
141.AS a ______ actor,he can perform,sing,dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.A.flexible 灵活的,柔韧的n.flexibility★B.versatile 形容人多才多艺的,形容工具用途广泛的vers 代表随时可以变换的n. versatility DVD = Diaital Versatile Disc★C.sophisticated 特定领域成就着著的学识渊博的女性事故的老练的naive 女性单纯的纯真的naivety n. simple simplicity 单纯×D.productive 具有创造力的produceanswer:B42.There are not many teachers who are strong ________ of traditional methods in English teacheing.A.sponsors 赞助商×(阅读会考)B.contributors 捐款人捐助人投稿人contribution 贡献★C.advocates V 鼓吹提倡n.拥护者提倡者(希腊神话,辩护士,古罗马的辩护场滔滔不绝的人)×D.performers 表演者answer:C43.We managed to reach the top of the mountain , and half an hour later we began to ______.★A.ascend ⒈上升,攀登⒉轻薄的东西升起(烟雾,声音)★B.descend 下降下山★C.decline 衰退拒绝下降(数字及时间的下降)D.plunge plunge into 忽然坠落或移动a前缀表示上升ad前缀也代表上升由C.得depression 经济萧条DEPRESSION (大写专有名词)jerk 猝然移动(反映)jerk response 快速反映jerk response 快速反映部队ex-sport 极限运动ex 代表extremeplunge into in air 扑向空气maximum 最大限度M:代表至高无上得荣耀地位constant:永久的,永恒的minimumanswer:B★petition,they believe , _______ the national character rather than corruptA.enforces force 强迫监督实施强迫执行B.confirms affirm 确实确定C.intensifies 程度的增强压力的增大intensive 强化的集中的深入的D.strengthens (strong strength n)v 增强实力信念competition 竞争n competitive adjrather than 句型前面的动词嘘后面动词的反义词,极端反意句型corrupt:消弱崩溃collapse:解体corruption:腐败bribery:行贿受贿airfoeces 空军intensice reading 精读intensive training course 强化课程answer:C45.The accident ________ him of his sight and the use of his legs.A.excluded include包括clude=shut (关门)包括包含(关在里面)exclude 排除排斥拒绝exclusive n exclusive interview 独家访问B.disabled disable:make sb. unable to do sth. 从身心两方面伤害某人★C.deprived deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺抢夺×D.gripped 紧紧抓住the disalbled 残疾人(只有六级用)the disadvantaged 弱势群体(美国表示残疾人)the advantaged 强势群体accident 交通事故incident 蓄谋事件answer:C46.On weekends my grandma usually ______ a glass of wine.★A.subscribes to 同意支付款项★submit to(六级)提交上交递交describe 描述★ascribe to 归因于归咎于(无名词)B.engages in engage 订婚engage in 忙于做某事参加某项活动C.hangs on 坚韧坚持(on 漂浮在空中)D.indulges in 沉溺于纵情于享受于葡萄酒只能对酌不能独饮变成名词时,后缀为-scription▲prescribe 开药方▲prescription 药方answer:D47.The people living in these apartments have free ______ to that swimming pool.★A.access 中性词have access to 自由进出的权利accession to WTO accession to =have access to (进入某地的权利,美国越长的词越有文化)×B.excess多余过剩excessive adj exceed 超越A match B A跟B一样的水平A exceed B A 超越B×C.excursion 短途旅行D.recreations create 娱乐休闲(重新创造)entertainment 娱乐amusement 娱乐answer:A★48.At the party we found that shy girl ________ her mother all the time.A.depending on (depend on 不能用于进行时态)independent 独立的不依赖的★B.coinciding with (coincide 两个以上物体面积轮廓相似,事件同时发生意见一致巧合)★C.adhering to adhere to 粘住;终于坚持;遵守法律法规(adhere to ,comply with ,conform to <符合需要及标准>)D.clinging to 抱紧掌握answer:DP169 2000.06 66题When you put up wallpaper, should you ___________the edges or put them next to each other?A.coincide (两边对齐,墙纸有重叠)B.extend (拉伸以后贴上去)C.overlap (over 盖住lap贴一张)D.collide (碰撞,2个物体相碰撞)answer:C49.When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind , he selects people ________ and ask them questions.A.at length (at last finally(六级)【完整地,全部地(四级)】B.at random =randomly 随意地,偶然地【第50题deliberately 存心地故意地】C.in essence 本质上地,实质上地(essential 实质的本质的)×D.in bulk 散装地psychologist 心理学家psycho——有关心理地前缀therapy——疗法psychotherapy——精神疗法obesity,anxiety,insomnia,hypotension心理紧张(tension紧张)answer:B50.I think she hurt my feelings _________ rather than by accidents as she claimed.A.virtuallyB.deliberately 存心地故意地▲C.literally 逐字逐句地毫不夸张地liter =language literature 文学illiteracy 文盲exaggerate 夸张★D.appropriately 适当地适合地(approximately 大约地)rather than 句型by accidents =at randomeanswer:B51.Even though he was guilty , the _______ judge did not send him to prison.A.merciful 使人摆脱惩罚和痛苦地使人获得心灵安慰的人道主意的(mercy 仁慈grace 恩典)★B.impartial 不徇私情的公正的part 部分partial 片面的impart 传授教授C.conscientious 良心有责任心的认真的(con sci en tious)×D.conspicuous 明显的显著的一人注目的不择手段让人出名guilty 罪过罪孽sin 罪恶original sin 原罪even though 转折answer:A52.The education __________ for the coming year is about $4 billion, which is much more than what people expected.×A.allowance 皇帝给宠臣的零花钱,政府颁发的津贴,经费(享受国务院津贴的教授)【subsidy 补助费】▲B.reservation 预定(酒店)(六级每次都是开会酒店满了……)C.budget 预算D.finace 金融(banking 银行security 保险insurance 证券foundation 基金)教育预算answer:C53.They had a fierce _______ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.A.debate 辩论【(正方,反方)对等力量】B.clash 冲突(民族冲突,巴伊冲突)(和某人吵架把杯子【摔了】)crash 坠毁(飞机)×C.disagreement 不一致分歧D.contest 斗争竞争(斗牛士与牛之间,校际比赛,学院内部的比赛)Cambridge and Oxford fierce 激烈的severe 严重的严肃的as to 为了restore (store 存储)the relationship 恢复关系recover 恢复(身体,力量恢复)answer:A54.They tossed your thoughts back and forth over an hour, but still could not make ________ of them.A.impression 感染力impressed 被某类事务所感染prehension (adj. comprehensive 广泛的统一的全面的)C.meaningD.sense×tossed 抛,扔▲bounce 弹跳反弹bounce shot 篮球从地上反弹到空中的扣篮rebound 篮板球▲make sense of 理解弄懂could you make sense?你理解了么?make full sense of?充分理解answer:D55.The politician says the will __________ the welfare of the people.(短语题)A.prey on 掠夺折磨B.take on 开始从事某件事情C.get at =that means 意思是D.see to =pay attention to ,look after 强者照顾弱者farewell 再见tata(音)最时髦的再见用语(西班牙语)(沉默羔羊2)toll 鸣响(教堂的钟声)arms 武器the sun also rises 太阳照样升起welfare 福利pray 祈祷prey 动物世界的弱者predatior 强食者over predatior 灭掉你响灭掉的人pray ;prayer 祈祷者answer:D★56.If you _______ the bottle and cigarettes, you'll be much healthier.(短语题)A.take off (take 取得拿到)B.keep off 远离不接近C.get off 下车离开……get on 上车登上……D.set off 激起引起动身启程根据句子逻辑意思判断不同动词+同一介词看动作指向同一动词+不同介词看介词指向off 远离(55题B)take on 穿衣服take off 脱衣服脱下卸下answer:B57.He was ________ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table.×A.dragged (drag 拽拉拖)B.tempted 诱惑某人做坏事★C.elicited 引起激起D.attracted 被善良美好的东西所吸引★ignite 点燃引起(阶级仇,民族恨)resist the temptation 拒绝诱惑中性词tempting 吸引人的有趣的tempter 诱惑者(褒义)attracting 有吸引力(中性)lure 引诱(贬义)induce 引诱某人做坏事terrificstunning 极好的fantastic(美好的)英国表示好gorgeous 华丽的绚烂的(美)answer:B58.Being somewhat short-sighted , she had the habit of ________ at people.A.glancing (glance 短暂的一瞥)B.peering (peer n 朋友同事同志)C.gazing gaze at 带感情色彩的凝视D.scaning 浏览扫描搜索at first glance 一见钟情instant love、quick love、glance love 一见钟情的爱immediate love (美)一见钟情的爱peer at =look carefully with difficultprivate =男性大兵GI =Government Issue 女大兵▲landmine 地雷▲undermine 损坏whether it be landmines or abyss 无论是地雷还是万丈深渊narcissus 自恋answer:C★59.Of the thousand of known volcanoes in the world, the ________ majority are inactive.A.tremendous 巨大的高速的(▲enormous)×B.demanding 耗费时间精力的需要引起注意的麻烦的(四级考,六级不考)C.intensive 深入的仔细的(intesity 地震的强度浓烈程度)D.overwhelming 占绝对优势的压倒多数的★volcanoe 火山macaco monkey 猕猴kiwi 猕猴桃(鸡尾果)★majority 多数多数派minor 少数minority 少数民族少数派●●in terms of●●reservationwax 蜡waxy 光亮的(头发光光的)spiky style (头发一根根分离向上)spike 钉子intensive reading 精读answer:D60.In general,matter which lie entirely within state borders are the ________ concern of state goverments.★A.extinct (n ▲extinction 动物的种群灭绝,必然出现选项为⑴species 种群⑵panda 熊猫六级用giant【巨人】panda)B.excluding×C.excessive 极端的超越的D.exclusive 独有的独家的专享的主语:matter 定语从句:which lie entirely within state borders 谓语are(需要填独有的独家的)ex ⑴代表out ⑵超越超过exceed 超过succeed 成功give me spicypost modern 后现代post industry 后工业社会answer:D61.The peotry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many ___________ references.A.obscure (重音第二个)B.acute (cute 聪明伶俐boney 多骨的bony 美丽的可爱的)C.notable 重要的显著的(★odour 气味)D.objective 客观的真实的peotry 诗references :参考书典故推荐信reference letter (推荐信)=recommendation letter(推荐信)★absurd 荒谬的可笑的(男人爱女人爱不死)★obscure 晦涩的(才华横溢的人饿不死)★ambiguous 模棱两可的晦涩难懂的(我辈中人,吃安毕圭)instant dictionary 快速字典(文曲星)answer:A62.The major was asked to _________ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions. ×A.constrain(只要在选项中就不选)×B.conduct 指挥(过于简单的词)★C.condense 浓缩使简介(density 密度)★D.converge 豫东物体的集聚和汇合思想和思潮的荟萃(verge 线条【罗马时】)con:前缀代表together自己判断太简单的单词一定不会考answer:C★63.The morning news says a school bus __________ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.A.bumped 【bumped against/on 运动物体撞静止物体(bump car)】★B.collided 【collide with 两个运动的物体相撞两国冲突】C.crashed 飞机失事砸碎打碎崩溃【关于崩溃的词:crumple、collapse(倒塌)】D.struck【strick 打击、stikingly 令人惊讶地】boost you upa bundle of pundits 一捆牛人fist 拳头two-fisted sportsman 全能运动员【two-fisted 左右开弓】bite 咬着morphine 麻醉剂hypnosis 催眠bite the bullets 咬住子弹(忍受无端痛苦)answer:B64.Sometimes patients (分词短语做定语)suffering from severe pain can be helped by "drugs" that aren't really drugs at all ______ sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.(连词)★A.or ratherB.rather thanC.but rather【no…but rather 不是而是】D.other thansevere:严重的relieve 缓解sugar pills 糖片therapy 疗法remedy 解决问题地方法治愈疾病的方法comedy 喜剧★★【常考连词】or…raher =accurately speaking (用在句中)A rather thanB 宁要A不要Bif =provided that (如果)all alone (副词)独自独立地all the +形容词比较级(更加越来越)【副词连接副词】e.g. You will be all the better for a holiday.你渡一次假会更好。

大学英语六级考试专项练习(词汇与语法)work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR大学英语六级考试专项练习(词汇与语法)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.I feel that his subject gains a lot from the attractive ____ of the matter.A. presentationB. preparationC. preferenceD. potential2.If you ask an agent to help you find an apartment, you have to pay him a ____ beforee you can rent the house.A. fineB. premiseC. premiumD. visit3.A ____ examination is one which is in preparation for something.A. predominantB. prematureC. preferableD. preliminary4.Age alone will not ____ him from standing as a candidate.A. precludeB. precedeC. precipitateD. predict5.There are still some people who ____ war as a means of making the country great.A. conformB. preachC. projectD. pound6.Anne is so calm and ____. She does everything well.A. practicableB. applicableC. practicalD. appreciable7.The book Black Beauty ____ the life of a horse.A. postulatesB. pondersC. plotsD. portrays8.His eyes almost ____ out of his headwhen he saw that he had won.A. poppedB. pokedC. pointedD. plugged9.If we ____ our ideas, we may be ableto produce a really good plan.A. pollB. poolC. poreD. pose10.She had spent several days ____ her lecture, so it was quite successful.A. shiningB. pleadingC. pavingD. polishing11.Your criticism injured his ____. So he is feeling upset now.A. divinityB. indignityC. egoD. hero12.____ began to grow in the 1920s with the development of radio.A. ElectronicsB. ElectricityC. EccentricityD. Economics13.Don’t____. It isn’t fair to say all women drivers are bad because one knocked you down.A. summarizeB. analyzeC. generalizeD. centralize14.A ____ is a portion of a DNA molecule(分子).A. geneB. specimenC. creatureD. microbe15.The young man used most ____ language to irritate the old chap.A. pleasantB. offensiveC. respectfulD. elegant16.The detectives tried to ____ from him where he had hidden his loot(赃物).A. temptB. attractC. disruptD. elicit17.I want something ____ placed in this window so that no one will be able to watch me.A. transparentB. opaqueC. explicitD. clear18.I find the conductor’s____ too slow for such a brilliant piece of music.A. speedB. raceC. calendarD. tempo19.When his contract was ____ unexpectedly, he desperately needed a new job.A. terminatedB. expiredC. fulfilledD. accomplished20.If you are to succeed as a salesman, first of all, youmust not be ____.A. humidB. aggressiveC. boldD. timid21.Nowadays many people become unemployed as a result of the wide introduction of ____ in big industries.A. estimationB. automationC. transformationD. conformation22.A/An ____ managing manner may result in an unexpected resistance of the workers to produce more.A. authoritativeB. detectiveC. respectiveD. representative23.Ever since the president’s sexual scandal was made public, there has been a continuous ____fall in his popularity.A. domesticB. imaginaryC. drasticD. numerous24.To help the suffering people survive the severe winter,all the citizens spared the flood were called on to ____ money,food and clothes.A. allocateB. deliverC. donateD. fancy25.Flood, ____ and famine are natural disasters often facing the people in the peninsula.A. warB. sanctionC. overpopulationD. drought26.Nazism and Fascism were ____ to be thrown into the dump of history.A. depositedB. doomedC. damnedD. deserved27.A remark may be completely ____ when it is passed on through different mouths.A. distortedB. restoredC. recoveredD. misled28.Every month ¥3 is ____ from our salary for house repairing payment.A. excludedB. expelledC. compelledD. docked29.In the new cabinet’s budget, a proportion of 3 per centis fixed for the feeding and ____ of those below the poverty line.A. unemploymentB. dwellingC. exploitationD. evolving30.The awarding of lands as ____ to the noblemen led to the weakening of the central government.A. domainsB. donationsC. notationsD. congratulations答案部分1.答案A。

大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(1)1. B 参考译文:对许多病人来说,福利机构的照顾是最合适并且是最有益的一种护理方式。
A) pertinent 中肯的B) appropriate 适当的C) acute 敏锐的D) persistent 执意的2. A 参考译文:在由于妇女大量进入劳动大军而引起的所有变化中,妇女本身发生的变化并非不重要。
A) massive 大量的B) quantitative 定量的C) surplus 多余的D) formidable 可畏的3. D 参考译文:当有人暗示史密斯先生犯了一个错误时他变得非常生气。
A) ingenious 灵巧的B) empirical 经验的C) objective 客观的D) indignant 愤怒的4. A 参考译文:谣言四起、散布恐怖、诋毁名声,使平静的局面变得动荡混乱。
A) turbulent 狂暴的B) tragic 悲惨的C) vulnerable 脆弱的D) suspicious 怀疑的5. D 参考译文:生与死的永恒循环是科学家和哲学家们都感兴趣的主题。
A) incompatible 不兼容的B) exceeding 过度的C) instantaneous 瞬间的D) eternal 永恒的大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(2)6. D 参考译文:她仍然保持信心,看上去不为我们目前的问题所烦恼。
A) indefinitely 不确定地B) infinitely 无限地C) optimistically 乐观地D) seemingly 表面上7. A 参考译文:光纤电缆可以同时传送数百个电话。
A) simultaneously 同时地B) spontaneously 自发地C) homogeneously 同类地D) contemporarily 现代地8. B 参考译文:有人向警方报警说逃犯可能就在附近。
A) vain 徒劳B) vicinity 附近C) court 法院D) jail 监狱9. B 参考译文:无论你活着是为了吃饭,还是吃饭是为了活着,食物总是每个家庭预算的主要开支项目。

大学英语六级词汇练习题(5套)词汇11. The Space Age __ D)_ _ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.A) initiated C) embarkedB) originated D) commenced出现2. John said that he didn't quite ___C___ and asked me to repeat what I had said.A) snatch up C) catch on理解B) summon up D) watch out3. When he tried to make a __C____, he found that the hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention.A) complaint C) reservation预定B) claim D) decision4. A budget of five dollars a day is totally ___A___ for a trip round Europe.A) inadequate不够C) incompatibleB) incapable不能D) invalid5. In our highly technological society, the number of jobs for unskilled workers is___A___.A) shrinking缩减C) alteringB) obscuring掩盖D) constraining约束限制6. The fire has caused great losses, but the factory tried to ____C__ the consequences影响by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported.A) decrease C) minimizeB) subtract扣除,缩减D) degrade答案:DCCAA C词汇21. If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost 最大程度effort must be made by nations to limit local ______D_______.(A)collisions (C)contradictions(B)combats (D)conflicts冲突2. Satellite communication are so up-to-date that even when_____B______ in the middle of the Pacific, businessmen can contact their offices as if they were next door(A)gliding流畅滑动(C)piloting(B)cruising巡航(D)patrolling3. In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed__B_____ in Chicago and New York City.(A)homogeneously (C)spontaneously(B)simultaneously同时一(D)harmoniously4. The court considers a financial___D_______ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.(A)option (C)obligation(B)duty (D)penalty惩罚5. I think that I committed a ____A_______in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.(A)blunder弄错犯错(B)revenge(C)reproach(D)scandal6. Even when textbooks are_______B____ through a school system, methods of teaching may vary greatly.(A)commonplace(B)standardized标准化(C)competitive(D)generalized7. They have always regarded a man of_______C______ and fairness 公平as a reliable friend.(A)robustness(B)temperament(C)integrity诚实(D)compactness8. All individuals are required to_____B______ to the laws made by their governments.(A)obey(B)conform遵守(C)concede(D)observe9. The basic causes are unknown , although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been______A________ .(A)identified(B)guaranteed(C)notified(D)conveyed10.It is very strange but I had an______B_____ that the plane would crash.(A)inspiration(B)intuition直觉(C)imagination(D)incentive11. The changing image of the family on television provides____A____ into changing attitudes toward the family in society.(A)insights(B)presentations(C)revelations(D)specifications12. The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased tax_____B_______ .(A)efficiency(B)revenues收入(C)privileges(D)validity13. Bill is an example of a severely disabled person who has become______A____ at many survival skills.(A)proficient能手专家(B)persistent(C)consistent(D)sufficient14. The ties that bind us together in common activity are so_____D___ that they can disappear at any moment.(A)trivial(B)fatal(C)tentative(D)feeble虚弱的15. During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes起重机掉啊车are used to____C_____ building materials to the upper floors.(A)toss(B)tow(C)hoist举起升起(D)hurl16. Diamonds have little_____D____ valueand their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.(A)extinct(B)permanent(C)surplus(D)intrinsic本征的固有的17. The kitchen was small and ____B_____so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.(A)conventional(B)compact紧凑的(C)compatible(D)concise18. He will _____C____resign in view of the complete failure of the research project.(A)doubtfully(B)adequately(C)presumably大概想来(D)reasonably答案:DBBDA BCBAB ABADC DBC词汇31. The goal is to make higher educationavailable to everyone who is willing and capable ___C___ his financial situation.A) with respect to C)regardless ofB) in accord with D) in terms of2. The original elections were declared ___A___ by the former military ruler.A) void 无效C) surplusB) vulgar D) extravagant3.. They stood gazing at the happy ____D__ of children playing in the park.A) perspective C) landscapeB) view D) scene4. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women's status in society will __A____ through the current law system in Japan.A) permeate渗入贯穿C) violateB) probe D) grope5. When he realized he had been ___D___ to sign the contract by intrigue, he threatened to start legal proceedings to cancel the agreement.A) elicitedB) excitedC) deducedD) induced引诱6. These areas rely on agriculture almost ____D__, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.A) respectivelyB) extraordinarilyC) incrediblyD)exclusively专门的唯一的7.The directions were so ___D___ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.A) ingeniousB) ambitiousC) notoriousD) ambiguou含糊不清8.Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most ___B__ areas in Japanese life.A)sophisticatedB)competitive竞争力C)considerateD)superficial9. If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of_____C__ .A)persuasionB)remedyC)encouragement鼓励D)compromise10. Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really_A__ of the reality that they represent.A)reflection反应B)demonstrationsC)illuminations D)reproductions11. It is through learning that the individual__D____ many habitual ways of reacting to situations.A)retains B)gains C)achieves D)acquires获得12. Generally ,it is only when animals are trapped that they __C____to violence in order to escapeA)proceed B)appeal C)resort求助D)incline13. Mary once____B___ with anothermusician to compose a piece of pop music. A)merged B)collaborated合作C)coincidedD)constituted14. During their first teacher training year, the students often visited local schools for___C_____ of the lessons.A)observation B)investigation C)inspection 考察D)examination15. .He attends to the__A__ of important business himself.A)transaction交易业务B)transitionC)transmission D)transformation16. Out of___C_ revenge ,he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation A)perfect B)total C)sheer纯粹的完全的D)integral答案:CADAD DDBCA DCBCA C词汇41.A most___A__ argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I came in.A)trivial无价值的B)delicate C)minorD)miniature2.The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons_D__ slowly into the sky.A)floating B)raising C)heaving D)ascending 上升攀登3.Do you have any__C_____ about what living beings on other planets would be like? . A)ideal B)comprehension C)notion观点D)intelligence4.We rarely perceive more than a minute___C___ of the sights and sounds that fail upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by. A)fiction B)function C)fraction一会片段D)friction5.For many patients, institutional care is the most__B___ and beneficial form of careA)persistent B)appropriate合适的C)thoughtful D)sufficient6.It's a pleasure for him to__A____ his energy and even his life to research workA) dedicate奉献B)dictate C)decorateD)direct7.They are well___D__ with each other since they once studied in the same universityA) identified B) recognized C)acknowledgedD)acquainted知晓了解8.There is__B___ a difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environmentA) gentle B)subtle微妙的巧妙的C)feebleD)humble9.All the finished products are stored in___D___ of the delivery port andshipping is available at any time.A)garage B)cabinet C)capsule D)warehouse仓库货站10.When he tried to make a____A___, he found that the hotel wascompletely filled because of a convention. A) reservation预定B)claim C)messD)revision11.Parents take a great interest in the___B___ questions raised by theirchildren.A)nasty B)naive 天真的幼稚的C)obscureD)offensive12.Although it was his first experience as chairman, he___A______ overthe meeting with great skill.A)presided主持管理B)administeredC)mastered D)executed13.Both parties promised to___C__ the contract to be signed the following day.A)keep with C)adhere to附着依附B)tangle with D)devote to14.His career was not noticeably__C_ by the fact that he had never been to college.A) prevented C)hindered阻碍妨碍B)restrained D)refrained15.When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be_D____ in deeper.A)absorbed C)heavedB)pushed D)sucked陷入16.To__Cfor his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him.A)commence C)compensate弥补B)compromise D)compliment17.All visitors are requested to______A__ with the regulations.A)comply遵从依附C)assistB)agree D)consent18.The captain___A___ the horizon approaching ships.A)scanned游览扫描C)exploredB)scrutinized D)swept19.The vast majority of people in any given culture will____Bto the established standards of that culture.A)confine C)confrontB)conform遵守D)confirm20.Although he was on a diet ,the food__B___ him enormously.A)inspired C)overcameB)tempted怂恿D)encouraged21.His argument does not suggest that mankind can___C_ to be wasteful in the utilization of their resources.A)resort C)afford支付起B)grant D)entitle答案:ADCCB ADBDA BACCD CAABB C 词汇51.If you want this pain killer, you have to ask the doctor for a __D__A)receipt C)subscriptionB)recipe D)prescription处方2.Some fish have a greater___A__ for acid water than others.A)tolerance 容忍C)dependenceB)resistance D)persistence3.There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in___B_ with its surroundings.A)coincidence C)uniformB)harmony和谐D)alliance4. The court considers a financial___D__ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.A)payment C)optionB)ob1igation D)penalty惩罚5.It is true that__B_ a wild plant into a majorfood crop such as wheat requires much research time.A)multiplying C)magnifyingB)breeding D)generating6.The government has devoted a larger slice of its national__C_ to agriculture than most other countries.A)resource C)budget预算B)potential D)economy7.In this poor country ,survival is still the leading industry; all else is____A__ .A)luxury奢侈C)entertainmentB)accommodation D)refreshment8.Some criminals were printing__B____ dollar bills until they were arrested.A) decent C)patentB) fake假货样品D)suspicious9.Mr.Bloom is not___D____ now , but he will be famous someday.A)significant C)magnificentB)dominant D)prominent著名的杰出的10.His body temperature has been__C____for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.A) uncommon C)abnormal不正常的B) disordered D)extraordinary11.He seems to be___D___ enough to climb to the mountain top in an hour.A)radiant C)conspicuousB)conscientious D)energetic12.Although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more _C__to light than are human eyes.A)glowing C)sensitive敏感B)brilliant D)gloomy13.While nuclear weapons present grave__D_ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today.A)inevitable C)overwhelmingB)constant D)potential潜在的14. This is the __B_____ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A) trueB) original原始的最初的C) realD) genuine15. Comparison and contrast are often used ____A___ in advertisements.A) intentionally有意的故意的B) pertinentlyC) incidentallyD) tiresomely16. A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should ____A___ new operating procedures.A) result in导致B) match withC) subject toD) proceed with17. ____B___ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.A) Subject toB) Contrary to与相违背C) Familiar toD) Similar to18. The bond of true affection had pulled us-six very different men from six very different countries-across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren't very different ___D____ .A) for allB) as usualC) in particularD) after all毕竟终究19. Though her parents ____B___ her musical ability, Jerrilou's piano playing is really terrible.A) pour scorn onB) heap praise upon大加赞赏C) give vent toD) cast light upon20. Some children display an ___A____ curiosity about every new thing they encounter.A) incredible难以置信B) infectiousC) incompatibleD) inaccessible21. Bruce Stephen gripped the __C _____ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.A) stirringB) drivingC) steering驾驶D) revolving22. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ___D____ how great their achievements are.A) in spite ofB) in ways ofC) in favor ofD) in terms of就而言答案:DABDB CABDC DCDBA ABDBA CD21 / 21。

A. constructionB. buildingC. establishmentD. making11.My girlfriend is too talkative. Taking her with me on official___A___ has been a challenge.A. occasionsB. conditionsC. situationD. environments12.Why don’t you have a night out? It would take your__D___ off your worries.A. heartB. headC. caresD. mind13.This bomb is the third ___B____on the President’s life this year.A. effortB. attemptC. tryD. experiment14.A large sum of money has been raised for the ___C___of the poorly educated children in the mountainous districts.A. profitB. favorC. benefitD. advantagepact discs have brought about a vast improvement in recorded ___C___ quality.A. voiceB. noiseC. soundD. talk16.I always keep a ___B__of any official or important letters that I send off.A. sampleB. copyC. specimenD. modal17.It is reported that ten train passengers received serious _C___in the crash.A. harmsB. woundsC. injuriesD. damages18.Some universities have been accused of placing too much__C___ on athletics and not enough on academies.A. forceB. powerC. emphasisD. center19.You have a marvelous______ of the whole island from the top of the tower.A. viewB. sceneC. visionD. scenery20.When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above ______.A. averageB. ordinaryC. regularD. normalKey to Exercise One1.B2.C3.B4.C5.A6.B7.D8.D9.A 10.C11.A 12.D 13. B 14. C 15. C 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.D动词21.The center of the city has been __A___ by repeated bombing.A. blockedB. blastedC. bledD. bothered22. The terrorists ___A___control of the plane and forced it to land in the desert.A. assumeB. consumedC. resumedD. presumed23.I don’t think his mother was very____D__ by our behavior in the restaurant.A. oppressedB. impressedC. imposedD. suspected24. We’ve spent so much money on our new house, we can’t afford to ___C___it.A. provideB. supplyC. fulfillD. furnish25. As she waited to go into the exam, he ___C_her hand.A. stretchedB. squeezedC. wavedD. clapped26. Research suggests that babies learn to see by ___C____between areas of light and dark.A. contrastingB. separatingC. distinguishingD. differing27. She lost the good job. It ___C___ her right for being so stubborn.A. servedB. taughtC. showedD. gave28. I’ll have to ____B____to you, otherwise he will hear.A. whistleB. whisperC. shoutD. say29. I had to ___B___ him ten pounds to take his children to the pictures.A. borrowB. lendC. sendD. loan30. The prisoner was fatally wounded as he tried to ____A___ from a jail in northern England.A. escapeB. dashC. runD. break31. When replying to this advertisement, please ___B____a stamped addressed envelope.A. containB. encloseC. presentD. send32. You ng people get so absorbed in the TV programs that they don’t realize how much they’re____D__themselves visually and mentally.A. exertingB. tryingC. managingD. exhausting33. She ___A____ a sigh and then fell to her knees at my feet.A. tookB. gaveC. madeD. had34. “Do you know that boy in black?”“I don’t think so, although he ___C___me of someone I know.”A. recallsB. remembersC. remindsD.suggestss35.The football game will be___D__ until next Sunday because of rain.A. extendedB. prolongedC. lengthenedD. postponed36. Mr. White began to learn painting at the age of sixty, but he gradually ___D__ knowledge of the subject.A. enquiredB. attainedC. requiredD. acquired37. I was ___A____to stay the night, although I know I shouldn’t.A. persuadedB. suggestedC. proposedD. convinced38. If you haven’t finished reading the book, you can ___B___ it for another two weeks.A. remainB. keepC. maintainD. retain39. The gloves were really too small, and it was only by ______ them that I managed to get them on.A. stretchingB. spreadingC. squeezingD. expanding40.Music theory ___B____the same relation to actual music as linguistics does to language.A. rearsB. bearsC. containsD. owns41. His mother was really upset because his friend was _D__her of stealing the jewels.A. scoldingB. chargingC. complainingD. accusing42. You are diverging from the subject. Please ___C___ your comments to the topic of the discussion.A. confessB. concludeC. confineD. refine43. In the past few years, I have __A___many of my holidays to the training of my students.A. devotedB. spentC. lostD. sacrificed44.John built a new model racer for the race, because he knew he could not ___B__his old one.A. imposeB. improveC. developD. impress45. Only by operation could the new-born baby __D__the heart disease.A. endureB. existC. liveD.surviveKey to Exercises21.B 22.A 23.B 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.A31.B 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.D 36.D 37.A 38. B 39.A 40.B41.D 42.C 43.A 44.B 45.D形容词和副词46. I can’t afford it. Hotel rooms in the city are __A__overpriced during the festival.A. punctuallyB. speciallyC. miserablyD. ridiculously47. The monument is a memorial to the ___C____dead of the two world wars.A. gracefulB. prosperousC. gloriousD. tremendous48. The site was located after the ___C___discovery of bones in a field.A. relativeB. genuineC. accidentalD. temporary49. An eighty-year-old woman was badly hurt in what the police describe as an _C __motiveless attack.A. informallyB. apparentlyC. apologeticallyD. artificially50. I don’t want this bread; it’s ___D___.A. rottenB. fadedC. freshD. stale51. It seems almost ____A__ that they will discover the error when they check the account.A. inevitableB. indifferentC. indispensableD. influential52. The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and smell firms ___A___.A. alikeB. sameC. likeD. identical53. Apart from those very cold weeks in January, it has been a very __A___ winter.A. mildB. softC. calmD. plain54.I get so ____C____ in reading that I am unaware of things happening round me.A. keenB. eagerC. absorbedD. anxious55. It is very difficult to give a ____b____ estimate of this information.A. confidentB. reliableC. believableD. sure56. Children all over the world start putting words together at ___d___ the same age, and follow very similar paths in their speech development.A. merelyB. scarcelyC. similarlyD. approximately57. Yesterday afternoon there was a football match between Korea and Japan. The score was 4-5; Korea was ___c__ beaten.A. nearlyB. almostC. closelyD. hardly58. It is good to have a friendly community around me when I am living ___b____.A. lonelyB. aloneC. singlyD. solo59. The president visited the new stadium ______ and then went on to the town hall.A. shortlyB. presentlyC. soonD. briefly60. He gave up his plan of travelling abroad, because the cost was ___c___ for him.A. much tooB. very muchC. too muchD. so muchKey to Exercises46.D 47.C 48.C 49.B 50.D51.A 52. A 53.A 54.C 55.B 56.D 57.C 58. B 59.D 60.C介词61. Mrs. Smith was robbed______ her $ 3,000 designer watch at her west London home.A. byB. ofC. fromD. to62. The writing of large numbers may seem too trivial a matter _____ which to devote several pages.A. forB. inC. toD. with63. ______the teacher’s satisfaction, the students did a successful experiment.A. ToB. WithC. ByD. Of64. Scientists have been doing research _______ the brain in order to help people make better use of it.A. toB. inC. withD. on65. It was a perfect murder. The police said they had no important clues ______the murder.A. forB. toC. onD. about66. Before the students set off, they spent much time setting a limit ____ the expense the trip.A. aboutB. forC. inD. to67. The las t time we had a family reunion was _______my sister’s wedding ceremony three years ago.A. atB. overC. onD. in68. The Hudson River is named ________ the English explorer Henry Hudson who first discovered the river.A. byB. afterC. withD. from69. In the experiment I kept a watchful eye ______the developments and recorded every detail.A. forB. inC. onD. at70. Once he had learned an English expression, he would use it ______conversation ____the first opportunity.A. in/atB. in/inC. for/onD. for/atKeys: 61.B 62.C 63.A 64.D 65.B 66.D 67.A 68.B 69.C 70.A连词71.______ she’s only three, her mother dresses her in grown-up clothes.A. BecauseB. AlthoughC. WhereasD. Unlesster on, man learned that this fire-formed metal could be used for purposes ____for the tips of spears.A. betterB. rather thanC. more thanD. other than73. ______ there are no objections, we will begin with Exercise Two in Unit Three.A. AlthoughB. ProvidedC. UnlessD. But74. ________some people learned to play the violin for dances in their community, others took music lessons.A. ForB. WhereC. BecauseD. Although75.________conservation becomes a matter of policies, the majority of our attractive wild plants and flowers will be under threat of extinction.A. WheneverB. IfC. UnlessD. Whether76. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was long time _____the guards discovered what had happened.A. thatB. untilC. whenD. before77. I have not found my wallet yet; in fact, I am not sure_______ I could have done with it.A. whenB. whatC. whetherD. why78. No sooner had he arrived in Rome _______he was kidnapped.A. soB. thanC. whenD. until79. Christina is not ashamed of what she does, _____she ends up doing something wrong.A. as long asB. even ifC. sinceD. until80. _______ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produce no concrete proposals.A. ItB. ThatC. AsD. WhyKeys: 71.B 72.D 73.B 74.B 75.C 76.D 77.A 78.B 79. B 80.C代词81. The English of science differs in some ways from _____of literature and of everyday life.A. thoseB. thatC. whatD. which82. The robbers are shooting at_____ leaves the building.A. whoeverB. whoC. those whoD. no matter who83. They lost their way in the forest, and ______made matters worse was that night began to fall.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. it84. Refrigerators have made ________possible to store food for long periods.A. itB. thisC. thatD. which85.He arrived late for the tea party, ______made us all very disappointed.A. itB. thatC. thisD. which86. _______students with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.A. SomeB. AnyC. EachD. Many87. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have _____this month.A. moreB. otherC. anotherD. the other88.Her father had been a merchant seaman, absent from ______of her childhood.A. manyB. muchC. fewD. little89. The meaning of life is ______which a great many people have wondered about.A. nothingB. everythingC. somethingD. things90. Of the many opinions expressed to the council members by the various citizens’ group present, ______was the only opinion that mattered.A. theirsB. theirC. theyD. their oneKeys: 81.B 82.A 83.C 84.A 85.D 86.B 87.C 88.B 89. C 90.A冠词与限定词91. The teacher contributed fifty dollars, but he wishes he could contribute _____ fifty.A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. the others92.Here are ______ notebook and report that I promised you last week.A. theB. aC. thoseD. these93. I have to get ____about the subject before I write the paper.A. little more informationB. a few more informationC. a little more informationD. few more information94.He failed in solving the problem before March 15th, but during ____of the month he succeeded in。

洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌You should ________ to one or more weekly magazines such asTime,or Newsweek.(2001.6)A)ascribe B)order C)reclaim D)subscribe2.Each workday,the workers followed the same schedules andrarely ________ from this routine.(2001.6)A)deviated B)disconnected C)detached D)distorted3.Although the colonists ________ to some extent with thenative Americans,the Indians’influence on American cultureand language was not extensive.(2000.6)A)migrated B)matched C)mingled D)melted4.It took us only a few hours to ________ the paper off allfour walls.(2000.1)A)shear B)scrape C)stroke D)chip5.Since the two countries couldn’t their differences,theydecided to stop their negotiations.(1999.6)A)rectify B)oblige C)reconcile D)obscure6.Movie directors use music to ________ the action on the screen.(1998.6)A)contaminate B)compliment C)contemplate D)complement7.This kind of material can ________ heat and moisture.(1997.6)A)delete B)compel C)constrain D)repel8.We managed to reach the top of the mountain,and half anhour later we began to.(1997.1)A)ascend B)descend C)decline D)plunge9.The mayor was asked to ________ his speech in order to allowhis audience to raise questions.(1997.1)A)constrain B)conduct C)condense D)converge10.A window in the kitchen was ____ ;there was rubbisheverywhere,and the curtains and carpets had been stolen.(1996.6)A)scattered B)scraped C)scratched D)smashed11.The ratio of the work done by the machine the work done onit is called the efficiency of the machine.(90.1)A)against B)with C)to D)do12.________should any money be given to a small child.(91.6)A)On no account B)From all accountsC)Of no account D)By all means13.The animal has a brain which is nearest _______.(95.6)A)in man’s size B)in size to manC)in size to man’s D)to the size in man14.The Washington Monument is a hollow shaft without a break________ its surface except for the tiny entrance.(96.1)A)in B)with C)from D)to15.We are writing to the manager _______ the repairs recentlycarried out at the above address.(97.1)A)with the exception of B)with the purpose ofC)with reference to D)with a view to16.I could see that my wife was _______ having that fur coat,whether I approved of it or not.(97.6)A)adequate for B)intent onC)short of D)deficient in17.Many of the scientists and engineers,are judged ________how great their achievements are.(98.1)A)in spite of B)in ways ofC)in favor of D)in terms of18.The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house ________the terms of the contract.(2001.6)A)in the vicinity of B)in quest ofC)in accordance with D)in collaboration with[解析部分]1.译文:你应该订阅一到两分周刊,比如说《时代》或《新闻周刊》。

备考12月四六级考试:六级英语词汇练习CET6专项测试——词汇测试1. Each week there is a meeting at which workers are encouraged to present their _____ to the managers.A. annoyancesB. disadvantagesC. grievancesD. criticisms2. The _____ at the football match became violent when their team lost.A. spectatorsB. groupsC. observersD. customers3. Many apartments have doors with a security window so that one may _____ outside and observe visitors without being seen.A. peerB. peekC. peelD. peen4. The _____ among his sisters was that he ought to marry the girl as soon as possible to avoida scandal.A. consensusB. surveyC. statisticsD. concentration5. The teacher was amazed by the students' ______ in handling the computer.A. verseB. versionC. variabilityD. versatility6. Her letter was in such a casual scrawl, and in such pale ink, that it was almost _____.A. unintelligibleB. vagueC. ambiguousD. illegible7. When I went into the dining room the next morning, the _____ of the dinner were still on the table.A. remainsB. relicsC. remnantsD. surplus8. She was a shy woman and took _____ behind a rather forbidding bluntness of manner.A. appearanceB. refugeC. kindnessD. protection9. Can man escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly _____ throughout our world?A. wiseB. scholarlyC. imprudentD. sage10. The brothers showed great _____ to their older sister, who had acted as sold parent to them for many years.A. complianceB. devotionC. subjectionD. allegiance11.Only the _____ of the office manageress, who knew of Alice's personal difficulties, saved her from being dismissed.A. interpretationB. inquisitionC. interrelationD. intervention12. When we have agreed broadly on what should be said, the secretary will produce a preliminary _____ for the committee's approval.A. projectB. designC. draftD. proof13. French cars are more elegantly styled than their British _____.A. counterpartsB. equalsC. onesD. copies14. The two small independent countries entered into _____ with each other and they felt less afraid of their powerful neighbor.A. combinationB. allianceC. cooperationD. union15. He was so _____ in the book that he forgot all about his appointment.A. distractedB. attractedC. grippedD. engrossed16. Ask the publishers to send you their latest _____ of English text books.A. catalogueB. prospectusC. brochureD. pamphlet17. We are paying _____ for the car in 24 monthly of '55.A. creditsB. partsC. installmentsD. refunds18. The _____ painter was sent to a fine art school at the age of 10 without taking the entrance examination.A. imaginaryB. imaginativeC. fictitiousD. insane19. He has impressed his employers considerably and he is soon to be _____ promoted.A. simultaneouslyB. eventuallyC. virtuallyD. accordingly20. Although they usually did their _____ own painting and papering, on this occasion they brought in a firm of decorators.A. insideB. inwardC. interiorD. internal21. There is often so much traffic on the main road that motorists may be able to travel faster on _____ roads.A. inferiorB. minorC. superficialD. subordinate22. The police _____ their attention to the events that led up to the accident.A. confirmedB. containedC. conservedD. confined23. The police arrested the wrong man mainly because they _____.A. confusedB. perplexedC. puzzledD. bewildered24. In my opinion standards of workmanship have _____ over the past 20 years.A. aggravatedB. diminishedC. deterioratedD. eroded25. Since 1945 the rivalry in military strength between the world's great powers has produceda _____ balanced peace.A. presentlyB. precociouslyC. precariouslyD. deviously26. By the end of the day the flood water which had covered most of the town had _____.A. recededB. returnedC. replacedD. retired27. Mildred never dared to question or _____ her husband's judgment.A. debateB. declineC. disperseD. dispute28. Armed terrorists are reported to have _____ the Embassy.A. taken upB. taken toC. taken overD. taken into29. After his heavy defeat in the local elections, the senator decided to _____ from the campaign for the Presidency.A. abandonB. renounceC. withdrawD. withhold30. After failing his driving test four times, he finally _____ trying to pass.A. gave upB. gave awayC. gave offD. gave in31. The republication of the poet's most recent work will certainly _____ his national reputation.A. enhanceB. strengthenC. enlargeD. magnify32. I wish to change my major in postgraduate study, because I know the competition in the computer department of Qinghua is _____.A. fragrantB. formidableC. fierceD. flexible33. His parents no longer have any real _____ over him.A. influenceB. affectC. powerD. control34. Her cheerful spirits and bubbling laughter _____ the whole class.A. contaminateB. stimulateC. effectD. infect35. If the specific attribute is _____, subsequent generations of offspring can be expected to display it more frequently.A. inheritedB. inhibitedC. imitatedD. transmitted36. Having spent so many years in her wheelchair, my niece could walk out of the hospital, after a _____ operation.A. considerateB. preciseC. delicateD. accurate37. A long-absent aunt's crying, "Dear me, how you're grown!" may _____ again from the wary child or a blush from the self-conscious child.A. citeB. callC. summonD. suppress38. Not only did the book influence many generations, but also it had the _____ of turning its author's attention to questions of language.A. affectB. effectC. effortD. influence39. Large doses have been _____ for quite a long period of time. However, little is known about their effectiveness and potential negative side effects.A. practicedB. administeredC. orderedD. watched40. The psychologist _____ a strong maturational theory to account for individual differences in the acquisition of motor skills.A. performedB. sponsoredC. coordinatedD. advocated41. As governments around the world make big military _____, defense research companies are seeking new commercial markets.A. minimumB. shrinkingC. cutsD. cutback42. Sociologists argue _____ that it is impossible to restrict the question of population solely to economic factors.A. inherentlyB. vitallyC. virtuallyD. identically43. Why the good of preventing air pollution continues is to receive the utmost national ____.A. peculiarityB. prosperityC. propertyD. priority44. It's reported that buildings of colleges, universities, school and kindergartens as well as classrooms and other buildings cannot be named after _____.A. patenteesB. donorsC. sponsorsD. estate developers45. David's brother, as I know, has _____ the air and intellectual abstraction of a Hamlet.A. melancholyB. joylessC. depressedD. distressed46. _____, there's a good reason for her absence, as she doesn't usually stay away from work.A. IdeallyB. PrincipallyC. PresumablyD. Originally47. Great men are those who _____ their way to success through difficulties.A. cutB. paveC. striveD. deem48. People tend to ignore the delayed effects of _____ to chemicals because the danger doesn't become apparent immediately.A. exposureB. exploitC. explosionD. exponent49. In the early 1990s various measures were _____ to encourage savings, stimulate investment and motivate worker effort.A. implementedB. impartedC. complimentedD. exploited50. Because of the tighter money policy, _____ defense for the coming year is greatly cut.A. reservationB. budgetC. allowanceD. finance51. As a matter of fact, what impressed me most is Einstein's _____, but not his photoelectric theory for which he won the Nobel Prize.A. characterB. temperC. qualityD. personality52. Closed-circuit televisions make it easy for a large number of students to see everythinga teacher _____.A. illuminatesB. revealsC. demonstratesD. revises53. It is generally agreed that economic controls can _____ inflation by preventing overt wage and price increases from taking place.A. suppressB. impressC. compressD. express54. If our company wants to make a profit, we have to make great efforts to reduce the loss of _____ materials.A. rawB. primitiveC. toughD. original55. The extrovert loves crowds; _____, the introvert is fond of solitude.A. differentlyB. by contrastC. otherwiseD. in contrast56. Sometimes we have to _____ chunks of information into manageable portions.A. break outB. breaking intoC. break downD. breaking down57. Generally speaking, young people have a greater interest in technical innovation, since they don't have _____ ideas.A. deceptiveB. jealousC. preconceivedD. stale58. Do you want to fly first or ______class?A. economicB. economicalC. economyD. economics59. Since the two countries couldn't _____ their differences, they decided to declare war on each other.A. resignB. renewC. recoverD. restore60. After all, the food crisis is over and the wood will _____ its long-term upward trend in agriculture production.A. resumeB. renewC. recoverD. restore61. Freshman ______ provides the incoming students with an opportunity to learn about their new environment and their place in it.A. orientationB. acquaintanceC. directoryD. dictation62. The volcano that raised the islands are still ______ in places.A. inactiveB. enormousC. energeticD. lively63. This law is so difficult to understand that only a lawyer can ______ us.A. enlightenB. illustrateC. explainD. demonstrate64. The king _____ his people with terrible taxes and punishment.A. depressedB. impressedC. oppressedD. expressed65. I have no ______ but to listen to my boss.A. privilegeB. respectC. priorityD. option66. On hearing her son's voice on the line, all her fears and anxiety ______ .A. retiredB. relayedC. dissipatedD. tightened67. He is a man who believes in strict ______ and he seldom deviates from his principles.A. wisdomB. brotherhoodC. worshipD. discipline68. He has been ______ with a certain form of mental disorder for twenty years.A. afflictedB. addictedC. affiliatedD. consulted69. A sharp increase in military expenditure brought the cabinet a budget _____.A. deficitB. debtC. redD. estimation70. The well equipped swimming pool is the favourite ______ of the boys in summer.A. residenceB. siteC. hauntD. hotel71. Don't mention the failure in Mary's _____ or she will go crazy.A. distanceB. hearingC. rangeD. neighborhood72.Good relationships between partners are the rudders which steer joint ventures through ____ waters.A. troublesomeB. troubledC. troublousD. disturbed73.A professional novelist ____ the hopes of amateur rivals when he won the Second World One-Day Novel Cup.A. abashedB. dashedC. gashedD. crashed74.Thomas Malthus predicted that ____ growth would be controlled by wars,diseases and starvation.A. popularityB. populaceC. populateD. population75.The girl was so ____ that they could fool her easily.A. incredibleB. credibleC. credulousD. creditable76.The two countries will be obliged to ____ of these chemical weapons under the convention.A. imposeB. discloseC. disposeD. depose77.All these pose another stumbling block for Chinese painting to ____.A. overcomeB. overwhelmC. overfulfillD. overlook78.Since he couldn't open the door with his key, he assumed that someone had ____ with the lock.A. scamperedB. pamperedC. hamperedD. tampered79.To meet the challenges of the job crisis, various countries should ____ tactics that suit their own national conditions.80.It's a matter of ____ true values in the youngest segment of the population.A. navigatingB. inculcatingC. dedicatingD. irrigating81.Japan's auto market ____ for two-thirds of Tokyo's massive $60 billion trade surplus with Washington.A. encountersB. countersC. discountsD. accounts1.CABAD 6.DABCB 11.DCABD 16. ACBDC 21.BDCCC 26.ADCCA31. ACDDA 36. CACDB 41. DCDCD 46. CAADB 51. DCAAB 56. CCBBD61.A 62.C 63.A 64.C 65.D 66.C 67.D 68.A 69.A 70.C 71.B72、正确答案:B题目辨析:troublesome麻烦的 troubled混乱的 troublous困难的 disturbed骚动的73、正确答案:B题目辨析:abash使害羞 dash打击,使希望破灭 gash割破 crash碰撞,失败74、正确答案:D题目辨析:population75、正确答案:C题目辨析:credulous轻信的,容易受骗的76、正确答案:C题目辨析:impose打扰,施加影响 disclose揭发,透露 dispose处理 depose罢免,证实77、正确答案:A题目辨析:overwhelm覆盖,制服,毁坏 overfulfill超额完成 overlook眺望,忽略,宽恕78、正确答案:D题目辨析:scamper奔逃,浏览 pamper纵容,娇养 hamper妨碍 tamper胡乱摆弄,瞎搞干预, 玩弄, 贿赂, 损害, 削弱, 篡改A. adapt B. adopt C. abolish D. abuse79、正确答案:B题目辨析:adopt80、正确答案:B题目辨析:navigate飞行,驾驶 inculcate反复灌输,谆谆教诲 dedicate奉献irrigate灌溉,滋润,冲洗81、正确答案:D题目辨析:accounts。

一、词汇练习题1. The teacher's ________ teaching style made the class more engaging and interactive.A) monotonousB) dynamicC) conventionalD) stagnant2. The company's profits have ________ significantly over the past year.A) escalatedB) diminishedC) fluctuatedD) stagnated3. The new restaurant in town is known for its ________ menu, offering a wide variety of international dishes.A) diverseB) limitedC) exclusiveD) monotonous4. The government has implemented strict measures to ________ the spread ofthe virus.A) eradicateB) fosterC) inhibitD) exacerbate5. The team's victory in the championship was a ________ achievement, considering their previous performance.A) remarkableB) mediocreC) negligibleD) trivial二、记忆和运用词汇的方法1. 词根词缀法:通过学习常见的词根和词缀,可以帮助我们推测和记忆单词的意思。

英语六级词汇选项练习附答案英语六级词汇选项练习附答案A little leak will sink a great ship.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的英语六级词汇选项练习附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!从下列单词中选出最适当的词填入空格内shotadj. 用尽的;破旧的;杂色的,闪光的He shot the ball before he was tackled.他在遭阻截铲断前起脚射门。
scornvt. 轻蔑;藐视;不屑做He is a target for scorn.他是嘲笑的目标。
scandaln. 丑闻;流言蜚语;诽谤;公愤He could not but cough up his political scandal.他迫不得已只好吐露出他的政治丑闻。
shadevt. 使阴暗;使渐变;为…遮阳;使阴郁;掩盖After drawing the shape, you can shade in.画完轮廓后,你就可以画阴影了。
screenvt. 筛;拍摄;放映;掩蔽He looks much younger and handsomer than on the screen.他看上去比在银幕上要年轻漂亮得多。
shattervt. 粉碎;打碎;破坏;破掉;使散开And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.当爱向你诉说时,请相信它,尽管它的声音可能会粉碎你的梦想,就如同北风蹂躏花园的`花草一般。
selectionn. 选择,挑选;选集;精选品This increase in complexity occurs not because of selection but despite it.这样增加的复杂性不是因为选择,而是不顾选择发生的。

英语六级词汇练习题### English Level 6 Vocabulary PracticeInstructions: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.1. The prospective buyer was very interested in the house but was hesitant to make an offer.- A. Potential- B. Recent- C. Previous- D. Current2. The innovations in renewable energy have revolutionized the way we think about power generation.- A. Discoveries- B. Inventions- C. Traditions- D. Conventions3. The notorious criminal was known for his audacious crimes, which often made the headlines.- A. Famous- B. Infamous- C. Renowned- D. Celebrated4. The diplomat had to navigate the intricate web ofinternational relations with finesse.- A. Simple- B. Complex- C. Straightforward- D. Uncomplicated5. The ubiquitous presence of smartphones has changed the way we communicate and access information.- A. Common- B. Scarce- C. Rare- D. Uncommon6. The ephemeral nature of social media fame means that it can be here today and gone tomorrow.- A. Long-lasting- B. Permanent- C. Fleeting- D. Enduring7. The meticulous planning of the event ensured that every detail was taken care of.- A. Careless- B. Sloppy- C. Thorough- D. Negligent8. The archaeological findings have shed new light on the ancient civilization's way of life.- A. Geological- B. Astronomical- C. Historical- D. Cultural9. The intrinsic value of the artwork is not just in its monetary worth but also in its cultural significance.- A. Extrinsic- B. Superficial- C. Inherent- D. External10. The altruistic motives of the philanthropist were clear in the way he gave back to the community.- A. Selfish- B. Greedy- C. Unselfish- D. Stingy11. The predominant color in the painting was blue, which set the mood for the entire piece.- A. Dominant- B. Subtle- C. Secondary- D. Complementary12. The resilient spirit of the team was evident as they bounced back from their previous losses.- A. Fragile- B. Brittle- C. Tough- D. Weak13. The ambiguous language in the contract led to a lot of confusion and legal disputes.- A. Clear- B. Unambiguous- C. Vague- D. Precise14. The elusive goal of finding a cure for the disease continues to challenge researchers.- A. Accessible- B. Attainable- C. Out of reach- D. Achievable15. The prestigious university attracted students from all over the world due to its reputation for excellence.- A. Infamous- B. Disreputable- C. Renowned- D. MediocreAnswers: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5A, 6C, 7C, 8C, 9C, 10C, 11A, 12C, 13C, 14C, 15C。

全国大学生英语六级词汇选项练习Suess need cost, time is also a kind of cost, value of time is cost savings.以下是为大家搜索的全国大学生词汇选项练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!glittern. 闪光;灿烂Morning dews glitter in the sun.晨露在阳光下闪烁。
gorgeousadj. 华美的,灿烂的;极好的For instance, in 1957 most of the cars were gorgeous.例如,在1957年大局部的汽车都是华美的。
gliden. 滑翔;滑行;滑移;滑音That summer was the glide path of our love.那个夏天是我们爱情的下滑航道。
fulfillvt. 履行;实现;满足;使完毕(等于fulfil)We must fulfill the plan, whatever happens.无论如何要完成方案。
furtheradv. 进一步地;而且;更远地I need not expatiate on the question any further.我不需要进一步阐述这个问题。
graciousadj. 亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的You are so gracious when I saw you .当我见到您就觉得是那么亲切。
governvt. 管理;支配;统治;控制Who govern this country?谁统治这个国家?gossipn. 小道传闻;随笔;爱说长道短的人She discredited him with ugly gossip.她用难听的流言蜚语臭他。
gratefuladj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的I cannot express to you how grateful I am.我无法向你表达我是多么感谢。

大学英语六级词汇选择题训练带答案Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的大学英语六级词汇选择题训练带答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!1.The authored of report is well ______with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.A)acquaintedB)informedC)accustomedD)known2.When the farmers visited the city the first time. they were ______by its complicated traffic system.A)evokedB)bewilderedC)divertedD)undermined3.If Japan ______ its relation with that country it will have to find another supplier of raw materials.A)precludesB)terminatesC)partitionsD)expires4.They were ______ in their scientific research, not knowing what happened just outside their lab.A)submergedB)drownedC)immersedD)dipped5.You should ______ to one or more weekly magazines such as time, or Newsweek.A)ascribeB)orderC)reclaimD)subscribe6.The automatic doors in supermarkets ______the entry and exit of customers with shopping carts.A)furnishB)induceC)facilitateD)allocate7.Each workday, the workers followed the same schedules and rarely ______from this routine.A)deviatedB)disconnectedC)detachedD)distorted8.The little girl was ______ by the death of her dog since her affection for the pet had been real and deep.A)grievedB)suppressedC)oppressedD)sustained9.Avisitor to a museum today would notice ______ changes in the way museums are operated.A)cognitiveB)rigorousC)conspicuousD)exclusive10.Most people tend to think they are so efficient at their job that they are ______ .A)inaccessibleB)irreversibleC)immovableD)irreplaceable11.Bejing impatient is ______ with being a good teacher.A)intrinsicB)ingeniousC)incompatibleD)inherent12.For a particular reason, he wanted the information to be treated as ______.A)assuredB)reservedC)intimateD)confidential13.Fortune-tellers are good at marking ______ statements s uch as “Your sorrows will change,”A)philosophicalB)ambiguousC)literalD)invalid14.The tenant mush be prepared to decorate the house ______the terms of the contract.A)in the vicinity ofB)in quest ofC)in accordance withD)in collaboration with15.The winners of the football championship ran off the fieldcarrying the silver cup ______ .A)turbulentlyB)tremendouslyC)triumphantlyD)tentatively16.He said that they had ______ been obliged to give up the scheme for lack of support.A)gravelyB)regrettablyC)forciblyD)graciously17.The law on drinking and driving is ______ stated.A)extravagantlyB)empiricallyC)exceptionallyD)explicitly18.Their claims to damages have not been convincingly ______.A)refutedB)overwhelmedC)cepressedD)intimidated19.Please don’t ______ too much on the painful memories.Everything will be all right.A)hesitateB)lingerC)retainD)dwell20.The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed ______to him ,but one day he discovered their difference.A)identicalB)verticalC)parallelD)specific21.Mary became ______ homesick and critical of the United States,so she flied from her home in west Bloomfield to her hometown in Austria.A)completelyB)sincerelyC)absolutelyD)increasingly22.Despite almost universal ______of the vital importance of women’s literacy,education remains a dream for farmary women in too many countries of the world.A)identificationB)complimentC)confessionD)acknowledgement23.In today’s medical,little agreement exists on the ______for defining mental illness.A)legislationB)requirementC)criteriaD)measures24.The lady in this strange tale very obviously suffers from a serious mental illness. Her plotagainst a completely innocent old man is a clear sign of________.A)impulseB)insanityC)inspirationD)disposition25.The Prime Minister was followed by five or six _______ when he got off the plane.A)laymenB)servantsC)directorsD)attendants26.There is no doubt that the ________ of these goods to the others is easy to see.A)prestigeB)superiorityC)priorityD)publicity27.All the guests were invited to attend the wedding ________ and had a very good time.A)feastB)congratulationsC)festivalD)recreation答案:1.A 这篇报道的作者对医院的问题非常熟悉,因为他已经在那里工作许多年了。

大学英语六级备考词汇选项练习Suess need cost, time is also a kind of cost, value of time is cost savings.以下是为大家搜索的大学备考词汇选项练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!prospervt. 使……成功;使……兴盛;使……繁荣We want China to sueed and prosper.我希望中国成功和繁荣。
professionn. 职业,专业;声明,宣布,表白His profession is diplomacy.他是职业外交人员。
properadj. 适当的;本身的;特有的;正派的The army must be kitted out with proper medical supplies.军队必须配备适当的医药用品。
prevalentadj. 流行的;普遍的,广传的Where these 'lobster gangs' are prevalent, there are more lobsters.在这些“龙虾帮”流行的地方,有更多的龙虾。
prestigen. 威望,声望;声誉He has high prestige among the masses.他在群众中威信很高。
pregnantadj. 怀孕的;富有意义的Do pregnant women really yearn for sour pickles?是怀孕的妇女都馋酸泡菜吗?preyn. 捕食;牺牲者;被捕食的动物The lion bounded on the prey.那头狮子向猎物猛扑过去。
privacyn. 隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处If it is, then how do my actions either protect or remove the possibility of privacy?如果可能,那么我该怎样保护或者去除我行为中有关隐私的局部呢?productiveadj. 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的Education must be bined with productive labour.教育必须与生产劳动相结合。

大学英语六级词汇选择题快速提分练习大学英语六级词汇选择题快速提分练习What today will be like is up to me , I get to choose what kind of day I will have.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的大学英语六级词汇选择题快速提分练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!1.As the trial went on, the story behind the murder slowly _____ itself.A) convictedB) hauntedC) unfoldedD) released2.Mutual respect for territorial _____ is one of the bases upon which our two countries develop relationships.A) reliabilityB) unityC) entiretyD) integrity3.The design of this auditorium shows a great deal of _____. We have never seen such a building before.A) orientationB) originalityC) illusionD) invention4.The damage to my car was _____ in the accident, but I havea lingering fear even today.A) insufficientB) ambiguousC) negligibleD) ignorant5.Many countries have adopted systems of _____ education in order to promote the average level of education.A) constrainedB) compulsoryC) cardinalD) conventional6.In addition to the rising birthrate and immigration, the _____ death rate contributed to the population growth.A) decliningB) incliningC) descendingD) increasing7.Don't let such a _____ matter as this come between us so that we can concentrate on the major issue.A) trivialB) partialC) slightD) minimal8.The cut in her hand has healed completely, without leavinga _____.A) defectB) woundC) signD) scar9.Over the past ten years,natural gas production has remained steady,but _____ has risen steadily.A)consumptionB)dissipationC)disposalD)expenditure10.In November 1987 the government _____ a public debate on the future direction of the official sports policy.A)inducedB)initiatedC)promotedD)designated11.Europe's earlier industrial growth was _____ by the availability of key resources,abundant and cheap labor,coal,iron ore,etc.A)constrainedB)remainedC)sustainedD)detained12.We've just installed a fan to _____ cooking smells from the kitchen.A)ejectB)expelC)excludeD)exile13.We work to make money,but it's a _____ that people who work hard and long often do not make the most money.A)dilemmaB)conflictC)prejudiceD)paradox14.Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very _____.A)intriguingB)indefiniteC)obscureD)dubious15.I had eaten Chinese food often,but I could not have imagined how _____ and extravagant a real Chinese banquet could be.A)fabulousB)graciousC)handsomeD)prominent16.Because of the _____ noise of traffic I couldn't get to sleep last night.A)progessiveB)provocativeC)perpetualD)prevalent17.If you go to the park every day in the morning, you will _____ find him doing physical exercise there.A) logicallyB) ordinarilyC) invariablyD) persistently18.Althougn she's an _____ talented dancer,she still practices several hours every day.A) rationallyB) additionallyC) traditionallyD) exceptionally19.The idea is to _____ the frequent incidents of collision to test the strength of the windshields.A) simulateB) accumulateC) forgeD) assemble20.I told him that I would _____ him to act for me while I was away from office.A) identifyB) authorizeC) rationalizeD) justify21.We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it _____ when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society.A) compactedB) dispersedC) delayedD) restricted22.Allen will soon find out that real life is seldom as simple as it is _____ in commercials.A) draftedB) depictedC) allegedD) permeated下载文档。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的六级英语词汇选项练习试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!1.for many patients, institutional care is the most ______ and beneficial form of care.a) pertinentb) appropriatec) acuted) persistent2.among all the changes resulting from the ______ entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.a) massiveb) quantitativec) surplusd) formidable3.mr. smith became very ______ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.a) ingeniousb) empiricalc) objectived) indignant4.rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into ______ ones.a) turbulentb) tragicc) vulnerabled) suspicious5.the ______ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.a) incompatibleb) exceedingc) instantaneousd) eternal答案:1. b 参考译文:对许多病人来说,福利机构的照顾是最合适并且是最有益的一种护理方式。

大学英语六级词汇专项训练大学英语六级词汇专项训练Humility is the foundation of glory. 以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的大学英语六级词汇专项训练,希望能给大家带来帮助!promising 有希望的,有前途的prone 易于…的,很可能…的;俯卧的proportion 部分,份儿;比例;均衡,相称propose 提议,建议;提名,推荐;求婚protest 抗议,反对;坚决主张,力言provided 假如,倘若provocative 挑衅的,煽动的proximity 接近,临近publication 出版物;出版,发行;公布,发表publicity 宣传,宣扬;公众的注意punctual 正点的,准时的quench [根义]加水;[多义]熄灭,破灭;解渴raid 突袭,突击;搜查;劫夺random 随意(的),随机(的)ratio 比,比率rational 理性的,合理的(←→ irrational)rebel (against)反叛,反抗;反叛者rebound 反弹,弹回recession (经济)衰退reciprocal 相互的,交互的;互利的reckon 认为;估算;指望reclaim 收回,要求归还;开垦recruit 招募(新兵),招收(新成员);新兵,新成员recur 在发生;重现reel (电线等的)卷筒,线轴,(电影胶片等的)卷盘;卷,绕referee (足球、摔跤、篮球等的)裁判;鉴定人reform 改革,改良,改造refugee 避难者,流亡者,难民refund 退还(钱款)reign (over)统治,支配;盛行,占优势;统治(时期),支配reinforce 增援,加强relay 传达,转播;接替人员,替班;接力赛reliance (on)依靠,信赖render 回报,归还;递交或开出(账单);使得,致使resemble 像,与…类似resign 辞去,辞职(= quit)respectable 可敬的;高尚的restore 恢复;归还;修复,重建restrain 抑制,约束;制止resume①摘要,概要;简历resume② (中断后)继续进行,重新开始retention 保留,保持retort 回嘴,反驳retrospect 回顾,追忆revelation 揭示,透露;(揭示出的)真相,(惊人的)新发现revenge 报复,报仇;替…报仇ridge 山脊;屋脊;鼻梁rival竞争者,对手;与…竞争;与…匹敌roar 吼叫,咆哮;轰鸣;大声喊出;呐喊声,吼叫声;轰鸣rot (使)腐烂,(使)****;胡说rupture 破裂,断绝sacrifice 献出,献祭;牺牲;祭品,供物;牺牲品,献身saddle (马)鞍,鞍状物scarce 缺乏的,不足的(←→ plentiful) ;稀少的,罕见的scramble (sing.)爬行,攀登;(for)争夺,抢夺;炒(蛋);扰乱,搞乱scrutiny 详细检查,仔细观察seal① 封蜡,封条;印,图章;(密)封;盖章seal② 海豹segment 部分;片;(线的)段,节;弓形sentiment 感情,情绪;意见,观点setback 挫折,失败,倒退shatter 使粉碎,砸碎;使破灭,使震惊;碎裂shed① (shed; shed)(使)脱落,摆脱;流出;(灯)发出(光线),照亮shed② 棚屋,小库房sheer 全然的.,十足的;陡峭的;垂直地,陡峭地shove 猛推;乱推,挤;乱塞,随意放;用力推,挤signature 签名,署名,签字simplicity 简单,简易;朴实,朴素slide (slid; slid)(使)华东阁,滑行;滑坡,滑道;滑(动);幻灯片(= a slide show)smash 打碎,粉碎;猛撞,猛击;破碎;轰动的演出snatch 攫取,抢夺solo 独唱(曲),独奏(曲),独舞[chorus合唱(曲)]sore 疼痛的(=painful);令人恼火的;痛处,疮口sparkle 闪耀,发火花spectrum 谱,光谱,频谱;范围,幅度,系列spice 香料,调味品;香气;意味,风味;加香料于;使增添趣味spite 恶意,怨恨split (split; split)劈开,(使)裂开;分歧,(使)分裂;分裂;裂口spray 浪花,水花;喷雾;喷,喷射stale 不新鲜的;陈腐的,陈旧的stall 货摊;小房间,小隔间;畜栏,厩;使(发动机)熄火;拖延,推迟staple① 主食;主要产品;主要的,最重要的staple② 订书钉;用订书钉订住stereotype 陈规,老套,固定的模式(或形象);对…形成固定看法strand① 使搁浅strand② (线等的)股,缕;(论据、思想等的)一个组成部分striking 显著的,惊人的;引人注意的strive (strived/strove; strived/strove)(for, against)努力,奋斗stroke 击,敲;报时的钟声;一击,一划,一笔;中风;抚摸stubborn 顽固的,倔强的;难对付的,难以克服的。
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part 1
the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.
the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed.
the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65.
river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology.
_______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.
A. bean
making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal.
A. surround
the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991.
A. survived
always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about.
A. novel
be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully
A. sorting
do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .
A. continue
the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state.
A. federal
works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member.
A. traditional
you fill in the application form, please use your _______ address so that we can contact you easily later.
A. policy
_______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.
A. pretends
can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty.
A. owes
part 2
to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.
A. In spite of
B. That it is
C. It was
D. Although
2. Our civilization cannot be thought of as____in a short period of time.
A. to have been created
B. to be created
C. having been created
D. being created
3. We feel it is high time that the Government ____something to check the inflation.
A. did
B. do do D. would do
4. It has been proposed that we____our decision until the next meeting.
C. can delay
D. are to delay
5. Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an
hour ____originate over tropical ocean waters.
A. which
B. who
C. where to
announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.
A. What
B. As
C. Which
D. That
7. All the flights____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
canceled B. had been canceled C. having canceled D. having been canceled
8. Once ____, this power station will supply all the neighboring towns and villages with electricity.
A. it being completed
B. it completed
C. completed
D. it completes
9. He might have been killed ____the timely arrival of the ambulance.
10. If you have never planted anything, you won’t be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted ____.
B. to grow
C. growing
D. to be growing
1. D) 【句意】玉米虽原产于北美洲,但现在已遍及全世界。
A)项的in spite of 是复合介词,后接名词。
2. C) 【句意】不应把我们的文明看作是短期内创造出来的。
【难点】as 在这里是介词,后面应接名词性质的词,create的动作是过去发生的,所以选C)。
3. A) 【句意】我们认为该到政府采取措施抑制通货膨胀的时候了。
【难点】it is high time that后面接虚拟语气,时态用一般过去时,意为“该到…时候了”。
4. B) 【句意】有人建议我们应将我们的决定推迟到下次会议作出。
【难点】在suggest, propose, demand ,insist 等动词后面的宾语从句中,应使用(should)+动词原形的虚拟语气。
5. A) 【句意】飓风是生成于热带海洋水域上空、风速达每小时75英里以上的强烈气旋。
6. B)【句意】正如报界所宣传的那样,我国已发起大规模反走私和反欺诈性外币交易的运动。
【难点】as在这里是一个代词,常用在类似as is well known这样的句子中,意为“这一点”。
7. D) 【句意】所有航班因暴风雪都被取消,我们不得不改乘火车。
8. C) 【句意】这座电站一建成竣工,就将向周围城乡供电。
【难点】once在这里是连词,意为“一旦…就…”,后面省略了it is。
9. A) 【句意】要不是救护车及时到达,他可能就没命了。
【难点】but for 意为“要不是”,它的典型使用就是在虚拟语气的句子中,所以正合题意。
10. A)【句意】如果你从未种植过任何东西,你就不会明白观察你种植的东西生长所带来的快乐。
【难点】watch 后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。