孟子,名柯,战国时邹人(今山 东邹县)。 董永,东汉千乘(今山东高青 东南)人。
诸葛亮,字孔明,三国时期著名的政治 家,军事家。琅邪阳都(今山东省沂 南县南)人。生于公元181年4月14 日,卒于公元234年8月28日,享年54岁。
王羲之,字逸少,西晋末年 (约公元307年)出生于琅琊 (今山东临沂)。 李清照(公元1084-1151 ),号易
号卢医。姓秦,名越人,齐国 渤海卢(今山东省长清县)Байду номын сангаас。他 一生周游四方,为百姓治病, 刻苦钻研医术,积累了丰富的 医疗实践经验,为我国古代医 学的发展,做出了杰出的贡献。
东明,一说河南商丘,一说安徽 蒙城),曾为蒙漆园吏。和孟子 同时,比孟子略晚一点。约生于 公元前355年(周显王十四年), 卒于公元前进275年(周赧王四 十年)。庄子家境贫穷,曾居住 陋巷,以织屦为生。
安居士,济南章丘人,宋代杰出的 女词人。李清照生于书香门第,父 亲李格非精通经史,长于散文,母 亲王氏也知书能文。
山东素称“孔孟之乡, 礼仪之邦”,历史上出 现过一大批对中华文化 乃至世界文化产生影响 的历史文化名人。
孙武(约前551—?),伟大的军 事理论家,字长卿,齐国乐安 (今山东惠民)人。
孔子(前551--前479),春秋末 期思想家、政治家、教育家,音 乐家,儒家学说创始者。 名丘, 字仲尼。鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜 东南)人。先世为宋国贵族。
民国名人老照片(三)北洋总理肖像照作者:臧伟强来源:《收藏/拍卖》 2014年第4期文、图:臧伟强民国肇造,各种力量相继登上历史舞台,你方唱罢我登场。
“民国第一内阁”国务总理1912 年3 月,按《临时约法》的规定,北京临时政府临时大总统袁世凯推荐唐绍仪(1862 - 1938,广东珠海人)为首任国务总理人选,并组织第一届内阁。
1912 年4 月1 日,北京政府首届内阁成立。
5 月,唐绍仪经袁世凯、孙中山同意,直接向利率优惠的比利时华比银行借款一百万英镑。
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Contents Introduction: (4)Philosophy: (5)Trading strategies – an overview: (6)Introduction to direct access trading: (8)The US stock markets: (9)Bids and offers: (10)NASDAQ and level 2: (12)The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE): (14)NYSE stocks in the level 2 window: (15)NYSE stocks on “Island”: (16)The basics of Nasdaq order routing: (16)Short selling: (18)Basic rules for using technical analysis: (19)Market and sector analysis: (20)Types of charts: (22)Development of trends: (24)Moving averages: (26)Volume: (28)Breakouts: (29)The pivot setup: (31)Continuation patterns: (32)Moving average crossovers (36)Basic swing trading setups: (38)Flags and pennants: (40)Triangles: (42)The cup and handle: (44)Candlestick indicators: (45)Price resistance: (49)What makes stock prices move? (50)Price/Volume studies: (51)Momentum trading: (53)Gainers and dumpers: (54)Liquidity: (57)Spotting the “ax” on level 2: (59)Gaps and premarket trading: (60)Unusual prices: (63)Nasdaq order routing systems: (65)The Island ECN (ISLD): (67)Archipelago (ARCA): (68)Small order execution system (SOES): (69)Selectnet (SNET): (70)Instinet (INCA): (71)Trade Management: (72)Learning plan: (73)Paper trading: (75)Choosing brokers: (76)Commissions (77)Technical requirements/computer setup: (79)Graphics and multi monitor setup: (80)A typical trading day and pre market preparation: (83)Keys to success - psychological aspects: (88)Disclaimer: (95)Introduction:This book is designed to introduce you to the exciting world of active trading. Active trading means to actively participate in everyday price movements of the financial markets. Active trading enables you to actively manage risks and to participate from both rising and falling prices. The trades I am describing in this book can be from as short as a few seconds to as long as a few days. Many of the strategies can be applied to various timeframes. The difference between active traders and investors is that active traders trade the actual price movement versus investors who make their decisions based on the anticipation of future price movements. I tried to make this book as complete as possible. However, you will find as many strategies as traders. As you gain more experience you will realize that most strategies are based on the same basic principles and that there is really no holy grail out there.I have been trading and coaching for many years now. The need to be independent certainly was the biggest reason for me to enter the world of trading. In what other job do you have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world where you have access to the Internet? I started with investing but always felt that there has to be more to the stock market. That’s when I started watching quotes in real time and realized how big the profit potential must be if I could just cut out a small piece of the everyday movements. There are many obstacles to conquer though in order to get to a consistent success. A solid strategy, a neutral state of mind and rigid risk management are only some of the key traits needed to be successful.Whether you are planning to trade full time or just part time, this book will give you very valuable insight into the whole business. Even if you are just planning to invest you should read this book and take some of the basics of technical analysis into consideration when making your next decisions.Philosophy:Personally I don’t think trading needs to be complicated. Keeping it simple is the way to success. I have seen that with all of the worlds leading traders. They only use a few basic strategies in combination with simple tools and indicators.That does not mean trading is simple. There is great room for failure when it comes to staying neutral and to discipline.You don’t need to know everything. The key is to find a few solid strategies that work for YOU and master them. My goal is to help you on this search.I believe the most effective way to become successful as a trader is to learn directly from a pro who as already made his mistakes and been thru the struggle one faces when starting out.In my career as a coach I met many traders that were confused by all the tools they were given. Basically they had all the knowledge they needed, but no one told them how to apply itto real trading. This is why I started one-on-one coaching.For more information on coaching please see.Trading strategies – an overview:There are as many different trading strategies as there are traders. Generally they can be distinguished though by the time frame in which they take place. I suggest that every trader experiments with different strategies and then decide for himself what he is most comfortable with.A)Longer term strategies (from a day trader perspective)Investing: Investors buy shares of a certain company because they believe in its long-term growth perspective. They have little interest in most of the daily price movements and are looking to hold their shares for several years.Swingtrading:Swingtrading means to hold stocks anywhere from one to five days and sometimes more. Swingtraders try to take advantage of certain “key” situations in a stock price’s movement. Such a situation would be a buy after a pullback into solid support during a longer term uptrend. Swingtrading belongs to one of the easier to implement strategies and is excellent for people with small accounts.Overnight trading:B)Short term strategiesMomentum trading: A momentum trade usually lasts anywhere from 30 seconds to about 1 hour. Momentum trading is based on strong price movements and counter price movements often caused by news.Breakout trading: breakouts (breakdowns) do occur in any time frame.Popular charts for breakout traders are 5 minute and 15 minute charts. The holding period is anywhere from a few seconds (breakout scalp) up to the end of the day.Breakout trading means to buy stock after it has broken out above a certain price. Vice versa for shorts.Pullback trading: Pullback trading is the opposite of breakout trading. Pullback traders are looking for stock prices to pull back a significant enough amount (usually into support) in order for them to justify an entry (vice versa for shorts). Personally I am more of a breakout trader since I like the confirmation of the stock prices’ movement that I get thru the breakout; although pullback trading often has the smaller stops though. The holding period is usually a few seconds up to an hour.Scalping:Scalping describes “ultra short term” trading. Scalpers try to take advantage of very small price movements and sell their shares immediately when they have a big enough profit or the stock isn’t moving in their direction or goes against them.Cutting the spread: Cutting the spread can be seen as a scalping variety. Cutting the spread means to take advantage of the spread (the price difference between the bid and the ask price). It means to buy a stock on the bid side and to sell it immediately afterwards on the ask side for a small profit. Since the decimalization of the markets this type of trading has certainly become much more difficult because spreads have gotten much smaller, however I still see traders implementing this strategy pretty successfully.Please note that the strategies presented in this book are by no means the “holy grail”. Trading setups have to be monitored and adjusted continuously. I did try to cover all the major strategies though in order to give you a sound insight into how traders work.Introduction to direct access trading:Direct access trading has revolutionized trading in the late 90’s. Many traders are still not aware of the tremendous advantages it offers, especially for the active trader. Imagine being able to place an order with the push of one button and to get executed instantly. This is what direct access trading is all about.The traditional way to route orders was to call your broker, who would then send your order to his person on the exchange floor or to the market maker to actually execute your order. After that is done the whole process reverses in order confirm what happened with your order. If you are lucky this process will only take a few minutes, but in many cases it takes much longer. For some time now people have used online trading, which in most cases is not much different to the traditional way, with the exception that your order gets sent electronically to your broker who then processes it.With the introduction of direct access trading order execution has improved dramatically. You are now able to route your order directly to the exchange without any middlemen involved. Access to the market that was formerly only available to institutions is now available to everyone. You can decide which way your order is going to be routed and you can change or cancel it at any time in an instant.On your level 2 screen you can see all the competing bids and offers for any stock listed at the Nasdaq. Every market maker and every ECN is displayed in the level 2 window and you can directly trade with them. Think about how fast your voice travels over the phone? This is the speed you can use for routing your orders. It works solely electronically and there are no middleman involved.There are different order routes integrated into every direct access trading platform, which allow you to send orders to the various market participants.The US stock markets:The NASDAQ is a computerized exchange without an actual trading floor. Orders are executed thru a complex computer system. You will find 2 types of market participants on the NASDAQ, Market Makers (MM) and electronic communication networks (ECN’s). There are various different Market makers as well as ECN’s which all interact thru computer systems.The NYSE is a centralized exchange where shares are traded on an actual exchange floor. Every stock traded on the NYSE has it’s own “specialist” who is responsible for maintain-ing a fair and orderly market in that particular stock.On the NYSE only the specialist has insight into the order book, which holds all the orders for the stock he is responsible for. Let’s assume you are trying to buy XYZ for $15 but the best seller wants at least $15.25 for XYZ. In this case your order will be placed in the specialist’s order book on the bid side and will be executed once a seller is willing to sell you shares for your limit price. The information in the order book can be very valu-able since big buy or sell orders are points of support/resis-tance.Bids and offers:The 2 main forces in the markets are supply (bid) and demand (offer/ask). It is basically a very simple concept. But many new traders are irritated by itThere are two ways to trade stocks based on bids and offers: Passive:Passive buyingPassive buying means that you are trying to buy a stock at a price that is lower than the current best ask price. Therefore your order cannot be executed immediately (since you are not agreeing to the seller’s price) and gets displayed on the bid side of the level 2.Passive buying means to place a bid and to wait for a seller to sell you his stocks.Passive sellingWhen selling passively you are trying to sell a stock at a higher price than the current bid price. Your order won’t be executed immediately and gets displayed on level 2.Passive selling means to place an offer (ask) and to wait for a buyer to buy shares from you.There is no way to ensure that your order gets executed when trading passively, since there might be no one willing to agree to your price.Active:Active buyingActive buying means to buy shares from an existing seller who has an offer in the market. You are agreeing to someone else’s price offer.Active sellingActive selling means to sell shares to an existing buyer who has a bid in the market.When trading actively you are most likely to get your order filled immediately, unless someone else steps in front of you.Remember that you can only get filled for as many shares as the counter-part is willing to trade. Therefore you might get partial fills.NASDAQ and level 2:Level 2 is a quote screen that displays all the competing bids and offers. These bids and offers come from big institu-tions and banks as well as individual traders displaying their orders thru ECN’s. There are over 400 registered market partici-pants who are able to place bids and offers in every single stock listed on the NASDAQ. Level 2 trading literally revolutionized the markets. The NASDAQ stock exchange was the first to introduce level 2. Meanwhile there are a few international ex-changes following.Here is a look at a level 2 window that also has order entry implemented:The upper part of the window gives you some basic information about the stock, i.e. the current price, the highest price of the day, the low of the day and the total volume traded.The next part of the window is used for order entry:Here is the part with the actual level 2 quote information:The left column displays all the buy orders:The higher the price that people are willing to pay for the stock, the higher the entry in the left column. The price on top is called the “best bid”. Each different color displays another price level. There is no other meaning to these colors.The right column displays all of the sell orders:The lower the price that people are willing to sell their stocks for, the higher the entry in the right column. The price on top is called the “best ask.”The prices on top of the two columns are the best prices available at the moment. They are referred to as the “inside market.” These prices will be the ones you can find in regular level 1 quotations.Let’s take a little closer look at the ask side of our level 2 window:The first column (MMID) gives you information about the market participant. The second column (ask) tells you what price the participant is willing to sell the stock for. The third column dis-plays the size at which he or she is willing to sell. You have to multiply the number by 100, so 10 would mean that there are 1000 shares for sale. In the screen above, RSSF for example, is trying to sell 1000 shares at a price of $62.The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE):Every stock listed on the NYSE has it’s own specialist. He is responsible for maintaining a fair and orderly market in that particular stock. If you send your order to the NYSE via a direct access trading platform it will be send (via SuperDOT) directly to the specialist’s order book for execution. The special-ist is the only one who has access to the order book. Orders are executed strictly on a first come first serve basis.It is the specialist’s responsibility to maintain a fair and orderly market. One example of this would be a situation where there is a huge sell order coming into the market but there are almost no buyers - without the specialist’s help the stock price would dump irrationally. It is his responsibility to buy the stock in this situation and to keep the stock at a “fair” level. The specialist is therefore always the buyer of last resort.Every order on the NYSE has the chance to receive price improvement. For example if you are trying to buy XYZ for $100 and someone is entering a sell order with a limit of $99 you would end up buying the stock for $99.5.Since the NYSE is not fully computerized you will notice a differ-ence in the speed of execution versus Nasdaq orders. This applies to the cancellation of orders as well. Even though it is slower I usually never wait longer than a few seconds for my order to get executed; only if there a buyers/sellers at my price limit of course.NYSE stocks in the level 2 window:If you place an NYSE symbol into a level 2 box you might be confused since there is more than just the NYSE displayed. This is because most of the stocks listed on the NYSE are also traded on various regional exchanges. Even though the quotes you see are in a level 2 box they are all level 1 quota-tions since they only display the inside market (best bid and ask).Here is an example:I highlighted the NYSE quotes in this example. The NYSE quotes are almost always the most important since the major market participants use the NYSE for executions. Other market participants here include “BOST” (Boston stock exchange) or “PHIL” Philadelphia stock exchange.NYSE stocks on “Island”:Many of the ma j or NYSE and AMEX stocks are no longer only traded on the traditional exchanges. They are now being traded thru ECN’s as well, with Island “ISLD” being the most important. The basics of Nasdaq order routing:Placing trades on the Nasdaq is a little more complicated than doing so on the NYSE. There are different order routes available. Those are Selectnet, SOES (small order execution system) and ECN’s (electronic communication networks).Selectnet can be seen as the center of the Nasdaq market even though it is only the second choice at best for most active traders. Access to Selectnet allows you to send your order to every available market participant. It is also possible to place bid and offers via Selectnet.SOES was implemented as a system for non-professional traders and allows them to execute their orders against market makers. SOES only sends the order out to market makers, not ECN’s. It’s mandatory for market makers to fill orders sent to them thru SOES.ECN’s are electronic networks that allow traders to execute orders against other ECN’s as well as to place their own bids and offers. Trading thru ECN’s is the fastest order way available since there are no middlemen involved and the ECN’s computers are usually very very fast. My ECN orders usually get filled immediately if I am agreeing to someone else’s bid or offer.Order routing can get pretty complex since there are different rules and limitations for each route. Luckily there are intelligent order systems out there, which take a variety of order systems into account and do the work for you, making order routing pretty easy for the most part.I will explain order entry in more detail later in this book.Short selling:Short selling allows you to make money on a falling stock price.When selling short, you sell a stock that you don’t own (you borrow it from your broker) and try to buy it back (covering)for a lower price. For example you sell 100 shares of XYZ short for a price of $10 per share. This will ad $1000 to your account. No, the money does not actually get credited to your account since you are only borrowing from you broker. If you buy those 100 shares back for $9 per share that will mean you have to pay $900 for that transaction, leaving you with a $100 gain. When you are shorting a stock, your potential risk is unlimited since a stock can go up more than 100% but sink not more than 100%. Therefore I would stay away especially from small stocks (they often rise dramatically in price) when shorting!Short selling rulesShort selling is a little more complicated than regular buying because the short selling rule (up tick rule) prohibits you from selling into an already falling stock price and therefore making an entry more difficult. In order to short a stock the current bid and ask prices must be on an up tick, meaning they must be higher than the previous price. Your order entry software will automatically prevent you from violating this rule. You will usually find an arrow in the upper part of your level 2 window that tells you if the stock is on an up tick. Even if the stock is not on an up tick you will always be able to short it on the ask side. When there is a lot of selling pressure though, chances of getting a fill on the ask are slim.Furthermore the stock you are aiming to short has to be available for borrowing from your broker. Your broker will hold a list of stocks you can almost always borrow and has a short lookup tool. I have had very good experiences with the availability of stocks for shorting.Basic rules for using technical analysis:Multiple timeframesMost traders use technical analysis as their primary tool to find potential trades and to determine entry/exit points. Only momentum traders and scalpers might only look at the stock movement or the supply and demand they can see on the level 2 screen.When using technical analysis it is very important to get the bigger picture of the stock’s price movement. That’s why you should always have a look at multiple timeframes of charts before making a trade. Imagine a stock is looking ready to go up on the 5 min chart but is running into strong resistance on the daily chart. You don’t want to get caught buying it here but rather wait for it to break that resistance before entering a long position.I always try to look at least one intraday chart as well as the daily chart. Previous days highs and lows are always points that are every important. Other timeframes that I like to look at are 5min and 15min charts.The perfect setup shows the same “picture” on multiple time frames. Here is an example of a stock that is breaking down on the intraday chart as well as on the daily chart:Please see next page.Market and sector analysisThe overall market is most likely to determine how strong the stocks you are watching might move. Make sure to not trade against the overall market and know what to expect every day. I use the same tools and patterns for market analy-sis that I use for stock analysis. The most important thing for me to look at is the previous day’s range. The previous day’s low will serve as support to the downside and the high will serve as resistance to the upside. Besides analyzing the overall market you should also know what the individual sectors are doing to further increase your success rate. A good top down approach would be too look at the overall market first, then to determine what the general direction is most likely going to be and to look for sectors that reflect that direction the best, and finally filter out stocks out of that particular sector that provide interesting set-ups.Indicator analysisBesides the price patterns described in this book there are vari-ous technical indicators that you can use in conjunction with them. The simplest technical indicators are moving averages. Others include stochastic, money flow, rate of change etc. Gen-erally speaking, the more indicators that confirm your setup, the better. I only use moving averages and stochastic for my trad-ing. Technical indicators go along with everything described in this book; they should be seen as additional tools. However, some trades might only use certain indicators and make trades based on them. I will not describe all the technical indicators in detail since it would be too much to fit in here and most likely just be confusing. I would rather refer to the link section on my website for further reading on technical indicators.Setup pricesA setup price is a predetermined price where you are looking to enter a position. Make sure that setup prices get broken significantly before you enter your position. For example if I am looking at a buy above $50, I would wait for the stock to break that price by approximately 5 cents. This varies though, and depends a lot on the stock I am trading. The important thing is that there are trades being made ABOVE the setup price in order for the setup to be valid.Also make sure, that the stock actually trades above the setup price. This can be problem with low volume stocks where the inside market (best bid and ask) changes without any trades taking place.Types of charts:The most common way to display charts is the line chart fol-lowed by the bar chart. In the bar chart the vertical line marks the high and low, the left horizontal line marks the opening price and the right horizontal line marks the closing price. If you selected a 5 min chart, that means that each bar reflects the price movement of only 5 minutes. In a daily chart each bar/ candle displays one entire days movement.The type of chart used most by active traders is the candle-stick chart. This type of chart has been in use for over 100 years and has its origin in Japan. It is also referred to as a Japanese candlestick chart. The color of the candlestick itself tells us if there was an up - or downtrend in that par-ticular timeframe and makes reading them very easy. There are also numerous indicator based on the shape of the candlestick itself. I will talk about the most common ones later.The following candlesticks are open candlesticks, meaning that their opening price was lower than the closing price and therefore reflect an overall uptrend in the timeframe you selected. The color used here for an open candlestick is green; sometimes people will use white instead.If the opening price was higher than the closing price you get a closed candlestick that reflects a downtrend. The colors used are usually black or red.The vertical line on the top of the candlestick is always the high, no matter what color the candlestick has. The line on the bottom always marks the low. These lines are also called shadows (upper/lower) or tail. There might be no shadows at all if the opening price marks the high and the closing price the low or vice versa. The colored part is always referred to as “the body” of the candlestick.Development of trends:There are 3 trends a stock can move in:a) Uptrendb) Sideways trendc) Downward trenda) An uptrend is a series of price advances followed by price declines that don’t violate the prior low (higher highs and higher lows).In an uptrend the prior low serves as support and the last high serves as resistance. The best trade during an uptrend is of course a long trade.At some point after a rise in price the stock will be “tired” and has to “relax” a little to gain strength to make a move again. This is when a sideways trend (consolidation) develops.b) In a sideways trend highs and lows are approximately on the same level. The highs mark resistance and the lows serve as support.After a long sideways trend stocks often reverse the prior direc-tion and fall in to a downtrend (in case the prior trend was up).c) A downtrend is a series of price declines followed by price advances that don’t violate the prior highs (lower highs and lower lows). The prior high serves as resistance to the upside and the prior low serves as support to the downside. On the next page you will see a chart displaying all the trends.Trend lines and trend channels:Trend lines and trend channels are a very important part in technical analysis since they define the trend itself and show you important areas of support and resistance. I use them mostly for the longer-term analysis based on daily charts.In an uptrend a line is drawn below the “major” lows of the trend. The uptrending line shows you relevant support. The opposite is done in a downtrend; you draw a line above the “major” highs of the trend. As with many things in technical analysis it is much easier to see what I am talking about by looking at an example:Trend channels occur in stable trends when you can draw a second (parallel) trend line in addition to the one we talked about before. This time we will also draw a line above the highs of the up trend and vice versa for down trends. By drawing this line we have established a trend channel that not only shows us support, but also shows the most likely range the stock will be trading in, thus us very nice entry points at support (refer-ring to the core swing trading buy setup) and profit targets at resistance.Moving averages:Moving averages are probably the most widely followed and therefore most significant indicators. And yet, they are very simple to use.Moving averages have multiple functions. They serve as im-portant areas of support and resistance and give trade signals if a stocks’ price is crossing above or below them. If a stock trades above the moving average line it serves as support to the downside, if it trades below it will serve as resistance to the upside. An example would be the 200MA, which is often used by fund managers. A stock that is trading above its 200 day moving average is generally a good long position, as long as it holds that moving average.。
证明:导体中电流强度的微观表达式为: I nes v l 根据电阻定律: R
0 v v 2
1 qU mv 2 2
2m v 2 ne l
07年苏锡常镇四市一模 4 4.电阻R与两个完全相同的晶体二极管D1和D2连接 成如图所示的电路,a、b端加上的电压Uab=10V时, 流经a点的电流为0.01A;当Uab= - 0.2V时,流经a点 的电流仍为0.01A,则电阻R的阻值为 ( C ) (A)1020Ω (B)1000Ω (C)980Ω (D)20Ω a D1 R
P1 P2 P3 P ⑤ I2 R1 R2 R3 R
2. 并联电路的特征:
① ② I=I1+I2+I3+… U=U1=U2=U3=… 1 1 1 1 R R1 R2 R3
③ ④
1.25 1.00
1.80 1.20
2.81 1.50
3.2 2.4 1.6 0.8
3.20 1.60
⑶解: I-U图线如图
0.8 0 U/V 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 (a)
1.6 2.4
U2/V 3.2
从图(b)可得直线的斜率为1.25,所以I = 1.25U2
苏北五市07届调研考试18 18.按照经典的电子理论,电子在金属中运动的情形 是这样的:在外加电场的作用下,自由电子发生定向 运动,便产生了电流。电子在运动的过程中要不断地 与金属离子发生碰撞,将动能交给金属离子,而自己 的动能降为零,然后在电场的作用下重新开始加速运 动(可看作匀加速运动),经加速运动一段距离后,再 与金属离子发生碰撞。电子在两次碰撞之间走的平均 距离叫自由程,用l 表示。电子运动的平均速度用 v 表 示,导体单位体积内自由电子的数量为n,电子的质量为 m,电子的电荷量为e,电流的表达式 I nes v 。 请证明金属导体的电阻率 自由程l 2m v 2 ne l 电压U
SURFACEVEHICLESTANDARD SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report isentirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2004 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)2.2Related PublicationsThe following publications are for information purposes only and are not a required part of this document.2.2.1ASTM P UBLICATIONSAvailable from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.ASTM D 412—Test Methods for Rubber Properties in TensionASTM D 4000—Classification System for Specifying Plastic MaterialsASTM D 4066—Specification for Nylon Injection and Extrusion Materials3.Installation, Assembly, and Handling Recommendation3.1End FittingsEnd fittings can be assembled to the tubing providing that they do not cause mechanical damage to the tubing that results in decreased performance. Assemblies manufactured with tubing described in this document and end fittings must meet all of the requirements of SAE J2045.3.2Support and RoutingWhen installed in a vehicle this tubing shall be routed and supported so as to:a. Prevent chafing, abrasion, kinking, or other mechanical damage.b. Be protected against road hazards by installation in a protected location or by providing adequateshielding in vulnerable areas.c. Be protected from heat by proper clearance or the addition of insulation and/or heat shielding (refer toSAE J2027), for use in applications where temperatures exceed the upper limits of 115 °C.3.3HandlingTubing ends should be protected during handling and storage to prevent internal contamination.4.ConstructionTubing shall consist of an extrudate of one or more layers within the body of the wall. The dimensions and tolerances of the one or various layers shall be expressed in millimeters and the material name should be called out on the drawing.4.1MaterialsThe requirements of this document apply to the tubing as a whole and not necessarily to the individual materials used in the construction of the tubingF or monowall tubing, the material used must meet all applicable exposure criteria described in this document. A single construction of multilayer tubing in which one layer is regrind must be qualified. Oncequalified, the thickness and position of the regrind layer is fixed but any blend of regrind less than the amount qualified may be used in the regrind layer. of a regrind/virgin resin blend applies only to the manufacturer who developed theregrind blend and tubing construction and obtained the qualification.4.2.3R EGRIND G UIDELINES4.2.3.1If single resin regrind is used to produce monowall tubing or the inner or outer wall of multilayerconstructions the amount of regrind in the blend shall be limited to 10% max. of regrind might have an effect on the long term capability of tubing to resist exposure tolong term heat aging or zinc chloride. The end user should be consulted to determine if moreaggressive testing is necessary than listed in this document.4.3ColorThe outside layer of the tubing constructions is usually black although, alternative colors are permissible, if necessary, for purposes of color-coding. The following criteria must be met:a. The tubing color and the label color must be such that there is sufficient contrast to achieve easyreadability.b. Material used in outside layer of the MLT or as the material of the monowall tubing should be U.V.stabilized to withstand expected exposure (either with an additive or by the inherent characteristics of the material). Requirements necessary to adequately resist sunlight exposure will depend strongly on the application. The end user must be consulted for specific standards to be met. As a general guideline, also refer to SAE J1960.4.4Identification4.4.1The following minimum information, in the order listed, is required. Additional information and/oranother lay line may be added: SAE J2260 – L-D-Type-XX/YY-P.a. L refers to the construction of the tubing: (S for single layer and M for more than one layer)b. D refers to the reference size in mm from Tables A1 located in the Appendix.c. TYPE refers to the type of tube as indicated by two descriptions.1. The first description (xx) refers to conductivity and has 2 options:C: This is a tubing that is conductive as defined by Section 7.9N: This is a tubing that is non-conductive (the requirements of section 7.9 do not have to bemet)2. The second description is (YY) refers to pressure application and has 3 options:HPF: This is a type of tubing described in the scope as high-pressure liquid fuel line.LPF: This is a type of tubing described in the scope as low-pressure liquid fuel line.V: This is a type of tubing described in the scope as one that handles fuel vapor orevaporative emissions.These two descriptions are included by printing them with a “slash” line separating them. Two examples of this “type” as printed on the tubing would be:C/HPF and N/Vd. P refers to the permeation category as determined by the procedures described in 7.10. It shall be asingle digit that is identified from 7.10.5.If it is not practical to print on the outside of the tubing (convoluted tubing or tubing with an outside surface that is not smooth, for example), then the labeling will be done by a tag or loop of tape permanently attached to the outside circumference of the tubing. Such labeling must be repeated every 500 mm or less along the entire length.For convoluted or corrugated tubing, the necessary printing can be done by the labeling or tagging procedure that is described. An acceptable alternative is to print the necessary wording only on each straight end section.4.4.2E XAMPLES OF IDENTIFICATIONThe following are examples of appropriate identification of a tubinga. SAE J2260 – M-8-C/HPF-2: This is a multilayer tubing construction with an 8mm nominal O.D. It isconductive and is targeted toward a high pressure liquid fuel application; permeation category is 2. b. SAE J2260 – M-28-C/LPF-1: This is a multilayer tubing construction with a 28mm nominal O.D. It isconductive and is targeted toward a low-pressure liquid fuel application; permeation category is 1.c. SAE J2260 – S-14-N/V-4: This is a monowall tubing with a 14mm nominal O.D. It is non-conductiveand is targeted toward a fuel vapor application; permeation category is 4.5.Dimensions5.1Tubing Sizes and Dimensions5.1.1D IAMETERSTubing diameters refer to outside diameter (O.D.); standard sizes and their tolerances are listed in Tables A1 and A2 in the Appendix.5.1.2W ALL T HICKNESSThere are numerous factors that can have an influence on the wall thickness that is selected; for example:a. The burst pressure of a given tube construction and diameter is a function of its wall thickness.b. As walls become thicker, the minimum bend radius increases for a given tube diameter (for a free-form bend).c. For MLT constructions with elastomeric covers, the critical dimension is the ID. The wall thickness isdetermined by the materials utilized and the requirements of the applicationd. Tubing wall thickness may differ for convoluted/corrugated wall (refer to Section 6.3)The result of all these factors is that the end user must be consulted to determine all requirements. The wall thickness is then determined by those requirements and the materials selected for the various layers of the multilayer tubing or for the monowall tubing.Details on available standard wall thicknesses and their tolerances are found in Tables A1 and A2.5.3.2C ONNECTORS,P LUGS,M ANDRELSFor the various tests that are done, there are a variety of connectors, plugs, and mandrels that are used for the various exposure testing. The material from which those are made shall be a type 300 stainless steel or equivalent (as agreed to by end user and producer).6.Convoluted or Corrugated Tubing (CVT)6.1CriteriaSome applications may require tubing with flexibility beyond the capability of straight wall tubing. Tubing with a wall that has a convoluted or corrugated configuration for all or portions of its length can resolve this concern. A CVT may not have the same performance level as the equivalent straight-wall tube but still it must meet the pertinent acceptance criteria for all sections of this specification appropriate to it’s end use.6.2Test ConsiderationsThe convoluted or corrugated shape of the wall can effect how the CVT is handled as the tests are conducted. Some of these are identified in section 6.4; some others are mentioned in the sections that discuss a particular test. They can have an effect on how specific tests are conducted or results are reported.6.3Dimensional Considerations for CVT6.3.1The CVT shall be identified by its nominal ID; this is the same as ID of the straight wall section ateach end (known as the cuff of the CVT), see Table A1). In most cases, the inner diameter of the straight-wall portion is not exactly the same as the inner diameter of the corrugated area. Due to the manner in which most CVT is produced (with the so called “over-pressure-technique”), the diameter of the corrugated area has an inner diameter which is a little bit smaller than the inner diameter of the cuff ends. If the diameter of the cuff ends and the corrugated area are exactly the same, the sealing plug can touch the inner surface of the cuff ends and causes scratches and core “smear-marks” which then can cause leaks (when the connectors are inserted). Therefore, the inner diameter of the convoluted area typically ends up being about 0.1 mm smaller than the inner diameter of the cuff ends. When the tubes are produced with the “vacuum-technique” the inner diameter of the straight-wall can be exactly the same as in the corrugated portion of the tube.6.3.2At each end of the convoluted or corrugated tubing, there will be a straight section (known as thecuff) used to join the tubing to connectors, nipples, and other attachment elements. The dimensions of this cuff will correspond to those identified on Tables A1and A2 unless a non standard size has been specified.6.3.3Wall thickness of the convoluted/corrugated portions of the tubing may differ from those indicatedin Table A1 due to the manufacturing process. Performance tests results will be used to establish that such “routinely occurring” variations in wall thickness are acceptable.NOTE—For dimensional considerations of sections 6.3 refer to tables A2-1 and A2-3 in Appendix.6.4Test Considerations for CVT6.4.1When a test is performed on CVT type tubing, the required procedure can be conducted on eitherthe convoluted portion of the tube or on the straight sections (cuff, for example). These tests are identified in each test description where it is appropriate.6.4.2Wherever possible, tests should focus on the convoluted sections of the tubing. This can be anapplication of the procedure directly to the convoluted or corrugated wall (example is cold impact and kink test). F or layer adhesion, the procedure of 7.13.2 should be followed using the CVT section for all testing after fuel exposures. F or determination of initial layer adhesion, the cuff section should be used. (Section 7.13.1)6.5Consideration for Liquid Fuel Line ApplicationsAny CVT used in liquid fuel applications must meet the conductivity requirements called for in 7.9. In addition, the end user must have the final application carefully tested to determine that unacceptable electrostatic charging is avoided (refer to SAE J1645) during usage and when it’s being tested (such as during fuel recirculation or during permeation measurements (SAE J1737).7.Performance Requirementsa. All tests described in this standard are to be performed on the completed product (tubing) that hasnot been formed (all tests are done on straight tubing). Differences in performance criteria between high pressure liquid fuel, low pressure liquid fuel, and fuel vapor applications are indicated in the procedure or acceptance criteria of each section. If no distinction is made, all types of tubing must meet the entire requirement as written.b. The dimensions and configurations of test specimens used must conform to the guidelines ofsections 5.3 and 6.3, unless there are specific length or other criteria identified for a specific test.c. Tubing shall be allowed to equilibrate at 23 °C and 50% Relative Humidity for a minimum of 24 h afterproduction before it is subjected to any tests.d. For all testing in this section, there shall be a quantity of test specimens used as shown in Table 1.The result of testing each specimen must meet the acceptance criteria. When comparison are made from one section to another, the numeric value used in those comparisons shall be the average of the values obtained for the number of specimens of the specific test procedure.e. All test temperatures specified may vary by ± 2 °C, unless otherwise specified. All times are minimumunless otherwise specified.f. For testing that is done involving flowing fuel (fuel exposure-testing and permeation measurements),there is a possibility of electrostatic charge build up. This is more likely when the wall of the tubing is corrugated or convoluted and/or the material used in the innermost layer is not conductive. Steps should be taken to minimize the occurrence of electrostatic charges. These steps can include (but are not limited to) the following:• reduce flow of fuel to a very low rate• substitute weight loss procedures where such alternative test methods are acceptable• use conductive fittings for the testing and bond them to the appropriate ground plane It is recommended that pertinent sections of the Recommended Practice SAE J1645 be consulted.7.1Room Temperature Burst Test7.1.1I NITIAL B URST T EST M EASUREMENTThe tubing specimens shall be stabilized for ½ to 3 hrs at 23 °C and tested by increasing pressure of a suitable liquid fluid inside the tubing at a rate of 7 MPa/min ± 1 MPa/min. Continue at that rate until tubing bursts. Any type of fitting can be used during this burst test as long as it does not effect the burst capability of the tubing and meets the criteria of 5.3. If the connectors blow out of the tubing before the required level of burst pressure is reached, the data from that particular sample should be discarded. Additional clamps over the existing connectors or fittings may be utilized, if necessary, to ensure that the tubing sample fails by bursting.The initial value for room temperature burst for 5 test specimens must be recorded. The average of those test results will be used as the baseline for comparison of burst tests done on tubing that has been subjected to certain procedures and test fluid exposures (see 7.1.2).7.1.2B URST T EST M EASUREMENTS A FTER E XPOSURESThere are 5 sections of the performance requirements that include a subsequent burst test measurement (7.4, 7.5, 7.7, 7.8, and 7.14). After each of the steps described in each section, the tubing specimen subjected to the particular procedure/exposure is tested by the room temperature burst procedure described in section 7.1.1.NOTE—If the connectors blow out of the “exposed” tubing before the required level of pressure is reached, the result of that particular test should be discarded. The sample can be used again (another connector inserted) to avoid having to conduct the exposure test all over again.7.1.3A CCEPTANCE C RITERIA7.1.3.1For all test specimens that are exposed under the 5 identified sections, the measured burst testresult shall not be less than 75% of the measured initial burst test result on unexposed tubing(initial value obtained in section 7.1.1.). is possible for a tube to have a decrease greater than the level indicated in section still be acceptable. For that to be the case, the following criteria must to met:a. After the initial drop off of greater than 25%, the performance of the tube can be proven to level offand to not drop below the minimum burst pressure of section for the expected life of the application.b. Acceptance of such a construction shall be by a specific end user and for a specific producer.(Acceptance by one end user does not imply acceptance by any other end user and acceptance for one producer does not imply acceptance for any other producer).7.2High Temperature Burst Test7.2.1The test procedure described in 7.1.1 shall be performed at a temperature of 115 °C. The tubingshall be stablized at the test temperature for 2 hours prior to conducting the test. A minimum of 5 test specimens are to be used; test results of those 5 will be averaged.FIGURE 3—COLD IMPACT TEST FIXTURE7.5.1P REFERRED P ROCEDUREExpose the test samples and the impact test apparatus to –40 °C for 4 h. Place each sample in the supporting platform of the apparatus and allow the impact head to fall on it. Impact should occur with both apparatus and specimens inside the cold chamber.7.5.2O PTIONAL P ROCEDUREIf the impact test cannot be done inside the cold chamber, the apparatus and the specimens can be removed from the chamber by the following procedure:a. The apparatus is removed from the chamber for up to a 3 min period. During that period, impacttests of several tubing specimens can be completed. At the end of the 3 min period, the apparatus is returned to the chamber for additional temperature soak (–40 °C) of at least 25 min duration. After the additional soak at temperature, the apparatus can be removed again for an additional set of cold impact of tubing specimens (within a 3 min period). This procedure is repeated until all testspecimens have been impacted properly.b. All test specimens are kept in the cold chamber until immediately before impact in the apparatus.When a tubing specimen is removed, it must be impacted in the apparatus within 5 s of its removal from the cold temperature environment.NOTE—The temperature of the ambient air where these impacts occur shall not be higher than 23 °C.7.5.3A CCEPTANCE C RITERIASeveral types of specimens are tested by this impact procedure (after exposures of sections 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.12 and 7.14). In each case, after impact of a tubing specimen, it is allowed to return to 23 °C. The tubing specimen is then subjected to Room Temperature Burst per (see 7.1). All criteria of that section must be met. The sample must be free of visible cracks and fractures (after impact and before burst test).7.6Fuel Exposure-PreconditioningThis is a long-term fuel exposure procedure designed to provide a pre-conditioning step to test specimens that are used in sections 7.5 (cold impact), 7.13 (layer adhesion) and the “C” test fluid exposure for section 7.9 (electrical resistance).This procedure is not intended as a routinely required test because it takes too much time. It is for the initial qualification for each particular wall configuration of a given type of tubing.7.6.1The two test fluids for this procedure shall be “C” and “CE-10”, as described in SAE J1681. test fluid C, its composition should remain constant during the full time of exposure. Theimportant consideration is to maintain appropriate fluid levels. or test fluid CE-10, the composition of the fluid can change with time (especially alcoholcontent). Besides maintaining the appropriate fluid levels, the alcohol content must be maintained as described in sections (recirculation method) and sections (reservoir/tubing method).7.6.2The temperature of test fluid used in the exposure shall be 60 °C.7.6.3T EST S PECIMENS7.6.3.1For the recirculation method of, the tubing can be exposed to the test fluids before it iscut to length (as specified in 5.3.1) for the subsequent tests. or the reservoir method of, the length of test specimens being exposed to the testfluids shall be as specified in or each specific, defined configuration of layers in the wall construction, only one diametershould be tested for a given wall thickness. Separate tests must be done on tubes having thesame ID, but wall thicknesses or layer configurations that are different.7.6.4P ROCEDURESThere are two procedures described here for exposing the test specimens to each of the two test fluids: Recirculation method ( and Reservoir/tubing method ( The procedure of section shall be followed for tubing intended for high pressure liquid fuel applications. For tubing intended for low pressure liquid fuel applications and fuel vapor applications, the procedure of is recommended; however, the optional procedure of section may be followed. Method7. test fluid C, follow the recirculation procedure of SAE J1737. test fluid CE-10, the same procedure of SAE J1737 is followed; however steps must betaken to maintain the alcohol content as described in the following paragraph.Composition of the fuel should be measured and adjusted periodically to ensure that thealcohol content of the fuel is maintained at 10% ± 2% (frequency of the checking of thecomposition is determined primarily by the size of the liquid fuel reservoir used in therecirculation process). Alcohol content shall be measured every day after the start of testuntil it is established that the rate of alcohol content change is less than + 2% over a longerperiod of time. The frequency of checking alcohol content can then be decreased. If thesetests are done frequently and a history of how often the alcohol should be checked can besubstantiated from previous test specimens, then that established schedule can be utilized.Alcohol content shall always be checked at least once per week. If the alcohol content of thefuel goes outside of the limits, the test fuel must be replaced with a new mixture with thecorrect level or alcohol. Method7. test fluid “C”, follow the procedure as described in SAE J2663. test fluid CE-10, follow the procedure as described in SAE J2663. Steps must be takento maintain the alcohol content of the test fluid ( procedure can be followed).7.6.5P ROCEDURES7.6.5.1For “C” Test Fluid7. recirculation method continuously expose a length of tubing (1.0 meters or more) toASTM fuel C for 1000 hrs @ 60 °C. At the end of the exposure, five (5) specimens are cut tolength (200mm minimum) and used in the procedure of section reservoir method, continuously expose a minimum of 5 test specimens to ASTM fuel Cfor 1000 hrs @ 60 °C. At the end of that period, the other 5 specimens (200 mm minimumlength) are used in the procedures of section 7.9 (electrostatic charge procedures).7.8Resistance to Auto-Oxidized Fuel7.8.1The fuel exposure and preconditioning steps of section 7.6 shall be followed for the followingconditions:Test temperature 40 °CTest exposure time 1000 hrs.Test fluid Auto oxidized test fluid uses a base fuel of ASTM Fuel C and has a concentration of 50 millimols/1 of tertiary-butyl-hydroperoxide (TBHP) (using copper additive)as described in SAE J1681. The concentration must be maintained ±millimols/liter throughout the entire exposure. A technique similar to themaintenance of alcohol percentage in or (whichever ispertinent) should be followed.Test specimens Quantity needed depends number of layer interfaces that are in the MLT being tested (refer to section 5.3 as well as 7.6.3 for details). The specimens can beexposed individually or in a full- length, then cut-to-size as needed.Subsequent procedures on tubing that have been exposed to auto-oxidized test fluid for the full 1000 hrs @ 40 °C.•Five (5) test specimens are needed to test for cold impact resistance per 7.5 (including the burst test).The cold soak must be started immediately after emptying the tubing of the sour gas fuel (to avoid any drying out of the tubing).•Test for layer adhesion per section 7.13.2 (need 5 test specimens for each layer interface).7.8.2A CCEPTANCE C RITERIAAll criteria of sections 7.5 and 7.13 shall be met for all tubing tested.7.9Conductive TubingLiquid carrying fuel tubes (both high pressure and low pressure) designated as conductive per section 4.4 of this document shall have a conductive inner layer and meet the conductivity requirements of this test method. For monowall tubing, the whole tubing all meet those conductivity requirements.For tubing used in fuel vapor and evaporative emissions systems, electrostatic charge is not an issue, so section 7.9 is not required for those applications. (Refer to SAE J1645 for details about this).7.9.1R EFERENCE D OCUMENT FROM SAESAE J1645 is a Recommended Practice that addresses the issue of electrostatic charge that may develop in a flowing liquid fuel system. It gives guidelines that should be followed on liquid tube and how it should be integrated into a fuel system to minimize the adverse effects that can develop from an electrostatic charging condition. These guidelines include such matters as configuration of the tube, assembly issues, and bonding to the vehicle ground. When developing a system to carry liquid fuel, care must be taken to consider all aspects of the system from an electrostatic charge perspective7.9.4T ESTING A FTER E XPOSURES7.9.4.1There are 3 sections in this specification where tubing samples have been subjected to othertests or preconditioning and then are to be tested to determine if they maintain their performance levels adequately.Section 7.4—Kink Procedure: After two kinking steps are done, the surface resistivity is determined. (No subsequent burst test is done in this particular case)Section 7.5—Cold Temperature Impact: After the tubing specimen has been impacted per section 7.5, it is allowed to return to 23 °C. (No subsequent burst test is done in thisparticular case)Section 7.6—F uel Exposure: After exposure to ASTM fuel C for 1000 hrs @ 60 °C as described in section 7.6.5, the surface resistivity of the 5 exposed test specimens isdetermined. NOTE: The test fluid used in this fuel exposure part of the testing does notcontain any alcohol for reasons described in SAE J1645 (sections 5.3 and Appendix A1.7). ProcedureFor testing after exposures, the procedure of section 7.9.3. is used. For the fuel exposed specimens of section 7.6.5, the measurements shall be taken within 2 hours after the exposure fuel has been removed from the exposed test specimens. Acceptance criteria of section 7.9.5 applies to both procedures.7.9.5A CCEPTANCE C RITERIASurface Resistivity Level—The surface resistivity determined from measured resistance values measured on test specimens both before and after exposure testing shall not be greater than 106Ω/square.7.10Permeation Test Procedure7.10.1T EST C ONDITIONSThe test fluid shall be CE-10 as described in SAE J1681. For that test fluid, the temperature the test shall be 60 °C and the pressure of the circulating test fluid shall be 2 bar.7.10.2T EST S PECIMENSThe tubing used in this procedure shall conform to the requirements of SAE J1737 and the criteria of section 5.3 of this document.7.10.3P ROCEDUREThe permeation measurement shall be done using the recirculation method of SAE J1737 and refer to section for the reservoir tube method). The test shall be until steady state is achieved (as described in SAE J1737).7.10.4R EPORTING R ESULTSThe steady state permeation measurement results shall be recorded; all measurements are to be recorded in grams/meter2·day of tubing.。
陈述反对意见的句型 确实是……,但是,实际上…………。
第I 卷(选择题共70分)一、选择题(共70分)(一)单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分。
读某日西半球光照示意图(图1),AB 为晨昏线,回答1~3题: 1.若该日A 点正午太阳高度为45°,则该地纬度为A .66.5°NB .70°NC .67.5°ND .65°N 2.下列四个城市中,与其它三个城市日期不同的是 A .惠灵顿 B .伦敦 C .北京 D .纽约3.在未来半个月内,下列现象不可能出现的是 A .太阳直射点先北移然后南移B .悉尼夜长和昼长之差达一年中最大值C .雅加达正午太阳高度先变大再变小D .北极圈上出现极昼现象 读经纬网图(图2),完成4~6题: 4.p2与p3 两地的判断A .p2 在东半球,p3在西半球B .p2 与p3日期相差一天C .p2与p3两地在雨季吹的风向相同D .p2的昼长与p3的夜长相等5.p1与p2 两地的判断A .p1 与p2附近产生气候差异的主要原因是大气环流B .p1地区宜发展技术指向型工业,p2附近地区宜发展廉价劳动力指向型工业C .p1与p2附近地区农业景观相同D .p1与p2附近海区洋流成因相同,性质相同6.有一艘船于2003年12月24日上午17点钟(p1所在地区时)由p1附近港口出发,于2004年1月25日17点(p4所在地区时)到达p4附近海域,下列说法正确的是 A .沿途海区盐度值先变高再变低B .船上旗杆正午的影长先变长,然后再变短C .船在航行途中能接受到太阳的直射D .船的航行时间是整32天7.巴黎市区高级住宅区集中在城市西部,低级住宅区集中在城市东部,造成这种现象的主要原因是A .地形B .塞纳河的流向C .风向D .地质基础 8.读图3,从山峰向下望,将不能看见的点是 A .A 点 B .B 点C .C 点D .D 点读图4,回答9~11题。
一、选择题(三十小题,每小题2分,共60分)1.相对论的提出是物理学思想的一场重大革命,提出这一理论的科学家是A .伦琴B .居里夫妇C .爱因斯坦,D .牛顿2.目前,世界上已经掌握载人航天技术的国家有①美国②俄罗斯③中国④英国A.①②④ B.①③④ C.①②③ D.①②③④3.下列属于孟德斯鸠的观点是A、三权分立思想B、反对君主专制独裁C、“天赋人权”“人民主权”D、“人非工具”4.冉求胆小怕事,遇事畏缩,孔子就教导他凡事要抓紧,要立刻去做;仲由敢做敢为,但做事鲁莽,孔子就教导他凡事要冷静,请教父兄后再去做。
这反映了孔子的教育思想是()A .有教无类B .因材施教C .温故知新D .当仁不让于师5.中共“十三大”明确提出了“一个中心,两个基本点”的基本路线,其中“一个中心”是指A.以改革开放为中心 B.以经济建设为中心C.以四项基本原则为中心 D.以社会主义道路为中心6.中国古代戏曲成熟的标志是A京剧的形成B傩戏的形成C南戏的出现D元杂剧的兴起7.其作品以力量见长,具有一种雄浑壮伟的气势,以精湛的技巧雕凿出令人震撼的英雄主义气概,被誉为“市民英雄的创造者”的是A .达芬奇 B.米开朗琪罗 C.拉斐尔 D.凡高8、专门娱乐场所瓦舍出现在A、唐朝B、宋朝C、元朝D、清朝9、文艺复兴时期,有一个学科的革命成为近代自然科学开端的标志,这一学科是A、数学B、物理学C、医学D、天文学10、标志中国古代数学形成完整体系的著作是A、《九章算术》B、《缀术》C、《周髀算经》D、《割圆密率捷法》11、新文化运动兴起的根本原因是A.北洋军阀推行尊孔复古B.辛亥革命推翻君主专制制度C.中国资本主义经济的发展D.马克思主义在中国的传播12、老子思想中最有价值的精华部分是A.无为而治的政治主张B.小国寡民的理想C.唯物主义思想D.朴素辩证法思想13、洋务派和顽固派的主要分歧是A.要不要反对外来侵略B.要不要维护清朝统治C.要不要师夷之长技D.要不要镇压太平天国革命14、春秋战国时期在人性论上持截然相反观点的思想家是A .孟子和荀子B .孟子和老子C .老子和孔子D .荀子和庄子15.确立了建立社会主义市场经济体制的目标是在A.党的“十三大” B.党的“七大” C.党的“十五大” D.党的“十四大”16.民国初年,孙中山针对民众出现的放弃理想社会的思想,为革命建设事业提出了新的思维方式是A.“知易行难”学说B.“知难行易”学说C.“三民主义”D.“三大政策”17下列画家与其作品风格搭配不当的是A、顾恺之----以形写神B、吴道子----“吴带当风”C、颜真卿——忽略法度D、夏圭————“残山剩水”.18拉斐尔擅长画圣母像,他笔下的众多圣母充满人情和母爱,这主要体现了当时.A .蒙昧主义思想B .人文主义思想C .禁欲主义思想D .浪漫主义思想19 . 2006 年8 月24 日,国际天文学联合会大会投票5 号决议,冥王星被排除在行星行列之外,冥王星正式从九大行星中除名,而将其列入“矮行星”。
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原名程月如。在香港萊頓書 院及新亞書院肄業。1950年入長 城影片公司。1952年轉入永華影 業公司,因主演根據沈從文小說 《邊城》改編的影片《翠翠》而 成名。後主演歌舞片《千嬌百媚》 和文藝片《不了情》,蟬聯第八 屆、第九屆亞洲影展最佳女主角 獎,並獲第十三屆亞洲影展特別 紀念獎,入美國哥倫比亞大學戲 劇系為榮譽生。後下嫁龍承勳, 誕下一子,事業愛情兩得意……
現代女作家,1920年生於符拉 迪沃斯托克,長於長春一個仕 宦大家庭。本名孫嘉瑞,另有 敏子、孫敏子、柳青娘、青娘、 落霞等筆名,早年喪母,梅娘 諧「沒娘」之音。 1942年北帄的馬德增書店和上 海的宇宙風書店聯合發起「讀 者最喜愛的女作家」評選活動, 梅娘與張愛玲雙雙奪魁,從此 有「南玲北梅」之譽。
1900年八國聯軍攻陷北 京時,居北京石頭胡同為 妓,曾與部分德國軍官有 過接觸,也曾改換男裝到 皇家園林西苑(今中南海) 遊玩。 1903年在北京因涉嫌虐 待帅妓致死而入獄,解返 蘇州後出獄再至上海。
鄭蘋如(王佳芝原型) 中日混血。為上海名媛,當年上 海第一大畫報「良友畫報」曾將 其作為封面女郎。
上海淪陷後,秘密加入中統,利 用其得天獨厚的條件,混跡於日 偽人員當中,獲取情報。後參與 暗殺日偽特務頭子丁默村,而暴 露身份,被捕,一口咬定為情所 困,雇兇殺人,成為當年上海灘 重大花邊新聞之一。
1940年2月,被秘密處決於滬西 中山路旁的一片荒地,連中3槍, 時年23歲。
她曾是名動公卿的名 妓,曾幫助共和名將蔡鍔 將軍逃離袁世凱的囚禁, 更因為與蔡鍔的那段至死 不渝的愛情而被人傳頌, 上世紀八十年代,這段愛 情被拍成名叫《知音》的 電影。
老 照 片
上海灘最有名的三個女 作家之一,另外兩個是丁玲與 張愛玲。翻譯過高爾基的《海 燕》、《鄧肯自傳》等許多日 後廣為人知的優秀作品,面對 日寇的侵略,她大聲疾呼: 「寧為祖國戰鬥死,不做民族 未亡人!」這樣的愛國詩詞曾 經為她贏得了「民族之妻」的 稱號。在接受單線聯繫打入日 偽76號魔窟臥底後,背負了43 年漢奸的駡名,在帄反後帶著 一生的疲憊和自由的靈魂仰藥 自盡。
1935年2月24日,瞿秋白在向香港 轉移途中,在福建省長汀縣水口鎮 被宋希濓的國軍第三十六師向賢矩 部逮捕,6月18日,在長汀中山公 園執行槍決。
原名鐘麟,字靈甫,西安城郊 東大村人,1925年考入黃埔軍 校第四期步兵科,1926年加入 西北軍,參加北伐,歷任排長、 連長、營長、團長。 1939年3月,參加南昌會戰, 右腿中炮彈負重傷,不顧醫生 再治療一月可以痊愈的勸阻提 前歸隊,帶傷參加長沙會戰, 從此留下殘疾,被稱為「跛腿 將軍」。 後任國民革命軍整編74師中將 師長,於國共內戰期間的「孟 良崮戰役」中全軍覆沒、自殺 殉國。在臺灣的忠烈祠,張靈 甫是烈士第一人。
中國作家,小說家、散 文家、劇作家。海派女 作家的代表人物。「上 海文壇最負盛譽的女作 家」 。與張愛玲「珠聯 璧合」 ,紅極一時。
李麗華出身梨園 世家,父母是京 劇名伶李桂芳與 張少泉。有影壇 長春樹之稱。
海派作家,現代文學史上重要 作家,原籍河北豐潤。1921年生 於上海。張家世顯赫,祖父張佩綸 是清末名臣,祖母是晚清洋務派領 袖朝廷重臣李鴻章的女兒。父親張 廷重是典型的遺少,母親黃素瓊則 是留過洋的新女性。
邵洵美(1906~1968) 原名邵雲龍。 民國時期著名作家、 出版家、翻譯家、詩人。 「新月派」代表人物 之一,獅吼社、中國 筆會的成員。 與作家劉吶鷗、 穆時英同為 「都市現代派」代 表作家。 浙江餘姚人。
(1905/6/13~1945/10/ 30)
第七屆中國十大女傑,女演員。 原名秦德和。上海人。 1938年上海中華職業學校肄業 後去武漢參加抗日宣傳活動。 當時與白楊、舒繡文、張瑞芳 一起被稱為抗戰大後方重慶影 劇舞臺上的「四大名旦」。
號金德麟,朝鮮人,1910年4月8日生於韓國首爾。父親因參加朝鮮民族獨立 運動而受通緝,於1921年舉家遷至中國,定居通化並加入中國國籍。其富有 青春活力的氣質與樸實自然的純真表演交織一體,清新迷人,很快擁有大批 觀眾,特別是成為青年學生觀眾癡迷的偶像。1934年,在一家電影刊物組織 的觀眾評選中,獲「電影皇帝」殊榮。
1916年8月,孫中山、宋慶齡遊 杭州,赴秋瑾墓憑弔,孫說:
「光復以前,浙人之首先入同盟 會者秋女士也。今秋女士不再生, 而『秋風秋雨愁煞人』之句,則 傳誦不忘。」
原名山口淑子。 20世紀三四十年 代中國著名女歌 手,是日本人, 但畢竟和中國淵 源頗深。
原名愛新覺羅· 顯玗,又 名金壁輝。清朝末年肅親王 的第14位女兒。
近代女畫家, 江蘇武進人。1915年 就讀法國聖心學堂, 她18歲就精通英文和 法文。
她是個畫家,師 從劉海栗、陳半丁、 賀天健等名家,父親 陸定原是財政部的賦 稅司司長,1920年和 王庚結婚,1925年離婚。 1926年與徐志摩結婚, 同年參加了中國女子 書畫會,1941年在上 海開個人畫展。
1995年張愛玲逝世於美國洛杉 磯寓所,終年七十五歲。 張愛玲與胡蘭成,一個是當時上 海最負盛名的女作家,一個是汪偽 政府的要員。在亂世之中,他們的 相識、相知、相戀,及至最後的分 手,都堪稱是一場「傳奇」。
中國著名電影表演藝術 家,1968年跳樓自殺。 (文革時期受造反派折磨 過度,身心疲憊於是自殺) 唉~
東北抗日聯軍 第三軍二團政委
翻譯家、戲劇學者, 1919年出生于蘇州一 世家,其伯祖父是民 國初年曾任大總統府 秘書長的張一麐,
祖父張一鵬曾任蔡鍔 秘書。父親張偉如留 美學化學歸國,與蔡 元培之子蔡無忌共事 於上海商檢局。 王元化(余秋雨的老 師)的妻子。
可惜最終是開煤氣及仰藥自殺, 返魂無術,終年29歲。林黛死訊 傳出後,震驚全球華人社會,出 殯之日,萬人空巷,令人歎息。
文化大革命期間,林 彪、江青反革命集團的首 要分子。原名李雲鶴。 1934年在上海被國民黨政 府逮捕,獲釋後以藍蘋為 藝名做過電影演員。後恢 復黨籍,改名江青。1938 年與毛澤東結婚。煽動打 倒一切的極「左」思潮, 進行篡奪黨和國家最高權 力的陰謀活動,造成10年 之久的全國大動亂。1991 年5月14日自殺身亡。
馬鈺 70餘年前的北大校花, 魯迅曾經暗戀的對象。
中國早期影星,原名阮鳳根。在30年代的中國影壇上,她以重拍次數最 少而成為導演們樂於與之合作的演員;又以使觀眾「每片必看」而成為最 有票房號召力的演員。
1935年3月8日,20世紀30年代默片時代最優秀的女演員之 一、25歲的阮玲玉自殺了。 她自殺的那天晚上穿著旗袍,她的 旗袍上寫滿了一句話:「人言可畏 ,人言可畏 。」
穆旦 (1918~1977), 原名查良錚,著 名愛國主義詩人、 翻譯家。
汪精衛 (中)
Байду номын сангаас 朱自清、羅家倫等
原名雙(或霜、爽),號熊伯(或 雄魄),生於江蘇常州。 散文作家、文學評論家。 他曾兩度擔任中國共產黨最高領導 人(1927年7月~1928年7月,1930 年9月~1931年1月)。
臺灣電影「金馬獎」 的第二屆影后
蔣介石 與 宋美齡 結婚照
左起宋慶齡、 宋靄齡、宋美齡
原名楊蒙,江蘇蘇州人,生於 上海。外形豔而不媚,貞靜帄 和,嫻雅大方,兼之身材高挑, 有「上帝的傑作」之美譽,是 香港公認的西施。 金庸說:「西施怎樣美麗,誰 也沒見過,我想她應該像夏夢 才名不虛傳。 」 李翰祥也說:「夏夢是中國電 影有史以來最漂亮的女演員, 氣質不凡,令人沉醉。 」
祖籍廣東番禺, 出生於澳門, 是中國近代作曲家、 鋼琴家, 於1939年所作的 《黃河大合唱》 是最廣為人知的作品。
李世芳 張君秋
蔣介石 日本陸軍學校就讀時
在東吳大學就讀經濟系。 1936年,中德合作期間赴 德擔任蔣百里訪問德國時的 少尉侍從官,次年在德國入 伍,進入德國陸軍慕尼黑官 校;畢業後於德國軍中服務。 第二次世界大戰初期曾參與 對波蘭發動的閃電戰。 1939年,因德日意軸心國 之聯盟而離德返回中國參加 抗日戰爭和之後的國共內戰。 長期於國軍中任職,於 1946年開始進入裝甲部隊 (戰車第一團)。退休前官階 至上將。
人稱「世紀老人」,原名為 謝婉瑩,筆名為冰心 。現代 著名詩人,翻譯家,作家, 兒童文學家,崇尚「愛的哲 學」,母愛,童真,自然是 其作品的主旋律。她非常愛 小孩,把小孩看做「最神聖 的人」,深受人民的敬仰。
1943年3月26日生於重慶。帅年時期 的三毛就表現對書本的愛好,五年級 下學期第一次看《紅樓夢》。初中時 期幾乎看遍了市面上的世界名著。初 二那年休學,由父母親悉心教導,在 詩詞古文、英文方面,打下次堅實的 基礎。 前後就讀西班牙馬德里大學、德 國哥德書院,在美國伊諾大學法學圖 書館工作。對她的人生經驗和語文進 修上有很大助益。 1989後4月首次回大陸家鄉,發 現自己的作品在大陸也擁有許多的讀 者。1989後4月首次回大陸家鄉,發 現自己的作品在大陸也擁有許多的讀 者。 1991年1月4日清晨去世,享年 48歲。人們認為三毛死得怪異、突然, 她沒有理由自裁。