
工aaaa 式aad 匿aadk 慝aadn 葚aadn 萁aadw 苷aaff 甙aafd 芽aaht 戒aak 苣aanf 荛aatq 节abj 荫abef 茸abf 邛abh 蒸abio 菡abib 荪abiu 茁abmj 芤abnb 菰abry 萨abut芭acb茎acaf蓣acbm茅acbt苔ackf基adwf莽adaj蕻adaw苊adbb茇adcu戎ade葫adef苦adf蓐adff萘adfi葳adgt荐adhb葜adhd茬adhf藉adij藕adiy菲adjd匪adjd若adkf惹adkn苈adlb项admy蒇admt茂adnt藏adnt蕨aduw其adwu戡adwa期adwe斟adwf綦adwi勘adwl甚adwn斯adwr蓁adwt欺adww茏adxb菜aesu艿aeb菔aebc莩aebf藐aeeq蒯aeej苴aegf散aety蕤aetg藤aeui荽aevf芨aeyu革afj鞯afab鞴afae邯afbh靶afcn鞣afcs芸afcu芰afcu甘afd薷afdj鞑afdp芏aff 鞋afff 鞲afff 葑afff 蒜afii 鞘afie 靼afjg 薹afkf 勒afln 蕾aflf 贰afmi 鞅afmd 苇afnh 鞍afpv 荸afpb 鞠afqo 芜afqb 芫afqb 鞔afqq 莰afqw 鞫afqy 靳afrh 某afsu著aftj蓍aftj鞒aftj蔷afuk鞭afwq菱afwt芙afwu靴afwx藿afwy七agn荆agaj匡agd莆agey菁agef芋agfj廿aghg艹aghh蔫agho苤agig蕙agjn蔌agkw芾agmh颟agmm匚agn巧agnn戈agnt弋agny莱agou葬agqa薤agqg茉agsu廾agth苹aguh荚aguw萋agvv荑agxw牙ahte蘧ahap芷ahf苜ahf菽ahic苫ahkf颐ahkm赜ahkm熙ahko臣ahnh卧ahnh邪ahtb鸦ahtg迓ahtp雅ahty茈ahxb东aii茳aiaf蕖aias范aibb菹aieg薄aigf萍aigh蒲aigy菠aihc莎aiit藻aiks荡ainr鸫aiqg蒎aire 菏aisk 落aitk 藩aitl 汞aiu 茫aiyn 蒗aiye 划ajh 蕞ajbc 莫ajdu 蓦ajdc 墓ajdf 幕ajdh 暮ajdj 募ajdl 慕ajdn 摹ajdr 萌ajef 昔ajf 莳ajfu 草ajj 菖ajjf 蔓ajlc葛ajqn鹊ajqg蓝ajtl茧aju郾ajvb或akgd葺akbf蕺akbt叵akd鄞akgb堇akgf勤akgl惑akgn觐akgq匮akhm蒉akhm颧akkm莒akkf鹳akkg萼akkn莴akmw功aln茵aldu蒽aldn蔑aldt苗alf薯alfj匣alk茄alkf茴alkf荔alll葸alnu莲alpu瞢alph甍alpn薨alpx萝alqu鹋alqg菌altu匦alvv苏alwu贡amu芟amcu英amdu苒amff茼amgk匝amhk萜amhk苘amkf苋amqb黄amwu芮amwu巩amyy跫amyh蛩amyj恐amyn銎amyq世anv苠anab艺anb芑anb巨and蔚anff蔬anhq葭anhc忒ani 薜anku 贳anmu 蕊annn 芯anu 荬anud 蓼anwe 苡anyw 荩anyu 蒌aovf 薮aovt 芝apu 菪apdf 茔apff 蔻apfl 莞apfq 蒙apge 苎apgf 萱apgg 莹apgy 荥apiu 萤apju 营apkk劳aplb荤aplj茕apnf菅apnn荧apou莺apqg菀apqb蓥apqf荦aprh荣apsu蓉apwk蓿apwj萦apxi区aqi芪aqab苑aqbb葡aqgy茚aqgb藓aqgd蓟aqgj瓯aqgn荀aqjf敬aqkt苟aqkf茗aqkf擎aqkr檠aqks警aqky菟aqky殴aqmc苞aqnb菊aqou欧aqqw鸥aqqg萄aqrm葱aqrn蔸aqrq芴aqrr获aqtd茆aqtb莸aqtn荻aqto艾aqu匹aqv萏aqvf芡aqwu芍aqyu鸢aqyg茑aqyg匠ark葩arcb菝ardc茱ariu芹arj萆artf苛askf茜asf苯asgf蘸asgo葙ashf蕈asjj菥asrj菘aswc攻aty苌atay医atdi 荞atdj 翳atdn 蓬atdp 莠ateb 芊atfj 荇atfh 莛atfp 董atgf 翘atgn 薰atgo 尧atgq 蓰athh 莉atjj 蓖atlx 薇atmt 蕃atol 藜atqi 蘅atqh 莪atrt 萎atvf 莓atxu 蘩atxi燕auko蒴aube莘auj薏aujn蕲aujr菩aukf蔽aumt蒂auph蒡aupy蒋auqf茭auqu茨auqw薪ausr蒺autd蒹auvo蔺auwy切avn艽avb菇avdf薅avdf茛aveu荨avfu萧avij茹avkf苕avkf萸avwu芄avyu共awu苍awbb蓊awcn茯awdu蔡awfi荟awfc茌awff苻awfu葵awgd荃awgf莶awgi蔹awgt莜awht芥awjj葆awks巷awnb孽awnb蘖awns薛awnu恭awnu茶awsu荷awsk荼awtu荏awtf莅awuf蓓awuk芬awvb巫awwi觋awwq苁awwu花awxb蕉awyo苓awyc萑awyf劐awyj芩awyn药axqy荭axaf芎axb 荮axfu 莼axgn 蕴axjl 芗axtr 芘axxb 荜axxf 蒈axxr 芳ayb 蔗ayao 蓠aybc 茺aycq 苄ayhu 蔼ayjn 荠ayjj 蓑ayke 蒿aymk 藁ayms 芒aynb 匾ayna 荒aynq 芦aynr 葶ayps蘑aysd蘼aysd蔟aytd莨ayve萃aywf菸aywu蓄ayxl蕹ayxy了bnh陈baiy子bbbb陬bbcy耶bbh取bcy陉bcag聂bccu颞bccm聚bcti鄹bctb娶bcvf承bdii隋bdae隳bdan随bdep堕bdef陌bdjg陇bdxn阴beg阻begg际bfiy孺bfdj陡bfhy阱bfjh陆bfmh阮bfqn陵bfwt卫bgd耳bghg隔bgkh陋bgmn阢bgqn陕bguw耻bhg陂bhcy蚩bhgj陟bhit骘bhic屮bhk阽bhkg孙biy函bibk丞bigf卺bigb隙biji逊bipi阳bjg陧bjfg隅bjmy隰bjxo职bkwy亟bkcg聩bkhm陨bkmy阵blh孟blf隈blge 勐blln 出bmk 祟bmfi 聃bmfg 聘bmgn 粜bmou 也bnhn 卩bnh 阝bnh 凵bnh 孑bnhg 孔bnn 耿boy 辽bpk 院bpfq 耽bpqn 聍bpsh 陀bpxn 隐bqvn 孢bqnn 陶bqrm 聊bqtb陷bqvg孤brcy阪brcy隍brgg隗brqc陴brtf阿bskg耵bsh降btah聒btdg阡btfh隆btgg陲btgf阼bthf孜bty联budy隧buep障bujh陪bukg聪bukn隘buwl限bvey队bwy附bwfy坠bwff险bwgi阶bwjh除bwty聆bwyc陛bxxf防byn孓byi孩bynw陔bynw以nywy戏cat颈cadm骐cadw弁caj刭cajh劲caln迳capd驱caqy骁catq巯cayq邓cbh骤cbci预cbdm予cbj驰cbn豫cbqe矛cbtr骛cbtc鹬cbtg鹜cbtg瞀cbth蝥cbtj蟊cbtj矜cbtn鍪cbtq柔cbts婺cbtv双ccy又cccc垒cccf叠cccg 颡cccm 桑cccs 骖ccde 驿ccfh 骀cckg 骏ccwt 驭ccy 骚ccyj 参cder 叁cddf 毵cden 畚cdlf 骑cdsk 驮cdy 能cexx 驵cegg 甬cej 勇celb 恿cenu 通cepk 熊cexo 对cfy圣cff怼cfnu骊cgmy骒cjsy台ckf邰ckbh驯ckh怠cknu炱ckou迨ckpd驶ckqy劝cln驷clg骡clxi观cmqn骋cmgn马cnng骣cnbb巴cnhn厶cny驼cpxn允cqb驹cqkg驳cqqy驺cqvg欢cqwy鸡cqyg骝cqyl牟crhj骠csfi矣ctdu骄ctdj骆ctkg骢ctln骈cuah骥cuxw艰cvey难cwyg驸cwfy验cwgi逡cwtp皴cwtc骅cwxf骓cwyg驻cygg叉cyi蚤cyju骧cyke驴cynt骗cyna骟cynn骇cynw在dhfd左daf厮dadr砑daht礴daif厝dajd磺damw砸damh碟dans礞dape奁daqu砹daqy硗datq砌davn 礤dawi 硭dayn 顾dbdm 耷dbf 础dbmh 厄dbv 友dcu 磉dccs 碜dcde 码dcg 雄dcwy 大dddd 磊dddf 靥dddl 砺dddn 飙dddq 碱ddgt 厦ddht 厌ddi 厣ddlk 硕ddmy 厉ddnv励ddnl魇ddrc套ddu餍ddwe胡deg郁debh硼deeg有e髻defk髡degq髭dehx鬟dele髯demf鬃depi鬓depw鹕deqg髟det髦detn鬏deto鬈deub髫devk鬣devn髹dews夺dfu奔dfaj磕dfcl砝dfcy辰dfei辱dfef蜃dfej唇dfek硅dffg奎dfff矸dfh奈dfiu夸dfnb刳dfnj匏dfnn砖dfny瓠dfny奢dftj压dfyi三dggg研dgah硎dgaj砘dgbn古dghg硬dgjq咸dgkt厨dgkf感dgkn礓dglg碛dgmy戌dgnt厂dgt石dgtg犬dgty砰dguh硖dguw威dgvt碡dgxu丰dhk戛dhar存dhbd破dhcy慧dhdn 酆dhdb 砉dhdf 彗dhdv 戚dhit 蹙dhih 砧dhkg 艳dhqc 夏dhtu 契dhvd 恝dhvn 挈dhvr 砂ditt 耢dial 磲dias 耔dibg 耙dicn 耨didf 硝dieg 耕difj 耘difc 耩diff 耒dii耥diik耖diit耦dijy耜dinn耧diov耗ditn泵diu耪diuy耠diwk耱diyd百djf厚djbd非djdd裴djde韭djdg蜚djdj辈djdl悲djdn翡djdn斐djdy厘djfd碍djgf砷djhh奄djnb鹌djng碣djqn右dkf夼dkj历dlv夯dlb奋dlf砗dlh厍dlk面dmjd碘dmaw碳dmdo碉dmfk硐dmgk布dmhj而dmjj耐dmjf鸸dmjg厕dmjk恧dmjn耍dmjv矶dmn砚dmqn砜dmqy页dmu矾dmyy成dnnt碾dnae臧dndt嘏dnhc尴dnjl虿dnju趸dnkh劢dnln盛dnnl迈dnpv尥dnqy砀dnrt万dnv尤dnv尢dnv尬dnwj 戊dnyt 灰dou 盔dolf 磷doqh 达dpi 碹dpgg 碇dpgh 碗dpqb 牵dprh 砣dpxn 克dqb 磔dqas 砥dqay 兢dqdq 确dqeh 砾dqiy 爽dqqq 砍dqwy 矽dqy 鸪dqyg 原drii 斫drh愿drin碑drtf厅dsk硒dsg厢dshd碴dsjg奇dskf剞dskj欹dskw帮dtbh邦dtbh寿dtfu焘dtfo砟dthf硌dtkg硇dtlq砭dtpy硪dtrt故dty磁duxx劂dubj厥dubw磙duce磋duda砬dug辜duj鹩dujg碚dukg碰duog磅dupy碲duph肆dvfh厩dvcq碌dviy春dwjf砼dwag奉dwfh奏dwgd硷dwgi磴dwgu仄dwi泰dwiu蠢dwjj秦dwtu舂dwvf雁dwwy赝dwwm礁dwyo碓dwyg龙dxv龚dxaw聋dxbf砻dxdf垄dxff砩dxjh砒dxxn袭dxye太dyi礅dybt硫dycq丈dyi态dynu碥dyna戍dynt矿dyt碎dywf 肛eag 腻eafm 胨eaiy 腊eajg 膜eajd 朦eape 服ebcy 郛ebbh 孕ebf 孚ebf 乳ebnn 肥ecn 胫ecag 胎eckg 盈eclf 戤ecla 须edmy 肱edcy 胯edfn 腓edjd 腌edjn 腼edmd腠edwd胧edxn肽edyy朋eeg貘eead脬eebg貊eedj月eeee豺eeft豳eemk燹eeou鹏eeqg豹eeqy豸eer邈eerp貌eerq肜eet貉eetk貔eetx貂eevk貅eews豚eey肝efh肢efcy脚efcb肚efg虢efhm肼efjh膨efke臌efkc腩efmf肟efnn脖efpb朊efqn爰eftc肤efwy肘efy且egd肫egbn县egcu悬egcn脯egey膊egef腈egeg胚egig膈egkh助egln肺egmh豕egty雎egwy胰egxw胩ehhy鼐ehnn胪ehnt膛eipf胱eiqn尕eiu胆ejgg刖ejh胂ejhh腽ejlg腥ejtg肿ekhh腭ekkn臊ekks脶ekmw 肋eln胭eldy 胛elh腮elny 爵elvf 胁elwy 肌emn 腆emaw 股emcy 胴emgk 觅emqb 肭emwy 甩env 脲eniy 肠enrt 膦eoqh 脒eoy 爱epdc 受epcu 脓epey 脘epfq 腙epfi腚epgh逐epi腕epqb舜epqh膑eprw胺epvg腔epwa膣epwf胸eqqb胝eqay脆eqdb朐eqkg胞eqnn脎eqsy肷eqwy遥ermp胍ercy腺eriy鹞ermg繇ermi脾ertf采esu彩eset膘esfi腰esvg膝eswi用etnh胀etay胜etgg胙ethf腹etjt胳etkg乃etn彡ettt胶euqy胼euah腾eudc塍eudf滕eudi膳eudk媵eudv朕eudy胖eufh臆eujn脱eukq膀eupy膪eupk妥evf腿evep舀evf腱evfp腴evwy脸ewgi胗ewet脍ewfc腧ewgj脞ewwf脂exjg奚exdu及eyi脑eybh脏eyfg脐eyjh膻eylg肮eymn肪eyn 脉eyni 胲eynw 臁eyuo 腑eywf 腋eywy 臃eyxy 地fbn 载falk 堪fadn 霰faet 霸fafe 坩fafg 卉faj 堰fajv 哉fakd 域fakg 戴falw 贲famu 堞fans 栽fasi 截fawy 塔fawk裁faye邗fbh支fcu却fcbh动fcln盍fclf劫fcln翅fcnd运fcpi魂fcrc埃fctd去fcu云fcu城fdnt震fdfe垮fdfn埯fdjn霏fdjd坜fdln雳fdlb需fdmj颥fdmm顸fdmy塬fdri垅fdxn圾feyy堋feeg霾feef埒fefy寺ffu坛ffcy圭fff土ffff封fffy填ffhw埴ffhg卦ffhy款ffiw圬ffnn雩ffnb恚ffnu堵fftj墙ffuk二fgg垤fgcf博fgef埔fgey圩fgfh干fggh十fgh士fghg雨fghy寸fghy坏fgiy坯fgig埂fgjq垣fgjg塥fgkh垭fgog坪fguh直fhf越fhat墟fhag趣fhbc坡fhcy趄fheg 矗fhfh 赶fhfk 址fhg 趔fhgj 赴fhhi 趟fhik 亍fhk 坫fhkg 盐fhlf 起fhnv 赳fhnh 垆fhnt 赵fhqi 趋fhqv 趱fhtm 走fhu 趑fhuw 超fhvk 真fhwu 趁fhwe 颠fhwm 示fiu霄fief霪fief霈figh未fii嫠fitv墚fivs求fiyi裘fiye逑fiyp救fiyt进fjpk戟fjat朝fjeg埋fjfg韩fjfh埘fjfy坦fjgg堤fjgh遘fjgp觏fjgq刊fjh坤fjhh亓fjj井fjk墁fjlc塭fjlg塌fjng埸fjqr乾fjtn翰fjwn斡fjwf吉fkf颉fkdm袁fkeu埕fkgg圳fkh露fkhk酃fkkb埚fkmw埙fkmy喜fkuk鼓fkuc彭fkue鼙fkuf瞽fkuh嘉fkuk甏fkun熹fkuo协flwy雷flf塄flyn南fmuf垌fmgk击fmk垲fmnn垛fmsy献fmud坝fmy坍fmyg志fnu堀fnbm韦fnhk霞fnhc韫fnhl违fnhp韬fnhv 韧fnhy 墀fnih 霹fnku 馨fnmj 磬fnmd 罄fnmm 謦fnmy 圯fnn 圮fnn 声fnr场fnrt 卖fnud 觌fnuq 亏fnv 块fnwy 坭fnxn 专fnyi 赤fou 郝fobh 赧fobc 赫fofo 赭fofj赦foty螫fotj过fpi勃fpbl孛fpbf鹁fpbg垸fpfq壹fpgu彀fpgc觳fpgc懿fpgn毂fplc壳fpmb悫fpmn壶fpog索fpxi坨fpxn无fqv坻fqay元fqb顽fqdm堍fqky鼋fqkn雹fqnb坞fqng远fqpv均fqug坎fqwy垢frgk坂frcy圻frh埤frtf坼fryy霜fshf堙fsfg坷fskg霖fssu才fte孝ftbf教ftbt霆ftfp考ftgn埏fthp者ftjf都ftjb翥ftjn煮ftjo雾ftlb垧ftmk圪ftnn老ftxb耋ftxf耆ftxj耄ftxn霉ftxu增fulj丧fueu幸fufj垃fug境fujq培fukg啬fulk墒fumk霎fuvf雪fvf垠fvey 埭fviy 埽fvph 霓fvqb 夫fwi替fwfj 辇fwfl 逵fwfp 规fwmq 埠fwnf 堠fwnd 赍fwwm 麴fwwo 堆fwyg 零fwyc 霍fwyf 埝fwyn 坶fxgu 坳fxln 坟fyy墩fybt 垴fybh 霁fyjj霭fyjn壤fyke坑fymn坊fyn垓fynw壕fype圹fyt雯fyu塘fyvk墉fyvh一ggll开gak邢gabh琪gadw形gaet武gahd琊gahb鹉gahg弄gaj型gajf刑gajh瑾gakg瑛gamd璜gamw珙gawy屯gbnv珥gbg顿gbnm到gcfj至gcff郅gcfb致gcft臻gcft玛gcg天gdi瑚gdeg蚕gdju吞gdkf顼gdmy忝gdnu琦gdsk珑gdxn表geu青gef瑗gefc甫gehy逋gehp敷geht靓gemq靛geph瑷gepc静geqh瑶germ琢geyy于gfk珐gfcy球gfiy盂gflf玮gfnh迂gfpk玩gfqn五gghg琶ggcb王gggg戋gggt环ggiy 瑟ggnt 琴ggwn 琵ggxx 珏ggyy 下ghi 琥gham 璩ghae 玻ghcy 正ghd 焉ghgo 鄢ghgb 玷ghkg 丐ghnv 忑ghnu 璨ghqo 政ghty 不i甭giej 歪gigh 邳gigb 丕gigf 否gikf琐gimy还gipi珧giqn孬givb理gjfg墼gjff軎gjfk亘gjgf芈gjgh惠gjhn瑁gjhg丌gjk更gjqi琨gjxx事gkvh吾gkf囊gkhe蠹gkhj璐gkhk橐gkhs束gkii整gkih剌gkij赖gkim速gkip敕gkit卅gkk噩gkkk副gklj逼gklp融gkmj鬲gkmh翮gkmn带gkph吏gkqi豆gkuf豇gkua豌gkub豉gkuc逗gkup画glbj盏glf柬glii珈glkg琏glpy现gmqn曹gmaj遭gmap瑞gmdj再gmfd刺gmij棘gmii枣gmiu珊gmmg璎gmmv玑gmn责gmu丙gmwi邴gmwb两gmww璀gmwy丽gmyy郦gmyb鹂gmyg逦gmyp与gngd 珉gnan 琚gndg 欤gngw 瑕gnhc 瓦gnyn 来goi 严godr 亚gogd 戬goga 垩gogf 晋gogj 恶gogn 璞gogy 灭goi 赉gomu 琰gooy 琮gpfi 珲gplh 琬gpqb 琛gpws 列gqjh 殛gqbg殆gqck殂gqeg殍gqeb殖gqfh殪gqfu麸gqfw残gqgt歹gqi裂gqje虺gqji烈gqjo殒gqkm殃gqmd殁gqmc殡gqpw殉gqqj殊gqri歼gqtf聱gqtb骜gqtc獒gqtd鳌gqtg螯gqtj赘gqtm熬gqto遨gqtp鏊gqtq殇gqtr敖gqty殚gquf兀gqv殓gqwi殄gqwe餮gqwe死gqxb玖gqyy珠griy碧grdf珀grg瑰grqc末gsi玎gsh珂gskg琳gssy玫gty珩gtfh瓒gtfm珞gtkg璁gtln麦gtu平guhk璋gujh夹guwi郏guwb颊guwm妻gvhv瑙gvtq珍gwet玳gway瑜gwgj玢gwvn玲gwyc互gxgd纛gxfi毒gxgu素gxiu 夷gxwi 玉gyi 璃gybc 琉gycq 斑gygg 琼gyiy 班gytg 璇gyth 琅gyve 瑭gyvk 玟gyy 上hhgg 虎hamv 虐haag 遽haep 眶hagg 瞒hagw 虞hakd 瞄halg 虏halv 彪hame 虑hani虚haog觑haoq眍haqy虍hav虔hayi皮hci颇hcdm眙hckg眸hcrh攴hcu睃hcwt睚hdff肯hef瞬heph睬hesy睦hfwf歧hfcy瞌hfcl眭hffg睹hftj睛hgeg盹hgbn盱hgfh眄hghn凸hgmg睐hgoy睫hgvh止hhhg目hhhh丨hhll卡hhu矍hhwc氍hhwn瞿hhwy眦hhxn卜hhy步hir叔hicy督hich频hidm颦hidf瞠hipf眺hiqn眇hitt旧hjg卓hjj桌hjsu占hkf战hkat觇hkmq乩hknn点hkou卤hlqi卣hlnf鹾hlqa贞hmu卢hne眠hnan瞰hnbt鼎hndn颅hndm鸬hnqg瞩hnty忐hnu眯hoy瞵hoqh 瞎hpdk 壑hpgf 睿hpgh 瞑hpju 眈hpqn 餐hqce 粲hqco 瞻hqdy 眵hqqy 睁hqvh 睥hrtf 盯hsh 瞟hsfi 睡htgf 瞅htoy 眨htpy 瞳hujf 睇huxt 眼hvey 瞍hvhc 睨hvqn 具hwu齿hwbj龄hwbc龈hwbe龌hwbf龃hwbg龊hwbh龆hwbk龉hwbk龅hwbn龀hwbx龇hwbx龋hwby瞪hwgu睽hwgd睑hwgi盼hwvn瞧hwyo睢hwyg此hxn砦hxdf些hxff赀hxmu觜hxqe柴hxsu雌hxwy紫hxxi訾hxyf眩hyxy江iag湛iadn漭iada澌iadr淇iadw泔iafg懑iagn满iagw漠iajd灌iaky潢iamw汇ian泄iann渠ians渫ians涝iapl潆iapi滢iapy沤iaqy鸿iaqg柒iasu浇iatq沏iavn潇iavj洪iawy港iawn池ibn滠ibcc洱ibg涵ibib凼ibk泐ibln滁ibwt汉icy泾icag渗icde涌iceh泽icfh 治ickg 滩icwy 浚icwt 汊icyy 尖idu 湖ideg 洧ideg 涯idff 溽idff 沽idg 沣idhh 滟idhc 尜idiu 淹idjn 沥idln 湎idmd 源idri 涛idtf 潦idui 溱idwt 泷idxn 汰idyy肖ief浮iebg淝iecn沮iegg削iejh逍iepd淫ietf滔ievg溪iexd汲ieyy涿ieyy法ifcy灞ifae溘ifcl濡ifdj尘iff洼iffg汗ifh汁ifh滇ifhw潮ifje瀚ifjn洁ifkg澎ifke澍ifkf污ifnn渎ifnd渤ifpl沅ifqn渚iftj潜ifwj汪igg沌igbn添igdn清igeg溥igef浦igey沔ighn洹igjg滞igkh浯igkg涑igki濑igkm漱igkw渍igmy沛igmh漕igmj涞igoy洌igqj沫igsy浅igt浃iguw小ihty滤ihan滹ihah波ihcy婆ihcv泪ihg涉ihit淑ihic濒ihim渺ihit淖ihjh沾ihkg浈ihmy泸ihnt 瀣ihqg 濉ihwy 水iiii 消iieg 淼iiiu 淌iimk 洮iiqn 沙iitt 裟iite 鲨iitg 挲iitr 娑iitv 浊ijy 瀑ijai 沓ijf 涅ijfg 汩ijg 汨ijg 温ijlg 漫ijlc 溻ijng 湿ijog渴ijqn滥ijtl混ijxx灏ijym澡ikks涓ikeg溃ikhm潞ikhk浞ikhy渑ikjn漶ikkn涡ikmw渐ilrh涸ildg洇ildy渭ileg溷iley涠ilfh泗ilg淠ilgj洄ilkg涟ilpy泅ilwy漯ilxi没imcy澧imau湍imdj泱imdy滑imeg油img洞imgk溅imgt汕imh测imjh沿imkg尚imkf氅imkn敞imkt涔imwn沁iny泯inan澉inbt潺inbb汛infh漏infy渥ingf湄inhg涮inmj汜inn汤inrt烫inro泌intt泼inty濯inwy泥inxn淡iooy瀵iolw学ipbf黉ipawipdf浓ipey尝ipfc淙ipfi浣ipfq演ipgw泻ipgg 渲ipgg 淀ipgh 泶ipiu 渖ipjh 溟ipju 党ipkq 裳ipke 堂ipkf 常ipkh 赏ipkm 掌ipkr 棠ipks 浑iplh 沉ipmn 觉ipmq 涫ipnn 沈ipqn 鲎ipqg 滨iprw 泞ipsh 喾iptk 滓ipuh深ipws溶ipwk沱ipxn光iqb汹iqbh沟iqcy淆iqde浠iqdh澹iqdy鼗iqfc淦iqg渔iqgg泺iqiy洵iqjg浼iqkq涣iqmd泡iqnn耀iqny逃iqpv辉iqpl淘iqrm泖iqtb潴iqtj漪iqtk兆iqv汐iqy溜iqyl泊irg湃irdf派irey湟irgg浜irgw沂irh洙iriy汽irnn浙irrh激iryt洒isg漂isfi湮isfg酒isgg汀ish湘ishg潭isjh渣isjg河iskg淅isrh淋issy潸isse漤issv溧issy漆iswi淞iswc沐isy沭isyy少itr洚itah沲itbn活itdg鋈itdq沃itdy洗itfq浩itfk省ithf溴ithd洎ithg 濞ithj 涎ithp 潲itie 洛itkg 劣itlb 洫itlg 澳itmd 汔itnn 渊itoh 潘itol 湫itoy 泛itpy 涤itsy 滗ittn 海itxu 洋iudh 溯iube 滚iuce 湔iuej 泮iufh 泣iug 润iugg澜iugi漾iugi漳iujh潼iujf涧iujg涪iukg滴iumd滂iupy溢iuwl滋iuxx涕iuxt当ivf溉ivcq津ivfh浔ivfy汝ivg溲ivhc渌iviy沼ivkg洳ivkg淄ivlg浸ivpc染ivsu梁ivws粱ivwo涩ivyh兴iwu沧iwbn脊iwef举iwfh浍iwfc洽iwgk瀹iwga渝iwgj潋iwgt澄iwgu濮iwoy滏iwqu涂iwty溆iwtc汾iwvn湓iwvl浴iwwk沦iwxn淮iwyg泠iwyc誉iwyf雀iwyf涨ixty泓ixcy沸ixjh溺ixuu潍ixwy注iygg渡iyac淳iybg漓iybc流iycq鎏iycq澈iyct汴iyhy济iyjh浏iyjh沩iyly澶iylg沆iymn 沪iynt 泳iyni 漉iynx 瀛iyny 湾iyox 滦iyos 濠iype 洲iyth 游iytb 浒iytf 漩iyth 濂iyuo 浪iyve 溏iyvk 液iywy 淬iywf 淤iywu 泫iyxy 汶iyy 氵iyyg 是jghu 虹jag蜞jadw蟒jada蚶jafg螨jagw蚜jaht蜡jajg蟆jajd蜮jakg蠛jalt蟥jamw蝶jans蠓jape蝾japs晓jatq蛲jatq暴jawi蠖jawc最jbcu蜢jblg紧jcxi肾jcef蛹jceh坚jcff蛏jcfg蚂jcg贤jcmu蛑jcrh竖jcuf晨jdfe蛎jddn蝴jdeg蝰jdff蛄jdg蚌jdhh晟jdnt螈jdri昃jdwu蝽jdwj螓jdwt明jeg蜉jebg暖jefc蛆jegg盟jelf暧jepc时jfy野jfcb墅jfcf昙jfcu里jfd蠕jfdj蛙jffg旰jfh昧jfiy旱jfj蟛jfke蝻jfmf暑jftj蚨jfwy量jgjf蛭jgcf昊jgdu晴jgeg蜻jgeg晡jgey旦jgf 旺jgg 韪jghh 题jghm 匙jghx 虾jghy 蟪jgjn 晤jgkg 蝠jgkl 师jgmh 螬jgmj 蛱jguw 早jhnh 冒jhf 刂jhh 蠼jhhc 申jhk 勖jhln 曰jhng 畅jhnr 虫jhny 晃jiqb 蛸jieg螳jipf晁jiqb昌jjf曝jjai蛳jjgh晶jjjf日jjjj蝎jjqn蜴jjqr蜾jjsy蝇jkjn蜈jkgd蜗jkmw曙jlfj曼jlcu蛊jlf蝈jlgy蛔jlkg螺jlxi遇jmhp蛐jmag映jmdy蚺jmfg蜩jmfk蚰jmg帅jmhh愚jmhn禺jmhy虮jmn蚬jmqn蚋jmwy电jnv暇jnhc虬jnn遢jnpd曜jnwy昵jnxn显jogf炅jou蝼jovg晕jplj暄jpgg螟jpju暝jpju晖jplh蜿jpqb晏jpvf蛇jpxn晚jqkq昂jqbj蟾jqdy蟓jqje煦jqko冕jqkq易jqrr剔jqrj昴jqtb昀jqug歇jqww曷jqwn遏jqwp蝗jrgg蚯jrgg昕jrh蛛jriy蜱jrtf 果jsi 颗jsdm 螵jsfi 晒jsg 蚵jskg 夥jsqq 晰jsrh 蜥jsrh 杲jsu 昨jthf 蜂jtdh 蛞jtdg 蜘jtdk 蚝jtfn 蜓jtfp 星jtgf 戥jtga 曛jtgo 蚱jthf 晷jthk 螅jthn 蜒jthp蜊jtjh蝮jtjt晌jtmk虼jtnn蟋jton蟠jtol蛾jtrt蝌jtuf晦jtxu临jtyj监jtyl鉴jtyq览jtyq暗jujg蛘judh蜷judb蟮judk蜣judn昱juf蚪jufh曦jugt蝉jujf蟑jujh蜕jukq螃jupy蛟juqy蝤jusg归jvg旯jvb螋jvhc昭jvkg照jvko蛤jwgk蚣jwcy暌jwgd蝓jwgj蚧jwjh蜍jwty晔jwxf暹jwyp蛉jwyc晗jwyk昆jxxb曳jxe蚓jxhh蚴jxln蚍jxxn景jyiu暾jybt螭jybc蛀jygg影jyie颢jyim晾jyiy蛴jyjh曩jyke虻jynn蝙jyna蚁jyqy旷jyt蝣jytb蠊jyuo螂jyvb螗jyvk蟀jyxf蚊jyy 中khk 呀kaht 嘶kadr 喏kadk 嘞kafl 哐kagg 噶kajn 喵kalg 咂kamh 呓kann 喋kans 唠kapl 哎kaqy 呕kaqy 哓katq 哄kawy 嗒kawk 嗬kawk 嚆kayk 啊kbsk 嗫kbcc 叩kbh嗤kbhj咄kbmh吼kbnn戢kbnt吧kcn邑kcb嗓kccs啜kccc嗵kcep吗kcg吮kcqn哞kcrh唉kctd唆kcwt叹kcy顺kdmy呃kdbn喹kdff咕kdg喊kdgt嘎kdha嗄kdht嘁kdht啡kdjd喱kdjf呖kdln咴kdoy哒kdpy噘kduw嘹kdui唪kdwh嗪kdwt咙kdxn吠kdy呔kdyy吸keyy咀kegg嚼kelf嗳kepc鹃keqg啄keyy叶kfh喷kfam吱kfcy嗑kfcl嚅kfdj哇kffg吐kfg嗔kfhw味kfiy嘲kfje嘻kfkk嘭kfke咭kfkg鄙kflb喃kfmf哧kfoy噎kfpu嚏kfph嗦kfpi呒kfqn哮kftb嘟kftb嗜kftj呋kfwy嚯kfwy 呈kgf 吨kgbn 郢kgbh 吴kgdu 哺kgey 吁kgfh 吓kghy 呸kgig 哽kgjq 喇kgkj 囔kgke 唔kgkg 嗝kgkh 嗽kgkw 啧kgmy 嘈kgmj 号kgnb 饕kgne 哑kgog 逞kgpd 咧kgqj 嗷kgqt唛kgty咦kgxw嗉kgxi距khan噱khae嘘khag躇khaj唬kham跷khaq蹀khas蹒khaw躏khay蹑khbc踊khce跆khck蹂khcs跨khdn跋khdc踌khdf蹰khdf跖khdg蹶khdw啃kheg蹊khed踩khes蹈khev趿khey趺khfw跬khff践khgt趼khga贵khgm遗khgp遣khgp趾khhg跛khhc踔khhj咔khhy跳khiq踏khij踢khjr蹋khjn踝khjs躁khks盅khlf躅khlj跏khlk跺khms蹦khme跚khmg踹khmj忠khnu踞khnd跽khnn蹼khoy躞khoc踪khpi蹿khph跎khpx跑khqn跪khqb跞khqi趵khqy跌khrw踬khrm路khtk 跃khtd 踵khtf 鹭khtg 踟khtk 蹯khtl 躜khtm 跹khtp 跣khtq 踽khty 足khu 蹉khua 踯khub 蹲khuf 蹄khuh 蹭khuj 踣khuk 跤khuq 跟khve 躐khvn 踺khvp 趴khwy 啮khwb跄khwb跗khwf蹬khwu嘴khxe跸khxf呲khxn卟khy蹁khya踱khyc踉khye躔khyf跻khyj踮khyk蹴khyn吵kitt哨kieg啵kihc唢kimy咣kiqn嗨kitu虽kju嘬kjbc哩kjfg呻kjhh唱kjjg喁kjmy黾kjnb喝kjqn吕kkf骂kkcf器kkdk嚣kkdk哭kkdu鄂kkfb鹗kkfg颚kkfm串kkhk患kkhn品kkkf口kkkk噪kkks鼍kkln○kkll咒kkmb另klb咽kldy嗯kldn喟kleg嘿klfo啭klfy喂klge呷klh别kljh咖klkg叻kln员kmu嗣kmak郧kmbh喘kmdj嘣kmee啁kmfk吊kmhj勋kmln嘤kmmv叽kmn哕kmqy 哚kmsy 呐kmwy 剐kmwj 呙kmwu 呗kmy 叫knhh 叼kngg 喔kngf 噼knku 唰knmj 嘱knty 呢knxn 吣kny 噗kogy 啖kooy 喽kovg 咪koy 喧kpgg 哝kpey 噻kpff 啶kpgh 嘧kpnm咛kpsh喀kptk咤kpta嚓kpwi史kqi兄kqb唏kqdh噜kqgj唤kqmd咆kqnn呜kqng哆kqqy吻kqrt啕kqrm唿kqrn吹kqwy鸣kqyg听krh唣kran呱krcy嗥krdf哌krey啪krrg哳krrh啤krtf啦krug呆ksu嘌ksfi哂ksg叮ksh喳ksjg呵kskg啉kssy噤kssi呼ktuh噬ktaw吒ktan唾ktgf咱kthg嗅kthd咋kthf川kthh咯ktkg响ktmk噢ktmd吃ktnn啾ktoy哦ktrt咚ktuy啼kuph嗍kube咩kudh嗟kuda吖kuhh喑kujg噫kujn噌kulj嘀kumd咬kuqy唼kuvg嗌kuwl哪kvfb呶kvcy唧kvcb哏kvey嗖kvhc 啸kvij 叨kvn 只kwu 呛kwbn 嗡kwcn 咐kwfy 哙kwfc 啥kwfk 哈kwgk 喻kwgj 噔kwgu 喉kwnd 嗲kwqq 咻kwsy 吩kwvn 咿kwvt 唑kwwf 哗kwxf 叭kwy 噙kwyc 呤kwyc 唯kwyg吟kwyn噍kwyo哟kxqy喙kxey吲kxhh呦kxln叱kxn吡kxxn哔kxxf咝kxxg喈kxxr吆kxy嘛kyss哼kybh唷kyce唁kyg哜kyjh嚷kyke吭kymn咏kyni唳kynd咳kynw嚎kype嗾kytd啷kyvb啐kywf国lgyi轼laag羁lafc囝lbd辄lbnn轻lcag轰lccu辍lccc因ldi轭ldbn固ldd囿lded罟ldf轱ldg罪ldjd罨ldjn恩ldnu畸ldsk畴ldtf辏ldwd畎ldy胃lef轩lfh罢lfcu罴lfco畦lffg置lfhf辕lfke罱lfmf转lfny围lfnh黑lfou默lfod黩lfod黪lfoe墨lfof黥lfoi黯lfoj黠lfok黝lfol 黜lfom 黔lfon 黟lfoq 黢lfot 园lfqv 团lfte 署lftj 圉lfuf 车lgnh 囤lgbn 轾lgcf 畏lgeu 圊lged 辅lgey 圃lgey 罡lghf 罘lgiu 畀lgjj 辐lgkl 圄lgkd 辆lgmw 四lhng罩lhjj皿lhng囗lhng甲lhnh轳lhnt辊ljxx加lkg辑lkbg驾lkcf回lkd贺lkmu圆lkmi迦lkpd架lksu哿lksk轵lkwy袈lkye男llb圜llge田llll勰llln嬲llvl轴lmg辋lmun思lnu辗lnae轧lnn罹lnwy辚loqh边lpv辖lpdk连lpk畹lpqb罗lqu轹lqiy蜀lqju逻lqpi囫lqre软lqwy鸭lqyg斩lrh畈lrcy堑lrff暂lrjf錾lrqf椠lrsu轶lrwy困lsi町lsh轲lskg力ltn轿ltdj略ltkg辂ltkg图ltui轷ltuh畋lty较luqy圈ludb畔lufh疃lujf罾lulj轨lvn囡lvd轺lvkg辎lvlg 轫lvyy 办lwi轸lwet 畛lwet 输lwgj 辁lwgg 囚lwi界lwjj 轮lwxn 囵lwxv 囹lwyc 累lxiu 毗lxxn 罚lyjj 辙lyct 詈lyf辘lynx 同mgkd 曲mad 贼madt 嵌mafw 岈maht岽maiu崂mapl嵘maps岖maqy典mawu邮mbh凤mci岜mcb峄mcfh贻mckg殳mcu峻mcwt央mdi贿mdeg岩mdf赈mdfe崖mdff岸mdfj岵mdg崴mdgt崦mdjn盎mdlf遄mdmp颛mdmm炭mdou鸯mdqg崎mdsk骨mef髓medp骷medg崩meef胄mef髁mejs髑melj骰memc髅meov髂mepk髋mepq髌mepw鹘meqg骶meqy骺merk髀merf骼metk骱mewj骸meyw岌meyu财mftt岐mfcy冉mfd峙mffy巅mfhm赇mfiy周mfkd雕mfky赎mfnd赌mftj赋mgah岍mgah赙mgef屿mgng崃mgoy夙mgqi贱mgt峡mguw由mhng 帱mhdf 帏mhfh 幅mhgl 帻mhgm 帖mhhk 帔mhhc 帧mhhm 帽mhjh 幔mhjc 幌mhjq 巾mhk 贴mhkg 帜mhkw 帼mhly 帆mhmy 冂mhn 幄mhnf 贝mhny 幞mhoy 帕mhrg 帙mhrw 帐mhty幡mhtl幢mhuf幛mhuj帷mhwy峭mieg嵴miwe则mjh赐mjqr岿mjvf迥mkpd贶mkqn崭mlrj崮mldf岬mlh崽mlnu册mmgd岫mmg凹mmgd删mmgj峒mmgk兕mmgq山mmmm岗mmqu岘mmqn岚mmqu罂mmrm婴mmvf鹦mmvg岂mnb岷mnan崛mnbm嵋mnhg剀mnjh凯mnmn觊mnmq屺mnn赆mnyu赕mooy嶙moqh嵝movg迪mpd崇mpfi贮mpgg崆mpwa风mqi见mqb购mqcy赡mqdy崤mqde飓mqhw冈mqi刚mqjh峋mqjg刿mqjh岣mqkg飚mqoo网mqqi飑mqqn峁mqtb岁mqu峥mqvh飕mqvc贩mrcy凰mrgd嵬mrqc朵msu 剁msjh 岢mskf 崾msvg 崧mswc 几mtn 账mtay 峰mtdh 峤mtdj 赂mtkg 屹mtnn 贬mtpy 峨mtrt 嵊mtux 巍mtvc 败mty 赠mulj 嵯muda 嶂mujh 赔mukg 赚muvo 嵫muxx 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恬ntdg尾ntfn屐ntfc忏ntfh忤ntfh性ntgg怍nthf屣nthh虱ntji愎ntjt属ntky恪ntkg恤ntlg懊ntmd愀ntoy屦ntov履nttt悔ntxu改nty习nud屏nuak羼nudd买nudu翌nuf飞nui惮nujf憧nujf悦nukq憎nulj慊nuvo悌nuxt悯nuyy恨nvey慨nvcq怊nvkg忉nvn尻nvv愉nwgj怆nwbn忪nwcy戮nwea鹨nweg恰nwgk惟nwyg戳nwya怜nwyc翟nwyf憔nwyo尼nxv惯nxfm怫nxjh屁nxxv心nyny恼nybh惦nyhk忄nyhy忭nyhy尺nyi惊nyiy昼nyjg咫nykw懔nyli忙nynn迟nypi尽nyuu慷nyvi慵nyvh 翠nywf 悴nywf 为ylyi 煤oafs 炬oang 炼oanw 烧oatq 烘oawy 粪oawu 籽obg 烃ocag 糅ocbs 糁ocde 粑ocn 类odu 粝oddn 糊odeg 煳odeg 炻odg 烦odmy 燎odui 粗oegg爝oelf灶ofg糯ofdj炜ofnh烤oftn业ogd邺ogbh炖ogbn精ogeg粳ogjq焐ogkg炳ogmw糟ogmj凿ogub黻oguc黹ogui黼oguy粘ohkg焯ohjh炒oitt烛ojy爆ojai焊ojfh熳ojlc煜ojug炽okwy燥okks烟oldy煨olge灿omh籼omh炯omkg断onrh糈onhe焗onnk熠onrg炀onrt炔onwy烬onyu炎oou郯oobh剡oojh火oooo燊ooos焱ooou迷opi烷opfq粽opfi煊opgg熔opwk炮oqnn遴oqap粼oqab烯oqdh燃oqdo烁oqiy焕oqmd焰oqvg炊oqwy灼oqyy熘oqyl煌orgg粕org灯osh粞osg。
温度传感器传输器(DIN 尺寸)说明书

iiE -'%: GYJ17.1057X(�±t: Obere Wank 1, 87484 Nesselwang, Germany)� � jE!Jlt3t:�$ (�$h.��)� -'% � � TMT121/127/128 -*�tllJf.i 11 *� � Ex nA II C T4-T6 Ge00 *$ UQ -'% 141000000GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.8-2014� ftVi � llt iiE 0* iiE � fi $& Wh 2017 � 2 .Fl 22 f3 � 2022 � 2 .Fl 21 B� 51 1. ��f�m 51��I»im*iiE� 1l11i!fo2. iiE�t.Ifij-%J§g� "x" �a,ijf"�1t���1�m���i!f, r*.J�m*iiE�1l11i!fo3. m-%m�iJta,ijm*iiE�1l11i!fo4. It ����J&m*iiE�1l11i!fo5. *iiE�li5'Jlt1�mT.'�l�wr�wr;li�,}tf)(.* (�#I) ��lH}i'iJ (�±t: �#lI�Il!I!R�!l!Ia:p�465-%) �f"l't.Jli5'Jm-%f"�o:tt!!.il: : ..t. jfiHP' m 3i: R& 103�JIlß!.IiQ: 200233 1XX.I!.il:: www.nepsLo r Emai l:****************��: +8621 643681801{,Ji: +8621 64844580EXPLOSION PROTECTIONCERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITYCert NO.GY J17.1057XThis is to certify that the productTemperatllre transmitter (DIN raH)manufactured by Endress + Hauser Wetzer GmbH + Co. KG(Address:Obere Wank 1,87484 Nesselwang, Gerrnany)which model is TMT1211127/128 SeriesEx marking Ex nAlIC T4�T6 Geproduct standard /drawing number 14 1000000has been inspected and certified by NEPSI, end that it conformsto GB 3836.1-2010,GB 3836.8-2014This Approval shall remain in force until 2022.02.21Remarks I.Conditions for safe use are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.2.Symbol "X" placed after the certification number denotes specific conditions of use,which are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.3.Model designation is specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.4.Safe parameters specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.5.This certificate is also applicable for the product with the same type manufactured byEndress+Hauser Wetzer (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (address: Su Hong Zhong Lu No.465,S u z hou-S I P, China)DirectorThis Certificate is valid for products com patible with the d ocuments and sam p ies alJproved by NEPSI.103 Cao Bao Road Shanghai 200233, China Email:**************.cnTel: +862164368180Fax: +8621 64844580Editlon05�*�tt�tt��.*�����M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (GYJ17.1057X) (Attachment I )GY J17.1 057X�lIit�iiEffi"{tt I1'1'1 }ßl1i&\;ltfr+ ;;:Wri� '§'j �tz: ß'.JTMT121/127/128�3i�1Mdt5V!:1l� c ��j L:t:�) , � I� �� 1x..g�1x�Il1J��:i:%-l.'����ft�(NEPSIH:ft��, �B:ifTJ�f5Ff1t:GB3836.1-2010 ;l�HFtl:l:;f:LJ't�1:gf)7J\.: &-1.r J.ill.):g�*GB3836.8-2014 ;/;!!Ht'l"tPfm �8:gß7t: U,I "n"FJD�J5il�HF;:tEx nA II C T4�T6 Ge, �J5;tiif*hLE�GY J17.1 057Xo;;$: iLE.=p; iA PT I'('.J F���. #Ht P�I T :iTEMP pCP DIN rail TMT 121-20iTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT 127-20iTEMP TC DIN rail TMT 128-20X�: O*��.��.��� .•• ffi��, W�F��mm��o-. F 5it:tc:i:�ffl *f��{tfA#�W�T:;;$:F�10f�*�fi;J, :tIJJUh1tmn�·�N:t:�fr�B:�GB4208-2008N\lJEFI J IP54�Lt. JitittJ"J!: GB3836.1-201 o tnGB3836.8-2014!?f*ß'.Jjr:J't/!=' 0=,F5it�fflr±f!.J.}Ji1, FRn1!fmJf:Ijß�ffiU�t D�JJnBjJiJB���:�l5tmfJl J T4 T5 T6jb9=:q��11ü\.15t -40'C-+85'C -40'C -+65 'c -40'C-+50'C2. FRr,I'F11jt Ft!, Itlli15J: 8�35Vde o3. 7t� B� fm!t l}[ 5e�..g� j r :rMfr�}1±fuftltd T, IJI)h 1!f m n�' @04.m����ff�.���F�ß'.J��$$#, @��F���ft��M*�ff�� ���., ����m.tl��m���ß'.J��o5. F� 1'F1:t:�. 1!ft8tD�fu�)� @If.1J F,f�r1!f Fl-J���. GB3836.13-2013 "!it1=tt:q� lJ't �13gß7t:&�B�1Itll. fft11t. 1��tDi:&jjl[" GB3836.15-2000 ".tt:'t1/-"t#Pf l�t8� �1Jl� t1115$7t: m:;�ft:f:hfifi��:t:� ctNJrI!#;jl') " GB3836.16-2006 ".tH1�1*Pfjjt ffllt�i&1k-�16tfll5}: t:h���ß'.J��t D�tt�J� o}.lnr�#;!tr) " RGB50257-2014 "�I1�i&.�(GY J 17.1 057X)�,it!J)t rJJf iE2mU � r &, �JjJ )'L I<: *it :r5< fln NE P SI iA riJ-B� )( 1�: j9i �4 �F ; 3 � � tt Jt� rp ßY � j> {Q. J5 r JU r*J � :a) N EPS I -!A nJt;F$ (�ltIJ;lIil-*itiiE b) c )�)]-;lI il-*it iiE -'%d ) 1t J-FJ Jf jjHfm &(Attachment I )�*�{)(�{)(��1I��lI{r1f�%M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation(GYJ17.1057X) (Attachment I )Attachment I to GYJ17.1057X1.TMT121 /127/128 series Temperature transmitter (DIN rail), manufactured by Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH + CO.KG, has been certified by National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI). The product accords with following standards:G83836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 1: Equipment-General requirementsG83836.8-2014 Explosive atmospheres-Part 8: Equipment protection by type of protection "n"The Ex marking is Ex nA TI C T 4-T6 Gc, its certificate number is GY J17.1 057X.Type approved in this certificate is shown as the following:iTEMP PCP DIN rail TMT121-2DiTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT127-2DiTEMP TC DIN rail TMT128-2Do indicates type of connection, sensor, meauring range and ete.Refer to instruction manual for the details.2. Special Conditions for Safe UseThe suffix "X" placed after the certificate number indicates that this product is subject to special conditions for safe use, that is:When using this head type product, it shall be installed in the enclosure which IP degree is at least IP54 according to G84208-2008, and meet the relative requirements of G83836.1-201 0 and G83836.8-2014.3. Conditions for Safe Use3.1 The relationship between ambient temperature range and the temperature class is shown as folIows:Temperature class T4 T5 T6Ambient temperature range -40"C-+85"C -40"C-+65"C -40"C-+50"C3.2 Electrical data: 8-35 Vdc.3.3 The external earth connection facility of the whole product shall be connected reliably.3.4 The user shall not change the configuration in order to maintain/ensure the explosion protection performance of the equipment. Any change may impair safety.3.5 For installation, use and maintenance of this product, the end user shall observe the instruction manual and the following standards:Page 1 of 2(GY J17.1 057X) (Attachment I )GB50257-2014 "Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmospheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".GB3836.13-2013 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 13:Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation".G B3836.15-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 15:Electrical installations inhazardous area (other than mines)".GB3836.16-2006 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 16:lnspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".4. Manufacturer's Responsibility4.1 Conditions for safe use, as specified above, should be included in the documentation the user is provided with. 4.2 Manufacturing should be done according to the documentation approved by NEPSI.4.3 Nameplate should include these contents listed below:1) NEPSl logo @2) Ex marking3) certificate number4) ambient temperature5) electrical dataPage 2 01 2。

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IKONICS Chroma Stencil Remover 285 用户指南说明书

An IKONICS Company | ISO 9001 Certifi ed | NASDAQ Listed: IKNX www.chromaline .com(800) 328-4261Follow us! WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including methanol, which is known in the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to C H R O M A L I N E S C RE E N C H E M I C A LCHOMA/STENCIL REMOVER™ 285Chroma/Stencil Remover™ 285 is a super concentratedliquid product formulated for the removal of all photosensi-tized emulsions. Especially suitable for automatic systems.APPLICATION Chroma/Stencil Remover 285 should be diluted with clean water, at a ratio of 1 part product to 20-40 parts water. Chroma/Stencil Remover 285 contains additives to aid in the complete removal of photosensitized emulsions from all types of screen mesh. CHARACTERISTICS Chroma/Stencil Remover 285 is a water-soluble colorlessliquid with no flash point. Product contains some acidsolutions and therefore is classified as corrosive. Chroma/Stencil Remover 285 quickly and easily dissolves allphotosensitized emulsions and rinses away completely.USEAGE INSTRUCTIONS For manual application, apply the Chroma/Stencil Remover285 solution to both sides of the wet screen. Allowsolution to dissolve the emulsion. Scrub the stencil area onboth sides to aid in a more complete removal of thestencil. Rinse with high pressure water. No degreasingusually required, except when applying capillary films.To ensure the safe and proper use of Chroma/Screen Chemical products, always refer to the products of SDS before use.180731FOR TECHNICAL SERVICE Call Toll Free: 1-800-328-4261Email: *******************(Outside North America Call +1-218-628-2217)。

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Philips Series 8000 电动刮头电器产品说明书

précision, sensation de douceur sur la S8692/35la technologie SkinIQLe rasoir Philips série 8000 procure une sensation de douceur sur la peau etcoupe chaque poil de près, même lorsque vous rasez une barbe de 5 jours. Grâceàsa technologie avancée SkinIQ, ce rasoir est capable de détecter, de s’adapter etde guider vos gestes, pour une meilleure protection cutanée.Rasage de très prèsConçu pour suivre les contours de votre visage.Conçues pourêtre précises et efficacesPrécision avancée, pour un rasage de plus près*Technologie SkinIQNotre technologie SkinIQ a quelque choseàapporteràtous, du débutantàl'expertdu rasage.Réduit les frottements sur la peau pour minimiser les irritationsS'adapteàvotre barbe pour un rasage sans effortUne expérience de rasage améliorée grâceàl'applicationPour un rasage pratique50 minutes d'autonomie1 heure de charge et 5 minutes de charge rapideOuverture d'une simple pression pour faciliter le nettoyageRasez-vous sur peau humide, sèche et même sous la doucheDéveloppement durablePoints fortsLames DualSteelPrecisionLes lames Dual SteelPrecision réalisent jusqu 'à150 000 coupes par minute , pour un rasage de près . Les 72 lames hautes performances auto -a ffûtées sont fabriquées en Europe .Revêtement NanoSkinGlideUn revêtement de protection sépare les têtes de rasoir et votre peau . Composé de 250 000billes micro -tech par centimètre carré, il améliore le glissement sur la peau jusqu ’à30 %*** et réduit les irritations .Capteur MotionControlLa technologie de détection des mouvements de ce rasoir électrique surveille votre rasage et vous guide pour vous permettre d 'acquérir une technique plus e fficace . A près seulement trois rasages , la majorité des hommes ont amélioréleur technique de rasage et réduit le nombre de passages .***Têtes flexibles 360-DConçu pour suivre les contours de votre visage ,ce rasoir électrique Philips est doté de têtes entièrement flexibles qui pivotent à 360° pour un rasage impeccable et confortable .Capteur Power AdaptLe capteur intelligent de pilosité faciale détecte la densité des poils 250 fois par seconde . Cette technologie dynamiquemodi fie automatiquement la puissance de coupe pour vous procurer un rasage en douceur et sans e ffort .Personnalisation via l 'applicationPerfectionnez votre rasage en appairant votre rasoir à l 'application Philips GroomTribe .Rasage après rasage , suivez la progression de votre peau , personnalisez votre rasage etperfectionnez votre technique , pour un rasage de près qui respecte la peau .Ouverture d 'une simplepressionNettoyez facilement le rasoir . Il vous su ffit d 'appuyer sur un bouton pour ouvrir la tête de rasage et rincer à l 'eau .Têtes de précision Hair -GuideLa nouvelle forme des têtes de rasage a étépensée pour o ffrir une plus grande précision .Leur surface est dotée de canaux de guidage des poils conçus pour les positionner de manière à permettre une coupe e fficace .À sec ou avec de lamousseA daptez votre technique de rasage à vos besoins . A vec le système Wet & Dry , vous pouvez opter pour un rasage à secconfortable , ou pour un rasage rafraîchissant sur peau humide - avec du gel ou de la mousse - même sous la douche .CaractéristiquesA ccessoiresSocle de chargeEntretien: Brossette de nettoyage Tondeuse rétractable intégréeVoyage et rangement: Housse de voyageCâble USB-A inclus: A daptateur secteur non inclusLogicielsA pplication: Soins quotidiens, Connexion Bluetooth®Compatibilitédes smartphones: iPhone etA ndroid™A limentationTension automatique: 5 VType de batterie: Li-ionA utonomie: 50 minutesCharge: Charge complète en 1 heure, Recharge rapide en 5 minConsommation en veille: 0,04 WConsommation maximale: 9 WDesignCouleur: Bleu pigeonManche: Poignée antidérapanteTêtes de rasoir: A ngulairesEntretienGarantie de 2 ansTête de rechange SH91: Remplacer tous les2 ans avec SH91Performance de rasageSystème de rasage: Lames SteelPrecisionSuivi des contours: Têtes flexibles 360-DTechnologie SkinIQ: RevêtementNano SkinGlide, Capteur Motion Control,Capteur Power A daptFacile d’utilisationCharge: Charge USB-ANettoyage: Ouverture d'une simple pression,Entièrement lavableAfficheur: Affichage LED, Voyant de niveau decharge, Indicateur Motion Control, Système deverrouillage pour voyageÀsec ou avec de la mousse: Utilisableàsec ouavec de la mousseSmartClickA daptéaux types de produits: Le produitRQ585/51 NE s’adapte P A S au type de têteangulaire* par rapport aux matériaux sans revêtement* * Tests comparatifs avec le Philips Series 3000.* ** Basésur les utilisateurs du Philips Series S7000 et del’application Daily Care en 2019* *** Comparaison des débris de rasage dans la cartoucheaprès utilisation du liquide de nettoyage par rapportàde l’eau.© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Tous droits réservés.Les caractéristiques sont sujettesàmodification sans préavis. Les marques commerciales sont la propriétéde Koninklijke Philips N.V. ou de leurs détenteurs respectifs.Date de publication 2023‑12‑22 Version: 11.11.1E A N: 87 20689 00771 9 。
PLA 85 说明书

50119511 G1 Valid from 2018 week 46PLA 85Pos. No. Varebetegnelse Description of goods WarenbezeichnungDésignation des pièces80690085 Plasmaslange med centraltilslutning, 6m Plasma torch with central adaptor plug, 6m Plasmaschlauch mit Zentralanschluss, 6m Torche plasma avec raccordement central, 6m 1 45050101 TastTrigger Taster Gâchette 2 71610194 Monteret print PCBPlatine Circuit imprimé montée 3 80600096 VippearmTipping device Kippvorrichtung Dispositif à bascule 4 80600092 Håndtag Handle HandgriffPoignée5 80600098 Skruer for håndtag (1 sæt = 5 stk)Screw for handle (1 set = 5 pcs) Schraube für Handgriff (1 Satz = 5 Stück) Vis pour poignée (1 jeu = 5 pièces) 6 80600097 Kontaktstift Contact pin Kontaktstift Fiche de contact 7 80650005 Brænderhoved Torch body Brennerkörper Corps de torche 7a 80600018 Gasrør Gas tube Gasrohr Tubeà gaz 8 80610005 Elektrode Electrode Elektrode Electrode9 80630009 Dyse 1,2 mm Nozzle 1.2 mm Düse 1,2 mm Buse 1,2 mm 9 80630010 Dyse 1,4 mm Nozzle 1.4 mm Düse 1,4 mmBuse 1,4 mm 10 80630011 Beskyttelseskappe Protective capSchutzkappe Bague de protection 11 80600088 Afstandsfjeder Distance spring AbstandsfederRessort de distance 12 80600101 Afstandsbøjle (2 ben)Distance ring (2 legs)Distanzbügel (2 Schenkel) Dispositif de distance (2 pied)12A 80600108 Afstandsbøjle Distance ringDistanzbügel Dispositif de distance 13 24510237 NøgleKey Universalschlüssel Clef14 82034014 GasflowmeterGas flowmeter GasdurchflußmesserDébitmètre de gaz15 80680085 Slangemodul PDX 85 m/ZA, 6mHose module PDX 85 with ZA, 6mSchlauchmodul PDX 85 with ZA, 6m Module de torche PDX 85 avec ZA, 6m 16 45070007 Slangeaflastning ø35 Hose protection ø35Schlauchentlastung ø35 Douille isolate de cable ø3517 40110406 CHJ skrue M4x6CHJ screw M4x6 Zylinderkopfschraube M4x6 Vis CHJ screw M4x618 25450047 Aflastningsring Relief-ringEntlastungsringBague d’allègement 19 80200335 Møtrik til ZA, plastik Nut for ZA, plasticMutter für ZA, Plastik Écrou pour ZA, plastique 20 80300601 Centraltilslutning Central adaptor plug ZentralsteckerFiche de contact 21 80300603 Hanstik kontaktdel Male contact partKontaktteil männlich Partie de contact, mâle 21a 80300602 Hanstik til ledningMale pin for wireKontaktteil für Leitung, männlich Connecteur mâle (câble)22 80600091 Cirkelslag kompletCircle cutting device completeKreisschneide-Einrichtung komplett Support pour coupe circulaire complet 22A 80600094 Stang for cirkelslagRadius arm for circle cutting device Führungsstang für Kreisschneide-Einrichtung Bras support pour coupe circulaire 22B 80600090 Brændervogn (drejebar) Torch carriage (revolving) Brennerwagen (drehbar) Support torche (pivotant)23 80600093 Brændervogn (fast) Torch carriage (fixed)Brennerwagen (fest)Support torche (fixe)。

f 此时也称反常积分J:J(x灿收敛,否则称反常积分 J(x讪发散
J: 3)设函数 f(x) 在[a,小 (c,b] 上连续,出 f(x) =oo,如果反常积分 J(x'ylx 和
I: J: f(x灿都收敛,则称f:J<抽+ f(树为函数/(x)刮风b] 上的反常积分,即
= (3)曲线方程为极坐标方程r =r(θ),α豆θ β,则
J:2 S倒 = 矿(O)sin o.Jr2 (的+r'2
4.平丽曲线的弧长 〈数学-,二〉
r: F+λ (1)曲线方程 y = f(x) , aSxSb ,则S=
ι°? d
(2)曲线方程 x=x(y), c 豆 y!::d ,则s= L
r 2)类似地,设函数f(x) 定义在(咽,b]上连续,取 t<b ,如果但 f(x讪存在,则
称此极限为函数f(x) 在(-oo,b]上的反常积分,即
f (!(抽 . = 坐立 1c抽1
( ( 此时也称反常积分 f(x灿收敛,否则称反常积分 f(x)dx发散
i- ( 叫函数/(机义在(-oo,+oo)上连续,如果反常积分 f(树和 f(x)dx都收敛,
豆豆?一一一 称为函数 f(x) 在区间 [a,b]上的平均值. a
性服6如果 f(x) 为奇函数时,汇/(柏=0;
如果f(均为奇函数时,巳 f(对此= 2J:f(x)耐
性质7如果f(x) 是以T为周期的周期函数,则有
J: T
r /(X)命= f(x)dx.
r f(x)由=nJ: /(x)
三、积分上限函数 (1)积分上限函数定义
I 则有 J:1<抽 =

(2)空气流量计插座端子见图I ,,
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二 ,仁 快速数据传递
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按0和4键 . 洗择基本设定 . 桉Q键确认输, 1
C .-- - •
单元在存储器内记下多个节气门角席。节气 n: 随后短时间保持在启动位耸 , 然后关闭。
, , .一- -- . 一一同'一� � --一 一- ,-"-· -- -一------ . . - --,_一----一. - - - -'--�•-> 一飞俨---� 一一一一 一一一一一一一 一一一
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读取测量数据块98 , I XXXX\I X.XXX\I
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'" "► 电器电源/电路供电
►► 执行器/控制信号
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接地连接2, 在车内线束内
接地连接I(传感器接地) , 在仪表板线束中
接地连接(传感器接地) , 在发动机室线束内
螺栓连接1(30), 在继电器盒上
螺栓连接2(30), 在继电器盒上
接地连线I, 在右前线束内
连接(hioh总线) , 在仪表板线束内 连接(Low总线) , 在仪表板线束内 连接咽车信号), 在仪表板线束内 连接5(87), 在仪表板线束内 连接(制动踏板开关), 在仪表板线束内 连接(61). 在仪表板线束内

这些因素可导致肾血流灌注和尿纳排出减少、估算胃小球滤过率( eGFR)下降。
|悦飞船锦l �J!I 柏油阳j 联鑫米i军用于大部分心襄s曹雪,中奇例j刷jre 饺鑫米&11运用于每明显滚你.Ii留或布实僧娼伴均功能受限的患者E曹螺笑利尿剂仅运扇子奇轻略哝羡利尿剂筑氯咱部事度睡液m 白陈l 汪a 留、件布高血压恳F嚣的心裂想翻.伴仰和监耐自何氯苯,+::洛蝶氯ms 苯s 虫e 草键一假相隔与英米洛饱和和蹄跟U 原到j 作n 合使用托佛首坦对顽固怯永’中或低血管朋压累V2受你回珊’精普氯坦笑血药管彷朋压It 纳子街鲁血低吉症炮钢疗利邸效房症荡更:旬显a 窑疗弩效功,推能不穰毒鸡售佳倾向的m 寄利尿剂的知类、适用人群及注意事1页利原剂在心衰治疗申需要关注的问题关注点1利原剂抵抗一旦症状蟹’毒、病情控制,即以�小有对�1,z �I吨!<,,是a 班防离次液依满留.并根组液体草草弱的情况阳”现戴l'l!l 量.梆1跟到j因缺最为首肯用,只剖次s.为al 嗖E 瞟W 央t 和r 眼在泪电t J f 使用亨关于利尿剂抵抗,目前尚无标准定义,临床上通常指在使用足量的利尿剂后,水纳涵留等症状的改善未达到理想状态。
Sennheiser France HSP Essential Omni Microphone 产品

FICHE PRODUIT (V1.2)HSP Essential OmniMicrophone sur serre-tête1/1Sennheiser France · Parc d’activité Mure · 128bis avenue Jean Jaurès · 94851 Ivry-sur-Seine · www .sennheiser.f rCARACTÉRISTIQUES•Maintien ergonomique, adaptable individuellement àtoute forme de tête•Excellente intelligibilité de la parole•Système modulaire dans lequel tous les éléments peuvent être remplacés individuellement•Capsule microphonique protégée de l’humidité grâce àune membrane parapluie brevetée (Umbrella)•Le bras fin du microphone peut être fixé côté gauche ou droitL’ENSEMBLE COMPREND• 1 HSP Essential Omni• 1 bonnette antivent en mousse SL MZW 1• 1 pochette•Guide de prise en main •Guide de sécuritéVARIANTES DU PRODUITHSP Essential Omni Black Réf. n°508245HSP Essential Omni Beige Réf. n°508246HSP Essential Omni Black-3-Pin Réf. n°508247HSP Essential Omni Beige-3-PinRéf. n° 508248Microphone omnidirectionnel et ergonomique sur serre-tête pour la transmission de la parole. Le tour de cou est particulièrement flexible et peut être confortablement adapté à n’importe quelle forme de tête. Le bras dumicrophone peut être fixé côté gauche ou droit . La capsule électrostatique du KE 4 donne un son chaud, sans distorsion, et elle résiste à l’humidité.De par sa conception compacte et robuste, le HSPEssential Omni est léger (25g), discret et résistant. Son matériau est hypoallergénique, il résiste à la sueur et à l’abrasion de sa couleur. Le HSP Essential Omni est disponible en noir et en beige.CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUESDiagramme polaire (directivité) OmnidirectionnelPlage de fréquenc es20 - 20 000 Hz Sen s ibilité en champ libre, sans charge (1 kHz)2,5 mV/Pa ±3,5 dB Impédance nominale1 kΩ Impédance min.de terminaison4,7 kΩNiveau de bruit rapporté à l’entrée : Pondération A 30 dB Pondération CCIR 42 dB Niv. de pression acoustique max. 148dB FicheMini-jack 3,5 mmou 3 broches Longueur de câble1,3 m Diam. de la capsule de micro 4,8 mm Poids25 g。

bag[bæg ] dad[dæd ] hat[hæt ] map[mæp ] black[blæk ] want[wɔnt] what[wɔt] watch[wɔtʃ] wash[wɔʃ] quality [ 'kwɔliti ]
在 f n sk ph sp ss st th 前 [ɑ:]
after [ 'ɑ:ftə ] plant[plɑ:nt] graph[grɑ:f] ask[ɑ:sk] grasp[grɑ:sp] glass[glɑ:s] fast [fɑ:st] father [ 'fɑ:ðə ]
� 手写体倾斜: (注意四线格占格要求)
培训资料一: 《发音规则》
2. 元音字母的发音 字 发音规则 母 在重读开音节中 [ei] a
例词 name [ neim ] plane [ neim ] Jane[d/ein] baby [ 'beibi ] cake [keik ]
在重读闭音节中 [æ ] 在重读闭音节中[w]音后面[ɔ]
ore [%:] more [ mɔ:(r) ] score [ skɔ:,skɔə ] before [ bi'fɔ: ]
ure [ju*] pure [ pjuə ]re 很少出现在非重读音节中,ure 在非重读音节中读[*]音,例如:picture pleasure [ 'pleʒə ] 7. 重读元音字母加-r,再加非重读元字组合时,重 读元音字母应按-re 音节拼读规则拼读,字母-r 读[r]音. 例如:parent [ 'pɛərənt ] zero [ 'ziərəu ] story [ 'stɔ:ri ] during [ 'djuəriŋ ] inspiring [ in'spaiəriŋ ] � 某些常用词及多音节词经常出现长音短化 现象. 例如:orange [ 'ɔrindʒ ] very [ 'veri ]

Serie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, AcciaioHBA257BS0Accessori integrati1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataAccessori opzionaliHEZ538000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ538200 Guide telescopiche a 2 livelli, HEZ538S00 Guide telescop. a 2 livelli+1 guida clip, HEZ625071 Teglia per grigliare adatta a pirolisi,HEZ633001 Coperchio per tegame professionale, HEZ633070 Tegame professionale, HEZ634000 Griglia combinata 455x375x31 mm (LxPxA), HEZ636000 Leccarda in vetro 455x364x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ638000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ638200 Set griglie telesc.2 liv.ad pl, HEZ638300 Set griglie telesc.3 liv.ad pl, HEZ660050 Accessory, HEZ664000 Griglia combinata 455x375x59 mm (LxPxA), HEZ915003 Pirofila in vetro con coperchio 5,4 l., HEZG0AS00 Cavo di collegamento 3m, HEZ317000 Teglia per pizza, HEZ327000 Pietra per pane e pizza, HEZ333001 Coperchio per leccarda extra profonda, HEZ530000 2 leccarde slim 455x188x39 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531000 Leccarda bassa 455x375x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x375x30mm (LxPxA), HEZ532000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x38 mm (LxPxA), HEZ532010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x400x38mm (LxPxA),HEZ533000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x81 mm (LxPxA)Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegante design con programmi automatici di cottura: per preparare piatti perfetti.• Programmi automatici di cottura: cucinare sarà semplicissimo grazie ai programmi con impostazioni già preselezionate.• Comode manopole a scomparsa push-pull: per una pulizia piùsemplice del panello frontale.• EcoClean Direct: facile pulizia grazie a un rivestimento che dissolve il grasso durante la cottura.Dati tecniciTipologia costruttiva del prodotto: .....................................Da incasso Sistema di pulizia: ....Idrolisi, 3 pannelli catalitici, 3 pannelli catalitici Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione (AxLxP): 585-595 x 560-568 x 550 mmDimensioni (AxLxP): ............................................595 x 594 x 548 mm Dimensioni del prodotto imballato (AxLxP): .......675 x 660 x 690 mm Materiale del cruscotto: ..............................................................vetro Materiale porta: ..........................................................................vetro Peso netto: ..............................................................................34.1 kg Volume utile: .................................................................................71 l Metodo di cottura: .Grill a superficie grande, Aria calda delicata, aria calda, Riscaldamento statico, Funzione pizza, riscaldamento inferiore, grill ventilatoMateriale della cavità: .................................................................Altro Regolazione della temperatura: ..........................................Meccanico Numero di luci interne: (1)Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................120.0 cm Codice EAN: (4242005056309)Numero di vani - (2010/30/CE): (1)Classe di efficienza energetica: .........................................................A Energy consumption per cycle conventional (2010/30/EC): ........0.97 kWh/cycleEnergy consumption per cycle forced air convection (2010/30/EC):0.81 kWh/cycleIndice di efficienza energetica (2010/30/CE): ..........................95.3 % Potenza: ..................................................................................3400 W Corrente: .....................................................................................16 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................60; 50 Hz Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Accessori inclusi: .......1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataSerie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, AcciaioHBA257BS0Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegante design con programmi automatici di cottura: per preparare piatti perfetti.- Eco Clean: soffitto, parete posteriore, pareti laterale- Programma di pulizia EcoClean- Display digitale LCD a colore bianco- Programmi automatici: 10- Orologio elettronico con impostazione inizio e fine cottura- Raggiungimento temperatura- Illuminazione interna alogena- Volume cavità: 71 l- <8088brandlookup_nl(TUE,- KIN, SIK, SIB, REW, STA, TKS)>- Ventola tangenziale di raffreddamento- Assorbimento massimo elettrico: 3.4 kW- Dimensioni apparecchio (AxLxP): 595 mm x 594 mm x 548 mm- Dimensioni nicchia (AxLxP): 560 mm - 568 mm x 585 mm - 595 mm x 550 mm- Si prega di fare riferimento alle quote d'installazione mostrate nel disegno tecnicoEtichetta energetica- Classe di efficienza energetica (acc. EU Nr. 65/2014): A(in una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A+++ a D)- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento convenzionale:0.97 kWh- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento ventilato:0.81 kWh- Numero di cavità: 1 Tipo di alimentazione: elettrica Volume della cavità:71 lDimensioniSerie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, Acciaio HBA257BS0。

85华士温度摘要:1.85 华士温度的定义和概念2.85 华士温度的应用领域3.85 华士温度的历史和发展4.85 华士温度的测量方法和工具5.85 华士温度的国际标准和换算正文:85 华士温度,又称为华氏度,是一种温度计量单位,用于表示物体的热度。
它是由德国物理学家约瑟夫·华士(Joseph Celsius)在18 世纪末创立的,其基本定义是:冰水混合物的温度定为32 华氏度,沸水的温度定为212 华氏度。
85 华士温度广泛应用于日常生活中,特别是在美国、英国等西方国家。
85 华士温度的历史可以追溯到18 世纪末,当时,约瑟夫·华士在研究温度计量时,提出了以冰水混合物和沸水的温度为基准的计量方法。
测量85 华士温度的方法和工具有多种,常见的有温度计、体温计等。
总的来说,85 华士温度是一种具有悠久历史和广泛应用的温度计量单位。

Serie 8, Placa de inducción, 80 cm, NegroPIE875DC1EHEZ390090 Wok para radiantes e inducciónHEZ390210 Sartén antiadherente de 15 cm. de base. HEZ390220 Sartén antiadherente de 19 cm de base HEZ390230 Sartén antiadherente de 21 cm de base HEZ390250 Sartén antiadherente de 28 cm de base HEZ394301 Accesorio de uniónHEZ9ES100 Cafetera 4 tazasHEZ9FE280 Sartén de hierro Ø 18 / 28 cmHEZ9SE030 Set de 2 ollas y 1 sarténHEZ9SE040 set de 4 piezasHEZ9SE060 set de 6 piezas Encimera de inducción con PerfectFry: logra resultados de fritura perfectos gracias al control automático de temperatura.• DirectSelect Premium: selección directa y fácil de la zona decocción, potencia y funciones deseada.• PerfectFry: Un perfecto dorado al momento de freír gracias al sensor de control con 5 niveles de potencia.• PowerBoost: hasta un 50% más de potencia para una cocción más rápida.• QuickStart: start comience de inmediato a cocinar y seleccione el nivel de cocción deseado.• ReStart: si algo se derrama, la placa de cocción se apagaautomáticamente y guarda la última configuración seleccionada.Familia de Producto: ..........................Placa independie.vitrocerámica Tipo de construcción: .........................................................Integrable Entrada energética: ...............................................................Eléctrico Número de posiciones que se pueden usar al mismo tiempo: . (4)Medidas del nicho de encastre: ...............51 x 750-780 x 490-500 mm Anchura: .................................................................................816 mm Dimensiones aparato (alto, ancho, fondo): ...........51 x 816 x 527 mm Medidas del producto embalado: ........................126 x 953 x 603 mm Peso neto: ...............................................................................13.3 kg Peso bruto: ..............................................................................17.0 kg Indicador de calor residual: .................................................Separado Ubicación del panel de mandos: ...............Frontal de la vitrocerámica Material de la superficie básica: ....................................Vitrocerámica Color de superficie superior: ........................Negro, Aluminio gratado Longitud del cable de alimentación eléctrica: ......................110.0 cm Sealed Burners: ..............................................................................No Zonas con booster: ....................................................................Todas Potencia del elemento calentador: ...........................................2.2 kW Potencia del tercer elemento calentador: ................................1.4 kW Potencia del quinto elemento calentador: ...............................2.6 kW Power of heating element (kW in boost): ..............................[3.7] kW Power of 3rd heating element (kW in boost): ........................[2.1] kW Power of 5th heating element (kW in boost): ........................[3.7] kW Potencia: .................................................................................7400 W Tensión: ..............................................................................220-240 V Frecuencia: ..........................................................................60; 50 Hz Entrada energética: ...............................................................Eléctrico Tipo de clavija: ..................................................................sin enchufe Appliance Dimensions (h x w x d) (in): ..........................................x x Dimensions of the packed product: ....................4.96 x 23.74 x 37.51 Net weight: .........................................................................29.000 lbs Gross weight: .....................................................................37.000 lbs Número de posiciones que se pueden usar al mismo tiempo: . (4)Longitud del cable de alimentación eléctrica: ......................110.0 cm Medidas del nicho de encastre: ...............51 x 750-780 x 490-500 mm Dimensiones aparato (alto, ancho, fondo): ...........51 x 816 x 527 mm Medidas del producto embalado: ........................126 x 953 x 603 mm Peso neto: ...............................................................................13.3 kg Peso bruto: ..............................................................................17.0 kgSerie 8, Placa de inducción, 80 cm, NegroPIE875DC1EEncimera de inducción con PerfectFry: logra resultados de fritura perfectos gracias al control automático de temperatura.Diseño:- Combinación perfecta con el resto de placas de cristal vitrocerámico y terminación PremiumConfort:- 4 zonas de inducción- Programación de tiempo de cocción para cada zona y avisador acústico- Avisador acústico- STFE- Regulación electrónica con 17 niveles de potencia- Detección de recipiente- Posibilidad de limitar la potencia total de la encimera- Desconexión de seguridad de la placa- Bloqueo de seguridad para niños automático o manual- Función Clean: bloqueo temporal del control- Display de consumo de energía- Función Sprint en todas las zonasSeguridad:- Indicador de calor residual dual (H/h)- Main Switch- Sensor PerfectFry con 5 ajustes de temperaturaSerie 8, Placa de inducción, 80 cm,NegroPIE875DC1E。
Telex Communications, Inc. 耳机系列产品说明书

P E R S O N A Ll i s t e n i n g s y s t e m s************************project clientdateSound Mate Product Logo Telex Communications, Inc.Burnsville, MN, USA February 26th 2004version commentsv 1.0Blue on CMYK Logo - Pantone 7455 CA NL-4S Neckloop Assembly(for use with hearing aids equipped with telecoils)B HED-2 Collapsible Lightweight HeadphoneC HED-3 Full Cushion Noise Reduction HeadphonesD AFC-1 Under Chin Eartube(for use with CMT-98 and Telethin Earphone Driver)E ES-1 Ear SpeakerF DEB-2 Dual Earbud with cordG SEB-1 Single Earbud with cordH CCS-12 Replacement Cushion Covers(Package of 12, for SEB-1, DEB-2 and HED-1 earbuds)I HED-1 Ultra Lightweight Headphone J HM-2 Head Worn MicK PH-21 Noise Canceling Head Worn Mic L OLM-10 Mic (Supplied with PST-170)M HGA-1 1/2 Wave Dipole Gain AntennaS P E C I F I C A T I O N SThere are 17 standard frequency options for the following products:72.1, 72.2, 72.3, 72.4, 72.5, 72.6, 72.7, 72.8, 72.9, 74.7, 75.3, 75.4, 75.5, 75.6, 75.7, 75.8, 75.9 MHzRF Frequency Range72 to 76 MHzModulation:FM ±25 KHz deviation Signal-To-Noise Ratio 58 dB (77 dB with E.D.R.)Maximum Deviation ±25 KHzAudio Input Balanced XLR-3F and unbalanced 1/4”Antenna 1/4” wave telescoping omnidirectionalAudio ControlsAudio input level, monitor jack volume, E.D.R.Power Requirements 13-20 Vdc or 12 Vac; 115Vac 60 Hz @ 300 mA plug-in wallpack power supplyDimensions H 1-3/4” (4.5 cm) x W 7-1/2” (19.2 cm) x D 5.9” (15 cm)FCC IDB5DM522Backlit LCD Display Ch., Freq, Audio Meter, Input setup,RF level, and E.D.R.RF Output Power @ 3M Normal 25K µV/m High80K µV/mST-300 17-channel TranSmiTTer (CaTalog no. 71912-000)Sr-400 17-channel receiVer (CaTalog no. 71913-000)Power Requirements (2) AA batteries, Alkaline, NiMH or NICAD20 hours Alkaline, 16 hours NiMH, 8 hours NICAD Audio Frequency Response <3 dB Variation (100 Hz-10 KHz)Modulation: FM ±25 KHz deviationSensitivity0.5 µV typical, 1.0 µV maximum,12 dB SINAD Image Rejection>65 dBSignal-To-Noise Ratio >77 dB with E.D.R.Distortion<2% T.H.D.Audio Output @ 10% distortion into 8 Ohms: 2.0V / 15mW 3.0V / 80mVinto 32 Ohms: 2.0V / 10mW 3.0V / 50mW Antenna Type omnidirectional in earphone cordAudio ControlsVolume, On/Off, High frequency boost control, E.D.R.Earphone Connector Type 3.5 mm stereo or monoDimensions H 4” (101 mm) x W 2-3/4” (70 mm) x D 1” (25 mm)Visual Indicators Backlit LCD Channel, Hi Freq, E.D.R.Charger Contacts Bottom of unitFCCComplies with Part 15Audio Input Characteristics Mic TA4M connector, 7.75 mV RMS input for ±25 KHz deviation. Impedance, 10K Ohms, nominal. Aux. Input, Female 3.5mm. 100mV Unbalanced, 100K Ohm nominal Antenna Permanently attached trailing wire Modulation:FM ±25 KHz deviation Frequency Response (System) 100 Hz to 10,000 Hz System Signal-To-Noise 58 dB (77 dB with E.D.R.)Pre-emphasis 115 µ seconds Maximum RF Power 80K µV/m @ 3 mPower Requirements (2) AA batteries, Alkaline, NiMH or NICAD 8 hours Alkaline, 8 hours NiMH, 4 hours NICAD FCC IDB5DM521PST-170 17-channel TranSmiTTer (CaTalog no. 71914-000)Sr-50 receiVer (CaTalog no. 71155-XXX*)ADGEHFICBJKLMIn accordance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and regulations, TelexSoundMate personal listening systems are intended only for use in providing auditory assistance to the handicapped and are not intended for use by the general public.* The last three digits in the transmitter catalog number (XXX) will be determined by the frequency that is selected.R E C E I V E R ST R A N S M I T T E R SA C C E S S O R I E SNOT SHOWN RM-S Single Rack KitRM-D Double Rack KitPower Requirements (2) AA batteries, Alkaline, NiMH or NICAD30 hours Alkaline, 20 hours NiMH, 10 hours NICAD Audio Frequency Response <3 dB Variation (100 Hz-10 KHz)Sensitivity0.5 µV typical, 1.0 µV maximum,12 dB SINAD Signal-To-Noise @ 1 mV Input >60 dB Distortion<2% T.H.D.Audio Output @ 10% distortion into 8 Ohms: 2.0V / 15mW 3.0V / 80mVinto 32 Ohms: 2.0V / 10mW 3.0V / 50mW Antenna Type omnidirectional in earphone cord Controls Volume/On/Off SwitchDimensions H 4” (101 mm) x W 2-3/4” (70 mm) x D 1” (25 mm)Visual IndicatorsRed LED On Indicator Earphone Connector Type 3.5 mm stereo or mono Charger Contacts Bottom of unitFCCComplies with Part 15Telex SoundMate ™ personal listening systems helpovercome background noise and poor building acoustics that can make listening difficult for the hearingimpaired listener. A Telex base station, portable belt pack transmitter, your choice of receivers, and a wide assortment of accessories allow you to meet the needs of individuals who require hearing assistance. These listening systems are even compatible with a variety of hearing instrument styles for hearing aid users. Let Telex, the acknowledged leader in personal assistive listening products, help you select the system that’s right for any listening environment.R E C E I V E R S************************Sound Mate Product LogoTelex Communications, Inc.Burnsville, MN, USA February 26th 2004v 1.0Blue on CMYK Logo - Pantone 7455 CSystem Versatility - A sound system amplifier, mixer or wired microphone can plug directly into the ST-300 base station transmitter. The ST-300 then sends the audio signal to an unlimited number of personal receivers.ST 300ST-300 TRANSMITTER The ST-300 Base Transmitterfeatures 17 user selectable frequencies digitally controlled from the front panel control buttons, a headphone jack with adjustable level for input signal monitoring, and a backlit LCD display that shows Channel, Frequency and Audio Input Level. On the back of the unit is a balanced XLR-3F as well as an unbalanced 1/4” input. Front panel controls and LCD display allow the user to select mic, line, and 70 volt input options, attenuate the input levels and change hi/low RF transmit power. A new feature called Enhanced Dynamic Range (E.D.R.) works with the SR-400 receiver to provide clearer, more dynamic audio.ThE PST-170 BELT PACkTRANSMITTER The PST-170 Belt PackTransmitter may be set to any one of the 17 channels which is displayed on the backlit LCD, and operates on frequencies in the 72-76 Mhz band. It is lightweight, battery operated and includes a small lapel microphone for convenient portable use. The PST-170 has two audio input jacks. The Auxiliary input is designed to allow the use of audio devices such as teacher’s aids or tape players. The second jack is normally used with a microphone and is located on the top panel. The PST-170 is also compatible with the E.D.R. feature of the SR-400.BACKFRONTFRONTThE SR-50 SINGLE ChANNEL RECEIVER provides clearreception and the simplicity of a fixed channel.This economical receiver operates on one of 17 fixednarrow-band frequencies in the 72-76 Mhz band. Ergonomic raised volume control knob make level adjustments easily accessible by feel. Recessed headphone jack provides extra protection for earphone connections. Two AA batteries give up to 30 hours continuous battery life.ThE SR-400 17 ChANNEL RECEIVER is the perfectsolution to multiple transmitter hearing assistance systems. The SR-400 features an advanced digital PLLsynthesizer to tune all 17 narrow-band frequencies offered in the 72-76 Mhz band and a backlit LCD display. The receiver also includes a special high frequency contour filter and boost switch to increase the intelligibility of the audio signal, and E.D.R. for increased dynamic range. Additional features include a battery saving automatic power shutoff when the earphone is unplugged.SM-2 SYSTEM Includes:(1) ST-300 base transmitter,(4) SR-50 receivers (4) SEB-1 earbuds(1) SoundMate wall plaque.(SM case sold separately).ThE BC-100BATTERY ChARGERcharges two SR-50’s,SR-400’s or PST-170’s or any combinationof transmitters and receivers.SMP-2 SYSTEM Includes:(1) PST-170 portable belt pack transmitter(6) SR-50 single channel receivers (6) hED-2 collapsible headphones (14) AA Alkaline batteries(1) Deluxe system carrying case (1) hM-2 head worn microphone(1) User manual for SR-50 and PST-170TOPTOPThePersonal Listening SystemTOPPST 170SR 400SR 50T R A N S M I T T E R SS Y S T E M SSM 2SMP 2FRONTB A T T E R YC h A R G E RFRONTAUDIO SOURCE: Amplifier, Direct Microphone, or Mixer.。

瑞典: 112瑞士: S c h w e i z e r i s c h e s ToxikologischesInformationszentrum: +41 - 1-145POLYPHASE AF1物质/制剂及公司/企业标识+32 (0) 14 58 45 45安全技术说明书产品名称POLYPHASE AF1遵守于2001/58/EC增补过的91/155/EEC 指南 - 欧洲1.急救电话号码:化学产品名Solution of Iodo- butyl-carbamate.美国:Troy Corporation.8 Vreeland Road PO Box 955Florham Park, NJ 07932-0955U.S.A.Phone: +1-973-443-4200Fax: +1-973-443-0258Asia:Troy Siam Company Limited 616/1 Moo. 9 Kabinburi Industrial Zone,Kabinburi-Korat Road, T,Nongki,A. Kabinburi, Prachinburi 25110ThailandPhone: +66-37-204-243/250Fax: +66-37-204637TROY CHEMICAL COMPANY BV Uiverlaan 12e PO Box 1323145 XN Maassluis The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 (0) 10 592-7494Fax: +31 (0) 10 592-8877制造商供应商::::应用::Dry-film fungicide for amongst others paints and stains.TROYSAN POLYPHASE AF1旧的商品名称:法国: Orfila 01 45 42 59 59荷兰: NVIC: Tel: 030-2748888比利时: C e n t r e a n t i -poison/Antigiftcentrum 070245245德国: G i f t n o t r u f z e n t r a l e Berlin: +49 030 - 192 40挪威: N o r w e g i a n p o i s o n information center: 22 59 1300火鸡: 无。
UTi85H+ 专业热像仪用户手册说明书

UTi85H+Professional Thermal ImagerUser ManualP/N:110401109253XUTi85H+ User ManualPrefaceThank you for purchasing this brand new product. In order to use this product safely and correctly, please read this manual thoroughly, especially the safety notes.After reading this manual, it is recommended to keep the manual at an easily accessible place, preferably close to the device, for future reference.Limited Warranty and LiabilityUni-Trend guarantees that the product is free from any defect in material and workmanship within one year from the purchase date. This warranty does not apply to damage caused by accident, negligence, misuse, modification, contamination or improper handling. The dealer shall not be entitled to give any other warranty on behalf of Uni-Trend. If you need warranty service within the warranty period, please contact your seller directly.Uni-Trend will not be responsible for any special, indirect, incidental or subsequent damage or loss caused by using this device.1. Safety Instructions ---------------------------------------------------------- 42. Structure -----------------------------------------------------------------------53. Display ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64. Power On/Off ---------------------------------------------------------------- 65. Menu Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------- 76. Operating Instructions ----------------------------------------------------- 87. USB Communication ----------------------------------------------------- 168. Specifications -------------------------------------------------------------- 179. Maintenance --------------------------------------------------------------- 19mon Emissivity ------------------------------------------------------ 19To ensure proper use of this product, please read the instructions carefully before using.The optimal measuring distance for this product is 1 meter.To ensure measurement accuracy, please use the product in an operatingenvironment of 15°C~30°C, <85% RH (non-condensing).Please use the product indoors without wind.When changing to a new environment, please turn on the product and leaveit for 10 to 15 minutes before measuring.The ambient temperature for measuring must be stable. Do not measure inplaces with large airflow such as fans and air outlets.When the measured object comes from a place with a large temperaturedifference from the measurement environment, keep it in the measurementenvironment for 10 to 30 minutes before measuring.The product tests the surface temperature of the object. If temperaturecompensation is needed, please adjust in the Settings menu.The product has a self-calibration function. If the reading jumps quickly, please read the temperature after it gets steady.After measuring extremely high or low temperature objects, please leave theproduct for 10 minutes before next use.Do not use the product in places with strong sunlight or electromagneticinterference.Please do not use this product in flammable, explosive, steamy, wet or corrosive environments.Please stop using the product if it is damaged or modified to avoid inaccuratemeasurement results.Please use the correct emissivity to obtain accurate temperature readouts.To ensure accuracy of the product, please warm it up for 10 minutes beforemeasuring if it has not been used for a long time.When being charged, the internal temperature of the product rises, which willlead to inaccurate temperature measurement. So, it is not recommendedto take measurements during or right after charging the product.The inherent temperature drift of the sensor will occasionally cause inaccurate measurement. In this case, press the down button under the temperaturemeasurement interface to bring out “Calibrating” and automatically calibratethe temperature.1. Safety InstructionsTable of Contents2. Structure3. DisplayDisplay size: 2.8”Display resolution: 320 (vertical) x 240 (horizontal) pixels4. Power On/OffPress the power button for 3s to power on, and press the power button for 1sto power off.5. Menu IntroductionMain menuSubmenuTemperature unit optionCursor option Color palette optionHigh/Lowtemperature alarm optionSettings option6.Operating Instructions6.1 Temperature Unit Selection1. Press the SET button to open the main menu.2. Press the left/right button to select the option.3. Press the SET button to enter the temperature unit submenu.4. Press the up/down button to select °C or °F.5. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.2 Center Point and High Temperature TrackingTo track center point temperature:1. Press the SET button to open the main menu.2. Press the left/right button to select the option.3. Press the SET button to enter the cursor submenu.4. Press the up/down button to select the option.5. Press the SET button to confirm.6. The center point marker is turned on (the center point temperature is displayed in the upper left corner).7. Press the back button to exit the current menu.Thermal imaging pageTo track high temperature:1. Press the SET button to open the main menu.2. Press the left/right button to select the option.3. Press the SET button to enter the cursor submenu.4. Press the up/down button to select the option.5. Press the SET button to confirm.6. The high temperature indicator is turned on and the corresponding temperature is displayed in the upper left corner.7. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.3 Color Palette Selection1. Press the SET button to open the main menu.2. Press the left/right button to select the option.3. Press the SET button to enter the color palette submenu.4. Press the up/down button to select the desired color from Iron Red, Rainbow, White Hot, Red Hot, and Ice Blue.5. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.4 High/Low Temperature AlarmTo enable high/low temperature alarm:1. Press the SET button to open the main menu.2. Press the left/right button to select the option.3. Press the SET button to enter the high/low temperature alarm submenu.4. Press the up/down button to select HI (High) or LO (Low).5. Press the SET button to confirm.6. Press the back button to exit the current menu.Note: High temperature alarm and low temperature alarm can be enabled simultaneously or separately.6.5 SettingsTo enter Settings menu:1. Press the SET button to open the main menu.2. Press the left/right button to select the option.3. Press the SET button to confirm.6.5.1 LanguageTo set language:1. Press the up/down button to select the Language option in the Settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the Language submenu.3. Press the up/down button to select the desired language from Chinese andEnglish.4. Press the SET button to confirm.5. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.5.2 Date & TimeTo set date & time:1. Press the up/down button to select the Date & Time option in the settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the Date & Time submenu.3. Press the left/right button to select the parameter to be adjusted.4. Press the SET button to enter the parameter adjustment state.5. Press the up/down button to increase or decrease the value.6. Press the SET button to save the settings and return to set other parameters.7. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.5.3 Emissivity/Temperature CompensationTo set emissivity/temperature compensation:1. Press the up/down button to select the Emissivity option in the Settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the Emissivity submenu.3. Press the up/down button to select emissivity or temperature compensation.4. Press the SET button to enter the parameter adjustment state.5. Press the up/down button to increase or decrease the value.6. Press the SET button to save the settings.7. Press the back button to exit the current menu.Note: For emissivity values of common materials, please refer to the Common Emissivity.6.5.4 Auto Power OffTo set auto power off:1. Press the up/down button to select the Auto Power Off option in the settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the Auto Power Off submenu.3. Press the up/down button to select the desired option from 5 Min, 10 Min,30 Min, and Off.4. Press the SET button to confirm.5. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.5.5 Display BrightnessTo set display brightness:1. Press the up/down button to select the Brightness option in the settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the Brightness submenu.3. Press the up/down button to select the desired option from Low, Middle, and High.4. Press the SET button to confirm.5. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.5.6 Temperature BarTo turn on/off temperature bar:1. Press the up/down button to select the Temp Bar option in the settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the Temp Bar submenu.3. Press the up/down button to select On or Off.4. Press the SET button to confirm.5. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.5.7 Alarm TemperaturesTo set alarm temperatures:1. Press the up/down button to select the HI/LO Alert option in the settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the HI/LO Alert submenu.3. Press the up/down button to select the desired option from HI Alert and LO Alert.4. Press the SET button to enter the temperature adjustment state.5. Press the up/down button to adjust the temperature.6. Press the SET button to save the settings and return to set another temperature.7. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.5.8 Device InformationTo view the device information:1. Press the up/down button to select the Device Info option in the settings menu.2. Press the SET button to view the detail information of the device.3. Press the back button to exit the current menu.Temperature bar0.1UTi85H+6.5.9 Factory ResetTo restore settings:1. Press the up/down button to select the Factory Reset option in the settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the Factory Reset submenu.3. Press the up/down button to select Yes.4. Press the SET button to confirm.5. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.5.10 Format SD CardTo format SD card:1. Press the up/down button to select the Format SD option in the settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the Format SD submenu.3. Press the up/down button to select Yes.4. Press the SET button to confirm.5. Press the back button to exit the current menu.6.5.11 Auto SaveTo turn on/off auto save:1. Press the up/down button to select the Auto Save option in the settings menu.2. Press the SET button to enter the Auto Save submenu.3. Press the up/down button to select On or Off.4. Press the SET button to confirm.5. Press the back button to exit the current menu.Note: Do not remove or insert the SD card in saving or viewing pictures. If the SD card is replaced during use, restart the device after the replacement to take and save pictures.1. Download and install the PC software (refer to UNI-T Documents Download Operation Guide).2. Connect the USB cable to the PC.3. Users can browse pictures and analyze data through the PC software.Regarding its usage, retrieve the Software User Manual from the Helpoption of the operation interface.Note: Do not unplug the USB cable while the software is loading pictures.B Communication8. SpecificationsSensorTemperature range Measurement resolution AccuracyOptimal measuring distance Minimum measuring distance Response timeIR resolutionPixel sizeColor paletteInfrared spectral bandField of view (FOV)Spatial resolution (IFOV) Thermal sensitivity (NETD) Frame rateImage formatUFPA30°C~45°C0.1°C±0.5°C (at 25°C ambient temperature)1 meter15cm≤500ms4800 pixels (80 × 60)17μmIron Red, Rainbow, White Hot, Red Hot, Ice Blue8μm~14μm51° (H) × 38° (V)11mrad≤150mK≤9HzBMPGeneral parametersPC softwareData transmissionProduct size (L x W x H)Display typeDisplay resolutionBatteryAuto power offBattery lifeCharging timeCharging voltage/currentImage storageTransportation/storageenvironmentOperating environmentOperating altitudeStandard accessoriesYesType-C USB interface236mm x 75.5mm x 86mm2.8” TFT LCD320 × 240 pixels3.6V/5000mAh rechargeable Li-ion battery5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes,off (default: 30 minutes)≥6 hours4 hours5V/2AMicro SD card-20°C~60°C (-4°F~140°F),<85% RH (non-condensing)15°C~30°C (59°F~86°F),<85% RH (non-condensing)≤2000mUser manual, USB cable, 16GB Micro SD cardCertifications-CE(EN 61326-1:2013, EN 61326-2-2:2013,EN 61326-2-3)-RoHSAudio alarm Yes0.850.960.750.140.960.090.060.950.980.960.930.860.80.970.780.810.80.750.90.950.939. MaintenanceUse a wet cloth or weak soap solution to clean the outer shell of the device.Do not use abrasives, isopropyl alcohol or solvents to clean the outer shell, lens or window.10. Common EmissivityMaterial Wood Water Brick Stainless steel Tape Aluminum plate Copper plate Black aluminum Human skin Asphalt PVC Material Black paper Polycarbonate Concrete Copper oxide Cast iron Rust Gypsum Paint Rubber Soil Emissivity Emissivity Note: This manual can be downloaded from the official website ofUni-Trend (refer to UNI-T Documents Download Operation Guide).UTi85H+ User ManualUTi85H+ User Manual。
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Technical Description Of Goods In Packaged Form (中文) 甲酸 Chiness 货物正确技术名称
Correct technical name of the goods (英文) Formic Acid
商业名称 Trade Name
甲酸 联合国编号 UN NO. 1779 主要成分(分子式)
Main Components
HCOOH 生产单位签章(包括生产单位主管部门) Manufacture’s Seal (Include Administrative Department of Manufacturer) 理化性质和主要危险性 Physical and chemical properties and
Main hazards
Colorless liquid, Pungent odor; Corrosive 产品用途
Purposes of the product
聚乙烯塑料桶,皮重1.5KG Polythene drums, tare 1.5kg 鉴定单位意见: Remarks by testing organization 船舶装运安全措施与注意事项
Safety measures and precautions for
Carriage by ships
于密闭容器中,防止猛烈撞击;远离高温、火花、火源;勿撒漏到眼睛、皮肤 Keep in tightly closed container, void hard impact; Keep away from heat, sparks,flame. Do not get in eyes, on skins. 急救措施
Emergency medical treatment
立即用大量的水冲洗眼睛、皮肤 Immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water 托运单位: Shipper 灭火方法
Method for fire fighting
用水喷洒,泡沫、干粉或二氧化碳灭火器 Use water spray, alcohol foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide 撒漏处理方法
Method to deal with leakage 用水冲洗 Flush with water spray 托运日期: Date of shipping
Formula should be indicated for a single substance and main components for a mixtured.
Properties should include state, color, odor, melting point, explosion limits, poisonous concentration, LD50/LC50.
The testing report issued by technical inspection organizations should be attached.
Compatibility between the cargo and others description of the danger of the cargo in contact with others. 包装方法应说明包装的材质、状态、厚度、封口、内部衬物、外部加固情况及单位重量等。
Packaging should include material, state, thickness, closure, inner limiting, outer securing and unit weight.。