高级英语 the future of the english中英笔记
the future of english

Detail Study of Paragraph 2
The youth shot the riot police during the scuffle. 这小伙子在混战中射击防爆警察。 3.fanatical adj. 狂热的 My friend,Crawley,has always been a fanatical oppoent of Radical 3.Challengers Forward Progressive 2. Party. Strategy n.fanatic 入迷者;极端分子,狂热信徒 4.reservoir蓄水池,宝库,智库 A library is a reservior of knowledge. History is a reservior od human experience. 2. 5.draw on (make use of )利用 I'll have to ~my savings.
Detail Study of Paragraph 2
1.rally (re+ally ) v. 召集,集合sb/sth;around/behind/to sb or sth The cabinet rallied behind the Prime Minister. 内阁团结一致支持首相。 v. 恢复健康 2. Strategy 术后他根本没有真正恢复 He never really rallied after the operation. n.集会 attend/hold a rally 参加、召集集会
2.scuffle v.n.(a short and not violent fight or struggle)小扭打 2. ,小冲突 在离开所住的旅馆时,她和一些摄影记者发生了冲突。 She scuffled with the photographers as she left her hotel.

张伊婷 5 李璟婷 12 虞沛沛 17 郑婷匀 18 鲍丹莹 25 马文静 35 朱文君 38 陈菥 39
1. Boredom is a menace, now and in the future. boredom: the feeling you have when you are bored 厌倦,厌烦 e.g: the sheer boredom of working in a factory 在工厂里工作的极端乏味 menace : something or someone that is dangerous 危险的事物[人]
booze: Leabharlann rink alcoholic beverages excessively or chronically 酗酒;狂欢
e.g: He boozed till daylight and dozed into the afternoon .
他喝了个通宵,昏沉沉地一直睡到下午。 dramatic: exciting and impressive 激动人心的;引人注目;给人印象深刻的 e.g: They watched dramatic pictures of the police raid on TV. 他们在电视上看到了警察突击搜捕的激动人心的画面。
e.g: That man is a menace to society!
2.All heavily industrialized societies are in the boredom
3. It is also because, after having shattered the slow rhythms, the traditional skills, the closely knit communities
The Future of the English 张汉熙高级英语第二册课件(共37张PPT)

▪ Englishness
1.ailing and impoverished
Admass and Englishness.
▪ The striking contrast between admass and Englishness to show how inevitable the battle is.
▪ Admass
1. Already conquered most of the western world
▪ 5. a poor shadowy show, a faint pencil sketch
▪ The conflict between Admass and Englishness.
▪ What is central to Admass is the production and consumption of goods.
▪ 3) The English are at heart and at root an imaginative people immediately responsive to any suggestion of drama in their lives.
▪ 4) It is instinctive feeling and not rational thought that shapes and colours actual events in England.

完整word版,lesson11TheFutureoftheEnglish习题全解Ⅰ.Priestley: John Boynton Priestley, English novelist, dramatist and critic, was born on 13. Sept. 1894, in Bradford, Yourkshire. He was the son of a schoolmaster and served in the British army during World War 1 . After the end of the war he attended Cambridge, where he studied English literature, modern history, and political science. Already publishing, he was able to finance a good deal of his schooling by selling articles to London and provincial newspapers. In 1922 he went to London," where he soon established himself as a critic, essayist and novelist. During World War Ⅱ, Priestley won a huge listening audience with his trenchant, down-to-earth radio broadcasts. In 1929, The Good Companions, a novel about the joys and sorrows of the members of a repertory company in thenorth of England appeared and was enormously popular in both Great Britain and America. In 1930 Priestley published the almost equally successful Angel Pavement, whose characters worked in a small business firm in London. These were followed by other novels: They Walk in the City (1936), The Doomsday men (1938), Let the People Sing (1939), and Festival at Farbridge (1951). These novels -long, often sentimental, packed with living characters testify to Priestley' s astounding power of observation, to his narrative gifts, and to his craftsmanship. He has maintained the great tradition of the English pi- caresque novel with distinction. Priestley also won recognition with his works that combine autobiographical matter with astute left-of-center social criticism, such as English Journey (1934), Rain upon Gad- shill(1939), Thoughts in the Wilderness (1957), and The English (1973). Priestley began his career as a playwright in 1932 with Dangerous Corner which has subsequently been performed all over the world. Its success encouraged Priestley to organize a company for which he wrote plays of a consistently high dramatic standard. Among them were the comedies Laburnum Grove (1933) and When We Are Married (1938). Priestley also wrote serious "metaphysical" dramas Time and the Conways (1937), I Have Been Here Before (1938), Johnson over Jordan (1939), and An Inspector Calls (1945). Priestley has perhaps identified himself more successfully than any other novelist in the first half of the 20th century with the thoughts and feelings of the ordinary Englishman, a being whose character he outlines with vigor and good humor.Ⅱ.1. Everything that happens in England is directed and influenced by instinctive feeling and not rational thought.2. There are fewer Communists or neo- or potential fascists in England than there are in most other countries. Murderous encounters with the police or bloody street battles do not occur in England. From these facts Priestley concludes there are fewer fanatical believers among the English.3. He is referring to some shop stewards and wealthy employers who have lost their Englishness.4. Priestley puts forward five or six points to show that the English are different:1)It is instinctive feeling and not rational thought that shapes and colours actual events in England.2)The English do not feel at home in the con-temporary world, representing theaccelerated development of our whole age. They are suspicious of largeness, severe efficiency and Admass.3) The English are also deeply suspicious of change for changes’ sake.4)The English can soon feel bored and. that' s why they gamble and booze so much and enjoy any dramatic change in public life.5)The English have a sense of community, decent fellow feeling, fairness.6)The English are at heart and at root an imaginative people immediately responsive to any suggestion of drama in their lives.5. Admass stands for ruthless competitiveness, treating men simply as a producer and consumer and playing upon dissatisfaction, greed and envy, while Englishness stands for the invisible inner world, offering states of mind. The out- come of this battle between Admass andEnglishness will decide the future of the English.6. The future of the English may be shaped by the decision of the now vacillating huge trade unions. It will be shaped by the role they decide to play. They must come down decisively either on the side of Admass or that of Englishness.7. The following people have rejected Admass:1)workers in smallish, well-managed and honest enterprises,2)crusty High Tories who avoid the City and directors' fees,3)men and women in the professional classes. The last group of people are the most important for they are articulate and people are ready to listen to them. If the battle with A& mass can be won, it will probably be these men and women who will help Englishness to win it.8. Priestley divides the English younginto two groups. He is dubious about the noisy types, they lack individuality to stand up to Admass. He has more faith in the quieter young, who may have come under the influence of some mature professional men and women. They- too, might help to swing the battle.9. The sloppy people are easy to get along with, rarely unkind, but they are not dependable; they are inept, shiftless, slovenly, and messy. They lack self-discipline, accepting no responsibility, skimping the work they are supposed to be doing, cheating not only "the bosses", the capitalists, but even their neighbors.10. There is widespread boredom in all heavily industrialized societies not simply because so much of the work they offer is boring. It is also because, after having shattered the slow rhythms, the traditional skills, the closely knit communities of rum societies, they crowdpeople together; excite them by large promises that cannot be kept, so drive them into boredom. When the English are bored they gamble and booze a lot. They enjoy any dramatic change in public life, any news that encourages excited talk. Bored teenagers, who have not been able to use up enough energy during the day turn at night to idiot vandalism. Later, if boredom hardens into frustration, some of them take to crime.11. Other elements apart from boredom have brought about dishonesty and vicious criminality in England, There is trying to get rich by any means; there is the false notion that the world owes you something while you owe it nothing; there is no fear of punishment in life or after death as long as you are not found out; and there is the feeling that life is meaningless and purposeless.12. Priestley considers politics veryimportant. If honest people ignore politics, then some unscrupulous dictator may seize power and exercise his tyranny over the people.Ⅲ.1. Yes, there are. Such as: stuff, shop , cozy, nudge, the City, safe to say, take a whip to, shrug off, along the way ,'etc.2. 1 ) The dominant intention or the controversial topic (thesis) of his argument is stated early in paragraph 1 in one succinct sentence: "The English are different”.2) No. Priestley does not provide sufficient evidence to support his position, nor is his reasoning on some points logically sound. Hence not all his issues or conflicts are resolved. This is a rather informal piece of argument, 'so the writer doesn’t marshal enough evidence to prove his points. In fact he appeals more to theemotions of his English readers than to their reason to drive home his point of view.4. See the answer to 3.5.1)See the answer to 3.2)Yes, there' re some fallacies. For example, in his first issue he states that it is instinctive feeling and not rational thought that shapes and colors actual events in England. To support this point of view, Priestley states there are fewer fascists in England than in many other countries. From this the reader concludes more fascists are to be found in countries where rational thought and not instinctive feeling shapes and colors actual events. But one fails to find the logical connection between rational thought and fascism. Furthermore, one has to accept Priestiey’s statement that there are fewer fascists and fanatical believers in England without any supporting evidence or proof.6. See the answer to 3.The reader is moved by the sincerity and intensity of the feelings of the writer and feels that the writer, perhaps, has the right instinctive feeling of what the English are like. Priestley’s smooth and polished style makes the essay a pleasure to read.7. Students’ choice.Ⅳ.1. The English people may hotly argue and abuse and quarrel with each other but there still exists a lot of natural sympathetic feeling for each other.2. What the wealthy employers would really like to do is to whip all the workers whom they consider to be lazy and troublesome people.3. There are not many snarling shop stewards in the work-shop, nor are there many cruel wealthy employers on the board of managers (or governing board ofa factory).4. The contemporary world demands that everything be done on a big scale and the English do not like or trust bigness.5.At least on the surface, when Englishness is put against the power and success of Admass, Englishness seems to put up a rather poor weak performance.6.Englishness is not against change, but it believes that changing just for changing and for no other useful purpose to be very wrong and harmful.7. T o regard cars and motorways as more important than houses seems to Englishness a public stupidity~8. I must further say that while Englishness can go on fighting, there is a great possibility of Admass winning.9. Englishness draws its strength froma reservoir of strong moral and ethical principles, and soon it may be asking for strength which this reservoir of principles cannot supply.10. These people probably believe, as I do, that the 'Good Life' promised by Admass is false and dishonest in all respects.11.They can be found too though there are not many of them now because these kind of people are dying out---among the curt, bad-tempered, extremely conservative politicians who refuse to accept high posts in big commercial enterprises.12. They are incompetent, lazy and inefficient, careless and untidy.13. He will not even find much satisfaction in his untidy and disordered life where he manages to live as a parasite by sponging on people. This kind of life does not help a person to build up any self-respect.14. These people think of the House of Commons as a place rather far awaywhere some people are always quarreling and arguing over some small matter.15. If a dictator comes to power, these people then will soon learn in the worst way that they were very wrong to ignore politics for they can now suddenly and for no reason be arrested and thrown into prison.Ⅵ.1. reservoir: a supply; especially an extra or reserve supply2. draw on: obtain something from a reserve, store, etc.3. shop steward, a person chosen by his fellow trade unionists in an industrial establishment to speak for them to the management and to watch over their interests4. board of managers; governing board of a factory5. proportion ; relative dimensions6. keep clear of: avoid, refrain from7. overdraft:a)a withdrawal of money from a bank in excess of the amount credited to the drawer;b)the amount with-drawn in excess8. catch: a deception ; surprise ; a hidden qualification ; tricky condition 9.Walk-out: a strike(generally spontaneous and of a short duration) 10.van:the foremost position in a line,movement,field of endeavor,etc.11.count:(1egal term) any of the charges in an indictment,each of which gives a reason and is sufficient for prosecution12.junk:(colloquial) useless—or worthless stuff;trash;rubbish,etc.13.articulate:expressing oneself easily and clearly14.conforming to Madison Avenue:adapting to Admassian life styles asadvocated by Madison Avenue15.ungovernable:unruly;(hair)that is difficult to comb downⅦ.1.instinctive feeling指人生来就具有的感觉。
高英future of english1

Historic Events in 18th-21th Century
• Formation of the United Kingdom The Act of Union of 1800 formally assimilated Ireland within the British political process and from 1 January 1801 created a new state called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, which united the Kingdom of Great Britain with the Kingdom of Ireland to form a single political entity.
Late 20th Century:
• National Health Service on July 5, 1948. It promised to give cradle to grave care for everyone in the country, regardless of income. • Just as after the World War I, there was a short-lived economic boom after the Second World War, followed by an economic downturn in the early 1950s, which became known as the austerity years. • Leisure activities began to be more accessible to more people after the war, people increasingly had money to pursue their personal hobbies

• 3.offers more and more things for more and more money, creates the so-called “Good Life” • 4.operates in the outer visible world • 5.a poster in full colour
China Japan
Chinese Japanese
a Chinese
generic reference
the Japanese
two Chinese the Chinese
a Japanese two Japanese
Germany America England
Exposition and Argument
• 1) Type of literature: part exposition and part persuasion or argument
Background Knowledge
1) About the Author and His Works
3. offers states of mind in place of that rich variety of thins
• 4.belong to the invisible inner world • 5. a poor shadowy show, a faint pencil sketch
• 4) The English have a sense of community, decent fellow feeling, fairness.
• 5) The English are at heart and at root an imaginative people immediately responsive to any suggestion of drama in their live man French-
the future of english 英语的未来

Text Study
In part, of course, its spread has been due to the extraordinary dispersion of the Englishspeaking peoples. They have been the greatest travelers of modern times, and the most adventurous merchants, and the most assiduous colonists.
Unit 4
H. L. Mencken
Group three:qiao jianmei shi yongchao shi xiaolong wang bo
• The position of English among the European languages Para. 1-3 • The part reasons for English spreading rapidly • Advantages in vocabulary, pronunciation and arrangement. Para. 4-7 • Succinctness and simplicity of English • American English is developing fast. • Why could we predict that American English will Para. 8-14 eventually conquer the world
Text Study
• Moreover, they have been, on the whole, poor linguists, and so they have dragged their language with them, and forced it upon the human race.
【良心出品】高英unit 11 The future of the English.部分教案

Teaching PlanTeaching Material: Unit 11“The Future of the English” in An Advanced English Course (Second Edition), Book 2Guiding Principle: Multi-media aids are utilized in the classroom, and reading is integrated with listening, speaking, and writing to develop students’ overall language skills. However, emphasis of this period is placed on reading and writing to enhance students’ understanding of the text and its writing techniques.Teaching Objectives:1.To cultivate students’ basic skills in English language teaching2.To acquire a certain degree of skill in analyzing the structures of “TheFuture of the English”3.To understand the difficult language points in the text “The Future ofthe English”4.To remember some important words and phrasesDifficult & Focal Points:1.Understand some important terms2.Answer some important text questions3. Paraphrasing some sentencesTeaching Procedure:I .Revision (8mins)Guiding students to review what we have learned last time.Q1. What force may play a decisive role in this battle between Admass and Englishness? How?(The future of the English may be shaped by the decision of the now vacillating huge trade unions. It will be shaped by the role they decide to play. They must come down decisively either on the side of Admass or that of Englishness.)Q2.Who are those people who have rejected Admass? What important role can they play?(The following people have rejected Admass: 1) workers in smallish, well-managed and honest enterprises, 2) crusty High Tories who avoid the City and directors’ fees, 3) men and women in the professional classes. The last group of people are the most important for they are articulate and people are ready to listen to them. If the battle with Admass can be won, it will probably be these men and women who will help Englishness to win it.)Q3.What do the future of the English hangs upon?1) The final result of a battle between Admass and Englishness.2) The decision made by English workers together with the people on the management side who will have to put an end to the conflict between Admass and Englishness.3) Men and women who are strong-minded enough to hold the Englishness and reject Admass4) The quieter young, who under the influence of one or two of those professional men and women, far-sighted enough to think what life would be like in the futureII. Detailed Study of the Essay (82mins)i .Content AnalysisInstructing students to understand the content of the text.1. Some important terms:American counterculture: the culture of many people of the 1960 and 1979’s in America manifested by a life style that is opposed to the prevailing cultureMadison Avenue:a street in New York City, the center of the U.S. advertising, so it stands for the American advertising industryHippy California: Hippy or Hippie, any of the young people of the 1960’s who, in their alienation from conventional society, turned variously to mysticism, psychedelic drugs, communal living, and avant-garde arts. California was the center of the Hippie movement.2. Some questionsQ1.what does Priestly think about the young in Enfland?(Priestly divides the English young into two groups. He is dubious about the noisy types, they lack individuality to stand up to Admass. He has more faith in the quieter young, who may have come under the influence of some mature professional men and women. They also might help to swing the battle.)Q2. Why was the writer dubious about the noisy English young?(Lack the individuality /Englishness to reject Admass)Q3. What kind of young might help to swing the battle?(The quieter young English who…. , who….)Q4. According to Paragraph 11, what kind of characteristics do the sloppy English people have and what kind of English people cannot be called the sloppy people?(Easy to get along with, rarely unkind but not dependable; inept, shiftless, slovenly and messy);(Old-age pensioners and people overworked and underpaid and having some integrity, some individual judgment and real values)Q5.What grim circumstances did the fathers or grand fathers of the sloppy English suffer?(Facing starvation if they don’t work properly or go on strike; told to clear out if they aren’t properly respectful and start answering back; finding themselves the victims of too many hard facts)Q6.why is there widespread boredom in heavily in dustrialized societiest? How does boredom affect the English?(There is widespread boredom in all heavily industrialized society not simply because so much of the work they offer is boring. It is also because, after having got rid of theslow rhythms, the traditional skills, the closely connected communitics of rural societies, they crowd people together, excite them by large promises that cannot be kept, so drive them into boredom.When the English are bored they gamble and hit the bottle/drink a lot. They enjoy any dramatic change in public life, any news that encourages excited talk. Bored teenagers, who have not been able to exhaust enough energe during the day time at night to idiot vandalism. Later, if boredom turns into frustration, some of them, take to crime.)3. Paraphrase1. Too many of them ………to join.A large amount of them are lack of the Englishness/the individuality to reject Admass and that will lead them to a much larger group.2. They, too, might help to swing the battle.The quieter young might contribute to reject the Admass and keep Englishness.3. They are inept ……. messy.They are incompetent, lazy, careless and untidy.4.And this……in a civilized society.And this, from my perspective of view, is what should exist in a civilized society.5.he will just be slopping . . . to be doing:He will just be loafing around doing nothing, accepting no responsible tasks or doing the work he is supposed to do poorly or carelessly.6.He will not even find . . . self-respect:He will not even find much satisfaction in his untidy disordered life where he manages to live as a parasite by sponging on people. This kind of life does not help a person to build up any self-respect.Scrounge: to get by cadging; to sponge on people for something; to beg or get by begging7.they have fallen . . . stools:metaphor, fail to be either of two satisfactory alternatives.They do not have the old harsh discipline nor do they have the new self discipline. 8.All heavily industialized . . . business:All heavily industrialized societies create boredom.9.Now the English . . . feel bored:Another point in Priestley’s argument. This explains why the English gamble and drink so much and drastic changes in public life.10.the urban English . . . people:The English people living in cities always seemed to me to be inclined to give falsely heightened emphasis to ordinary events, conversations, etc.11.turn at night to idiot vandalism:Teenagers who have a lot of surplus energy go around at night senselessly destroying public and private property.ConclusionReviewing the whole class and figuring out the difficult and focal points. Requring students to revise the new words and expressions and preview the next part.。
11The Future of the English(张汉熙高级英语2)

two counts of forgery and one of fraud
These people probably believe, as I do, that the “Good Life” promised by Admass is false and dishonest in all respects.
inheritance qualities that go together with Englishness and which have been handed down generation after generation The contemporary world demands that everything be done on a big scale and the English do not like or trust bigness. What’s the difference between rational and
They can be found too—though there are not many of them now because these kind of people are dying out—among the curt, bad-tempered, extremely conservative politicians who refuse to accept high posts in big commercople may hotly argue and abuse and quarrel with each other but there still exists a lot of natural sympathetic feeling for each other
高级英语第二册Lesson11The Future of the English

J . B. Priestley
1 ) Improving students’ ability to read between lines and understand the text properly; 2) Cultivating students’ ability to make a creative reading; 3) Enhancing students’ ability to appreciate the text from different perspectives
Background Knowledge
1) About the Author and His Works 1) A brief introduction to the author, Priestley: /Jpriestley.ht m
2) The Future of the English rests upon the decision made by English workers together with the people on the management side who will have to put an end to the conflict between Admass and Englishness.
Englishness: With its relation to the unconscious Dependence upon instinct and intuition Adherence to the past and deep long roots Not hostile to change and deeply suspicious of change for change’s sake Rejecting being committed to some inevitable mechanical progress
The Future of the English背诵翻译部分

Some battles have been won or lost because the commander of a large force, arriving late, decided almost at the last moment to change sides. I feel that a powerful section of English workers, together with their union bosses, is in the same situation as that commander just before he could make up his mind. These men believe that if there is a “Good Life”going, then it’s high time they had their s hare of it. But some remaining Englishness in them whispers that there may be a catch in it. Where’s this “Good Life”in sweating your guts out, just because the managers are on the productivity-per-man-hour caper? It’s all a racket anyhow. If we don’t work like the old man used to do, we’re not turning out the honest stuff the old man was expected to turn out. It’s the profit now, not the product. Half the time, we cheat the foremen, the foremen cheat the management, the management cheats the customers. Okay, we want shorter hours, more holidays, bigger pay packets—then the “Good Life” of the adverts for us. Or are we kidding ourselves?一支迟到战场的大部队的指挥官在差不多最后一刻决定倒戈,从而决定了某些战役的胜败。

高级英语笔记整理Part I 词汇第一册第一课中东的集市1)and of would-be purchasers : intended to be,likely ,possible 2010 2) and the buyers…follow suit: do the same as someone elase has done 3) shopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods …collect in the same area : gather2010 4)bargaing is the order of the day : the prevailing state of things; the commanding thing to do 头等大事2012 5)in each shop sit the apprentices…hammering away at copper vessels: hammering continously 2010 6)the live coals glowing bright and then dimming: glowing or burning 7) it is a vast ,sombre cavern of a room : 8) a trickle of oil ozzes own…into a used petrolcan: no longer new; second hand第二课广岛—日本最有活力的城市1) because I had a lump in my throat: feeling of pressure in one’s throat, caused by repressed emotionbecause of strong emotion2) to have the same preoccupations: 占据思想;全神贯注;心里总想着的事物 3) to rub shoulders with :meet and mix with (people) 与...有来往;和。
The Future of the English背诵翻译部分

Some battles have been won or lost because the commander of a large force, arriving late, decided almost at the last moment to change sides. I feel that a powerful section of English workers, together with their union bosses, is in the same situation as that commander just before he could make up his mind. These men believe that if there is a “Good Life”going, then it’s high time they had their s hare of it. But some remaining Englishness in them whispers that there may be a catch in it. Where’s this “Good Life”in sweating your guts out, just because the managers are on the productivity-per-man-hour caper? It’s all a racket anyhow. If we don’t work like the old man used to do, we’re not turning out the honest stuff the old man was expected to turn out. It’s the profit now, not the product. Half the time, we cheat the foremen, the foremen cheat the management, the management cheats the customers. Okay, we want shorter hours, more holidays, bigger pay packets—then the “Good Life” of the adverts for us. Or are we kidding ourselves?一支迟到战场的大部队的指挥官在差不多最后一刻决定倒戈,从而决定了某些战役的胜败。
Exposition and Argument
▪ 1) Type of literature: part exposition and part persuasion or argument
▪ /santab/jeff/sbargue_in dex.html
▪ Detailed Study of the Essay
Pre-class work:
▪ 1. What do you think the author is going to focus on: the future of the English as an international language, the future of the English as a nation or the future of the English people?
Background Knowledge
1) About the Author and His Works ▪ 1) A brief introduction to the author,
Priestley: wwቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ/Jpriestley.ht m
▪ 3) Enhancing students’ ability to appreciate the text from different perspectives
▪ 4) Helping students to understand some difficult words and expressions;
▪ http://homepages.iol.ie/~laoistec/LENGLIS H/lpers.html
▪ Difference between exposition and argument
4) Helping students to understand some difficult words and expressions; 5) Helping students to understanding rhetorical devices; 6) Encouraging students to voice their own viewpoint fluently and accurately.
3.offers more and more things for more and more money, creates the so-called “Good Life” 4.operates in the outer visible world 5.a poster in full colour
Detailed Study of the Essay
Pre-class work:
1. What do you think the author is going to focus on: the future of the English as an international language, the future of the English as a nation or the future of the English people? 2. You are supposed to figure out the type of the essay from the title. It’s an imaginary fiction forecasting the future of the English or not? 3. What do you think the future of your own country and people would be like?
高英future of english1

• About J.B.Priestley • English society in 20th century • Historic events in 18th-21th century • The Custom of the English
By: Jason & Apple
Personal Life
• Priestley was one of the interviewees for the documentary series The World at War (1973), in the episode "Alone: May 1940–May 1941". • He was a founding member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in 1958. He declined lesser honours before accepting the Order of Merit in 1977. • He had a deep love of classical music, and in 1941 he played an important part in organising and supporting a fund-raising campaign on behalf of the London Philharmonic Orchestra Priestley had three marriages,had a son and four daughters.
Part of Works
Novels: • The Good Companions • Angel Pavement (1930), • Bright Day (1946) • The Image Men (1969). Works of history: • The Edwardians (1970) • Victoria's Heyday (1972). Mystery stories, social criticism: • English Journey (1934), •Rain upon Gadshill (1939), •Thoughts in the Wilderness • The Happy Dream (1976). Plays: •Time and the Conways (1937) •Dangerous Corner (1932). •An Inspector Calls (1945), •The Glass Cage (1957)
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第二册lesson 11 The Future of The English英国人的未来J . B. Priestley JB普里斯特利1 【To write about the English in standard and cosmopolitan political terms, the usual Left-Centre-Right stuff, is almost always wasting time and trouble. The English are different. The English are even more different than they think they are, though not more different than they feel they are. And what they feel — Englishness again - is more important than what they think. It is instinctive feeling and not rational thought that shapes and colours actual events in England. 背诵】若想用世界上流行的标准政治术语,即左、中、右三派这种毫无意义的陈腔老调来描述英国人的话,那多半是白费时间,徒耗精力。
cosmopolitan (adj.) : common to or representative of all or many parts of the world;not national or local世界性的;不限于国家或地区范围的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 For example, although the English seem to be so sharply divided, always indulging in plenty of loud political abuse, there are nothing like so many Communists or neo- or potential Fascists in England as there are in most other countries. Again, although the English seem to have more than their share of rallies, protest marches, confrontations with authority, what could begin to look like a murderous encounter in France or America, or might be a bloody street battle in Japan, would in England end at the worst in a few scuffle s and arrests. This is because there are fewer fanatical believers among the English, and at the same time, below the noisy arguments, the abuse and the quarrels, there is a reservoir of instinctive fellow-feeling, not yet exhausted though it may not befilling up. Not everybody can draw on that reservoir. No doubt there are in England some snarl ing shop steward s who demand freedom for the workers when what they really want is to bring the whole system crashing down, together with every guarantee of liberty. No doubt there are wealthy employers who smile at the TV cameras and declare that all they desire is the friendliest relation with their work force, when at heart they would like to take a whip to the whole idle troublesome mob of them. But there are not many of these men, either on the board or the shop floor, and they are certainly not typical English. Some cancer in their character has eaten away their Englishness.举例来说,尽管英国人表面上似乎存在着严重的意见分歧,彼此之间进行政治上的攻击谩骂也是常有的事,但英国却不像许多其他国家一样有那么多的共产主义者以及新的或潜在的法西斯主义分子。
rally (n.) : a gathering of people for a common purpose;mass meeting(群众性)集会----------------------------------------------------------------------------------scuffle (n.) : a rough,confused fight;close,haphazard struggle扭打;混战----------------------------------------------------------------------------------fanatical (adj.) : unreasonably enthusiastic;overly zealous狂热的,过分热衷的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------snarl (v.) : speak harshly and sharply,as in anger,impatience,etc.怒吼,咆哮----------------------------------------------------------------------------------shop steward : a person chosen by his fellow trade unionists in an industrial establishment to speak for them to the management and to watch over their interest(资本主义国家中工人选的)工人代表 a union member elected to represent coworkers in dealings with management工会管事,工人代表----------------------------------------------------------------------------------draw on : take or USe as a source利用,凭,靠例:If newspapermen cannot get facts for their stories,they some-times draws ont11eir imaginations.如果记者们采访不到事实真相来写报道,他们有时就凭想像力去编造。
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 The real English, who are ‘different’, who have inherited Englishness and have not yet thrown away their inheritance, cannot feel at home in the contemporary world, representing the accelerate d development of our whole age. It demands bigness, and they are suspicious of bigness. (And there is now not only Industrial bigness; there is also Scientific bigness, needing more and more to discover less and less.) Clearly everything cannot be done by smallish and reasonably human enterprises. No cosy shipyard can undertake to build a 150,000-ton ship, though we may not be in our right minds if we want such a ship. But it is safe to say that while Englishness may reluctantly accept bigness, its monsters are never heartily welcomed. They look all right in America, itself so large, but seem altogether out of scale in England. Along with the demand for bigness goes a demand for severe efficiency, often quite rational but not reasonable, therefore alien to Englishness. A further necessary demand, to feed the monster with higher and higher figures and larger and larger profits, is for enormous advertising campaigns and brigades of razor-keen salesmen. Finally, from the monster and all its spokesmen comes a message, endlessly repeated. It runs more or less as follows: ‘Yo u ought to be happy. But you are not happy. You can be happy, though, if you buy what we are making for you.’ And a postscript might be added from Iago: ‘Put money in thy purse.’那些“与众不同的”真正地道的英国人,由于继承了英国人的特性而又尚未抛弃这一祖传特性,因而对于这个代表了整个时代日新月异的发展形势的现代世界感到不很习惯。