商务现场口译答案unit 9
商务英语口译Unit 9 Scenic Spots

architectural [,ɑ:ki'tektʃərəl] adj. 建筑学的;建 筑上的;符合建筑法的 The show also includes some of Wright 's drawings , architectural models and photographs . 这次展览还展出了赖特的部分设计图、建筑设计模型 和照片 archaeological [,ɑ:kiə'lɔdʒikəl] adj. 考古学的; 考古学上的 Genetic change can overlay archaeological or cultural continuity . 基因变化会掩盖考古和文化的传承。
• •
旅游胜地[1][2]是指知名度较高,具有一定特色,对旅游 者产生较大吸引力的游览区或游览地。它可以是 玉龙 雪山 风光优美的山水名胜,如中国的桂林山水、南斯拉夫的 达尔马提亚海岸、瑞士的日内瓦湖;也可以是人文荟萃 的文化名邦,如北京、巴黎、阿姆斯特丹、爱丁堡和佛 罗伦萨。气候温暖、阳光充足的地中海海湾是世界首屈 一指的沿海旅游胜地;海湾隐蔽、港口优良的英格兰考 斯胜地是国际快艇航游的重要中心;以开展滑雪等现代 冬季体育运动为特色的阿尔卑斯山和喀尔巴阡山脉是著 名的冬游胜地。其他如天然狩猎场、温泉疗养地、宗教 朝拜目标、著名文化古迹、有特定历史意义的乡间别墅、 充满民族风情的异族聚居地、特殊的动植物群落以至重 大的体育比赛、人工创造的游乐场、独具特色的购物中 心等都可成为有吸引力的旅游胜地。
NEW WORDS &ama ['lɑ:və,'lævə] n. 火山岩浆;火山所喷出的熔 岩 Unless, of course , it happens to explode and pour molten lava all over your campsite ! 当然,如果他不是它会突然爆炸并喷出熔岩把你野营 地吞没的话。 centerpiece ['sentəpi:s] n. 中心装饰品;放在餐 桌中央的摆 The hangup : Wang is the centerpiece of the Yankees ' pitching staffs of the future . 难题:王小民是洋基队未来投手当中的核心人物。

• • • • • • • • • • • •
增加 increase, rise, grow, go up 爬升 pick up , climb 猛增 jump up, soar, surge, skyrocket, hike, 增加到 increase to 增加了 increase by 下降 decrease, decline, drop, fall, go down, reduce, sink, dwindle, shrink
• Read it out in English with ease • 1 billion 207 million 210 thousand 472
302 million 30 thousand
• Step one: • Write down the Arabic digits (3 numbers in one group): • 302 030 000 • Then divide the number in groups where each group has 4 digits starting from the left side) • 302 030 000 • Read it out in Chinese with ease • 3亿万203万
• 几个 • some, several, a few, a number of • 十几个 • more than /over a dozen//less /no more than twenty • 几十个 • dozens of • 几十年 • decades • 七十好几了 • well over seventy
• 1,549,946,768
Billion Million Thousand

商务现场口译答案单元 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】商务现场口译答案1—18单元 ( 全 )Unit1Phrase InterpretingA1. to recover from the jet lag2.thoughtful arrangement3. hospitality4. souvenir5. accommodations6. to claim baggage7. to proceed through the Customs 8. itinerary 9. farewell speech 10. to adjust to the time difference1.倒时差 2.周到的安排 3.热情好客 4.纪念品5.食宿6.提取行李 7.进行海关检查 8.活动安排 9.告别词10.适应时差B1.为……设宴洗尘 2.向……告别 3.不远万里来到… 4.很荣幸……5.久仰大名 6.欢迎词 7.赞美 8.回顾过去 9.展望未来10.美好回忆1. to hold a banquet in honor of...2. to bid farewell to...3. to come all the way to...4. tobe/feel honored...5. I have long been looking forward to meeting you.6. a welcoming address7. to pay tribute to 8. to look back9. to look ahead 10. happy memoryDistinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,Thank you very much for your gracious welcoming speech. China is one of the earliestcradles of civilization and the visit to this ancient nation has long been my dream. This visitwill give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. I wishto say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovelytown. I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to saythat there are differences in business management practice between Chinese and Americans.We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our differentcultural traditions. I can't say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. After all,there are strong points and weak points in both types of management. In recent years, moreand more American business executives have recognized the strong points of the more humaneway of Chinese management.It is a great pleasure that I can exchange views and information with you, and reachcommon ground here. And I wish to share with you my thoughts on this topic in the days tocome. Thank you!尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们:非常感谢你们热情友好的欢迎词。
世纪商务英语口译教程Unit 9

拓展练习 Directions: A few students will be asked to prepare presentations of about 300
Directions: Listen to the speech and interpret what you have heard whenever the speaker pauses.
How to make effective presentation 成功演讲技巧 ( 3 )
要使演讲成功,光开好头还不行,还得把各个部分有机地串联起来。否则, 纵使每个部分都是珍珠,没有一根线把它们串起来,演讲也不能算得上成功。因 此,在不同部分之间过渡时,我们需要一些连接词把它们衔接起来。下面介绍一 些有用的短语和句子结构:
It is + adj. + that 是一种虚拟语气的句式,因此如果中间的形容词是necessary, important 等等,不必译成“必要的/重要的是……”, 而是在主句谓语动词前加上“应 该”、“必须”、“务必”、“要”等词。如:
It is necessary that all parties involved negotiate on an equal footing in order to find a satisfactory solution to the problem.
Directions: Listen to the speech and interpret what you have heard whenever the speaker pauses.
Warming-up 热身准备 中国国际商务发展论坛 高举……的旗帜
China International Business Development Forum to hold high the banner of ...

Coordinating-Field Interpreting
David: Hi! I am David Anderson, sales representative from Willa Company. Are you
4. to be/feel honored...
5. I have long been looking forward to meeting you.
6. a welcoming address
7. to pay tribute to
8. to look back
9. to look ahead
10. happy memory
and more American business executives have recognized the strong points of the more humane
way of Chinese management.
It is a great pleasure that I can exchange views and information with you, and reach
商务现场口译答案 1—8 单元
Phrase Interpreting
1. to recover from the jet lag
2. thoughtful arrangement
3. hospitality
4. souvenir
5. accommodations
6. to claim baggage

9.1 BrandingReading: What’s that smell?2(P86)(1) B (2) G (3) E (4) C (5) A (6) F (7) DSpeaking:Discussing branding3(P86)One thing that interests me about this is that smell can have such an effect on humans.One thing that surprises me is that ScentAir’s turnover has quadrupled as a result.Grammar:Relative clauses1(P88)(1) which (2) when (3) who (4) whose (5) why (6) where2(P88)We’re a Swedish company which has controlling shares in three subsidiaries and a large stake in one smaller division. It is recommended therefore that we focus our financial interests on the smaller subsidiary, which incidentally is also based in Sweden.3(P88)(1) defining (2) non-defining (3) commas(4) The sentences in the text on page 87 containing relative clauses are those which were completed with A-G in exercise2 on page 86. If students seem unsure, tell them that if there is a comma it will be non-defining.Defining:...that his grandmother used to make...who walk around reception will get a whiff of a chocolate chip cookie...when it began 12 years ago...why so many companies are now associating brands with a scentNon-defining:...which typically includes more than six smells...where the odour of waffle-cones were released into the air to encourage visitors to an out-of-the way ice cream shop...whose recently-introduced cell phone keypad was lavender-scented(5) that(1) Let me introduce you to David who’s the director of our company(2) This is the main factory where we produce car parts.(3) This is our last product which is also our biggest seller.(4) The company had a turnover of about a million euros in 2004 when it was founded in 2004.5(P89)I work for a company which produces software.I study at a college that specialises in business courses.The best kind of boss is someone who doesn’t interfere.6(P89)(1) My company, which is based in Sydney, has offices all over the world.(2) Mrs Sayers, who’s waiting in reception, says she has an appointment with you.(3) The man, whose briefcase we found last night, called this morning to see if we had it.(4) The report, which I’ve just finished, is in your in-tray.Reading:Chinese luxury obsession7(P89)(1) which where(2) what who(3) who’s whose(4) where,(delete comma)(5) when why(6) whose which(7) why where(8) nowadays,(delete comma)9.2 Getting throughListening:Automated voicemail systems2(P90)(1) GH Loans(2) The caller presses 2 because he wants to speak to an operator.(3) The caller reaches 3 on the scale before he puts the phone down because the system uses speech recognition technology which requires him toanswer‘Yes’or‘No’.(1) Abi Kaye(2) TI3662(3) 21st April 1981(4) loan early last month(5) statement(6) five thousand euros(7) 0172443929(8) fourVocabulary:Telephone words4(P91)(1) unavailable/take(2) hold(3) put/through(4) One(5) take(6) bear with me(7) put(you)on hold(8) call(you)back(9) So that was(10) suit5(P91)(1) Let me call you back later.(2) Let me read that back to you.(3) I’m just looking up his number on the conputer./I’m just looking his number up on the computer.(4) Do you mind if we put the meeting back to Tuesday?/ Do you mind if we put back the meeting to Tuesday?(5) We’ll bring the schedule forward by a week./ We’ll bring forward the schedule by a week.(6) Hold on a moment.(7) Sorry, the battery on my mobile is about to run out.(8) Sorry, he’s tied up with something at the moment. Can I help?(9) I’m just putting you an hold for a moment.Speaking:Making phone calls6(P91)Reading:Email marketing2(P92)(1) B (2) B (3) AWriting:Correcting and rewriting5(P93)(1) email(2) capitals(3) spam(or)email newsletters(4) important(5) subject(6) inbox6(P93)-With emails to people you don’t know, use formal expression such as Dear…,I am writing to…,I look forward to….-Organise your emails into folders.-Send many attachments in separate emails.-Only cc emails to someone else when it’s really necessary.7(P93)The person broke the following rules:(1) He/She didn’t check for things like spelling, grammar and formality(eg recieved/I look forward to see you then/Hi…).(2) and 4 He/She used capitals and marked it IMPORTANT!(5) The subject line wasn’t short and clear.8(P93)9.3 Writing Test: Part TwoExam practice(P94-95)-A report.-A representative from a market research company carrying out research.-A soft drinks company.-The information in the handwritten notes is always essential in this type of question. With the pie charts, students will need to summarise the main trends indicated rather than list every figure given. With the bar chart, students should summarise the overall indication of preferences and not worry sbout quoting exact。
商务现场口译答案unit 9

Unit 9II. /P155A1服务理念2质量方针3企业精神4经营宗旨5战略主题6以市场为主导的服务7文化冲突8文化事业9民间文化10 都市文化B1 value2 innovation for comprtitiveness3 core concept4 pursue excellence5 challenge ourselve6 enterprise’s identification7 social relationship 8 teamwork spirit9 reasonable price 10 speedy serviceIIIA1拥有企业文化的企业,员工具有想象力和创造力,从不畏惧冒险。
2 ABC公司通过世界各地的机构长期引导慈善事业,这是公司的传统。
3 ABC公司的员工认真对待自己对于生活和工作所在的社区应承担的义务。
4 企业文化是由勇于创新的员工组成的,他们敢于挑战现有的工作方式,并提出有利于全社会的新观点和新解决方案。
5 我们与公司的总体方向和目标保持一致。
B1 enterprise culture helped the transformation of our company from one based on manufacturing to a post-industrial company based on service.2 to stimulate our employmees,serve our customers and creat a bright future,we build a distinctive culture of ABC and promote four core values base on it.3 we understand the real potential of these core value,as it help us bring happiness and quality to the life of our clients.4 we are on the cutting-edge od our field,as we initiate innovative proposals and seek innovating solution in our work.5 our enterprise value: create more value to the enterprise and the society continuously.TEXT A /P157Ever since its establishment in 1984, rainbow has develop from a single store into the leading chain enterprise in shenzhen’s retailing industry. Now rainbow is in the top 100 of retailing giants in China. In its 20 years of development ,rainbow has won the trust from the government,business partners,suppliers and customers,by maintaining its corporate philiosophy of “Authenticity,in tegrity,Enthusiasm and C rediblity ’’. It has attained the support from the society and achieved excellcent eonomic effects and social effects.Thought its scientific management technique and professional operrative style ,Rainbow made a great-leap-forward development and achieved a splendid result .The annual sales steadily grew from RMB 323 million yuan to RMB 2.82 billion yuan .Rainbow has expended its business to new areas ;Nanchang,Xiamen,Dongguan and Huizhou.By now,the total of rainbow chain sore is seventeen.Rianbow formulated its management guideline of “Quality Frist,Customer Uppermost”. It has been providing various kinds of high quality commodities with reasonable price, and convenient services. Moreover ,it abides by the enterprise philosophy that “Authenticity,Integrity,Enthusiasm and Credibility”are the most important values. Rainbow strictly implements quality policies. Thers policies guarantee that commodities are at genuinely fair prices in abundant variety and the shopping environment is clean,brightly illuminated, safe and comfortabale. Moeover ,the policies ensure warm and sincere service at the customers’ convenience. We have always been providing satisfactory commodities and services to our customers.Text BA 杰克。
unit 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sec 2
任何国家要采取行动,都会影响到世界上的其他国家。 要找到一劳永逸的解决办法,就必须充分考虑到各国的实际情况。 任何人要讨论销售增长,都不得不提到营销的作用。 这一点在中国最为明显。 双方必须就减小贸易不平衡达成协议。
Sec 3
Reference Version:
东盟国家的各位代表,女士们,先生们: 我谨代表马来西亚的所有与会者表达我们的深深谢意。感谢邀请我们参加此次研讨 会,这次会议无疑将会推动东盟与中国的关系。 我要感谢人民日报社和广西人民政府,他们为组织本次重大的研讨会做出了不懈的 努力。
Sec 2
Sec 3
Section 2
Practice for Sight Interpreting
There is a saying in our country, “Tak kenal maka tak cinta”, literally meaning that we may not love someone if we do not make an effort to get to know the person. Indeed, we have to get to know each other, and we have to build bridges of friendship not only among ourselves in the media but also for the people in our region.
Reference Version: 我觉得这个还有待实施。也许建立一个联络网,让参加活动的人参与进来,他们就能确保 采取一些后续行动来实施已经达成的各项计划。 最后,我想感谢本次活动的组织者,感谢他们的出色工作和热情好客。谢谢!
商务现场口译答案 (全部)

Unit 7I.Listen to a short passage "Shopping for Clothes" carefully and note down what you hear. Try to use some symbols and abbreviations when you are taking notes. Then interpret your notes in the target language.Shopping for ClothesShopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in advance. He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it; the price is a secondary consideration. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it in stock, the salesman promptly produces it, and the business of trying it on proceeds at once. All being well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone's satisfaction. For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants.Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way. Her shopping is not often based on needs. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only "having a look round". She is always open to persuasion; indeed she sets great store by what the saleswoman tells her, even by what companions tell her. She will try on any number of things. Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always on the lookout for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another, to and fro, often retracing her steps before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a laborious process, but apparently an enjoyable one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.II. Phrase InterpretingA1. screen2. diagram3. vertical axis4. column5. in summary6. consequently7. furthermore 8. to run out of time 9. in a word10. in addition1.屏幕 2.图表 3.纵轴4.圆柱 5.总之 6.因此7.此外 8.没时间 9.总而言之10.另外B.1.商品特性 2.顺序 3.订单4.垄断 5.质量监控 6.利润7.制造业 8.服务业 9.运作10.顾客满意度1. commodity features2. sequence3. order4. monopoly5. quality control6. profit7. manufacturing industry 8. service industry9. operation 10. degree of customer satisfactionIII. Sentence InterpretingA.1. Please proceed with your presentation.2. This morning I'm going to describe sales forecasts for the European computer market over the next five years.3. Good afternoon, everyone. This afternoon I'd like to describe briefly the advantages of using the TEC-NET communication service.4. In summary, ladies and gentlemen, as well as providing extensive after-sales service, Minimax will be happy to custom-design our product to meet the needs of your company.5. At the end of the presentation there will be time for any questions you have.1.请开始你的简要汇报。
简明商务英语口译教程Unit 9[精]
![简明商务英语口译教程Unit 9[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/414a3f3616fc700abb68fca0.png)
任何人如果停止吸取新知识,就肯定会落后。(条件状语从 句)
8. Their basic fear is of the slack up of protectionism, and above all, American capital outflows which to them mean job outflows.
11. The professor, who is old, is still teaching hard in his field. 这位教授虽然上了年纪,但仍然在自己的领域里辛勤地教书。
1. She is going to spend the summer in Qingdao, where she has some friends and relatives.
Unit 9
Section A
Get Your Pronunciation Right
这一部分主要用于练习英语字母组合 “tu”, “du”, “su”, “zu” 的发音。其正确的发音为: “tu];发“su”, “zu”音时,舌尖顶住下牙内壁,读音不能等 同于汉字“休”和“优”,请反复练习。
2.The phenomenon of money worship and obsession, a growing concern with self-interests, and neglect of public welfare exert negative impact on people’s attitude towards many traditional virtues.

Unit 6I.You are going to hear a short passage about advertising. Listen to the passage carefully and note down what you hear. Pay attention to the structure of your notes. Then interpret your notes in the target language.AdvertisingAdvertising reaches people through various forms of mass media. These media include newspapers, magazines, television, radio and posters and hoardings. Advertisers buy space in newspaper and magazines to publish their advertisements. They buy time on television and radio to broadcast their commercials.One of the many advantages of newspapers is that most adults read a daily newspaper, and many of them specifically check the advertisements for information about products, services, or special sales. Magazines are usually read in a leisurely manner and are often kept for weeks or months before being discarded. One of the main advantages of television to advertisers is that it brings sight, sound and action directly to consumers in their homes. An advantage of advertising on radio is that people can listen to programs while doing other things, like driving their cars or working at home.II. Phrase InterpretingAsk the students to interpret the following words and phrases into Chinese or Englishrespectively with the help of the language bank in the Student's Book.A1. Swatch2. Ericsson3. Rejoice4. Seven-up5. Nokia6. Honda7. Philips 8. Olympus 9. Marlboro10. Lexus1.斯沃奇。
商务英语口译Unit 9 Sightseeing

• The main purpose of foreign customers come to China is to do business, but at the same time, many people would like to visit the interest of nearest places, enjoy breathtaking natural beauty, and taste traditional Chinese culture which goes back to ancient times in their spare time. Therefore, as the host, you should arrange sightseeing for them. To show them around the scenic spots is necessary. Let them know something about the history and culture of the city, in which the company is located. Sighting will also let clients relax and enjoy their stay in China.
Part Two
Unit 9 Sightseeing

商务英语视听说答案unit91、Julia’s on holiday in Shanghai _______. [单选题] *A. in a momentB. after a momentC. at the moment(正确答案)D. at any moment2、( ) My mother told me _____ in bed. [单选题] *A. not readB. not readingC. don’t readD. not to read(正确答案)3、His remarks _____me that I had made the right decision. [单选题] *A.ensuredB.insuredC.assured(正确答案)D.assumed4、Which is _______ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu? [单选题] *A. largeB. largerC. largestD. the largest(正确答案)5、Tom and Mary's house bought last year is()Lucy, s. [单选题] *A. the three size ofB. three times the size of(正确答案)C. as three times large asD. three times as larger as6、59.—Can I talk to the manager?—Please wait ________ minute. [单选题] * A.anB.a(正确答案)C.theD./7、He is a student of _______. [单选题] *A. Class SecondB. the Class TwoC. Class Two(正确答案)D. Second Two8、It is important for us _______ English well. [单选题] *A. learnB. learningC. to learn(正确答案)D. learned9、I have to _______ my glasses, without which I can’t read the book. [单选题] *A. put upB. put awayC. put downD. put on(正确答案)10、You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder, ____ you won’t pass the course. [单选题] *A. andB. soC. butD. or(正确答案)11、Is there going to ______ a football match in the stadium next month?()[单选题] *A. beingB. haveC. be(正确答案)D. having12、Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see _______. [单选题] *A. herB. him(正确答案)C. itD. them13、72.I really don’t know how to thank you , but for your help, I ()my lost necklace.[单选题] *A.couldn’t have found(正确答案)B.mustn’t have foundC.couldn’t findD.wouldn’t find14、I don’t know how to improve my English. Can I ask you for some _______? [单选题] *A. answersB. advice(正确答案)C. questionsD. words15、He used to get up at six in the morning,()? [单选题] *A. used heB. did heC. didnt he (正确答案)D. should he16、11.________ big furniture shop it is! [单选题] *A.HowB.WhatC.What a (正确答案)D.What an17、I have worked all day. I'm so tired that I need _____ . [单选题] *A. a night restB. rest of nightC. a night's rest(正确答案)D. a rest of night18、The black coal there shows a sharp()white snow. [单选题] *A. contract withB. content withC. contact toD. contrast to(正确答案)19、The hall in our school is _____ to hold 500 people. [单选题] *A. big enough(正确答案)B. enough bigC. very smallD. very big20、_____ the plan carefully,he rejected it. [单选题] *A. To have consideredB.To considerC. Having considered(正确答案)D. Considering21、If it _______ tomorrow, I won’t go there. [单选题] *A. rains(正确答案)B. is rainingC. will rainD. would rain22、_____ is not known yet. [单选题] *A. Although he is serious about itB. No matter how we will do the taskC. Whether we will go outing or not(正确答案)D. Unless they come to see us23、The manager isn’t in at the moment. May I _______ a message? [单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. makeC. haveD. keep24、Some people were born with a good sense of direction. [单选题] *A. 听觉B. 方向感(正确答案)C. 辨别力D. 抽象思维25、( ) You had your birthday party the other day,_________ [单选题] *A. hadn't you?B. had you?C. did you?D. didn't you?(正确答案)26、There are trees on both sides of the broad street. [单选题] *A. 干净的B. 狭窄的C. 宽阔的(正确答案)D. 宁静的27、We _______ swim every day in summer when we were young. [单选题] *A. use toB. are used toC. were used toD. used to(正确答案)28、The boy’s mother always _______ him a story before he goes to bed. [单选题] *A. saysB. speaksC. tells(正确答案)D. talks29、I shall never forget the days()we worked on the farm. [单选题] *A. when(正确答案)B. whatC. whichD. on that30、10.﹣Could you please sweep the floor?I’m going to cook dinner.﹣__________.I’ll do it at once,Mom.[单选题] *A.I’m afraid notB.You’re kiddingC.It’s a shameD.My pleasure(正确答案)。
09口译答案 doc

参考答案口译记录练习1. Note: 车Co.→中MKT中--US 系↓损生意//2. Note: 看80s中: 大变//3. Note: 3y ⊙Eu + US (68 ) 达:―日‖ : Telcom U开: 90% MKT//4. Note: who US 大潜敌poll : 1).G2). J3). R //5. Note: 位欧W荷: ×大面:4.14万人:1500万地低→“低地‖ //6. Note: 20 C人文明↑创S &T 成就//但遇? : W 人口↑胁→人存& 发//7. Note: econ. 前景: √//8. Note: 建1C 前Co. : 长历//9. Note: 2000 企°政°表观点学°权°//10. Note: If 女>权献力>积极//11. Note: ΔUS 客TKS→ your 盛情:∵→中°闻世 //12.Note: 如祝词中° & US°: 伟人//2 为敌→ W 前景dark2 合→ W. P ↑ //口译方法练习一. 用对译法口译下列句子:(1) 扩大我们在科技方面的合作可以成为我们送给未来的最大一份礼物。
(2) 我们两国可以本着平等互利和互相尊重的精神携手合作。
(5) Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to –state relations.(6) Since the inception of reform and opening-up program, China‘s nationalstrength and people‘s living standard have improved.(7) A friendly relationship between China and the United States not only benefitsthe two peoples, but also contributes significantly to peace, stability and prosperity on the Asia-Pacific and the world at large.二. 用反译法口译下列句子:(1) 明天早上十点钟你必须赶到这里。
商务英语Unit 9 参考答案

Unit 9 MoneyPart I Business VocabularyDirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1 Do you _____C_______ used items, such as clothing?.A give offB give upC give awayD give out2 Yule Catto, the chemicals group, launched a £240m _______C_________ for Holliday Chemical.A offerB quotationC bidD price3 Sales of the Financial Times hit an ______A________ record in November..A all-timeB pre-timeC over-timeD a-time4 The South Sea Bubble had C and it led to an economic depression in the country.A brokenB outbrokenC burstD burst out5 Foreigners joined in the _______D_______ to buy the flowers and money poured into Holland from other countries..A runB snatchC seizureD rush6 In 1673, the boom in the market ended. No one knows why, but people began to sell. Others followed _______A_________.A suitB suiteC upD down7 Many people who had offered their property as ____B_____ for credit went bankrupt.A safetyB securityC warrantyD guarantee8 People who had agreed to buy tulips at ______C_______ prices were unable to pay their debts.A ratedB liftedC inflatedD lowered9 When sellers took legal action to ______D________ their money, the courts were not helpful because they saw such investment as a kind of gambling.A coverB repayC settleD recover10 However, they also expect to make money, usually by taking a _____D______ inthe business or a share of the profits.A riskB creditC investmentD stake11 We have learned your name and address _____B_____ the CommercialCounselor’s Office of our Embassy in your country.A atB fromC inD by12 We would like to take this opportunity to write to you ______ D _____ the hope ofestablishing business relations with you.A atB forC withD in13 We are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide _____D______ of raincoats for all age groups.A scopeB kindC typeD range14 As we usually place substantial orders, we would like to ______A_______ aquantity discount.A be allowedB allowC allowingD have allowed15 We usually deal with new suppliers ______ C ______ the basis of payment in ourcurrency by 60-day irrevocable letter of credit.A forB atC onD under16 If these conditions ______ D _____ you, please send us your latest catalogue andprice-list.A have interestB are interestedC are interestingD interest17 We are looking forward to hearing ______ C ________ you soon.A aboutB ofC fromD to18 Thank you for your letter of January 5, enquiring _____ D _____ our raincoats.A ofB atC inD for19 We always deal ________ D _______ payment by sight L/C.A withB inC atD on20 We are now enclosing our spring catalogue and price list ____D______ CIFShanghai.A quotedB to quoteC having quotedD quoting Part II Phrase TranslationDirections: Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1 商业做法business practice2 商务要闻business in brief3 城市开发项目urban development project4 收购出价takeover bid5 股市stock market6 拍卖行auction house7 空前记录an all-time record8 销售数据sales figure9 金融灾难financial disaster10 国债national debt11 经济萧条an economic depression12 经济泡沫an economic bubble13 经济不景气an economic recession14 过高价格inflated price15 华尔街the Wall Street16 经济危机an economic crisis17 定价政策pricing policy18 现有顾客existing customer19 目标顾客target customer20 经销方式distribution methodPart III Sentence TranslationDirections: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1.Yule Catto, the chemicals group, launched a £240m bid for Holliday Chemical. Yule Catto化工集团出价2亿4千万英镑竞购好乐迪化工。

(15)Breach and Rescission of Contract
(l7) Force Majeure
(18)Applicable Laws
Unit Nine
Business Contracts 商务合同
Business Contracts
知识目标:1. 了解商务合同的基本知识 2. 掌握商务合同的语言特点及翻译技巧 3. 熟知商务英语的特点及翻译的原则
能力目标:1. 能够运用所学翻译技巧进行英汉商务合同的互译 2. 能够在商务英语翻译中遵循正确的翻译原则
❖ 涉外合同的分类:
❖ 国际货物销售合同(Contracts for International Sale of Goods)
❖ 国际技术转让合同(Contracts for International Technology Transfer)
❖ 中外合资经营企业合同(Contracts for Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures)
3)Time of shipment: in OCT.12th w/t at Hongkong before the end of OCT.
4)Port of loading, port of destination:
5)Terms of Payment: by sight L/C , the L/C must reach the sellers before May 1st.
全方位商务英语口语Unit 9 Making Speeches of Persuation

Write a clear statement of the discussion question or decision to be made. Use the problem situations presented as models.
Develop and deliver a problem-solution speech with all the necessary elements.
When all the groups have finished, share your ideas as a class.
Task 5 Developing a Talk
As a local tour guide, you’re organizing a business trip around China for a group of Americans. Discuss your plans with a travel agent and design an itinerary.
Work in groups of 4−5. Develop the argument by following the four-step refutation strategy.
State the position you want to attack: ________________________
After the talk, exchange ideas with your partner and identify the five basic steps in it.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Unit 9II. /P155A1服务理念2质量方针3企业精神4经营宗旨5战略主题6以市场为主导的服务7文化冲突8文化事业9民间文化10 都市文化B1 value2 innovation for comprtitiveness3 core concept4 pursue excellence5 challenge ourselve6 enterprise’s identification7 social relationship 8 teamwork spirit9 reasonable price 10 speedy serviceIIIA1拥有企业文化的企业,员工具有想象力和创造力,从不畏惧冒险。
2 ABC公司通过世界各地的机构长期引导慈善事业,这是公司的传统。
3 ABC公司的员工认真对待自己对于生活和工作所在的社区应承担的义务。
4 企业文化是由勇于创新的员工组成的,他们敢于挑战现有的工作方式,并提出有利于全社会的新观点和新解决方案。
5 我们与公司的总体方向和目标保持一致。
B1 enterprise culture helped the transformation of our company from one based on manufacturing to a post-industrial company based on service.2 to stimulate our employmees,serve our customers and creat a bright future,we build a distinctive culture of ABC and promote four core values base on it.3 we understand the real potential of these core value,as it help us bring happiness and quality to the life of our clients.4 we are on the cutting-edge od our field,as we initiate innovative proposals and seek innovating solution in our work.5 our enterprise value: create more value to the enterprise and the society continuously.TEXT A /P157Ever since its establishment in 1984, rainbow has develop from a single store into the leading chain enterprise in shenzhen’s retailing industry. Now rainbow is in the top 100 of retailing giants in China. In its 20 years of development ,rainbow has won the trust from the government,business partners,suppliers and customers,by maintaining its corporate philiosophy of “Authenticity,in tegrity,Enthusiasm and C rediblity ’’. It has attained the support from the society and achieved excellcent eonomic effects and social effects.Thought its scientific management technique and professional operrative style ,Rainbow made a great-leap-forward development and achieved a splendid result .The annual sales steadily grew from RMB 323 million yuan to RMB 2.82 billion yuan .Rainbow has expended its business to new areas ;Nanchang,Xiamen,Dongguan and Huizhou.By now,the total of rainbow chain sore is seventeen.Rianbow formulated its management guideline of “Quality Frist,Customer Uppermost”. It has been providing various kinds of high quality commodities with reasonable price, and convenient services. Moreover ,it abides by the enterprise philosophy that “Authenticity,Integrity,Enthusiasm and Credibility”are the most important values. Rainbow strictly implements quality policies. Thers policies guarantee that commodities are at genuinely fair prices in abundant variety and the shopping environment is clean,brightly illuminated, safe and comfortabale. Moeover ,the policies ensure warm and sincere service at the customers’ convenience. We have always been providing satisfactory commodities and services to our customers.Text BA 杰克。
B what weng wrong?A 杰克没有适应公司的企业文化,这一点也不奇怪。
B Does all the company have a stated set of cultural values?A 先进的公司都认识到企业文化的影响力并且也考虑过他们想要在企业中推广的价值观。
B what does it take for someone to be successful here?A 首先他们必须了解面试者正在寻找怎样的个性特征?爱冒风险?有企业家精神?有团队精神?然后留心在这个公司受到鼓励和奖赏的性格,并想一想该公司的企业文化。
B What kinds of employmee achievements are recognized by the company?A 同样,对于这个问题的回答也将反映企业的价值和奖励。
B How do you understand the environment?A 仔细听面试官用的形容词,他或她是从哪一个方面谈论工作的,如:同志间的友谊、职业的发展机会或免费早餐厅等。
B How often are company meetings held ?A 这个问题提的好。
B How about the physical layout?A 有没有特别的、被当做“团队”专用的房间以供集体合作或头脑风暴之用的呢?这种布局是促进还是妨碍了部门之间的合作呢?不同的办公室布局会营造不同的企业文化。
B How about the overall impression of the place?A 从着装要求到门牌号码你能想象自己在哪里工作吗?你对于自己成为这个公司一员的内心真实感受是怎样的?虽然你在一个你不能适应的企业文化中熬过短期疼痛,但为什么要忍受这种不协调而不另谋高就呢?对于许多人来说,工作只不过是为了工资,它是一个他们结交朋友或遇见配偶的场所,也是他们度过大多数醒着的时间和认识、实现自我的地方。
Text C /P159康佳有着“广东企业文化摇篮”的美誉,优秀的企业文化是康佳取得快速发展的一个重要的原因。
Task 4 /P166A1 Make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.2 China is a multi-ethnic country with a long history and splendid culture.3 The culture exchange is a process of learning from each other.4 The Chinese culture on one hand must keep its locality and tradition,on the other hand,must step up with the times and absorb the cream of other cultures.5 The culture exchange is the communication between people and the their souls.TAXT D原来的西门子-霍尔斯克公司已发展成为今天在世界电气和电子市场上富有高度革新精神的领导者。