
一、考试科目及内容湖南高职高专院校的职业技能测试主要涵盖以下几个科目,包括但不限于:1. 专业知识测试2. 实际操作能力测试3. 创新实践能力测试二、示例题目及解答1. 专业知识测试题目:请简要介绍计算机网络的OSI七层模型,并指出每一层的作用。
2. 实际操作能力测试题目:请使用Java语言实现一个简单的学生成绩管理系统,包括学生信息的录入、存储和查询功能。
解答:(代码略)3. 创新实践能力测试题目:请结合实际案例,提出一种可持续发展的环保解决方案,并描述其具体实施步骤及预期效果。
解答:(内容略)三、考试要求与评分标准1. 考试要求考生需在规定的时间内完成各科目的测试,按规定的格式提交答卷及实际操作成果。
2. 评分标准(1)专业知识测试将根据答案的准确性、完整性和条理性进行评分;(2)实际操作能力测试将根据实际操作成果的质量和效果进行评分;(3)创新实践能力测试将根据方案的创新性、可行性和预期效果进行评分。
六、测试结果及反馈1. 测试结果考试结束后,学校将对考生的答卷及实际操作成果进行评分,并将成绩统一录入系统。
2. 反馈考生可在规定时间内向学校教务处提交成绩复核申请,并按有关规定参加成绩复核。


几年来,由于企业质量管理体系的建立和质量管理工作有效地实施,使历年来产品的各项指标都达到国家卫生、质量标准,产品出厂合格率始终都位于同行业榜首,先后被授予“全国食品行业质量效益型先进企业”、“检验合格企业”、“全国乡镇企业质量管理先进单位”、“国家级农业产业化经营重点龙头企业”称号,并顺利通过了ISO9001:2000质量体系、ISO14001:1996环境管理体系,HACCP 认证,产品“油辣椒”通过了“绿色食品”认证,“油制辣椒”系列食品获得“中国名牌”称号,并由我公司作为标准的主要起草单位发布了国内首个“油制辣椒”国家标准。
二、试题(1) 搜索引擎推广①将公司网址提交到搜索引擎。
表1 把目标地址推荐给搜索引擎过程记录表表2 目标地址提交到Baidu & google的成功结果截图②公司网站目前被搜索引擎收录基本情况调查。

1 普通机床控制线路装调与检修模块
1.1 普通机床控制线路装调项目 1.1.1 试题 1:三相异步电动机启动停止线路装调
(1)工作任务 三相异步电动机启动停止线路如图 2.1 所示。按照电气线路布局、布线的基本原则,在给定 的电气线路板上固定好电气元件,并进行布线,调试三相异步电动机启动停止线路。
图 2.69 C620 型车床电气控制线路 (2)考核内容 1)根据图 2.69 所示电气控制线路图,分析该线路的控制功能; 2)按控制要求完成 I/O 口地址分配表的编写; 3)完成 PLC 控制系统硬件接线图的绘制; 4)完成 PLC 的 I/O 口的连线; 5)按控制要求绘制梯形图、输入并调试控制程序; 6)考核过程中,注意“6S 管理”要求。 (3)评分表 评分表见 2.26。 1.1.5 试题 5: PLC 对 C6140 车床电气控制线路的改造 (1)工作任务 某企业现需对 C6140 车床进行 PLC 技术改造,C6140 车床电气控制线路如图 2.70 所示。 请分析该控制线路图的控制功能,并用可编程控制器对其控制线路进行改造。
不能达到控制要求,每处扣 5 分。
15 总分
1.1.2 试题 2:PLC 对电动机自动往返循环控制线路进行改造 (1)工作任务 某企业采用继电接触控制电动机自动往返循环,自动往返循环线路如图 2.66 所示。请 分析该控制线路图的控制功能,并用可编程控制器对其控制线路进行改造。
输入输出地址遗漏,每处扣 2 分。
硬件接 线图
绘制 I/O 接线图。
①接线图绘制错误,每处扣 2 分。 ②接线图绘制不规范,每处扣 1 分。


湖南省高等职业院校电气自动化技术专业技能抽查试题姓名:准号证号:学校:注意事项(1)本试卷依据2011 年颁布的《湖南省高等职业院校电气自动化技术专业技能抽查标准》命制。
(2)考核时间为120 分钟。
(4) 考生在指定的考核场地内进行独立制作与调试,不得以任何方式与他人交流。
(5) 考核结束时,提交试题纸、答题纸,并进行实物演示、功能验证。
电气控制系统的安装与调试模块----继电器控制系统的安装调试 1 一、任务某一生产设备用一台三相异步鼠笼式电动机拖动,通过操作按钮可以实现电动机正转启动、反转启动、自动正反转切换以及停车控制。
二、要求1. 手工绘制元件布置图。
3.进行系统的调试(1)进行器件整定(2)简述系统调试步骤4.通电试车完成系统功能演示三、考点准备1、考点提供的材料、工具清单(1)考点提供的材料清单(2)考点提供的工具清单说明 1.电路所需电源为380V交流电源。
2. 器件的型号只作为参考,其他性能相同的型号也可以。
电气控制系统的安装与调试模块----继电器控制系统的安装调试 2一、任务某台机床,要求在加工前先给机床提供液压油,使机床床身导轨进行润滑,或是提供机械运动的液压动力,这就要求先启动液压泵后才能启动机床的工作台拖动电动机或主轴电动机;当机床停止时要求先停止拖动电动机或主轴电动机,才能让液压泵停止。

湖南技能测试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 湖南的省会城市是?A. 长沙B. 武汉C. 广州D. 南昌答案:A2. 以下哪项不是湖南的著名景点?A. 张家界B. 岳麓书院C. 橘子洲头D. 黄鹤楼答案:D3. 湖南的简称是什么?A. 湘B. 鄂C. 粤D. 赣答案:A4. 以下哪项是湖南的传统手工艺?A. 苏绣B. 湘绣C. 蜀绣D. 粤绣5. 湖南的地理位置位于中国的哪个方向?A. 北方B. 南方C. 西方D. 东方答案:B6. 湖南的气候类型是什么?A. 温带大陆性气候B. 亚热带季风气候C. 热带雨林气候D. 高原气候答案:B7. 湖南的省花是什么?A. 杜鹃花B. 荷花C. 桂花D. 牡丹答案:C8. 湖南的省树是什么?A. 松树B. 樟树C. 柳树D. 柏树答案:B9. 以下哪项不是湖南的著名小吃?B. 糖油粑粑C. 龙须糖D. 麻辣小龙虾答案:C10. 湖南的著名历史人物有?A. 毛泽东B. 孙中山C. 邓小平D. 孔子答案:A二、多项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 以下哪些是湖南的著名景点?A. 张家界B. 岳麓书院C. 黄鹤楼D. 橘子洲头答案:ABD2. 湖南的简称和别称是什么?A. 湘B. 楚C. 鄂D. 赣答案:AB3. 以下哪些是湖南的传统手工艺?A. 湘绣B. 苏绣C. 蜀绣D. 粤绣答案:A4. 湖南的气候特点是什么?A. 四季分明B. 湿润C. 干燥D. 炎热答案:AB5. 以下哪些是湖南的著名小吃?A. 臭豆腐B. 糖油粑粑C. 龙须糖D. 麻辣小龙虾答案:AB三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 湖南的省会是长沙。
(对)2. 湖南的气候属于温带大陆性气候。
(错)3. 湖南的简称是湘。
(对)4. 湖南的省花是桂花。
(对)5. 湖南的省树是樟树。
(对)6. 湖南的地理位置位于中国的南方。
(对)7. 湖南的传统手工艺包括湘绣。
(对)8. 湖南的著名景点包括黄鹤楼。

湖南省高等职业院校学生专业技能考核题库(计算机网络技术专业)目录一、专业基本技能 (3)模块一网络设备安装调试 (3)1.试题编号:J1-1,交换设备配置与维护 (3)2.试题编号:J1-2,交换设备配置与维护 (7)3.试题编号:J1-3,交换设备配置与维护 (12)4.试题编号:J1-4,交换设备配置与维护 (16)5.试题编号:J1-5,交换设备配置与维护 (20)6.试题编号:J1-6,交换设备配置与维护 (24)7.试题编号:J1-7,交换设备配置与维护 (28)8.试题编号:J1-8,交换设备配置与维护 (33)9.试题编号:J1-9,交换设备配置与维护 (37)10.试题编号:J1-10,交换设备配置与维护 (41)11.试题编号:J1-11,交换设备配置与维护 (45)12.试题编号:J1-12,交换设备配置与维护 (49)13.试题编号:J1-13,交换设备配置与维护 (53)14.试题编号:J1-14,交换设备配置与维护 (58)15.试题编号:J1-15,交换设备配置与维护 (62)16.试题编号:J1-16,交换设备配置与维护 (65)17.试题编号:J1-17,交换设备配置与维护 (69)18.试题编号:J1-18,交换设备配置与维护 (74)19.试题编号:J1-19,交换设备配置与维护 (77)20.试题编号:J1-20,交换设备配置与维护 (80)21.试题编号:J1-21,交换设备配置与维护 (84)22.试题编号:J1-22,交换设备配置与维护 (88)23.试题编号:J1-23,交换设备配置与维护 (93)24.试题编号:J1-24,交换设备配置与维护 (97)25.试题编号:J1-25,交换设备配置与维护 (102)26.试题编号:J1-26,路由设备配置与维护 (107)27.试题编号:J1-27,路由设备配置与维护 (111)28.试题编号:J1-28,路由设备配置与维护 (115)29.试题编号:J1-29,路由设备配置与维护 (120)30.试题编号:J1-30,路由设备配置与维护 (124)31.试题编号:J1-31,路由设备配置与维护 (129)32.试题编号:J1-32,路由设备配置与维护 (133)33.试题编号:J1-33,路由设备配置与维护 (137)34.试题编号:J1-34,路由设备配置与维护 (140)35.试题编号:J1-35,路由设备配置与维护 (144)36.试题编号:J1-36,路由设备配置与维护 (148)37.试题编号:J1-37,路由设备配置与维护 (152)38.试题编号:J1-38,路由设备配置与维护 (156)39.试题编号:J1-39,路由设备配置与维护 (160)40.试题编号:J1-40,路由设备配置与维护 (164)41.试题编号:J1-41,路由设备配置与维护 (168)42.试题编号:J1-42,路由设备配置与维护 (171)43.试题编号:J1-43,路由设备配置与维护 (175)44.试题编号:J1-44,路由设备配置与维护 (180)45.试题编号:J1-45,路由设备配置与维护 (184)46.试题编号:J1-46,路由设备配置与维护 (188)47.试题编号:J1-47,路由设备配置与维护 (192)48.试题编号:J1-48,路由设备配置与维护 (197)49.试题编号:J1-49,路由设备配置与维护 (201)50.试题编号:J1-50,路由设备配置与维护 (205)一、专业基本技能模块一网络设备安装调试1.试题编号:J1-1,交换设备配置与维护(1)任务描述某企业近年来发展迅速,员工数量急剧增加。

湖南省高职单招职业技能考试试题及答案解析一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪种编程语言是面向对象的编程语言?A. CB. C++C. JavaD. Python答案:C解析:Java是一种面向对象的编程语言,支持类和对象的概念,使得编程更加模块化和易于维护。
2. 下列哪个操作符用于整数除法?A. /B. //C. %D.答案:B解析:在Python中,单斜线(/)表示浮点除法,而双斜线(//)表示整数除法。
3. 以下哪个函数用于在Python中打开文件?A. open()B. read()C. write()D. close()答案:A解析:在Python中,open()函数用于打开文件,并返回一个文件对象。
4. 以下哪个库用于在Python中进行数据可视化?A. MatplotlibB. PandasC. NumPyD. Scikit-learn答案:A解析:Matplotlib是一个广泛使用的Python库,用于数据可视化,包括绘制图表、图形等。
5. 以下哪个算法用于查找数组中的最小值?A. 冒泡排序B. 快速排序C. 二分查找D. 插入排序答案:C解析:二分查找是一种在有序数组中查找特定元素的高效算法,也可以用来查找数组中的最小值。
二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)6. 在Python中,使用______语句可以导入特定的模块功能。
答案:import解析:在Python中,可以使用import语句导入整个模块,也可以使用from import语句导入模块中的特定功能。
7. 以下是一个简单的Python函数,用于计算两个数的和:def add______(a, b):return a + b请填写空缺处的正确代码:______答案:number解析:在函数定义中,需要指定参数名称。
8. 在Python中,使用______函数可以将字符串转换为整数。

选择题湖南地区常见的职业技能培训方式不包括以下哪一项?A. 线上远程教育B. 校内课堂教学C. 师傅带徒弟D. 商场促销活动湖南职业技能鉴定考试中,以下哪项是判断技能水平高低的主要依据?A. 学历背景B. 工作经验C. 考试成绩D. 社交能力湖南某企业在招聘技术工人时,通常要求求职者具备哪种证书?A. 大学英语四六级证书B. 职业技能等级证书C. 机动车驾驶证D. 教师资格证书湖南省对于技能人才激励的政策中,以下哪项措施是不正确的?A. 提供税收优惠政策B. 设立技能人才奖项C. 降低技能人才培养成本D. 取消技能人才落户限制湖南职业技能培训中,以下哪种培训方式更注重实践操作能力?A. 讲座式教学B. 模拟实操训练C. 理论课程学习D. 小组讨论在湖南职业技能竞赛中,参赛选手需遵守哪些基本规范?(多选)A. 尊重裁判B. 遵守比赛时间C. 私自交换工具D. 保持比赛场地整洁简答题请简述湖南职业技能培训的主要内容和目的。

湖南省高等职业院校电子商务专业技能抽考试题考试模块:网络推广考核项目:电商平台站内推广考试时间:60分钟试题编号:2-1-5背景资料:麦包包诞生于2007年9月,由意大利近百年历史的箱包家族集团VISCONTI DIFFUSIONE SNC提供天使基金设立而成。
(1) 淘宝直通车推广公司决定采用淘宝直通车推广,而直通车推广的关键是商品关键词的设置。
拟采用直通车推广的产品宝贝资料如下:产品名称:麦包包电脑双肩包规格:10-15寸材料:牛津布颜色: 深蓝内部结构:2个外袋,2个内袋,2个笔位,2个内拉链袋,1个电脑夹层重量:0.58KG箱包风格: 时尚运动①通过在淘宝首页搜索框中输入“麦包包”,可以从搜索下拉框的衍生关键词中进行选择。

(三)考试资料1.出口方基本情况2.进口方基本情况3.出口方信息Sany Group bega n in 1989 as a small weld ing material factory. Its foun ders are Lia ng Wengen, Tang Xiuguo, Mao Zhon gwu and Yua n Jin hua. Now it has grow n into a global corporati on with five in dustrial parks in Chi na, four R&D and manu facturi ng bases in America, Germa ny, In dia and Brazil, and 24 sales compa nies around the world. Currently, Sany Group employs over 60,000 people in more than 120 coun tries.At Sany Group, we believe that developing and manufacturing of quality, industry-leading products is always a top priority. Each year, Sany Group re-invests 5-7% of its sales revenue into the R&D, making it possible to expand its product lines to concrete, road, port, hoisting, pile driving, excavating machineries and wind energy products. Now as one of the most successful en terprises in China, Sany Group is also the world ' s largest concrete machinery manufacturer and ranks 6th among the top 50 global con struct ion mach inery manu facturers.Besides constantly improving the quality of our products, Sany Group is also committed to providing customers with all-round and efficient services. 15 logistics centers and spare parts warehouses have been set up with logistics and servicesystems all over the world.(四)抽考试题Section I外贸业务谈判(30%)Directions: You are required to complete a negotiation based on the following situation with at least 100 words.You are required to finish the following tasks:----Ask how to ship the goods;----Require prompt shipme nt;——E nq uire about the deadli ne of the load ing;----Refuse partial shipme nt;----Suggest tramps;----Suggest tran sshipme nt;----Agree to tran sshipme nt if no direct vessel is available;----Show appreciati on.A: You (the importer) B: Lin Xiong (the exporter)A: ______________________________________________________________________ .B: Sure. We usually ship the goods by regular lin ers.A : _____________________________________________________________________ .B: I,m afraid it' difficult for us to do so becausewe can't get all the goods ready soon.A: ______________________________________________________________________ .B: I'm not sure. In order to make it easier for us get the goods ready for shipme nt, wehope that partial shipme nt will be allowed.A. ______________________________________________________________________ .B: But you should know there is no direct steamer from Shanghai to Gothenburg intwo mon ths.A: ______________________________________________________________________ .B: Yes, but tramps are scarce. 'm not sure whether there would be eno ugh tonn age tomake a full cargo, eve n if a tramp could be obta in ed.A: ______________________________________________________________________ .B: But tran sshipme nt adds to the expe nses, risks of damage and sometimes may delay arrival. An yhow we 'ltry.A: ______________________________________________________________________ .B: Yes, we fully understand this, and we 'll find out the possible solution and get thegoods dispatched with in the stipulated time.A: ______________________________________________________________________ .Section II 外贸英语函电撰写(30%) Directions: You are required to write a letter based on the following situation with at least 120 words. (Note: Your letter should adopt the modified-block style.)The following aspects should be included in the letter:In dicate the in side addresses of the sen der, the receiver, the date, the complime ntary close and the sig nature;State that you have just received the buyer ' s amendment to the L/C;State the difficulties of being unable to make earlier shipment---your factories are heavily booked with orders for mon ths ahead;Inform the importer the best you can do is to ship the goods with in the stipulated time;Ask the importer to extend the shipment date and validity of your L/C to October 15 and 31 respectively;Extend your apology and your promise to ensure the care to the goods and the smooth ness to the shipme nt.项目基本实施条件备注场地每个商务英语实训室配置40个操作台面和座位,每个实训室照明通风良好。

(三) 抽考试题Section I国际商务信息检索(20%) Directions:Read the following brief introduction to Frontier Fireworks Ltd. from the official website of the company.A Brief Introduction to Frontier Fireworks Ltd.Frontier Fireworks Ltd. is a highly respected fireworks display company based in Sussex in the South East of England offering a full spectrum of artistic displays to suit all budgets and requirements over the whole of the U.K.. The company started trading in 1996, providing a different and fresh approach to fireworks display design firing unique, safe and spectacular fireworks displays. We now design, import and use 100% of our fireworks, so that from source to production we have a great connection and understanding regarding the fireworks that we use in our displays.The company has gone through a recent expansion phase which has seen our store capacity increase exponentially. This has provided us with more importing buying power so that we now have one of the greatest ranges of fireworks available in our industry to use for our displays. This has given us a firm standing as one of the best fireworks display operators in the U.K., firing displays for all types of events. The look of stunned admiration, the look of surprise, the jaw dropping excitement and the great spectacle of fireworks exploding in the sky is what drives us to keep firing the most audacious of displays. Over the years, millions of audiences have seen our fireworks spectacles with heart pounding performances full of imagination.The company has also recently developed a new consumer fireworks sales department. We have always sold fireworks to the public but we have now expanded this side of the business. Take a look at the Buy Fireworks section of this website if you would like to purchase fireworks from our high quality range. This range includes Cakes, Single Ignitions, Rockets, Catherine Wheels, Fountains and Candle Barrages. If you have ever thought about having a low noise fireworks display, an aquatic display of fireworks on water, a musically choreographed show, a town centre display,daylight fireworks for a launch, confetti blasters for Christmas Lights Switch-on events, then we cover every aspect of fireworks display performance. In short, we are the company that has everything in place for a stunning, safe entertainment.We use 100% of our own fireworks for our displays giving us a cutting edge over our rivals who cannot import. We design, manufacture and import tons of fireworks, providing us with great knowledge of what each firework actually does. We do not buy professional fireworks from other companies. Because of our importing powers we are much more financially viable and therefore cost effective compared to our competitors.Our experience leads us to solving problem for clients and we have successfully and safely fired displays when other companies or organizers of events said it could not be done! We always strive to be the best at what we do. This has resulted in us providing displays in front of enchanted audience including The Duke of Westminster, Tom Cruise, Katherine Jenkins, Aled Jones, the X-Factor Finalists and working regularly each year for the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to name but a few. These clients will not just use any fireworks company. They look for quality, reliability and incredibly creative demanding displays.All too often we have customers telling us that they purchased fireworks elsewhere only to be left disappointed by a puff of smoke and a few sparks. That does not happen here. We have some of the best fireworks that money can buy, all hand-picked by us after many nights of testing and watching how these fireworks actually perform. Prepare to be amazed and look skywards as we dazzle and enthrall you all with our range of fireworks. Please note that a minimum order of £100.00 Incl. V AT applies for all orders due to the need for specialist carriers for delivery. For smaller orders in the local area please contact us on Tel: 01323 488 866 and we will discuss your requirements.Frontier Fireworks Ltd. is licensed to sell fireworks for 365 days of the year but deliveries on certain dates will be unavailable. Please see Delivery Information. Please also note that purchasers must be eighteen years old or over. It is illegal to sell adult fireworks to anyone under 18.Task 1: Search for useful information in the passage and complete the summary below. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. (10%)Task 2: Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false. (True=T, False=F) (10%)11. Frontier Fireworks Ltd. is a British fireworks company which has been in this industry for at least 30 years. ( ) 12. Frontier Fireworks Ltd. has various kinds of fireworks for different firing displays which make it most popular in UK. ( )13. Frontier Fireworks Ltd. has established a website to sell its products online. ( )14. The company sells wide range of products including Cakes, Single Ignitions, Rockets, Catherine Wheels, Fountains and Candle Barrages. ( ) 15. Frontier Fireworks Ltd. imports professional firework products to make its service better. ( )Section II商务应用文写作(20%)Directions: Write a Job Vacancy according to the following information.Frontier烟花有限公司(Frontier Fireworks Ltd.)成立于1996年,专业生产各类烟花爆竹,公司位于英格兰,公司所有产品都符合国际质量标准,产品远销海外,公司曾在全国烟花锦标赛中荣获第3名。

单片机快速开发专项技能考核试卷考件编号: 姓名: 准考证号:单位:试题设计一个单片机控制的脉冲宽度测量装置。
设计内容:模块1 系统设计(50分)①分析任务要求,写出系统整体设计思路。
模块2 程序设计(20分)①编写程序。
模块3 系统调试(30分)①在指定的设计平台上搭建简易频率计硬件系统。
单片机快速开发专项技能考核试卷考件编号: 姓名: 准考证号:单位:试题用单片机设计简易8音电子琴。
设计内容:模块1 系统设计(50分)⑤分析任务要求,写出系统整体设计思路。

湖南省高等职业院校会计专业(类)学生专业技能抽查题库一、会计手工操作模块试题编号:T-1-8二、考核技能点编号:J-1-1,J-1-2 ,J-1-4,J-1-8三、任务描述(一)填写原始凭证(30分)此题与前面给出的经济业务有关联。
(五)考试资料1. 企业基本情况介绍2. 湘潭大力五金厂2013年12月31日账户余额表如下3. 湘潭大力五金厂2014年1月份发生的经济业务如下(假定经济业务系统连续,所有记账凭证经审核无误)。
记账凭证2014年1月7日字第1 号附件1张附件1张记账凭证附件1张记账凭证附件1张记账凭证附件4张附件4张记账凭证附件2张记账凭证附件1张记账凭证附件1张附件4张记账凭证附件4张12.制造费用分配表13-1完工产品成本计算单2014年1月31日单位:元13-2产品入库单交货单位:基本生产车间2014年1月31日第001号14产品销售成本计算表2014年1月31日单位:元15.月末结转损益类账户余额五、考核时量:60分钟六、评价标准。

评分总表表2作品评分表题目1如下图,已知水准点BM的高程为HBM = 50.000m,试用普通水准测量的方法,测出点1、2、3的高程。
(注:f允<± 12V n mm,高差闭合差不必进行分配,若高差闭合差超限必须返工。
)普通水准测量记录表单位:__________ 学号:___________ 姓名:___________ 时间:___________ 得分: ____________ 扣分: ____________ 评分: ___________计算校核刀a- E b= 刀h=2.试题编号:1-2四等水准测量(1)任务描述1)用四等水准测量方法测出未知点高程的工作;2)完成该工作的记录和计算校核,并求出未知点的高程;(2)实施条件水准测量实训场,DS3水准仪,三脚架,双面水准尺,尺垫,计算器(3)考核时量45分钟(4)操作人数1人(另加辅助人员2人)(5)评价标准抽查项目的评价包括职业素养与操作规范(表1)、作品(表2)两个方面,总分为100分。

(三)考试资料1. 出口方基本情况2.进口方基本情况3. 出口方信息BROAD Air Quality Technology Group is an enterprise based on the vision of unique technologies and philosophy of preserving life. All BROAD products and services have essentially optimized human life and the environment of the earth. BROAD Air Conditioning Equipment Co. Ltd. supplies no-electric central air conditioning powered by natural gas and waste heat as well as packaged water distribution system.BROAD Energy Utilization Co. Ltd. provides energy management contract service, district cooling-heating-power system (CHP) investment, building and operation.BROAD Sustainable Building Technology Co. Ltd. provides factory-made sustainable building with level 9 earthquake resistances, with 6 times material less, 5- time energy efficient, and 20 times air purification.BROAD Air Quality Technology Group headquartered in Changsha, China, has already exported products to more than 70 countries.Company Development PathOn June 5, 1988, using USD 3,000 the company was registered in Chenzhou,Hunan to develop heating equipment.In 1992, the company relocated to Changsha to start producing large scale non-electric central air conditioning chillers and equipment.In 1998 the company’s non-electric air conditioners entered into the international market.In 1999 the company began producing packaged central air conditioning systems.In 2005 the company began producing air quality products, which are now sold in more than 60 countries around the world.ProductsThe complete set of Central Air Conditioning Equipment (Including hot water, to automate a building)ServicesAfter Sales Service, Trusteeship Service, EMC (Engineering Design Consulting) ValueHealthy, Energy Efficient, Cost SavingComments from Premier Wen Jiabao“BROAD non-electric air conditioning is the Circular Economy.”BROAD is not a common company which has made a special contribution to the country.(四)抽考试题Section I外贸业务谈判(30%) Directions: You are required to complete a negotiation based on the following situation with at least 100 words.You are required to finish the following tasks:---- Extend greetings and offer help;---- Show your willingness and ask if there are questions;----Consider WPA ( basing on CIF);----Give a positive answer, but refuse to bear extra premium;----State the procedure for claim (Provide a survey report and claim after the arrival of the consignment);----State the period for the claim (within 60 days after the arrival of the goods);----Inform your usual practice for insurance value (110%) and can not bear extra premium;----Express your willingness of cooperation.A: David Bush (the importer) B: You (the exporter)A: Good morning, Mr. Liu.B:Goodmorning,MrDavid..A: Last time we discussed the terms of payment. Shall we talk about the terms of insurance today?B:Yes, Do you have question to ask for us ? .A: Yes. I’d like to know what kind of insurance coverage you have in mind for the goods we ordered.B: We will consider WPA but your order goods are basing on CIF.A: Could you cover the Risk of Breakage for us?B: I am sorry to say that we can not bear extra premium, because the premium is paid by buyer.A: I see. By the way, in the event of loss of or damage to my goods, what is the procedure for filing a claim?B:We will provide a survey report and claim after the arrival of the consignment .A: How long is the availability period to claim?B Within 60 days after the arrival of the goods .A: That’s understood. One more thing here, we’d like to have the goods insured for 130% of the invoice value. Can that be arranged?B: Our usual practice for insurance policy for 110% of invoice value and can not bear extra premium; . A: You can rest assured that we’ll pay for the extra premium above 110% of the invoice value.B:No Problem, We hope we can establish a good business relation with you..A: I hope so.Section II 外贸英语函电撰写(30%) Directions: You are required to write a letter based on the following situation with at least 120 words. (Note: Your letter should adopt the modified-block style.)The following aspects should be included in the letter:Indicate the inside addresses of the sender, the receiver, the date, the complimentary close and the signature;Indicate the L/C No., value and issuing bank;Show regret for the buyer’s request for covering TPND and SRCC in addition to FPA and War Risk;Emphasize that the additional insurance terms were not agreed upon by both parties; State the usual practice of the seller for the nature of the contracted goods and explain the reason;Agree to cover the excessive risks at the buyer’s cost;Suggest amending the L/C to cover the extra premium 二、实施条件三、考核时量:考核时间:60分钟四、评分标准。
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1. 出口方基本情况
3. 出口方信息
Sany Group began in 1989 as a small welding material factory. Its founders are Liang Wengen, Tang Xiuguo, Mao Zhongwu and Yuan Jinhua. Now it has grown into a global corporation with five industrial parks in China, four R&D and manufacturing bases in America, Germany, India and Brazil, and 24 sales companies around the world. Currently, Sany Group employs over 60,000 people in more than 120 countries.
At Sany Group, we believe that developing and manufacturing of quality, industry-leading products is always a top priority. Each year, Sany Group re-invests 5-7% of its sales revenue into the R&D, making it possible to expand its product lines to concrete, road, port, hoisting, pile driving, excavating machineries and wind energy products. Now as one of the most successful enterprises in China, Sany Group is also the world’s largest concrete machinery manufacturer and ranks 6th among the top 50 global construction machinery manufacturers.
Besides constantly improving the quality of our products, Sany Group is also committed to providing customers with all-round and efficient services. 15 logistics centers and spare parts warehouses have been set up with logistics and service
systems all over the world.
Section I外贸业务谈判(30%) Directions: You are required to complete a negotiation based on the following situation with at least 100 words.
You are required to finish the following tasks:
----Ask how to ship the goods;
----Require prompt shipment;
----Enquire about the deadline of the loading;
----Refuse partial shipment;
----Suggest tramps;
----Suggest transshipment;
----Agree to transshipment if no direct vessel is available;
----Show appreciation.
A: You (the importer) B: Lin Xiong (the exporter)
A: .
B: Sure. We usually ship the goods by regular liners.
A : .
B: I’m afraid it’s difficult for us to do so because we can’t get all the goods ready soon.
A: .
B: I’m not sure. In order to make it easier for us get the goods ready for shipment, we hope that partial shipment will be allowed.
A. .
B: But you should know there is no direct steamer from Shanghai to Gothenburg in two months.
A: .
B: Yes, but tramps are scarce. I’m not sure whether there would be enough tonnage to make a full cargo, even if a tramp could be obtained.
A: .
B: But transshipment adds to the expenses, risks of damage and sometimes may delay arrival. Anyhow we’ll try.
A: .
B: Yes, we fully understand this, and we’ll find out the possible solution and get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time.
A: .
Section II 外贸英语函电撰写(30%) Directions: You are required to write a letter based on the following situation with at least 120 words. (Note: Your letter should adopt the modified-block style.)
The following aspects should be included in the letter:
Indicate the inside addresses of the sender, the receiver, the date, the complimentary close and the signature;
State that you have just received the buyer’s amendment to the L/C;
State the difficulties of being unable to make earlier shipment---your factories are heavily booked with orders for months ahead;
Inform the importer the best you can do is to ship the goods within the stipulated time; Ask the importer to extend the shipment date and validity of your L/C to October 15 and 31 respectively;
Extend your apology and your promise to ensure the care to the goods and the smoothness to the shipment.