TTraditional Chinese PPainting


中国传统书画艺术【英文】 Traditional Chinese Painting

中国传统书画艺术【英文】 Traditional Chinese Painting
Traditional Chinese Paioduction
History Forms & Subjects Schools & Techniques Tools & Materials Celebrities
• Chinese calligraphy (Brush calligraphy) is an art unique to Asian cultures. Shu (calligraphy), Hua (painting), Qin (a string musical instrument), and Qi (a strategic board game) are the four basic skills and disciplines of the Chinese literati. Regarded as the most abstract and sublime form of art in Chinese culture
• Chinese traditional painting is highly regarded throughout the world for its theory, expression, and techniques. According to the means of expression, Chinese painting can be divided into two categories: the freehand( xieyi 写意) school and the meticulous ( gongbi工 笔) school. The xieyi school is marked by exaggerated forms and freehand brush work. The gongbi school is characterized by close attention to detail and fine brush work.





以下是中国十大国粹的英语表达:1.京剧(Peking Opera):中国传统戏曲艺术的代表之一,以唱、念、做、打为主要表演形式。

2.书法(Chinese Calligraphy):以笔墨纸砚为工具,通过横、竖、撇、捺等笔画形成独特的艺术风格。

3.茶道(Chinese Tea Culture):中国传统的茶艺表演和茶文化,强调茶的品质、泡茶的技艺和品茶的情趣。

4.中国画(Traditional Chinese Painting):以水墨为主要材料,通过线条和色彩表现意境,强调审美和抒发情感。

5.中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine):包括针灸、中药等治疗方法,注重调理身体的整体平衡。

6.园林(Chinese Garden):以自然为基调,通过布局、建筑、植物等元素营造出具有中国文化特色的庭园。

7.传统建筑(Traditional Chinese Architecture):包括古代宫殿、寺庙、园林等建筑,注重与自然环境的和谐。

8.剪纸(Chinese Paper Cutting):通过剪刀在纸上创作出各种形状,是一种传统的手工艺术。

9.昆曲(Kunqu Opera):是中国古老的戏曲剧种之一,以其独特的音乐、表演和服饰风格而著称。

10.传统服饰(Traditional Chinese Clothing):如汉服、旗袍等,代表了中国古代的服饰文化。





1.人物画figure painting2.人物素描character sketch3.人体画nude4.毛笔画brush drawing5.中国水墨画Chinese ink painting (/drawing)6.中国画 (traditional) Chinese painting7.巨幅画像huge portrait8.水彩画water colour painting;water colour9.水墨画ink painting;wash drawing10.半身画像half-length figure(/portrait)11.古典绘画classical painting12.古画ancient painting13.石版画lithograph14.自画像self-portrait15.全身画像full-length figure;whole-length portrait16.版画print17.工笔画fine brushwork18.木版画wood-block print19.木刻画woodcut;wood engraving20.肖像portrait;portraiture;icon21.拼贴画collage.22.黑白素描sketch in black and white23.丝网版画screen printing24.铅笔画pencil drawing(/sketch/work)25.裸体人物画nude26.写生画sketching27.写意画free sketch;freehand brushwork28.赝品fake drawing29.绘画drawing;painting30.代表作representative works31.形象image32.花卉flower and plant33.花鸟flower and bird34.信笔涂抹doodle35.草草几笔few swift strokes36.纸裱paper mounting37.真迹autograph38.裱装mounting39.装框framing40.静物still life41.冷调cool tonality42.局部section43.立体modelling44.暖调warm tonality45.宣传画招贴picture poster;poster46.城市风景画cityscape47.风景画landscape (painting)48.透视perspective49.连环画picture-story book;50.真品genuine painting51.素描sketch52.速写quick sketch53.国画(traditional) Chinese painting54.现代绘画modern painting55.插画illustrations56.画架上作的画easelp ainting57.装饰画decorative painting58.漫画caricature;cartoon59.静物写生still life sketching60.静物画still life;still61.壁画wall painting;fresco62. 画派Schools of Painting63. 国画派别 Schools of ChinesePainting64.人物写实realistic portrait65.山水风景landscape scenery66.山水画landscape67.花卉画flower-and-plant painting;flower piece68.花鸟画flower&bird (/flower-and-bird) painting69.西画画法western painting method70.主题题材subject71.色彩单调dull colours72.色彩鲜艳gay colours73.图案pattern74.画板drawing board75.画架drawing easel76.画框picture frame77.色调colour tone78.色调变化colour value79.均衡balance80.模特儿model81.调色板palette82.批评家 critic83.艺术批评art criticism84.策展人,馆长curator85.策展curate86.鉴赏appreciate, connoisseurship87.设计师designer88.建筑师architect89.主题motif;theme90.印象派impressionism91.自然主义画派naturalism92.表现派expressionism93.现代主义modernism94.野兽派fauvism95.超现实主义画派surrealism96.写实派realist school97.学院派academicism98.点彩派Pointillism99.绘画方法painting method100.国画画法traditional Chinese painting technique 下载全文。

Traditional Chinese Painting

Traditional Chinese Painting

God Sending a Son 天王送子图
Wu Daozi 吴道子
Hale Waihona Puke Other works《洛神赋图》 东晋顾恺之
《五牛图》 唐代韩滉huang
landscape painting reached its height during the Song Dynasty
Along the River During the Qingming Festival Zhang Zeduan
齐白石是近现代中国绘 画大师,世界文化名人。 所作鱼虾虫蟹,天趣横 生。
徐悲鸿(1895-1953年),现代画家、美术教 育家。擅长人物、走兽、花鸟,主张现实主 义,强调国画改革融入西画技法,对当时中 国画坛影响甚大,与张书旗、柳子谷三人被 称为画坛的“金陵三杰”。所作国画彩墨浑 成,尤以奔马享名于世。
单一幅可摆与桌上者为镜屏,用框镶座, 立于八仙桌上,是传统装饰之一。至于 屏风,有单幅或摺幅,可配字画,坐立 地屏风之用。
Terms about Chinese paintings
君子四艺(the four skills for a learned scholar to pursue ): 琴qin(ancient musical instrument)、棋qi(chess)、书calligraphy、 画painting
将折扇或圆扇的扇面上题字写画取来装裱, 可成压镜。由于圆形或扇形的形式美 丽,所以有人将画面剪成扇形才作画,然后 装裱,别具风格。
将字画装订成册,称为册页。近代有文 具店特别将装裱册页成本,以供人即席 挥毫。册页可以折叠画面各成方形
将字画用木框或金属装框,上压玻璃或胶片, 就成为压镜。现代胶片有不反光及体轻的优 点。至于不反光的玻璃,不会影响人对画面 的欣赏,所以很受欢迎。










【翻译】Located in western Shandong province, Mount Tai stands over 1500 meters above sea level and covers an area of about 400 square kilometers. It is a renowned mountain which is not only spectacular but also of historical and cultural significance. Pilgrims have been visiting Mount Tai for the last over 3000 years. In recorded history, 72 emperors once came here to make a tour. Mount Tai has seen many writers who have traveled here for inspiration to make poems and compositions. Artists also come here for painting. That explains why Mount Tai features numerous cultural relics andhistoric sites. It has now become one of the leading tourist attractions in China.【翻译讲解】1、位于:be in;be located in;be situated in2、泰山:Taishan Mountain或者Mount Tai.3、朝拜:worship;也可以直接用visit来保证行文4、帝王;emperor5、灵感;inspiration6、文物古迹;cultural relics【拓展词汇】inspiration英 [ˌɪnspɪˈreɪʃən] 美 [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən]n. 灵感;启发灵感的人(或事物);鼓舞人心的人(或事物);(突然想到的)好主意Daphne's performance will give a lot of inspiration to other women.达夫妮的表演将会给其他女性不少启发。

中国国画 英文介绍

中国国画 英文介绍

中国国画英文介绍Traditional Chinese Painting, also known as "Chinese Painting" or "National Painting," is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world. With a long history spanning thousands of years, it showcases the rich cultural heritage and artistic achievements of China.The tools and materials used in traditional Chinese painting include brush, ink, paper, and pigments. The brushwork and ink techniques are highly valued, emphasizing the expression of line, texture, and tone. Traditional Chinese painting encompasses various styles and themes, including landscape, portrait, flower and bird, and calligraphy.Landscape painting often depicts natural scenes such as mountains, rivers, and forests, aiming to convey the beauty and serenity of nature. Portrait painting focuses on depicting human figures, capturing their expressions and personalities. Flower and bird painting emphasizes the delicate and graceful depiction of flowers, birds, and insects. Calligraphy, on the other hand, showcases the beauty and artistry of Chinese characters through brushstrokes and compositions.Traditional Chinese painting not only reflects the artist's观测and expression of the world but also embodies the philosophical andaesthetic concepts of Chinese culture. It encompasses the pursuit of harmony, balance, and simplicity. Each painting is imbued with the artist's emotions, imagination, and unique artistic style.Today, traditional Chinese painting continues to evolve and thrive, combining tradition with contemporary innovation. It serves as a bridge between the past and the present, allowing people to appreciate and connect with the profound heritage of Chinese art. Whether displayed in galleries, museums, or private collections, traditional Chinese painting enriches the cultural landscape and leaves a lasting impression on viewers worldwide.。

Traditional Chinese paintings

Traditional Chinese paintings

When the Qing dynasty overthrowed Ming,as a Ming prince the dynastic upheaval created a great amount of uncertainty for his position in society. The stylized vertical writing of his pseudonym(笔 名) Bada Shanren (八大山人) looks like the characters for laugh (笑) and cry (哭), thus by signing his paintings he implied his confusion and feelings of grief for the fate of his country and home.

Like what the ancients said: one flower is one world, art can reflect a state of mind, a state of life in this colorful world.
பைடு நூலகம் Chinese
traditional painting dates back at least about 6,000 years ago 。 The Chinese people in the early ages began to worship the god of water and mountain, later in order to rich the whole pictures ,they began to draw the mountains ,rivers , birds behind the god. So traditional Chinese paintings appeared.

chinese painting中国画

chinese painting中国画

Thanks for listening
Байду номын сангаас
即是用简练的笔法描绘景 物。写意画多画在生宣上, 纵笔挥洒,墨彩飞扬,较 工笔画更能体现所描绘景 物的神韵,也更能直接地 抒发作者的感情。用中锋 侧锋逆锋来表达。
Happy is the man who is living by his hobby .(G. Bernard Shaw , British dramatist ) 醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。 (英国剧作家 肖 伯纳. G .)
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily . (Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet). 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能 够轻而易举地完成困难的事。(德国剧作家、 诗人 席勒. F.)
characterized by vivid expression and bold outline. Traditional Chinese realistic painting is characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail . Traditional Chinese realistic painting is distinctive result of Chinese culture .
工笔画属中国传统的写实主义画派。 其特点是画工精细,尤其注意细节的 刻画。与写意画不求工细,着意注重 表现神态和抒发作者的意趣不同,工 笔画注重用笔工整,注重细部的描绘, 工笔画是中国文化的独特产物.

Chinese Painting国画知识讲解

Chinese Painting国画知识讲解

The History of Chinese Painting
❖Buddhist Grotto mural佛教石窟壁画
Buddhism arrived in China in the Han dynasty. The earliest Buddhist grotto mural is probably nts
1 the introduction of chinese painting
2 the history of chinese painting
3 the classification of chinese painting
4 the famous people and their works
during North & South Dynastic period.
The History of Chinese Painting
東晉The Beginning of PaintingThe best known painter at
the time was Gu Kaizhi 顧愷之 (346-407 AD). He was a court painter. None of his paintings survived but copies made centuries later had been attributed to him.
The History of Chinese Painting
❖The earliest paintings were not representational but ornamental; they consisted of patterns or designs rather than pictures. Stone Age pottery was painted with spirals, dots, or animals. It was only during the Warring States Period (403-221 B.C.) that artists began to represent the world around them.

Traditional Chinese Painting

Traditional Chinese Painting

Traditional Chinese PaintingTraditional Chinese Painting is regarded as one of Three Treasures of Chinese Culture, the other two being traditional Chinese Medicine and Beijing Opera. Traditional Chinese Painting is the art of painting on a piece of Xuan paper or silk with Chinese brush that was soaked浸泡with black ink or colored pigments颜料. The character of Chinese painting is closely bound up with the nature of the medium——ink,pointed-tipped brush尖头刷, silk, a sheet of paper and so on. The ink-drawing remains almost always the foundation of the design while color is not a formal element . Traditional Chinese Painting is far less concerned with notions of symmetry, balance, and proportion than its European counterpart. In terms of the mode of expression, traditional Chinese paintings are divided into the xieyi school and the gongbi school. Figure painting, landscapes painting, birds and flowers painting are the three major classifications according to subject matter. Chinese Painting has been held as a go od exercise to temper one’s char acter 锤炼人格and cultivate one’s personality.(180 words)Chinese Painting emphasizes the point that “inspiration comes from close observation and understanding of nature.” It is required that the painting should follow where t he minds lead. Once the painting is finished, the implication is revealed, both the spirit and form are reflected in the painting.。

traditional chinese painting国画 英文

traditional chinese painting国画 英文
Tang Dynasty (唐代)
Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang ( 张萱、周昉)
" Penta- Bull map 《五牛图》
Tang Dynasty 唐代 Han Huang韩滉
Painting of Han Xi-zai’s Evening Banquet《韩熙载夜宴图》
Northern Faction
Representative figure: Li Si-xun(李思训)
Drawing style: Strokes are firm,solid and strong(笔力遒劲) Color is heavy and complicated(色彩繁复)
(互补) 苏轼评价其:“味摩诘之诗, 诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画 中有诗。”
2. pure and tranquil ,fresh and refined (宁静淡远,清新
江惟罟杨 《
南有师柳 送
江相荡渡 沈
北思桨头 子
送似向行 临圻 君 春 临 客
福 之
归色圻稀 江
。,。, 东

罟(gu)师:渔夫,船夫 临圻(qi,或yin),圻:岸边渲淡’法,以王维为首,‘北 宗’用着色法,以李思训为首;
三、‘南宗’和‘北宗’各有一系列的徒子徒孙, 都是一脉相传的;
Southern Faction
Representative figure: Wang Wei(王维)
Drawing style: 1.poetry-painting complementarity
Traditional Chinese Painting
130111030赵欲舒 130111018王旭娟


-flower painting
According to Chinese tradition, bird-and-flower painting covers "flowers, birds, fish, and insects" It can deal with a wide range of natural topics, including flowers (plants), fish, insects, birds, pets(dogs, cats) etc.
Shanshui painting
Shan shui ("mountain-water") refers to a style of Chinese painting that
involves or depicts scenery or natural landscapes, using a brush and ink rather than more conventional paints.Mountains, rivers and often waterfalls are prominent in this art form .
Chinese Traditional Painting
08/09/13 1
A Brief Introduction
Brief Introduction
Chinese traditional painting dates back to the Neolithic Period, about six thousand years ago. The colored pottery with painted animals, fish, deer, and frogs(青蛙) excavated in the 1920s indicate that during the Neolithic Period the Chinese had already started to use brushes to paint.



你最喜欢的中国艺术形式英语作文My favorite Chinese art form is traditional Chinese painting. I am captivated by the beauty and elegance of Chinese paintings, which often depict landscapes, flowers, birds, and other elements of nature with delicate brushwork and subtle colors. The traditional Chinese painting techniques, such as ink wash painting and meticulous brushwork, create a sense of tranquility and harmony that is truly unique.Chinese painting has a long history and rich cultural significance. It has been practiced for thousands of years and has evolved into a distinct art form with its own set of techniques and styles. I am fascinated by thetraditional Chinese painting masters, such as Qi Baishi and Zhang Daqian, who have created timeless masterpieces that continue to inspire artists around the world.One of the things I love most about Chinese painting is its connection to Chinese philosophy and spirituality. Many Chinese paintings are imbued with philosophical andspiritual meanings, such as the concept of harmony between man and nature or the pursuit of inner peace. I find itdeeply inspiring to contemplate these themes while admiring a beautiful Chinese painting.In addition, I appreciate the skill and discipline required to create a Chinese painting. The meticulous brushwork, the careful composition, and the use of traditional materials such as rice paper and ink all contribute to the unique beauty of Chinese paintings. I admire the patience and dedication of Chinese painters who devote years of their lives to mastering these techniques.Overall, traditional Chinese painting is a timeless art form that continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world. Its beauty, elegance, and cultural significance make it my favorite Chinese art form.我最喜欢的中国艺术形式是传统的中国画。



中国传统画之美英语作文Traditional Chinese painting, with its unique style and techniques, captures the beauty of nature and the essence of Chinese culture. The use of brush and ink creates a sense of tranquility and elegance, allowing the viewers to appreciate the harmony between man and nature.In traditional Chinese painting, artists often use the "xieyi" (写意) technique, which focuses on expressing the spirit or essence of the subject rather than its physical form. This technique allows for a more abstract and expressive representation of the subject, leaving room for imagination and interpretation.The use of water and ink in Chinese painting creates a sense of fluidity and movement, as if the paintings come to life with every brushstroke. The contrast between light and dark, as well as the use of empty space, adds depth and dimension to the paintings, evoking a sense of mystery and wonder.Chinese painting often features traditional Chinese landscapes, such as mountains, rivers, and forests, which symbolize the enduring beauty of nature and the timeless wisdom of the Chinese people. The use of symbolism and metaphor in these landscapes adds layers of meaning and significance to the paintings, inviting the viewers to contemplate the deeper philosophical and spiritual aspects of Chinese culture.The traditional Chinese painting often conveys a sense of harmony and balance, reflecting the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang. The use of color, composition, and brushwork is carefully orchestrated to create a sense of equilibrium and unity, allowing the viewers to experience a profound sense of peace and serenity.In conclusion, traditional Chinese painting is not just a visual art form, but a profound expression of Chinese culture and philosophy. Its unique techniques and aesthetics offer a glimpse into the rich heritage and timeless wisdom of the Chinese people, inviting the viewersto appreciate the beauty and depth of traditional Chinese art.。



中国国粹国画英语作文Chinese traditional painting, known as "Guohua," is a unique form of art that has been cherished and developed over thousands of years. It is an integral part of China'scultural heritage and is considered a national treasure.Guohua is characterized by its use of ink and brushwork onrice paper or silk. The art form is deeply rooted in Chinese philosophy, which emphasizes harmony between humans and nature. Artists often draw inspiration from landscapes, flora, and fauna, capturing the essence of these subjects with a few strokes of the brush.The techniques used in Guohua are quite distinct from Western painting. Instead of focusing on detailed realism, Chinese painters aim to express the spirit and mood of the scene.This is achieved through the use of expressive brushwork, varying ink densities, and the strategic use of blank space, which is as important as the inked areas in conveying the composition.One of the most famous styles within Guohua is the literati painting, which was developed by scholars and literati who sought to express their personal emotions and philosophical ideas through their art. These paintings often feature simple, yet profound, imagery accompanied by poetry and calligraphy, further enriching the cultural depth of the artwork.Another notable aspect of Guohua is the use of color. While black ink is the most traditional medium, artists also use a range of colors derived from natural pigments. These colors are applied with a light hand, often in a way that complements the ink rather than overpowering it.Guohua has also evolved over time, with modern artists incorporating contemporary themes and techniques while still respecting the traditional forms. This has led to a vibrant and diverse field of Chinese painting that continues to captivate audiences both within China and around the world.In conclusion, Chinese traditional painting is a profound art form that reflects the cultural values and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese people. It is a testament to the enduring legacy of Chinese art and continues to be a source of inspiration and pride for the nation.。

why i learn traditional chinese painting

why i learn traditional chinese painting

why i learn traditional chinese painting












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Tools and materials have a writing brush, ink, painting pigments, paper , silk, themes can be divided into figures, landscapes , flowers, and other, techniques can be divided into Fine brushwork And impressionism.
中国画的概念理ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 国画的形式与内容 国画的发展历程与各个时期的特点 国画的价值 简单欣赏技巧 简单的国画的技巧
Painting concept
Painting in ancient non-determined name, generally called painting, mainly refers to the painting on silk, paper, silk and mounted on scrolls of painting.
国画在古代无确定名称,一般称之为丹青,主要指的 是画在绢、宣纸、帛上并加以装裱的卷轴画。
汉族传统绘画形式是用毛笔蘸水、墨、彩作画于绢或纸 上,这种画种被称为“中国画”,简称“国画”。
工具和材料有毛笔、墨、国画颜料、宣纸、绢等,题 材可分人物、山水、花鸟等,技法可分工笔和写意。
中国画在内容和艺术创作上,体现了古人对自然、社 会及与之相关联的政治、哲学、宗教、道德、文艺等方面 的认识。
On the content of traditional Chinese painting and art, reflects the ancients associated to the natural, social and political, philosophical, religious, moral, cultural and other aspects of cognition.
The warring States period (figure from the Dragon)
Wei, Jin and southern and Northern dynasties (single scroll painting in every place the Los God gives, and the spring sightseeing map)
Forms and contents of Chinese painting
Form: 1、 Chudo (living room Central) 2、 Banner 3、 Essays 4、 Picture frame 5、 Reel 6、 Fan 7、 Fan blades 8、 Scroll
形式: 中堂 条幅 小品 镜框 卷轴 扇面 册页 长卷
1、 Figure 2、 Landscape 3、 Flowers and birds 4、 Art (pavilions, buildings)
Form of Han traditional painting is brush dipped in water, ink and color painting on silk or paper, this painted species is known as " Chinese painting ", abbreviated as " painting ".
工笔人物画时期 战国(人物御龙图) 魏晋南北朝(单幅卷轴画展子虔《洛神赋
人物御龙 图
Ink Impressionism paintings
Tang dynasty and the five dynasties (the Royal aristocracy, painting landscapes from figures separated, emergence of ink landscape painting)
人物 山水 花鸟 界画(亭台楼阁等建筑)
Characteristics of the development history of the Chinese painting and all
Period of traditional Chinese realistic figure painting
Traditional Chinese
郭敏 李丽君 卿诗雨 孙彬 沈守欢
1、 Conceptual understanding of traditional Chinese painting 2、 Form and content of traditional Chinese paintings 3、 Development and characteristics of each period of painting 4、 Value of traditional Chinese painting 5、simple appreciation skills 6、 Simple painting tips
The song (ink Freehand as the main body of the literati painting, emphasizing unity of calligraphic art, focus on painting and taste)
Ming (inheritance and development of literati painting, means the emergence of ink painting)