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28. Groups often break down because of__________. (第二段)In almost every situation where you're in a group, you will need a skilled leader. All groups 完成句子第一题常依 need leaders and all successful groups have 据第一段设问;完成 good leaders. Groups without leaders or with 句子最后一题常依据 weak leaders almost always break down. 最后一段(尤其倒数 Members of a leaderless group often begin to 前三句设问) feel dissatisfied and frustrated.
fascinate -- attract
例1:(2010/A)6. He demolished (v. 推翻)my arguments(n. 论点) in minutes. A. disproved (v. 反驳) B. disputed (v. 对…进行质疑) C. accepted (v. 接收,承认) D. supported (v. 支持) v. ①摧毁, 推翻, 拆毁(尤指大建筑物)
概括大意题答题基本思路: “猜 + 做” “做” 1.利用“主题词回归法”解题 (直接回归,间接回归)
3. Like iPhone and iPod Touch, the iPad is controlled by a multitouch display—a break(突破) from most previous tablet(书写板) computers, which uses a pressuretriggered stylus(触控笔). The iPad uses a WiFi(n.无线 局域网) data connection to browse(浏览) the Internet and install software. Some models also have a 3G 段落中反复出现的通常 wireless data connection which can connect to GSM 3G 是”段落主题词“ data networks. The device is managed and synchronized(同步) by iTunes on a personal computer via USB cable. 24. Paragraph 3 ____
阅读理解出题特点: ”做 + 猜“ 阅读理解答案选项常见特征: 1. 包含文章主题词(尤其适用于主旨题); 2. 陈述意义客观(尤其包含一些典型的客观词, 如: can, could, may, might, likely, possible, probably ) 3. 陈述比较意义(含有比较词: more/less, than等) e.g. It tastes less bitter.
1. 2012年职称英语考题预测 2. 2012年职称英语各题型可能涉及的考点及答题技巧; 3. 2012年职称英语复习重点推荐;
题型 分值 与教材相关度
阅读判断 概括大意 完成句子
7 8
不相关 不相关
2012年考题难度与 2011年考题难度基本 相当
主旨题 what’s the best title of the passage/article? What’s the main idea of the passage? What’s the writer’s attitude towards…? What’s the theme of the passage? The author’s purpose in writing this passage is ___; The passage tells us ___;
补全短文 完型填空
10 15
不相关 完全来自教材
1. 改编教材中原有的词汇选项练习题(8题左右): 改编形式: A. 保留原有词汇选项题中的划线词, 但改动答案选项(答案选项 为与划线词意义接近的其他近义词); 应对策略: 查词典 B. 改变原有划线词的形态及答案选项的形态; 应对措施: 还原词根词
Байду номын сангаас
Cellphones: Hang up or keep talking 45. The writer's purpose of writing this article is to advise people_____________. A to buy mobile phones B to update regular phones C to use mobile phones less often D to stop using mobile phones (最后一段)。。。。 (倒数前三句)Mobile phones can
C. sell as much as possible D. promote her soups E. fill a gap in the market F. offer a variety of prepared meals So it was that the couple realized that they had a
重要答题经验: 阅读判断第一题常针对文章开头第一段出题; 最后一题常针对文章最后一段出题; 可用“绝对词”和“ 客观词”猜答案 第一题答案常为A或B;最后一题答案可能为C; A成为答案的概率最高: 2-4个
概括大意与完成句子题可能出题特点: “猜 + 做” 概括大意题出题特点: 四个指定段落中可能有1-3个段落有明显段落主题句(常为 段首句(尤其是位于段首的转折句),也可能是段尾句 ) 例1:选自2011年卫生A/B考题 owls and larks A What should we avoid? B How much sleep do we need?
细节题: √因果逻辑题: why….(…. because/because of/due to/ in that…/ the reason for… is that…) √目的题: The aim/goal of… is ____. (有时”目的= 原因“ ) √推断题: It can be inferred/concluded from…paragraph that … It is implied in the passage that… √正误判断题: Which of the following is true/not true?
考细节信息的查找和确认(都是细节题) 应对策略: 利用题干中典型的信息点猜答案 信息点1:题干中有专有名词(New York) 猜答案经验: 题干中专有名词没找见, 答案常为“未提及 ” 信息点2: 题干中有数字
阅读判断出题特点: “猜” 考细节信息的查找和确认(都是细节题)
1 In this article, we look at the importance of sleep for learning. Most healthy adults need eight or more hours of sleep. But why do we need sleep in the first place? We need sleep for the brain to get a chance to rebuild memories stored during the day and associate these with previously learned things. If this process is interrupted by, say, the sound of an alarm clock, it may not be as effective. So if your sleep is cut short by the alarm clock, how damaging is it? The truth is
例2: decent (adj. 得体的,令人满意的/褒义词) education. A. private(adj. 私人的, 私有的/中性词) B. general (adj. 总的,普遍的/中性词) C. good (adj. 好的, 合适的/褒义词) D. special (adj. 特殊的,特别的/中性词)
词汇选项题可能出题特点: 2. 编写新题(6-8分) 新题特点: A. 多个选项与划线词形成近义词 应对策略:用“小语境法”确定划线词的词义 consume – eat– drink (2008/B)…consume a pound of cheese… B. 答案选项不出现在划线词的近义词注释里
概括大意题答题基本思路: “猜 + 做” “猜” 1.利用“文章主题词猜” 2.利用常见“段落主题词猜” 3.借助备选项之间的特点猜(答案常出现在有关系的选项 中)
典型主题词(important, importance, significant, significance, implication, role, feature, factor, way, aspect, method, problem, principle, advantage,
阅读理解出题特点: ”做 + 猜“ 1. 主旨题 ---- 主题词法 2. 细节题 ---- 线索词定位法 3. 词汇题(实词题, 篇章词汇题(e.g. the + n.))
干扰项特点: 1. 不一致项(尤其注意数量(almost), 程度(mainly, partly), 范围,性质(difficult/easy)上的不一致) 2. 未提及项(简便判断方法: 备选项中的线索词(名词/名词短 语)在文章中没出现) ;
完成句子出题特点:一道题依据一个句子设问 解题关键: 找到这个句子 解题方法: 线索词定位法(利用题干中的线索词定位相关 句) 判断相关句依据: 线索词集中出现的句子、与题干谓语时态一致的句子 不读句子判断答案依据: 1. 如果某个被选项中的词语较多的在相关句中出现, 则该
题干中如果只有一个 定位线索词则还需要 29. Instead of throwing the damaged vegetables 参考题干中的谓语动 away, the couple ____ 词及空格前面的词来 精确定位相关句。 B. turn them into soup
31. Artificial smells have NOT been used ___________. A cafes B banks C travel agencies D supermarkets 分析: 细节题。
(第一段)For many years large supermarkets have been encouraging us to spend money by pumping the smell of freshly-baked bread into their stories. Now Dale Air, 相关句判断标准: 1.线索词集中出现的句子2. 既含有题干中的中 a leading firm of aroma (香气) consultants, has been 心定位线索词又含有备选项中定位线索词的句子。 approached by Barclay's Bank to develop suitable