1 概述超声波加工及其应用超声波加工是一种非传统机械切削技术,通常与低材料去除率有关,它并不被加工材料的导电率和化学特性所限制,它用于加工金属和非金属材料,非常适合于脆性大,硬度高于40HRC[6–12]的材料,比如无机玻璃、硅片、镍、钛合金等等 [13–24],有了它,76um 的小孔也能加工,但是被加工的孔深度与直径之比限制在 3 比 1 之内 [8, 12]。
超声波加工的历史可以追溯到 1927 年,R. W. Wood 和 A. L. Loomis 发表的论文,1945年。
有关于超声波的第一项专利给了 L. Balamuth,现在超声波加工已经分化很多领域,超声波钻削、超声波切削、超声波尺寸加工、超声波研磨技术和悬浮液钻孔法,然而,在 20世纪 50 年代初只普遍知道超声波冲磨或 USM[8,25, 28, 30, 31]。
在超声波加工中,高频率的电能通过换能器/增幅器被转变为机械振动,之后通过一个能量集中装置被传送出去, 例如变幅杆/刀具组件[1, 17, 18, 30, 32]。
这导致刀具沿着其纵向轴线以振幅 0-50μm 高频率振动(通常≥20KHz)[16, 33, 34],典型额定功率范围从50~3000W[35]不等,在某些机器上可以达到 4kw。
附录附录1英文原文Basic Machining Operations and Cutting Technology Basic Machining OperationsMachine tools have evolved from the early foot-powered lathes of the Egyptians and John Wilkinson's boring mill. They are designed to provide rigid support for both the workpiece and the cutting tool and can precisely control their relative positions and the velocity of the tool with respect to the workpiece. Basically, in metal cutting, a sharpened wedge-shaped tool removes a rather narrow strip of metal from the surface of a ductile workpiece in the form of a severely deformed chip. The chip is a waste product that is considerably shorter than the workpiece from which it came but with a corresponding increase in thickness of the uncut chip. The geometrical shape of workpiece depends on the shape of the tool and its path during the machining operation.Most machining operations produce parts of differing geometry. If a rough cylindrical workpiece revolves about a central axis and the tool penetrates beneath its surface and travels parallel to the center of rotation, a surface of revolution is produced, and the operation is called turning. If a hollow tube is machined on the inside in a similar manner, the operation is called boring. Producing an external conical surface uniformly varying diameter is called taper turning, if the tool point travels in a path of varying radius, a contoured surface like that of a bowling pin can be produced; or, if the piece is short enough and the support is sufficiently rigid, a contoured surface could be produced by feeding a shaped tool normal to the axis of rotation. Short tapered or cylindrical surfaces could also be contour formed.Flat or plane surfaces are frequently required. They can be generated by radial turning or facing, in which the tool point moves normal to the axis of rotation. In other cases, it is more convenient to hold the workpiece steady and reciprocate the tool across it in a series of straight-line cuts with a crosswise feed increment before each cutting stroke. This operation is called planning and is carried out on a shaper. For larger pieces it is easier to keep the tool stationary and draw the workpiece under it as in planning. The tool is fed at each reciprocation. Contoured surfaces can be produced by using shaped tools.Multiple-edged tools can also be used. Drilling uses a twin-edged fluted tool for holes with depths up to 5 to 10 times the drill diameter. Whether thedrill turns or the workpiece rotates, relative motion between the cutting edge and the workpiece is the important factor. In milling operations a rotary cutter with a number of cutting edges engages the workpiece. Which moves slowly with respect to the cutter. Plane or contoured surfaces may be produced, depending on the geometry of the cutter and the type of feed. Horizontal or vertical axes of rotation may be used, and the feed of the workpiece may be in any of the three coordinate directions.Basic Machine ToolsMachine tools are used to produce a part of a specified geometrical shape and precise I size by removing metal from a ductile material in the form of chips. The latter are a waste product and vary from long continuous ribbons of a ductile material such as steel, which are undesirable from a disposal point of view, to easily handled well-broken chips resulting from cast iron. Machine tools perform five basic metal-removal processes: I turning, planning, drilling, milling, and grinding. All other metal-removal processes are modifications of these five basic processes. For example, boring is internal turning; reaming, tapping, and counter boring modify drilled holes and are related to drilling; bobbing and gear cutting are fundamentally milling operations; hack sawing and broaching are a form of planning and honing; lapping, super finishing. Polishing and buffing are variants of grinding or abrasive removal operations. Therefore, there are only four types of basic machine tools, which use cutting tools of specific controllable geometry: 1. lathes, 2. planers, 3. drilling machines, and 4. milling machines. The grinding process forms chips, but the geometry of the abrasive grain is uncontrollable.The amount and rate of material removed by the various machining processes may be I large, as in heavy turning operations, or extremely small, as in lapping or super finishing operations where only the high spots of a surface are removed.A machine tool performs three major functions: 1. it rigidly supports the workpiece or its holder and the cutting tool; 2. it provides relative motion between the workpiece and the cutting tool; 3. it provides a range of feeds and speeds usually ranging from 4 to 32 choices in each case.Speed and Feeds in MachiningSpeeds, feeds, and depth of cut are the three major variables for economical machining. Other variables are the work and tool materials, coolant and geometry of the cutting tool. The rate of metal removal and power required for machining depend upon these variables.The depth of cut, feed, and cutting speed are machine settings that must be established in any metal-cutting operation. They all affect the forces, the power, and the rate of metal removal. They can be defined by paring them to the needle and record of a phonograph. The cutting speed (V) is represented by the velocity of- the record surface relative to the needle in the tone arm at any instant. Feed is represented by the advance of the needle radially inward per revolution, or is thedifference in position between two adjacent grooves. The depth of cut is the penetration of the needle into the record or the depth of the grooves.Turning on Lathe CentersThe basic operations performed on an engine lathe are illustrated. Those operations performed on external surfaces with a single point cutting tool are called turning. Except for drilling, reaming, and lapping, the operations on internal surfaces are also performed by a single point cutting tool.All machining operations, including turning and boring, can be classified as roughing, finishing, or semi-finishing. The objective of a roughing operation is to remove the bulk of the material as rapidly and as efficiently as possible, while leaving a small amount of material on the work-piece for the finishing operation. Finishing operations are performed to obtain the final size, shape, and surface finish on the workpiece. Sometimes a semi-finishing operation will precede the finishing operation to leave a small predetermined and uniform amount of stock on the work-piece to be removed by the finishing operation.Generally, longer workpieces are turned while supported on one or two lathe centers. Cone shaped holes, called center holes, which fit the lathe centers are drilled in the ends of the workpiece-usually along the axis of the cylindrical part. The end of the workpiece adjacent to the tailstock is always supported by a tailstock center, while the end near the headstock may be supported by a headstock center or held in a chuck. The headstock end of the workpiece may be held in a four-jaw chuck, or in a type chuck. This method holds the workpiece firmly and transfers the power to the workpiece smoothly; the additional support to the workpiece provided by the chuck lessens the tendency for chatter to occur when cutting. Precise results can be obtained with this method if care is taken to hold the workpiece accurately in the chuck.Very precise results can be obtained by supporting the workpiece between two centers. A lathe dog is clamped to the workpiece; together they are driven by a driver plate mounted on the spindle nose. One end of the Workpiece is mecained;then the workpiece can be turned around in the lathe to machine the other end. The center holes in the workpiece serve as precise locating surfaces as well as bearing surfaces to carry the weight of the workpiece and to resist the cutting forces. After the workpiece has been removed from the lathe for any reason, the center holes will accurately align the workpiece back in the lathe or in another lathe, or in a cylindrical grinding machine. The workpiece must never be held at the headstock end by both a chuck and a lathe center. While at first thought this seems like a quick method of aligning the workpiece in the chuck, this must not be done because it is not possible to press evenly with the jaws against the workpiece while it is also supported by the center. The alignment provided by the center will not be maintained and the pressure of the jaws may damage the center hole, the lathe center, and perhapseven the lathe spindle. pensating or floating jaw chucks used almost exclusively on high production work provide an exception to the statements made above. These chucks are really work drivers and cannot be used for the same purpose as ordinary three or four-jaw chucks.While very large diameter work pieces are sometimes mounted on two centers, they are preferably held at the headstock end by faceplate jaws to obtain the smooth power transmission; moreover, large lathe dogs that are adequate to transmit the power not generally available, although they can be made as a special. Faceplate jaws are like chuck jaws except that they are mounted on a faceplate, which has less overhang from the spindle bearings than a large chuck would have.Introduction of MachiningMachining as a shape-producing method is the most universally used and the most important of all manufacturing processes. Machining is a shape-producing process in which a power-driven device causes material to be removed in chip form. Most machining is done with equipment that supports both the work piece and cutting tool although in some cases portable equipment is used with unsupported work piece.Low setup cost for small Quantities. Machining has two applications in manufacturing. For casting, forging, and press working, each specific shape to be produced, even one part, nearly always has a high tooling cost. The shapes that may he produced by welding depend to a large degree on the shapes of raw material that are available. By making use of generally high cost equipment but without special tooling, it is possible, by machining; to start with nearly any form of raw material, so tong as the exterior dimensions are great enough, and produce any desired shape from any material. Therefore .machining is usually the preferred method for producing one or a few parts, even when the design of the part would logically lead to casting, forging or press working if a high quantity were to be produced.Close accuracies, good finishes. The second application for machining is based on the high accuracies and surface finishes possible. Many of the parts machined in low quantities would be produced with lower but acceptable tolerances if produced in high quantities by some other process. On the other hand, many parts are given their general shapes by some high quantity deformation process and machined only on selected surfaces where high accuracies are needed. Internal threads, for example, are seldom produced by any means other than machining and small holes in press worked parts may be machined following the press working operations.Primary Cutting ParametersThe basic tool-work relationship in cutting is adequately described by means of four factors: tool geometry, cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut.The cutting tool must be made of an appropriate material; it must be strong, tough, hard, and wear resistant. The tool s geometry characterized by planes and angles, must be correct for each cutting operation. Cutting speed is the rate at which the work surface passes by the cutting edge. It may be expressed in feet per minute.For efficient machining the cutting speed must be of a magnitude appropriate to the particular work-tool bination. In general, the harder the work material, the slower the speed.Feed is the rate at which the cutting tool advances into the work piece. "Where the work piece or the tool rotates, feed is measured in inches per revolution. When the tool or the work reciprocates, feed is measured in inches per stroke, Generally, feed varies inversely with cutting speed for otherwise similar conditions.The depth of cut, measured inches is the distance the tool is set into the work. It is the width of the chip in turning or the thickness of the chip in a rectilinear cut. In roughing operations, the depth of cut can be larger than for finishing operations.The Effect of Changes in Cutting Parameters on Cutting TemperaturesIn metal cutting operations heat is generated in the primary and secondary deformation zones and these results in a plex temperature distribution throughout the tool, work piece and chip. A typical set of isotherms is shown in figure where it can be seen that, as could be expected, there is a very large temperature gradient throughout the width of the chip as the work piece material is sheared in primary deformation and there is a further large temperature in the chip adjacent to the face as the chip is sheared in secondary deformation. This leads to a maximum cutting temperature a short distance up the face from the cutting edge and a small distance into the chip.Since virtually all the work done in metal cutting is converted into heat, it could be expected that factors which increase the power consumed per unit volume of metal removed will increase the cutting temperature. Thus an increase in the rake angle, all other parameters remaining constant, will reduce the power per unit volume of metal removed and the cutting temperatures will reduce. When considering increase in unreformed chip thickness and cutting speed the situation is more plex. An increase in undeformed chip thickness tends to be a scale effect where the amounts of heat which pass to the work piece, the tool and chip remain in fixed proportions and the changes in cutting temperature tend to be small. Increase in cutting speed; however, reduce the amount of heat which passes into the work piece and this increase the temperature rise of the chip m primary deformation. Further, the secondary deformation zone tends to be smaller and this has the effect of increasing the temperatures in this zone. Other changes in cutting parameters have virtually no effect on the power consumed per unit volume of metal removed and consequently have virtually no effect on the cutting temperatures. Since it has been shown that even small changes in cuttingtemperature have a significant effect on tool wear rate it is appropriate to indicate how cutting temperatures can be assessed from cutting data.The most direct and accurate method for measuring temperatures in high -speed-steel cutting tools is that of Wright &. Trent which also yields detailed information on temperature distributions in high-speed-steel cutting tools. The technique is based on the metallographic examination of sectioned high-speed-steel tools which relates microstructure changes to thermal history.Trent has described measurements of cutting temperatures and temperature distributions for high-speed-steel tools when machining a wide range of work piece materials. This technique has been further developed by using scanning electron microscopy to study fine-scale microstructure changes arising from over tempering of the tempered martens tic matrix of various high-speed-steels. This technique has also been used to study temperature distributions in both high-speed -steel single point turning tools and twist drills.Wears of Cutting ToolDiscounting brittle fracture and edge chipping, which have already been dealt with, tool wear is basically of three types. Flank wear, crater wear, and notch wear. Flank wear occurs on both the major and the minor cutting edges. On the major cutting edge, which is responsible for bulk metal removal, these results in increased cutting forces and higher temperatures which if left unchecked can lead to vibration of the tool and work piece and a condition where efficient cutting can no longer take place. On the minor cutting edge, which determines work piece size and surface finish, flank wear can result in an oversized product which has poor surface finish. Under most practical cutting conditions, the tool will fail due to major flank wear before the minor flank wear is sufficiently large to result in the manufacture of an unacceptable ponent.Because of the stress distribution on the tool face, the frictional stress in the region of sliding contact between the chip and the face is at a maximum at the start of the sliding contact region and is zero at the end. Thus abrasive wear takes place in this region with more wear taking place adjacent to the seizure region than adjacent to the point at which the chip loses contact with the face. This result in localized pitting of the tool face some distance up the face which is usually referred to as catering and which normally has a section in the form of a circular arc. In many respects and for practical cutting conditions, crater wear is a less severe form of wear than flank wear and consequently flank wear is a more mon tool failure criterion. However, since various authors have shown that the temperature on the face increases more rapidly with increasing cutting speed than the temperature on the flank, and since the rate of wear of any type is significantly affected by changes in temperature, crater wear usually occurs at high cutting speeds.At the end of the major flank wear land where the tool is in contact with the uncut work piece surface it is mon for the flank wear to be more pronounced than along the rest of the wear land. This is because of localised effects such as a hardened layer on the uncut surface caused by work hardening introduced by a previous cut, an oxide scale, and localised high temperatures resulting from the edge effect. This localised wear is usually referred to as notch wear and occasionally is very severe. Although the presence of the notch will not significantly affect the cutting properties of the tool, the notch is often relatively deep and if cutting were to continue there would be a good chance that the tool would fracture.If any form of progressive wear allowed to continue, dramatically and the tool would fail catastrophically, i. e. the tool would be no longer capable of cutting and, at best, the work piece would be scrapped whilst, at worst, damage could be caused to the machine tool. For carbide cutting tools and for all types of wear, the tool is said to have reached the end of its useful life long before the onset of catastrophic failure. For high-speed-steel cutting tools, however, where the wear tends to be non-uniform it has been found that the most meaningful and reproducible results can be obtained when the wear is allowed to continue to the onset of catastrophic failure even though, of course, in practice a cutting time far less than that to failure would be used. The onset of catastrophic failure is characterized by one of several phenomena, the most mon being a sudden increase in cutting force, the presence of burnished rings on the work piece, and a significant increase in the noise level.Mechanism of Surface Finish ProductionThere are basically five mechanisms which contribute to the production of a surface which have been machined. These are:(l) The basic geometry of the cutting process. In, for example, single point turning the tool will advance a constant distance axially per revolution of the workpiecc and the resultant surface will have on it, when viewed perpendicularly to the direction of tool feed motion, a series of cusps which will have a basic form which replicates the shape of the tool in cut.(2) The efficiency of the cutting operation. It has already been mentioned that cutting with unstable built-up-edges will produce a surface which contains hard built-up-edge fragments which will result in a degradation of the surface finish. It can also be demonstrated that cutting under adverse conditions such as apply when using large feeds small rake angles and low cutting speeds, besides producing conditions which lead to unstable built-up-edge production, the cutting process itself can bee unstable and instead of continuous shear occurring in the shear zone, tearing takes place, discontinuous chips of uneven thickness are produced, and the resultant surface is poor. This situation is particularly noticeable when machining very ductile materials such as copper and aluminum.(3) The stability of the machine tool. Under some binations of cutting conditions; work piece size, method of clamping ,and cutting tool rigidity relative to the machine tool structure, instability can be set up in the tool which causes it to vibrate. Under some conditions this vibration will reach and maintain steady amplitude whilst under other conditions the vibration will built up and unless cutting is stopped considerable damage to both the cutting tool and work piece may occur. This phenomenon is known as chatter and in axial turning is characterized by long pitch helical bands on the work piece surface and short pitch undulations on the transient machined surface.(4)The effectiveness of removing swarf. In discontinuous chip production machining, such as milling or turning of brittle materials, it is expected that the chip (swarf) will leave the cutting zone either under gravity or with the assistance of a jet of cutting fluid and that they will not influence the cut surface in any way. However, when continuous chip production is evident, unless steps are taken to control the swarf it is likely that it will impinge on the cut surface and mark it. Inevitably, this marking besides looking.(5)The effective clearance angle on the cutting tool. For certain geometries of minor cutting edge relief and clearance angles it is possible to cut on the major cutting edge and burnish on the minor cutting edge. This can produce a good surface finish but, of course, it is strictly a bination of metal cutting and metal forming and is not to be remended as a practical cutting method. However, due to cutting tool wear, these conditions occasionally arise and lead to a marked change in the surface characteristics.Limits and TolerancesMachine parts are manufactured so they are interchangeable. In other words, each part of a machine or mechanism is made to a certain size and shape so will fit into any other machine or mechanism of the same type. To make the part interchangeable, each individual part must be made to a size that will fit the mating part in the correct way. It is not only impossible, but also impractical to make many parts to an exact size. This is because machines are not perfect, and the tools bee worn. A slight variation from the exact size is always allowed. The amount of this variation depends on the kind of part being manufactured. For examples part might be made 6 in. long with a variation allowed of 0.003 (three-thousandths) in. above and below this size. Therefore, the part could be 5.997 to 6.003 in. and still be the correct size. These are known as the limits. The difference between upper and lower limits is called the tolerance.A tolerance is the total permissible variation in the size of a part.The basic size is that size from which limits of size arc derived by the application of allowances and tolerances.Sometimes the limit is allowed in only one direction. This is known as unilateral tolerance.Unilateral tolerancing is a system of dimensioning where the tolerance (that is variation) is shown in only one direction from the nominal size. Unilateral tolerancing allow the changing of tolerance on a hole or shaft without seriously affecting the fit.When the tolerance is in both directions from the basic size it is known as a bilateral tolerance (plus and minus).Bilateral tolerancing is a system of dimensioning where the tolerance (that is variation) is split and is shown on either side of the nominal size. Limit dimensioning is a system of dimensioning where only the maximum and minimum dimensions arc shown. Thus, the tolerance is the difference between these two dimensions.Surface Finishing and Dimensional ControlProducts that have been pleted to their proper shape and size frequently require some type of surface finishing to enable them to satisfactorily fulfill their function. In some cases, it is necessary to improve the physical properties of the surface material for resistance to penetration or abrasion. In many manufacturing processes, the product surface is left with dirt .chips, grease, or other harmful material upon it. Assemblies that are made of different materials, or from the same materials processed in different manners, may require some special surface treatment to provide uniformity of appearance.Surface finishing may sometimes bee an intermediate step processing. For instance, cleaning and polishing are usually essential before any kind of plating process. Some of the cleaning procedures are also used for improving surface smoothness on mating parts and for removing burrs and sharp corners, which might be harmful in later use. Another important need for surface finishing is for corrosion protection in a variety of: environments. The type of protection procedure will depend largely upon the anticipated exposure, with due consideration to the material being protected and the economic factors involved.Satisfying the above objectives necessitates the use of main surface-finishing methods that involve chemical change of the surface mechanical work affecting surface properties, cleaning by a variety of methods, and the application of protective coatings, organic and metallic.In the early days of engineering, the mating of parts was achieved by machining one part as nearly as possible to the required size, machining the mating part nearly to size, and then pleting its machining, continually offering the other part to it, until the desired relationship was obtained. If it was inconvenient to offer one part to the other part during machining, the final work was done at the bench by a fitter, who scraped the mating parts until the desired fit was obtained, the fitter therefore being a 'fitter' in the literal sense. J It is obvious that the two parts would have to remain together, and m the event of one having to be replaced, the fitting would have to be done all overagain. In these days, we expect to be able to purchase a replacement for a broken part, and for it to function correctly without the need for scraping and other fitting operations.When one part can be used 'off the shelf' to replace another of the same dimension and material specification, the parts are said to be interchangeable. A system of interchangeability usually lowers the production costs as there is no need for an expensive, 'fiddling' operation, and it benefits the customer in the event of the need to replace worn parts.Automatic Fixture DesignTraditional synchronous grippers for assembly equipment move parts to the gripper centre-line, assuring that the parts will be in a known position after they arc picked from a conveyor or nest. However, in some applications, forcing the part to the centre-line may damage cither the part or equipment. When the part is delicate and a small collision can result in scrap, when its location is fixed by a machine spindle or mould, or when tolerances are tight, it is preferable to make a gripper ply with the position of the part, rather than the other way around. For these tasks, Zaytran Inc. Of Elyria, Ohio, has created the GPN series of non- synchronous, pliant grippers. Because the force and synchronizations systems of the grippers are independent, the synchronization system can be replaced by a precision slide system without affecting gripper force. Gripper sizes range from 51b gripping force and 0.2 in. stroke to 40Glb gripping force and 6in stroke. GrippersProduction is characterized by batch-size being smaller and smaller and greater variety of products. Assembly, being the last production step, is particularly vulnerable to changes in schedules, batch-sizes, and product design. This situation is forcing many panies to put more effort into extensive rationalization and automation of assembly that was previouslyextensive rationalization and automation of assembly that was previously the case. Although the development of flexible fixtures fell quickly behind the development of flexible handling systems such as industrial robots, there are, nonetheless promising attempts to increase the flexibility of fixtures. The fact that fixtures are the essential product - specific investment of a production system intensifies the economic necessity to make the fixture system more flexible.Fixtures can be divided according to their flexibility into special fixtures, group fixtures, modular fixtures and highly flexible fixtures. Flexible fixtures are characterized by their high adaptability to different work pieces, and by low change-over time and expenditure.There are several steps required to generate a fixture, in which a work piece is fixed for a production task. The first step is to define the necessary position of the work piece in the fixture, based on the unmachined or base pan, and the working features. Following this, a bination of stability planes must be selected. These stability planes constitute the fixture configuration in which the work piece is fixed in the defined position, all the forces or torques are pensated, and the。
中英文对照外文翻译英文原文Selection of optimum tool geometry and cutting conditionsusing a surface roughness prediction model for end milling Abstract Influence of tool geometry on the quality of surface produced is well known and hence any attempt to assess the performance of end milling should include the tool geometry. In the present work, experimental studies have been conducted to see the effect of tool geometry (radial rake angle and nose radius) and cutting conditions (cutting speed and feed rate) on the machining performance during end milling of medium carbon steel. The first and second order mathematical models, in terms of machining parameters, were developed for surface roughness prediction using response surface methodology (RSM) on the basis of experimental results. The model selected for optimization has been validated with the Chi square test. The significance of these parameters on surface roughness has been established with analysis of variance. An attempt has also been made to optimize the surface roughness prediction model using genetic algorithms (GA). The GA program gives minimum values of surface roughness and their respective optimal conditions.1 IntroductionEnd milling is one of the most commonly used metal removal operations in industry because of its ability to remove material faster giving reasonably good surface quality. It is used in a variety of manufacturing industries including aerospace and automotive sectors, where quality is an important factor in the production of slots, pockets, precision moulds and dies. Greater attention is given to dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of products by the industry these days. Moreover, surface finish influences mechanical properties such as fatigue behaviour, wear, corrosion, lubrication and electrical conductivity. Thus, measuring and characterizing surface finish can be considered for predicting machining performance.Surface finish resulting from turning operations has traditionally received considerable research attention, where as that of machining processes using multipoint cutters, requires attention by researchers. As these processes involve large number of parameters, it would bedifficult to correlate surface finish with other parameters just by conducting experiments. Modelling helps to understand this kind of process better. Though some amount of work has been carried out to develop surface finish prediction models in the past, the effect of tool geometry has received little attention. However, the radial rake angle has a major affect on the power consumption apart from tangential and radial forces. It also influences chip curling and modifies chip flow direction. In addition to this, researchers [1] have also observed that the nose radius plays a significant role in affecting the surface finish. Therefore the development of a good model should involve the radial rake angle and nose radius along with other relevant factors.Establishment of efficient machining parameters has been a problem that has confronted manufacturing industries for nearly a century, and is still the subject of many studies. Obtaining optimum machining parameters is of great concern in manufacturing industries, where the economy of machining operation plays a key role in the competitive market. In material removal processes, an improper selection of cutting conditions cause surfaces with high roughness and dimensional errors, and it is even possible that dynamic phenomena due to auto excited vibrations may set in [2]. In view of the significant role that the milling operation plays in today’s manufacturing world, there is a need to optimize the machining parameters for this operation. So, an effort has been made in this paper to see the influence of tool geometry(radial rake angle and nose radius) and cutting conditions(cutting speed and feed rate) on the surface finish produced during end milling of medium carbon steel. The experimental results of this work will be used to relate cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius with the machining response i.e. surface roughness by modelling. The mathematical models thus developed are further utilized to find the optimum process parameters using genetic algorithms.2 ReviewProcess modelling and optimization are two important issues in manufacturing. The manufacturing processes are characterized by a multiplicity of dynamically interacting process variables. Surface finish has been an important factor of machining in predicting performance of any machining operation. In order to develop and optimize a surface roughness model, it is essential to understand the current status of work in this area.Davis et al. [3] have investigated the cutting performance of five end mills having various helix angles. Cutting tests were performed on aluminium alloy L 65 for three milling processes (face, slot and side), in which cutting force, surface roughness and concavity of a machined plane surface were measured. The central composite design was used to decide on the number ofexperiments to be conducted. The cutting performance of the end mills was assessed using variance analysis. The affects of spindle speed, depth of cut and feed rate on the cutting force and surface roughness were studied. The investigation showed that end mills with left hand helix angles are generally less cost effective than those with right hand helix angles. There is no significant difference between up milling and down milling with regard tothe cutting force, although the difference between them regarding the surface roughness was large. Bayoumi et al.[4] have studied the affect of the tool rotation angle, feed rate and cutting speed on the mechanistic process parameters (pressure, friction parameter) for end milling operation with three commercially available workpiece materials, 11 L 17 free machining steel, 62- 35-3 free machining brass and 2024 aluminium using a single fluted HSS milling cutter. It has been found that pressure and friction act on the chip – tool interface decrease with the increase of feed rate and with the decrease of the flow angle, while the cutting speed has a negligible effect on some of the material dependent parameters. Process parameters are summarized into empirical equations as functions of feed rate and tool rotation angle for each work material. However, researchers have not taken into account the effects of cutting conditions and tool geometry simultaneously; besides these studies have not considered the optimization of the cutting process.As end milling is a process which involves a large number f parameters, combined influence of the significant parameters an only be obtained by modelling. Mansour and Abdallaet al. [5] have developed a surface roughness model for the end milling of EN32M (a semi-free cutting carbon case hardening steel with improved merchantability). The mathematical model has been developed in terms of cutting speed, feed rate and axial depth of cut. The affect of these parameters on the surface roughness has been carried out using response surface methodology (RSM). A first order equation covering the speed range of 30–35 m/min and a second order equation covering the speed range of 24–38 m/min were developed under dry machining conditions. Alauddin et al. [6] developed a surface roughness model using RSM for the end milling of 190 BHN steel. First and second order models were constructed along with contour graphs for the selection of the proper combination of cutting speed and feed to increase the metal removal rate without sacrificing surface quality. Hasmi et al. [7] also used the RSM model for assessing the influence of the workpiece material on the surface roughness of the machined surfaces. The model was developed for milling operation by conducting experiments on steel specimens. The expression shows, the relationship between the surface roughness and the various parameters; namely, the cutting speed, feed and depth of cut. The above models have not considered the affect of tool geometry on surface roughness.Since the turn of the century quite a large number of attempts have been made to find optimum values of machining parameters. Uses of many methods have been reported in the literature to solve optimization problems for machining parameters. Jain and Jain [8] have used neural networks for modeling and optimizing the machining conditions. The results have been validated by comparing the optimized machining conditions obtained using genetic algorithms. Suresh et al. [9] have developed a surface roughness prediction model for turning mild steel using a response surface methodology to produce the factor affects of the individual process parameters. They have also optimized the turning process using the surface roughness prediction model as the objective function. Considering the above, an attempt has been made in this work to develop a surface roughness model with tool geometry and cutting conditions on the basis of experimental results and then optimize it for the selection of these parameters within the given constraints in the end milling operation.3 MethodologyIn this work, mathematical models have been developed using experimental results with the help of response surface methodolog y. The purpose of developing mathematical models relating the machining responses and their factors is to facilitate the optimization of the machining process. This mathematical model has been used as an objective function and the optimization was carried out with the help of genetic algorithms.3.1 Mathematical formulationResponse surface methodology(RSM) is a combination of mathematical and statistical techniques useful for modelling and analyzing the problems in which several independent variables influence a dependent variable or response. The mathematical models commonly used are represented by:where Y is the machining response, ϕ is the response function and S, f , α, r are milling variables and ∈is the error which is normally distributed about the observed response Y with zero mean.The relationship between surface roughness and other independent variables can be represented as follows,where C is a constant and a, b, c and d are exponents.To facilitate the determination of constants and exponents, this mathematical model will have to be linearized by performing a logarithmic transformation as follows:The constants and exponents C, a, b, c and d can be determined by the method of least squares. The first order linear model, developed from the above functional relationship using least squares method, can be represented as follows:where Y1 is the estimated response based on the first-order equation, Y is the measured surface roughness on a logarithmic scale, x0 = 1 (dummy variable), x1, x2, x3 and x4 are logarithmic transformations of cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius respectively, ∈is the experimental error and b values are the estimates of corresponding parameters.The general second order polynomial response is as given below:where Y2 is the estimated response based on the second order equation. The parameters, i.e. b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b12, b23, b14, etc. are to be estimated by the method of least squares. Validity of the selected model used for optimizing the process parameters has been tested with the help of statistical tests, such as F-test, chi square test, etc. [10].3.2 Optimization using genetic algorithmsMost of the researchers have used traditional optimization techniques for solving machining problems. The traditional methods of optimization and search do not fare well over a broad spectrum of problem domains. Traditional techniques are not efficient when the practical search space is too large. These algorithms are not robust. They are inclined to obtain a local optimal solution. Numerous constraints and number of passes make the machining optimization problem more complicated. So, it was decided to employ genetic algorithms as an optimization technique. GA come under the class of non-traditional search and optimization techniques. GA are different from traditional optimization techniques in the following ways:1.GA work with a coding of the parameter set, not the parameter themselves.2.GA search from a population of points and not a single point.3.GA use information of fitness function, not derivatives or other auxiliary knowledge.4.GA use probabilistic transition rules not deterministic rules.5.It is very likely that the expected GA solution will be the global solution.Genetic algorithms (GA) form a class of adaptive heuristics based on principles derived from the dynamics of natural population genetics. The searching process simulates the natural evaluation of biological creatures and turns out to be an intelligent exploitation of a random search. The mechanics of a GA is simple, involving copying of binary strings. Simplicity of operation and computational efficiency are the two main attractions of the genetic algorithmic approach. The computations are carried out in three stages to get a result in one generation oriteration. The three stages are reproduction, crossover and mutation.In order to use GA to solve any problem, the variable is typically encoded into a string (binary coding) or chromosome structure which represents a possible solution to the given problem. GA begin with a population of strings (individuals) created at random. The fitness of each individual string is evaluated with respect to the given objective function. Then this initial population is operated on by three main operators – reproduction cross over and mutation– to create, hopefully, a better population. Highly fit individuals or solutions are given the opportunity to reproduce by exchanging pieces of their genetic information, in the crossover procedure, with other highly fit individuals. This produces new “offspring” solutions, which share some characteristics taken from both the parents. Mutation is often applied after crossover by altering some genes (i.e. bits) in the offspring. The offspring can either replace the whole population (generational approach) or replace less fit individuals (steady state approach). This new population is further evaluated and tested for some termination criteria. The reproduction-cross over mutation- evaluation cycle is repeated until the termination criteria are met.中文翻译选择最佳工具,几何形状和切削条件利用表面粗糙度预测模型端铣摘要:刀具几何形状对工件表面质量产生的影响是人所共知的,因此,任何成型面端铣设计应包括刀具的几何形状。
A review of research into the role of guide pads 外文翻译
A review of research into the role of guide pads(导向块) inBTA (深孔加工)deep-hole machining关于导向块在深孔加工中作用的评论R. Richardson*, R. BhattiSchool of Engineering, University of Greenwich, Chatham ME4 4AW, UK Accepted 14 August 2000Abstract摘要A review is made of the literature dealing with the role of the guide pads in the boring trepanning association Heller (BTAH) deep-hole machining process.本文将对导向块在深孔加工中的作用进行评论。
The link between processing(加工、处理) and performance (性能)and the burnishing action (抛光)of the guide pads is examined.导向块的加工手段、性能、抛光处理之间的联系已经研究过。
This burnishing action which has previously been described as a finishing operation is in fact an extremely abusive process.抛光这一以前被描述成最终的一步操作实际上是一个十分常用的加工手段。
It is shown that the area of guide pads in contact with(接触) the cut surface(剖面) is at best only 1.2% of their projected surface area during burnishing.已经有研究表明,当导向块和加工表面的投影面只有1.2%的接触时,抛光才能达到最好的效果。
heodolite 经纬仪Water Level 水位仪Level Ruler 水平尺Casing gradienterCoating thickness Measurer 涂层测厚仪Ultrasonic thickness measurer 超声波测厚仪Ultrasonic crack detector 超声波裂纹测试仪Digital thermometer 数字温度计radiation thermometer 辐射温度计Gradient Reader 坡度读数器Electric spark leak hunter 电火花追踪器Volometer 万用表MegaOhmmeter 兆欧表Earthing resistance Reader 接地电阻读数表Plug gauge 圆柱塞规Magnifying glass 放大镜Plummet 铅锤Profile projector 投影仪Pin Gauge针规(不知道和plug gauge的区别在哪里,知道的请指正)Gauge block 块规dial indicator 百分表A vernier caliper 游标卡尺Coordinate Measureing Machine(CMM)三尺元Pressure gague 寸压力计电度厚度测试仪(Electroplating THK.Tester)转(扭)力仪(Twisting Meter)螺纹规(Thread Gauge)块规(Block Gauge)环规(Ring Gauge)力矩计(Torque Meter)塞规(Plug gage)高度仪(Altitude gauge)塞尺/间隙规(Clearance gauge)千分卡尺(Micrometer Calipers )“过” -- “不过”验规(通-止规) [go-no-go gauge]游标卡尺(Vernier Caliper)电子卡尺(Digital caliper)深度千分尺(Depth Micrometer)销(针)规(Pin Gauge)投影仪(Projector )数字高度测量仪(Digital Height Gauge)表面处理测试仪(Surface Finish Tester)内/外径千分尺(Inside/outer Micrometer) 洛(威)氏硬度仪[(HRC/HV) Hardness Tester)]温度计(Thermometer)孔规(Bore Gauge)电子称(Electric/digital Balance)三坐标测试仪 (CMM)万用表(Multimeter)温度计:thermometer台秤:Platform scale水平仪:spirit level1.刀口型直尺:knife straigjht edge2.刀口尺: knife straight edge3.三棱尺 three edges straigjht edge4.四棱尺 four edges straigjht edge5.条式和框式水平仪bar form and square levels6.合像水平仪 imaging level meter7铸铁平板 cast iron surface plate8.岩石平板 granite surface plate9.铸铁平尺 cast iron straigjht edge10.钢平尺和岩石平尺steel and granite straigjht edge11.圆度仪 roundness measuring instrument12.电子水平仪 electronic level meter13.表面粗糙度比较样块铸造表面 roughness comparison specimens cast surface14.表面粗糙度比较样块磨、车、铣、插及刨加工表面roughness comparison specimens-ground,turned,bored,milled,shape and planed 15.表面粗糙度比较样块电火花加工表面roughness comparison specimens spark-erostion machining surfaces16.表面粗糙度比较样块抛光加工表面roughness comparison specimens pollshed surfaces17.接触式仪器的标称特性18.轮廓 profiles19.轨迹轮廓 traced profile20.基准轮廓 reference profile21.总轮廓 total profile22.原始轮廓 primary profile23.残余轮廓 residual profile24.触针式仪器 stylus instrument25.感应位移数字存储触针式量仪 displacement sensitive,digitally storing stylus instrument26.触针式仪器的部件 stylus instrument components27.测量环 measurement loop28.导向基准 renfence guide29.驱动器 drive unit30.测头(传感器)probe(pick-up)31.拾取单元 tracing element32.针尖 stylus tip33.转换器 transducer34.放大器 amplifier35.模/数转换器 analog-to-digital converter36.数据输入data input37.数据输出 data output38.轮廓滤波和评定 profile filtering and evaluation39.轮廓记录器 profile recorder40.仪器的计量特性 metrological characteristics of the instrument41.静测力的变化 change of static measuring force42.静态测力 static measuring force43.动态测量力 dynamic measuring force44.滞后 hysteresis45.测头的测量范围 transmission function for the sine waves46.仪器的测量范围 measuring range of the instrument47.模数转换器的量化步距quantization step of the ADC48.仪器分辨力 instrument resolution49.量程分辨力比 range-to-resolution ratio50.测头线性偏差 probe linearity deviation51.短波传输界限 short-wave transmission limitation52.轮廓垂直成分传输 vertical profile component transmission53表面粗糙度比较样块抛丸、喷砂加工表面roughness comparison specimens shot blasted and blasted surfaces54 产品结构几何量计术规范(GPS)geometrical product specifications(GPS)55表面结构 surface texture56接触式仪器的标称特性 nominal characteristics of contact instruments57 公法线千分尺 micrometer for mearsuring root tangent lenghths of gear teeth 58最大允许误差 maximum permissible error59圆柱直齿渐开线花键量规 gauges for straight cylindrical involute splines60齿厚游标卡尺 Gear tooth verniercalipers61 齿轮渐开线样板 the involute master of gear62齿轮螺旋线样板 the helix master of gear63 矩形花键量规 gauges for straight - sided splines64测量蜗杆 master worm65万能测齿仪 universal gear measuring instrument66万能渐开线检查仪 universal involute measuring instrument67齿轮齿距测量仪 gear circular pictch measuring instrument68万能齿轮测量机 Universal gear measuring machine69 齿轮螺旋线测量仪 gear helix measuring instrument70便携式齿轮齿距测量仪 manual gear circular pitch measuring instrument71便携式齿轮基节测量仪 manual gear base pitch measuring instrument72立式滚刀测量仪 vertical hob measuring instrument73齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪 Gear dual-flank measuring instrument74齿轮单面啮合整体误差测量仪 Gear single-flank meshing integrated error measuring instrument75梯形螺纹量规 gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads76工作螺纹量规 work gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads77校对螺纹量规 check gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads78.梯形螺纹量规型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions of metric trapezoidal screw threads79.普通螺纹量规型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions of gauges purpose screw threads80.非螺纹密封的管螺纹量规 Gauges for pipe threads prcessure-tight joints are not made on the threads81.螺纹千分尺Screw thread micrometer82.最大允许误差 maximum permissible error83.间隙螺纹量规 Clearance screw gauge84.量针Bar gauge85.螺纹样板 Screw thread template86.用螺纹密封的管螺纹量规Gauges for pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads 87.刀具预调测量仪? 精度Accuracy of the presetting instrument88.薄膜式气动量仪Membrane type pneumatic measuring instrument89.光栅线位移测量系统Grating linear displacement measuring system90.光栅角位移测量系统Grating angular displacement measuring system91.磁栅线位移测量系统Magnet-grid linear displacement measuring system92.量块附件Accessories for gauge blocks93.V形架Vee blocks94.比较仪座Comparator stand95.磁性表座Magnetic stand96.万能表座Universal stand for dial indicator一般术语:1.几何量 geometrical product2.量值 value(of a quantity)3.真值 true value(of a quantity)4.约定真值 conventional true value(of a quantity)5.单位 unit(of measurement)6.测量 measurement7.测试 measurement and test8.检验 inspecte9.静态测量 static measurement10.动态测量 dynamic measurement11.测量原理 principle of measurement12.测量方法 method of measurement13.测量程序 measurement procedure14.被测量 measurand15.影响量 influence quantity16.变换值 transformed value(of a measurand)17.测量信号 measurement signal18.直接测量法 direct method of measurement19.间接测量法 indirect method of measurement20.定义测量法 definitive method of measurement21.直接比较测量法 direct-comparison method of measurement22.替代测量法 substitution method of measurement23.微差测量法 differential method of measurement24.零位测量法 nulll method of measurement25.测量结果 result of a measurement26.测得值 measured value27.实际值 actual value28.未修正结果 uncorrected result (of a measurement)29.已修正结果 corrected result(of a measurement)30.测量的准确度 accuracy of measurement31.测量的重复性 repeatability of measurement32.测量复现性 reproducibility of measurements33.实验标准偏差 experimental standard deviation34.测量不确定度 uncertainty of measurement35.测量绝对误差 absolute error of measurement36.相对误差 relative error37.随机误差 random error38.系统误差 systematic error39.修正值 correction40.修正系数 correction factor41.人员误差 personal error42.环境误差 environmental error43.方法误差 error of method44.调整误差 adjustment error45.读数误差 reading error46.视差 parallax error47.估读误差 interpolation error48.粗大误差 parasitic error49.检定 verification50.校准 calibration51.调准 gauging52.调整 adjustment几何量测量器具术语1.几何量具测量器具 dimensional measuring instruments2.长度测量器具 length measuring instruments3.角度测量器具 angle measuring instruments4.坐标测量机 coordinate measuring machine5.形状和位置误差测量器具form and position error measuring instruments6.表面质量测量器具 surface quality measuring instruments7.齿轮测量器具 gear measuring instruments8.实物量具(简称“量具”)material measure9.测量仪器(简称“量仪”)measuring instruments10.测量链 measuring chain11.测量装置 measuring system12.指示式测量仪器 indicating(measuring )instrument13.记录式测量仪器 recording (measuring)instrument14.累计式测量仪器 totalizing(measuring)instrument15.积分式测量仪器 integrating(measuring)instrument16.模拟式测量仪器 analogue(measuring)instrument17.数字式测量仪器 digital(measuring)instrument18.测量变换器 measuring transducer19.传感器sensor20.指示装置 indicating device21.记录装置 recording device22.记录载体 recording medium23.标尺标记 scale mark24.指示器index25.标尺 scale26.度盘 dail测量器具术语1.标称值 nominal value2.示值 indication(of a measuring instrument)3.标尺范围scale range4.标称范围 nominal range5.标尺长度 scale length6.标尺分度 scale division7.分度值 value of a scale division8.标尺间距 scale spacing9.线性标尺 linear scale10.非线性标尺 non-linear scale11.标尺标数 scale numbering12.测量仪器的零位 zero of a measuring instrument13.量程 span14.测量范围 measuring range15.额定工作条件 vated operating conditions16.极限条件 reference condition17.标准条件 reference condition18.仪器常数 instrument constant19.响应特性 response characteristic20.灵敏度 senstivity21.鉴别力 discrimination22.分辨力 resolution(of an indicating device)23.死区 dead band24.准确度 accuracy of a measuring instruments25.准确度等级 accuracy class26.重复性 repeatability of a measuring instrument27.示值变动性 varation of indication28.稳定度 stability29.可靠性 reliability30.回程 hysteresis31.漂移 drift32.响应时间 response time33.测量力(简称“测力”)measuring force测量器具术语1.实物量具示值误差 error of indication of a material measure2.测量仪器示值误差 error of indication of a measuring instrument3.重复性误差repeatability error of a measuring instrument4.回程误差 hysteresis error5.测量力变化 variation of measuring force6.测量力落差 hysteresis of measuring force7.偏移误差 bias error (of a measuring instrument)8.允许误差 maximum permissible errors(of measuring instruments)9.跟踪误差 tracking error (of a measuring instrument)10.响应率误差 response-law error (of a measuring instrument)11.量化误差 quantization error (of a measuring instrument)12.基值误差 datum error (of a measuring instrument)13.零值误差 zero error (of a measuring instrument)14.影响误差 influence error15.引用误差 fiducial error16.位置误差 position error17.线性误差 linear error18.响应特性曲线 response characteristic curve19.误差曲线 error curve20.校准曲线 calibration curve21.修正曲线 correction curve长度测量器具量具类1.量块 gauge block2.光滑极限量规plain limit gauge3.塞规 plug gauge4.环规 ring gauge卡规 snap gauge5.塞尺 feeler gauge6.钢直尺 steel gauge7.精密玻璃线纹尺 precision glass linear scale8.精密金属线纹尺 precision metal linear scale9.半径样板 radius template卡尺类1.游标卡尺 vernier caliper2.带表卡尺 dial caliper3.电子数显卡尺 calliper with electronic digital display4.深度标游卡尺 depth vernier caliper5.电子数显深度卡尺 depth caliper with electronic digital display6.带表高度卡尺 dial height calliper7.高度游标卡尺 height vernier caliper8.电子数显高度卡尺height caliper with electronic digital display9.焊接检验尺 calliper for welding inspection千分尺类1.测微头 micrometer head2.夕卜径千分尺 external micrometer3.杠杆千分尺 micrometer with dial comparator4.带计数器千分尺 micrometer with counter5.电子数显外径千分尺micrometer with electronic digital display6.小测头千分尺 small anvil micrometer7.尖头千分尺 point micrometer8.板厚千分尺 sheet metal micrometer9.壁厚千分尺 tube micrometer10.叶片千分尺 blade micrometer11.奇数沟千分尺 odd fluted micrometer12.深度千分尺 depth micrometer13.内径千分尺 internal micrometer14.单杆式内径千分尺 single-body internal micrometer15.表式内径千分尺 dail internal micrometer16.三爪式内径千分尺 three point internal micrometer17.电子数显三爪式内径千分尺three point internal micrometer18.内测千分尺 inside micrometer指示表类1.指示表 dial indicator2.深度指示表 depth dial indicator3.杠杆指示表 dial test indicator4.内径指示表 bore dial indicator5.涨弹簧式指示表 expanding head bore dial indicator6.钢球式内径指示表 ball type bore dial indicator7.电子数显指示表 dial indicator with electronic digital display8.杠杆卡规 indicating snap gauge9.带表卡规 dial snap gauge10.带表夕卜卡规 outside dial snap gauge11.带表内卡规 inside dial snap gauge12.测厚规 thickness gauge13.扭簧比较仪microcator14.杠杆齿轮比较仪 mechanical dial comparator15.电子量规 electronic gauge16.电感式传感器 inductance type transducer17.指示装置 indicating device18.电感测微仪 inductance micrometer19.峰值电感测微仪 peak inductance micrometer20.电感内径比较仪 inductance bore comparator21.瞄准传感器 aiming transducer角度测量器具1.角度块 angle block gauge2.正多面棱体 regular polygon mirror3.刀具角度样板 cutter angular template4.直角尺square5.平行直角尺 parallel square6.宽座直角尺 wide—stand square7.刀口形直角尺edge square8.矩形直角尺square square9.三角形直角尺 three angle square10.圆柱直角尺 cylinder square11.方形角尺 square guage12.万能角度尺 universal bevel protractor13.游标式万能角度尺 vernier universal bevel protractor14.表式万能角度尺 dial universal bevel protractor15.光学分度头 optical dividing head16.目镜式光学分度头 optical dividing head with microscope reading17.投影式光学分度尺 optical dividing head with projection reading18.光电分度头 optical-electronic dividing head19.多齿分度台 multi-tooth division table20.分度转台 division rotary table21.正炫规 sine bar22.普通正炫规 general sine bar23.铰链式正炫规 hinge type sine bar24.双向正炫规 dual-directional sine bar25.圆锥量规cone gauge26.圆锥塞规 plug cone gauge27.圆锥环规 ring cone gauge28.直角尺测量仪 square measuring instrument形位误差测量器具1.平晶 optical flat2.单面平晶 optical flat3.双面平晶 parallel optical flat4.刀口形直尺 knife straight edge5.刀口尺 knife straight edge6.三棱尺 three edges straight edge7.四棱尺 four edges straight edge8.平尺 straight edge9.矩形平尺 square straight edge10.工字形平尺 i-beam straight edge11.角形平尺 angle straight edge12.桥形平尺 bridge type straight edge13.平板 surface plate14.铸铁平板 cast iron surface plate15.岩石平板 granite surface plate16.方箱 square box17.水准器式水平仪level meter18.条式水平仪 bar level meter19.框式水平仪 frame level meter20.合像水平仪 imaging level meter21.光学倾斜仪 optical inclinometer22.电子水平仪 electronic level meter23.指针式电子水平仪 electronic level meter with indicator24.数显式电子水平仪 electronic level meter with digital display25.平直度测量仪 straightness measuring instrument26.光学式平直度测量仪 optical straightness measuring instrument27.光电式平直度测量仪 photoelectrical straightness measuring instrument28.圆度测量仪 roundness measuring instrument29.转轴式圆度测量仪 spindle-rotating type roundness measuring instrument30.转台式圆度测量仪 table-rotating type roundness measuring instrument表面质量测量器具表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen铸造表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen for cast surface 磨、车、镗、铣、插及刨加工表面粗糙度比较样块surface roughness comparisonspecimen for ground,turned,bored,milled,shaped and planed surface 电火花加工表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen for spark-erosion machined surface抛(喷)丸、喷砂加工表面粗糙度比较样块surface roughness comparison specimen for shot blasted and grit blasted surface抛光加工表面粗糙度测量仪 portable surface roughness comparison specimen for polished surface便携式表面粗糙度测量仪 portable surface roughess measuring instrument 驱动箱driving box台式表面粗糙度测量仪 bench type surface roughness measuring instrumentNose bridge 鼻中 Tip 脚套Temple 脚丝 Plating 电镀Printing 印字 Lase 镭射Spectacle frames 眼镜架 Sunglasses 太阳眼镜Sports spectacles 运动眼镜 kid's eyewear 儿童眼镜Reading glasses 老花镜 Contact lens 隐形眼镜Glass optical lenses 玻璃镜片 Plastic optical lenses 塑胶镜片Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹 Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片Photochromic lenses 变色镜片 Othro k lenses 角膜矫形接确镜片Optical blanks 镜片毛胚 Accessories for contact lens 隐形眼镜附件Spectacle spare parts and accessories 眼镜零件及配件 Components of frames 镜架组件Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及附件Eyecare products and solution for lenses and contace lenses 眼睛护理产品及隐形眼镜洁液Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及其它配件 Lens demisting cloths and solutions 镜片除雾喷剂及清洁布Spectacle assembling & adjusting tools 眼镜加工、装配、调较工具 Visual test equipment 验眼设备Edger 磨边机 Eyeglasses and frame making machinery 眼镜架制造机械Lens manufacturing and processing machinery 镜片造机械及加工机械Contact lens processing machinery 隐形眼镜加工机械Lathe 车床 Coating machine 镀膜机Coating materials 镀膜原料 Electroplating equipment, welding machine 电镀机械、焊接机械Price labeling, stamp printing and screen printing mahcinery 标签机、移印机、丝网印刷 Ultrasonic cleaning equipment 超声波清洁仪器Ophthalmic products 眼科用品Concentrates for ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洁剂Lens grinding and polishing filtration systems 镜片研磨及抛光过滤系统Optical processing equipmentand materials 光学加工设备及原料Measurement instrucments for optical elements and systems 光学用品及系统之测量仪器 Store and workshop fitting and furniture 眼镜店及工场设备及家具Moulds for ophthalmic lenses 镜片模具 Raw materials for frames 眼镜原料Raw materials for lenses 镜片原料 Lens abrasive and polishing materials 打磨镜片原料Electroplating, welding materials 电镀、焊接原材料Opto-laser equipment and instruments 激光科技设备和仪器机械英语单词冲床 punching machine机械手robot油压机 hydraulic machine车床 lathe刨床 planer |'plein?|铣床miller磨床 grinder(钻床)driller线切割 linear cutting金属切削 metal cutting机床 machine tool金属工艺学 technology of metals刀具 cutter摩擦 friction联结 link传动 drive/transmission轴 shaft弹性 elasticity频率特性 frequency characteristic误差 error响应 response定位 allocation机床夹具 jig动力学 dynamic运动学 kinematic静力学 static分析力学 analyse mechanics拉伸 pulling压缩 hitting剪切 shear扭转 twist弯曲应力 bending stress强度 intensity三相交流电 three-phase AC 磁路 magnetic circles变压器 transformer异步电动机 asynchronous motor几何形状 geometrical精度 precision正弦形的 sinusoid交流电路 AC circuit机械加工余量 machining allowance变形力 deforming force变形 deformation应力 stress硬度 rigidity热处理 heat treatment退火 anneal正火 normalizing脱碳 decarburization渗碳 carburization电路 circuit半导体元件 semiconductor element反馈 feedback发生器 generator直流电源 DC electrical source门电路 gate circuit逻辑代数 logic algebra外圆磨削 external grinding内圆磨削 internal grinding平面磨削 plane grinding变速箱 gearbox离合器 clutch绞孔 fraising绞刀 reamer螺纹加工 thread processing螺钉 screw铣削 mill铣刀 milling cutter功率 power工件 workpiece齿轮加工 gear mechining齿轮 gear主运动 main movement主运动方向 direction of main movement进给方向 direction of feed进给运动 feed movement合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度 cutting depth前刀面 rake face刀尖 nose of tool前角 rake angle后角 clearance angle龙门刨削 planing主轴 spindle主轴箱 headstock卡盘 chuck加工中心 machining center车刀 lathe tool车床 lathe钻削镗削 bore车削 turning磨床 grinder基准 benchmark钳工 locksmith锻 forge压模 stamping焊 weld拉床 broaching machine拉孔 broaching装配 assembling铸造 found流体动力学 fluid dynamics流体力学 fluid mechanics加工 machining液压 hydraulic pressure切线 tangent机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性 stability介质 medium液压驱动泵 fluid clutch 液压泵 hydraulic pump 阀门 valve失效 invalidation强度 intensity载荷 load应力 stress安全系数 safty factor 可靠性 reliability 螺纹 thread螺旋 helix键 spline销 pin滚动轴承 rolling bearing 滑动轴承 sliding bearing 弹簧 spring制动器 arrester brake 十字结联轴节 crosshead 联轴器 coupling 链 chain皮带 strap精加工 finish machining 粗加工 rough machining 变速箱体 gearbox casing 腐蚀 rust 氧化 oxidation 磨损 wear耐用度 durability随机信号 random signal 离散信号 discrete signal 超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor 集成电路 integrate circuit 挡板 orifice plate 残余应力 residual stress 套筒 sleeve 扭力 torsion冷加工 cold machining 电动机 electromotor 汽缸 cylinder过盈配合 interference fit 热加工 hotwork摄像头 CCD camera 倒角 rounding chamfer 优化设计 optimal design工业造型设计 industrial moulding design有限元 finite element滚齿 hobbing插齿 gear shaping伺服电机 actuating motor 铣床 milling machine钻床 drill machine镗床 boring machine步进电机 stepper motor丝杠 screw rod导轨 lead rail组件 subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工 electric spark machining电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting 相图 phase diagram热处理 heat treatment固态相变 solid state phase changes有色金属 nonferrous metal陶瓷 ceramics合成纤维 synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion车架 automotive chassis悬架 suspension转向器 redirector变速器 speed changer板料冲压 sheet metal parts孔加工 spot facing machining车间 workshop工程技术人员 engineer气动夹紧 pneuma lock数学模型 mathematical model画法几何 descriptive geometry机械制图 Mechanical drawing投影 projection视图 view剖视图 profile chart标准件 standard component零件图 part drawing装配图 assembly drawing尺寸标注 size marking技术要求 technical requirements刚度 rigidity内力 internal force位移 displacement截面 section疲劳极限 fatigue limit断裂 fracture塑性变形 plastic distortion脆性材料 brittleness material刚度准则 rigidity criterion垫圈 washer垫片 spacer直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear运动简图 kinematic sketch齿轮齿条 pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear虚约束 passive constraint曲柄 crank摇杆 racker凸轮 cams范成法 generation method毛坯 rough游标卡尺 slide caliper千分尺 micrometer calipers攻丝 tap光学仪器类4Topslit illumination 裂隙灯 diopter 屈光度 sphere 球镜cylinder 柱镜 prism 棱镜 magnification 放大倍率diameter 直径 dimensions 尺寸 light spot 光斑fixation lamp固视灯led发光二极管filter滤色片lensmeter焦度计metal rim金属圈PD meter瞳距仪Pupil Distance 瞳距 Vertex Distance 顶点距 Chart 视标View tester 验光仪 Cutting device 切割刀 Pattern maker 制模机Cutting needle 划针 Layout blocker 中心仪 Hand edger 手动磨边机Lens groover 开槽机 Polisher 抛光机 Polishing stick 抛光膏Drilling machine 钻孔机 Bench drilling machine 台式钻孔机 Drill bit 钻头Lock opener 锁开 Milling cutting 铣刀 Fuse 保险丝Handle手柄Center locator中心定位器Drill chuck钻夹头Dial 刻度盘 Frame heater (warmer) 烘架机 Heating coil 发热丝Ultrasonic cleaner 清洗机 Combined table 验光组合台 Optometry box 验光盘Grinding wheel 砂轮 Trial lens set 验光镜片箱 Refractometer 验光仪 Chart projector 投影仪 Keratometer 角膜曲率仪 Welding machine 焊接机 Spray cleaning machine 喷淋清洗机材料配件类4TopMonel 锰料 Stainless Steel 不锈钢 pure Titanium 纯钛Titanium Alloy 钛合金 B-Ti B 钛 Elongation 伸长率Tensile strenghth 抗拉强度 high nickel copper alloy 高镍合金 nickelfree alloy 无镍合金nicklfree stainless steel 无镍不锈钢 annealing temperture 退火温度 percent 含量density 密度 melting point 熔点 solidus 固相点liquidus 液相点 physical properties 物理性能 chemical composition 化学组成hinge 铰链 rim wire 框线 round wire 圆线cylinding grinding wheels 筒形砂轮 flaring cup wheels 碗形砂轮 diamod plain wheels 平形砂轮grinding ccoolant 切削液 lens coating liquid 护镜液 polishing powder 抛光粉polishing liquid 抛光液 polishing wheel 抛光轮 plating case 电镀盒plastic case 塑料盒 alumium oxide case 氧化铝盒 rocket screwdrivers 六角螺丝刀mini ring wrenches/nutdrivers 微型戒指扳手 radian apparatus 弧度表 thickness apparatus厚度表adhesive tape 粘片 calipers 量具 nut driver 套筒files set 锉刀 drill bits 钻咀 screwdrivers blades 螺丝刀头镜片类^Tophard resin lens 树脂镜片 round-top bifocal lens 圆顶双关镜片 flat-top bifocal lens 平顶双光镜片aspheric hard resin lens 非球面树脂镜片 Non-coated lens 基片(NC) hard coated lens 加硬镜片(HC)Hard & Multi-coated 加硬加膜片 (HMC) Hard & Multi-coated,EMI Defending Coating加硬加膜防辐射片(HMC+EMI) RX Lens-High Index 高散光片color shade 色差 deformation 变形 shrinkage 缩水light transmission 透光率 de-lamination 分裂脱层 abbe value 阿贝数raw material 原材料 catalysis 催化作用 polymerization 聚合作用tinted lens 染色镜片 photochromic lens 变色镜片 spherical 球面的autocollimator自动准直机bench comparator 比长仪block gauge 块规bore check精密小测定器calibration 校准caliper gauge 卡规check gauge 校对规clearance gauge 间隙规clinoretee 测斜仪comparator 比测仪cylinder square 圆筒直尺depth gauge 测深规dial indicator针盘指示表dial snap gauge 卡规digital micrometer数位式测微计feeler gauge 测隙规gauge plate量规定位板height gauge 测高规inside calipers 内卡钳inside micrometer 内分测微计interferometer 干涉仪leveling block 平台limit gauge 限规micrometer 测微计mil 千分之一寸monometer 压力计morse taper gauge 莫氏锥度量规nonius游标卡尺optical flat光学平晶optical parallel 光学平行passimeter 内径仪position scale 位置刻度profile projector轮廓光学投影仪protractor 分角器radius半径ring gauge 环规sine bar 正弦量规snap gauge 卡模square master 直角尺stylus触针telescopic gauge伸缩性量规working gauge 工作量规水平尺和水平仪的区别:1.水平仪用于测量小角度,在生产过程中常用以检验和调整机器或机件的水平位置或垂直位置,进而可对机器或机件作真直度或真平度的检验工作。
量具检具英文对照51调准gauging52调整adjustment量"具"类1.量块gauge block2.光滑极限量规plain limit gauge3.塞规plug gauge4.环规ring gauge卡规snap gauge5.塞尺feeler gauge6.钢直尺steel gauge7.精密玻璃线纹尺precision glass linear scale8.精密金属线纹尺precision metal linear scale9.半径样板radius template卡尺类1.游标卡尺vernier caliper2.带表卡尺dial caliper3.电子数显卡尺calliper with electronic digital display4.深度标游卡尺depth vernier caliper5.电子数显深度卡尺depth caliper with electronic digital display6.带表高度卡尺dial height calliper7.高度游标卡尺height vernier caliper8.电子数显高度卡尺height caliper with electronic digital display9.焊接检验尺calliper for welding inspection千分尺类1.测微头micrometer head2.外径千分尺external micrometer3.杠杆千分尺micrometer with dial comparator4.带计数器千分尺micrometer with counter5.电子数显外径千分尺micrometer with electronic digital display6.小测头千分尺small anvil micrometer7.尖头千分尺point micrometer8.板厚千分尺sheet metal micrometer9.壁厚千分尺tube micrometer10.叶片千分尺blade micrometer11.奇数沟千分尺odd fluted micrometer12.深度千分尺depth micrometer13.内径千分尺internal micrometer14.单杆式内径千分尺single-body internal micrometer15.表式内径千分尺dail internal micrometer16.三爪式内径千分尺three point internal micrometer17.电子数显三爪式内径千分尺three point internal micrometer18.内测千分尺inside micrometer指示表类1.指示表dial indicator2.深度指示表depth dial indicator3.杠杆指示表dial test indicator4.内径指示表bore dial indicator5.涨弹簧式指示表expanding head bore dial indicator6.钢球式内径指示表ball type bore dial indicator7.电子数显指示表dial indicator with electronic digital display8.杠杆卡规indicating snap gauge9.带表卡规dial snap gauge10.带表外卡规outside dial snap gauge11.带表内卡规inside dial snap gauge12.测厚规thickness gauge13.扭簧比较仪microcator14.杠杆齿轮比较仪mechanical dial comparator15.电子量规electronic gauge16.电感式传感器inductance type transducer17.指示装置indicating device18.电感测微仪inductance micrometer19.峰值电感测微仪peak inductance micrometer20.电感内径比较仪inductance bore comparator21.瞄准传感器aiming transducer角度测量器具1.角度块angle block gauge2.正多面棱体regular polygon mirror3.刀具角度样板cutter angular template4.直角尺square5.平行直角尺parallel square6.宽座直角尺wide-stand square7.刀口形直角尺edge square8.矩形直角尺square square9.三角形直角尺three angle square10.圆柱直角尺cylinder square11.方形角尺square guage12.万能角度尺universal bevel protractor13.游标式万能角度尺vernier universal bevel protractor14.表式万能角度尺dial universal bevel protractor15.光学分度头optical dividing head16.目镜式光学分度头optical dividing head with microscope reading17.投影式光学分度尺optical dividing head with projection reading18.光电分度头optical-electronic dividing head19.多齿分度台multi-tooth division table20.分度转台division rotary table21.正炫规sine bar22.普通正炫规general sine bar23.铰链式正炫规hinge type sine bar24.双向正炫规dual-directional sine bar25.圆锥量规cone gauge26.圆锥塞规plug cone gauge27.圆锥环规ring cone gauge28.直角尺测量仪square measuring instrument形位误差测量器具1.平晶optical flat2.单面平晶optical flat3.双面平晶parallel optical flat4.刀口形直尺knife straight edge5.刀口尺knife straight edge6.三棱尺three edges straight edge7.四棱尺four edges straight edge8.平尺straight edge9.矩形平尺square straight edge10.工字形平尺i-beam straight edge11.角形平尺angle straight edge12.桥形平尺bridge type straight edge13.平板surface plate14.铸铁平板cast iron surface plate15.岩石平板granite surface plate16.方箱square box17.水准器式水平仪level meter18.条式水平仪bar level meter19.框式水平仪frame level meter20.合像水平仪imaging level meter21.光学倾斜仪optical inclinometer22.电子水平仪electronic level meter23.指针式电子水平仪electronic level meter with indicator24.数显式电子水平仪electronic level meter with digital display25.平直度测量仪straightness measuring instrument26.光学式平直度测量仪optical straightness measuring instrument27.光电式平直度测量仪photoelectrical straightness measuring instrument28.圆度测量仪roundness measuring instrument29.转轴式圆度测量仪spindle-rotating type roundness measuring instrument30.转台式圆度测量仪table-rotating type roundness measuring instrument表面质量测量器具表面粗糙度比较样块surface roughness comparison specimen铸造表面粗糙度比较样块surface roughness comparison specimen for cast surface磨、车、镗、铣、插及刨加工表面粗糙度比较样块surface roughness comparison specimen for ground,turned,bored,milled,shaped and planed surface电火花加工表面粗糙度比较样块surface roughness comparison specimen for spark-erosion machined surface抛(喷)丸、喷砂加工表面粗糙度比较样块surface roughness comparison specimen for shot blasted and grit blasted surface抛光加工表面粗糙度测量仪portable surface roughness comparison specimen for polished surface便携式表面粗糙度测量仪portable surface roughess measuring instrument驱动箱driving box台式表面粗糙度测量仪bench type surface roughness measuring instrumentNose bridge 鼻中Tip 脚套Temple 脚丝Plating 电镀Printing 印字Lase 镭射Spectacle frames 眼镜架Sunglasses 太阳眼镜Sports spectacles 运动眼镜kid's eyewear 儿童眼镜Reading glasses 老花镜Contact lens 隐形眼镜Glass optical lenses 玻璃镜片Plastic optical lenses 塑胶镜片Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片Photochromic lenses 变色镜片Othro k lenses 角膜矫形接确镜片Optical blanks 镜片毛胚Accessories for contact lens 隐形眼镜附件Spectacle spare parts and accessories 眼镜零件及配件Components of frames 镜架组件Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及附件Eyecare products and solution for lenses and contace lenses 眼睛护理产品及隐形眼镜洁液Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及其它配件Lens demisting cloths and solutions 镜片除雾喷剂及清洁布Spectacle assembling & adjusting tools 眼镜加工、装配、调较工具Visual test equipment 验眼设备Edger 磨边机Eyeglasses and frame making machinery 眼镜架制造机械Lens manufacturing and processing machinery 镜片造机械及加工机械Contact lens processing machinery 隐形眼镜加工机械Lathe 车床Coating machine 镀膜机Coating materials 镀膜原料Electroplating equipment, welding machine 电镀机械、焊接机械Price labeling, stamp printing and screen printing mahcinery 标签机、移印机、丝网印刷Ultrasonic cleaning equipment 超声波清洁仪器Ophthalmic products 眼科用品Concentrates for ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洁剂Lens grinding and polishing filtration systems 镜片研磨及抛光过滤系统Optical processing equipmentand materials 光学加工设备及原料Measurement instrucments for optical elements and systems 光学用品及系统之测量仪器Store and workshop fitting and furniture 眼镜店及工场设备及家具Moulds for ophthalmic lenses 镜片模具Raw materials for frames 眼镜原料Raw materials for lenses 镜片原料Lens abrasive and polishing materials 打磨镜片原料Electroplating, welding materials 电镀、焊接原材料Opto-laser equipment and instruments 激光科技设备和仪器机械英语单词冲床punching machine机械手robot油压机hydraulic machine车床lathe刨床planer |'plein?|铣床miller磨床grinder(钻床)driller线切割linear cutting金属切削metal cutting机床machine tool金属工艺学technology of metals刀具cutter摩擦friction联结link传动drive/transmission轴shaft弹性elasticity频率特性frequency characteristic误差error响应response定位allocation机床夹具jig动力学dynamic运动学kinematic静力学static分析力学analyse mechanics拉伸pulling压缩hitting剪切shear扭转twist弯曲应力bending stress强度intensity三相交流电three-phase AC磁路magnetic circles 变压器transformer异步电动机asynchronous motor几何形状geometrical精度precision正弦形的sinusoid交流电路AC circuit机械加工余量machining allowance变形力deforming force变形deformation应力stress硬度rigidity热处理heat treatment退火anneal正火normalizing脱碳decarburization渗碳carburization电路circuit半导体元件semiconductor element反馈feedback发生器generator直流电源DC electrical source门电路gate circuit逻辑代数logic algebra外圆磨削external grinding内圆磨削internal grinding平面磨削plane grinding变速箱gearbox离合器clutch绞孔fraising绞刀reamer螺纹加工thread processing螺钉screw铣削mill铣刀milling cutter功率power工件workpiece齿轮加工gear mechining齿轮gear主运动main movement主运动方向direction of main movement进给方向direction of feed进给运动feed movement合成进给运动resultant movement of feed合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth前刀面rake face刀尖nose of tool前角rake angle后角clearance angle龙门刨削planing主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics流体力学fluid mechanics加工machining液压hydraulic pressure切线tangent机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性stability介质medium液压驱动泵fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing滑动轴承sliding bearing弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead联轴器coupling链chain皮带strap精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor铣床milling machine钻床drill machine镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工electric spark machining电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire - cutting相图phase diagram热处理heat treatment固态相变solid state phase changes有色金属nonferrous metal陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams范成法generation method毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap光学仪器类△Topslit illumination 裂隙灯diopter 屈光度sphere 球镜cylinder 柱镜prism 棱镜magnification 放大倍率diameter 直径dimensions 尺寸light spot 光斑fixation lamp 固视灯led 发光二极管filter 滤色片lensmeter 焦度计metal rim 金属圈PD meter 瞳距仪Pupil Distance 瞳距Vertex Distance 顶点距Chart 视标View tester 验光仪Cutting device 切割刀Pattern maker 制模机Cutting needle 划针Layout blocker 中心仪Hand edger 手动磨边机Lens groover 开槽机Polisher 抛光机Polishing stick 抛光膏Drilling machine 钻孔机Bench drilling machine 台式钻孔机Drill bit 钻头Lock opener 锁开Milling cutting 铣刀Fuse 保险丝Handle 手柄Center locator 中心定位器Drill chuck 钻夹头Dial 刻度盘Frame heater(warmer)烘架机Heating coil 发热丝Ultrasonic cleaner 清洗机Combined table 验光组合台Optometry box 验光盘Grinding wheel 砂轮Trial lens set 验光镜片箱Refractometer 验光仪Chart projector 投影仪Keratometer 角膜曲率仪Welding machine 焊接机Spray cleaning machine 喷淋清洗机材料配件类△TopMonel 锰料Stainless Steel 不锈钢pure Titanium 纯钛Titanium Alloy 钛合金B-Ti B钛Elongation 伸长率Tensile strenghth 抗拉强度high nickel copper alloy 高镍合金nickelfree alloy 无镍合金nicklfree stainless steel 无镍不锈钢annealing temperture 退火温度percent 含量density 密度melting point 熔点solidus 固相点liquidus 液相点physical properties 物理性能chemical composition 化学组成hinge 铰链rim wire 框线round wire 圆线cylinding grinding wheels 筒形砂轮flaring cup wheels 碗形砂轮diamod plain wheels 平形砂轮grinding ccoolant 切削液lens coating liquid 护镜液polishing powder 抛光粉polishing liquid 抛光液polishing wheel 抛光轮plating case 电镀盒plastic case 塑料盒alumium oxide case 氧化铝盒rocket screwdrivers 六角螺丝刀mini ring wrenches/nutdrivers 微型戒指扳手radian apparatus 弧度表thickness apparatus 厚度表adhesive tape 粘片calipers 量具nut driver 套筒files set 锉刀drill bits 钻咀screwdrivers blades 螺丝刀头镜片类△Tophard resin lens 树脂镜片round-top bifocal lens 圆顶双关镜片flat-top bifocal lens 平顶双光镜片aspheric hard resin lens 非球面树脂镜片Non-coated lens 基片(NC)hard coated lens 加硬镜片(HC)Hard & Multi-coated 加硬加膜片(HMC)Hard & Multi-coated,EMI Defending Coating 加硬加膜防辐射片(HMC+EMI)RX Lens-High Index 高散光片color shade 色差deformation 变形shrinkage 缩水light transmission 透光率de-lamination 分裂脱层abbe value 阿贝数raw material 原材料catalysis 催化作用polymerization 聚合作用tinted lens 染色镜片photochromic lens 变色镜片spherical 球面的autocollimator 自动准直机bench comparator 比长仪block gauge 块规bore check 精密小测定器calibration 校准caliper gauge 卡规check gauge 校对规clearance gauge 间隙规clinoretee 测斜仪comparator 比测仪cylinder square 圆筒直尺depth gauge 测深规dial indicator 针盘指示表dial snap gauge 卡规digital micrometer 数位式测微计feeler gauge 测隙规gauge plate 量规定位板height gauge 测高规inside calipers 内卡钳inside micrometer 内分测微计interferometer 干涉仪leveling block 平台limit gauge 限规micrometer 测微计mil 千分之一寸monometer 压力计morse taper gauge 莫氏锥度量规nonius 游标卡尺optical flat 光学平晶optical parallel 光学平行passimeter 内径仪position scale 位置刻度profile projector 轮廓光学投影仪protractor 分角器radius 半径ring gauge 环规sine bar 正弦量规snap gauge 卡模square master 直角尺stylus 触针telescopic gauge 伸缩性量规working gauge 工作量规。
汉语意思英语名称7:24锥柄立铣刀end mills with 7:24 taper shank阿基米德螺旋线archimedes spiral凹半圆铣刀concave milling cutters百分表dial gauges摆线trochoids半径样板radials template壁厚千分尺tube micrometers变位齿轮x-gear变位齿轮;gears with addendum modification变位齿轮副x-gear pair变位系数modification cofficient标准齿轮standard gear/非变位齿轮X-zero gear标准中心距reference centre distance不对称双角铣刀double unequal-angle cutters槽宽spacewidth槽宽半角spacewidth half angle长幅外摆线prolate epicycloid尺寸dimension齿槽tooth space齿顶高addendum齿顶圆tip circle齿顶圆柱面tip cylinder齿端修薄end relief齿根高dedendum齿根过渡曲面fillet齿根圆root circle齿根圆角半径fillet radius齿根圆柱面root cylinder齿厚tooth thickness齿厚半角tooth thickness half angle齿厚游标卡尺gear tooth vernier callipers齿距pitch齿距角angular pitch齿宽 facewidth齿廓tooth profile齿廓修形profile modification/profile correetion齿轮toothed gear; gear齿轮的变位addendum modification齿轮的啮合engagement of gear齿轮副gear pair齿轮系gear train /train of gear齿轮折断breakage齿面tooth flank齿面的接触contact of tooth flanks齿面疲劳surface fatigue齿全高tooth depth齿数number of teeth齿数比gear ratio齿条rack齿向修形axial modification/longitudinal correction齿形角nomial pressure angle(端面压力角transverse pressure angle)传动比transmission ratio从动齿轮driven gear粗齿锯片铣刀metal slotting saws with coarse teeth错齿三面刃铣刀side and face milling cutter with double alternate helix大齿轮wheel,gear大量程百分表long range dial gauge大外径千分尺large micrometers带表卡尺dail callipers单角铣刀single angle cutter当量齿数virtual number of teeth/equivalent number of teeth刀口形直尺straight edge导程lead导程角lead angle导程角lead angle顶隙bottom clearance(侧隙backlash)顶圆直径tip diameter端面齿槽宽transverse spacewidth端面齿顶厚crest width端面齿厚transverse tooth thickness端面齿距transverse pitch端面齿廓transverse profile端面基节transverse base pitch端面基圆齿厚transverse base thickness端面径节transverse diametral pitch端面模数transverse module端面啮合线path of contact/transverse path of contact端面弦齿厚transverse chordal tooth thickness端面重合度transverse contact ratio端平面transverse plane短幅外摆线curtate epicycloid对称双角铣刀double equal-angle cutters法平面normal plane法线nomal法向侧隙normal backlash法向齿槽宽norminal spacewidth法向齿顶厚normal crest width法向齿厚normal tooth thickness法向齿距normal pitch法向齿廓normal profile法向基节normal base pitch/端面基节transverse base pitch法向基圆齿厚normal base thickness法向径节normal diametral pitch法向模数normal module法向弦齿厚normal chordal tooth thickness非变位齿轮副x-zero gear pair分度圆reference circal分度圆柱面reference cylinder分圆直径reference diameter杠杆百分表dial test indicator杠杆千分表dial test indicator杠杆千分尺indicating micrometers高度变位齿轮副gear pair with reference centre distance高度游标卡尺height vernier callipers高速钢车刀条high speed steel tool bits根圆直径root diameter工作齿面working flank/非工作齿面non-working flank公差tolerance公法线长度base tangent length公法线千分尺gear tooth micrometers共轭齿廓conjugate profile鼓形齿crowed teeth鼓形修整crowing固定弦齿高constant chordal height固定弦齿厚constant width基本齿条basic rack基本齿形basic rack tooth profile基圆base circle基圆导程角base lead angle基圆螺旋角base helix angle基圆直径base diameter基圆柱面base cylinder基准线datum line尖齿槽铣刀flat relieved tooth slotting cutters尖头千分尺point micrometers检验verification渐开螺旋面involute helicoid渐开线involute渐开线圆柱齿轮involute cylindrical gear渐开线圆柱齿轮involute cylindrical gear渐开线圆柱面involute cylinder渐开线直齿渐开线花键量规gauge for straight cylindrical involute splines交错轴齿轮副gear pair with non-parallel non-intersecting axes胶合scoring角度angle角度变位圆柱齿轮gear pair with modifid centre distance角度铣刀angle cutters节点pitch point节线pitch line节圆pitch circle节圆直径pitch diameter节圆柱面pitch cylinder径节diametral pitch径向变位量addendum modification(for external gear)/dedendum modification(for internal gears)径向变位系数addendum modification coefficient径向侧隙radial backlash矩形花键straight-side spline可转位车刀turning tool with indexable insert可转位立铣刀end milling cutters with indexable insert可转位面铣刀facemilling cutters with indexable inserts可转位三面立铣刀side and facemilling cutters with indexable inserts立铣刀技术条件end mills technical specifications连心线line of centres量块gauge blocks轮齿gear teeth轮齿表面tooth surface轮齿的干涉interference of flank螺纹铣刀screw slotting milling cutters螺纹样板screw thread template螺旋helix螺旋角helix angle(for cylindrical gear),spiral angle(for bevel and hypoid gears)螺旋角helix angle螺旋线helix and sprials螺旋线helix名义中心距nominal centre distance模具铣刀die sinking end mills模数module模数module磨损wear莫氏锥柄T形槽铣刀T-slot cutter with morse taper shank莫氏锥柄立铣刀end mills with morse taper shank莫氏锥柄圆柱形球头立铣刀cylindrical ball end mills with morse taper shank莫氏锥柄圆锥形立铣刀tapered end mills with morse taper shank内齿轮internal gear内齿轮副internal gear pair内齿圈ring gear/annulus gear内径百分表dial borre gauges内径千分尺internal micrometers啮合engagement/mesh啮合干涉meshing interference啮合角working pressure angle啮合平面place of action啮合区域zone of action啮合曲面surface of action配对齿轮mating gear平行轴齿轮副gear pair with parallel axes普通螺纹量规gauge for general purpose screw threads千分表dial indicators切齿干涉cutter interference人字齿轮douole-helical gear任意点的端面压力角transverse pressure angle at a point at a point任意点的法向压力角nominal pressure angle at a point塞尺feeler gauges三爪内径千分尺three point internal micrometers深度游标卡尺depth vernier callipers瞬时接触点point of contact瞬时接触线line of contact塑性变形plastic deformation缩短渐开线curtate involute太阳轮sun gear套式立铣刀shell end mills同侧齿面corresponding flanks头数number of threads/number of starts凸半圆铣刀convex milling cutters挖根undercut外摆线epicycloid外齿轮external gear外齿轮副external gear pair外径千分尺micrometers外形、轮廓、侧面profile万能角度尺universal bevel protractor蜗杆worm wheel细齿锯片铣刀metal slotting saws with fine teeth弦齿高chordal height相交轴齿轮副gear pair with intersecting axes相啮齿面mating flank镶齿三面刃铣刀inserted blade side milling cutters镶齿套式三面刃铣刀inserted blade face milling cutters削平型直柄立铣刀end mills with flatted parallel shank小齿轮pinion斜齿齿轮的当量齿轮virtual gear/virtual spur gear斜齿条helical rack斜齿圆柱齿轮helical gear/single-helical gear斜齿圆柱齿轮副helical gear pair行星齿轮planet gear修根root rilief修缘tip rilief压力角pressure angle(法向压力角normal pressure angle)延伸渐开线prolate involute异侧齿面opposite flanks游标卡尺vernier callipers有效齿宽effective facewidth有效齿面active flank右侧面righ flank右旋齿right-hand teeth/左旋齿left-hand teeth圆的渐开线involute to a circle圆角铣刀corner-rounding cutters圆周侧隙circumferential backlash圆柱齿轮cylindrical gear圆柱齿轮副cylindrical gear pair圆柱螺旋线circular helix/helix圆柱形铣刀cylindrical cutters圆锥螺旋线conical spiral正弦规sine bars直柄T槽铣刀T-slot cutter with parallel shank直柄立铣刀end millls with parallel shank直柄圆柱形球头立铣刀cylindrical ball end mills with parallel shank直柄圆锥形立铣刀tapered end mills with parallel shank直柄圆锥形球头立铣刀tapered ball end mills with parallel shank直齿三面刃铣刀side and face milling cutter with straight teeth直齿条spur rack直齿圆柱齿轮spur gear直齿圆柱齿轮副spur gear pair中心距centre distance重合度contact ratio and overlap ratio轴交角shaft angle轴向齿距axial pitch轴向齿廓axial profile轴向径节axial diametral pitch轴向模数axial module主动齿轮driving gear锥齿轮bevel gear总重合度total contact ratio纵向重合度overlap ratio左侧面left flank硬质合金错齿三面刃铣刀side and face milling cutters with double alternate helical teeth with carbide tip 直柄短麻花钻stub parallel shank twist drills锥柄麻花钻taper shank twist drills锥柄长麻花钻long taper shank twist drills锥柄加长麻花钻lengthened taper shank twist drills粗锥柄麻花钻twist drills with oversize taper shank中心钻center drills扩孔钻core drills锥柄扩孔钻core drills with morse taper shanks套式扩孔钻shell drills直柄扩孔钻core drills with parallel shanks60锥柄锥面锪钻countersinks with morse taper shanks for angle 60锥面锪钻countersinks带导柱直柄平底锪钻counterbores with parallel shanks and solid pilots带可换导柱直柄平底锪钻counterbores with morse taper shanks and detachable pilots平底锪钻counterbores带导柱直柄90锥面锪钻90 countersinks with parallel shanks and detachable pilots带可换导柱直柄90锥面锪钻90 countersinks with morse taper shanks and detachable pilots锪钻用可换导柱detachable pilots for use with counterbores and countersinks手用铰刀hand reamer直柄机用铰刀machine reamer with parallel shanks锥柄机用铰刀machine reamer with morse taper shanks带刃倾角的锥柄机用铰刀machine reamers with inclination morse taper shanks套式机用铰刀shell machine reamers硬质合金直柄机用铰刀machine reamers with parallel shanks with carbide tips硬质合金锥柄机用铰刀machine reamers with morse taper shanks with carbide tips机用丝锥machine taps滚丝轮thread rolling cylindrical dies搓丝板thread rolling flat dies螺旋槽丝锥machine taps with screw flutes圆拉刀round broaches渐开线花键拉刀broaches for involute spline齿轮滚刀gear hobs磨前齿轮滚刀pre-grinding bobs直齿插齿刀spur shaper cutters渐开线花键滚刀involute splines hobs斜齿插刀helical gear shaper cutter滚刀所用词语外径outerside diameter容屑槽flute孔径bore diameter刃部tooth前刀面cutting face铲背量cam rise齿槽深flute depth键槽keyway顶刃top edge左侧刃left edge螺旋线thread helix螺纹升角lead angle分圆pitch diameter刀长overall length刃部长度lenghth of teeth轴台直径hub diameter轴台平面hub face轴台长度hub length节圆柱面pitch cylinder滚刀齿顶高hob addendum齿顶圆角tip radius滚刀修缘部tip relief modification滚刀轴向进给hob axial feed进给方向feed direction旋转方向rotational direction螺旋槽导程flute lead旋向lead direction前角face angle齿高whole depth切削齿高whole depth of cut键槽高度height of keyway键槽宽width of keyway插齿刀各部插齿刀gear shaper cutter斜齿插齿刀helical gear shper cuttershelix angle of cutter可换刃锥柄插齿刀shank type shaper cutters with replaceable blades 桶形插刀pot type shaper cutters剃齿刀shaving cutters纵向剃齿conventional shaving斜向剃齿diagonal shavingunderpass shaving径向剃齿plunge cut shaving内拉刀internal broaches圆拉刀round broaches渐开线花键拉刀involute spline broaches矩形花键拉刀parallel side spline broaches推刀push broaches复杂形状拉刀complication formed spline broaches螺旋拉刀helical broach表面拉刀surface broach键槽拉刀keyway broach柄部pull end粗切齿roughing teeth精切齿semi-finishing teeth校准齿finishing teeth前导front pliot后导rear pliot柄部前端到第一齿的距离front shank length后柄部retriever end连心线line of centres中心距centre distance轴交角shaft angle齿数比gear ratio传动比transmission ratio啮合节点working pitch point齿高total depth齿顶高addendum齿根高dedendum齿顶高系数addendum coefficient齿顶圆角半径radius chamfer齿根圆角半径radius of tooth fillet蜗轮wormwheel蜗杆worm老外图纸标注参数:渐开线起始点直径true involute from diameter(TIF diameter)外径outside diameter跨棒距misurem over pins量棒直径pins diameter刀具参数cutter data/information齿轮参数gear data/information标记、打印marking图号DWG.材料material日期data设计者desiged by硬度hardness筒形插齿刀spur shaper cutter渐开线滚刀involute hob精度等级class剃前pre-shave法向模数normal module(法向径节normal D.p.)法向压力角normal pressure angle(or normal P.A.)齿数number of teeth(or teeth number or teeth)螺旋角helix angle根径root diameter法向齿厚(滚齿)norm.tooth thick.(hob)[剃齿为精加工用FIN or SHV即finish的缩写)倒角起点直径chamfer diameter两球间测量值M/2 balls(M :measure) or DIN.over 2 PINS or meas.over ball(然后注明ball diameter)头数thread number(or threads or no. of threads)螺旋升角thread angle螺旋升角旋向thread angle hand(right or left) /hand轴向齿距axial pitch槽数gashes number(no. of gashgash)槽导程gashes lead(直槽:gashes lead straight)凸轮cam法向齿距normal pitch未按比例not in scale渐开线起始点直径TIF diameter跨5齿公法线长度W/5 teeth (or size over 5 teeth)槽型type of gash滚刀法向齿形normal rack profile键槽keyway从孔壁到外圆尺寸height over diameter(H.O.D.)从孔壁到量棒尺寸height over pins(H.O.P.)剃刀宽度face width孔径bore剃齿方式shave process(常规为conventional)剃齿刀shaving cutter盘形插齿刀disc shaper cutter量棒直径PINS diameter侧刃后角(磨轮装置角)SIDE clear.angle at P.D.分圆齿厚Tooth TH. AT pitch DIAM.修正后基圆直径control base diameter插齿刀前角face angle插齿刀(外径)后角O.D. angle。
科技外文翻译翻译名称 VERICUT翻译原文系别专业班级姓名指导教师外语文献:Session 10- Mill Tool Profiles and a Default Tool(设计刀具及刀柄)This session shows how to use VERICUT's Tool Manager to define a tool assembly (cutter and holder) via profile descriptions. The tool is specified as the default tool via the Override feature. Supplying a tool description in this manner is useful when the tool path file does not contain tool descriptions, or to test alternate tools. This session demonstrates defining a "corner rounding" mill tool assembly similar to that shown below. The Tool Manager allows tools having almost any shape to be easily defined, as well as provides collision detection between non-cutting portions of the tool and the workpiece.Session Steps:1. In VERICUT, open the sample "r" User file●File > Open●Shortcut=CGTECH_SAMPLES●File Name=r, Open (3坐标立铣)●If prompted, respond as follows: Reset cut model? Reset / Save changes? No2. To improve visibility of tool profiles, rotate the view another 50 degrees X-●View > Layout > Standard > 1 View●View > Orient●Increment=50, X-●Fit●Close3. Change the position of the program zero (Work Offset G54)●View > Axes > Driven Point Zero●Close●Setup > G-Code > Settings; Tables●Highlight the table record below Work Offsets●Add/Modify●Select From/To Location●In the From row, Name = Tool●In the To row, Name = Stock●Offset= -2 0 4.6●Modify●Close●OK4. Access the Tool Manager and create a new Tool Library file●Setup > Tool Manager●File > New5. Use the Profile option to describe the corner round form tool shown below (use tool ID "999")●Add > New Tool > Mill●ID=999●Description=CORNER RND EM●Add > Cutter...Profile●Add - adds Point X=0.0000 Z=0.0000●Grid Size = .5●Pick point 1 grid right from the tool origin point. (Note that GridSize is .5",also the current cursor position is indicated next to the ZX axes.)●Point X=0.5000 Z=0.000 appears in the profile list.●Arc●Pick arc center point at X=1.0000, Z=0.0000●Pick arc end point at X=1.0000 Z=0.5000●Pick point at X=1.0000 Z=1.0000●Pick point at X=0.5000 Z=1.0000●Pick point at X=0.5000 Z=1.5000 (VERICUT will automatically addpoint X=0.0000 Z=1.5000 to close the cutter profile on the tool centerline)●Flute Length=1.0●OK6. Describe the 3.0 diameter holder of tool ID "999", then add tool to the library●Add > Holder...●Profile●Add - adds X=0.0000 Z=0.0000●Pick point at X=1.0000 Z=0.0000●Pick point at X=1.5000 Z=0.5000●Hint: It might be necessary to Zoom Out or Pan on the grid tosee the next point. After picking, use Fit to see the entire profile.●Pick point at X=1.5000 Z=3.0000●OK●In Tool Display right-click Fit, if necessary.7. Save the tool in a Tool Library file named "special.tls" and close the Tool Manager●File > Save As●Shortcut=Working Directory●File Name=special.tls, Save●File > Close, Yes●8. Override tool changes to make Tool Library tool "999" the active tool●Setup > Toolpath●Tool Override=999, OK9. Cut the model- how many errors were detected?●Play to End●Select Info Status - Errors=7, the portion of the cutter exceeding the FluteLength generates errors when in contact with the material.●Close10. Use tool holders, then reset and cut the model●Setup > Motion●Select Display Holders in Workpiece View, OK●Reset Model , Yes●Play to End11. How many and what type(s) of errors were detected?●Select Info > Status - Errors=16●Scroll up the Message Area to see the error messages12. Add tool "998" to the Tool Library to represent the carbide insert shell mill shown below (use the holder from ID "999")●Cutter:●Setup > Tool Manager●Add > New Tool > Mill●ID=998●Description=4.0D .25R SHELL MILL●Add > Cutter...●Profile●GridSize=.25 <Enter>●Pick point atX=0.0000Z=.2500●Pick point at X=1.5000 Z=0.2500●Arc, ArcDir=CCW●Pick arc center point at X=1.7500 Z=0.2500 ●Pick arc end point at X=1.7500 Z=0.5000●Shank:●Add > Holder...●Profile●GridSize=.25 <Enter>●Pick point at X=0.0000 Z= -0.2500, then edit Z= -0.2500 => -0.3000 ●Pick point at X=1.7500 Z= -0.2500, then edit Z= -0.2500 => -0.3000 ●Pick point at X=1.7500 Z=1.0000●Pick point at X=0.5000 Z=1.0000●Pick point at X=0.5000 Z=1.5000●OK●Reference the holder in tool ID 999:●Add > Holder...●Reference●Reference ID=999●In the view below you can see the non-cutting collision zone under the tool. Anerror is caused if that portion of the tool assembly removes material. To see this on your tool assembly use Dynamic X (or XY) Rotation.13. Save the Tool Library, set tool Override to tool "998" , then reset and cut the model●File > Save●File > Close●Setup > Toolpath●Tool Override=998, OK●Reset Model●Play to End●Note the error "Error, HOLDER removed material ..." issued by VERICUT whenthe shell mill plunges into material.Session 10T- Turning Tool Profiles(cls文件刀具设计)This session shows how to use VERICUT's Tool Manager to define a tool assembly (cutter and holder) via profile descriptions. The Tool Manager allows tools having almost any shape to be easily defined. For simple profiles, the points can be sketched directly on the tool manager profile sketcher. For more complex shapes, points can be obtained from a CAD system and entered manually.Session Steps:1. In VERICUT, open the sample "r" User file●File > Open●Shortcut=CGTECH_SAMPLES●File Name=r, Open●If prompted, respond as follows: Reset cut model? Reset / Save changes? No2. Access the Tool Manager and create a new Tool Library file●Setup > Tool Manager●File > New3. Use the Profile option to describe the rough turning tool shown below (use tool ID "1")●Add > New Tool > Turn●Description=.06RAD OD CUTTER●Add > Insert...●Profile●Add - adds Point Z=0.0000 X=0.0000●Because of the small scale of certain points, it will be easier to edit the addedpoints rather than to set a small enough grid●Edit the values for the first point to Z=0.0270 X=1.0000●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=-0.0590 X=0.0050●Arc●Add●Edit the values for the new arc to Z=0.0000 X=0.0000 Radius=0.0600 ArcDirection=CCW●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=0.0250 X=-0.0540●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=1.2500 X=0.5200●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=1.2500 X=1.0000●Press <Enter>●OK4. Use the Profile option to describe the finish turning tool ID "2"●Add > New Tool > Turn●Description=.03RAD OD CUTTER●Add > Insert...●Profile●Add - adds Point Z=0.0000 X=0.0000●Because of the small scale of certain points, it will be easier to edit the addedpoints rather than to set a small enough grid●Edit the values for the first point to Z=0.1910 X=1.0000●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=-0.0290 X=0.0060●Arc●Add●Edit the values for the new arc to Z=0.0000 X=0.0000 Radius=0.0300 ArcDirection=CCW●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=0.0110 X=-0.0280●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=1.2500 X=0.4800●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=1.2500 X=1.0000●Press <Enter>●OK5. Create a 1/2" dia. drill ID "3"●Add > New Tool > Mill●Description=.5DIA. DRILL●Add > Cutter...●Drill●Diameter(D)=.5, Drill Point Angle (A)=118, Height=2, Flute Length=1.75●OK6. Use the Profile option to describe the Inside Diameter rough turning insert tool ID "4"●Add > New Tool > Turn●Description=.06RAD ID CUTTER●Add > Insert...●Profile●Add - adds Point Z=0.0000 X=0.0000●Because of the small scale of certain points, it will be easier to edit the addedpoints rather than to set a small enough grid●Edit the values for the first point to Z=0.0050 X=-0.7500●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=-0.060 X=-0.0050●Arc●Add●Edit the values for the new arc to Z=0.0000 X=0.0000 Radius=0.0600 ArcDirection=CW●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=0.0250 X=0.0540●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=1.0000 X=-0.4000●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=1.0000 X=-0.7500●Press <Enter>●OK7. Use the Profile option to describe the Inside Diameter finish turning insert tool ID "5"●Add > New Tool > Turn●Description=.03RAD ID CUTTER●Add > Insert...●Profile●Add - adds Point Z=0.0000 X=0.0000●Because of the small scale of certain points, it will be easier to edit the addedpoints rather than to set a small enough grid●Edit the values for the first point to Z=0.1360 X=-0.7500●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=-0.029 X=-0.0060●Arc●Add●Edit the values for the new arc to Z=0.0000 X=0.0000 Radius=0.0300 ArcDirection=CW●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=0.0110 X=0.0280●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=1.0000 X=-0.3800●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=1.0000 X=-0.7500●Press <Enter>●OK8. Create the rough OD grooving insert tool ID "6"●Add > New Tool > Turn●Description=.03RAD GROOVING TOOL●Add > Insert...●Profile (groove insert)●Square,Single End●Width(W)=.25●Length(L)=1●Thickness=0.1●Radius (R)=.030● C =.175● D =0.75●OK9. Use the Profile option to describe the Inside Diameter finish grooving insert tool ID "7"●Add > New Tool > Turn●ID=7●Description=.03RAD ID GROOVING TOOL●Add > Insert●Profile●Add - adds Point Z=0.0000 X=0.0000●Because of the small scale of certain points, it will be easier to edit the addedpoints rather than to set a small enough grid●Edit the values for the first point to Z=-.0625 X=-0.7500●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=-0.0625 X=-0.0300●Arc●Add●Edit the values for the new arc to Z=-0.0325 X=-0.0300 Radius=0.0300 ArcDirection=CW●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=-0.0325 X=0.0000●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=0.0325 X=0.0000●Arc●Add●Edit the values for the new arc to Z=0.0325 X=-0.0300 Radius=0.0300 ArcDirection=CW●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=0.0625 X=-0.0300●Add●Edit the values for the new point to Z=0.0625 X=-0.75●Press <Enter>●OK10. Save the tool in a Tool Library file named "turn_profile.tls" and close the Tool Manager●File > Save As●Shortcut=Working Directory●File Name=turn_profile.tls, Save●File > Close, Yes●11. Set VERICUT to change tools based on tool number and cut the model●Setup > Toolpath●Tool Change By=Tool Number●OK●Reset Model●Play to EndSession 11- Control a Tool Path Simulation(cls 文件)This session shows how to control the simulation of an APT tool path file. Full control is provided over the interactive simulation enabling users to interrupt the simulation at any time by pressing Stop or the <Esc> Escape key. In addition, VERICUT can be configured to stop tool path processing based on a variety of conditions, including: when errors are detected, after tool changes, after a specified number of cuts have been performed, etc. This session demonstrates practical use of VERICUT simulation controls.Session Steps:1. Open the "r" User file●File menu > Open●Shortcut=CGTECH_SAMPLES●File Name=r, OpenIf prompted, respond as follows: Reset cut model? Reset / Save changes? No2. Open the Status window to monitor the machining operation●Info >Status3. Configure VERICUT to use only the cutting portion of the tool during the simulation; cutter descriptions are to come from "CUTTER" records in the tool path file●Setup > Motion●Clear Display Holders in Workpiece View4. Configure VERICUT to stop after tool changes and when an error is detected●Stop At=Tool Change●Select Stop At Maximum Errors●Stop At Maximum Errors=15. Configure VERICUT to issue an error if material is cut using a feedrate of 100 or higher●Fast Feed=100●OK6. Cut the model - why does VERICUT stop?●Play to End - tool change with record 20: CUTTER/1.25,.19,0,0,0,0,2.5 (seeStatus window)7. Cut the model - why does VERICUT stop?●Play to End - "Collision with clamp or fixture occurred at record sequencenumber 134" (see VERICUT window message area)●Play to End - "Fast feed rate removed material at record sequence number292"8. Cut the model - why does VERICUT stop?●Play to End - tool change with record 577: CUTTER/1.25,.19,0,0,0,0,2.5 (seeStatus window)●Play to End - "Fast feed rate removed material at record sequence number618"9. Cut the model - why does VERICUT stop?●Play to End - "Fast feed rate removed material at record sequence number771"●Play to End - "Fast feed rate removed material at record sequence number799"10. Cut the model - why does VERICUT stop?●Play to End - "Fast feed rate removed material at record sequence number945"11. Cut the model - why does VERICUT stop?●Play to End - "Collision with clamp or fixture occurred at record sequencenumber 955"12. Configure VERICUT to continue processing without stopping on errors●Setup > Motion●Clear Stop At Max Errors●OK13. Cut the model - why does VERICUT stop?●Play to End - tool change record 1356: CUTTER/1.25,.12,0,0,0,0,2.514. Configure VERICUT to continue process the rest of the tool path file without interruptions, then cut the model●Setup > Motion●Stop At= End●OK15. Cut the model - how many errors did VERICUT detect?●Play to End - VERICUT detected over 400 errors! Without VERICUT thisNC programmer would be looking for a new occupation.16. Use Feature/History to identify the tool path record responsible for cutting the upper clamp (see below)●Analysis > X-Caliper●Feature/History Tab●Click on machine cut in upper clamp - Record Number: 95917. Review the motions that caused the collision with the clamp●Analysis > Toolpath Review●Click on machine cut in upper clamp●The block responsible is highlighted in the upper window;GOTO/12.7461,9.3317,-0.9500,0.0000000,0.0000000,1.0000000●right-mouse click with the cursor on the highlighted line●Set Current●right-mouse click with the cursor on fourth line above the highlighted line●Set Start●right-mouse click with the cursor on fourth line below the highlighted line●Set End18. Step (single block) through motions that cut the clamp●In the Toolpath Review Window; Rewind (rewinds to the block assigned asstart)●Single Step●Single Step (or pressing the Space Bar will repeat Single Step)●Single Step●You can also step backward with Step BackwardSession 12- Standard vs. FastMill Simulation(cls 文件)This session demonstrates how to process VERICUT faster with different settings and with using FastMill- a verification method that cuts the VERICUT model very quickly without displaying tool motions. The FastMill cut mode is recommended for processing large amounts of tool path data intended for use on 3-axis mill machines where all cutting is on the Z+ side of the workpiece.Session Steps:1. Open the sample "r" User file●File > Open●Shortcut = CGTECH_SAMPLES●File Name=r, OpenIf prompted, respond as follows: Reset cut model? Reset / Save changes? No2. Configure VERICUT to stop after cutting the model with 100 cuts each time "Playto End" is pressed.●Setup > Motion●Stop At=Num of Cuts●Enter "100" in the field displayed to the right of the Num of Cuts option●OKConfigure VERICUT for maximum collision detectionA major factor in the accuracy and performance of the VERICUT session is the "Cutting Tolerance" (ref. File menu > Properties: Tolerance tab). This value is similar to specifying an INTOL/OUTTOL when generating a tool path.For maximum collision detection, the fixture holding the workpiece should be modeled in VERICUT, and descriptions of cutting tools should include the non-cutting portions of the tool: shanks and holders. Assuming shanks and holders are defined for the cutting tools in the simulation, using these provides collision detection of the non-cutting portion of the tool assembly against the stock or fixture.3. Specify .05 mm Cutting Tolerance(影响显示速度、影响显示质量不大)●File > Properties: Tolerance Tab●Cutting Tolerance=.05●OK4. Configure VERICUT to use tool holders defined for use in the simulation●Setup > Motion●Ensure Display Holders in Workpiece View is selected●OK5. Fit the model in the view, then open the Status and Toolpath windows to monitor the simulation●Fit●Info > Status (relocate window as desired)●Info > Toolpath (relocate window as desired)6. Single step to create the model database, then cut the model with 100 cuts●Single Step●Wait for the BUSY light at the bottom of the VERICUT main window to go outbefore continuing.●Press Play to End - note VERICUT processing time7. How many errors were detected?●Ref. Info > Status: Errors field -9 errorsConfigure VERICUT for maximum collision detection - maximum speedFor optimum performance, ensure axes are not displayed (View menu > Axes), and close all VERICUT windows that are updated during the simulation (Info menu > Status, Info menu > Toolpath, etc.). Verification speed can be increased by turning the display of the tool off and reducing the size of the displayed models, since this reduces the amount of graphics activity that occurs in the VERICUT window. This is especially true when simulating 5-axis motions, displaying large cutters, or shanks and holders during the simulation.8. Close the Status and Toolpath windows, then turn off the display of the tool●Status window: Close●Toolpath window: Close●Setup > Motion●Tool Display=Off●OK9. Zoom out twice, then refine the display prior to cutting●Press Zoom Out 2 times●Refine Display10. Cut the model with another 100 cuts●Play to End - note VERICUT processing timeIncrease the Cutting Tolerance for faster processingCutting Tolerance may be able to be increased while maintaining sufficient error detection results. Increasing the cutting tolerance increases the speed of the simulation, and requires less system resources and space to store the model database. However, the accuracy of cuts in the model is also reduced. The cutting tolerance also directly affects the results from AUTO-DIFF, OptiPath, holder collisions, Fast Feed errors, dynamic rotation speed, zoom speed, etc.In general, the value entered should reflect the accuracy needed for detecting cut-related errors and analyzing machined model features, such as required for model inspection by AUTO-DIFF, optimizing tool path motions with OptiPath, or exporting cut model data.11. Reset the VERICUT model, then increase the Cutting Tolerance to .2 mm●Reset Model , Yes●File > Properties: Tolerance tab●Cutting Tolerance= .2●OK12. Single Step once, then cut the model with 100 cuts●Single Step●Play to End - note VERICUT processing time●Were the same quantity of errors detected as with the smaller Cutting Tolerancevalue? - Yes (ref. Info > Status) Make sure to close the Status window when you are finished.Configure VERICUT to process fastest - reduced collision detectionWhen checking for collisions with fixtures and the non-cutting portion of the tool assembly (shank/holder) are not required, remove these from the simulation to gain performance. In short- for optimum tool path verification speed simulate only what is required for the desired level of collision detection.13. Reset the VERICUT model and blank (remove) the Fixture from the simulation●Reset Model , Yes●Model > Model Definition: Component Attributes tab●Select the Fixture model displayed in the VERICUT window●Visibility=Blank●OK14. Use only the cutting portion of the tool in the simulation●Setup > Motion●Clear Display Holders in Workpiece View●OK15. Single Step once, then cut the model with 100 cuts●Single Step●Play to End - note VERICUT processing timeNote that since the fixture, shank and holder have been removed from the simulation, collision errors are no longer reported. However, the stock has been cut through where the cutter had previously plunged into the fixture (see below).At this level of verification, the cutter can be re-displayed with a minimal affect to performance.16. Reset the VERICUT model, then turn on the display of the cutter and configure VERICUT to process the entire tool path file●Reset Model , Yes●Setup > Motion●Tool Display=Solid●Stop At=End●OK17. Single Step once, then cut the entire model●Single Step●Play to End - note VERICUT processing time18. Reset the VERICUT model, then configure VERICUT to process the tool path file without animation●Reset Model , Yes●Setup > Motion●No Animation●OK19. Single Step once, then cut the entire model●Single Step●Play to End - note VERICUT processing timeConfigure for FastMill verificationSpeed of verification is dramatically increased by using the FastMill cut mode. This verification method is designed for use with a fixed tool axis in a milling tool paths.19. Reset the VERICUT model●Reset Model , Yes●File > Properties: Tolerance tab●Cutting Tolerance= .05●OK20. Configure to use the FastMill cut mode●Setup > Motion●Clear No Animation●FastMill●OK21. Single Step once, then cut the entire model●Single Step●Play to End - note VERICUT processing time22. Reset the VERICUT model cut in standard cutting mode●Reset Model , Yes●Setup > Motion●Clear FastMill●OK●Single Step●Play to EndCompare the time require to simulate this tool path using the FastMill cut mode versus time required using the standard cut mode (see step prior to "Configure for FastMill verification"). FastMill verification is often as much as 2-5 times faster with the same errors detected.翻译:第10节-刀具配置文件和默认工具(设计刀具及刀柄)本节内容展示了如何使用VERICUT的刀具管理、通过配置文件的描述来定义一个工具组件(刀具和刀柄)。
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部:机械工程系专业:机械工程及自动化姓名:学号:外文出处:Cutter Compensation Principle附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
1. 刀具长度补偿1.1 刀具长度的概念刀具长度是一个很重要的概念。
1.角度块 angle block gauge 2.正多面棱体 regular polygon mirror 3.刀具角度样板 cutter angular template 4.直角尺 square 5.平行直角尺 parallel square 6.宽座直角尺 wide-stand square 7.刀口形直角尺 edge square 8.矩形直角尺 square square 9.三角形直角尺 three angle square 10.圆柱直角尺 cylinder square 11.方形角尺 square guage
22.电子水平仪 electronic level meter 23.指针式电子水平仪 electronic level meter with indicator 24.数显式电子水平仪 electronic level meter with digital display 25.平直度测量仪 straightness measuring instrument 26.光学式平直度测量仪 optical straightness measuring instrument 27.光电式平直度测量仪 photoelectrical straightness measuring instrument 28.圆度测量仪 roundness measuring instrument
12.深度千分尺 depth micrometer 13.内径千分尺 internal micrometer 14.单杆式内径千分尺 single-body internal micrometer 15.表式内径千分尺 dail internal micrometer 16.三爪式内径千分尺 three point internal micrometer 17.电子数显三爪式内径千分尺 three point internal micrometer
number of holes for holding cutting tool 刀具孔数
single-point tool thread cutting machine 单刃刀具螺纹铣床
high-speed and multi-tool cutting method 高速多刀复刃切削法
penetration of a cutting tool 吃刀
silicon nitride based cutting tool 氮化硅基切削工具
square hole cutting slotting tool 方孔插刀
les for holding cutting tool 刀具孔数
AL?2 O?3-SiC whisker cutting tool 碳化硅晶须增强氧化铝切削工具
portable electric tool (电钻电锯等) 手提式电动工具
portable 携带; 携带式; 携带式的; 携带用机械;
Q-type mechanically-clamped carbide cutting-off tool 机夹Q型切断刀
cutting-tool engineering 刀具技术
cutting-tool lubricant 刀具冷却润滑剂
cutting-tool steel 切削工具钢
cutting-tool wear 刀具磨损
down-cutting tool 立刨刀; 插刀; 插刀
hand-held portable electric tool 手提式轻便电力工具
中文2315字外文文献原文STUDY ON BOUNDARY NOTCH OF CEMENTECARBIDE CUTTING TOOL1Abstract The performance of cemented carbide cutting tools directly influence machining quality of the machined workpiece .In this paper, the forming mechanism of boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tool is studied, related theories analyzed, a definition of the boundary notch size presented, and main factors to influence boundary notch of tool pointed out. Besides forming process and change lay of the boundary notch of tool are found out, and a certain number of measures to decrease and control the boundary notch of tool have been advanced.Key words boundary notch; cemented carbide cutting tool; cutting burr; corner radius; tool cutting edge angle1 INTRODUCTIONThe wear and boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools are often found in the machining. They directly influence machining quality of the machined workpiece and the cutting performance and life of the cutter. Especially, in the precision machining, flexible manufacturing system (FMS) and other automation manufacture, wear and boundary notch behaviors of cemented carbide tools are even more important. Metal cutting experiences have expounded that wear and boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tools are more serious in the machining of the workpiece in which the strain hardening is high and the remaining is not even. It seriously influences the machining quality of the machined piece and the cutting performance and life of the cutter. But, so far, there has not been much research on the boundary notch mechanism of cemented carbide cutting cutter, and the technical measures to reduce boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools are fewer[1,2]. So that, the based on the machining experiments of friction welded joint, this research focuses on the forming processes and main rules of the boundary notch, and has developed several measures to resist or lessen boundary notch, which provides atheoretical and experimental base to ensure cutting performances of cutters and machining quality.2 THE FORMING PROCESS AND MAIN SIZE OF BOUNDARY NOTCHThe boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools is a wear area, which is relatively large, resulting from friction between main cutting edge and the surface of the workpiece as the following Fig.1. Fig.1 (a) shows a traditional wearing type of the flank. The rake face A r and flank face A a are also shown. Fig.1 (b) shows the main dimension of boundary notch of the lathe tool, in which VN represented the height of boundary notch and C refers to the width. It is apparent that the greater the dimensions of VN and C are, the greater it destroys the performance of tools and influences the machining quality[3,4].By experiment, the forming process of the boundary notch can be divided into the following three steps: firstly, several micro cracks are produced at main cutting edge. Secondly, the mesh fractures are found in the boundary areas and they will spread. Finally, the piece material will be denuded and the boundary notch is formed. In the subsequent cutting process, the dimension of the boundary becomes bigger and bigger.Fig. 2 shows the forming process of boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tools.Main factors to influence boundary notch are mechanical performance of the piece material, the cutter material, and geometry parameter of the cutter. The following experiments were carried out in order to expound the forming mechanism and evolution rules of the boundary notch..Fig. 1 Boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tool in turningFig.2 Forming process of boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tools.3 EXPERIMENT CONDITIONS AND TESTING MEASURESThe lathe C6130 and reversible cutting tool are used in the experiment. Five cutter materials are employed. Main mechanical parameters of cutter material are shown in Table 1.The machining piece is the friction-welded line of the single hydraulic pillar. The width of the welded line is 15mm and the machining allowance is 5.5mm. Besides, the above pillar is welded with 270SiMn and 45# steel. The relatively mechanical performances of the welded line are shown in Table 2.Based on manufacturing experience and relative information in China and other countries about similar machining process, the chosen machining and tool geometry parameters are shown in Table 3.The boundary notch dimensions of the cemented carbide cutting tools (boundary notch height VN and width C are directly attained by tool microscope. In order to ensure reliability of the results, repeated experiments are carried out. The recurrentperformance is good.4 EXPERIMENT RESULTS AND ANALYSIS4.1 Cutter MaterialsFor different cutter materials, as shown in Fig. 3, the machining performance and the ability to resist boundary notch are distinctly different.From Fig. 3, we can find the boundary notch dimensions are relatively large when YD10,YD15 and YW are used. Whereas the boundary notch dimension is smallest when YTS25 is used. Because of the asymmetry allowances impacts and vibrations will take place. YTS25 cutter has better impact-resisting performance and boundary notch dimension. Therefore, YTS25 cutter material is selected to do the following experiments.Table 1 Material Performances of CuttersTable 2 Mechanical Performances of CuttersTable 3 Cutting Parameters4.2 Influences of Cutting Edge AngleThe results of the variety boundary notch are shown as in Fig. 4 when the cutting edge angle is changed. From Fig. 4 we can find that, with the lessening of the cutting edge angle Kr , the dimensions of the boundary notch decrease. The reason is that with the lessening of the cutting edge angle Kr , the length of the cutting edge that acts on cutting becomes larger and the average loads on the cutting edge become lighter.4.3 Influences of Cutter Corner Radius rεThe results of the variety boundary notch with the cutter corner changing are shown as Fig. 5.The boundary notch dimension decreases with the cutter corner radius rε becoming lesser. The reason is that with the increasing of the cutter corner radius, the impact-resistance performance.Fig. 3 Different boundary notch results to different utter materialFig. 4 Influences of cutting edge angle K rincreases and the volume of the cutter that endures heat becomes larger. Therefore, under the same cutting conditions, boundary notch dimensions (VN, C) decrease when the cutter corner radius becomes lesser.4.4 Influences of Negative Chamfer bαlThe experiment results of the variety boundary notch are shown as in Fig. 6 when the width of the negative chamfer is changed. The dimension of the boundary notch will decrease when the width of the negative chamfer bαl decreases. Therefore, in order to resist or decrease the cutter boundary notch, the lesser negative chamfer bαl should be chosen.4.5 Deburring Machining ProcessThe burrs have some influences on cutter boundary notch in metal machining process. A deburring cutter is chosen to decrease the adverse influence on cutter. A different result between deburring machining process and common machining process is shown as in Fig. 7. It can be seen that about 75% of the boundary notch is decreased. So, burr is a main factor to produce and increase the boundary notch of the cutter.Fig.5 Influence of cutter corner radius RFig.6 Influences of negative chamfer widthFig.7 Deburring machining process and common machining process 5 CONCLUSIONSFrom above experimental research and theoretical analysis, the following conclusions are attained:1) Boundary notch of the cutting tool can be expressed by boundary notch height VN and boundary notch width C. The forming processes of boundary notch can be divided into three steps:micro-tipping appears firstly; Then, mesh fractures expand; Finally, boundary notch results.(2) Main factors that influence boundary notch of cemented carbide cutter are piece material,cutter material and cutter geometry parameters.(3) Deburring machining process and adjusting cutting tool geometry parameters (to reduce edge angle K r and width of negative chamfer bαl, to increase cutter corner radius rε) can be chosen to decrease effectively boundary notch, which ensures the quality of workpiece and cutting performances of cutting tool. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors are grateful to Natural Science Foundation of P.R.C. for support of this project(Grant No. 59775071 and 50275066).REFERENCES[1] WANG Guicheng. Inner Stress in the Surface of Brazed Cemented CarbideCutting Tool.Cemented Carbide.1989,6(4):p.169~172(in Chinese)[2] WANG Guicheng. Cutting Performances of Brazed Cemented Carbide CuttingTool. Cemented Carbide. 1993, 10(1):p.69~72(in Chinese)[3] ZHOU Zehua. The Principles of Metal Cutting. Shanghai: Shanghai Science andTechnology Press,1985(in Chinese)[4] ZHANG Youzhen. Metal Cutting Theory. Beijing: Aviation Industry Press,998(in Chinese)关于硬质合金刀具刀刃磨损的研究摘要硬质合金刀具的性能直接影响到工件的切削质量。
外文文献原文STUDY ON BOUNDARY NOTCH OF CEMENTECARBIDE CUTTING TOOL1WANG Guicheng, PEIHongjie, LI Qinfeng , ZHANG ChunJiangsuUniversity, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013 ChinaAbstract The performance of cemented carbide cutting tools directly influence machining quality of the machined workpiece .In this paper, the forming mechanism of boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tool is studied, related theories analyzed, a definition of the boundary notch size presented, and main factors to influence boundary notch of tool pointed out. Besides forming process and change lay of the boundary notch of tool are found out, and a certain number of measures to decrease and control the boundary notch of tool have been advanced.Keywords boundary notch; cemented carbide cutting tool; cutting burr; corner radius; tool cutting edge angle1 INTRODUCTIONThe wear and boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools are often found in the machining. They directly influence machining quality of the machined workpiece and the cutting performance and life of the cutter. Especially, in the precision machining, flexible manufacturing system (FMS) and other automation manufacture, wear and boundary notch behaviors of cemented carbide tools are even more important. Metal cutting experiences have expounded that wear and boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tools are more serious in the machining of the workpiece in which the strain hardening is high and the remaining is not even. It seriously influences the machining quality of the machined piece and the cutting performance and life of the cutter. But, so far, there has not been much research on the boundary notch mechanism of cemented carbide cutting cutter, and the technical measures to reduce boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools are fewer[1,2]. So that, the based on the machining experiments of friction welded joint, this research focuses on the forming processes and main rules of the boundary notch, and hasdeveloped several measures to resist or lessen boundary notch, which provides a theoretical and experimental base to ensure cutting performances of cutters and machining quality.2 THE FORMING PROCESS AND MAIN SIZE OF BOUNDARY NOTCHThe boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools is a wear area, which is relatively large, resulting from friction between main cutting edge and the surface of the workpiece as the following Fig.1. Fig.1 (a) shows a traditional wearing type of the flank. The rake face A r and flank face A a are also shown. Fig.1 (b) shows the main dimension of boundary notch of the lathe tool, in which VN represented the height of boundary notch and C refers to the width. It is apparent that the greater the dimensions of VN and C are, the greater it destroys the performance of tools and influences the machining quality[3,4].By experiment, the forming process of the boundary notch can be divided into the following three steps: firstly, several micro cracks are produced at main cutting edge. Secondly, the mesh fractures are found in the boundary areas and they will spread. Finally, the piece material will be denuded and the boundary notch is formed. In the subsequent cutting process, the dimension of the boundary becomes bigger and bigger.Fig. 2 shows the forming process of boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tools.Main factors to influence boundary notch are mechanical performance of the piece material, the cutter material, and geometry parameter of the cutter. The following experiments were carried out in order to expound the forming mechanism and evolution rules of the boundary notch..Fig. 1 Boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tool in turningFig.2 Forming process of boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tools.3 EXPERIMENT CONDITIONS AND TESTING MEASURESThe lathe C6130 and reversible cutting tool are used in the experiment. Five cutter materials are employed. Main mechanical parameters of cutter material are shown in Table 1.The machining piece is the friction-welded line of the single hydraulic pillar. The width of the welded line is 15mm and the machining allowance is 5.5mm. Besides, the above pillar is welded with 270SiMn and 45# steel. The relatively mechanical performances of the welded line are shown in Table 2.Based on manufacturing experience and relative information in China and other countries about similar machining process, the chosen machining and tool geometry parameters are shown in Table 3.The boundary notch dimensions of the cemented carbide cutting tools (boundary notch height VN and width C are directly attained by tool microscope. In order to ensure reliability of the results, repeated experiments are carried out. The recurrentperformance is good.4 EXPERIMENT RESULTS AND ANALYSIS4.1 Cutter MaterialsFor different cutter materials, as shown in Fig. 3, the machining performance and the ability to resist boundary notch are distinctly different.From Fig. 3, we can find the boundary notch dimensions are relatively large when YD10,YD15 and YW are used. Whereas the boundary notch dimension is smallest when YTS25 is used. Because of the asymmetry allowances impacts and vibrations will take place. YTS25 cutter has better impact-resisting performance and boundary notch dimension. Therefore, YTS25 cutter material is selected to do the following experiments.Table 1 Material Performances of CuttersTable 2 Mechanical Performances of CuttersTable 3 Cutting Parameters4.2 Influences of Cutting Edge AngleThe results of the variety boundary notch are shown as in Fig. 4 when the cutting edge angle is changed. From Fig. 4 we can find that, with the lessening of the cutting edge angle Kr , the dimensions of the boundary notch decrease. The reason is that with the lessening of the cutting edge angle Kr , the length of the cutting edge that acts on cutting becomes larger and the average loads on the cutting edge become lighter.4.3 Influences of Cutter Corner Radius rεThe results of the variety boundary notch with the cutter corner changing are shown as Fig. 5.The boundary notch dimension decreases with the cutter corner radius rε becoming lesser. The reason is that with the increasing of the cutter corner radius, the impact-resistance performance.Fig. 3 Different boundary notch results to different utter materialFig. 4 Influences of cutting edge angle K rincreases and the volume of the cutter that endures heat becomes larger. Therefore, under the same cutting conditions, boundary notch dimensions (VN, C) decrease when the cutter corner radius becomes lesser.4.4 Influences of Negative Chamfer bαlThe experiment results of the variety boundary notch are shown as in Fig. 6 when the width of the negative chamfer is changed. The dimension of the boundary notch will decrease when the width of the negative chamfer bαl decreases. Therefore, in order to resist or decrease the cutter boundary notch, the lesser negative chamfer bαl should be chosen.4.5 Deburring Machining ProcessThe burrs have some influences on cutter boundary notch in metal machining process. A deburring cutter is chosen to decrease the adverse influence on cutter. A different result between deburring machining process and common machining process is shown as in Fig. 7. It can be seen that about 75% of the boundary notch is decreased. So, burr is a main factor to produce and increase the boundary notch of the cutter.Fig.5 Influence of cutter corner radius RFig.6 Influences of negative chamfer widthFig.7 Deburring machining process and common machining process 5 CONCLUSIONSFrom above experimental research and theoretical analysis, the following conclusions are attained:1) Boundary notch of the cutting tool can be expressed by boundary notch height VN and boundary notch width C. The forming processes of boundary notch can be divided into three steps:micro-tipping appears firstly; Then, mesh fractures expand; Finally, boundary notch results.(2) Main factors that influence boundary notch of cemented carbide cutter are piece material,cutter material and cutter geometry parameters.(3) Deburring machining process and adjusting cutting tool geometry parameters (to reduce edge angle K r and width of negative chamfer bαl, to increase cutter corner radius rε) can be chosen to decrease effectively boundary notch, which ensures the quality of workpiece and cutting performances of cutting tool. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors are grateful to Natural Science Foundation of P.R.C. for support of this project(Grant No. 59775071 and 50275066).REFERENCES[1] WANG Guicheng. Inner Stress in the Surface of Brazed Cemented CarbideCutting Tool.Cemented Carbide.1989,6(4):p.169~172(in Chinese)[2] WANG Guicheng. Cutting Performances of Brazed Cemented Carbide CuttingTool. Cemented Carbide. 1993, 10(1):p.69~72(in Chinese)[3] ZHOU Zehua. The Principles of Metal Cutting. Shanghai: Shanghai Science andTechnology Press,1985(in Chinese)[4] ZHANG Youzhen. Metal Cutting Theory.Beijing: Aviation Industry Press,998(in Chinese)关于硬质合金刀具刀刃磨损的研究王桂城,裴鸿杰,李庆丰,张春江苏大学,中国江苏镇江摘要硬质合金刀具的性能直接影响到工件的切削质量。
机械工程英语 最终无敌词典
考试必备(1)Engine lathes(1)普通车床(2)Toolroom lathes(2)万能车床(3)Turret lathes(3)转塔车床(4)Vertical turning and boring mills(4)立式车床(5)Automatic lathes(5)自动车床(6)Special-purpose lathes(6)特殊车床A bilateral tolerance is one where the tolerance range is disposed on both sides of the nominaldimension. 双向公差是在公称尺寸两侧都有公差带的公差。
A bulk of the remaining sand and cores can be removed by mechanically striking the part. 大量的剩余型砂和砂芯要通过机械敲击零件来去除。
A ceramic is often broadly defined as any inorganic nonmetallic material.陶瓷通常被概括地定义为无机的非金属材料。
A chip is variable both in size and shape in actual manufacturing practice. 在实际加工过程中切屑的尺寸和形状都是变化的。
A compaction stage is typically used to ensure good coverage and solid molds. 通常要采取压紧步骤来保证良好的覆盖和坚固的铸型。
A distinction may be made between open-die forging, usually in the form of hammer forging, andclosed-die forging. 锤锻中常用的开式模锻与闭式模锻是有区别的。
附录Introduction to basic machiningMechanism of Surface Finish ProductionThere are basically five mechanisms which contribute to the production of a surface which have been machined. There are:(1) The basic geometry of the cutting process. In, for example, single point turning the tool will advance a constant distance axially per revolution of the work piece and the resultant surface will have on it, when viewed perpendicularly to the direction of tool feed motion, a series of cusps which will have a basic form which replicates the shape of the tool in cut.(2) The efficiency of the cutting operation. It has already been mentioned that cutting with unstable built-up-edges will produce a surface which contains hard built-up-edge fragments which will result in a degradation of the surface finish. It can also be demonstrated that cutting under adverse conditions such as apply when using large feeds small rake angles and low cutting speeds, besides producing conditions whichcontinuous shear occurring in the shear zone, tearing takes place, discontinuous chips of uneven thickness are produced, and the resultant surface is poor. This situation is particularly noticeable when machining very ductile materials such as copper and aluminum.(3) The stability of the machine tool. Under some combinations of cutting conditions: work piece size , method of clamping, and cutting tool rigidity relative to the machine tool structure, instability can be set up in the tool which causes it to vibrate. Under some conditions the vibration will built up and unless cutting is stopped considerable damage to both the cutting tool and work piece may occur. This phenomenon is known as chatter and in axial turning is characterized by long pitch helical bands on the work piece surface and short pitch undulations on the transient machined surface.(4) The effectiveness of removing sward. In discontinuous chip production machining, such as milling or turning of brittle materials, it is expected that the chip (sward) will leave the cutting zone either under gravity or with the assistance of a jet of cutting fluid and that they will not influence the cut surface in any way. However, when continuous chip production is evident, unless steps ate taken to control the swarf it is likely that it will impinge on the cut surface and mark it. Inevitably, this marking beside a looking unattractive, often results in a poorer surface finishing,(5) The effective clearance angle on the cutting tool. For certain geometries of minor cutting edge relief and clearance angles it is possible to cut on the major cutting edge and burnish on the minor cutting edge. This can produce a good surface finish but, of course, it is strictly a combination of metal cutting and metal forming and is not to be recommended as a practical cutting method. However, due to cutting tool wear, these conditions occasionally arise and lead to a marked change in the surface characteristics.Surface Finishing and Dimensional ControlProducts that have been completed to their proper shape and size frequently require some type of surface finishing to enable than to satisfactorily fulfill their function. In some cases, tit is necessary to improve the physical properties of the surface material for resistance to penetration or abrasion. In many manufacturing processes, the product surface is left with dirt, chips, grease, or other harmful material upon it. Assemblies that are made of different materials, or from the same materials processed in different manners, many require some special surface treatment to provide uniformity of appearance.Surface finishing many sometimes become an intermediate step processing. For instance, cleaning and polishing are usually essential before any kind of plating process. Some of the cleaning procedures are also used for improving surface smoothness on mating parts and for removing burrs and sharp corners, which might be harmful in later use. Another important need for surface finishing is for corrosion protection in a variety of environments. The type of protection procedure will depend largely upon the anticipated exposure, with due consideration to the material being protected and the economic factors involved.Satisfying the above objectives necessitates the use of main surface-finishing methods that involve chemical change of the surface mechanical work affecting surface properties, cleaning by a variety of methods, and the application of protective coatings, organic and metallic.In the early days of engineering, the mating of parts was achieved by machining one part as nearly as possible to the required size, machining the mating part nearly to size, and then completing its machining, continually offering the other part to it, until the desired relationship was obtained. If it was inconvenient to offer one par to the other part during machining, the final work was done at the bench by a fitter, who scraped the mating parts until the desired fit was obtained, the fitter therefore being a ‘fitter’ in the literal sense. It is obvious that the two parts wo uld have to remain together, and in the event of one having to be replaced, the fitting would have to be done all over again. I n these days, we expect to be able to purchase a replacement for a broken part, and for it to function correctly without the need for scraping and other fitting operations.When one part can be used ‘off the shelf’ to replace another of the same dimension and material specification, the parts are said to be interchangeable. A system of interchangeability usually lowers the production costs as there is no need for an expensive, ‘fiddling’ operation, and it benefits the customer in the event of the need to replace worn parts.Limits and TolerancesMachine parts are manufactured so they are interchangeable. In other words, each part of a machine or mechanism is made to a certain size and shape so it will fit into any other machine or mechanism of the same type. To make the part interchangeable, each individual part must be made to a size that will fit the mating part in the correct way. It is not only impossible, but also impractical to make many parts to an exact size. This is because machines are not perfect, and the tools becomeworn. A slight variation from the exact size is always allowed. The amount of this variation depends on the kind of part being manufactured. For example, a part might be made 6 in. long with a variation allowed of 0.003(three thousandths) in. above and below this size. Therefore, the part could be 5.997 to 6.003 in. and still be the correct size. These are known as the limits. The difference between upper and lower limits is called the tolerance.A tolerance is the total permissible variation in the size of a part.The basic size is that size from which limits of size are derived by the application of allowances and tolerances.Sometimes the limit is allowed in only one direction. This is known as unilateral tolerance.Unilateral tolerancing is a system of dimensioning where the tolerance (that is variation) is shown I only one direction from the nominal size. Unilateral tolerancing allow the changing of tolerance on a hole or shaft without seriously affecting the fit.When the tolerance is in both directions from the basic size, it is known as a bilateral tolerance (plus and minus).Bilateral tolerancing is a system of dimensioning where the tolerance (that is variation) is split and is shown on either side of the nominal size. Limit dimensioning is a system of dimensioning where only the maximum and minimum dimensions are shown. Thus, the tolerance is the difference between these two dimensions.Introduction of Machining of:Machining as a shape-producing method is the most universally used and the most important of all manufacturing processes. Machining is a shape-producing process in which a power-driven device causes material to be removed in chip form. Most machining is done with equipment that supports both the work piece and cutting tool although in some cases portable equipment is used with unsupported work piece.Low setup cost for small quantities. Machining has two applications in manufacturing. For casting, forging, and pressworking, each specific shape to be produced, even one part, nearly always has a high tooling cost. The shapes that may be produced by welding depend to a large degree on the shapes of raw material that are available. By making use of generally high cost equipment but without special tooling, it is possible, by machining, to start with nearly any form of raw material, so long as the exterior dimensions are great enough, and produce any desired shape from any material. Therefore, machining is usually the preferred method for producing one or a few parts, even when the design of the part would logically lead to casting, forging or pressworking if a high quantity were to be produced.Close accuracies, good finishes. The second application for machining is based on the high accuracies and surface finishes possible. Many of the parts machined in low quantities would be produced with lower but acceptable tolerances if produced I high quantities by some other process. On the other hand, many parts are given their general shapes by some high quantity deformation process and machined only on selected surfaces where high accuracies are needed. Internal threads, for example, are seldom produced by any means other than machining and small holes in pressworked parts may be machined following the pressworking operations.外文文献翻译机械加工基础简介表面粗糙度的技术在已经进行机械加工过的表面,有五种基本的影响其表面粗糙度的技术。
new composite ceramic cutting tool 新型复合陶瓷刀具
non-standard axial cutting tool 非标准轴向刀具
non-standard carbide cutting tool 非标准合金刀具
laser cutting machine tool 激光切割机
land of cutting tool 刀刃棱面; 刀刃梭面
internal screw cutting tool 内螺纹车刀
gear cutting tool 齿轮加工刀具; 齿轮切削刀具; 齿轮切削刀具
external screw cutting tool 外螺纹车刀
female screw cutting tool 内螺纹车刀
fiber-cutting tool 光纤切割工具
fibre-cutting tool 光纤切割工具
ged cutting tool 单刃刀
hand cutting tool 手工刀具
high precision cutting tool 高精密度切削工具
precision cutting tool 精密刀具
right-hand-cutting tool 右削车刀
round-nose cutting tool 圆头切刀
screw cutting tool 螺纹车刀
single cutting tool 单刃刀
single-edged cutting tool 单刃刀
portable electrical tool 轻便电力工具
gauge标准尺, 规格, 量规, 量表gaugemeter测厚计absolute pressure vacuum gauge绝对压力真空计acceptance gauge验收规acoustic type strain gauge声学式应变计adjustable snap gauge调整式卡规adjustable limit snap thread gauge 可调式极限螺纹卡规adjustable spring gauge可调式弹簧定位装置adjusting gauge整定仪表[卡规]adzing gauge轨枕槽规air gauge空气压力计air brake gauge气力制动气压表air plug gauge气动塞规air pressure gauge气压计air snap gauge气动外径量规air-gap gauge气隙量规airspeed gauge风速表alarm pressure gauge警报信号压力计angle block gauge量角规, 角度块规attenuation gauge衰减测量计automatic water gauge自动水位计axle testing gauge测轴规back scatter beta gauge反射型(β射线)测厚计back-scatter(ing) gauge反向散射测量计balanced-lever-type bell gauge 杠杆平衡式钟形压力计ball gauge球形量规ball plug gauge球塞规bar gauge(测孔用)棒规, 杆规, 基准棒battering gauge定斜规, 斜坡样板battery gauge袖珍[电池]电流计, 电池量表bayonet gauge插入式量器bearing gauge同心度量规bellows gauge膜盒压力计, 波纹管压力计beta absorption gauge按吸收原理工作的β射线测量计beta radiation thickness gauge β射线测厚仪bevel gauge测角器,量角器,斜角规, 曲尺bit gauge对刀样板, 钻头规blast gauge风压计block gauge块规boost gauge增压计; 进气压力表缸径量规, 量缸表bounded type strain gauge固定型应变仪brake-shoe gauge闸瓦规brine gauge盐浮计, 盐水比重计broad gauge宽轨(距)(通常指苏联采用的钢轨内侧距离为1524毫米的轨距)brush gauge电刷量具butt gauge铰链规cable eccentricity gauge钢索偏心度测量仪calender gauge压延用测厚计; 连续测厚计caliber gauge外径卡规, 厚薄规caliper gauge测径规, 内卡规, 内量规cap gauge口径规capacitance-type strain gauge电容式应变仪capacitance strain gauge电容式应变仪capsule (type vacuum) gauge膜盒真空计card gauge卡片量规, 卡片测量器casing gauge套管螺纹规; 肠衣量规centre-height gauge高度规, 高度样板charge gauge进料表charging gaugechattock gauge微压计[规]check(ing) gauge校对测规[量规]chock gauge塞规clap-board gauge护檐板规classification gauge分类规clearance gauge量隙规, 测厚规, 塞尺clearance loading gauge(铁路车辆的)载货限定外形尺寸, 运输车辆外形尺寸clock gauge千分表cold-cathode ionization gauge冷阴极电离真空规comb gauge齿形检查量规combination depth-and-angle gauge组合深度角度规combined pressure gauge复式压力计(指示及记录)compensating gauge补偿片compound gauge真空压力计, 真空压力两用表复合规compressed air gauge气力系统压力表compression gauge压缩真空计condenser gauge冷凝器压力计conical gauge锥度规consistency gauge稠度计contacting gauge接触式检测[测厚]仪contactless gauge非接触型测量仪content gauge液面[位]计水准器contour gauge仿形规, 板规, 样板contraction gauge收缩尺, 缩规control gauge校准(量)规core-setting gauge下芯样板corkgauge塞(径)规corrective gauge校正规corrosion gauge腐蚀计counter gauge校对规, 榫规cut-off level gauge容器填充高度指示器, 切断水平计cutter clearance gauge刀具后[隙]角规, 铣刀量隙规cutting gauge切削规cylinder bore gauge(汽)缸(内)径规cylindrical plug gauge圆柱测径规, 圆柱塞规dead weight gauge静重仪decimal gauge十进制规decrement gauge减压表delivery gauge排出[高压]压力表终轧[交货]尺寸deposit gauge沉积计; 落灰计; 降尘测定器dial gauge度盘式指示器, 指示表千分表, 百分表dial depth gauge深度千分表[尺]dial sheet gauge厚薄指示表diaphragm gauge薄膜式压力计difference gauge极限量规differential gauge微分(气压)计differential liquid level gauge水位差流速计differential pressure gauge差动[微差]压力计differential vacuum gauge差示真空规dip gauge垂度规direction gauge角度计, 倾斜计distance gauge测远[距]仪double-end plug gauge双端塞规draft gauge通风计; 差压式风压计draught gauge通风计; 风质表; (流体的)差示压力计; 拉力计, 牵引仪drill point gauge钻头角度规dummy gauge无效[补偿, 平衡]应变片dummy strain gauge补偿应变计electric steam gauge电动气压机electric-resistance strain gauge电阻丝应变片electrolimit gauge(轧制中连续测量带材的)接触式测厚(度)仪[计]electromagnetic fuel gauge电磁式燃油平面指示器electron potential difference gauge 电子电势差计end gauge端测规, 端部定位装置, 棒量规剪切机挡板end measuring gauge内径杆规, 端测规engine mission gauge发动机变速箱转数表engine vacuum checking gauge发动机真空测试计English screw pitch gauge英制螺距规evaporation hook gauge蒸发器expansion gauge膨胀计, 测膨胀器external limit gauge极限量规external screw gauge外螺纹检查规external strain gauge表面应变仪external thread gauge螺纹量规female thread gauge螺纹量规extractor gauge分离规eye gauge放大镜factory acceptance gauge验收规, 验收样板feed depth gauge进给深度规, 深度限制器feeler gauge测隙规, 厚薄规, 千分垫, 塞尺female gauge外测量规.缺口样板fillet gauge圆角规fineness gauge细度计finger gauge厚度规fixed size gauge固定量规flame ionization gauge【化】火焰电离计flat plug gauge扁形测孔规, 板状塞规flexible silicon strain gauge 柔性硅应变仪float(ing) gauge浮规, ?瓿?float-type level gauge暌好婕flow gauge测流规, 流量计foil gauge应变片force gauge测力计, 测功器fork gauge叉规, 分叉标准尺friction gauge摩擦计fuel contents gauge燃料含量指示计fuel level gauge油位表fuel oil levelgauge油面指示计fuse gauge熔丝规; 熔丝切断器fuse cutter熔丝规; 熔丝切断器gamma gaugeγ测量计, γ射线测厚仪, 非接触式飞测千分尺gap gauge隙规, 厚度规, 外径规gas gauge气体压力计gas-discharge gauge气体放电真空计gasoline tank gauge汽油罐[箱]液面指示器glass gauge玻璃管规glass plate level gauge玻璃板液面计glass tubing gauge玻管量规go plug gauge(通)过规grinding gauge外圆磨床用钩形卡规grip gauge紧固量件hand gauge钟表针的尺寸; 针规hand plug gauge手塞规heat conductivity pressure gauge热传导压力表heavy gauge大型量规(板材)大厚度大尺寸大剖面(线材)粗直径height gauge高度计[规, 尺]; 高度游标(卡)尺; 测高计hole gauge塞规, 孔规, 内径规, 内量规内测微计hook gauge(量液体高度的)钩规, 钩尺管压力表钩形水位计hot-filament ionization gauge灯丝[热阴极]电离真空计humidity gauge湿度计hydraulic gauge水力表, 液压计hydrodynamic gauge动水压力计hydrological gauge水位计hydrostatic gauge流体静压计, 液压计hydrostatic fuel-level gauge静液压式汽油油量计hydrostatic-head gauge流体静压头计imperial standard wire gauge英制标准线规inclined gauge倾斜高度计, 斜管液面计index gauge指示计[表], 分度规indicating plug gauge内径精测仪inductance type strain gauge电感式应变片insert gauge塞规inside gauge内径规, 内卡钳inside cal(l)iper gauge内径千分尺inside lead gauge内螺纹导程(螺距)仪inside taper gauge内锥度量规insulated pipe center track gauge 中心用绝缘钢管制的轨距尺interferometer strain gauge应变干涉仪internal and external (snap) gauge 内外(测)径规internal cal(l)iper gauge内径卡规internal cylindrical gauge柱形测孔规圆柱塞规internal dial gauge内径千分表internal limit gauge内径极限规internal screw gauge内螺纹检查规international gauge国际轨距(指标准轨距)international screw pitch gauge国际螺距规, 公制螺距规involute spline gauge渐开线花键量规ionization gauge电离压力[真空]计jaw gauge游标规jet gauge喷力计juice gauge液量计juice level gauge液位计key gauge键规keyseat gauge键槽规Langmuir-Dushman molecular gauge朗格缪尔-德什曼分子真空计lead gauge导程检查仪, 螺距规leaf gauge隔距片lee gauge下风(位)level gauge水准仪[器], 液面[水位]计light gauge小型量规lightly-damped gauge弱阻尼压力表, 小惯性压力表, 灵敏压力表limit gauge极限量规; 限制量计口径限度limit plug gauge界限塞规, 极限塞规limit snap gauge极限卡规limit thread gauge极限螺纹规line width gauge线规linear displacement gauge线性位移测量计liquid column gauge液柱压力计liquid-filled membran pressure gauge 充液隔膜压力计lithium niobate stress gauge铌酸锂应力计loading gauge量载(荷)规(铁路车辆的)载货限定外形尺寸载重标准lux gauge照度计, 勒克司计magnetic gauge磁力测微计magnetic dial gauge磁性刻度盘式指示器, 磁性指示表磁性千分[百分]表magnetic wall thickness gauge壁厚磁测仪main spring gauge发条尺寸, 发条规male gauge测量内用量规, 塞规; 内卡钳, 内径规manifold pressure gauge进气压力表marking gauge划线规master gauge主规, 标准规检测仪表, 总压表标准测量maximum gauge(板材或线材的)最大厚度或直径maximum loading gauge装载限界meat gauge(切肉机)肉片厚度调节器mechanical gauge移动挡板(轧件定尺剪切用)机械测量仪器metallic bellows gauge金属薄膜压力计metric gauge量规metric screw pitch gauge国际[米制]螺距规micrometer gauge测微规micrometer depth gauge深度千分尺[卡规]micrometer screw gauge螺旋千分尺[测微计]minimum gauge(板材的)最小厚度miter gauge斜节规mold gauge模子量规molecular gauge分子压力计, 压缩压力计molybdenum-foil diaphram gauge钼箔薄膜压力计mortice gauge槽用分划规, 槽用划线盘; 榫规mortise gauge槽用分划规, 槽用划线盘; 榫规multiple beta gauge多源β测量计multiplying gauge倍示(压力)规multitube pressure gauge多管压力计must gauge葡萄汁比重计narrow gauge【摄】窄影片; 窄轨距needle gauge针规no-go gauge不过端量规not-go gauge不过端量规noninsulated pipe center track gauge 不绝缘中间用钢管制轨距尺nuclear gauge核子测定仪obstruction gauge障碍规ohm gauge欧姆表, 电阻表oil gauge油量计, 油位表油压计, 油规油比重计oil circulation gauge油循环压差计on-off gauge开关测量计open gauge开口压力计outside lead gauge外螺纹导程仪page gauge【刷】版面量规paper-backed strain gauge纸基应变仪parallel gauge (block)块规partial pressure measure gauge 分压强测量规petrol-content gauge汽油量表Philips gauge菲立浦冷阴极电离真空计photoelastic gauge光弹性应变仪(岩石力学用) piezoelectric strain gauge压电应变计pilot gauge(带)引导(的)塞规; 销式定位装置pin gauge销(栓)规Pirani gauge皮拉尼压力[真空]计, 热压力计piston "go-no-go" plug gauge活塞销孔直径"通过端"与"不通过端"量规piston pressure gauge活塞式压力计pitch gauge螺距规, 螺纹样板pitch diameter gauge节圆直径量规Pitot pressure gauge皮托测压管, 总压测量器planer-and-shaper gauge正确安装刨刀的对刀工具plate gauge板规, 样板plate-form 成形样板plug gauge柱形测孔规, (圆柱)塞规plug screw gauge阴螺纹规polygonal plug gauge多边形孔的塞规position gauge检位规profile gauge样板, 轮廓量规progressive gauge分级规pull tension gauge张[拉]力计pump pressure gauge泵压力计purchase inspection gauge检验[验收]量规radiation thickness gauge放射性元素测厚仪radioisotope transmission gauge放射性同位素透射测量计radiometer gauge辐射真空计rail profile gauge钢轨断面磨耗测量器rain gauge[ ]雨量计, 测雨计X-ray pipe-wall gauge X射线管壁厚度差测量仪X-ray width gauge X射线带材测宽仪receiver gauge验收规, 综合量规receiving gauge外形检验样板, 轮廓量规recording pressure gauge记录式压力表reference gauge校准[检验, 标准]量规reflection gauge(按辐射)反向散射(原理工作的)测量计regular surface gauge普通平面规; 普通划线盘reluctance-type pressure gauge磁阻压力表remote transmitting gauge遥测仪resistance wire strain gauge电阻丝应变仪ring gauge环规river gauge水位标rod gauge测杆规roll thickness gauge滚辗厚度计rolling mill gauge滚辗厚薄计, 钢板厚度计rotating cylinder (vacuum) gauge 转筒真空计round wire feeler gauge带圆柱形测量部分的塞尺, 圆形塞尺rule depth gauge深度规running gauge定程挡块sag gauge垂度计salt gauge盐浮计, 盐水比重计saw gauge锯齿厚规scantling gauge样板; 轨距规scoring gauge透明测环尺screw gauge螺纹规thead gauge螺纹规screw pitch gauge螺距规seaming gauge卷边厚度规self-temperature-compensated strain gauge温度自补偿应变片serration gauge花键廓量规serration plug gauge细齿塞规setting gauge定位[标准, 校正]规sheet gauge片规, 板规shifting gauge划线规; 根距(铆钉离边尺寸)shrinkage gauge缩尺, 收缩尺度sight gauge观测计slide gauge卡尺, 游标规, 滑尺slip gauge滑规(检验直径用)small-hole gauge小孔规smoke gauge烟密度计, 烟浓度测定计snap gauge外径规, 卡规solid front pressure gauge整体表面压力计sonic wave gauge声波测定表spirit gauge酒精比重计spline ring gauge花键环规spring gauge手按弹簧挡块[定位装置]spring pressure gauge弹簧压力表staff gauge标尺, 水位尺standard gauge标准规, 标准量规[量块]steel wire gauge钢线规step gauge光步规, 光阶规; 台阶形量规; 梯形隔距stock gauge毛坯挡板(用于定尺剪切)stock-line gauge料线指示器, 料线测定器stop gauge可调整量规strain gauge应变仪[计]stress-strain gauge应力-应变仪surface gauge平面规画针盘sweep gauge曲线样板tap and drill gauge丝锥及钻头规taper plug gauge锥体塞规telepressure gauge遥测压力计tensile gauge张力计thermal conductivity gauge热导真空规thermocouple gauge热电偶气压计thickness (dial) gauge(带千分表的)厚度规thin film strain gauge薄膜式应变片thread pitch gauge螺距规thread-tool gauge螺纹车刀刃磨和安装样板tide gauge测潮计tilt gauge坡度规tire gauge轮胎气压表tool setting gauge调刀千分尺, 对刀仪track-ga(u)ge level gauge轨距水平测量仪transit gauge直通(车辆)限界transmission-type radioisotope gauge 透射式放射性同位素测量计ultrasonic gauge超声波探伤仪ultrasonic level gauge超声波水准仪, 超声波液位计unbonded strain gauge应变计, 伸长计universal setting gauge万能调准仪表universal surface gauge万能平面规, 活络划线盘vernier gauge游标尺[规]vernier gear tooth gauge游标齿厚尺visible oil flow gauge目测滑油流量计visual gauge观测计wall-thickness gauge壁厚计water gauge水位表, 水标尺water draught gauge水柱压力计water level gauge水准仪; 水平仪wave gauge波浪计wear and tear gauge(钢轨)磨损测定仪wedge gauge楔规weighting level gauge重量位面计; 重量物位计weir gauge流量计weld gauge焊缝量规welding gauge确定焊缝尺寸用样板Westinghouse thickness gauge X 射线厚度计(西屋厚度计)wet film thickness gauge湿膜厚度计[测厚仪]车轮量规, (左, 右)轮距wheel alignment gauge车轮对准规wheel flange and tread gauge轮缘踏面量规wheel press gauge车轮压装机压力表Whitworth gauge惠氏规号Wickman gauge威克曼[凹口]螺纹量规wide gauge宽轨距wire gauge线规; 线材号数wire resistance strain gauge钢丝拉力计; 钢丝抗力应变仪; 金属丝电阻应变片wire strain gauge金属丝应变计; 金属丝发送器; 应变片wire-weight gauge悬锤水标尺wood center track gauge木制轨距尺wooden rail gauge木道尺workshop gauge工作量规; 工作测规working gauge工作量规; 工作测规work-testing gauge检查成品样板worm-thread tool gauge齿轮滚刀用样板gauge for ties distance轨枕距尺gauge of rivets铆行距gauge of sheetgauge of tracks 履带式拖拉机轨距gauge of tyres 轮箍距。
翻译对照 rock cork board ⽯棉板 rock cork ⽯棉 rock crusher 碎⽯机 rock crushing plant 碎⽯设备 rock crystal ⽔晶 rock cutter 切⽯机 rock drill 凿岩机 rock drilling machine 凿岩机 rock electric drill 岩⽯电钻 rock grab 抓岩机 rock loader on rail 轨⾏装岩机 rock loader 载岩机 rock loading machine 装岩机 rock lobster 岩虾 rock pants 贴脚细窄中长裤 rock peg 岩锥 rock phosphate powder 磷矿⽯粉 rock phosphate 磷矿⽯ rock pitch hammer 地质锤 rock piton 岩锥 rock salt 岩盐 rock sampler 采⽯取样机 rock screen 碎⽯筛 rock shovel bucket 岩⽯铲⽃ rock skirt ⾼腰宽展裙 rock sugar in tablet 冰⽚糖 rock sugar 冰糖 rock 透明硬糖 rock-boring machine 钻岩机 rock-core borer 岩⼼钻机 rockbell 蓝花参 rocker swaging machine 摆式轧机 rocker arm plunger 摇臂柱塞 rocker arm resistance welding machine 摇臂式接触焊机 rocker arm shaft 摇臂轴 rocker arm spot welder 摇臂式点焊机 rocker arm 摇臂 rocker bar furnace 摇杆推料炉 rocker bar 摇杆 rocker bearing 摇臂轴承 rocker conveyer 摆动式输送机 rocker dump car 翻⽃矿车 rocker lever 摇杆 rocker shaft 摇臂轴 rocker switch 摇臂开关 rocker type pickling machine 摇臂式酸洗机 rocker 震动机 rocket bomber ⽕箭轰炸机 rocket engine ⽕箭发动机 rocket launcher ⽕箭发射器 rocket motor ⽕箭发动机 rocket-assisted takeoff unit ⽕箭助推起飞器 rocket-borne infrared mapper ⽕箭携带的红外绘图仪 rocket-borne ultraviolet spectrograph ⽕箭携带的紫外摄谱仪 rocketsonde ⽕箭探空仪 rocking apparatus 摆动设备 rocking chair induction furnace 可倾式感应炉 rocking chair 摇椅 rocking fly shear 摆式飞剪 rocking lever 摇杆 rocking shaft 摇臂轴 rocking sieve 振动筛 rockover core making machine 翻转式型⼼机 rockover moulding machine 转台式造型机 rockright mill 摇摆式冷轧管机 rockwell hardness meter 洛⽒硬度计 rockwell hardness tester 洛⽒硬度试验机 rocky 落矶牌汽车 rococo embroidery 罗可可丝带绣 rod antenna 拉杆天线 rod basket 罐笼 rod boring machine 杆式镗床 rod breaker 辊式破碎机 rod chilli 野⼭椒 rod coil compressor 盘条紧捆机 rod coil 盘条 rod coiling machine 盘条卷取机 rod coupler 棒状耦合器 rod cropping apparatus 盘条切头机 rod cutter 杆状⼑具 rod for flour food making 擀⾯杖 rod for water diviner ⽔准尺 rod insulator 棒形绝缘⼦ rod iron cropper 圆铁截短器 rod mill 棒磨机 rod oil-pump 杆式油泵 rod radiator 介质棒辐射器 rod repeater mill 活套式线材轧机 rod shears 棒料剪断机 rod strainghtener 棒材矫直机 rod thief 棒形采样器 rod type thermometer 直棒形温度计 rod weeder 杆式中耕除草机 rod-control soft light 杆控柔光灯 rod-curtain precipitator 静电集尘器 rod-like fibre 棒状纤维 rod-rolling mill 线材轧机 rod-toothed crusher 齿辊破碎机 rodanin 罗唐纳牌⼿表 rodent-resistant cable 防⿏光缆 rodenticide 杀⿏剂 rodeo 竞技牌汽车 rodethanil 硫氰苯胺 rodina 祖国牌⼿表 rodine 红海葱 rodocaine 罗多卡因 rodos 罗度⼠牌⼿表 rods and bars of aluminium alloy 铝合⾦棒材 rods and bars 棒材 rodtool rig 钻杆式冲击钻机 roe hair 獐⽑ roe horn 獐⾓ roe's sinew 狍筋 roentgen kymograph 伦琴射线描波仪 roentgen meter 伦琴计 roentgenokymograph x线记波照相装置 roentgenometer x射线计 roentgenoscope 伦琴射线透视机 rofil 罗菲尔聚⼄烯鬃丝 rofina 罗⾮纳牌⼿表 roflurane 罗氟烷 rogor 乐果 rogue 敌稗 rokitamycin 罗他霉素 rolan罗纶聚丙烯腈纤维 roland 罗兰牌⼿表 roletamide 洛利⽶特 rolex 劳⼒⼠牌⼿表 rolicyprine 罗利普林 rolinch 罗林奇牌⼿表 rolinick 罗林尼克牌⼿表 rolitetracycline 罗利环素 roll adjusting device 调辊器 roll breaker 辗轧破碎机 roll crusher 辊筒式碎⽯机 roll crushing machine 辊筒式压碎机 roll crushing mill 对辊破碎机 roll cutter 辊式切纸机 roll feeder 辊式给料机 roll film camera 卷⽚照相机 roll film developing tank 卷⽚显影箱 roll film process camera 卷筒软⽚版照相机 roll film reader 胶⽚阅读机 roll film slide adapter 卷⽚幻灯连接器 roll film slitting machine 卷筒软⽚裁切机 roll film 胶卷 roll fluting machine 滚筒切割机 roll force meter 轧辊测压计 roll form body maker 罐⾝成圆机 roll former 辊轧成形机 roll forming machine 成圆机 roll gap indicator 辊缝指⽰器 roll gap setter 辊缝调整器 roll grinder 轧辊磨床 roll grinding machine 辊⼦磨床 roll jaw crusher 滚轴颚式破碎机 roll lathe 轧辊车床 roll machine 滚轧机 roll mill pulverizer 辊式粉磨机 roll mill 轧钢机 roll motor 辊道电动机 roll nut adjusted quick grip pliers 螺母调节快速夹紧卡钳 roll oil 轧钢机油 roll onoff adjustable platform 滚装可调平台 roll over draw machine 翻转式起模机 roll paper 圆筒纸 roll press for paper industry 造纸⽤压光机 roll press 辊式压制机 roll shears 辊式剪断机 roll squeezer 辊压机 roll straightening machine 辊式矫直机 roll tile ⽡⽚ roll toilet paper 卷筒卫⽣纸 roll toilet tissue 卷筒卫⽣纸 roll turning lathe 轧辊车床 roll with crisp filling 酥⼼卷 roll with egg & sesame ⿇⼼蛋卷 roll wobbler milling machine 轧辊梅花头铣床 roll wobbler neck milling machine 轧辊梅花颈铣床 roll-bond evaporator 压焊式蒸发器 roll-chart recorder 转筒记录仪 roll-chock washing machine 轧辊轴承部件清洗装置 roll-fed offset printing press 卷筒纸胶印机 roll-fed platen press 卷筒纸平压机 roll-fed press 卷筒进纸印刷机 roll-forged straight shank drill 滚轧直柄钻头 roll-leaf stamping press 卷箔压印机 roll-neck shirt 樽领衫 roll-over moulding mahine 翻台式造型机 roll-polishing tool 滚抛磨具 roll-shaped abrasive cloth 卷状砂布 roll-type briquetting machine 对辊制团机 roll-type briquetting press 对辊式压制机 roll-type coiler 辊式卷取机 roll-type crusher 辊式破碎机 roll-type decorticator 辊式脱壳机 roll-type downcoiler 辊式地下卷取机 roll-type electrostatic separator 滚筒型静电分选机 roll-type magnetic separator 辊式磁选机 rolled 8-panel skirt 压线⼋⽚式裙 rolled condenser 卷式电容器 rolled design baby's blanket 轧花童毯 rolled edge handkerchief 卷边⼿帕 rolled gold watch 包⾦表 rolled gold ⾦箔 rolled iron 轧制钢材 rolled lead 铅⽪ rolled mild steel disk wheel 轧制软钢实⼼轮 rolled oat 燕麦⽚ rolled steel products 钢材 rolled steel 钢材 rolled tap 滚压丝锥 rolled towels 卷筒餐⼱纸 rolled tube 滚压管 rolled zinc alloy 轧制锌合⾦ rollei 禄来牌照相机 rolleiflex 禄来福来牌照相机 roller agitator 转筒式搅拌机 roller bearing axle 滚柱轴承轴 roller bearing rope hoist 轮辗绳索起重器 roller bearing sleeve 滚柱轴承套 roller bearing stretcher 轮辗绳索伸长器 roller bearing 滚柱轴承 roller bit ⽛轮钻头 roller blind of steel 钢制滑轮百叶窗 roller bridge 天车 roller cam 滚⼦凸轮 rollercarrier oil seal 托辊油封 roller carrier shaft 托辊轴 roller chain coupling 滚⼦链联轴器 roller chain 滚⼦链条 roller cloth compressor 压呢芯机 roller cloth ⽪辊⽩呢 roller clutch 滚柱离合器 roller coating enamel 滚涂搪瓷 roller coating printing ink 滚涂印刷油墨 roller cold header 滚柱冷镦机 roller compaction riveting press 滚辗式压铆机 roller conveyor 滚柱式输送器 roller cooling bed 辊式冷床 roller covering machine 套⽪辊机 roller crusher 滚筒式碎⽯机 roller cutter for pipe 转轮割管机 roller digital indicator 滚动数字显⽰器 roller distributor 辊式分配器 roller drier 滚筒⼲燥机 roller drum 压路机滚轮 roller ending machine ⽪辊烧边机 roller feeder 滚筒加料器 roller for self-opening thread rolling head 滚压式板⽛头⽤圆滚⼦ roller for stationary exercise bicycle 锻炼⽤固定⾃⾏车滚轮 roller gear 滚柱齿轮 roller ginned cotton ⽪辊棉 roller grinder 磨⽪辊机 roller grinding machine 磨⽪辊机 roller grizzly 滚动筛 roller head machine 滚压成形机 roller hydraulic jack 滚轮式液压千⽄顶 roller iron 滚轮熨⽃ roller jack 滚动千⽄顶 roller kiln 辊道窑 roller leather ⽪辊⾰ roller leveling machine 辊式矫直机 roller lifter 滚⼦式⽓门挺杆 roller machine 滚压机 roller measuring gauge 测⽪辊机 roller mill for soap 肥皂轧制机 roller mill 轧制机 roller of cast iron 铸铁轧辊 roller of cast steel 铸钢轧辊 roller oiler ⽪辊加油机 roller paint applicator 油漆滚轴 roller paint brush 油漆滚刷 roller pin 滚轮销 roller polishing machine 轧辊抛光机 roller press 滚压机 roller pump 滚柱泵 roller raising machine 拉⽑机 roller reel 辊式卷取机 roller rock arm 滚轮摇臂 roller screen 滚筛 roller section-straightening machine 辊式型材矫直机 roller shape-straightening machine 辊式型材矫直机 roller skatse 四轮溜冰鞋 roller snap thread gage 滚柱螺纹卡规 roller spot-and-seam welding machine 辊式点-缝焊机 roller suspension pipemaking machine 滚筒悬置式制管机 roller switch 滚轮开关 roller tappet 滚柱挺杆 roller tilter 辊式翻钢机 roller tractor 轮式拖拉机 roller train 滚轴运输机 roller transmission chain 滚⼦链条 roller way control case 辊道控制箱 roller wheel 滚轮 roller with supporting ring 带托环炉辊 roller 滚轧机 roller-bit hole rig ⽛轮钻机 roller-crushing mill 对辊磨 roller-hearth type furnace 辊底式炉 roller-straightening machine 辊式矫直机 roller-stretcher machine 辊式板材拉伸机 roller-type breaker 辊式破碎机 roller-type pump 滚柱式泵 roller-type rice mill 辊式碾⽶机 roller-type seam welding machine 辊式缝焊机 roller-type sinterer 辊道烧结机 roller-type thickness gauge 辊式测厚规 roller-type venier calliper 滚轮式游标卡尺 rollette 罗兰特细亚⿇布 rolling and stretching machine for band saw blade 锯条辊压机 rolling ball planimeter 转球求积仪 rolling bearing 滚动轴承 rolling belt type surface treatment machine 滚带式表⾯处理机 rolling cone 滚锥 rolling disc planimeter 转盘求⾯积仪 rolling drum 滚筒 rolling forming machine 滚压机 rolling head 滚压头 rolling liquid sealing apparatus 滚动式液膜密封装置 rolling machine for counter 鞋后帮滚轧机 rolling machine 揉茶机 rolling mill stand 轧机机架 rolling mill 轧机 rolling millmotor 滚轧电动机 rolling needle 滚针 rolling pin 擀⾯杖 rolling piston compressor 旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling press 滚筒印刷机 rolling rotor compressor 滚动转⼦式压缩机 rolling shaft 滚轴 rolling shear 滚剪机 rolling shed loom 滚动梭⼝织机 rolling stock and rolling stock accessories 车辆及配件 rolling stock 车辆 rolling-ball viscometer 滚球式粘度计 rolling-ball viscosimeter 滚球粘度计 rolling-wheel taker 滚轮取料机 rolls-royce 罗尔斯-罗伊斯牌汽车 rolodine 罗咯啶 roly-poly 不倒翁 roma pewter 罗马铅锡合⾦ romain 罗曼缎 romaine crepe 罗马绉 romal handkerchief 洛美格⼦⿇纱⼿帕 romal 洛美塔夫绸 roman brass 罗曼含锡黄铜 roman bronze 罗曼锡青铜 roman candle 古⾊蜡烛 roman carpet 罗马双⾯地毯 roman cement 天然⽔泥 roman cut work 罗马雕绣 roman duck 罗马画布 roman sandals 罗马式⽆⾯鞋 roman stripes 罗马横条缎 roman 罗曼牌重型⾃卸汽车 romanium 罗马尼姆铝基合⾦ rome beauty 瑞光苹果 rompers 背⼼连裤童装外⾐ ronda 龙达牌汽车 rondolette 龙多莱绸 rongalite 雕⽩块 rongeur forceps ⾻钳 rongomy 龙⼽⽶棉 ronidazole 罗硝唑 ronifibrate 氯烟贝特 ronnel ⽪蝇磷 ronoaks cotton 罗诺克斯棉 ronrico 郎利哥郎姆酒 ronson 朗⽣牌打⽕机 ronstar 恶草灵 roof bolting jumbo 顶板栓锚眼⽤钻车 roof condenser 顶式冷凝器 roof paint 屋顶漆 roof tile 屋顶⽡ roof-bolt drill 顶板锚栓钻机 roof-temperatrue controller 炉顶温度调节器 roof-temperatrue indicator 炉顶温度计 roofing felt 屋顶油⽑毡 roofing filter 修平滤波器 roofing hammer with tubular handle 管式柄独⾓锤 roofing hammer 独⾓锤 roofing nail ⽡楞钉 roofing paper 油毡 roofing tile ⽡ roofloy 鲁夫洛伊耐蚀铅合⾦ room air conditioner 室内空调器 room dryer 室内⼲燥器 room socks 室内短袜 room thermostat 室内恒温器 room-size rug 全室地毯 room-temperature laser 室温激光器 rooster 1号成熟公鸡 rooster 鲁斯特牌⼿表 root brier 树根烟⽃ root carving 根雕 root cutter with cleaning cage 带清理滚笼的切根机 root drill 块根作物条播机 root elevator 块根升运器 root extractor 拔树根器 root of american ginseng 西洋参 root of balloonflower 桔梗 root of chinese slender-leaved polygala 远志 root of chinese trichosanthes 天花粉 root of common fig ⽆花果根 root of glutinous rice 糯稻根 root of herbaceous peony with bark ⾚芍 root of herbaceous peony without bark ⽩芍 root of herbaceous peony ⽩芍 root of hollyhock 蜀葵根 root of iris lactea 马莲根 root of japanese banana 芭蕉根 root of kudzuvine 葛根 root of largeleaf gentian 秦艽 root of lilac daphne 芫花根 root of loquat 枇杷根 root of pseudo-ginseng 三七 root of purple flowered peucedanum 前胡 root of ramie 苎⿇根 root of red rooted salvia 丹参 root of rehmannia ⽣地 root of straight ladybell 沙参 root of subprostrate sophora ⼴⾖根 root of the narrow-leaved polygala 远志 root of three-nerved spicebush 乌药 root of {gansu} euphovbia ⽢遂 root of {zhejiang} figwort ⽞参 root peeler 去根机 root picker 掘根机 root plugger 根管充填器 root rotary pump 鲁特旋转泵 root washer 块根洗涤机 root's blower 罗茨⿎风机 root-bark of chinese silkvine 五加⽪ root-bark of chinese wolfberry 地⾻⽪ root-bark of ditlany ⽩鲜⽪ root-bark of mysorethorn 云实⽪ root-bark of peony 牡丹⽪ root-bark of the chinese sumac 盐肤⼦根⽪ root-bark of tree peony 丹⽪ root-bark of white mulberry 桑⽩⽪ root-canal plugger 根管充填器 root-tuber of aromatic turmeric 郁⾦ rootdozer 除根机 rooter plough 掘根犁 rooter plow 除根犁 rooter 除根机 rooting machine 除根机 rootone 萘⼄酸 roots type supercharger 罗⽒增压器 rope bag paper ⿇浆纸袋纸 rope bleaching machine 绳状漂⽩机 rope braiding machine 编绳机 rope brown paper 棕绳纸 rope clips 抱索器 rope dyeing machine 绳状染⾊机 rope form scouring and bleaching range 绳状练漂机 rope hoist 钢绳绞车 rope ladder 绳梯 rope layingmachine 搓绳机 rope machine 制绳机 rope manila sand paper 马尼拉⿇浆砂纸 rope paper 绳纸 rope silk 弱捻多股刺绣丝线 rope souring machine 漂酸机 rope transfer 钢丝绳移送机 rope washing machine 洗绳机 rope winch 钢丝绳绞车 rope wire 钢丝绳⽤钢丝 rope wool 绳状原⽑ rope yarn 绳索⽤纱 rope 绳索 rope-edge bowl 绳边碗 rope-form scouring and bleaching machine 绳状练漂机 rope-lay cable 扭绞式电缆 rope-pulley hoist 索滑轮提升机 ropitoin 罗匹妥英 ropizine 罗匹嗪 rorifone 旱菜素 rosa 玫瑰牌汽车 rosalin 结晶玫瑰 rosaprostol 罗沙前列醇 rosar 罗沙牌⼿表 rosaramicin 罗沙⽶星 rose alicanta 珊瑚红⽯ rose arena 粉红⿇⽯ rose aurora 黄⽟⽯ rose bengal sodium 放射性玫瑰红钠 rose bit 扩孔锥 rose black tea 玫瑰红茶 rose cream roll 玫瑰奶油蛋卷 rose drill 梅花钻 rose essence 玫瑰精 rose hip 剌玫果 rose in syrup 玫瑰糖浆 rose nail 圆花钉 rose net 蜂窝形⽹眼纱 rose norwegian 挪威红⽯ rose oil 玫瑰油 rose olive 玫瑰榄球 rose paprica 尖头红辣椒 rose perfume compound 玫瑰⾹精 rose porcelain 粉彩瓷 rose quartz 蔷薇⽯英 rose sandal amber 玫瑰檀⾹琥珀 rose sandal savona 檀⾹玫瑰 rose savona 红玫瑰 rose soap 玫瑰⾹皂 rose supreme 玫瑰 rose syrup 玫瑰露 rose taste salted turnip 玫瑰⼤头菜 rose tea 玫瑰花茶 rose tobacco flavour 玫瑰烟草⾹精 rose type laundry soap 玫瑰型洗⾐皂 rose water 玫瑰⽔ rose white ⽩玫瑰 rose wine carignan 桃红葡萄酒 rose wood 黄花梨⽊ rose {gongfu} tea 玫瑰功夫茶 rose 玫瑰花 rose's alloy 罗斯软焊料合⾦ rose-ambrein sandal perfume compound 玫瑰龙涎檀⾹⾹精 rose-flavoured fried flour 玫瑰油茶⾯ rose-flavoured salted mustard 玫瑰⼤头莱 rose-flavoured salted turnip 玫瑰⼤头菜 roseate moon cake 玫瑰⽉饼 roseberry 杂⾊横条⼦布 rosebud print knit rayon panty 针织⼈造丝玫瑰芯印花内短裤 rosecran 亚⿇平布 rosehip oil 蔷薇油 rosehip without seed ⽆籽玫瑰果 rosein 罗泽茵镍基合⾦ roseley 罗赛利牌照相机 rosemusk 玫瑰麝⾹ rosenhain's etchant 罗森海因浸蚀剂 roseum cotton 罗森棉 rosewood arm-chair 紫檀扶⼿椅 rosewood cabinet with bamboo design 有⽵⼦图案的檀⽊柜 rosewood cabinet with dragon design 雕龙檀⽊柜 rosewood cabinet with peach flower and magpie design 带桃花喜雀图案的檀⽊柜 rosewood chair carved dragon design inlaid with mother of pearl 镶嵌珍珠母雕龙檀⽊椅 rosewood couch with inlay of mother of pearl 镶嵌珍珠母的檀⽊床 rosewood couch 檀⽊床 rosewood desk inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊桌 rosewood desk with movable surface 花梨⽊活⾯写字台 rosewood floor screen inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊屏风 rosewood furniture inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊家具 rosewood furniture 檀⽊家具 rosewood hexagonal stool with brown stone top 花梨⽊⽯⾯荷茜六⾓⿎凳 rosewood lantern stand 花梨⽊灯柱 rosewood low table inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊炕⼏ rosewood shelf 花梨⽊架⼦ rosewood square stand 花梨⽊四⽅⼏ rosewood stand 花梨⽊⼏ rosewood stool inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊凳 rosewood table with stone top 花梨⽊⽯⾯桌 rosewood table with wood top 花梨⽊⽊⾯桌 rosewood telephone cabinet with stool 花梨⽊带凳电话间 rosewood triangular cabinet 花梨⽊三⾓柜 rosewood wall hanging screen inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊挂屏 rosewood wood carving 花梨⽊⽊刻 roshanara 罗纱纳拉绸 rosin amine 松⾹胺 rosin anti-fouling paint 松⾹防污漆 rosin core 松⾹硬⼼焊锡 rosin denatured phenolic resin 松⾹改性酚醛树脂 rosin emulsifying agent 松⾹乳化剂 rosin modified phenolic resin 松⾹改性酚醛树脂 rosin nitrile 松⾹腈 rosin oil 松⾹油 rosin solder wire 松⾹焊锡丝 rosin tree 松⾹树 rosin water 松⾹⽔ rosin 松⾹ rosin-coumarone 松⾹古马隆 rosin-free oil ⽆松⾹油 rosina 罗西那牌⼿表 roskopf 罗斯科夫牌⼿表 rosolic acid 蔷薇⾊酸 rosone 结晶玫瑰 rosoxacin 罗索沙新 rospin 丙酯杀螨醇 ross quartz 芙蓉⽯ rosso rubino 再造皇妃红⿇⽯ rostano 罗斯塔诺织锦 rotabobbin spinning machine 筒管纺丝机 rotameter 旋转计量仪 rotaplane 旋翼飞机 rotary shears 圆盘剪 rotary accelerator 回旋加速器 rotary agitator 旋转式搅拌机 rotary air drill 回转式风钻 rotary air pump 回转式空⽓泵 rotary amplifier 旋转放⼤器 rotary attenuator 旋转式衰减器 rotary axial plunger motor 旋转轴向柱塞马达 rotary bench 卷筒式拉丝机 rotary bit 旋转钻 rotary blade cutter 转⼑切割机 rotary blade mower 旋转⼑⽚割草机 rotary blade vacuum pump for medical use 医⽤旋⽚式真空泵 rotary blower type supercharger 旋转⿎风式增压器 rotary blower 旋转⿎风机 rotary blowing machine 回转式蒸呢机 rotary board cutter 旋转纸板裁切机 rotary bottle filler 回转式灌瓶机 rotary broom 旋转路帚 rotary brush damper 回转刷润湿机 rotary brush 旋转电刷 rotary bucket-type flowmeter 旋转叶⽚式流量计 rotary buckle 旋转扣件 rotary cam type automatic voltage regulator 旋转凸轮式⾃动电压调整器 rotary can filler 回转式装罐机 rotary capacitor 可变电容器 rotary capping machine 旋转式压盖机 rotary carbon spotlamp 炭精照射灯 rotary charger 旋转式装料机 rotary chuck 回转卡盘 rotary classifier 螺旋分级机 rotary clippers 滚切钳 rotary coating machine 转筒式涂布机 rotary cobalt-60 therapy unit 旋转式钴60治疗机 rotary compressor 回转式压缩机 rotary condenser 旋转电容器 rotary cone crusher 圆锥破碎机 rotary continuous filter 旋转式连续过滤机 rotary continuous sterilizer 回转式连续杀菌机 rotary converter 旋转变流器 rotary conveyor 回转式运输机 rotary counter-pressure filling machine 旋转式反压灌装机 rotary coupler 旋转耦合器 rotary crane 旋转式起重机 rotary crusher 旋转式碎⽯机 rotary cultivator 回转中耕机 rotary cup atomizer 转杯雾化器 rotary cutter 旋切机 rotary cutting and bending machine 对开滚线机 rotary cutting machine 旋转式裁切机 rotary dc arc welder 旋转直流弧焊机 rotary dewaterer 旋转式脱⽔机 rotary die head 旋转式夹模器 rotary diesel engine 转⼦柴油机 rotary digester 回转式蒸煮器 rotary disc feeder 圆盘喂料机 rotary disc filter 转盘过滤器 rotary disc meter 转盘式流量计 rotary disc valve 转盘阀 rotary discharger 旋转放电器 rotary disk driller 转盘钻机 rotary disk filter 转盘过滤器 rotary disk press 转盘式压机 rotary displacement gas meter 旋转位移式煤⽓表 rotary displacement pump 回转式排量泵 rotary distributor 旋转式分配机 rotary ditcher 旋转挖沟机 rotary drier 回转⼲燥器 rotary drill for shaft sinking 凿竖井⽤回式钻机 rotary drill jumbo 回转式钻车 rotary drill with oil pressure 油压转盘钻机 rotary drill 回转式凿岩机 rotary drilling machine 回转式钻床 rotary drilling rig 旋转钻机 rotary drilling swivel 旋转钻井⽔龙头 rotary drive guard 转盘链条罩 rotary drum dough mixer 转⿎式和⾯机 rotary drum drier 转筒式⼲燥机 rotary drum filter 转筒式过滤器 rotary drum grader 滚筒分级机 rotary drum mixer 圆筒混合机 rotary drum regenerator 转⿎式回热器 rotary drum type flying crop shears 转⿎式端头飞剪 rotary drum vacuum filter 转⿎真空过滤机 rotary drum washer 滚筒式清洗机 rotarydry vacuum pump 旋转式真空⼲燥泵 rotary dryer 回转⼲燥器 rotary drying drum 旋转⼲燥筒 rotary encoder 回转式译码器 rotary end-sealing machine 回转式封底机 rotary engine 转缸发动机 rotary evaporator 旋转式蒸发器 rotary excavator 旋转式挖掘机 rotary exhaust valve 回转式排⽓阀 rotary eyelet punch press 旋转式鞋眼冲压机 rotary fan 旋转式风扇 rotary fettling table 旋转式清砂台 rotary file assortment set 成套圆头尖头旋转锉 rotary filter 旋转式过滤机 rotary flanging machine 回转式翻边机 rotary flash lamp 回转闪光灯 rotary flying crop shears 滚筒式切头飞剪 rotary flying hot saw 回转式热飞锯 rotary flying shears 滚筒式飞剪 rotary forced-air cooler ⿎风环式冷却机 rotary forging machine 回转式锻造机 rotary forging mill 周期式轧管机 rotary frit furnace 回转熔块炉 rotary fulling mill 滚筒式缩呢机 rotary furnace 旋转炉 rotary gage 旋转液⾯计 rotary garden duster 园地旋转吹尘器 rotary gas meter 旋转式⽓体流量计 rotary gear shaving cutter 盘形剃齿⼑ rotary gear type oil transfer pump 旋转齿轮式输油泵 rotary gill roving frame 转针粗纺机 rotary grain grader 滚筒式⾕粒分选机 rotary grate gas producer 转蓖式煤⽓发⽣炉 rotary hammer 电锤 rotary hand drill ⼿摇钻 rotary harrow 旋转耙 rotary head milling machine 转头铣床 rotary head type universal milling machine 万能回转头铣床 rotary heat exchanger 旋转式热交换器 rotary helical screw compressor 回转式螺杆压缩机 rotary high speed glue dryer 旋转式⾼速胶⽔烘⼲机 rotary hoe 旋转锄 rotary hook ⼤钩 rotary hose ⽔龙带 rotary hydraulic motor 旋转式液压马达 rotary impeller exhauster 叶轮式排⽓机 rotary index machine 多⼯位转台式机床 rotary injection and foam moulder 转盘发泡式注塑机 rotary interrupter relay 旋转断续继电器 rotary interrupter spring 旋转断续弹簧 rotary interrupter 旋转式断续器 rotary jaw plunger 回转⽖柱塞 rotary kiln 回转窑 rotary letterpress ink 凸版轮转机印刷油墨 rotary letterpress machine 凸版轮转印刷机 rotary letterpress 凸版轮转印刷机 rotary line switch 旋转式寻线机 rotary mercury pump 旋转式⽔银泵 rotary microtome 旋转切⽚机 rotary milling machine 滚筒式缩绒机 rotary mixer 回转式搅拌机 rotary moulder 旋转注模机 rotary mower with swather 轮转式条铺割草机 rotary mud screen 转筒泥泵筛 rotary multivane compressor 多叶回转式压缩机 rotary newsprint 卷筒新闻纸 rotary off-normal spring 旋转离位弹簧 rotary offset machine 轮转胶印机 rotary oil pump 旋转式油泵 rotary oiler 旋转加油器 rotary oven 旋转炉 rotary pawl guide 回转⽖导杆 rotary pawl 回转⽖ rotary peeler 坯料剥⽪车床 rotary pelleting machine 旋转压⽚机 rotary phase converter 旋转式相位变换器 rotary phase modifier 旋转式调相机 rotary photogravure press 轮转凹印机 rotary piercing mill 回转式⽕⼒穿孔机 rotary pilot valve 回转式控制阀 rotary piston engine 旋转活塞式发动机 rotary piston gas meter 旋转活塞式⽓表 rotary piston meter 旋摆式活塞流量计 rotary piston pump 旋转活塞泵 rotary planer 旋转刨 rotary plate 转盘 rotary plough 旋转犁 rotary plunger pump 旋转柱塞泵 rotary pocket feeder 星轮式给料器 rotary power broom 旋转式动⼒扫路机 rotary press 旋转式压机 rotary printer 旋转印花机 rotary printing ink 轮转印刷油墨 rotary printing machine 滚筒印花机 rotary pump with liquid piston 液体活塞回转泵 rotary pump 回转泵 rotary rectifier 旋转整流器 rotary retort type electric resistance furnace 滚筒式电阻炉 rotary retort 旋转式⼲馏炉 rotary rheometer 转动流变仪 rotary rheostat 转式变阻器 rotary ringing generator 旋转铃流机 rotary rock drill 旋转式钻岩机 rotary saw 盘锯 rotary scavenging valve 旋转式换⽓阀 rotary scraper 旋转式刮⼟机 rotary screen press 旋转丝⽹印刷机 rotary screen printed fabric with wide width 宽幅圆⽹印花布 rotary screen printed shirting 圆⽹印花布 rotary screen printing machine 圆⽹印花机 rotary screen printing range 圆⽹印花机 rotary screen roller printing machine 圆⽹辊筒印花机 rotary screen 旋转筛 rotary scythe grass cutter 旋转镰⼑式割草机 rotary seeder 旋转播种机 rotary selector 旋转式选择器 rotary servo valve 旋转伺服阀 rotary sewing machine 回转式缝纫机 rotary shaving machine 旋刨机 rotary shear mixer 旋转剪切混合器 rotary shears 旋转剪切机 rotary shell core machine 旋转壳芯机 rotary shot rig 旋转式炮眼钻 rotary shunt meter 转⼦分流流量计 rotary side trimming shears 圆盘式切边剪 rotary sidewall coring tool 钻进式井壁取芯器 rotary single-vane compressor 单叶回转式压缩机 rotary sleeve valve 转筒阀 rotary slicer with sharpener 旋转切⽚器附磨⼑器 rotary slide valve 回转滑阀 rotary sliding vane compressor 旋转式滑叶压缩机 rotary slitting machine 旋转分切机 rotary slurry distributor 回转料浆配给机 rotary snow plough 旋转式除雪机 rotary speed indicater 转盘转速指⽰器 rotary speed mixer 转筒式快速拌和机 rotary squeezer 回转压榨机 rotary stacker 旋转式堆料机 rotary stamping machine 回转打印机 rotary starting air distributor 回转式起动空⽓分配阀 rotary stock washer 圆筒洗浆机 rotary straightener 旋转矫直机 rotary strainer 旋转式粗滤机 rotary surface grinding machine 旋转平⾯磨床 rotary swaging machine 旋锻机 rotary swather 旋转式割晒机 rotary sweeper 旋转式扫路机 rotary switch precision resistance box 旋转式精密电阻箱 rotary switch 旋转开关 rotary synchronizer 旋转式同步器 rotary synchroscope 旋转式同步⽰波器 rotary table feeder 转盘加料机 rotary table milling machine 圆⼯作台铣床 rotary table sand blasting machine 回转台式喷砂机 rotary table shot blasting machine 转台抛丸清理强化机 rotary table type surface treatment machine 回转盘式表⾯处理机 rotary table 转盘 rotary tablet press 旋转式压⽚机 rotary tableting press 旋转压⽚机 rotary tedder 旋转摊草机 rotary thread rolling machine 旋转卷丝机 rotary throttle valve 回转节流阀 rotary throttle 回转节流阀 rotary throw-over switch 交换开关 rotary tile press 回转压⽡机 rotary tiller 旋转耕耘机 rotary tippler 回转振动式翻车机 rotary tobacco cutting machine 旋转式切烟机 rotary tower crane 塔式旋臂起重机 rotary tra糯⽶粉旋振筛nsfer machine 转盘式输送机 rotary transformer 旋转变压器 rotary trimming shears 圆盘式切边剪 rotary trunk-layer stripping machine without clamper ⽆卡轴旋切机 rotary tube expanding machine 斜轧式扩管机 rotary tube straightener 旋转式钢管矫直机 rotary type side core barrel 旋转型井壁取芯筒 rotary vacuum filler回转式真空灌装机 rotary vacuum pump 旋转式真空泵 rotary vacuum quick-freezing shaping machine 旋转式真空急速冷冻定型机 rotary vacuum string discharge filter 线排料回转真空过滤机 rotary valve spring 旋转阀弹簧 rotary valve stem gasket 旋转阀杆垫 rotary valve 回转阀 rotary vane mechanical pump 旋⽚式机械泵 rotary vane meter 旋翼式流量计 rotary vane motor 旋翼式电动机 rotary vane type pump 旋转式叶⽚泵 rotary variable attenuator 旋转式可变衰减器 rotary varnishing machine 旋转上光机 rotary veneer lathe 旋板机 rotary viscosimeter 回转式粘度计 rotary vise 旋转虎钳 rotary washer 转⿎式洗涤机 rotary waveguide variable attenuator 旋转波导可变衰减器 rotary web press 卷筒纸印刷机 rotary weed cutter 旋转割草器 rotary weeder 旋转式除草机 rotary welding machine 旋转式焊机 rotary wool cloth shear 旋转式剪⽑呢机 rotary working-table 回转⼯作台 rotary 罗塔⾥牌⼿表 rotary-combustion engine 旋转式内燃机 rotary-displacement compressor 回转置换压缩机 rotary-ferrograph 旋转式铁谱仪 rotary-head thinner 旋转⼑盘式间苗机 rotary-hearth type furnace 旋转炉床式电炉 rotary-kiln dryer 回转窑式⼲燥机 rotary-percussion drill jumbo 回转冲击式钻车 rotary-percussive drill 旋转冲击式钻机 rotary-rolling mill 蘑菇形轧辊的穿孔机 rotary-scanning spectroscope 旋转扫描分光镜 rotary-screw compressor 旋转螺旋压缩机 rotary-type cam-driven tableting press 旋转式凸轮驱动压⽚机 rotary-type cooler 环式冷却机 rotary-type flash trimmer 旋转式焊缝清理机 rotary-type gasoline mower 旋转式汽油动⼒割草机 rotary-type mixer 转轴式拌和机 rotary-type pneumatic tool 回转式风动⼯具 rotary-vane compressor 叶轮式压缩机 rotary-vane feeder 星式加料机 rotary-vane vacuum pump 旋翼式真空泵 rotatable coil 可转线圈 rotatable transformer 可转动变压器 rotating amplifier 旋转放⼤器 rotating annular cooler 环式冷却机 rotating anode tube 旋转阳极管 rotating antenna 旋转天线 rotating arm crane 旋臂式起重机 rotating ball viscometer 转球式粘度计 rotating beam ceilometer 旋转射束云⾼计 rotating beam fatigue testing machine 旋转梁式疲劳试验机 rotating beam transmitter 旋转波束发射机 rotating bending fatigue machine 回转弯曲疲劳试验机 rotating blade stabilizer 旋转叶⽚型稳定器 rotating blade 回转叶⽚ rotating bottle cleaning machine 回转式洗瓶机 rotating broom 旋转路刷 rotating cantilever beam type machine 旋转悬臂梁式试验机 rotating casing pump 回转壳体泵 rotating choke 旋转扼流圈 rotating compressor 旋转式压缩机 rotating contactor 旋转接触器 rotating crane 旋转吊车 rotating cylinder viscometer 转筒式粘度计 rotating direction finder 旋转测向仪 rotating disc contactor 转盘接触器 rotating disc filter 转盘过滤机 rotating disintegrator 旋转粉碎机 rotating disk atomizer 转盘雾化器 rotating disk drier 转盘式⼲燥机 rotating disperser 旋转式弥散器 rotating drum mixer 转筒混合机 rotating drum multistage crystallizer 转筒式多级结晶器 rotating drum shears 滚筒式剪切机 rotating drum type drier 转筒式⼲燥机 rotating dryer 旋转式⼲燥机 rotating elastoviscometer 旋转粘弹性计 rotating engine 旋转式发动机 rotating field exciter 旋转磁场励磁机 rotating fly-bar 旋转飞⼑ rotating front louvres fan 转页式电扇 rotating furnace 转炉 rotating impeller 回转叶轮 rotating magnetometer 回旋式磁⼒仪 rotating mirror 旋转镜 rotating mixer 转筒式拌和机 rotating multitarget stereotactic apparatus 转盘式多靶点⽴体导向器 rotating pan mixer 转锅式拌和机 rotating plunger pump 旋转式柱塞泵 rotating potentiometer 旋转电位计 rotating pump 旋转泵 rotating seal ring 旋转密封环 rotating shaft 回转轴 rotating sleeve 转动套 rotating speed adjustor 转速调节器 rotating speed monitored transducer 转速监控传感器 rotating sphere elastoviscometer 转球式粘弹性计 rotating spiral heater 转动螺旋形加热器 rotating table press 转台式压机 rotating transformer 旋转变压器 rotating valve 回转阀 rotating vane-type flowmeter 旋转叶⽚式流量计 rotating vibrator 旋转振动器 rotating viscometer 旋转式粘度计 rotating watch-testing machine for automatic watch ⾃动表旋转测试仪 rotating wedge range finder 旋转光楔测距仪 rotating wheel 转轮 rotating wire rope 旋转钢丝绳 rotating-coil indicator 旋转线圈指⽰器 rotating-coil magnetometer 旋转线圈式磁强计 rotating-iron type overcurrent relay 旋转衔铁式过流继电器 rotating-iron type overvoltage relay 旋转衔铁式过压继电器 rotating-iron type undervoltage relay 旋转衔铁式⽋压继电器 rotation concentratometer 旋转浓度计 rotation inductor 转动感应仪 rotation mixer ⾏星摆转混砂机 rotation platform with ladder 带扶梯回转平台 rotation sensor 旋转传感器 rotational doll 旋转娃娃 rotational gravity gradiometer 旋转式重⼒梯度仪 rotational lathehead 回转式车床头 rotational level 回转⽔准仪 rotational viscosimeter 转动粘度计 rotative direct injection machine 旋转直接注射机 rotative machine 旋转机 rotator wet type cooling water meter 旋翼湿式冷⽔⽔表 rotator 旋转阀反射炉 rotatory bauxite 转炉矾⼟ rotatory drier 旋转⼲燥器 rotatory machine 六⾓⽹眼纱织机 rotatory pump 旋转泵 rotenoid 鱼藤酮 rotenone 鱼藤酮 roter tablet 乐得胃⽚ roter 乐得胃⽚ rothemuhle regenerative air preheater 风罩再⽣式空⽓预热器 rothmans 乐富门牌⾹烟 rotisserie 便携式旋转烤⾁器 roto 罗托牌照相机 roto-sifter 回转筛 rotocleaner 滚筒式清选器 rotoclone collector 旋风收尘器 rotodynamic pump 转⼦动⼒泵 rotofilter 旋转过滤器 rotogravure press 轮转凹印机 rotogravure printing ink 影印油墨 rotogravure 转轮凹版印刷机 rotoil sand mixer ⽴式叶⽚混砂机 rotometer 旋转流量计 rotopiston pump 旋转活塞泵 rotor and blade-disk for steam turbine 汽轮机转⼦及叶轮 rotor axle 转⼦轴 rotor blade 转⼦叶⽚ rotor compressor 转⼦压缩机 rotor drum 转⿎ rotor fan blade 转⼦扇翼 rotor grinding machine 转⼦磨床 rotor housing 转⼦发动机外壳 rotor pressure casting machine 转⼦压铸机 rotor pump 转⼦泵 rotor shaft 转⼦轴 rotor slot milling machine 转⼦槽铣床 rotor spider 转⼦辐臂 rotor spinner 转⼦纺纱机 rotor starter 转⼦起动器 rotor tiller 转轴式松⼟机 rotor type open-end spinning machine 转⼦型开⼝纺纱机 rotor type relay 转⼦式继电器 rotor water gauge 旋翼式⽔表 rotor winding 转⼦绕组 rotor 转⼦ rotorcraft 旋翼飞机 rototrol 旋转式⾃动调整器 rototrowel 旋转式镘浆机 rotovator 旋轴式松⼟拌和机 rotox 溴甲烷混剂 rotoxamine 罗托沙敏 rottor 定向⼲扰⾃动发射机 rotundine 罗通定 rotwyla 罗特维拉粘胶纤维 rouane 家⽤漂⽩亚⿇平布 rouedor 鲁多牌⼿表 rouge box 胭脂盒 rouge cake 胭脂块 rouge cream 胭脂膏 rouge gel 胭脂胶 rouge glaze vase with concave lines 凹道亮光胭脂瓶 rouge lotion 胭脂⽔ rouge 胭脂 rough board 粗⽊板 rough cast glass 浇注玻璃⽑坯 rough crepe 粗绉⾯绸 rough cut stone chisel 粗⽯凿 rough file 粗纹锉 rough gentian 龙胆草 rough grinding machine 粗磨床 rough matte paper 粗绒⾯纸 rough mill 粗轧机 rough pad 草稿簿 rough plane 粗刨 rough porcelain 糙瓷 rough roller mill 粗辊轧机 rough service lamp bulb 耐⽤灯泡 rough spanner 粗⼤螺丝扳⼿ rough steel ⽣钢 rough surface grinding machine 表⾯粗磨机 rough surface paper ⽆光泽纸 rough tap 粗⽛线螺丝攻 rough teeth taper shank vertical milling cutter 粗齿锥柄⽴铣⼑ rough terrain self-propelled crane 越野⾃动起重机 rough terrain wheeled crane 越野轮胎起重机 rough towel ⽑⼱织物浴⼱ rough washer 粗制垫圈 rough wear 粗布服装 rough wood 带⽪原⽊ rough yarn ⽻⽑纱 rough-cut file 粗齿锉 rough-pile moquette 粗绒头地毯 rougher cell 粗选机 rougher mill 粗轧机 roughers 呢坯 roughing end mill with waveform teeth 粗加⼯波形刃⽴铣⼑ roughing machine 粗化机 roughing planing tool 粗刨⼑ roughing roller。
中文译文:数控编程Oxxx 程序号M50 (按下Part Ready按钮后执行托盘交换或者PST更新)M46 Q1 Paxx1 这一行程序检查托盘#1是否在机床上。
M46 Q2 Pxx2 (如果已经装载#2,程序将跳转行xx2,否则将执行下一行程序)M99 Pxxxx (跳转行Nxxxx:参见“M代码”获得有关M99更详细的信息)Nxx1 (行数)Part program (托盘#1用户工件程序)for Pallet #1M99 Pxxxx (跳到行Nxxxx:参见“M代码“获得有关M99更详细的信息)Nxx2 (行数)Part program (托盘#2用户工件程序)for Pallet #2M99 Pxxxx (跳到行Nxxxx)Nxxx (行数)M99 (重复程序:参见“M代码”获得有关M99更详细的信息)例#3对于例#2调用子程序有交错的方法,但是托盘没有被排序将不会跳转。
M36P1 注意:正确的操作是带有P代码的M50必须放在M36的后面。
(在屏幕上闪现“No Pallet Scheduled(无托盘排序)”,绿色信号灯闪烁。
按托盘#1schedule pallet按钮或PST下排序托盘)M50P1 (装载托盘#1)M98 Pxxxx1 (控制跳转到程序Oxxx1并运行,参见“M代码”获得有关M99更相信的信息)M36 P2 (等待托盘被排序)M50 P2 (装载托盘#2)M98 Pxxx2 (控制跳转到程序Oxxxx1并运行)M99 (重复程序:参见“M代码”获得有关M99更详细的信息)注意:程序末尾的M99将会引起继续执行操作,程序末尾的M30将会使控制器等待操作者按下Cycle Start。
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从机械数据手册[24]上表明机械设备成本的公式如下:为了优化切割条件,必须确定切割深度大小和切割速度的数学关系式.在我们学习的泰勒模型将被用于确定切削速度对切削刀具寿命的影响:VT" =C --------------------3-2V=切削速度T=切割时产生的标准金额侧翼磨损(例如.0.2毫米)N和C都是由被使用的材料或者工作条件所决定的常数. ,为了确定进给时的常数‘n’和‘C’我们以4140钢在实验的条件下进行研究,以LogV和LogT为坐标进行作图,画出了三种类型的进给图形,图3-8A、图3-8B是对KC313为研究对象在干和湿的条件下分别做出的图形,图3-9A和图3-9B是对KC732为研究对象在干和湿两种状态下所做的图形,另外,图3-10A、图3-10B是以KC5010为研究对象在干和湿两种状况下所做的图形. 从上述的图形可以看出不管测量的次数有多少,其结果都是呈直线分布的形式下降,从曲线我们能够看出,在相同的切削速度的条件下,增加磨损标准和对KC313和KC732使用冷却液都可以提高工具的使用寿命。
(a)以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(干条件)(b)以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(湿条件)图3-8 KC313在不同的磨损标准下由时间(T)和速度(V)为坐标所做的图形(a)以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(干条件)(b) 以Log (T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(湿条件)(a)以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(干条件)(b)以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(湿条件)图3-9 KC732在不同的磨损标准下由时间(T)和速度(V)为坐标所做的图形(a)以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(干条件)(b) 以Log (T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(湿条件)以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(干条件)(b)以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(湿条件)图3-10 KC5010在不同的磨损标准下由时间(T)和速度(V)为坐标所做的图形(a)以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(干条件)(b) 以Log(T)和Log(V)为坐标在不同的磨损标准的情况下所做的图形(湿条件)表3-7 刀具寿命常数的范围划分表3-8 在三种刀具材料下由‘C’和‘n’所做的磨损标准图(干条件下)表3-9 在三种刀具材料下由‘C’和‘n’所做的磨损标准图(湿条件下)在这两种条件下价值能够得到提高,另外,湿润条件‘n’的价值要比干燥条件‘n’的价值低,直到磨损标准达到0.38以后,干燥条件的‘n’开始大于湿润条件的‘n’。
n与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)C与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)图3-11 KC313的以泰勒常数与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(a)n与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)(b) C与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)n与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)C与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)图3-12 KC732的以泰勒常数与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(a)n与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)(b) C与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)(a) n与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)(b)C与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)图3-13 KC5010的以泰勒常数与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(a)n与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下)(b) C与磨损标准为坐标建立的关系图(干和湿条件下). 这两个条件表明当磨损标准增加的同时机床的成本下降。
在不同磨损标准下,切削速度与成本的关系图干切削条件下)在不同磨损标准下,切削速度与成本的关系图(湿切削条件下)图3-14 KC313的速度与切削成本的变化(a)在不同磨损标准下,切削速度与成本的关系图(干切削条件下)(b) 在不同磨损标准下,切削速度与成本的关系图(湿切削条件下)在磨损标准为0.4毫米时,成本与切削速度的关系图在磨损标准为0.6毫米时,成本与切削速度的关系图图3-15 以成本和速度为坐标轴,在干和湿两种情况下分别在两种磨损标准下的比较。
(a)在磨损标准为0.4毫米时,成本与切削速度的关系图 (b) 在磨损标准为0.6毫米时,成本与切削速度的关系图在不同的磨损标准的情况下,切削速度和成本的关系图(干条件下)(b)在不同的磨损标准的情况下,切削速度和成本的关系图(湿条件下)图3-16 KC732的切削速度和成本的关系图(a)在不同的磨损标准的情况下,切削速度和成本的关系图(干条件下)(b) 在不同的磨损标准的情况下,切削速度和成本的关系图(湿条件下)在不同的磨损标准的情况下,切削速度和成本的关系图(干条件下)在不同的磨损标准的情况下,切削速度和成本的关系图(湿条件下)图3-17 KC5010的切削速度和成本的关系图(a)在不同的磨损标准的情况下,切削速度和成本的关系图(干条件下)(b) 在不同的磨损标准的情况下,切削速度和成本的关系图(湿条件下)(a)在磨损标准为0.4毫米的情况下,成本和速度的关系图(b)在磨损标准为0.6毫米的情况下,成本和速度的关系图图3-18 在不同的磨损标准的情况下,对KC732和KC5010的切削成本的比较。