针------puller insert9)数据文件编号— data file no. 拉料针-----puller plate10)注塑材料— resin, plastic, raw material 定位拉板-------puller plate11)收缩率— shrink, shrinkage, shrink factor 回针------return pin12)注塑机吨位— molding machine size, injection machine size13)成型周期— cycle time 流道板--------runner stripper plate14)型腔光洁度— cavity polish 内六角螺丝------S.H.C.S.15)型芯光洁度— core polish 锁模块-------safety block16)皮纹(晒纹)— texture, grain 台阶螺丝------shoulder screw17)拔模斜度— draft angle, removal taper 快速接头-----shut off nipple18)注塑件颜色及光泽— molded color & gloss 司筒压紧块-----sleeve pin block 19)模具加工地— manufacturing facility 滑块------slider body20)热流道供应商— manifold manufacturer, manifold supplier21)浇口位置—gate location / position 滑块底部耐磨板---slider bottom wear plate 22)浇口类型— gate type 斜压块-----slider cam23)产品标识— stamp information, part identification24)特殊要求— special instructions 滑块中心导轨----slider center guide 2.产品质量及外观要求 Part Quality & Appearance Requirement1)尺寸及公差 Dimension & Tolerance 滑块型芯-----slider insert①重要尺寸— critical dimension, important dim., key dim.②理论尺寸— nominal dimension 滑块镶针------slider pin③实际尺寸— actual dimension 滑块限位板-----slider stopper plate④公差— tolerance 滑块耐磨板----slider top wear plate⑤公差带— tolerance range 方铁-----spacer block⑥尺寸超差— dimension deviation 垫圈------spacer ring⑦接受(合格)— accept, OK 浇口套------sprue bushing⑧拒绝(不合格)— reject, refuse, obsolete, NG 限位挡板---stop plate⑨让步接受— concession, special admit 垃圾钉----stopper disk⑩返工— re-work 精定位----straight lock推板镶件----stripper insert2)产品缺陷(常见的)Defects (normal) 推板--------stripper plate①缩水— sink mark, shrinkage 支撑住-----support pillar②飞边,毛边— flash, burr 上模板------top clamping plate③段差— mismatch discrepancy 压紧块-------wedge block④银丝纹,蛇纹— snake marks, streak 弹簧--------spring⑤弯曲,变形— warpage, distortion 水接头------water nipple⑥打不饱(缺料)— short shot 增加油槽-------add oil groove⑦熔接线— weld line bubbles气泡 shear[i]n.剪,切多胶— unwanted plastic regulation整顿cleanness清扫 delamination起鳞分层⑧拉伤—damage blinster气泡 flow mark流痕3、产品外观 Part Appearance①产品颜色— part color②产品光泽— gloss③皮纹粒度— grainaberration 色差 atomization ?化bank mark ?料纹 bite 咬入blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) blacking cab 涂料疤blister 起泡 blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔 blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 breaking-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡 burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边 camber 翘曲cell 气泡 center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕 checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷 clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷 color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀 crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂 crazing 龟裂 deformation 变形 edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边 fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑 fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱 flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕 galling 毛边glazing 光滑 gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑 grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂 haze 雾度incrustation 水锈 indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔 mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点 necking 缩颈nick 割痕 orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流 peeling 剥离pit 坑 pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕 pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑 resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落 riding 凹陷sagging 松垂 saponification 皂化scar 疤痕 scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞 scratch 刮伤/划痕scuffing 深冲表面划伤 seam 裂痕shock line 模口挤痕 short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔 sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮摺叠 straightening 矫直streak 条状痕 surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱摺 surging 波动sweat out 冒汗 torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲 waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌 weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化 wrinkle 皱纹④3.常用词汇、词组及短语 Normal Word, Short Sentence 1)单边— per side2)双边— both sides3)加入,添加— add, incorporate4)去除,取消— remove, cancel5)满足…的要求,符合,与…要求一致— according to, conform to, satisfy, meet 6)要求,需要— require, need, demand7)确认—be approved, agreed by …8)允许— permit, allow9)在…范围之内— within10)不可以,不允许,禁止— free from, prevent, avoid11)…,除非有另指—… unless otherwise specified12)…或少于—…or less13)自动化运作— automatic operation14)未注尺寸(详细形状)见三维造型Non dimensioned contour (detailed shape) see 3D model.15)分型线上的飞边(披缝)或段差应小于…Burrs or discrepancy on the P/L shall be … or less.五.标题栏 Title Block1.产品名称— part name2.图纸编号 + 版本号(索引号)— drawing no. + level (index)3.一般公差— general tolerance(三)如何阅读制模标准?How to read tooling standard?一.模具结构术语 Mold Construction TermsA.模架 Mold Base1.模架量化特征 Measurement Feature①长 X 宽 X 高— Length X Width X Height②模具高度尺寸(模厚)— stack height of mould③模具重量— total weight of mould, mould thickness2.定模底板— front plate, top clamping plate, clamp plate, clamping plate 3.定模板— cavity plate, fixed mould plate, A – plate4.动模板— core plate, moving mould plate, B – plate5.支撑板— support plate, backing plate6.间隔板,方铁— support blocks, rails, risers, spacer block7.顶杆固定板— retaining plate, ejector retaining plate8.顶板— ejector plate,bottom clamping plate9.动模底板— back plate10.导柱— guide pillar, leader pin, guide pin11.导套— guide bush, leader pin bush12.复位杆— return pin, push-back pin13.弹簧— spring14.撑头— support pillar15.顶针板导柱、导套— ejection guide pin / bush16.垃圾钉— stop pin, stop button17.模脚— standing-off pillars18.标牌— plaque scutcheonB.成型零部件 moulding components19.型芯— core insert20.型腔— cavity insert21.镶针— core pin22.镶块— sub-insert, split23.滑块— slide, sliding split24.斜顶— lifter, angled-lift splitA 斜顶头— lifter headB 斜顶杆— lifter rod, lifter shaft 25.成型顶杆— moulding face pin, form pinC.浇注系统 Feed System1.塑料 Mouldinga.主流道— sprueb.分流道 runner①主分流道— main runner ②二级分流道— branch runner分流道断面形状 cross-sectional shape of runner①圆形— full round②半圆形— semicircular③梯形— trapezoidalc.浇口 gate常用浇口形式 normal gate type :①边缘浇口(J型浇口)— edge gate, J – gate②侧浇口— side gate③潜伏式浇口— sub-gate, cashew gate, subsurface gate, submarine gate④潜伏式二次浇口(隧道式浇口) — tunnel gate onto feeder post⑤点浇口— pin gate⑥直接浇口(主流道型浇口) — sprue gate, direct gate⑦护耳式浇口— tab gated.模腔— impressione.冷料井— cold slug wellf.热流道— hot runner2.模具零件 mold componentsa.定位圈— locating ring, location ring, register ringb.浇口套— sprue bushc.挡圈— stop ringd.浇口镶块— gate inserte.热流道板— manifoldf.热嘴— hot dropD.分型面及其锁紧、排气 Parting Surface, inter-locking & venting1.分型线— parting line ( P/L )2.镶拼线— bodyline, joint line3.平 / 不平的分型面— flat / non – flat parting surface4.封胶面— shut off surfaces, seal-off surfaces5.擦穿位— shut off6.碰穿位— kiss-off7.管位— parting line lock8.分型面的释放(避空) — relief of parting surface9.分型面的平衡— balancing of parting surface10.锁紧角度— locking angle11.锁紧力— clamping force12.锁模块— safety strap13.精定位— Interlock, die lock14.困气— air trap15.排气槽— vent, vent slotE.滑块机构 Slide1.驱动 Actuation①斜导柱— angle pin, horn pin, cam pin②弹簧— spring③油缸— hydraulic cylinder2.制动 Detention①滑块固定器— slide retainer②弹簧制动器— spring-loaded detention (plunger)③挡钉、挡板— stop pin, stop plate, slide stop3.导轨— gib, guide strip4.锁紧块(楔紧块)— heel block, locking heel, wedge block, chase block 5.耐磨片— wear plate, wear strip6.压板— retainer,gib7.螺钉— screw8.定位销— dowel pinF.斜顶机构 Lifter1.斜顶头— lifter head2.斜顶杆— lifter rod, lifter shaft3.开口销— split pin4.固定板(压板)— retainer plate5.耐磨片— wear plate6.铜导套— bronze bushing7.衬套— spacer8.导轨— L – gib9.滑动块— slideG.顶出系统 Ejection System1.基本词汇 Basic Word①顶出行程— ejection stroke②模具开档— daylight③粘模— stick④产品脱模— part is push off from, clear part of mould, separation of part 2.顶板机构 Ejector plate assembly①顶板— ejector plate②顶板固定板— retaining plate③推板— stripper plate④推板导柱— ejector guide pin⑤推板导套— ejector guide bush⑥撑头— support pillar3.复位机构 Return System①复位杆(回程杆)— return pin, push – back pin②垃圾钉— stop pin, stop button③压簧— compressed spring④碟簧— a stack o f “Belleville” washers⑤早复位机构— early return system⑥强制复位机构— positive return system4.顶出方法 Ejection Techniques1)顶杆顶出— pin ejection2)顶管顶出— sleeve ejection3)顶块顶出— bar ejection4)扁顶顶出— blade ejection5)顶板顶出— stripper ejection6)油缸顶出— hydraulic ejection7)气顶— air ejection8)阀门顶出— valve ejection5.顶出元件 Ejection Elements1)拉料杆— sprue puller, sucker pin2)顶杆— ejector pin3)阶梯式顶杆— stepped ejector pin4)顶管— ejection sleeve, sleeve5)扁顶— ejector blade, slabbed off ejector pin6)顶块— stripper bar7)顶环— stripper ring8)推板— stripper plate9)加速顶— accelerated ejection6.顶出辅助机构 Supplementary operating system1)弹簧柱塞器— spring – loaded plunger2)弹珠定位器— ball catch system3)插销式锁扣— Latch – lock4)尼龙拉杆装置— friction puller device7.电器元件 Electric Components1)压力传感器— pressure transducer2)限位开关— limit switchF.冷却系统 Cooling System1.基本词汇 Basic Word1)温差— temperature variation2)水孔(水道)— waterlines, water-ways, flow-way, channel3)水路— cooling circuit4)水路示意图— water schematic, schematic circuit5)冷却液— coolant, coolant fluid6)内连接— interconnect7)外连接— external connection8)出口、入口— outlet、inlet9)漏水— water leakage2.水路分布 Circuits1)阶梯式水路— stepped system2)分隔板水路— baffled hole system3)斜孔式水路— angled hole system3.水路元件 Components1)闷头(螺塞、止水栓)—(threadless)brass pressure plug : female plug & male 2)隔水片— baffle3)密封圈— O – ring4)快插水路接头— quick disconnect fitting, quick connection adaptor 5)弯头— elbow6)偶合器(连接器、接头)— adaptor (including a plug & a socket) 7)橡皮管— rubber hose8)分水板,集水块— water manifoldG.螺纹、螺纹孔 & 螺钉 Thread, thread hole & screw1.螺纹— thread2.管螺纹— pipe thread3.螺纹孔— screw hole, tapped hole4.起吊孔— handling hole, jack screw hole, eye bolt hole5.螺钉— screw6.内六角螺钉— socket headed cap screw (s.h.c.s.)7.沉头螺钉— flat headed cap screw (f.h.c.s)8.螺栓— bolt9.螺母— nut10.锁紧螺母— locknut11.螺纹标准 Thread Standard①公制标准— Metric②英制标准— Imperial③英制管螺纹标准— British Standard Pipe thread (BSP)④美制管螺纹标准— NPT⑤美制粗螺纹标准— United Coarse thread (UNC)⑥美制细螺纹标准— United Fine thread (UNF)H.润滑 Lubrication1.润滑槽— grease groove2.加油管— grease line3.油杯— lubrication fittingI.测量仪器 Measuring Instruments1.游标卡尺— vernier caliper2.千分尺— micrometer3.高度规— height gauge4.刻度规— dial gauge5.三坐标测量仪(三次元)— Coordinate Measure Machine(CMM)6.塞规— pin gauge7.圆角量规— radii gauge8.轮廓投影机—profile projectorJ.注塑机参数 Injection Machine Parameter1.注塑机规格参数 Injection Machine Specification①锁紧类型 clamp typea.油缸— hydraulic b.肘杆式— toggle②垂直注塑机导柱间距— tie bar vertical clearance③水平注塑机导柱间距— tie bar horizontal clearance④台板尺寸— platen dim.⑤最小 / 最大模厚— mold height Min. / Max., Min. / Max. mold thickness⑥最小 / 最大注塑机开档— open daylight Min. / Max.⑦锁紧行程— clamp stroke⑧锁紧力— clamping force⑨顶出行程— ejector stroke⑩顶出力— ejector force2.试模工艺参数 Moulding Process Parameter, machine setting①时间 Timer(TM), seca.注塑(充填)时间— filling time, injection timeb.冷却时间— cooling timec.补缩时间— packing timed.保压时间— holding timee.成型周期— cycle time②速率、速度 Velocity, %、speed, in/seca.注塑(充填)速度— injection speedb.保压速率— hold pressure velocityc.螺杆转速— screw rotation speed③压力 Pressure(Prs.), psia.注塑压力— injection pressureb.保压压力— hold pressurec.回压(背压)— back pressure④温度 Temperature(Temp.), °Fa.注塑机喷嘴温度— nozzle temp.b.料筒前段、中段、后段温度— barrel front、middle、rear temp.c.模温— mould temp.d.料温— purged resin melt temp.e.空射料温— air shot melt temp.。

0800123UGNX模具设计_注塑模中英文对照_1002附录A1(中英文对照表-零件类1)中文名称英文名称中文别称1. 零件类(模板)模架mold base 模胚隔热板thermal insulation board定模座板top clamping plate 定模底板、面板热流道板hot runner manifold 分流板推流道板runner stripper plate 脱料板、水口推板、水口板型腔固定板cavity plate 定模板、定模框、A板、母模推件板stripper plate 脱模板型芯固定板core plate 动模板、动模框、B板、公模支承板support plate 垫板、托板垫块spacer block 模脚、方铁、登仔推杆固定板ejector retainer plate 顶针固定板、面针板推板ejector plate 推顶杆板、顶针垫板、底针板动模座板bottom clamping plate 动模底板、底板2. 零件类(浇注系统)定位圈locating ring 定位环、法蓝浇口套sprue bushing 浇口衬套、唧咀、唧嘴浇口镶块gating insert 入水镶件拉料杆sprue puller 拉料销、水口勾针热流道系统hot runner system流道板runner plate温流道板warm runner plate分流锥sprue spreader二级喷嘴secondary nozzle鱼雷形组合体torpedo body assembly管式加热器cartridge heater 筒式加热器热管heat pipe 导热管加热圈heating ring热电偶thermocouple 探针、探温针阀式热嘴valve gating nozzle 阀针式热嘴、阀节喷嘴阀针valve pin热嘴hot nozzle 热喷嘴热嘴垫圈nozzle seat3. 零件类(顶出系统)推杆ejector pin 顶杆、顶针带肩推杆shouldered ejector pin 阶梯推杆、台阶顶针扁推杆flat ejector pin 扁顶杆、扁顶针推管ejector sleeve 司筒、顶管、套筒推管芯子ejector sleeve pin 中心销、司筒针中文名称英文名称中文别称3. 零件类(顶出系统)推块ejector pad 顶块推件环stripper ring 脱模圈斜顶杆angle ejector rod 斜导杆斜顶lifter自润滑活型芯组件slide core guide unit 斜顶滑座导滑座slide base斜导杆固定座angle ejector rod fixed seat自润滑板guide plate挡块baffle block挡块固定螺钉baffle block set screw复位杆return pin 回程销、回针限位块stop block 止动件限位钉stop pin 垃圾钉4. 零件类(成型零部件)型腔cavity 母模仁型芯core 公模仁、模芯侧型芯side core 侧模芯镶件mould insert 镶块型腔镶件cavity insert 上内模、母模入子型芯镶件core insert 下内模、公模入子活动镶件movable insert 拼块split螺纹型芯threaded core螺纹型环threaded cavity嵌件insert镶针insert pin5. 零件类(温度调节系统)快速接头jiffy quick connector管接头hose nippler三通接头three way cock四通接头four-way connection弯管接头pipe bend水嘴water nozzle 水接头油嘴oil nozzle 油接头软管hose 喉管水管water tube油管oil tube气管air tube中文名称英文名称中文别称5. 零件类(温度调节系统)管夹hose clip 软管卡子丝堵pipe plug 螺塞、喉塞冷却管cooling pipe隔水片baffle 挡水板O形圈o-ring 密封圈、O形环止水栓stopcock 导流塞流量计flow meter集水器siamese 集水块集油器oil collector 集油块节流阀throttle valve 截流阀流量分配器flow divider 分流器6. 零件类(侧向分型与抽芯机构)滑块slide 行位斜导柱angle pin 斜销、斜导边弯销clog-leg cam锁紧块locking block 楔紧块、铲鸡滑块导板slide glide strip 滑块导轨、压条耐磨板wear plate 硬片、油板球头顶丝ball plunger 波子螺丝、波子弹弓限位块stop block 止动件滑块定位器slide retainer 行位管位7. 零件类(导向、定位系统)导柱guide pin 边钉、导边直身导柱straight leader pins 直导柱带肩导柱shoulder leader pin 台阶导柱推板导柱ejector guide pin 中托边方型导柱guide square 方导柱三板模导柱support pins 细水口导边、水口边三板模导套runner stripper plate bushing 水口板导套、水口套导向条gib block 导向块导套guide bushing 边司直导套straight bushing带肩导套shoulder bushing 有托导套推板导套ejector guide bush 中托司套定位销dowel pin 销钉、管钉定位块locating block直身锁side lock 边锁、侧锁扣、直身定位块斜度锁taper lock 斜度定位块中文名称英文名称中文别称8. 零件类(开关模控制)定距拉杆puller bolt 拉杆螺丝、拉杆定距拉板puller plate 拉板止动螺钉stop bolt 限动螺栓锁模板safety bar 安全杆、锁模扣、安全扣阻尼销parting locks 尼龙拉钩、树脂开闭器、拉模扣分型面锁模装置parting lock set 分型拉钩、扣鸡、扣机顶出预复位机构early ejector return 早回机构、先复位机构9. 零件类(其他功能件)螺钉screw 螺丝螺帽screw cap 螺丝帽内六角螺钉shcs 杯头螺丝内六角沉头螺钉fhcs 平头螺丝无头螺丝grub screw弹簧spring 弹弓圆线弹簧wire spring扁弹簧flat spring氮气弹簧gas spring齿轮gear wheel轴承bearing马达motor止动键locking key卡簧clamp spring油缸hydraulic cylinder 液压缸气缸air cylinder排气阀air evacuation valve支撑柱support pillar 支承柱、撑头承压块pressure block吊模块lifting bars for mold 模具起吊块吊环lifting eye bolts 吊环螺钉挤紧块clamping block 锁定块垫圈washer 垫片弹簧垫圈spring washer 弹垫标牌nameplate铭牌保护盖protective cover 防护罩顶模块ejector rod 顶出杆、顶棍行程开关position limit switch 限位开关计数器counters中文名称英文名称中文别称9. 零件类(其他功能件)压力传感器pressure transducer日期章date markers 日期标记电源插座power socket公插male connector母插female connector电线electric wire接线盒connection box 接线箱保护盒protection box保护柱stand off调整板adjustment plate压板stopper plate中文名称英文名称中文别称10. 相关术语类(设计系统)模具工程mold engineering工程力学engineering mechanics工程热力学engineering thermodynamics流变学rheology塑料成形模具mould for plastics 塑料模、塑胶模注射模injection mould 注塑模注射模设计design of injection mould 热塑性塑料注射模injection mould forthermoplastics热固性塑料注射模injection mould for thermoses双色模double-color mould叠层模stack injection mould热流道模hot runner mould绝热流道模insulated runner mould 温流道模二板模two plate mold 大水口模三板模three plates mold 细水口模浇注系统feed system冷流道系统cold runner system主流道sprue 注入口、注道分流道runner浇口gate 入水浇口形式gate type 入水形式浇口大小gate size 入水大小浇口位置gate location 入水位置直接浇口direct gate 大水口环形浇口ring gate 环型浇口盘形浇口dish gate轮辐浇口spoke gate点浇口pin-point gate 细水口、针点式浇口侧浇口edge gate 边缘浇口潜伏浇口submarine gate 潜水口隧道式浇口tunnel gate 月牙形浇口、牛角形浇口、香蕉形浇口冷料穴cold-slug well 冷料井溢料槽flash groove 跑胶道、流胶沟排气槽air vent 排气道、排气孔、疏气位分型面parting surface 分模面分型线parting line 分模线中文名称英文名称中文别称10. 相关术语类(设计系统)水平分型面(线)horizontal parting line垂直分型面(线)vertical parting line定模fixed half 固定侧动模moving half 可动侧排气系统vent system顶出系统ejection system 脱模系统顶出机构ejection mechanisms 脱模机构成型零部件molding parts冷却系统cooling system冷却通道cooling channel加热系统heating system 供热系统收缩率shrinkage 缩水抽芯力core-pulling force抽芯距core-pulling distance投影面积projected area脱模斜度draft 拔模斜度模具寿命die life模腔数cavity number11. 相关术语类(注塑成型)注射机injection molding machine 注塑机、射出成型机、啤机注射能力shot capacity 注塑容量、注塑能力注射压力injection pressure 注塑压力、射胶压力锁模力clamping force 合模力成型压力moulding pressure 成形压力模内压力internal mould pressure 型腔压力开模力mould opening force脱模力ejection force 顶出力闭合高度mould-shut height最大开距maximum daylight 模板开距脱模距stripper distance最大容模厚度max mold height 最大模厚最小容模厚度min. mould thickness 最小模厚拉杆内距space between tie bars 拉杆间距、导柱内距注射装置injection unit 射胶系统预塑化装置preplasticator合模装置clamping unit 锁模系统控制装置control unit 控制系统机械手mechanical arm 机械臂中文名称英文名称中文别称11. 相关术语类(注塑成型)快速换模系统quick die change system 快速换模装置顺序阀sequence valve喷嘴直径nozzle diameter喷嘴球半径nozzle radius成型周期molding cycle 模塑周期注射时间injection time 射出时间保压时间packing time冷却时间cooling time顶出时间ejection time 脱模时间开、合模时间time of mold open & close塑料Plastics 塑胶塑件plastic parts 塑胶件项目名称project name产品名称product name 品名外观件appearance part总产量total product电镀plating 喷镀油漆paint蚀纹texture 咬花光面shiny side热板焊hot plate welding超声波焊ultrasonic welding 超声焊摩擦焊friction welding振动焊vibration welding壁厚wall thickness加强筋rib圆角fillet尖角sharp corner 锐角、利角凸台convex plate文字text孔位hole location工艺分析process analysis 过程分析流动分析flow analysis 充填分析顶白ejected mark 顶痕毛刺burr 毛边缩痕sink mark 凹痕水波痕water wave effect表面光泽度不良gloss ng中文名称英文名称中文别称11. 相关术语类(注塑成型)银丝纹silver streak 银条纹、银丝气泡bubble黑条纹dark streak烧焦burn 烧伤、烧黑黑点black spots 黑色斑翘曲warpage熔接线weld lines 熔合线熔接痕welding mark 溶合痕尺寸不稳定dimensional instability裂痕flaw 裂缝变色discoloration 褪色困气air trapping缺胶short shot 充填不足、欠注、短射试模mold trial注射速度injection rate 注射速率干燥温度drying temperature 烘干温度干燥时间drying time 烘干时间成型温度injection temperature 注塑温度、喷射温度模具温度mould temperature12. 相关术语类(材料)模板mould plate标准件standard parts电极electrode铜电极copper electrode 铜公石墨电极graphite electrode钨电极tungsten electrode钢steel 钢铁、钢材热作钢hot work tool steel 热锻模具钢冷作钢cold work steel预硬钢prehardened steel碳素钢carbon steel 碳钢碳素工具钢carbon tool steel不锈钢stainless steel铬钼钢chrome molybdenum steel合金工具钢alloy tool steel高速工具钢high speed tool steel硬质合金钢hard alloy steel弹簧钢spring steel中文名称英文名称中文别称12. 相关术语类(材料)灰口铸铁grey cast iron 灰铸铁、灰口铁紫铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze铍铜BeCu铍青铜beryllium bronze铝aluminum13. 相关术语类(技术参数)结晶性crystallinity 结晶度透明性transparency 透明度耐热性heat resistance 抗热性熔融指数melt index 熔体流动指数剪切速率shear rate 剪切率剪切应力shear stress摩擦系数frictional coefficient布氏硬度brinell hardness HB洛氏硬度rockwell hardness HRC肖氏硬度shore hardness Hs维氏硬度vickers hardness HV金属疲劳metal fatigue疲劳寿命fatigue life密度density重量weight重心centre of gravity面积area体积volume承压面积bearing area 支承面积雷诺数reynolds number导热性thermal conductivity 导热率、导热系数比热容specific heat 比热热量heat quantity温差temperature difference弹性模量modulus of elasticity 弹性模数、杨氏模量截面惯性矩second moment of area 截面二次轴矩截面模量section modulus 截面系数泊松比poisson ratio 横向变形系数拉伸强度tensile strength 抗拉强度压缩强度compressive strength 抗压强度中文名称英文名称中文别称13. 相关术语类(技术参数)屈服强度yield strength剪切强度shear strength 抗剪强度冲击强度impact strength 抗冲强度扭曲强度torsional strength 抗扭强度、扭转强度弯曲强度bending strength 抗弯强度、抗挠强度屈服应力yield stress 延展率elongation 延伸率载荷load弹性变形elastic deformation 弹性形变热膨胀系数thermal expansion coefficient14. 相关术语类(表面处理)热处理heat treatment调质thermal refining TR渗碳carburizing退火annealing回火tempering氮化nitriding NT、渗氮真空氮化vacuum nitriding 真空渗氮真空渗碳氮化vacuum carbonitriding 真空碳氮化离子氮化plasma nitriding离子渗碳氮化ion carbonitriding淬火quenching hardening QH高频淬火high frequency hardening真空淬火vacuum hardening化学电镀chemical plating 化学镀阳极氧化处理anodizing 阳极氧化发黑blackening 染黑法喷砂处理sand blast时效处理seasoning15. 相关术语类(加工)加工中心机床machine centers 加工中心CNC铣床cnc milling machine 数控铣床高速铣床high speed milling machine仿形铣床profiling milling machine 靠模铣床仿形车床copy lathe 靠模车床锯床saw machine刨床planing machines磨床grinding machines中文名称英文名称中文别称15. 相关术语类(加工)车床lathe摇臂钻床radial drilling machine 旋臂钻床钻床drilling machine 钻孔机雕刻机engraving machines电火花机electric discharge machines 火花机线切割放电机wire E.D.M. 线割放电加工机测量机measuring machines三座标测量仪three-coordinates measuringmachine合模机die spotting machine机加工machining 切削加工锻造forging铸造casting精密压铸accurate die casting电铸electroforming热轧hot rolling HR冷轧cold rolling 冷压延拉拔draw out挤压extrusion 挤制加工锯削sawing雕削carving-and-scraping铣削milling镗削boring锉削加工filing车削turning钻孔drilling铰孔reaming 铰孔修润拉削broaching刮削scraping磨削grinding研磨加工lapping切削cutting砂纸加工coated abrasive machining抛光加工polishing 抛亮光电火花加工electrical discharge machining 放电加工、EDM 线切割加工spark-erosion wire cutting WEDM电解研磨electrochemical lapping化学研磨chemical polishing中文名称英文名称中文别称15. 相关术语类(制图)技术制图technical drawing 工程制图技术参数technical parameter表面粗糙度surface finish 表面光洁度公差与配合common difference &cooperation形位公差geometric tolerance 几何公差尺寸公差dimension tolerance公差范围tolerance limits 容差极限基孔制basic hole system基轴制basic shaft system三角函数trigonometric function装配图assembly drawing 组装图、总装图、组合图模具排位图die layout 结构草图零件图part drawing 散件图工艺图process drawing 工艺过程图件号no.名称designation实际尺寸actual size标准尺寸stock size材质material 材料、物料数量quantity订货号order no. 订单号备注remarks 附注供应商supplier 供货商模号mold no设计design审核checked by 核对批准approve 审批比例scale单位unit张次sheet版本revision 版次图纸大小drawing sheet size模具公差mold tolerance日期date客户customer技术要求technical requirement 技术条件、技术规定使用说明书operation specifications 操作规范中文名称英文名称中文别称16. 相关术语类(流程、商务)流程优化process optimization 过程优化时间计划表time schedule 工作进度表、时间安排表设计优化design optimization产品分析报告product analysis report流动分析报告flow analysis report结构分析报告structural analysis report模具性能与寿命分析analysis of performance andlife of mold行政部administrative department 行政司营销部marketing department 市场部、市场销售部项目部project department工程部engineering department技术部technical department 技术研发部制造部manufacture department 生产部质检部quality inspection department 品保部采购部purchasing department财务科finance section客服部customer service department 客户服务部董事长board chairman 董事局主席总经理general manager技术总监technical director工程部经理engineering manager制造部经理manufacturing manager 生产部经理模具项目经理mold project manager模具设计师mould designer模具分析师mould analyst项目工程师project engineer钳工fitter模具成本mold cost 模具费用利润profit报价单quotation设计成本design cost 设计费制造成本manufacturing cost 生产成本材料成本material cost 物料成本调试成本debugging cost 调试费用管理成本administration cost 管理费税收revenue 交期delivery time 发货期、交货期。

2 Injection molding machineFrom Plastics Wiki, free encyclopediaInjection molding machines consist of two basic parts, an injection unit and a clamping unit. Injection molding machines differ in both injection unit and clamping unit. The name of the injection molding machine is generally based on the type of injection unit used.2.1Types of injection molding machinesMachines are classified primarily by the type of driving systems they use: hydraulic, electric, or hybrid.2.1.1HydraulicHydraulic presses have historically been the only option available to molders until Nissei Plastic Industrial Co., LTD introduced the first all-electric injection molding machine in 1983. The electric press, also known as Electric Machine Technology (EMT), reduces operation costs by cutting energy consumption and also addresses some of the environmental concerns surrounding the hydraulic press.2.1.2ElectricElectric presses have been shown to be quieter, faster, and have a higher accuracy, however the machines are more expensive.2.1.3HybridHybrid injection molding machines take advantage of the best features of both hydraulic and electric systems. Hydraulic machines are the predominant type in most of the world, with the exception of Japan.2.2Injection unitThe injection unit melts the polymer resin and injects the polymer melt into the mold. The unit may be: ram fed or screw fed.The ram fed injection molding machine uses a hydraulically operated plunger to push the plastic through a heated region. The high viscosity melt is then spread into a thin layer by a "torpedo" to allow for better contact with the heated surfaces. The melt converges at a nozzle and is injected into the mold.Reciprocating screw A combination melting, softening, and injection unit in an injection molding machine. Another term for the injection screw. Reciprocating screws are capable of turning as they move back and forth.The reciprocating screw is used to compress, melt, and convey the material. The reciprocating screw consists of three zones (illustrated below):•feeding zone•compressing zone•metering zoneWhile the outside diameter of the screw remains constant, the depth of the flights on the reciprocating screw decreases from the feed zone to the beginning of the metering zone. These flights compress the material against the inside diameter of the barrel, which creates viscous (shear) heat. This shear heat is mainly responsible for melting the material. The heater bands outside the barrel help maintain the material in the molten state. Typically, a molding machine can have three or more heater bands or zones with different temperature settings.Injection molding reciprocating screw An extruder-type screw rotates within a cylinder, which is typically driven by a hydraulic drive mechanism. Plastic material is moved through the heated cylinder via the screw flights and the material becomes fluid. The injection nozzle is blocked by the previous shot, and this action causes the screw to pump itself backward through the cylinder. (During this step, material is plasticated and accumulated for the next shot.) When the mold clamp has locked, the injection phase takes place. At this time, the screw advances, acting as a ram. Simultaneously, the non-return valve closes off the escape passages in the screw and the screw serves as a solid plunger, moving the plastic ahead into the mold. When the injection stroke and holding cycle is completed, the screw is energized to return and the non-return valve opens, allowing plastic to flow forward from the cylinder again, thus repeating the cycle.2.2.1Feed hopperThe container holding a supply molding material to be fed to the screw. The hopper located over the barrel and the feed throat connects them.2.2.2Injection ramThe ram or screw that applies pressure on the molten plastic material to force it into the mold cavities.2.2.3Injection screwThe reciprocating-screw machine is the most common. This design uses the same barrel for melting and injection of plastic.The alternative unit involves the use of separate barrels for plasticizing and injecting the polymer. This type is called a screw-preplasticizer machine or two-stage machine. Plastic pellets are fed from a hopper into the first stage, which uses a screw to drive the polymer forward and melt it. This barrel feeds a second barrel, which uses a plunger to inject the melt into the mold. Older machines used one plunger-driven barrel to melt and inject the plastic. These machines are referred to as plunger-type injection molding machines.2.2.4BarrelBarrel is a major part that melts resins transmitted from hopper through screws and structured in a way that can heat up resins to the proper temperature. A band heater, which can control temper atures in five sections, is attached outside the barrel. Melted resins are supplied to the mold passing through barrel head, shot-off nozzle, and one-touch nozzle.2.2.5Injection cylinderHydraulic motor located inside bearing box, which is connected to injection cylinder load, rotates screw, and the melted resins are measures at the nose of screw. There are many types of injection cylinders that supply necessary power to inject resins according to the characteristics of resins and product types at appropriate speed and pressure. This model employs the double cylinder type. Injection cylinder is composed of cylinder body, piston, and piston load.2.3Clamping unitThe clamping unit holds the mold together, opens and closes it automatically, and ejects the finished part. The mechanism may be of several designs, either mechanical, hydraulic or hydromechanical.Toggle clamps - a type clamping unit include various designs. An actuator moves the crosshead forward, extending the toggle links to push the moving platen toward a closed position. At the beginning of the movement, mechanical advantage is low and speed is high; but near the end of the stroke, the reverse is true. Thus, toggle clamps provide both high speed and high force at different points in the cycle when they are desirable. They are actuated either by hydraulic cylinders or ball screws driven by electric motors. Toggle-clamp units seem most suited to relatively low-tonnage machines.Two clamping designs: (a) one possible toggle clamp design (1) open and (2) closed; and (b) hydraulic clamping (1) open and (2) closed. Tie rods used to guide movuing platens not shown.Hydraulic clamps are used on higher-tonnage injection molding machines, typically in the range 1300 to 8900 kN (150 to 1000 tons). These units are also more flexible than toggle clamps in terms of setting the tonnage at given positions during the stroke.Hydraulic Clamping System is using the direct hydraulic clamp of which the tolerance is still and below 1 %, of course, better than the toggle system. In addition, the Low Pressure Protection Device is higher than the toggle system for 10 times so that the protection for the precision and expensive mold is very good. The clamping force is focus on the central for evenly distribution that can make the adjustment of the mold flatness in automatically. Hydromechanical clamps -clamping units are designed for large tonnages, usually above 8900 kN (1000 tons); they operate by (1) using hydraulic cylinders to rapidly move the mold toward closing position, (2) locking the position by mechanical means, and (3) using high pressure hydraulic cylinders to finally close the mold and build tonnage.2.3.1Injection moldThere are two main types of injection molds: cold runner (two plate and three plate designs) and hot runner– the more common of the runnerless molds.2.3.2Injection platensSteel plates on a molding machine to which the mold is attached. Generally, two platens are used; one being stationary and the other moveable, actuated hydraulically to open and close the mold. It actually provide place to mount the mould. It contains threaded holes on which mould can be mounted using clamps.2.3.3Clamping cylinderA device that actuates the chuck through the aid of pneumatic or hydraulic energy.2.3.4Tie BarTie bars support clamping power, and 4 tie bars are located between the fixing platen and the support platen.3 Injection mouldFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMold A hollow form or cavity into which molten plastic is forced to give the shape of the required component. The term generally refers to the whole assembly of parts that make up the section of the molding equipment in which the parts are formed. Also called a tool or die. Moulds separate into at least two halves (called the core and the cavity) to permit the part to be extracted; in general the shape of a part must be such that it will not be locked into the mould. For example, sides of objects typically cannot be parallel with the direction of draw (the direction in which the core and cavity separate from each other). They are angled slightly; examination of most household objects made from plastic will show this aspect of design, known as draft. Parts that are "bucket-like" tend to shrink onto the core while cooling and, after the cavity is pulled away, are typically ejected using pins. Parts can be easily welded together after moulding to allow for a hollow part (like a water jug or doll's head) that couldn't physically be designed as one mould.More complex parts are formed using more complex moulds, which may require moveable sections, called slides, which are inserted into the mould to form particular features that cannot be formed using only a core and a cavity, but are then withdrawn to allow the part to be released. Some moulds even allow previously moulded parts to be re-inserted to allow a new plastic layer to form around the first part. This system can allow for production of fully tyred wheels.Traditionally, moulds have been very expensive to manufacture; therefore, they were usually only used in mass production where thousands of parts are being produced.Molds require: Engineering and design, special materials, machinery and highly skilled personnel to manufacture, assemble and test them.Cold-runner moldCold-runner mold Developed to provide for injection of thermoset material either directly into the cavity or through a small sub-runner and gate into the cavity. It may be compared to the hot-runner molds with the exception that the manifold section is cooled rather than heated to maintain softened but uncured material. The cavity and core plates are electrically heated to normal molding temperature and insulated from the cooler manifold section.3.1.1Types of Cold Runner MoldsThere are two major types of cold runner molds: two plate and three plate.3.1.2Two plate moldA two plate cold runner mold is the simplest type of mold. It is called a two plate mold because there is one parting plane, and the mold splits into two halves. The runner system must be located on this parting plane; thus the part can only be gated on its perimeter.3.1.3Three plate moldA three plate mold differs from a two plate in that it has two parting planes, and the mold splits into three sections every time the part is ejected. Since the mold has two parting planes, the runner system can be located on one, and the part on the other. Three plate molds are used because of their flexibility in gating location. A part can be gated virtually anywhere along its surface.3.1.4AdvantagesThe mold design is very simple, and much cheaper than a hot runner system. The mold requires less maintenance and less skill to set up and operate. Color changes are also very easy, since all of the plastic in the mold is ejected with each cycle.3.1.5DisadvantagesThe obvious disadvantage of this system is the waste plastic generated. The runners are either disposed of, or reground and reprocessed with the original material. This adds a step in the manufacturing process. Also, regrind will increase variation in the injection molding process, and could decrease the plastic's mechanical properties.3.1.6Hot runner moldHot-runner mold -injection mold in which the runners are kept hot and insulated from the chilled cavities. Plastic freezeoff occurs at gate of cavity; runners are in a separate plate so they are not, as is the case usually, ejected with the piece.Hot runner molds are two plate molds with a heated runner system inside one half of the mold.A hot runner system is divided into two parts: the manifold and the drops. The manifold has channels that convey the plastic on a single plane, parallel to the parting line, to a point abovethe cavity. The drops, situated perpendicular to the manifold, convey the plastic from the manifold to the part.3.1.7Types of Hot Runner MoldsThere are many variations of hot runner systems. Generally, hot runner systems are designated by how the plastic is heated. There are internally and externally heated drops and manifolds.3.1.8Externally heated hot runnersExternally heated hot runner channels have the lowest pressure drop of any runner system (because there is no heater obstructing flow and all the plastic is molten), and they are better for color changes none of the plastic in the runner system freezes. There are no places for material to hang up and degrade, so externally heated systems are good for thermally sensitive materials.3.1.9Internally heated hot runnersInternally heated runner systems require higher molding pressures, and color changes are very difficult. There are many places for material to hang up and degrade, so thermally sensitive materials should not be used. Internally heated drops offer better gate tip control. Internally heated systems also better separate runner heat from the mold because an insulating frozen layer is formed against the steel wall on the inside of the flow channels.3.1.10 insulated hot runnersA special type of hot runner system is an insulated runner. An insulated runner is not heated; the runner channels are extremely thick and stay molten during constant cycling. This system is very inexpensive, and offers the flexible gating advantages of other hot runners and the elimination of gates without the added cost of the manifold and drops of a heated hot runner system. Color changes are very easy. Unfortunately, these runner systems offer no control, and only commodity plastics like PP and PE can be used. If the mold stops cycling for some reason, the runner system will freeze and the mold has to be split to remove it. Insulated runners are usually used to make low tolerance parts like cups and frisbees.3.1.11 DisadvantagesHot-runner mold is much more expensive than a cold runner, it requires costly maintenance, and requires more skill to operate. Color changes with hot runner molds can be difficult, since it is virtually impossible to remove all of the plastic from an internal runner system.3.1.12 AdvantagesThey can completely eliminate runner scrap, so there are no runners to sort from the parts, and no runners to throw away or regrind and remix into the original material. Hot runners are popular in high production parts, especially with a lot of cavities.Advantages Hot Runner System Over a Cold Runner System include:•no runners to disconnect from the molded parts•no runners to remove or regrind, thus no need for process/ robotics to remove them•having no runners reduces the possibility of contamination•lower injection pressures•lower clamping pressure•consistent heat at processing temperature within the cavity•cooling time is actually shorter (as there is no need for thicker, longer-cycle runners)•shot size is reduced by runner weight•cleaner molding process (no regrinding necessary)•nozzle freeze and sprue sticking issues eliminated中文翻译注塑模具设计与制造2 注射机选自《维基百科》注射机由两个基本部分组成,注射装置和夹紧装置。

Injection Mold Technical Terms特克内克腾目思(一)模具专业基本用词 Professional Terms Intensification Factor 增强比Scientific molding 科学注塑英腾次分克深发克偷塞音特菲克计数器counter康特Specific Injection Pressure (Psi)特殊注塑压力思呗色服克1.塑料—plastic, resin瑞申油管:Oil pipe 尼龙--------nylon2.样件—sample 调节板-------adjust plate3.钢料—steel A板--------a plate4.注塑机—injection machine, press 定位圈----locating ring 喽客厅令5.产品—part, product, moulding 斜导柱-----angular pin 安给拉PIN6.模具—mold, mould, tool B板--------- b plateA 简易模(样板模)—prototype moldB 量产用模具—production mold7.三维造型(数模)—3D model, 滚珠导套-------ball ejector bush8.二维产品图—2D part drawing 拽应扁顶针--------blade ejector pin 布累得9.设计—design 低赛应下模板--------bottom clamping plate 抱腾10.制造—manufacture, 上模型腔------cavity main insert11.检验—check, 上模镶件------cavity sub insert12.测量—measure, 妹试司筒针--------center pin 深特13.修改—change, modify 下模型芯------core main insert14.工程更改—engineer change 下模镶针------core pin15.质量—quality 快乐体下模镶件------core sub insert16.数量—quantity 宽体踢延迟顶针-------delay ejector pin17.基准—datum, reference 拉杆限位钉--------distance bolt(二)如何解析2D 产品图?How to read 2D part drawing?一.产品几何Geometry 顶距限位柱--------distance spacer1.点—point 销钉-------dowel pin2.线(边)—line, edge 顶块--------ejector bar3.面face 顶板导套-----ejector leader pinA 侧面—side塞得 B表面—surface射飞思 C 外观面—appearance surface安皮尔思射飞思4.壁厚—wall thickness 我射克来思顶板导柱----ejector leader pin李德拼5.加强筋(骨位)—rib 瑞布顶针-------ejector pin6.孔—hole后顶针地板------ejector plate7.细长的槽—slot 顶针面板-----ejector retain plate 瑞腾8.柱位—boss 抱死顶棍------ejector rod9.角—corner 司筒------ejector sleeveA 圆角—filletB 倒角—chamferC 尖角—sharp corner10.斜度—angle, taper 平头螺丝------F.H.S11. 凹槽—recess , groove 固定块--------fix block二.分模信息Splitting 固定上模-------fixing half1.分型线—parting line 浇口镶件------gate insert2.主分模方向—main direction, line of draw 滑块压板-----guide rail3.浇口设定—gating 无头螺丝-----H.S.S三.产品标识Part Identification 热流道--------hot runner1.产品名称—part name (P/N) 隔热板------insulate plate 因修累特2.产品编号+版本号—part number + revision (Rev.) 导套-----leader bushing 李得报圣个3.型腔号—cavity number 导柱------leader pin4.材料标记—material symbol 斜顶-----lifter body5.模具编号—mold number (no.) 吊环-------lifter eye bolt6.日期印—dating insert, date code 斜顶导向块-----lifter guide7.循环印—cycling code 斜顶滑块------lifter slider8.公司标志—company logo 斜顶耐磨板------lifter wear plate四.技术要求Specification (Special Requirement) 限位开关------limit switch1.项目启动表Kick-off sheet 支撑柱-----MB stand1)项目名称—program name, project name 模架--------mbase2)产品名称—part name, product name, part description 动模(下模)-----move half 3)产品编号—part number (P/N) o型圈-------o ring4)客户模号—customer mold no. 油管接头--------oil nipple5)项目启动日期—kick off date, start date 锁紧扣------parting lock6)项目完成日期—due date,lead time 水堵头------pipe plug7)内模件用钢—tool steel 拉杆----puller bolt8)型腔数量—number of cavities 流道换向针------puller insert9)数据文件编号—data file no. 拉料针-----puller plate10)注塑材料—resin, plastic, raw material 定位拉板-------puller plate11)收缩率—shrink, shrinkage, shrink factor 回针------return pin12)注塑机吨位—molding machine size, injection machine size13)成型周期—cycle time 流道板--------runner stripper plate14)型腔光洁度—cavity polish 内六角螺丝------S.H.C.S.15)型芯光洁度—core polish 锁模块-------safety block16)皮纹(晒纹)—texture, grain 台阶螺丝------shoulder screw17)拔模斜度—draft angle, removal taper 快速接头-----shut off nipple18)注塑件颜色及光泽—molded color & gloss 司筒压紧块-----sleeve pin block19)模具加工地—manufacturing facility 滑块------slider body20)热流道供应商—manifold manufacturer, manifold supplier21)浇口位置—gate location / position 滑块底部耐磨板---slider bottom wear plate 22)浇口类型—gate type 斜压块-----slider cam23)产品标识—stamp information, part identification24)特殊要求—special instructions 滑块中心导轨----slider center guide 2.产品质量及外观要求Part Quality & Appearance Requirement1)尺寸及公差Dimension & Tolerance 滑块型芯-----slider insert①重要尺寸—critical dimension, important dim., key dim.②理论尺寸—nominal dimension 滑块镶针------slider pin③实际尺寸—actual dimension 滑块限位板-----slider stopper plate④公差—tolerance 滑块耐磨板----slider top wear plate⑤公差带—tolerance range 方铁-----spacer block⑥尺寸超差—dimension deviation 垫圈------spacer ring⑦接受(合格)—accept, OK 浇口套------sprue bushing⑧拒绝(不合格)—reject, refuse, obsolete, NG 限位挡板---stop plate⑨让步接受—concession, special admit 垃圾钉----stopper disk⑩返工—re-work 精定位----straight lock推板镶件----stripper insert2)产品缺陷(常见的)Defects (normal) 推板--------stripper plate①缩水—sink mark, shrinkage 支撑住-----support pillar②飞边,毛边—flash, burr 上模板------top clamping plate③段差—mismatch discrepancy 压紧块-------wedge block④银丝纹,蛇纹—snake marks, streak 弹簧--------spring⑤弯曲,变形—warpage, distortion 水接头------water nipple⑥打不饱(缺料)—short shot 增加油槽-------add oil groove⑦熔接线—weld line bubbles气泡 shear[☞i☜]n.剪,切多胶— unwanted plastic regulation整顿cleanness清扫 delamination起鳞分层⑧拉伤—damage blinster气泡 flow mark流痕3、产品外观 Part Appearance①产品颜色— part color②产品光泽— gloss③皮纹粒度— grainaberration 色差 atomization ?化bank mark ?料纹 bite 咬入blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) blacking cab 涂料疤blister 起泡 blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔 blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 breaking-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡 burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边 camber 翘曲cell 气泡 center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕 checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷 clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷 color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀 crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂 crazing 龟裂 deformation 变形 edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边 fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑 fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱 flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕 galling 毛边glazing 光滑 gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑 grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂 haze 雾度incrustation 水锈 indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔 mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点 necking 缩颈nick 割痕 orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流 peeling 剥离pit 坑 pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕 pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑 resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落 riding 凹陷sagging 松垂 saponification 皂化scar 疤痕 scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞 scratch 刮伤/划痕scuffing 深冲表面划伤 seam 裂痕shock line 模口挤痕 short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔 sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮摺叠 straightening 矫直streak 条状痕 surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱摺 surging 波动sweat out 冒汗 torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲 waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌 weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化 wrinkle 皱纹④3.常用词汇、词组及短语Normal Word, Short Sentence1)单边—per side2)双边—both sides3)加入,添加—add, incorporate4)去除,取消—remove, cancel5)满足…的要求,符合,与…要求一致—according to, conform to, satisfy, meet 6)要求,需要—require, need, demand7)确认—be approved, agreed by …8)允许—permit, allow9)在…范围之内—within10)不可以,不允许,禁止—free from, prevent, avoid11)…,除非有另指—…unless otherwise specified12)…或少于—…or less13)自动化运作—automatic operation14)未注尺寸(详细形状)见三维造型Non dimensioned contour (detailed shape) see 3D model.15)分型线上的飞边(披缝)或段差应小于…Burrs or discrepancy on the P/L shall be … or less.五.标题栏Title Block1.产品名称—part name2.图纸编号 + 版本号(索引号)—drawing no. + level (index)3.一般公差—general tolerance(三)如何阅读制模标准?How to read tooling standard? 一.模具结构术语Mold Construction TermsA.模架Mold Base1.模架量化特征Measurement Feature①长X 宽X 高—Length X Width X Height②模具高度尺寸(模厚)—stack height of mould③模具重量—total weight of mould, mould thickness2.定模底板—front plate, top clamping plate, clamp plate, clamping plate 3.定模板—cavity plate, fixed mould plate, A – plate4.动模板—core plate, moving mould plate, B – plate5.支撑板—support plate, backing plate6.间隔板,方铁—support blocks, rails, risers, spacer block7.顶杆固定板—retaining plate, ejector retaining plate8.顶板—ejector plate,bottom clamping plate9.动模底板—back plate10.导柱—guide pillar, leader pin, guide pin11.导套—guide bush, leader pin bush12.复位杆—return pin, push-back pin13.弹簧—spring14.撑头—support pillar15.顶针板导柱、导套—ejection guide pin / bush16.垃圾钉—stop pin, stop button17.模脚—standing-off pillars18.标牌—plaque scutcheonB.成型零部件moulding components19.型芯—core insert20.型腔—cavity insert21.镶针—core pin22.镶块—sub-insert, split23.滑块—slide, sliding split24.斜顶—lifter, angled-lift splitA 斜顶头—lifter headB 斜顶杆—lifter rod, lifter shaft 25.成型顶杆—moulding face pin, form pinC.浇注系统Feed System1.塑料Mouldinga.主流道—sprueb.分流道runner①主分流道—main runner②二级分流道—branch runner分流道断面形状cross-sectional shape of runner①圆形—full round②半圆形—semicircular③梯形—trapezoidalc.浇口gate常用浇口形式normal gate type :①边缘浇口(J型浇口)—edge gate, J – gate②侧浇口—side gate③潜伏式浇口—sub-gate, cashew gate, subsurface gate, submarine gate④潜伏式二次浇口(隧道式浇口) —tunnel gate onto feeder post⑤点浇口—pin gate⑥直接浇口(主流道型浇口) —sprue gate, direct gate⑦护耳式浇口—tab gated.模腔—impressione.冷料井—cold slug wellf.热流道—hot runner2.模具零件mold componentsa.定位圈—locating ring, location ring, register ringb.浇口套—sprue bushc.挡圈—stop ringd.浇口镶块—gate inserte.热流道板—manifoldf.热嘴—hot dropD.分型面及其锁紧、排气Parting Surface, inter-locking & venting 1.分型线—parting line ( P/L )2.镶拼线—bodyline, joint line3.平/ 不平的分型面—flat / non – flat parting surface4.封胶面—shut off surfaces, seal-off surfaces5.擦穿位—shut off6.碰穿位—kiss-off7.管位—parting line lock8.分型面的释放(避空) —relief of parting surface9.分型面的平衡—balancing of parting surface10.锁紧角度—locking angle11.锁紧力—clamping force12.锁模块—safety strap13.精定位—Interlock, die lock14.困气—air trap15.排气槽—vent, vent slotE.滑块机构Slide1.驱动Actuation①斜导柱—angle pin, horn pin, cam pin②弹簧—spring③油缸—hydraulic cylinder2.制动Detention①滑块固定器—slide retainer②弹簧制动器—spring-loaded detention (plunger)③挡钉、挡板—stop pin, stop plate, slide stop3.导轨—gib, guide strip4.锁紧块(楔紧块)—heel block, locking heel, wedge block, chase block 5.耐磨片—wear plate, wear strip6.压板—retainer,gib7.螺钉—screw8.定位销—dowel pinF.斜顶机构Lifter1.斜顶头—lifter head2.斜顶杆—lifter rod, lifter shaft3.开口销—split pin4.固定板(压板)—retainer plate5.耐磨片—wear plate6.铜导套—bronze bushing7.衬套—spacer8.导轨—L – gib9.滑动块—slideG.顶出系统Ejection System1.基本词汇Basic Word①顶出行程—ejection stroke②模具开档—daylight③粘模—stick④产品脱模—part is push off from, clear part of mould, separation of part 2.顶板机构Ejector plate assembly①顶板—ejector plate②顶板固定板—retaining plate③推板—stripper plate④推板导柱—ejector guide pin⑤推板导套—ejector guide bush⑥撑头—support pillar3.复位机构Return System①复位杆(回程杆)—return pin, push – back pin②垃圾钉—stop pin, stop button③压簧—compressed spring④碟簧— a stack o f “Belleville” washers⑤早复位机构—early return system⑥强制复位机构—positive return system4.顶出方法Ejection Techniques1)顶杆顶出—pin ejection2)顶管顶出—sleeve ejection3)顶块顶出—bar ejection4)扁顶顶出—blade ejection5)顶板顶出—stripper ejection6)油缸顶出—hydraulic ejection7)气顶—air ejection8)阀门顶出—valve ejection5.顶出元件Ejection Elements1)拉料杆—sprue puller, sucker pin2)顶杆—ejector pin3)阶梯式顶杆—stepped ejector pin4)顶管—ejection sleeve, sleeve5)扁顶—ejector blade, slabbed off ejector pin6)顶块—stripper bar7)顶环—stripper ring8)推板—stripper plate9)加速顶—accelerated ejection6.顶出辅助机构Supplementary operating system1)弹簧柱塞器—spring – loaded plunger2)弹珠定位器—ball catch system3)插销式锁扣—Latch – lock4)尼龙拉杆装置—friction puller device7.电器元件Electric Components1)压力传感器—pressure transducer2)限位开关—limit switchF.冷却系统Cooling System1.基本词汇Basic Word1)温差—temperature variation2)水孔(水道)—waterlines, water-ways, flow-way, channel3)水路—cooling circuit4)水路示意图—water schematic, schematic circuit5)冷却液—coolant, coolant fluid6)内连接—interconnect7)外连接—external connection8)出口、入口—outlet、inlet9)漏水—water leakage2.水路分布Circuits1)阶梯式水路—stepped system2)分隔板水路—baffled hole system3)斜孔式水路—angled hole system3.水路元件Components1)闷头(螺塞、止水栓)—(threadless)brass pressure plug : female plug & male 2)隔水片—baffle3)密封圈—O – ring4)快插水路接头—quick disconnect fitting, quick connection adaptor5)弯头—elbow6)偶合器(连接器、接头)—adaptor (including a plug & a socket) 7)橡皮管—rubber hose8)分水板,集水块—water manifoldG.螺纹、螺纹孔& 螺钉Thread, thread hole & screw1.螺纹—thread2.管螺纹—pipe thread3.螺纹孔—screw hole, tapped hole4.起吊孔—handling hole, jack screw hole, eye bolt hole5.螺钉—screw6.内六角螺钉—socket headed cap screw (s.h.c.s.)7.沉头螺钉—flat headed cap screw (f.h.c.s)8.螺栓—bolt9.螺母—nut10.锁紧螺母—locknut11.螺纹标准Thread Standard①公制标准—Metric②英制标准—Imperial③英制管螺纹标准—British Standard Pipe thread (BSP)④美制管螺纹标准—NPT⑤美制粗螺纹标准—United Coarse thread (UNC)⑥美制细螺纹标准—United Fine thread (UNF)H.润滑Lubrication1.润滑槽—grease groove2.加油管—grease line3.油杯—lubrication fittingI.测量仪器Measuring Instruments1.游标卡尺—vernier caliper2.千分尺—micrometer3.高度规—height gauge4.刻度规—dial gauge5.三坐标测量仪(三次元)—Coordinate Measure Machine(CMM)6.塞规—pin gauge7.圆角量规—radii gauge8.轮廓投影机—profile projectorJ.注塑机参数Injection Machine Parameter1.注塑机规格参数Injection Machine Specification①锁紧类型clamp typea.油缸—hydraulic b.肘杆式—toggle②垂直注塑机导柱间距—tie bar vertical clearance③水平注塑机导柱间距—tie bar horizontal clearance④台板尺寸—platen dim.⑤最小/ 最大模厚—mold height Min. / Max., Min. / Max. mold thickness⑥最小/ 最大注塑机开档—open daylight Min. / Max.⑦锁紧行程—clamp stroke⑧锁紧力—clamping force⑨顶出行程—ejector stroke⑩顶出力—ejector force2.试模工艺参数Moulding Process Parameter, machine setting①时间Timer(TM), seca.注塑(充填)时间—filling time, injection timeb.冷却时间—cooling timec.补缩时间—packing timed.保压时间—holding timee.成型周期—cycle time②速率、速度Velocity, %、speed, in/seca.注塑(充填)速度—injection speedb.保压速率—hold pressure velocityc.螺杆转速—screw rotation speed③压力Pressure(Prs.), psia.注塑压力—injection pressureb.保压压力—hold pressurec.回压(背压)—back pressure④温度Temperature(Temp.), °Fa.注塑机喷嘴温度—nozzle temp.b.料筒前段、中段、后段温度—barrel front、middle、rear temp.c.模温—mould temp.d.料温—purged resin melt temp.e.空射料温—air shot melt temp.。

模具注塑术语中英文对照1. 模具制造工艺 - Mold Manufacturing Process•钳工技术 - Fitting Technology•铣床 - Milling Machine•车床 - Lathe Machine•电火花 - Electrical Discharge Machine (EDM) •线切割机 - Wire Cutting Machine (WCM)•抛光 - Polishing•喷砂 - Sandblasting•组装 - Assembly•检验 - Inspection•测试 - Testing2. 模具材料 - Mold Materials•CNC - Computer Numerical Control•冷/热工作钢 - Cold/Hot Work Steel•韧性铁 - Ductile Iron•钢筋混凝土 - Reinforced Concrete•铝合金 - Aluminum Alloy•有机玻璃 - Organic Glass•尼龙 - Nylon•聚酯树脂 - Polyester Resin•低密度聚乙烯 - Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) •高密度聚乙烯 - High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) 3. 注塑设备 - Injection Molding Equipment•注塑模 - Injection Mold•注塑机 - Injection Molding Machine•螺杆 - Screw•加热筒 - Barrel Heater•喷嘴 - Nozzle•冷却系统 - Cooling System•熔融体 - Melted Polymer•定位环 - Locating Ring•压力机 - Press•模芯 - Core4. 注塑工艺 - Injection Molding Process•熔胶温度 - Melting Temperature •注射速度 - Injection Speed•保压时间 - Holding Time•冷却时间 - Cooling Time•射胶压力 - Injection Pressure•模具温度 - Mold Temperature•注射容量 - Injection Capacity•射出比例 - Injection Ratio•射胶速度 - Injection Rate•开模时间 - Opening Time5. 注塑缺陷 - Injection Molding Defects•缩水 - Shrinkage•气泡 - r Bubbles•热分解 - Thermal Degradation•断裂 - Fracture•变形 - Deformation•熔接线 - Weld Line•流痕 - Flow Mark•挤出线 - Extrusion Line•色差 - Color Variation•异物 - Foreign Object6. 模具维护 - Mold Mntenance•涂抹脱模剂 - Apply Mold Release Agent•清洁模具 - Clean the Mold•磨削模具 - Grinding the Mold•检查模具 - Inspect the Mold•修复模具 - Repr the Mold•涂覆保护液 - Coat with Protective Agent•封存模具 - Store the Mold•更换模具配件 - Replace Mold Components•消除模具表面缺陷 - Eliminate Surface Defects on Mold •升级模具材料 - Upgrade Mold Material以上是模具注塑术语的中英文对照,希望能对你有所帮助。
注塑模具专业英语 塑胶模具英语 注塑成型专业英语 Injection Mould English

abrasive grinding 强力磨削abrasive 磨料的,研磨的absence 不在,缺席accesssory 附件accommodate 适应accordingly 因此,从而,相应地accuracy 精度,准确性actuate 开动(机器),驱动adequate 足够的adhesive 粘合剂adjacent 邻近的adopt 采用advance 进步advisable 可取的agitate 摇动a large extent 很大程度algorithm 算法align 定位,调准alignment 校直all-too-frequent 频繁allowance 容差,余量alternate 交替,轮流alternatively 做为选择,也许aluminiun 铝ample 充足的analysis 分析ancillary 补助的,副的angular 有角的annealing 退火aperture 孔applied loads 作用力appropriate 适当的arc 弧,弓形arise 出现,发生arrange 安排article 制品,产品ascertain 确定,查明assemble 组装attitude 态度auxiliary 辅助的avoid 避免axis 轴axle 轮轴,车轴alternative 替换物backup 备份batch 一批bearing 轴承,支座bed 床身behavior 性能bench-work 钳工工作bend 弯曲beneath 在•••下bin 仓,料架blank 坯料blank 冲裁,落料blanking 落料模blast 一阵(风)blemish 缺点,污点bolster 模座,垫板boring 镗削,镗孔bracket 支架brass 黄铜break down 破坏breakage 破坏brine 盐水brittle 易碎的buffer 缓冲器built-in 内装的bulging 凸肚burr 毛刺bush 衬套by far •••得多,最by means of 借助于boost 推进cabinet 橱柜call upon 要求carbide 碳化物carburzing 渗碳carriage 拖板,大拖板carry along 一起带走carry down over 从•••上取下carry out 完成case hardening 表面硬化case 壳,套cast steel 铸钢casting 铸造,铸件category 种类caution 警告,警示cavity and core plates 凹模和凸模板cavity 型腔,腔,洞centre-drilling 中心孔ceramic 陶瓷制品chain doted line 点划线channel 通道,信道characteristic 特性check 核算chip 切屑,铁屑chuck 卡盘chute 斜道circa 大约circlip (开口)簧环circuit 回路,环路circulate (使)循环clamp 夹紧clamp 压板clay 泥土clearance 间隙clip 切断,夹住cold hobbing 冷挤压cold slug well 冷料井collapse 崩塌,瓦解collapsible 可分解的combination 组合commence 开始,着手commence 开始commercial 商业的competitive 竞争的complementary 互补的complexity 复杂性complication 复杂化compression 压缩comprise 包含compromise 妥协,折衷concern with 关于concise 简明的,简练的confront 使面临connector 连接口,接头consequent 随之发生的,必然的console 控制台consume 消耗,占用consummate 使完善container 容器contingent 可能发生的CPU (central processing unit) 中央处理器conventional 常规的converge 集中于一点conversant 熟悉的conversion 换算,转换conveyer 运送装置coolant 冷却液coordinate (使)协调copy machine 仿形(加工)机床core 型芯,核心corresponding 相应的counteract 反作用,抵抗couple with 伴随contour 轮廓crack (使)破裂,裂纹critical 临界的cross-hatching 剖面线cross-section drawn 剖面图cross-slide 横向滑板CRT (cathoder-ray tube) 阴极射线管crush 压碎cryogenic 低温学的crystal 结晶状的cubic 立方的,立方体的cup (使)成杯状,引伸curable 可矫正的curvature 弧线curve 使弯曲cutter bit 刀头,刀片cyanide 氰化物complicated 复杂的dash 破折号daylight 板距decline 下落,下降,减少deform (使)变形demonstrate 证明depict 描述deposite 放置depression 凹穴descend 下降desirable 合适的detail 细节,详情deterioration 退化,恶化determine 决定diagrammmatic 图解的,图表的dictate 支配die 模具,冲模,凹模dielectric 电介质die-set 模架digital 数字式数字dimensional 尺寸的,空间的discharge 放电,卸下,排出discharge 卸下discrete 离散的,分立的dislodge 拉出,取出dissolution 结束distinct 不同的,显著的distort 扭曲distort (使)变形,扭曲distributed system 分布式系统dowel 销子dramaticlly 显著地drastic 激烈的draughting 绘图draughtsman 起草人drawing 制图drill press 钻床drum 鼓轮dual 双的,双重的ductility 延展性dynamic 动力的edge 边缘e.g.(exempli gratia) [拉]例如ejector 排出器ejector plate 顶出板ejector rob 顶杆elasticity 弹性electric dicharge machining 电火花加工electrode 电极electro-deposition 电铸elementary 基本的eliminate 消除,除去elongate (使)伸长,延长emerge 形成,显现emphasise 强调endeavour 尽力engagement 约束,接合enhance 提高,增强ensure 确保,保证erase 抹去,擦掉evaluation 评价,估价eventually 终于evolution 进展excecution 执行,完成execute 执行electrochemical machining 电化学加工exerte 施加experience 经验explosive 爆炸(性)的extend 伸展external 外部的extract 拔出extreme 极端extremely 非常地extremity 极端extrusion 挤压,挤出envisage 设想Fahrenheit 华氏温度fabricate 制作,制造flat-panel technology 平面(显示)技术facility 设备facing 端面车削fall within 属于,适合于fan 风扇far from 毫不,一点不,远非fatigue 疲劳feasible 可行的feature 特色,特征feed 进给feedback 反馈female 阴的,凹形的ferrule 套管file system 文件系统fitter 装配工,钳工fix 使固定,安装fixed half and moving half 定模和动模facilitate 帮助flexibility 适应性,柔性flexible 柔韧的flow mark 流动斑点follow-on tool 连续模foregoing 在前的,前面的foretell 预测,预示,预言forge 锻造forming 成型four screen quadrants 四屏幕象限fracture 破裂free from 免于gap 裂口,间隙gearbox 齿轮箱govern 统治,支配,管理grain 纹理graphic 图解的grasp 抓住grid 格子,网格grind 磨,磨削,研磨grinding 磨光,磨削grinding machine 磨床gripper 抓爪,夹具groove 凹槽guide bush 导套guide pillar 导柱guide pillars and bushes 导柱和导套handset 电话听筒hardness 硬度hardware 硬件headstock 床头箱,主轴箱hexagonal 六角形的,六角的hindrance 障碍,障碍物hob 滚刀,冲头hollow-ware 空心件horizontal 水平的hose 软管,水管hyperbolic 双曲线的i.e. (id est) [拉]也就是identical 同样的identify 确定,识别idle 空闲的immediately 正好,恰好impact 冲击impart 给予implement 实现impossibility 不可能impression 型腔in contact with 接触in terms of 依据inasmuch (as) co因为,由于inch-to-metric conversions 英公制转换inclinable 可倾斜的inclusion 内含物inconspicuous 不显眼的incorporate 合并,混合indentation 压痕indenter 压头independently 独自地,独立地inevitably 不可避免地inexpensive 便宜的inherently 固有的injection mould 注塑模injection 注射in-line-of-draw 直接脱模insert 嵌件inserted die 嵌入式凹模inspection 检查,监督installation 安装integration 集成intelligent 智能的intentinonally 加强地,集中地interface 界面internal 内部的interpolation 插值法investment casting 熔模铸造irregular 不规则的,无规律irrespective of 不论,不管irrespective 不顾的,不考虑的issue 发布,发出joint line 结合线kerosene 煤油keyboard 健盘knock 敲,敲打lance 切缝lathe 车床latitude 自由lay out 布置limitation 限度,限制,局限(性) local intelligence 局部智能locate 定位logic 逻辑longitudinal 纵向的longitudinally 纵向的look upon 视作,看待lubrication 润滑machine shop 车间machine table 工作台machining 加工made-to-measure 定做maintenance 维护,维修majority 多数make use of 利用male 阳的,凸形的malfunction 故障mandrel 心轴manifestation 表现,显示massiveness 厚实,大块measure 大小,度量microcomputer 微型计算机microns 微米microprocessor 微处理器mild steel 低碳钢milling machine 铣床mineral 矿物,矿产minimise 把减到最少,最小化minute 微小的mirror image 镜像mirror 镜子moderate 适度的modification 修改,修正modulus 系数mold 模,铸模mold 制模,造型monitor 监控monograph 专著more often than not 常常motivation 动机mould split line 模具分型线moulding 注塑件move away from 抛弃multi-imprssion mould 多型腔模narrow 狭窄的NC (numerical control) 数控nevertheless 然而,不过nonferrous 不含铁的,非铁的normally 通常地novice 新手,初学者nozzle 喷嘴,注口numerical 数字的objectionable 有异议的,讨厌的observe 观察obviously 明显地off-line 脱机的on-line 联机operational 操作的,运作的opportunity 时机,机会opposing 对立的,对面的opposite 反面optimization 最优化orient 确定方向orthodox 正统的,正规的overall 全面的,全部的overbend 过度弯曲overcome 克服,战胜overlaping 重叠overriding 主要的,占优势的opposite 对立的,对面的pack 包装package 包装pallet 货盘panel 面板paraffin 石蜡parallel 平行的penetration 穿透peripheral 外围的periphery 外围permit 许可,允许pessure casting 压力铸造pillar 柱子,导柱pin 销,栓,钉pin-point gate 针点式浇口piston 活塞plan view 主视图plasma 等离子plastic 塑料platen 压板plotter 绘图机plunge 翻孔plunge 投入plunger 柱塞pocket-size 袖珍portray 描绘pot 壶pour 灌,注practicable 行得通的preferable 更好的,更可取的preliminary 初步的,预备的press setter 装模工press 压,压床,冲床,压力机prevent 妨碍primarily 主要地procedure 步骤,方法,程序productivity 生产力profile 轮廓progressively 渐进地project 项目project 凸出projection 突出部分proper 本身的property 特性prototype 原形proximity 接近prudent 谨慎的punch 冲孔punch shapper tool 刨模机punch-cum-blanking die 凹凸模punched tape 穿孔带purchase 买,购买push back pin 回程杆pyrometer 高温计quality 质量quandrant 象限quantity 量,数量quench 淬火radial 放射状的ram 撞锤rapid 迅速的rapidly 迅速地raster 光栅raw 未加工的raw material 原材料ream 铰大reaming 扩孔,铰孔recall 记起,想起recede 收回,后退recess 凹槽,凹座,凹进处redundancy 过多re-entrant 凹入的refer 指,涉及,谈及reference 参照,参考refresh display 刷新显示register ring 定位环register 记录,显示,记数regrind 再磨研relative 相当的,比较的relay 继电器release 释放relegate 把降低到reliability 可靠性relief valves 安全阀relief 解除relieve 减轻,解除remainder 剩余物,其余部分removal 取出remove 切除,切削reposition 重新安排represent 代表,象征reputable 有名的,受尊敬的reservoir 容器,储存器resident 驻存的resist 抵抗resistance 阻力,抵抗resolution 分辨率respective 分别的,各自的respond 响应,作出反应responsibility 责任restrain 抑制restrict 限制,限定restriction 限制retain 保持,保留retaining plate 顶出固定板reveal 显示,展现reversal 反向right-angled 成直角的rigidity 钢度rod 杆,棒rotate (使)旋转rough machining 粗加工rough 粗略的routine 程序rubber 橡胶runner and gate systems 流道和浇口系统sand casting 砂型铸造satisfactorily 满意地saw 锯子scale 硬壳score 刻划scrap 废料,边角料,切屑screwcutting 切螺纹seal 密封section cutting plane 剖切面secure 固定secure 紧固,夹紧,固定segment 分割sensitive 敏感的sequence 次序sequential 相继的seriously 严重地servomechanism 伺服机构servomotor 伺服马达setter 安装者set-up 机构sever 切断severity 严重shaded 阴影的shank 柄shear 剪,切shot 注射shrink 收缩side sectional view 侧视图signal 信号similarity 类似simplicity 简单single-point cutting tool 单刃刀具situate 使位于,使处于slide 滑动,滑落slideway 导轨slot 槽slug 嵌条soak 浸,泡,均热software 软件solid 立体,固体solidify (使)凝固solidify (使)固化solution 溶液sophisiticated 尖端的,完善的sound 结实的,坚固的spark erosion 火花蚀刻spindle 主轴spline 花键split 侧向分型,分型spool 线轴springback 反弹spring-loaded 装弹簧的sprue bush 主流道衬套sprue puller 浇道拉杆square 使成方形Servomechanism Laboratoies 伺服机构实验室stage 阶段standardisation 标准化startling 令人吃惊的steadily 稳定地step-by-step 逐步stickiness 粘性stiffness 刚度stock 毛坯,坯料storage tube display 储存管显示storage 储存器straightforward 直接的strain 应变strength 强度stress 压力,应力stress-strain 应力--应变stretch 伸展strike 冲击stringent 严厉的stripper 推板stroke 冲程,行程structrural build-up 结构上形成的sub-base 垫板subject 使受到submerge 淹没subsequent 后来的subsequently 后来,随后substantial 实质的substitute 代替,替换subtract 减,减去suitable 合适的,适当的suitably 合适地sunk 下沉,下陷superior 上好的susceptible 易受影响的sweep away 扫过symmetrical 对称的synchronize 同步,同时发生tactile 触觉的,有触觉的tailstock 尾架tapered 锥形的tapping 攻丝technique 技术tempering 回火tendency 趋向,倾向tensile 拉力的,可拉伸的tension 拉紧,张紧terminal 终端机terminology 术语,用辞theoretically 理论地thereby 因此,从而thermoplastic 热塑性的thermoplastic 热塑性塑料thermoset 热固性thoroughly 十分地,彻底地thread pitch 螺距thread 螺纹thrown up 推上tilt 倾斜,翘起tolerance 公差two-plate mould 双板式注射模tong 火钳tonnage 吨位,总吨数tool point 刀锋tool room 工具车间toolholder 刀夹,工具柄toolmaker 模具制造者toolpost grinder 工具磨床toolpost 刀架torsional 扭转的toughness 韧性trace 追踪transverse 横向的tray 盘,盘子,蝶treatment 处理tremendous 惊人的,巨大的trend 趋势trigger stop 始用挡料销tungsten 钨turning 车削twist 扭曲,扭转tracer-controlled milling machine 仿形铣床ultimately 终于undercut moulding 侧向分型模undercut 侧向分型undercut 底切underfeed 底部进料的undergo 经受underside 下面,下侧undue 不适当的,过度的uniform 统一的,一致的utilize 利用Utopian 乌托邦的,理想化的valve 阀vaporize 汽化vaporize (使)蒸发variation 变化various 不同的,各种的vector feedrate computation 向量进刀速率计算vee 字形velocity 速度versatile 多才多艺的,万用的vertical 垂直的via prep经,通过vicinity 附近viewpoint 观点wander 偏离方向warp 翘曲washer 垫圈wear 磨损well line 结合线whereupon 于是winding 绕,卷with respect to 相对于withstand 经受,经得起work 工件workstage 工序wrinkle 皱纹使皱yield 生产zoom 图象电子放大。

abrasi ve grindi ng 强力磨削abrasi ve 磨料的,研磨的absenc e 不在,缺席access sory附件accomm odate适应accord ingly因此,从而,相应地accura cy 精度,准确性actuat e 开动(机器),驱动adequa te 足够的adhesi ve 粘合剂adjace nt 邻近的adopt采用advanc e 进步advisa ble 可取的agitat e 摇动a largeextent很大程度algori thm 算法align定位,调准alignm ent 校直all-too-freque nt 频繁allowa nce 容差,余量altern ate 交替,轮流altern ative ly 做为选择,也许alumin iun 铝ample充足的analys is 分析ancill ary 补助的,副的angula r 有角的anneal ing 退火apertu re 孔applie d loads作用力approp riate适当的arc 弧,弓形arise出现,发生arrang e 安排articl e 制品,产品ascert ain 确定,查明assemb le 组装attitu de 态度auxili ary 辅助的avoid避免axis 轴axle 轮轴,车轴altern ative替换物backup备份batch一批bearin g 轴承,支座bed 床身behavi or 性能bench-work 钳工工作bend 弯曲beneat h 在•••下bin 仓,料架blank坯料blank冲裁,落料blanki ng 落料模blast一阵(风)blemis h 缺点,污点bolste r 模座,垫板boring镗削,镗孔bracke t 支架brass黄铜breakdown 破坏breaka ge 破坏brine盐水brittl e 易碎的buffer缓冲器built-in 内装的bulgin g 凸肚burr 毛刺bush 衬套byfar•••得多,最by meansof 借助于boost推进cabine t 橱柜call upon 要求carbid e 碳化物carbur zing渗碳carria ge 拖板,大拖板carryalong一起带走carrydown over 从•••上取下carryout 完成case harden ing 表面硬化case 壳,套cast steel铸钢castin g 铸造,铸件catego ry 种类cautio n 警告,警示cavity and core plates凹模和凸模板cavity型腔,腔,洞centre-drilli ng 中心孔cerami c 陶瓷制品chaindotedline 点划线channe l 通道,信道charac teris tic 特性check核算chip 切屑,铁屑chuck卡盘chute斜道circa大约circli p (开口)簧环circui t 回路,环路circul ate (使)循环clamp夹紧clamp压板clay 泥土cleara nce 间隙clip 切断,夹住cold hobbin g 冷挤压cold slug well 冷料井collap se 崩塌,瓦解collap sible可分解的combin ation组合commen ce 开始,着手commen ce 开始commer cial商业的compet itive竞争的comple menta ry 互补的comple xity复杂性compli catio n 复杂化compre ssion压缩compri se 包含compro mise妥协,折衷concer n with 关于concis e 简明的,简练的confro nt 使面临connec tor 连接口,接头conseq uent随之发生的,必然的consol e 控制台consum e 消耗,占用consum mate使完善contai ner 容器contin gent可能发生的CPU (centra l proces singunit) 中央处理器conven tiona l 常规的conver ge 集中于一点conver sant熟悉的conver sion换算,转换convey er 运送装置coolan t 冷却液coordi nate(使)协调copy machin e 仿形(加工)机床core 型芯,核心corres pondi ng 相应的counte ract反作用,抵抗couple with 伴随contou r 轮廓crack(使)破裂,裂纹critic al 临界的cross-hatchi ng 剖面线cross-sectio n drawn剖面图cross-slide横向滑板CRT (cathod er-ray tube) 阴极射线管crush压碎cryoge nic 低温学的crysta l 结晶状的cubic立方的,立方体的cup (使)成杯状,引伸curabl e 可矫正的curvat ure 弧线curve使弯曲cutter bit 刀头,刀片cyanid e 氰化物compli cated复杂的dash 破折号daylig ht 板距declin e 下落,下降,减少deform (使)变形demons trate证明depict描述deposi te 放置depres sion凹穴descen d 下降desira ble 合适的detail细节,详情deteri orati on 退化,恶化determ ine 决定diagra mmmat ic 图解的,图表的dictat e 支配die 模具,冲模,凹模dielec tric电介质die-set 模架digita l 数字式数字dimens ional尺寸的,空间的discha rge 放电,卸下,排出discha rge 卸下discre te 离散的,分立的dislod ge 拉出,取出dissol ution结束distin ct 不同的,显著的distor t 扭曲distor t (使)变形,扭曲distri buted system分布式系统dowel销子dramat iclly显著地drasti c 激烈的draugh ting绘图draugh tsman起草人drawin g 制图drillpress钻床drum 鼓轮dual 双的,双重的ductil ity 延展性dynami c 动力的edge 边缘e.g.(exempl i gratia) [拉]例如ejecto r 排出器ejecto r plate顶出板ejecto r rob 顶杆elasti city弹性electr ic dichar ge machin ing 电火花加工electr ode 电极electr o-deposi tion电铸elemen tary基本的elimin ate 消除,除去elonga te (使)伸长,延长emerge形成,显现emphas ise 强调endeav our 尽力engage ment约束,接合enhanc e 提高,增强ensure确保,保证erase抹去,擦掉evalua tion评价,估价eventu ally终于evolut ion 进展excecu tion执行,完成execut e 执行electr ochem icalmachin ing 电化学加工exerte施加experi ence经验explos ive 爆炸(性)的extend伸展extern al 外部的extrac t 拔出extrem e 极端extrem ely 非常地extrem ity 极端extrus ion 挤压,挤出envisa ge 设想Fahren heit华氏温度fabric ate 制作,制造flat-paneltechno logy平面(显示)技术facili ty 设备facing端面车削fall within属于,适合于fan 风扇far from 毫不,一点不,远非fatigu e 疲劳feasib le 可行的featur e 特色,特征feed 进给feedba ck 反馈female阴的,凹形的ferrul e 套管file system文件系统fitter装配工,钳工fix 使固定,安装fixedhalf and moving half 定模和动模facili tate帮助flexib ility适应性,柔性flexib le 柔韧的flow mark 流动斑点follow-on tool 连续模forego ing 在前的,前面的forete ll 预测,预示,预言forge锻造formin g 成型four screen quadra nts 四屏幕象限fractu re 破裂free from 免于gap 裂口,间隙gearbo x 齿轮箱govern统治,支配,管理grain纹理graphi c 图解的grasp抓住grid 格子,网格grind磨,磨削,研磨grindi ng 磨光,磨削grindi ng machin e 磨床grippe r 抓爪,夹具groove凹槽guidebush 导套guidepillar导柱guidepillar s and bushes导柱和导套handse t 电话听筒hardne ss 硬度hardwa re 硬件headst ock 床头箱,主轴箱hexago nal 六角形的,六角的hindra nce 障碍,障碍物hob 滚刀,冲头hollow-ware 空心件horizo ntal水平的hose 软管,水管hyperb olic双曲线的i.e. (id est) [拉]也就是identi cal 同样的identi fy 确定,识别idle 空闲的immedi ately正好,恰好impact冲击impart给予implem ent 实现imposs ibili ty 不可能impres sion型腔in contac t with 接触in termsof 依据inasmu ch (as) co因为,由于inch-to-metric conver sions英公制转换inclin able可倾斜的inclus ion 内含物incons picuo us 不显眼的incorp orate合并,混合indent ation压痕indent er 压头indepe ndent ly 独自地,独立地inevit ably不可避免地inexpe nsive便宜的inhere ntly固有的inject ion mould注塑模inject ion 注射in-line-of-draw 直接脱模insert嵌件insert ed die 嵌入式凹模inspec tion检查,监督instal latio n 安装integr ation集成intell igent智能的intent inona lly 加强地,集中地interf ace 界面intern al 内部的interp olati on 插值法invest mentcastin g 熔模铸造irregu lar 不规则的,无规律irresp ectiv e of 不论,不管irresp ectiv e 不顾的,不考虑的issue发布,发出jointline 结合线kerose ne 煤油keyboa rd 健盘knock敲,敲打lance切缝lathe车床latitu de 自由lay out 布置limita tion限度,限制,局限(性) localintell igenc e 局部智能locate定位logic逻辑longit udina l 纵向的longit udina lly 纵向的look upon 视作,看待lubric ation润滑machin e shop 车间machin e table工作台machin ing 加工made-to-measur e 定做mainte nance维护,维修majori ty 多数make use of 利用male 阳的,凸形的malfun ction故障mandre l 心轴manife stati on 表现,显示massiv eness厚实,大块measur e 大小,度量microc omput er 微型计算机micron s 微米microp roces sor 微处理器mild steel低碳钢millin g machin e 铣床minera l 矿物,矿产minimi se 把减到最少,最小化minute微小的mirror image镜像mirror镜子modera te 适度的modifi catio n 修改,修正modulu s 系数mold 模,铸模mold 制模,造型monito r 监控monogr aph 专著more oftenthan not 常常motiva tion动机mouldsplitline 模具分型线mouldi ng 注塑件move away from 抛弃multi-imprss ion mould多型腔模narrow狭窄的NC (numeri cal contro l) 数控nevert heles s 然而,不过nonfer rous不含铁的,非铁的normal ly 通常地novice新手,初学者nozzle喷嘴,注口numeri cal 数字的object ionab le 有异议的,讨厌的observ e 观察obviou sly 明显地off-line 脱机的on-line 联机operat ional操作的,运作的opport unity时机,机会opposi ng 对立的,对面的opposi te 反面optimi zatio n 最优化orient确定方向orthod ox 正统的,正规的overal l 全面的,全部的overbe nd 过度弯曲overco me 克服,战胜overla ping重叠overri ding主要的,占优势的opposi te 对立的,对面的pack 包装packag e 包装pallet货盘panel面板paraff in 石蜡parall el 平行的penetr ation穿透periph eral外围的periph ery 外围permit许可,允许pessur e castin g 压力铸造pillar柱子,导柱pin 销,栓,钉pin-pointgate 针点式浇口piston活塞plan view 主视图plasma等离子plasti c 塑料platen压板plotte r 绘图机plunge翻孔plunge投入plunge r 柱塞pocket-size 袖珍portra y 描绘pot 壶pour 灌,注practi cable行得通的prefer able更好的,更可取的prelim inary初步的,预备的presssetter装模工press压,压床,冲床,压力机preven t 妨碍primar ily 主要地proced ure 步骤,方法,程序produc tivit y 生产力profil e 轮廓progre ssive ly 渐进地projec t 项目projec t 凸出projec tion突出部分proper本身的proper ty 特性protot ype 原形proxim ity 接近pruden t 谨慎的punch冲孔punchshappe r tool 刨模机punch-cum-blanki ng die 凹凸模punche d tape 穿孔带purcha se 买,购买push back pin 回程杆pyrome ter 高温计qualit y 质量quandr ant 象限quanti ty 量,数量quench淬火radial放射状的ram 撞锤rapid迅速的rapidl y 迅速地raster光栅raw 未加工的raw materi al 原材料ream 铰大reamin g 扩孔,铰孔recall记起,想起recede收回,后退recess凹槽,凹座,凹进处redund ancy过多re-entran t 凹入的refer指,涉及,谈及refere nce 参照,参考refres h displa y 刷新显示regist er ring 定位环regist er 记录,显示,记数regrin d 再磨研relati ve 相当的,比较的relay继电器releas e 释放relega te 把降低到reliab ility可靠性relief valves安全阀relief解除reliev e 减轻,解除remain der 剩余物,其余部分remova l 取出remove切除,切削reposi tion重新安排repres ent 代表,象征reputa ble 有名的,受尊敬的reserv oir 容器,储存器reside nt 驻存的resist抵抗resist ance阻力,抵抗resolu tion分辨率respec tive分别的,各自的respon d 响应,作出反应respon sibil ity 责任restra in 抑制restri ct 限制,限定restri ction限制retain保持,保留retain ing plate顶出固定板reveal显示,展现revers al 反向right-angled成直角的rigidi ty 钢度rod 杆,棒rotate (使)旋转roughmachin ing 粗加工rough粗略的routin e 程序rubber橡胶runner and gate system s 流道和浇口系统sand castin g 砂型铸造satisf actor ily 满意地saw 锯子scale硬壳score刻划scrap废料,边角料,切屑screwc uttin g 切螺纹seal 密封sectio n cuttin g plane剖切面secure固定secure紧固,夹紧,固定segmen t 分割sensit ive 敏感的sequen ce 次序sequen tial相继的seriou sly 严重地servom echan ism 伺服机构servom otor伺服马达setter安装者set-up 机构sever切断severi ty 严重shaded阴影的shank柄shear剪,切shot 注射shrink收缩side sectio nal view 侧视图signal信号simila rity类似simpli city简单single-pointcuttin g tool 单刃刀具situat e 使位于,使处于slide滑动,滑落slidew ay 导轨slot 槽slug 嵌条soak 浸,泡,均热softwa re 软件solid立体,固体solidi fy (使)凝固solidi fy (使)固化soluti on 溶液sophis itica ted 尖端的,完善的sound结实的,坚固的sparkerosio n 火花蚀刻spindl e 主轴spline花键split侧向分型,分型spool线轴spring back反弹spring-loaded装弹簧的spruebush 主流道衬套spruepuller浇道拉杆square使成方形Servom echan ism Labora toies伺服机构实验室stage阶段standa rdisa tion标准化startl ing 令人吃惊的steadi ly 稳定地step-by-step 逐步sticki ness粘性stiffn ess 刚度stock毛坯,坯料storag e tube displa y 储存管显示storag e 储存器straig htfor ward直接的strain应变streng th 强度stress压力,应力stress-strain应力--应变stretc h 伸展strike冲击string ent 严厉的stripp er 推板stroke冲程,行程struct rural build-up 结构上形成的sub-base 垫板subjec t 使受到submer ge 淹没subseq uent后来的subseq uentl y 后来,随后substa ntial实质的substi tute代替,替换subtra ct 减,减去suitab le 合适的,适当的suitab ly 合适地sunk 下沉,下陷superi or 上好的suscep tible易受影响的sweepaway 扫过symmet rical对称的synchr onize同步,同时发生tactil e 触觉的,有触觉的tailst ock 尾架tapere d 锥形的tappin g 攻丝techni que 技术temper ing 回火tenden cy 趋向,倾向tensil e 拉力的,可拉伸的tensio n 拉紧,张紧termin al 终端机termin ology术语,用辞theore tical ly 理论地thereb y 因此,从而thermo plast ic 热塑性的thermo plast ic 热塑性塑料thermo set 热固性thorou ghly十分地,彻底地thread pitch螺距thread螺纹thrown up 推上tilt 倾斜,翘起tolera nce 公差two-platemould双板式注射模tong 火钳tonnag e 吨位,总吨数tool point刀锋tool room 工具车间toolho lder刀夹,工具柄toolma ker 模具制造者toolpo st grinde r 工具磨床toolpo st 刀架torsio nal 扭转的toughn ess 韧性trace追踪transv erse横向的tray 盘,盘子,蝶treatm ent 处理tremen dous惊人的,巨大的trend趋势trigge r stop 始用挡料销tungst en 钨turnin g 车削twist扭曲,扭转tracer-contro lledmillin g machin e 仿形铣床ultima tely终于underc ut mouldi ng 侧向分型模underc ut 侧向分型underc ut 底切underf eed 底部进料的underg o 经受unders ide 下面,下侧undue不适当的,过度的unifor m 统一的,一致的utiliz e 利用Utopia n 乌托邦的,理想化的valve阀vapori ze 汽化vapori ze (使)蒸发variat ion 变化variou s 不同的,各种的vector feedra te comput ation向量进刀速率计算vee 字形veloci ty 速度versat ile 多才多艺的,万用的vertic al 垂直的via prep经,通过vicini ty 附近viewpo int 观点wander偏离方向warp 翘曲washer垫圈wear 磨损well line 结合线whereu pon 于是windin g 绕,卷with respec t to 相对于withst and 经受,经得起work 工件workst age 工序wrinkl e 皱纹使皱yield生产zoom 图象电子放大。

塑胶模具中英文对照表格全文共四篇示例,供您参考第一篇示例:| 中文| 英文||--------------|----------------------|| 塑胶模具| Plastic mold || 注塑模具| Injection mold || 压铸模具| Die-casting mold || 挤出模具| Extrusion mold || 压延模具| Calendering mold || 吹塑模具| Blow molding mold || 压缩成型模具| Compression mold || 热压模具| Hot pressing mold || 橡胶模具| Rubber mold || 泡沫模具| Foam mold || 旋转模具| Rotational mold || 热流道模具| Hot runner mold || 冷流道模具| Cold runner mold || 多腔模具| Multi-cavity mold || 单腔模具| Single-cavity mold || 涡流模具| Vortex mold || 滚筒模具| Roller mold || 注塑机| Injection molding machine | | 压铸机| Die-casting machine || 吹塑机| Blow molding machine || 挤出机| Extrusion machine || 压延机| Calendering machine || 注塑料| Injection molding material | | 塑胶注射| Plastic injection || 模具设计| Mold design || 模具制造| Mold manufacturing || 模具加工| Mold processing || 模具试模| Mold trial || 模具保养| Mold maintenance || 模具寿命| Mold life || 模具材料| Mold material || 模具制造商| Mold manufacturer |以上是关于塑胶模具中英文对照表格的内容,希望对您有所帮助。

塑模设计中常见术语的英文翻译1.塑料成型模具:mould for plastics2.热塑性塑料模:mould for thermoplastics3.热固性塑料模:mould for thermosets4.压缩模:compression mould5.压注模:transfer mould6.注射模:injection mould7.热塑性塑料注射模:injection mould for thermoplastics 8.热固性塑料注射模:injection mould for thermosets 9.溢料压缩模:flash mould10.半溢料压缩模:semi-positive mould11.不溢料压缩模:positive mould12.移动式压缩模:portable compression mould13.移动式压注模:portable transfer mould14.固定式压缩模:fixed compression mould15.固定式压注模:fixed transfer mould16.无流道模:runnerless mould17.热流道模:hot runner mould18.绝热流道模:insulated runner mould19.温流道模:warm runner mould20.浇注系统:feed system21.主流道:sprue22.分流道:runner23.浇口:gate24.直接浇口:direct gate 25.环型浇口:ring gate26.盘型浇口:disk gate27.轮辐浇口:spoke.gate28.点浇口:pin-point.gate 29.侧浇口:edge.gate30.潜伏浇口:submarine gate 31.扇形浇口:fan gate32.护耳浇口:tab gate33.冷料穴:cold-slug well 34.浇口套:sprue bush35.浇口镶块:gating insert 36.分流锥:spreader37.流道板:runner plate38.热流道板:manifold block 39.温流道板:warm runner plate 40.二级喷嘴:secondary nozzle 41.热管;heat pipe42.阀式浇口:valve gate43.加料腔:loading chamber44.柱塞:force plunger45.溢料槽:flash groove46.排气槽:vent47.分型面:parting line48.定模:stationary mould 49.动模:movable mould50.上模:upper mould51.下模:lower mould52.型腔:cavity53.凹模:impression54.镶件:mold insert55.活动镶件:movable insert 56.拼块:splits57.凹模拼块:cavity splits 58.型芯拼块:core splits 59.型芯:core60.侧型芯:side core61.螺纹型芯:thread core 62.螺纹型环:thread ring 63.凸模:punch64.嵌件:insert65.定模座板:fixed clamp plate66.动模座板:moving clamp plate 67.上模座板:upper clamp plate 68.下模座板:lower clamp plate 69.凹模固定板:cavity-retainer plate 70.型芯固定板:core- retainer plate 71.凸模固定板:punch- retainer plate 72.模套:chase73.支承板:backing plate74.垫块:spacer75.支架:ejector housing76.支承柱:support pillar77.模板:mould plate78.斜销:angle pin79.滑块:slide80.侧型芯滑块:side core-slide81.滑块导板:slideguide strip82.楔紧块;heel block83.斜槽导板:finger guide plate 84.弯销:dog-leg cam85.斜滑块:angled-lift splits86.导柱:guide pillar87.带头导柱:guide pillar straight88.带肩导柱:guide pillar,shouldered89.推板导柱:ejector guide pillar90.导套:guide bush91.直导套:guide bush,straight92.带头导套:guide bush,head93.推板导套:ejector guide bush94.定位圈:locating ring95.锥形定位件:mould bases locating elements 96.复位杆:ejector plate return pin97.限位钉:stop pin98.限位块:stop block99.定距拉杆:length bolt100.定距拉板:puller plate101.推杆:ejector pin102.圆柱头推杆:ejector pin with cylindrical head 103.带肩推杆:shouldered ejector pin104.扁推杆:flat ejector pin105.推管:ejector sleeve106.推块:ejector pad107.推件板:stripper plate108.推杆固定板:ejector retainer plate109.推板:ejection plate110.连接推杆:ejector tie rod111.拉料杆:sprue puller112.推流道板:runner stripper plate113.冷却管道:cooling channel114.隔板:baffle115.加热板:heating plate116.隔热板:thermal insulation board117.模架:mould bases118.注射能力:shot capacity119.收缩率:shrinkage120.注射压力:injection pressure121.锁模力:clamping force/locking force122.成型压力:moulding pressure123.模内压力:internal mould pressure /cavity pressure 124.开模力:mould opening force125.脱模力:ejection force126.抽芯力:core-pulling distance127.闭合高度:mould shut height128.最大开距:maximum daylight /open daylight129.投影面积:projected area130.脱模斜度:draft131.脱模距:stripper distance。

中英文对照资料外文翻译Integrated simulation of the injection molding process withstereolithography moldsAbstract Functional parts are needed for design verification testing, field trials, customer evaluation, and production planning. By eliminating multiple steps, the creation of the injection mold directly by a rapid prototyping (RP) process holds the best promise of reducing the time and cost needed to mold low-volume quantities of parts. The potential of this integration of injection molding with RP has been demonstrated many times. What is missing is the fundamental understanding of how the modifications to the mold material and RP manufacturing process impact both the mold design and the injection molding process. In addition, numerical simulation techniques have now become helpful tools of mold designers and process engineers for traditional injection molding. But all current simulation packages for conventional injection molding are no longer applicable to this new type of injection molds, mainly because the property of the mold material changes greatly. In this paper, an integrated approach to accomplish a numerical simulation of injection molding into rapid-prototyped molds is established and a corresponding simulation system is developed. Comparisons with experimental results are employed for verification, which show that the present scheme is well suited to handle RP fabricated stereolithography (SL) molds.Keywords Injection molding Numerical simulation Rapid prototyping1 IntroductionIn injection molding, the polymer melt at high temperature is injected into the mold under high pressure [1]. Thus, the mold material needs to have thermal and mechanical properties capable of withstanding the temperatures and pressures of the molding cycle. The focus of many studies has been to create theinjection mold directly by a rapid prototyping (RP) process. By eliminating multiple steps, this method of tooling holds the best promise of reducing the time and cost needed to createlow-volume quantities of parts in a production material. The potential of integrating injection molding with RP technologies has been demonstrated many times. The properties of RP molds are very different from those of traditional metal molds. The key differences are the properties of thermal conductivity and elastic modulus (rigidity). For example, the polymers used in RP-fabricated stereolithography (SL) molds have a thermal conductivity that is less than one thousandth that of an aluminum tool. In using RP technologies to create molds, the entire mold design and injection-molding process parameters need to be modified and optimized from traditional methodologies due to the completely different tool material. However, there is still not a fundamental understanding of how the modifications to the mold tooling method and material impact both the mold design and the injection molding process parameters. One cannot obtain reasonable results by simply changing a few material properties in current models. Also, using traditional approaches when making actual parts may be generating sub-optimal results. So there is a dire need to study the interaction between the rapid tooling (RT) process and material and injection molding, so as to establish the mold design criteria and techniques for an RT-oriented injection molding process.In addition, computer simulation is an effective approach for predicting the quality of molded parts. Commercially available simulation packages of the traditional injection molding process have now become routine tools of the mold designer and process engineer [2]. Unfortunately, current simulation programs for conventional injection molding are no longer applicable to RP molds, because of the dramatically dissimilar tool material. For instance, in using the existing simulation software with aluminum and SL molds and comparing with experimental results, though the simulation values of part distortion are reasonable for the aluminum mold, results are unacceptable, with the error exceeding 50%. The distortion during injection molding is due to shrinkage and warpage of the plastic part, as well as the mold. For ordinarily molds, the main factor is the shrinkage and warpage of the plastic part, which is modeled accurately in current simulations. But for RP molds, the distortion of the mold has potentially more influence, which have been neglected in current models. For instance, [3] used a simple three-step simulation process to consider the mold distortion, which had too much deviation.In this paper, based on the above analysis, a new simulation system for RP molds is developed. The proposed system focuses on predicting part distortion, which is dominating defect in RP-molded parts. The developed simulation can be applied as an evaluation tool for RP mold design and process opti mization. Our simulation system is verified by an experimental example.Although many materials are available for use in RP technologies, we concentrate on usingstereolithography (SL), the original RP technology, to create polymer molds. The SL process uses photopolymer and laser energy to build a part layer by layer. Using SL takes advantage of both the commercial dominance of SL in the RP industry and the subsequent expertise base that has been developed for creating accurate, high-quality parts. Until recently, SL was primarily used to create physical models for visual inspection and form-fit studies with very limited func-tional applications. However, the newer generation stereolithographic photopolymers have improved dimensional, mechanical and thermal properties making it possible to use them for actual functional molds.2 Integrated simulation of the molding process2.1 MethodologyIn order to simulate the use of an SL mold in the injection molding process, an iterative method is proposed. Different software modules have been developed and used to accomplish this task. The main assumption is that temperature and load boundary conditions cause significant distortions in the SL mold. The simulation steps are as follows:1The part geo metry is modeled as a solid model, which is translated to a file readable by the flow analysis package.2Simulate the mold-filling process of the melt into a pho topolymer mold, which will output the resulting temperature and pressure profiles.3Structural analysis is then performed on the photopolymer mold model using the thermal and load boundary conditions obtained from the previous step, which calculates the distortion that the mold undergo during the injection process.4If the distortion of the mold converges, move to the next step. Otherwise, the distorted mold cavity is then modeled (changes in the dimensions of the cavity after distortion), and returns to the second step to simulate the melt injection into the distorted mold.5The shrinkage and warpage simulation of the injection molded part is then applied, which calculates the final distor tions of the molded part.In above simulation flow, there are three basic simulation mod ules.2. 2 Filling simulation of the melt2.2.1 Mathematical modelingIn order to simulate the use of an SL mold in the injection molding process, an iterativemethod is proposed. Different software modules have been developed and used to accomplish this task. The main assumption is that temperature and load boundary conditions cause significant distortions in the SL mold. The simulation steps are as follows:1. The part geometry is modeled as a solid model, which is translated to a file readable by the flow analysis package.2. Simulate the mold-filling process of the melt into a photopolymer mold, which will output the resulting temperature and pressure profiles.3. Structural analysis is then performed on the photopolymer mold model using the thermal and load boundary conditions obtained from the previous step, which calculates the distortion that the mold undergo during the injection process.4. If the distortion of the mold converges, move to the next step. Otherwise, the distorted mold cavity is then modeled (changes in the dimensions of the cavity after distortion), and returns to the second step to simulate the melt injection into the distorted mold.5. The shrinkage and warpage simulation of the injection molded part is then applied, which calculates the final distortions of the molded part.In above simulation flow, there are three basic simulation modules.2.2 Filling simulation of the melt2.2.1 Mathematical modelingComputer simulation techniques have had success in predicting filling behavior in extremely complicated geometries. However, most of the current numerical implementation is based on a hybrid finite-element/finite-difference solution with the middleplane model. The application process of simulation packages based on this model is illustrated in Fig. 2-1. However, unlike the surface/solid model in mold-design CAD systems, the so-called middle-plane (as shown in Fig. 2-1b) is an imaginary arbitrary planar geometry at the middle of the cavity in the gap-wise direction, which should bring about great inconvenience in applications. For example, surface models are commonly used in current RP systems (generally STL file format), so secondary modeling is unavoidable when using simulation packages because the models in the RP and simulation systems are different. Considering these defects, the surface model of the cavity is introduced as datum planes in the simulation, instead of the middle-plane.According to the previous investigations [4–6], fillinggoverning equations for the flow and temperature field can be written as:where x, y are the planar coordinates in the middle-plane, and z is the gap-wise coordinate; u, v,w are the velocity components in the x, y, z directions; u, v are the average whole-gap thicknesses; and η, ρ,CP (T), K(T) represent viscosity, density, specific heat and thermal conductivity of polymer melt, respectively.Fig.2-1 a–d. Schematic procedure of the simulation with middle-plane model. a The 3-D surface model b The middle-plane model c The meshed middle-plane model d The display of the simulation result In addition, boundary conditions in the gap-wise direction can be defined as:where TW is the constant wall temperature (shown in Fig. 2a).Combining Eqs. 1–4 with Eqs. 5–6, it follows that the distributions of the u, v, T, P at z coordinates should be symmetrical, with the mirror axis being z = 0, and consequently the u, v averaged in half-gap thickness is equal to that averaged in wholegap thickness. Based on this characteristic, we can divide the whole cavity into two equal parts in the gap-wise direction, as described by Part I and Part II in Fig. 2b. At the same time, triangular finite elements are generated in the surface(s) of the cavity (at z = 0 in Fig. 2b), instead of the middle-plane (at z = 0 in Fig. 2a). Accordingly, finite-difference increments in the gapwise direction are employed only in the inside of the surface(s) (wall to middle/center-line), which, in Fig. 2b, means from z = 0 to z = b. This is single-sided instead of two-sided with respect to the middle-plane (i.e. from the middle-line to two walls). In addition, the coordinate system is changed from Fig. 2a to Fig. 2b to alter the finite-element/finite-difference scheme, as shown in Fig. 2b. With the above adjustment, governing equations are still Eqs. 1–4. However, the original boundary conditions inthe gapwise direction are rewritten as:Meanwhile, additional boundary conditions must be employed at z = b in order to keep the flows at the juncture of the two parts at the same section coordinate [7]:where subscripts I, II represent the parameters of Part I and Part II, respectively, and Cm-I and Cm-II indicate the moving free melt-fronts of the surfaces of the divided two parts in the filling stage.It should be noted that, unlike conditions Eqs. 7 and 8, ensuring conditions Eqs. 9 and 10 are upheld in numerical implementations becomes more difficult due to the following reasons:1. The surfaces at the same section have been meshed respectively, which leads to a distinctive pattern of finite elements at the same section. Thus, an interpolation operation should be employed for u, v, T, P during the comparison between the two parts at the juncture.2. Because the two parts have respective flow fields with respect to the nodes at point A and point C (as shown in Fig. 2b) at the same section, it is possible to have either both filled or one filled (and one empty). These two cases should be handled separately, averaging the operation for the former, whereas assigning operation for the latter.3. It follows that a small difference between the melt-fronts is permissible. That allowance can be implemented by time allowance control or preferable location allowance control of the melt-front nodes.4. The boundaries of the flow field expand by each melt-front advancement, so it is necessary to check the condition Eq. 10 after each change in the melt-front.5. In view of above-mentioned analysis, the physical parameters at the nodes of the same section should be compared and adjusted, so the information describing finite elements of the same section should be prepared before simulation, that is, the matching operation among the elements should be preformed.Fig. 2a,b. Illustrative of boundary conditions in the gap-wise direction a of the middle-plane model b of thesurface model2.2.2 Numerical implementationPressure field. In modeling viscosity η, which is a function of shear rate, temperature and pressure of melt, the shear-thinning behavior can be well represented by a cross-type model such as:where n corresponds to the power-law index, and τ∗ characterizes the shear stress level of the transition region between the Newtonian and power-law asymptotic limits. In terms of an Arrhenius-type temperature sensitivity and exponential pressure dependence, η0(T, P) can be represented with reasonable accuracy as follows:Equations 11 and 12 constitute a five-constant (n, τ∗, B, Tb, β) representation for viscosity. The shear rate for viscosity calculation is obtained by:Based on the above, we can infer the following filling pressure equation from the governing Eqs. 1–4:where S is calculated by S = b0/(b−z)2η d z. Applying the Galerkin method, the pressure finite-element equation is deduced as:where l_ traverses all elements, including node N, and where I and j represent the local node number in element l_ corresponding to the node number N and N_ in the whole, respectively. The D(l_) ij is calculated as follows:where A(l_) represents triangular finite elements, and L(l_) i is the pressure trial function in finite elements.Temperature field. To determine the temperature profile across the gap, each triangular finite element at the surface is further divided into NZ layers for the finite-difference grid.The left item of the energy equation (Eq. 4) can be expressed as:where TN, j,t represents the temperature of the j layer of node N at time t.The heat conduction item is calculated by:where l traverses all elements, including node N, and i and j represent the local node number in element l corresponding to the node number N and N_ in the whole, respectively.The heat convection item is calculated by:For viscous heat, it follows that:Substituting Eqs. 17–20 into the energy equation (Eq. 4), the temperature equation becomes:2.3 Structural analysis of the moldThe purpose of structural analysis is to predict the deformation occurring in the photopolymer mold due to the thermal and mechanical loads of the filling process. This model is based on a three-dimensional thermoelastic boundary element method (BEM). The BEM is ideally suited for this application because only the deformation of the mold surfaces is of interest. Moreover, the BEM has an advantage over other techniques in that computing effort is not wasted on calculating deformation within the mold.The stresses resulting from the process loads are well within the elastic range of the mold material. Therefore, the mold deformation model is based on a thermoelastic formulation. The thermal and mechanical properties of the mold are assumed to be isotropic and temperature independent.Although the process is cyclic, time-averaged values of temperature and heat flux are used for calculating the mold deformation. Typically, transient temperature variations within a mold have been restricted to regions local to the cavity surface and the nozzle tip [8]. The transients decay sharply with distance from the cavity surface and generally little variation is observed beyond distances as small as 2.5 mm. This suggests that the contribution from the transients to the deformation at the mold block interface is small, and therefore it is reasonable to neglect the transient effects. The steady state temperature field satisfies Laplace’s equation 2T = 0 and the time-averaged boundary conditions. The boundary conditions on the mold surfaces are described in detail by Tang et al. [9]. As for the mechanical boundary conditions, the cavity surface is subjected to the melt pressure, the surfaces of the mold connected to the worktable are fixed in space, and other external surfaces are assumed to be stress free.The derivation of the thermoelastic boundary integral formulation is well known [10]. It is given by:where uk, pk and T are the displacement, traction and temperature,α, ν represent the thermal expansion coefficient and Poisson’s ratio of the material, and r = |y−x|. clk(x) is the surfacecoefficient which depends on the local geometry at x, the orientation of the coordinate frame and Poisson’s ratio for the domain [11]. The fundamental displacement ˜ulk at a point y in the xk direction, in a three-dimensional infinite isotropic elastic domain, results from a unit load concentrated at a point x acting in the xl direction and is of the form:where δlk is the Kronecker delta function and μ is the shear modulus of the mold material.The fundamental traction ˜plk , measured at the point y on a surface with unit normal n, is:Discretizing the surface of the mold into a total of N elements transforms Eq. 22 to:where Γn refers to the n th surface element on the domain.Substituting the appropriate linear shape functions into Eq. 25, the linear boundary element formulation for the mold deformation model is obtained. The equation is applied at each node on the discretized mold surface, thus giving a system of 3N linear equations, where N is the total number of nodes. Each node has eight associated quantities: three components of displacement, three components of traction, a temperature and a heat flux. The steady state thermal model supplies temperature and flux values as known quantities for each node, and of the remaining six quantities, three must be specified. Moreover, the displacement values specified at a certain number of nodes must eliminate the possibility of a rigid-body motion or rigid-body rotation to ensure a non-singular system of equations. The resulting system of equations is assembled into a integrated matrix, which is solved with an iterative solver.2.4 Shrinkage and warpage simulation of the molded partInternal stresses in injection-molded components are the principal cause of shrinkage and warpage. These residual stresses are mainly frozen-in thermal stresses due to inhomogeneous cooling, when surface layers stiffen sooner than the core region, as in free quenching. Based onthe assumption of the linear thermo-elastic and linear thermo-viscoelastic compressible behavior of the polymeric materials, shrinkage and warpage are obtained implicitly using displacement formulations, and the governing equations can be solved numerically using a finite element method.With the basic assumptions of injection molding [12], the components of stress and strain are given by:The deviatoric components of stress and strain, respectively, are given byUsing a similar approach developed by Lee and Rogers [13] for predicting the residual stresses in the tempering of glass, an integral form of the viscoelastic constitutive relationships is used, and the in-plane stresses can be related to the strains by the following equation:Where G1 is the relaxation shear modulus of the material. The dilatational stresses can be related to the strain as follows:Where K is the relaxation bulk modulus of the material, and the definition of α and Θ is:If α(t) = α0, applying Eq. 27 to Eq. 29 results in:Similarly, applying Eq. 31 to Eq. 28 and eliminating strain εxx(z, t) results in:Employing a Laplace transform to Eq. 32, the auxiliary modulus R(ξ) is given by:Using the above constitutive equation (Eq. 33) and simplified forms of the stresses and strains in the mold, the formulation of the residual stress of the injection molded part during the cooling stage is obtain by:Equation 34 can be solved through the application of trapezoidal quadrature. Due to the rapid initial change in the material time, a quasi-numerical procedure is employed for evaluating the integral item. The auxiliary modulus is evaluated numerically by the trapezoidal rule.For warpage analysis, nodal displacements and curvatures for shell elements are expressed as:where [k] is the element stiffness matrix, [Be] is the derivative operator matrix, {d} is the displacements, and {re} is the element load vector which can be evaluated by:The use of a full three-dimensional FEM analysis can achieve accurate warpage results, however, it is cumbersome when the shape of the part is very complicated. In this paper, a twodimensional FEM method, based on shell theory, was used because most injection-molded parts have a sheet-like geometry in which the thickness is much smaller than the other dimensions of the part. Therefore, the part can be regarded as an assembly of flat elements to predict warpage. Each three-node shell element is a combination of a constant strain triangular element (CST) and a discrete Kirchhoff triangular element (DKT), as shown in Fig. 3. Thus, the warpage can be separated into plane-stretching deformation of the CST and plate-bending deformation of the DKT, and correspondingly, the element stiffness matrix to describe warpage can also be divided into the stretching-stiffness matrix and bending-stiffness matrix.Fig. 3a–c. Deformation decomposition of shell element in the local coordinate system. a In-plane stretchingelement b Plate-bending element c Shell element3 Experimental validationTo assess the usefulness of the proposed model and developed program, verification is important. The distortions obtained from the simulation model are compared to the ones from SL injection molding experiments whose data is presented in the literature [8]. A common injection molded part with the dimensions of 36×36×6 mm is considered in the experiment, as shown in Fig. 4. The thickness dimensions of the thin walls and rib are both 1.5 mm; and polypropylene was used as the injection material. The injection machine was a production level ARGURY Hydronica 320-210-750 with the following process parameters: a melt temperature of 250 ◦C; an ambient temperature of 30 ◦C; an injection pressure of 13.79 MPa; an injection time of 3 s; and a cooling time of 48 s. The SL material used, Dupont SOMOSTM 6110 resin, has the ability to resist temperatures of up to 300 ◦C temperatures. As mentioned above, thermal conductivity of the mold is a major factor that differentiates between an SL and a traditional mold. Poor heat transfer in the mold would produce a non-uniform temperature distribution, thus causing warpage that distorts the completed parts. For an SL mold, a longer cycle time would be expected. The method of using a thin shell SL mold backed with a higher thermal conductivity metal (aluminum) was selected to increase thermal conductivity of the SL mold.Fig. 4. Experimental cavity modelFig. 5. A comparison of the distortion variation in the X direction for different thermal conductivity; where “Experimental”, “present”, “three-step”, and “conventional” mean the results of the experimental, the presented simulation, the three-step simulation process and the conventional injection molding simulation, respectively.Fig. 6. Comparison of the distortion variation in the Y direction for different thermal conductivitiesFig. 7. Comparison of the distortion variation in the Z direction for different thermal conductivitiesFig. 8. Comparison of the twist variation for different thermal conductivities For this part, distortion includes the displacements in three directions and the twist (the difference in angle between two initially parallel edges). The validation results are shown in Fig.5 to Fig. 8. These figures also include the distortion values predicted by conventional injection molding simulation and the three-step model reported in [3].4 ConclusionsIn this paper, an integrated model to accomplish the numerical simulation of injection molding into rapid-prototyped molds is established and a corresponding simulation system is developed. For verification, an experiment is also carried out with an RPfabricated SL mold.It is seen that a conventional simulation using current injection molding software breaks down for a photopolymer mold. It is assumed that this is due to the distortion in the mold caused by the temperature and load conditions of injection. The three-step approach also has much deviation. The developed model gives results closer to experimental.Improvement in thermal conductivity of the photopolymer significantly increases part quality. Since the effect of temperature seems to be more dominant than that of pressure (load), an improvement in the thermal conductivity of the photopolymer can improve the part quality significantly.Rapid Prototyping (RP) is a technology makes it possible to manufacture prototypes quickly and inexpensively, regardless of their complexity. Rap id Tooling (RT) is the next step in RP’s steady progress and much work is being done to obtain more accurate tools to define the parameters of the process. Existing simulation tools can not provide the researcher with a useful means of studying relative changes. An integrated model, such as the one presented in this paper, is necessary to obtain accurate predictions of the actual quality of final parts. In the future, we expect to see this work expanded to develop simulations program for injection into RP molds manufactured by other RT processes.References1. Wang KK (1980) System approach to injection molding process. 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1. Injection Mold(注塑模)Injection Mold是注塑模的英文表达,也是最常用的术语之一。
2. Cavity(凹模)在注塑模中,Cavity是指模具中的凹模部分,也被称为模腔。
3. Core(凸模)与Cavity相对应的是Core,也被称为凸模。
4. Ejection Pins(顶出针)Ejection Pins,也叫做Ejector Pins,是注塑模具中常用的零件之一。
5. Cooling Channel(冷却通道)在注塑模具中,为了控制塑料的凝固速度,通常会设置冷却通道来引导冷却介质通过模具,降低模具温度并加快塑料的冷却速度。
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1 智能化工程模块注塑成型工艺(IKEM)基于知识的智能化工程模块的注塑成型工艺(IKEM)是一种软件技术,它领先于并行工程和 CAD / CAM 系统。
目前的过程由许多手工计算、CAD 图形结构和从以前项目取得的经验三部分组成。
该 IKEM 项目已分为三大模块。
1 费用估算模块2 模具设计模块3 生产模块IKEM 系统有两种形式输入。
在一个 CAD 模型的形式(Pro/E 文件)下输入,和在给出的用户界面形式下输入。
通过创造所谓的“智能模型”的问题,工程学知识提供了一个可行的方案去解决所有这样用户输入形式模架设计制造用户输出形式语法分析程 CAD 模型成本估计2 智能模具设计工具在它的基本形式中模具设计工具是一个从文本文件中提取输入的 Visual Basic 应用程序,这种文本文件包含关于零件和用户输入程序。
该文本文件包含来自 Pro/E 的一个信息文件的零件的几何解析。
2.1 文献回顾模具设计的是另一种注塑成型过程的阶段,有经验的工程师在很大程度上有助于自动化进程,提高其效率。
另外,在标准的CAD 软件中需要大量的时间去考虑模具的建模组件。
2.2 采用的方法为了发展智能模具设计工具,传统的模具设计方法在被研究。
根据在模具设计工作中收集到的信息,由工程师遵循的公约被转化为if - then 规则。
2.3 选择合适的模架通常情况下,为制造塑料零件选择适当的模架所涉及的有:(1)估计模腔数模腔数量的决定取决于在一定时间内所需部件的数量,像机器的塑化能力,废品率等问题也会影响到模架的模腔数量。
2.4 问题的提出建立问题,需要人的知识和经验,模具设计方面消耗的时间涉及到图表,数据表等,为开发应用程序的问题解释。
Intelligent Mold Design Tool For Plastic Injection Molding AbstractPlastic Injection molding is one of the most popular manufacturing processes for making thermo plastic products and mold design is a key aspect of the process. Design of molds requires knowledge expertise and most importantly experience in the field. When one of these is lacking selection of an appropriate mold for manufacturing a plastic component is done on a trial-and-error basis. This increases the cost of production and introduces inconsistencies in the design. This paper describes the development of an intelligent mold design tool. The tool captures know ledge about the mold design process and represents the knowledge in logical fashion. The knowledge acquired will be deterministic and non-deterministic information about the mold design process. Once developed the mold design tool will guide the user in selecting an appropriate mold for his plastic part based on various client specifications.IntroductionThe plastic injection molding process demands knowledge expertise and most important experience for its successful implementation. Often it is the molding parameters that control the efficiency of the process. Effectively controlling and optimizing these parameters during the manufacturing process can achieve consistency which takes the form of part quality and part cost. The level of experience of the manufacturers determines how effectively the process parameters are controlled. This sometimes leads to inconsistency introduced by human error. There is also the case where there is inexperience shortage of time resources and little scope for innovation. Knowledge-based engineering provides a feasible solution to all these problems by creating what is called an “intelligent model” of the problem.1 IKEMIntelligent Knowledge based Engineering modules for the plastic injection molding process IKEM is a software technology that is a step ahead of the concurrent engineering and CAD/CAM systems. It integrates current knowledge about the design and manufacturing processes and helps to reduce several man-hours by reducing engineering changes in the design phase of product development by giving users instruction about various design aspects. The system will be used for injection molding design design iterations and process integration. The current process consists of many manual computations CAD graphical constructions and experience attained from previous projects. Once the engineer completes the design it will be evaluated for performance. The IKEM project has been divided into three major modules.1. The cost estimation module2. The mold design module3. The Manufacturing moduleInput to the IKEM system is of two forms. Input in the form of a CAD model Pro-E file and input given at the User Interface form. The manufacturer's level of experience will determine how to effectively control the process parameters. Sometimes this leads to inconsistency caused by human error. There is lack of experience, lack of time, lack of resources and innovative space. Through the creation of a "smart" model, engineering knowledge provides a feasible scheme to solve all user input form mold design and manufacture of the user output form of syntax analysis process CAD model cost estimation2 Intelligent Mold Design ToolThe mold design tool in its basic form is a Visual Basic application taking input from a textfilethat contains information about the part and a User Input form. The text file containsinformation about the part geometry parsed from a Pro/E information file. The input is used toestimate the dimensions of mold and various other features.2.1 Literature ReviewDesign of molds is another stage of the injection molding process where the experience of an engineer largely helps automate the process and increase its efficiency. The issue that needs attention is the time that goes into designing the molds. Often, design engineers refer to tables and standard handbooks while designing a mold, which consumes lot of time. Also, a great deal of time goes into modeling components of the mold in standard CAD software. Different researchers have dealt with the issue of reducing the time it takes to design the mold in different ways. Koelsch and James have employed group technology techniques to reduce the mold design time. A unique coding system that groups a class of injection molded parts, and the tooling required in injection molding is developed which is general and can be applied toother product lines.A software system to implement the coding system has also been developed. Attemptswere also directed towards the automation of the mold design process by capturing experience and knowledge of engineers in the field. The development of a concurrent mold design system is one such approach that attempts to develop a systematic methodology for injection mold design processes in a concurrent engineering environment. The objective of their research was to develop a mold development process that facilitates concurrentengineering-based practice, and to develop a knowledge-based design aid for injection molding mold design that accommodates manufacturability concerns, as well as product requirements.Researchers have been trying to automate the mold design process either by capturing only the deterministic information on the mold design process or the non-deterministic information, in various ways. This research uniquely attempts to develop a mold design application that captures information in both forms; deterministic and non-deterministic.2.2 Approach AdoptedIn order to develop an intelligent mold design tool, the conventional method of designing molds is studied. The application developer and the design engineer work together in designing a mold for a particular plastic part. During this time, the approach adopted by the engineer to select the mold base is closely observed and aspects of the selection process that require his knowledge/experience are identified. Also, there will be times when the engineer will refer to tables and handbooks in order to standardize his selection process. This time consuming process is also recorded to incorporate it later in the application.Formulating the problem for the application in terms of inputs and outputs is the nextstage. This involves defining what information about the mold layout is most required for the user and also the minimum number of inputs that can be taken from him to give those outputs.Based on the information gathered in the mold design exercise, the conventions followed by the engineer are transformed into if-then rules. Decision tables are used to account for all possible cases that arise when dealing with a particular aspect of the mold design process. The rules so framed are then organized into modules interacting with each other, using an application development environment. Finally the application is tested for its validity when it comes todesigning molds for plastic parts manufactured in the industry.2.3 Selection of Appropriate Mold BaseTypically, selection of appropriate mold base for manufacturing a plastic part involvesEstimating the number of cavitiesThe number of cavities is decided depending on the number of parts required within a given time. There are also other issues like the plasticizing capacity of the machine, reject rate etc that affect the number of cavities to be present in the mold base.Deciding on the presence of inserts and their dimensionsInserts facilitate the reusability of the mold base and therefore help in reducing cost of manufacturing. When it comes to selecting the dimensions and the number, a decision is made depending on the reusability of existing old inserts and cost of ordering new ones.Determining the size and location of runnersThe runner size depends on the material being molded. Although there are other considerations material properties determines the channel size required for its flow. Location of runners mainly depends on the topology of runners being used. Though a circular runner system is always preferable, the branched runner system that avoids runner balancing is the one most widely used.Determining the diameter of sprueThe diameter of the sprue is decided based on the size of the mold, number of cavities, or the amount of plastic that is to be filled within a given time.Locating gatesPlastic enters the cavity at a point where it can uniformly fill the cavity. A gate can be located at any point on the perimeter of a circular cavity but has to enter at the midsection when it comes to filling rectangular cavities.Determining the size and location of water linesWater lines are located at standard distances form each other and from any wall in the mold. The convention is not to locate a waterline within one diameter range on the mold wall.Deciding mold dimensions based on above conclusionsBased on all the above decisions the approximate mold dimensions can be estimated and rounded off to the nearest catalog number. Considering all the above aspects before even modeling the mold base reduces the cost and time that go into redesigning.2.4 Formulation of the ProblemBased on issues that require human knowledge/experience, and aspects of mold designthat consume time referring to tables, data sheets etc.. While most of the input, like the number of cavities, cavity image dimensions, cycle time are based on the client specifications, other input like the plasticizing capacity, shots per minute etc., can be obtained from the machine specifications. The output of the application contains mold dimensions and other information, which clearly helps in selecting the standard mold base from catalogs.。