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there wi be a speech on our schoo payground this saturday afternoon, whose theme is to civiize schooyard is my responsibiity. a the teachers and students are required to attend. in the activity, the first two winners in each grade wi give such vauabe advice as foows: we shoud not itter anywhere in order to keep our campus cean; we shoud ove fowers, graand trees so that everyone can enjoy the greenness; we shoud behave we instead of running after one another, quarreing and fighting noisiy; we shoud care for others so that our schoo wi be fu of ove. we beieve our schoo wi become more and more beautifu and peacefu。

my honor versus dishonor view, my position

the mae eage brushes past the sky, row a beautifu of curve ie in it to sought to aow the position for

a wings of onesef;the fierce tiger whistes the forest of , eaving a bright scenery, ying in it to sought to aow the position for the onesefs strong and heathy body, the person wants to achieve success, must examine the onesef to seek precise own position.

the ages is in the progress, the history enters ahead, the exatation of the iving eve aong with the peope, the exactitude sets up own honor versus dishonor view is an exatation that is teenagers character of 21 centuries, the body of the ife vaue now.

the ancients once says: the peope has no the etter not to sign, the etter have no the does not become ancients is sti such, besides now person!is the traditiona virtue of our chinese nation with the honesty keeps promise for the gory, 《 kid and wof 》of story is widey known is to ose the trust because the kid cheats to take the other peopes trust to him for many times, being the end wof to reay come to other peope to his many beguiements.end, the kid et wof give eat.athough does this is a story its difficut ways and cant expain the certain

truth?since the chidhood mother educates the chid who i want to be a honesty.what does honesty incude?sma go to not bogus, big go to not cheat the nation, dont endanger the human ife.what is the meaning of the honesty exacty?i fee the honesty keep promise since is a kind of moras quaity and the moras convictions, is aso the moras responsibiity of each citizen is aso a kind of ofty personaity power.therefore, we want to be the person whom a rea honesty keep promise to carry out our dream, setting up our home totay.

own king of estabishment of wang of ancient 帝is cose wise minister, far mean person toward what to pay attention to.menzis die for principe the vaue of expain righteousness and ife, the ife can ose but the righteousnedefinitey cant obiterate, athough person non- sage and virtuous man, can have no which.but raise now the eyes four wang-kus chinese and foreign have how much hero one a ong distance of 败 of hero because was injury secrety by the mean person, refuse to cose eyes in death;return toward today and have how much businessman throw away the
