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B8-U1 词汇学习

1. distinction n.差别;区分;卓著

make/ draw a distinction between A and B 对……加以区分

without distinction 无差别地;一视同仁地with distinction以优异的成绩,以杰出的表现

gain/obtain/win distinction 出名

There is a fine distinction betw een the two words.


We should make a distinction between right and wrong.


We must make a distinction between freedom and license.


Michael graduated with distinction from the university.


He passed the examination with distinction. 他以优异成绩通过考试。

Employers should hire men and women without distinction.


distinct adj. 清晰的;明显的;明确的

be distinct in ...from ... 在某方面与……不同Mozart's style is quite distinct from Haydn's. 莫扎特在风格上与海顿截然不同。

There was a distinct sense of embarrassment in the air.


She is trying to remain calm, but there is a distinct edge to her voice.


2. live on

继续活着,继续存在;住在…上;以…为食1. She lived on for many years after her husband died. 丈夫死后她继续活了多年。

2. These traditions will live on for centuries. 这些传统将世代相传.

3. The composer's works will always live on. 这位作曲家的作品将永远留在人间.

4. The people find it hard to live on.


5. Most mammals live on land.


6. Most of Asians live on rice.


7. The lonely old man lives on charity.

8. Mozart is dead but his music lives on. [短语归纳] live短语:

live on sth 以某物为食,靠某种经济来源生活live by doing sth 靠做某事物为生

live for sth 以某事物为生活目标live through sth 经历某事物而幸存

live together 在一起生活;同居

live up to sth 依照某事物行事;

表现出符合某事物的标准live with sth 接受或容忍某现象

live to be... = live to the age of... 活到……岁live a... life 过着……的生活

3. means n.手段;方法(单复数同形)

①Every possible means has been tried,but none worked.

=All possible means have been tried,but none worked.


by this means 通过这种方式

by means of 用……办法;借助……

by all means 一定,务必;好的,当然可以by every means 用尽一切可能的办法

by no means 决不,一点也不(位于句首时,


by any mean 无论如何

As is known to us,telephone is a useful means of communication.

众所周知,电话是一种有用的通讯工具。In many places in China,the bicycle is still a popular means of transportation.


Every possible means has been used to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not very clear.


(1)by means of 借用,依靠

We express our feelings by means of words.我们用语言来表达感情。

The actress rose to fame overnight by means of her perfect performance in the film. (2)by no means=not at all一点……也不

By no means am I satisfied with my present job.
