



1/captain A:海员 B:大副 C:船长 D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮 B:管事 C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工 B:水手 C:二副 D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手 C:三管轮 D:海员5/chief officer A:大副 B:二管轮 C:管事 D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮 C:二管轮 D:二副7/carpenter A:管事 B:水手C:木匠 D:二副8/third engineer A:三副 B:服务员 C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副 B:三管轮 C:二副 D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员 C:三副 D:管事11/bridge A:大厅 B:会议室C:驾驶台 D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱 B厕所 C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室 B:机舱 C:锅炉房 D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房 C:机舱 D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅 B:物料间C:机舱 D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅 B:吸烟室 C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院 B:浴室 C:物料间 D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室 C:货舱 D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间 B:驾驶台C:货舱 D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间 B:控制室 C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员 B:船长 C:管事 D:服务员22/second officer A:三副 B:二副 C:大副 D:水手23/bosun A:木匠 B:海员C:水手长 D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮 B:大管轮 C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事 B:机工 C:木匠 D:水手26/steward A:医生 B:服务员 C:管事 D:大副27/doctor A:服务员 B:水手C:医生 D:管事28/engineer A:机工 B:二副 C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员 B:轮机员 C:服务员 D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工 C:大副 D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺 B:扳手 C:卡钳 D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头 B:车床 C:锯子 D:管钳33/file A:锉刀 B:台钳 C:刨床 D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手 B:榔头/铁锤 C:车刀 D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳 B:扳手 C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手 B:刮刀 C:斧子 D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳 C:钻 D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床 B:斧子C:刮刀 D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳 B:斧子 C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床 B:车床 C:斧子 D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀 B:车刀 C:刮刀 D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子 B:斧子C:锯子 D:台钳43/axe A:锯子 B:钻 C:斧子 D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺 B:榔头 C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻 B:螺丝 C:手电筒 D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机 C:螺丝刀 D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒 B:牛油枪C:风焊机 D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机 B:螺丝 C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪 B:手电筒 C:起吊工具 D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具 C:手电筒 D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子 B:牛油枪C:手电筒 D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀 B:卡钳 C:尺子 D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子 B:锯条 C:砂轮 D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手 C:台钳 D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手 B:活络扳手C:环形扳手 D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子 B:环形扳手 C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床 B:磨床 C:车床 D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床 C:刨床 D:车床59/tool A:锉刀 B:车床C:工具 D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床 B:刨床 C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机 B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程 D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机 C:压缩冲程 D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程 D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程 B:排气冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程 C:压缩冲程 D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞 B:十字头C:气缸 D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套 B:气缸 C:气缸盖 D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套 B:填料箱 C:扫气箱 D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖 C:气缸套 D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头 B:扫气口C:填料箱 D:排气口72/piston A:机座 B:底座 C:连杆 D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头 B:活塞裙 C:活塞杆 D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙 C:活塞头 D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞 B:活塞头C:活塞杆 D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄 B:活塞 C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆 B:增压器 C:底座 D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄 C:主轴 D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机 B:飞轮 C:螺旋桨 D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴 B:控制台 C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机 B:螺旋桨 C:调节器 D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴 B:喷油器 C:注油器 D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器 B:调节器C:调速器 D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器 B:喷油器 C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器 B:调速器 C:喷油器 D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架 C:气缸 D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴 B:曲柄C:曲轴 D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴 B:轴承 C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统 B:润滑系统 C:燃油系统 D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统 C:空气起动系统 D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:船底排水泵 D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵 B:冷却水泵 C:船底排水泵 D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:循环泵 D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵 C:船底排水泵 D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵 B:污水泵 C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵 B:柴油泵C:增压泵 D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴 B:连杆 C:活塞 D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封 B:机轴C:轴承 D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬 B:轴环 C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆 B:螺旋桨 C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕 B:轴座 C:轴销 D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承 B:连杆 C:轴承 D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机 C:绞盘机 D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机 B:锚C:锚机 D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气 B:空气箱 C:空调 D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮 B:操作器 C:齿轮 D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机 B:油泵 C:分离机 D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉 B:气缸 C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆 B:轴杆 C:吊绳 D:锚110/generator A:电源开关 B:造水机 C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机 B:螺旋桨 C:搅拌机 D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机 B:造水机 C:水箱 D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机 B:起锚机C:起重机 D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗 B:运粮机 C:漏斗 D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱 C:水箱 D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅 C:帆布 D:连杆117/radar A:雷达 B:导向仪 C:测向仪 D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜 C:水房 D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话 B:雷达 C:电报机 D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜 B:水柜 C:油泵 D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐 B:水柜C:油泵 D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门 B:水密舱 C:水房 D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器 B:供油器 C:空调 D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器 B:锅炉 C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机 B:分油器 C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀 B:气缸 C:警报器 D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀 B:车间C:车床 D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器 B:应急造水机 C:应急发电机 D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵 B:锅炉给水泵 C:锅炉水泵 D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分油机 C:空调 D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器 B:调节器C:涡沦增压器 D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器 B:制冷机C:压缩机 D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器 B:调速器 C:滤油器 D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机 B:压缩机 C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表 B:湿度计C:压力表 D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器 C:警报器 D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机 B:主机 C:热机 D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分流机 C:空调 D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉 B:发电机C:焚烧炉 D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器 B:电车床 C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机 C:加速器 D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉 B:蒸汽增压机 C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵 B:压缩泵 C:压水泵 D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机 B:造水机 C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮 B:涡轮 C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀 B:应急阀C:排气阀 D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮 B:舵机 C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯 C:装货灯 D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器 B:遥控器 C:加速器 D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉 B:蒸汽锅炉 C:辅助锅炉 D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘 B:起重机 C:起货机 D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机 B:空气箱 C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机 B:操作轮 C:齿轮 D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达 B:散热器 C:放射 D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇 C:飞轮 D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门 B:水门 C:水密舱 D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长 B:船头 C:船尾 D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出 B:电灯 C:梯子 D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射 C:加油器 D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器 B:加速器 C:冷凝器 D:清洁器161/compass A:包括 B:超越C:指南针 D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮 B:砂轮 C:车轮 D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机 C:齿轮 D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、救生艇机 D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机 B、舱底水泵 C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵 B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉 B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油 C、燃油 D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、润滑油 D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂 C、燃料油 D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳 D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳系统 D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统 D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂 B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、灭火剂 D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机 B、停车C、主机 D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机 B、停车 C、主车 D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电 C、发电机 D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电 B、交流电 C、发电机 D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障 B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障 B、警报 C、锚机 D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障29 H/P A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障30 M/V A、马力 B、内燃机船 C、转/分 D、主机31 D/O A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水 B、海水C、燃油 D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油35 A/B A、开关 B、水手 C、人工 D、自动36 ON A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动37 OFF A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动38 AUTO A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工 C、运转 D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转 B、人工 C、开关 D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进 B、全速后退 C、微速后退 D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进 B、全速前进 C、半速后退 D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、左车微速后退 D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进 B、左车微速前进 C、右车微速后退 D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进 B、左车半速后退 C、右车微速后退 D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、右车半速后退 D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停 B、双车停 C、主机定速 D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进 B、双车微速进 C、主机定速 D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速 B、停车 C、双车停 D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度 B、右15度 C、右50度 D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度 B、右50度C、右15度 D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5° A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度 D、左舵5。



【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。



海船船员-轮机部(航海英语)真题库二/5题 [单选题](江南博哥)Duties shall be so organized by the chief engineer officer that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and the subsequent relieving watches are _______ and otherwise fit for duty.A well trainedB in good luckC in good healthD sufficiently rested正确答案: D题 [单选题]Who is in charge of the main engine?A The chief engineer.B The second engineer.C The third engineer.D The fourth engineer.正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]Who is in charge of the auxiliary engines?A The chief engineer.B The second engineer.C The third engineer.D The fourth engineer.正确答案: C/5题 [单选题]Who is in charge of the auxiliary boilers?A The chief engineer.B The second engineer.C The third engineer.D The fourth engineer.正确答案: D题 [单选题]According to STCW 78/95,the abilities specified in the standards of competence are grouped as seven functions at three levels of responsibility,which of the following is not one of the three levels?A Navigating level.B Management level.C Operational level.D Support level.正确答案: A/5题 [单选题]STCW Convention describes that _______ are laid down for the certification of engineer officers in charge of a watch in a traditionally manned engine room,or the designated engineer in a periodically unmanned engine room.A available minimum requirementsB available maximum requirementsC mandatory minimum requirementsD mandatory maximum requirements正确答案: C题 [单选题]The _______ Convention is the first to establish basic requirements on training,certification and watchkeeping for seafarers on an international level.A STCW 78B STCW 10C SOLAS 74D SOLAS 88正确答案: A题 [单选题]When deciding the composition of the engineering watch,which may include _______ appropriately,many factors shall be taken into account.A satisfied engineersB qualified ratingsC satisfied chief engineerD qualified chief engineer正确答案: B题 [单选题]When deciding the composition of the engineering watch,which may include appropriately qualified ratings,which of the following criteria shall be taken into account?①The type of ship;②The type and condition of the machinery;③The safety of life,ship,cargo and port;④The observance of international,national and local regulations.A ①②.B ②③.C ②③④.D ①②③④.正确答案: D题 [单选题]The maximum Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)rate on board shall not be more than _______ by weight any time when being tested.But watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage _______ before their watch.A 0.08%/4 hoursB 0.08%/2 hoursC 0.04%/4 hoursD 0.04%/2 hours正确答案: A/5题 [关联题]The CO₂ fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet,which is situated in the wheelhouse.Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and,by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof,samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve.Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediately detected.The CO₂ fire extinguishing system may combine with _______ to detect fire in the early stage of fire development.A a smoke detecting systemB a wheelhouseC a cargo compartmentD a crew’s cabin正确答案: A/5题 [关联题]The CO₂ fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet,which is situated in the wheelhouse.Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and,by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof,samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve.Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediately detected.The function of the smoke sampling system is _______.A to analyze smoke componentsB to detect fire in the early stageC to prevent the wheelhouse from catching a fireD to ventilate each cargo compartment正确答案: B/5题 [关联题]The CO₂ fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet,which is situated in the wheelhouse.Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and,by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof,samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve.Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediatelydetected.According to this passage,which of the following statements is true?A The smoke sampling system consists of the CO₂ fire extinguishing installation and smoke detecting cabinet.B The smoke detecting cabinet is located on the wheelhouse roof.C The suction fan draws samples of the air from cargo spaces.D Samples of the air flow into the detecting cabinet at regular intervals.正确答案: C/5题 [关联题]The CO₂ fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet,which is situated in the wheelhouse.Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and,by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof,samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve.Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediately detected.Which of the following devices does the smoke sampling system consist of?①Fire extinguishing installation;②Smoke detecting chamber;③Wheelhouse;④Cargo compartment;⑤Suction fan;⑥Diverting valve.A ①②⑤.B ②④⑤.C ③④⑥.D ②⑤⑥.正确答案: D题 [关联题]A variety of devices exist for detecting fires namely:(1)Smoke detectors based on the ionization principle or on the photoelectric cell principle;(2)Heat sensors;(3)Rate of temperature rise sensors;(4)Flame detectors. Each type has its merits and most systems will deploy two or more of the above types of devices depending on the space being protected. Within machinery spaces,ionization smoke detectors are generally considered the first line of defense.These devices monitor the electrical charge which occurs when combustion particles reach the charged space in the detector.So that the units can be readily tested as an indicator light is provided on the sensor body.This lights up in the presence of gas from a test canister or even from the fumes of a cigarette.Which of the following detectors are based on the charges or light principle?A Smoke detectors.B Heat sensors.C Temperature rising sensors.D Flame detectors.正确答案: A题 [单选题]If the PSCO is uncertain about the source of water pressuring during the inspection of fire main system.In such case,you can test the _______ for him.A fire main isolating valve on deckB engine room fire main isolating valveC engine room fire pumpD engine room general service pump正确答案: B题 [单选题]During the PSC inspection,under the provisions of SOLAS 74,which one may be regarded as“clear grounds”for ships’detainment?A Failure of proper operation of propulsion.B Paint peeling off the uptake.C No operation procedures for the oil separators.D Damaged sanitary pump.正确答案: A题 [单选题]During the PSC inspection,under the provisions of SOLAS 74,which of the following may not be regarded as“clear grounds”for ships’detainment?A Excess amount of oil/water mixtures in bilges.B Insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oil.C Improper operation of bilge pumping arrangements.D A dirty footprint on the plate.正确答案: D题 [单选题]During the PSC inspection,under the provisions of SOLAS 74,which of the following may not be regarded as“clear grounds”for ships’detainment?A Failure of proper operation of emergency generator.B Insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine roomcontaminated by oil.C Improper operation of bilge pumping arrangements.D Leakage of the sanitary pump.正确答案: D题 [单选题]During the PSC inspection,under the provisions of SOLAS 74,which one may not be regarded as“clear grounds”for ships’detainment?A Failure of the proper operation of the auxiliary steering gear.B Failure of proper operation of electrical installations.C Leakage of domestic water pump.D Insulation of exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oil.正确答案: C题 [单选题]Who will be responsible for ensuring that a ship maintains a standard at least equivalent to that specified in international conventions?A Port State.B The Administration.C The shipowner.D The master.正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]Enhanced procedures concerning the exercise of _______ have been developed to allow intervention in the caseof deficiencies deemed to pose a danger to persons,property or the environment.A Port State ControlB Flag State ControlC fire and boat drillD safety inspection正确答案: A题 [单选题]The purpose of PSC is _______.A to check and inspect foreign shipsB to verify the condition of a ship in compliance with requirements of international conventionsC to fine shipsD to detain ships正确答案: B题 [单选题]The main purpose of Port State Control is not to _______.A prevent an unsafe ship proceeding to seaB prevent a ship threatening the marine environmentC fine the shipsD confirm a safe sailing正确答案: C题 [单选题]If the PSCO from general impressions orobservations on board has _______ for believing that the ship,its equipment or its crew do not substantially meet the requirements,the PSCO should proceed to a more detailed inspection.A “clean report”B “serious deficiencies”C “clear grounds”D “detention report”正确答案: C题 [单选题]If an incorrect entry were made in the Oil Record Book,you should _______.A erase the entry and rewrite itB notify the ship’s officer in chargeC completely black it out and make the correct entry alongsideD draw a single line through the wrong entry and initial it正确答案: D题 [单选题]The Garbage Record Book,as a part of the ship’s Official Logbook,shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of _______.A 3 years after making the first entryB 2 years after the last entryC 3 months after the last entryD 3 years after the last entry正确答案: B题 [单选题]Which of the following operations must be entered on the Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ?①Routine discharge at sea of bilge water containing oil from the machinery spaces;②Bunkering of fuel oil.A ① only.B ② only.C Both ① and ②.D Neither ① nor ②.正确答案: C题 [单选题]Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ?①Routine discharge at sea of bilge water containing oil from the machinery spaces through strainers;②Bunkering of fuel oil.A ① only.B ② only.C Both ① and ②.D Neither ① nor ②.正确答案: D题 [单选题]Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ?①Disposal of oil residues;②Internal transfer of fuel oil.A ① only.B ② only.C Both ① and ②.D Neither ① nor ②.正确答案: B题 [单选题]Administrations should bear in mind the significance of _______ in maintaining safety of life and property at sea and in preventing marine pollution.A advanced nautical equipmentB advanced main engine’s performanceC emergency equipmentD communication and language skills正确答案: D/3题 [单选题]When a ship is involved in an oil pollution incident in China,the ship must report without delay to_______.A China Maritime AdministrationB the CompanyC the cargo ownerD the Flag State正确答案: A/3题 [单选题]Which statement is TRUE concerning minor oil spills?A They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.B They usually disappear quickly.C They usually stay in a small area.D A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.正确答案: D/3题 [单选题]Which statement is TRUE concerning minor oil spills?A They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.B They usually disappear quickly.C They usually stay in a small area.D A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.正确答案: D/3题 [单选题]Which statement is TRUE concerning minor oil spills?A They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.B They usually disappear quickly.C They usually stay in a small area.D A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.正确答案: D/5题 [单选题]_______,where minor repairs are carried out with a ship in service,is/are often carried out during a stay in port.This may be remote from a ship repair site.A Voyage repairB Damage repairsC Routine dockingD Conversion正确答案: A题 [单选题]What is NOT true of annual repair?A It is carried out once a year.B It is a minor repair.C It is done according to the requirements of Registration Bureau.D It is carried out during stay in a port of call.正确答案: D题 [单选题]Preventive maintenance _______.A should not be carried out during the watchesB can only be carried out in portC is a kind of maintenance carried out prior to the occurrenceD is a kind of maintenance carried out after the occurrence正确答案: C题 [单选题]During the inspection,the starting air valves should be closed _______ the engine from turning.A to increaseB to preventC to speed upD to reduce正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]Which of the listed items should be secured before performing any maintenance on a solenoid operated air start valve?A Electric power and starting air.B Lube oil standby pump and control air.C Hydraulic switch and engage jacking gear.D Motor drain and pneumatic control system power.正确答案: A/5题 [单选题]Usually _______ handles the majority of the correspondence and negotiation needed during transactions of stores and spare parts in the engine department.A the chief engineerB the second engineerC the third engineerD the fourth engineer正确答案: A题 [单选题]Generally speaking,the agent can provide many services on board except _______.A port shippingB mailC banking serviceD recruiting seaman正确答案: D/5题 [单选题]Generally speaking,who will you turn to when there is a problem during accepting stores from ashore?A Bridge.B Captain.C The second engineer and the third engineer.D The chief engineer.正确答案: C4 /5题 [单选题]A/An _______ is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.A engine logbookB delivery docketC store bookletD maintenance book正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]A/An _______ is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.A informative noteB consignment noteC store bookletD maintenance book正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]Which of the following conditions indicates the dilution of diesel engine lube oil by fuel oil?A Water discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifier.B Fuel oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifier.C Lube oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifier.D A change in the lube oil viscosity.正确答案: D/5题 [单选题]Under normal conditions,the main source of crankcase oil contamination is attributed to _______.A metal particles loosened by wearB air when air cleaners are not usedC condensation of water vaporsD breakdown of the lubricating oil by dilution正确答案: D题 [单选题]Which of the following conditions is most likely to occur when unburned fuel contaminates the crankcase of a diesel engine?A Lube oil is diluted and its viscosity is reduced.B Sulfuric acid is formed.C Bearings become pitted ad immediately fail.D Valve stems develop sludge deposits.正确答案: A/5题 [单选题]Lubricating oil viscosity in all operating diesel engine can be reduced by _______.A increasing cooling water flowB increasing lube oil flowC dilution by fuel oilD adding SAE 70 oil正确答案: C5 /5题 [单选题]oil oxidation,as a result of excessively high lube oil temperature,is harmful to a diesel engine because _______.A oil foaming will occurB large quantities of oil are consumedC lube oil viscosity is always decreasedD corrosive by-products are usually formed正确答案: D题 [单选题]The lowest temperature at which the vapor formed from a liquid ignites and continues to burn steadily in the presence of an ignition source is called the _______.A flash pointB fire pointC upper explosive limitD lower explosive limit正确答案: B题 [单选题]The percentage of impurities in a specific fuel oil sample is determined by _______.A settling in a fuel tankB testing in a laboratory centrifugeC burning in a calorimeterD testing in a dosed cup正确答案: B3 /5题 [单选题]What should we do if the oil spill occurs?A Stop the pump first.B Report to the chief engineer.C Inform the bridge.D Take oil samples.正确答案: A题 [单选题]Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by _______.A plugging the scuppersB driving wooden plugs into the ventsC closing the lids on the ventsD plugging the sounding pipes正确答案: A题 [单选题]You should be most concerned about a possible explosion or fire in fuel tanks _______.A during fueling when the fuel first strikes the tank bottomB during fueling when the fuel strikes fuel already in the tankC when underway as the fuel is moved by wave actionD shortly after fueling when fuel vapors gather正确答案: A/5题 [单选题]Among the following equipment,which belongs to the life saving appliances?①Lifeboats;②Fire axes;③Self-contained breathing apparatus;④Life buoys;⑤Emergency generator;⑥Breathing apparatus air compressor.A ①④⑤.B ①③⑥.C ③④⑤.D ④⑤⑥.正确答案: A全站正确率为 0.00%/5题 [单选题]If you continue to wear extra clothing when entering the water after abandoning your vessel,it will_______.A weigh you downB preserve body heatC reduce your body heatD make it more difficult to breathe正确答案: B题 [单选题]In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel,water should be given only to personnel who are _______.A thirstyB sick or injuredC wetD awake正确答案: B4 /5题 [单选题]Seawater may be used for drinking water _______.A at a maximum rate of two ounces per dayB after mixing with an equal quantity of fresh waterC if gather during or immediately after a hard rainD under no circumstance正确答案: D/5题 [单选题]If you are forced to abandon ship in a rescue boat,you should _______.A remain in the vicinity of the vesselB head for the nearest landC head for the closest sea lanesD have an all hands vote on what to do题 [单选题]To use a portable CO₂ fire extinguisher,you must first _______.A turn the tank upside downB pull the locking pinC open the valve on the side of the tankD shake thoroughly正确答案: B题 [单选题]When the general alarm is sounded continuously,the engine room personnel should _______.A proceed to their man overboard stationsB start the fire pumpC put on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stationsD secure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room正确答案: B题 [单选题]Which of the following actions should be taken by the engine room watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously?A The fire pump should be started.B The boiler fires should be secured.C The fixed CO₂ system should be initiated into action.D The engine room ventilation should be secured./5题 [单选题]While on watch in the engine room,you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm.Which of the following actions should you take FIRST?A Secure the burners then proceed to your assigned boat station.B Start the fire pump and establish flow to the fire main.C Open the guardian valve and standby to maneuver.D Open the master control valves on the fixed CO₂ system.正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]While on watch in the engine room,you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm.Which of the following actions should you take?A Make an entry in the official logbook.B Open the master control valves on the fixed CO₂ system.C Start the fire pump and check discharge pressure.D Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge.正确答案: C。



船员实用英语题库及答案1. 题目: What is the meaning of the term "dead in the water"in the context of maritime navigation?答案: "Dead in the water" refers to a situation where a vessel is unable to move due to engine failure or other reasons, causing it to be stationary in the water.2. 题目: What does the phrase "clear the channel" mean when used by a ship's crew?答案: "Clear the channel" is a command or a statement indicating that the waterway is free of obstructions and is safe for other vessels to pass through.3. 题目: Explain the term "port side" in maritime terminology.答案: "Port side" is the left side of a ship or a boatwhen facing the bow (the front of the vessel). It is one ofthe cardinal points of the compass used for navigation and orientation on the ship.4. 题目: What is the significance of the term "starboard" in maritime communication?答案: "Starboard" refers to the right side of a ship orboat when facing the bow. It is used for navigation, orientation, and communication about the position of objectsor actions relative to the vessel.5. 题目: Define "aft" in the context of a ship.答案: "Aft" is a term used to describe the rear part of aship. It is used to indicate direction towards the stern or to refer to a location at the back of the vessel.6. 题目: What does "underway" mean in maritime language?答案: "Underway" means that a ship is in motion, not at anchor or docked. It indicates that the vessel is currently sailing or moving through the water.7. 题目: Explain the term "lee side" in nautical terms.答案: "Lee side" is the side of a ship that is sheltered from the wind. It is the opposite of the "windward side," which faces into the wind.8. 题目: What is meant by "laying a course" on a ship?答案: "Laying a course" refers to the process of setting a specific direction or route for a vessel to follow, typically using navigational instruments and charts.9. 题目: What does the term "stand by to make fast" indicate to the crew?答案: "Stand by to make fast" is a command given to the crew to prepare to secure the ship, usually when approaching a dock or anchoring.10. 题目: Define "knot" as it is used in maritime navigation.答案: A "knot" is a unit of speed used in maritime and aviation contexts, equivalent to one nautical mile per hour. One nautical mile is approximately 1.852 kilometers.11. 题目: What is the meaning of "over the side" in a maritime context?答案: "Over the side" refers to something being thrown, dropped, or falling off the edge of a ship into the water.12. 题目: Explain the term "belay" in nautical usage.答案: "Belay" is a command used to indicate that an order should be disregarded or that a task should be stopped immediately.13. 题目: What does "heave to" mean in maritime language?答案: "Heave to" is a maneuver to bring a sailing vessel to a near stop while maintaining steerage, often used in heavy weather or when waiting for another vessel.14. 题目: Define "trim" as it relates to a ship's sails.答案: "Trim" refers to the adjustment of a sail'sposition relative to the wind to optimize its efficiency in propelling the vessel.15. 题目: What is the meaning of "set a course" in nautical terms?答案: "Set a course" means to establish the direction or path a ship will take, typically determined by the ship's heading and speed.16. 题目: Explain the term "bow" in the context of a ship.答案: "Bow" is the front part of a ship or boat, where the vessel first encounters the water when moving forward.17. 题目: What does "stern" indicate on a ship?答案: "Stern" is the rear part of a ship or boat, opposite the bow, and often contains the steering mechanismsand the rudder.18. 题目: Define "beam" in maritime terminology.答案: "Beam" refers to the width of a ship at its widest point, perpendicular to the centerline.19. 题目:。



海员水手英语考试单词1、Obviously they didn’t see the significance of the plan. That is()the problem lies. [单选题] *A. where(正确答案)B. whyC. /D. how2、—What’s the matter with that boy?—______.()[单选题] *A. He is watching TV in his roomB. He takes his temperatureC. He was playing a toy carD. He hurt his right leg(正确答案)3、Hurry up,?or we’ll _______ class. [单选题] *A. be late for(正确答案)B. late forC. late withD. be late with4、Jim is a(n) _______. He is very careful and likes to work with numbers. [单选题] *A. secretaryB. tour guideC. accountant(正确答案)D. English teacher5、He was?very tired,so he stopped?_____ a rest. [单选题] *A. to have(正确答案)B. havingC. haveD. had6、Tony wants _______ a job as a language teacher in China. [单选题] *A. findB. findingC. to find(正确答案)D. to be found7、Grandpa pointed to the hospital and said, “That’s _______ I was born?”[单选题] *A. whenB. howC. whyD. where(正确答案)8、—Why do you look so ______?—Our team won the basketball match!()[单选题] *A. angryB. excited(正确答案)C. nervousD. unfair9、Almost every one of us could see her anxiety from the()on her face. [单选题] *A. appearanceB. feelingC. movementD. expression(正确答案)10、These apples smell _____ and taste ______. [单选题] *A. well; wellB. good; good(正确答案)C. well; goodD. good; well11、He always found it hard to satisfy himself. [单选题] *A. 控制B. 满足(正确答案)C. 了解D. 批评12、91.—Do you live in front of the big supermarket?—No. I live ________ the supermarket ________ the post office. [单选题] *A.across; fromB.next; toC.between; and(正确答案)D.near; to13、Sitting at the back of the room()a very shy girl with two bright eyes. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. hasD. there was14、The little girl held _____ in her hand. [单选题] *A. five breadsB. five piece of breadsC. five piece of breadD. five pieces of bread(正确答案)15、( ) It tells what is going on ___the county and all____the world. [单选题] *A. across; over(正确答案)B. all; acrossC. in; inD.to; for16、The notice put _______ on the wall says “No Smoking”. [单选题] *A. up(正确答案)B. offC. awayD. out17、If you pass your exams, we’ll have a party to celebrate. [单选题] *A. 宣布B. 发表C. 解放D. 庆祝(正确答案)18、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a19、42.—________ meat do you want?—Half a kilo. [单选题] *A.How much(正确答案)B.How manyC.WhatD.Which20、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] *A. watchB. watching(正确答案)C. to watchD. watches21、( ) The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example______us in learning English. [单选题] *A. to(正确答案)B. forC. withD. on22、There are many beautiful _______ in the wardrobe. [单选题] *A. bookB. dresses(正确答案)C. cell phoneD. grocery23、Everyone here is _______ to me. [单选题] *A. happyB. wellC. kind(正确答案)D. glad24、53.On your way home, you can buy some fruit, meat, vegetables and ________. [单选题] *A.something else(正确答案)B.else somethingC.everything elseD.else everything25、—Can you play tennis? —______, but I’m good at football.()[单选题] *A. Yes, I can(正确答案)B. Yes, I doC. No, I can’tD. No, I don’t26、The Internet is an important means of()[单选题] *A. conversationB. communication(正确答案)C. speechD. language27、You should finish your homework as soon as possible. [单选题] *A. 赶快地B. 尽能力C. 一...就D. 尽快地(正确答案)28、I often _______ music from the Internet. [单选题] *A. download(正确答案)B. spendC. saveD. read29、I want something to eat. Please give me a _______. [单选题] *A. bookB. watchC. shirtD. cake(正确答案)30、—Could you take out the rubbish, Jim?—______. I have too much homework to do. You can ask Sally to do it. ()[单选题] *A. Sorry, I can’t(正确答案)B. No problemC. I disagreeD. No, thanks。





1. Vessel - 船舶2. Engine room - 机舱3. Maintenance - 维护4. Repair - 修理5. Inspection - 检查6. Equipment - 设备7. Pump - 泵8. Generator - 发电机9. Boiler - 锅炉10. Valve - 阀门11. Fuel - 燃料12. Lubrication - 润滑13. Engine - 发动机14. Cylinder - 气缸15. Piston - 活塞16. Crankshaft - 曲轴17. Air compressor - 空压机18. Control panel - 控制面板19. Safety procedures - 安全程序20. Emergency - 紧急情况作为一名海员机工,我们的主要职责是负责机舱的维护和修理工作。
















海员机工考试英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the correct way to spell the word "maintenance"?A. MaintananceB. MaintenenceC. MaintenenceD. Maintenance答案:D2. The term "deadweight" refers to:A. The maximum weight a ship can carryB. The weight of the ship without cargoC. The weight of the cargo onlyD. The total weight of the ship including cargo答案:A3. What does the abbreviation "SOLAS" stand for?A. Society of Load and Load AfloatB. Safety of Life at SeaC. Standard Operating Load and Load AfloatD. Ship Operations and Load Afloat答案:B4. Which of the following is not a type of marine fuel?A. Heavy fuel oilB. Marine gas oilC. Liquefied natural gasD. Unleaded gasoline答案:D5. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is responsible for:A. Regulating the global shipping industryB. Providing maritime educationC. Conducting marine researchD. All of the above答案:A6. What is the primary function of a lifebuoy?A. To provide a source of lightB. To be used as a signaling deviceC. To assist in rescuing a person overboardD. To store emergency rations答案:C7. The term "GMDSS" stands for:A. Global Maritime Data SystemB. Global Maritime Distress and Safety SystemC. Global Maritime Development SystemD. Global Maritime Delivery System答案:B8. What is the purpose of a bilge pump on a ship?A. To pump water from the bilges to maintain the ship's stabilityB. To cool the ship's engineC. To clean the ship's deckD. To transfer fuel between tanks答案:A9. The term "LOA" when referring to a ship, stands for:A. Length of ArrivalB. Length of AgreementC. Length Over AllD. Length of Approval答案:C10. Which of the following is not a navigational aid?A. BuoyB. LighthouseC. RadarD. Compass答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The _______ is the part of the ship's hull that is in contact with the water.答案:hull2. The term "draft" refers to the _______ of a ship's hull that is submerged in water.答案:depth3. A _______ is a device used to measure the depth of water. 答案:sounder4. The _______ is the highest point of a ship's structure above the waterline.答案:mast5. The _______ is a device used to measure the speed of a ship through the water.答案:log6. The _______ is the area on a ship where cargo is loaded and unloaded.答案:cargo hold7. A _______ is a rope used to secure a ship to a dock or another ship.答案:hawser8. The _______ is the part of the ship's deck where the crew works.答案:forecastle9. The _______ is a device used to communicate with other ships and shore stations.答案:radio10. The _______ is a type of knot used to secure a rope to a fixed object.答案:cleat hitch三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. What are the main functions of a ship's engine room?答案:The main functions of a ship's engine room include generating power for propulsion, providing mechanical energy for various onboard systems, and maintaining the ship's operational efficiency.2. Explain the importance of regular maintenance of a ship's hull.答案:Regular maintenance of a ship's hull is crucial for preventing corrosion, minimizing biofouling, ensuring the structural integrity of the vessel, and maintaining its hydrodynamic efficiency, which in turn affects fuel consumption and overall performance.3. What are the key components of a ship's navigation system? 答案:Key components of a ship's navigation system include the compass, radar, GPS, chart plotter, autopilot, and communication equipment such as VHF radios and satellite communication systems.4. Describe the role of a ship's life-saving equipment in emergency situations.答案:In emergency situations, a ship's life-saving equipment plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of the crew and passengers. This equipment includes lifeboats, life rafts, lifebuoys, lifejackets, and emergency signaling devices, which are designed to facilitate rescue operations and provide temporary survival support until help arrives.。



实用英语100句1.How do you do!你好!2.How are you? 你好吗?3.May I know your name? 请问你叫什么名字?4.I’m the Chief Engineer. 我是轮机长。

5.I’m very glad to know you. 我很高兴认识你。

6.Where is the Captain, please? 船长在哪里?7.I’m looking for him. 我要找他。

8.He is on the deck. 他在甲板上。

9.I don’t think he’ll be back for some time. 我想他暂时还不回来。

10.May I ask if there is anything I can do for you? 我可以问你有什么事我能帮忙吗?11.What’s the weather like today? 今日天气怎样?12.It is cloudy this morning but will clear up this afternoon. 上午多云,下午转晴。

13.The weather forecast says there is a storm coming. 天气预报有十一级风(暴风)。

14.It's blowing a strong gale now. 现在刮九级风(烈风)。

15.The sea is rough. 海上风浪很大。

16.May I speak to Mr. Black, please? 请布莱克先生听电话。

17.Yes, speaking. 是的,我就是。

18.Who’s calling, please? 请问是谁呀?19.Would you mind calling me back? 给我打回电好不好?20.I’d like to make a long distance call to China. 我要打长途电话到中国。



1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。



12-in diameter 直径12英寸A set of 一套Able Seamen 一级水手Absorption 吸收Accommodate 供应,通融Accommodation 住舱Accompany 伴随,陪同Accordance 符合Accordingly 相应地Accurate 准确的Acute shortage 十分缺乏,奇缺Additional 额外的Admit 承认Adopt 采用Advisable 得当的,可取的Aerial 天线Agency business 代理业务Alcohol 酒精饮料Allot 分配Amount to 相当于,等于Ample 充足的Anchor 抛锚Anchor ground 锚地Anchor is up 锚已出水Anchorage 锚地Anchoring position 锚位Antwerp 安特卫普API gravity 燃油比重度数Application form 申请表Apply for 申请Appoint 任命Apprentice 见习生Apprentice 实习生,学徒Approach 接近,说Approximate 近似的,大概的Arise 发生Arise 引起As regards 关于Ascertain 确定Ashore 在岸上,上岸Assign 分派,指定Assist 帮助,协助Assistance 协助Astern 向后退Athwartships 横向Attach 绑上,缚上Attend to 关照,关心Attend to 照应,负责,关照Automatic pilot 自动舵Aweigh 锚离底Awkward cargo 本重货Bagged cargo 袋子货Balance parcel 差额油量Balanced 平衡的,平稳的Ballast 压舱物Ballast water 压舱水Barcelona 巴塞罗那Barrel 桶Batten down 封舱Be supposed to do 应该Be through with 做好,完成Berthing 系泊Bilge 污水沟Bill 单据,账单,票据Bill of entry 入港报关单Bill of Heath 健康证明书Billet 钢坯,短钢条Binoculars 望远镜Bite 抓牢,咬住Blast 笛声,汽笛声Block 滑车Boatswain (bosun) 水手长Bollard 系缆桩Bonded locker 保税储物舱Boom 吊杆Bother 打扰Bow 船头Boys 服务生Break water 防波堤Break water 防波堤Breast line 横缆Bridge 驾驶台Briefcase 公事皮包Broken stowage 亏舱Broom 扫把Bulk head 舱壁,隔舱壁Bung 塞子,桶口Buoy 浮标,浮筒Butt 烟蒂,香烟头Call in 召请,叫来Call off 取消Call up = muster 召集,叫Canal pilot station 运河引航站Canned goods 罐头食品Capillary 毛细作用的Capstan 绞盘Captain 船长Capt ain’s Declaration船长申报单Cargo gear 货物装卸设备Cargo handling 货物装卸Cargo information table 货油装卸资料表Cargo surveyor 商检人员Cargo tank 货油舱Carton 纸板箱Cash advance 现金预付款Catwalk 天桥,步桥(指油轮)Ceiling 舱底铺板Ceremony 礼节,客气Certificate 证明书,证件Chafage 摩擦Change one’s shift换班Chart 海图Charter Party 租船契约Charterer 租船人Charterer 租船人Check 检查,核对Check list 检查细目Cheerily 急速地Chemical 化学制品Chief, second and third engineers 轮机长,大管轮,二管轮Chief, second and third officers/mates 大副,二副,三副Chip 削,铲Chock up 牢牢垫稳Cholera 霍乱Circuit 电路Circulation 循环Claim 索赔,要求权Clearance 结关Coast Guard 海上巡逻队Coil 捆,卷,盘Coil of wire 一盘钢丝Collision 碰撞Colombo 科伦坡Come up to the stopper 使用制缆索Commodity 商品,日用品Compact 紧凑的Compare with 对比,对照Compartment 舱隔Competent 有能力的,合格的Complain 牢骚Comply with 遵守,履行Compromise 折中办法Compulsory 强制的Concerned 有关的Condensation 冷凝,汗湿Condition 状况,情形Confirm 证实Congestion 拥挤Connect 连接Considerable 相当的Consignee 收货人Consignment 托运货Consignment 托运货Conspicuous 显而易见的Constantly 经常,不断Construction 结构Consult 商量Consumption 消费Contact with for 接触Container 集装箱Containerized cargo 集装箱货物Contract 患病Convoy 船队,护航队Cool chamber 冷冻舱Course 航向Cover 包括Cover 舱盖Crate 板条箱,大篓Crew 全体船员Crew replacement 船员更动Crooked 弯曲的Cross talk 串线Crude oil 原油Crush 压坏Current 海流,水流Customs Officer 海关官员Customs-House 海关Daily report 理货日报单Daily report 日报单Dead slow ahead 微速前进Dead slow astern 微速后退Dead slow speed 微速,最低速度Debit to 记入借方Deck watch 舱面值班Declaration 声明,申报Declaration for the firearms 轻武器申报表Delivery 交货,交付Demmurage 滞期费Deny 否认’Department 部门,局Deprive 剥夺Deratting 灭鼠的Detach 离开,分开Diesel 柴油机Disbursement 支出费用Discern 看出,认出Discharge 卸货Disconnect 脱开,断开Discrepancy 不符合,矛盾Dismantle 拆掉,拆散Dismiss 驳回,辞掉Dispatch 派遣Dispatcher 调度员Dispose of 处理Dispute 争论Disregard 不理,不顾Distinction 区分,差别Distribute 分配booking 预定,订舱,承运Do away with 取消Document 文件,证书Donkeyman 副机员Double bottom 双层底Double bottom tank 双层底舱Double check 反复核查Double payment 加倍付款Down below 在下面(即舱内)Draft 一吊货Drag anchor 拖锚Drastically 剧烈的,猛烈的Draught 吃水Draw 取款Draw up 草拟,制定Dredge 疏浚,挖淤Drop off 卸下Drum 桶Drummed 桶装的Dry certificate 干舱证明书Dunnage 垫舱料Dunnage board 垫货板Dunnaging 垫舱Dust pan 簸箕Dye 染料Ease the helm 回舵Easy 慢些,轻些Echo sounder 回声探测仪Effect 实行,进行Electrician, electrical officer 电机员Emergency visa 应急签证Engage 聘,雇Engineering cadets 轮机实习生Engine-room 机舱Ensign 国旗,舰旗Ensure 确保Error 误差Essential 必须的,不可缺少的Estimate 估计ETA= estimated (expected) time of arrival 预计到达时间Evenly 均匀的Exaggeration 夸张Exceed 超过Expedient 可行的,上策Expedite 速办,迅速做好Expert 专家,技师Export declaration 出口报单Extend 延长Extent 程度Extinguisher 灭火器Extra charge 附加费用Fahrenheit 华氏温度计Fairway buoy 航道浮筒Fathom 拓Fault 过失,罪过Fender 碰垫Fertilizer 肥料Figure 数字,合计File 文件夹,汇订文件Find out 打听,查明Fine 罚款Fire Brigade 救火队Firearms 武器,手枪Fix 确定Fix up 安装Flash point 闪点Flow meter 流量计Fore and aft 从船首到船尾Forecastle-head 船首楼前部Forklift (truck) 叉车,铲车Formality 手续,仪式Forward 船首部分Fraction 分数,小数Fragile 易碎的Free Pratique 防疫通行证Free Pratique 检疫合格证Freeboard 干舷Freight clerk, supercargo 押运员Freight list 载货清单Frequency 频率Friction 摩擦Fuel oil 燃料油Fulfill 履行Full ahead 前进三Full astern 后退三Full speed 全速Fumigation 烟熏Furthermore 而且Fuse box 保险盒Fuse element 熔丝Gale 大风,八级风Galley 船内厨房Gangplank 跳板Gangway 舷梯Gangway watch 舷梯值班Gantry 龙门吊General cargo 杂货Get alongside 靠拢Get on board a ship 上船Get the engine ready 备车Glassware 玻璃器皿Go ahead 继续讲下去Go over 检查Go through 通过,履行Grease 涂油Grease 油脂Greaser 加油工,机匠Gross 巨大的,粗的Gross tonnage 总吨位Ground =bottom 水底,海底Guarantee 保证,保证书Guard against 谨防,堤防Gutter 排水沟Guy 稳索Gyro-compass 电罗经Half ahead 前进二Half astern 后退二Hand back 退回,交还Handsomely 当心,慢慢Harbour Authorities 港务当局Harbour Director 港务局长Harbour Hospital 港口医院Harbour Office 港务局Harbour speed 港内控制速度Hard-a-starboard 右满舵Hatch= hatchway 舱口Hatchman 舱口装卸指挥员Hatchway 舱口Haul down 降下Hawse pipe 锚链筒Hawser 粗缆,大索Hawser 粗缆,大索Hawser drum mooring winch 卷索绞车Hazardous cargo 危险货物Head in 船头朝里(顶流落潮靠岸)Head line 头缆Head out 船头朝外(顶流涨潮靠岸)Heave away anchor 起锚Heave away the chain 起锚,绞锚链Heave short 缩短锚链Heaving line 撇缆Heavy cargo 重货Heavy crane 重型吊车Heavy lift 重货Heavy seas 巨浪,怒涛Helmsman 舵工Hoist 升起Hold space 货舱仓容Hold wing 舱侧Holder 持票人Homeward passage 回程,返航Hose 软管,水龙管How is the chain leading? 锚链方向如何?Idle 空闲Illuminate 照亮Immigration Office 移民局Impose 强行,征收Improper 不适当的In question 议论的,谈到的Inboard 向船内Incident 事件Incoming 进入的,入港的Indicator 指示器Infectious 传染的Inflammable 易燃的Ingot 铸铁块Inoculate 打预防针,接种Installation 装置,设备Instruct 命令,指令Interfere 妨碍Inventory of Ship’s Appurtenances属具清单Invoice 发票,货价单Issue 发出,发放Issue 发给Join a ship 上船任职Judge 鉴定家,法官Jumbo derrick 重吊杆Jumbo derrick 重吊杆Just in position 缆带好,到位Keep clear of 避开,不要靠近Kerosene 煤油Knot 节(船速单位海里/时)Lampman 灯匠Land 卸货上岸Landing permit 登陆证Lash 绑扎Lashing 绑扎,希绳Last Port Clearance 上一港出港证书Lateral 横向的,侧的Lay down 规定Lay out an anchor 抛锚Lay time 装卸货时间Lay-days 装卸货日期Lay-days 装卸货日期Layer 层Leading light 定向导航灯Leaky 漏泄的Lee side 下风舷Let down 放下,放落Let go 解掉,松开Let go the anchor 抛锚Letter of apology 道歉书Lie at anchor 锚泊,停泊Life-saving Station 救生站Lifting capacity 起重能力Light dues 灯标费Lighter 驳船Lighter 打火机Lighthouse 灯塔Lighting 照明Linesman 带缆工人Link call 电话中转List 倾斜List of Crew 船员名单Load 负载,负荷Load 装货Load line 载重线Load line 载重线Loading list 装货清单Loading master 码头装油监督长Loading report 装货报表Load-on-top 不清油脚Locate 定位,配置Location 位置,地点Lodge 提出Log books 航海日志Long ton 长吨(1016公斤)Look out 瞭望Lot 票,批Lot separation 分票隔垫Lower 降下Lower handsomely 慢落Lower hold 低舱Lower hold 底舱Lubricate 润滑Maintenance 维修,保养Make fast 绑牢Make out 起草,拟定Manage 处理,吃Manifest 载货单,仓单Maritime 海事的,海上的Maritime Declaration of Health 海上健康申报表Maritime police 水上警察Matting 席子,席垫Measure 测量Mechanic, oiler 机匠Mechanical 机械的Meet end on 当头对遇Mess room 食堂Midships 正舵Mildew 发霉Mind your head 不要碰了头Mishandling 处理错Missing 失去的,下落不明的Misunderstanding 误会Mix with 混淆Mobile crane 流动式吊车Moisture 受潮Mooring 系缆绳Mooring wire 系泊钢缆Motor 电动机,马达Motorship M/S 内燃机船Mouldy 发了霉的Mount 安装Navigating cadets 驾驶实习生Necessity 必需品Negligence 疏忽大意Net sling 吊货网兜Nip 挤住,卡住Note 提出(海事声明)Note down 记录Nothing to port 不要偏左Notice of Readiness to load 准备装货通知Notice to Mariners 航海通告Objection 异议,反对Obliged 不得不的,感谢的Off-shore side 向海一侧Operator 操纵者Optional cargo 选港货物Otherwise 否则Ourcoming 出去的,出港的Out 讲话完毕Out of one’s reach够不着Outboard 舷外Outward manifest 出口舱单Over 请讲Overboard 船外,弦外Overload 超负荷Overtake 追越Overtime 规定时间外的工作Packing certificate 集装装货证书Pallet 货盘Palletised cargo 使用货盘的货物Parcel 大宗货物Particulars 细节Pass 传递,转交Pass to starboard 靠右舷驶过Passenger list 旅客名单Pay out 松出,放出Peaked cargo 突出的,隆起的货Penalize 处罚Penetrate 渗入,透入Personal effects 私人物品Personnel 全体人员Pick up 装货Pilot 引航员Pilotage 引航业务Pilotage receipt 引航收据Pitch 纵摇Plank 木板Plumb 垂直对准Point-blank 直截了当的Police station 警察局Port a little 左舵一点Port beam 左舷正横方向Port bow 左舵船首Port clearance 出港许可证Port control/ port operation 港口调度Port dues 港务费Port of call 沿途停靠港Port of destination 目的港Port of registry 船籍港Port practice 港口惯例Port Said 塞得港Port the helm 左舵Portage 搬运费Port-side to port-side 左舷对左舷Pour 注入,倾盆而下Power 发动,驱动Pratique 防疫通行证Preferable 更可取的Presentation 提交Pressing 紧迫的Preventer guy 辅助稳索Prevention 预防Previously 以前,上次Procedure 手续,程序Proceed 进行,续航Proceed 前进,开赴,续航Produce 提出(证件,单据)Prohibit 禁止Projector 探照灯Promptly 迅速,立即Propeller 推进器Provide for 提供Provisions 食品,粮食Prudent 谨慎的Pulley block 滑车Pump in 抽入,泵入Pump room 泵舱Pumpman 管理油泵员Punctually 按时,如期Purser 事务长,管事exception list 货损货差清单Put to sea 开航,离港Qualified 合格的,胜任的Quantity 量,分量Quarantine 检疫Quarantine Certificate 检疫证书Quarantine Office 检疫所Quarantine Officer 检疫官Quarter-master, Helmsman 舵长Rat trap 捕鼠夹Readjust 再调整Recommend 介绍,推荐Reconcile 调停Recondition 修理,修复Record 记录,记载单Red tape 麻烦手续Reefer cargo 冷藏货Reeve 穿绳入孔Refrigerating 冷藏的Reject 不受理,退还Rely on 依靠,指望Remainder 其余的(货物)Remaining 剩余的Remark 批注Repatriate 遣送者Repatriation 遣送回船籍港Replenishment 补充,添加Report for work 上班,上工Request 申请,请求Requirement 需要Reserved 保留的Residue 残余Resume 重新开始,,继续Reverse 倒转Rifle 步枪,来复枪Rig 安装,配置Rigging 帆缆索具Right-handed 向右旋转的Roadstead 开敞锚地,港外锚地Roll 横摇Rotation 依次,轮流Rotten 腐败的Rough timber 粗加工木材Routine 日常的,常规的Rudder 舵Rug rope= tow rope 拖缆Run 路线,航线Run out= expire 满期,用尽Runner 吊索,辘绳Running gear 传送装置Rush mat 苇席Rusty 生锈的S/O= shipping order 装货单Safety net 安全网Sailing 开航,航行Sailing directions 航路指南Sailing permit 开航许可证Sanitary 卫生的Scale 尺度,比例尺Scale 刮掉Screw 螺旋Sea speed 海上营运速度Seaman’s bo ok 海员证Seamen’s Club海员俱乐部Seasick 晕船Seaway 航路See one’s way to do有可能,想出办法Separate 分隔Set in 开始(雨,潮,雾)Settle 处理,解决Severe 严厉的Shackle 一节链Shackle pin 卸扣销钉Sharp bend 急转弯Shift 工班,轮班Shift 挪动Shifting order 移泊通知Ship 装货,装上船Ship Builder’s Certificate 造船证明书Ship chandler 船具商,船舶供应商Ship’s cargo gear船上装卸设备Ship’s Certificate of Load-line 船舶载重线证书Ship’s Certificate of Nationality船舶国籍证书Ship’s Certificate of Registry船舶登记证Ship’s Certificate of Survey船舶检验证Ship’s Licence船舶执照Shipper 发货人Shipping Articles 船员契约Shipping memo 装货通知书Shipping order 装货单Shipping temperature 货油温度Short 短路,断电Short-landed 短卸的Sidescuttle 舷窗Sign off 辞退,合同期满Sign on 聘用,雇佣Silt 被泥淤塞Simultaneously 同时Single screwed 单螺旋推进的Single up 单绑Sketch 略图Slack away 松出Sling 吊货索环Sling 一吊货,一关货Slip wire 回头钢缆(解脱时用)Slow ahead 前进一Slow astern 后退一Slow speed 低速Smallpox 天花Smoothly 顺利地Smuggled goods 走私货Sort out 选,甄别,拣Sounding 测深Southbound 南行的Spark 火花Specify 详细说明Spill 流出,溢出Spill 漏,溢出Spoil 损坏,糟蹋Spot 场所,地点Spring 倒缆Stability 稳性Stain 弄脏Stamp 盖图章Stand by 做好准备,待命Standardize 标准化Starboard 右舷Statement of facts 事实记录Static 静电的Station on convoy 编队序号Stay rod 拉线杆Steady as she goes 把定Steer 操舵Stern buoy line 尾浮筒缆Stern line 尾缆Stevedorage 装卸费Stevedore (longshoreman) 装卸工人Stevedoring company 装卸公司Steward 服务员Stoker, fireman 司炉,生火Stop her 停车Store-keeper 物品管理员Stores 物料Stow 码垛Stowage plan 配载图Stuffing 装填,塞满Submerge 沉入水下Submit 提交,委托Surgeon 船上医生,外科医生Suspend 暂停Sweeping 地脚货Swing 旋转,掉头Switch on 开,接通Tackle 绞辘,滑车组Take a turn round 走一圈,巡视Take for granted 认为…理所当然Take hold of 握住Take in 装货,收进Take into consideration 考虑,斟酌Taking the pilot aboard 接引航员上船Tally 点数,理货Tally sheet 点数单,理货单Tallyman 理货登机员Tamper with 胡乱触碰,撬坏Tank valve 油舱阀门Tanker 油船Tarpaulin 防水布Tear 撕破Tension winch 自动调节绞缆机Terminal 集装箱码头Tide 潮Tie up 拴牢,停泊Tier 行,列,层Timber 木材Time sheet 装卸时间表Top 举起Top off 装满,装完Tour 巡视,走一圈Towing-off 拖离的Transit 通过,穿过Transshipment cargo 转口货Trim 首尾吃水差Trimming 平舱,均衡Trip 单航次Trip account 航次帐单Tug 拖轮Tug-rope =tow-line 拖缆Turbine 涡轮机Turn-round 船舶在港时间,周转Tweendeck 二层舱Ullage 舱内膨胀余位,空档Underwater 在航行中Unexpected 意外的Union purchase 双杆作业Unseal 封启,拆封Up and down 垂直Vaccination 种痘,预防注射Valid 有效的Veer out 松出Ventilation 通风Verify 核实,证实Very-high-frequency (VHF) 甚高频Vicinity 附近Visa 背签,验讫证Visibility 能见度Vital 重要的,不可缺少的Walkie-talkie 步话机Warehouse 仓库Warehouse Keeper 仓库管理员Warn 警告Watch 值班,当值Watch keeper 值班员Watch officer 值班驾驶员Watch your step 注意脚下Water man 加水人Water tank 水柜,水箱Water-boat 供水船Wear out 磨损Wharfinger 码头管理员Wheel 舵盘Whereabouts 下落,所在Wide berth 远些距离Winchman 绞车手Wind in 卷入Windlass 起锚机Wire 钢丝绳,钢索Wire preventer 钢丝辅助索Wireless Operator 报务员Wood pulp 纸浆Work a hatch 卸货(舱)Wrap 卷,包Yardarm 横桅杆臂Yellow Flag= Quarantine Flag黄旗,检疫旗。



最新海员机⼯英语考试题库单词1/captain A:海员B:⼤副C:船长D:⽔⼿长2/chief engineer A:⼤管轮B:管事C:机⼯D:轮机长3/motorman A:机⼯B:⽔⼿C:⼆副D:⽊匠4/sailor A:服务员B:⽔⼿C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:⼤副B:⼆管轮C:管事D:⽔⼿长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:⼤管轮C:⼆管轮D:⼆副7/carpenter A:管事B:⽔⼿C:⽊匠D:⼆副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:⼤管轮D:⼆管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:⼆副D:⼆管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:⼤厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进⼝14/steering gear room A:出⼝B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:⼤厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:⼤厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼⾁间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:⼆副C:⼤副D:⽔⼿23/bosun A:⽊匠B:海员C:⽔⼿长D:机⼯24/fourth engineer A:⼆管轮B:⼤管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机⼯C:⽊匠D:⽔⼿26/steward A:医⽣B:服务员C:管事D:⼤副27/doctor A:服务员B:⽔⼿C:医⽣D:管事28/engineer A:机⼯B:⼆副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:⽔⼿B:机⼯C:⼤副D:⼤管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳⼿C:卡钳D:斧⼦32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯⼦D:管钳33/file A:锉⼑B:台钳C:刨床D:刮⼑34/hammer A:扳⼿B:榔头/铁锤C:车⼑D:螺丝⼑35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳⼿C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳⼿B:刮⼑C:斧⼦D:车⼑37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:⼿电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧⼦C:刮⼑D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧⼦C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧⼦D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉⼑B:车⼑C:刮⼑D:螺丝⼑42/saw A:凿⼦B:斧⼦C:锯⼦D:台钳43/axe A:锯⼦B:钻C:斧⼦D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:⼿电筒D:起吊⼯具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝⼑D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:⼿电筒B:⽜油枪C:风焊机D:刮⼑48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝⼑49/grease gun A:⽜油枪B:⼿电筒C:起吊⼯具D:螺丝⼑50/lifting gear A:螺丝⼑B:起吊⼯具C:⼿电筒D:斧⼦51/flash light A:斧⼦B:⽜油枪C:⼿电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车⼑B:卡钳C:尺⼦D:盘根⼑53/ruler A:尺⼦B:锯条C:砂轮D:车⼑54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳⼿C:台钳D:环形扳⼿55/ring spanner A:套筒扳⼿B:活络扳⼿C:环形扳⼿D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿⼦B:环形扳⼿C:榔头D:活络扳⼿57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉⼑B:车床C:⼯具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:⼆冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸⽓冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:⼆冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸⽓冲程63/suction stroke A:排⽓冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸⽓冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排⽓冲程C:做功冲程D:吸⽓冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排⽓冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸⽓冲程66/working stroke A:吸⽓冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排⽓冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:⼗字头C:⽓缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:⽓缸套B:⽓缸C:⽓缸盖D:⽓缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:⽓缸套B:填料箱C:扫⽓箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:⽓缸衬B:⽓缸盖C:⽓缸套D:扫⽓⼝71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫⽓⼝C:填料箱D:排⽓⼝72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:⼗字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排⽓⼝78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:⽓缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空⽓起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空⽓起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排⽔泵D:⽔泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却⽔泵C:船底排⽔泵D:海⽔泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡⽔泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排⽔泵D:⽔泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污⽔泵C:压载泵D:供⽔泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上⽡103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空⽓B:空⽓箱C:空调D:⽓塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:⽕炉B:⽓缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造⽔机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造⽔机C:⽔箱D:淡⽔机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓⽃B:运粮机C:漏⽃D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:⽔箱D:⽔管116/ mast A:吊杆B:⼤桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:⽔柜C:⽔房D:淡⽔机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:⽔柜C:油泵D:⽔泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:⽔柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:⽔门B:⽔密舱C:⽔房D:⽔密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡⽔机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:⽓缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车⼑B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造⽔机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:⽓缸给⽔泵B:锅炉给⽔泵C:锅炉⽔泵D:⽓缸⽔泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压⼒表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压⽔泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造⽔机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸⼊阀B:应急阀C:排⽓阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:⽇光灯B:指⽰灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废⽔锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空⽓箱C:⽓阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:⽔密门B:⽔门C:⽔密舱D:⽔密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯⼦D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截⽌阀B、速闭阀C、停⽌阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救⽕泵B、速闭阀C、停⽌阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救⽕泵B、速闭阀C、停⽌阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救⽕泵B、速闭阀C、救⽣艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底⽔泵C、停⽌阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载⽔泵B、舱底⽔泵C、油⽔分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载⽔泵B、舱底⽔泵C、油⽔分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底⽔泵C、油⽔分离器D、压载⽔泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭⽕器B、泡沫C、⼆氧化碳D、⼲粉15 CO2 system A、灭⽕器B、泡沫C、⼆氧化碳系统D、⼲粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭⽕器B、⽕灾警报C、灭⽕系统D、救⽕泵17 dry powder A、灭⽕剂B、⽕灾警报C、灭⽕系统D、⼲粉18 hydrant A、灭⽕器B、消防栓C、灭⽕剂D、⼲粉19 foam A、消防⽪龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、⼲粉20 hoses A、灭⽕器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防⽪龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马⼒B、千⽡C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马⼒B、千⽡C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马⼒B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡⽔B、海⽔C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡⽔B、海⽔C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡⽔B、海⽔C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡⽔B、海⽔C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、⽔⼿C、⼈⼯D、⾃动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、⾃动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、⾃动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、⾃动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、⼈⼯C、运转D、⾃动40 RUNNING A、运转B、⼈⼯C、开关D、⾃动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A 、右车停 B 、双车停 C 、主机定速 D 、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA 、左车微速前进 B 、双车微速进 C 、主机定速D 、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A 、双车全速退 B 、停车 C 、主机定速 D 、微速前进 57 Stop engine A 、微速前进 B 、停车 C 、备车 D 、完车 58 Ring off engines A 、微速前进 B 、停车 C 、主机定速 D 、备车 59 Finished with engine A 、主机定速 B 、停车 C 、备车 D 、完车 60 Emergency full astern A 、主机定速 B 、停车 C 、双车停 D 、强速后退 61 Port fifteen A 、左15度 B 、右15度 C 、右50度 D 、左50度 62 Starboard fifteen A 、左15度 B 、右50度 C 、右15度 D 、左50度 63 Port 10° A 、左舵10 B 、右舵10 C 、左右舵10 D 、右10度 64 Starboard 5° A 、左右舵5 B 、右舵5 C 、左5度 D 、左舵5 绝密★启⽤前2017年⼴州市普通⾼中毕业班综合测试(⼀)理科数学注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(⾮选择题)两部分。


donkey boiler
oil tank
英[ɔɪl tæŋk]
美[ɔɪl tæŋk]
oil pump
英[ɔɪl pʌmp]
美[ɔɪl pʌmp]
watertight door
英[ˈwɔːtətaɪt dɔː(r)]
美[ˈwɔːtərtaɪt dɔːr]
suction stroke
英[ˈsʌkʃn strəʊk]
美[ˈsʌkʃn stroʊk]
compression stroke
英[kəmˈprɛʃən strəʊk]
美[kəmˈprɛʃən stroʊk]
exhaust stroke
英[ɪɡˈzɔːst strəʊk]
美[ɪɡˈzɔːst stroʊk]
working stroke



机工英语词汇Lesson 1condition环境iceberg冰山cloudy多云的coast海岸mountain 山river河tree树flower花island岛rough粗糙international国际的maritime海事organization组织Oil tanker油轮passenger乘客gas tanker气体运输船declare宣布fix修理spring春天deal with处理fruit水果One level up上一层traffic jam交通堵塞studying学习department store百货商店mind介意telephone电话fly home乘飞机回家restaurant饭店married已婚single单身never从不red红色summer夏天pop music流行乐Lesson 2bulk carrier 散货船container ship集装箱船oil tanker油船ro-ro ship滚装船passenger ship客船fuel oil燃油lube oil润滑油engine room机舱port 港口cylinder汽缸harbor 港口motorman机工captain船长deck department甲板部engine department轮机部arrangement安排logbook记录簿take the shift接班safety安全will将要deliver传送prohibited禁止passport护照visit访问voyage航程main engine主机generator发电机boiler锅炉purifier分油机compressor压缩机windlass锚机crane克令吊chief engineer轮机长chief officer大副unattended machinery space无人机舱Lesson 3piston活塞connect连杆atomizer喷雾器camshaft凸轮轴crankshaft曲轴stuffing box填料函crosshead 十字头bearing轴承scavenge扫气frame机架bedplate机座cylinder liner缸套thrust bearing推力轴承valve阀Ring环head头switchboard配电盘transfer传递toolbox工具箱machine机械way道路;方向drilling machine钻孔机quantity数量steam蒸汽yesterday昨天worn out磨损suction 吸入compression 压缩expansion 膨胀exhaust 排气Lesson 4auxiliary 辅助的pump泵centrifugal离心的separator分离机compressor压缩机generator发电机gear齿轮windlass 锚机boiler锅炉replace更换exchanger交换器crane吊mooring winch绞缆机reciprocating往复的ejector喷射器brief trial试车energy能量fire-tube烟管chandler供应商Supply提供near附近how many多少before之前spare part备件more更多的operation操作donkey boiler辅锅炉test测试motor马达check检查change更换remove 移动;迁移impurity 杂质prevent 防止scale 水垢clarifier 分杂机suitable 适当的Lesson 5electric电sea water海水fresh water淡水turning gear盘车机incinerator焚烧炉purifier 分水机favor 赞成;喜欢together一起past过去now现在need 需要leave(left)离开couple 对occasionally 偶尔enough足够anti-pollution 防污染function 功能sewage 生活污水ballast water 压载水bilge water 舱底水discharge 排放detain 滞留fine 罚款shore岸reception 接受facility 设施garbage 垃圾gather 收集sort 分类Lesson 6leather glove皮手套cotton glove 棉手套hammer锤子helmet头盔shift spanner活口扳手pliers钳子screwdriver螺丝刀electric torch手电筒electric driver电钻box spanner套筒扳手fire fighting消防stabilizer减摇鳍double offset ring spanner双头梅花扳手plastic 塑料pipe 管run out 耗尽filter 滤器small 小second engineer 大管轮sea chest 海底门insulation 绝缘broken 损坏produce 生产Lesson 7telegraph车钟steering gear舵机bridge 驾驶台workshop 工作间engine control room 集控室navigation航行correct改正stand by engine备车ahead正车astern倒车dead slow慢车gangway舷梯try试phone 电话cold 冷的longer 更长的preparation 准备sail 启航on time 按时correct 改正affected 影响answer 回答before 之前departure 出发arrival 到达reversing 换向Control 控制proper 适当的level 液位temperature 温度close 关闭steam 蒸汽specific gravity 比重Lesson 8lifeboat 救生艇breathing 呼吸apparatus 设备caught fire 着火dangerous 危险goods 物品mark 标记wheeled 舟车式carbon dioxide 二氧化碳portable 便携的put out 熄灭abnormal 反常的overload 超载blackout 失电spreading 传播hit 碰撞out of order 发生故障starboard 右舷bow 船首emergency 应急another 另一个halt 停止cylinder knocking 敲缸cut off 切断dry powder 干粉water 水foam 泡沫alarm 警报personnel 人员report 报告find 找到cause 原因tag 标签extinguisher 灭火器collision 碰撞muster list 应变部署表Lesson 9sinking 沉没listing 倾斜grounding 搁浅pirate 海盗flooding 进水lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣life raft 救生筏port 左舷forepeak 艏尖舱mouth 嘴worse 更糟leakage 泄露flow 流量spill 溢出medical assistance 医疗救助clear 清除injured 受伤的filling line 装油管线overboard 落水nobody 没有人inform 通知pollution 污染record 记录artificial respiration 人工呼吸saw dust 锯屑rag 破布oil boom 围油栏oil dispersant 消油剂blast 响声short 短的long 长的Lesson 11where 哪里get 得到assemble 集合treat 处理examine 检测store 储存annual 年度burnt 燃烧aging 老化 a little 少量quarter 季度cabin 住舱certificate 证书purpose 目的clean 打扫above 超过inspection 检查other 其他convention 公约build 建立first aid 急救plan 计划shipboard 船how often 多久drill 演习once 一次Lesson 12security 保安guidance 指导june 六月valid 有效invalid 失效obstruct 障碍物regulation 规定many 很多week 星期wall 墙well-kept 保持良好bookcase 书架management 管理assessment 评估company 公司Lesson 13In-line engine 直列发动机Cross scavenging 横流扫气Uniflow scavenging 直流扫气Loop scavenging 回流扫气Look through 浏览Frequently 经常let’s 让我们Seize 卡住all the time 始终Maybe 也许condition 情况Unstable 不稳定output 输出Regularinterval 定期blow 吹Parallel 并电drain cock 排水旋塞Bend 弯曲Corrosive 腐蚀Neutralize 中和acid 酸性Product 产物lack 缺乏Refrigerant 制冷剂dirty 脏Evaporator 蒸发器solenoid 电磁Special 特殊。



1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。



修订版海员机工英语考库单词【精】1/captain A:海员 B:大副C:船长 D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮 B:管事 C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工 B:水手 C:二副 D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手 C:三管轮 D:海员5/chief officer A:大副 B:二管轮 C:管事 D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮 C:二管轮 D:二副7/carpenter A:管事 B:水手C:木匠 D:二副8/third engineer A:三副 B:服务员 C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副 B:三管轮 C:二副 D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员 C:三副 D:管事11/bridge A:大厅 B:会议室C:驾驶台 D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱 B厕所 C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室 B:机舱 C:锅炉房 D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房 C:机舱 D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅 B:物料间C:机舱 D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅 B:吸烟室 C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院 B:浴室 C:物料间 D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室 C:货舱 D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间 B:驾驶台C:货舱 D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间 B:控制室 C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员 B:船长 C:管事 D:服务员22/second officer A:三副 B:二副 C:大副 D:水手23/bosun A:木匠 B:海员C:水手长 D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮 B:大管轮 C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事 B:机工 C:木匠 D:水手26/steward A:医生 B:服务员 C:管事 D:大副27/doctor A:服务员 B:水手C:医生 D:管事28/engineer A:机工 B:二副 C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员 B:轮机员 C:服务员 D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工 C:大副 D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺 B:扳手 C:卡钳 D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头 B:车床 C:锯子 D:管钳33/file A:锉刀 B:台钳 C:刨床 D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手 B:榔头/铁锤 C:车刀 D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳 B:扳手 C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手 B:刮刀 C:斧子 D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳 C:钻 D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床 B:斧子C:刮刀 D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳 B:斧子 C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床 B:车床 C:斧子 D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀 B:车刀 C:刮刀 D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子 B:斧子C:锯子 D:台钳43/axe A:锯子 B:钻 C:斧子 D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺 B:榔头 C:电焊机D:钻快乐45/tap A:螺丝攻 B:螺丝 C:手电筒 D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机 C:螺丝刀 D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒 B:牛油枪C:风焊机 D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机 B:螺丝 C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪 B:手电筒 C:起吊工具 D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具 C:手电筒 D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子 B:牛油枪C:手电筒 D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀 B:卡钳 C:尺子 D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子 B:锯条 C:砂轮 D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手 C:台钳 D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手 B:活络扳手C:环形扳手 D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子 B:环形扳手 C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床 B:磨床 C:车床 D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床 C:刨床 D:车床59/tool A:锉刀 B:车床C:工具 D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床 B:刨床 C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机 B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程 D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机 C:压缩冲程 D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程 D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程 B:排气冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程 C:压缩冲程 D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞 B:十字头C:气缸 D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套 B:气缸 C:气缸盖 D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套 B:填料箱 C:扫气箱 D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖 C:气缸套 D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头 B:扫气口C:填料箱 D:排气口72/piston A:机座 B:底座 C:连杆 D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头 B:活塞裙 C:活塞杆 D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙 C:活塞头 D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞 B:活塞头C:活塞杆 D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄 B:活塞 C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆 B:增压器 C:底座 D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄 C:主轴 D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机 B:飞轮 C:螺旋桨 D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴 B:控制台 C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机 B:螺旋桨 C:调节器 D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴 B:喷油器 C:注油器 D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器 B:调节器C:调速器 D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器 B:喷油器 C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器 B:调速器 C:喷油器 D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架 C:气缸 D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴 B:曲柄C:曲轴 D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴 B:轴承 C:轴D:主轴快乐89/cooling system A:冷却系统 B:润滑系统 C:燃油系统 D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统 C:空气起动系统 D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:船底排水泵 D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵 B:冷却水泵 C:船底排水泵 D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:循环泵 D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵 C:船底排水泵 D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵 B:污水泵 C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵 B:柴油泵C:增压泵 D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴 B:连杆 C:活塞 D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封 B:机轴C:轴承 D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬 B:轴环 C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆 B:螺旋桨 C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕 B:轴座 C:轴销 D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承 B:连杆 C:轴承 D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机 C:绞盘机 D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机 B:锚C:锚机 D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气 B:空气箱 C:空调 D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮 B:操作器 C:齿轮 D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机 B:油泵 C:分离机 D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉 B:气缸 C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆 B:轴杆 C:吊绳 D:锚110/generator A:电源开关 B:造水机 C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机 B:螺旋桨 C:搅拌机 D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机 B:造水机 C:水箱 D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机 B:起锚机C:起重机 D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗 B:运粮机 C:漏斗 D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱 C:水箱 D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅 C:帆布 D:连杆117/radar A:雷达 B:导向仪 C:测向仪 D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜 C:水房 D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话 B:雷达 C:电报机 D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜 B:水柜 C:油泵 D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐 B:水柜C:油泵 D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门 B:水密舱 C:水房 D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器 B:供油器 C:空调 D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器 B:锅炉 C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机 B:分油器 C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀 B:气缸 C:警报器 D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀 B:车间C:车床 D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器 B:应急造水机 C:应急发电机 D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵 B:锅炉给水泵 C:锅炉水泵 D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分油机 C:空调 D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器 B:调节器C:涡沦增压器 D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器 B:制冷机C:压缩机 D:分油机快乐133/ condenser A:冷凝器 B:调速器 C:滤油器 D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机 B:压缩机 C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表 B:湿度计C:压力表 D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器 C:警报器 D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机 B:主机 C:热机 D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分流机 C:空调 D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉 B:发电机C:焚烧炉 D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器 B:电车床 C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机 C:加速器 D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉 B:蒸汽增压机 C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵 B:压缩泵 C:压水泵 D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机 B:造水机 C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮 B:涡轮 C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀 B:应急阀C:排气阀 D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮 B:舵机 C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯 C:装货灯 D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器 B:遥控器 C:加速器 D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉 B:蒸汽锅炉 C:辅助锅炉 D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘 B:起重机 C:起货机 D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机 B:空气箱 C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机 B:操作轮 C:齿轮 D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达 B:散热器 C:放射 D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇 C:飞轮 D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门 B:水门 C:水密舱 D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长 B:船头 C:船尾 D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出 B:电灯 C:梯子 D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射 C:加油器 D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器 B:加速器 C:冷凝器 D:清洁器161/compass A:包括 B:超越C:指南针 D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮 B:砂轮 C:车轮 D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机 C:齿轮 D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、救生艇机 D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机 B、舱底水泵 C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵 B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉 B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油 C、燃油 D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、润滑油 D、柴油快乐13 grease A、轻油B、油脂 C、燃料油 D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳 D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳系统 D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统 D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂 B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、灭火剂 D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机 B、停车C、主机 D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机 B、停车 C、主车 D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电 C、发电机 D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电 B、交流电 C、发电机 D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障 B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障 B、警报 C、锚机 D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障29 H/P A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船 C、转/分 D、主机31 D/O A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水 B、海水C、燃油 D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油35 A/B A、开关 B、水手 C、人工 D、自动36 ON A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动37 OFF A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动38 AUTO A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工 C、运转 D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转 B、人工 C、开关 D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进 B、全速后退 C、微速后退 D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进 B、全速前进 C、半速后退 D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进 B、左车微速前进 C、右车微速后退 D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进 B、左车半速后退 C、右车微速后退 D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、右车半速后退 D、快乐左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停 B、双车停 C、主机定速 D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进 B、双车微速进 C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速 B、停车 C、双车停 D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度 B、右15度 C、右50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度 B、右50度C、右15度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵1064 Starboard 5° A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度。



精品文档1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻.。

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1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。
