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托福写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to spend time alone.(减压的办法是独处?)


Regardless of age, individuals from all walks of life各行各业require ample amounts of time for relaxation. Whether or not it is due to other people, schooling, work, or even the living environment, the underlying cause would always seem to be the reduction, if not total elimination 完全消除, of stress. Who doesn’t want to sit by the beach and sip an ice cold glass of juice while not being bothered by the heavy workload you left at the office? However, for today, that will not be our main concern. Instead, we would focus on which is the ideal way of relaxation—alone or with another person or group?

Certain people某些人prefer lying in their beds all day with their headphones on while being whisked away去to their personal fantasy lands. There are even those who would spend time alone in the mountains just to meditate冥想. Others, however, like it the other way around. They would rather go to a lunch date or even to night parties with their family or friends. Now I am not saying that either one is the right way of doing it or the other one is obviously wrong. Relaxation is more of a personal preference. Even if your officemat/coworkers took you to a KTV bar since it’s her way of being relaxed, if that’s not your cup of tea如果你不喜欢的话, then most likely you’ll never have a good time. With this being said, I prefer spending time alone in order to relieve myself of stress, even if it’s just for that fleeting moment. Let’s have a deeper look as to why I said that.

For one, as mentioned above, stress is mostly caused by external factors. Yes, factors that involve other people mostly. If I wanted to relax, I’d rather spend it in the comfort of my own room or maybe while having a quick walk around our local park. Psychologically speaking, the presence of stimuli (other people themselves and their actions toward you) can either agitate or remind you of the stress you are trying to drive away. Here’s a very simple example. Suppose, I am a student who is currently stressed by the never-ending barrage of lessons and homework一堆永远做不完的作业听不完的课. I’ve just had enough of these already that I decided to go to a local resort to unwind. Then along came my classmates. They also want to go with me there. I might enjoy their company and the venue, but I’m pretty sure, any moment someone will want to start a conversation about our professors, homework, and lessons. Now, how will I be able to relax then? If I went alone, spent time with just the water, trees, and blue sky, I believe the outcome would be very different.

On a social perspective, this approach would be taken as a form of anti-social behavior. Those who favor the other side of the coin would often claim that real enjoyment and in particular, relaxation, can only be achieved via the presence of other people. Now this certainly holds water. However, my counter-argument is the fact that not all people are comfortable spending time with
