Around the Topic
Leading in
Section A
Section B
Section C
Suggested answer:
Watching TV is very harmful to us. There are some reasons for that. The main reason is that it makes people lazy as they stay at home watching TV all the time. What’s more, it makes people less creative because they just watch other people doing things on TV. Besides, people lack communication — they have no time talking to friends or family members. Even worse, children are easily influenced by the violence shown on TV.
Around the Topic
Leading in
Section A
Section B
Section C
3. If you want to keep track of what’s happening at home and abroad, which websites can you visit? M, N, O, S, U (News)
Exploring the Topic
for a week?
2. Besides watching TV, what else do you often
Plus Activities
when you plug off the Internet.
Around the Topic
Leading in
Section A
Section B
Section C
Directions: Here are some familiar websites or software logos marked from A to X. Today, people use them so often that they can’t seem to do without them in their life. Discuss in pairs or in small groups and answer the following questions by choosing the capital letters beside those logos. Notice that Question 6 is open-ended.
Around the Topic
Section A
Section B
Section C
The Internet has become an indispensable part of
our everyday life and we spend more and more time
online with every year to come. However, have you ever imagined what our lives would be like if we
Exploring the Topic
Around the Topic
Section A
一、教学目标1. 让学生了解旅游的意外目的,培养学生的阅读和写作能力;2. 通过本单元的学习,使学生能够运用英语谈论旅游的意外目的,并能将所学知识运用到实际生活中;3. 提高学生的词汇、语法、句型和篇章结构等方面的综合运用能力。
二、教学内容Unit 4: The Surprising Purpose of Travel三、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:理解文章主旨,掌握文章结构,学习并运用相关词汇和句型;2. 教学难点:把握文章主旨,理解作者观点,提高阅读速度和理解能力。
四、教学过程1. 导入新课(1)播放一段关于旅游的短视频,激发学生的学习兴趣;(2)引导学生思考:旅游的真正目的是什么?2. 预习课文(1)学生快速阅读课文,了解文章大意;(2)教师提问,检查学生的预习效果。
3. 课文讲解(1)分析文章结构,讲解文章主旨;(2)分析作者观点,引导学生思考;(3)讲解相关词汇和句型,提高学生的词汇和语法水平。
4. 课堂活动(1)小组讨论:结合自身经历,谈谈旅游的意外目的;(2)角色扮演:模拟旅游场景,运用所学知识进行对话;(3)写作训练:以“旅游的意外目的”为主题,写一篇短文。
5. 课堂小结(1)回顾本节课所学内容,总结重点和难点;(2)布置课后作业,巩固所学知识。
五、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与度、积极性;2. 预习效果:检查学生的预习情况,了解学生对课文内容的掌握程度;3. 课堂活动:评估学生在课堂活动中的表现,如小组讨论、角色扮演等;4. 课后作业:检查学生的写作练习,了解学生的写作水平。
六、教学反思1. 教师应关注学生的个体差异,因材施教;2. 采用多种教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣;3. 注重培养学生的阅读和写作能力,提高学生的英语综合素养。
Unit7:lesson1编号:1课时安排:2学时教学课型:读写课□√习题课□题目:Unit7:Hopingforthebetter:Lead-in&themainideaoftextA听说课□其它□1.教学目的:Afterstudyingthisunit,thestudentsareexpectedtobeableto:haveabetterunderstandingofthephenomenonofdishonestyoncampus;understandthemainideaandthestructureofTextA;knowclearlyhowanargumentativeessayistypicallydevelopedanditstypicalfeatures.教学重点、难点:教学重点:Inthese2periods,thestudentsareguidedtofocusonthetopicofdishonestyoncampus(Dishonestyisontheriseespeciallyoncampusandthephenomenonneedsurge ntattention);thereadingskilloffindingoutwordmeaningsbyusingcontextualclues;sometypicalfeaturesofanargumentativeessay.教学难点:Inthese2periods,thestudentsmayhavedifficultyin:guessingwordmeaningsbyusingcontextualclueswhilereading2.exploringtheargumentativestyleoftextAandthepatternitusestodevelopaparagraph.topic-details-conclusion教学方法和手段:Teachingmethods :task-basedlanguage teaching;communicative language teaching;elicitation.Teachingaids:textbook,onlineresources,blackboard,multimedia.教学过程:Part1:Leadin1.Groupdiscussion〔20min〕Theteacherdividesthestudentsintogroupsoffiveorsixstudentsandleadsthem tocarryoutagroupdiscussionondishonestbehavioroncampus,itsunderlyingreasons andtheensuingconsequences.Then,eachgroupisaskedtoworkoutsomesolutionstoone ofthesephenomena.Afterthat,theteacherwillaskonestudentofeachgrouptogivea presentationonbehalfthewholeteam.Brainstorming(15min) Interactingwithstudentsbyaskingthemtothinkofwordsaboutdishonestyasawaytoleadinsome importantwords.Pre-readingactivities(page176)(10min)Part2:UnderstandingthemainideaoftextA1.Skinningandscanning(15min)Task1:ter, theywillbeaskedtogroupthesewordsintosynonymsandantonyms.Task2:students arealsorequired tomarknumbersthat appearinthearticle andexplainwhytheyareused.prehensionQs(page183)(15min)Part3Stylisticanalysis(15min)Concerning the writing style,t he students are guided to realize Text Ais an argumentative essay. Withregard toanargumentative essay, they shouldknowthewholetext centers onatopic andconcerning thetopic thewriter definitely hashis standpoint.Then concerningeachpartandeachparagraph,thestudentsareguidedtodiscoverthattheregenerallyisatopicsentence/statementsupportedbydetails(examplesinparticularinTextA)andaconcludingsentence/statement.板书设计:Unit7HopingforthebetterPart1.LeadinGroupdiscussionBrainstormingPre-readingactivitiesSkinningandscanningComprehensionQsPart3.Stylisticanalysis讨论、思考题、作业:PreviewthenewwordsandexpressionsoftextA;UtilizingtheinternetandgettoknowsomelifeexperiencesofAbrahamLincoln.Unit7:lesson2编号:2课时安排:2学时教学课型:读写课□√题目:Whenhonestydisappears:detailedstudyoftextA习题课□听说课□其它□教学目的:Afterstudyingthisunit,thestudentsareexpectedtobeableto:summarizethemainideaofTextA;understandthekeywords,phrases&expressions,andsentencestructures.教学重点、难点:教学重点:Inthese2periods,thestudentsareguidedtofocuson1.Keywords:eliminate;reveal;accurate;facilitate;exaggerate;imply;launch;frustrate;conscious;appropriate;expel;exemplify;extensive;awareness;etc.2.Phrases&expressions:launchacampaign;ifthis/thatisthe case;be confinedto;ripoff;descend to;turn in;copewith;nottomention;makeacomplaintaboutsth.;etc.3.Sentencestructures:Especially troubling/surprising/annoying are thereports/facts that.;Sth.,once hailedassth.,couldbecomesth.;Whetherdiscoveredornot(whetherconsciousorunconscious),sth.willdoaneffectonsth.;etc.教学难点:Inthese2periods,thestudentsmayhavedifficultyin:understandingthemainideaandstructureofTextA;; understandingandtranslatingsomecomplexsentences:教学方法和手段:Teaching methods:grammar translation teaching;communicative language teaching;elicitation.Teachingaids:textbook,onlineresources,blackboard,andmultimedia.教学过程:Part1Languagepoints(45min)Keywords:eliminatevt.1getridofsth.thatisnotwantedorneeded消除;剔除;铲除Wearetakingallmeasureswithinourpowertoeliminateviolence.我们正在采取我们力所能及的一切措施来消除暴力。
5.write a composition withthreemain parts:introduction, bodyandconclusion.
Key Issues
1. Vocabulary
You’ll have to pay extra money if you exceed your luggage allowance.如果你的行李超重,你必须额外付费。re than a particular number or amount chao555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
Task-based teaching and learning
教学过程设计 Teaching Procedures
步骤1Step 1导入Lead-in
I.Greetingand warming-up questions discussion.
1.What are the key factors that help people learn English as a foreign language
II. Useful expressions
Practical PhrasesSpecific Meanings
1.be/feel obligedto do sth.(因形势、法律、义务等等关系而)非做不可,迫使
2.fresh from刚从……来的;刚有……经历的
3.distinguish between区分;辨别
(4).What responsibilities should college students shoulder according to the speaker? (Para.7)
4. get/feel/be lost迷惘;困惑;不知所措
5. look upon sb/sth.As把某人/物看作
6.be equipped with sth.以……为装备;配备……
III.Functional PatternsandFunctions & Usages
1.if sb/sth. do/is sth. , then perhaps…用于表述“在特定条件下可能发生的事情”。
3.fresh from:having just come from a particular place or experience刚从….来的;刚有…经历的
School principals should not expect teachers, fresh from college, todeal with a large group of difficult children.学校的校长不应该指望刚从大学毕业的老师来应付一大群难以对付的孩子。
II. Useful expressions
Practical PhrasesSpecific Meanings
1. be/feel obliged to do sth.(因形势、法律、义务等等关系而)非做不可,迫使
课程名称:新视野大学英语第三版第二册单元主题:What’s the big idea?教学目标:1. 培养学生运用语音、体态语言和视觉辅助工具进行有效演讲的能力。
2. 提高学生的听力理解能力,学会预测听力材料主题和关键词汇。
3. 增强学生的口语表达能力,学会在头脑风暴中提出观点并评论他人观点。
4. 培养学生谈论发明和创新思维的能力。
5. 让学生能够清晰、流畅地表达自己的商业想法。
教学重点:1. 语音、体态语言和视觉辅助工具在演讲中的运用。
2. 听力理解技巧,包括预测主题和关键词汇。
3. 口语表达技巧,包括头脑风暴和评论他人观点。
4. 发明和创新思维的探讨。
5. 商业想法的表达。
教学难点:1. 语音、体态语言和视觉辅助工具在演讲中的综合运用。
2. 听力理解中关键词汇的预测和把握。
3. 口语表达中的逻辑性和连贯性。
4. 商业想法的清晰性和说服力。
教学方法:1. 案例分析法:通过分析优秀演讲案例,引导学生掌握演讲技巧。
2. 小组讨论法:让学生在小组内进行头脑风暴,提出观点并评论他人观点。
3. 角色扮演法:让学生扮演不同角色,模拟实际场景,提高口语表达能力。
4. 任务驱动法:通过设计具体任务,引导学生运用所学知识进行实践。
教学步骤:一、导入1. 教师展示一些世界最差发明图片,引导学生讨论为什么这些发明被列入“世界最差发明”名单。
2. 引出单元主题:What’s the big idea?(什么是个大想法?)二、新课导入1. 学生阅读课文,了解单元主题和相关词汇。
2. 教师讲解重点词汇和语法结构。
3. 学生进行词汇和语法练习。
三、听力训练1. 学生听录音,预测听力材料主题和关键词汇。
2. 学生听录音,回答问题,检验听力理解能力。
3. 教师讲解听力材料,分析关键词汇和句子结构。
四、口语表达训练1. 学生进行头脑风暴,提出关于发明的创意想法。
2. 学生分组讨论,评论他人观点,并提出自己的看法。
3. 学生进行角色扮演,模拟实际场景,提高口语表达能力。
Exploring the Topic
for a week?
2. Besides watching TV, what else do you often
do in your spare time?
Around the Topic
Leading in
Section A
Section B
Section C
Around the Topic
Leading in
Section A
Section B
Section C
Suggested answer:
Many people say they cannot imagine what life would be like without TV. However, there are many things to do other than watch TV.
Plus Activities
when you plug off the Internet.
Around the Topic
Leading in
Section A
Section B
Section C
Directions: Here are some familiar websites or software logos marked from A to X. Today, people use them so often that they can’t seem to do without them in their life. Discuss in pairs or in small groups and answer the following questions by choosing the capital letters beside those logos. Notice that Question 6 is open-ended.
Oral reproduction
Story telling
You can follow the outline given below.
Unit 4 Section A
Dance with Love
Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new.
Listen to a short passage concerning American dating and fill in the missing information.
Before marriage, younger Americans date each other, that is, they often go out together. Casual dating usually begins in the early teens, and in the late teens a _p_a_tt_e_r_n_ of steady dating develops. There is a great _p_o_s_s_ib_i_li_t_y that one goes to a dance with one person, to a football game with another, and to a picnic with a third.
Part I. Introduction 1. Current situation about English learning; 2. Thesis statement: Your general feelings about your English learning experience.
New Horizon College EnglishBOOK 2(3rd Edition)Unit 1 An Impressive English Lesson课型:□ 理论课√ 理论、实践课□ 实践课课时分配:6教学环境:多媒体教室教学目标:After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to:1. understand the main idea and structure of Section A and Section B;2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts3. talk about language teaching and learning and express their opinions about current way of teaching in an English class;4. read with the skill ―finding key ideas in sentences;5. write a composition with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion.Key Issues:1. VocabularyTedious, absorbed, allergic, capture, condense, exceed, distinguish, distinctive, complimentary, complementary, proclaim, evidently, adequate, competent, adjust, beneficial2. SkillsLearn to read with the skill ―finding key ideas in sentences and write a composition with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion.Potential Problems and Difficulties●To talk about language teaching and learning●write a composition with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion.●To apply the phrases and patternsMethodology:A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction like questioning and answers. Small group works are always needed while discussing the questions and the difficult translation practice. More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given in their extracurricular study.Teaching Aids: Visual aids, projector, stereo and microphoneGroup work and pair workConduct of Tasks and Activities(师生互动方式Mode of Interaction; 学习策略Learning Strategies)Students-centered, Task-based teaching and learningTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead-inI. Greeting and warming-up questions discussion.1. What are the key factors that help people learn English as a foreign language?2. Do you have any problem in English learning?3. Do you think grammar is important in English learning?II. Listening and discussing.1. Listening practice.2. In your opinion, what is the most effective way to learn English?III. Listening to a talk and answer questions on page 2Step 2 Section A An Impressive English LessonI. Cultural background American university education1.What is Communicative Language Teaching?A type of teaching method;Develop the communicative ability as well as the knowledge of grammar; Learning by doing;Make classroom situation of real foreign language environment.2. What are the features of Communicative Language Teaching?Communicative competence is the goal;An integration of grammatical and functional teaching;Accuracy is secondary to conveying a message;Focus on communicative and contextual factors in language use;Learner-centered and experience-based.3. What is the role of teacher in Communicative Language Teaching?A facilitator of students’ learning;A manager of classroom activities;An advisor of students’ questions;A co-communicator in the communicative activity.II. Language PointsWords and expressions1. oddity: n. [C] a strange or unusual person or thing 怪人;怪物;奇特的东西With his neat suits on, he felt like an oddity walking in this poor neighborhood. 穿着笔挺的西装走在这个贫民区里,他觉得自己就像个怪物。
6. Which website(s)/software do you use very often? Do you find yourself addicted to it/them?
Around the Topic
Leading in
Section A
Section B
Suggested answer:
Panic might be many people’s reaction. As for me, I would never think it would be the end
Exploring the Topic
of the world. Instead, I would make a scientific schedule for the week. In the first place, I’ll make good use of knowledge , such as reading
4. If you want to do some shopping online, which websites you visit? A, can C, F, K (Shopping) 5. What websites/software can you use if you want to let your friends or acquaintances know how things are H,you P, W, X (Social going E, with these days? Networks)
Unit 4
Book 2 Unit 4 College sweethearts教学重点:1.To talk about romantic love2.To learn and apply the words and phrases of the text3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text教学难点:1.apply the phrases and patterns2.to listen and discuss the importance of humanities3.To critically think what makes wonder in their crisis—ridden marriage教学过程:Task 1Lead-in (Ss work in groups to discuss the following questions)1.What are the modern dating practices?Tips: casual dating, formal dating, speed dating, online dating, double dating,group dating,blind date…2. Do you think it’s a good idea to date someone at college? Why or why not? Tips: Yes, because:• it’s an ideal place to find someone who has the same aspirations.•through years of studying together, students get to know each other well。
• college has more choices than the workplace。
新视野大学英语第三版 book2unit4A教案
Unit 4 Section A College sweethearts1 I smile at my two lovely daughters and they seem so much more mature than we, their parents, when we were college sweethearts. Linda, who's 21, had a boyfriend in her freshman year she thought she would marry, but they're not together anymore. Melissa, who's 19, hasn't had a steady boyfriend yet. My daughters wonder when they will meet "The One", their great love. They think their father and I had a classic fairy-tale romance heading for marriage from the outset. Perhaps, they're right but it didn't seem so at the time. In a way, love just happens when you least expect it. Who would have thought that Butch and I would end up getting married to each other? He became my boyfriend because of my shallow agenda: I wanted a cute boyfriend!1 我微笑着看着我那两个可爱的女儿,她们似乎比她们的父母还是大学情侣那会儿更为成熟。
Lead-in Pre-reading activities Cultural background
Look at the pictures and discuss
Look at the following pictures and discuss what are the modern dating practices.
Yes, because: • it’s an ideal place to find someone who has the
same aspirations. • through years of studying together, students get
to know each other well. • college has more choices than the workplace. • love starting on campus is romantic and pure.
2. Do you think it’se someone at college?
Why or why not?
Enjoy an MV
Pre-reading activities
Watch and talk
Pre-reading activities
Watch and talk
Look at the pictures and discuss
Look at the pictures and discuss
Look at the pictures and discuss
Online dating
Pre-reading activities
Watch and talk
Watch the MV Love Story sung by Taylor Swift and discuss the following questions.
1. What love story does Taylor
Pre-reading activities
Compound dictation
Listen to a short passage concerning American dating and fill in the missing information.
Casual dating
Look at the pictures and discuss
Formal dating
Look at the pictures and discuss
Speed dating
Look at the pictures and discuss
Lead-in Pre-reading activities
Cultural background
Look at the pictures and discuss
Look at the following pictures and discuss what are the modern dating practices.
• Love sometimes is difficult, but as long as we persist and fight for it, we will end up with a happy life.
Section B Reading More
Ask the students to read and be familiar with the content of Text B.
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Timetables/ Schedules
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Ask the Ss to work in small groups to discuss the questions listed in the exercise of Exploring the Topic on P60 of SB.
To be able tounderstand and write a timetable/schedule.
Section A
Text A:30 Days Without the Internet—ASelf-Experiment
Section B
Text B:Ahead of the Game
2)What didthe author doto distract himself?
3)Howdid the author getused to the life without the Internet?
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Give the Ss 10 minutes to read Para.2 to Para.8 again carefully and try to find the answer to the following 4 questions:
Ask the Ss to work in small groups to discuss the questions listed in the exercise of Exploring the Topic on P60 of SB.
Elicit answers from some students and give them helps where necessary.
2) How to use pronouns (“Basic Writing Skills”)
Understanding and writing timetables/schedules (“Practical Writing”)
Teaching Plan
A Turn in Life
Section B
Text B:Ahead of the Game
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Timetables/ Schedules
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
delight, favorite, hesitate, sight
Phrases and
connect with; hit on; glance
through; deal with; get used to;
reflect on; become/be absorbed
in; focus on
To be able to make sentences withdeal with, focus on, every now and then,andbe used to.
To be able to rewrite sentences after models, usingthe structure“the more…, the more”or the expression of“instead of”.
Tolearn the difficulty in fighting the addiction to the Internet and try to develop a good habit of using the Internet.
Tolearn to be positive and helpful.
ahead of; suffer from; be concerned
about; work out; take on; in/within
sight; ever since
1) How to use the structure“the more…the more…”and the
expression“instead of”(“Focusing on Sentence Structure”)
1) What is the author’s friend suffering from? Why?
2) What did the author’s friend like to do when they were in college?
3) What did the author’s friend receive one day?
Ask some students to tell their answers to the class and explain why.
Check the understanding of the class by explaining the examples given on P69 of SB.
Tolearn some rules of using pronouns.
To be able tounderstand and write a timetable/schedule.
Section A
Text A:30 Days Without the Internet—ASelf-Experiment
Ask each student to write a Chinese schedule for next week and then write an English one according to the Chinese one.
Finish all the exercises in Unit Four.
Unit4 A Turn in Life
Teaching Focus
Text A
Text the Internet—ASelf-Experiment
Ahead of the Game
offline, disconnect, headline,
3)What benefits can you think of to live without the Internet?
Ask some representatives to share their groups’opinion with the class.
Section A Reading Through
4) What are theadvantagesof being disconnected from the
Ask some students to share their answerswiththe class. Give them some help wherenecessary.
Read the passage in Reading Out on P64 of SB and recite it.
List some other ways to fight Internet addiction besides the ones used in Text A.
Write yourself an English schedule for next week.
Then give the Ss 5 minutes to discuss the following three questions:
1)What do you usuallyuse the Internet for?
2)What will you do if you can’t access the Internet for more thana week?
Section B Reading More
Ask the students to read and be familiar with the content of Text B.
Pair up the Ss in class and allow them 10 minutes to discuss the following questions:
4) What words did his friend find on it?
5) What did his friend do at last?
6) What will you do if you are the friend?
7) What will you do if you the author?
Encourage some volunteers to share their ideas with the class.
Section C Practical Writing
Guide the students to finish the three exercises on P76 to P77 of SB according to the samples given.
To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts listed in the above table.
To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in the above table.
separate, uneasy, major, inform,
distract, replace, remain, surf,
absorb, moreover, focus, delay
ahead, suffer, previous, convince,
hide, disappoint, locate, atmosphere,
Highlight some difficult sentences and elicit explanations from students and give helps where necessary.
Basic Writing Skills