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What are the recent trends in world trade? Will expansion of world trade in the future follow these trends?

Global Linkages:

Global linkages bind countries, institutions, and individuals more closely than ever. World trade opens up entirely new business horizons (界限,范围).

Domestic Policy Repercussions(影响):

Exchange rates have begun to determine the level of trade.

The global market imposes increasingly tight limits on national economic regulation and sovereignty(国家主权).


1. List and briefly describe the five elements of success that are required for an international marketer to take advantage of and thrive in developing markets.

Research - learn about the needs, aspirations, and habits of targeted populations.

Creating Buying Power - allowing consumers with no collateral to borrow money. Tailoring Local Solutions - combine advanced technology with local insights.

Improving Access - by providing access, it could lead to a thriving business.

Shaping Aspirations - ideally suited products to match consumer demand.

2.From the international marketer's point of view, what are the opportunities and problems caused by increased urbanization in developing countries?



1.List and briefly describe the elements of culture.

a) Language

b) Nonverbal Language

c) Religion

d) Values and Attitudes

e) Manners and Customs

f) Material Elements

g) Aesthetics

h) Education

i) Social Institutions

j) Sources of Cultural Knowledge

2.List and briefly describe the dimensions of culture used in Cultural Analysis

a) Individualism-“I ” consciousness versus “we ” consciousness;

b) Power distance- level of equality in a society;

c) Uncertainty avoidance- need for formal rules and regulations

d) Masculinity- attitudes toward achievement, roles of men and women.
