澳大利亚木质包装检疫熏蒸标准应用分析为有效降低国际贸易中木质包装传播检疫性有害生物的风险, 2002年3月国际植物保护公约组织( IPPC)发布了第15号国际植物检疫措施标准———国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则( Guidelines forRegulatingWood Packaging in International Trade,以下简称ISPM15) 。
我国制定并于2005年3月1日起实施《出境货物木质包装检疫处理管理办法》(以下简称69 号局令) ; 澳大利亚于2004年12月发布了《澳大利亚木质包装认证体系》( The Australian Wood Packaging CertificationScheme,以下简称AWPCS) 。
技 术法 规多 以限量 限值为 基础 , 执行 时需 要准 确
般情 况 下 , 木 制 品应 在 油 漆 前进 行 熏 蒸 , 但 对
掌握相关数据。澳大利亚是我 国重要 的出 口国家之
于仅单面有油漆 的木制 品, 且板厚 度≤ 1 0 0 m m时, 则允许油漆后熏蒸。
2 )商 品堆 垛要 求 待处理 商品堆 垛 时, 四周必须 留足空 间, 以确 保 空 气流 动和熏蒸剂均匀分布 。标 准要求具体空隙尺寸为 :
小 的问题 。
1 )熏蒸 商 品要求 对 于木制 品 , 由于溴 甲烷熏蒸 可 穿透 的木 材厚度
3 ) 熏蒸场所要求 若使用熏蒸室熏蒸 , 则熏蒸室必须符合压力测试
要求 , 且 每年 至少 进行 2次压 力测 试 和 1 次 维 护性检
约1 0 0 mm, 因此 , 为保证溴 甲烷熏蒸效果 , 木制品的 熏蒸面距其 内部中心层 的距离应<1 0 0 mm, 即木制
熏蒸 目标 商 品如果 覆 有包装 或 喷涂材 料 , 须是 熏
蒸剂可 以渗透的材料, 否则在熏蒸前 , 需要打开包装、
或 凿孔 或去 除商 品外 的不 透气 材料 。对 于气 密 性 材
料不超过一层 , 且符合澳方包装和穿孔标准要求的商
品, 可不 需移 除包 装 材料 直接 熏蒸 。
袋和水 袋平 整铺 在地 面上 , 沙 袋 只能 填充 6 5 ~
7 5 9 / 6 , 水袋 填充 7 5 ~8 5 9 / 6 。
4 0 ・
第2 8卷
第 1期
木材 工业
2 0 1 4年 1月
熏蒸 室 的安 置 必 须 离 下 水 道 、 地 面裂缝 等 l m 以上 的距离 , 还 应确保 室 内 防风 、 地 面 的不透 气 。
澳大利亚进口再造木制品、竹木草制品的检疫要求再造木制品(reconsituted wood products)Commodity: Reconstituted wood productsScientific name:Country: All countriesEnd use: All uses other than as animal foods, fertilisers or for growing purposes产品:再造木制品来源国:所有国家用途:除饲料、化肥及种植以外的所有用途以下为具体检疫要求Non-Commercial1. The conditions under the Commercial section apply非商业性的货物,检疫措施与商业性再造木制品相同Commercial1. An Import Permit is not required.2. A Quarantine Entry is not required.3. Reconstituted wood products are not of interest to quarantine as they are deemed to pose minimal quarantine risk and can be released without inspection. Reconstituted wood products are those that as a result of the manufacturing process no longer contain solid wood and include particleboard, chipboard, hardboard (masonite), oriented strand board, medium and high density fibreboard. This case does not apply to plywood and veneer products. (Refer to the ICON commodity ‘Plywood and Veneer’.)商业性的货物1. 不需要进境许可。
国际植物保护公约(InternationalPlantProtectionConvention,简称IPPC) 国际植物保护公约(InternationalPlantProtectionConvention,简称IPPC)是1951年联合国粮食和农业组织(FAO)通过的一个有关植物保护的多边国际协议,1952年生效。
为了减少这种潜在的风险,国际标准组织(ISO)制定了标准ISPM 15(Phytosanitary Measures),要求所有木质包装必须经过熏蒸处理后才能使用,并且需要有相应的证明文件。
ISPM 15标准ISPM 15标准要求所有木质包装使用前必须接受熏蒸或热处理,以杀死包装内的有害昆虫、病毒和真菌等生物,避免其传播到目的地国。
为了符合ISPM 15标准,必须使用被认可的熏蒸方法。
保障贸易安全ISPM 15标准的实施,主要目的是防止木材和木制品中的有害生物跨境传播,保障进口国的生态环境和农业生产安全。
Packaging Design Solutions公司致力于为客户提供全方位、专业的国际物流包装方案,帮助客户保障贸易安全,降低运输成本,提高运输效率。
DAFF METHYL BROMIDE FUMIGATION STANDARDVersion 2.1August 2013CONTENTSFumigant considerations – risk assessment, commodity, dosage, temperature (5)1.1 Risk assessment (5)1.2 Commodity (Non perishable) (5)1.3 Commodity (Perishable) (5)1.4 Dosage (6)1.5 Temperature (7)The fumigation site (8)2.1 Site requirements (8)2.2 Site floor (8)Consignment suitability for fumigation (9)3.1 Fumigant circulation (9)3.2 Fumigant penetration (10)The fumigation enclosure (11)4.1 Chamber fumigation (12)4.2 Pressure tested container (13)4.3 Un-sheeted container (14)4.4 Sheeted enclosures (15)4.5 Safety (16)Preparing the fumigation enclosure (17)5.1 Monitoring tubes (17)5.2 Fumigant supply pipes (18)5.3 Fans (19)5.4 Sand and water snake specifications (19)Calculating the dosage of fumigant required (20)6.1 Calculation of fumigation enclosure volume (20)6.2 Calculation of fumigant dosage (20)Performing the fumigation (21)7.1 Using a vaporiser (21)7.2 Distributing fumigant within the enclosure (22)7.3 Checking for leaks (22)Monitoring and maintaining fumigant concentrations (23)8.1 Monitoring frequency (23)8.2 Fumigant levels – Start-point and End-point (24)8.3 Fumigant concentrations (25)8.4 Topping-up (27)Completing the fumigation (28)9.1 Ventilation (28)9.1 Continued (29)9.2 Certification (29)APPENDIX 1: Fumigation of Perishable Commodities (30)APPENDIX 2: Fumigation of vessels with methyl bromide (32)APPENDIX 3: Commodities for which problems may occur when fumigated withmethyl bromide (39)APPENDIX 4: Example of a record of fumigation (40)APPENDIX 5: Example of a fumigation certificate (41)APPENDIX 6: Pressure testing chambers and containers for gas-tightness (43)Page 2APPENDIX 7: Monitor tube placement for container fumigation (46)APPENDIX 8: Fumigant gas supply pipe systems (47)APPENDIX 9: Calculating the volume of differently shaped fumigation enclosures .. 48APPENDIX 10: Vaporisers for methyl bromide (49)APPENDIX 11: Methyl bromide monitoring table (51)APPENDIX 12: Examples of ‘Top-up’ calculations (53)APPENDIX 13: Methyl bromide as a quarantine fumigant (55)APPENDIX 14: Methyl bromide as an ozone depleting gas (56)APPENDIX 15: Glossary of terms (57)Page 3How to use this Standard This standard is divided into two main sections:∙DAFF Requirements∙Descriptive AppendicesDAFF RequirementsDAFF requirements for this section are designed to be subject to audit during quality control procedures, either by DAFF, by other quarantine authorities or by authorised agents of either.This section is divided into two main columns:MANDATORYThis column lists conditions that MUST be achieved and actions which MUST be undertaken in order to conform to the requirements of the DAFF Standard.INFORMATIVEThis column lists information that may be helpful to a fumigator in achieving the Mandatory Requirement.AppendicesThese appendices provide information on a range of issues that may be helpful to a fumigator on various aspects of the fumigation procedure.MANDATORY INFORMATIVE FUMIGANT CONSIDERATIONS – RISK ASSESSMENT, COMMODITY, DOSAGE, TEMPERATURE 1.1 Risk assessment1.1.1 Before commencing anyfumigation process a riskassessment must be carried out. The purpose of risk assessments is to ensure that any fumigation undertaken is carried out in such a way that minimises any Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S) risks, meets local regulations, protects the local population and the environment,and addresses potential adverse effects on the commodity being fumigated. A risk assessment may be written or visual, as appropriate1.2 C ommodity (Non perishable)1.2.1 The commodity must be suitablefor methyl bromide fumigation. See the Import Conditions (ICON) database.au/biosecurity/import/icon-icd for information on specific commodities.Some commodities are unsuited to this treatment as they absorb large quantitiesof methyl bromide e.g oils, fats and finely ground materials. This may causetainting or phyto-toxicity and may lead to hazards such as the presence ofexcessive bromide residues. This may result in the fumigated commodity notbeing suitable for its intended use.If there is concern that a commodity may be adversely affected by methylbromide, importers, exporters and fumigators should seek expert advice (outsideof DAFF) regarding its effects or conduct tests on the commodity.See APPENDIX 3: Commodities for which problems may occur whenfumigated with methyl bromide. This table lists some commodities for whichexperts have found problems when fumigated with methyl bromide. This list isnot comprehensive and is provided for guidance only.1.3 Commodity (Perishable)1.3.1 Fumigation of nursery stockmust only be performed inAustralia.1.3.2 Fumigation of fresh flowers mustonly be performed in Australia(unless exemptions are in place).Perishable commodities include cut flowers, fresh fruit, vegetables and nursery stock.Additional requirements for the fumigation of perishable goods are set out in APPENDIX 1: Fumigation of perishable commoditiesMANDATORY INFORMATIVE 1.4 Dosage1.4.1Dosage must conform to:∙Permit conditions to importQuarantine Material intoAustralia;∙DAFF Import Conditions(ICON) database;∙Quarantine Directions (within Australia). Overdosing (the application of fumigant at rates above those specified by DAFF) to compensate for poor fumigation practice or inadequate equipment or sheeting should not be undertaken.See the ICON database (.au/biosecurity/import/icon-icd)1.4.2 For the majority of commodities(excluding perishables) DAFFtreatment dosages must be basedon the anticipated minimumambient temperature that thecommodities inside thefumigation enclosure willexperience during the fumigationperiod.TABLE 1 :COMMON STANDARD DOSAGEFOR METHYL BROMIDE FUMIGATIONPEST/COMMODITYREQUIREDCONCENTRATIONGiant African Snail128g/m³ at 21 °C for 24 hours atNormal Atmospheric Pressure(NAP)Khapra Beetle80 g/m³ for 48 hours with aminimum concentration of24 g/m³ after 24 hours at NAP Other Stored Product Pests of Quarantineconcern32 g/m³ at 21 ºC for 24 hours atNAPTimber48 g/m³ at 21 °C for 24 hours atNAPMANDATORY INFORMATIVE 1.5 Temperature1.5.1 Fumigation for quarantinepurposes is not permitted if theambient minimum temperaturefalls below 10 °C. At temperatures below 10 °C the fumigant has decreased effectiveness against pests, and more of the gas may be absorbed by the commodity. Excessive fumigant uptake can pose an increased safety risk, as the gas is difficult to remove from the commodity.1.5.2 Dosage must be compensated fortemperatures below 21 °C. For each 5°C (or part of 5°C) the temperatureis expected to fall below 21 °C, 8g/m³ must beadded to the dosage, unless otherwisespecified by DAFF.For example, using the standard dosage of48g/m³ for a 24 hour exposure period, thedosage at:21 °C and above is 48 g/m316 – 20 °C is 56 g/m311 – 15 °C is 64 g/m310 °C is 72 g/m3The fumigation provider must record thetemperature information on the fumigationcertificate.Minimum ambient temperatureThe minimum ambient temperature that the fumigation enclosure is expectedto experience over the duration of the treatment should be determined bychecking with the official weather bureau in the country where the fumigation istaking place. This temperature should be used when determining the dosage.Alternatively, temperature recording equipment may be used to verify thetemperature within the enclosure during the fumigation exposure period.See APPENDIX 5: Example of a fumigation certificate.1.5.3 Heating of fumigationenclosures. The temperature in the fumigation enclosuremust be raised above 10 °C during fumigationif the minimum temperature inside theenclosure is expected to fall below 10 °C.Heaters incorporating a fan and thermostat may be used for this purpose. Flashproof heaters should be used if the commodity is flammable.Consideration can also be given to storing and fumigating the commodity inheated warehouses during extended cold periods.MANDATORY INFORMATIVE THE FUMIGATION SITE2.1 Site requirements2.1.1 The fumigation site must:∙Be able to be isolated fromunprotected personnel.∙Be well ventilated.∙Be sheltered from high winds (as much as possible).∙Have a power supply available (either mains or generator). The site should be protected from adverse weather conditions such as high winds that can affect fumigation performance.Electrical power or a generator will need to be accessible on site to run fans and heaters during fumigation treatments.2.2 Site floor2.2.1 The fumigation floor must be flatand even.2.2.2 The fumigation site floor must beimpermeable to the fumigant forsheeted containers and stacks. The floor of any site used for fumigationsperformed under sheets must be:∙Free of stones and other sharp objects sothat a gas-tight seal can be made betweenthe sheets and the floor;∙Free of cracks (including unsealedexpansion joints in concrete floors) anddrains or any other openings that willreduce the gas tightness of the enclosure.Where unsealed cracks or drains are present,they must be no closer than 1 metre from thefumigation enclosure.Uneven surfaces for fumigations performed in containers can cause the containeritself to flex making it difficult to get a good seal and prevent excessive leakageof the fumigant.Surfaces sealed with concrete or hot mix asphalt, that is, with a smooth surfacefinish that are in good condition and meet the requirements listed to the left,generally provide good floor surfaces for effective sheet fumigation.Where unsealed cracks exist in a floor intended for fumigation, they may besealed with an impervious sealant.Surfaces such as soil (including cement consolidated soil), sand, base rock andpaving (stones or blocks) do not provide a suitable floor for a sheet fumigationenclosure.∙On porous or unsuitable surfaces gas proof sheets should be used or the floorshould be permanently sealed;∙Plastic sheeting or paper containing a tar (asphalt) layer may be used for thispurpose.MANDATORY INFORMATIVE CONSIGNMENT SUITABILITY FOR FUMIGATION3.1 Fumigant circulation3.1.1 There must be sufficient free airspace to circulate the fumigant andachieve uniform distributionthroughout the enclosure.The fumigator must be able to demonstratethat the required concentration of methylbromide can reach the target of thefumigation by taking and recordingconcentration readings from representativepoints within the enclosure.See 5.1 Monitoring tubes and,7.2 Distributing fumigant within theenclosureThe free air space requirements for effective treatment of a consignment will varydepending on the commodity and the method of packing.As a guide, there should be at least 350 mm of free airspace in total with 200 mmfree air space above the commodity, 50 mm below and the remaining 100 mm atthe sides and between the commodities.Where commodities are stacked on the floor there must be sufficient free airspace between individual items to allow the fumigant to act effectively on thetarget of the fumigation throughout the entire enclosure.If there is insufficient space to allow the monitoring tubes to be positionedaccording to the requirements then it is unlikely that the consignment can befumigated effectively.3.1.2 Timber must be separated by aminimum of 5 mm of air space inone dimension every 200 mm. The separators must allow for any sagging to ensure that the 5 mm minimum separation is maintained along the entire length of the timber.MANDATORY INFORMATIVE 3.2 Fumigant penetration3.2.1 The target of the fumigation mustnot be wrapped in or coated withmaterials that are impervious tomethyl bromide. The fumigator must verify that theconsignment is not wrapped in imperviousmaterials that may prevent the methylbromide from reaching the target of thefumigation.The fumigator must verify that the target ofthe fumigation does not have impervioussurfaces or coatings such as paints, lacquersand veneers that may prevent the effectivepenetration of methyl bromide.Impervious wrappings such as plastic, tarredor waxed papers, aluminium foil etc. mustbe perforated, cut or removed prior tofumigation to allow the methyl bromide toreach the target of the fumigation.If the consignment cannot be fully inspected for impervious materials because ofproblems with accessibility the fumigator can;∙Rely on a packing declaration from the supplier/shipper/ packer thatdescribes how the consignment is packaged and what packing materialshave been used that allows assessment of the consignment‟s suitabilityfor fumigation.Or, if this documentation is not available;∙Contact another party that has sufficient knowledge of the consignmentto obtain a written declaration that states that it is free from impervioussurfaces or wrappings that would prevent an effective fumigation.If suitable declarations cannot be obtained the container should be unpacked forinspection prior to fumigation. The inspection must be conducted either by thefumigator or by another party that subsequently provides the fumigator with awritten declaration indicating that it is free from impervious surfaces orwrappings.Impervious wrapping does not need to becut or removed prior to fumigation if itconforms to the DAFF wrapping andperforation standard and is not more thanone layer thick.The DAFF Wrapping and Perforation StandardTo meet DAFF perforation requirements for fumigation impervious materialsmust contain not less than four (4) perforations of 6 mm diameter / 100 cm2(10 cm x 10 cm square) or five (5) perforations of 5 mm diameter / 100 cm2.Plastic wraps containing numerous pinholes (at least 6 holes / cm2), frequentlyused for transportation of fruit and vegetables are also acceptable.3.2.2 Untreated timber products musthave at least one physicaldimension which is less than 200mm thick. Timber products must be fumigated beforeany surface coating such as lacquering orpaint is applied unless the product has atleast one uncoated surface and a maximumthickness of 100 mm from the uncoatedsurface.Methyl bromide will, in general, only penetrate 100 mm from the surface intotimber within the fumigation exposure period.MANDATORYINFORMATIVETHE FUMIGATION ENCLOSUREFUMIGATION TREATMENTS FOR QUARANTINE PURPOSES MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN GAS-TIGHT ENCLOSURESThere are several types of enclosures that are suitable for quarantine fumigations of cargo. This diagram illustrates the possible fumigation enclosure options.FumigatePassFailFumigateFumigateFumigateChamber (see 4.1)Pressure Tested Container(see 4.2)Sheeted Enclosure(One or more containers or free standing goods fumigated under an impervious sheet (see 4.4)Un-sheeted Container(Seal container vents/door, bag container floors(see 4.3)Fumigation starting optionsMANDATORY INFORMATIVE 4.1 Chamber fumigation4.1.1 A fumigation can be performed ina permanent structure specificallydesigned for fumigation. Thisincludes shipping containers fixedin place and converted for thispurpose.4.1.2 A pressure decay time from 200 to100 Pa of 10 seconds or more mustbe achieved to verify that achamber is gas-tight.To satisfy these requirements, thefumigation chamber must:∙Be constructed from rigid materialson all sides including the door∙Be permanently sealed along alljoins between the walls, roof andfloor∙Be gas-tight once the door isclosed without the need to usetape, sealant, sand snakes or anyother means to ensure a gas tightseal.∙Not have anything enter thechamber through the door that willinterfere with the seal such asmonitor tubes, supply pipes orelectrical leads.∙Have an inbuilt circulation systemto adequately distribute thefumigant throughout the chamber.∙Have an inbuilt extraction systemthat actively removes the fumigantfrom the enclosure and vents it tothe open air above the roofline ordirects it for recapture; and∙Pass a pressure test at least every 6months.The following actions should occur before performing any chamber fumigation:∙Check that the chamber is not damaged and that there are no objects between thechamber and the chamber door to impair the seal;∙Visually inspect the door seals of the chamber and replace where necessaryIn addition to the pressure test results, deterioration in the ability of the chamber toretain fumigant can indicate the need for maintenance workSee APPENDIX 6: Pressure testing enclosures for gas-tightness.Stricter pressure test requirements are considered necessary for fumigation chambersbecause they are often located inside buildings and in close proximity to unprotectedpersonnel.MANDATORY INFORMATIVE 4.2 Pressure tested container4.2.1 A container can be used forfumigations without the need tosheet or seal the doors and base ofthe container if it passes a pressuretest.4.2.2 A pressure decay time from 50 to25 Pa of 5 seconds or more must beachieved to verify that a containeris gas-tight. If the decay time between 50 Pa and 25 Pa isless than 5 seconds, the container must beenclosed under a gas proof sheet or adequatelysealed (see un-sheeted container forrequirements) before being fumigated withmethyl bromide.Care must be taken to ensure that monitoringtubes, fumigant supply pipes and electricalcables introduced into a container after thepressure test, are adequately sealed to maintaina gas-tight condition.See APPENDIX 6: Pressure testing enclosures for gas-tightness.MANDATORY INFORMATIVE 4.3 Un-sheeted container4.3.1 A container can be used forfumigations without the need topressure test or enclose under agas-proof sheet provided thecontainer can be adequately sealedto ensure a gas tight enclosure. The container must be checked for any visibleholes/damage which may cause gas loss.Visible holes/damage must be repaired.All air vents must be sealed with tape or othersuitable means.The door seals and areas where the supplypipes and monitoring lines exit the containermust be carefully checked for leaks and sealedwith tape or other suitable means.A suitable barrier must be placed around theexternal base of the container up to the level ofthe floor to reduce the amount of air passingunderneath the container. (This is not requiredfor fumigations performed on skeletal trailers)If the fumigation is performed in a containeron a skeletal trailer the following additionalrequirements apply:∙The floor of the container must be leakchecked and any leaks must be adequatelysealed.∙The trailer must remain stationary for theduration of the fumigation and until safelyventilated to 5ppm or less.The container vents and doors can be sealed using tape and/or other suitablesealants. Pay particular attention to the front of the container where the leads andsupply pipes exit the container.Sand snakes can be used to create this barrier. Ensure sand snakes seal all gaps atthe base of the container to reduce the amount of air passing underneath.See 5.4 - Sand and water snake specificationsMANDATORY INFORMATIVE 4.4 Sheeted enclosures4.4.1 Containers and free-standing goodscan be fumigated under gas proofsheets.4.4.2 Prior to every treatment allfumigation sheets must be visuallyinspected for tears, holes andabrasions. These must be repaired orthe sheet replaced.4.4.3 The sheets must:∙Be free from any defects (for example faulty seams/welds, tears or holes);∙Have a permeability of less than 0.02 grams per square metre (offumigation sheet) per 24 hours(multiplied by the dose in g/m³).4.4.4 Sheets must be positioned to create agas-tight seal with the floor. For any sheet fumigation:∙Fumigation sheets must be positioned orprotected with suitable padding to avoid anysharp corners or objects that might damagethem;∙Sheets must be arranged so that there is at least500 mm of sheet extending beyond the limit ofthe seal;In high winds, ropes or belts must be used tohold fumigation sheets in place to preventthem from flapping loose.Joining fumigation sheetsFumigation sheets can be joined by tightly rolling a 400 mm to 500 mmoverlapped join, which should be secured by tight gripping welding styleclips.Joins should be made on, and supported by, a solid surface e.g. a containerroof or wall.When battens are used, there must be at least three to four full turns of thesheets around the battens and the rolled sheets must be held together withtight gripping clips.∙Corners and areas where ropes, electrical leads, gassing pipes andmonitoring tubes emerge from between or under the sheets must be tightlysealed;∙Loose fumigation sheeting on corners of stacks must be secured byfolding, rolling and clipping to prevent blowing out in the wind;∙Where one or more containers are being fumigated under a sheet, at leastone door of each container must be fully opened.Sand or water snakes used to seal the junction of fumigation sheets and thefloor must be overlapped and positioned to prevent fumigant leakage.See 5.4 Sand and water snake specificationsMANDATORY INFORMATIVE 4.5 Safety4.5.1 The fumigation enclosure andthe surrounding area must bemade safe for unprotectedpersonnel.4.5.2 A full-face respirator or self-contained breathing apparatusmust be used when releasingfumigant and while workingwithin the risk area after thefumigant has been released. A …risk area‟ must be set up with a minimum of 3metres clearance around the fumigation enclosure inthe open, or 6 metres clearance in an enclosed area, andwarning signs put in place. The area must be clearedof any unprotected personnel, that is, personnel notwearing a respirator, and at no time during thefumigation treatment should unprotected personnel beallowed to enter the …risk area‟.Respirators must be fitted with a correct gas cartridgeand specified by the manufacturer as suitable formethyl bromide (AX filter type).Gas filter canisters should be used and replaced in accordance with themanufacturer‟s instructions.MANDATORY INFORMATIVE PREPARING THE FUMIGATION ENCLOSURE5.1 Monitoring tubes5.1.1 All fumigations must bemonitored. For enclosures largerthan 30 cubic metres (equivalentto the average internal volume ofa 20 ft shipping container), aminimum of three monitoringtubes must be positioned withinthe enclosure.5.1.2 For enclosures smaller than 30cubic metres, a minimum of onemonitoring tube must be placedat the top centre of thecommodity being fumigated.5.1.3 For commodities not fumigatedinside a container (e.g. largeitems of industrial andagricultural machinery, baggedgrain, stacks of timber) the entireenclosed space within thefumigation sheets must betreated as a single fumigationenclosure. Monitoring tubes must be placed as far aspracticable from fumigant supply pipes.ONE container must have one monitoring tubeplaced:∙at the top back of the commodity– as farfrom the doors as possible;∙as close to the centre of the commodity as ispracticable;∙at the front base of the commodity.TWO containers (in the one enclosure) musthave one monitoring tube placed:∙at the top centre of the commodity in eachcontainer;∙at the front base of the commodity in eithercontainer.THREE containers or more (in the oneenclosure) must have one monitoring tubeplaced:∙at the top centre of the commodity in eachcontainer.See APPENDIX 7: Monitoring tube placementfor container fumigation.Monitoring tube inlets should be at least 2 metres from the outlet of fumigantsupply pipes.Before placing monitoring tubes inside an enclosure, ensure that:∙Each monitoring tube can be identified through the use of tags or individuallycoloured tubes.Fumigant monitoring tube specificationsCrush-proof nylon, hydraulic tubing or similar (The internal diameter must nosmaller than the internal diameter of the sampling probe of the concentrationmeasuring instrument) is effective for monitoring gas concentrations whencontainers and other enclosures are fumigated.Care should be taken to ensure that:∙The monitoring tubes do not absorb methyl bromide;∙ A free flow mixture of gas/air can be maintained;∙The monitoring tubes are joined to the sampling inlet of the measuringinstrument so that no fresh air is drawn in while the readings are being taken;∙No kinks or blockages are present in the tubes; and∙Monitoring tubes extend beyond the boundary of the risk area.MANDATORY INFORMATIVE 5.2 Fumigant supply pipes5.2.1 Fumigant supply pipes must bepositioned to allow the fumigantto be introduced into the free airspace around the commodity. Fumigant supply pipes must be placed as faras practicable from fumigant monitoringtubes.Monitoring tube inlets should be at least 2 metres from the outlet of fumigantsupply pipes.Sealing fumigant supply pipesTo prevent leakage from supply pipes:∙Make a gas-tight seal around every supply pipe exit point from the enclosure;∙Seal the exposed ends after the fumigant has been introduced into theenclosure.5.2.2 Multiple containers under theone enclosure must have afumigant supply pipe in eachcontainer. Where multiple fumigant supply pipe systemsare used, the entire system must be balancedin order to achieve even distributionthroughout the enclosure.In order to balance the system, each arm ofthe system must consist of fumigant supplypipes that are equal in total length anddiameter.Multiple fumigant supply pipes per enclosureThe use of multiple fumigant supply pipes will assist in distributing the fumigantwhen large enclosures or several containers in the one enclosure are treated.Where the system is balanced, it is possible to effectively deliver all of thefumigant through the entire system simultaneously.Where the system cannot be balanced, the correct amount of fumigant should bedispensed through each supply pipe in turn until the total amount of fumigant isapplied.See APPENDIX 8: Fumigant gas supply pipe systems.MANDATORY INFORMATIVE 5.3 Fans5.3.1 Fans must be positioned to ensurethat the fumigant is rapidly andeffectively distributed throughoutthe fumigation enclosure.5.3.2 For methyl bromide fumigationin small enclosures (such asfreight containers), at least onefan must be used. For fumigationin larger enclosures, at least twofans must be used.5.3.3 Where multiple containers arefumigated under the same sheets,fans must be placed in eachcontainer.The fans must be switched on 10-15 minutesbefore the gas is introduced and for 30 minutesafter the introduction of the methyl bromide, oruntil gas monitoring indicates that uniform gasdistribution has been achieved.Where high velocity and high volume fans are used, they should not run for longerthan necessary after the introduction of the fumigant, as they may force thefumigant out of the enclosure.Fans should have a capacity to make at least 20 air changes an hour, taking intoconsideration the volume of the enclosure5.4 Sand and water snake specifications5.4.1 When using sand snakes, aminimum of two rows of sandsnakes must be placed side byside with joins overlapping (likebrickwork), and laid flush againstthe enclosure to create acontinuous seal. Sand snakes must be filled to only 65% - 75%with sand so that they lie flat on the fumigationfloor.Additional sand snakes may be placed on corners and other areas where fumigantleakage may be higher due to folds in the sheet or the presence of pipes orelectrical leads.5.4.2 When using water snakes a single,continuous water snake must belaid flush against the enclosure tocreate a continuous seal. Water snakes must be filled to only 75% - 85%of capacity so that they lie flat on thefumigation floor.If water snakes are used, the sheets should be weighed down and sealed using asingle, continuous water snake placed flush against the enclosure. Particularattention should be given to ensure a complete seal where the ends of the watersnake meet. Water snake placement should not start or end on a corner.。
木质熏蒸证明简单说,就是外国在对进口货物中的木质材料所作出的要求,需要出口商提供这个证明,说明出口商有做熏蒸这个东作来杀死木质材料中可能含有的生物,如虫子等~中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局中华人民共和国海关总署中华人民共和国商务部中华人民共和国国家林业局 2005年11号公告为防止林木有害生物随进境货物木质包装传入我国,保护我国森林、生态环境及旅游资源,根据《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》及其实施条例,参照国际植物保护公约组织(IPPC)公布的国际植物检疫措施标准第15号《国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则》,现将进境货物使用的木质包装检疫要求公告如下:一、本公告所称木质包装是指用于承载、包装、铺垫、支撑、加固货物的木质材料,如木板箱、木条箱、木托盘、木框、木桶、木轴、木楔、垫木、枕木、衬木等。
二、进境货物使用的木质包装应当由输出国家或地区政府植物检疫机构认可的企业按中国确认的检疫除害处理方法处理,并加施政府植物检疫机构批准的IPPC 专用标识。
澳大利亚进口再造木制品、竹木草制品的检疫要求再造木制品(reconsituted wood products)Commodity: Reconstituted wood productsScientific name:Country: All countriesEnd use: All uses other than as animal foods, fertilisers or for growing purposes产品:再造木制品来源国:所有国家用途:除饲料、化肥及种植以外的所有用途以下为具体检疫要求Non-Commercial1. The conditions under the Commercial section apply非商业性的货物,检疫措施与商业性再造木制品相同Commercial1. An Import Permit is not required.2. A Quarantine Entry is not required.3. Reconstituted wood products are not of interest to quarantine as they are deemed to pose minimal quarantine risk and can be released without inspection. Reconstituted wood products are those that as a result of the manufacturing process no longer contain solid wood and include particleboard, chipboard, hardboard (masonite), oriented strand board, medium and high density fibreboard. This case does not apply to plywood and veneer products. (Refer to the ICON commodity …Plywood and Veneer?.)商业性的货物1. 不需要进境许可。
21.0以上48 24
16.0以上56 24
11.0以上64 24
6.0以上48 24
1.0以上48 24
熏蒸操作流程及熏蒸的原因熏蒸程序2007-07-03 14:05凡木质包装且出口至加拿大、美国、澳大利亚等国或客户要求做熏蒸的货物,均需做熏蒸。
熏蒸费用东港报关行1. 商检局固定收费: RMB600/20’, RMB850/40’&40’HQ2. 预录入: RMB30/票3. 商检手续费: RMB16/票4. 加盖商检标识费: RMB50/票5. 报关行收取代理费:岛内: RMB100/票海沧: RMB150/票6. 进海沧码头内做熏蒸, 另加集装箱搬移费: RMB159/20’.7. 岛内拖装加收租用场地费: RMB150/20’, RMB200/40’&40’HQ8. 海沧拖装与进海沧码头内做熏蒸收费一样。
场装费用(单位: RMB)堆场20’ 40’&40’HQ乾坤元车场(轻抛货) 525 925海天裕利625 1025胜狮655 1125三得利575 1075海投 5 55 1025海沧裕雄555 1025一、木质包装熏蒸的目的和意义在国际贸易中,各国为保护本国的资源,对有的进口商品实行强制的检疫制度。
澳大利亚进口再造木制品、竹木草制品的检疫要求再造木制品(reconsituted wood products)Commodity: Reconstituted wood productsScientific name:Country: All countriesEnd use: All uses other than as animal foods, fertilisers or for growing purposes产品:再造木制品来源国:所有国家用途:除饲料、化肥及种植以外的所有用途以下为具体检疫要求Non-Commercial1. The conditions under the Commercial section apply非商业性的货物,检疫措施与商业性再造木制品相同Commercial1. An Import Permit is not required.2. A Quarantine Entry is not required.3. Reconstituted wood products are not of interest to quarantine as they are deemed to pose minimal quarantine risk and can be released without inspection. Reconstituted wood products are those that as a result of the manufacturing process no longer contain solid wood and include particleboard, chipboard, hardboard (masonite), oriented strand board, medium and high densityfibreboard. This case does not apply to plywood and veneer products. (Refer to the ICON commodity ‘Plywood and Veneer’.)商业性的货物1. 不需要进境许可。
拼箱熏蒸:对于拼箱货物的熏蒸可以放到同一个集装箱里做熏蒸,但是必须同时满足一下四个条件:1.同一个目的港 2.同一个国家 3.同一个航次 4.在同一个商检局报检(二)熏蒸的一些要求 1.熏蒸时间:熏蒸必须达到24小时,熏蒸后熏蒸队在柜门上施加有骷髅标志的熏蒸标识。
(胶合板、刨花板、纤维板等除外) 2)填写完熏蒸联系单,待检疫人员签字后,方可熏蒸,否则熏蒸队不给作熏蒸。
3)熏蒸药剂:CH3BR (一般情况下)4)填写报检单时,若货要加标识,填在“备注”里。
5 f/ V% I- X1 y# l2 O8 R9 Y, z4.要求强制熏蒸的国家?木制包装且出口至加拿大、美国、澳大利亚等国或客户要求做熏蒸的货物,均需强制要求做熏蒸。
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澳大利亚进口再造木制品、竹木草制品的检疫要求再造木制品(reconsituted wood products)Commodity: Reconstituted wood productsScientific name:Country: All countriesEnd use: All uses other than as animal foods, fertilisers or for growing purposes产品:再造木制品来源国:所有国家用途:除饲料、化肥及种植以外的所有用途以下为具体检疫要求Non-Commercial1. The conditions under the Commercial section apply非商业性的货物,检疫措施与商业性再造木制品相同Commercial1. An Import Permit is not required.2. A Quarantine Entry is not required.3. Reconstituted wood products are not of interest to quarantine as they are deemed to pose minimal quarantine risk and can be released without inspection. Reconstituted wood products are those that as a result of the manufacturing process no longer contain solid wood and include particleboard, chipboard, hardboard (masonite), oriented strand board, medium and high density fibreboard. This case does not apply to plywood and veneer products. (Refer to the ICON commodity …Plywood and Veneer‟.)商业性的货物1. 不需要进境许可。
2. 不需要进境检疫。
3. 鉴于再造木制品携带疫情的风险很小,此类商品不需要进行检疫查验而可以直接放行。
胶合板检疫要求C8920Condition C8920Non-Commercial1. An Import Permit is not required.2. A Quarantine Entry is not required.3. Each consignment will be subject to an inspection to verify that it is free of live insects, bark and other quarantine risk material.4. If the consignment does not meet the above conditions it will require treatment as detailed in the Commercial conditions below, re-exportation or destruction.非商业性的货物1.不需要进境许可。
Commercial1. An Import Permit is not required.2. A Quarantine Entry must be lodged for each consignment.3. Each consignment must be free of live insects, bark and other quarantine risk material prior to arrival in Australia.4. Any packaging used with the consignment must be clean and new.5. Containers, timber packing, pallets or dunnage associated with the consignment will be subject to inspection and treatment on arrival, unless certified as having been treated by an AQIS approved method (refer to the AQIS publication …Cargo Containers: Quarantine aspects and procedures‟).6. If the consignment is from a Giant African Snail target area the conditions in C8890 also apply. For a list of Giant African Snail target areas, please refer to the ICON commodity Snails - giant African snail (GAS).7. Consignments from countries other than Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Fiji, Western Samoa and Vanuatu may be released if accompanied by a valid manufacturer‟s declaration (refer to Condition C10521) stating that:…The (name of plywood or veneer) in this consignment was manufactured in (name of country) on (date of manufacture) and has not been pre-used.‟The date of manufacture must be within 90 days of shipment.8. FCL and LCL consignments treated offshore which are accompanied by a valid treatment certificate may be released on presentation of documents. Acceptable treatments are:a) methyl bromide # (T9047, T9075 or T9913) (refer to C5154 below);b) sulphuryl fluoride # (T9090);c) kiln heat treatment # (T9912);d) heat treatment # (T9968);e) ethylene oxide (T9020) (refer to C9741 below) orf) permanent timber preservative treatment (T9987).# Treatments a)-d) must be completed within 21 days of export.9. Consignments that are not accompanied by an acceptable manufacturer‟s declaration or treatment certificate are subject to either:a) a full unpack and inspection at a Quarantine approved premises orb) a verification inspection prior to treatment at the importer‟s expen se. The treatment options are:· methyl bromide (T9047, T9075 or T9913) (refer to C5154);· kiln heat treatment (T9912);· ethylene oxide (T9020);· heat treatment (T9968) or· gamma irradiation (T9924).10. If live insects are found during the inspection they will be identified by an AQIS entomologist and the entire line/mark/consignment will be treated with methyl bromide fumigation (T9047, T9075 or T9913).11. If other contaminants such as soil or giant African snails are found on inspection, then the consignment must be held and the contaminants removed or treated by an AQIS approved method (if possible), or the consignment must be re-exported or destroyed at the importer‟s expense. Note: The Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) regulate ethylene oxide residues and may limit use on commodities that have direct contact with human skin. For information to determine if this treatment option is available for the commodity of import refer to the APVMA website.商业性的货物1. 不需要进境许可。