



码头装卸业务常用英语语句码头装卸业务常用英语语句1. Could you please provide me with the details of the cargo you need to load/unload?请您提供一下需要装卸的货物的详细信息吗?2. What is the weight and volume of the cargo?这批货物的重量和体积分别是多少?3. Is the cargo hazardous or non-hazardous?这批货物是危险货物还是非危险货物?4. Do you have any specific requirements for theloading/unloading process?您对装卸过程有没有任何特殊要求?5. When is the estimated arrival/departure time of the vessel?预计船只的到港/离港时间是什么时候?6. We need to inspect the cargo before loading/unloading to ensure its quality and condition.我们需要在装卸前对货物进行检查,确保其质量和状态。

7. Please inform me in advance if there are any additional charges for the loading/unloading services.如果在装卸过程中有其他额外费用,请提前告知我。

8. We provide various types of lifting equipment to handledifferent sizes and weights of cargo.我们提供各种类型的起重设备,可处理不同大小和重量的货物。

9. The loading/unloading operations will be carried out accordingto standard safety procedures.装卸操作将按照标准的安全程序进行。



码头靠泊装卸常用英语口语1. Port control, Port control, This is MV “Shanghai” calling, Over.港调,港调,SHANGHAI轮呼叫,听到请回答。

2. MV Shanghai, This is Shanghai Port control. Go ahead please. Over.SHANGHAI 轮,这是港调,请继续。

3. Shanghai Port control, This is MV Shanghai. I want to know the berthing schedule of our ship. Over.上海港调,这是SHANGHAI 轮。


4. MV Shanghai, your berthing schedule is as follow: the pilot will board your ship at 16:00 today and your ship will proceed to the berth directly. Please get the engine ready accordingly. Over.SHANGHAI 轮,你的靠泊计划是:引航员将于16:00登你轮直接开往泊位,请备好主机。

5. Thank you very much. We will wait the pilot. Over.非常感谢,我们会等着引航员。

6. Pilot station, Pilot station. This is MV Shanghai calling. Over引航站,这是SHANGHAI 轮呼叫。

7. MV Shanghai, this is pilot station. Over.SHANGHAI 轮,这是引航站。

8. Pilot station, this is MV Shanghai. When will the pilot board our ship? Over.引航站,这是SHANGHAI轮,引航员何时上我船?9. The pilot will board your ship at 16:00. Please proceed to the pilot station. Over.引航员将于16:00上你船,请直接开往引航站。



油品码头作业英语一、calling and answer呼叫与应答Contact with the ship业务员与船方呼叫联系1.M/T Pacific Spirit. This is loading master calling, over.译文:“太平精神”轮,业务员呼叫。

2. Loading Master. This is M/T Pacific Spirit. Please go ahead/come in!译文:“太平精神”轮收到,业务员请讲!3.Your signal is very poor. There is too much noise to hear your voice at all, Please repeat/pardon.译文:你的高频信号非常差,太多噪音以至于根本听不到你的声音。


Contact with the pilot船方与引航员联系1.Hai Nan pilot. M/T Pacific Spirit calling .Do you read me?译文:海南引航员。


听到了吗?2.Yes! This is Hai Nan pilot. The pilot will come on board at 08:00 clock. Please stand by main engine and ready starboard side gangway.译文:是的!引航员将在8点登船。


Contact with the agent船方与代理联系1.Agent! M/T Pacific Spirit calling. Please answer, over.译文:代理! “太平精神”轮呼叫。


2.Yes, come in please!译文:收到,请讲!二、The tanker arrive at the anchorage油轮到达锚地1. Where shall we drop the anchor?译文:我们在什么地方下锚?3.Our anchorage’s position is longitude 118°37′12〞E、(118degree 37minute 12second)latitude 38°24′23〞N.译文:我们的锚位是东经118度37分12秒、北纬38度24分23秒。



1.H e a v e t h e h e a d/s t e r n l i n e.绞头缆/尾缆。

2 绞紧横缆和倒缆。

3.Stop heaving the head/stern line and the spring. 停绞头/尾缆和倒缆。

4.Hold the head/stern line and the spring. 拉头/尾缆和倒缆。

5.Make fast the head/stern line and the spring. 挽牢头/尾缆和倒缆。

6. 自左舷松下一根引缆给带缆船。

7.Lower one slip wire to the mooring boat from starboard side. 自右舷松下一根回头缆给带缆船。

8.Walk out the port anchor chain on the water surface. 松出左锚锚链到水面。

9.Unshackle the port anchor from the chain before three o'clock afternoon. 下午3点以前把左锚从锚链上卸下来。

10.Heave the port/starboard head/stern line. 绞直左/右舷头尾/缆。

11.Give a good rope to the tug boat from starboard/port side. 从右/左舷卸下一个质量好的缆绳给拖船。

12.You must make the tug line fast on the bitts. 你必须要把拖缆牢固地挽在缆桩上。

13.Slack away the head/stern/ tug line. 松出头/尾/拖缆。

14.Let go the head/ stern/tug line. 解头/尾/拖缆。

15.Let go the spring /the breast line. 解到/横缆。



一、礼仪用语、介绍及询问等1.早上好!Good morning.2.下午好!Good afternoon.3.晚上好!Good evening.4.晚安!Good night.5.请坐Sit down,please.6.谢谢Thank you.7.别客气You are welcome.8.明天见See you tomorrow.9.下个航次见See you next time.10.再见!Good bye.11.你好,你是大副(水手长)吗?Hello, are you Chief officer (Bosun)?12.你好,我是负责的单船调度员。

Hello, I am the foreman in charge.13.这位是理货长。

This is Chief Tally.14.今天谁值班?Who is on duty today?15.水手长(值班副)在哪儿?Where is Bosun (Duty Officer)?16.你好,理货房在哪儿?Hi, where is the tallyroom?17.你值班吗?Are you on duty?18.是的,什么事?Yes, what’s the matter?19.你是调度吗?Are you Foreman?20.是的,你有什么事儿吗?Yes, what can I do for you ?21.我想见大副,在哪能找到他?I want to see Chief Officer, where can I find him?22.大副在船上吗?Is Chief Officer on board?二、上船作业前后的辅助工作1.船梯太高The gangway is too high2.请落船梯Please lower the gangway3.船离帮了The ship is far off the wharf4.请紧缆绳Tighten the line, please.5.请紧前(后)缆Please tighten the fore (back) line.6.请向前(向后)绞船Please heave forward (backward)7.请向前(向后)绞十米Please heave ten meters forward (backward)8.我们的工人要上船了Our stevedores are going to get on board9.请在船梯口系好安全网。






一、港口码头基本词汇英文中文例句harbour港口,港湾The harbour is busy with ships coming and going. 港口里船来船往,非常繁忙。

port港口,港市Shanghai is the largest port in China. 上海是中国最大的港口。

wharf码头,堤岸The goods were loaded onto the ship at the wharf. 货物在码头上装上了船。

pier码头,栈桥We walked along the pier and watched the sunset. 我们沿着码头散步,欣赏日落。

seaport海港,海滨城市Hong Kong is a famous seaport and tourist destination. 香港是一个著名的海港和旅游胜地。

terminal 终点站,码头,航站楼The bus terminal is near the railway station. 汽车终点站在火车站附近。

berth泊位,卧铺The ship was allocated a berth at the dock. 船只被分配了一个码头泊位。

quay码头,突堤There were many fishing boats moored at the quay. 码头上停泊着许多渔船。

dock码头,船坞,进港The ship docked at Southampton yesterday. 船只昨天在南安普敦进港了。

jetty突堤,防波堤The children were playing on the jetty. 孩子们在突堤上玩耍。



准备作业过程:——欢迎来到,我是码头调度,代表港方负责指导装船作业,希望得到你们的支持与配合,谢谢!Welcome you to . I’m foreman, we are in charge of loading cargo. We hope we can obtain your support and cooperation. Thank you.——请问值班驾驶员是谁?Excuse me ,who is on duty, please?——大副。

Chief officer.——请问船上办公室在哪里?Excuse me, where is the ship’s office?——请找一下大副?Excuse me, where is chief officer?——大副,我是码头调度,我需要船舶配载图和装船顺序。

Chief officer, I’m foreman. I need stowage plan and the loading sequence.——大副,我接到通知,货物需要分三轮装货,第一轮5000吨,第二轮6000吨,第三轮5000吨,不包括用调水尺的货物。

Chief officer, We are informed that the cargo will be shipped by three times. The first is 5000MT, the second is 6000MT, and the third is 5000MT, not including the cargo for trimming.——请问完货吃水是多少?What’s the departure (sailing) draft?——前吃水、中吃水、尾吃水The foredraft is x m, the middraft is x m, the afterdraft is x m.——请问压舱水排放多长时间?How long will you need for deballasting ?——大约5小时30分。



卸船常用英语1.Heave the head/stern line. 绞头缆/尾缆。

2 绞紧横缆和倒缆。

3.Stop heaving the head/stern line and the spring. 停绞头/尾缆和倒缆。

4.Hold the head/stern line and the spring. 拉头/尾缆和倒缆。

5.Make fast the head/stern line and the spring. 挽牢头/尾缆和倒缆。

6. 自左舷松下一根引缆给带缆船。

7.Lower one slip wire to the mooring boat from starboard side. 自右舷松下一根回头缆给带缆船。

8.Walk out the port anchor chain on the water surface. 松出左锚锚链到水面。

9.Unshackle the port anchor from the chain before three o'clock afternoon. 下午3点以前把左锚从锚链上卸下来。

10.Heave the port/starboard head/stern line. 绞直左/右舷头尾/缆。

11.Give a good rope to the tug boat from starboard/port side. 从右/左舷卸下一个质量好的缆绳给拖船。

12.You must make the tug line fast on the bitts.你必须要把拖缆牢固地挽在缆桩上。

13.Slack away the head/stern/ tug line. 松出头/尾/拖缆。

14.Let go the head/ stern/tug line. 解头/尾/拖缆。

15.Let go the spring /the breast line. 解到/横缆。



码头靠泊装卸常用英语口语1. Port control, Port control, This is MV “Shanghai” calling, Over.港调,港调,SHANGHAI轮呼叫,听到请回答。

2. MV Shanghai, This is Shanghai Port control. Go ahead please. Over.SHANGHAI 轮,这是港调,请继续。

3. Shanghai Port control, This is MV Shanghai. I want to know the berthing schedule of our ship. Over.上海港调,这是SHANGHAI 轮。


4. MV Shanghai, your berthing schedule is as follow: the pilot will board your ship at 16:00 today and your ship will proceed to the berth directly. Please get the engine ready accordingly. Over.SHANGHAI 轮,你的靠泊计划是:引航员将于16:00登你轮直接开往泊位,请备好主机。

5. Thank you very much. We will wait the pilot. Over.非常感谢,我们会等着引航员。

6. Pilot station, Pilot station. This is MV Shanghai calling. Over引航站,这是SHANGHAI 轮呼叫。

7. MV Shanghai, this is pilot station. Over.SHANGHAI 轮,这是引航站。

8. Pilot station, this is MV Shanghai. When will the pilot board our ship? Over.引航站,这是SHANGHAI轮,引航员何时上我船?9. The pilot will board your ship at 16:00. Please proceed to the pilot station. Over.引航员将于16:00上你船,请直接开往引航站。



港口业务常用英语集装箱码头业务常用英语码头工作常用英语1. Port: 港口2. Berth: 泊位3. Wharf: 码头4. Pier: 码头5. Terminal: 码头货运站6. Container Terminal: 集装箱码头7. Harbor: 港湾8. Port Authority: 港务局9. Port Operator: 港口经营者10. Port Infrastructure: 港口基础设施11. Customs: 海关12. Port Facilities: 港口设施13. Harbor Master: 港口主任14. Port Security: 港口安全15. Port Administration: 港口管理1. Container: 集装箱2. Container Yard: 集装箱堆场3. Container Terminal Operator: 集装箱码头经营者4. Container Stacking: 集装箱堆放5. Container Handling: 集装箱操作6. Container Shipping: 集装箱运输7. Container Crane: 集装箱起重机8. Container Truck: 集装箱卡车9. Reefer Container: 冷藏集装箱10. Empty Container: 空集装箱11. Laden Container: 重箱集装箱12. Container Lashing: 集装箱扎带13. Container Inspection: 集装箱检验14. Container Vessel: 集装箱船15. Container Freight Station: 集装箱货运站1. Port Worker: 码头工人2. Stevedore: 装卸工3. Dockworker: 码头工人4. Longshoreman: 码头工人5. Cargo Handling: 货物装卸6. Dock Operation: 码头操作7. Cargo Inspection: 货物检验8. Crane Operator: 起重机操作员9. Forklift Operator: 叉车司机10. Tally Clerk: 港口理货员11. Port Supervisor: 码头主管12. Cargo Documentation: 货物文件13. Warehouse Management: 仓库管理14. Port Labor Union: 码头工会15. Dock Safety: 码头安全以上是港口业务、集装箱码头业务以及码头工作常用英语的一些词汇和短语。


Fore and aft. Get ready to alongside. Port side alongside. 3 head line 2 spring line first. 船首和船尾,做好靠泊准备。左舷靠,先带好三根头缆,二根倒 缆。
Fore and aft. Take in the tug’s line to starboard bow and starboard quarter. 船首和船尾,在右舷船首和船尾带拖缆。
What is your maximum draft after loading? 装货之后,你的最大吃水是多少?
Chief , how about the pressure and loading rate you can accept? 大副,你能接受的压力和装货速度是怎么样?
Please start loading in lower rate and pressure. 请以低速低压开始装货。
Oh, yes. Let me see the Harbour speed, LOA. 哦,对的。让我看看港速度、船舶全长。
Captain, what is the ship’s draft now? 船长,船舶现在的吃水是多少?
8.4m forward, 9.0m after. 前吃水8.4m,后吃水9.0m。
Ship Shore Interface English
Training 船岸界面英语培训
Vopak Terminal Zhangjiagang
Jul 2nd, 2010
Port control, Port control, This is MV “Shanghai” calling, Over. 港调,港调,SHANGHAI轮呼叫,听到请回答。



码头装卸业务英语常用语句一、礼仪用语、介绍及询问等1.早上好!Good morning.2.下午好!Good afternoon.3.晚上好!Good evening.4.晚安!Good night.5.请坐Sit down,please.6.谢谢Thank you.7.别客气You are welcome.8.明天见See you tomorrow.9.下个航次见See you next time.10.再见!Good bye.11.你好,你是大副(水手长)吗?Hello, are you Chief officer (Bosun)? 12.你好,我是负责的单船调度员。

Hello, I am the foreman in charge.13.这位是理货长。

This is Chief Tally.14.今天谁值班?Who is on duty today?15.水手长(值班副)在哪儿?Where is Bosun (Duty Officer)?16.你好,理货房在哪儿?Hi, where is the tallyroom?17.你值班吗?Are you on duty?18.是的,什么事?Yes, what’s the matter?19.你是调度吗?Are you Foreman?20.是的,你有什么事儿吗?Yes, what can I do for you ?21.我想见大副,在哪能找到他?I want to see Chief Officer, where can I find him?22.大副在船上吗?Is Chief Officer on board?二、上船作业前后的辅助工作1.船梯太高The gangway is too high2.请落船梯Please lower the gangway3.船离帮了The ship is far off the wharf4.请紧缆绳Tighten the line, please.5.请紧前(后)缆Please tighten the fore (back) line.6.请向前(向后)绞船Please heave forward (backward)7.请向前(向后)绞十米Please heave ten meters forward (backward)8.我们的工人要上船了Our stevedores are going to get on board9.请在船梯口系好安全网。


C/O,Do you have“heating instruction”from loading port?
C/O,he cargo temperature is very low, please keep heating from now ,waiting temperature increase to55℃(degree),we can discharging.
C/O, now shore tank received cargo ,please step by step increase pressure to5kg/cm2.
---how long time you need? 2hours
C/O, sample analysis passed time is 2100, so now we can commence discharging.
C/O,now surveyor want take ullage and take sample.
C/O,now we can hose connect(on)
C/O,this cargo need sample analysis(test)first , after analysis passed we can discharging. so now waiting.



一、礼仪用语、介绍及询问等1.早上好!Good morning.2.下午好!Good afternoon.3.晚上好!Good evening.4.晚安!Good night.5.请坐Sit down,please.6.谢谢Thank you.7.别客气You are welcome.8.明天见See you tomorrow.9.下个航次见See you next time.10.再见!Good bye.11.你好,你是大副(水手长)吗?Hello, are you Chief officer (Bosun)?12.你好,我是负责的单船调度员。

Hello, I am the foreman in charge.13.这位是理货长。

This is Chief Tally.14.今天谁值班?Who is on duty today?15.水手长(值班副)在哪儿?Where is Bosun (Duty Officer)?16.你好,理货房在哪儿?Hi, where is the tallyroom?17.你值班吗?Are you on duty?18.是的,什么事?Yes, what’s the matter?19.你是调度吗?Are you Foreman?20.是的,你有什么事儿吗?Yes, what can I do for you ?21.我想见大副,在哪能找到他?I want to see Chief Officer, where can I find him?22.大副在船上吗?Is Chief Officer on board?二、上船作业前后的辅助工作1.船梯太高The gangway is too high2.请落船梯Please lower the gangway3.船离帮了The ship is far off the wharf4.请紧缆绳Tighten the line, please.5.请紧前(后)缆Please tighten the fore (back) line.6.请向前(向后)绞船Please heave forward (backward)7.请向前(向后)绞十米Please heave ten meters forward (backward)8.我们的工人要上船了Our stevedores are going to get on board9.请在船梯口系好安全网。



码头靠泊装卸常用英语口语1. Port control, Port control, This is MV “Shanghai” calling, Over.港调,港调,SHANGHAI轮呼叫,听到请回答。

2. MV Shanghai, This is Shanghai Port control. Go ahead please. Over.SHANGHAI 轮,这是港调,请继续。

3. Shanghai Port control, This is MV Shanghai. I want to know the berthing schedule of our ship. Over.上海港调,这是SHANGHAI 轮。


4. MV Shanghai, your berthing schedule is as follow: the pilot will board your ship at 16:00 today and your ship will proceed to the berth directly. Please get the engine ready accordingly. Over.SHANGHAI 轮,你的靠泊计划是:引航员将于16:00登你轮直接开往泊位,请备好主机。

5. Thank you very much. We will wait the pilot. Over.非常感谢,我们会等着引航员。

6. Pilot station, Pilot station. This is MV Shanghai calling. Over引航站,这是SHANGHAI 轮呼叫。

7. MV Shanghai, this is pilot station. Over.SHANGHAI 轮,这是引航站。

8. Pilot station, this is MV Shanghai. When will the pilot board our ship? Over.引航站,这是SHANGHAI轮,引航员何时上我船?9. The pilot will board your ship at 16:00. Please proceed to the pilot station. Over.引航员将于16:00上你船,请直接开往引航站。



装卸时间事实记录常用语(SOF)一、船舶抵达1. 抵达引水锚地Anchored at Pilot anchorage. Arrived at Pilot anchorage2. 抵达检疫锚地Anchored at Quarantine anchorage3. 等候引水Awaiting pilot, Waiting for pilot4. 等候联检Awaiting Joint Inspection5. 检疫通过Free Pratique granted6. 进行联检Joint Inspection conducted7. 联检完毕Joint Inspection completed8. 等候潮水进港Awaiting tide for entry9. (从引水站)驻往装、卸泊位Proceeding to berth for loading/discharging10. 从锚驶往装/卸泊位Heaved up (Weighed) anchor and proceeded to berth for loading/discharging11. 驶靠第X号码头Proceeded & berthe d alongside wharf NO…12. 从浮筒移至装/卸泊位Shifting from buoys to loading/discharging berth13. 船系XX号浮筒Moored at buoys NO…14. 因…不能进港Failed to enter due to…15. 因…返回锚地Turned back to anchorage due to…二、装卸准备1.准备装卸Preparation for loading/discharging2.首末次开盖舱First opening& final closing of hatches3.整理吊杆Rigging derricks.4.清扫舱(船员/工人清扫)Cleaning holds (by crew members/shore labors)5.铺垫舱Dunnaging and matting6.水密检验通过Water tight test passed7.接油管Connecting oil pipes8.拆油管Disconnecting pipes9.搭雨蓬Erecting rain tents10.拆雨蓬Taking off rain tents11.搭防动设备Erecting grain fitting (at hatch NO…)12.搭防动板Erecting shifting boards(at hatch No…)13.拆防动板Dismantling shifting boards(at Hatch No…)14.工人上船做准备Stevedore boarded for preparation of holds15.商检人员上船验舱Cargo Surveyors boarded for inspection of holds16.验检不合格Inspection of holds not passed17.验舱合格Inspection of holds18.第X舱商检合格Hold No. X inspection passed19.全部货舱通过All holds inspection passed20.安放漏斗Erecting feeders三、装卸作业1. 开始安装Loading/discharging commenced1. 继续安装Loading/discharging continued2. 恢复装卸Loading/discharging resumed3. 暂停装卸Loading/discharging suspended4. 在雨蓬下装卸Loading/discharging under rain tents5. 开几条路(几个头)装卸Loading/discharging with …gangs6. 装卸完毕Loading/discharging completed7. 公估Determine the quantity of cargo loaded by draft survey8. 卸地脚Discharging cargo sweepings9. (特殊)平舱(Special)trimming of cargo10. 扫舱Sweeping holds11. 等驳船(车皮)Awaiting lighters/wagons12. 等加载Awaiting arrangement for additional cargo13. 等待租方装货安排Awaiting Charter s’ loading arrangement14. 等待租方装货安排Awaiting shifting15. 等候舱口照明Awaiting cargo lights16. 因XX原因装/卸暂停No work (Loading/discharging suspended) due to…四、装卸时间1. 递交NOR Notice of Readiness tendered2. 接受NOR Notice of Readiness accepted3. 收到NOR Notice of Readiness received4. 开始计算时间Time commenced received5. 用于装/卸的时间Time used for loading/discharging6. 不计时间Time not to count7. 按租约不计时间Time not to count8. 扣除1/5时间Time deducted by 1/59. 星期日不计时间Time not count on Sunday10. 元旦、春节、“五一”、国庆节不计时间New Year’s Day/Spring Festival/May day/National Day of People’s Republic of China, time not Count11. 星期六下午不计时间Saturday afternoon, time not to count12. 例假日前一天XX时不计时间The day before holiday, time not to count after…hours13. 例假后一天8小时前不计时间The day after holiday, time not to count before 8 a. m14. 星期一8时起前不计时间Monday, time not to count before a.m15. 星期一从8时起算时间Monday, time to count from 8.am16. 冷却吸扬机时间Time for cooling the motor of sucker17. 装卸重货时间Time not to count for loading/discharging heavy lifts18. 雨蓬下装卸不计时间Loading/discharging under rain tents, time not to count19. 雨蓬下装卸,时间按50%计算Loading/discharging under rain tents, time 50% to count五、因气象、船舶属具原因停工1. 因雨停工Suspended loading/discharging due to rain/snow2. 因间断下雨停工Suspended loading/discharging due to intermittent rain3. 因防下雨停工Suspended loading/discharging due to precaution against rain4. 天快下雨Suspended loading/discharging due to threatening weather5. 因潮水上码头停工Suspended loading/discharging due to tide flooding over the wharf6. 因台风信号升挂停工Suspended loading/discharging due to hoisting of typhoon warningsignal7. 因港口受台风影响而停工Suspended loading/discharging due to the port affected by typhoon8. 台风警报解除Typhoon Alarm released9. 因扫沟水停工Suspended loading/discharging due to sweeping of the bildge10. 因扫雪停工No work due to sweeping of snow11. 移至…避风Shifting to…for taking shelter against typhoon/storm12. X舱因绞车故障停工Loading/discharging suspended in hatch NO…Due to winch breakdown(trouble)13. X舱因吊货钢丝故障停工Loading/discharging suspended in Hatch NO…Due to cargo Runner trouble.14. X舱因硬尾绳故障停工Loading/discharging suspended in hatch NO…Due to winch breakdown(trouble)15. X舱因货灯故障停工Loading/discharging Suspended in hatch NO…Due to failure of cargo light16. X舱更换滑轮停工Loading/discharging Suspended in hatch No…owing to replac ing of block17. X舱因更换钢丝绳停工Loading/discharging Suspended in hatch NO…owing to replacing of cargo runner18. 因蒸汽不足停工Suspended loading/discharging due to insufficient Steam19. 因船舶停电停工Suspended loading/discharging due to suspension of ship’s power20. 因灯光不足停工Suspended loading/discharging due to insufficient light21.因主机(辅机)故障停工Suspended loading/discharging due to warping the ship forward/astern22. 因油泵故障停工Suspended loading/discharging due to main engine(auxiliary engine)trouble23. 因船往前(后)绞泊停工Suspended Loading/discharging due to warping the ship forward astern24. 因调整前后吃水停工Suspended Loading/discharging due to adjusting drafts25. 因修改积载图停工Suspended loading/discharging due to revising Stowage Plan六、船舶动态1. 由于低潮往外拉Ship being kept off from due to low water2. 船舶回靠码头(指重新靠码头)Ship hard up against wharf3. 移泊Shifting from…wharf(buoys)to…wharf(buoys)4. 前后通挡若干尺(沿码头前后移动)Warping forward/astern…ft alongside the wharf七、熏蒸植检人员(植物检验人员)发现舱内有虫Insects found in all holds by 1. Surveyors/Plant Quarantine Inspectors2. 商检人员口头通知熏蒸Cargo fumigation as per Surveyors notice3. 商检人员正式通知熏蒸Cargo fumigation as per Surveyors official order4. 船移泊熏蒸Shifting from wharf NO…to buoys NO. for fumigation5. 准备熏蒸Preparation for fumigation6. 投药Chemical gas applied7. 船熏蒸Fumigation conducted8. 放毒气Poisonous gas released9. 船舶安全Vessel found in safe condition八、油区装卸1. 排放压舱水Disballasting2. 接管线Connecting pipe lines/hoses3. 验舱Surveying tanks4. 开泵Pumping completed5. 扫管线(清洗管线)Pipe Lines/Hoses blowing6. 拆管线Disconnecting pipe lines/hoses7. 自流Self flowing with residue pressure。

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一、礼仪用语、介绍及询问等1.早上好!Good morning.2.下午好!Good afternoon.3.晚上好!Good evening.4.晚安!Good night.5.请坐Sit down,please.6.谢谢Thank you.7.别客气You are welcome.8.明天见See you tomorrow.9.下个航次见See you next time.10.再见!Good bye.11.你好,你是大副(水手长)吗?Hello, are you Chief officer (Bosun)?12.你好,我是负责的单船调度员。

Hello, I am the foreman in charge.13.这位是理货长。

This is Chief Tally.14.今天谁值班?Who is on duty today?15.水手长(值班副)在哪儿?Where is Bosun (Duty Officer)?16.你好,理货房在哪儿?Hi, where is the tallyroom?17.你值班吗?Are you on duty?18.是的,什么事?Yes, what’s the matter?19.你是调度吗?Are you Foreman?20.是的,你有什么事儿吗?Yes, what can I do for you ?21.我想见大副,在哪能找到他?I want to see Chief Officer, where can I find him?22.大副在船上吗?Is Chief Officer on board?二、上船作业前后的辅助工作1.船梯太高The gangway is too high2.请落船梯Please lower the gangway3.船离帮了The ship is far off the wharf4.请紧缆绳Tighten the line, please.5.请紧前(后)缆Please tighten the fore (back) line.6.请向前(向后)绞船Please heave forward (backward)7.请向前(向后)绞十米Please heave ten meters forward (backward)8.我们的工人要上船了Our stevedores are going to get on board9.请在船梯口系好安全网。

Please fix up safety net at the gangway10.我们要开工了We’ll start working11.我们要开始卸货(装货)We’ll start discharging (loading)12.开几个头?How many gangs?13.(我们要派)五个作业(We’ll dispatch) five gangs.14.先装(先卸)哪个舱?Which hatch are you going to load (discharge) first?15.请把舱都打开Please open all the hatches16.请开五舱Please open Hatch No.517.请把吊杆准备好Please get the derricks ready18.吊杆太低,请长一点The derrick is too low, please adjust it a little higher.19.吊杆太高,请落一点The derrick is too high, please lower it a little bit.20.吊杆负荷是多少?What is the capacity of the derrick?(What is the safety working load?)21.双杆联吊负荷是多少?What is the capacity in union perchase?22.你们几点开工(开装,开卸)?What time are you going to start working (loading, discharging )?23.你们什么时候完工(装完,卸完)?When will you finish working (loading,discharging)?24.我们八点钟开始装货(卸货)We’ll start loading (discharging) at eight.25.多长时间卸完(装完)?How long will it take to finish discharging (loading)?26.你们夜间继续作业吗?Do you go on working at night ?27.我们昼夜三班作业We work in three shifts day and night.28.现在几点了?What time is it now ?29.现在5点It’s five o’clock .30.我们已经装完(卸完)货了,请关舱We’ve finished loading (discharging), close the hatches, p lease.31.天要下雨,请关舱It’s going to rain, please close the hatches.32.天黑了,请安装货灯It’s getting dark , please fix up cargo lights.33.底舱照明不足The light in the lower hold is not bright enough.34.请在安装一些货灯Please fix up some more lights.35.货灯灭了,请派人修一下The lights go out , please send someone to repair them .36.请在二舱外栏系好绳梯Please fix up a rope ladder at the seaside of Hatch No.2.37.大副,请填一份船舶资料Chief, please fill in a copy of ship’s particulars.三、换用吊货机械1.我们要用门机作业(装货,卸货)We'll use gangtry crane to work ( to load, to discharge ) .2.请把吊杆甩到外档Please swing the derricks to the seaside.3.请拆掉栏杆以免损坏Please remove the rails to prevent damage.4.箱子太重,岸吊吊不起来The cases are too heavy to be lifted with shore crane.5.我们可以用重吊杆吗Can we use the jumbo ?6.多长时间吊杆准备好How long will it take to get the jumbo ready?7.这个重吊杆有些毛病There is something wrong with the jumbo.8.我们能用两部克林吊吊这些箱子吗?Can we use double cranes to lift the cases?9.你们最好用浮吊。

You'd better use floating crane.10.浮吊正在用着,我们得等待。

The floating crarle is busy , we have to wait.11.浮吊快过来了。

The floating crane is coming .12.请把吊杆甩到里档。

Please swing the derricks to the shoreside.13.我想知道船上的克林吊是否能用。

I wonder if the ship's crane can be used now.14.今天下午浮吊可以用吗?Is' the floating crane available this afternoon?四、船具故障1.为什么停止作业?Why do you stop working?2.三舱纹车坏了Hatch no.3 winch’s broken down.3.工人们在待时The stevedores are standing by.4.出什么事了?What’s wrong?(what’s the troub le ?)5.纹车绳磨损了The cargo runners are worn out .6.滑轮发出异声The block gives off a strange noise .7.保险改绳太旧了The safety guy is too old .8.最好换新的It’s better to change a new one .9.请派水手长来看看Please send bosun to have a look .10.纹车没电了,电工在哪呢?The winch runs no power , where is the electrician ?11.纹车出毛病了There is something wrong with the winch .12.请派电工来修理Please send the electrician to repair .五、大件货物1.下一工班我们要卸大件货We’ll discharge heavy lifts next shift .2.请提前拆掉加固Please unlash them in advance .(Please take off the lashings beforehand . )3.这个箱子有多重?How heavy is this case?(what is the weight of this case ? )4.这个箱子的尺寸是多少?What size is this case ?(what is the size of this case ? )5.箱子上没有运输标志There is no transport mark on the case .6.大副,箱子上的起吊标志不清楚Chief, the lifting point on the case is not clear .7.请指明起吊位置Please show us where the lifting point is .8.用什么卸,岸吊还是浮吊?What do you use, shore crane or floating crane ?9.浮吊比太短,达不到里档The floatin g crane’s arm is too short to reach the shoreside .10.卸完外档的箱子以后,你可以把船调转一下头吗?Can you turn about the ship after discharging the seaside cases .11.这样我们就能卸下全部箱子In this way , we can discharge all of the cases .12.值班副,我们发现这个箱子顶板破裂Duty Officer , we find this case broken at top .13.最好在白天卸这些大件It’s better to discharge these heavy lifts in daytime .14.那样会安全一些It will be safe then .15.这些大件要用浮吊来卸These heavy lifts will be discharged with floating crane .16.这个大件不会超过重吊杆负荷This heavy lift will not overload the jumbo .17.谁来拆加固,你的人还是我们的人?Who will unlash ? your men or ours ?(who will take off the lashings ? your men or ours ?)18.这条船上有多少辆车?How many vehicles are there on the ship ?六、卸杂货1.能给我们一份进口舱单吗?Can you give us a copy of import manifest ?2.请拿给我们一份船图看看Show us a copy of cargo plan , please .3.这票货是天津港的吗?Is this lot of cargo for Tianjin Port ?4.三舱二层舱的货物都是天津港的The cargoes in Hatch No.3 tweendeck are for Tianjin Port .5.我们在四舱找不到这票货We can't find this lot of cargo in Hatch 4 .6.是否在别的舱了?May be in another hatch ?7.这票货有多少件?How many pieces are there for this lot ?8.这票货是否都装在四舱了?Are all the cargoes of the same lot stowed in Hatch No.4 ?9.让我们查一查船图L et’s have a check against the cargo plan .10.大副,我发现二舱的货在装货港混票了Chief , I’ve found the cargoes in Hatch 2 mixed up in loading port .11.二舱二层舱里有些纸箱破皮开盖There are some cartons with wrappers torn and some with flaps open in Hatch No.2 tweendeck .12.我们把它们留在原处了We’ve left them where they are .13.二舱二层舱两栈的货是国境货The cargoes in Hatch 2 tweendeck both wings are through cargoes .14.过境货不能卸上岸The through cargo can’t be discharged ashore .15.你应当早些告诉我们You should tell us earlier.16.卸货后扫舱吗?Shall we clean the hold after discharging ?17.扫舱地脚怎么处理?How to deal with the sweepings ?18.卸货后此船移往锚地The ship will shift to the anchorage after discharging .19.要把所有的大梁安放好吗?Shall we put on all the beams ?20.残损的箱子是卸上岸还是在原处?Shall we discharges the damaged cases ashore or leave them where they are ?21.卸货前你最好派人来查一下You’d better send someone to check up before discharging .22.把那些破箱子放在原处别动Leave those broken cases there as they are .23.请值班副来看一下Please tell Duty Officer to come to have a look .24.这件园大纸损坏严重This rolled paper is seriously damaged .25.把它放在哪?放在甲板上吗?Where to put it ? on the deck ?七、装杂货1.今天上午我们要装杂货We’ll load general cargo this morning .2.为什么不马上开始作业?Why don’t you start working right now ?3.我们还没有收到装船通知We haven’t got the loading order yet .4.一拿到下货纸我们就开始装货We’ll start loading as soon as we get the shipping order .5.大副,我想与你核对一下船图Chief, I’d like to check the cargo plan with yours .6.这票货码放在哪儿?Where to stow this lot of cargo ?7.舱位不够The space is not enough .8.我认为这个舱位装不开这票货I don’t think this space is enough for this lot of cargo .9.这个舱位差得远啦This space is far from enough .10.请安排大一点的舱位Please arrange a bigger space .11.这票货应当放在凉爽处This lot of cargo should be stowed in a cool place .12.不能放在四舱前头It can’t be stowed in the fore part of Hatch 4 .13.最好把转口或码放在一堆It’s better to stow the transhipment cargo in one block .14.有必要隔票吗?Is it necessary to separate them ?15.大副,杂货怎么铺垫?Chief , how to put the general cargo dunnage ?16.木板和塑料布放在哪儿?Where are the planks and plastic sheetings ?17.工人们在等垫舱物料The stevedores are waiting for dunnage materials .18.底舱要铺几层木板?How many layers of planks should be put in the lower hold ?19.木板上要铺编织布吗?Is it necessary to lay plastic sheets on top of the blanks ?20.底舱要铺两层木板Put double dannage in the lower hold .21.二层舱铺一层木板Put single dunnage on the tweendeck .22.装货钱请把垫舱物料准备好Please get the dunnage materials ready before loading .23.二层舱舱口位四周留量吗?Shall we leave any space around the hatchway in the tweendeck ?24.留多大量?How large space shall we leave ?25.我们可以再用一节大梁的舱位吗?Can we use one more section in the hatchway ?26.四舱剩下一些纸盒子There are some cartons left at Hatch No.4 .27.底舱装满了It’s full up in th e lower hold .28.可以把它们码在二层藏前头吗?Can we stow them in the fore part of the tweendeck ?29.可以,但是要用网子与其他货物隔开All right , but must be separated with nets from other cargo .30.四舱还有舱位吗?Is there any space left in Hatch No.4 ?31.最好把纸盒移到别的舱It’s better to shift the cartons to other hatch .32.机器箱子放在一舱二层不合适It’s not suitable to stow the machinary cases in Hatch No.1 tweendeck .33.那儿的舱位太狭窄,叉车运转不开The space there is too narrow for the forklift .34.没有叉车很难把箱子码到顶It’s difficult to stow the case up to the deckhead without forklift .35.移到二舱二层舱怎么样?How about shifting them to Hatch 2 tweendeck36.小五金箱子太重码不到顶The hardware cases are too heavy to be lifted up to the deckhead .37.我们可以换一些轻箱子码上去吗?Can we put some lighter cases on top instead ?38.装货港留的舱位不够,罐头装不下The loading port didn’t leave enough space for the canned goods .39.你们最好把这些纸箱倒到顶,给罐头腾地方You’d better shift the cartons up to the deckhead to make room for the canned goods .40.这样,我们就得超时工作In this case , we have to work overtime .41.你要给我们签超时工作吗?Are you going to sign overtime work sheet for us ?42.山羊皮不能与食品放在一起The goat skin can’t be put together with edible goods .43.去伦敦的棉织品可以满铺在罐头上吗?Can we put the cotton goods for London all over the canned goods ?44.二层舱舱口位四周留走道Leave a walking space around the tweendeck hatch square .45.可以把这一票货移到别的舱吗?Can we shift this lot of cargo to another hatch ?46.货物已全部装船All the cargoes have been loaded on board .47.由于某种原因这票货退关了This lot of cargo is canceled for some reason .48.这票货中有200见因货损退关了Tow hundred pieces from this lot are shut out for being damaged .49.这票货中有50吨因舱位不够退关了Fifty tons from this lot are shut out for shortage of space .50.这票货因故一时尚未到货This lot of cargo hasn’t come yet for the time being for some reason .51.我们可以先装别的票吗?Can we load other lots first ?52.为了不停止作业In order not to stop working .53.那票货是轻泡货吗?Is that lot a light cargo ?54.这种货经不住压,最好放在上面This cargo can’t bear weight .It’s better to put on top .55.船倾斜了,这票货移到外档The ship is listing , please shift this lot of cargo to the seaside .56.去同一港口的小票货之间要隔票吗?Is it necessary to separate the small lots for the same port ?57.大票货必须隔开,小票不必The big lots must be separated .No need for small lots .58.去香港的转口货与直达货必须隔开The Hongkong trashipment cargo must be separated from the direct cargo .59.取不同港口的货物一定要隔清楚The cargoes for different ports must be clearly separated .60.哪儿有隔票用的网子和色带?Where are the nets and tapes for separation ?61.船拱头了,得把一舱的货移到五舱一些The ship is down by the head , you have to shift some cargo in Hatch 1 to Hatch 5 .62.我们要让船前后吃水平衡We must keep the ship on an even keel .63.你可以把水由前建舱泵如后尖舱You can pump some fresh water from the fore peak tank to the aft .64.这样就不必把一舱的货移到五舱了Thus, there’s no need to shift65.完工水尺与配载水尺一样吗?Does the final draft agree with the stowage plan?66.请告诉我你船的载重水尺Please tell me the deadweight draft of your ship.67.请在配载图上标明本船的安全水尺及满载时的前后吃水Please mark the safety draft and fore- and- aft draft of your ship in the stowage plan.68.你船货物还没到齐,还得等一天The cargo for your ship is still not all ready, you have to wait for another day.69.这些钢胚怎么嘛?How to stow the steel square bars?70.顺船还是横船码放?Shall we stow them fore - and - aft or crosswise?71.横船码几节?How many sections crosswise?72.顺船码几节?How many sections fore - and - aft?73.这种托盘货装在一舱底舱不合适It's not suitable to stow the pallet cargo in Hatch One lower hold.74.一舱两栈是斜坡状The both wings in Hatch One are slanting.75.托盘货放在那里码放不好The pallet cargo can't be pro perly stowed there.76.如果倒塌会造成货损It will cause damage if collapsed.八、袋装货物1.底舱有几票化肥How many lots of fertilizers are there in the lower hold?2.它们怎么隔票How are they separated ?3.三票货,用塑料薄膜隔票Three lots, separated with plastic sheetings.4.这么多票,如果发现袋子混票怎么办So many lots, what shall we do if we find the bags mixed up ?5.你们得把它们挑出来You have to sort them.6. 这太困难了,你得签困难作业It's too difficult, you have to sign difficult working sheet for us.7. 底舱有一些破袋There are some torn bags ( wet bags ) in the lower hold.8. 让我们下去看看Let'sgo down to have a look.9. 这些地角货怎么处理How to deal with the sweepings ?10. 我们有备用袋,请把他们攒袋We have spare bags, please fefill them.11. 这些破袋是原残不是工残These torn bags are original damage, not stevedore's.12扫舱、灌包要申请杂作业Cleaning and refilling should be applied for the extra service.13.装大米前要扫舱Shall we clean the hold before loading rice ?14.舱底要双层铺垫,其中一层为塑料布Put double dunnage on the floor with one layer of plastic sheets.15.底舱如何打风道How to make ventilations in the lower hold ?16.用米袋子在舱口位的四角打通风道Make vertical ventilation tunnel at each corner of the hatchway with rice bags.17.每四批铺一层木风桶与通风井相连Put one layer of wooden ventilater every six tiers high connected with the tunnel.18.大米上面还有别的货吗?Is there any cargo to load on top of the rice ?19.大米上面不能装茶叶It's not suitable to stow tea on top of rice.20.你们得把大米码平You have to make a level stowage of the rice bags.九、桶装货物1.你们用什么装卸大桶what do you use to handle drums ?2.我们用桶卡子卸大桶.We discharge drums with drumhooks.3.卸完大桶后三合板放哪Where to put the plywood after discharging drums ?4.卸完后把三合板把打成捆.Stack the plywood in one block after discharging.5.我们发现有些桶渗漏We've found some drums leaking.6.一些大桶锈蚀、瘪陷Some drums are rusty and dented.7.大桶装在二舱二层舱吗?Will the drums be stowed on Hatch No.2 tweendeck?8.大桶要码几个高?How many tiers should the drums be stowed ?9.请告诉我们大桶码下如何铺垫Please tell us how to put dunnage for the drums ?10.每层铺一层货盘Put one layer of planks on each tier.11.一共有三票,如何隔票There are three lots in all, how to separate them ?12.你们可以用网子隔票You can separate each lot of the drums with nets.13.我们需要在二层柜铺一层木板吗?Shall we put one layer of planks on the tweendeck ?14.这两票糠醛要防在甲板上吗?Are these two lots of furfural to be loaded on deck ?15.码放在哪?Where to stow them ?16.把它们码放在2、3舱舱口两侧的甲板上Stow them on both sides of the deck near Hatch 2 and 3 .17.大桶和甲板间要铺一层木板,以防移动Put one layer of planks between drums and deck to prevent the drums from moving.18.舱口两侧需要留通道吗?Is it necessary to leave passage on both sides of the hatchway ?19.请提前打线Please mark a line beforehand.20.装货后你还需要打加固吗?Do you want to lash them after loading ?21.你最好向外代申请打加固You'd better apply to the Agency for lashing.十、集装箱货物1.船上有多少箱位How many TEUs are there on board the ship ?2.你们计划装卸多少箱。
