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Chapter 4 Form Word to Text


Syntax is the study of rules governing the ways different constituen ts are combined to form sentence in a language, or the study of the interrelation between elements in sentence structure. It studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences.

Syntactic Relation:句法关系

a. Positional relation (word order) is a manifestation of one aspect of syntagmatic relation, also called horizontal relation or chain relat ion

b. Relation of substitutability refers to classes or sets of word subst itutable for each other grammatically in sentences with the same st ructure. It refers to groups of more than one word which may be joi ntly substitutable grammatically for a single word of a particular set . It called associative relations, vertical relations, choice relations.

c. Relation of cooccurrence共现关系

2.Grammatical construction (construct)

The boy ate the apple.

A: the boy B and C: ate the apple

A: external B and C: internal (immediate constituent)

To dismantle a grammatical construction in this way is called imme diate constituent in this way is called immediate constituent analysi s or IC analysis.

3. Endocentric construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituent. Exocentric construction is a group of syntactically related words w

here none of the words is functionally equivalent to the group as a whole.

4. Coordination is a common syntactic pattern in English and other languages formed by grouping together two or more categories of the same type with the help of a conjunction. (and ,but, or)

Subordination refer to the process or result of linking linguistic unit s so that they have different syntactic status, one being dependent upon the other, and usually a constituent of the other.

5. Syntactic function shows the relationship between a linguistic fo rm and other parts of the linguistic pattern in which it is used. a. Subject refers to one of the nouns in the nominative case. It incl udes grammatical subject and logical subject. Its characteristics in clude word order, pro-

forms, agreement with verb content question, tag question

b. Predicate refers to a major constituent of sentence structure in a binary analysis in which all obligatory constituents other than the subject were considered together.

c. Object include direct object and indirect object

6. Category refers to classes and functions in its narrow sense and refers to the defining properties of these general units. a. Number is a grammatical category used for the analysis of word classes di splaying such contrasts as singular, dual, plural.

b. Gender display such contrasts as masculine, feminine, neuter.

c. Case is used in the analysis of word class to identify the syntacti c relationship between word in a sentence accusative, nominative, detive

d. Agreement (concord)

7. Phrase is a single element of structure containing more than on

e word and lacking the subject-predicate structure typical

of classes. Sentence is the minimum part of languages that expres s a compete thought.

8. Recursiveness: there is no limit to the number of embedding on

e relative classes into another relative classes.

Conjoining refer to the process where one clause s coordinated or conjoined with another.

Embedding refer to the means by which one clause is included in t he sentence in syntactic subordination.

Sentential connection include hypotactic and paratactic. Cohension is a concept to do with discourse or text rather than with syntax, i
