



全国外科学考博试题总结名词解释:1.高钾血症;2.心脏按摩;3.中心静脉压;4.非少尿型急性肾功能衰竭;5.呼吸性酸中毒;6.肠源性感染;7.脓毒症(sepsis);8.Superinfection;9.ARDS;10.过继免疫疗法;11.CARS12.GVHR;13.SIADH;14.基因诊断;15.条件性感染;16.SIADH;17.SIRS;18. 预存式自体输血;19.休克抑制期;20. 痈;21.海绵状血管瘤;22.负氮平衡;23. 脑再灌注损伤;24.中厚皮片;25. 脓血症26.烧伤面积的中国九分法;27.systemic inflammatory response syndrome ;28.功能性细胞外液;29.心肺复苏;30.MSOF;31.ARF;32.ARDS;33.ICU;34.休克指数;35.MODS;36.条件感染;37.载体和重组质粒;38.MAC;39.导向复苏40.精准医疗论述题:1、较广泛的或剧烈的创伤性炎症对机体可引起哪些不利影响?(10 分)2、成人呼吸窘迫综合症的临床表现和分期(15 分)。

3.输血适应症4.外科抗菌药应用原则5.理想手术切口应具备的条件6.肾替代疗法应达到的指标7.DIC 的临床表现8.创伤治愈的分期、处理原则9.理想的肿瘤标志物应具备的特点10. 肾在体内酸碱平衡调节的机制11. 肠外营养的适应证和并发症12. 自体输血的方式和禁忌证13.试述肠内营养适应证14.试述自体输血的适应证与禁忌症15.分输血的种类和适应症16.肠源性感染的发病机制17.代谢性酸中毒的分型及常见原因18.创伤的检查与诊断步骤(13)19.脑复苏的现代观念及主要方法20.灭菌与消毒有何区别?21.高钾血症的原因和诊断处理?22.肠外营养有哪些常见并发症如何处理23.简述外科如何选择和使用抗菌药物?24..创伤后组织修复分几个阶段?简述其修复过程?25.创伤后组织修复过程分为哪几个阶段?各阶段的主要特点是什么?26.试述肿瘤浸润与转移过程中的相关因素?27.试述创伤的代谢变化及其临床意义?28.溶血反应的发病机理及病理变化?29.感染性休克病理生理变化过程中血流动力学改变有何特征?治疗要点是什么?30.全胃肠外营养的并发症31..肠细菌移位的发生机制32.腹部外科术后心力衰竭的紧急处理,应从哪些方面着手?33.有哪些腹部外科疾病与病毒感染有关?如何预防和治疗。




考试科目:外科学(普外科) 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
一、名词解释雷诺综合征 3. Miles手术 4. 壶腹周围癌 5. warrant手术 二、简答题:每题15分 1. 胃大部切除术的并发症。 2. 肛瘘的病因、病理、分型、临床表现及治疗。 3. 食管静脉曲张破裂的手术处理原则。 4. 甲状腺结节的诊断思路及处理。 5. 细菌性肝脓肿和阿米巴肝脓肿的鉴别。
第1页 共1页
























医学博士考试01-06试题 加详解

医学博士考试01-06试题 加详解

2000FA TMD医学博士研究生入学外语考试――英语参考答案(部分)PAPER TWO31.A 32.B 33.C 34.D 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.C 39.A 40.B 41.C 42.C 43.C 44.D 45.B46.D 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.C51.C 52.B 53.D 54.A55.C 56.D 57.D 58.C59.C 60.C 61.D 62.D63.A 64.B 65.D 66.D67.C 68.B 69.C 70.A71.C 72.C 73.C 74.D 75.D2001FA TMD医学博士研究生入学外语考试――英语参考答案(部分)PAPER ONE1.A2.C3.D4.B5.A6.A7.C8.A9.D 10.C 11. PAPER TWO1.C2.C3.A4.B5.C6.D7.B8.D9.C 10.D 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.D 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.A31.C 32.A 33.B 34.A 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.C 39.D 40.B 41.C 42.C 43.A 44.B 45.B46.C 47.D 48.B 49.D 50.A51.C 52.A 53.A 54.D55.D 56.C 57.A 58.A59.C 60.C 61.D 62.A63.B 64.D 65.D 66.C67.A 68.A 69.D 70.D71.C 72.A 73.C 74.D 75.A2002FA TMD医学博士研究生入学外语考试――英语参考答案(部分)1.B2.C3.C4.A5.D6.B7.C8.C9.B 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.B16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.D 23.C 24.C 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.B31.B 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.D 36.C 37.C 38.C 39.D40.D41.B 42.D 43.D 44.B 45.C 46.D 47.A 48.B 49.A50.B51.B 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.C 56.C 57.C 58.C 59.A60.A61.A 62.D 63.D 64.B 65.A 66.D 67.D 68.A 69.C70.C71.B 72.A 73.A 74.A 75.A 76.B 77.C 78.B 79.C80.D81.C 82.B 83.D 84.D 85.D 86.A 87.B 88.C 89.A 90.D2003FA TMD医学博士研究生入学外语考试――英语参考答案(部分)1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.A16.C 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.D 21.C 22.D 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.D 27.D 28.B 29.C 30.D31.A 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.A 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.A 41.A 42.C 43.C 44.D 45.D 46.B 47.D 48.D 49.C 50.A51.B 52.A 53.C 54.A 55.C 56.B 57.A 58.C 59.B60.A61.C 62.B 63.C 64.B 65.C 66.C 67.B 68.D 69.A70.B71.D 72.A 73.D 74.C 75.D 76.B 77.D 78.C 79.C80.A81.A 82.A 83.D 84.C 85.B 86.B 87.C 88.A 89.D 90.B2004年全国医学考博英语试题答案(仅供参考)1.A2.B3.C4.C5.C6.B7.D8.A9.D 10.D11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.A21.A 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.D 26.A 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.C31.B 32.A 33.D 34.A 35.B 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.B41.A 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.C 46.D 47.C 48.A 49.D 50.A51.A 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.B 56.C 57.A 58.A 59.B 60.C61.D 62.C 63.B 64.D 65.C 66.D 67.D 68.C 69.D 70.B71.B 72.D 73.B 74.C 75.B 76.B 77.A 78.D 79.A 80.B81.B 82.D 83.C 84.C 85.A 86.B 87.D 88.A 89.A 90.D2005年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷答案1-5CACDA6-10CDBCB11-15CADBA16-20DDBCB21-25ABCBD26-30CCDAD31-35CABAA36-40CADAD41-45BACBA46-50ABDCC51-55BACBA56-60ACBCB61-65BCBBC66-70BDABC71-75CACBB76-80CACBB81-85CBACD86-90ADBCC2006年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷答案31-40 CDCCB BCBDA41-50 ACACA ACDDB51-60 BCACA AADBC61-70 DDDDA ACABD71-80ACCCC BCAAD81-90DBDBD DDBBC2001part III vocabulary(15%)1.we are all overwhelmed with more facts and information than we can possibly____A.feedB.maintainC.absorbD.consume2.pleasure,or joy, is vital to ____health. vital.生死攸关的, 重大的, 生命的, 生机的, 至关重要的, 所必需的A.optimistic pessimistic悲观的B.optional可选择的, 随意的C.optimal最佳的, 最理想的near optimal近似最佳D.operational3.A ____ effort is required to achieve health.mitted 承担义务的;忠于既定立场的;坚定的B.restrictedposed镇静的, 沉着的D.sophisticated诡辩的, 久经世故的4.A person’s belief ____ and colors his experience.A.contradicts vt.同...矛盾, 同...抵触contradict a statement驳斥一项声明contradict oneself自相矛盾B.shapes shape the destiny of决定...的命运C.summarizes概述, 总结, 摘要而言D.exchanges交换, 调换, 兑换, 交流, 交易.exchange experience 交流经验5.Many professors encourage students to question and ____ their idearsA.convey vt.搬运, 传达, 转让I can't convey my feelings in words.我的情感难以言表。



历年考博外科题目总汇. .1、Tme及直肠系膜的概念2、胰头癌引起梗阻性黄疸的处理办法3、原位肝移植的手术方式与适应症胃癌的淋巴结清扫范围与手术根治程度分级乳腺癌的内分泌治疗的方法与药物乳癌治疗原则Sirs sepsis MODS的概念与相互关系营养不良的分类与支持的适应症直肠癌前切除术的主要并发症胰岛素瘤的定位诊断肝癌的综合治疗, 肝癌的治疗原则门脉高压上消化道出血的治疗MODS的发病机理MODS的治疗。






甲状腺癌的病理特点胃癌的治疗原则如何正确的对手术病人进行术前肝功能评估,以利手术顺利进行?Child 评分Child-1、Tme及直肠系膜的概念2、胰头癌引起梗阻性黄疸的处理办法3、原位肝移植的手术方式与适应症胃癌的淋巴结清扫范围与手术根治程度分级乳腺癌的内分泌治疗的方法与药物乳癌治疗原则Sirs sepsis MODS的概念与相互关系营养不良的分类与支持的适应症直肠癌前切除术的主要并发症胰岛素瘤的定位诊断肝癌的综合治疗, 肝癌的治疗原则门脉高压上消化道出血的治疗MODS的发病机理MODS的治疗。






甲状腺癌的病理特点胃癌的治疗原则如何正确的对手术病人进行术前肝功能评估,以利手术顺利进行?Child 评分Child:二问答1 PMC(甲状腺乳头状微小腺癌)及其目前治疗原则2 Budd-Chiari syndrome的分型及手术治疗方法布加综合征由各种原因所致肝静脉和其开口以上段下腔静脉阻塞性病变引起的常伴有下腔静脉高压为特点的一种肝后门脉高压症。



2018 年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题试卷一 (Paper One)Part I Listening Comprehension (30%)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once, after you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder You haven’t had a bite all day.Question: What’s the matter with the woman?You will read:A. She is sick.B. She is bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B ● D Now let’s begin with question Number 1.1. A. On campus B. At he dentist’sC.At the pharmacyD. In the laboratory2. A. Pain B. Weakness C. Fatigue D. Headache3. A. Their weird behavior at school.B. Their superior cleverness over others’.C. Their tendency to have learning difficulty.D. Their reluctance to switch to right handedness.4. A. John will be angry. B. John will be disappointed.C. John will be attracted.D. John will be frightened.5. A. Th ey’re quite normal. B. They’re not available.C. They came unexpected.D. They need further explanation.6. A. He knows so little about Lady GagaB. He has met Lady Gaga before.C. He should have known Lady GagaD. He is a big fan of Lady Gaga.C. In the emergency room.D. On their way to the hospital8. A. Health care B. Health reformC. Health educationD. Health maintenance9. A. Learning to act intuitively.B. Learning to argue academically.C. Learning to be critical of oneself.D. Learning to think critically and reason10. A. She is a pharmacist. B. She is a medical doctor.C. She is a scientist in robotics.D. She is a pharmacologist.11. A. She’s pessimistic about the future.B. She’s pessimistic about the far future.C. She’s optimistic about the far future.D. She’s optimistic about the near future.12. A. Negligence may put a patient in danger.B. Patients must listen to doctors and nurses.C. Qualified doctors and nurses are in bad need.D. Patients should be careful about choosing the right hospital.13. A. The man works at eh ER.B. The man can do nothing but wait.C. The woman’s condition is critical.D. The woman is a capable paramedic.14. A. A gynecologist. B. A psychologistC. A neurologist.D. A nephrologist.15. A. She has only one friend.B. She isolates herself from others.C. She suffers from a chronic disease.D. She is jobless and can’t find a job.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.DialogueQuestions 16-20 are based on the following dialogue.16. A. Because she couldn’t do other jobs well.B. Because it was her dream since childhood.C. Because she was fed up with all her previous jobs.D. Because two professors found talent in her and inspired her to do it.17. A. The Self/Nonself Model B. The Danger ModelC. The vaccination theoryD. The immunological theory18. A. Being overactive B. Being mutantC. Being selectiveD. Being resistant19. A. It can help cure most cancers.B. It can help develop new drugs.C. It can help most genetic diseases.D. It can help change the nature of medicine.20. A. We should ignore the resistance.B. We should have the model improved.C. We should have the experiments on animals.D. We should move from animals to human.Passage One21. A. The profits form medical tourism.B.The trendy phenomenon of medical tourism.C.The soaring health care costs around the word.D.The steps to take in developing medical tourism22. A. Affordable costs B. Low pace of livingC. Five-star treatmentD. Enjoyable health vacation23. A. It is a$100 billion business already.B. It is growing along with medical tourism.C. Its costs are skyrocketing with medical tourism.D. It offers more medical options than western medicine.24. A. To set up a website for blogging about medical tourism.B. To modify our lifestyles and health behaviors.C. To buy and affordable medical insurance.D. To explore online to get well informed.25. A. A travel brochure.B. A lecture on medical tourism.C. A chapter of a medical textbook.D. A webpage promotional material.Passage TwoQuestions 26-30 are based on the following passage.26. A. Song sparrows take good care of their babies.B. Young song sparrows back the skills and experience of their parents.C. There are different kind of song sparrows in different seasons.D. Young and old song sparrows experience climate change different.27. A. In the warmer spring B. In the hottest summerC. In the coolest autumnD. In the coldest winter28. A. Because they lack the skill and experience to find food.B. Because they have not developed a strong body yet.C. Because they cannot endure the unusual heat.D. Because they cannot find enough food.29. A. They are less sensitive to the effect of climate change thanks to their parents.B. They are quick to develop strong bodies to encounter climate change.C. They experience food insufficiency due to climate change.D. They are as sensitive to climate change as the juveniles.30. A. Body size B. Migration routeC. Food preferenceD. Population growthPart Ⅱ Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31.The medical team discussed their shared ____to eliminating this curable disease.A.obedienceB. susceptibilityC. inclinationD. dedication32. Many of us are taught from an early age that the grown-up response to pain, weakness, oremotional_____is to ignore it, to tough it out.A. TurmoilB. rebellionC. temptationD. relaxation33. Those depressed kids seem to care little about others,____communication and indulge in theirown worlds.A. put downB. shut downC. settle downD. break down34. The school board attached great emphasis to____ in students a sense of modesty and a sense ofcommunity.A. dilutingB. inspectingC. instillingD. disillusioning35. Our brain is very good at filtering out sensory information that is not______to what we need tobe attending to.A. pertinentB. permanentC. precedentD. prominent36. New studies have found a rather____correlation between the presence of small particles andboth obesity and diabetes.A. collaboratingB. comprehendingC. compromisingD. convincing37. We must test our____about what to include in the emulation and at what level at detail.A. intelligenceB. imitationsC. hypothesisD. precautions.38. We must____the problem____, which is why our map combines both brain structure andfunction measurements at large scale and high resolution.A. set...backB. take...overC. pull...inD. break...down39. Asthma patient doesn’t need continuous treatment because his symptoms are rather____thanpersistent.A. intermittentB. precedentC. dominantD. prevalent40. It is simply a fantastic imagination to_____that one can master a foreign language overnight.A. conceiveB. concealC. convertD. conform Section BDirections: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.41. The truly competent physician is the one who sits down, senses the “mystery”of anotherhuman beings, and often the simple gifts of personal interest and understanding.A. imaginableB. capableC. sensibleD. humble42. The physician often perceived that treatment was initiated by the patient.A. conservedB. theorizedC. realizedD. persisted43. Large community meals might have served to lubricate social connections and alleviatedtensions.A. facilitateB. intimidateC. terminateD. mediate44. Catalase activity reduced glutathione and Vitamin E levels were decreased exclusively insubjects with active disease.A. definitelyB. trulyC. simplyD. solely45. Ocular anomalies were frequently observed in this cohort of offspring born after in vitrofertilization.A. FetusesB. descendantsC. seedsD. orphans46. Childhood poverty should be regarded as the single greatest public health menace facing ourchildren.A. breachB. griefC. threatD. abuse47. A distant dream would be to deliberately set off quakes to release tectonic stress in a controlledway.A. definitelyB. desperatelyC. intentionallyD. identically48. Big challenges still await companies converting carbon dioxide to petrol.A. applyingB. relatingC. relayingD. transforming49. Concern have recently been voiced that the drugs elicit unexpected cognitive side effects, suchas memory loss, fuzzy thinking and learning difficulties.A. ensueB. encounterC. impedeD. induce50. A leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Tai, which means having one’s view of the importantovershadowed by the trivial.A. insignificantB. insufficientC. substantialD. unexpectedPart ⅢCloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right side. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of yourchoice on the ANSWER SHEIET.The same benefits and drawbacks are found when using CT scanning to detect lung cancer—the three-dimensional imaging, improve detection of disease but creates hundreds of images that increase a radiologist’s workload, which, 51 , can result in missed positive scans.Researchers at University of Chicago Pritizker School of Medicine presented 52 data on a CAD (computer-aided diagnosis) program they’ve designed that helps radiologist spot lung cancer 53 CT scanning. Their study was 54 by the NIH and the university.In the study, CAD was applied to 32 low-dose CT scanning with a total of 50 lung nodules, 38 of which were biopsy-confirmed lung cancer that were not found during initial clinical exam. 55 the 38 missed cancers,15 were the result of interpretation error (identifying an image but 56 it as non cancerous) and 23 57 observational error(not identifying the cancerous image).CAD found 32 of the 38 previously missed cancers (84% sensitivity), with false-positive 58 of 1.6 per section.Although CAD improved detection of lung ca ncer, it won’t replace radiologists, said Sgmuel G Armato, PhD, lead author of the study.” The computer is not perfect,”Armato said.” It will miss some cancers and call some things cancer that 59 . The radiologists can identify normal anatomy that the computer may 60 something suspicious. It’s a spell-checker of sorts, or a second opinion.51.A. in common B. in turn C. in one D. in all52.A. preliminary B. considerate C. deliberate D. ordinary53.A. being used B. to use C. using D. use54.A. investigated B. originated C. founded D. funded55.A. From B. Amid C. Of D. In56.A. disseminating B. degenerating C. dismissing D. deceiving57.A. were mistaken for B. were attributed to C. result in D. gave away to58.A. mortalities B. incidences C. images D. rates59.A. don’t B. won’t C. aren’t D. wasn’t60.A. stand for B. search for C. account for D. mistake forPart Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by five questions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneWhen Tony Wagner, the Harvard education specialist, describes his job today, he says he’s“a translator between two hostile tribes”—the education world and the business world, the people who teach our kids and the people who give them jobs. Wagner’s ar gument in his book “Creating Innovations: The Making of Young People Who Wil l Change the World” is that our K-12 and college tracks are not consistently “adding the value and teaching the skills that matter most in themarketplace.”This is dangerous at a time when there is increasingly to such things as a high-wage, middle-skilled job—the thing that sustained the middle class in the last generation. Now, there is only a high-wage, high-skilled job. Every middle-class job today is being pulled up, out or down faster than ever. That is, it either requires more skill or can be done by more people around the world or is being buried made obsolete faster than ever. Which is why the goal of education today, argues Wagner, should not be to make every child “college ready” but “innovation ready”—ready to add value to whatever they do.That is a tall task. I tracked Wagner down and asked him to elaborate. “Today,” he said via e-mail,” because knowledge is available on every Internet-connected device, what you know matters far less than what you can do with what you know. The capacity to innovate—the ability to solve problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life and skills like critical thinking,communication and collaboration are far more important than acade mic knowledge. As one executive told me, “We can teach new hires the content. And we will have to because it continues to change, but we can’t teach them how to think—to ask the right questions—and to take initiative.”My generation had it easy. We got to “find” a job. But, more than ever, our kids will have to “invent” a job. Sure, the lucky ones will find their first job, but, given the pace of change today, even they will have to reinvent, re-engineer and reimagine that job much often than their parents if they want to advance in it.“Finland is one of the most innovative economics in the world,”Wagner said,” and it is the only country where students leave high school ‘innovation-ready.’ They lea rn concepts and creativity more than facts, and have a choice of many elective—all with a shorter school day, little homework, and almost no testing. There are a growing number of “reinvented”colleges like the Olin College of Engineering, the M.I.T. Media L ab and the “D-school” Stanford where students learn to innovate.”61.In his book, Wagner argues that _____.A.the education world is hostile to our kidsB.the business world is hostile to those seeking jobsC.the business world is too demanding on the education worldD.the education world should teach what the marketplace demands62. What does the “tall task” refer to in the third paragraph?A. Sustaining the middle class.B. Saving high-wage, middle-skilled jobs.C. Shifting from “college ready” in “innovation ready.”D. Preventing middle-class jobs from becoming obsolete fast.63. What is mainly expressed in Wagner’s e-mail?A. New hires should be taught the content rather than the ways of thinking.B. Knowledge is more readily available on Internet-connected devices.C. Academic knowledge is still the most important to teach.D. Creativity and skills matter more than knowledge.64. What is implied in the fourth paragraph?A. Jobs favor the lucky ones in every generation.B. Jobs changed slowly in the autho r’s generation.C. The author’s generation led an easier life than their kids.D. It was easy for the author’s generation to find their first job.65. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?A. to orient future educationB. to exemplify the necessary shift in educationC. to draw a conclusion about the shift in educationD. to criticize some colleges for their practices in educationPassage TwoBy the end of this century, the average world temperature is expected to increase between one and four degrees, with widespread effects on rainfall, sea levels and animal habitats. But in the Arctic, where the effects of climate change are most intense, the rise in temperature could be twice as much.Understanding how Arctic warming will affect the people, animals, plant and marine life and economic activity in Canada’s North are important to the country’s future, says Kent Moore, and atmospheric physicist at University of Toronto Mississauga who is participating in a long-term, international study of the marine ecosystem along the Beaufort Sea, from Alaska to the Mackenzie delta.The study will add to our knowledge of everything from the extent of sea ice in the region to how fish stocks will change to which areas could become targets for oil and gas exploration to the impact on the indigenous people who call this part of the country home.Moore, who has worked in the Arctic for more than 20 years, says his research has already found that thinning sea ice and changes in wind patterns are causing an important change in the marine food chain: phytoplankton(浮游植物)is blooming two to three weeks earlier. Many animals time their annual migration to the Arctic for when food is plentiful, and have not adapted to the earlier bloom. “Animal behavio r can evolve over a long time, but these climate changes are happening in the space of a decade, rather than hundreds of years,” says Moore,“Animals can’t change their behavior that quickly.”A warmer Arctic is expected to have important effects on human activity in the region, as the Northwest Passage becomes navigable during the summer, and resource extraction becomes more feasible. Information gained from the study will help government, industry and communities make decisions about resource management, economic development and environmental protection.Moore says the study—which involves Canadian, American and European researchers and government agencies—will also use a novel technology to gather atmospheric data: remotely piloted drones. “The drones have the capability of a large research aircraft, and they’re easier to deploy,” he says, showing the researchers to gather information on a more regular basis than they would be able to with piloted aircraft.66. By the end of this century, according to the author, global warming will_____.A. start to bring about extreme weather events to humans and animalsB. increase the average world temperature by four degreesC. cause more damages to the whole world than expectedD. affect the Arctic more than any other parts of the earth67. To help understand the destructive mechanism of Arctic warming, as indicated by the passage,the international study ____.A. is conducted with every single discipline of University of TorontoB. pioneers in pursuing the widespread effects of climate change.C. involves so many countries for different investigationsD. is intended to deal with various aspects in research68. When he says, “Animals can’t change their behavior that quickly,” what does Moore mean bythat quick?A. The migration of the animals to the Arctic.B. The widespread effects of global warming.C. The rate of the climate change in the Arctic.D. The phytoplankton within the marine ecosystem.69. According to the author, to carry out proper human activities in the Arctic_____.A. becomes more difficult than ever before.B. is likely to build a novel economy in the region.C. will surely lower the average world temperature.D. needs the research-based supporting information.70. With the drones deployed, as Moore predicts, the researchers will_____.A. involve more collaborating countries than they do now.B. get more data to be required for their research.C. use more novel technologies in research.D. conduct their research at a regular basis.Passage ThreeSkilled clinical history-taking and physical examination remain essential as the basis of the disease diagnosis and management, aided by investigations such as radiological or biochemical tests. Technological advances over the past few decades mean that such investigations now can be refined, or even replaced in some cases, by the measurement of genetic or genomic biomarkers. The molecular characteristics of a disorder or the genetic make-up of an individual can fine tune a diagnosis and inform its management. These new capabilities, often termed “stratified(分层的)” or “personalized” medicine, are likely to have profound effect on the practice of medicine and service delivery.Genetic medicine, which uses genetic or genomic biomarkers in this way, has, until recently, been the province of a small minority of specialized physicians who have used it to diagnose or assess risk of inherited disease. Recognition that most disease has a genetic component, the development and application of new genetic tests to identify important disease subsets and the availability of cost-effective interventions mean that genetic medicine must be integrated more widely across healthcare services. In order to optimize benefit equitably across the population, physicians and services need to be ready to change and adapt to new ways of working.Perhaps the greatest challenge is to ensure the readiness of physicians to use these genomic technologies for maximum effect, so that genetic medicine is incorporated into mainstream specialties. For some clinicians, particularly those involved in clinical research, these advances are already a reality.However, a sizable majority do not yet recognize the relevance of genetics for their clinical practice, perceiving genetic conditions to be rare and untreatable. Maximizing genomic opportunities also means being aware of their limitations, media portrayals that indicate that genetic information gives clear-cut answers are often unrealistic. Indeed, knowing one’s entire genomic seq uence is no the crystal ball of our future that many hope it to be,and physicians will need to be more familiar with what is hype(鼓吹)and what is reality for the integration of genetics into mainstream medicine to be successful.Finally, both professional and public should have a realistic view of what is possible. Although the discovery of genetic risk factors in common diseases such as heart disease and cancer has led to important insights about disease mechanisms, the predictive power of individual genetic variants is often very low. Developments in bioinformatics will need to evolve considerably before the identification of a particular combination of genetic variants in an individual will have clinical utility for them.71.Which of the following statements does the author most probably agree with?A.Personalized medicine will greatly change the practice of medicine.B.Genetic biomarkers have been largely refined over the past.C.Physical examination remains essential in tine tuning a diagnosis.D.Clinical history-taking is no longer important in the genetic era.72.What, according to the second paragraph, can be said of genetic medicine?A. It can offer solutions to all inherited diseases.B. It has been widely recognized among the physicians.C. It necessitates adaptation of the healthcare community.D. It is monopolized by a small minority of specialized physicians.73. The future of the genomic technologies, for the most part, lies in_____.A. the greater potential of treating rare diseasesB. the greater efforts in the relevant clinical researchC. the greater preparedness of the physicians to employ themD. the greater publicity of their benefits in the media portrayals74. In the last paragraph, the author cautions against_____.A. underestimation of the importance of the genetic risk factorsB. unrealistic expectation of the genetic predicative powerC. abuse of genetic medicine in treating common diseasesD. unexpected evolution of the bioinformatics.75. Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?A. Genetic medicine should be the mainstream option for physicians.B. Genetic medicine poses great challenges to medical practice.C. Genetic medicine will exert great influence on medicine.D. Genetic medicine is defined as “stratified” medicine.Passage FourMisconduct is a word that is always on professors’ minds. Incidents in the news tend to describe the most serious violations of scientific standards, such as plagiarism for fabricating data. But these high-profile infractions(违法)occur relatively rarely. Much more frequent are forms of misconduct that occur as part of the intimate relationship between a faculty member and a student.Faculty members don’t need to commit egregious acts such as sexual harass ment or appropriation of students’work to fail in their responsibility to their charges. Being generally negligent as teachers and mentors should also be seen as falling down on the job.What we found most interesting was how respondents had less vehement(强烈的)reactions to a host of questionable behaviors. In particular, they said that faculty members should avoid neglectful teaching and mentoring. These included routinely being late for classes, frequently skipping appointments with advisees, showing favoritism to some students, ignoring those whose interests diverged from their own, belittling colleagues in front of students, providing little or no feedback on students’ theses or dissertations, and take on more graduate advisees than they could handle.The vast majority of US faculty members have simply not been taught how to teach. And these responses suggest that they are subjecting young scientists-in-training to the same neglect.To address this systemic issue, we must do a better job of exposing the current and next generations of scientists to the rules of proper mentoring through seminars. For instance, on online modules. The societies of academic disciplines, institutions and individual departments can play a big part here, by developing codes of conduct and clear mechanisms for students report violations.The most serious behaviors are relatively easy to spot and address, but “inadequate teaching”can be subjective. Still, if universities establish specific rules for academics to follow, real patterns of abuse will be easier to find. For instance, these rules could stipulate that professors must return substantive feedback on drafts within 15 days, provide more than just negative feedback during a student’s oral defense of their thesis, or be availa ble regularly to answer questions.To deal with faculty members who consistently fall short, universities should establish teaching-integrity committees, similar to the research-integrity committees that handle issues of scientific misconduct. These could receive reports from students and decide what action to take, either by following a due process laid out in the faculty manual, or simply by adopting the same process as that of other committees, such as for tenure applications.76.What is implied in the first two paragraphs?A. The misconducts are widely exposed in the news.。




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国家医学考试中心PAPER ONEPart 1 :Listening comprehension(30%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, Thequestion will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter ofyour choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following exampleYou will hearWoman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.Question: What’s the matter with the woman?You will read:A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B C DNow let’s begin with question Number 1.1. A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pintsC. About 4 pintsD. About 7 pints2. A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work.C. Take some sleeping pills.D. Work harder to forget all her troubles.3. A. He has no complaints about the doctor.B. He won’t complain anything.C. He is in good condition.D. He couldn’t be worse.4. A. She is kidding.B. She will get a raise.C. The man will get a raise.D. The man will get a promotion.5. A. Her daughter likes ball games.B. Her daughter is an exciting child.C. She and her daughter are good friends.D. She and her daughter don’t always understand each other.6. A. She hurt her uncle.B. She hurt her ankle.C. She has a swollen toe.D. She needs a minor surgery.7. A. John likes gambling.B. John is very fond of his new boss.C. John has ups and downs in the new company.D. John has a promising future in the new company.8. A. She will get some advice from the front desk.B. She will undergo some lab tests.C. She will arrange an appointment.D. She will get the test results.9. A. She’s an odd character.B. She is very picky.C. She is easy-going.D. She likes fashions.10.A. At a street corner.B. In a local shop.C. In a ward.D. In a clinic.11.A. Sea food. B. Dairy products.C. Vegetables and fruits.D. Heavy foods.12.A. He is having a good time.B. He very much likes his old bicycle.C. He will buy a new bicycle right away.D. He would rather buy a new bicycle later.13.A. It is only a cough.B. It’s a minor illness.C. It started two weeks ago.D. It’s extremely serious.14.A. The woman is too optimistic about the stock market.B. The woman will even lose more money at the stock market.C. The stock market bubble will continue to grow.D. The stock market bubble will soon meet its demise.15.A. The small pills should be taken once a day before sleep.B. The yellow pills should be taken once a day before supper.C. The white pills should be taken once a day before breakfast.D. The large round pills should be taken three times a day after meals.Section BDirection:In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answersmarked A, B, C and D, Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choiceon the ANSWER SHEET.Dialogue16.A. Because he had difficulty swallowing it.B. Because it was upsetting his stomach.C. Because he was allergic to it.D. Because it was too expensive.17.A. He can’t play soccer any more.B. He has a serious foot problem.C. He needs an operation.D. He has cancer.18.A. A blood transfusion.B. An allergy test.C. A urine test.D. A biopsy.19.A. To see if he has cancer. B. To see if he has depression.C. To see if he requires surgery.D. To see if he has a food allergy problem.20.A. Relieved.B. Anxious.C. Angry.D. Depressed.Passage One21.A. The cause of COPD.B. Harmful effects of smoking.C. Men more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.D. Women more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.22.A. 954.B. 955.C. 1909.D. 1955.23.A. On May 18 in San Diego. B. On May 25 in San Diego.C. On May 18 in San Francisco.D. On May 25 in San Francisco.24.A. When smoking exposure is high.B. When smoking exposure is low.C. When the subjects received medication.D. When the subjects stopped smoking.25.A. Hormone differences in men and women.B. Genetic differences between men and women.C. Women’s active metabolic rate.D. Women’s smaller airways.Passage Two26.A. About 90,000.B. About 100,000.C. Several hundreds.D. About 5,000.27.A. Warning from Goddard Space Flight Center.B. Warning from the Kenyan health ministry.C. Experience gained from the 1997 outbreak.D. Proper and prompt Aid from NASA.28.A. Distributing mosquito nets.B. Persuading people not to slaughter animals.C. Urging people not to eat animals.D. Dispatching doctors to the epidemic-stricken area.29.A. The higher surface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean.B. The short-lived mosquitoes that were the hosts of the viruses.C. The warm and dry weather in the Horn of Africa.D. The heavy but intermittent rains.30.A. Warning from NASA.B. How to treat Rift Valley fever.C. The disastrous effects of Rift Valley fever.D. Satellites and global health – remote diagnosis.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirection:In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A BC andD .are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase thatbest completes the sentence. Then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 31.A good night’s sleep is believed to help slow the stomach’s emptying, produce a smoother,less abrupt absorption of sugar, and will better __________ brain metabolism.A. regulateB. activateC. retainD. consolidate32.The explosion and the oil spill below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico left my mind in such a________ that I couldn’t get to sleep.A. catastropheB. boycottC. turmoilD. mentality33.Coronary heart attacks occur more commonly in those with high blood pressure, in the obese,in cigarette smokers, and in those _________ to prolonged emotional and mental strain.A. sympatheticB. ascribedC. preferableD. subjected34.Most colds are acquired by children in school and then ___________ to adults.A. conveyedB. transmittedC. attributedD. relayed35.Several of the most populous nations in the world ________ at the lower end of the table ofreal GDP per capita last year.A. fluctuatedB. languishedC. retardedD. vibrated36.Presently this kind of anti-depressant is still in clinical _______, even though the concept hasbeen around since 1900s.A. trialsB. applicationsC. implicationsD. endeavors37.Studies revealed that exposure to low-level radiation for a long time may weaken the immunesystem, ________ aging, and cause cancer.A. haltB. postponeC. retardD. accelerate38.The mayor candidate’s personality traits, being modest and generous, _______ people in hisfavor before the election.A. predisposedB. presumedC. presidedD. pressured39.With its graceful movements and salubrious effects on health, Tai Chi has a strong ________to a vast multitude of people.A. flavorB. thrillC. appealD. implication40.If you are catching a train, it is always better to be _______ early than even a fraction of aminute too late.A. infinitelyB. temporarilyC. comfortablyD. favorablySection BDirections:Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence, Choose the word or phrase which can bestkeep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part,Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.41.All Nobel Prize winners’ success is a process of long-term accumulation, in which lastingefforts are indispensable.A. irresistibleB. cherishedC. inseparableD. requisite42.The Queen’s presence imparted an air of elegance to the drinks reception at BuckinghamPalace in London.A. bestowedB. exhibitedC. imposedD. emitted43.Physicians are clear that thyroid dysfunction is manifest in growing children in the form ofmental and physical retardation.A. intensifiedB. apparentC. representativeD. insidious44.The mechanism that the eye can accommodate itself to different distances has been applied toautomatic camera, which marks a revolutionary technique advance.A. yieldB. amplifyC. adaptD. cast45.Differences among believers are common; however, it was the pressure of religiouspersecution that exacerbated their conflicts and created the split of the union.A. eradicatedB. deterioratedC. vanquishedD. averted46.When Picasso was particularly poor, he might have tried to obliterate the original compositionby painting over it on canvases.A. duplicateB. eliminateC. substituteD. compile47.For the sake of animal protection, environmentalists deplored the construction program of anuclear power station.A. disapprovedB. despisedC. demolishedD. decomposed48.Political figures in particular are held to very strict standards of marital fidelity.A. loyaltyB. moralityC. qualityD. stability49.The patient complained that his doctor had been negligent in not giving him a full examination.A. prudentB. ardentC. carelessD. brutal50.She has been handling all the complaints without wrath for a whole morning.A. furyB. chaosC. despairD. agonyPart III Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D on the right side. Choose the best answerand mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.For years, scientists have been warning us that the radiation from mobile phones is detrimental to our health, without actually having any evidence to back these __51__ up. However, research now suggests that mobile phone radiation has at least one positive side effect: it can help prevent Alzheimer’s, __52__ in the mice that acted as test subjects.It’s been suspected, though never proven, that heavy use of mobile phones is bad for your health. It’s thought that walking around with a cellphone permanently attached to the side of your head is almost sure to be __53__ your brain. And that may well be true, but I’d rather wait until it’s proven before giving upthat part of my daily life.But what has now been proven, in a very perfunctory manner, is that mobile phone radiation can have an effect on your brain. __54__ in this case it was a positive rather than negative effect.According to BBC news, the Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center conducted a study on 96 mice to see if the radiation given off by mobile phones could affect the onset of Alzheimer’s.Some of the mice were “genetically altered to develop beta-amyloid plaques in their brains” __55__ they aged. These are a marker of Alzheimer’s. all 96 mice were then “exposed to the electro-magnetic__56__ generated by a standard phone for two one-hour periods each day for seven to nine months.” The lucky things.__57__ the experiment showed that the mice altered to be predisposed to dementia were protected from the disease if exposed before the onset of the illness. Their cognitive abilities were so unimpaired as to be virtually __58__ to the mice not genetically altered in any way.Unfortunately, although the results are positive, the scientists don’t actually know why exposure to mobile phone radiation has this effect. But it’s hoped that further study and testing could result in anon-invasive __59__ for preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease.Autopsies carried out on the mice also concluded no ill-effects of their exposure to the radiation.However, the fact that the radiation prevented Alzheimer’s means mobile phones __60__ our brains andbodies in ways not yet explored. And it’s sure there are negative as well as this one positive.51. A. devicesB. risksC. phenomenaD. claims52. A. at leastB. at mostC. as ifD. as well53. A. blockingB. cookingC. exhaustingD. cooling54. A. ExceptB. EvenC. DespiteD. Besides55. A. untilB. whenC. asD. unless56. A. rangeB. continuumC. spectrumD. field57. A. ReasonablyB. ConsequentlyC. AmazinglyD. Undoubtedly58. A. identicalB. beneficialC. preferableD. susceptible59. A. effortB. methodC. huntD. account60. A. do affectB. did affectC. is affectingD. could have affectedPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions:In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by five questions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B,C, and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice onthe ANSWER SHEET.Passage oneI have just returned from Mexico, where I visited a factory making medical masks. Faced with fierce competition, the owner has cut his costs by outsourcing some of his production. Scores of people work for him in their homes, threading elastic into masks by hand. They are paid below the minimum wage, with no job security and no healthcare provision.Users of medical masks and other laboratory gear probably give little thought to where their equipment comes from. That needs to change. A significant proportion of these products are made in the developing world by low-paid people with inadequate labor rights. This leads to human misery on a tremendous scale.Take lab coats. Many are made in India, where most cotton farmers are paid an unfair price for their crops and factory employees work illegal hours for poor pay.One-fifth of the world’s surgical instruments are made in northern Pakistan. When I visited the area a couple of years ago I found most workers toiling 12 hours a day, seven days a week, for less than a dollar a day, exposed to noise, metal dust and toxic chemicals. Thousands of children, some as young as 7, work in the industry.To win international contracts, factory owners must offer rock-bottom prices, and consequently drive down wages and labor conditions as far as they can. We laboratory scientists in the developed world may unwittingly be encouraging this: we ask how much our equipment will cost, but which of us asks who made it and how much they were paid?This is no small matter. Science is supposed to benefit humanity, but because of the conditions under which their tools are made, may scientists may actually be causing harm.What can be done? A knee-jerk boycott of unethical goods is not the answer; it would just make things worse for workers in those manufacturing zones. What we need is to start asking suppliers to be transparent about where and how their products are manufactured and urge them to improve their manufacturing practices.It can be done. Many universities are committed to fair trade in the form of ethically sourced tea, coffee or bananas. That model should be extended to laboratory goods.There are signs that things are moving. Over the past few years I have worked with health services in the UK and in Sweden. Both have recently instituted ethical procurement practices. If science is truly going to help humanity, it needs to follow suit.61. From the medical masks to lab coats, the author is trying to tell us ________.A. the practice of occupational protection in the developing worldB. the developing countries plagued by poverty and disease.C. the cheapest labor in the developing countries.D. the human misery behind them.62. The concerning phenomenon the author has observed, according to the passage,________.A. is nothing but the repetition of the miserable history.B. could have been even exaggerated.C. is unfamiliar to the wealthy west.D. is prevailing across the world.63. The author argues that when researchers in the wealthy west buy the tools oftheir trade, they should ___________.A. have the same concern with the developing countries.B. be blind to their sources for the sake of humanityC. pursue good bargains in the international market.D. spare a thought for how they were made.64. A proper course of action suggested by the author is ___________.A. to refuse to import the unethical goods from the developing world.B. to ask scientists to tell the truth as the prime value of their work.C. to urge the manufacturers to address the immoral issues.D. to improve the transparency of international contracts.65. By saying at the end of the passage that if science is truly going to help humanity, it needs to follow suit, the author means that ___________.A. the scientific community should stand up for all humanityB. the prime value of scientists’ work is to tell the truth.C. laboratory goods also need to be ethically sourced.D. because of science, there is hope for humanity.Passage twoA little information is a dangerous thing. A lot of information, if it’s inaccurate or confusing, even more so. This is a problem for anyone trying to spend or invest in an environmentally sustainable way. Investors are barraged with indexes purporting to describe companies’ eco-credentials, some of dubious quality. Green labels on consumer products are ubiquitous, but their claims are hard to verify.The confusion is evident form New Scientist’s analysis of whether public perceptions of companies’ green credentials reflect reality. It shows that many companies considered “green” have done little to earn that reputation, while others do not get sufficient credit for their efforts to reduce their environmental impact. Obtaining better information is crucial, because decisions by consumers and big investors will help propel us towards a green economy.At present, it is too easy to make unverified claims. Take disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions, for example. There are voluntary schemes such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, but little scrutiny of the figures companies submit, which means investors may be misled.Measurements can be difficult to interpret, too, like those for water sue. In this case, context is crucial: a little from rain-soaked Ireland is not the same as a little drawn from the Arizona desert.Similar problems bedevil “green” labels attached to individual products. Here, the computer equipment rating system developed by the Green Electronics Council shows the way forward. Its criteria come from the IEEE, the world’s leading professional association for technology/Other schemes, such as the “sustainability index” planned by US retail giant Walmart, are broader. Developing rigorous standards for a large number of different types of product will be tough, placing a huge burden on the academic-led consortium that is doing the underlying scientific work.Our investigation also reveals that many companies choose not to disclose data. Some will want to keep it that way. This is why we need legal requirements for full disclosure of environmental information, with the clear message that the polluter will eventually be required to pay. Then market forces will drive companies to clean up their acts.Let’s hope we can rise to this challenge. Before we can have a green economy we need a green information economy – and it’s the quality of information, as well as its quantity, that will count.66. “The confusion” at the beginning of the 2nd paragraph refers to ________.A. where to spend or invest in a sustainable wayB. an array of consumer products to chooseC. a fog of unreliable green informationD. little information on eco-credibility67. From the New Scientist’s analysis it can be inferred that in many cases________.A. eco-credibility is abusedB. a green economy is crucialC. an environmental impact is lessenedD. green credentials promote green economy68. From unverified claims to difficult measurements and then to individual products, the author argues that ________.A. eco-credibility is a game between scientists and manufacturesB. neither scientists nor manufactures are honestC. it is vital to build a green economyD. better information is critical69. To address the issue, the author is crying for ________.A. transparent corporate managementB. establishing sustainability indexesC. tough academic-led surveillanceD. strict legal weapons70. Which of the following can be the best inference from the last paragraph?A. The toughest challenge is the best opportunity.B. It is time for another green revolution.C. Information should be free for all.D. No quantity, no quality.Passage ThreePeople are extraordinarily skilled at spotting cheats – much better than they are detecting rule-breaking that does not involve cheating. A study showing just how good we are at this adds weight to the theory that our exceptional brainpower arose through evolutionary pressures to acquire specific cognitive skills.The still-controversial idea that humans have specialized decision-making systems in addition to generalized reasoning has been around for decades. Its advocates point out that the ability to identify untrustworthy people should be favored evolutionarily, since cheats risk undermining the social interactions in which people trade goods or services for mutual benefit.The test whether we have a special ability to reason about cheating, Leda Cosmides, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and her colleagues used a standard psychological test called the Wason selection task, which tests volunteers’ ability to reason about “if/then” statements.The researchers set up scenarios in which they asked undergraduate volunteers to imagine they were supervising workers sorting appliances for admission to two schools;a good one in a district where school taxes are high, and a poor one in an equally wealthy, but lightly taxed district. The hypothetical workers were supposed to follow a rule that specified “if a student is admitted to the good school”, they must live in the highly taxed district.Half the time, the test subjects were told that the workers had children of their own applying to the schools, thus having a motive to cheat; the rest of the time they were told the workers were merely absent-minded and sometimes made innocent errors. Then the test subjects were asked how they would verify that the workers were not breaking the rule.Cosmides found that when the “supervisors” thought they were checking for innocent errors, just 9 of 33, or 27 percent, got the right answer – looking for a student admitted to the good school who did not live in the highly taxed district. In contrast, when the supervisors thought they were watching for cheats, they did much better, with 23 of 34, or 68 percent, getting the right answer.This suggests that people are, indeed, more adept at spotting cheat than at detecting mere rule-breaking, Cosmides said. “Any cues that it’s just an innocent mistake actually inactivate the detection mechanism.”Other psychologists remain skeptical of this conclusion. “If you want to conclude that therefore there’s a module in the mind for detecting cheaters, I see zero evidence for that,” says Steven Sloman, a cognitive scientists at Brown University in Province, Rhode Island. “It’s certainly possible that it’s something we learned through experience. There’s no evident that it’s anything innate.”71. The findings of the study were in favor of ____________.A. the highly developed skills of cheating at schoolB. the relation between intelligence and evolutionC. the phenomenon of cheating at schoolD. the human innate ability to cheat72. The test “supervisors” appeared to be more adept at ________.A. spotting cheats than detecting mere rule-breakingB. detecting mere rule-breaking than spotting cheatsC. spotting their own children cheating than others doing itD. detecting cheats in the highly taxed district than in the lightly taxed one73. When she says that …that can’t be the only thing going on in the mind, Cosmides most probably implies that ________.A. cheating is highly motivated in the social interactionsB. our specific cognitive skills can serve an evolutionary purposeC. there is no such a mental thing as a specialized decision-making systemD. the ability to identify untrustworthy people should be favored evolutionary74. In response to Cosmides’ claim, Sloman would say that ________.A. it was of great possibilityB. it could be misleadingC. it was unbelievableD. it’s acquired75. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Cheating at SchoolB. Cheating as the Human NatureC. Imaginary Intelligence and CheatingD. Intelligence Evolved to Root Out CheatsPassage FourFor many environmentalists, all human influence on the planet is bad. Many natural scientists implicitly share this outlook. This is not unscientific, but it can create the impression that greens and environmental scientists are authoritarian tree-huggers who value nature above people. That doesn’t play well with mainstream society, as the apparent backlash against climate science reveals.Environmentalists need to find a new story to tell. Like it or not, we now live in the anthropocene (人类世) – an age in which humans are perturbing many of the planet’s natural systems, from the water cycle to the acidity of the oceans. We cannot wish that away; we must recognize it and manage our impacts.Johan Rockstrom, head of the Stockholm Environment Institute in Sweden, and colleagues have distilled recent research on how Earth systems work into a list of nine “planetary boundaries” that we must stay within to live sustainably. It is preliminary work, and many will disagree with where the boundaries are set. But the point is to offer a new way of thinking about our relationship with the environment – a science-based picture that accepts a certain level of human impact and even allows us some room to expand. The result is a breath of fresh air: though we are already well past three of the boundaries, we haven’t trashed the place yet.It is in the same spirit that we also probe the basis for key claims in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2007 report on climate impacts. This report has been much discussed since our revelations about its unsubstantiated statement on melting Himalayan glaciers. Why return to the topic? Because there is a sense that the IPCC shares the same anti-human agenda and, as a result, is too credulous of unverified numbers. While the majority of the report is assuredly rigorous, there is no escaping the fact that parts of it make claims that go beyond the science.For example, the chapter on Africa exaggerates a claim about crashes in farm yields, and also highlights projections of increased water stress in some regions while ignoring projections in the same study that point to reduced water stress in other regions. There errors are not trifling. They are among the report’s headline conclusions.Above all, we need a dispassionate view of the state of the planet and our likely future impact on it. There’s no room for complacency: Rockstrom’s analysis shows us that we face real dangers, but exaggerating our problems is not the way to solve them. 76. As the first paragraph implies, there is between environmentalists and mainstream society _____________.A. a misunderstandingB. a confrontationC. a collaborationD. a consensus77. Within the planetary boundaries, as Rockstrom implies, ___________.A. we humans have gone far beyond the limitationsB. our human activities are actually moderate in degreeC. a certain level of human impact is naturally acceptableD. it is urgent to modify our relationship with the environment78. The point, based on Rockstrom’s investigation, is simply that __________.A. they made the first classification of Earth systemsB. it is not to deny but to manage impacts on the planetC. we are approaching the anthropocene faster than expectedD. human beings are rational and responsible creatures on earth79. Critical of the IPCC’s 2007 report, the author argues that they _________.A. missed the most serious problems thereB. were poorly assembled for the missionC. cannot be called scientists at allD. value nature above people80. It can be concluded from the passage that if we are to manage the anthropocene successfully, we ________________.A. must redefine our relationship with the environmentB. should not take it seriously but to take it easy。



2018外科学试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共20分)1. 以下哪个是外科感染的特点?A. 病程长B. 炎症反应剧烈C. 疼痛明显D. 恢复慢答案:B2. 外科手术中常用的止血方法不包括以下哪项?A. 压迫止血B. 电凝止血C. 药物止血D. 冷冻止血答案:D3. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本操作?A. 切开B. 缝合C. 消毒D. 引流答案:C4. 以下哪个是外科手术的常见并发症?A. 感染B. 出血C. 疼痛D. 以上都是答案:D5. 以下哪个是外科手术中常用的麻醉方式?A. 局部麻醉B. 全身麻醉C. 椎管内麻醉D. 以上都是答案:D...(此处省略15题)二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 外科手术前必须进行术前准备,包括患者的心理评估和生理评估。

(对)2. 所有外科手术都需要进行全身麻醉。

(错)3. 术后患者需要进行适当的活动,以促进血液循环和预防深静脉血栓。

(对)4. 外科手术中,无菌操作是防止感染的关键。

(对)5. 外科手术的切口愈合分为一期愈合和二期愈合。

(对)...(此处省略5题)三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 简述外科手术的一般步骤。


2. 什么是无菌操作?为什么在外科手术中非常重要?答案:无菌操作是指在手术过程中采取一系列措施,确保手术区域和手术器械不接触任何微生物,以防止感染。


3. 简述外科手术中的止血方法。


4. 外科手术中如何预防感染?答案:预防感染的方法包括术前准备、无菌操作、使用抗生素、保持手术环境清洁等。

5. 简述术后患者的护理要点。




考博外科学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌操作B. 无创原则C. 快速切除D. 保护组织2. 外科手术中,以下哪项不是常用的止血方法?A. 压迫止血B. 电凝止血C. 药物止血D. 物理止血3. 以下哪种情况不适合进行手术治疗?A. 急性阑尾炎B. 慢性胆囊炎C. 严重营养不良D. 早期乳腺癌4. 外科手术中,以下哪项不是术后并发症?A. 感染B. 出血C. 疼痛D. 血栓形成5. 以下哪项是腹腔镜手术的优点?A. 切口大B. 恢复快C. 视野差D. 并发症多6. 以下哪项是外科手术前的常规准备?A. 禁食禁水B. 立即手术C. 无需体检D. 无需心理辅导7. 以下哪种麻醉方式适用于短小手术?A. 全身麻醉B. 局部麻醉C. 椎管内麻醉D. 神经阻滞麻醉8. 以下哪项是外科手术中常见的感染类型?A. 细菌性感染B. 真菌性感染C. 病毒性感染D. 寄生虫感染9. 以下哪项是外科手术中常见的并发症?A. 心律失常B. 肾功能衰竭C. 肺栓塞D. 以上都是10. 以下哪项是外科手术中的无菌操作原则?A. 无菌区域与非无菌区域分离B. 手术器械随意摆放C. 手术人员可以随意进出手术室D. 手术人员可以不戴口罩答案:1-5 C, D, C, D, B;6-10 A, B, A, D, A二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述外科手术前的基本准备流程。


2. 请列举三种常见的外科手术并发症,并简要说明其预防措施。



3. 描述腹腔镜手术与传统开腹手术的主要区别。



考试科目:外科学 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
第1页 共1页
一、单选题0.5分*40 外科各章节(难度适中) 二、不定项选择1分*20 外科各章节(较难!) 三、简答题5分*6 1.肝性脑病 2.休克的一般检测指标 3.甲状腺手术的并发症 4.骨筋膜室综合症的临床表现 5.小脑幕切迹疝的定义 临床表现 6.肺癌的临床分型及表现 四、论述题10分*3 1.胃大部切除术的手术方式及优劣 2.颈椎病的分型,临床表现,治疗原则 3.肝移植的适应症,米兰标准及杭州标准,经典肝移植的手术方法
第1页 共1页
Байду номын сангаас



一、名词解释1.脓毒症(sepsis):是指由感染引起的全身炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome, SIRS),临床上证实有细菌存在或有高度可疑感染灶。


2.缺血一再灌注损伤(ischemia-reperfusion injury):在缺血基础上恢复血流后组织损伤反而加重,甚至发生不可逆性损伤的现象3. APUD瘤(Apudoma):由APUD系统的细胞(弥散的神经内分泌细胞)发生的肿瘤,统称为APUD瘤(apudoma)。

APUD细胞指广泛分布在全身各部位的一些内分泌细胞和细胞群,这些细胞内含有胺或具有摄取胺的前体,进行脱羧反应的能力[(Amine (胺),Pre- cursor (前体),Uptake (摄取),Decarboxylation(脱羧)], 把具有这种特性(或能力)的细胞称为APUD细胞。

4.肝脏couinaud分段法:以肝裂和门静脉及肝静脉在肝内分布为基础的Couinaud分段法,将肝脏分为八段:相当于尾状叶为I段,左外叶为n、III 段,左内叶为W段,右前叶为V、训I段,右后叶为W、皿段。

5.肠道细菌移位(bactrial translocation):是指肠道细菌及其产物从肠腔移位至肠系膜或其他肠外器官的过程。



二、简答 1.乳腺癌术后辅助化疗的目地及适应症目地:消灭全身潜在的微小转移灶,降低复发、转移风险,提高生存率。





外科博士专业基础试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 外科手术中,以下哪个是无菌操作的基本要求?A. 手术室内保持清洁B. 手术人员必须穿戴无菌手术衣和手套C. 手术室内禁止无关人员进入D. 所有选项都是2. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌原则B. 无创原则C. 无痛原则D. 快速原则3. 以下哪个是外科手术中常用的止血方法?A. 压迫止血B. 电凝止血C. 药物止血D. 所有选项都是4. 以下哪个不是外科手术中常用的缝合材料?A. 丝线B. 肠线C. 不锈钢线D. 尼龙线5. 外科手术中,以下哪个是预防感染的重要措施?A. 术前准备B. 术中无菌操作C. 术后护理D. 所有选项都是6. 以下哪个是外科手术中常用的麻醉方式?A. 局部麻醉B. 椎管内麻醉C. 全身麻醉D. 所有选项都是7. 以下哪个不是外科手术中常用的引流方式?A. 腹腔引流B. 胸腔引流C. 静脉引流D. 动脉引流8. 以下哪个是外科手术中常用的切口类型?A. 横切口B. 纵切口C. 斜切口D. 所有选项都是9. 以下哪个不是外科手术中常用的止血带?A. 橡胶止血带B. 充气止血带C. 纱布止血带D. 金属止血带10. 以下哪个是外科手术中常用的抗感染药物?A. 青霉素B. 头孢类C. 红霉素D. 所有选项都是二、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 请简述无菌操作的基本原则。

2. 请简述外科手术中的无菌环境如何建立?3. 请简述外科手术中常用的缝合技术有哪些?4. 请简述外科手术中常见的并发症有哪些?5. 请简述外科手术中常用的麻醉方法及其特点。

6. 请简述外科手术中预防感染的措施。

三、论述题(每题25分,共50分)1. 论述外科手术中的无菌技术的重要性及其实施步骤。

2. 论述外科手术中对患者进行术前准备的重要性及其具体内容。

答案:一、选择题1. D2. D3. D4. C5. D6. D7. C8. D9. D10. D二、简答题1. 无菌操作的基本原则包括:保持无菌区域的清洁、避免接触无菌物品、使用无菌工具和材料、穿戴无菌手术衣和手套等。




2.试卷一(paper one)和试卷二(paper two)答案都做在标准答题卡上,书面表达一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域,不要做在试卷上。




Paper OnePart I Listening comprehension(30%)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversions between two speakers. At the end of each conversion, you will hear a question about what is said. The question willbe read only once. After you hear the question, read the four possible answers markedA, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.Question: What’s the matter with the womanYou will read:A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerADNow let’s begin with question Number 1.1. A. She’s looking for a gift.B. She needs a new purse.C. She’s going to give a birthday party.D. She wants to go shopping with her mom.2. A. She hears noises in her ears day and night.B. She has been overworking for a long time.C. Her right ear, hurt in an accident, is troubling her.D. Her ear rings are giving her trouble day and night.3. A. He’ll go to see Mr. White at 10:30 tomorrow.B. He’d like to make an earlier appointment.C. He’d like to cancel the appointment.D. He’d like to see another dentist.4. A. 8:00 B. 8:15 C. 8:40 D. 8:455. A. In a hotel. B. At a fast food bar.C. In the supermarket.D. In the department store.6. A. To resign right away.B.To work one more day as chairman.C.To think twice before he make the decision.D.To receive further training upon his resignation.7. A. She didn’t do anything in particular.B.She send a wounded person to the ER.C.She had to work in the ER.D.She went skiing.8. A. A customs officer. B. The man’s mother.C. A school headmaster.D. An immigration officer.9. A. It feels as if the room is going around.B.It feels like a kind of unsteadiness.C.It feels as if she is falling down.D.It feels as if she is going around.10. A. John has hidden something in the tree.B.John himself should be blamed.C.John has a dog that barks a lot.D.John is unlucky.11. A. The chemistry homework is difficult.B.The chemistry homework is fun.C.The math homework is difficult.D.The math homework is fun.12. A. His backache. B. His broken leg.C. His skin problem.D. His eye condition.13. A. Whooping cough, smallpox and measles.B.Whooping cough, chickenpox and measles.C.Whooping cough, smallpox and German measles.D.Whooping cough, chickenpox and German measles.14. A. Saturday morning. B. Saturday night.C. Saturday afternoon.D. Next weekend.15. A. He’s lost his notebook.B.His handwriting is messy.C.He’ll miss class latter this week.D.He cannot make it for his appointment.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one conversion and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answers marked A,B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Conversation16. A. He is having a physical checkup.B.He has just undergone an operation.C.He has just recovered from an illness.D.He will be discharged from the hospital this afternoon.17. A. He got an infection in the lungs.B.He had his gallbladder inflamed.C.He was suffering from influenza.D.He had developed a big kidney tone.18. A. A lot better. B. Terribly awful.C. Couldn’t be better.D. Okay, but a bit weak.19. A. To be confined to a wheelchair.B.To stay indoors for a complete recovery.C.To stay in bed and drink a lot of water.D.To move about and enjoy the sunshine.20. A. From 4 pm to 6 pm. B. From 5 pm to 7 pm.C. From 6 pm to 8 pm.D. From 7 pm to 9 pm.Passage One21. A. The link between weight loss and sleep deprivation.B.The link between weight gain and sleep deprivation.C.The link between weight loss and physical exercise.D.The link between weight gain and physical exercise.22. A. More than 68,000. B. More than 60,800.C. More than 60,080.D. More than 60,008.23. A. Sever-hour sleepers gained more weight over time than 5-hour ones.B.Five-hour sleepers gained more weight over time than 7-hour ones.C.Short-sleepers were 15% more likely to become obese.D.Short-sleepers consumed fewer calories than long sleepers.24. A. Overeating among the sleep-deprived.B.Little exercise among the sleep-deprived.C.Lower metabolic rate resulting from less sleep.D.Higher metabolic rate resulting from less sleep.25. A. Exercise every day. B. Take diet pills.C. Go on a diet.D. Sleep more.Passage Two26. A. She is too hard on me.B.She asks too many questions.C.She is always considerate of my feelings.D.She is the meanest mother in the neighborhood.27. A. A university instructor. B. A teaching assistant.C. A phD student.D. A psychiatrist.28. A. They usually say no.B.They usually say yes.C.They usually wait and see.D.They usually refuse to say anything.29. A. They are overconfident.B.Their brains grow too fast.C.They are psychologically dependent.D.Their brains are still immature in some areas.30. A. Be easy on your teen.B.Try to be mean to your teen.C.Say no to your teen when necessary.D.Don’t care about your teen’s feelings.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: In this section all the statements are incomplete, beneath each of which are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can bestcomplete the statement and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWERSHEET.31. A number of black youths have complained of being by the police.A. harassedB. distractedC. sentencedD. released32. He rapidly became with his own power in the team.A. irrigatedB. irradiatedC. streetlightD. torchlight33. Throughout his political career he has always been in the .A. twilightB. spotlightC. streetlightD. torchlight34. We that diet is related to most types of cancer but we don’t have definite proof.A. suspendB. superveneC. superviseD. suspect35. A patient who is dying of incurable cancer of the throat is in terrible pain, which can nolonger be satisfactorily .A. alleviatedB. abolishedC. demolishedD. diminished36. The television station is supported by from foundations and other sources.A. donationsB. pensionsC. advertisementsD. accounts37. More legislation is needed to protect the property rights of the patent.A. integrativeB. intellectualC. intelligent38. Officials are supposed to themselves to the welfare and health of the generalpublic.A. adaptB. confineC. commitD. assess39. You should stop your condition and do something about it.A. drawing onB. touching onC. leaning onD. dwelling on40. The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen into human nature.A. perspectiveB. dimensionC. insightD. reflectionSection BDirections: In this section each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined, beneath which are four words or phrase. Choose the word or phrase which canbest keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for theunderlined part. Then mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.41.The chemical was found to be detrimental to human health.A. toxicB. immuneC. sensitiveD. allergic42.It will be a devastating blow for the patient, if the clinic closes.A. permanentB. desperateC. destructiveD. sudden43.He kept telling us about his operation in the most graphic detail.A. verifiableB. explicitC. preciseD. ambiguous44.The difficult case tested the ingenuity of even the most skillful physician.A. credibilityB. commitmentC. honestyD. talent45.He left immediately on the pretext that he had to catch a train.A. claimB. clueC. excuseD. talent46.The nurse was filled with remorse of not believing her .A. anguishB. regretC. apologyD. grief47.The doctor tried to find a tactful way of telling her the truth.A. delicateB. communicativeC. skillfulD. considerate48.Whether a person likes a routine office job or not depends largely on temperament.A. dispositionB. qualificationC. temptationD. endorsement49.The doctor ruled out Friday’s surgery for the patient’s unexpected complications.A. confirmedB. facilitatedC. postponedD. cancelled50.It is not easy to remain tranquil when events suddenly change your life.A. cautiousB. motionlessC. calmD. alertPart III Cloze(10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choice marked A, B, C and D listed on the right side. Choose the best answer andmark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Experts say about 1% of young women in the United States are almost starving themselves today. They are suffering from a sickness called anorexia.These young women have an abnormal fear of getting fat. They 51 starve themselves so they weigh at 15% less than their normal weight.The National Institute of Mental Health says one 52 ten cases of anorexia leads to serious medical problems. These patients can die from heart failure or the disease can lead young women to 53 themselves. For example, former gymnast Christy Henrich died at age 22. She weighed only61 pounds.A person with anorexia first develops joint and muscle problems. There is a lack of iron in the blood. 54 the sickness progresses, a young woman’s breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure rates slow down. The important substance calcium is 55 from the bones, something causing bones to break. Sometimes the brain gets smaller, causing changes in 56 a person thinks and acts. Scientists say many patients have further mental and emotional problems. They have 57 opinions about themselves. They feel helpless. Their attempts to become extremely thin may 58 efforts to take control of their lives. They may become dependent on illegal drugs. Some people also feel the need to continually repeat a(n) 59 . For example, they may repeatedly wash their hands although their hands are clean.Anorexia is a serious eating 60 .If it is not treated on time, it can be fatal.51. A. specifically B. purposely C. particularly D. passionately52. A. from B. of C. at D. in53. A. kill B. starve C. abuse D. worsen54. A. When B. While C. As D. Since55. A. lost B. derived C. generated D. synthesized56. A. what B. why C. how D. which57. A. good B. high C. lower D. poor58. A. represent B. make C. present D. exert59. A. medication B. illusion C. motion D. action60. A. habit B. behavior C. disorder D. patternPart IV Reading Comprehension(30%)Direction:In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by five questions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the bestanswer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneChildren should avoid using mobile phones for all but essential calls because of possible health effects on young brains. This is one of the expected conclusions of an official government report to be published this week. The report is expected to call for the mobile phone industry to refrain from promoting phone use by children, and to start labeling phones with data on the amount of radiation they emit.The Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, chaired by former government chief scientist William Stewart, has spent eight months reviewing existing scientific evidence on all aspects of the health effects of using mobile phones. Its report is believed to conclude that because we don’t fully understand the nonthermal effects of radiation on human tissue, the government should adopt a precautionary approach, particularly in relation to children.There is currently no evidence that mobile phones harm users or people living near transmitter masts. But some studies show that cell-phones operating at radiation levels within current safety limits do have some sort of biological effect on the brain.John Tattersall, a researcher on the health effects of radiation at the Defense Evaluation and Research Agency’s site at Porton Down, agrees that it might be wise to limit phone use by children. “If you have a developing nervous system, it’s known to be more susceptible to environmental insults,” he says,“So if phones did prove to be hazardous——which they haven’t yet ——it would be sensible.”In 1998, Tattersall showed that radiation levels similar to those emitted by mobile phones could alter signals from brain cells in slices of rat brain, “What we’ve found is an effect, but we don’t know if it’s hazardous,” he says.Alan Preece of the University of Bristol, who found last year that microwaves increase reaction times in test subjects, agreed that children’s exposure would be greater. “There’s a lot less tissue in the way, and the skill is thinner, so children’s heads are considerably closer,” he says.Stewart’s report is likely to recommend that the current British safety standards on energy emissions from cell-phones should be cut to the level recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, which is one-fifth of the current British limit. “The extra safety factor of five is somewhat arbitrary,” says Michael Clark of th e National Radiological Protection Board. “But we accept that it’s difficult for the UK to have different standards from an international body.”61. Just because it has not been confirmed yet whether mobile phone emissions can harm humantissue, according to the government report, does not mean that .A. the government should prohibit children from using cell-phonesB. we should put down the phone for the sake of safetyC. the industry can have a right to promote phone useD. children are safe using cell-phones62. Tattersall argues that it is wise to refrain mobile phone use by children in termsof .A. their neural developmentB. their ill-designed cell-phonesC. the frequency of their irrational useD. their ignorance of its possible health effects63. On the issue in question, Preece .A. does not agree with TattersallB. tries to remove the obstacles in the wayC. asks for further investigationD. would stand by Stewart64. What is worrisome at present is that the UK .A. is going to turn deaf ears to the voice of Stesart’s planB. finds it difficult to cut the current safety standards on phone useC. maintains different standards on safety limit from the international onesD. does not even impose safety limit on the mobile phones’ energy emissions65.Which of the following can bi the best candidate for the title of the passageA . Brain Wave B. For Adults OnlyC. Catch Them YoungD. The Answer in the AirPassage TwoAdvances in cosmetic dentistry and plastic surgery have made it possible to correct facial birth defects, repair damaged teeth and tissue, and prevent or greatly delay the onset of tooth decay and gum disease. As a result, more people smile more often and more openly today than ever in the past, and we can expect more smiles in the future.Evidence of the smile’s ascent may be seen in famous paintings in museums and galleries throughout the world. The vast majority of prosperous bigwigs(要人),voluptuous nudes, ormiddle-class family members in formal portraits and domestic scenes appear to have their mouths firmly closed. Soldiers in battle, children at play, beggars, old people, and especially villains may have their mouths open; but their smiles are seldom attractive, and more often suggest strain or violence than joy.Smiles convey a wide range of meanings in different eras and cultures, says art historian Angus Trumble, currently curator(馆长)of Yale University’s Center for British Art, in his book A Brief History of the Smile. Compare, for instance, the varying impressions made by the shy dimples(酒窝)of Leonardo’s Mona Lisa; the rosy-cheeked, mustachioed Laughing Cavalier of Frans Hals; and the”Smiley Face”logo perfected(though not invented)in 1963 by American graphic artist Harvey .In some non-Western cultures, Trumble notes, even a warm, open smile does not necessarily indicate pleasure or agreement. It can simply be a polite mask to cover emotions considered too rude or shocking to bi openly displayed.Subtle differences in muscle movement can convey enormous differences in emotion, from the tranquility of bronze Buddhas, to the erotic bliss of couples entwined in stone on Hindu temples, to the fierce smirk(假笑)of a guardian demon at the entrance to a Chinese tomb.Trumble expects the impact of Western medicine and mass media to further increase the pressure on people to grin broadly and laugh openly in public.”Faint smiles are increasingly thought of in scientific and psychological circles as something that falls short of the true smile ,”and therefore suggest insincerity or lack of enthusiasm, he says.With tattooing, boby piercing, and permanent cosmetics already well established as fashion trends, one can imagine tomorrow’s beauty shops adding plastic surgeons and dentists to their staffs. These comer-store cosmeticians would offer style makeovers to reshape our lips, teeth, and jawlines to mimic the signature smile of one’s favorite celebrity.What can you say to that except” Have a nice day”66. Had it not been for cosmetic advances, as inferred from the passage, .A . people would not have been as happy as they are todayB. the rate of facial birth defect would not have declinedC . there would not have been many more open smilesD. we would not have seen smiling faces in public67. According to the passage, it seems that whether there is a smile or not in the portraits orpictures is decided by .A. one’s internal sense of the external worldB . one’s identity or social positionC . one’s times of existenceD . All of the above68. Trumble’s study on smiles shows that .A. an open smile can serve as a cover-upB . the famous portraits radiate varying smilesC. even the human muscles can arouse varying emotionsD. smiles can represent misinterpretations of different eras and cultures69. What Trumble expects to see is .A. the increasing tendency of broad grins and open smiles in publicB . further impact of Western medicine upon non-Western culturesC. a wider range of meanings to be conveyed by smilesD. more of sincerity and enthusiasm in public70 . At the end of the passage, the author implicates .A. a fortune to come with cosmetic advancesB . an identical smile for everybobyC . future changes in life styleD . the future of smilesPassage ThreeAdolf Hitler survived an assassination attempt in 1944 with the lamp of penicillin made by the Allies, a microbiologist in the UK claims. If the Nazi leader had died from bacterial infection of his many wounds, the Second World War might have been over a year earlier, saving millions of lives, says Milton Wainwright of the University of Sheffield, a noted historian of microbiology.In a paper to be published soon in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Wainwright reveals first-hand evidence that Hitler was treated with penicillin by his personal doctor, Theo Morrell, following an assassination attempt in which a bomb in a suitcase exploded next to Hitler’s desk. Hitler was badly hurt, fleeing the scene with his hair and trousers on fire, a badly bleeding arm and countless wooden splinter wounds from the oak table that probably saved his life.Wainwright found confirmation that Morrell gave Hitler antibiotics as a precaution in a recent translation of Morrell’s own diary. “I happened to be reading it for interest when the word penicillin jumped out at me,” he says. He then set about trying to establish where Morrell might have got the drug.At the time, penicillin was available only to the Allies. German and Czechoslovakian teams had tried without much success to make it, Wainwright says, but the small quantities that were available were weak and impure. “It’s g enerally accepted that it was no good,” says Wainwright.He reasons that Morrell would only have risked giving Hitler penicillin to prevent infections if he were confident that the antibiotic would cure, not kill the German premier. “My research shows that Morrell, in a very dodgy(危险的) position as Hitler’s doctor, would only have used pure stuff.” And the only reliable penicillin was that made by the Allies. So where did Morrell get itWainwright’s investigations revealed that Allied airmen carried penicillin, so the Germans may have confiscated some from prisoners of war. The other more likely source is from neutral countries such Spain, which received penicillin from Allied countries for humanitarian purposes, perhaps for treating sick children.“I have proof the Allies were sending it to these countries,” says Wainwright. “I’m saying this would have got through in diplomatic bags, reaching Hitler’s doctor and the higher echelons(阶层)of the Nazi party. So this was almost certainly pure, Allied penicillin.”“We can never be certain it saved Hitler’s life,” says Wainwright. But he notes that one of Hitler’s henchmen(死党),Reinhard Heydrich, died from blood poisoning after surviving acar-bomb assassination attempt. “Hair from his seat went into his wounds and gave him septicemia,” says Wainwright. Morrell may have been anxious to ensure that Hitler avoided the same fate.71. According to Wainwright, Adolf Hitler .A. might have used biological weapons in the warB. could not have committed suicide as confirmedC. could have died of bacterial infectionD. might have survived a bacterial plague72. Following his assassination in 1944, Adolf Hitler .A. began to exercise precautions against his personal attacksB. was anxious to have penicillin developed in his countryC. received an jinjection of penicillin for blood poisoningD. was suspected of being likely to get infected73. As Wainwright reasons, H itler’s personal doctor .A. cannot have dared to prescribe German-made penicillin to himB. need not have used pure antibiotic for his suspect infectionC. would have had every reason to assassinate himD. must have tried to produce penicillin74. Wainwright implies that the Third Reich .A. met the fate of collapse as expectedB. butchered millions of lives on the earthC. was severely struck by bacterial plaguesD. did have channels to obtain pure penicillin75.Which of the following can be the best title for the passageA.How Hitler Manage to Survive Assassination AttemptsB.Morrell Loyal to His German PrimierC.Hitler Saved by Allied DrugsD.Penicillin Abused in GermanPassage FourGet ready for a new kind of machine at your local gym: one that doesn’t involve huffing and puffing as you burn off calories. Instead, all you have to do is stand still for 30 seconds while the machine measures your body fat. It could then tell you exactly where you could do with losing a few pounds and even advise you on exercises for your problem areas. If the body fat scanner turns out to be accurate enough, its makers hope it could one day help doctors spot disease.The scanner works by simultaneously building up an accurate 3D image of the body, while measuring the body’s effect on an electromagnetic field. Combining the two measurements allows the researchers to work out the distribution of fat and water within. Neither method is new on itsown, says Henri Tapp, at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich in the UK. “The smart thing is that we’ve put them in one machine.”And it’s not just for gym users. The body fat scanner could be used to study fat deposition as children develop, while patients recover from injury, or during pregnancy. And since it uses radio waves rather than X-rays, Tapp’s device is safe to use repeatedly.Body shape is known to be a risk indicator for heart disease and diabetes. So accurately quantifying fat distribution could help doctors suggest preventive measures to patients before problems arise. At the moment, doctors estimate fat content from knowing body volume and water content. To a good approximation, says Tapp, anything that isn’t fat is water. The amount of water in the body is often measured by giving the subject a drink of water that contains a radioactive tracer. The level of tracer in the patient's urine after three hours reveals the total water volume.To find out a body’s volume, subjects are weighed while totally submerged in water, and this is subtracted from their normal weight to give the weight of water displaced, and hence the subject’s volume. But it is scarcely practical for seriously ill people.There are other ways to directly measure body fat, such as passing a minuscule current between the wrists and feet. The overall fat content can then be estimated from the body’s resistance. But this method doesn’t take body shape into account ——so a subject with particularly skinny legs might register a higher fat content than the true value. That’s because skinny legs—with a lower cross-sectional area——will present higher resistance to current. So the machine thinks the water content of the body is lower——rating the subject as fatter. Also, the system can only give an overall measurement of fat.Tapp’s method uses similar calculations, but is more sophisticated because it tells you where you are piling on the pounds.76. The new machine is designed .A. to picture the body’s hidden fatB. to identify those at risk for obesityC. to help clinically treat specific casesD. to measure accurately risky obesity-related effects77. The beauty of the device, according to Tapp, is that .A. it performs a dual functionB. it is of great accuracy in measurementC. it has significant implications in clinical practiceD. it contributes to the evolution of human anatomy78.Which of the following, according to the passage, does the machine have the potential tospareA. A minuscule current.B. A radioactive tracer.C. A water tank.D. All of the above.79.In comparison with the techniques mentioned in the passage, the body fat scanner .A. quickens the pace of the patient’s rehabilitationB. is highly appreciated for its safetyC. features its measuring precisionD. is easy to operate in the clinic80.For scanning, all the subject has to do is .A. take up a form of workout in the gymB. turn round the body fat scannerC. lie on the electromagnetic fieldD. sand in the systemPassage FiveThere is currently abroad a new wave of appreciation for breadth of knowledge. Curricula at universalities and colleges and programs in federal agencies extol(赞扬) the virtues of a broad education. For scientists who work in specialized jobs, it is a pleasure to escape in our spare time to read broadly in fields distant from our own. Some of us have made interdisciplinary study our occupation, which is no surprise, because much of the intellectual action in our society today lies at the interfaces between traditional disciplines. Environmental science is a good example, because it frequently requires us to be conversant in several different sciences and even some unscientific fields.Experiencing this breadth of knowledge is stimulating, but so is delving deeply into a subject. Both are wonderful experiences that are complementary practical and aesthetic(美学的)ways. They are like viewing the marvelous sculpture of knowledge in two different ways. Look at the sculpture from one perspective and you see the piece in its entirety, how its components connect to give it form, balance, and symmetry. From another viewpoint you see its detail, depth, and mass. There is no need to choose between these two perspectives in art. To do so would subtract from the totality of the figure.So it is with science. Sometimes we gaze through a subject and are reluctant to stop for too much detail. As chemists, we are fascinated by computer sciences or molecular genetics, but not enough to become an expert. Or we may be interested in an analytical technique but not enough to stay at its cutting edge. At other times, we become immersed in the detail of a subject and see its beauty in an entirely different way than when we browse. It is as if we penetrate the surface of the sculpture and pass through the crystal structure to the molecular level where the code for the entire structure is revealed.Unfortunately, in our zeal for breadth or depth, we often feel that it is necessary to diminish the value of the other. Specialists are sometimes ridiculed with names such as “nerd”or “technocrats”, generalists are often criticized for being too “soft” or knowing too little about any one thing. Both are ludicrous(可笑的) accusations that deny a part of the reality of environmental science. Let us not be divided by our passion for depth or breadth. The beauty that awaits us on either route is too precious to stifle, too wonderful to diminish by bickering(争吵).81. From a broad education to interdisciplinary study, we can see .A. the integration of theory with practiceB. the enthusiasm for breadth of knowledge。



外科学考博试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 外科感染中最常见的致病菌是:A. 金黄色葡萄球菌B. 大肠杆菌C. 肺炎链球菌D. 真菌答案:A2. 以下哪项不是外科手术的基本原则?A. 无菌原则B. 无创原则C. 快速原则D. 安全原则答案:C3. 以下哪项是开放性骨折的特点?A. 骨折端不与外界相通B. 骨折端与外界相通C. 骨折线完全在皮肤下D. 骨折线完全在骨髓内答案:B4. 急性阑尾炎最典型的临床表现是:A. 腹痛B. 恶心呕吐C. 右下腹固定压痛D. 发热答案:C5. 以下哪项是乳腺癌的高危因素?A. 长期吸烟B. 长期饮酒C. 家族遗传史D. 长期素食答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述外科手术切口的分类及其特点。





2. 描述急性胆囊炎的诊断要点。


3. 解释何为“无菌技术”及其在外科手术中的重要性。




三、论述题(每题25分,共50分)1. 论述外科手术前的准备要点。



第1页 共1页
普外部分 一、名词解释 1、PPPD 2、Retzius 静脉丛 3、TIPs 4、Whipple‘s 三联征 5、Petus-Jeghers 综合症 6、Riedel 甲状腺炎 二、问答题 1、甲状腺的危象。 2、腋窝前哨淋巴结活检的适应症和意义。 3、胃肠道手术过程中如何操作可以减少日后粘连性肠梗阻的可能。 4、腹部损伤剖腹探查的手术指征。 5、肝癌根治切除的指征。 6、急性胰腺炎的手术适应症。
攻 读 博 士 学 位 研 究 生 学 考 试 试 卷医学考博真题试卷
2018 年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试题
第1页 共1页
考试科目:外科学(普外科) 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。 总论部分 一、名词解释 (每题 4 分,共 16 分) 1.SIRS 2.GVHR 3.迟发型溶血反应 4.丹毒 二、问答题 (每题 6 分,共 24 分) 1.简述成分输血类型及适应证。 2.简述围手术期预防性使用抗生素的适应证及药物选择。 3.肠外营养适应证、途径、并发症。 4.试述高钾血症临床表现、诊断及处理。



2018年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语真题(总分70,考试时间180分钟)Part Ⅰ V ocabularySection ADirection: In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that **pletes the sentence, then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET1. The medical team discussed their shared ________ to eliminating this curable disease.A. obedienceB. susceptibilityC. inclinationD. dedication2. Many of us are taught from an early age that the grown-up response to pain, weakness, or emotional ________is to ignore it, to tough it out.A. turmoilB. rebellionC. temptationD. relaxation3. Those depressed kids seem to care little about others, ________communication and indulge in their own worlds.A. put downB. shut downC. settle downD. break down4. The school board attached great emphasis to ________in students a sense of modesty and a sense of community.A. dilutingB. inspectingC. instillingD. disillusioning5. Our brain is very good at filtering out sensory information that is not ________to what we need to be attending to.A. pertinentC. precedentD. prominent6. New studies have found a rather ________ correlation between the presence of small particles and both obesity and diabetes.A. collaboratingB. comprehendingC. compromisingD. convincing7. We must test our ________ about what to include in the emulation and at what level in detail.A. intelligenceB. imitationsC. hypothesisD. precautions8. We must ________ the problem ________ , which is why our **bines both brain structure and function measurements at large scale and high resolution.A. set….backB. take…overC. pull….inD. break…down9. Asthma patient doesn’t need continuous treatment because his symptoms are ________rather than persistent.A. intermittentB. precedentC. dominantD. prevalent10. It is simply a fantastic imagination to ________that one can master a foreign language overnight.A. conceiveB. concealC. convertD. conformSection BDirections: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.11. The **petent physician is the one who sits down, senses the “mystery” of another human beings, and offers the simple gifts of personal interest and understanding.A. imaginableB. capableC. sensible12. The physician often perceived that treatment was initiated by the patient.A. conservedB. theorizedC. realizedD. persisted13. **munity meals might have served to lubricate social connections and alleviate tensions.A. facilitateB. intimidateC. terminateD. mediate14. Catalase activity reduced glutathione and Vitamin E levels were decreased exclusively in subject with active disease.A. definitelyB. trulyC. simplyD. solely15. Ocular anomalies were frequently observed in this cohort of offspring born after in vitro fertilization.A. fetusesB. descendantsC. seedsD. orphans16. Childhood poverty should be regarded as the single greatest public health menace facing our childrenA. breachB. griefC. threatD. abuse17. A distant dream would be to deliberately set off quakes to release tectonic stress in a controlled way.A. definitelyB. desperatelyC. intentionallyD. identically18. Big challenges still **panies converting carbon dioxide to petrol.A. applyingB. relatingC. relayingD. transforming19. Concerns have recently been voiced that the drugs elicit unexpected cognitive side effects, such as memory loss, fuzzy thinking and learning difficulties.A. ensueB. encounterD. induce20. The applications of genetic engineering are abundant and choosing one appropriate for this case can be rather difficult.A. sufficientB. plentifulC. adequateD. countablePart Ⅱ ClozeDirections: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEETThe same benefits and drawbacks are found when using CT scanning to detect lung cancer — the three-dimensional imaging improves detection of disease but creates hundreds of images that increase a radiologist’s workload, which, 【A1】, can result in missed positive scans.Researchers at University of Chicago Pritizker School of Medicine presented 【A2】data on a CAD (computer-aided diagnosis) program they’ve designed that helps radiologist spot lung cancer 【A3】CT scanning. Their study was 【A4】by the NIH and the university.In the study, CAD was applied to 32 low-dose CT scanning with a total of 50 lung nodules, 38 of which were biopsy-confirmed lung cancer that were not found during initial clinical exam. 【A5】the 38 missed cancers, 15 were the result of interpretation error (identifying an image but 【A6】it as noncancerous) and 23 【A7】observational error (not identifying the cancerous image).CAD found 32 of the 38 previously missed cancers (84% sensitivity), with false-positive 【A8】of 1.6 per section.Although CAD improved detection of lung cancer, it won’t replace radiologists, said Sgmuel G. Armato PhD, lead author of the study. “**puter is not perfect”, Armato said, “it will miss some cancers and call some things cancer that 【A9】. The radiologists can identify normal anatomy that **puter may 【A10】something suspicious. It’s sort of a spell-checker, or a second opinion.”21. 【A1】A. in commonB. in turnC. in oneD. in all22. 【A2】A. preliminaryB. considerateC. deliberateD. ordinary23. 【A3】A. being usedB. to useC. usingD. use24. 【A4】A. investigatedB. originatedC. foundedD. funded25. 【A5】A. FromB. AmidC. OfD. In26. 【A6】A. disseminatingB. degeneratingC. dismissingD. deceiving27. 【A7】A. were mistaken forB. were attributed toC. resulted inD. gave way to28. 【A8】A. mortalitiesB. incidencesC. imagesD. rates29. 【A9】A. don’tB. won’tC. aren’tD. wasn’t30. 【A10】A. stand forB. search forC. account forD. mistake forPart Ⅲ Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by five questions.For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneWhen Tony Wagner, the Harvard education specialist, describes his job today, he says he’s “a translator between two hostile tribes” — the education world and the business world, the people who teach our kids and the people who give them jobs. Wagner’s argument in his book Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People WhoWill Change the World is that our K-12 and college tracks are not consistently “adding the value and teaching the skills that matter most in the marketplace”.This is dangerous at a time when there is increasingly no such things as a high-wage, middle-skilled job — the thing that sustained the middle class in the last generation. Now, there is only a high-wage, high-skilled job. Every middle-class job today is being pulled up, out or down faster than ever. That is, it either requires more skill or can be done by more people around the world or is being buried — made obsolete — faster than ever. Which is why the goal of education today, argues Wagner, should not be to make every child “college ready” but “innovation ready” — ready to add value to whatever they do.That is a tall task. I tracked Wagner down and asked him to elaborate. “Today,” he said via e-mail, “because knowledge is available on every Internet-connected device, what you know matters far less than what you can do with what you know. The capacity to innovate — the ability to solve problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life — and skills like critical thinking, communication and collaboration are far more important than academic knowledge. As one executive told me, “We can teach new hires the content. And we will have to because it continues to change, but we can’t teach them how to think — to ask the right questions — and to take initiative.”My generation had it easy. We got to “find” a job. But, more than ever, our kids will have to “invent” a job. Sure, the lucky ones will find their first job, but, given the pace of change today, even they will have to reinvent, re-engineer and reimagine that job much often than their parents if they want to advance in it.“Finland is one of the most innovative economies in the world,” Wagner said, “and it is the only country where students leave high school “innovation-ready”. They learn concepts and creativity more than facts, and have a choice of many electives — all with a shorter school day, little homework, and almost no testing. There are a growing number of “reinvented” colleges like the Olin College of Engineering, the M.I.T. Media Lab and the ‘D-school’ Stanford where students learn to innovate.”31. In his book, Wagner argues that ________.A. the education world is hostile to our kidsB. the business world is hostile to those seeking jobsC. the business world is too demanding on the education worldD. the education world should teach what the marketplace demands32. What does the “tall task” refer to in the third paragraph?A. Sustaining the middle class.B. Saving high-wage, middle-skilled jobs.C. Shifting from “college ready” to “innovation ready”.D. Preventing middle-class jobs from becoming obsolete fast.33. What is mainly expressed in Wagner’s e-mail?A. New hires should be taught the content rather than the ways of thinking.B. Knowledge is more readily available on Internet-connected devices.C. Academic knowledge is still the most important to teach.D. Creativity and skills matter more than knowledge.34. What is implied in the fourth paragraph?A. Jobs favor the lucky ones in every generation.B. Jobs changed slowly in the author’s generation.C. The author’s generation led an easier life than their kids.D. It was easy for the author’s gene ration to find their first jobs.35. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?A. To orient future education.B. To exemplify the necessary shift in education.C. To draw a conclusion about the shift in education.D. To criticize some colleges for their practices in education.Passage TwoSkilled clinical history-taking and physical examination remain essential as the basis of the disease diagnosis and management, aided by investigations such as radiological or biochemical tests. Technological advances over the past few decades mean that such investigations now can be refined, or even replaced in some cases, by the measurement of genetic or genomic biomarkers. The molecular characteristics of a disorder or the genetic make-up of an individual can fine tune a diagnosis and inform its management. These new capabilities, often termed “stratified(分层的),” or “personalized” medicine, are likely to have profound effect on the practice of medicine and service delivery.Genetic medicine, which uses genetic or genomic biomarkers in this way, has, until recently, been the province of a small minority of specialized physicians who have used it to diagnose or assess risk of inherited disease. Recognition that most disease has a genetic&**ponent, the development and application of new genetic tests to identify important disease subsets and the availability of cost-effective interventions mean that genetic medicine must be integrated more widely across healthcare services. In order to optimize benefit equitably across the population, physicians and services need to be ready to change and adapt to new ways of working.Perhaps the greatest challenge is to ensure the readiness of physicians to use these genomic technologies for maximum effect, so that genetic medicine is incorporated into mainstream specialties. For some clinicians, particularly those involved in clinical research, these advances are already a reality. However, a sizable majority do not yet recognize the relevance of genetics for their clinical practice, perceiving genetic conditions to be rare and untreatable. Maximizing genomic opportunities also means being aware of their limitations, media portrayals that indicate that genetic information gives clear-cut answers are often unrealistic. Indeed, knowing one’s entire genomic sequence is not the crystal ball of our future that many hope it to be, and physicians will need to be more familiar with what is hype(鼓吹)and what is reality for the integration of genetics into mainstream medicine to be successful. Finally, both professional and the public should have a realistic view of what is possible. Although the discovery of genetic risk factors in common diseases such as heart disease and cancer has led to important insights about disease mechanisms, the predictive power of individual genetic variants is often very low. Developments in bioinformatics will need to evolve considerably before the identification of a **bination of genetic variants in an individual will have clinical utility for them.36. Which of the following statements does the author most probably agree with?A. Personalized medicine will greatly change the practice of medicine.B. Genetic biomarkers have been largely refined over the past.C. Physical examination remains essential in fine tuning a diagnosis.D. Clinical history-taking is no longer important in the genetic era.37. What, according to the second paragraph, can be said of genetic medicine?A. It can offer solutions to all inherited diseases.B. It has been widely recognized among the physicians.C. It necessitates adaptation of the **munity.D. It is monopolized by a small minority of specialized physicians.38. The future of the genomic technologies, for the most part, lies in________.A. the greater potential of treating rare diseasesB. the greater efforts in the relevant clinical researchC. the greater preparedness of the physicians to employ themD. the greater publicity of their benefits in the media portrayals39. In the last paragraph, the author cautions against________.A. underestimation of the importance of the genetic risk factorsB. unrealistic expectation of the genetic predicative powerC. abuse of genetic medicine in **mon diseasesD. unexpected evolution of the bioinformatics40. Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?A. Genetic medicine should be the mainstream option for physicians.B. Genetic medicine poses great challenges to medical practice.C. Genetic medicine will exert great influence on medicine.D. Genet ic medicine is defined as “stratified” medicine.Passage ThreeFor 150 years scientists have tried to determine the solar constant, the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth. Yet, even in the most cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured precisely. Gas molecules and dust particles in the atmosphere absorb and scatter sunlight and prevent some wavelengths of the light from ever reaching the ground.With the advent of satellites, however, scientists have finally been able to measure the Sun’s output without being impeded by the Earth’s atmosphere. Solar Max, a satellite from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), has been measuring the Sun’s output since February 1980. Although a malfunction in the satellite’s control system limited its observation for a few years, the satellite was repaired in orbit by astronauts from the space shuffle in 1984. Max’s observations indicate that the solar constant is not really constant after all.The satellite’s instruments have detected frequent, small variations in the Sun’s energy output, generally amounting to no more than 0.05 percent of the Sun’s mean energy output and lasting from a few days to a few weeks. Scientists believe these fluctuations coincide with the appearance and disappearance of large groups of sunspots on the Sun’s disk. Sunspots are relatively dark regions on the Sun’s surface that have strong magnetic fields and a temperature about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the rest of the Sun’s surface. Particularly large fluctuations in the solar constant have coincided with sightings of large sunspot groups. In 1980, for example, Solar Max’s instruments registered a 0.3 percent drop in the solar energy reaching the Earth. At that time a sunspot group covered about 0.6 percent of the solar disk, an area 20 times larger than the Earth’s surface.Long-term variations in the solar constant are more difficult to determine. Although Solar Max’s data have indicated a slow and steady decline in the Sun’s output, some scientists have thought that the satellite’s aging detectors might have become less sensitive over the years, thus falsely indicating a drop in the solar constant. This possibility was dismissed, however, by comparing solar Max’s observationswith data from a similar instrument operating on NASA’s Nimbus 7 weather satellite since 1978.41. According to the passage, scientists believe variations in the solar constant are related to ________.A. sunspot activityB. unusual weather patternsC. increased levels of dustD. fluctuations in the Earth’s temperature42. Why is it not possible to measure the solar constant accurately without a satellite?A. The Earth is too far from the Sun.B. Some areas on Earth receive more solar energy than others.C. There is not enough sunlight during the day.D. The Earth’s atmosphere interferes with the sunlight.43. Why did scientists think that Solar Max might be giving unreliable information?A. Solar Max did not work for the first few years.B. Solar Max’s instruments were getting old.C. The space shuttle could not fix Solar Max’s instruments.D. Nimbus 7 interfered with Solar Max’s detectors.44. The attempt to describe the solar constant can best be described as ________.A. an ongoing research effortB. a question that can never be answeredC. an issue that has been resolvedD. historically interesting, but irrelevant to contemporary concerns45. What does this passage mainly discuss?A. **ponents of the Earth’s atmosphere.B. The launching of a weather satellite.C. The measurement of variations in the solar constant.D. The interaction of sunlight and air pollution.Passage FourMisconduct is a word that is always on professors’ minds. Incidents in the news tend to describe the most serious violations of scientific standards, such as plagiarism for fabricating data. But these high-profile infractions(违法)occur relatively rarely. Much more frequent are forms of misconduct that occur as part of the intimate relationship between a faculty member and a student.Faculty members don’t need to commit egregious acts such as sexual harassment or appropriation of students’ work to fail in their responsibility to their charges. Being generally negligent as teachers and mentors should also be seen as falling down on the job.What we found most interesting was how respondents had less vehement(强烈的)reactions to a host of questionable behaviors. In particular, they said that faculty members should avoid neglectful teaching and mentoring. These included routinely being late for classes, frequently skipping appointments with advisees, showing favoritism to some students, ignoring those whose interests diverged from their own, belittling colleagues in front of students, providing little or no feedback on students’ theses or dissertations, and take on more graduate advisees than they could handle.The vast majority of US faculty members have simply not been taught how to teach. And these responses suggest that they are subjecting young scientists-in-training to the same neglect.To address this systemic issue, we must do a better job ofexposing the current and next generations of scientists to the rules of proper mentoring through seminars. For instance, on online modules, the societies of academic disciplines, institutions and individual departments can play a big part here, by developing codes of conduct and clear mechanisms for students to report violations.The most serious behaviors are relatively easy to spot and address, but “inadequate teaching” can be subjective. Still, if universities establish specific rules for academics to follow, real patterns of abuse will be easier to find. For instance, these rules could stipulate that professors must return substantive feedback on drafts within 15 days, provide more than just negative feedback during a student’s oral defense of their thesis, or be available regularly to answer questions.To deal with faculty members who consistently fall short, universities should establish teaching-**mittees, similar to the research-**mittees that handle issues of scientific misconduct. These could receive reports from students and decide what action to take, either by following a due process laid out in the faculty manual, or simply by adopting the same process as that of **mittees, such as for tenure applications.46. What is implied in the first two paragraphs?A. The misconducts are widely exposed in the news.B. The high-profile infractions are not adequately reported.C. The frequent minor misconducts deserve more attentions.D. The violation of scientific standards cannot be eradicated.47. What, in the respondent’s mind, is the nature of showing favoritism to some students?A. It is a serious high-profile infraction.B. It is an interesting but avoidable behavior.C. It is a punishable but avoidable misconduct.D. It is a questionable but non-punishable behavior.48. The occurrence of neglectful teaching and mentoring among the faculty can be ascribed to ________.A. their offering more courses than they can handleB. their paying little attention to the students’ feedbackC. their receiving inadequate education in how to teachD. their lacking interest in the areas other than their own49. Which of the following is NOT suggested as a way to address the systemic issue?A. Development of codes of conduct.B. Exposure of online misconducts.C. Education about the rules of proper mentoring.D. Development of clear mechanism for reporting.50. What is mainly discussed in the last two paragraphs?A. The approaches to addressing the problems of “inadequate teaching”.B. The specific rules to punish those who consistently fall short.C. The **mittee s dealing with “inadequate teaching”.D. The codes of conduct for the students to report violations.Passage FiveIs the profession of medicine in retreat? I’m reminded of this with September welcoming a new influx(流入)of medical students. A handful of them may be some of the wide-eyed enthusiasts who attended a meeting at the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) earlier this year about why they should choose a career in medicine. Choose medicine, I said, because it is aprofession that allows you to pursue many different paths, catering for the diverse personalities that constitute any medical school’s intake.But I’m beginning to wonder if I misled them? Not just on the opportunities that will open up to them and only be limited by their own ambition and abilities. No, I’m questioning something more fundamental: the perception of medicine as a profession.Doctors have traditionally embellished(润色)their day jobs with roles, for example, on **mittees, college councils, and faculties for conferences, meetings and training courses. Journal editors and associate editors are prime examples of doctors taking on an additional responsibility to their full-time role.The advantages of these outside interests and positions have been considerable for individuals and for the organizations that employ them. The organizations gain greater influence, open themselves up to new ideas and alternative strategies, and can gain a&**petitive advantage. Doctors have considered that these additional responsibilities are an important differentiator between medicine as a profession and medicine as a factory job.Yet times are changing. Clock-watching has **mon place, with the European a Working Time Directive being the most obvious examples. More troublesome for many senior doctors is the issue of job planning, which is beginning to limit the additional roles and responsibilities that doctors can undertake. Organizations are becoming more corporate and less enlightened.Most doctors will find a way round this new regime, but short-term petty-minded bosses are beginning to view doctors as factory workers. Their limited vision considers doctors to be dangerously independent, malfunctioning cogs(无足轻重的成员)in their wobbly health care machine, a species to be controlled and beaten into the shape of appropriate widget(装饰品).Medicine was never meant to be governed by such tunnel vision, was it? Ultimately it will be the less enlightened organizations who will fail. These organizations will perceive little value in doctors’spreading their wings and will treat them like factory workers, clocking on and off and filling in timesheets. Doctors in these organizations will begin to wonder whether medicine is any longer a profession when its practitioners are forced to cower(畏缩)before number crunchers and bean counters.51. Why does the author wonder if he misled the prospective medical students?A. Because he misinformed them in their choice.B. Because he worries about medicine as a profession.C. Because he questions their ambition **petence.D. Because he is not sure about their diverse personalities.52. Which of the following is NOT a benefit for the employers from their doctors taking on additional responsibilities?A. More positions.B. Greater influenceC. **petitiveness.D. More exposure to new ideas.53. What is the most probable message from the passage?A. Most employers are short-term petty-minded.B. Medicine is becoming more like a factory job.C. Doctors’ role and responsibilities change all the time.D. Senior doctors are challenged with a shrinking market.54. In the last paragraph, the author seems to warn ________.A. the government against limiting the doctors to take additional rolesB. the organizations against viewing doctors as factory workersC. the practitioners against taking on additional responsibilitiesD. the doctors against spreading their wings too widely55. What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?A. To advise the organizations to be open-minded.B. To remind the readers of medicine as a profession.C. To question the role of taking on an additional position.D. To explain the advantages of taking on an additional position.Passage SixThe use of animals to better understand human anatomy and human disease is a centuries-old practice. Animal research has provided valuable information about many physiological processes that are relevant to humans and has been fundamental in the development of many drugs, including vaccines, anesthetics, and antibiotics. Animals and humans are similar in many ways. Animal behavior can be as complex as human behavior, and the cellular structures, proteins, and genes of humans and animals are so similar that the prospect of using animal tissues to replace diseased human tissues is under intense investigation for patients who would otherwise never receive a potentially life-saving transplant.However, the way in which animals and humans react to their environments, both physiologically and behaviorally, can be drastically different, and the conditions under which laboratory animals are kept can influence and alter experimental results. The husbandry and treatment of laboratory animals has been and continues to be a major topic of ethical debate. Concern over the care and management of animals used in scientific research was initially raised in the 19th century in Great Britain, where the Cruelty to Animals Act was adopted in 1876. A significant step forward — for both supporters and opponents of animal research — occurred in 1959, when British zoologist William Russell and British microbiologist Rex Burch published The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique. This work introduced the goals of replacement, reduction, and refinement: replacement of animal testing with other techniques, reduction of the number of animals tested, and refinement of animal tests to reduce suffering. These concepts became the foundation for the development of scientific alternatives to animal testing, and they continue to guide the treatment of animals in modern scientific research.Alternatives to animal testing are primarily based on biochemical assays, on experiments in cells that are carried out in vitro (“within the glass”), and on computational models and algorithms(演算法). These techniques are typically far more sophisticated and specific than traditional approaches to testing in whole animals, and many in vitro tests are capable of producing information about the biological effects of a **pound that are as accurate — and in some cases more accurate than — information collected from studies in whole animal.Traditional toxicity tests performed on animals are becoming outmoded. These tests result in the deaths of many animals and often produce data that are irrelevant to humans. Recognition of the inadequacy of animal toxicity testing has resulted in the development of better techniques that are able to **parable toxicity values of chemicals that are applicable to humans.While animal testing is not always the most efficient way to test the toxicity of a chemical or the efficacy of a **pound, it is sometimes the only way to obtain information about how a substance behaves in a whole organism, especially in the case of **pounds. Studies of pharmacokinetic effects (effects of the body on a drug) and pharmacodynamic effects (effects of a drug on the body) often require testing in animals to determine the most effective way to administer a drug; the drug’s distribution, metabolism, and excretion; or any side effects in。




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国家医学考试中心PAPER ONEPart 1 :Listening comprehension(30%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end ofeach conversation, you will hear a question aboutwhat is said, The question will be read only once,After you hear the question, read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the bestanswers and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following exampleYou will hearWoman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.Question: What’s the matter with the womanYou will read:A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B C DNow let’s begin with question Number 1.1.A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pintsC. About 4 pintsD. About 7 pints2.A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work.C. Take some sleeping pills.D. Work harder to forget allher troubles.3.A. He has no complaints about the doctor.B. He won’t complain anything.C. He is in good condition.D. He couldn’t be worse.4.A. She is kidding.B. She will get a raise.C. The man will get a raise.D. The man will get a promotion.5.A. Her daughter likes ball games.B. Her daughter is an exciting child.C. She and her daughter are good friends.D. She and her daughter don’t always understand each other.6.A. She hurt her uncle.B. She hurt her ankle.C. She has a swollen toe.D. She needs a minor surgery.7.A. John likes gambling.B. John is very fond of his new boss.C. John has ups and downs in the new company.D. John has a promising future in the new company.8.A. She will get some advice from the front desk.B. She will undergo some lab tests.C. She will arrange an appointment.D. She will get the test results.9.A. She’s an odd character.B. She is very picky.C. She is easy-going.D. She likes fashions.10.A. At a street corner.B. In a local shop.C. In a ward.D. In a clinic.11.A. Sea food. B. Dairy products.C. Vegetables and fruits.D. Heavy foods.12.A. He is having a good time.B. He very much likes his old bicycle.C. He will buy a new bicycle right away.D. He would rather buy a new bicycle later.13.A. It is only a cough.B. It’s a minor illness.C. It started two weeks ago.D. It’s extremely serious.14.A. The woman is too optimistic about the stock market.B. The woman will even lose more money at the stock market.C. The stock market bubble will continue to grow.D. The stock market bubble will soon meet its demise.15.A. The small pills should be taken once a day before sleep.B. The yellow pills should be taken once a day before supper.C. The white pills should be taken once a day beforebreakfast.D. The large round pills should be taken three times a dayafter meals.Section BDirection:In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which, you will hearfive questions. After each question, read the fourpossible answers marked A, B, C and D, Choose thebest answer and mark the letter of your choice onthe ANSWER SHEET.Dialogue16.A. Because he had difficulty swallowing it.B. Because it was upsetting his stomach.C. Because he was allergic to it.D. Because it was too expensive.17.A. He can’t play soccer any more.B. He has a serious foot problem.C. He needs an operation.D. He has cancer.18.A. A blood transfusion.B. An allergy test.C. A urine test.D. A biopsy.19.A. To see if he has cancer. B. To see ifhe has depression.C. To see if he requires surgery.D. To see ifhe has a food allergy problem.20.A. Relieved.B. Anxious.C. Angry.D. Depressed.Passage One21.A. The cause of COPD.B. Harmful effects of smoking.C. Men more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.D. Women more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.22.A. 954.B. 955.C. 1909.D. 1955.23.A. On May 18 in San Diego. B. On May 25 in San Diego.C. On May 18 in San Francisco.D. On May 25 in SanFrancisco.24.A. When smoking exposure is high.B. When smoking exposure is low.C. When the subjects received medication.D. When the subjects stopped smoking.25.A. Hormone differences in men and women.B. Genetic differences between men and women.C. Women’s active metabolic rate.D. Women’s smaller airways.Passage Two26.A. About 90,000.B. About 100,000.C. Several hundreds.D. About 5,000.27.A. Warning from Goddard Space Flight Center.B. Warning from the Kenyan health ministry.C. Experience gained from the 1997 outbreak.D. Proper and prompt Aid from NASA.28.A. Distributing mosquito nets.B. Persuading people not to slaughter animals.C. Urging people not to eat animals.D. Dispatching doctors to the epidemic-stricken area.29.A. The higher surface temperatures in the equatorial part ofthe Indian Ocean.B. The short-lived mosquitoes that were the hosts of theviruses.C. The warm and dry weather in the Horn of Africa.D. The heavy but intermittent rains.30.A. Warning from NASA.B. How to treat Rift Valley fever.C. The disastrous effects of Rift Valley fever.D. Satellites and global health – remote diagnosis.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirection: In this section, all the sentences are incomplete.Four words or phrases, marked A B C and D .aregiven beneath each of them. You are to choose theword or phrase that best completes the sentence.Then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31.A good night’s sleep is believed to help slow the stomach’semptying, produce a smoother, less abrupt absorption of sugar, and will better __________ brain metabolism.A. regulateB. activateC. retainD.consolidate32.The explosion and the oil spill below the surface of the Gulfof Mexico left my mind in such a ________ that I couldn’tget to sleep.A. catastropheB. boycottC. turmoilD.mentality33.Coronary heart attacks occur more commonly in those with highblood pressure, in the obese, in cigarette smokers, and inthose _________ to prolonged emotional and mental strain.A. sympatheticB. ascribedC. preferableD.subjected34.Most colds are acquired by children in school and then___________ to adults.A. conveyedB. transmittedC. attributedD.relayed35.Several of the most populous nations in the world ________ atthe lower end of the table of real GDP per capita last year.A. fluctuatedB. languishedC. retardedD.vibrated36.Presently this kind of anti-depressant is still in clinical_______, even though the concept has been around since 1900s.A. trialsB. applicationsC. implicationsD.endeavors37.Studies revealed that exposure to low-level radiation for along time may weaken the immune system, ________ aging, and cause cancer.A. haltB. postponeC. retardD. accelerate38.The mayor candidate’s personality traits, being modest andgenerous, _______ people in his favor before the election.A. predisposedB. presumedC. presidedD.pressured39.With its graceful movements and salubrious effects on health,Tai Chi has a strong ________ to a vast multitude of people.A. flavorB. thrillC. appealD.implication40.If you are catching a train, it is always better to be_______ early than even a fraction of a minute too late.A. infinitelyB. temporarilyC. comfortablyD.favorablySection BDirections:Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrasesbeneath each sentence, Choose the word or phrasewhich can best keep the meaning of the originalsentence if it is substituted for the underlinedpart, Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.41.All Nobel Prize winners’ success is a process of long-termaccumulation, in which lasting efforts are indispensable.A. irresistibleB. cherishedC. inseparableD. requisite42.The Queen’s presence imparted an air of elegance to thedrinks reception at Buckingham Palace in London.A. bestowedB. exhibitedC. imposedD.emitted43.Physicians are clear that thyroid dysfunction is manifest ingrowing children in the form of mental and physicalretardation.A. intensifiedB. apparentC. representativeD.insidious44.The mechanism that the eye can accommodate itself todifferent distances has been applied to automatic camera,which marks a revolutionary technique advance.A. yieldB. amplifyC. adaptD. cast45.Differences among believers are common; however, it was thepressure of religious persecution that exacerbated theirconflicts and created the split of the union.A. eradicatedB. deterioratedC. vanquishedD. averted46.When Picasso was particularly poor, he might have tried toobliterate the original composition by painting over it oncanvases.A. duplicateB. eliminateC. substituteD. compile47.For the sake of animal protection, environmentalists deploredthe construction program of a nuclear power station.A. disapprovedB. despisedC. demolishedD.decomposed48.Political figures in particular are held to very strictstandards of marital fidelity.A. loyaltyB. moralityC. qualityD.stability49.The patient complained that his doctor had been negligent innot giving him a full examination.A. prudentB. ardentC. carelessD.brutal50.She has been handling all the complaints without wrath for awhole morning.A. furyB. chaosC. despairD. agonyPart III Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with tennumbered blanks. For each blank, there are fourchoices marked A, B, C, and D on the right side.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of yourchoice on the ANSWER SHEET.For years, scientists have been warning us that the radiation from mobile phones is detrimental to our health, without actually having any evidence to back these __51__ up. However, research now suggests that mobile phone radiation has at least onepositive side effect: it can help prevent Alzheimer’s, __52__ in the mice that acted as test subjects.It’s been suspected, though never proven, that heavy use of mobile phones is bad for your health. It’s thought that walkingaround with a cellphone permanently attached to the side of yourhead is almost sure to be __53__ your brain. And that may well be true, but I’d rather wait until it’s proven before giving upthat part of my daily life.But what has now been proven, in a very perfunctory manner, is that mobile phone radiation can have an effect on your brain.__54__ in this case it was a positive rather than negative effect.According to BBC news, the Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center conducted a study on 96 mice to see if theradiation given off by mobile phones could affect the onset ofAlzheimer’s.Some of the mice were “genetically altered to develop beta-amyloid plaques in their brains” __55__ they aged. These are amarker of Alzheimer’s. all 96 mice were then “exposed to theelectro-magnetic __56__ generated by a standard phone for twoone-hour periods each day for seven to nine months.” The luckythings.__57__ the experiment showed that the mice altered to be predisposed to dementia were protected from the disease ifexposed before the onset of the illness. Their cognitiveabilities were so unimpaired as to be virtually __58__ to themice not genetically altered in any way.Unfortunately, although the results are positive, the scientists don’t actually know why exposure to mobile phoneradiation has this effect. But it’s hoped that further study and testing could result in a non-invasive __59__ for preventing andtreating Alzheimer’s disease.Autopsies carried out on the mice also concluded no ill-effects of their exposure to the radiation. However, the factthat the radiation prevented Alzheimer’s means mobile phones__60__ our brains and bodies in ways not yet explored. And it’ssure there are negative as well as this one positive.51. A. devicesB. risksC. phenomenaD. claims52. A. at leastB. at mostC. as ifD. as well53. A. blockingB. cookingC. exhaustingD. cooling54. A. ExceptB. EvenC. DespiteD. Besides55. A. untilB. whenC. asD. unless56. A. rangeB. continuumC. spectrumD. field57. A. ReasonablyB. ConsequentlyC. AmazinglyD. Undoubtedly58. A. identicalB. beneficialC. preferableD. susceptible59. A. effortB. methodC. huntD. account60. A. do affectB. did affectC. is affectingD. could have affectedPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions:In this part there are six passages, each ofwhich is followed by five questions. For each questionthere are four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of yourchoice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage oneI have just returned from Mexico, where I visited a factory making medical masks. Faced with fierce competition, the owner has cut his costs by outsourcing some of his production. Scores of people work for him in their homes, threading elastic into masks by hand. They are paid below the minimum wage, with no job security and no healthcare provision.Users of medical masks and other laboratory gear probablygive little thought to where their equipment comes from. That needs to change. A significant proportion of these products are made in the developing world by low-paid people with inadequate labor rights. This leads to human misery on a tremendous scale.Take lab coats. Many are made in India, where most cotton farmers are paid an unfair price for their crops and factory employees work illegal hours for poor pay.One-fifth of the world’s surgical instruments are made in northern Pakistan. When I visited the area a couple of years ago I found most workers toiling 12 hours a day, seven days a week, for less than a dollar a day, exposed to noise, metal dust and toxic chemicals. Thousands of children, some as young as 7, work in the industry.To win international contracts, factory owners must offerrock-bottom prices, and consequently drive down wages and labor conditions as far as they can. We laboratory scientists in the developed world may unwittingly be encouraging this: we ask how much our equipment will cost, but which of us asks who made it and how much they were paidThis is no small matter. Science is supposed to benefit humanity, but because of the conditions under which their tools are made, may scientists may actually be causing harm.What can be done A knee-jerk boycott of unethical goods isnot the answer; it would just make things worse for workers in those manufacturing zones. What we need is to start asking suppliers to be transparent about where and how their products are manufactured and urge them to improve their manufacturing practices.It can be done. Many universities are committed to fair trade in the form of ethically sourced tea, coffee or bananas. That model should be extended to laboratory goods.There are signs that things are moving. Over the past few years I have worked with health services in the UK and in Sweden. Both have recently instituted ethical procurement practices. If science is truly going to help humanity, it needs to follow suit.61. From the medical masks to lab coats, the author is trying to tell us ________.A. the practice of occupational protection in the developing worldB. the developing countries plagued by poverty and disease.C. the cheapest labor in the developing countries.D. the human misery behind them.62. The concerning phenomenon the author has observed, accordingto the passage, ________.A. is nothing but the repetition of the miserable history.B. could have been even exaggerated.C. is unfamiliar to the wealthy west.D. is prevailing across the world.63. The author argues that when researchers in the wealthy westbuy the tools of their trade, they should ___________.A. have the same concern with the developing countries.B. be blind to their sources for the sake of humanityC. pursue good bargains in the international market.D. spare a thought for how they were made.64. A proper course of action suggested by the author is___________.A. to refuse to import the unethical goods from the developing world.B. to ask scientists to tell the truth as the prime value of their work.C. to urge the manufacturers to address the immoral issues.D. to improve the transparency of international contracts.65. By saying at the end of the passage that if science is truly going to help humanity, it needs to follow suit, the author means that ___________.A. the scientific community should stand up for all humanityB. the prime value of scientists’ work is to tell the truth.C. laboratory goods also need to be ethically sourced.D. because of science, there is hope for humanity.Passage twoA little information is a dangerous thing. A lot of information, if it’s inaccurate or confusing, even more so. This is a problem for anyone trying to spend or invest in an environmentally sustainable way. Investors are barraged with indexes purporting to describe companies’ eco-credentials, someof dubious quality. Green labels on consumer products are ubiquitous, but their claims are hard to verify.The confusion is evident form New Scientist’s analysis of whether public perceptions of companies’ green credentials reflect reality. It shows that many companies considered “green” have done little to earn that reputation, while others do not get sufficient credit for their efforts to reduce their environmental impact. Obtaining better information is crucial, because decisions by consumers and big investors will help propel us towards a green economy.At present, it is too easy to make unverified claims. Take disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions, for example. There are voluntary schemes such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, butlittle scrutiny of the figures companies submit, which means investors may be misled.Measurements can be difficult to interpret, too, like those for water sue. In this case, context is crucial: a little from rain-soaked Ireland is not the same as a little drawn from the Arizona desert.Similar problems bedevil “green” labels attached to individual products. Here, the computer equipment rating system developed by the Green Electronics Council shows the way forward. Its criteria come from the IEEE, the world’s leading professional association for technology/Other schemes, such as the “sustainability index” planned by US retail giant Walmart, are broader. Developing rigorous standards for a large number of different types of product will be tough, placing a huge burden on the academic-led consortium that is doing the underlying scientific work.Our investigation also reveals that many companies choose not to disclose data. Some will want to keep it that way. This is why we need legal requirements for full disclosure of environmental information, with the clear message that the polluter will eventually be required to pay. Then market forces will drive companies to clean up their acts.Let’s hope we can rise to this challenge. Before we can have a green economy we need a green information economy – and it’s the quality of information, as well as its quantity, that will count.66. “The confusion” at the beginning of the 2nd paragraphrefers to ________.A. where to spend or invest in a sustainable wayB. an array of consumer products to chooseC. a fog of unreliable green informationD. little information on eco-credibility67. From the New Scientist’s analysis it can be inferred thatin many cases ________.A. eco-credibility is abusedB. a green economy is crucialC. an environmental impact is lessenedD. green credentials promote green economy68. From unverified claims to difficult measurements and then to individual products, the author argues that ________.A. eco-credibility is a game between scientists and manufacturesB. neither scientists nor manufactures are honestC. it is vital to build a green economyD. better information is critical69. To address the issue, the author is crying for ________.A. transparent corporate managementB. establishing sustainability indexesC. tough academic-led surveillanceD. strict legal weapons70. Which of the following can be the best inference from thelast paragraphA. The toughest challenge is the best opportunity.B. It is time for another green revolution.C. Information should be free for all.D. No quantity, no quality.Passage ThreePeople are extraordinarily skilled at spotting cheats – much better than they are detecting rule-breaking that does notinvolve cheating. A study showing just how good we are at this adds weight to the theory that our exceptional brainpower arose through evolutionary pressures to acquire specific cognitive skills.The still-controversial idea that humans have specialized decision-making systems in addition to generalized reasoning has been around for decades. Its advocates point out that the ability to identify untrustworthy people should be favored evolutionarily, since cheats risk undermining the social interactions in which people trade goods or services for mutual benefit.The test whether we have a special ability to reason about cheating, Leda Cosmides, an evolutionary psychologist at theUniversity of California, Santa Barbara, and her colleagues used a standard psychological test called the Wason selection task, which tests volunteers’ ability to reason about “if/then”statements.The researchers set up scenarios in which they asked undergraduate volunteers to imagine they were supervising workers sorting appliances for admission to two schools; a good one in a district where school taxes are high, and a poor one in an equally wealthy, but lightly taxed district. The hypothetical workers were supposed to follow a rule that specified “if a student is admitted to the good school”, they must live in the highly taxed district.Half the time, the test subjects were told that the workers had children of their own applying to the schools, thus having a motive to cheat; the rest of the time they were told the workers were merely absent-minded and sometimes made innocent errors. Then the test subjects were asked how they would verify that the workers were not breaking the rule.Cosmides found that when the “supervisors” thought they were checking for innocent errors, just 9 of 33, or 27 percent, got the right answer – looking for a student admitted to the good school who did not live in the highly taxed district. In contrast, when the supervisors thought they were watching for cheats, they did much better, with 23 of 34, or 68 percent, getting the right answer.This suggests that people are, indeed, more adept at spotting cheat than at detecting mere rule-breaking, Cosmides said. “Any cues that it’s just an innocent mistake actually inactivate the detection mechanism.”Other psychologists remain skeptical of this conclusion. “If you want to conclude that therefore there’s a module in the mind for detecting cheaters, I see zero evidence for that,” says Steven Sloman, a cognitive scientists at Brown University in Province, Rhode Island. “It’s certainly possible that it’s something we learned through experience. There’s no evident that it’s anything innate.”71. The findings of the study were in favor of ____________.A. the highly developed skills of cheating at schoolB. the relation between intelligence and evolutionC. the phenomenon of cheating at schoolD. the human innate ability to cheat72. The test “supervisors” appeared to be more adept at________.A. spotting cheats than detecting mere rule-breakingB. detecting mere rule-breaking than spotting cheatsC. spotting their own children cheating than others doing itD. detecting cheats in the highly taxed district than in the lightly taxed one73. When she says that …that can’t be the only thing going on in the mind, Cosmides most probably implies that ________.A. cheating is highly motivated in the social interactionsB. our specific cognitive skills can serve an evolutionary purposeC. there is no such a mental thing as a specialized decision-making systemD. the ability to identify untrustworthy people should be favored evolutionary74. In response to Cosmides’ claim, Sloman would say that________.A. it was of great possibilityB. it could be misleadingC. it was unbelievableD. it’s acquired75. Which of the following can be the best title for the passageA. Cheating at SchoolB. Cheating as the Human NatureC. Imaginary Intelligence and CheatingD. Intelligence Evolved to Root Out CheatsPassage FourFor many environmentalists, all human influence on the planet is bad. Many natural scientists implicitly share this outlook.This is not unscientific, but it can create the impression that greens and environmental scientists are authoritarian tree-huggers who value nature above people. That doesn’t play wellwith mainstream society, as the apparent backlash against climate science reveals.Environmentalists need to find a new story to tell. Like itor not, we now live in the anthropocene (人类世) – an age in which humans are perturbing many of the planet’s natural systems, from the water cycle to the acidity of the oceans. We cannot wish that away; we must recognize it and manage our impacts.Johan Rockstrom, head of the Stockholm Environment Institutein Sweden, and colleagues have distilled recent research on howEarth systems work into a list of nine “planetary boundaries”that we must stay within to live sustainably. It is preliminary work, and many will disagree with where the boundaries are set. But the point is to offer a new way of thinking about our relationship with the environment – a science-based picture that accepts a certain level of human impact and even allows us some room to expand. The result is a breath of fresh air: though we are already well past three of the boundaries, we haven’t trashed the place yet.It is in the same spirit that we also probe the basis for key claims in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2007 report on climate impacts. This report has been much discussed since our revelations about its unsubstantiated statement on melting Himalayan glaciers. Why return to the topic Because there is a sense that the IPCC shares the same anti-human agenda and, as a result, is too credulous of unverified numbers. While the majority of the report is assuredly rigorous, there is no escaping the fact that parts of it make claims that go beyond the science.For example, the chapter on Africa exaggerates a claim about crashes in farm yields, and also highlights projections of increased water stress in some regions while ignoring projections in the same study that point to reduced water stress in other regions. There errors are not trifling. They are among the report’s headline conclusions.Above all, we need a dispassionate view of the state of the planet and our likely future impact on it. There’s no room for complacency: Rockstrom’s analysis shows us that we face real dangers, but exaggerating our problems is not the way to solve them.76. As the first paragraph implies, there is between environmentalists and mainstream society _____________.A. a misunderstandingB. a confrontationC. a collaborationD. a consensus77. Within the planetary boundaries, as Rockstrom implies,___________.A. we humans have gone far beyond the limitationsB. our human activities are actually moderate in degreeC. a certain level of human impact is naturally acceptable。




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国家医学考试中心PAPER ONEPart 1 : Listening comprehension (30%)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question aboutwhat is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear thequestion, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose thebest answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET .Listen to the following exampleYou will hearWoman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder. You haven ' t had a bite all day.Question: What' s the matter with the woman?You will read:A.She is sick.B.She was bitten by an ant.C.She is hungry.D.She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B C DNow let ' s begin with question Number 1.1. A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pintsC. About 4 pintsD. About 7 pints2. A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work.C. Take some sleeping pills.D. Work harder to forget all her troubles.3. A. He has no complaints about the doctor.B.He won't complain anything.C.He is in good condition.D.He couldn't be worse.4. A. She is kidding.B.She will get a raise.C.The man will get a raise.D.The man will get a promotion.5. A. Her daughter likes ball games.B.Her daughter is an exciting child.C.She and her daughter are good friends.D.She and her daughter do nt always understand each other.6. A. She hurt her uncle.B.She hurt her ankle.C.She has a swollen toe.D.She needs a minor surgery.7. A. John likes gambling.8.John is very fond of his new boss.9.John has ups and downs in the new company.10.J ohn has a promising future in the new company.8. A. She will get some advice from the front desk.B.She will undergo some lab tests.C.She will arrange an appointment.D.She will get the test results.9. A. She’ s an odd character.B.She is very picky.C.She is easy-going.D.She likes fashions.10.A. At a street corner.B.In a local shop.C.In a ward.D.In a clinic.11.A. Sea food. B. Dairy products.C. Vegetables and fruits.D. Heavy foods.12.A. He is having a good time.B.He very much likes his old bicycle.C.He will buy a new bicycle right away.D.He would rather buy a new bicycle later.13.A. It is only a cough.B.It ’s a minor illness.C.It started two weeks ago.D.It ’s extremely serious.14.A. The woman is too optimistic about the stock market.B.The woman will even lose more money at the stock market.C.The stock market bubble will continue to grow.D.The stock market bubble will soon meet its demise.15.A. The small pills should be taken once a day before sleep.B.The yellow pills should be taken once a day before supper.C.The white pills should be taken once a day before breakfast.D.The large round pills should be taken three times a day after meals.Section BDirection: In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, read thefour possible answers marked A, B, C and D, Choose the best answer andmark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET .Dialogue16.A. Because he had difficulty swallowing it.B.Because it was upsetting his stomach.C.Because he was allergic to it.D.Because it was too expensive.17.A. He can’ t play soccer any more.B.He has a serious foot problem.C.He needs an operation.D.He has cancer.18.A. A blood transfusion.B.An allergy test.C. A urine test.D.A biopsy.19.A. To see if he has cancer. B. To see if he has depression.C. To see if he requires surgery.D. To see if he has a food allergyproblem.20.A. Relieved.B.Anxious.C.Angry.D.Depressed.Passage One21.A. The cause of COPD.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.Men more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.D.Women more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.22.A. 954.B.955.C.1909.D.1955.23.A. On May 18 in San Diego. B. On May 25 in San Diego.C. On May 18 in San Francisco.D. On May 25 in San Francisco.24.A. When smoking exposure is high.B.When smoking exposure is low.C.When the subjects received medication.D.When the subjects stopped smoking.25.A. Hormone differences in men and women.B.Genetic differences between men and women.C.Women’ s active metabolic rate.D.Women’ s smaller airways.Passage Two26.A. About 90,000.B.About 100,000.C.Several hundreds.D.About 5,000.27.A. Warning from Goddard Space Flight Center.B.Warning from the Kenyan health ministry.C.Experience gained from the 1997 outbreak.D.Proper and prompt Aid from NASA.28.A. Distributing mosquito nets.B.Persuading people not to slaughter animals.C.Urging people not to eat animals.D.Dispatching doctors to the epidemic-stricken area.29.A. The higher surface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean.B.The short-lived mosquitoes that were the hosts of the viruses.C.The warm and dry weather in the Horn of Africa.D.The heavy but intermittent rains.30.A. Warning from NASA.B.How to treat Rift Valley fever.C.The disastrous effects of Rift Valley fever.D.Satellites and global health — remote diagnosis.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirection: In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A B C and D .are given beneath each of them. You are to choose theword or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer ontheANSWER SHEET.31.A good night’s sleep is believed to help slow the stomach’ s emptying, produce asmoother, less abrupt absorption of sugar, and will better __________ brainmetabolism.A. regulateB. activateC. retainD. consolidate32.The explosion and the oil spill below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico left my mindin such a _____________ t hat I couldn’ t get to sleep.A. catastropheB. boycottC. turmoilD. mentality33.Coronary heart attacks occur more commonly in those with high blood pressure, in theobese, in cigarette smokers, and in those to prolonged emotionaland mental strain.A. sympatheticB. ascribedC. preferableD. subjected34.Most colds are acquired by children in school and then to adults.A. conveyedB. transmittedC. attributedD. relayed35.Several of the most populous nations in the world at the lower end ofthe table of real GDP per capita last year.A. fluctuatedB. languishedC. retardedD. vibrated36.Presently this kind of anti-depressant is still in clinical, even though the concepthas been around since 1900s.A. trialsB. applicationsC. implicationsD. endeavors37.Studies revealed that exposure to low-level radiation for a long time may weaken theimmune system,aging, and cause cancer.A. haltB. postponeC. retardD. accelerate38.The mayor candidates personality traits, being modest and generous, people in hisfavor before the election.A. predisposedB. presumedC. presidedD. pressured39.With its graceful movements and salubrious effects on health, Tai Chi has a strong toa vast multitude of people.A. flavorB. thrillC. appealD. implication40.If you are catching a train, it is always better to be early than even afraction of a minute too late.A. infinitelyB. temporarilyC. comfortablyD. favorablySection BDirections: Each of the following sentenceshas a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence, Choose the word or phrasewhich can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it issubstituted for the underlined part, Mark your answer on the ANSWERSHEET .41.All Nobel Prize winners ' success is a process of long-term accumulation, in whichlasting efforts are indispensable.A. irresistibleB. cherishedC. inseparableD. requisite42.The Queen's presence imparted an air of elegance to the drinks reception atBuckingham Palace in London.A. bestowedB. exhibitedC. imposedD. emitted43.Physicians are clear that thyroid dysfunction is manifest in growing children in theform of mental and physical retardation.A. intensifiedB. apparentC. representativeD. insidious44.The mechanism that the eye can accommodate itself to different distances has beenapplied to automatic camera, which marks a revolutionary technique advance.A. yieldB. amplifyC. adaptD. cast45.Differences among believers are common; however, it was the pressure of religiouspersecution that exacerbatedtheir conflicts and created the split of the union.A. eradicatedB. deterioratedC. vanquishedD. averted46.When Picasso was particularly poor, he might have tried to obliterate the originalcomposition by painting over it on canvases.A. duplicateB. eliminateC. substituteD. compile47.For the sake of animal protection, environmentalists deplored the constructionprogram of a nuclear power station.A. disapprovedB. despisedC. demolishedD. decomposed48.Political figures in particular are held to very strict standards of maritalfidelity.A. loyaltyB. moralityC. qualityD. stability49.The patient complained that his doctor had been negligent in not giving him a fullexamination.A. prudentB. ardentC. carelessD. brutal50.She has been handling all the complaints without wrath for a whole morning.A. furyB. chaosC. despairD. agonyPart III Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For eachblank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D on the right side.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWERSHEET .For years, scientists have been warning us that the radiation from mobile phones is detrimental to our health, without actually having any evidence to back these __51__ up.However, research now suggests that mobile phone radiation has at least one positive side effect: it can help prevent Alzheimer ’s, __52__ in the mice that acted as test subjects.It’s been suspected, though never proven, that heavy use of mobile phones is bad foryour health.It ’s thought that walking around with a cellphone permanently attached to the side of your head is almost sure to be __53__ your brain. And that may well be true, but I ’d rather wait until it ’s proven before giving up that part of my daily life.But what has now been proven, in a very perfunctory manner, is that mobile phone radiation can have an effect on your brain. __54__ in this case it was a positive ratherthan negative effect.According to BBC news, the Florida Alzheimer ’s Disease Research Center conducted a study on 96 mice to see if the radiation given off by mobile phones could affect the onset of Alzheimer ’s.Some of the mice were “genetically altered to develop beta-amyloid plaques in their brains” __55__ they aged. These are a marker of Alzheimer ’s. all 96 mice were then“exposed to the electro-magnetic __56__ generated by a standard phone for two one-hourperiods each day for seven to nine months. ” The lucky things.__57__ the experiment showed that the mice altered to be predisposed to dementia were protected from the disease if exposed before the onset of the illness. Their cognitiveabilities were so unimpaired as to be virtually __58__ to the mice not genetically altered in any way.Unfortunately, although the results are positive, the scientists don ’t actually know why exposure to mobile phone radiation has this effect. But it ’s hoped that further study and testing could result in a non-invasive __59__ for preventing and treating Alzheimer ’s disease.Autopsies carried out on the mice also concluded no ill-effects of their exposure to the radiation.However, the fact that the radiation prevented Alzheimer ’s means mobile phones __60__ our brainsand bodies in ways not yet explored. And it ’s sure there are negative as well as this one positive.51. A. devicesB.risksC.phenomenaD.claims52. A. at leastB.at mostC.as ifD.as well53. A. blockingB.cookingC.exhaustingD.cooling54. A. ExceptB.EvenC.DespiteD.Besides55. A. untilB.whenC.asD.unless56. A. rangeB.continuumC.spectrumD.field57. A. ReasonablyB.ConsequentlyC.AmazinglyD.Undoubtedly58. A. identicalB.beneficialC.preferableD.susceptible59. A. effortB.methodC.huntD.account60. A. do affectB.did affectC.is affectingD.could have affectedPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: In this part there are six passages,each of which is followed by fivequestions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B,C, and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice onthe ANSWER SHEET .Passage oneI have just returned from Mexico, where I visited a factory making medical masks.Faced with fierce competition, the owner has cut his costs by outsourcing some of his production. Scores of people work for him in their homes, threading elastic into masks by hand. They are paid below the minimum wage, with no job security and no healthcare provision.Users of medical masks and other laboratory gear probably give little thought to where their equipment comes from. That needs to change. A significant proportion of these products are made in the developing world by low-paid people with inadequate labor rights.This leads to human misery on a tremendous scale.Take lab coats. Many are made in India, where most cotton farmers are paid an unfair price for their crops and factory employees work illegal hours for poor pay.One-fifth of the world ’s surgical instruments are made in northern Pakistan. WhenI visited the area a couple of years ago I found most workers toiling 12 hours a day,seven days a week, for less than a dollar a day, exposed to noise, metal dust and toxic chemicals. Thousands of children, some as young as 7, work in the industry.To win international contracts, factory owners must offer rock-bottom prices, and consequently drive down wages and labor conditions as far as they can. We laboratory scientists in the developed world may unwittingly be encouraging this: we ask how much our equipment will cost, but which of us asks who made it and how much they were paid?This is no small matter. Science is supposed to benefit humanity, but because of the conditions under which their tools are made, may scientists may actually be causing harm.What can be done? A knee-jerk boycott of unethical goods is not the answer; it would just make things worse for workers in those manufacturing zones. What we need is to start asking suppliers to be transparent about where and how their products are manufactured and urge them to improve their manufacturing practices.It can be done. Many universities are committed to fair trade in the form of ethically sourced tea, coffee or bananas. That model should be extended to laboratory goods.There are signs that things are moving. Over the past few years I have worked with health services in the UK and in Sweden. Both have recently instituted ethical procurement practices. If science is truly going to help humanity, it needs to follow suit.61.From the medical masks to lab coats, the author is trying to tell us .A.the practice of occupational protection in the developing worldB.the developing countries plagued by poverty and disease.C.the cheapest labor in the developing countries.D.the human misery behind them.62.The concerning phenomenon the author has observed, according to the passage,A.is nothing but the repetition of the miserable history.B.could have been even exaggerated.C.is unfamiliar to the wealthy west.D.is prevailing across the world.63.The author argues that when researchers in the wealthy west buy the tools of theirtrade, they should _______________ .A.have the same concern with the developing countries.B.be blind to their sources for the sake of humanityC.pursue good bargains in the international market.D.spare a thought for how they were made.64. A proper course of action suggested by the author is ______ .A.to refuse to import the unethical goods from the developing world.B.to ask scientists to tell the truth as the prime value of their work.C.to urge the manufacturers to address the immoral issues.D.to improve the transparency of international contracts.65.By saying at the end of the passage that if science is truly going to help humanity, it needs to follow suit, the author means that .A.the scientific community should stand up for all humanityB.the prime value of scientists’ work is to tell the truth.boratory goods also need to be ethically sourced.D.because of science, there is hope for humanity.Passage twoA little information is a dangerous thing. A lot of information, if it ’sinaccurate orconfusing, even more so. This is a problem for anyone trying to spend or invest in anenvironmentally sustainable way. Investors are barraged with indexes purporting to describe companie’s eco-credentials, some of dubious quality. Green labels on consumer products are ubiquitous, but their claims are hard to verify.The confusion is evident form New Scientist’ s analysis of whether public perceptions of companies’ green credentials reflect reality. It shows that many companies considered“ green” have done little to earn that reputation, while others do not get sufficient credit for their efforts to reduce their environmental impact. Obtaining better information is crucial, because decisions by consumers and big investors will help propel us towards a green economy.At present, it is too easy to make unverified claims. Take disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions, for example. There are voluntary schemes such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, but little scrutiny of the figures companies submit, which means investors may be misled.Measurements can be difficult to interpret, too, like those for water sue. In this case, context is crucial: a little from rain-soaked Ireland is not the same as a little drawn from the Arizona desert.Similar problems bedevil “green” labels attached to individual products. Here, the computer equipment rating system developed by the Green Electronics Council shows the way forward. Its criteria come from the IEEE, the world ’s leading professional association for technology/Other schemes, such as the “sustainability index” planned by US retail giant Walmart, are broader. Developing rigorous standards for a large number of different types of product will be tough, placing a huge burden on the academic-led consortium that is doing the underlying scientific work.Our investigation also reveals that many companies choose not to disclose data. Some will want to keep it that way. This is why we need legal requirements for full disclosure of environmental information, with the clear message that the polluter will eventually be required to pay. Then market forces will drive companies to clean up their acts.Let ’s hope we can rise to this challenge. Before we can have a green economy we need a green information economy — and it s the quality of information, as well as its quantity, that will count.66.T“he confusion ” at the beginning of the 2 nd paragraph refers to .A.where to spend or invest in a sustainable wayB.an array of consumer products to chooseC.a fog of unreliable green informationD.little information on eco-credibility67.From the New Scientist’ s analysis it can be inferred that in many casesA.eco-credibility is abusedB.a green economy is crucialC.an environmental impact is lessenedD.green credentials promote green economy68.From unverified claims to difficult measurements and then to individual products, the author argues that ______ .A.eco-credibility is a game between scientists and manufacturesB.neither scientists nor manufactures are honestC.it is vital to build a green economyD.better information is critical69.To address the issue, the author is crying for _.A.transparent corporate managementB.establishing sustainability indexesC.tough academic-led surveillanceD.strict legal weapons70.Which of the following can be the best inference from the last paragraph?A.The toughest challenge is the best opportunity.B.It is time for another green revolution.rmation should be free for all.D.No quantity, no quality.Passage ThreePeople are extraordinarily skilled at spotting cheats — much better than they are detecting rule-breaking that does not involve cheating. A study showing just how good we are at this adds weight to the theory that our exceptional brainpower arose through evolutionary pressures to acquire specific cognitive skills.The still-controversial idea that humans have specialized decision-making systems in addition to generalized reasoning has been around for decades.Its advocatespoint out that the ability to identify untrustworthy people should be favored evolutionarily, since cheats risk undermining the social interactions in which people trade goods or services for mutual benefit.The test whether we have a special ability to reason about cheating, Leda Cosmides, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and her colleagues used a standard psychological test called the Wason selection task, which tests volunteers’ ability to reason about “if/then” statements.The researchers set up scenarios in which they asked undergraduate volunteers to imagine they were supervising workers sorting appliances for admission to two schools; a good one in a district where school taxes are high, and a poor one in an equally wealthy, but lightly taxed district. The hypothetical workers were supposed to follow a rule that specified “if a student is admitted to the good school ”, they must live in the highly taxed district.Half the time, the test subjects were told that the workers had children of their own applying to the schools, thus having a motive to cheat; the rest of the time they were told the workers were merely absent-minded and sometimes made innocent errors. Then the test subjects were asked how they would verify that the workers were not breaking the rule.Cosmides found that when the “supervisors” thought they were checking for innocent errors, just 9 of 33, or 27 percent, got the right answer - looking for a student admitted to the good school who did not live in the highly taxed district. In contrast, when the supervisors thought they were watching for cheats, they did much better, with 23 of 34, or 68 percent, getting the right answer.This suggests that people are, indeed, more adept at spotting cheat than at detecting mere rule-breaking, Cosmides said.“Any cues that it ’s just an innocent mistake actually inactivate the detection mechanism”.Other psychologists remain skeptical of this conclusion. “If you want to conclude that therefore there’ s a module in the mind for detecting cheaters, I see zero evidence for that, ” says Steven Sloman, a cognitive scientists at Brown University in Province, Rhode Island. “It’s certainly possible that it’s something we learned through experience.There’ s no evident that it’s anything innate.”71.The findings of the study were in favor of ______ .A.the highly developed skills of cheating at schoolB.the relation between intelligence and evolutionC.the phenomenon of cheating at schoolD.the human innate ability to cheat72.The test “supervisors” appeared to be more adept at __ .A.spotting cheats than detecting mere rule-breakingB.detecting mere rule-breaking than spotting cheatsC.spotting their own children cheating than others doing itD.detecting cheats in the highly taxed district than in the lightly taxed one73.When she says that …that can't be the only thing going on in the mind, Cosmides most probably implies that ________________ .A.cheating is highly motivated in the social interactionsB.our specific cognitive skills can serve an evolutionary purposeC.there is no such a mental thing as a specialized decision-making systemD.the ability to identify untrustworthy people should be favored evolutionary74.In response to Cosmides’ claim, Sloman would say that ___ .A.it was of great possibilityB.it could be misleadingC.it was unbelievableD.it ’s acquired75.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.Cheating at SchoolB.Cheating as the Human NatureC.Imaginary Intelligence and CheatingD.Intelligence Evolved to Root Out CheatsPassage FourFor many environmentalists, all human influence on the planet is bad. Many natural scientists implicitly share this outlook. This is not unscientific, but it can create the impression that greens and environmental scientists are authoritarian tree-huggers who value nature above people. That doesn’ t play well with mainstream society, as the apparent backlash against climate science reveals.Environmentalists need to find a new story to tell. Like it or not, we now live in the anthropocene 人类世)-an age in which humans are perturbing many of the planet s natural systems, from the water cycle to the acidity of the oceans. We cannot wish that away; we must recognize it and manage our impacts.Johan Rockstrom, head of the Stockholm Environment Institute in Sweden, and colleagues have distilled recent research on how Earth systems work into a list of nine “planetary boundaries” that we must stay within to live sustainably. It ispreliminary work, and many will disagree with where the boundaries are set. But the point is to offer a new way of thinking about our relationship with the environment —a science-based picture that accepts a certain level of human impact and even allows us some room to expand. The result is a breath of fresh air: though we are already well past three of the boundaries, we haven’ t trashed the place yet.It is in the same spirit that we also probe the basis for key claims in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’ s 2007 report on climate impacts. Thisreport has been much discussed since our revelations about its unsubstantiated statement on melting Himalayan glaciers. Why return to the topic? Because there is a sense thatthe IPCC shares the same anti-human agenda and, as a result, is too credulous of unverified numbers. While the majority of the report is assuredly rigorous, there is no escaping the fact that parts of it make claims that go beyond the science.For example, the chapter on Africa exaggerates a claim about crashes in farm yields, and also highlights projections of increased water stress in some regions while ignoring projections in the same study that point to reduced water stress in other regions. There errors are not trifling. They are among the repor’ ts headline conclusions.Above all, we need a dispassionate view of the state of the planet and our likely future impact on it. There ’s no room for complacency: Rockstrom ’s analysis shows us that we face real dangers, but exaggerating our problems is not the way to solve them.76.As the first paragraph implies, there is between environmentalists and mainstream society _________________________ .A. a misunderstandingB.a confrontationC. a collaborationD.a consensus77.Within the planetary boundaries, as Rockstrom implies, ______.A.we humans have gone far beyond the limitationsB.our human activities are actually moderate in degreeC. a certain level of human impact is naturally acceptableD.it is urgent to modify our relationship with the environment78.The point, based on Rockstrom ’s investigation, is simply that __ .A.they made the first classification of Earth systemsB.it is not to deny but to manage impacts on the planetC.we are approaching the anthropocene faster than expectedD.human beings are rational and responsible creatures on earth79.Critical of the IPCC ’s 2007 report, the author argues that they .A.missed the most serious problems thereB.were poorly assembled for the missionC.cannot be called scientists at allD.value nature above people80.It can be concluded from the passage that if we are to manage the anthropocene successfully, we ______________________________ .A.must redefine our relationship with the environmentB.should not take it seriously but to take it easyC.need a new way of thinking about natureD.need cooler heads and clearer statisticsPassage Five。

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博士Leabharlann 学位研究
