




The G20 mechanism has included in its members the primary players of both developed and developing countries as well as those in transition. Measured by population size, they account for two thirds of the world total; by GDP, over 90 percent, and by foreign trade, 80 percent. All this has made it a widely representative and influential international economic forum.在当前国际形势下,20国集团各成员应该在平等互利、求同存异、灵活务实的基础上开展对话,加强同其他国际和区域经济机构的交流合作,以增进互信、扩大共识、协调行动,在健全国际经济贸易体制和规则、完善国际经济金融体系、加强南北对话和合作、促进全球减贫和发展等方面,发挥更大、更积极的实质性作用。

In light of the current international context, G20 members must engage in flexible and pragmatic dialogues on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, seeking common ground while shelving differences. Meanwhile, they must also increases exchanges and cooperation with other regional and international economicinstitutions to build trust, expand consensus and coordinate actions. All this will give them bigger and more active roles that can have a real impact on ameliorating the international trading systems and rules, improving the international economic and financial structures, enhancing North-South dialogue and cooperation and facilitating global efforts in poverty reduction and development.2019年翻译资格考试三级口译练习题(2)中国是一个有着5000 多年悠久历史的文明古国。



三级口译【1 】Part 对话互译A: I’ve heard Chinese government is pushing a major poverty relief program across th e country. Would you please outline this program and its targeted population group? 我据说中国当局正在全国规模内实行一项重大扶贫筹划.可以或许扼要介绍一下该筹划及其针对的群体?B: 好的,我国当局有关部分依据国度扶贫开辟的总体计谋,提出了扶贫的目的.措施和实行办法,扶贫的重要地区和对象是贫苦的农村地区和农平易近.Well. According to the overall strategy of the country’s poverty relief program, the related department has proposed the objectives and implementation measures. The program is mainly targeted at poverty-stricken rural areas and farmers.A: How would you go about achieving your ambitious objectives?你们(中国当局)若何实现这一大志勃勃的目的呢?B: 中国当局安插专项扶贫资金,用于优秀品种的引进.实验.示范和推广. Chinese government has earmarked special funding for introduction, testing, demonstration and promotion of improved seeds / improved seed strains.A: I think one of the major problems of reducing the poverty among the rural populati on is the education of people in the remote areas rather than mere funding. That is, we should inform them of the technical knowhow and updating the official mode of prod uction.我以为,农村扶贫的一大症结是,是要教导偏远地区的人们,而不是仅仅安插专项资金.也就是说,我们应该向农平易近兄弟传授技巧常识,改造通例的临盆方法.B: 你说的完整对,当局发动了大专院校和科研院所,在贫苦地区积极推广农业先辈适用技巧.具体措施有用地转变了贫苦地区落伍的临盆方法,进步了地盘的产出率,敏捷增长农平易近收入.You are absolutely right. The Government has mobilized universities, colleges and research institutes to actively promote advanced technical knowhow in poor areas. The measures have improved the backward mode of production, increased the yield of farmland, and rapidly raised farm ers’ incomes.A: Are you saying external financial assistance and cooperation?你是说外部资金支援和合作吗?B: 中国的扶贫开辟重要依附本身的力气,同时中国当局看重与国际社会在扶贫范畴的交换与合作.中国当局以为积极开展扶贫范畴的国际交换与合作,将有利于加速解决本国贫苦生齿的温饱问题,还有助于经由过程借鉴国际社会多年积聚的扶贫经验和成功的扶贫方法,进步中国扶贫开辟的整体程度.China’s poverty relief la rgely depends on its own endeavor. Meanwhile, the Chinese Government values international exchanges and cooperation in poverty reduction. The Government maintains that actively promoting such exchanges and cooperation will not only help its people get enough to eat and wear, but also contribute to bringing its poverty relief work to a new level by drawing upon ample experience and successful methods of other countries in this regard.A: Thank you for your information. I wish your program a great success.感激你供给的信息.愿望你们的筹划取得美满成功.Part 2. 英译汉:结合国秘书长潘基文在2012年6月的讲话.Ladies and Gentlemen:I am here today to tell you why the Zero Hunger Challenge is so critical to sustainable development. I know that many of you are already focusing on ways to end hunger. Our challenge is to work better together to realize this vision. Sustainable developmen t is simply not possible in a world where nearly one billion people are hungry every d ay. Ending hunger is not only vital for our peace and security … it is essential for our collective future.//我今天在此想告知列位,“零饥饿挑衅”活动对于可中断成长十分症结.我知道,在座的有许多人已经在存眷清除饥饿的各类办法/存眷若何清除饥饿.我们面对的挑衅是,要加倍联结一致地实现这一愿景.当当代界,仍有近十亿生齿天天在忍饥挨饿,根本不成能实现可中断成长.清除饥饿不但对我们的和平与安然至关重要,并且对于我们配合的将来也至关重要.We cannot rest while so many people are hungry in a world where there is enough foo d for all. We are here because we know this has to change. That is why we are launchi ng the Zero Hunger Challenge. It has five objectives.今天,世界上的食物足够全球人平易近享用,但是仍有许多人食不充饥.对此,我们决不克不及懈怠留步.我们在此聚会会议,因为我们知道必须转变这一近况.是以,我们提议了这一“零饥饿挑衅”活动.它有五大目的.First, make sure that everyone in our world has access to enough nutritious food all ye ar long. They should be able to buy it, grow it, or get it through a safety net.//起首,要确保世界上每小我全年都能获得足够的具有养分食物.确保每小我都可以或许购置.或经由过程“社保安然网”机制/根本社保机制领到这些养分食物.第三段Second, end childhood malnutrition. It affects almost 200 million children today, with a profoundly negative impact on future generations. Proper nutrition between the beg inning of pregnancy and a child’s second birthday is the foundation for an entire life. / /第二,要清除儿童养分不良状态.养分不良天天影响着近两亿的儿童,也轻微影响着将来数代人的健康.从开端怀孕到两周岁,包管这一时代的儿童养分可以或许为其平生的健康奠基基本.第四段Third, build sustainable food systems. Whether our focus is business, the environment , farming or health, we must agree on how all can be nourished in a way that also nurt ures our planet.//第三,要构建可中断的食物系统.无论我们存眷的是商务.情况.耕种抑或健康,我们都必须认统一点:我们每小我获得养分的方法不得伤害我们地球的养分供给. 第五段Fourth, double smallholder farmers’ productivity and income while creating decent e mployment. These farmers, especially women, produce most of the world’s food. Imp rovements in their wellbeing create employment, cut poverty, increase the food suppl y, and stabilize prices for everyone.//第四,要实现小农的临盆率和收入翻一番,同时还要创造面子的工作.这些小农,尤其是女性,临盆全球大多半的食物.改良他们的福祉/福利可以或许创培养业.削减贫苦.增长食物供给以及稳固物价,这相符所有人的好处.Fifth, prevent food from being lost or wasted. As much as one third of all food gets lo st between harvesting and consumption. That is just too much. We must reduce these t ragic losses. We must also produce and consume food responsibly, be mindful of the e nvironment and of our long-term health.//第五,要防止食物的损掉和糟蹋.从收成一向到花费,其间有多达三分之一的食物糟蹋了,糟蹋得太多了,可谓损掉惨痛,必须削减.此外,还必须以负责的立场进行临盆和花费,决不克不及疏忽环保以及我们人类长远的健康.With this drive to defeat global hunger, we are not proposing a new goal. We are shari ng a vision for the future. A future where all people enjoy their fundamental right to f ood. Where people’s livelihoods and food systems are secure and able to withstand a changing climate. I am counting on all partners to come together and make this happe n. Governments, farmers, scientists, activists, businesses and consumers all have to be part of this effort. Many leaders attending this conference have pledged to work for a n end to hunger. I know they will respond to the Zero Hunger Challenge. Together we can end hunger in our lifetime.我们要大力抗击全球饥饿,我们今天在此并不是要提出一个新的目的.我们大家对将来有着配合的愿景,那就是,我们都享有人人有粮的根本权力;我们享有安然的生计和食物系统,并能抵御不竭变更的气象情况.我谨仰赖所有的合作伙伴联袂尽力.实现目的.所有的当局.农平易近.科学家.活动家.企业和花费者都要介入到我们的事业中来.今天与会的浩瀚引导人已承诺要尽力清除饥饿.我知道,他们会积极回应“零饥饿挑衅”活动.只要联结一致,我们定能在有生之年清除贫苦!感谢大家.Part 3:汉译英胡锦涛2009年11月在亚太经济合作组织第十七次引导人非正式会议上揭橥题为《合力应对挑衅推进中断成长》第一段:1. 很愉快同大家再次相聚,就配合关怀的国际和地区问题交换看法.亚太经合组织21个经济体失去世界40%的生齿.54%的经济总量.44%的商业量.世界存眷我们的声音,我们达成的共鸣将对世界特殊是当地区成长产生重要影响.//世界存眷我们的声音:本句不合适直译,不然会消失中式英语.It gives me great pleasure to meet you once again and exchange views with you on re gional and international issues of common interest. The twenty-one APEC economies together make up 40% of the world’s population, 54% of global economy and 44% of international trade. What we say here will attract worldwide att ention, and what we agree upon here will have a major impact on the development of the world and this region in particular.第二段:客岁,我们作出志同道合.积极应对国际金融经济危机的果断承诺.一年来,国际社会的调和尽力初见成效.世界经济消失企稳回升的积极迹象,亚太地区经济苏醒好于预期,有望成为世界经济周全苏醒的重要推进力气.//调和尽力初见成效:这里比较难译的是“初”,可以译为“开端”have paid off over th e last year.企稳回升:有些中国的词语本身须要解释.企稳就是稳固,在听译时不要受到干扰. Last year, we made the firm commitment in Lima to unite as one and take active meas ures in response to the international financial and economic crisis. The coordinated eff orts of the international community have paid off over the last year. The world econo my has shown positive signs of stabilization and rebound. With an economic recovery better than expected, the Asia-Pacific region is likely to become a major driving force in the full recovery of the wor ld economy.第三段全球性挑衅须要全球配合应对.一段时间以来,世界多国引导人越来越经常地集合在一路,商量解决全球性问题渠道.这解释,国际社会已经熟悉到,跟着经济全球化深刻成长,合作共赢是我们的必定选择.亚太各经济体具有丰硕多样性和高度互补性,在合作应对挑衅方面积聚了珍贵经验,为亚太经合组织合作奠基了优越基本.//必定选择:轻易消失中式英语,转为“独一选择”当场道得多.丰硕多样性和高度互补性:diverse and highly complementary to one another奠基了优越基本:可以直译为“lay a solid foundation.”Global challenges require global responses. Recently, leaders from many countries ha ve gathered together more frequently to discuss ways to address global issues. This sh ows that the international community has come to recognize that with deepening econ omic globalization, working together for win-win outcomes is the only option we have. Economies in the Asia-Pacific region, which are diverse and highly complementary to one another, have gain ed valuable experience in working together to meet challenges. This has put APEC co operation on a solid footing.第四段:中国作为亚太大家庭的一员,一贯积极介入亚太经合组织各范畴合作.我们经由过程介入亚太经合组织合作促进了自身成长,也为当地区甚至世界经济成长作出了重要进献.感谢列位.China, as a member of the Asia-Pacific community, actively participates in APEC cooperation in various fields. We h ave, through our involvement in APEC cooperation, promoted our own development, and also made important contribution to economic development in the region and the world at large. Thank you.。




下面是店铺分享的三级英语口译试题和答案,希望能帮到大家!英译汉:Today, I will talk about China, the United Nations and our world. As you know, I grew up in wartime Korea. My family was very poor, but we had something better than gold. We are also very hungry and thirsty for education. One of the most important guidelines for me was the Confucian tradition. My parents taught me to study hard, to work for other people, work for the public good. in 1962, when I was still a teenager, I was very lucky to be invited to the United States for a Red Cross meeting. I had an extraordinary honour of meeting President John F. Kennedy.今天,我想谈谈中国,联合国以及我们的世界。









2023年三级翻译资格考试口译试题附参考答案2023年三级翻译资格考试口译试题附参考答案part 1The Asian economic crisis has put many panies on the edge. Many have been forced to change the way they do business. The old attitude that employees follow instructions and are unable to make decisions or act on their own initiative① leads to underused② people.The key to increasing employee productivity is through effective management. Managers must recognize that getting employees involved in the solution boost morale③。

The decision making process should be pushed down the ladder. The focus of future organizations will shift to employee involvement,rather than power and control.难点提示①主动地②未充分利用的③士气参考译文:亚洲金融危机使很多公司面临崩溃的边缘。









口译三级模拟试题及答案一、听力理解1. 根据所听材料,选择正确的答案。

A. 公司年会B. 产品发布会C. 学术研讨会D. 政府新闻发布会听录音材料,回答以下问题:问题1:会议的主要目的是什么?问题2:会议的举办地点在哪里?2. 听以下对话,回答以下问题。

问题1:对话中提到了哪些人?问题2:他们讨论的主题是什么?二、口译实践1. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文,并进行口译。

English: "The company has decided to invest in renewable energy sources due to the increasing environmental concerns."2. 请将以下中文段落翻译成英文,并进行口译。

Chinese: "随着全球化的不断深入,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。


"三、即兴口译1. 根据以下情景,进行即兴口译。


2. 根据以下主题,进行即兴口译。


四、综合测试1. 请根据以下材料,进行口译。


2. 请根据以下材料,进行口译。


答案:一、听力理解1. 问题1答案:B. 产品发布会问题2答案:会议的举办地点在市中心的国际会议中心。

2. 问题1答案:对话中提到了两位同事和一位经理。


二、口译实践1. 中文翻译及口译:公司决定投资可再生能源,因为环境问题日益严重。

2. 英文翻译及口译:随着全球化的不断深入,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。


三、即兴口译1. 口译示例:您可以乘坐地铁2号线直达市中心,然后在博物馆站下车即可。

2. 口译示例:在中国,春节是最重要的传统节日之一。



英语三级口译考试试题英汉互译:A:when I knew that I am going to work in Beijing, I was alittle nervous as I didn't know a first thing living in china. myfriends suggested that I use Wechat, a social media platform that almost every Chinese uses. I didn't know how to use it. but I quickly downloaded the APPS on my cellphone. and guess what? I soon realizedthat Wechat had done something brilliant and I was soon addicted to it.我听到要到北京工作后,有些紧张,我对中国一无所知,我的`朋友建议我用微信。




知识点:know a first thing,一无所知。







So am I. I could hardly have my day without using Wechat. Initially, Wechat can be used only for sending text messages. But now it has more and more functions including sending pictures, audio and video clips. All of these services are used for free. Family members and friends can contact each other conveniently with Wechat.知识点:而且不必花钱: All of these services are used for free.注意这类无主句的翻译要有效地加入主语,否则听起来显得句式凌乱不完整,容易被阅卷老师扣分。



三级口译真题Plastic and traces of hazardous chemicals have been found in Antarctica, one of the world’s last great wildernesses, according to a new study. Researchers spent three months taking water and snow samples from remote areas of the continent earlier this year. These have now been analysed and researchers have confirmed the majority contained “persistent hazardous chemicals” or microplastics. The findings come amid growing concern about the extent of the plastic pollution crisis which scientists have warned risks “permanent contamination” of the planet. Earlier this week, the UN warned it is one of the world’s biggest environmental threats and said although 60 countries were taking urgent action more needed to be done. The new report by researchers at Greenpeace is part of global campaign to create the world’s biggest ocean sanctuary in the seas around Antarctica to protect the fragile ecosystem from industrial fishing and climate change. Frida Bengtsson(弗里达•本特森), of Greenpeace’s Protect the Antarctic campaign, s aid the findings proved that even the most remote areas of the planet were not immune from the impact of manmade pollution.“We need action at source, to stop these pollutants ending up in the Antarctic in the first place, and we need an Antarctic ocean sanctuary to give space for penguins, whales and the entire ecosystem to recover from the pressures they’re facing,” she said. Seven of the eight sea-surface water samples tested contained microplastics such as microfibres. Seven of the nine snow samples tested contained detectable concentrations of the persistent hazardous chemicals. Researchers said the chemicals are widely used in many industrial processes and consumer products and have been linked to reproductive and developmental issues in wildlife. They said the snow samples gathered included freshly fallen snow, suggesting the hazardous chemicals had come from contaminated rain or snowfall. Prof Alex Rogers(亚历克斯•罗杰斯),a specialist in sustainable oceans at the Oxford Martin school, Oxford University, said the discovery of plastics and chemicals in Antarctica confirmed that manmade pollutants were now affecting ecosystems in every corner of the world. And he warned the consequences of this pervasive contamination remained largely unknown. “The big question now is what are the actual consequences of finding this stuff here? Many of these chemicals are pretty nasty and as they move up the foodchain they may be having serious consequences for the health of wildlife, and ultimately humans. The effects of microplastics on marine life, likewise, are largely not understood,” he said.There is relatively little data on the extent of microplastics in Antarctic waters, and researchers said they hoped this new study would lead to a greater understanding of the global extent of plastic and chemical pollutants. Bengtsson said, “Plastic has now been found in all corners of our oceans, from the Antarctic to the Arctic and at the deepest point of the ocean, the Mariana trench. We need urgent action to reduce the flow of plastic into our seas and we need large-scale marine reserves – like a huge Antarctic ocean sanctuary which over 1.6m people are calling for – to protect marine life and our oceans for future generations.”。





China has launched a new pricing system for fuel which sets up a price floor and ceiling. Under the system, the price floor is at 40 U.S. dollars a barrel and the price ceiling at 130 dollars.根据国家发改委公布的新成品油定价机制,国内油价调控上限为130美元,下限为40美元。





请结合原文翻译以下短语及句子:1、price floor2、price ceiling3、制定“地板价”或“天花板价”4、定价机制5、国际油价6、汽、柴油零售价7、节能减排8、维护消费者利益9、保证原油市场供应10、国际油价大幅波动11、准备金12、提升油品质量13、China has launched a new pricing system for fuel which sets up a price floor and ceiling. Under the system, the price floor is at 40 U.S. dollars a barrel and the price ceiling at 130 dollars.参考答案1、price floor 价格下限2、price ceiling 价格上限3、制定“地板价”或“天花板价” set a floor/ceiling for XXX price4、定价机制 pricing scheme5、国际油价 international oil prices6、汽、柴油零售价 retail price of gasoline and diesel7、节能减排 energy saving and emission reduction8、维护消费者利益 protect consumers' interests9、保证原油市场供应 safeguard oil supply10、国际油价大幅波动 violent fluctuations in international oil prices11、准备金 reserve fund12、提升油品质量 increase the quality of fuel13、China has launched a new pricing system for fuel which sets up a price floor and ceiling. Under the system, the price floor is at 40 U.S. dollars a barrel and the price ceiling at 130 dollars. 中国公布了新的油价机制,设定了40美元/桶的“地板价”和130美元/桶的“天花板价”。



1. 题目:请根据录音内容回答问题。


2. 题目:请在录音结束后,根据所听到的内容完成句子。


3. 题目:请根据录音内容回答问题。


1. 题目:根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。


2. 题目:根据短文内容,回答问题。


3. 题目:根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。


1. 题目:请将下面的句子翻译成英文。


2. 题目:请将下面的英文译成汉语。


3. 题目:请根据所给的材料,将下面的句子翻译成英语。


1. 答案:回答问题的答案。

2. 答案:完成句子的答案。

3. 答案:回答问题的答案。

1. 答案:选项的答案。

2. 答案:回答问题的答案。

3. 答案:选项的答案。

1. 答案:英文翻译的答案。

2. 答案:汉语翻译的答案。

3. 答案:英文翻译的答案。





公共英语三级口语考试真题及答案解析全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to share with you some tips for the Public English Level 3 speaking test and also give you some example questions and answers. Let's get started!Tip 1: Practice speaking English as much as you can with your friends, family, or even in front of the mirror. The more you practice, the more confident you will become.Tip 2: Listen to English podcasts, watch English movies or TV shows to improve your listening skills and get used to different accents.Tip 3: Read English books, newspapers, or articles to expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation.Now, let's move on to some example questions and answers for the Public English Level 3 speaking test:Question 1: Describe your favorite hobby and explain why you enjoy it.Answer: My favorite hobby is drawing. I enjoy it because it helps me relax and express my creativity. I love to use different colors and create beautiful pictures.Question 2: What do you think are the benefits of learning a second language?Answer: Learning a second language can help you communicate with people from different countries, understand their culture, and even open up more job opportunities in the future.Question 3: Can you talk about a memorable experience you had while traveling to a different country?Answer: I remember when I went to France with my family. We visited the Eiffel Tower and tasted delicious French pastries. It was a fun and exciting trip that I will never forget.I hope these tips and example questions will help you prepare for the Public English Level 3 speaking test. Remember to practice, stay confident, and speak clearly. Good luck!篇2Oh wow, the Public English Level 3 Oral Exam is like a big deal for us, right? It's kinda scary but also exciting, because we get to show off our awesome English skills!So, like, in the exam, they might ask us questions about our daily life, hobbies, or opinions on certain topics. We gotta be ready to talk about stuff we like and explain why we like it. Oh, and we should also be prepared to answer questions about, like, our dreams for the future or something like that.And, like, we gotta practice speaking clearly and confidently! We gotta be able to express ourselves in English without getting all nervous and stuff. It's all about showing how well we can communicate in English, you know?And, like, the examiners might also ask us to do a role play or have a conversation with them. We gotta be ready to think on our feet and respond naturally. It's all about showing that we can use English in real-life situations.Oh, and don't forget to listen carefully to the questions and give thoughtful answers. We gotta show that we understand what the examiner is asking and respond appropriately.So, like, let's keep practicing and get ready to rock the Public English Level 3 Oral Exam! We got this!篇3Title: My Public English Level Three Oral Test ExperienceHi everyone, my name is Tim and I want to share with you my experience of taking the Public English Level Three Oral Test. So, let's dive right in!The test was held in a big room with lots of tables, chairs, and a friendly examiner. First, the examiner asked me to introduce myself and answer some simple questions like "What's your favorite color?" and "Do you like animals?" I felt a bit nervous at first, but the examiner was really nice so I quickly relaxed.Next, I had to do a role play with the examiner. We pretended we were at a restaurant and I had to order some food and drinks. I practiced ordering in English with my mom before the test, so I felt prepared. But I still stumbled a bit when the examiner asked me some unexpected questions. I tried my best to answer them while staying in character.After the role play, I had to talk about a topic for 2 minutes. I chose to talk about my last summer vacation. I shared about the fun things I did, like going to the beach and playing with my friends. I also talked about the delicious food I ate and the newfriends I made. It was easy to talk about something I enjoyed so much!Finally, the examiner asked me some follow-up questions about my topic. I was a bit worried I wouldn't know how to answer them, but I remembered to take a deep breath and think before speaking. I tried my best to answer the questions using the English words I knew.Overall, the test was a bit challenging but also a lot of fun. I learned that it's important to practice speaking English as much as possible and to stay calm during the test. I'm proud of myself for trying my best and I can't wait to see my results!That's all for my Public English Level Three Oral Test experience. Thanks for listening!篇4Title: Public English Level Three Oral Exam Questions and AnswersHi everyone! Today I’m gonna share with you some real questions and answers from the Public English Level Three oral exam. Let’s get started!Question 1: Introduce yourself to the examiner.Answer: Hi, my name is Emily. I am ten years old. I love playing with my friends and drawing pictures. Nice to meet you!Question 2: Talk about your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it.Answer: My favorite hobby is singing. I love singing because it makes me feel happy and relaxed. I enjoy singing with my friends and family.Question 3: Describe your favorite movie or book.Answer: My favorite movie is Frozen. I love the character Elsa because she is brave and kind. The movie has great songs and a magical story.Question 4: How do you usually spend your weekends?Answer: On weekends, I like to play at the park with my friends. Sometimes we go to the movies or have a picnic. It’s always fun!Question 5: What are your future plans or dreams?Answer: I want to become a teacher when I grow up. I love helping others and teaching them new things. It would be amazing to inspire young minds.Question 6: Talk about a memorable trip you have taken.Answer: Last year, my family and I went to the beach. We built sandcastles, played in the water, and collected seashells. It was a fantastic trip!So these are some of the questions and answers from the Public English Level Three oral exam. I hope this helps you prepare for your exam. Good luck and have fun speaking English!篇5Title: Public English Level 3 Speaking Test: Questions and AnswersHi everybody! Today I'm going to talk about the Public English Level 3 Speaking Test. This is a test where you have to speak in English and show off your language skills. It's kind of like a game, but with words instead of toys.In the test, you will be asked questions by the examiner and you have to answer them using your own words. You can talk about your hobbies, your family, your school, or anything you like. Just remember to speak clearly and confidently!Here are some sample questions that might come up in the test:1. Can you tell me about your favorite hobby?2. What do you like to do in your free time?3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are they like?4. What is your favorite subject in school?5. Can you describe your best friend?And here are some tips on how to answer these questions:1. Be honest and speak from your heart. The examiner wants to hear about you and your life, so don't be afraid to show your personality.2. Use simple English words and sentences. Don't try to impress the examiner with big words – just be yourself.3. Practice speaking English with your friends and family before the test. The more you practice, the more confident you will feel.4. Remember to smile and have fun! The test is not a scary thing – it's a chance for you to shine and show off your English skills.So, that's it for the Public English Level 3 Speaking Test. Just remember to relax, be yourself, and have fun. Good luck, everyone!篇6Hello everyone, today I am going to share with you the Public English Level 3 oral exam questions and answers. It's like a test that you need to take to show how good you are at speaking English. Don't worry, I'll explain everything in a fun and easy way!Question 1: Introduce yourself and talk about your hobbies.Answer: Hi, my name is Emily. I am 10 years old and I love playing basketball. I also enjoy drawing and reading books. My favorite hobby is baking yummy treats with my mom.Question 2: Describe your favorite season and why you like it.Answer: My favorite season is summer because I can go swimming at the beach and have picnics with my friends. I love the warm weather and all the fun activities we can do outside.Question 3: Talk about a memorable trip you have taken.Answer: Last summer, my family went to Disneyland. It was so much fun! We went on all the rides, met Mickey Mouse, and watched the fireworks at night. I will never forget that trip.Question 4: Discuss the importance of learning English in today's world.Answer: Learning English is important because it helps us communicate with people from different countries. It also opens up more opportunities for jobs and travel. Plus, it's fun to learn a new language!Question 5: Share a story about a time when you helped someone.Answer: Once, I helped my friend study for a math test. She was having a hard time with fractions, so I explained it to her in a simple way. She ended up getting an A on the test and was so grateful for my help.I hope these questions and answers help you prepare for your Public English Level 3 oral exam. Just remember to speak clearly, use good grammar, and have fun with it! Good luck!篇7Oh, hi guys! Today I'm gonna talk to you about the Public English Level 3 Speaking Exam! It's a big deal, so listen up!The exam has 3 parts:Part 1: Introduction. The examiner will ask you some questions about yourself, like your name, age, and hobbies. You just gotta answer and be confident!Part 2: Picture description. You'll see a picture and have to talk about it for 1 minute. Remember to describe what you see, like the colors, shapes, and what you think is happening in the picture.Part 3: Role play. You'll have a conversation with the examiner about a given situation. It could be ordering food in a restaurant or asking for directions. Just be natural and polite!Now, let's talk about the answers!For Part 1, just be yourself and answer the questions honestly. Remember to speak clearly and take your time.For Part 2, describe the picture in a logical way. Start by saying what you see in the picture, then talk about the details, and finally, give your opinion or a conclusion.For Part 3, listen carefully to the examiner and respond accordingly. Use polite phrases like "Excuse me" or "Can you help me, please?" and don't forget to thank them at the end.Remember, practice makes perfect! So, practice speaking English with your friends, watch English movies, and listen to English songs. You got this! Good luck on your exam!篇8Title: My Experience in the Public English Level 3 Speaking TestHi everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience in the Public English Level 3 Speaking Test. It was so exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time!First, the examiner asked me to introduce myself. I was so nervous that I forgot my name for a second, but then I remembered and told them my name, age, and favorite hobby. Phew, that was a close one!Next, the examiner showed me a picture and asked me to describe it. The picture was of a beautiful beach with palm trees and people playing in the water. I talked about the blue sky, the white sand, and how much I love going to the beach with my family. It was easy peasy!Then, the examiner asked me some questions about my daily routine. They wanted to know what time I wake up, what I eat for breakfast, and what I do after school. I told them I wake up at 7 am, eat cereal for breakfast, and do my homework after school. It was fun talking about my daily life.After that, the examiner asked me to talk about a memorable trip I had taken. I told them about the time I went to Disneylandwith my family. I talked about the rides, the shows, and meeting my favorite Disney characters. I was so happy recalling those memories!Finally, the examiner asked me to give my opinion on a topic. They asked me if I prefer cats or dogs as pets. I said I love both, but if I had to choose, I would pick dogs because they are so loyal and playful. It was a tough choice, but I made my decision!Overall, the Public English Level 3 Speaking Test was a great experience. I got to practice my English, share my thoughts and experiences, and have fun talking with the examiner. I can't wait to see my results and continue improving my English skills. Yay!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story! Bye bye!篇9Title: Public English Level 3 Speaking Test Questions and AnswersIntroduction:Hi everyone! Have you ever been nervous about taking a speaking test in English? Don't worry! Today, I'm going to help you prepare for the Public English Level 3 speaking test. I'll sharesome sample questions and answers to help you practice and feel more confident. Let's get started!Sample Questions and Answers:1. Question: Can you tell me about your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it?Answer: My favorite hobby is playing soccer. I love it because it's fun and I get to exercise and make new friends. I also feel happy when I score a goal!2. Question: Describe your last holiday trip and what you did.Answer: Last summer, my family and I went to the beach. We played in the sand, swam in the ocean, and ate delicious seafood. It was a great time with my family.3. Question: How do you usually spend your weekends?Answer: On weekends, I like to hang out with my friends, watch movies, and play video games. Sometimes, I also help my mom with household chores.4. Question: What is your favorite food and why do you like it?Answer: I love pizza because it's cheesy and delicious. I enjoy the different toppings like pepperoni and vegetables. It's the best!5. Question: If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go and why?Answer: I would love to visit Japan because I'm interested in their culture, food, and technology. I would love to see the cherry blossoms in bloom!Tips for the Speaking Test:- Speak clearly and confidently.- Use simple words and sentences.- Practice your answers in front of a mirror or with a friend.- Try to relax and stay calm during the test.- Don't worry about making mistakes. Just keep talking!Conclusion:I hope these sample questions and answers have helped you prepare for the Public English Level 3 speaking test. Remember to practice and stay positive. You can do it! Good luck!篇10Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who was preparing for her Public English Level 3 Speaking Exam. She was feeling a little nervous because she wanted to do well and impress her teacher and parents. The exam was divided into different sections where she had to speak on different topics in English.The first section was about introducing herself and talking about her hobbies. Lily practiced introducing herself in front of the mirror many times. She said, "Hello, my name is Lily. I am 8 years old. My hobbies are drawing, playing with my dolls, and singing."The second section was about describing her daily routine. Lily thought for a moment and said, "Every day, I wake up at 7 o'clock, brush my teeth, have breakfast, go to school, play with my friends, do homework, have dinner, and go to bed at 9o'clock."The third section was about talking about her favorite season. Lily loved summer the most because she could swim in the pool, eat ice cream, and play outside with her friends. She said, "I love summer because it is so much fun and I can wear pretty dresses."The final section was about her future dream. Lily dreamt of becoming a famous artist one day and painting beautiful pictures for everyone to enjoy. She said, "I want to be an artist because I love colors and drawing brings me joy."After the exam, Lily felt relieved and happy to have completed it. She practiced hard, spoke confidently, and did her best. When the results came out, she had passed with flying colors. Her teacher and parents were so proud of her. Lily knew that with hard work and determination, she could achieve anything she set her mind to. And that's the story of Lily and her Public English Level 3 Speaking Exam.。



三级笔译真题(一)笔译综合能力Section1: vocabulary and grammarPart1 vocabulary selection1. We have had to raise the prices of our products because of the increase in the cost of ___materials.A primitiveB .roughC originalD raw2. With an eight-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very ___for the students.A hostileB anxiousC tediousD obscure3. Whenever the government increases public services, ___because more workers are needed to carry out these services.A employment to riseB employment risesC which rising employmentD the rise of employment4. Our flight to Guangzhou was___ by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had expected.A delayedB adjournedC cancelledD preserved5. Container-grown plants can be planted at any time of the year, but___ in winter.A should beB would beC preferredD preferably6. Both longitude and latitude___ in degrees, minutes andseconds.A measuringB measuredC are measuredD being measured7. Most comets have two kinds of tails, one made up of dust, ___ made up of electrically charged particles called plasma.A one anotherB the otherC other onesD each other8. Good pencil erasers are soft enough not___ paper but hard enough so tat they crumble gradually when used.A by damagingB so that they damagingC to damageD damaging9. The magician picked several persons___ from the audience and asked tem to help him with the performance.A by accidentB at randomC on occasionD on average10. On turning the corner, they saw the path___ steeply.A departingB descendingC decreasingD degenerating11. English language publications in China are growing in volume and___.A circulationB rotationC circumstanceD appreciating12. Hydroponics___ the cultivation of plants without soil.A doesB isC doD .are13. To impose computer technology___ teachers is tocreate an environment that is not conducive to learning.A withB toC inD on14. Marketing is___ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer.A rather thanB other thanC bigger thanD more than15. ___ a language family is a group of languages with a common origin and similar vocabulary, grammar, and sound system.A What linguists callB It is called by linguistsC Linguists call itD What do linguists call16. In the eighteenth century, the town of Bennington, Vermont, was famous for___ pottery.A it madeB itsC the makingD where its17. ___ get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.A ChildrenB Children, when theyC As childrenD For children to18. ___ of his childhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, provided Mark Twain with the inspiration for two of his most popular novels.A RememberingB MemoriesC It was the memoriesD He remembered19. Dust storms most often occur in areas where the ground has little vegetation to protect___ of the wind.A From the effectsB it the effectsC it from the effectsD the effects from it20. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are a___.A scarcityB minorityC minimumD shortagePart2 vocabulary replacement21. Shellfish give the deceptive appearance of enjoying a peaceful existence, although in fact life is a constant struggle for them.A misleadingB calmC understandableD initial22. The most striking technological success in the 20th century is probably the computer revolution.A profitableB productiveC prominentD prompt23. Scientific evidence from different disciplines demonstrates that in most humans the left hemisphere of the brain controls language.A. groups of follows B years C countries D fields of study24. Public relations practice is the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publicA completeB relatedC intentionalD active25. The use of the new technology will have a profound effect on schools.A negativeB positiveC strongD useful26. If we look at the Chinese and British concepts of hospitality, we find one major similarity but a number of important differences.A hostilityB friendlinessC mannerD culture27. In just three years, the Net has gone from a playground for the local people to a vast communications and trading center where millions swap information or do deals around the world.A businessB shoppingC chattingD meeting28. Most species of this plant thrive in ordinary well-drained garden soil and they are best planted 8cm deep and 5cm apart.A develop wellB grow tallerC matureD bear fruit29. Motivation is the driving force within individuals that impels them to action.A impedesB interferesC holdsD pushes30. The ultimate cause of the Civil War was the bombardment of Fort Sumter.A. only B final C true D special31. No hero of ancient or modern days can surpass the Indians with their lofty contempt of death and the fortitude with which they sustain its cruelest affliction.A regardB courageC lossD track32. The service economy doesn’t suggest that we convert our factories into laundries to survive.A implyB persuadeC hurlD transform33. It was rather strange how the habits of his youth clung to him still. He was 72.A stuck toB turnedC led toD gave way to34. He has a touch of eccentricity in his composition.A. essay B writing C character D manner35. Jim was a stout old gentleman, with a weather-beaten countenance.A bodyB skinC shoulderD passionate interestPart3 error correction36. Not much people realize that apples have been cultivated for over 3,000 years.A Not manyB Not enoughC Without manyD No many37. The eastern bluebird is considered the most attractive bird native of North America by many bird-watchers.A nativeB native withC native byD native to38. All living creatures pass on inherited traits from one generation to other.A the otherB anotherC the otherD other one39. Furniture makers use glue to hold joints together and sometimes to reinforce it.A itsB fastC hardD them40. The hard, out surface of the tooth is called enamel.A outsideB appearanceC outerD hiding41. The earliest form of artificial lighting was fire, which also provided warm and protection.A hotB sunshineC warmthD safe42. All mammals have hair, but not always evident.A but it is notB but it isC but they are notD but they are43. A professor of economic and history at Atlanta University, W.E.B. Du Bois, promoted full racial equality.A economyB economicsC economicalD economic44. Machines that use hydraulic pressure including elevators, dentist chairs, and automobile brakes.A excludeB excludingC includeD are included45. The first recorded use of nature gas to light street lamps it was in the town of Frederick, New York, in 1825.A wasB isC it isD were46. Although the social sciences different a great deal from one another, they share a common interest in human relationship.A moveB differC changeD varies47. Unlike competitive running, race walkers must always keep some portion of their feet in contact of the ground.A runB runnerC runnersD running race48. A promising note is a written agreement to pay a certain sum of money at some time future.A time futuresB futuresC futures timeD future time49. New York City surpassed the other Atlantic seaports in partly because it developed the best transportation links with the interior of the country.A partB partialC partnerD parting50. All root vegetables grow underground, and not all vegetables that grow underground are roots.A butB orC asD thusSection2: reading comprehension(1)Phyllis Wheatley is regarded as America’s first black poet. She was born in Senegal, Africa, about 1753 and broughtto America abroad a slave ship at about the age of seven. John and Susannah Wheatley bought her for three pounds at a slave auction in Boston in 1761 to be a personal servant of Mrs. Wheatley. The family had three other slaves, and all were treated with respect. Phyllis was soon accepted as one of the family, which included being raised and educated with the Wheatley’s twin 15- year-old children, Mary and Nathaniel. At that time, most females, even from better families, could not read and write, but Mary was probably one of the best educated young women in Boston. Mary wanted to become a teacher, and in fact, it was Mary who decided to take charge of Phyllis’s education. Phyllis soon displayed her remarkable talents. At the age of twelve she was reading the Greek and Latin classics and passages from the Bible. And eventually, Mrs. Wheatley decided Phyllis should become a Christian.At the age of thirteen Phyllis wrote her first poem. She became a Boston sensation after she wrote a poem on the death of the evangelical preacher George Whitfield in 1770. It became common practice in Boston to have “Mrs. Wheatley’s Phyllis” read poetry in polite society. Mary married in 1771, and Phyllis later moved to the countrybecause of poor health, as a teacher and caretaker to a farmer’s three children. Mary had tried to interest publishers in Phyllis’s poems but once they heard she was a Negro they weren’t interested.Then in 1773 Phyllis went with Nathaniel, who was now a businessman, to London. It was thought that a sea voyage might improve her health. Thirty-nine of her poems were published in London as Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. It was the first book published by a black American. In 1775 Phyllis wrote a poem extolling the accomplishments of George Washington and sent it to him. He responded by praising her talents and inviting her to visit his headquarters. After both of her benefactors died in 1777, and Mary died in1778, Phyllis was freed as a slave. She married in 1778, moved away from Boston, and had three children. But after the unhappy marriage, she moved back to Boston, and died in poverty at the age of thirty.51. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. Slavery and the treatment of the black people in America.B. The Wheatley family, including their slaves.C. The life of America’s first black poet.D. The achievements of Phyllis Wheatley.52. The underlined word “respect” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to___.A. considerationB. disregardC. punishment D behavior53. According to the passage, how many slaves did the Wheatley’s have?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four54. According to the passage, an unusual feature of Mary was that she___.A. was not much older than PhyllisB. wanted to become a teacherC. was comparatively well educatedD. decided to take charge of Phyllis’s education55. The underlined word “eventually” in Paragraph1 is closest in meaning to___.A. ultimatelyB. slowlyC. reluctantlyD. gradually56. Which of the following is NOT true about Phyllis in the early 1770s?A. She wrote her first poem when in her teens.B. She married in 1771.C. She became a teacher.D. She was be able to get her poems published.57. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refers to___.A publishersB poemsC childrenD black people58. It can be inferred that Phyllis’s trip to England with Nathaniel in 1773___.A. did not improve her healthB. was for business reasonsC. led to books of her poems being available in AmericaD. led to the publication of her poems because the English were more interested in religious and moral subjects59. The word “extolling” is closest in meaning to___A. She would have been more recognized as a poet if she had not been black.B. She would have written poetry if she had stayed in Africa.C. She went unrecognized as a poet during her lifetime.D. She only wrote religious poetry.(2)About fifty years ago, plant physiologists set out togrow roots by themselves in solutions in laboratory flasks. The scientists found that the nutrition of isolated roots was quite simple. They required sugar and the usual minerals and vitamins. However, they did not require organic nitrogen compounds. These roots got along fine on mineral inorganic nitrogen. Roots are capable of making their own proteins and other organic compounds. These activities by roots require energy, of course. The process of respiration uses sugar to make the high energy compound ATP, which drives the biochemical reactions. Respiration also require oxygen. Highly active roots require a good deal of oxygen.The study of isolated roots has provided an understanding of the relationship between shoots and roots in intact plants. The leaves of the shoots provide the roots with sugar and vitamins, and the roots provide the shoots with water and minerals. In addition, roots can provide the shoots with organic nitrogen compounds. This comes in handy for the growth of buds in the early spring when leaves are not yet functioning. Once leaves begin photosynthesizing, they produce protein, but only mature leaves can “export” protein to the rest of the plant in the form of amino acids.61. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The relationship between a plant’s roots and its shoots.B. What can be learned by growing roots in isolation.C. How plants can be grown without roots.D. What elements are necessary for the growth of plants.62. The underlined word “themselves” in Paragraph1 refers to___.A. plant physiologistsB. solutionsC. laboratory flasksD. roots63. The scientists found what the isolated roots need is___.A. quite naturalB. sugar, minerals and vitaminsC. some rare vitaminsD. organic nitrogen compounds64. Roots have the ability to___.A. make proteinsB. obtain fresh airC. produce inorganic nitrogenD. carry out activities without energy65. According to the passage, what is ATP?A. A biochemical processB. The tip of a rootC. A chemical compoundD. A type of plant cell66. The underlined word “intact” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to___.A. matureB. wildC. wholeD. tiny67. The use of the phrase “comes in handy” underlined in Paragraph 2 indicates that the process is___.A. unavoidableB. predictableC. necessaryD. successful68. It can be inferred from the passage that, in the early spring, the buds of plants___.A. “export” protein in the form of amino acidsB. do not require waterC. have begun photosynthesizingD. obtain organic compounds from the root69. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?A. The results of two experiments are compared.B. A generalization is made, and several examples of it are given.C. The findings of an experiment are explained.D. A hypothesis is presented, and several means of proving it are suggested.70. Where is this passage likely to be found?A. A newsletter.B. A magazineC. A storybookD. Anovel(3)Natural flavorings and fragrances are often costly and limited in supply. For example, the vital ingredient in a rose fragrance is extracted from natural rose oil at a cost of thousands of dollars a pound; an identical synthetic substance can be made for 1% of this cost. Since the early twentieth century, success in reproducing these substances has created a new industry that today produces hundreds of artificial flavors and fragrances.Some natural fragrances are easily synthesized; these include vanillin, the aromatic ingredient in vanilla, and benzaldehyde, the aromatic ingredient in wild cherries. Other fragrances, however, have dozens, even hundreds of components. Only recently has it been possible to separate and identify these ingredients by the use of gas chromatography and spectroscopy. Once the chemical identity is known, it is often possible to synthesize them. Nevertheless, some complex substances such as the aroma of fresh coffee, have still not been duplicated satisfactorily.Many of the chemical compounds making up these synthetics are identical to those found in nature, and are asharmless or harmful as the natural substances. New products must be tested for safety, and when used in food, must be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.The availability of synthetic flavors and fragrances has made possible a large variety of products, from inexpensive beverages to perfumed soap to used cars with applied “new car odor”.71. From the passage we can learn that___.A. natural flavorings and fragrances are not quite dearB. the limitation of natural flavorings and fragrances is clearC. the supply of natural flavorings and fragrances is adequate to meet the demandD. the cost of producing natural flavorings and fragrances is high72. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Natural rose fragrance is 100 times more expensive to produce than artificial rose fragrance.B. The most important ingredient in a rose fragrance is obtained from natural rose oil at a low cost.C. A different synthetic substance can be made for 1%of the cost.D. Natural rose oil costs the same as its fragrances.73. The industry of producing hundreds of artificial flavors and fragrances probably appeared in___.A. 2000B. 1953C.1909D.181074. According tothe passage, all the following are easier to synthesize EXCEPT___.A. aromatic ingredient in vanillaB. vanillaC. aromatic ingredient in wild cherryD. the flavor of flesh coffee75. The underlined word “duplicated” in Paragraph2 is closest in meaning to___.A. make doubleB. make a copy ofC. produce something equal toD. take from76. Why does the author mention fresh coffee in Paragraph 2?A. As an example of complex substances having not been duplicated satisfactorily.B. Because the coffee fragrance is hard to produce.C. To conclude the passageD. If spectroscopy is adopted.77. ___, a substance can be synthesized.A. Upon identifying the basic components of itB. Once chemically analyzedC. When gas chromatography is usedD. If spectroscopy is adopted78. It can be inferred from the passage that___.A. vanillin is easier to synthesize than benzaldehydeB. not all synthetic flavors are harmlessC. in general, the less components there are in fragrance, the harder it is to synthesizeD. synthesized substances must be tested for safety only if they are used in food79. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. How to Synthesize FragrancesB. Synthetic Substances Are Easy to MakeC. Natural Flavorings and FragrancesD. Synthetic Flavors and Fragrances80. Which of the following is NOT true according tothe passage?A. Synthetic fragrances can be used to make a used car smell like a new one.B. Synthetic flavors and fragrances have added to the varieties of products.C. Lemon soap is made out of some delicious lemon.D. It is likely that a bottle of orange juice is synthesized.(4)Some people associate migration with birds. Birds to travel vast distances, but mammals also migrate. An example is the caribou, reindeer that graze on the grassy slopes of northern Canada. When the weather turns cold, they travel south until spring. Their tracks are so well-worn that they are clearly visible from the air. Another migrating mammal is the Alaska fur seal. Theses seals breed only in the Pribilot Islands in the Bering Sea. The young are born in June and by September are strong enough to go with their mothers on a journey of over 3,000 miles. Together they swim down the Pacific Coast of North America. The females and young travel as far as southern California. The males do not journey so far. They swim only to the Gulf of Alaska. In the spring, males and females all return to the islands, and there the cycle beginsagain. Whales are among the greatest migrators of all. The humpback and blue whales migrate thousands of miles each year from the polar seas to the tropics. Wales eat huge quantities of plankton. These are most abundant in cold polar waters. In winter, the whales move to warm waters to breed and give birth to their young.81. From the passage we can learn that___.A. people migrate like animalsB. only birds migrateC. the females fur seals migrate only to the Gulf of AlaskaD. not all mammals migrate82. The phrase “An example” underlined in Paragraph 1 refers to an example of a___.A. migratory mammalB. place where animals migrateC. migrating birdsD. person who associates migration with birds83. All the mammals are mentioned as migrating ones EXCEPT___.A. caribouB. fin whaleC. reindeerD. Alaska fur seal84. Where can you see from the air the migration of the mammals?A. In the Pribilot Islands.B. In the Bering SeaC. In southern CaliforniaD. In northern Canada85. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Wales breed in winter.B. Young whales are given birth in cold waters.C. Alaska fur seals give birth to the young only in one area.D. Alaska fur seals are born in warm weather.86. Together___ of Alaska fur seals swim down the Pacific Coast of North America.A. mothers and the youngB. fathers and the youngC. parents and the youngD. seals and whales87. Which of the following is NOT described inn the passage?A. Whales migrate to breed and give birth to their young.B. Whale-watching in Boston in summer is attracting.C. Seals breed in the north before migration.D. Reindeer feed on grass.88. Whales live on___.A. tiny plants and animals in the sea.B. the grassy slopes of northern Canada.C. their young in cold winter.D. the abundant seafood in tropic waters.89. How many kinds of migrating mammals are mentioned in the passage?A. FourB. ThreeC. TwoD. One90. What is the best title of the passage?A. Three Types of WhalesB. Birds MigrationC. Mammals Also MigrateD. Several Kinds of Migration(5)Electronic mail has become an extremely important and popular means of communication.Te convenience and efficiency of electronic mail are threatened by the extremely rapid growth in the volume of unsolicited commercial electronic mail. Unsolicited commercial electronic mail is currently estimated to account for over half of all electronic mail traffic, up from an estimated 7 percent in2001, and the volume continues to rise. Most of these messages are fraudulent or deceptive in one or more respects.The receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic mail may result in costs to recipients who cannot to refuse to accept such mail and who incur costs for the storage of such mail, or for the time spent accessing, reviewing, and discarding such mail, or for both. The receipt of a large number of unwanted messages also decreases the convenience of the electronic mail and creates a risk that anted electronic mail messages, both commercial and noncommercial, will be lost, overlooked, or discarded amidst the larger volume of unwanted messages, thus reducing the reliability and usefulness of electronic mail to the recipient. Some commercial electronic mail contains material that many recipients may consider vulgar or pornographic in nature.The growth in unsolicited commercial electronic mail imposes significant monetary costs on providers of Internet access services, businesses, and educational and nonprofit institutions that carry and receives such mail, as there is a finite volume of mail that such providers, businesses, and institutions can handle without further investment in infrastructure. Manysenders of unsolicited commercial electronic mail purposefully disguise the source of such mail.Many senders of unsolicited commercial electronic mail purposefully include misleading information in the messages’ subject lines in order to induce the recipients to view the messages. While some senders of commercial electronic mail messages provide simple and reliable ways for recipients to reject (or ‘opt-out’ of) receipt of commercial electronic mail from such senders in the future, other senders provide no such ‘opt-out’ mechanism, or refuse to honor the requests of recipients not to receive electronic mail from such senders in the future, or both.Many senders of bulks unsolicited commercial electronic mail use computer programs to gather large numbers of electronic mail addresses on an automated basis from Internet websites or online services where users must post their addresses in order to make full use of the website or service.The problems associated with the rapid growth and abuse of unsolicited commercial electronic mail cannot be solved by the government alone. The development and adoption of technological approaches and the pursuit ofcooperative efforts with other countries will be necessary as well.91. According to the passage, efficiency of e-mail is threatened by___.A. heavy e-mail trafficB. fraudulent e-mail messagesC. large volume of messagesD. increasing amount of unwanted e-mail92. Which of the following is NOT true about unwanted e-mail?A. It costs money to receive them.B. It’s free to store them.C. It takes time to access them.D. It takes time to throw them away.93. Unwanted e-mail may___.A. cause companies to fail in businessB. cause wanted e-mail messages to loseC. damage the credit of a companyD. do good to a small company94. “Pornographic” in Paragraph 3 probably means___.A. decentB. instructionalC. sexualD. commercial95. What does unwanted e-mail messages do to the providers of the Internet services?A. Raising their costB. Raising the Internet speedC. Improving their businessD. Attracting investment96. “Disguise” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to___.A. revealB. hideC. deliverD. post97. The word “induce” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to___.A. cheatB. introduceC. provideD. harm98. “Opt-out”mechanism is probably___.A. a machine that can be attached to your computerB. a button that you can make a choice to read or not to readC. a software that you can play a computer gameD. an e-mail that says some good words to you99. It can be inferred from Paragraph 6 that bulk unsolicited commercial e-mail will probably spread___.A. harmful virusB. unpleasant newsC. advertisementsD. adult jokes100. The unwanted e-mail problem can be solved if___.A. the government takes actionB. a new technology is adoptedC . more people are aware of the problemD. joint efforts are made and new technology is usedSection3: cloze testInsurance is the sharing of ___ (1). Nearly everyone is exposed ___ (2) risk of some sort. The house Owner, for example, knows that his ___ (3) can be damaged by fire; the ship owner knows that his Vessel may be lost at ea; the breadwinner knows that he may die by ___ (4) and ___ (5) his family in poverty. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire or every vessel lost at sea. If these persons each put a ___ (6) sum of money into a pool, there will be enough to ___ (7) the needs of few who do suffer ___ (8). In other words the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the ___ (9). This is the basis of ___( 10). Those who pay the contributions are known as ___ (11) and those who administer the pool of the contributions as insurer.The ___ (12) for an insurance naturally depends on how the risk is to happen as suggested ___ (13) past experience. If。























CATTI三级口译训练题及答案正规版20____CATTI三级口译训练题及答案20____年CATTI三级口译训练题及答案请看《中国日报》的报道:The banks39; NPL ratio increased by 0.04 percentage point to 1.04 percent during the same period, said the China Banking Regulatory mission in an online statement published on Thursday.坏账就是;不良贷款;,也可以表达为bad loans。




请翻译以下词组及句子:1、NPL ratio2、NPL(Nonperforming loans)3、rate of return on capital4、loan impairment reserves5、writing off bad loans6、The banks39; NPL ratio increased by 0.04 percentage point to 1.04 percent during the same period,said the China Banking Regulatory mission in an online statement published on Thursday.答案1、NPL ratio就是坏账率2、NPL(Nonperforming loans);不良贷款;或;坏账;(bad loans)3、rate of return on capital 资本利润率4、loan impairment reserves 贷款减值打算金5、writing off bad loans 注销不良贷款6、The banks39; NPL ratio increased by 0.04 percentage point to 1.04 percent during the same period,said the China Banking Regulatory mission in an online statement published on Thursday.中国银监会周四在网上发布的声明称,银行的坏账率在此期间升至1.04%,增加了0.04%。



2009年5月NAETI英语三级口译证书考试真题及参考译文(第一部分)Part 1In this part you are going to hear an interview by an American reporter with Mr.Zhang, a CEO of a very successful Chinese company in China. Please interpret what the reporter says into Chinese and Mr.Zhang's reply into English.Report: Mr.Zhang, what was your first job, and what did you learn from it?//Mr.Zhang: 我在一家进出口公司当司机。



//Report: Was there anyone who taught you important business lessons? //Mr.Zhang: 从来也没有什么人教过我。



//Report: Do you have an particular management philosophy?//Mr.Zhang: 我认为首先得有明确的目标。



//Report: What is the benefit of this for your business?//Mr.Zhang: 这样就保证了下面直接开展业务的人员对于自己的业务有决策权,效率更高。

//Report: What were the toughest decisions you 've had to make?//Mr.Zhang: 经常是和用人有关的。



翻译三级口译综合能力-41(总分:34.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、A(总题数:1,分数:9.00)(分数:9.00)(1).Emma is my grandmother.(分数:0.90)A.正确B.错误√解析:[听力原文]My mother stayed in California for ten years. Her grandfather left her to his wife, Emma, a severe woman who wore black dresses and resented and ignored my mother. Emma discouraged visitors and rarely allowed my mother to attend parties or other functions. One Halloween, when she caught my mother trick-or-treating with school friends, Emma decided to confine her to her room for an entire year, except for the hours she was in school. She forbade my mother to eat at the kitchen table or linger in the front yard. This cruel punishment went on for months until Emma"s sister came for a visit and put a stop to it. By the time my mother turned fourteen, she could no longer bear life in her grandmother"s house. She found work as a mother"s helper, caring for two young children in return for room, board and three dollars a week. She had little time for the extracurricular athletics and drama that she loved and no money for clothes. She washed the same blouse everyday to wear with her only skirt and, in colder weather, her only sweater. But for the first time, she lived in household where the father and mother gave their children the love, attention and guidance she had never received. My mother often told me that without that sojourn with a strong family, she would not have known how to care for her own home and children. Emma is my grandmother.[分析] 理解推断。



CATTI三级口译实务试题及答案解析(一)一、Listen and Interpret (本大题1小题.每题20.0分,共20.0分。

Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the signal to tell you when you start interpreting)第1题【正确答案】:答案:麦克:赶紧找点东西吃,我饿坏了。

Li:I am also quite hungry.Hey.There is a McDonald's up ahead.麦克:只要你向前走,总能碰上麦当劳;不管你朝哪看,总能看见一家该死的麦当劳。





Li:I like the burgers anyway.Few places in the world areMcDonald's-free.They have sold more than 100 billion burgers worldwide.In China alone,several hundred McDonald's restaurants have been set up in recent years,and many children prefer to have their birthday-parties there.Of course,not all their food is good,but at least they are consistent.One burger is completely like the other no matter when you go.麦克:随你怎么说,我反正认为那里的饭菜不怎么样。



CATTI三级口译复习题及答案【第一题】Beijing will begin a trial of discounted subway fares in nonrush hours at the end of this year, according to Beijing Subway on Tuesday.其实低峰时段,就是指高峰时段以外的时间。

北京地铁公司称,将在八通线(Batong Line)土桥至高碑店11座车站,以及昌平线(Changping Line)南邵至朱辛庄5座车站,试行工作日7:00前持一卡通刷卡进站票价7折优惠措施。




此外,贾鹏还表示,从本月29日开始,新的CBTC 信号系统正式投用,1号线、6号线、9号线、10号线的高峰最小行车间隔将缩短到2分钟,列车间隔真正进入“2分钟时代”。


请结合文意翻译以下词组及句子:1、高峰时段2、低峰时段3、低峰优惠票价4、工作日7:00前5、一卡通6、鼓励乘客错峰出行7、缓解北京轨道交通拥挤状况8、自动售检票系统9、CBTC信号系统10、行车间隔11、Beijing will begin a trial of discounted subway fares in nonrush hours at the end of this year, according to Beijing Subway on Tuesday.参考答案1、高峰时段 rush hours2、低峰时段 nonrush hours3、低峰优惠票价 discounted fares in nonrush hours4、工作日7:00前 before 7 am on workdays5、一卡通 integration of transportation card6、鼓励乘客错峰出行 encouraging commuters to travel during nonrush hours7、缓解北京轨道交通拥挤状况 reducing crowds in Beijing's rail transport system8、自动售检票系统 automatic Fare Collection system9、CBTC信号系统 CBTC signal system10、行车间隔 train intervals11、Beijing will begin a trial of discounted subway fares in nonrush hours at the end of this year, according to Beijing Subway on Tuesday. 北京市地铁运营公司22日发布消息称,地铁低峰优惠票价将于今年年底在本市开展试点。

英语 口译三级真题

英语 口译三级真题

part a compulsory translation (必译题)(30 points)the dreadlock deadlockin the fall of 1993 christopher polk transferred from fedex‘s hub in indianapolis to ta ke over a delivery route in flatbush district, brooklyn, n.y. but moving to the country’s l argest community of caribbean and african immigrants only precipitated a far more profound j ourney. "i was becoming culturally aware of the history of the black people," says polk, now 31, "and that gave me these spiritual questions." his answer came providentially, by way of a music video featuring lord jamal, who raps about the rastafarian belief in the sanctity o f dreadlocks - the cords of permanently interlocked strands first worn by african chiefs per haps 6,000 years ago.now a practicing rastafarian, polk sports thick garlands that gently cascade onto his sh oulders. "your hair is your covenant," he says. "once you grow your locks, it puts you on a path."unfortunately, that path was a collision course with federal expr ess‘s grooming policy, which requires men to confine their dos to "a reasonable style." after years of deliberation, polk’s bosses gave him a choice: shear his locks or be transferred to a lower-paid job wit h no customer contact. he refused both options and was terminated in june 2000.his tale is not unique. although rastafarians number about 5,000 nationally, today dread locks, twists or braids are at the height of fashion, nearly as common as afros were 30 year s ago. if afros symbolized militancy, dreads signal a more spiritual self-declaration, a fig urative locking with african ancestors. as stanford professor kennell jackson, who teaches a course called "african coiffures and their new world legacies," puts it, "there‘s a divini ty to these locks."divine or not, some employers con sider them unacceptably outré. six other new york-area fedex employees have lost their jobs because of dreadlocks. they have sued, alleging religio us discrimination; the u.s. equal employment opportunity commission and new york‘s attorney general have also charged fedex with violating religious protections in the civil rights ac t.the dreadlock deadlock may be easing. fedex altered its policy slightly a few weeks ago: in the future, observant employees who seek a waiver may wear their locks tucked under unif orm hats, says a company spokeswoman. the concession isn‘t enough to settl e the lawsuits ye t. the eeoc also wants reinstatement for the fired drivers, says trial attorney michael rani s. he’s optimistic. some new styles, he knows, grow more appealing over time.topic 1 (选题一)eurasians: the new face of asiafusion is in, not only as an abstract fashion concept, but in that most grounded of real ities: mixed-blood people who walk, talk, and produce even more multiracial progeny. most st range of all, these hybrids are finding themselves hailed as role models for vast masses in asia with no mixed blood at all. "when i think of asia, i don't necessarily think of people who look like me," says declan wong, a chinese-dutch-american actor and producer, "but someh ow we‘ve becom e the face that sells the new asia."so maybe asia's eurasian craze is driven by the theories of that whitest of white men, e conomist adam smith. as the world gets smaller, we look for a global marketing mien, a one-s ize-fits-all face that helps us sell nokia cell phones and palmolive shampoo across the worl d."for any business, you can't think locally anymore," says paul lau, general manager at e lite model management in hong kong, who has built up a stable of eurasians for his internati onally minded clients. "at the very least, you need to think regionally. ideally, you should think globally." a global image helps sell products, even if no one but filipinos would eve r want to buy duck-fetus eggs or thais the most pungent variety of shrimp paste. yanto zaina l, president of macs909, a boutique ad agency in jakarta, used all indos for a campaign for the local matahari department store chain. "the store wanted to promote a more cosmopolitan image," he says. "indos have an international look but can still be accepted as indonesian."channel v, the asia-wide music television channel, was one of the first to broadcast the message of homogenized hybridism. "we needed a messenger that would fit in from tokyo to th e middle east." says jonnifer seeto, regional sales marketing manager for the channel, which began beaming its border-busting images in 1994. star veejay asha gill personifies the glob al look. when asked what her ethnic heritage is, gill, a malaysian citizen, simply shrugs. " oh, who knows," she says. "i'm half punjabi, mixed with some english, a little french and dr ibs and drabs of god knows what else." the 29-year-old speaks crisp british english, fluent malay, and a smidgen of punjabi. she grew up in a kuala lumpur neighborhood that was mostly chinese, attended an english-speak ing school and was pals with malay and indian kids. gill‘s channel v show, broadcast in english, has a strong following in malaysia, japan and the uni ted arab emirates. "i'm hitler’s worst nightmare," she says. "my ethnicity and profession m ake me a global person who can't be defined in just one category."global person who can't be defined in just one category."topic 2 (选题二)matterlook at all the things around us: chairs, desks, cupboards, papers and pens in our class room; motor cars, bicycles and buses in the streets; trees, plants and animals in the countr yside; birds, aeroplanes and clouds in the sky; fishes, seaweeds and corals in the sea; star s, the moon and the sun in outer space. these and all other things including the human body, are examples of matter. matter is anything that takes up space and has weight.what is matter made of?since ancient times, learned men or philosophers have thought about matter and what it i s made up of. one group of philosophers thought that matter was made up of a substance calle d "hyle" (实质). another group of philosophers said that matter was made up of four substanc es, namely earth, water, air and fire. a third group believed that matter was made up of ver y tiny particles which were too small to be seen. these particles were so small that they co uld never be further divided into smaller particles. they gave the particles the name atoms which means "those which cannot be divided." the difference between the various kinds of ato ms and the ways in which they were joined were supposed to result in the different kinds of matter.all these ideas arose purely from the mind and were not based on investigation. for many years, people believed in the second idea. but actually it is the third idea that is nearer to our present concept of matter.dalton's atomic theoryin the early nineteenth century, dalton, an english school teacher, stated in this atomi c theory that matter was made up of tiny, indivisible particles, which he also called atoms. his laboratory work showed him that atoms could neither be divided into smaller parts nor c ould they be destroyed. he pictured matter as being made up of tiny solid spherical atoms. t oday the idea of the atoms has been accepted. but further work has shown that contrary to da lton‘s findings, atoms are made up of even smaller particles.section 2: chinese-english translation (汉译英)this section consists of two parts, part a —— "compulsory translation" and part b - "c hoice of two translations" consisting of two sections "topic 1" and "topic 2". for the passa ge in part a and your choice of passages in part b, translate the underlined portions, inclu ding titles, into english. above your translation of part a, write "compulsory translation"and above your translation from part b, write "topic 1" or "topic 2" and write your translat ions on the answer sheet (40 points, 80 minutes).part a compulsory translation (必译题)(20 points)中国政府高度重视人口与发展问题,将人口与发展问题作为国民经济和社会发展总体规划的重要组成部分列入议事日程,始终强调人口增长与经济社会发展相适应,与资源利用和环境保护相协调。

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Last night, when I was coming into town from Pudong Airport, I crossed the beautiful Huangpu River on the Lupu Bridge. This reminded me of China’s talent in making bridges and made me think of three other important bridges.
Bridge number one: 40 years ago, China started to build a “bridge to the world” by opening its economy and by kickstarting reforms that have changed the lives and prospects of hundreds of millions of people—here and beyond China.
By transforming itself—through trade, hard work, and learning from others—China has also helped to transform the global economy. Progress in this country has played a significant role in boosting productivity, innovation and living standards in countries around the world.
Yes, there is always more work to be done. On these bridges, you don’t want traffic jams. There is room for even greater openness in China’s domestic market, which can help
strengthen the global trade system. And there is scope for further reforms that can help unlock the full potential of many private-sector firms.
Bridge number two: China is building a “bridge to prosperity” by rebalancing its economy towards consumption-led growth, rather than export- and investment-led growth.
Building that bridge is well underway. In the first three quarters of this year, consumption contributed 78 percent to China’s GDP growth, up from 50 percent only 5 years ago.
This transition—which is symbolized by the China International Import Expo—is good for China, especially in terms of rising standards of living for the Chinese people, and good for the world, including all those who see China as a vital and vibrant market for their goods and services.
Again, we can see the progress and rebalancing in the numbers: for example, C hina’s current account surplus is projected to be less than 1 percent of GDP this year, compared
with about 10 percent in 2007.
Bridge number three: China is building a “bridge to the future” by harnessing the power of international cooperation, especially on trade.
On behalf of the IMF, I have called on all countries to de-escalate and resolve the current trade disputes and to fix the global trade system, not destroy it. To achieve these goals, we need more international cooperation, not less—and that goes well beyond economics.
The French philosopher Montesquieu once said that “wherever there is good citizenship, there is trade, and wherever there is trade, there is good citizenship.”
In other words, trade has the capacity to boost innovation, foster not only prosperity but also peace within countries and among nations.
So, in Shanghai, the city of 12 bridges, I will only mention three, but this is where we need to start this cooperation
towards more peace and more prosperous future.
Thank you.。
