英国签证申请 委托书翻译 - 中英文对照


1. Name (Familienname) (*2. Familienname bei der Geburt (frühere(r) Familienname(n)) (*)/ Surname at birth (Former family name (s))/3. V orname(n) (Beiname(n)) (*)/ First name (s) (Given name (s))/4. Geburtsdatum (Jahr-Monat-Tag)Date of birth (day-month-year) 出生日期(日-月-年)8. Geschlecht/ Sex/ 性别 * Felder 1-3 sind entsprechend den Angaben im Reisedokument auszufüllen/Fields 1-3 shall be filled in accordance with the data in the travel document/表格第1-3 项须按照旅行证件上的信息填写。
This application form should be filled out in English此表格必须用英文填写19. Derzeitige berufliche Tätigkeit/ Current occupation/ 现职业* 20. Anschrift und Telefonnummer des Arbeitgebers. Für Studenten, Name und Anschrift der Bildungseinrichtung.Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For students, name and address of educational establishment.工作单位名称,地址和电话,学生填写学校名称及地址21. Hauptzweck(e) der Reise / Main purpose(s) of the journey / 主要旅行目的:□ Tourismus Tourism 旅游□ GeschäftsreiseBusiness商务□ Besuch von Familienangehörigen oder FreundenVisiting Family or Friends探亲访友□ Kultur Cultural 文化□ SportSports体育□ Offizieller BesuchOfficial visit官方访问□ Gesundheitliche Gründe Medical reasons医疗□ StudiumStudy学习□ DurchreiseTransit过境□ Flughafentransit Airport transit 机场过境□ Sonstiges (bitte nähere Angaben) Other (please specify)其它(请注明)22. Bestimmungsmitgliedstaat(en)Member State (s) of destination目的申根国23. Mitgliedstaat der ersten EinreiseMember State of first entry首入申根国24. Anzahl der beantragten EinreisenNumber of entries requested申请入境次数25. Dauer des geplanten Aufenthalts oder der DurchreiseDuration of the intended stay or transit预计逗留期或过境期□ Einmalige Einreise Single entry/ 一次□ Zweimalige EinreiseTwo entries/ 两次Anzahl der Tage angebenIndicate number of days逗留或过境天数□ Mehrfache EinreiseMultiple entries/ 多次26. Schengen-Visa, die in den vergangenen drei Jahren erteilt wurdenSchengen visas issued during the past three years过去三年获批的申根签证□ Keine / No/ 没有□ Ja/ Yes/ 有Gültig von/ Date (s) of validity from有效期自bis/ to 至27. Wurden Ihre Fingerabdrücke bereits für die Zwecke eines Antrags auf ein Schengen-Visum erfasst?Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa以往申请申根签证是否有指纹纪录□ Nein/ No/ 没有 □ Ja/ Yes/ 有Datum (falls bekannt) / Date, if known / 如有,请注明日期………………………………28. Ggf.Einreisegenehmigung für das Endbestimmungsland/ Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable最终目的国入境许可,如适用请注明Ausgestellt durch/ Issued by/ 签发机关Gültig von/ Valid from/ 有效期自…………bis/ until/ 至……………29. Geplantes Ankunftsdatum im Schengen-RaumIntended date of arrival in the Schengen area预计进入申根国日期30.Geplantes Abreisedatum aus dem Schengen-RaumIntended date of departure from the Schengen area 预计离开申根国日期Die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder müssen von Familienangehörigen von Unionsbürgern und von Staatsangehörigen des EWR oder der Schweiz(Ehegatte, Kind oder abhängiger Verwandter in aufsteigender Linie)in Ausübung ihres Rechts auf Freizügigkeit nicht ausgefüllt werden.Diese müssen allerdings ihre Verwandtschaftsbeziehung anhand von Dokumenten nachweisen und die Felder Nr. 34 und 35 ausfüllen. (x)Die Felder 1-3 sind entsprechend den Angaben im Reisedokument auszufüllen.The fields marked with * shall not be filled by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercising their right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34 and 35.欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士公民的家庭成员(配偶、子女或赡养的老人)有行使其自由往来的权利,不必回答带(*)号的问题。

签证表中文翻译及如何填写1.Reason for travelling to the UK 你去英国的原因:选Student 和Multiple entry 其它不用填;2.Are you applying as a non-EEA dependant of an EEA nation?选No;3.Full name: 你的名字,例如:你的名字是张伟东,Zhang Weidong 张伟东张1728 伟0251 东2639,后面的4位数字叫国际码,你可以到国际码里去查找;4.Other names used now or in the past 你现在或以前曾经用过的名字,如有请填写,没有填None;5.Date of birth 出生日期:按月、日、年填写;6.Sex 性别:M 男F 女;7.Town and country of birth 出生的国家和地区:如Shanghai China8.Your father's full name 你父亲的名字:填中英文;9.Your mother's full name 你母亲的名字:填中英文;10.Passport or travel document details 护照或相关文件信息:Issuing government/authority 护照颁发机关:P.R.China;Number: 护照号:Nationality as shown in passport 护照上注明的国籍:Chinese;Document type 文件类型:因私护照填Ordinary Passport;Place of issue 护照签发地点:填省名和国家名,如: Hunan China;Date of issue 签发日期:按日月年填写;Valid until 有效期至:按护照上填写;If you are not travelling on your own passport give the following details 如果你不是用你自己的护照请给出详细信息:(比如你是个婴儿,没有护照,需用你父母的护照信息,此项不适用于学生);Is this is your first passport? 这是你的第一本护照吗?如果是第一本护照填Yes,如不是填No,并给出你以前护照的护照号、签发时间及签发地;Only complete this section if dependants included on your passport are travelling with you.如果有人需使用你的护照请填写此项,比如你要带一个小孩的话请填写这项;11.What is your present job? 你目前的工作:学生填student,在职人员填技术人员(Techincal dersonnel)或管理人员(Manager)等;12.Where do you work? 你在哪里工作:学生填中英文的学校名称、电话,在职人员填中英文的单位名称及电话;what date did you start this job? 你从何时起在这个单位工作:学生填入校时间,在职人员填开始工作时间;What is your annual income? 你的年薪是多少:学生不填,在职人员填年收入,RMB:*** YUAN;13.What is your present home address? 你目前的家庭住址:填中英文和你家的电话号码;14.Please give your permanent address if different from above 如果你的通信地址和你家庭地址不一样请给出:填写中英文;15.Are you? 你的婚姻状况:Married 已婚Single 独身Divorced 离婚Widowed 丧偶Separated 分居;16.If married,please give details of spouse 如果你是已婚,请给出详细信息:Full name of spouse 配偶的名字:中英文Date of birth 出生日期:按日月年填写;Nationality of spouse 配偶的国籍:Chinese;Where is your spouse now? 你的配偶现在何处:填市名和国家名,如:Shanghai China;Where is your spouse normally resident? 你的配偶的常住地:填市名和国家名;17.How many children under 18 years old do you have? 你有几个十八岁以下的孩子?please give thier ages 请给出他们的年龄:分别写出他们的年龄;18.Have you applied to go to the UK before? 你以前申请过英国吗?没有选No,有就选Yes;If 'yes',please give dates and places of application 如果上面选项选Yes请给出申请日期和地点;19.Have you visited the UK before 你以前去过英国吗?没去过选No,去过选Yes;If 'yes',please give dates and lengths of each stay 如果你去过英国请给出每次的时间和在英国停留的长度;20.a 你是否曾被英国拒签或撤签?如果选yes你还需要填IM2E表;b.你是否曾被英国拒绝入境?如果选yes你还需要填IM2E表;c.你是否为被英国要求离境?d.你是否曾被其它国家拒签?如果选yes请给出国家名;e.你是否曾被其它国家要求离境?如果选yes请给出国家名;f.你是否曾在英国或其它国家犯过罪?g.你是否受到英国公共机构的支助?21.Country of normal residence 你的常住地:填城市名和国家名;Residence Permit no 你的身份证号码;Date of issue 发证时间;Valid until 有效期至;22.How long do you intend to stay in the UK 你准备在英国停留多长时间:填上具体的多少年多少月;23.What is your proposed date of arrival in the UK? 你准备什么时候到英国:填你开学日期前1-2周的日期,你一定要记住你填写的这个日期,在面试时有时会被问到的;24.Have you bought your ticket? 你是否已经买票了?填没买No. 后面填往返机票Return confirmed;25.(a) Flight no./vessel (if know) 班机号: 不需要填;(b) Who is paying/has paid for the ticket? 谁会为你买机票:My father 或Myself26.How much many is available to you during your stay? 你为你在英国期间准备了多少钱:(a).from your own resources 从你自己的来源,包括你和你父母的钱,也就是你的存单总数;(b).from other sources 其它来源,如果你获得了奖学金或政府资助的话,把数目填在这里;27.Do you have any relatives ot friends in the UK? 你是否有亲属或朋友在英国;28.Where will you stay in the UK? 你到英国后将住在哪里?Full name of sponsor/contact address/hotel 填你入学通知书上签发人的名字;Nationality of sponsor 填UK;Address 地址:填你申请的学校的地址,在通知书上都有;Telephone number 电话:你申请的学校的电话号码,在通知书上找;Resident in UK since 从何时起在英国居住,不填;Occupation 职业:填你入学通知书上签名人的职位,在名字的下面一行就是职位;Relationship to you 和你的关系:填TUTOR (导师);29.Is your visit for business or official reasons? 你去英国是为商业目的或政府的原因吗?答No;30.Are you travelling to another country before the UK? 你去英国前去过其它国家吗?If 'yes',give name of country 如果去过其它国家请给出国家名;31.To which country are you traveling after the UK 你离开英国后会去哪个国家:一定要填China,下面的空填你的身份证号码及有效期,也可以不填;32.Please give name and address of school/university at which you will study 请给出你申请的学校的名字和它的地址:学校的地址在通知书上能找到;33.What technical or education certificates do you hold 你所获得的毕业证书和专业证书:填入你的最高学历证书名称,如有学位直接填写学位名称及专业,如:BSc in computer applications(计算机学士学位证书),还可以在这里填入你的一些专业证书,如各种培训、进修证书等;34.Describe fully the course you wish to follow 你下一步要学习的课程:填上你在英国要学的课程,并在每个课程后注明长度;35.Who will pay for the course 谁为你交学费:也就是你的经济担保人的名字;36.How many hours of organised study will you do per week 你每周的课时数,应填入你语言的课时数;以下的一些内容都是一些声明和保证,如你要真实填写等一类的话,你只要在最后签上你的中英文名字和此表的填写日期,第四页没有需要你填写的,如果你是下载的申请表,把你的申请表用钉书器在左上角钉上。

签证申请信英文作文英文回答:Dear [Visa Officer's Name],。
I am writing to respectfully request a [Type of Visa] visa to visit your esteemed country, [Country Name], for a period of [Number] months. My purpose for this visit is to [State your purpose, such as tourism, business, or family visit].Throughout my [Occupation] career, I have consistently exceeded expectations and am highly regarded by my colleagues. I am confident that during my time in your country, I will be able to make valuable contributions to its economy and culture.I have secured appropriate accommodation with [Name of Accommodation Provider] for the duration of my stay. I have also purchased comprehensive health insurance to cover anymedical expenses that may arise.My passport, [Passport Number], is valid until [Expiry Date]. I have attached a copy of it for your review. Additionally, I have enclosed a bank statement demonstrating my financial stability and the necessary means to support myself during my stay.I am deeply respectful of your country's laws and customs. I understand the importance of adhering to visa regulations and will strictly comply with them. Upon the expiration of my visa, I will promptly depart your country without overstaying.I kindly request you to grant me a [Type of Visa] visa to facilitate my visit to your country. I am eager to explore its rich history, culture, and natural beauty. I am confident that my visit will be both enriching and mutually beneficial.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,。

股权证(开户确认)Confirmation on Opening of Account of Share BExtra explanation:1.This confirmation is a share account card that should be showed by themembers who has opened account to the investor and shall be used in the transaction of share B in Shanghai.2.This confirmation showed by members who has opened account must beaffixed with seal.3.The name of members who opens account must be in full name.4.Code of member who has opened account is its account settlement code.5.The investor shall contact with his designated member promptly if loses ofthis confirmation.6.Contact with its designated member promptly if the name, ID cards andcommunications of investor changes.企业法人营业执照Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal PersonRegistration No.:000000000000Date of Establishment: June 26, 1996 Registration Office: TIANJIN ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE (SEAL)December 4, 2003 Indication for yearly check: Take yearly check between January 1 and April 30 every year. The operation qualification shall be lost if not check on time. Report the yearly check materials before March 15. Otherwise the enterprise shall undertake delay penalty.Jinqi, No. 0000000 Enterprise Name: Guangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in theDevelopment Area, TianjinResidence:Room 205 of Liantong Office Building, 3 Xiaoyuan, No. 1 Street, Development Area, TianjinLegal Representative:***Registered Capital:RMB Three Million and Eight HundredThousand yuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liabilityScope of Business: Design for outdoor decoration work; home decoration; wholesale and retail of building and decorationmaterials, articles of artistic industry, general merchandise, hardware, electrical articles, chemical engineering goods (exclude inflammables, explosives, intoxicating goods and other dangerous goods), electrical appliances installation. If there is special rules for special items, execute in accordance with the rules; for those involve the above-said approval, it shall follow the valid period of the approval.Term of Business:From June 26, 1996 to June 26, 2005企业法人营业执照(副本)Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal Perso n(Duplicate copy)Registration No.:00000000000 Enterprise Name: Guangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in theDevelopment Area, TianjinResidence: Room 205 of Liantong Office Building, 3 Xiaoyuan, No. 1 Street, Development Area, TianjinLegal Representative:***Registered Capital:RMB Three Million and Eight HundredThousand yuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liabilityScope of Business: Design for outdoor decoration work; home decoration; wholesale and retail of building and decoration materials, articles of artistic industry, general merchandise, hardware, electrical articles, chemical engineering goods (exclude inflammables, explosives, intoxicating goods and other dangerous goods), electrical appliances installation. If there is special rules for special items, execute in accordance with the rules; for those involve the above-said approval, it shall follow the valid period of the approval.Term of Business:From June 26, 1996 to June 26, 2005Date of Establishment:June 26, 1996Jinqi, No. 0000000Explanation1.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certificate forenterprise to obtain legal person qualification and legal operation.2.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has an original copy and aduplicate copy. Both of the two copies have the same legal forces. Theoriginal copy of business license shall place in an eye-catching position in the address of enterprise’s legal person. The enterprise’s legal person could apply many duplicate copies to the registration office according to need.3.The business license shall not be fabricated, altered, leased, lent ortransferred. Any bodies other than the registration office shall not detain, take over or cancel the license.4.The enterprise’s legal person shall conduct its bus iness operation within theapproved business scope.5.The enterprise’s legal person shall apply an alternation registration to theoriginal registration office for a change of the registered items.6.The registration office shall conduct yearly check on the en terprise’s legalperson between January 1 and April 30 every year.7.Return the original and duplicate copies of business license when cancelingthe registration. The business license shall become invalid automatically if withdrew by the registration office.Yearly check conditions of the enterprise’s legal personYearly check for enterprise in 2003, grade 4, Special seal for yearly check of Tianjin Administration for Industry and Commerce (seal)February 5, 2004Registration office: Tianjin Administration for Industry and Commerce (Seal)December 4, 2003暂住证Certificate for Temporary Resident of Beijing Printed by Beijing Public Security BureauPoints of Attention1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the temporaryresidence of personals in Beijing from other places.2.This certificate shall be under proper keep, took with the person forthe sake of check. It shall not be fabricated, alternated or lent to others. Loss of the certificate shall be reported to public security bodies promptly and apply to re-issue in accordance with relevant regulations.e to police station to transact alternation procedures in case ofchange of temporary residence address.4.The longest valid period of this certificate is one year. It shallbecome invalid when the period expires.CIssued by:Check recordCheck record房产证Housing Ownership Certificate of the P. R. C.Printed by the Ministry of Construction of the P. R. C. Sale residence house by cost price Beijing Real Estate Certificate Chaosi zi No.: 000000In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate, in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the house-owners, the Real Estate listed on this Certificate, which was applied by the house-owner, is confirmed to be authentic, and it is hereby to issue this Certificate.Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau (Seal)Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau of Chaoyang DistrictBeijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau of Chaoyang District (seal)Date of Issue: May 10, 2001Beijing Real Estate Registration Form2Printed by Beijing Real Estate Surveying and Drawing Office. It shall not be copied.Ground plan of the real estateDrawing No.:Points of Attention1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the real estate ownership. The real estateownership is under the pro tection of the laws of the People’s Republic of China.2.The real estate owner shall strictly observe the laws, regulations and rules related to real estateof the country.3.The obligee shall apply a registration to the property right registration office of l ocal people’sgovernment where the real estate locates by holding relevant certificate in the specified period of time for the following conditions: the transfer of the real estate (result from buying or selling, exchange, conferment, succession, property division, assignment, transfer, court decision etc.); alternation conditions (the change of the legal name of real estate’s obligee or the change of the street where the house locate and the house number, the change of present conditions due to partial construction, remove, collapse, burn down of the house);establishment of other rights (right to mortgage, right to pawn of the real estate etc.); rights for the real estate terminate owning to loss of house or land, the expiration of usable period of the land and the termination of other rights etc.4.Any other units or individuals other than the certificate-issuing office and filling-in unit shallnot make registration or stamp their seals on this certificate.5.Holder of the real estate ownership certificate shall bring forth this certificate when theadministration department of real estate needs to check the property right due to the need of work.6.This certificate shall be under proper keep. The loss and destroy of the certificate shall made areport and apply for re-issue promptly.股票交割单(对账单)Guotai Junan Securities Beijing Zhichunlu Business Department ChecklistAccount No.: 00000000 Shareholder code: C000000000 Name: ** Check date: 20030101 to 20040404Check list for balance of share Expiration date: April 5, 2004Shareholder’s account Share code Share name PresentbalanceUsablebalanceCostpriceRecentquotationShare’s marketvalue0000000000 900937 Longdianshare B0000 0000 0.00 0.00 000.00AMD Present total capital: 000.00capital balance: 0.00 share’s market value:000.00HKD Present total capital: 0.00 capital balance: 0.00share’s market value:0.00居民户口簿Household RegisterUnder Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.CPoints for Attention1.The Household Register has a legal force to identify the status of a citizen and the relationshipof family members. It’s a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or anyone of the family members shall bring forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register.2.The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the householder. No alter, transfer andlease is allowed. The loss of the Household Register must be reported to the household registration office promptly.3.Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the HouseholdRegister. No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it.4.Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of theregistration items shall be registered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office.5.If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional area of the residence, the HouseholdRegister shall be submitted to the household registration office for cancellation.Household No. 00000000Registration of changed items and record of changeRegistration Card for Resident PopulationSeal of undertaker: Date of registration: July 1, 1998Registration of changed items and record of changeRegistration Card for Resident PopulationSeal of undertaker: Date of registration: July 1, 1998Registration of changed items and record of changeRegistration Card for Resident PopulationSeal of undertaker: Date of registration: July 1, 1998常住人口登记卡Registration Card for Resident PopulationNo.: 00000000Seal of undertaker: Date of registration: January 7, 2003缴税单(企业完税单)Pay-in Warrant in Common Use in Taxation of the P. R. C.Subordinate relationship:(2002) Jindijiaodian No. 0777049Type of registration: Private company of limited liability Fill-in and issue date: August 5, 2003 Collecting body: Local Taxation Bureau of the Development AreaState Administration of Taxation Print Supervision Seal for Taxation (seal)Construction and installation 200000.00 0.03000 6000.00 Urban construction maintenance tax 6000.00 0.07000 420.00 Additional education tax 6000.00 0.03000 180.00It is invalid without the seal for payment received of the bank. Charge overdue fine for not paying when time exceeds according to the regulations of taxation law.The first copy (invoice) shall be returned to the pay-in unit (individual) as tax payment receipt after the treasury (bank) has received the payment and fixed seal on it.。

希望您能够予以签证领导人签名领导人职位 XXXXXXX单位盖章单位电话:XXXX XXXX单位地址:北京市XXXXX单位名称:XXXXXXXXXXCERTIFICATIONDear Visa Officer:Hereby we certify that Mr./Ms.XXX is the(Title)of(Company Name).He/She joined our company since(Date).We certificate Mr./Ms.XXX take his/her holiday to Italy from(date)to(date).We make sure that he/she will obey the local rules and come back to China on Time.We will also keep his/her position till his/her coming Date of Birth Passport-No.Position Salary XXXXXXX.XX.XXGXXXXXXXXXXXXRMBXXXX.XXHereby we guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws ofItaly.He/She is going to visit and will come back to China on schedule and still working in our units.All the cost of the travel will be borne by him/herself.Your kind approval of this application will be highly of leader: Position of leaderCompany stamp:Best Regards,Signature:Title: XXXXTel: XXXXXXXXAdd: XXXXUnits Name: XXXXX第二篇:签证英文资料翻译(出生证明)BIRTH CERTIFICATE 出生证明“The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”.It is a legal medical certif icate of people born in the People’s Republic of China.It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private.And it is referred to upon civil registration.MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REP UBLIC OF CHINA(seal)Full name of baby:Sex:Date of birth: Place of birth:Gestation(week):Health Condition:Weight:Height:Full name of mother: Age: Nationality:Nationality: ID Card No:Full name of father:Age: Nationality:Nationality: ID Card No:Type of place: General hospitalName of facility: Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Birth Certificate No.:Date of issue: Issuing Organization(seal):The Official Seal for Beijing Birth Certificate,Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital第三篇:签证申请说明中文及翻译申请说明申请人XX(护照号码XXXXXXXXX)、XX(护照号码XXXXXXXXX)预定于XX年XX月XX日-XX月XX日前往法国和意大利旅游。

英国签证申请户⼝翻译模版Important Notice:1.The inhabitant registration book is a legal document to prove thecitizen’s status and relationship with the family members. It is also a main proof for inhabitant registration authority to inquire and check. Householder and family members should submit the book at any time required by a registrar for checking.2.Householder should keep safe the book. It is an offense for altering,transferring or lending this book to others.3.Except the inhabitant registration office, neither anyone nor anyinstitution can endorse on the book.4.Any changes on number of the family and item should be reported tothe registration office.5.The inhabitant registration book should be surrendered to theregistration office if the whole family moves into other jurisdiction area.No. 06938479Stamp of the officer in charge: Wang NinghuaDate of Issue: 9 Jun. 2004INHABITANT REGISTRATION CARDStamp of the officer in charge: Wang NinghuaDate registered: 9 Jun. 2004Seal: Special Stamp for Inhabitant RegistrationZhongguancun Police StationBeijing Municipal Public Security BureauMODIFICATIONS IN REGISTRATION ITEMS AND RECORDSHousing Ownership CertificateDFQZSZZD No.2002509494According to “Constitution of P. R. China” and “Urban Real Estate Administrat ion Law of P. R. China” and in order to protect the house owner’s lawful rights and privileges, this certificate is hereby issued upon the review of the house property registered on the Certificate.Seal of the issuing authority: Dalian Real Estate AdministrationSupervised and printed by Ministry of Construction of P. R. ChinaJF Registration No. 11001Completed by: Dalian Real Estate Registration and Certificate Issuing Center (Seal) Completing date:26 Jul. 2002Business License of Enterprise CorporationRegistration No. 3707832800364 Enterprise's Name: Shouguang Kangyue Pressurizer Co., Ltd.Address: Shouguang Development Region (Location of the Government of Beiluo Town)Legal Representative: Guo XiluCapital: RMB 3,600,000 yuanBusiness Form: Liability Co., Ltd.Business Scope: To produce and market turbine pressurizer and parts of internal combustion engine and motor vehicles; to research, develop, import and export the new products, new technology related to turbine pressurizer. (As for those concerns with a license or qualification, it is to develop the business according to the business scope approved in the qualification certificate.)Business Period: from 24 Dec. 2001 to 23 Dec. 2011Date of Establishment: 24 Dec. 2001Explanation1. "Corporate Business License " entitled an enterprise to operate a business with astatus as legal entity.2. "Corporate Business License" is made in an original and a duplicate. The originaland the duplicate have the same lawful effect. The original should be put at the eye-catching place in the address of the business entity. If necessary, a business entity may apply to the registry for several duplicates.3. The business license may not be fabricated, altered, rented, leased or transferred.Except the said registry, no other organization or individual may detain, take over or withdraw the license.4. The business entity should be engaged in business activities within the scope ofbusiness checked and approved.5. If any change in the license has taken place, the business entity should report thechange to the original registry that issued the license.6. Every year from 1st January to 30th April, the registry will give an annual check tothe business.7. The original and the duplicate should be submitted to the registry when theenterprise cancels the registration. The license will be ineffective automatically after being written off by the registry.Results of annual checking to the business entity:Having passed the annual check of 2003 Year with A grade.Seal: Special Seal for Annual CheckBeijing Industrial and Commercial AdministrationDate: 7 Apr. 2004Results of annual checking to the business entity: Having passed the annual check of 2003 Year with A grade. Seal: Special Seal for Annual CheckBeijing Industrial and Commercial Administration Date: 11 Apr. 2005Registry: Beijing Industrial and Commercial Administration (stamp) Date: 26 Mar. 2004China Construction Bank Deposit Receipt130003775072 Account No. 0142230151104025823 Name of account: Kang BaoxiaCurrent type: RMBAmount (in word): EIGHTY THOUSAND RMB RMB80,000Special stamp for business of Guomao Saving Bank of Zhuozhou Sub-branch, Hebei Province, China Construction Bank 2005.07.04Supervision afterwards Checked by Charge account Deposited recheck Account keeper: 130666253DDD。

签证申请书英文模板When it comes to applying for a visa, it is essential to provide a comprehensive and well-written visa application letter. The purpose of this letter is to explain the purpose of your visit, provide relevant details about your itinerary, and convince the visa officer that you are a genuine and trustworthy traveler. 在申请签证时,提供一封全面且写得好的签证申请信是至关重要的。
In your visa application letter, it is crucial to include information about your travel plans, such as the dates of your trip, the places you will visit, and the reason for your visit. You should also provide details about your accommodation arrangements, travel insurance, and financial means to support yourself during your stay. 在您的签证申请信中,包括有关您的旅行计划的信息非常关键,比如旅行日期、您将访问的地点以及访问目的。

[Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date]Embassy/Consulate of [Country Name][Embassy/Consulate Address][City, Country]Subject: Visa Application for [Type of Visa] (Visa Application No. [Application Number])Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to apply for a [type of visa, e.g., tourist visa, student visa, work visa] to visit [Country Name] from [start date] to [end date].I am enclosing all the necessary documents as per your requirements. I assure you that my application is made in good faith and I am committed to complying with all the regulations and laws of both my home country and the country I intend to visit.Personal Information:Full Name: [Your Full Name]Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]Place of Birth: [Your Place of Birth]Gender: [Male/Female]Marital Status: [Marital Status, e.g., Single, Married, Widowed]Nationality: [Your Nationality]Passport Information:Passport Number: [Your Passport Number]Passport Issue Date: [Passport Issue Date]Passport Expiry Date: [Passport Expiry Date]Place of Issue: [Place of Issue]Travel Information:Purpose of Visit: [Purpose of Visit, e.g., tourism, visiting relatives, business, studies]Intended Travel Dates: [Start Date] to [End Date]Primary Destination: [Primary Destination in the Country]Accommodation Details: [Details of Accommodation, e.g., hotel name, address, contact information]Travel Companions: [If applicable, list the names and details of any companions traveling with you]Financial Information:I confirm that I have sufficient funds to cover my expenses during my stay in [Country Name]. I have attached the following financial documents to support my application:1. Bank Statement: A recent bank statement showing a minimum balance of [amount] USD or equivalent in other currencies, covering the duration of my stay.2. Pay Slip: A copy of my latest pay slip or employment letter from my employer, confirming my employment status and salary.3. Travel Insurance: A copy of my travel insurance policy covering the entire duration of my stay in [Country Name], with a minimum coverage of [amount] USD.Work/Study Details:If applicable, please provide the following information:1. Job Title: [Your Job Title]2. Company Name: [Your Company Name]3. Company Address: [Your Company Address]4. Duration of Employment: [Duration of Employment]5. Educational Institution: [Name of Educational Institution]6. Course of Study: [Course of Study]7. Duration of Study: [Duration of Study]Security and Background Check:I hereby declare that I have never been convicted of any crime or offense, and I have no pending legal cases against me. I have also completed a police clearance certificate from my local police station, which I have attached to this application.Declaration:I understand that providing false or misleading information in this application may result in the refusal of my visa application or other legal consequences. I hereby confirm that all the information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.I am looking forward to your prompt response and appreciate your assistance in processing my visa application. Should you require any further information or documents, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].Sincerely,[Your Signature, if sending a hard copy][Your Printed Name]Enclosures:1. Passport Copy2. Bank Statement3. Pay Slip4. Travel Insurance Policy5. Police Clearance Certificate6. Any other relevant documentsNote: This is a template for a visa application letter. You should tailor the content to。

1. 个人信息页翻译。
2. 签证申请表翻译。
3. 资金证明翻译。
4. 行程安排翻译。
5. 其他相关文件翻译。

股权证(开户确认)Confirmation on Opening of Account of Share BExtra explanation:1.This confirmation is a share account card that should be showed by themembers who has opened account to the investor and shall be used in the transaction of share B in Shanghai.2.This confirmation showed by members who has opened account must beaffixed with seal.3.The name of members who opens account must be in full name.4.Code of member who has opened account is its account settlement code.5.The investor shall contact with his designated member promptly if loses ofthis confirmation.6.Contact with its designated member promptly if the name, ID cards andcommunications of investor changes.企业法人营业执照Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal PersonRegistration No.:000000000000Date of Establishment: June 26, 1996 Registration Office: TIANJIN ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE (SEAL)December 4, 2003 Indication for yearly check: Take yearly check between January 1 and April 30 every year. The operation qualification shall be lost if not check on time. Report the yearly check materials before March 15. Otherwise the enterprise shall undertake delay penalty.Jinqi, No. 0000000 Enterprise Name: Guangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in theDevelopment Area, TianjinResidence:Room 205 of Liantong Office Building, 3 Xiaoyuan, No. 1 Street, Development Area, TianjinLegal Representative:***Registered Capital:RMB Three Million and Eight HundredThousand yuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liabilityScope of Business: Design for outdoor decoration work; home decoration; wholesale and retail of building and decorationmaterials, articles of artistic industry, general merchandise, hardware, electrical articles, chemical engineering goods (exclude inflammables, explosives, intoxicating goods and other dangerous goods), electrical appliances installation. If there is special rules for special items, execute in accordance with the rules; for those involve the above-said approval, it shall follow the valid period of the approval.Term of Business:From June 26, 1996 to June 26, 2005企业法人营业执照(副本)Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal Perso n(Duplicate copy)Registration No.:00000000000 Enterprise Name: Guangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in theDevelopment Area, TianjinResidence: Room 205 of Liantong Office Building, 3 Xiaoyuan, No. 1 Street, Development Area, TianjinLegal Representative:***Registered Capital:RMB Three Million and Eight HundredThousand yuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liabilityScope of Business: Design for outdoor decoration work; home decoration; wholesale and retail of building and decoration materials, articles of artistic industry, general merchandise, hardware, electrical articles, chemical engineering goods (exclude inflammables, explosives, intoxicating goods and other dangerous goods), electrical appliances installation. If there is special rules for special items, execute in accordance with the rules; for those involve the above-said approval, it shall follow the valid period of the approval.Term of Business:From June 26, 1996 to June 26, 2005Date of Establishment:June 26, 1996Jinqi, No. 0000000Explanation1.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certificate forenterprise to obtain legal person qualification and legal operation.2.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has an original copy and aduplicate copy. Both of the two copies have the same legal forces. Theoriginal copy of business license shall place in an eye-catching position in the address of enterprise’s legal person. The enterprise’s legal person could apply many duplicate copies to the registration office according to need.3.The business license shall not be fabricated, altered, leased, lent ortransferred. Any bodies other than the registration office shall not detain, take over or cancel the license.4.The enterprise’s legal person shall conduct its bus iness operation within theapproved business scope.5.The enterprise’s legal person shall apply an alternation registration to theoriginal registration office for a change of the registered items.6.The registration office shall conduct yearly check on the en terprise’s legalperson between January 1 and April 30 every year.7.Return the original and duplicate copies of business license when cancelingthe registration. The business license shall become invalid automatically if withdrew by the registration office.Yearly check conditions of the enterprise’s legal personYearly check for enterprise in 2003, grade 4, Special seal for yearly check of Tianjin Administration for Industry and Commerce (seal)February 5, 2004Registration office: Tianjin Administration for Industry and Commerce (Seal)December 4, 2003暂住证Certificate for Temporary Resident of Beijing Printed by Beijing Public Security BureauPoints of Attention1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the temporaryresidence of personals in Beijing from other places.2.This certificate shall be under proper keep, took with the person forthe sake of check. It shall not be fabricated, alternated or lent to others. Loss of the certificate shall be reported to public security bodies promptly and apply to re-issue in accordance with relevant regulations.e to police station to transact alternation procedures in case ofchange of temporary residence address.4.The longest valid period of this certificate is one year. It shallbecome invalid when the period expires.CIssued by:Check recordCheck record房产证Housing Ownership Certificate of the P. R. C.Printed by the Ministry of Construction of the P. R. C. Sale residence house by cost price Beijing Real Estate Certificate Chaosi zi No.: 000000In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate, in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the house-owners, the Real Estate listed on this Certificate, which was applied by the house-owner, is confirmed to be authentic, and it is hereby to issue this Certificate.Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau (Seal)Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau of Chaoyang DistrictBeijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau of Chaoyang District (seal)Date of Issue: May 10, 2001Beijing Real Estate Registration Form2Printed by Beijing Real Estate Surveying and Drawing Office. It shall not be copied.Ground plan of the real estateDrawing No.:Points of Attention1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the real estate ownership. The real estateownership is under the pro tection of the laws of the People’s Republic of China.2.The real estate owner shall strictly observe the laws, regulations and rules related to real estateof the country.3.The obligee shall apply a registration to the property right registration office of l ocal people’sgovernment where the real estate locates by holding relevant certificate in the specified period of time for the following conditions: the transfer of the real estate (result from buying or selling, exchange, conferment, succession, property division, assignment, transfer, court decision etc.); alternation conditions (the change of the legal name of real estate’s obligee or the change of the street where the house locate and the house number, the change of present conditions due to partial construction, remove, collapse, burn down of the house);establishment of other rights (right to mortgage, right to pawn of the real estate etc.); rights for the real estate terminate owning to loss of house or land, the expiration of usable period of the land and the termination of other rights etc.4.Any other units or individuals other than the certificate-issuing office and filling-in unit shallnot make registration or stamp their seals on this certificate.5.Holder of the real estate ownership certificate shall bring forth this certificate when theadministration department of real estate needs to check the property right due to the need of work.6.This certificate shall be under proper keep. The loss and destroy of the certificate shall made areport and apply for re-issue promptly.股票交割单(对账单)Guotai Junan Securities Beijing Zhichunlu Business Department ChecklistAccount No.: 00000000 Shareholder code: C000000000 Name: ** Check date: 20030101 to 20040404Check list for balance of share Expiration date: April 5, 2004Shareholder’s account Share code Share name PresentbalanceUsablebalanceCostpriceRecentquotationShare’s marketvalue0000000000 900937 Longdianshare B0000 0000 0.00 0.00 000.00AMD Present total capital: 000.00capital balance: 0.00 share’s market value:000.00HKD Present total capital: 0.00 capital balance: 0.00share’s market value:0.00居民户口簿Household RegisterUnder Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.CPoints for Attention1.The Household Register has a legal force to identify the status of a citizen and the relationshipof family members. It’s a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or anyone of the family members shall bring forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register.2.The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the householder. No alter, transfer andlease is allowed. The loss of the Household Register must be reported to the household registration office promptly.3.Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the HouseholdRegister. No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it.4.Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of theregistration items shall be registered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office.5.If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional area of the residence, the HouseholdRegister shall be submitted to the household registration office for cancellation.Household No. 00000000Registration of changed items and record of changeRegistration Card for Resident PopulationSeal of undertaker: Date of registration: July 1, 1998Registration of changed items and record of changeRegistration Card for Resident PopulationSeal of undertaker: Date of registration: July 1, 1998Registration of changed items and record of changeRegistration Card for Resident PopulationSeal of undertaker: Date of registration: July 1, 1998常住人口登记卡Registration Card for Resident PopulationNo.: 00000000Seal of undertaker: Date of registration: January 7, 2003缴税单(企业完税单)Pay-in Warrant in Common Use in Taxation of the P. R. C.Subordinate relationship:(2002) Jindijiaodian No. 0777049Type of registration: Private company of limited liability Fill-in and issue date: August 5, 2003 Collecting body: Local Taxation Bureau of the Development AreaState Administration of Taxation Print Supervision Seal for Taxation (seal)Construction and installation 200000.00 0.03000 6000.00 Urban construction maintenance tax 6000.00 0.07000 420.00 Additional education tax 6000.00 0.03000 180.00It is invalid without the seal for payment received of the bank. Charge overdue fine for not paying when time exceeds according to the regulations of taxation law.The first copy (invoice) shall be returned to the pay-in unit (individual) as tax payment receipt after the treasury (bank) has received the payment and fixed seal on it.。

附件1:在职证明参考样本TO: VISA SECTIONDear Visa Officer,Mr. / Ms. XXXX(申请人姓名)has worked in our company since XXXX-XX-XX (申请人入职时间:年月日). The Labor Contract between him/her and our company commences on XX-XX-XXXX and will expire on XX-XX-XXXX. He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting your country and the other Schengen countries from XX.XXXX to XX.XXXX (出国日期某年某月).All the expenses including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself/herself. He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and will continue to work in our company after his/her visiting to Schengen countries.Name Sex Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual IncomeXXXX X XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX XXXXYour kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader(领导人姓名)Position of the leader(领导人职位)Signature (领导的签名)Company Stamp(公司盖章)Tel: XXX-XXXXXXAdd: XXXXXXCompany Name: XXXXXX注:1. 在职证明需打印成英文,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式2. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中4.请不要将“附件1:在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中附件2:在职证明样本译文致:签证官XXX先生/女士自XXXX年XX月XX日在我们公司工作。

签证申请书模板英语范文:Visa Application Letter[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Country][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Consulate General/Embassy of [Destination Country]][Address][City, State, Zip Code][Country]Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to apply for a [type of visa] to travel to [Destination Country] for [purpose of visit]. I have carefully read and understood the requirements and guidelines provided by the [Destination Country] Consulate General/Embassy, and I believe I fulfill all the necessary criteria to obtain a visa.I am a [Your Profession], currently residing in [Your Country]. I have been living and working in [Your Country] for the past [number of years] years, and I have a stable job and a good standing in my community. I am financially responsible and have sufficient funds to cover the costs of my trip, including travel expenses, accommodation, and living expenses while in [Destination Country].The purpose of my visit to [Destination Country] is to [provide a detailed explanation of the purpose of your visit, such as tourism,business, or visiting family/friends]. I plan to stay in [Destination Country] for [duration of stay], and I will comply with all the regulations and requirements set forth by the [Destination Country] authorities during my stay.I have attached the necessary documents to support my visa application, including my passport, completed visa application form, itinerary, hotel reservations, proof of financial means, and any other relevant documents.I understand that additional documents may be required during the application process, and I am prepared to provide any additional information or documentation as needed.I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the consideration of my visa application. I assure you that I will comply with all the laws and regulations of [Destination Country] during my stay, and I will returnto my country of residence promptly after the completion of my visit. I appreciate your time and assistance in processing my visa application, and I look forward to a favorable response.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

申请签证英语口语1 visa [ˈvi ːz ə] 签证2 apply [əˈpla ɪ] 申请3 application [ˌæ pl ɪˈke ɪʃn] 申请4 embassy [ˈemb əsi] 大使馆5 consulate [ˈk ɒnsj əl ət] 领事馆6 passport [ˈp ɑːsp ɔːt] 护照7 document [ˈd ɒkjum ənt] 文件8 material [m əˈt ɪəri əl] 材料9 purpose [ˈp ɜːp əs] 目的10 invitation [ˌɪnv ɪˈte ɪʃn] 邀请11 depart [d ɪˈp ɑːt] 出发12 stay [ste ɪ] 逗留13 guarantee [ˌɡæ r ən ˈti ː] 保证14 schedule [ˈʃedju ːl] 计划,安排15 order [ˈɔːd ə( r)] 预订句型现学现用万能句I want to apply for a tourist visa. 我想申请一个旅游签证。
What’s your purpose to...? 你去……的目的是什么?What would you like to do in...? 你想在……做什么呢?Do you have any relatives there? 你在那里有亲戚吗?When do you prepare to...? 你准备什么时候……?How long will it take to...? ……需要多长时间?Have you ever...? 你曾经……吗?Have you ordered the ticket? 你预订机票了吗?Did you get your visa yet? 你拿到签证了吗?Please fill out these forms. 请把这些表格填一下。
1 I want to apply for a tourist visa. 我想申请一个旅游签证。

签证申请信英文作文English: I am writing this letter to apply for a visa to visit your country. I have always been fascinated by the culture, history, and natural beauty of your country, and I believe that visiting will be a great learning experience for me. I am a responsible and law-abiding citizen with no criminal record. I have a stable job and a good income, which I believe shows my commitment to returning to my home country after my visit. I have made all the necessary arrangements for my trip, including booking flights and accommodation. I will also have sufficient funds to cover my expenses during my stay. I promise to abide by the laws and regulations of your country and to respect the customs and traditions of the local people. I sincerely hope that you will grant me a visa so that I can fulfill my dream of exploring your beautiful country.中文翻译: 我写这封信是为了申请去贵国的签证。

申请大使馆签证的申请书英语范文 Visa Application Letter to the Embassy.[Your Full Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Your Email Address][Your Phone Number][Date][Consulate/Embassy's Full Name][Consulate/Embassy's Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Subject: Visa Application for [Purpose of Visa e.g., Tourist, Business, Study]To Whom It May Concern,。
I am writing to apply for a visa to [Destination Country] for the purpose of [Purpose of Visit e.g., tourism, business meetings, educational purposes]. I am confidentthat my visit will be beneficial both for myself and forthe country I am visiting.Personal Background and Purpose of Visit.I am a citizen of [Your Country] and currently residein [Your City, State]. My primary occupation is [Your Occupation], and I have held this position for the past [Number] years. During my tenure, I have demonstrated a strong commitment to my work and have achieved several notable successes.My interest in [Destination Country] stems from itsrich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant economy. I am particularly interested in [Specific Aspects of the Country e.g., its history, art, people, etc.]. Visiting [Destination Country] will provide me with an opportunity to broaden my horizons and gain valuable insights that I can apply to my work and personal life.Details of the Visit.I plan to visit [Destination Country] from [Start Date] to [End Date], and my intended duration of stay is [Number] days. During this time, I will be [Provide a BriefItinerary e.g., visiting tourist attractions, attending business meetings, etc.]. I have made all the necessary arrangements for my accommodation and have confirmedtickets for my return flight.Financial Arrangements.I am fully responsible for financing my visit to [Destination Country]. I have a stable income and am financially capable of covering all expenses incurredduring my stay, including accommodation, transportation, and daily expenses. I understand that proof of financial solvency is a requirement for visa application and I am prepared to provide any necessary documents to support my application.Commitment to Compliance.I am aware of the visa regulations and commitments associated with my application. I assure you that I will strictly adhere to the terms and conditions of the visa, and I will respect the laws and customs of [Destination Country] throughout my stay. Upon the completion of my visit, I intend to return to [Your Country] and continue with my professional and personal commitments.Conclusion.I am excited about the prospect of visiting [Destination Country] and am confident that my visit will be enriching and rewarding. I appreciate your consideration of my visa application and look forward to the opportunityto explore the beauty and culture of [Destination Country]. Thank you for considering my application, and I amavailable at any time to provide additional information or clarification if needed.Sincerely,。

出国办案签证英文申请范文I am writing to apply for a visa to go abroad for a legal case.我写信申请出国办案签证。
As the defendant in a legal case, it is crucial for me to be able to travel abroad to attend court hearings and provide necessary evidence.作为一名法律案件的被告,我有必要出国参加法院听证并提供必要的证据。
I understand that the process of obtaining a visa for legal purposes may be complex, but I assure you that I am committed to following all necessary procedures and complying with the laws and regulations of the country I wish to visit.我知道为了法律目的申请签证的程序可能很复杂,但我保证我会严格遵守所有必要的程序和遵守我想要访问的国家的法律法规。
In addition to providing legal documents and evidence of my case, I am willing to comply with any requirements set forth by the consulate or embassy.除了提供法律文件和案件证据外,我愿意遵守领事馆或大使馆制定的任何要求。
I hope that you will understand the importance of my need to travel abroad for legal purposes and consider my application with compassion and understanding.我希望你们能理解我出国办案的重要性,并以同情和理解的心态考虑我的申请。

出国办案签证英文申请范文English: Applying for a visa to study abroad involves a meticulous process that requires attention to detail and accuracy in completing the required documentation. In my case, I am seeking a visa to pursue a legal case abroad that requires me to be present in order to gather evidence, conduct research, and collaborate with international partners. I have attached all the necessary documents, such as my passport, proof of enrollment in a legal program at a recognized institution, and a detailed explanation of the case I will be working on. I have also provided a comprehensive itinerary outlining my travel plans and accommodations during my stay in the host country.I understand the importance of complying with all visa requirements and regulations and am committed to fulfilling all necessary obligations during my time abroad. I assure you that I will abide by the laws of the host country and will conduct myself in a professional and respectful manner throughout my stay. I am confident that this experience will not only benefit my legal career but also contribute positively to the case I am working on. Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to the opportunity to further my studies and professional development abroad.中文翻译:申请出国办案签证需要进行一项细致的过程,需要在完成所需文件时注意细节和准确性。

Personal Visa Application LetterDear Sir/Madam,I am writing this letter to apply for a personal visa to visit [country name] for [purpose of visit]. I am a [nationality] citizen and I currently reside in [current residence].I have always been fascinated by the culture, history, and natural beauty of [country name]. I have researched extensively and have found that [country name] has a lot to offer in terms of sightseeing, culinary experiences, and cultural immersion. I am particularly interested in visiting [specific places or attractions].During my stay in [country name], I plan to stay for [duration of stay] and I will be residing with my [relationship to host] [host's name]. I have known [host's name] for [number of years] and can vouch for their character and reliability. I am confident that they will provide me with the necessary support and assistance during my stay.I have attached a copy of my passport, along with the required documents and fees, to support my application. I have also included a detailed itinerary of my planned activities during my stay in [country name], as well as proof of my financial means to support myself during my visit.I understand that entering [country name] on a personal visa requires compliance with certain regulations and restrictions. I assure you that I will adhere to all laws and regulations during my stay and will not engage in any illegal activities. I also understand that my application may be subject to further review and approval by the appropriate authorities. I am willing to cooperate with any necessary inquiries or requests for additional information.I kindly request your consideration for my personal visa application. I believe that visiting [country name] will be a valuable and enriching experience for me. I am excited about the opportunity to explore and learn about [country name]'s culture, history, and people. I am confident that I will comply with all requirements and regulations during my stay.Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,[Your Name]。
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Dear Visa Officer:
Hereby we certify that Mr./Ms.XXX is the (Title)of (Company Name). He/She joined our company since (Date). We certificate Mr./Ms. XXX take his/her holiday to Italy from (date) to (date). We make sure that he/she will obey the local rules and come back to China on Time. We will also keep his/her position till his/her coming back.
Name Date of Birth Passport-No .Position Salary
Hereby we guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws of Italy. He/She is going to visit and will come back to China on schedule and still working in our units. All the cost of the travel will be borne by him/herself.
Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.
Name of leader:
Position of leader
Company stamp:
Best Regards,
Title: XXXX
Units Name: XXXXX。