5.youaregoingtogetoutofthere.you'regoingtoonandyou'rego ingtomakelotsofbabiesandyou'regoingtowatchthemgrowandyo u'regoingtodieandold,anoldlady,warminyourbed.notthere,notthi snight,notlikethis.你一定会脱险的,你要活下去,生很多孩子,看着他们长大,你会安享晚年,安息在温暖的床上,而不是今晚在这里,不是象这样的死去.6.winningthatticket,rose,wasthebestthingthateverhappenedt ome...itbroughtmetoyou.andi'mthankfulforthat,rose.i'mthankful. youmustdomethishonor,rose.promisemeyou'llsurvive.thatyouwo n'tgiveup,nomatterwhathappens,nomatterhowhopeless.promise menow,rose,andneverletgoofthatpromise.赢得船票...是我一生最幸运的事,让我可认识你,认识你真荣幸,万分荣幸,你一定要帮我,答应我活下去,答应我,你不会放弃...无论发生什么事,无论环境怎样...rose,答应我,千万别忘了。
——《泰坦尼克号》2、“Never let go!Promise me!——”——《泰坦尼克号》3、赢得船票,是我一生最幸运的事,让我可认识你,认识你真荣幸,万分荣幸,你一定要帮我,答应我活下去,答应我,你不会放弃,无论发生什么事,无论环境怎样…… Rose,答应我,千万别忘了。
——《泰坦尼克号》6、《泰坦尼克》给了我16年的时间,我却没能找到陪我去看它的人——《泰坦尼克号》7、We're women、 Our choices are never easy、我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。
——《泰坦尼克号》9、You jump, I jump! ——《泰坦尼克号》10、那么短,遗忘又那么漫长。
——《泰坦尼克号》11、Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you owna goldmine and you're in the club.记着,他们爱钱,所以假装你拥有一座金矿,你就是(他们眼中)上流社会的人了。
——《泰坦尼克号》12、I will never let it go,Jack, I’ll never let it go、我不会放弃的,杰克,我永远不会放弃。
——《泰坦尼克号》13、Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me、 It brought me to you……赢到船票,坐上这艘船…是我一生最美好的事。
泰坦尼克号经典台词_经典台词泰坦尼克号经典台词1、Outwardly,I was everything a well-brought up girl should be。
Inside,I was screaming。
2、We’re the luckiest sons-of-*es in the world。
There is nothing I couldn’t give you,there is nothing I would deny you,if you would not deny me。
Open you’re heart to me。
What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband。
(好像有些片面,但比较真实) 5。
Remember,they love money,so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you’re in the club。
All life is a game of luck。
I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen,or who I’m going to meet,where I’m going to wind up。
小编今天为大家带来泰坦尼克号电影台词,一起来学习一下吧!1、What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.读大学的目的是找一个好丈夫。
2、Remember,they love money,so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you are in the club.只要你装的很有钱的样子他们就会跟你套近乎。
3、Will you give us a chance to live?能不能给我们留一条生路?4、I love you ,Jack!我爱你,杰克!5、Only you can do that.只有你自己能够救自己。
6 、“You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on and you're going tomake lots of babies and you're going to watch them grow and you're going to die an old,an old lady,warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this.”你一定会脱险的,你要活下去,生很多孩子,看着他们长大。
7、“Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you...”赢到船票,露丝,这是我一生最美好的事,它让我能跟你相逢8、“You jump,I jump.”你跳,我就跳9、To make each day count.要让每一天都有所值。
爱情电影《泰坦尼克号》经典台词中英文爱情电影《泰坦尼克号》经典台词1.我感觉好似陷入万丈深渊.没有人会拉我一把,没有人关心.没有人在乎I felt like I was standing at a great precipice...with no one to pull me back.No one who cared...or even noticed.2.别傻了老弟,你想和这姑娘在一起,简直是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉Forget it, boyo.Youd as like have angels fly out of your arse...as get next to the likes of her3.人生赌的就是运气命运应该掌握在自己手中阿奇All life is a game of luck.{A real man makes his own luck, Archie.4.他们把你困住了露丝如果你不挣脱出来你会凋谢They have got you trapped, Rose.And youre gonna die if you dont break free.5.如果这些9英寸厚的窗户受压碎裂...我们瞬间就会见上帝These windows are nine inches thick and if they go...its sayonara in two microseconds6.我宁愿做他的姘头也不愿做你老婆Id rather be his whore than your wife.7.有个叫杰克道森的男人,他不仅救我性命,他不仅救我性命,而是拯救了我的人生there was a man named Jack Dawson...and that he saved me..n every way that a person can be saved.8.抛开那些不谈你是我见过的最出色最令人惊艳的女子.令我无法释怀But under that, youre the most amazingly...astounding, wonderful girl...Woman that Ive ever known and9.要是得亲嘴才能暖和起来我宁愿冻着If thats what it takes for us to get warm, Id rather not10.我的生活环境周围的人们,还有自己对命运的妥协,所有一切逼着我却无力抗拒It was my whole world and all the people in it.And the inertia of my life...plunging ahead, and me, powerless to stop it.11.我现在拥有一切想要的东西.我有健康的身体有画画用的纸I mean, Ive got everything I need right here with me.I got air in my lungs and a few blank sheets of paper.12.I’m the king of the world!我是世界之王!13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away.上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪。
精品文档泰坦尼克号01Thirteen meters. You should see it.马上就要看到它了Okay,take her up and over the bow rail.好吧,升上去,到船头Okay,Mir-2,we're going over the bow,Stay with us.和平二号,我们到船头上去跟上 Okay,quiet. We're rolling.好,安静,要拍了 Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship… 它象鬼影似的在黑暗里出现了 …still g ets me every time.令人胆颤心惊 To see the sad ruin of the great ship,sitting here… 眼前躺着的是泰坦尼克的残骸 …where she landed at 2:30 in the morning of April 15,1912… 1912年4月15日凌晨2点半 …after her long fall…它沉入了海底…from the world above.这艘巨轮从此消失了 You're so full of shit,boss.头儿,你可真会抒情 Dive six.这已经是第六次了 Here we are again on the deck of Titanic. 我们又来到泰坦尼克号的甲板上 Two and a half miles down,深度2.5海里,3,821 meters.大约是3821公尺 The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch. 潜艇外的水压是每平方寸3.5吨 These windows are nine inches thick an d if they go…窗的厚度是9寸 …it's sayonara in two microseconds.要是破裂,所有的人转眼就没命 All right,enough of that bullshit.好了,就说道这吧 Just put her down on the roof of the officers' quarters like yesterday.Sure. 好吧,我们就停在船员舱顶上。
泰坦尼克号经典台词3、《泰坦尼克》给了我16年的时间,我却没能找到陪我去看它的人4、I SEE YOU AND?出处:《TITANIC》5、Jack, i am flying. 我的生命因为你,有了飞翔般的重生。
6、I can not even picture him at all. He only live in my memory. 我甚至连他的一张照片都没有,他只活在我的记忆里。
7、外表看,我是个教养良好的小姐,骨子里,我很反叛8、A woman s heart is a deep ocean of secrets. 女人的心是一片秘密的深洋。
9、Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you... 赢到船票,坐上这艘船是我一生最美好的事。
11、Will you give us a chance to live?能不能给我们留一条生路?出处:《泰坦尼克号》12、I figure life is a gift and I don t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. 我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。
13、I can t turn away without knowing you ll be all right. That s all I want.除非你过的好,否则我是不会放手的,这就是我想要的14、You don t know how long I ve waited for you, I d rather die than stay away from you.出处:《泰坦尼特号》15、我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。
《泰坦尼克号》经典台词_ 经典台词1、赢下那张船票是我一生中最幸运的事。
2、I'm the king of the world 我是世界之王3、《泰坦尼克》给了我16年的时间,我却没能找到陪我去看它的人4、“I SEE YOU”“AND?”出处:《TITANIC》5、Jack, i am flying. 我的生命因为你,有了飞翔般的重生。
6、I can not even picture him at all. He only live in my memory. 我甚至连他的一张照片都没有,他只活在我的记忆里。
7、外表看,我是个教养良好的小姐,骨子里,我很反叛8、A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. 女人的心是一片秘密的深洋。
9、Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you…赢到船票,坐上这艘船…是我一生最美好的事。
11、Will you give us a chance to live?能不能给我们留一条生路?出处:《泰坦尼克号》12、I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you're going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. 我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。
泰坦尼克号英文经典台词经典台词1. When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.当你一无全部,你没有什么可以失去。
2. Id rather be his whore than your wife.3. Were women. Our choices are never easy.我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。
4. I love waking up in the morning not knowing whats gonna happen… or who Im gonna meet… where Im gonna wind up.我喜爱早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。
5. To make each day count.要让每一天都有所值。
6. I figure life is a gift and I dont intend on wasting it. You never know what hand youre going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想铺张它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。
7. I can t turn away without knowing youll be all right. Thats all I want.除非你过的好,否则我是不会放手的,这就是我想要的.。
8. Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that everhappened to me, it brought me to you.赢到船票,坐上这艘船…是我一生最美妙的事。
9. I can not even picture him at all. He only lives in my memory.我甚至连他的一张照片都没有,他只活在我的记忆里。
泰坦尼克号经典台词大全You jump ,I jump.(生死相随)一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白以前的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。
I'd rather be his whore than your wife.我宁可做他的婊子也不做你的妻子我甚至连他的一张照片都没有,他只活在我的记忆里。
Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.外表看,我是个教养良好的小姐,骨子里,我很反叛。
we are all the kings of the world.(我们都是世界之王)We're women. Our choices are never easy. 我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。
My heart was pounding the whole time. It was the most erotic moment of my life. Up until then, at least.当时我的心一直像小鹿乱撞,那应该是我这辈子最性感的一刻了,至少在此之前没有过。
泰坦尼克号经典台词55则泰坦尼克号经典台词11、Winning that ticket, it is the luckiest thing in my life, so I know you, know you really honored,very honored, you must help me, promise me to live,promise me you will not give up no matter what happens, Whatever the environment, Rose, promise me, do not forget。
2、After a person's life can fall in love with a lot of people, so you get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love。
3、How can you accept his marriage proposal? Even if he has an enormously wealthy man, how can you,like everyone else, and who does not love to get married? With love what? You are leaving tomorrow。
泰坦尼克号01Thirtee n meters. You shouldsee it.马上就要看到它了Okay,take her up and over the bow rail.好吧,升上去,到船头Okay,Mir-2,we're going over the bow,Stay with us.和平二号,我们到船头上去跟上Okay,quiet. We're rolling.好,安静,要拍了Seeingher comingout of the darknes slikeaghostship…它象鬼影似的在黑暗里出现了…stillgetsmeeverytime.令人胆颤心惊To see the sad ruin of the great ship,sittinghere…眼前躺着的是泰坦尼克的残骸…whereshela ndedat 2:30 in the morningofApril15,1912…1912年4月15日凌晨2点半…afterherlongfall…它沉入了海底…fromtheworldabove.这艘巨轮从此消失了Y ou're so full of shit,boss.头儿,你可真会抒情Dive six.这已经是第六次了Here we are again on the deck of Titanic.我们又来到泰坦尼克号的甲板上Two and a half miles down,深度2.5海里,3,821 meters.大约是3821公尺The pressur e outside is three and a half tons per squareinch.潜艇外的水压是每平方寸3.5吨These windows are nine inchesthickandiftheygo…窗的厚度是9寸…it's sayonar a in two microse conds.要是破裂,所有的人转眼就没命All right,enoughof that bullshi t.好了,就说道这吧Just put her down on the roof of the officer s' quarter s like yesterd ay.Sure.好吧,我们就停在船员舱顶上。
爱情电影《泰坦尼克号》台词中英文1. "You jump, I jump." - "你跳,我就跳。
"2. "I'll never let go, Jack. I promise." - "杰克,我永远不会放手。
"3. "You're my biggest adventure." - "你是我最大的冒险。
"4. "Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you." - "赢得那张船票是我人生中最美好的事情...它带我来到了你身边。
"5. "I'm not an idiot, I know how the world works. I've got ten bucks in my pocket, I have nothing to offer you and I know that." - "我不是傻瓜,我明白世界是怎样运转的。
"6. "I love you, Jack." - "我爱你,杰克。
"7. "I'd rather be his whore than your wife." - "与其做你的妻子,我宁愿做他的妓女。
"8. "Rose, you're no picnic." - "罗丝,和你在一起可不轻松。
"9. I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. - 我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不会浪费它。
泰坦尼克号对话台词泰坦尼克号对话台词导语:《泰坦尼克号》中都有哪些经典的对话台词呢?以下是小编为大家搜集的文章,欢迎大家阅读与借鉴!泰坦尼克号对话台词(一)1、Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming。
2、There is nothing I couldn't give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open your heart to me。
3、All life is a game of luck。
4、I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen, or who I'm going to meet, where I'm going to wind up。
5、I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You neverknow what hand you're going to get dealt next. You learn to take lifeas it comes at you。
6、To make each day count。
7、You jump, I jump。
2208名船员和旅客中,仅705人生还…… 1997年,一部以此为背景的灾难爱情片诞生并成为经典。
店铺今天为大家带来泰坦尼克号沉船台词,一起来看看吧!You jump, I jump.你跳我就跳。
We're women. Our choices are never easy.我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。
All life is a game of luck.生活本来就全靠运气。
You are going to get out of there. You're going to on and you're going to make lots of babies and you're going to watch them grow and you're going to die and old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not there, not this night, not like this.你一定会脱险的,你要活下去,生很多孩子,看着他们长大,你会安享晚年,安息在温暖的床上,而不是今晚在这里,不是象这样的.死去。
Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor, Rose. Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.赢得船票……是我一生最幸运的事,让我可认识你,认识你真荣幸,万分荣幸,你一定要帮我,答应我活下去,答应我,你不会放弃……无论发生什么事,无论环境怎样……Rose,答应我,千万别忘了。
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安静,开始拍摄了Okay, quiet. We’re rolling.每次目睹她如幽灵船般从黑暗渐现都让我为之惊叹Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship stillgets me every time.1912年4月15日凌晨2:30,她告别尘世,缓缓沉没,最终长眠于此,荣光已逝,只余残骸。
To see the sad ruin of the great ship, sitting here where she landed at 2:30 in the morning of April 15, 1912 after her long fall from the world above.头儿,你真够酸文假醋的。
You’re so full of shit, boss.第六次下潜Dive six.我们再次来到了泰坦尼号的甲板上。
Here we are again on the deck of Titanic.深入水下2.5英里,3821米。
Two and a half miles down, 3821 meters.水压每平方英寸3.5吨。
The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch.如果这些9英寸厚的窗户受压碎裂我们瞬间就会见上帝。
These windows are nine inches thick and if they go it’s sayonara in two microseconds.好了,不多废话。
All right, enough of that bullshit.像昨天那样,把潜艇降落在船长室的顶部。
Just put her down on the roof of the officers’ quarters likeyesterday.好的Sure.和平二号,我们要停在大阶梯上方。
Okay, Mir-2, we’re landing right over the Grand Staircase.你们准备好发射了吗?You guys set to launch?是的,布洛克,正在发射邓金。
Yeah, Brock, launching Dunkin now. Go, Charlie.好了,继续推进。
All right, tether out. -Tether out.好的,布洛克,我们正沿着船体下放。
Okay, Brock, we’re dropping down along the hull.收到,继续下放,进入头等舱舷门。
Yeah, roger that. Okay, drop down, and go into the first-classgangway door.探测一下D层的接待室和餐厅。
I want to guys working the D deck reception area and thedining saloon.收到Copy that.-继续推进-推进中-Tether out. -Tether out.现在向左,现在向左。
Okay, now left. Now left. Left, left.探测器推进中,正沿着楼梯间向下。
Snoop Dog is on the move. We’re headed down thestairwell.好的,路易斯,下潜至B层。
Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck.这是A层。
A deck.缆绳放长些,老大。
Give me some rope, Captain.这是B层,进去。
B deck. Get in there.小心门框,看着点。
Watch the door frame. Watch it.我看到了,没事的。
I see it. I got it.没事的啦,放松点,头儿。
We’re good. Just chill, boss.好的,转向。
Okay, make your turn.缆绳到头了。
Cable out, Captain. -Make your turn. Watch the wall.布洛克,我们现位于钢琴处,收到吗?Brock, we’re at the piano. You copy?收到。
Copy that.就是那里。
Right there.就是它。
That’s it. That’s the bedroom door. -I see it.进去了。
We’re in. We’re in, baby. We’re there.那是Hockley的床。
That’s Hockley’s bed. That’s where the son of a bitch slept.有人忘了关水龙头哦。
Oops. Somebody left the water running.等等,等一下。
Hold it. Just a second. Go back to the right.那个衣柜的门。
That wardrobe door. Get closer.你觉得能挖到宝吗,头儿.You’re smelling something, boss.我想看看它下面有什么。
I want to see what’s under it.手臂操作杆伺候。
Give me my hands, man.很好。
All right.-小心点,可能会碎掉。
-Take it easy. It might come apart. -Okay.继续。
Okay, go. Flip it over. Go. Turnover.继续Keep going. Go.好的,放下。
Okay, drop it.天啊,你看到了吗,头儿?Oh, baby. Are you seeing this, boss?伙计们,咱们发财了。
It’s payday, boys.收钱咯Cha-ching!-鲍比,我们成功了-我们把它带回来了。
-We did it, Bobby. -We brought it back.好样的Oh, yeah! You the man!宝贝,谁是最棒的?说啊。
Who’s the best, baby? Say it.你是最棒的,路易斯。
You are, Lewis.-鲍比,我的雪茄呢-在这-Bobby, my cigar. -Right here.打开她Okay, crack her open.让我调整一下。
Let me get around. Hang on.-好了没-好了-You getting it? -Got it.该死Shit.没有钻石No diamond.头儿,杰拉尔德也有同样的遭遇,从此他的事业一蹶不振。
You know, boss, this same thing happened to Geraldo and his career never recovered.把摄像机关掉。
Turn the camera off.布洛克,合伙人想知道事情进展如何。
Brock. The partners would like to know how it’s going.戴夫,巴里,你们好。
Hey, Dave. Barry, hi.是这样的,不在保险箱里。
Look, it wasn’t in the safe.但别担心。
Don’t worry about it.有许多地方还没探测,There are still plenty of places it could be,当然了Hell, yes.比如会埋在套间地板的残骸里或其母亲的房间里,C层事务长的保险箱里,吉米霍法的公文包里。
the floor debris in the suite, the mother’s room, the purser’s safe on C deck, Jimmy Hoffa’s briefcase.很有可能找到它。
A dozen other places.伙计们,你们得相信我的直觉。
Guys, look, you just got to trust my instincts.我感觉马上会找到它。
I know we’re close.我们只要逐项排除就行。
We just got to go through a little process of elimination.等等Hang on a second.让我看看Let me see that.伙计们,有发现了。
We might have something here, guys.那串项链的照片在哪儿?Where’s the photograph of the necklace?待会再打给你We’ll call you right back.远在天边,近在眼前I’ll be goddamned.寻宝者Brock Lovett因发现西班牙大金币而名声大噪Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for findingSpanish gold.别急,马上喂你吃It’s okay, I’ll feed you in a minute.这次他被获许使用俄罗斯潜艇去探索最著名的遇难船泰坦尼克号。
Now he has chartered Russian subs to reach the most famous shipwreck of all the Titanic.他正身处克尔德什号调查船上,让我们通过卫星连线北大西洋现场。
He’s with us live via satellite, from the research ship Keldysh in the North Atlantic.-你好,Brock。
-Hello, Brock. -Hello, Tracy.相信大家对泰坦尼克号的故事都耳熟能详。
Of course, everyone knows the familiar stories of Titanic.比如乐队直至船沉最后一刻仍在演奏着实令人钦佩。
You know, the nobility of the band playing to the very endand all that.但我却对鲜为人知的故事更感兴趣,比如那些随船埋葬海底的秘密。