爱情英语短文带翻译篇1:1℃的爱情In a cold winter, a couple had to move out from the luxury villa because of bankruptcy. The husband worked day and night to support the family but with no care of his wife. So she thought, “he doesn't love me any more, he just cares his business…not me”。
”One day, she began to take a bath, he stopped her at the door, “Let me take it first, okay?”一天,妻子准备洗澡,可丈夫叫住了她,“让我先洗吧。
”“Why not let me shower first,”she asked. “I was tired, sweetie, you take it later, okay?” She was totally depressed.“为什么不让我先洗呢?”“亲爱的,因为我很累,你之后再洗吧”妻子为此很不开心。
On a morose day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer, a few words blurred her eyes…it was his diary: 一天,妻子无所事事,郁郁寡欢,于是打开了丈夫的电脑。
浪漫英文情书带翻译(精选10篇)浪漫英文带翻译篇1Honey, how do I live without you? I miss you every minute and every second.Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。
My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and Iworry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。
浪漫英文情书带翻译篇2You’re the girl in my dream.你是我梦中的女孩.For years I had been searching for that perfect fantasy. But I find it in myarms right now. You are all to me.我已经寻找了多年,为了那个美丽的梦想,但是现在,我发现它就在我的臂弯里,你就是我的全部。
I asked God for a rose & he gave me a garden. I ask God fora drop of water& he gave me an ocean. I asked God for an angel & he gave me you! Oneday you ask me: what's more important to you, me or your life? I'll say my lifeand you'll go and leave without even knowing that you are my life. My eyes arehurting because I can't see you. My arms are empty because I can't hold you. Mylips are cold because I can't kiss you. My heart is breaking because I'm notwith you.我问上帝要一朵玫瑰,他给了我一座花园;我问上帝要一滴水,他给了我一片海洋;我问上帝要一个天师,他把你给了我!有一天你问我:我和你的生活哪个更重要?我的答案是后者,那你将会离开,你甚至不知道你就是我的生命全部。
爱情故事短篇小说(共10篇)爱情故事短篇小说(一): 国王的爱情故事中英对照我想要一个《国王的爱情故事》.是中英对照的,一行中文一行英文,是要很正确的,其中有一两句是比较好的句子,或者是告诉我们怎样的道理之类的.最好是10号前中英文的原文只有到书店去买.我昨天刚读完一本书(英文短篇小说中英文对照)——《一个国王的爱情故事》The Love of a King.这真的是一本很好的书,原因之一是因为这个故事写的真的很感人,几次我的眼泪都想出来玩玩,但是我忍住了,可是到最后我的脸颊上还是留下了两道泪痕;原因之二就是因为这本书我百分之八、九十都可以看懂(英文,因为比较简单吧!).故事描述了国王爱德华八世(温莎公爵)和沃利斯`辛普森夫人(温莎公爵夫人)的一段特别的爱情故事.国王虽然永远不会是独自一人但他总是感到孤独,每时每刻总会有人注视他——有时是他的保镖,有时是街上成千的民众.他永远不会独自一人;每个人都认识他的面孔,他做事必须检点,因为他的所作所为是无法保密的.他说话得谨慎,因为他说话总有人在听.因为他每时每刻都是国王.他的压力很大也很孤独,甚至是从小开始,从未和其他的孩子一起玩过,他也没有朋友.他住在英国最漂亮的房子里——(白金汉宫),却总感到寂寞、悲伤.在他年轻的时候想要的东西都能得到.“但我并不快乐,因为我的内心里是空虚的.”直到国王遇见了沃利斯一切都变了.他为了她放弃了一切,甚至放弃了自己的王位!“生活中最好的事情是无偿的”这句话让我感触很深,因为幸福和爱情都是买不到的.“内心深处的幸福是世界上最美妙的.”To be happy deep inside your heart is the most wonderful thing in the world!Long live love!爱情万岁!爱情故事短篇小说(二): 精彩作文片段每个200字优秀开头和结尾开头 1 走完长满了青苔的石板路,跨过一丛歪歪斜斜的篱笆,推开那扇吱呀作响的板门,有一扇窗镶嵌在古老的青砖砌成的墙上,窗纸早已荡然无存,只剩下横横竖竖的窗格,糸满了长长短短的红丝绳,红丝绳在风中无助地摇曳,像是谁在哀怨地诉说,又像是吹不散的淡淡哀愁特点叠字,比喻排比给出了将要叙述的故事的发生环境,并埋下悬念,吸引读者.适合有情节的语言比较优美的散文.2 第一次见到这本书是在几年前,那时候正在上高中,年少轻狂不识人间愁苦为何物,草草翻过几页,也许是青春期的判逆吧,那时的我对那些被大肆吹捧的东西不屑一顾,因而虽然躲过许多糟粕的烦人苦,也与许多精华失之交臂,再加上这样一部深沉的作品,自然十分含蓄蕴藉,情节的设置上也没有武侠小说或短篇小说那样紧张而迂回,抱着这些偏见,失去了深读的机会,再一次读它是在一年冬天,窗外静静地飘着雪花,远方有一缕若隐若无的琴声,像在讲述一个缠绵悱恻的故事,我独坐窗前,与书中的人物默默的交流着心语,为他们的欢乐而欢笑. 为他们的痛苦而悲伤,大雁早已了无踪影,窗前黄叶被白雪掩埋,这时的我已稍稍懂得一点欣赏文字之美,在慢慢咀嚼那些如泣如诉的语言中,在静静地感受那些细腻悠长的笔调时,眼产前时时会出现几个鲜活丰满,栩栩如生的人物,但在那时我依然把它看作是一部动人的情感小说,只是写得是少数民族而已,而今重读掩卷沉思窗外秋高气爽.风在远方呼啸,但在这里只有平静的呼吸与心跳,才明白在这荡气回肠的故事之后,作者想让我们知道的,绝不仅仅是一部催人泪下的悲剧,她更想让我们明白一些人生的道理,譬如得与失,爱与恨生与死而所有的这些,都如同一道道坚实的门,隔开了两个完全不同的世界,在你的世界中体会不到我心的冰冷.在我的世界中无法触摸你笑的灿烂,然然而我们却近在咫尺,咫尺如天涯,特点文字优美,有哲理让人不知不觉融入其中适合读后感,观后感感想等等.稍加修改后即为一篇优美的文章.3 往事可以怀念,但不应该再悲伤,SUNNY曾这样对我说过,她还说我们都生活在轮回中,所有未完成的故事.可以来世再续,她还说午夜的星空很美,星空下是另一个世界,是一个比白天更加喧嚣的世界,她还说也许一切都是前生注定的吧,忘记的和没有忘记的,我静静地回忆着,仿佛SUNNY在我耳边低语,一些强烈的光线猛地穿越层层夜幕,直奔另一个未知的空间,我静静地回忆.毫不停息往事奔腾咆哮,时而却又沉默无声,黑暗真是一个神奇的东西,可以让你回到多年以前,我静静地回忆着,SUNNY她的笑她的泪她的一切我们的一切,特点用人物的语言开头,比较自然不做作.但是其中人物描述要丰满一点即职.合适回忆录,爱情故事随想等.结尾(与上述三个开头相对应) 1 岁月无情,我想时间终会慢慢蚀去一个人的记忆,淡去一个人的思念.抚去一个人的伤痕,也许红窗在生命的最后,早已忘却了丈夫的模样,甚至也已忘却了她恪守一生的初衷,但是我相信,她平凡而短暂的一生,并不是为着追求繁华或优厚的物质享受,更不是为着留下什么让人赞颂的名声,她只是向往和平宁静的生活.只是向往平平常常却最真挚的爱情罢了,我更相信红窗已不仅仅是一个人的名字,更不仅仅是一扇窗的名字了,它是一份顽强与执著的象征,是一个平凡的乡间女子对于爱情的坚贞信仰,红丝绳也不仅仅是红丝绳,那是她用自己质朴的心,将长长的思念抽成的丝,织成的网没有惊天动地,没有海誓山盟,她甚至没有说过天长地久,也没有看到过天地合,乃敢与君绝的悲壮,只有真实的等待与久久的守候,正是如此才使得这扇古老的窗,成了一座丰碑,在爱情变得功利变得物欲的社会中.屹然不倒当秋风无情的掠过,如果子孱弱的爱情在冷风中瑟瑟发抖,就来看看红窗,听听它幽幽的低吟与哀诉,嗅嗅它原始的质朴的气息,看看红丝绳如何在风中摇曳那是红窗的灵魂,2 然而它向我们展示的却是真实的世界,真实的生活,它向我们讲述的那些关于爱恨,关于生死关于得失关于存在与消亡的东西,都是真实的道理,我们哭了但不是为了几个虚构的人物的悲欢离合,眼泪是为生命中的一道门而流的,就是那一道门,隔开了两个世界,尽管它们都是真实的,3 岁月流失.总有一些东西不会改变,譬如四季轮回,我们大概也在轮回之中吧,佛说修五百年只能同舟,修一千年才能共枕,也许是我们前生,修的还不够吧,那么我们只好在轮回中完成我们的爱情,然而有些事情注定不能改变也不能忘却,然而现在我只能痛苦地回忆,长长地思念,深深地谴责自己的愚笨,我也只能在某个寂寞的午夜,用一些无奈而伤感的文字,来祭奠那一段往事爱情故事短篇小说(三): 求文学历史年表.按时间先后列出历史上有重大影响的大文学家及其代表作中国文学(1)1、从中国上古到秦始皇统一中国(公元前221年)期间的文学,叫先秦文学.2、神话产生在文字发明以前.神话中充满了丰富的想象,是中国浪漫主义文学的源头.3、在中国流传最广的神话是“ 女娲补天”、“后羿射日”、“精卫填海”、“嫦娥奔月”等.4、《尚书》是中国最早的一部历史文献总集,相传曾经由孔子编选.5、《诗经》是中国最早的一部诗歌总集,收西周至春秋中期各地方民族及朝庙乐章共305首.6、《楚辞》为西汉刘向所辑,收有屈原、宋玉写的赋,因具楚地方声,故称《楚辞》,对后代文学创作有深远影响.7、屈原是中国伟大的爱国诗人,《离骚》是屈原的代表作品.8、“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”是屈原《离骚》中的名句.9、先秦散文是指秦代以前的散文,分为历史散文和诸子散文两类.《左传》和《战国策》是先秦历史散文的代表.《论语》、《孟子》、《墨子》、《庄子》是先秦诸子散文的代表.10、《左传》是中国第一部叙事历史著作,在历史、文学和语言方面,都有很高的成就.11、《论语》是一部语录体的散文集,记录了孔子和他的学生的言行,由孔子的学生写成.这部儒家经典对中国文化产生了巨大的影响.12、“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”(有朋友从远方来是值得高兴的),“已所不欲,勿施于人”(自己不愿做的事,不应该让别人去做),这是孔子《论语》里的名言.13、汉赋是汉代出现的一种新的文学形式.它是一种诗化的散文.14、贾谊是西汉初期杰出的政治家和文学家.他散文中最著名的是政论文《过秦论》.15、司马相如是西汉时期辞赋的杰出作家,《子虚赋》和《上林赋》是他的代表作品.16、《史记》是西汉著名历史学家司马迁写的一部史书,也是纪传文学的典范.17、汉代乐府民歌在中国诗歌发展史上占有重要的地位.乐府本来是指汉武帝时设立的音乐机关,后来人们把乐府机关采集、整理、保存的诗歌称为乐府诗.18、《孔雀东南飞》是中国古代杰出的长篇叙事诗, 叙述了一对青年男女的爱情悲剧,是汉乐府叙事诗发展的高峰.曹操像19、《古诗十九首》是东汉末年一组无名氏的短诗,它是对乐府民歌的发展,标志着五言诗技巧达到了成熟的阶段.20、汉末建安时期,一批文人诗歌继承了汉乐府民歌的现实主义精神,具有“慷慨悲凉”的独特风格,被人们称为“ 建安风骨”.21、建安文学的代表作家是曹操、曹丕、曹植父子,合称“三曹”.22、“老骥伏枥,志在千里,烈士暮年,壮心不已”是曹操《龟虽寿》中的名句,表现了英雄人物老当益壮的胸怀.23、蔡琰,字文姬,是建安时期的女诗人.她的五言《悲愤诗》表现汉末政治动乱所造成的人民的疾苦.24、阮籍是正始时期文学成就最高的作家,有五言诗八十二首,总名为《咏怀诗》.25、陶渊明,东晋(公元317年420年)大诗人.他的诗表现田园恬淡宁静的生活情景,被人们称为“田园诗人”.26、陶渊明较晚时期所写的《桃花源诗并记》标志着他思想和艺术的新高度,诗人在这里提出了“世外桃源”的社会理想.27、抒情长诗《西洲曲》代表了南朝(公元420——589年)民歌在艺术发展上的最高成就.28、“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”是北朝民歌《敕勒歌》中的诗句,描写了北方大草原的风光.曹操像中国文化常识中国文化常识普及标准华侨华人中国文化常识华侨华人中国文化常识29、《木兰诗》是北朝民歌的杰出代表作,描写了女英雄花木兰代父从军的动人故事.30、南朝诗人谢灵运是山水诗派的开创者.31、干宝的《搜神记》是魏晋南北朝志怪小说的代表.32、刘义庆编写的《世说新语》是纪录魏晋南北朝时期一些人物言行和趣事的小品文,生动活泼,文笔简洁.33、《文心雕龙》是一部评论文学的著作,对后代文学评论有很大的影响.34、锺嵘的《诗品》是一部评论诗歌的著作,对后代诗歌评论有很大的影响.35、唐代(公元618——907年)的诗歌、散文和小说都十分发达,尤其是唐诗的成就最高.36、唐代出现了很多的伟大诗人,象李白、杜甫、白居易、刘禹锡、李商隐等等.37、唐代文学家韩愈和柳宗元发起了古文运动.38、唐代诗歌发展一般分成四个阶段:初唐、盛唐、中唐、晚唐.39、流传到今天的唐诗有5万多首,是这以前诗歌总和的两三倍.40、唐代诗歌分古体和近体.古体句数不限,每句的平仄也较自由.近体分律诗、绝句两种.律诗格律较严,每首四联八句,中间要对仗.律诗、绝句平仄都有规定.古体、近体都有五言、七言之分.41、初唐四杰是卢照邻、骆宾王、王勃、杨炯.42、王勃写了著名的《滕王阁序》,“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”是其中最有名的一句.43、骆宾王7岁写了著名的《咏鹅》诗:“鹅,鹅,鹅,曲颈向天歌.白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波.”44、陈子昂是初唐四杰以后的著名诗人,他反对六朝绮丽之风,提倡古朴淡雅的诗风.45、盛唐有名的田园山水诗人是孟浩然和王维.他们的诗歌表现祖国山河的壮丽和田园的自然质朴,诗中有画.46、盛唐有名的边塞诗人是高适和岑参.他们的诗表现了祖国边塞风光和唐人开拓进取的精神.47、王昌龄,是写七言绝句出名的诗人,《出塞》是他的代表作之一:“秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还,但使龙城飞将在,不叫胡马度阴山.”48、王之涣的《登鹳雀楼》非常有名气,这首诗是这样的:“白日依山尽,黄河入海流.欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”,告诫人们在取得成绩之后要更加努力,才会实现更高的理想.49、李白,字太白,号青莲居士,是唐代最著名的诗人之一,年轻时到过中国很多地方,写下了很多歌唱祖国的好诗.他的诗热情浪漫,想象力很丰富,人称“诗仙”.50、李白的五绝《静夜思》,写想家的感受,是思念故乡的名句:“床前明月光,疑是地上霜.举头望明月,低头思故乡”.51、李白的《秋浦歌》:“白发三千丈,缘愁似个长.不知明镜里,何处得秋霜”.白发有三千丈那样长,夸张中带有奇想,给人以深刻的印象.52、李白的《朝发白帝城》:“朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还.两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山”.既描写了三峡的壮丽景色,又表现了诗人愉快的心情.53、李白还有很多首有名的长诗,比如《蜀道难》、《梦游天姥吟留别》、《行路难》等等.54、杜甫,字子美,他的诗反映了战乱中人民的痛苦生活,表现他崇高的爱国爱民的思想,人称“诗圣”.又与李白合称李杜,成为唐代诗歌艺术的顶峰.55、杜甫的诗歌记下了很多当年的历史事件,所以他的诗又被称为“诗史”.56、杜甫生活的时代正是唐代由强转弱的时期,战争经常发生,他在《闻官军收河南河北》中写道:“白日放歌须纵酒,青春做伴好还乡”,表现了诗人对胜利与和平的渴望.57、杜甫的五律《春夜喜雨》:“好雨知时节,当春乃发生.随风潜入夜,润物细无声.野径云俱黑,江船火独明.晓看红湿处,花重锦官城”,描写了春雨给人们带来的无限喜悦.58、杜甫其它著名的诗歌有《三吏》、《三别》,以及《兵车行》等等.59、白居易,字乐天,号香山居士,他的诗通俗易懂,重在反映社会各方面的现实生活.60、白居易有两首特别有名的长诗,分别是《长恨歌》和《琵琶行》.《长恨歌》写的是唐玄宗和杨贵妃的爱情故事,“在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝”一句,成为流行的爱情誓言.《琵琶行》写白居易在江船上听沦落远方的妇女弹奏琵琶抒发忧伤的感觉,诗中“大珠小珠落玉盘”一句,用珍珠落在玉盘上的声音来比喻琵琶的优美旋律.61、韩愈,字退之,是中唐时期重要的文学家,他反对六朝以来绮靡的文风,提倡朴实的散文,气势雄伟.为“唐宋八大家”之首.韩愈著名的散文有《师说》、《马说》、《原毁》等等.62、柳宗元,字子厚,他的散文中最有特色的是描写山水的游记,他的诗文与韩愈齐名,人称韩柳.63、柳宗元在永州当官时写了《永州八记》,其中《小石潭记》最著名,一直为人们传诵.64、晚唐的民间文学发展很快.唐代的小说叫做“ 传奇”,意思就是写离奇的故事.唐代的传奇小说作品很多,中国小说的基本形式已初步完成.65、晚唐著名的诗人是李商隐和杜牧.人称“ 小李杜”.李商隐的诗清新典雅,长于抒情,以七律为主.杜牧的诗俊迈雅洁,尤工七绝.66、晚唐有一种叫做词的文学体裁兴起,著名的词人有温庭筠、皇甫松等.67、五代(公元907——960年)时期,词的写作大为兴起,有些帝王,也好作词,如南朝李璟、李煜.68、五代结束以后,中国进入宋朝(公元960——1279年),中国的文学又开始了一个新的阶段.69、宋代是词的时代.词和诗不同,词的句子有长有短,也有固定的格式,词可以唱,每一首词都有一个词牌,象《浣溪纱》、《一剪梅》等等,就叫做词牌,不同的词牌格式不一样,唱法也不一样.70、宋代周敦颐的《爱莲说》既描写了莲花的美丽,又歌颂了莲花的“出污泥而不染”的高尚品格.71、范仲淹,字希文,宋代著名文学家,代表作是《岳阳楼记》,其中“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”一句表达了作者忧国忧民的思想.72、唐宋八大家是“韩愈、柳宗元、苏洵、苏轼、欧阳修、苏辙、王安石、曾巩”、前两位是唐代人,后六位是宋代人.73、欧阳修,字永叔.他的诗词、散文和传记都写得很好.欧阳修领导其他作家一起完成了诗文革新运动.王安石像74、王安石,字介甫,是宋代的政治家、文学家.他有一首著名的诗《泊船瓜州》,其中有“春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还”的名句,句中一个“绿”字将江南春色写得淋漓尽致.75、中国历史上有很多父子文学家,宋代的苏洵、苏轼、苏辙就是其中的代表,尤以苏轼的水平最高,苏轼字子瞻,号东坡,他的诗词、散文、书法、绘画都有独特的风格.76、苏轼的著名散文有《前赤壁赋》、《后赤壁赋》,抒发了对历史上英雄事迹的感慨.77、苏轼有一首著名的诗《题西林壁》,“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同. 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”.后两句生动地说明一个人若处身于某种环境之中,往往不能清楚地洞察事情的本来面目.78、辛弃疾,字幼安,号稼轩,著名爱国词人.他曾闯入敌营,擒拿叛徒,并曾策划北伐大业.他的词也属豪放一派,“壮岁旌旗拥万夫,锦突骑渡江初”是辛弃疾《鹧鸪天》中的名句.79、宋词除了豪放派以外,还有婉约派, 婉约派词人有张先、晏殊、晏几道、柳永等,他们对词的发展都有一定成绩.柳永词颇为当时群众喜爱,以至有人说:“有井水处皆有人唱柳词”.80、李清照是宋代最著名的女词人,她的词风格独特,极为世人所欣赏.81、李清照的诗也很出名,其中有这样的名句:“生当做人杰,死亦为鬼雄”.82、岳飞是南宋时期反抗异族侵略的著名战将,精忠报国,为奸相所害.他的《满江红》词,至今为广大人民所传唱.83、陆游,字务观,号放翁,是南宋著名的爱国诗人、词人.84、陆游的诗保留下来的有9300多首,是现在知道留下诗歌最多的诗人.85、陆游的《示儿》诗很有名:“死去原知万事空,但悲不见九州同.王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁”,说出了他盼望祖国统一的心情.86、杨万里,号诚斋.他的诗平易自然,号诚斋体.范成大,号石湖居士,他出使金国,不辱使命.他的诗表现爱国主义,反映社会现实,独创风格.87、“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”,是中国有名的爱国诗人文天祥的名句,表达了诗人以88、宋代的小说叫做“话本”,是讲故事的人用的底本,内容有讲历史的,有讲佛经故事的,对后来的明清小说产生了直接影响.89、元曲是元杂剧及散曲的总称,是元代(公元1206——1368年)文学的代表,与唐诗、宋词并称.90、关汉卿、马致远、郑光祖、白朴合称元曲四大家.在元剧作家中,以关汉卿的创作数量最多,影响最大.91、《窦娥冤》、《救风尘》、《望江亭》、《拜月亭》是关汉卿的代表作.92、《西厢记》是元代杂剧作家王实甫的代表作,讲述了张生与崔莺莺的爱情故事,表达了作者“愿普天下有情人都成眷属”的美好愿望.93、红娘是《西厢记》中的主要人物,由于她对崔张的结合有很大帮助,后人把她作为“媒人”的代称.94、马致远是元代著名的杂剧作家、散曲家.代表作有杂剧《汉宫秋》和散曲《天净沙·秋思》,他的“枯藤、老树、昏鸦,小桥、流水、人家,古道、西风、瘦马.夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯”被前人称为“秋思之祖”.95、高明的《琵琶记》写赵五娘与蔡伯喈悲欢离合的故事,是元末成就较高影响也较大的南戏作品.96、明代(公元1368 ——1644年)的长篇小说是从宋元话本演化发展而来的,《三国演义》、《水浒》、《西游记》,《金瓶梅》是其中最著名的作品.罗贯中的《三国演义》是章回体的长篇历史小说,描写了东汉末年与整个三国时代刘备、曹操、孙权等各封建统治集团之间复杂的政治、军事、外交斗争.他所描写的诸葛亮、关羽等已成为家喻户晓的历史人物.97、关羽作为《三国演义》中“义”的化身,远传海外,至今仍有许多地方建有“关帝庙”.98、《三国演义》中智慧的化身是诸葛亮.99、施耐庵的《水浒传》是中国第一部表现农民起义的现实主义巨著,塑造了众多个性鲜明的人物形象,特别是鲁智深、林冲、李逵、武松、宋江等更是家喻户晓.100、吴承恩创作的百回长篇小说《西游记》,写了唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧师徒四人不怕艰险、去西方取佛经的故事.101、许仲琳编辑的《封神演义》是一部著名的神魔小说.“姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩”是其中的情节.102、兰陵笑笑生所作的《金瓶梅》是中国第一部文人独创的长篇小说,又是第一部以家庭生活为题材的长篇小说.103、冯梦龙编选的《喻世明言》、《警世通言》、《醒世恒言》三部短篇小说集,简称“三言”.104、凌濛初所编的《初刻拍案惊奇》、《二刻拍案惊奇》,简称“二拍”.105、“三言”和“二拍”,代表了明代短篇小说的最高成就.106、《牡丹亭》是汤显祖的代表作,也是中国戏曲史上浪漫主义的杰作,剧中描写了杜丽娘与柳梦梅生死离合的爱情故事.107、“金玉其外,败絮其中”,是刘基散文《卖柑者言》中的名句.作者通过卖柑者的口,揭露那些表里不一、名不副实的人和现象.108、清代(公元1644——1911年)诗坛人物甚盛.王士提倡神韵,沈德潜提倡格调,袁枚号召性灵,各树旗帜,都有一定影响.109、清代昆曲艺术的代表作品是洪升的《长生殿》,写的是唐明皇与杨贵妃的爱情故事.110、孔尚任的《桃花扇》是以侯方域、李香君的爱情故事为线索,写南明王朝兴亡的一部历史剧.111、蒲松龄所著的文言短篇小说集《聊斋志异》以民间流传的故事为基础,以谈鬼写狐的表现方式,揭露和抨击了封建社会的丑恶,赞美了作者心目中理想的爱情.112、《儒林外史》是清代吴敬梓的长篇小说,这本书对科举制度和封建礼教进行了深刻的讽刺和批判.113、《儒林外史》在结构上没有连贯全书的主要人物和中心事件,但刻画了一系列性格鲜明的人物形象,是中国古典讽刺小说的丰碑,对以后讽刺小说的创作影响很大.114、李伯元的《官场现形记》、吴趼人的《二十年目睹之怪现状》、刘鹗的《老残游记》和曾朴的《孽海花》合称晚清四大谴责小说.115、曹雪芹的长篇小说《红楼梦》,是中国古代小说中最伟大的作品,贾宝玉、林黛玉、王熙凤、薛宝钗是《红楼梦》中最成功的艺术形象.116、《红楼梦》中人们最熟悉的故事是贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗之间的爱情悲剧.117、纪昀,又叫纪晓岚,清代学者、文学家,曾主持纂修《四库全书》.118、《阅微草堂笔记》是清代纪晓岚的文言短篇笔记小说.119、以方苞、姚鼐、刘大魁代表的桐城派是清代著名散文流派,提出“义。
爱情英文带翻译短篇散文(一)An ancient Hebrew1 text says, "Love is as strong as death."一篇古希伯来文说到:"爱和死一样强烈。
It seems that not everyone experiences this kind of strong love. The increasing rates of poverty and crime and the incidence2 of war tell us that the world is in need of true love. But, what exactly is true love?"似乎不是每个人都能体验这种强烈的爱。
但是,真爱究竟是什么?Love is something we all need, but how do we know that we’re experiencing it? True love is best regarded as devotion and action, not emotion. Love is not merely based on how we feel. Certainly our emotions are involved, but they cannot be our only criterion3 for love. True love is that you would lay down your life for him or her when you care enough about another person. When this happens, then love truly is "as strong as death".爱是我们每个人都需要的东西,但是我们如何知道我们正经历着爱呢?真爱最好被看成是奉献和行动,而非情感。
英语爱情短文章加翻译谁能拥有爱情?谁又能完美的诠释爱情?下面是店铺为你整理的关于英语爱情短文章加翻译,希望对你有用!关于英语爱情短文章加翻译1Many couples aged under 30 - largely made up of "only children" born after 1980, - are opting to sever the marriage knot, instead of reconciling their relationshipsLove is a feeling, marriage is a contract, and relationships are work.That is the reality for many young Shanghai couples in ailing marriages, facing the prospect of working hard to get through prickly relationship problems or filing for divorce.And many, it seems, are calling it quits.According to official statistics, many couples aged under 30 - largely made up of "only children" born after 1980, - are opting toseverthe marriage knot, instead of reconciling their relationships.The latest figures show that from January to May this year, 2,100 young Shanghai couples got divorced, 10 percent up on 2006.Last year, an average of 102 couples of all ages got divorced every day.Couples born in the 1980s - and under 30 - are among the most likely to get divorced, with 5,876 Shanghai couples last year saying, 'I don't any more'.Shu Xin, the founder of a divorce services company said people born after 1980 were more inclined to go their separate ways than other age groups, and more of them needed marriage counseling."They are more self-centered compared with previous generations," Shu said."So when they encounter problems in their marriage, many of them will avoid the problem by rushing into a divorce."Zhang Xiong, an associate professor at East China University of Science and Technology, said young couples "imprudently reached the divorce decision", a contributing factor to the increasing year-on-year divorce rate.(AP)爱情是一种感觉,婚姻是一个约定,而夫妻关系则是一门功课。
无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。
Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。
The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。
Every day without you is like a book without pages.爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。
Love is a light that never dims.愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。
May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.人活着总要爱一回。
She who has never loved, has never lived.生命如花,爱情是蜜。
Life is the flower for which love is the honey.两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。
★英⽂写作翻译频道为⼤家整理的Of Love关于爱情的英语作⽂带翻译,供⼤家参考! In the beginning, love is always sweet.As time is slipping away, boredom, be used to, abandonment, loneliness, despair and cold smile will come gradually. Once being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitate ourselves on leaving him/her. During those transient days, we thought we loved him/her deeply.Then, we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfort ourselves. (开始的开始总是甜蜜的。
) It is turned out that those who you thought you could not lose, actually, it is not very hard to forget them. You drained up your tears, there will be another one pleasing you. You had plunged yourself into a depression, finally, you found those who do not love you are not worthy of your sadness. Recalling those unhappy things, is it a comedy? When your wrong love stops its steps, a brand-new world will be shown to you. All sadness will become history. (你以为不可失去的⼈,原来并⾮不可失去。
关于爱情的英文短文带翻译篇1:罗密欧与朱莉叶Veronese story took place in the city, Montague family and Kaibulaite family two doors to a giant family, generations of hatred Jieyuan plot stirred up a new dispute over the fate of the doomed the two enemies gave birth to a pair of unfortunate lovers , Rational and crazy Romeo and Juliet in the beautiful gentle family vendetta in combination. The misery of their tragic Yunmie, reconciliation of their Jiaoe Zunqin. This section of the Sang Sang stubbornly love, and the rift that two parents, one-to-many situation of the children killed, has become today's speech this drama. The conflict is tragic Romeo and Juliet love and hatred between the two families and confrontation故事发生在维洛那名城,蒙太古家族和凯布莱特家族两家门地相当的巨族,他们世代的积仇结怨激起了新争,是命运注定这两家仇敌生下了一双不幸的恋人,理智而又疯狂的罗密欧与美丽温柔的朱丽叶在家族宿怨中结合。
经典英文情书带翻译(通用9篇)经典英文带翻译篇1Everyday, every n I finally meet the right guy and he's not available. I'm in love with you but I can't be with you.But, I've got to tell you, for the first time in months I can finally smile because although you didn't say much the last time you called I knew you still cared.You can keep on denying it, you can keep hiding from it, but trust me you are only lying to yourself. Everyday I ask myself why … why d o I feel this way? Why can't I stop loving you? Then it dawned on me … you put voodoo on me! Just kidding.Before I go I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart, and like I've said many times before, I do not regret anything we've done. The only thing I regret is you telling me you love me because since then you have given me nothing but the cold shoulders.Please don't be scared, I want nothing but your friendship, well … I do want more but I am willing to settle. I am not tr ying to make you feel bad or push you further away. I am just trying to make you understand what's in my heart.每一天,每一刻,我想你。
1.关于爱情的英语作⽂带翻译 Love is an emotion and a state of mind。
Often confused with like。
Love is an overall emotion acquired when you feel you like someone more than just an aquirtance。
Its hard to explain but it is more than just a feeling。
If you think you love a boy or girl and there are simple things you cant answer such as favorite food color etc。
You like them and thats it。
2.关于爱情的英语作⽂带翻译 Love makes the world go around。
It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life。
Love brings us warmth in the fearful coldness love brings us bright when life gets hard and dark。
Love brings us confidence toward life when we are tired out and want to give up。
故事一:The Love Letter(情书)
Alice and Tom had been together for three years, and every day Tom would leave a love note for Alice before he went to work. They were simple notes, but always brought a smile to Alice's face. One day, when Alice woke up, she found a letter on the bedside table. It was from Tom. In the letter, Tom expressed his love for Alice and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Alice was so moved that she started to cry tears of joy. From that day on, they made a promise to write love letters to each other every day.
下面是店铺为大家带来爱情美文中英对译,希望大家喜欢!爱情美文中英对译:爱情The stage is more beholding to love,than the life of man. For as to the stage, love is eyer matter of comedies. and now and then of tragedies, but in life it doth much mischief;sometimes like a siren , sometimes like a fury.舞台上的爱情生活比生活中的爱情要美好得多。
You may observe,that amongest all the great and worthy persond there is not one ,that hath been transported to the mad degree of love which shows that great spirits,and great business,do keep out this weak passion.You must except,neverthless,Marcus Antonius,the half partner of the empire of Rome,and Appius Claudius,the decemvir and lawgiver;where of the former was indeed a voluptuous man,and inordinate;but the lattrt was an austere and wise man:and therefore it seems that love can find entrance,not only into an open heart,but also into a heart weill fortified ,if watch be not well kept.你可以看到,一切真正伟大的人物(无论是古人、今人,只要是其英名永铭于人类记忆中的),没有一个是因爱情而发狂的人,这说明高尚的思想和伟大的事业都与这种软弱的情感是格格不入的。
英语爱情短文带翻译篇1:永恒意味着放手It was two years ago when I first met him. At that time, he was a roamer who had、 just come to this city, single and had no thought of settling down. I still remember that he used to describe himself as a lost child drifting in the world, seeking things to till his heart, he could never stop, for he would lose his way, then die in silence.我第一次遇见他是两年前的事那时,他还是刚刚到这里的游民,单身,不愿安定。
我还记得他曾经把自己说成是漂泊于城市的迷途羔羊,追寻一着能填满心灵的东西,他不能停下来,因为那样他会迷路,然后寂然死去.It was like a crystal, though, our relationship, beautiful. pure but fragile. Sometimes we just like old friends. talking and laughing. But I knew that, there is always a separate yvorld in which only he exists, and he never let other people in.尽管我们的关系如同水.界{般美丽,纯洁却也同样脆弱有时我们就像老朋友一样,谈笑风生但是我知道,他有一个属于自己的独立世界,他从来不让其他人进入。
爱情英文作文并翻译Love is like a rollercoaster, with its ups and downs, twists and turns. It's exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time.Love is a warm hug on a cold day, a gentle touch that can calm the storm inside. It's the feeling of being understood and accepted, just as you are.Love is the spark that ignites a fire within, the passion that drives us to be our best selves. It's the motivation to push through the tough times and celebrate the good ones.Love is a journey, a wild adventure that takes us to places we never imagined. It's about exploring the unknown and taking risks, all for the chance to experience something truly extraordinary.Love is a dance, a beautiful rhythm that connects twosouls in perfect harmony. It's about finding someone who complements you in every way, and together, creating a symphony of love.Love is a mystery, an enigma that we may never fully understand. It's the thrill of unraveling its secrets and discovering new depths with each passing day.Love is a choice, a conscious decision to stand by someone through thick and thin. It's about committing to weather the storms together and emerge stronger on the other side.Love is a language of its own, spoken through actions, gestures, and words. It's about expressing affection and appreciation in ways that resonate with the heart.Love is a gift, a precious treasure that should be cherished and nurtured. It's about giving without expecting anything in return, and finding joy in making someone else happy.Love is a feeling, an emotion that can't be containedor controlled. It's the flutter of butterflies in your stomach, the warmth that spreads through your entire being.爱情就像过山车,有起有伏,有曲折和转折。
如何才能去描述一段爱情呢?下面是小编为你整理的关于爱情短文英语加翻译,希望对你有用!关于爱情短文英语加翻译1Two star-crossed lovers in perfect harmony Just give me achance and you will agree.I was meant for you.And you were meant forme.两个命运多舛的情人如此和谐地在一起,只要给我一线希望,你终将答应。
关于爱情短文英语加翻译2.When I wake up in the morning,You are all I see;When Ithink about you,And how happy you make me.You're everything Iwanted;You're everything I need;I look at you and know;That you are allto me. Barry Fitzpatrick当我在早晨醒来,我看到的只有你;当我想你的时候,你让我快乐无比;你是我想要的一切;你的我需要的一切。
关于爱情短文英语加翻译3You make me feel so happy;Whenever I'm with you.You makeme feel so special--This love is too good to be true. Rosemary AnneNash任何时候和你在一起,你都让我觉得如此开心,给我的感觉如些特别——这份爱如此美好,它真的存在吗?关于爱情短文英语加翻译4Thoughts of you dance through my mind. Knowing, it isjust a matter of time.Wondering... will u ever be mine?You are in mydreams, night... and sometimes... day.The thoughts seem to never fadeaway. Corwin Corey Amber对你的挥之不去,我知道,那只是个时间的问题。
下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇英文爱情小故事带翻译英文爱情小故事带翻译:Lightly of unrequited loveSaid the little boy is a college, he fell in love with a girl.He would have known her. She looks very beautiful, each of the boys are crazy for her, because of this, he must love to wrangle with her, also deliberately with other girls, let her know that he is not interested in her.This semester, he was included in the same team with her, relatively, seize the day he finally can't help falling in love with her.After the fall in love with her, he becomes more and more jealous of the boys around her, he began to become silent, and often deliberately avoid her.He thinks that she will not fall in love with him, she like to be a large group of boys chase, instead of one. In order not to make you pain, he won't tell her, how much he loved her.Little boy sent originally prepared to poetry turned to me, the girl cried out to me again and again not to laugh at him, because he was very poor.Love is good, but it is not written for me, has what good criticism?I have confiscated from boys send love poems, I am poor!Little boy felt pain at the moment, I just want to tell him, the pain, after years burnish, becomes the beautiful memories, let people miss.Who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that spoony are very heavy, heavy, is the world's heaviest, one day,suddenly look back, we found that it's always light, light.We thought love very deep, very deep, but the future will let you know that it is very shallow, very shallow.The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time. 英文爱情小故事带翻译:Tracking a book of unrequited love He is wit in the campus, writes well to even difficult for the teacher. Sometimes there will be broadcast on campus on which the principal solemnly light cough two sound, he ordered his name, said he was sent in which magazine articles, brings honor to the school, I wish to praise. She stood on the balcony slightly upward listen, like listening to his prize, cheeks are rosy, palm hot, nose was also had little attention on the sweat.Tracking the crush of a book she had secretly tracking him. Is he in the library. He stood beside the bookshelf is but a moment, then quickly took a "charm reading of middle school students", then choose a book gain inspiration and moved.It's a pity that he left, the two books also be excuse me. Some empty shelves, like the moment her heart, some less than the loss of soil. She quickly ran to the hall, the library on the computer to find out the press and the editor in chief, came back to return the book, and a whirlwind in a group of students without a lady grace toward the librarian shout: teacher, would help check have any students back this two books.Administrator finally raised his head, looked at her hands, her glance at lightly, didn't see the two are just on new book? A good book is not see old before, will still come back?She wanted to tell the administrator, she will be the two books, he was reading, because it is she would like to read those beautiful words with him, seems to be so, her line of sight, can with him, gently through words together.Finally she decided to come here every day waiting for, until the ninth day, she finally unbearable, secretly fled class, around all over the city bookstore, the book is bought, but the next few days, she is hungry stomach in the morning. But when she endure hunger, while the outlook warmth to touching the words, he also passed through her mind, it is warm and fulfilling.A few days later she saw on the balcony opposite upstairs classroom door open, he held a stack of books, is obviously going to the library, also she excitedly picked up the two books, he also ran down the stairs.She finally cast in front of him, and it is in tandem lined up to return the book. When she will book gently on the table, her line of sight, but fell on his shoes. There is a small piece of dust, she how to bent down, as he gently wipe with his hand. At that moment, he gently asked her: do you also like these two books?She was surprised to looked up, and for the first time he was so close to the eye. She saw his teeth is very white, like shiny Jane bay on the beach. She saw there was a slight scar on his forehead, like a little beast, gently bite teeth marks. And his eyes see come over, is the deep, like a pool does not see the bottom of the lake, just take a look, will be dizzy, almost fell into the water.Did she forget her nod answer his question, she only remember he quickly return the book, he even didn't have a chance to say goodbye, he turned and left quickly.This field has a crush on, he never know, however, she is so persistent and deeply remember. Like remember youth bracelet on the line, the one moving beads made of glass.英文爱情小故事带翻译:Life is ok, time cleanMet him in the summer, her world, cool and refreshing mint and the land. She still remember that morning, he bared teeth, inthe reception of new team carry her heavy luggage: "come on, give it to me."Before she could say thanks, raised his head, was in his warm smile. At that moment, hot summer cicada stopped playing music. She could only hear the white - snow man's hair tip, the broken pieces in the breeze. The gap in him to help her arrange dormitory, quietly took down his chest work the name on the card.Secular ok, dust-free time has yet to start college life, from now on a more gorgeous and colorful with expectation.God seems to know her thoughts, divide into classes, she see him again. But this time, he is her counselor teacher, she is he took the first student.In order to contact with him, she volunteered to sign up as our monitor, long so big, this is the first time to come forward as a class cadre. She doesn't know, the once in high school will shy blush with shame by couldn't answer the teacher's question of girl, now how can so brave and bold.But on a day she spent most of the time he is in his office for help. Freshmen have too much problem to appear.As his right-hand man advise her, let he first shift is only 25 years old, has been the end of September to teach subjects selected one of our instructor.At that time, he thrilled, get big red flowers like kindergarten children with joy.Her heart, also ripples.She likes to see his smile; She likes to see his expression unprepared when the child was in a hurry; She likes to see his praise by the students, the looming shy; She likes to see his brow fold, and see him any can become her inner small universe.But she never say to him. It can be like silently and infatuated with that will be enough. She wants to.Until the phoenix flower open season, on the photograph before graduation, she saw him coming still crack a laugh, just on his left, for more than a slight YuZhuo right hand. That day the sun is not very dazzling, but when she looked up, shed tears. Since then, her splendid youth, a barren.The graduation dinner party, he alone one person. Speaking of people coexist in four years time, many people are crying, she also cry, just the tears stream down, much a not shed and regret. She also hug him, and several female students is not the same, in front of her lips on his skin, just kiss.After a few years, learned from others that the news of his marriage, no children, no inner waves. It turns out that all of the first is a good thing, but with the passage of time, all the youthful era of recognition.Then she listen to a writer named Lilian lee said at the beginning, completely, for the world seldom seen.She was suddenly. At that time just first lost her, just met him. She like four years ago, also just in the crowd that some special man.Life is ok, time clean.She thought she had been in love with him, and now she knows, she love is just a girl of her own time.。
下面是店铺带来的关于爱情的中英对照英语美文,欢迎阅读!关于爱情的中英对照英语美文篇一爱的召唤When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.当爱召唤你时,请追随她,尽管爱的道路艰难险峻。
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to our roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.爱会给你戴上桂冠,也会折磨你。
下面是小编为大家整理的关于简短英文爱情文章双语的相关资料,供您参考!简短英文爱情文章双语篇【1】:礼轻情深A story is told about,a young married couple whose names are Jim and Dclla. They are poor but very much in love with each other.有一对夫妻,丈夫叫吉姆,妻子叫黛拉他们生活窘迫,但是彼此深深相爱.As Christmas approaches, Della wonder what to get Jim for C'hristmas. She would like to give him a watch chain fur his gold watch. but ;he doean't have a enough money. Then she gets an idea.She has beautiful long hair. So Della decide, to cut off her hair and sell it buy the fancy chain for Jim's watch.圣诞节前,黛拉考虑着该给吉姆买什么样的圣诞礼物她想给他的金表配一根表链,可钱不够。
On Christmas Eve she return s home, and in her hand is beautiful bos containing a gold watch chain which she purchased bys elling her hair. Suddenly Della begins to worry. She knows Jim admired her long hair, and she wonders if he will be disappointed that she cut it ott and sold it.平安夜,拿着一个装有金表表链的礼盒,黛拉向家中走去没错,表链正是她用卖掉自己的头发的钱买来的。
下面是店铺带来的英语爱情文章带翻译,欢迎阅读!英语爱情文章带翻译精选What kind of love in your relationship?在你的爱情里有几种爱?I love you. Always have. Always will.我爱你,以前如此,今后亦然。
Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever.如相爱,请深爱,就像能到地老天荒。
It's during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.爱的首要义务是倾听。
A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.温暖的笑容是善意的通用语。
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.爱让你的灵魂不再躲藏。
Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.无论如何,我会爱你如今日,直到永远。
The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.害怕失去之时,就是爱开始之时。
Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing.爱,是一个人填补了你从未察觉的心灵缺失,完善了你的精神世界。
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.爱一个人的时候,他幸福你才会幸福。
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您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来!经典英文爱情文章带翻译短篇篇 1 Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia. I saw a water puddle ahead on the path. I angled my direction to go around it on the part of the path that wasn't covered by water and mud. As I reached the puddle, I was suddenly attacked! Yet I did nothing for the attack was so unpredictable and from a source so totally unexpected. I was startled as well as unhurt, despite having been stmck tour or five times already.I backed up a foot and my attacker stopped attacking me. Instead of attacking more, he hovered in the air on graceful butterfly wings in front of me. Had I been hurt I wouldn't have found it amusing but I was unhurt, it was funny and I was laughing. After all, I wras being attacked by a butterfly!沿着乔治亚州一处树林内的小路走着,看到前面有一水坑。
那是一只长着漂亮的翅膀的蝴蝶,停止对我的攻击后,它就在我前方的空中盘旋舞动着如果我受伤了,就不会觉得其中的可笑之处,可我没有受伤,想到这有趣的经历,我忍不住笑了我居然被一只蝴蝶攻击!Having stopped laughing. I took a step forward. My attacker rushed me again.He rammed me in the chest with his head and body, striking me over and over again with all his might,still to no avail .For a second time. I retreated a step while my attacker relented in his attack. Yet again, 1 tried moving forward. My attacker charged me again. I was rammed in the chest over and over again I wasn't sure what to do, other than ' to retreat a third tune. Atter all. it's just not everyday that one is attacked by a butterfly. This time, though.I stepped back several paces look the situation over. My attacker moved back as well to land on the ground. That's when I discovered why my attacker was charging me only moments earlier. He had a mate and she was dying. She was beside the puddle where he landed.随后,当我往前迈了一步,蝴蝶再次向我冲来,他用头部和身体冲撞着我的胸脯,用尽全身力气发起一次又一次的冲击,只是自费力气我再次往后退步,他随之也减缓了对我的攻击我再进步,他的攻击又重新开始,次又一次地冲撞着我的胸脯)除了第二次往后退,我实在想不出其他的办法毕竞,被蝴蝶攻击可不是一件常发生的事情不过这次我后退了好几步,决定要弄清楚具体情况攻击我的蝴蝶也后退厂,并停在了地面上,那时我才发现他之所以攻击我的原因:他的同伴躺在水坑旁边,已经奄奄一息了.Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed his wings as if to tan her. I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly,in his concern for his mate. He had taken it upon himself to attack me for his mate's sake,eventhough she wasclearly dying and I was so large.He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life,should I have b; en careless enough to step on her. Now I knew why and what he was fighting for.There was really only one option left ibr me. I carefully trade my way around the puddle to the other side of the path, though it was only inches.wide and extrerncly muddy. His courage in attacking something thousands of tin yes larger and heavier than himself just fbr his mate's safety justified it.I couldn't do anything other than reward him by evalking un the more difficult side of the puddle. He had truly earned those moments to be with her. undisturbed.他紧挨在她的旁边,拍打着翅膀,就像是在为她扇风。
而我也只有一个选择,那就是走那虽然只有几英寸宽却很泥泞的水坑,我这么做,只是因为他为了同伴的安全能够鼓起勇气向我这个比他庞大很多的人类发起攻击而我也只能选择从水坑更难走的那边走过去.他用他的勇气赢得了与她在没有任何干扰的情况下,一起度过她生命的最后一刻.I left them in peace for those last few moments, cleaning the mud from my boots when I later reached my car.我让它们在平静中度过了生命的最后一刻清理掉靴子上的泥土后,我上了车.Since then, I've always tried to remember the courage of that butterfly whenever I see huge obstacles facing me. I use that butterfly's courage as an inspiration and to remind myself that good things are worth fighting for.从那以后,每当我遭遇巨大的障碍时,我就会想起那只蝴蝶的勇气它的勇气激励着我,提醒着我:美好的东西值得我们为之奋斗!经典英文爱情文章带翻译短篇篇【2】Every day I anxiously wait for you to gel to class. I and say good morning. Some days, when you arrive only can't wait for us to smile at each other incredibly and listen impatient. Instead of reading the Daily Calendar, seconds before the lecture begins, I'm I anticipate your footsteps from behind for your voice. Today is one of yourlate days. But I don't mind, because after a month of desperately desiring to ask you out, today I am going to一Encourage me, because letting you know like you seems as risky to me as skydiving into the sea.我每天都急切地等着你来上课我迫不及待地想与你相视一笑,互道一声早上好有些天你在上课前最后儿秒才进教室,我着实心烦意乱_我表面在看当天的课程表,内心却盼;望着从后面传来的脚步声,盼望听到你的说话声。
今大你又晚到,可是,我并不介意,因为在经受一个月渴望和你约会的煎熬之后,今天就要付诸行动了,鼓励我吧,为让你知道我喜欢你我需要豁出去,就像高空跳伞到大海里面一样.I know that dating has changed dramatically in the past few years, and for many women asking men out isn't at all daring. But 1 was raised in a traditional European household’where simply the thought of my asking you out spells-naughty. Growing up, I learned that men call, ask and pay for the date. During my 3 years at Berkeley, I have learned othcnvise. Many Berkeley women have brightened their social lives by taking the initiative、with men. My girlfriends insist it's essential for women to participate snore in the dating process. "I can't sit around and wait any more,"my former roommate once blurted out.‘Hard as it is, I have to ask guys oW if I want to date at all!"我知道最近几年,男女约会已经与以前大不样〕对许多女士而言,邀请男人出去根本算不上什么大胆的举动了。