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祈使句 1. 用法:一般以动词原形开头,表示请
求、命令、劝说、警告等。在祈使句 中,通常省略句子主语第二人称you。
2. 句子结构 (1) 肯定句:_动__词__原__形___+ 其他
_E__a_t _in__t_h_e_d_i_n_in_g__h_a_l_l._____________ 在音乐教室里听音乐。
_D__o_n_’t_f_i_g_h_t_w_i_t_h_y_o_u_r__c_la_s_s_m_a_t_e_s_. __ 不要在教室里打篮球。
_D_o_n_’_t_p_la_y__b_a_sk__et_b_a_l_l _in__th_e__cl_a_s_sr_o_o_m__.
(3) 以let引起的句子 _L_e_t_+ sb.+动词原形 让我们步行去上学吧。
4.You can watch TV after dinner. (变成祈使句)
Watch TV after dinner.
5. They can play basketball after school. (变成一般疑问句)
Can they play basketball after school?
A. eat
B. eats C. eating
8. Koala bears sleep __B___.
A. at night B. during the day C. at noon
9. Do you ever play __A___ pandas?
A. with B. to
C. and
10. Foxes can count numbers. So people think
• 加拿大人 Canadian Canadians
• 英国人Englishman Englishmen
• 法国人Frenchman Frenchmen
• 德国人German Germans
• 日本人Japanese Japanese
• 中国人Chinese the Chinese
• 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。
____ basketball well. ( 2011年阳江市中考 题)
A. a, the B. the, / C. an, a D. /, the
根据中文提示完成句子: 1.你通常什么时候洗澡?
_W__h_a_t _t_i_m_e_ do you usually _ta_k__e_ a shower? 2.他通常什么时候去上学? _W__h_e_n_ _d_o_e_s__ he usually _g_o__ t_o___ s_c_h_o_o_l__?
She _g_o_e_s__ __h_o_m_e_ ___a_t_ 5:00 _i_n_ the afternoon. 4.我父母通常早上8点钟去工作。
My parents usually _g_o___ _t_o__ work __a_t_ 8 __in__ the morning. 5.我的小黑狗每天晚上9点睡觉。
write to sb.
write and tell me sth. 请写信告诉我某事
all night
do one’s homework
love to do sth. 喜欢做某事(具体某次)
love doing sth.
get home
take the Number 7 bus 坐17号公共汽车
best wishes
go to bed early
get up early
• 美国人 American
• 澳大利亚人 Australian Australians
__C_a_n__ she__p_la_y_ the guitar? 3.They can play basketball.(变为否定句)
They _c_a_n_’__t ____p_l_abyasketball. 4.He can dance.(否定句)
He__c_a_n_’__t dance. 5.We can speak English.(提问)
1. clean _cl_e_a_n_in_g_ 2. work _w_o_r_k_in_g_ 3. watch w__a_tc_h_i_n_g 4. eat __e_a_ti_n_g__ 5. read _r_e_a_d_in_g_ 6. wait _w__a_it_in_g__ 7. talk _ta_l_k_in_g__ 8. go __g_o_in_g___ 9. play _p_la_y_i_n_g_ 10. study _s_tu_d_y_i_n_g 11. take _t_a_k_in_g__ 12. have _h_a_v_i_n_g_ 13. dance _d_a_n_ci_n_g_ 14. write _w_r_it_in_g__15. come _c_o_m_i_n_g_ 16. make _m__a_k_in_g_ 17. get __ge_t_t_in_g_ 18. run _r_u_n_n_i_n_g_ 19. swim _s_w_i_m_m__in_g_ 20. shop _s_h_o_p_p_in_g_ 21. stop _s_t_op_p__in_g__ 22. sit _s_i_tt_in_g__
6. Mr King has to stay at home. (对划线部分提问)
What does Mr King have to do?
Translation work 翻译
1. 在上学的晚上外出 go out on school nights 2. 练习说英语 practice speaking English 3. 洗碗 do the dishes 4. 铺床 make one’s bed 5. 太多规则 too many rules 6. 晚饭前 before dinner 7. 制定规则 make rules 8. 对某人要求严格 be strict with sb
A. An elephant B. A koala bear C. A giraffe
4. Students ___B___ nine hours a day.
A. sleeps
B. sleep C. are sleep
5. People usually think lions are __C___ scary.
• 1. Can you d_a__n_c_e_ (dance) dance, Jane? • 2. I want _t_o_j_o_in__ (join) the music club. • 3. Let’s _j_o_in__ (join) the English club. • 4. Alice can’t _s_p_e__a_k (speak) Chinese well. • 5. Well. You can join the __s_w_i_m_m__in__g (swim)
they are __C___.
A. scary B. interesting C. clever
Unit 5 I’m watching TV.
1. 定义:表示现在正在进行的动作 。2. 构成:am( is, are) + 动词 的现在分词。
Unit 5 I’m watching TV.
Please ____c_a_l_l__ Bill ____a_t____1234567.
1. Can you play __D___ chess?
A. a B. the
C. an D. /
2. He can play __B__ guitar, but he can’t play
3) 重读闭音节单词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母(前面 元音不能为字母组合),则双写这一字母,再加-ing.
如:get—getting(得到) shop—shopping(购物) run—running(跑) swim—swimming (游泳)
Unit 5 I’m watching TV.
4) 以”ie”结尾,要 变ie为”y”, 再加-ing.
如:die—dying(死) lie—lying(躺)。
4. 常与现在进行时态连用的词: now, listen, look,具体的某一时刻等。 如:What are you doing now? (你在干什么?) I’m reading now. (我现在正在读书。) Listen! She is singing. (听,她正在唱歌。)
_L_i_s_te_n__to__m_u__si_c_i_n__th_e__m_u_s_i_c_r_o_o_m__. __ 骑自行车去上学。
_R__id_e__th__e_b_i_k_e_t_o_s_c_h_o_o_l_. ____________
(2) 否定句: _D_o_n_’_t + _动__词__原__形__+ 其他 不要和同学们打架。
My little black dog _g_o_e_s_ __to__ _b_e_d__ at 9
every night.
对两地间的距离提问下列句型: _H_o_w__fa_r_ + is it _f_ro_m__ 某地 _t_o_ 某地? 从他家到服装店多远? _H_o_w__fa_r_ is it __fr_o_m_ his home _to_ the clothes store? 从北京到上海有多远? _H_o_w__f_a_r is _it_ from Beijing _t_o_ Shanghai?
A. kinds of B. kind C. kind of
6.--Which kind of animals have long legs and neck?
A. Pandas
B. Penguins C. Giraffes
7. Tigers like __C___ meat.
I. 选择填空。
1. __A___ pandas from China?
A. Are
B. Is
C. Do
2.--Why do you like koala bears?
--___C__ they are cute and smart.
A. And
B. For
C. Because
3. ___A___ is the biggest animal on the earth.
L__e_t’_s_w__a_lk__t_o_s_c_h_o_o_l. (4) No + 动词-ing形式。表示“禁止、规劝
” 禁止停车!No Parking. 禁止吸烟!No Smoking.
1.I can sing this song in English. (变成否定句)
I can’t sing this song in English. 2. Eat food in the classroom. (变成否定句) Don’t eat food in the classroom. 3. He has to do his homework at school. (变成否定句) He doesn’t have to do his homework at school.
3. 动词现在分词的构成规律(共4条):
1) 一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加-ing. 如: work—working (工作) do—doing (做) play—playing(玩)
2) 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去掉e,再加-ing. 如:dance—dancing(跳舞) come—coming(来)
• 6. Jane w__a_n_t_s (want) to join a sports club.
1.I can play chess.(变成一般疑问句)
___C_a_n__ you_p__la_y_ chess? 2.She can play the guitar.(变成一般疑问句)
__W__h_a_t _ __c_a_n__ you ___d__o_? 6.I can sing and dace. (改为否定句)
I ____ca_n__’__t _ sing _____o_r____ dance. 7. 你可以参加我们学校的音乐节。
You can ____b_e__ ___i_n__ our school music festival. 8. 请给Bill打电话1234567.
Translation work 翻译
9. 每个周六 every Saturday 10. 把脏的碗碟留在厨房
leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen
11. 喧闹 12. 考虑 13. 遵守规则 14. 祝好运
be noisy think about follow the rules good luck